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STEM Unit Plan Template

Teacher Name:

Marty Amdahl

Unit Title:

The Rocks of Our Earth

Grade Level:

First Grade

Content Area:

Earth Science

Time Frame:

5 Days

Bundle of MN Science benchmarks: (P = Practice, CC = Crosscutting Concept, CI = Core Idea)

1L Group or classify rocks in terms of color, shape and size. (P:3, CC:1, CI.ESS:2)

What will students do to explore the concept (Science & Engineering Practices/SEP):

P.3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

How will students figure these ideas out (Crosscutting Concepts/CC):

CC.1. Patterns

Big Idea (Disciplinary Core Idea/DCI):

CI.ESS.2 Earths Systems

Essential Question/Phenomenon the unit explores:

What makes certain earth materials more useful than others?

Phenomenon to explore (real-world incidence for students to explore and anchor their

Students will explore the physical properties of various rocks, sand, and soil to observe how
these materials may be useful. Students will understand the differences between said

What are the objectives for this unit? [What will the students learn > how will they do it]

Students will make observations on various earth materials. Students will make inferences
based on their observations.

STEAM Integration:

Drawing observations of various earth materials in science journals.

Creating cement/rock stacking projects.
Rock painting activity.
Mix and Match Cut and Glue worksheet.
Read aloud: Learning About Rocks by Mari Schuh
Watch YouTube Video: Rocks for Kids
Dance Break Song: 3 Types of Rocks
Rocks and Minerals read aloud by National Geographic
Rock games: Rock Jump and Rock Maze

Formative: Observation page in science journal, Tree map, KWL worksheet.

Summative: Compare and contrast worksheet, Mix and match worksheet, End of unit quiz.

Resources, Materials, Links, etc.:

Compare and Contrast worksheet.

Tree Map worksheet.
Science Journals.
Various earth materials.
Crystal molds for cement project.
Paint and Paintbrushes.
Magnify glasses.
Book: Learning About Rocks
Mix and Match cut and glue worksheet.
Materials for cement/rock stack projects.
Glue and scissors.
Coloring materials.
Sifters for sand and soils observations.
KWL sheet for start of Unit.
Printout of unit quiz.
Extra rocks for rock games.

Daily Plan of the Unit:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

KWL chart Dance Break: 3 Rocks for Kids National Rock painting
types of rocks YouTube video Geographic read project
on youtube aloud
Read aloud:
Learning about Mix and Match Unit quiz
Rocks by Mari Observation worksheet Tree Map
Schuh tables and Worksheet
science journals Rock painting
day 2 Cement crystal share
Observation or Rock stacks Observation
tables of various project tables and
earth materials Compare and science journals Rock games:
contrast day 3 Rock Jump and
worksheet Rock Maze
Fill out
observations in
science journals

Unit plan adapted from Meagher, T. (2021).

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