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(Scipt Proposal)

By :




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................3
1.1 Background....................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Formulation...................................................................................10
1.3 Purpose Of The Research............................................................................11
1.4 Benefits Research........................................................................................11


2.1 MARKETING...........................................................................................13

2.1.1 Understanding Marketing...........................................................................14

2.1.1 Marketing Concept......................................................................................14

2.2 MARKETING STRATEGIC...................................................................17

2.2.1 Understanding Marketing Strategic............................................................19

2.2.2 SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................21
2.2.3 Online & Offline Marketing Strategic........................................................21
2.2.4 Brand Introduction......................................................................................21

2.3 PREVIOUS RESEARCH RECAPITULATIONS.................................17

2.4 FRAME WORK........................................................................................24

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY RESEARCH.....................................................27

3.1 TYPES AND APPROACHES OF RESEARCH..............................................27
3.2 RESEARCH OPERATIONAL VARIABLE....................................................27
3.3 TIME AND LOCATION OF RESEARCH......................................................29
3.4 SUBJECTS / RESEARCH INFORMANTS.....................................................29
3.5 SOURCE AND DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES.................................30
3.6 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE...................................................................31



Currently, consumers' need for current trends in clothing has become a very

important need in developed and developing countries such as Indonesia, especially

as today's youth style. For them, fashion is something that must be considered in their

every appearance. The choice in developing the fashion of young people today is the

proliferation of distros in Indonesia. This is because distributions are a fashion choice

that can spoil today's young people, ranging from shoes, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, to

hats and other accessories. The development of world fashion in Indonesia is always

increasing from time to time. This can be seen from the various convection

companies that produce clothes used by today's youth. The mention of a convection

company uses the term for a company that produces clothing under the brand or from

another company that has cooperation with the convection company. Products that

have been produced by this convection will be distributed and marketed to companies

working as distributions.

In general, distro’s have become a new phenomenon, especially in big cities in

Indonesia. The existence of distro’s has become a trend setter to present the style of

youth-style fashion with all kinds of uniqueness that accompany it. The distribution

itself generally contains T-shirts from clothing companies. Before further review, an

explanation of the development of this distribution business occurred in the mid-

1990s, the development of clothing companies and distributions began to experience

its peak in 1996-1998. It was a time when distro’s selling local products began to

emerge. The people who sell T-shirts for distro’s are known as vendors. Around

1996, a clothing company was established named '347′' which was

followed by the presence of 'Ouval Research' the following year.

There is should be emphasized that, even though many clothing or fashion brands at

the local level had started businesses in several areas, but the term clothing and

distributions was only recently known in Indonesia at the same time as popular

brands or brands. already dimensioned above. The term clothing or distribution then

experienced a significant development. Distros are a place of interest because there is

something unique and interesting about the goods they produce. Unique items are

able to distinguish them from the others. Overall, the development of distribution

vendors in Indonesia continues to have a positive influence on the development of

trends and fashion. This positive influence is also able to provide a motivation for

independence in setting up a business. What's interesting about distributions is that

they have an exclusive nature in selling their products, because the vendor's unique

designs that differentiate them from the t-shirts sold in regular shops make the

distributions more attractive to young people who want to be stylish with their


Business in the field of clothing or distributions will always experience development.

It's not just product designs that keep up with trends. The material of the shirt by a

distro is preferably made of quality materials. The selection of this quality triggers

consumer comfort towards clothing. Clothing will be increasingly recognized with

their characteristics ranging from materials and in terms of limited designs. The

development of business in clothing companies and distributions is always

developing from time to time and it will never end. For someone who wants to start a

business, this clothing business and distribution vendor is very suitable for business.

There are many opportunities that will never run out along with the clothing needs for

young people, teenagers and adults. Clothing and distribution vendors with

interesting, different, and unique concepts will add a special attraction for every

visitor to businesses that are run through this business. However, the advantages of

running this business must have things that are considered from sharing segments,

one of which is a good marketing strategy.However, with these developments in

meeting the clothing needs of young people, these trends can be obtained through

various means, including through various means of selling in stores (offline) and

using business digitization media (online). Each method has different characteristics,

but has one thing in common, namely providing customer needs as well as a means to

sell which will provide benefits for the parties concerned. One way to get the

consumer needs is through the purchase of products with quality that is

commensurate with the marketed price.

