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After using these metrics to analyse the success of your email marketing campaigns, you went through the

optimisation techniques for your email marketing strategies.

Some of the optimisation techniques that we discussed in the session were:

1. Identifying the most valuable asset (in the body of the email).

2. Call to actions that should be benefit-driven. For example, ‘Read more’, ‘Click here to learn more’, etc.

3. Email frequency, which refers to the time of the day or the day of the week when you decide to target a
customer with your email by sending across the relevant mail.

4. Follow-up emails that are sent to everyone who didn’t click on your email help to improve the
click-through rate of your website.

5. Content that includes both graphics and text that are educational, instructional, informative,
entertaining, related to the offer, etc.

As a marketer, just measuring the email performance is not enough. There are proper optimisation techniques
that are very useful in optimising the numbers. To start with:

1. For a low email delivery rate

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a. Reason

i. Poor ESP reputation

b. Solution

i. Look at the ESP’s reputation

ii. Avoid using spam words

iii. Clean up your list regularly

iv. Make it easier to unsubscribe

2. For a low open rate

a. Reason

i. Poor subject line

ii. Irrelevant email

b. Solution

i. Write a clear and specific subject line

ii. Segment your email list

3. For a low CTR

a. Reason

i. Subject line is not in line with your email content

ii. Poor CTA

iii. Email is trying to do too many things

b. Solution

i. Avoid luring readers into opening emails through clickbait

ii. Ensure that your CTA stands out, is short, and is action oriented

iii. Make the action of the email clear at the start

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4. For a low conversion rate

a. Reason

i. Email copy is not in line with the offer on the landing page

ii. Bad landing page

b. Solution

i. Set the right expectations in the email copy

ii. Keep just one intended action on the landing page

iii. Keep the content relevant; this strengthens the offer

iv. Communicate your unique selling proposition

5. For a high unsubscription rate

a. Reason

i. Inheriting the existing email list

ii. Rent/purchase an email list from someone

b. Solution

i. Have right email segments to create relevant content

In addition to all the above, you should not bombard the user with a lot of emails, which could lead to
email fatigue. You can only send one email per week to your email list. This number varies from industry to
industry. However, most people do not mind receiving emails every day if the email content is good.

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