R19AMR ReleaseHighlights Client

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What's New in R19 AMR

©2019 Temenos Headquarters SA - All rights reserved.

Warning: This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised reproduction of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe
and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
Table of Contents

Release Information 6
Document Overview 7
Application Framework 8
Core 8
Archiving 10
Banking Framework 11
Beneficiary 11
Enterprise Customer Management 11
Financial Accounting 11
Delivery 11
Interest and Charges 12
ISO20022 XML Account Statement1 13
Nostro Reconciliation 13
Retail Sweeping 13
System Tables 13
Transaction Restrictions 16
Collateral 17
Expected Receipts 17
Standing Order 18
Data Framework 18
Loan Loss Provisioning 18
Generic Accounting Interface 19
Transaction Recycler 20
Business Intelligence 21
Data Warehousing 21
Risk 21
Channels 23
Internet Banking 23

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User Administration 24
Corporate 26
Cash Management 26
Letters of Credit 28
Miscellaneous Deals 29
Syndicated Lending 29
Country / Regional Solutions 30
Argentina Model Bank 30
Australia Model Bank 31
Finland Model Bank 31
France Model Bank 32
Generic Regional Solutions 32
Hong Kong Model Bank 32
Hungary Model Bank 33
Lebanon Model Bank 34
Luxembourg Model Bank 34
Mexico Model Bank 34
Saudi Arabia Model Bank 35
Singapore Model Bank 35
Spain Model Bank 35
United Arab Emirates Model Bank 40
United Kingdom Model Bank 40
United States 41
Enterprise Frameworks 47
Data Framework 47
Design Studio 49
Integration Framework 49
Interaction Framework 51
UXP Browser 52
Islamic Banking 54
Corporate Mudaraba 54

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Payments 55
Payments Hub 55
Cheque and Draft Issue Management 63
Direct Debit 64
Private Wealth 66
Securities Trading 66
Derivatives 68
Repos 68
Process Orchestration 69
Regulation and Compliance 70
Common Reporting Standards 70
Consent Management 70
Customer Data Protection 70
Legal Entity Identifier 71
Payment Services Directive 71
Retail Banking 73
Arrangement Architecture - Core 73
Deposits 76
External Products 77
Retail Accounts 77
Retail Bundle 78
Retail Lending 79
Preferential Pricing 79
Safe Deposit Box 80
Treasury 82
Non-Deliverable Forward 82
Interest Rate Swaps 82
OC Clearing 82
Treasury Front Office 83
Dashboards 83

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Order and Deal Capture Management 83
Position Management and Profitability 84
Treasury Foundation 85
Trade Blotter 85

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Release Information
Version Release Date
1.0 R19 AMR 2019 - 04 - 25

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Document Overview
The Release Highlights list the new functionality that has been introduced into Temenos Core Banking product and
other Temenos products. It is broken down by Product Stream.
The enhancements listed in this document are also present in the R19 AMR documentation pack (available with Dis-
tribution Team). Readers can access the What's New in R19 AMR section of the documentation pack to read the
detailed release highlights. The image below shows the homepage of the documentation.
For documentation support, contact Knowledge Team

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Application Framework
Enterprise Deployment Pattern
Available from: Release 201807

This feature enables the T24PackageInstaller to get deployed via appserver thus removing the dependency of UD dir-

User Role Information

Available from: Release 201806

User role information is now available in the PROTOCOL table, which helps in identifying the roles used by the users for
the corresponding activities.

Alignment of Roles and Menus

Available from: Release 201806

In T24, the role changing functionality is enhanced such that a role change automatically triggers a change in the menu
corresponding to the role.

Automating Services
Available from: Release 201807

Validations of service operations can be performed using the Service Automation feature.

Selecting Sample Size

Available from: Release 201807

The sample select feature can be used to select applications and fetch records based on sample size
using SPF.

Extracting data for Alert Generation of Expiring Customer Documents

Available from: Release 201808

The system can now generate alert and post restrictions for expired documents.

Additional Features in Mass Changes Utility

Available from: Release 201808

The following features are now available in the Mass Change Utility:
l Selection
o Select across Books under the current Lead Company
o Selection based on Arrangement Branch/Region (ST.ORGANISATION.STRUCTURE)
o Special support for Joins created using Attributes from AA Account Details (Example Dormancy Status)

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l Additional Business Operations to Change Tax, Update Account Static, Change Product, Change Charge, Define
Holiday Schedule and Change Branch (ST.BRANCH)

Alert Request
Available from: Release 201809

Based on customer role, subscription to Alerts and event generation is now possible.

Improvements in Standard Selection

Available from: Release 201810

Standard selection is now updated on rebuild, if the lenghts defined in the EB.OBJECT and EB.ALTERNATE.KEY applic-
ation are modified.

Handling Override and External Variable in OFS

Available from: Release 201811

The following two functionalities can be used in OFS mode for request processing:
l Accept overrides and warnings,
l Setting any external variables for a session by sending them as a part of the request.

Pagination for Enquiries

Available from: Release 201812

OFS request can now be processed by using the following parameters:

l Token number
l Page size
l Page number
l Total number of pages

Access Control for channel users

Available from: Release 201901

External requests can now be processed by setting up EB.EXTERNAL.USER id for each channel (internet banking) users
and restriction of access of data in various enquiries in T24.


Available from: Release 201902

The system is now enhanced to uniquely identify a local table entry that contains customer sensitive data and to specify
various customer personal data attributes for that field.


Available from: Release 201903

Specifying personal data information for fields present in the EB.TABLE.DEFINITION and AA.CLASS.DEFINITION
applications based on GDPR regulations is now possible.

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T24 Traceability
Available from: Release 201904

In T24, it is now possible to trace banking transactions from multiple third parties and inspect that trace log as an evid-
ent to identify whether the transaction has occurred as stated or tampered.

‘Segmentation’ in Statement Archiving
Available from: Release 201807

‘Segmentation’ is introduced in statement archiving, which is already a proven performance solution for SWIFT state-
ments in Temenos Core Banking. Segmentation is the process of multi-threading the job processing by splitting the
entries between available agents.

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Banking Framework
Additional Validations for Payee Instructions(BENEFICIARY)
Available from: Release 201805

New validations have been added to Payees instructions to notify the customer about the impact of changing or can-
celling an existing Payee.

Enterprise Customer Management

Customer Group Hierarchy - Corporate
Available from: Release 201805/201807

Customer Group provides the capability of defining relationships between individuals and/or corporate parties. Based
on these relationships, users can retrieve relationships that fit their needs in order to create customer groups or cus-
tomer group hierarchies that they can use for different purposes. The customer groups for purpose of risk can be used
for limit allocation.

Financial Accounting
Future Dated Transactions
Available from: Release 201805

'Future dated transactions (Future Booking Date)’ is an amendment to the system’s accounting process which allows
you to perform intercompany transactions between accounts which reside in different ledgers with the same pro-
cessing date.

SWIFT - Stop Delivery Service
Available from: Release 201806

Users can now stop SWIFT delivery services when the company is offline.

SWIFT 2018 Rulebook Changes

Available from: Release 201808

This functionality describes how Temenos Core Banking accommodates the SWIFT 2018 Rulebook changes. It includes
the changes made by SWIFT, which are described in the new version of the 2018 MT Standards Release. It also

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includes the changes to the BIC standard that will also come into effect from November 2018, the same as the new
SWIFT standards.

Additional fields in Delivery Address

Available from: Release 201809

Additional fields are introduced in Delivery Address to automatically copy the additional address details into the main
Customer Delivery Address (PRINT.1). For all the other Delivery Addresses, the Address field is manually entered.
This functionality also allows you to Enable or Disable the hold feature for different carriers.

SWIFT Non-Standard Characters in Names and Addresses

Available from: Release 201810

This functionality covers the development and non-standard use of SWIFT characters in fields like name and address
but prevents the use of invalid characters in SWIFT messages.

Available from: Release 201901

It covers functionality such as Moving the records from EBQA records from Live to History and Archiving the records
which have moved to History.

SWIFT Customer Security Program - Local Authentication

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality is intended to cover the Security of the data flows which are exchanged between T24
(Back-office application) and the connected SWIFT infrastructure components (SWIFT Alliance Access).
It describes how the Local Authentication (LAU) principle is used to ensure the integrity and authen-
tication of the files that are exchanged by T24 with the SWIFT infrastructure (on inward and on out-
ward message flows).
The functionality is also about securing the inward and outward messages using a pair of bilateral security keys (kept
in a secure keystore). The Temenos Core System and the SWIFT infrastructure (eg SWIFT Alliance Access) use these
keys at the same time (the same pair of keys).

Interest and Charges

Maximum Interest Rate
Available from: Release 201806

The functionality is part of the existing tables such as ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT & GROUP.DEBIT.INT, where both tables
have the ability to enter maximum interest rate for overdraft accounts, that is, for maximum debit interest to be applied
to the DR balance type.

Compounding of Banded Interest Rate

Available from: Release 201806

The functionality is part of the existing tables such as ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT & GROUP.DEBIT.INT, where both tables
have the ability to enter maximum interest rate for overdraft accounts, that is, for maximum debit interest to be applied
to the DR balance type.

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ISO20022 XML Account Statement1
CAMT Changes
Available from: Release 201806

Changes are made to enhance the performance while producing CAMT messages and provision to add the local tags
via APIs.

Nostro Reconciliation
Aging Analysis
Available from: Release 201806

Three new enquiries are added to the Nostro Reconciliation application to display the aged analysis of the unreconciled
items. They display number of days an item (ledger entry or Swift statement entry) has been in an unmatched state.
The historical and current aged analysis can be extracted and viewed.

Retail Sweeping
Value dated Retail Sweeps
Available from: Release 201806

‘Value dated Retail Sweeps’ is an amendment to the system’s functionality of performing sweeping transactions
between accounts taking into consideration the value dated balance of the accounts.

System Tables
Increase in Tax Code Length
Available from: Release 201806

The Tax application @ID which is currently 2 numeric (Effective date) has been extended to 4 numeric (Effective date).

Periodic Rate Days

Available from: Release 201806

PERIODIC.INTEREST and FORWARD.RATES tables have been enhanced to hold values in number of days which are
greater than 31. The Rest.Period field now allows an input of 3 digit periods in the number of days.

Account Proxy Identifier

Available from: Release 201812

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This functionality allows banks to store the local Account Proxy directory and support the registration or de-registration
process involving an external central Account Proxy Database.

Monitoring Customer Dormancy

Available from: Release 201901

Customer Dormancy Monitor is a new functionality to monitor Dormancy at customer level.

Support External DDA in Account Proxy Identifier

Available from: Release 201903

This functionality provides support to use the Account Proxy Directory for accounts which are maintained in an external
DDA system.

Customer Limits Overview
Available from: Release 201807

The CUSTOMER.SCV.CHECK enquiry is improved to aggregate the limits of a customer marked as duplicate to be dis-
played under the main customer, to drilldown and view Limit details for all limits displayed in the enquiry, to drilldown
and view account and transaction details for the accounts linked to the limits displayed in the enquiry and to display
account information belonging to a customer who doesn’t necessarily have a Limit record attached to it.

Support for Customer Sub Group in Risk Exposure Overview

Available from: Release 201811

The Risk Exposure overview screen is improved with two new links added in Customer-Group Risk exposure overview
to view the details of Customers in the group and their relationship with other customers and to also view the list of Cus-
tomer-Sub-Groups created for the given Group ID.
You can drill down to the Risk Exposure details for customers defined in the sub group from the above Sub-Group list
An option is allowed to add or remove customer numbers in the Limit application. Consolidation keys for Validation type
of Limits are generated to report in the General Ledger with customer information from the first customer in the multi-
value set.

Protection Usage with Multiple Arrangements

Available from: Release 201902

The purpose of this development is to enrich the Protection Limit functionality to support multiple Channel arrange-
ments having Protection Limits and tagged to the same External User.

Repaid Non-revolving Limits and Store Repayment

Available from: Release 201903

“Repaid Non-revolving Limits and Store Repayment”, is an amendment to the existing LIMIT.PARAMETER and LIMIT
tables, as well as with the dynamic calculation performed by Risk and Exposure Overview enquiries to display Limit

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Joint Owned Loans
Available from: Release 201904

Under “Joint Owned Loans”, multiple features are developed within the LIMIT and LIMIT.PARAMETER tables where
the LIMIT Property Class is improved to capture the new Limit key and the CUSTOMER Property Class is improved to
use the current field Limit Alloc % for all owners of an arrangement.

Update Approved and Advised Limits

Available from: Release 201904

Under the “Update Approved and Advised Limits”, multiple features are developed within the LIMIT.REFERENCE and
LIMIT tables, as well as with the manner with which limits are processed within the system.

Float and Balances
Available from: Release 201808

The concept of the Float (uncleared balance, sometimes called uncollected balance) refers to credit transactions posted
to a customer account, where funds credited are treated as cleared not instantly at the time of booking of the trans-
action but at a defined date in the future.

Statement Preferences
Available from: Release 201808

This solution addresses the set of requirements such as ‘Statements Preferences’, ‘Standalone Statements’ and ‘Com-
bined Statements’.
Few additional fields and functionalities are introduced into the existing Core applications such as
input a set of off-cycle statements for the same frequency, the process of production from T24 of combined statements
and setting up default frequencies and printing features.

Funds Reservation in Balance Netting Pool

Available from: Release 201809

Funds reservation in Balance Netting Pool’ is a development to introduce a manual and automatic fund reservation pro-
cess for members of the Balance Netting pool.

Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) processing

Available from: Release 201810

It covers functionalities such as Configurable Available Balance for NSF credit check, Pooling funds for credit checks,
Opt-In/Opt-Out of Limit facility for credit check, NSF Exception handling, Assessment of NSF item and Decision man-
agement and NSF Closing Evaluation process.