After being explained on a national scale, this will be narrowed down into areas that

are divided into several things, one of which is the province of Sumatra, namely

Lampung. The development of distro’s in the Lampung area every year has increased

quite rapidly, starting from the previous few years, which can be seen in every corner

of the Lampung area, there are many distro’s that offer various kinds of clothing

products that are needed by their target consumers, namely young people. If it is more

narrowed in the Lampung area, not only in the rapidly growing capital city of

Bandarlampung, but the district also has an increase in the development of the current

distribution business.

In working in this distro’s, the emphasis is on marketing strategies which are used as

important points in the products released. Because the product is anything that can be

offered to satisfy the wants and needs of consumers. Product is one component of the

marketing mix elements. Products are goods marketed by business people to meet

consumer demands and needs. The stages that a marketer goes through in bringing a

product include determining the advantages and strengths of the product (core

benefit), the actual product (actual benefit), and increasing the product with added

value (augmented product). In the view of consumer analysis, marketing strategy is a

series of stimuli placed in the consumer environment designed to influence consumer

affection, cognition, and behavior.. On the other meaning, say in their Marketing

Dictionary defines that Marketing Strategy is a written plan, usually comprehensive,

explaining all existing activities in order to achieve certain marketing objectives, and

relationships with each other in the same amount and time measure.

The flagship product released from this distribution is a t-shirt with a modern design.

It is one of the products that have been sold nationally that has been issued from the

Otsky Store and is a means to help provide the needs of the community in trending

clothing for young people. In providing the needs of consumers, this product is of

very good quality in terms of quality made from cotton with prominent screen

printing shows that the price listed with the quality of the product is indeed efficient.

One of the distro’s that will be discussed in this research is the number of distro’s in

Lampung, namely Otsky Store which is located at Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 81

Enggal, Bandar Lampung, Lampung. This distro’s has been running safely for 6 years

starting in 2016. Otsky store has 1 branch for the Bandarlampung area and 2 district

branches in Pringsewu and Metro. There are also outside the Lampung area which

has 1 branch in Tangerang district. The branch is a means for consumers to purchase

transactions by dating to the outlet (offline). On the other hand, this distro’s has 1

head office for mediation of marketing control, production, and online purchase

transactions which was initiated in 2021. Each branch of the Otsky Store has a

workforce which in each branch has 1 store head and 3 employees working in it. In

contrast to the head office, which has 20 employees who are divided into several




Number. Name Address

1. Otsky Store Kedaton Jl. ZA. Pagaralam No.59, Labuhan

Ratu, Kec. Kedaton, Kota Bandar


2. Otsky Store Enggal Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.31 Enggal,

Kec. Tanjung Karang Pusat, Kota


3. Otsky Store Metro Jl. Ahmad Yani Iring Mulyo Kec.

Metro Timur, Kota Metro.

4. Otsky Store Pringsewu Jl. Sidoharjo, Kec. Pringsewu. Kab.


5. Otsky Store Tanggerang Jl. Beringin Raya No.4 Karawaci

Baru, Kec. Karawaci Kota, Kota


6. Otsky Store Office Jl. Karimun Jawa No. 4a, Kec.

Sukarame, Kota Bandarlampung

Source Primer Data : Otsky Store Office

Table 1.1 shows that the Otsky Store distribution has 5 store branches (offline) and 1

Head Office (Online) with different regions. However, in this study, it is necessary to

conduct a comparative analysis of online and offline marketing strategies on these

objects to see the comparisons used as bad marketing strategies that have been carried

out in maintaining product quality to consumers. In this research will be analyzed in

the form of offline and online marketing strategies which is use for comparative

analysis. However, the management and management of this distro’s carried out

directly with employees who have been divided according to their respective fields.

