Dasakavya and Jeevamirtham

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Ex. No.

Dasagavya, also known as enriched panchagavya, constitutes of ingredients of
panchagavya along with five (in temperate regions) or seven (in tropical regions) other plant
extracts. Dasagavya, is an organic preparation made from ten products in the form of
panchagavya and certain plant extracts. “Gavya” is the term given to cow’s products
comprising of cow dung, cow urine, cow’s milk, curd and ghee, which have miraculous effects
on plant growth when suitably mixed.
The Horticultural research station, Ooty has identified certain plant species for the
temperate regions, viz.,
Artemisia nilagirica,
Leucas aspera,
Lantana camera,
Datura metal and
Phytolacca dulcamera.
These are commonly available weed plants in the district, found abundantly along
roadsides and in wastelands.
The plants recommended for the tropical areas are
Neem (Azadirachta indica),
Erukam (Calotrophis),
Kolingi (Tephrosia purpurea),
Notchi (Vitex negundo),
Umathai (Datura metel),
Katamanaku (Jatropha curcas),
Adathoda(Adathoda vasica) and
Pungam (Pongamia pinnata).
Since management of these can be made best use of in agriculture, as effective agents
against certain pests and diseases.
Method of preparation:
The plant extracts are prepared by separately soaking the foliage in cow urine in 1:1
ratio (1 kg chopped leaves in 1 litre cow urine) for ten days. The filtered extracts of all the
plants are then added @ 1 litre each to 5 litre of the panchagavya solution. The mixture is kept
for 25 days and stirred well, meanwhile, to ensure thorough mixing of panchagavya and the
plant extracts.
Mode of use
The Dasagavya solution is filtered to avoid clogging of sprayer nozzles and is
recommended as foliar spray at 3 % concentration. Soaking of seeds or dipping the roots of
seedlings in 3 % solution of dasagavya for 20 minutes before planting enhances seed
germination and root development.
Weekly sprays during crop growth for all vegetables and plantation crops.
 Increases growth, yield and quality of the crops
 Controls pests like aphids, thrips, mites and other sucking pests
 Controls diseases like leaf spot, leaf blight, powdery mildew, blister blight etc.
Jeevamrutha is a natural liquid fertilizer. It is made by mixing water, dung (in the form
of manure) and urine from cows with some soil from the same area as the manure will be
applied in later. Food is then added to speed the growth of microbes: jaggery or flour can be
Cow’s dung – 10 kg,
Cow’s urine – 10 litres
Jaggery (old) – 2kg,
Flour of gram / pigeon pea/ moong/ cowpea / urad dal – 2 kg,
Live soil – 1 kg
Water – 200 litres
Method of preparation:
 Step 1: Take a barrel and add 10 kg of cow dung and 10 litres of cow’s urine. Mix well
with the help of a wooden stick,
 Step 2: Add 2 kg of old jaggery and 2 kg of flour. Mix this solution well with wooden
 Step 3: Add handful of garden soil and the volume made upto 200 litres.
 Step 4: Keep the drum in shade covering with wet gunny bag and stir the mixture
clockwise thrice a day and incubate. for 2 to 7 days for fermentation
 Used as soil application either by sprinkling or by applying through irrigation water.
 Three applications are needed one before sowing, second after twenty days of sowing
and third after 45 days of sowing.

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