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Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks in Research

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework


Framework serves as an overall guideline of a study to present its findings in a systematic way, by
identifying logical patterns precisely In definite way and by relating the relationships among variables in
meaningful manner. The researchers need to implicitly define and operationalize the concepts.

Frameworks are developed based on specific concepts either by intensive literature review, or by
empirical evidences, where concepts are based on their relevance to a community theme.


Is an analogous to foundation of a house

Acts us a context for examining the problem

Provides theoretical rationale for developing hypotheses

Facilitates in making predictions about the relationships among variables

Serves as references for definitions, for concepts, observation, interpretation to generalizations.

Examples –

Caring can be conceptualized as a moral ideal, an affect, an interaction (More, Solberg, Neander,
Bothorff, Johnson, 1990). The researcher needs to define it clearly and operationalize it based on her
own perception and adoption of the theorist's view.

Conceptual Framework

Concepts in a conceptual framework are assembled by virtue of their relevance to a theme.

It broadly presents the phenomenon of interest and reflect the assumptions and philosophical views of
designer of the model

Conceptual framework provides the conceptual propositions regarding interrelated phenomena, which
are more loosely structured than in theories.

Cannot directly test as theories, but can generate hypotheses to be tested.

Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework

Conceptual/ theoretical framework is essential for placing the findings within existing knowledge base.
A framework is usually determined, constructed after literature review.

If the researcher wishes to use a theory he/she should choose a theory that is appropriate in guiding the
study in describing and explaining the relationship between the study variables.

If the study is based on a theory , the framework is called theoretical framework.

According to Kelrlinger (1986) "a theory Is a set of interrelated constructs (concepts adopted for a
scientific purpose), definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by
specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena".

In choosing an appropriate theory, the researcher must be aware of the available theories. Once theory
Is selected, consult the original or primary sources of the theory to get accurate description of the

Following the selection of theory:

 Develop hypothesis or research question based on propositions of the selected theory.

 Define study variables using theoretical, definition
 Choose/develop instrument that are / congruent with the theory.
 Describe the study findings in light of the theoretical explanation
 Relate study's conclusion to the theory
 Determine support for theory based on study's findings
 Determine implications for nursing
 Make recommendation for future research concerning the designated theory.

A fully developed theoretical framework should reveal:

 the phenomena that are to be studied

 the uniqueness of the problem
 the population and settings on which data o be gathered
 type of research design, instruments, and procedures are to be employed
 methods to be used in data collection and analysis
 nature of contribution that the research will make to the advancement of nursing knowledge

Propositions used in conceptual models are at a higher level of abstraction than in theories i.e. in
theories propositions are more specific with moderate level of abstraction.

Hypotheses are more specific and concrete. As the statements become concrete, they become narrower
in scope.

theories are abstractions of a broad phenomena which are created and invented by the researchers for
knitting together the findings into an orderly manner

Theories consist of concepts and a set of propositions that are logically arranged.

Examples - "Theory of Reinforcement" Behaviors that are reinforced tend to be repeated and learned

Concepts: Reinforcement, learning

Maslow's hierarchy of need theory •

Proposition: if a person's safety needs are not met, safety needs will take precedence over self esteem
need h)
Hypothesis: Patients will be more concerned about receiving correct medication than they are being told
that they are cooperative patients.

Exercise on "Theory of Reinforcement'

Proposition Behaviors that are reinforced tend to be repeated and learned


Criteria for Critiquing the Theoretical Framework

 Is the theoretical framework clearly stated?

 Is the theoretical framework consistent with what is being studied?
 Are the concepts operationally defined?
 Was sufficient literature reviewed to support the proposed relationships.
 Are the proposition clearly stated?
 Are the hypothesis based on theoretical framework?
 Are the study findings related to the theoretical rationale?

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