Distro Otsky Store in carrying out its business activities has different income in

offline and online marketing strategies. The following is the Otsky Store data in




Selling Type Seling Type

Month Profit Profit
Offline Qty Online Qty
1085 Rp 20.348.550
January Rp 50.640.000 350 Rp17.724.000 Rp81.394.200
838 Rp 15.705.700
February Rp 37.755.000 265 Rp13.214.250 Rp62.822.800
907 Rp 17.025.950
Mach Rp 49.470.000 355 Rp17.314.500 Rp68.103.799
720 Rp 13.397.988
April Rp 28.855.000 210 Rp10.099.250 Rp53.591.950
838 Rp 15.678.075
May Rp 36.767.200 260 Rp12.868.520 Rp62.712.300
Source Primer Data : Otsky Store Office

Based on the table 1.2 described above, it can be seen that the average sales results

from month to month are still increasing which are classified as unstable. In the data

provided, it is explained that sales made by Otsky Store have different numbers on

different sales systems, this shows the sales figures given for 5 months using different

methods, namely offline and online sales systems. In the table, there are differences

in online numbers that have a large profit compared to offline sales. There are

problems that will come if there are differences in the marketing strategies carried out

on this store in the field of selling products owned by the store and consumers who

are confused about choosing because of the many differences in the products

provided by this otsky shop and are difficult to satisfy. So, it must be really use

appropriate marketing strategies and always be careful in making purchasing

decisions because the marketing carried out is different. As for a product, it will not

be purchased and even unknown if consumers do not know the uses, advantages,

where the product can be obtained and the price of the product.

For this reason, consumers who are targeted by the company's products need to be

given clear and complete information. Likewise with fashion products, consumers

will not buy if they do not know the advantages in terms of quality, place and other

things from this otsky store, that's why this otsky store must provide a balanced

strategy in order to become a consumer target store in offline and online methods.

Based on interviews that have been conducted by the store which is the subject of this

research. This is due to the comparison of marketing strategies used in the same way

but with different implementations and the reseacther found a problem that will

impact the company if only one strategic usefull for the transaction in consumer..

Based on the description above, the researcher wants to study further through





Based on this background, there are various kinds of clothing products that have been

produced by the Otsky Store distribution for consumers in Indonesia, especially the

Lampung area, with the many marketing strategies that have been carried out on this

matter, it is necessary to find concrete answers regarding various statements that still

seem confused with the strategy executed marketing. This will affect the company in

carrying out business rotation in the next few years on the level of production for

offline and online outlets. Based on the background that has been described, there are

problem formulation as follows:

1. Why does the implementation of marketing strategic online more used than offline

for search profitable at Otsky Store, Lampung ?

2. What impact will the company have if it doesn't compare a balanced marketing

Strategy at Otsky Store, Lampung?

3. How does the comparative in marketing strategies well implemented based offline

and online strategic on sales product at Otsky Store, Lampung?


Based on the problem formulation that has been explained about the company that

will be used as research, the researcher has the following objectives in writing this


1. For Students

This research is expected to be a reference for research and knowledge. Next,

observations about the Otsky Store distribution. As well as increasing knowledge,

experience and observation on a positive result about the existing products in the


2. For Company

Provide information about the marketing strategy implemented for products sold

offline and online so that it will be better to maintain the quality of products sold in

the consumer market.

3. For Researchers

It hoped this research can be used to apply the theories that have been obtained during

lectures in order to see the basic differences between theory and reality that occur in

society as well as broaden their horizons and knowledge.


Based on the objectives that have been written by the researcher, there are benefits

from writing this research as follows:

a. It is hoped that the proposed research can provide information for

companies in carrying out marketing strategies for Otsky Store


b. It is expected to be a proposal that can reduce the existing problems

so that the company can provide a good marketing strategy in the

future for products to consumers.


2.1.1 Understanding Marketing

Marketing is still defined as selling and advertising activities only. However,

marketing must prioritize a principle such as the principle of priority to consumers,

innovation, value, and being socially minded (Kotler and Armstrong, 2018).

