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Brayden Morgan

Mrs. Litle

English Composition I

12 February 2023

Best friends: Terran

Terran is funny and witty, and I love spending time with him. He could make five hours

together feel like five minutes. Since we are now going to different colleges, we prioritize

playing video games together. A game that we play all the time is Flee the Facility. In this game,

the goal is to escape by hacking computers placed in random rooms around the warehouse.

While you are doing this there is also the “Beast” whose main goal is to knock you out with his

hammer. After doing this, he will place you in a cryo-chamber. Your teammates can free you but

could get caught while trying. Although we may be thousands of miles apart, we are still able to

make time fly by. Before my senior year in high school, I had to move to Texas. It was very hard

for me to make friends so whenever Terran would get the chance he would fly out to visit.

Terran has helped me through hard times in my life; friends come and go, but best friends stick


When I met Terran for the first time, I made a fool of myself. It was the first day of

Seventh grade. I Had just moved to This new school in Elbert Colorado a small town north of

Colorado Springs. Being a small school, all of the middle schoolers had an assembly in the gym

to introduce all the new kids. This day it had decided to rain. So, there I am walking down the

bleachers and of course they are wet from everyone's shoes, I reach the bottom step and both of

my feet shoot out from under me faster than I could process what was happening. Falling in front

of everyone was a very humbling experience. As I sat down, many of the kids were still
laughing. Sitting there with his lime green Minecraft backpack, his jet blue hoodie covering his

curly blond hair. With his pale face, painted with concern for my well-being, he asks If I am ok.

Terran was the only one that asked if I was alright. We sat together in class for that day and the

rest is history.

That day, after school, I had to wait for my brother to get out of practice. Surprisingly,

Terran’s Mom works for the school, so he also stayed late and asked me If I liked playing video

games. Shamefully, I had to tell him that I had never played any video games before. Being from

a rodeo family, I practically lived outside with my horses. I was always outside and never had

time to play video games. He brought me to the school library, where they had an Xbox hooked

up to the big projector. We played a game called Rocket League, in which you play soccer, but

you drive cars to hit the ball. I had an amazing time and eventually bought an Xbox of my own.

Most games have a voice chat feature that allows you to talk to the people you are playing with.

At first, I would never talk to anyone in the game, but the more I played games, the more

comfortable I was talking to people. This helped me find my voice in real life. I am finally

starting to talk to people I do not know without feeling a sense of overwhelming anxiety.

That is just one-way Terran has helped me overcome one of my faults. I used to surround

myself with people who did not really care about me, and it took me a long time to figure it out.

Terran stuck with me through it all. I now realize that my friends are my chosen family and that

they are just as important as my biological family. Maintaining long-distance friendships is

challenging. We use Discord to keep in contact; this app allows us to play games, watch movies,

video chat, and so much more. Now, more than ever, as we start our college journey, we must

say goodbye to our closest friends. Discord is a great way to keep up with one’s closest friends.
We all have that person in our life that is always there for us, no matter what. Regardless

of time or place. They are one person whom we can open to. Having friends who care is far more

important than having many friends. Terran is the person I can always look to in times of doubt.

If you are finding yourself questioning who your friends are remember, “Fake friends are like

shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest

hour. True friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but they're always there.” Habeeb

Akande’s quote paints a vivid picture of how true friends differ from fake ones.

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