Secondary Limit on accounts for Direct Debit transactions

Available from: Release 201811

‘Secondary Limit on accounts for certain Direct Debit transactions’ is an amendment to the AA

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This functionality provides the ability to configure the system to disregard the Intraday Limit when doing a credit check,
in case this is granted on the account.

Saving booked balance on the STMT.ENTRY

Available from: Release 201812

The functionality is about saving booked balance on the STMT.ENTRY at the time the transaction is booked.

Processing Date in TXN.ENTRY.MB

Available from: Release 201901

The functionality is about adding processing date to the core enquiry named TXN.ENTRY.MB.

Client Accounts without Interest and Charges

Available from: Release 201901

The functionality is about making the Interest and charges module optional for Accounts.

Account Number Format

Available from: Release 201901

The functionality is about offering a solution for the generation of scalable account ids.

Enhanced Transaction Search

Available from: Release 201902

The functionality is about adding a new enquiry or API to retrieve the most recent number of entries.

Extend the Number of Decimals allowed for a Currency

Available from: Release 201902

The functionality is about extending the number of decimals allowed for a currency.

Enhanced Transaction Search - Pagination and Others

Available from: Release 201903

The functionality is about adding a new enquiry or API to retrieve the required number of entries or account movement
details available.

Transaction Restrictions
Transaction Stop Conditions
Available from: Release 201808

A new module is introduced in the Temenos Core Banking System named ‘Transaction Restrictions’ (TZ). The Trans-
action Restrictions module allows the bank to define stop instructions for accounts that are evaluated when a debit book-
ing request initiated via Generic Accounting Interface (OFS Clearing) is processed on the account.

Block Creditors or Automatic debits from an account

Available from: Release 201811

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New features are added in the Transaction Restrictions module to allow the bank user or customer to blacklist or whitel-
ist specific Creditors to debit a customer account(s).
Moreover, the stop instructions allow the bank user or customer to restrict Direct Debit (DD) collections initiated under
a specific mandate reference and/or Creditor identifier to a maximum amount or an amount range.

Preferential LTV for Diversified Portfolios
Available from: Release 201808

Effecting the Preferential rate on diversified portfolios & applicability of a cross currency haircut when the collateral cur-
rency is different from the limit currency.

Concentration Checks for Client Portfolio

Available from: Release 201809

This is an amendment to the existing Advanced Collateral (CX) functionality, which caters to the application of Con-
centration cap for Customer Collateral. Features such as Threshold or Qualifying Currency and Value, Collateral Lend-
ing Value (CLV) and Pre-trade check for Buying Power are added to this functionality.

Collateral Pledge Reduction

Available from: Release 201901

This functionality is about the generation of an override in case of insufficient pledge for the utilized part of a variable

Advance Collateral - Cross Pledging

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality is about applying Advance ratio to cross pledged assets which are now maintained at the Collateral
Right level instead of Customer level.

Collateral Link to New Limit Structure

Available from: Release 201904

Functionalities under 'Collateral link to new Limit structure' are introduced within the COLLATERAL.RIGHT and LIMIT
tables to support attaching Collateral to Limits with new Limit key, as well as a new ACCOUNT.OVERDRAWN.CUST
table which holds overdrawn Accounts and exceeded Limits per Customer since now Limits can be multi-customer.

Expected Receipts
Pre-authorized Credits
Available from: Release 201808

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‘Pre-authorised credits’ is an amendment to the AC.EXPECTED.RECS application, where the system is improved to
increase the available balance of an account when an expected payment is entered in the system via the
AC.EXPECTED.RECS application.

Matching Payment Instructions and Cover Payments

Available from: Release 201812

The functionality for automatic matching between payment instructions and cover payments describes how the cover
message such as MT202, MT202COV or MT910 received by the bank is matched against the payment message MT103
or MT202.

Matching of Advised Funds

Available from: Release 201812

This functionality describes how the MT210 SWIFT message that is received through Delivery and uploaded directly in
the Expected Receipts module is matched against the MT103/MT202 SWIFT messages that are received through deliv-
ery and are processed by TPH (which sends them to the Expected Receipts module for matching)

Standing Order
Creation Of Beneficiary
Available from: Release 201809

This functionality describes how Beneficiary and Standing Order applications from T24 capture the information related
to SEPA additional details.
It also includes adding additional SEPA fields in the Beneficiary and Standing Order application to fully support SEPA pay-
ments, and also update the mapping of the existing and new fields for the Beneficiary to Standing Order flow, and from
Standing Order to Payment Order flow.

Standing Order Execution Independent of COB

Available from: Release 201903

This development introduces a new online service that processes standing order instructions outside the COB.

Data Framework
IF Reporting Balance
Available from: Release 201810

When a business event occurs, the existing Customer Reporting Model publishes IF event records that carry data in
raw format. The raw data is then transformed into XML at runtime by the integration service.
The objective of this functionality is to optimise the size of the XML data that is dynamically sent for an Enterprise Ser-
vice Bus (ESB) to consume in case of high volume transactions.

Loan Loss Provisioning

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Provision on Undrawn Limits for Overdraft
Available from: Release 201811

It covers functionality such as Selection of Undrawn Limits for Overdrafts for standard provisioning, Classification of
Undrawn Limit for Overdrafts, Calculation of Provision on Undrawn Balance of the OD Limit and Posting of the Provision
on Undrawn Limits in Balance Sheet.

Provision on Bank Guarantee

Available from: Release 201811

It covers functionality such as Selection of Bank guarantees issued for standard provisioning, Classifying the Bank guar-
antees, Calculation of Provision on Outstanding Balance of the Guarantee Issued and Posting of the Provision on Guar-
antee Issued in Balance Sheet.

Risk Segmentation and Provision Parameters

Available from: Release 201812

It covers functionality such as Classification of borrowers under different Risk segment, Parameterise Segment-wise
provision percentage for Risk Classification, Parameterise Cut-off factor, if applicable to arrive at the Base Balance for
calculating provision and Process provision considering the parameters for Risk segmentation and cut-off factor.

Priority for Collateral Allocation

Available from: Release 201812

It covers functionality such as Prioritising the credit facility for collateral allocation on the basis of risk, Allocation of the
Collateral and Provision calculation to mitigate the risk with the collateral allocated to the contract.

Joint Holder Provisioning

Available from: Release 201812

This functionality is aimed at classifying the risk for the accounts or contracts held jointly by customers, for provisioning

Generic Accounting Interface

Manual OFS Clearing Reversals
Available from: Release 201811

A new application named Generic Accounting Request is introduced to capture a manual request to reverse a Generic
Accounting interface (GAI) booking transaction. After the Generic Accounting Request is approved the system auto-
matically generates a Generic Accounting message (OFS Clearing message).
Moreover, the Generic Accounting Interface now provides an option to supply a contra transaction code as part of the
entry which takes precedence over the contra transaction code indicated in the processing rule (AC.ENTRY.PARAM)

Restrict Off Balance Sheet Balancing Entries in OFS

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality is about restricting balancing entries posted for off balance sheet entries (for contingent accounts)
when requests are posted through generic accounting interface.

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IBAN Creation using an Alternate Account Number
Available from: Release 201902

The functionality is about IBAN Creation based on country specific rules.

Transaction Recycler
Handling cut-off time in Transaction Recycler
Available from: Release 201904

The Transaction Cycler module (also referred as recycler) is improved to consider a cut-off time when the retry
requests are processed either Online or in Close Of Business. The cut-off time can be set up in the system as a retry con-
dition for a specific type of request or is sent by the Business Application, which initiates the request.

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Business Intelligence

Data Warehousing
Extracting CoB Transactions in Incremental Mode
Available from: Release 201807

The existing Incremental Mode of extraction is now optimized to extract T24 CoB transactions for Funds.transfer and

Improved Online Extraction Mode

Available from: Release 201810

Experience the near real-time transactions and improved online extraction mode.

Integration of DW Online with Insight Online

Available from: Release 201901

Integration of DW Online with Insight Online offers data integrity and synchronisation between near real-time DW and

Vanilla Instruments Pricing
Available from: Release 201809

This feature now allows you to price the bonds and Asset-Backed Securities using discounted cash-flow mechanism.
You can now re-evaluate FX Spot Deals with the latest price available in FX Rate and Equity Trade Deals with latest
price. Cashflows for Bond with option can be generated.

Statistical PD Modelling
Available from: Release 201809

Now you can calculate Probability of Default (PD) using Historical data under Statistical Methods.

Interest Rate Risk

Available from: Release 201811

Changes to Interest Rate Risk in Credit Risk Module for Trading Book Transactions.
Changes to Specific and General Risk Capital Charge under Interest Rate Risk for Trading Book Trans-

Change in CRM for Off-Balance Sheet Exposures

Available from: Release NA

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During Credit Risk Mitigation, Credit Conversion Factor is also applied to collateral value in addition to the outstanding
exposure amount. Credit Risk Mitigation value in the reports includes Credit Conversion Factor as percentage being
applied to the collateral value.

Liquidity Risk System (ALM) - Basel III LCR

Available from: Release 201812

Liquidity Risk System now conforms to the latest BASEL Liquidity Risk Management Guidelines.

Changes to Operational Risk Standardised Approach

Available from: Release 201903

After the introduction Basel III guidelines, the operational risk standardised approach's Business Indicator component
and Internal loss component calculations are now independent of existing Basel II computation.

Changes to Standardised Simple Mitigation Method

Available from: Release 201903

The existing reports that allow the Standardised Comprehensive Mitigation method now supports Standardised Simple
Mitigation method too.

Statistical LGD modelling

Available from: NA

Internal Rating Based (IRB) approach involves assigning risk weights based on the internal rating of the borrowers.
The ratings exercise must fulfill certain criteria to the satisfaction of the regulator. There are two options available.
They are Foundation approach and Advanced Approach.

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Internet Banking
PSD2 Transparency Information
Available from: Release 201806

Internet Banking Retail now complies with the transparency of conditions and information requirements for payment
services, as stipulated by the new PSD2 directive of the European Union.

Travel Notifications
Available from: Release 201806

Internet Banking Retail now manages the logged in user’s travel notifications. The user may now view and manage
their active travel notifications, being able to add new ones, edit or delete existing ones. The notifications capture data
like the country of travel, the period and the purpose of the travel.

Consent Management
Available from: Release 201807

Internet Banking Retail and Mobile Banking were recently updated to allow the logged in user to manage the consent
types for the use of personal data. The user may now view and edit his/her personal data consent types and any asso-
ciated consent sub-type(s), as stated in the GDPR regulation.

Updated Payment Workflows

Available from: Release 201808

Internet Banking Retail payment workflows were recently updated, along with adding new payees workflows.

Enhanced Loans Functionality

Available from: Release 201811

Internet Banking Retail Loans accounts were recently enhanced with new features, contained within two new tabs
accessible at Loan Account page level.

Enhanced Deposits Functionality

Available from: Release 201812

Internet Banking Retail Deposit accounts were recently enhanced with new features, contained within two new tabs
accessible at Deposit page level.

Enhanced Loans Functionality

Available from: Release 201812

Internet Banking Retail Loans accounts were recently enhanced with a new feature to repay some of the loan, con-
tained within the Repay Loan tab accessible at Loan Account page level.

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Updated Alerts Functionality
Available from: Release 201812

Internet Banking Retail's Alerts functionality at account level was recently updated, enhancing the manageability of the
alerts. Specifically, after selecting an account and then clicking on the Alerts tab, you may view the alert groups, col-

Enhanced Cheques Functionality

Available from: Release 201901

Retail Cheques functionality at account level was recently enhanced with new features, contained within the pre-exist-
ing nested tabs accessible at Accounts page level - Cheques tab.

Letter of Credit
Available from: Release 201901

Letter of Credit is a bank service ensuring payment of the amount indicated in the letter of credit to the Seller as per the
Buyer's instructions against the shipment of goods, performance of other conditions stipulated in the letter of credit and
submittal of relevant documents.

User Administration
Online Arrangement Validations
Available from: Release 201809

All the changes to a Master Arrangement are validated against the Product Conditions that the Arrangement is set up
against and they never augment the functionality beyond that. If any update exceeds the Product Conditions, then an
error is displayed and the user is prevented from proceeding further.

User Administration as a Business Component

Available from: Release 201810

User Administration as a Business Component, newly introduced controls for external users and other improvements.

Purging unused external user Customer through COB Job

Available from: Release 201902

The Indirect External User of an Internet Banking solution, a record in the EXTERNAL.USER table, is linked in Core
Banking to a CUSTOMER record of type External User. This type of ”Customers” of the Bank do not own any financial
products, otherwise they would have the CUSTOMER record of type Active.

External User Type Handling

Available from: Release 201902

External Users can access the Internet Banking solutions determined by the Arrangements they are linked to.

Extensions to Sub-Arrangements
Available from: NA

Online Arrangements are subject to change and in that case, any Roles (Sub-Arrangements) and External Users linked
must be re-evaluated according to the impact those changes have on them. In order to grasp all the changes and cor-
relate the effects with the impacted solutions, the following aspects are detailed:

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l Updating the Master Arrangements and the subsequent Sub-Arrangements;
l Tracking updates for each External User linked to an Online Arrangement;
l Rebuilding EXT variables in cache files to reflect updates in Permissions.

TC Licensing - User and Role Licensing for Master Arrangements

Available from: NA

Banks need to be able to track the licenses sold to their Customers and control the number of External Users and Roles
created for Online Arrangements, by both Bank Users and External Administrators. A new property class is imple-
mented in order to provide these functionalities. This is a non mandatory property class for the Online Services Product
Line and it stores the maximum numbers of Users that can be linked to Online Arrangements and maximum number or
Roles that can be linked to a Master Arrangement.