Marketing is a process for planning, implementing a concept, setting prices,

determining product processes, promotion and distribution or places (Manap, 2018).

In its development, the term marketing is not only a problem of distributing services

or goods to consumers in a business, but also about various activities that are not only

carried out in business, but by non-profit organizations, for example churches, social

organizations and educational activities. Besides that, marketing activities are not

only when the goods or services are already in the hands of consumers, but also

carried out previously, for example when the goods or services are conceptualized,

examined, and tested, so that they are produced before they are in the hands of

consumers. Consumers are defined not only in human form, but also in the form of

social foundations, such as job offer foundations.

Marketing and market management, one of the most important branches of

knowledge management whose main task is to identify needs and demands. and

eliminate them through the process of exchange of human resources, because modern

society is more than ever, needs, especially with the increasing demands of the human

face and on the other hand, is faced with a shortage of resources and management has

limited resources available to meet the demands of society and the management of

knowledge that unlimited is to help the economy and a set of skills and knowledge to

optimize the use of limited resources and marketing and the need to remove them will

point to efforts with the exchange of resources.

2.1.2 Marketing Concept

According to Laksana (2019) marketing is the meeting of sellers and buyers to carry

out transaction activities for goods or services. So that the notion of the market no

longer refers to a place but rather to the activities or activities of meeting sellers and

buyers in offering a product to consumers. According to Kotler and Keller (2016),

Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One short

definition of good marketing is meeting needs profitably. So the marketing concept

can spelled out, such as:

a. Needs, Wants and Demands

The most basic concept that underlies marketing is human needs. Humans have

complex needs. Needs are generally divided into primary, secondary and tertiary

needs. All of these needs are not created by marketers, they are a fundamental part of

being human. Desire is a form of human need that is generated by culture and

individual personality. Humans have almost unlimited wants, but their resources are

limited. So they want to choose the product that provides the most value and

satisfaction for the resources at their disposal. Demand is human desire backed by

purchasing power. Desire can turn into demand when accompanied by purchasing

power. Consumers view a product as a collection of benefits and choose the product

that provides the best bundle for their money. Everyone can have many desires, but

not all of these desires become a request if it is not accompanied by the purchasing

power of these desires.

b. Products (services and goods)

Humans satisfy needs and wants with products. A product is anything that can be

offered to a market for attention, possession, use or consumption so as to satisfy

wants and needs. The term product includes physical goods, services, and various

other means that can satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Companies must be

able to create a product that is able to meet the needs and desires of consumers and

which is able to provide the highest satisfaction to consumers. High quality products

will be able to provide higher satisfaction to consumers. Here are some important

points regarding the assessment of the product:

● Value, cost and satisfaction

After knowing the wants and needs for goods and services, consumers will be faced

with a diverse range of products and services. Customer satisfaction is closely related

to usability value. Usability value has a direct impact on product performance and

customer satisfaction. Value can be defined as the difference between the value that

customers enjoy from owning and using a product and the cost of owning the

product. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction is what consumers get compared to

consumer perceptions of the product.

● Exchanges, transactions and relationships

Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange.

Exchange here can mean the exchange of product benefits owned by the company to


● Markets

The concept of exchange leads to the concept of a market. The size of a market

depends on the number of people who demonstrate a need, have the resources to

engage in exchange and are willing to offer resources. To reach the target market,

there are three types of marketing channels that can be used, namely communication

channels, distribution channels and service channels.

● Marketing, marketers and prospects

Marketing means cultivating markets to produce exchanges with the aim of satisfying

human needs and wants. Marketers are parties who market or offer the benefits of a

product to other parties who are the target market of the product. While prospects are

parties who are the potential target market of the products offered by marketers.

