Communication 1

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Communication Skills

Presented by Dr. Rashmi gupta

Importance of Communication
◼ Facilitates Planning
◼ Basis for decision-making
◼ Achieves effective co-ordination
◼ Facilitates better administration
◼ Creation of mutual trust and confidence
◼ Motivation of employees
Communication definition
◼ Communication is an exchange of ideas,
feelings, between two or more persons.
◼ The word derives from ‘Communicare’ a latin
◼ It involves a sender of message and a
◼ It is a two way Process. Communication is
complete only when the receiver is able to
interpret the message as desired by the
sender and respondes to it.
Communication Process
It has following elements:
1. Sender

2. Encoding of message

3. Communication Channel

4. Receiver

5. Decoding

6. Feedback

7. It is a cyclic process.
Importance of feedback

⚫Confirmation of Transmission
⚫Seeking solutions to problem
⚫Identification of change required
⚫Better understanding
⚫Better planning
⚫Psychological satisfaction
Function of Communication

⚫Exchange of information
⚫Issue of orders and instructions
⚫Advice and Counselling
⚫Persuation and suggestion
⚫Motivation and warning
Characteristics of Coomunication

⚫Two way process

⚫Information sharing and understanding
⚫Verbal and non-verbal
⚫Circular flow
⚫Goal oriented communication
⚫Continuous process
⚫Pervasive activity
Types of Organizational
⚫It is divided into two types:
⚫Internal Communication- When people
within the organisation communicate with
each other.they work as a team and have
a common goal.
⚫Could be official or unofficial.
⚫Much of internal Comm is in oral form and
tone may be informal
Types of Organizational
External Communication- When people win
the organisation communicate with any
one outside the organization. Ex. Clients,
customers, dealers, media, government,
public, regulatory bodies.
It is mainly formal and largely documented.

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