External User Licensing

Available from: NA

The number of allocated External Users licenses from the Online Services Arrangements must be directly compared to
the maximum number of available licenses stored in Core Banking to prevent unauthorised creation of External Users
beyond the licenses granted by Temenos to the Bank.

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Cash Management
Arrangement Level Inheritance
Available from: Release 201806

Transaction Accounts in a Balance Netting Cash Pool Hierarchy can now get their Interest, Charge and Payment sched-
ule conditions defaulted from another Account placed higher up within the hierarchy.

Automation of Balance Netting Pool Administration

Available from: Release 201809

System now supports the automation of administrative tasks related to the Balance Netting (BN) Pool Administration
through the lifecycle viz., opening, maintenance and closure of the Pool.
l Opening a Pool structure takes the User through a purpose built workflow starting from creating a Draft Struc-
ture, moving it to Preliminary and then taking it Live.
l Maintenance of the Pool structure includes Pool level events such as, addition/removal (external restructuring)
or changing parent (internal restructuring) of the accounts in the Pool – This is allowed both in the Preliminary
and in the Live status.
l Closure events in the Pool structure could be that of an individual account or a substructure or Currency position
or that of the whole Pool itself.
l Several validations and orchestrations are in place to guide the user.

Rescheduling Failed Closure Process in BN

Available from: Release 201811

System automatically reschedules the closure event, which has failed during the SOD process to the next working day.

Changing Pricing Plan in Bundles

Available from: Release 201812

It is now possible to update a Pricing Plan for BN Pool at any lifecycle stage if the Pricing Rule as Manual.

Fund Reservation during External Restructuring in BN Pool

Available from: Release 201812

It is now possible to consider locked funds when adding a Standalone account to the Pool and remove a TR account
from the Pool. Automatic cascading funds reservation to the Parent Accounts in the Pool hierarchy is possible when
funds are locked in the TR account.

Enquiries in Balance Netting for Bank User Interface

Available from: Release 201812

New enquiries are added to Balance Netting feature for easing Bank User Interface.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 26 of 85

Future STO and Sweeps in BN Pool
Available from: Release 201812

It is now possible to setup Standing Orders and Sweeps in the BN Pool that is in Preliminary stage. The Standing Orders
and Sweeps go live after the Pool and the specific Account in Pool goes live.

Corporate Cash Pooling

Available from: Release 201812

Corporate Cash Pooling and Sweeping” is functionality to the existing AC.CASH.POOL

The applications are modified to support various functionalities such as:
l Setting a Priority Order for sweep transfers
l Setting Minimum amount to transfer to be taken into consideration by the system
l Setting criteria for calculating the amount to be swept in Increments
l Possibility to choose new balance types to use
l Setting a Maximum Amount for the Concentration account
l The possibility of setting up a different Partial Transfer criteria
l Possibility to Suspend the entire Cash Pool or a Sub-Group
l Possibility to set an External Corporate sweep
l Possibility to transfer the Float to the ultimate parent of the Cash Pool

Disable Cover Control at Transaction Level

Available from: Release 201902

“Using CT’s balance as sweeping criteria and to disable Cover Control at TR level” is an amendment to the existing
AC.SWEEP.TYPE application, as well as an improvement of the Cover Control functionality, based on transaction codes.

Sweep Options for a Non-banking Day

Available from: Release 201902

“Sweeps options for a non-banking day” is an amendment to the existing AC.CASH.POOL and STANDING.ORDER
applications to perform sweeps and standing order transactions on the same day in case the accounts involved in the
transfer reside in different T24 companies, and there is a non-working day when the transactions are scheduled.

Sweeping with Same Booking and Value Date

Available from: Release 201902

‘Sweeps with Split Per Value Date’ is an enhancement in the existing functionality of the corporate bal-
ance sweeping.
This enhancement brings new functionalities, such as:

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 27 of 85

l To set the sweep intra-day run time, based on the server or company time
l To define sweep cut-off time for all accounts of T24 companies (which are part of the same
sweeping group) and apply it for all intra-day sweep executions
l New enquiry for intra-day sweep executions

Sweeps with Split Per Value Date

Available from: Release 201902

‘Sweeps with Split per Value Date’ is an enhancement to the existing AC.CASH.POOL and
AC.SWEEP.TYPE applications.
The applications are modified to support various functionalities such as:
l To choose new balance type to use
l To set whether the sweep needs to transfer booked balance split per value date or booked bal-
ance in one tranche

Integrity Checks in BN Pool

Available from: Release 201902

Integrity checks can be performed in BN Pool to identify the validations' errors that appears when the
event is performed in live.

Running Multiple Intraday Value Date Based Sweeps

Available from: Release 201903

‘Running multiple intraday value dated based sweeps’ is a development to the existing corporate
sweeping functionality. The system allows the sweeping transactions to be performed multiple times
per day and at the end of day. Based on both the booked dated balance and value dated balance, the
system triggers transaction based on sweeping account’s balance.

Letters of Credit
SWIFT Release 2018
Available from: Release 201806

A significant overhaul of the Category 7(Trade Finance) interbank MTs is addressed and the messages are upgraded to
increase automation, reduce enquiries and address the existing gaps.

Link to POA – Export Drawings and Import drawings

Available from: Release 201811

External Payment for drawings booked under Import / Export Letter of Credit is linked and routed through centralized
payment module (PAYMENT.ORDER).

TCIB - LC Issuance Revamp

Available from: Release 201901

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 28 of 85

Corporate customers who are TCIB enabled are currently able to place LC Issuance requests online,
view status of the transactions and provide instructions for further action to the bank.

Miscellaneous Deals
SWIFT Release 2018
Available from: Release 201806

A significant overhaul of the Category 7(Trade Finance) interbank MTs is addressed and the messages are upgraded to
increase automation, reduce enquiries and address the existing gaps.

Integration of POA with MD

Available from: Release 201812

This functionality is for the integration of POA with the MD module. A payment order is an alternate mechanism for
executing a payment in MD. When the payment order is opted as the payment method, the payment is sent/received
through the POA in the MD application.

Syndicated Lending
Syndicated Loan module - Modification to Accounting entries & Transaction code
Available from: Release 201901

The objective of this functionality arises as a resolution to an issue raised by the Client indicating incon-
sistent Accounting entries & Transaction narratives’ for similar events in the life cycle of a Facility /
Commitment / Loan between LD and SL modules.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 29 of 85

Country / Regional Solutions
Argentina Model Bank
CBU code for Accounts
Available from: Release 201903

The CBU Code functionality allows the creation of current, special and saving account with a banking standard for the
account number. It is a public code used in Argentina by banks for the identification of their customer’s accounts. While
each bank identifies accounts with internal numbers, the CBU identifies an account uniquely throughout the Argentine
financial system since Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) regulated its use.

Creation of beneficiaries with CBU Code and/or Alias name

Available from: Release 201903

According to Argentina regulation, you can create beneficiaries with CBU code and/or Alias name.

Validating Cheque Authenticity

Available from: Release 201903

You can now validate local cheques based on the Central Bank of Argentina (CBRA) regulation.

Special Savings Account for Authorized Minors

Available from: Release 201903

Savings Account for Authorized Minors is a product that is offered to customers in Argentina due to
country’s regulation. A guardian is the account owner, and a minor is a joint owner that is able to use
the account.

Dormancy Process
Available from: Release 201903

In Argentina model bank, it is now possible for the banks to manage the inactivity process of both sav-
ings and current accounts of customers.

Capture Additional Customer Information

Available from: Release 201904

This feature explains the regulation carried out by Argentina, where banks need to capture additional
customer information during on-boarding process.

Alias CBU for Saving and Current Accounts

Available from: Release 201904

In Argentina Model Bank, you can now have a CBU Alias in order to identify the originator of each
transfer received.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 30 of 85

Balance Check between Accounts
Available from: Release 201904

You can now define sweeps between accounts to move balances during insufficient balance in primary
account. The sweeps are done based on a defined hierarchy of accounts.

Australia Model Bank

Annual Investment Income Report
Available from: Release 201812

You can now generate an Annual Investment income report (AIIR) as required to be furnished by the investment bod-
ies in Australia to the taxation authorities.

Customer and Party

Available from: Release 201901

You can now capture the KYC verifying details, Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number
(ACN), and Tax File Number (TFN) of Australian customers.

Withholding Tax
Available from: Release 201904

You can now apply WHT on the interest credited or paid to the customer as per the guidelines provided by ATO in Aus-

Finland Model Bank

Initial Periodic Interest Reset
Available from: Release 201805

In Finland Model Bank, the country layer provides the following functionality:
l The periodic interest rate reset is based on the market conventions such as EURIBOR, STIBOR etc.
l These rates are uploaded in T24, based on certain key dates for loans and deposits such as system date,
arrangement creation rate and the disbursal date.
l The rates have 2-day spot value (T+2).

Penalty Interest Calculation

Available from: Release 201809

You can now define the product conditions and logic in a loan for switching to a highest interest rate, for the penalty
interest, in the event of a default, in repayment of a lending arrangement.

Prevention of Loan Disbursements during a restricted time

Available from: Release 201811

You can now restrict loan disbursement in Finland Model Bank during a restricted time.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 31 of 85

France Model Bank
Available from: Release 201901

The mail provider can provide the list of customers to the bank, where it could not deliver mail due to NPAI (N’Habite
Plus à l’Adresse Indiquée – No longer lives at this address) scenario. The bank after receiving this file updates the NPAI
flag at the Customer level.

Generic Regional Solutions

Loans, Deposits and Payment Dues
Available from: Release 201808

You can now use the core TAX functionality of T24 to support GST (Goods and Service Tax).

Swift Alliance Interface

Available from: Release 201809

The SWIFT Alliance interface helps you to communicate between financial institutions for financial transactions. It also
acts as an Interface in T24 and other external interfaces to exchange secured information.

ATM Framework
Available from: Release 201812

ATM Framework provides a structure to define ISO message fields, provide information for mapping the ISO message
fields to T24, define the way the ATM Transactions updates T24, the ISO response code to be sent back to the Switch,
The Structure of the ISO Message sent from the Switch and the way ATM Transactions updates are done in T24 can be
customised using the framework.
You can now also pass multiple transactions in a single OFS message for processing in T24, triggered by a single ATM
transaction. This is done by indicating, it is a bulk message (indicated by the keyword BULK) in the OFS message.

GST Enquiry
Available from: Release 201809

You can now use an online enquiry to check GST transactions.

Bloomberg Pricing Interface

Available from: Release 201804

You can now have an Interface between T24 and the Bloomberg financial institutions to carry out financial transactions
from Bloomberg to T24.

Hong Kong Model Bank

DD Mandate
Available from: Release 201806

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 32 of 85

In Hong Kong Model Bank, a user can create the mandates manually, and further through the request from channels
like HKICL.

DD Processing
Available from: Release 201806

When claims are received for DD mandates, various validations are performed for the debit account including posting
restriction, dormancy, and insufficient funds. Based on the validations, the transactions are either rejected or tagged as
a HOLD item for user action at the later point time.

Ad-Hoc Holiday
Available from: Release 201806

In Hong Kong Model Bank, banks can mark the holidays on ad-hoc basis in their core banking systems, which results in
extension of transaction credits to the customer accounts, and thereby an adverse impact on transactions are avoided.

CNY Remittance
Available from: Release 201806

Hong Kong Model Bank now complies with CNY Remittance regulatory requirements.

Bulk Processing
Available from: Release 201806

Hong Kong Model Bank now supports bulk processing feature that includes collections / Auto-Debits or payments /

Privileged and Step-up deposit

Available from: Release 201808

In Hong Kong Model Bank, Privileged and Step-up deposits can be offered on campaign basis to the customers of the

Hungary Model Bank

Processing and Validating Payment Orders
Available from: Release 201810

In Hungary model bank, you can validate the received payment message to check whether the received BBAN is cor-
rect, BIC is valid or IBAN present in the payment message.

Validating Transactions using GVT

Available from: Release 201812

You can now validate payer and payee’s account number based on GIRO CDV and GVT validation.

Alias account identifiers service

Available from: Release 201812

Alias identifiers are identifiers that the customer may link with the payment account numbers, so that they can be used
instead of account numbers while generation of Instant payment order.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 33 of 85

Lebanon Model Bank
Available from: Release 201902

You can now set a restriction to the number of renewals allowed for the guarantee, i.e. the maximum number of times
the expiry date can be extended.

Stamps and Taxes

Available from: Release 201904

The Bank can now collect tax settlement for various type of taxes, transfer the same to the head office account, and
capture stamps purchase and stamps usage related transactions.

Available from: Release 201904

You can now calculate honorary amount for the Lawyer online and capture the Summon details send to the customer or

Luxembourg Model Bank

Local Withholding Tax Movement
Available from: Release 201812

In Luxembourg Model Bank, when the credit interest rate becomes less than 0.75 percent, banks proposes to exclude
the income on those days during the calculation of With Holding Tax for residents on credit interest income.

VAT Reporting
Available from: Release 201901

In Luxembourg Model Bank, banks can charge the appropriate VAT tax based on the Customer set up and cor-
responding charge details.

Early Repayment Fee

Available from: Release 201902

When the customer decides to pre close his loan earlier than the term agreed the bank charges an early repayment
fee. This is calculated based on specific formula.

Certificate of Interest Paid

Available from: Release 201904

This feature helps you to generate a certificate of interest paid by customer for loans and overdrafts, and a certificate
of interest received by customer for deposits and accounts.

Mexico Model Bank

Account Compliance CLABE
Available from: Release 201901

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 34 of 85

You can now create current and saving accounts with a banking standard for numbering bank accounts in Mexico. This
ensures that interbank funds transfers, payroll deposits or automatic service charges are made in the correct accounts.

Customer Compliance – Legal ID

Available from: Release 201904

You can use this feature to capture the legal ID of the customer.