This definition has the consequence that all the company's activities which include

production, engineering, finance and marketing must be directed at finding out the

needs of buyers, then satisfying these needs by getting a reasonable profit in the long



2.2.1 Understanding Marketing Strategic

According to Robert W. Palmatier and Shrihari Sridhar (2017, p. 6) what is meant by

Marketing Strategy is an action and decision taken to build excellence in order to

compete with other marketers and to create value for stakeholders. Philip Kotler

(2019) Marketing strategy is a method in marketing in which there are activities that

aim to seek profit in the sales process and based on the level of the marketing mix.

In addition, every time new competitors will continue to emerge, especially if the

types of products offered provide lucrative benefits. These competitors are referred to

as obstacles or barriers to selling products to customers. The measure of the

company's success in implementing its marketing strategy is being able to provide

satisfaction to customers. The more customers who accept the products or services

offered, the more satisfied they are, and this means that the strategy implemented has

been quite successful. The measure of being able to reach as many customers as

possible is only one measure that the strategy implemented is good enough. There are

other measures, such as the level of profit earned and other measures. As said above,

the strategy to reach as many customers as possible cannot be separated from the

winners. In marketing, competitors are always threatening us. The company should

not be careless in the slightest. Therefore, strategies to stop, or even destroy,

competitors from the market side must be implemented immediately.

In addition to existing competitors, threats from new competitors with new strategies

also need to be anticipated. Every time there is always a new competitor. In preparing

the initial steps to attack competitors, several things need to be considered, especially

in terms of strengths and weaknesses. The company's strengths and weaknesses are

seen from finance, human resources, networks, and so on. The same thing also needs

to be considered if there is a backlash from competitors. Marketing strategy is an

integrated marketing activity that has the aim of achieving a profit and growing to

increase the company's market share (Zainurossalamia, 2020). The combination of a

detailed and systematic plan for the overall guideline in carrying out marketing

activities to generate profits (Aryanto et al., 2021).

2.2.2 SWOT Analysis

A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis has become a

fundamental tool for organizations to evaluate their position in the market and is

widely used to analyze the internal and external environments of organizations during

times of indecision (Rozmi et al., 2018; Wu, 2020). Adem et al., (2018), on the other

hand, used a SWOT analysis and hesitant fuzzy linguistic sets to assess the

occupational safety risks in the life cycle of a wind turbine. The incorporation of a

SWOT analysis with other methods has provided accurate results in a wide range of


According to Galavan (2017), SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and

Threat) is an analysis to obtain useful or effective strategies that are applied according

to the market and current public conditions, opportunities and threats are used to find

out the environment. external or external then the strengths and weaknesses obtained

through internal or internal analysis. Based on the above definition, it can be

concluded that the SWOT analysis, namely: a method to describe and compare how

the conditions and how to evaluate a business problem and project based on external

and internal factors, namely Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.

2.2.3 Online & Offline Marketing Strategic

In these two marketing strategies have different meanings. The definition of online

marketing is basically a marketing communication activity using the internet. While

offline marketing is the process of direct sales of goods and services where producers

and consumers meet and the process of buying and selling transactions occurs

( 2017). Online and offline businesses have many differences in their

marketing activities. Online and offline businesses have many differences, especially

in their marketing activities. Online business is considered to have cheaper costs in

marketing and promotion, so you could say the capital is more affordable than offline

activities that require large capital.

However, it turns out that what distinguishes offline and online businesses is not only

the marketing, but also the target consumers for marketing (Journal. id: 2018). The

following are the differences in marketing strategies owned by online and offline

businesses that can be seen from several points of view, including:

1. Marketing Strategic

Both online and offline businesses have different target marketing consumers based

on the strategies used:

Offline: Marketing strategies carried out to attract target consumers is to make

banners around the store or it could be by distributing brochures. For a large store he

can use a television or radio. However, once again the only people who visited the

shop were people in the surrounding area.

Online: An online marketing strategy used to reach the target consumers of online

marketing by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization), E-Commerce and social

media. So, the scope for selecting customers is broader and more specific.

2. Range

The target consumers of online and offline marketing have different reach, the

following is an explanation:

Offline: To sell a product, usually consumers who need the product come to the store.

Generally, offline stores can only serve consumers in certain areas. To attract

consumers, small offline stores will distribute brochures to potential customers.

