Specification of Injection Moulding Machine

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Specification of injection moulding machine

Injection molding machines are used in the manufacturing of various plastic products. The
specifications of an injection molding machine depend on the specific application requirements of
the product being manufactured. Some of the common specifications include:

1 } Clamping force: This is the force with which the mold is held closed during the injection
molding process. It is measured in tons and is determined based on the size and complexity of the
product being manufactured.
Clamping force:
The formula for calculating the clamping force is:
Clamping force = projected area of the part x injection pressure
For example, if the projected area of the part is 100 square inches and the injection pressure is
2000 PSI, the clamping force would be:
Clamping force = 100 sq in x 2000 PSI = 200,000 lbs

2} Shot size: This is the amount of molten plastic that can be injected into the mold in one shot. It
is measured in ounces or grams.
Shot size:
The formula for calculating shot size is:
Shot size = (part weight x part density) / melt density
For example, if the part weight is 10 ounces, the part density is 1.2 g/cm3, and the melt density is
0.95 g/cm3, the shot size would be:
Shot size = (10 oz x 28.35 g/oz x 1.2 g/cm3) / 0.95 g/cm3 = 358.9 cm3.

3} Injection pressure: This is the pressure at which the molten plastic is injected into the mold. It is
measured in pounds per square inch (PSI) or kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm2).Injection
The formula for calculating injection pressure is:
Injection pressure = filling pressure + packing pressure
where filling pressure is the pressure required to fill the mold and packing pressure is the pressure
required to pack the material into the mold.
For example, if the filling pressure is 1000 PSI and the packing pressure is 2000 PSI, the injection
pressure would be:
Injection pressure = 1000 PSI + 2000 PSI = 3000 PSI.

4} Injection speed: The injection speed of an injection molding machine is the speed at which the
molten plastic is injected into the mold. The injection speed is determined based on the viscosity
of the plastic, the size of the product being manufactured, and the design of the mold. The
injection speed is measured in inches per second or centimeters per second and can range from a
few inches per second to several inches per second.
Injection speed:
The formula for calculating injection speed is:
Injection speed = injection volume / filling time
For example, if the injection volume is 100 cm3 and the filling time is 2 seconds, the injection
speed would be:
Injection speed = 100 cm3 / 2 sec = 50 cm3/sec.

5}. Screw diameter: The screw diameter of an injection molding machine is the diameter of the
screw that feeds the molten plastic into the machine. The screw diameter is determined based on
the size of the product being manufactured and the desired shot size. The screw diameter is
measured in millimeters or inches and can range from a few millimeters to several inches.
Screw diameter:
The formula for calculating screw diameter is:
Screw diameter = 0.5 x (shot weight / melt density)^(1/2)
For example, if the shot weight is 200 grams and the melt density is 0.95 g/cm3, the screw
diameter would be:
Screw diameter = 0.5 x (200 g / 0.95 g/cm3)^(1/2) = 33.7 mm.

6} Maximum mold size: The maximum mold size of an injection molding machine is the maximum
size of the mold that can be used in the machine. The maximum mold size is determined by the
size of the platens and the distance between the tie bars. The maximum mold size can range from
a few inches to several feet.
Maximum mold size:
The formula for calculating maximum mold size is:
Maximum mold size = distance between tie bars - 2 x mold offset
where the mold offset is the distance between the edge of the mold and the edge of the platen.
For example, if the distance between tie bars is 20 inches and the mold offset is 1 inch, the
maximum mold size would be:
Maximum mold size = 20 inches - 2 x 1 inch = 18 inches.

7}. Heating capacity: The heating capacity of an injection molding machine is the amount of heat
that the machine's barrel can generate to melt the plastic pellets. The heating capacity is
determined based on the viscosity of the plastic and the desired injection temperature. The heating
capacity is measured in watts or kilowatts and can range from a few hundred watts to several
kilowatts. Heating capacity:
The formula for calculating heating capacity is:
Heating capacity = melt rate x specific heat x temperature differencewhere melt rate is the amount
of plastic melted per unit of time, specific heat is the amount of heat
required to raise the temperature of the plastic by one degree Celsius, and temperature difference
is the difference between the barrel temperature and the melting point of the plastic.
For example, if the melt rate is 10 kg/hr, the specific heat is 2.0 kJ/kg·°C, and the temperature
difference is 50°C, the heating capacity would be:
Heating capacity = 10 kg/hr x 2.0 kJ/kg·°C x 50°C = 1000 kJ/hr.

8} Control system: The control system of an injection molding machine is the system that controls
the various parameters of the injection molding process, such as temperature, pressure, and
speed. The control system can be a simple manual system or a sophisticated computerized
system. The control system is important for ensuring consistent quality and efficiency in the
injection molding process.

9} Power consumption: The power consumption of an injection molding machine is the amount of
electrical power consumed by the machine during operation. The power consumption is
determined based on the size of the machine and the amount of time it is in operation. The power
consumption is measured in kilowatts per hour (kWh) and can range from a few kilowatts per hour
to several hundred kilowatts per hour.

10 } Machine dimensions: The machine dimensions of an injection molding machine are the
physical dimensions of the machine, including its length, width, and height. The machine
dimensions are important to consider when planning the layout of the manufacturing facility. The
machine dimensions can range from a few.


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