Saudi Arabia Model Bank

Available from: Release 201903

This feature covers the reporting structure of customer’s credit information to credit bureaus.

Watheeq Services
Available from: Release 201904

The functionality focuses on extending the Watheeq services to connect a financial institution with the statutory organ-

Singapore Model Bank

Securities Orders funded through MF and CPF
Available from: Release 201806

MF/CPF- Securities Orders Funded through CPF makes it possible to select CPF-OA (CPF Ordinary Account) and CPF-SA
(CPF Special Account).

Signature Portfolio Valuations

Available from: Release 201806

A new framework named Signature Portfolio is introduced which can accept the valuation amount for a particular pos-
ition, that is, a combination of Portfolio and Instrument.

Sweeping TAXGST
Available from: Release 201810

The sweep feature enables you to sweep the input and output GST tax into GST currency account and provides an auto-
matic resweeping feature when reversed transactions are required.

Available from: Release 201810

You can now refund commissions and taxes for transactions that are collected from customers.

Spain Model Bank

NIE-DNI-CIF Validation
Available from: Release 201805

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 35 of 85

The legal ID is a mandatory field during the customer creation process. The validation is performed through the check
digit algorithm for each legal ID.

Payroll Account
Available from: Release 201805

In Spain Model Bank, the Payroll Account feature allows the banks to define the predefined credit amounts, which if
present in an account, it switches the vanilla current account to a payroll account. In absence of these predefined cred-
its, the account is switched back to a current account.

Customer Search
Available from: Release 201805

In Spain Model Bank, this feature facilitates the additional search criteria that is now added for easy search option for
the bank users.

Customer Additional Fields

Available from: Release 201805

In Spain Model Bank, this feature captures additional details of customer during customer creation process.

Restriction of Customer Status Change

Available from: Release 201806

In Spain Model Bank, this feature restricts the mixture of residents and non-residents holding a Joint account/deposit.

Payment Cheque Validation

Available from: Release 201806

In Spain Model Bank, this feature supports the validation of the control digit in MICR.

Non-Emancipated Minors
Available from: Release 201806

In Spain Model Bank, this feature checks and validates the legal ID provided by the minor customers while opening the

Validating the Joint Holder

Available from: Release 201807

When a joint account / deposit is opened or amended, this validation feature allows you to validate the residential
status of the beneficial owners of the arrangement.

Changing Young Account to Open Savings Account

Available from: Release 201807

In Spain Model Bank, you can open the Young Account for minors under the age of 18 and can change the account to
Open Savings Account as the minor reaches the age of 18.

Capturing the Non-Customer Information

Available from: Release 201807

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 36 of 85

In Spain Model Bank, you can capture the non-customer information during cash transactions and the system can dis-
play the cash transactions performed by non-customer, through an enquiry, by date.

Rounding of Interest Rates

Available from: Release 201808

In Spain Model Bank, all banks and financial institutions can round off the interest rates values during events affecting
the interest rates.

Account Verification
Available from: Release 201808

In Spain Model Bank, this feature reduces the documentation effort and background verification process of a new
onboarding customer.

Teller Report
Available from: Release 201808

You can now send a report containing the details of all cash transactions (incoming and outgoing) along with denom-
ination information to the Central Bank of Spain for a specified period.

Validating Spanish Names and Address

Available from: Release 201808

In Spain Model Bank, you can now use the CUSTOMER application to capture and maintain certain customer related

Additional Collateral Fields

Available from: Release 201808

It is now possible to store additional collateral details of a customer for lending.

Product Limits
Available from: Release 201809

You can now parameterize limits based on count, amount or both for the various products. These limits can be defined
at a Company level, Channel level and Campaign level.

Spanish Fiscal ID
Available from: Release 201809

The Spanish Fiscal ID from incoming DD mandate message can be validated against the values stored in customer
records in T24. On successful validation, system processes the payment.

Confirmed Cheques
Available from: Release 201811

In Spain Model Bank, you can now request the bank to add confirmation for the cheque amount. It also allows you to
cancel, stop and inward clearing of a confirmed cheque.

Customer Payment for Social Security Taxes

Available from: Release 201811

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 37 of 85

Tax payments could be classified as Autoliquidation, Liquidation and state taxes and each of these taxes are uniquely
identified by way of the associated tax model codes. Banks can collect taxes from customers by way of cash deposits
or through account transfer and remit these funds to the tax authorities. Banks are further obliged to transmit these
details at a pre-defined frequency with the tax authorities.

Informa Extract and Upload

Available from: Release 201810

You can use Informa, a database that contains customer information like commercial, financial and other business
information which helps you to overcome manual effort in collecting all information from customers directly.

Available from: Release 201811

Social benefits can now be provided to eligible citizens of Spain through a special institution knowns as INEM. It sends
credit request to bank once in every month.

IMSERSO Special Institutions

Available from: Release 201811

This feature relates to IMSERSO-Special Institutions to initiate bulk customer credit transfer initiation message in pro-
prietary format to T24 with one or more customer credit transfer instructions. The Bank receives payment trans-
mission flows from IMSERSO-Special Institutions and the same needs to be processed by T24/TPH as per payment
instructions as credit transfers to the corresponding customers.

Forwarding Direct Debits Mandate

Available from: Release 201812

You can now set up a forward account for direct debit (DD) mandates in the event that the mandate holder approaches
a bank with such a request.

Social Insurance Payments

Available from: Release 201901

T24 has a provision which banks in Spain can use to collect social insurance payments on behalf of the insurance entity
TGSS (General Treasury of Social Security).

Non Resident Payments

Available from: Release 201902

This feature relates to the Spain National Electronic Clearing System (SNCE) managed by Iberpay has
the scheme of SNCE_03 to accommodate payment transfer for Non Residents.
The Bank receives non-resident payments instructions in Spanish specific format SNCE03, wherein the
same needs to be processed by T24/TPH as per payment instructions as credit transfers and process
claims from the corresponding customers.

SNCE04 Cheques and Drafts

Available from: Release 201902

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 38 of 85

In Spain, the clearing of cheques is carried out using a proprietary message format called SNCE04.
This development pertains to the receipt of standard SNCE04 format files into T24, and the generation
of outward SNCE04 file formats.

Sepa Iberpay Instant payments

Available from: Release 201904

The directories for SEPA are available in T24. The framework for uploading the directories is available and the same
are configured and used for loading the Iberpay directory as well.

Miscellaneous Payments
Available from: Release 201902

In Spain model bank, you can interchange payment instructions that are not covered under standard SNCE message

Creating 20 Digit Security Number

Available from: Release 201902

This feature allows you to create 20 digit alternate portfolio id using specific business validations and then you can use
this unique id as a search criterion in various enquiries.

Open Bank Provisioning

Available from: Release 201903

You can now have a holistic view of Asset Classification and Provisioning covering both Funded and Non Funded Credit
across Loans, Overdraft, and Bank Guarantees for both Single Account and Joint Account.

Cartera Payments
Available from: Release 201903

This feature relates to the Spain National Electronic Clearing System (SNCE) managed by Iberpay. You can use this fea-
ture to accommodate payment transfer for commercial transactions settled by the use of promissory notes, bills of
exchange, domicile payments and other such instruments.

Accounting Bulk
Available from: Release 201903

The purpose of the development is to provide an enquiry with all the details such as Bulk Id, total
amount, status of the transaction, individual payments, transaction amount, status, issuer and des-
tination accounts.

Account Statements in NORMA 43 Format

Available from: Release 201904

This feature helps you to provide account statements to customers in NORMA 43 format.

DD Account Forward Notification

Available from: Release 201904

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 39 of 85

This feature helps to change the customer’s account number, which is given in the direct debit man-
date through Cuaderno 72.

Additional transaction Id for Funds

Available from: Release 201904

You now have a field in the SEC.OPEN.ORDER application where you can store the Transaction Id
provided by All Funds Bank (AFB) for every Fund transaction that happens in the SEC.OPEN.ORDER

United Arab Emirates Model Bank

Direct Debit System
Available from: Release 201807

This feature provides an alternative method of effecting recurring payment transactions for utility services such as tele-
phone bills, electricity bills, insurance premiums, card payments and loan/finance repayments, which would reduce the
need for issuing and handling paper instruments.

Wages Processing System

Available from: Release 201807

This feature provides a safe, secure, efficient and robust mechanism to streamline the timely payment of wages to
employees by their employers.

Image Cheque Clearing System

Available from: Release 201809

Image Cheque Clearing System (ICCS) reduces the dependence of the payment infrastructure on the physical move-
ment of paper, and therefore facilitates shorter clearing and settlement cycles.

Payments Transaction Indicator

Available from: Release 201810

You can now use an indicator to process payments transaction either through RTGS or SWIFT.

United Kingdom Model Bank

ISA Electronic Transfer
Available from: Release 201812

You can now print advices for the various status movements of the ISA Electronic Transfer and the arriving at the
Actual Transfer amount from one bank to another.

Extracting T24 AA mortgage into MSO

Available from: Release 201902

You can now extract T24 AA Mortgage products into MSO system.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 40 of 85

Faster Payments Redirect Files
Available from: Release 201903

Faster Payments Redirect Files details the processing of FP Redirect files by T24

Mortgage Creation and Disbursement

Available from: Release 201904

You can now create Mortgage loan arrangement for customers based on the request received from
MSO. Based on this request you can also create Collateral/ Collateral Right/ Collateral origination
details, Beneficiary, Direct debit mandate and disbursements to the beneficiary through payment

BBSI Reporting
Available from: Release 201904

The Bank Building Society Interest (BBSI) reporting feature helps to report the interest paid or credited
to customers.

Vocalink Direct Debit Originator (DDO) Directory Import

Available from: Release 201904

You can now receive Direct Debit Originator details from vocalink system and upload the details into

United States
Account Inquiry
Available from: Release 201807

The bank requires the ability to view all maintenance changes performed on an account record, and search monetary
and maintenance activities using predefined selection criteria. The Account Inquiry enhancement meets these require-
ments plus has additional filtering options used to display specific types of changes or amendments.

Large Bank Failure

Available from: Release 201807

FDIC Large Bank Failure functionality provides the user the ability to perform tasks in accordance with the FDIC Large
Bank Failure requirements and regulations, including:
l Provisional holds on a subset of deposit accounts.
l Extract files
l Receive processing files from the FDIC in order to comply with the Large-Bank Insurance Determination
Modernization rule (the Rule).

Federal Reserve Accounts Sweeps

Available from: Release 201808

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 41 of 85

Federal Reserve Account Sweeps (Reserve Reclassification) is a new enhancement on top of existing functionality in
USMB, which provides the bank the ability to:
l Define the rules and parameters regarding the Federal Account Sweeps.
l Determine the Target Balance for the transaction sub-account.
l Perform daily sweeps between the transaction sub-account and non-transaction sub-account.
l Count the transfers from the non-transaction account and reset the counter on monthly basis.
l Provide reports from the Federal Account Sweep process.

Bonus Payout
Available from: Release 201806

The bank offers products that pay bonuses on accounts that satisfy specific behavior during specific periods. This solu-
tion addresses the configuration of bonus products and functionality to pay the bonuses to eligible accounts.

Reg D Notification
Available from: Release 201806

Regulation D is a Federal Reserve regulation, which sets out reserve requirements for banks in the United States. It lim-
its the number of preauthorized withdrawals and transfers from a savings account or money market account. With-
drawals or transfers in excess of these limits may result in a fee or a change to a non-Reg D product. Withdrawals or
outgoing transfers in excess of limits may result in a violation letter to be sent and/or change of account’s product to a
non-Reg-D product.

IRA Disbursements
Available from: Release 201807

The bank must follow the guidelines that regulate the processing and reporting of Individual Retirement Arrangements
(IRAs) by financial institutions. This solution addresses various areas of the IRA business that need to be supported in

Periodic Interest APY Calculation

Available from: Release 201806

This enhancement now provides for APY calculations for each tier of a banded rate deposit product, including an overall
blended (single) APY.

Regional Pricing and Service Charges

Available from: Release 201809

Regional Pricing and Service Charges calculates the charges based upon the number of deposited items present for a
customer (cash items, ONUS, local and foreign items). T24 performs the calculation but is dependent on receiving the
details so T24 can calculate the amount.

Mass Maintenance
Available from: Release 201809

Mass Maintenance functionality provides the user the ability to:

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 42 of 85

l Input individual customer / account IDs.
l Access a list of Safe Deposit boxes (by box / account number, and location), including their status and the ability
to change their status:
o User can select individual boxes.
l User can select a range of boxes:
o If some of the boxes in the range are in a rented status, the system generates an override
message “This range contains boxes in a rented status. Only boxes in a non-rented status
are removed from inventory.
o Boxes that are in non-sequential order are limited for removal if they are not rented.

Auto Account Closure

Available from: Release 201809

This feature provides T24 the ability to automatically close an arrangement if an account has remained in a continuous
overdrawn status for a specified number of days.

Dormancy and Escheatment

Available from: Release 201810

This feature provides T24 the ability to automatically close an arrangement if an account has remained in a continuous
overdrawn status for a specified number of days.
Additional functionality has been added to T24 Dormancy to meet the US market and each states’ regulatory require-
ments. Escheatment processing has been added to T24, which was not available before.

FATCA and IRS State Reporting

Available from: Release 201810

This enhancements incorporates an earlier delivery of US Tax Reporting into a single delivery of functionality needed
for processing and reporting US taxes. This document represents a combination of both deliveries and provides the abil-
ity to:
l Configure IRS form types and Static information
l Capture tax transaction details automatically based on transactions processed on the arrangement
l Support FATCA requirements for US banks
l Handle State Reporting and State Withholding capabilities
l Capture tax transaction details manually and to correct customer TIN details.

Stop Payment
Available from: Release 201810

The bank offers stop payment processing, which is integrated within T24 and enables stop payment for any incoming
check and ACH file.