Online: Because the marketing strategy is carried out online using digital marketing,

the reach of online consumers is wider than offline. In fact, for this online business,

consumers can reach out of town or even outside the island. So the opportunity to

make a profit is also greater.

3. Customer Experience

According to (Dewi Nuraini, Evianah: 2019) what distinguishes the target consumers

of online and offline marketing is the customer experience:

Offline: If a product has an affordable price and good quality, it will generally have

an individual impact on consumers by becoming loyal customers. However, if

consumers have a good service experience from the store, there will be a positive

promotional impact obtained from their experience and spread by word of mouth.

However, its range is narrower because it is usually only in the closest people in the

vicinity. In addition, if customers know the price difference which tends to be more

expensive sold offline compared to online sales, then these customers will be easily


Online: For online businesses, consumers who are satisfied with the service at the

online store will provide reviews directly through the review and comments column

so that they can have a direct impact on new customers who see the reviews given.

And with prices that tend to be cheaper because of the promotions given, buyers tend

to buy online.

2.2.4 Brand Introduction

For online and offline businesses, the target consumer marketing can also be

distinguished by brand recognition:

Offline: Consumers who buy to an offline store are generally because the store is

already trusted. They don't want to take the risk of buying in a store that isn't well

known or trusted. With this, creating an offline store always requires big promotions

on an ongoing basis so that people get to know their products.

Online: Different from offline, for this marketing target consumers, those who buy at

online stores generally don't really care about the brand. Consumers prefer affordable

prices. Especially with the existence of a trusted marketplace, so collaborating with a

marketplace will be very helpful.


No. The Name Of Title, Method, Research The

Researcher Variable, and Result Relationship

Analysis Tools the journal



1. Aris Kukuh “Comparative Comparative This journal is

Prasetyo; Siti Analysis of results related to related to
Nur Khalizah Marketing the analysis of research where
Siregar;Nurbaiti Strategies for marketing the author
(2021) Online Shopping strategies in two describes the
Applicaions on e-commerce same analysis as
Shopee and applications, the method used,
Lazada (Case namely the but there are
Study of Febi Shopee and differences in
Uinsu Students)” Lazada the objects used.

This journal used applications, it
qualitative method can be Researchers use
for the research. concluded that 1 object with a
Then use the respondents different
independent prefer to shop marketing
variables such as online using strategy but
comparative Shopee than journalized
analysis and Lazada. using the same
dependent variable strategy with a
which marketing This can be seen different object.
strategies for from several
online shopping. differences in
Analysist tools that the marketing
used comparative strategy, namely
analysis in terms of the
(compare). price offered,
the promotions
provided, the
products sold at
the appropriate
price, as well as
the services
provided from
the two e-
2. Dr Nguyen “Comparative The results of The related in
Hoang Tien; Analysis of this journal this journal with
Assoc; Prof. Advantages and there are 2 researchers is
Nguyen Minh Disadvantages of different that researchers
Ngoc; (2019). the Modes of conclusions will write
Entrying the between comparisons
International countries and about whether or
Market” even within not it is
countries. profitable if only
This journal used one strategy is
qualitative method carried out
for the research. However, both vigorously on
Then use have a the object used
independent relationship using the same
variable between method and
comparative advantages and variables that
analysis, and disadvantages. may be
dependent variable And this can different.
which are the have a positive

andvanatages & impact on the
disadvantages of situation from
the object, the comparative
Analysis tools that analysis carried
used comparative out.
3. Widayati, K. D. “Implementasi The result of The related
(2018). SWOT Strategi this journal is between journals
Pemasaran Online based on the and researchers
dan Offline Pada results of is that there is a
PT Roti Nusantara observational description of
Prima Cabang data and the the observed
Jatiasih, Bekasi.” elaboration of marketing
This journal uses the SWOT strategy in the
qualitative implementation. form of SWOT
methods with the The ease of with different
independent using online marketing
variable, namely facilities to strategies, and
the implementation carry out and conclusions will
of SWOT and the develop be drawn why
dependent variable, marketing the importance
namely the online strategies in of comparisons
and offline selling bread is to see that the
marketing strategy does not mean comparisons
on the object. that PT Roti provide
Analysis tools that Nusantara Prima something that
used correlational can ignore has an impact on
analysis. offline methods the company,
to help with both positive
marketing and negative.
strategies, but Thus, it can be
still maintain used as a new
offline strategy for the
marketing company to
strategies stabilize the
simultaneously. situation.

