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WIN CUET Psychology 03

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 1

Which of the following personality types is described as having relaxed, sociable, tolerant, peaceful?

A) Ectomorph B) Endomorph C) Mesomorph D) NOTA

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 2

Which ancient Indian text classifies people into the categories of vata, pitta and kapha

A) Sangam Literature B) Arthshashtra C) Charak Samhita D) Harshacharita

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 3

The ego is the ______ part of the personality

A) Unconscious B) Conscious C) Subconscious D) Supraconscious

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 4

____________ works to reduce anxiety by thinking about events in a cold, clinical way.

A) Displacement B) Denial C) Sublimation D) Intellectualization

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 5

As per psychosexual theory, _______ is a stage of little or no sexual motivation.

A) Latent B) Phallic C) Anal D) Oral

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 6

A method for uncovering unconscious motives is:

A) Case studies B) Questionnaires C) Projective Techniques D) Inventory

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 7

__________ are highly generalized dispositions. They indicate the goal around which a person’s entire life seems to revolve.

A) Cardinal traits B) Primary Traits C) Central Traits D) Secondary Traits

WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 8

According to Freud, the ____________ is a reservoir of instinctive or animal drives.

A) Conscious B) Preconscious C) Subconscious D) Unconscious

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 9

________ challenged to S. Freud’s treatment of women as inferior

A) Anna Freud B) Karen Horney C) Carl Jung D) NOTA

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 10

The concept of ideal self is proposed by

A) All port B) Carl Rogers C) Maslow D) Eysenck

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 11

The theory of hierarchy of needs is propounded by 

A) Maslow B) Rogers C) Eysenck D) Cattell

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 12

MMPI inventory is given by

A) Morgan and Murray B) Hathaway and McKinley C) A. Maslow D) S. Freud

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 13

Which of the following mental abilities includes an upper-density environment?

A) Crowding tolerance behavior B) Providing individual space C) Maintaining social disadvantages

D) Unsocial behavior

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 14

Which of the following powers deals with dominating other people and bulling them without any provocation?

A) Social understanding and mutual understanding  B) Tolerance behavior in competition C) Instrumental aggression
D) Social aggression and unhealthy relationships with others
WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 15

Which of the following specific perspectives deals with the different aspects of environmental elements are respected or valued
by social perspectives?

A) Individual perspectives B) Environmental perspectives C) Minimalist point of view  D) Spiritual perspectives

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 16

Which mental state of individual deals with the strong relationship between mind and body with the brain?

A) Pingel gland B) Hypothalamus C) Pituitary grand D) Thyroid gland

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 17

Which of the following method is mostly applied for detecting the projective process?

A) Characteristic assessment method B) Rorschach and Thematic Apperception test method

C) 16 personality test method D) Inventory test method

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 18

Which of the following psychological approach is referred to here to focus on the motives, impulses, and mental processes of a
human being?

A) Psychological dynamic approach B) Psychological approach of trait or type

C) Mental behavioral approaches for learning D) All of these

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 19

What is the royal path of the unconscious state of mind according to Freud's description?

A) Personal identity B) Sexual discrimination C) Individual aggression D) Dreams

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 20

Which of the following the potential state is referred to here that includes the reaction and experiencing gathering process of a
human being?

A) Collective state of the unconscious mind B) Archetypes' mental state  C) Individual unconscious mental state
D) Complex mental state
WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 21

Which of the following human body part is referred to here that are soft, flat, and round?

A) Endomorphs condition B) Mesomorphs condition C) Collective state of the unconscious mind

D) the unconscious state of mind 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 22

Which of the following physiological theory is referred to here that includes individual goals and inferiority physiological

A) Personal Psychological theory B) Pro-social Psychological theory C) Five-stage Psychological theory

D) Analytical theory for Psychology

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 23

Which of the following physiological idea is approached by Carl Rogers?

A) Complete functioning person B) Personal socialization C) Adaptation power development

D) Individual self-actualization power development

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 24

Which of the following psychological theory referred to individual sensitive period improvement?

A) Personal Psychological theory B) Pro-social Psychological theory C) Five-stage Psychological theory

D) Individual ethological theory

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 25

What is the first step of psychological disorder treatment?

A) Considering influential rehabilitation B) To provide material relief C) Providing psychiatric help
D) Providing proper counseling

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 26

Which of the following components are involved in the concept and understanding of environmental design? 

A) Human participation, attention, and environmental stress B) Non-cognitive maps and stress-less environment
C) Non-preferable environments and non-cognitive maps D) Less participation and attention of human beings
WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 27

Which psychological features are integrally connected to environmental design?

A) Creativity and uniqueness of the human mind B) Behavioral attributes C) Mental stability
D) The interest in the environment

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 28

What are the main four features of environmental psychology?