Reg E
Available from: NA

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 43 of 85

l This enhancement is part of an existing module.
l ACH Transaction Details/Addenda Record information on the customer’s periodic statement.

Reg O
Available from: NA

l This enhancement is part of an existing module.

l The two REG O reports (Regulatory Report-REG O (Insiders) and Loan to Insider Report) are combined into one
single monthly generated report and contain accurate information.
l Similar to the existing REG O bank positions such as Executive Officer, Director, etc., the correspondent bank
relationships appear on the REG O report with the appropriate account detail.

Safe Deposit Box

Available from: Release 201811

The bank offers safe deposit box products that enables customers to select a specific size safe deposit box. These
boxes are associated with a particular branch, which helps to maintain branch level inventory.

Available from: NA

Under U.S. federal law, states are required to enter into arrangements with financial establishments conducting busi-
ness within the state for the purpose of leading a quarterly data match.
A data match is used to identify parents who are delinquent in their payment of child support. When a match is iden-
tified, the state’s CSE programs issue liens or levies on the accounts of the delinquent obligor to collect past-due child
The banks can elect to submit to the state a file identifying all open account by April 30 and quarterly thereafter. Other-
wise, the bank can access the child support portal and download the inquiry file sent by the OCSE of delinquent obligors.
The bank matches the information received, collects additional information on the obligors and creates a match file,
which is sent back to the child support portal within 45 days of receiving the inquiry file.

Available from: Release 201812

The bank produces different types of statements such as regular statements, recurring snapshot statements, ad-hoc
snapshot statements, as well as standalone and combined statements.

Year End 1099-R

Available from: Release 201812

Banks in the United States must report distributions from Retirement accounts (IRA) to the Internal Revenue Service at
the end of the calendar year. Each distribution must be reported on a 1099-R form and identify the type of distribution.
The IRS provides the categories for the types of distributions.
Current year end tax reporting processing in T24 for the U.S. uses transaction codes to identify the type of distribution.
That transaction code is then linked to the appropriate box on the form.
Bank customers have the option to choose recurring distributions and determine the method of payment – check,
external transfer, internal transfer. This is defined in settlement instructions on the account.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 44 of 85

NSF Exception Processing Options and Decisioning/Reversals for NSF
and OD Adjustments
Available from: Release 201812

This development provides user experience screens and inquiries which the user can make payment decisions on insuf-
ficient funds (NSF) transactions on an account. Also provided is establishment of a decisioner hierarchy, alert mech-
anisms that may be triggered during NSF processing, enhanced cutoff processing, and corrections updates for OD
counters, Reg D counters and NSF counters.

Account Titling
Available from: Release 201901

l The system validates the account titling during the creation of the arrangement, as well as after any updates.
l The system defaults beneficial owners into the account title fields in the customer’s property of the arrange-
l The system allows the user to override the defaulted title.
l The system allows the user to define either “and” or “or” indicators.

Loan Transaction History Including Bill Due Date

Available from: Release 201901

There was a need to increase the level of loan details when performing a drilldown. This is due to US banks’ clients
expecting the ability to capture due dates on payments made. This provides the ability to research clients’ questions if
there are bill and/or due date disputes. Further it provides an audit trail to be able discern the loan’s due date at any
given point in history. These are crucial requirements both from a customer service and legal perspective.
To meet market expectations, the existing drill still contains element items as before. However other non-bill trans-
action are now captured such as a principal reduction and aid accrued interest as examples. With due dates and the
additional items, the customer can be easily accommodated and legal requests can be filled as well.

Average Value Dated Balance

Available from: Release 201901

Average Value Dated Balance is a feature which:

l Provides a routine to calculate the Average Value Dated Balance.
l Updates specific inquiries to display Average Dated Value Balances.

Check Production
Available from: Release 201902

Check Production provides:

l Ability to designate Payment Order Product for check generation.
l Generation of XML file with details of payment orders marked for check generation in payment
order product.
l New more user friendly version for Beneficiary record creation.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 45 of 85

l New account inquiry identifying that the payout from CD (Certificate of Deposit) or IRA dis-
bursement is being made by check generated in advance.
l Validation to prohibit checks generation if minimum CD balance is not reached.
l New validations to warn the user in the following scenarios:
o When creating/modifying a deposit with a floating interest rate and user opts for set-
tlement via check, an override message appears when the user commits the deal.
o As an additional validation, the system warns users when an arrangement is being created
or modified where the “lead days” is greater than either the days to maturity or the next
scheduled interest payment date.

Statements Account Titling Integration

Available from: Release 201902

l Account Titling works together with Statements (individual and combined) enhancement
delivered for the bank.
l Account Titling works together with the SDB notices.

AA Overview Changes
Available from: Release 201902

l Banks in the United States need the ability to close out a certificate of deposit (CD) account using
a workflow, which requires minimal steps.
l This close out must be available from the Certificate of Deposit Overview screen, which is used
to inquire on a certificate of deposit.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 46 of 85

Enterprise Frameworks
Data Framework
RR Dashboard Enquiries
Available from: Release 201807

You can use a dashboard to view and track the progress of the events, which are moved from live database into Rela-
tional Replication database with the help of this feature. The dashboard also helps you to view the list of errors
encountered during the relational replication process.

Improving RR Performance
Available from: Release 201808

The RR ETL process improvement provides better near real time data replication of T24 transaction data in relational
data storage format, stabilize error handling mechanism and enhance view generation change support capabilities.

Improving the ETL system

Available from: Release 201811

You can now use this feature to improve the Transform and Load process of the current ETL system. Also, this feature
enables you to recover the events which are failed.

Data Event Streaming

Available from: Release 201809

The Data Event Streaming (DES) platform provides you a reliable and efficient solution to stream T24 events. You can
now put minimal efforts in T24 transactions because the DES platform helps you to efficiently capture and write events
to the data events table.

Loading of Metadata
Available from: Release 201811

This feature enables you to load Metadata information into Data Framework Reporting Database.

DLM Space Reclaim

Available from: Release 201812

You can now reclaim the space in T24 live database after implementing Data Lifecycle Management product.

Supporting Promoted Columns

Available from: Release 201812

You can now create as many promoted columns in DLM database to enhance the performance of DLM.

Erasure Event Handling

Available from: Release 201812

You can now update DFR dimensional database with respect to data erasure in T24.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 47 of 85

Right to Erasure
Available from: Release 201901

You can now update DLM dimensional database with respect to data erasure in T24, capture the erasure ID for con-
figured list of DLM applications and process these erasure ID’s in DLM database.

Supporting Multi-server Purge

Available from: Release 201901

You can now execute the purge process in multiple threads. This helps you to purge the jobs along with data events,
improve the error handling, recovery in failure scenarios and capture the audit logs.

Overcoming Relational Replication Database Issues

Available from: Release 201901

In RR, you can now fix multiple data integrity issues that emerges during the user test environment implementation.

RR Repair and Retry of failed events

Available from: Release 201901

You can now recover those events, which have been attempted to recover and failed in the RR recovery mechanism.

DFR – Multi Part Sequencing

Available from: Release 201902

You can now execute High Volume Transaction (HVT) from T24 as single or multi-part based on the configuration
enabled in the AC.HVT.PARAMETER application. This allows the events to be processed as and when it arrives, there-
fore increasing the chances of processing the events as multiple threads.

DLM Delete Operations

Available from: Release 201902

You can now perform delete operations in DLMDB (Data Lifecycle Management Database) based on delete operations
executed in T24 database.

RR Artefacts Multi-server Support

Available from: Release 201903

In RR, you can now deploy and run artefacts application in multiple server/instances. Also, it gives you the privilege of
viewing, processing and recovering the failed XSD events in multi-server setup.

RR Change Support Upgrade

Available from: Release 201903

In RR change support mechanism, you can now process existing table data when there are column type or field format

Deploying Relational Replication in WAS Liberty Server

Available from: Release 201904

You can now deploy and run Relational Replication (RR) as a component in the WebSphere Application Server (WAS)

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 48 of 85

Searchable Database
Available from: Release 201904

You can now store the T24 data from applications CUSTOMER, ACCOUNT and DE.ADDRESS to searchable database
through ETL processing. This helps you to load the data to SOLR database in a document format. Therefore, any search
pertaining to T24 applications CUSTOMER, ACCOUNT and DE.ADDRESS can be made on searchable database.

Design Studio
L3 Impact Analysis
Available from: Release 201810

You can use an L3 impact tool to handle T24 Core update/upgrade impact on L3 artefacts with less manual inter-

PWD Designer
Available from: Release 201812

The PWD Designer in Design Studio provides a visual, easy to use graphical designer to construct
PW.PROCESS.DEFINITION (PWD) and all its constituent parts.

Integration Framework
Available from: NA

This feature describes the inward messages that are sent to T24.

Performance Improvements in Integration Service

Available from: NA

You can now enhance the event delivery speed with the help of this feature.

Using MQ to post Outbound Request in T24 Custom Adapter for IIB

Available from: NA

You can now use MQ to send outbound request to T24.

Using JMS Queue to post Outbound Request in T24 Custom Adapter

for IIB
Available from: NA

You can now use JMS Queue to send outbound request to T24.

Intraday Archival for Adapters

Available from: NA

You can now archive those events that are polled by the adapter. Therefore, enhancing the event delivery process.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 49 of 85

Integration Framework Support to Streaming Events
Available from: NA

The requirement of data events to be processed quickly by streaming events required Integration Framework to intro-
duce new flow type marked by flow attributes.

Data Event Streaming

Available from: NA

This feature allows data events to be processed quickly by streaming events.

Conditional Event Generation at Flow Level

Available from: NA

Conditional Event Generation (CEG) can now ease the process of defining conditions.

Callback API’s at Flow Level

Available from: NA

This functionality provides flexibility to define callback and reduces unnecessary calling of callback API’s.

Conditional Data Collection (CDC) for AA Activity or Activity Class Exit

Available from: NA

This functionality provides an option to design what information to collect from AA when triggering the event.

Creating Event Designer projects using existing Exit Points and flows
in T24
Available from: NA

Event Designer plugin allows you to design events and flows in EDS and publish them to T24. If you want to modify any
existing event definition or flow definition available only in T24, then one can make use of the Introspection feature
available with IF Plugin.

Supporting WebSphere 9 for T24 Custom Adapter for OSB

Available from: NA

You can use all Temenos supported application servers when using T24 Custom Adapter for OSB.

Allow multiple stages to be defined for one exit point

Available from: NA

Now you can attach all possible exits to an event where the flow remains same.

Simulation stage available for Integration exit points defined on AA

Activity or Activity Class
Available from: NA

Now you can define T24 exit points on business events in SIMULATION, INPUT or AUTHORIZE stages for AA activities
or AA activity classes.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 50 of 85

Inbound Mixed Polling with Batch and Bulking options in T24 Custom
Adapter for MULE
Available from: NA

You can now poll multiple events for multiple companies in MULE using this feature.

Inbound Multi-threading
Available from: NA

You can now poll the inbound events with parallel thread count option in MULE using this feature.

Interaction Framework
Enterprise Deployment Pattern for IRIS
Available from: Release 201805

This module ensures that IRIS metadata files are not accessed from the file system during the runtime, instead they
access the database for the IRIS metadata resources.

Automating Services
Available from: Release 201807

You can now perform validations for the service operations using the Service Automation feature.

Implementing Security Filter

Available from: Release 201808

A solution that provides a Token based authenticator in IRIS module to authenticate the requests from user agents and
client applications.

RIM Importer
Available from: Release 201808

This is part of the IRIS R18 tool set. You can use this to help migrate legacy IRIS API definition to IRIS R18 compliant
definitions with minimal effort.

API Usage Metrics

Available from: Release 201809

You can now audit the IRIS Request related metrics in Temenos core application using IRIS API Metrics. The IRIS API
Metrics gives you an infrastructure to audit the IRIS metrics.

Handling IRIS R18 Overrides/ Warnings

Available from: Release 201812

You can now capture all the overrides/ warnings thrown by T24 and give a provision to the end users to view those and
accept those overrides/ warnings to complete the transaction.

Understanding Pagination
Available from: Release 201812

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 51 of 85

This feature enables you to create pagination in APIs which further helps you to handle responses in client application
in a much easier way.

IRIS Event Processing

Available from: Release 201901

You can now provide support for asynchronous API calls (for long running transactions) in Interaction Framework.

Supporting Bulk Capability

Available from: Release 201902

This feature allows you to use Provider API infrastructure to create or update T24 Application records in T24 under
single transactions.

IRIS Auth Token Generation

Available from: Release 201902

This functionality provides capability in IRIS to validate the credentials passed in header(basic Authentication) against
T24 and send back the JWT token for successful authentications.

Clearing Request support for API Designer

Available from: Release 201902

IRIS can now help to post clearing request with changes made to resource provider.

UXP Browser
Enterprise Deployment Pattern
Available from: Release 201805

The UXPB-side mechanisms is implemented in UXP Browser to support the EDP (Enterprise Deployment Patterns) fea-

Image Management in UXP Browser

Available from: Release 201809

You can now use the configurations defined in the IM.IMAGE.TYPE application to enhance the Image management func-
tionality in UXP browser.

Pagination of Enquiry Results

Available from: Release 201809

Enquiry results page contains various attributes like Header, Main body, Footer etc. You can now download these
enquiry results into various formats like HTML, PDF, CSV etc containing the same attributes (Header, main body, footer
etc). Also, you can apply custom styles to the contents of these downloaded files(HTML, PDF, CSV etc).

Bulk Download
Available from: Release 201812

A new Bulk Download option is added to the Enquiry Search Results toolbar. This options enables you to obtain display-
oriented CSV results for large numbers of Enquiry result records via a single operation.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 52 of 85

Pagination of UXP Browser
Available from: Release 201901

Pagination in UXP Browser allows you to fetch enquiry results as chunks, instead of fetching the entire results record.
This is essential in achieving good performance as it takes full advantage of server-side result-set caching.