So the need for

balance in
products with

Marketing strategy is an integrated marketing activity that has the aim of achieving a

profit and growing to increase the company's market share (Zainurossalamia, 2020).

Strategic planning is very important and needed as a long-term guide for a company.

However, even though marketing strategy planning is long-term, it certainly requires

periodic updates due to changes that always occur in the business environment that

are influenced by the internal and external environment. These changes will lead to

the emergence of new challenges. To meet all these challenges, companies need

strategic planning analysis carried out with the aim of developing marketing

strategies so that the company's vision, mission, goals, and policies.

Online and offline marketing is a great tool for building customer relationships.

Companies can interact with consumers to learn about more specific consumer needs

and wants and to build customer loyalty. Online and offline marketing can increase

efficiency. Online and offline marketing also offers great flexibility that allows

marketers to make adjustments to their offerings and programs. However, both sides

of this business strategy must be analyzed regarding the comparison of the two which

are owned by the same object.

A framework is a conceptual model of how a theory relates to various factors that

have been identified as research problems. In terms of comparative strategy analysis,

which means observing something from two different points of view by outlining its

constituent components and decomposing an information or material into smaller

components so that it is easier to understand and explain. In this study, the framework

of thinking is as follow :



(X1) (X2)



(X3)non-hypothetical research so that in the
The type of research conducted is descriptive

research step it is not necessary to formulate a hypothesis. Judging from the type of

data, the research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. As for what is

meant by qualitative research, namely research that intends to understand the

phenomenon of what isMARKETING
experienced by STRATEGIC AT holistically, and by
the research subject
means of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context
and by utilizing scientific methods.


Variables in this study can be measured and observed (observed), it is necessary to

formulate the operational definition of the variable first. The operational definition of

research variables according to Sugiyono (2015, p.38) is an attribute or nature or

value of objects or activities that have certain variations that have been determined by

researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. Definitions of research

variables must be formulated to avoid errors in collecting data. Therefore, to provide

convenience in the process of measuring the variables of this study, the variables

discussed are operationally defined as follows:

No. Research Variable Indicator Sources

Variable Definition

1. Comparative This comparative 1. The results of Aris Kukuh

analysis is used as this comparison Prasetyo; Siti
Analysis a research tool will show that Nur Khalizah
aimed at finding there is a Siregar;Nurbaiti
the location that positive or (2021)
has been negative impact
mentioned in the on the object
first paragraph, the intended by the
purpose of doing a researcher in
comparative solving the
analysis is to find formulation of
out the changes the problems
contained in a found.
significant report
on an object, 2.It is a
whether it is a significant
decrease or an research tool in
increase in units. making object
related to
2. Online and The perception of 1.The marketing Aris Kukuh
marketing strategy strategy has Prasetyo; Siti
Offline using comparative been carried out Nur Khalizah
analysis has been to the maximum Siregar;Nurbaiti
Marketing fulfilled from the with research on (2021)
results of research 2 different
Strategic on the objects objects.
using similar
strategic methods. 2. The same
strategy has a
good impact on
consumers with

strategy system

held shows a
good value for
the selling value
of the product.
3. SWOT This perception 1. The Widayati, K. D.
variable used as the implementation
Analysis dependent variable, of SWOT used (2018).
because this swot online has good
analysis describes value for
several points consumers.
related to the 2. There is a big
marketing strategy threat to offline
that will reach the marketing
conclusion of the strategies
object in the study. because of the
imbalance of
3. The results
that produce
positive and
negative are not
compatible with
the marketing
strategy method


This research takes approximately 6 months, starting from June to November 2022.

