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Activity 1 Follow the Product

The products that we consume and use—foods, clothing, and gadgets—are part of

our way of life. Globalization allows for a worldwide exchange of these commodities and

exposure to different cultures as well.


Divide the class into six groups. Each group will be assigned to any one of the

following products being sold in the Philippines. The group shall choose a specific

foreign brand of the product assigned to them.

a. coffee

d. hamburger

b. sports car

e. wristwatch

c. laptop

f. shoes
I choose shoes

2.List down the main ingredients or raw materials in manufacturing the chosen

product. Identify the corresponding country from which each ingredient or raw material
came from.
, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia are the top producers of rubber around the world.Eva foam is a very
environmentally friendly material used in many shoes. The main producersof Eva Foam are located in
China. EVA stands for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate.


Identify the countries involved in the manufacturing of the chosen product.

Indicate the corresponding service the country does for the product (e.g., Costa Rica -

planting of coffee beans).

1.China (12.6 billion pairs per year) China has led the shoe manufacturing business for manyyears now,
and remains to do so with its 12.6 billion pairs of shoes produced annually today.Its total annual
production is huge compared to the total production of some groups of exporters in other countries. A
large domestic market, minimum wage increases and overtime pay throughout China (which give
domestic consumers more discretionary income), and astronger currency all help in maintaining such a
huge output.2. India (2.1 billion pairs per year) India comes in second, with its annual production of 2.1
billion pairs of shoe wear per year. Its production has increased by 50 percent in recent years.High
quality and low price leather and labor has made such an increase possible. It alsohelped that Indian
excise taxes were lowered to 6 percent recently. Indian shoemakers' major focuses are on men's shoe
wear.3. Brazil (895 million pairs per year) comes in with 895 million pairs of shoes in annual production,
a figure that accounts for both its exports and domestic sales. Its high qualityleather and low wages has
made this possible. The Brazilian shoe industry is also expandingits export market further still.4. Vietnam
(760 million pairs per year) ...5. Indonesia (660 million pairs per year) ...6. Pakistan (295 million pairs per
year) ..

4.Aside from the Philippines, list other countries in which the product is being sold.
.China produces the most shoes out of anywhere in the world, at 12.6 billion pairs of shoes everyyear.

5.Cite the kinds of technology that made the creation of the product " possible. Consider
communications and transportation.
The impacts of information and communications technologies on transport are examined. First,the
wider context of global change is outlined with the growth in the service and knowledge‐ based
economy, the breakdown of trade barriers, and the development of new patterns of travel.

Write one to three statements about the creation of the product. Share your

statement with your groupmates and indicate whether you agree or disagree with their


Activity 2

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you think that the Philippines is harmed as other countries transfer their activities to

us through outsourcing? g?It depends, because it can be yes or no. Yes, because the Philippines become
the suppliers andconsumers. And no, because it helps many Filipinos who are unemployed to get a job.

2. In what ways do international organizations help our country’s economy?

Through these outsourcing.

3. Does the position of rich countries as giants in the economic chain threaten the status of less
developed countries in the global market?
Yes, because these rich countries have a great influence and power in controlling differentaspects of
economy in the global market.

Activity 3

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the impact of global flows on the global South?

Over the past two decades, a fundamental transformation has taken place in the global economy caused
by the impressive economic growth of developing countries like China, India, Brazil, and South Africa.
The economic center of gravity is inexorably moving toward the developing South.
2. Examine the gap between rural and urban areas across the globe. How is that gap
affected by globalization?

The gap between rural and urban areas can be seen in the lower productivity of economic activities,
higher poverty levels and lower quality infrastructure and services in rural areas.

3. What do you think is the impact of urbanization and the rise of global city on the

agricultural sector?
Urbanization and the rise of global cities has a direct and a really serious impact to the agricultural
sector. Though urbanization has a good impact too, such as, it can be a great source of machinery or any
other materials essential to farming, the negative impacts are just too many.

Below are some of the impacts of urbanization on the agricultural sector.

Farmlands was turned into urban lands.

Farmers lost farms to tilt and can result in the loss of the source of income.

A possible food shortage if farmlands are continuously changed to urban lands.


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