UXP Browser Interface

Available from: Release 201903

You can now view the UXP browser interface in right to left direction.

JWT Implementation & TAFJ API Integration

Available from: Release 201903

UXP Browser code is upgraded to industry standard for the following items:
1. TAFJ Connection Pooling
2. Authentication Token mechanism (JWT)

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 53 of 85

Islamic Banking
Corporate Mudaraba
Mudaraba Financing
Available from: Release 201810

New Islamic finance product called Mudaraba Finance has been created to handle the Mudaraba finance Business

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 54 of 85

Payments Hub
Banker's Draft
Available from: Release 201806

TPH is enhanced to receive request for Banker’s Draft issuance from Payment Order (Front-end) and process the
same. Operator can issue drafts in local or foreign currency. When a draft is issued in foreign currency, it is also pos-
sible to define if MT110 should be sent out to the correspondent on which the draft is drawn.
TPH also supports the workflows for stopping or cancelling a draft before it is paid.
Banker’s draft, after it is issued, can be received from clearing for payment if the payee account is in another bank.
TPH can receive drafts received from clearing and process the same.

Repair Cut-off Time and Holiday Logic

Available from: Release 201806

TPH now facilitates defining repair cut-off for payment to be processed from repair queue. Direction is introduced in
Holiday logic table which is used while performing holiday check. Current Business Date is being validated for holiday
while calculating datetype CVD.

SEPA Rule Book - Request for Recall

Available from: Release 201806

TPH is now enhanced to adhere with the mandatory EPC changes from SEPA Rule books which comes
into effect from 19 November 2018 for
l SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT)
l SEPA Direct Debit (SDD)
l SEPA Instant Credit transfers

FT Replacement - Removal of PP.COMPANY

Available from: Release 201806

PP.COMPANY is now removed from TPH. So, PP.COMPANY.PROPERTIES can now be referred instead of PP.COMPANY
to check whether payment processing is allowed for that company in TPH.

PMTROUTER Batch Processing

Available from: Release 201807

Temenos Payments Hub (TPH) now facilitates enhancing features for processing of PMTROUTER batch.

PO-TPH Funds Reservation

Available from: Release 201807

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 55 of 85

Temenos Payments Hub (TPH) now facilitates receiving payment processing requests from Payment Order involving
funds reservation on the debit account and streamline the generation of overrides common to PO and TPH in course of
processing a payment.

TPH Dates API Hook

Available from: Release 201807

TPH Dates API Hook is an additional functionality for Dates determination in TPH. The Dates API hook can change/im-
pose the Processing Date, Debit Value Date and Credit Value Date according own created rules which are determined
by an API.

MT 202 Generation
Available from: Release 201807

TPH enables user to send out a single MT 202 message with only the Tag 54 (Receiver’s Correspondent).

Initiate Payment Order

Available from: Release 201807

A new parameterisation table named ISO.CLEARING.SYSTEM.ID is introduced to store the relationship between

New version of pain.001

Available from: Release 201807

EPC version pain.001.001.03 is now supported out of the box.

API Hooks for CPD and DPD

Available from: Release 201807

TPH now provides an API hook to determine and validate Debit and Credit account. So, TPH has the ability to determ-
ine the debit and/or credit account based on custom conditions and the ability to use custom conditions to validate a deb-
it/credit account determined.

Configurable commission and configurable tax on commission

Available from: Release 201808

TPH is now improved to calculate

l Fees based on custom conditions which are linked to fee type.
l Multiple taxes on charge.
l Taxes on tax.

Awaiting Exchange Rate Fixing

Available from: Release 201808

TPH now allows you to enable the rate fixing functionality. You can also override the rate fixing and process trans-
actions even if the rate is not fixed for that day.

Swift 2018 MT
Available from: Release 201808

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 56 of 85

SWIFT 2018 MT changes are incorporated in the existing TP and TPH modules. The GPI fields 111 and 121 which can
be received from SWIFT are mapped into TP and TPH. If a SWIFT payment is redirected field, 121 (UETR) is for-
warded. If for an Outgoing SWIFT Payment the UETR is not present, then TP(H) generates the UETR and puts it into the
outgoing SWIFT payment.

Bulk Agreements
Available from: Release 201808

Bulk Agreement validation is now enabled for Customer initiated Direct Debits and Credit Transfers.

DD Mandate - Forwarding Account

Available from: Release 201808

TPH now allows you to forward an incoming Direct Debit instruction to alternate account number specified by the
Debtor, instead of forwarding it to the account number quoted in the incoming instructions.

Status updates from PH to PO

Available from: Release 201809

TPH now allows you to update the status from PH to PO. It can be done through PO.STATUS.ACTION instead of Trip

TPH SEPA EPC Rule Book Changes 2018

Available from: Release 201810

Request for Recall by the Originator can be initiated by the Originator Bank after an Originator has
requested the Originator Bank to reverse a settled credit transfer for a reason other than duplicate
sending, technical problems resulting in erroneous Credit Transfer(s) and a fraudulently originated
Credit Transfer (existing recall of credit transfer).

Beneficiary Changes
Available from: Release 201810

The Payment Order and Order Entry applications are now enhanced to capture and process the SEPA fields defaulted
through the Beneficiary application.

Payment Order - Parallel Initiation of Fraud Check and Cover Check

Available from: Release 201810

The system is now enhanced to enable parallel initiation of Fraud Check and Cover Check when TPH is in standalone
mode. So, TPH need not wait for response from Fraud check and screening.

GIRO Clearing Directory Upload

Available from: Release 201810

The system is now enhanced to support the Hungary Clearing Directory (GVT) for processing the Hungary Instant Pay-

Validations for HCT Instant Payments

Available from: Release 201810

The system is now enhanced to process and validate the HCT Instant Payments in TPH.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 57 of 85

Hungary Instant - Bulk Processing pain.001– ESB to PO
Available from: Release 201810

TPH is now enhanced to facilitate ESB to receive pain.001 files with single/bulk transactions.

EP SEPA Request for Status Update pacs.028

Available from: Release 201810

The system is enhanced to cover the new SEPA rule book changes for 2018 proposed by EPC/EBA.

The new rule book changes for SEPA is with respect to the request for status update (pacs.028) on the
recall request (camt.056) sent by the originator.

Cheque Return and Representation

Available from: Release 201810

TPH now has the ability to update the returned transactions status against the cheque/draft in
T24/DDA. Also, the system now facilitates the processing previously returned cheques when re-presen-

Instant Payments – Exception Handling

Available from: Release 201810

The system is now enhanced to facilitate the exception handling of instant payments in TPH.

Secondary Limits Check during Funds Authorisation

Available from: Release 201811

PH and PP modules are now enhanced to provide additional limit over and above the Overdraft limit provided by the
Banks for specific type of transactions.

DD - Mandate Limit Check and Creditor Restrictions

Available from: Release 201811

TPH is now enhanced to perform Mandate Limit Checks and Creditor Restriction checks, for the Incoming Direct Debits.

AMLSanction Screening generic workflow changes

Available from: Release 201812

TPH can now receive Seize Funds as response from the Screening System. It can also Time out payments based on
Channel Cut Off Time in case Screening System does not receive response.

Hungary Clearing Directory (GVT)

Available from: Release 201812

TPH can now support Hungary Domestic Instant Payments Processing for bank code and BIC validation, and reach-
ability check.

GIRO Rulebook Changes

Available from: Release 201812

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 58 of 85

The new GIRO rulebook changes for 2018 helps you to focus on the return and investigation messages for instant pay-

Skipping BIC/ Bank code Validations

Available from: Release 201812

You can now skip the mandatory check/ validation against the BIC and Bank Code directories for non-SWIFT based
Clearings other than SEPA, that have their own routing table to check reachability.

Matching of MT210
Available from: Release 201812

MT210 (Notice to receive) is an advance notice by account owner to their account servicing institution that it will
receive funds to be credited to sender’s account.

GIRO Clearing Changes_Recall Handling

Available from: Release 201812

This feature caters the new GIRO rulebook changes for 2018, which focusses on the recalls for instant payments.

Error Reason Code

Available from: Release 201812

You can now map error codes to ISO reason codes through Payment Order.

Generic File Acceptance Framework

Available from: Release 201812

TPH is enhanced such that you can now receive Credit Transfers and Direct Debits from Indirect Participants.

Processing credit transfer files

Available from: Release 201812

TPH can now receive and process credit transfer files from Indirect Participant (IP) banks through an IP bulk channel
implemented and is configured as part of TPH Inward Message Mapping/ Acceptance and Clearing framework.

Customer Status Report

Available from: Release 201812

You can now generate a customer status report on a settlement date, that contains all the description of transactions
occurred on that settlement date.

AMS Time out

Available from: Release 201812

This feature enhances the existing time out check feature for instant payments in TPH.

Corporate batch handling

Available from: Not Applicable

TPH is enhanced such that you can now categorize the payments as consumer and non-consumer payments.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 59 of 85

TARGET2 to Use Clearing Directory
Available from: Release 201901

TARGET2 reachability check needs to validate the reachability in the Centralised Clearing Directory
(CA.CLEARING.DIRECTORY). The TPH specific table PP.TARGET2.DIRECTORY is made obsolete. The TPH
need not use PP.CLEARING.DIRECTORY anymore for TARGET2 payments.
Use the CA.CLEARING.DIRECTORY for reachability check of the beneficiary banks, when TPH bank
sends an outgoing TARGET payment to TARGET2.

STEP2 to Use Clearing Directory

Available from: Release 201901

STEP2 reachability check needs to validate the reachability in the Centralised Clearing Directory
(CA.CLEARING.DIRECTORY). The TPH specific table PP.STEP2.DIRECTORY is made obsolete.
Use the CA.CLEARING.DIRECTORY for reachability check of the beneficiary banks, when TPH/POA bank
sends an outgoing SEPA payment to STEP2.

Inward Cheque Clearing

Available from: Release 201901

You can use the Lebanon Inward Cheque Clearing enhancement to receive, validate and process a flat file from the
Clearing House.

Outward Cheque Clearing

Available from: Release 201901

You can use the Lebanon Outward Cheque Clearing enhancement for collection.

Hold for Cover

Available from: Release 201901

TPH now checks for matching cover before processing MT103/202, which is being received.

Available from: Release 201901

You can use this feature to enhance TPH to support Lebanon RTGS and Jordan RTGS clearing.

Exceptions for Incoming Credit Transfer Files from IP (Pacs.008)

Available from: Release 201901

This feature helps you to enable TPH to support exception scenario flow for Pacs.008 and Pacs.004 files that you
receive from IP.

New Payment Order (PO) Product

Available from: Release 201902

This enhancement is created to process the drafts presented or deposited in a counter by the clients.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 60 of 85

Receiving and Forwarding SEPA SCT R-Message from IP to Clearing/IP
Available from: Release 201902

This feature caters to the cancellation request (Camt.056) that you receive from IP and forwards it to
the clearing house or IP. During on-us transaction, the cancellation request is stopped for manual inter-
The DP bank needs to receive the return message (Pacs.004) and recall reject (Camt.029) in response
to the clearing request (Camt.056) sent to clearing/IP, and forward the same to IP bank.

EISCD Clearing Directory Upload

Available from: Release 201902

This feature supports Extended Industry Sorting Code Directory (EISCD) to process instant payments in local clearing
in UK (such as CHAPS, FPS, CNCC and BACS).

EQUENS Clearing Directory Upload

Available from: Release 201902

This feature supports EQUENS Clearing Directory to process EQUENS Instant Payments.

Netherlands (NL) Instant Payments - Functionality Changes

Available from: Release 201902

This feature helps TPH to support EQUENS Clearing (Netherland (NL) Instant Payments Clearing).

Netherlands (NL) Instant Payments - Camt.053 DRR

Available from: Release 201902

l Alerts areconfigurable in TPH for StatusCode and ErrorCode details.

l TPH can generate SMS, EMAIL, and SECURE Messages to customers based on the configured

Alert Notification Changes

Available from: Release 201903

This feature helps to configure alerts in TPH for StatusCode and ErrorCode details. It generates SMS, EMAIL and
SECURE messages to customers based on the configured events.

Balance Check with Charges - Recycler Charges

Available from: Release 201903

This feature helps TPH to interface with Transaction Stop to perform additional validation on account
for United States Automated Clearing House (USACH) Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) requirements. Also,
with Recycler to recover funds for an account till a stipulated date and time. If it has breached the spe-
cified time, payment can be cancelled.

Enabling Direct Debit
Available from: Release 201903

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 61 of 85

This feature explains how TPH provides solution for processing loan DD collection for USD currency received from DD

Coventry - Enabling Direct Debit

Available from: Release 201903

This feature explains how TPH provides solution for processing loan DD collection for GBP currency received from DD

UK Fast Payment
Available from: Release 201903

This functionality explains about the processing of UK Faster payments.

BULK Payments
Available from: Release 201903

This functionality explains about the uploading and processing of Bulk Payments.

Temenos Infinity - Payment Initiation

Available from: Release 201903

This functionality explains about the Payment Initiation in Temenos Infinity.

SIC Clearing Directory Upload

Available from: Release 201903

This functionality supports SIX Interbank Clearing to process instant payments in financial institutions that are con-
nected to Swiss RTGS system named SIC.

Direct Debit Processing through BACS Clearing

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality supports processing of direct debit through BACS clearing.

Credit Transfer Processing through BACS Clearing

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality enables processing credit transfers through BACS clearing.

Berlin Group - Payment Initiation

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality supports T24 to handle the payment initiation API request for Berlin Group.

Processing of SIC Payments

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality supports processing of Swiss Interbank Clearing RTGS payments.