And the research location is carried out at the Otsky Store Distro, Lampung.


The subjects or informants in this study are online and offline clothing sellers who are

in stores (offline) domiciled in the Lampung area including 4 branches and 1 head

office and through an E-commerce platform (online).


● Sources Data

Sources of data are all information obtained from respondents or from documents,

either in the form of statistics or in other forms for the purpose of the research in

question. Broadly speaking, the data sought are primary data sources and secondary

data sources obtained from library research. Based on this, the data sources needed

are as follows:

1. Primary Data

Is data obtained directly in the field or from a direct source. In this case the data

obtained by researchers by conducting observations and interviews. The data sources

used in this study are online and offline clothing sellers.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data is data collected and compiled by previous studies or published by

various other agencies. In this case, the secondary data sources in the study were

obtained from journals, supporting book sources, and the internet.

● Data collection technique

In order to obtain the correct data in the research, the implementation of the research

is carried out in a way or technique that is deemed relevant to the data obtained.

Broadly speaking, the data sought is data obtained directly from the field which is

primary data, while secondary data is obtained from library research. Based on this,

the data collection techniques in this study are as follows:

1. Observation

It is a data collection, where the author makes direct observations of the facts that

occur in Otskystore, Lampung.

2. Interview/Interview

Interview or interview is the process of obtaining information for research purposes

by means of question and answer while face to face between the interviewer and the

respondent or the person being interviewed. This interview was conducted on store

owners, employees,consumers of the Otsky Store distribution. This interview can be

done with a list of questions.

3. Documentation

This method is used to obtain supporting data in the study, which include; store

profiles or seller profiles, sales conditions in clothing stores both online and offline,

data on goods sold, and so on.


In analyzing the data, the methods used in this research are:

1. Inductive

Presenting facts that occur in the field obtained from research with facts that occur in

the field and then drawing general conclusions. In the inductive analysis technique, it

is obtained based on the results of research or temporary observations of the study,

and then conclusions are drawn that are still general in nature, or temporary analysis.

2. Analytical Descriptive

The discussion begins by describing the data regarding sellers and buyers of online

and offline goods as well as buying and selling transactions obtained, then analyzed

in a strategic perspective of marketing comparison. In this analytical descriptive

analysis technique, data is obtained based on the results of the research that has been

done, then the whole analysis becomes an analysis of the conclusions or answers of

the research conducted.

3. Triangulation

According to Afifuddin (in Sugiyono, 2019) triangulation is a technique of checking

the validity of data that utilizes something other than the data as a checking

requirement or as a comparison against the research data. Triangulation is essentially

a multi-method approach that researchers use when collecting and analyzing data.

The basic idea is that a phenomenon can be observed properly so that a high degree

of truth can be obtained if it is approached from various points of view. Therefore,

triangulation can be used to check the correctness of data or information obtained

from various different points of view by reducing as much as possible the bias that

occurs during data collection and analysis. This technique presents four types of

triangulation followed by a discussion of the use of focus groups (FGs) and

individual in-depth interviews (IDI) as examples of triangulation of data sources in

qualitative investigations. Triangulation identified four types of triangulation: (1)

method triangulation, (2) investigator triangulation, (3) theory triangulation, and (3)

data source triangulation.

1. The first type of triangulation is method triangulation. Method

triangulation involves the use of multiple methods of data collection

about the same phenomenon. This type of triangulation, frequently

used in qualitative studies, may include interviews, observation, and

field notes.

2. Investigator triangulation involves the participation of two or more re-

searchers in the same study to provide multiple observations and

conclusions. This type of triangulation can bring both confirmation of

findings and different perspectives, adding breadth to the phenomenon

of interest).

3. Theory triangulation uses different theories to analyze and interpret

data. With this type of triangulation, different theories or hypotheses

can assist the researcher in supporting or refuting findings.

4. Data source triangulation involves the collection of data from different

types of people, including individuals, groups, families, and

communities, to gain multiple perspectives and validation of data.


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