A) Disciplinary approach, effective interaction within the human

B) An exact focus on the interaction between humans and the environment, method’s diversity, applicable focus, and
interdisciplinary approach
C) Disciplinary approach analysis of the surrounding environment
D) Evaluation of environmental attributes, psychological concerns

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 29

What can be the main cause of aggression?

A) Biological disorder B) Inborn tendency, child-rearing process, and different psychological mechanisms
C) Mental pressure D) Depression for a long time

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 30

What is the term associated with a situation in which a person found himself losing something valuable or another situation in
which he is not getting the chance to achieve something?

A) Disadvantaging situation B) Mental state of deprivation C) The state of poverty D) The sense of discrimination

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 31

Which of the following life skills are required for a successful life?

A) Knowledge of creativity and uniqueness B) An effective process of leading an everyday life
C) Sense of knowledge acquisition D) None of the above

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 32

Who introduced the concept of the poverty cycle?

A) Ruby K. Payne B) Leon Festinger C) Sigmund Freud D) Albert Bandura

WIN CUET Psychology 03
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Question No. : 33

What are the two main types of aggression?

A) Intentional and behavioral aggression B) Hostile and instrumental aggression C) Targeted and violent aggression
D) Mental and psychological aggression

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 34

Who introduced the concept of catharsis?

A) Plato B) Aristotle C) Galileo D) Archimedes

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 35

What are the mental reflection proceeds?

A) Hypothalamus B) Pituitary gland C) Spinal cord D) All of these

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 36

What is called the increasing skills of muscle application in the psychological state?

A) Maturation level B) Learning stage of life C) Pushing by the guardians D) An exercise opportunity

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 37

What are the initial two weeks of a human being is called?

A) Infancy period B) Early childhood level  C) Stage of preoperational D) Period of neonatal

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 38

Which of the following psychological therapy approach referred to here for developing job satisfaction level?

A) Challenging environment rather than overwhelming B) Overwhelming and accomplishing

C) Accomplishing and motivating D) Greatly accomplishing

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 39

Which of the following psychological level referred to the mental retardation of an individual?

A) Mental inherited traits B) Social and environmental factors C) Inorganic psychological level
D) Alcoholic syndrome of an individual
WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 40

According to psychology what stages are involved with GAS?

A) Reaction with alarm B) Resistance C) Exhaustion D) All of the mentioned options

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 41

What is the behavioral reaction to stress that is virtual?

A) The reaction is called inexhaustible B) The reaction is called limitless C) The reaction is called boundless
D) The reaction can be null

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 42

Which person can be experienced hassles in their daily life?

A) An older person who stayed at home B) A child C) A housewife who stayed at home
D) None of the mentioned option

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 43

What is the ability to deal mentally prepare with a congested environment?

A) The ability is referred to as crowding tolerance B) The ability is referred to as a social disadvantage
C) The ability is referred to as space D) The ability is referred to as bad behavior

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 44

Which situation is referred to force others to compete based on resources?

A) Crowding B) Competition C) Tolerance related to crowding D) Tolerance related to competiti

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 45

What is the ability to negotiate in a crowdy environment?

A) The situation is referred to as social disadvantage B) The situation is referred to as crowding tolerance
C) The situation is referred to as mob behavior D) The situation is referred to as personal space

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 46

What is referred to as distance that is maintained while talking with someone close?

A) Social distance B) Personal distance C) Crowding D) None of the mentioned options are correct
WIN CUET Psychology 03
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Question No. : 47

Which situation is referred to a student is misbehaving with a newcomer?

A) Aggression B) Violence C) Hostel aggression D) Instrumental aggression

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 48

What states are linked with emotional and psychological exhaustion?

A) Physical B) Emotional C) Stress D) Coping

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 49

Who among the below is associated to frustration-aggression theory

A) John Dollard B) Bruner C) Erikson D) Kohlberg

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 50

The least generalized characteristics of a person are called

A) Primary Traits B) Central Traits C) Secondary Traits D) Cardinal traits

QNo:-  1  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  2  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  3  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  4  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  5  ,Correct Answer:-  A

WIN CUET Psychology 03

QNo:-  6  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  7  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  8  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  9  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  10  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  11  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  12  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  13  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  14  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  15  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  16  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  17  ,Correct Answer:-  B

WIN CUET Psychology 03

QNo:-  18  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  19  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  20  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  21  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  22  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  23  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  24  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  25  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  26  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  27  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  28  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  29  ,Correct Answer:-  B

WIN CUET Psychology 03

QNo:-  30  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  31  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  32  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  33  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  34  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  35  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  36  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  37  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  38  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  39  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  40  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  41  ,Correct Answer:-  B

WIN CUET Psychology 03

QNo:-  42  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  43  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  44  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  45  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  46  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  47  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  48  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  49  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  50  ,Correct Answer:-  C


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