Receive granular error information for posting restriction and product restriction
Available from: Release 201904

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 62 of 85

This functionality has the ability to provide granular level reasons in case of failure in account validation and mandate

CHAPS Payments
Available from: Release 201904

This functionality enables payments by:

l Clearing Nostro for a single incoming payment determined based on the addressed Sort Code of
the (subsidiary) bank (Creditor’s bank in the payment) as an additional criteria in addition to the
Clearing ID.
l Creating a new Payment Order (POA) screen version based on the DOMESTIC POA screen for
entering CHAPS payments.

UKFPS - Process Payment Reversal

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality supports Temenos Payments Hub for UK Faster Payments to process payment reversal and scheme

BULK Agreements
Available from: Release 201904

This functionality supports the additional requirements in bulk agreements payments.

Open Bank - Change in Insufficient Balance Behaviour

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality enables payment to be cancelled, rejected, or returned due to failure in balance, account restriction
or transaction stop checks.

Money Transfer in Exotic Currency

Available from: Release 201904

All payment transfer is either received through paper based or other channels. If you are determined to execute it as
an exotic currency (which is not in the bank book), credit a specific Nostro account (USD or EUR based on debit cur-

Cheque and Draft Issue Management

Communication with Issuer for Returned Cheques and Drafts
Available from: Release 201810

This functionality describes how Temenos Core Banking captures the cheques and drafts returns and triggers a noti-
fication to the drawer customer. It is used when the cheque or local draft is presented over the counter and the bank
user decides that it should be returned and can also be used by TPH when the cheques or local drafts are presented
through local clearing and the decision is to return.

Received MT112 for FCY Drafts

Available from: Release 201901

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 63 of 85

This functionality describes how the MT112 SWIFT message (Status of a Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque) is
received from the drawee bank and is processed by the system.

The MT112 is sent by the drawee bank to the drawer bank, in response to a previous MT111 or to sim-
ilar requests sent through other channels. In the SWIFT MT112 message the drawee bank indicates the
actions that are taken while attempting to stop the payment of the cheque indicated in the message.
The processing of incoming an SWIFT MT112 message involves receiving the MT112 message, storing
the MT112 message and enquiring the MT112 message.

FCY Drafts Processing as Drawee Bank

Available from: Release 201902

This functionality describes the processing of an FCY Draft that takes place from the perspective of the Drawee Bank,
when a SWIFT MT110 message (Advice of Cheques) is received from the Drawer bank.
The Drawer Bank advises the Drawee Bank when they issue a foreign currency draft on their Nostro account main-
tained with the Drawee Bank, by sending the MT110 message.

After the Drawer Bank issues the draft, a need can arise to ask the Drawee Bank to stop the payment
of the draft/cheque, for example, in the case of customer request or due to operational exceptions. In
such cases the Drawer bank sends an MT111 message (Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque), to
request the drawee bank to stop the payment of the cheque referred in the message.
The Drawee Bank sends an MT112 message to the drawer bank (MT112 – Status of a Request for Stop
Payment of a Cheque), to indicate the actions taken in attempting to stop payment of the cheque
referred to in the message.
When the draft is presented for payment, the Drawee Bank checks if the Drawer Bank has previously
advised this and raises a warning if no advice is received. Depending on the procedures of the Drawee
Bank , they send a request to the Drawer Bank to ask for confirmation of the status draft.

Direct Debit
Mandate creation from PAIN.008
Available from: Release 201808

The Direct Debit Management functionality is now enhanced to validate, amend, cancel or create a mandate (if
required), when a Direct Debit is received for both Incoming and Book direct payments.

Send Contract based DD Collection to TPH

Available from: Release 201902

The development links the Direct Debit module with TPH for own DD collections processing. The DD module sends the
DD collections initiated for loan repayments and deposit payments to TPH. TPH then covers the execution and notifies
the DD module when a Direct Debit is rejected or returned or refunded. The DD module processes the rejects and the
unpaid is reflected on the loan or deposit.

Reachability Check and type determination based on Payment Clearing Directory

Available from: Release 201903

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 64 of 85

This functionality describes the Reachability Check process for the Debtor Bank when a Direct Debit mandate is cap-
tured or amended in the system.

According to different clearing rules (as this is not applicable for all clearings), the bank that initiates a
Direct Debit Collection (Creditor Bank) must advise the new and cancelled Direct Debit mandate to the
debtor banks. If the Receiving Bank (Debtor Bank) accepts electronic Direct Debit mandates the Ori-
ginator Bank can advise them via a mandate file that is sent.

Send combined DD Collections to Payment

Available from: Release 201903

The payment schedule of a loan can have one or multiple payment types, for example, a constant pay-
ment type can be used when the repayments have the same amount, a different payment type can be
used for a scheduled fee.
When the settlement of these payment types is done through direct debit, the AA framework gen-
erates a DD collection for each payment type, irrespective if the Bill is combined or not. This func-
tionality provides a parameterisation option based on which the DD module combines the new DD
collections created for the same DD mandate, having the same value date, and sends a single DD col-
lection to TPH or the external Payment System.
The rejects or returns received for the combined DD collections are handled by the DD module, which
creates returns for each individual DD collections included in the combined item.

History of consecutive failed Direct Debit Collections

Available from: Release 201904

This functionality describes the Automated Direct Debit Mandates Cancelation process from the perspective of the
Debtor Bank, where the Direct Debit Mandate is automatically cancelled by the system in case the inward DD collection
fails a consecutive number of times because of insufficient funds on the customer’s account.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 65 of 85

Private Wealth
Securities Trading
Initial Public Offering
Available from: Release 201806

In T24, the Securities module is available to handle IPO subscription and allocation process.

Swift Message Improvements

Available from: Release 201806

In T24, the Securities module can now support ISO15022 MT swift messages for fund switch transactions. Further, for
inter-fund switch orders, system can be parameterised to ensure that settlement of redemption orders is aligned to the
settlement of subscription orders.

Reinvesting Mutual Fund Dividends

Available from: Release 201806

The Securities module in T24 now supports the various types of funds offered by the fund house like Growth and

Buy and Sell of Rights in interim Trading period

Available from: Release 201806

The Securities module in T24 is enhanced to handle automatic creation of the trade when a user buys/ sells rights in
cases where the event terms include the option to sell or buy during the interim trading period. Also, payment on exer-
cising the rights/ Over-subscription and handling refunds in case of partial or no allotment can also be handled in the
securities module.

SC- Extended cut-off time for Order Grouping

Available from: Release 201807

You can now define an extended cut-off time, where automatic grouping of orders is parameterised. Any order
received after the cut-off time but before the extended cut-off time would be ‘transmitted’ instantly without waiting for
the next cut-off cycle to be grouped.

Advisory Fees
Available from: Release 201808

The Securities module in Temenos Core Banking is enhanced to handle the Advisory fee based on number of trans-
actions during the period and to calculate the fee based on that structure.

Private Equity funds

Available from: Release 201808

The Securities module in Temenos Core Banking is enhanced to handle Private Equity investment. The system now sup-
ports the various events involved in the lifecycle of the PE investment from Initial Commitment to Maturity.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 66 of 85

Cooling off period for funds
Available from: Release 201809

The Securities module in Temenos Core Banking is enhanced to handle Private Equity investment. The system now sup-
ports the various events involved in the lifecycle of the PE investment from Initial Commitment to Maturity.

SEC TRADE creation and transfers based on incoming MT540-3

Available from: Release 201809

You can now create Securities Trades based on incoming MT 541/543 and Securities Transfers based on the incoming
MT 540-542

Applying Withholding Tax

Available from: Release 201811

You can now use the Securities module to specify taxable and non-taxable components of an income. This helps you to
apply the withholding tax on the eligible component of an income.

MT548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice

Available from: Release 201812

The securities module in T24 is enhanced to handle MT 548 - “Settlement Status and Processing Advice”- messages for
monitoring and management of settlement of all types of securities transactions.

MiFID Client Classification

Available from: Release 201901

The Securities module in T24 is enhanced to record the MiFID data in a core table enabling the system
to capture Client Classifications as per MiFID II requirements.

Diary Creation based on MT564

Available from: Release 201901

The Securities module in T24 now controls the automatic update of changes from SC.PRE.DIARY to
DIARY through MT 564 (Function=REPL/ADDB) based on a parameter set up.

Customer Dormancy
Available from: Release 201901

The Securities module in T24 is enhanced to mark the portfolio ‘dormant’ if there is no customer ini-
tiated activity in the portfolio for a configured period of time.

Generate Swift for Internal Asset Transfer

The Securities module in T24 is enhanced to map the reason for change in ownership in the swift mes-

Settlement Allegement
The Securities module in T24 is enhanced to handle incoming MT578, settlement allegement message
from custodian and record relevant details and to create a transfer record if the allegement is valid.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 67 of 85

Direct Charges to Broker
The trade consideration (gross amount plus all the charges/taxes) is split into amount due to custodian
and the amount due directly to brokers. The charges due to the broker, are paid directly to the broker
and the balance amount is paid/received from the custodian.

Safekeeping Fees
The securities module in T24 is enhanced to store the daily fee estimate for safekeeping fees. The
estimate is done at an instrument level taking into account the minimum and maximum fees specified

Stamp Tax For Different Customer Groups

Stamp tax can be charged on certain parties for a transaction while certain clients or counterparties
can be totally exempt from paying the same. The exemption can be based on nationality or based on
any other attribute.
It is possible to set Stamp tax differently for different groups of customers..

Stamp Duty and Multiple Charges
Available from: Release 201812

The Derivatives module in T24 is enhanced to handle multiple charges and taxes using a flexible framework.

MT527 Generation for Triparty Repos
The Securities module in T24 now supports the generation of MT527 and the processing associated
with triparty Repos and reverse Repos.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 68 of 85

Process Orchestration

Process Workflow (PW) Versioning

Available from: Release 201807

You can now use versioning to support most long running process including Origination. This functionality lists the
changes to be done in PW to support the same.

Process Workflow (PW) Designer

Available from: NA

The objective of PWD Designer in Design Studio is to provide a visual, easy to use graphical designer to construct

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 69 of 85

Regulation and Compliance

Common Reporting Standards

CRS - Country Specific Features
Available from: Release 201811

The existing CRS module now supports features like Country specific data or XML schema customizations, Bulked CRS
XML output, Reporting of closed accounts, Provision to customize CRS address data, CUSTOMER.RELATIONSHIP links
for balance aggregation and AA Customer roles for balance aggregation.

Consent Management
Enhanced Consent Management
Available from: Release 201901

This development is an amendment to the existing CK (Consent Management) module and is an overall update of the
Consent Management functionality.

Customer Data Protection

Include History Flag in SAR
Available from: Release 201810

The new functionality is an amendment to the Customer Data Protection (CZ) module. It provides the ability to include
historic versions of information within a Subject Access Request (SAR) or Data Portability output.

New Fields in Data Definition

Available from: Release 201901

This development is an amendment to the Customer Data Protection module and introduces a new set of fields within
the data definition to provide a mechanism to hold Temenos provided ‘FEATURE’ fields that are likely to contain per-
sonal data.

Review of ECL Calculations
Available from: Release 201810

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 70 of 85

This functionality is part of the existing I9 module and deals with changes in the current ECL calculations to fix stage 2 &
stage 3 ECL calculations, Inclusion of Past Due amounts for stage 1 & stage 2 ECL calculations and the Removal of ECL
calculations on FVPL contracts.

Probability of Default (PD) and Loss Given Default (LGD) at appropriate levels
Available from: Release 201811

The I9 module now provides with the flexibility of accommodating PD and LGD values at Contract, Customer and
Product levels. The system defines the order of priority that is used while calculating the Expected Credit Loss.

Undrawn Commitment for Loans

Available from: Release 201902

This development is part of the existing I9 module and deals with the Expected Credit Loss(ECL) calculations on
Undrawn Commitment for loans.

Impairment on Trade Bills

Available from: Release 201902

This development is part of the existing I9 module and deals with the Impairment on Discounted Trade Bills along with
the classification and measurement.

ECL on Commitment for Overdraft & Credit Cards

Available from: Release 201903

This development is part of the existing I9 module and deals with the ECL calculations on Commitment for Overdrafts &
Credit Cards.

Legal Entity Identifier

Using Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) under the EU Financial Regulation
Available from: Release 201812

Earlier, it was impossible to identify the transaction details of individual corporations, identify the counterpart of fin-
ancial transactions and calculate the total risk amount. So the LEI system was developed to fully track the financial
transactions in different national jurisdictions and identify organisations uniquely.

Payment Services Directive

PSD2 - Open Banking Directory Interface
Available from: Release 201811

Two new applications are being introduced under PSD2 – Open Banking Directory Interface and they are as follows

l An application to record Open Banking entity and to record details of the legal status of the
Open Banking external party

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 71 of 85

l A table to manage centralised data for National Competent Authorities for regulating Third
Party Providers and Credit Institutions

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 72 of 85

Retail Banking
Arrangement Architecture - Core
Relative Periodic Period
Available from: Release 201805

Financial institutions are now able to define periodic period relatively based on maturity, renewal or reset period. In
addition, Initial Interest Reset Date can also be defined.

Additional Validations for Payee Instructions - BENEFICIARY

Available from: Release 201806

New validations are added to Payees instructions to notify user and customer the impact of changing or cancelling an
existing Payee’s.

Arrangement Level Inheritance

Available from: Release 201806

It is now possible to have the system default the values of an Arrangement (Target) condition from another Arrange-
ment (Source) instead of from the Product condition.
All attributes of the condition would be defaulted from the designated Source arrangement.

Multiple Constraints
Available from: Release 201806

Multiple Constraints is the ability to define backdating rules for AA activities based on multiple defined constraint types,
including the new financial year-end constraint type in conjunction with the previous constraint types.

