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Morgan 1

Brayden Morgan

Mrs. Litle

English Composition I

29 January 2023

Journal #2

Out of all the things in the world that could be used to describe my personality I feel that

A Laptop describes me the best. Laptops are used by millions of people every day. Not all

laptops are made the same, some are smarter and faster than others. Laptops can be small or big

and vary in color. So, in a way, laptops are just like people.

A laptop is very useful so am I a lot of my friends will come to me if they ever need help.

A laptop holds so much information such as passwords to all your websites. Unfortunately, I am

my whole family password manager. How this came to still has me guessing. At random times

throughout the day, I could receive a call from my dad asking for the Amazon password or my

grandma asking for her Netflix password. I’m glad that they rely on me, but it's right there just

saved your password! Laptops are not typically used to their full potential; I feel this way

sometimes. I think about this a lot and fall into a spiral questioning all the life decisions I have

ever made. Did I choose the right career path? Should I be spending more time with friends

instead of worrying about homework? It’s truly a painful process that often leaves me feeling


Another way I relate to a laptop is that it runs out of battery and needs to be charged. I

always do to sleep way before all my friends they always make fun of me for it. Little do they

know they truly don't want to see me when I’m sleep deprived. Laptops typically have a smart
Morgan 1

assistant although they do talk, they typically do not say much which is also true about me I only

talk when I have to, or if someone says something I don’t agree with.

As you can see I have quite a few things in common with laptops, but I do have some

differences which are very hard to distinguish such as I’m hilarious, I know shocker. Seriously I

do think very analytically, but I am creative, and I like to do things out of my comfort zone. For

the first time the other day I painted, and I loved it even though it did not look the best.

Describing yourself with one object is a very humbling experience and maybe as I grow as a

person that object might change.

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