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1. What do you know about Scotland?

I know that it is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, with different
culture, food, different landscapes, the Romans were there and there are very
important celebrities.

2. Why do countries conquer other countries?

They do it for territory, to show power, or maybe because those countries don't get

3. What did the Romans contribute to the world?

The main contributions that the Roman Empire left us were: Architecture. The
Romans used in their constructions the arch, the vault and the dome that they
adopted from the Etruscans, which they mixed with the decorative elements of
Greek architecture.

4. What makes a country unique?

In my opinion what makes it unique are things like culture, customs, landscapes
and monuments.

5. Scotland is becoming more ethnically diverse. Why do you think people move to other
I think that it could be a country that is much better than others, but I think that
people prefer to leave because there are more opportunities in other countries or in
other places, there are more employment opportunities or those things.

6. Would you like to visit Scotland? Why / Why not?

If I could go to any place in the world, it would not be Scotland, but if they gave me
the opportunity to visit it, I would, since I would like to know more about his
culture, his architecture, how Scotland works, monuments, new food… in a few
words, would be very interesting for me.

7. Look at the cover of the book. Do you know anything about the things you see in the
Yes, the first thing I already knew about the cover was the Scottish flag, then I also
knew that there were deer in Scotland, I also knew that bagpipes were something
very traditional in Scotland and finally I knew that in Scotland men wear skirts
and It is normal.
8. Read lines 1-8 on page 19. Why is Edinburgh Castle special? List three things.
Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortresses in Europe
Has a long and rich history as a royal residence, military garrison, jail and

9. Read lines 11-16 on page 30. What do they imply about the relationship between the
English and the Scottish people?
What happens is that there is a problem, since Scotland wants to become
independent from the United Kingdom and become a new country

10. Read lines 6-17 on page 34. Why do you think people eat haggis at the Burns Supper?
I think it's to celebrate the day Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet and writer,
was born.

11. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter and you are interviewing Robbie Coltrane.
Write five questions to ask him, and then answer the questions. (100-120 words)
What is your favourite thing to do when acting?

What inspired you to be an actor?

What is the most important lesson you have learned in your life?

How did it feel to play a Harry Potter character?

What was the best thing you did in your entire career?

12. Look for ten words you do not know the meaning of, write a definition in English and
write a sentence using that word.
-Literally: I literally learned the entire maths topic for the exam.
-Useful: Knowing how to add or restore is very useful.
-Schedule: Today we have been given a new schedule for our English class.
-Judging: Today I have seen how they judge the judges.
-Occupied: All parking spaces are occupied by cars and motorcycles.
-Starve: In Italy it is impossible to starve, all the food is very good.
-Suggest: I have suggested to the representative of our class, that she ask about the
exam schedules.
-Intriguing: Our new school tutor is very intigrant.
-Listlessens: My best friend is too listlessens, that's what my classmates say.
-Encourages: Whenever I don't have a good day, my best friend encourages me not
to feel bad.

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