Delayed Tracking of Fee Change on Existing Arrangements

Available from: Release 201808

A feature is now available in Product Designer to delay (by a defined number of days) the effect of change in the track-
ing product condition for charge or pricing rules.

Restrictions for back-dating activities

Available from: Release 201808

Constraint functionality is enhanced with the additional features such as defining restrictions on the basis of action
(such as new transaction or reversal of existing authorised transaction) and excluding an activity from the constraint
evaluation itself.

AA Account Closure via Payment Order

Available from: Release 201808

AA Account Closure process is enhanced by adding ‘Settlement by Payment Order’ as one of the Closure Method

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 73 of 85

Combined Statements
Available from: Release 201808

Statements of more than one account can be combined and produced as a consolidated output. It follows a concept of a
Lead Account and Participant Accounts which follow the frequency of the Lead Account.

Additional Options in Statement Processing

Available from: Release 201808

New features in Statement setup and Processing have been introduced:

l Additional Option for No Activity Indicator (No, if "0" balance)
l Multiple unique Statement Dates (Multiple Special Statement)
l Statement Type as an AA Product Condition
l Optional Statement Add-Ons such APY, Balance Summary etc.

Channel Availability
Available from: Release 201809

AA is now enhanced to define product availability by channel.

Adjustments in Interest Rate

Available from: Release 201810

Adjustment of Interest Rate at Arrangement level with quoting a reason is now possible. It is also possible to override
the original Interest rate with a new Interest rate quoting a reason.

Overdue Bills Ageing based on Calendar Period

Available from: Release 201810

Ageing of Overdue bills is now possible based on calendar period.

Customer Preferences for Advices and Alerts

Available from: Release 201810

l Classifying advices based on Role

o It is now possible to specify which Advice is relevant for what type of Role in that Arrangement
l Provisions and Restrictions based on role for Alert subscription
o Restrict the alert that can be subscribed by the Customer, based on their Role in that Arrangement
o Allow multiple Owners of an Arrangement to subscribe to different alerts on that Arrangement
o Clear the subscriptions when the Product of the arrangement is changed
o Add more Events to the Product and these would be available for existing Arrangements
l Delivery preferences based on Role

Adjustments in Charges and Storing Details of Adjusted Charges

Available from: Release 201811

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 74 of 85

It is possible to adjust, override or waive charges at Arrangement level for a specific period and give a reason. The
details of the discounts given with the reason are stored in AA Charge Details.

Invoicing failed Charge Capitalisation

Available from: Release 201811

During Charge Capitalisation, if Account has insufficient funds to capitalise the charge, the pending amount is invoiced
to the customer. It is possible to retry the pending capitalisation using Transaction Cycler setup.

Compounding Interest on Banded Interest Rate

Available from: Release 201812

It is now possible to apply compounded interest for banded rate tier type based on weighted rate method.

Overdue Processing for Overdraft Accounts

Available from: Release 201812

It is now possible to place a posting restriction on Accounts with overdraft and send chaser notice to customer by suit-
able configuration.

Customer Dormancy Status Auto Reset

Available from: Release 201902

Users can now auto reset the dormancy status of an Accounts by triggering a qualified activity.

Archival of Simulation Records

Available from: Release 201902

The ability of the system to archive outdated simulation records based on the parameter set up.

Multi Arrangement option in Periodic Attribute

Available from: Release 201903

User exit routine can be defined (optional feature) in Periodic Attribute to return the list of arrange-
ments for Pricing Rule assessment.

Auto Creation of Balance Types

Available from: Release 201904

Auto creation of AC.BALANCE.TYPE records at the time of creating a product group or rebuilding a
product Group.

Inclusion of New Properties on Existing Arrangements

Available from: Release 201904

System allows newly included properties to an existing Product to update the live Arrangements of the

Calculation of TAEG For External Fees

Available from: Release 201904

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 75 of 85

Automatic (re)calculation of APR by the system based on cash flow Activities.

AA Handoff to Customer Dormancy

Available from: Release 201904

Hand off the qualified AA activities to Customer Dormancy Monitor. The qualified activities (user and
system) defines or resets the Dormancy status for an AA Arrangement

Product Qualifier Rules in Activity Restriction

Available from: Release 201904

Product Qualifier rules are rules aimed at assessing the state of an arrangement against the pre-
requisites of the Product and could result in another activity being triggered on the same arrangement
(such as Change Product or Close Arrangement).

Retention of AZ account numbers for AD Arrangements
Available from: Release 201904

The feature supports retaining the Account Number of the AZ Deposits after migration and take over
by AD Arrangement

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 76 of 85

External Products
External Accounts with Multiple Balance Types
Available from: Release 201903

• Bank users can now define their own balance types for external accounts.
• Users can perform a Balance Update activity or use FT application to update the user defined bal-
ance stored in the External Account.

Retail Accounts
Reverse and Replay on AR Products
Available from: Release 201808

The standard AA Online Reverse and Replay functionality has now been suppressed for AR Products.
l Reverse and Replay as a result of qualifying back dated Transactions/Activities would now be triggered during
the following COB (in the EOD cycle)
o Whenever a backdated activity take place, the system supresses the online reverse and replay pro-
o System records the value date of the earliest backdated transactions
o During the COB the Reverse and Replay of all activities and outcomes are processed
As an extension a new adjustment has been introduced which would result in only the delta amount being posted
instead of the full amounts being reversed and rebooked.

Statements for Multiple Owners

Available from: Release 201812

Banks can send Account Statement to multiple owners of the same Account based on customer preferences.

Handling Non-Sufficient Funds Processing

Available from: Release 201901

Handling transactions, posted to Accounts with Non Sufficient funds, is configurable. Exception handling is configurable
and charges are applied based on decision made for the transaction, say Accept or Reject.

Interest Calculation on Limit Utilisation

Available from: Release 201901

It is now possible to apply Interest on the utilized and unutilised portion of the limit using Arrangement Accounts.
Tier Calculation of Interest is possible in Level and Band for both Tier Amounts and Tier Percentage.

Suspension of Income Recognition for Overdraft Accounts

Available from: Release 201902

The ability to suspend the income recognition of an Overdraft Account that is in overdue status for a predefined number
of days.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 77 of 85

Upgrading AC account to AR account
Available from: Release 201904

Upgrading client can move their AC Accounts into the AA ecosystem along with retaining the AC account number during
takeover of an AR Arrangement.

Retail Bundle
Bundle Only and Bundle Fees
Available from: Release 201901

A Product that can only be offered as part of a Bundle can be flagged as “Bundle Only” at the Product designer level.
Any activity/transaction on an Arrangement created under such a Product would result in an Override being raised until
the Arrangement is attached to a Bundle.

Product Qualifiers in Bundles

Available from: Release 201904

Bundle constitution rules can be based on the Product Qualifier Rules

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 78 of 85

Retail Lending
Loan Cooling period in Closure Property Class
Available from: Release 201902

Closure Property Class can be used to indicate the cooling period that allows pre-closure of a loan during its cooling
period by waiving or retaining the assessed Charges and Interest based set up.

Fixed Equal Payments

Available from: Release 201807

Customers can agree for a fixed repayment amount as loan instalments to be paid on regular intervals. In such repay-
ments, certain component(s) (such as Interest and Charges) can be agreed, with the customer, to be invoiced fully.

Replenishment of the Available Holiday Limit during Excess Payment

Available from: Release 201904

The available holiday limit is replenished by the system whenever an excess payment is made in the

Preferential Pricing
Customer Relationship Pricing
Available from: Release 201810

System is now enhanced to store related arrangements of a Customer, for Relationship Pricing purposes. There are
Rules defined for adding related arrangements of a Customer.
The Customer property class is enhanced with new fields to maintain all Accounts of related Customers.

Channel Pricing
Available from: Release 201901

Banks can provide discounts or premiums on Interest and Charges for an arrangement, opened on a specific channel,
with flexibility.

Enhanced Relationship Pricing (Household Pricing)

Available from: Release 201901

Customer Relationship Pricing determines special pricing for Arrangements based on the factors such as aggregate bal-
ance, products owned or services subscribed by the house hold members.

Regional Pricing and Availability

Available from: Release 201901

l Regional Pricing offers special pricing policies based on the customer's location.
l Regional Availability restricts or enables availability of the Product in a specific location.
l Product availability can be based on the Line of Business such as Retail and Corporate.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 79 of 85

Package Pricing
Available from: Release 201901

It is now possible to bundle products and services for Pricing purpose.

Product Bundling allows banks to offer special pricing based on the products and services bought by the customer
(together or individually).

Property Control
Available from: Release 201901

The PROPERTY.CONTROL Property Class is used to suppress, replace, or merge the default Product Condition at the
arrangement level.

Pricing Rules Framework

Available from: Release 201901

Pricing framework is now enhanced to evaluate pricing benefits to be given at assessment, accrual or after assessment
of the Interest or Charge. Benefits can either be itemised in required order (stacked) or restricted based on program
limits allowed.

Raise Event or Alert on Rule Failure

Available from: Release 201902

The results of the rules run by the bank can now be stored separately and can be shared with the
bank’s customer or relationship manager. For example, ‘Minimum Balance’ rule applied on savings
account of customer.

Multi Arrangement Filtered by Product

Available from: Release 201903

It is possible to apply the pricing program rule on the preferred products.

Pricing Rules – Interest on Assessment

Available from: Release 201904

It is now possible to set up Pricing Rule benefits for Interest Property On assessment option of Interest

Safe Deposit Box

SDB Inventory Maintenance at Branch Level
Available from: Release 201807

The Safe Deposit Box (SDB) module now supports to:

l Maintain Safe Deposit Box inventory at branch level
l Enquire Box availability by branch
l Record the reason for activation/deactivation of a Box

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 80 of 85

l Change the Box type of an existing Box record
l Change the branch of an existing Box record (if available at new branch)

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 81 of 85

Non-Deliverable Forward
Margins in NDF
Available from: Release 201806

Marketing exchange profit/loss can be calculated for the ND deals which are done with non-treasury customers.

Interest Rate Swaps

Product Category for Hedge Contracts
Available from: Release 201811

A separate field has been introduced on SWAP.TYPE file to default category values for the Swap Type, if the trade type
is Hedge.

OC Clearing
Support for LEI/NCI Management
Available from: Release 201812

The OC (OTC Clearing) module now supports the overall T24 solution for LEI/NCI Management and transaction con-
This functionality supports the overall framework changes that are done by Banking Framework for LEI/NCI Man-
agement and transaction control.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 82 of 85

Treasury Front Office
User Definable Dashboard Widgets
Available from: Release 201805

You can now create your own customised dashboard widget from the Blotter.

Money Market Dashboard Widgets

Available from: Release 201805

The Dashboard of Treasury Front Office now comes with default widgets for Money Market trades.

FRA Dashboard Widgets

Available from: Release 201807

Treasury Front Office Dashboard now comes with default widgets for Forward Rate Agreement trades.

Swap Dashboard Widgets

Available from: Release 201808

Treasury Front Office Dashboard now comes with default widgets for Swap deals.

Securities Dashboard Widgets

Available from: Release 201810

Treasury Front Office Dashboard now comes with default widgets for Securities trades.

REPO Dashboard Widgets

Available from: Release 201902

Treasury Front Office Dashboard now comes with pre-configured default widgets for REPO trades.

Order and Deal Capture Management

Money Market Deal Capture
Available from: Release 201805

You can now capture Money Market contracts in Treasury Front Office.

Non-Deliverable Forward Client Margin Trades

Available from: Release 201807

You can now capture margins on NDF trades done with non-treasury customers.

FRA Deal Capture

Available from: Release 201808

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 83 of 85

You can now capture FRA deals in Treasury Front Office.

IRS Deal Capture

Available from: Release 201811

You can now capture IRS deals in Treasury Front Office.

Treasury Exception Workflow Management

Available from: Release 201812

The Treasury exception workflow management functionality allows you to define customised exceptions workflows for
any event during deal capture.
The inbuilt exception management system raises exceptions to user-definable business rules and changes the trade
processing workflow for better risk management. For example, a trade entered by a junior dealer breaches the trans-
action size; in such an event, the trade moves to a senior dealers queue for authorisation before moving to the back
office for further trade processing.

Securities Deal Capture

Available from: Release 201901

You can now capture Bond and Equity trades in Treasury Front Office.

Position Management and Profitability

Cash Flow Position
Available from: Release 201806

The Cashflow Position view displays the currency-wise cash inflows and outflows across user-configurable time buck-

Interest Rate Gap

Available from: Release 201806

The interest rate gap position view gives user a snapshot of the amounts placed and the amounts taken, and at what
average rate, causing gap in currencies across user-configurable time buckets.

Nostro Summary View

Available from: Release 201808

The Nostro Summary view in TFO offers a currency wise consolidation of Nostro Accounts Balance for T+5 days.

FX Overall Position View

Available from: Release 201808

The Overall Position view in TFO offers currency wise forex position with the breakdown of the position by Asset Liab-
ility, Spot, Forward and Net Position.

Swap Revaluation
Available from: Release 201812

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 84 of 85

You can now view the revaluation position of your Swap trades. Treasury Front Office Swap Revaluation screen dis-
plays the revaluation position of Interest Rate Swap (IRS) and Currency Interest Rate Swap (CIRS) deals in separate

Security Position
Available from: Release 201902

User can now view the position of all the own book security trades. Treasury Front Office Security Pos-
ition screen displays the consolidated position of a security across all the own book portfolios.

Treasury Foundation
Keyboard Shortcuts
Available from: Release 201805

Users can now quickly access any screen with customisable keyboard shortcuts.

Trade Blotter
MM Events to Date
Available from: Release 201806

MM Events to date displays snapshot of all trade events that the MM contract undergoes such as contract initiation,
amendments, contract maturity and rollovers.

What's New in R19 AMR - Page 85 of 85

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