Investigations On in Situ Paddy Straw Management Technology Implemented Under Different Mechanical Treatments For Wheat Establishment

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Paddy and Water Environment


Investigations on in‑situ paddy straw management technology

implemented under different mechanical treatments for wheat
Ankit Sharma1 · Amandeep Singh Brar1

Received: 21 September 2020 / Revised: 18 June 2021 / Accepted: 20 June 2021

© The International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering 2021

The need of providing a farmer friendly and cost-effective option for the paddy straw management is a major challenge. The
present study investigated the performance of happy seeder technology for in situ paddy straw management under different
mechanical field treatment T ­ 2 (harvesting and straw management in two operations) and ­T3 (harvesting and straw manage-
ment in one operation) alongwith the yield, economic, and energy analysis and compared it with ­T1 (farmer’s practice). It
was observed that the average actual field capacity was 10.85% more for T ­ 3 than T
­ 2. The average fuel consumption was less,
and field efficiency was more for T ­ 2. The maximum yield (5270 kg ­ha−1) was obtained with T
­ 3 as compared to T ­ 1 having
maximum coefficient of variation (3.84%) followed by ­T3 and ­T2 having yield 5262 and 5215 kg ­ha−1 with coefficient of
variation 1.06 and 1.80%. The maximum net return was observed in ­T3 followed by comparable net return in ­T2 with benefit
cost ratio of 3.83 and 3.69, respectively. The energy consumption in wheat establishment was minimum in T ­ 3 and maximum
in ­T1. Also, the consumption of direct and indirect energy sources is maximum in T ­ 1 as compared to ­T2 and ­T3. The saving
in energy consumption in T ­ 2 and T­ 3 is 47.06 and 54.00% over T­ 1. The results indicates that the happy seeder technology is
the efficient method for sowing wheat after combine harvesting of paddy (­ T2 and T ­ 3) and has the additional advantage of
avoidance of paddy straw burning, i.e., diminish the environmental pollution.

Keyword  Energy consumption · Happy seeder · Mechanical · Super SMS · Technology · Yield

Introduction there is a cost associated with the delay in wheat sowing.

This is due to the time it takes to prepare the field, as well
After paddy crop harvesting by combine, paddy straw as the fact that sowing should be postponed for a few weeks
remains, which consists of standing stubbles with a height after integration to prevent nitrogen tie-up issues caused by
of 30–60 cm, as well as a large amount of loose straw in 1 m the newly incorporated straw (Singh et al. 2004). Delay-
wide windrows. Tillage and seeding operations for wheat ing wheat sowing after the optimum date (5 November in
(next crop) sowing are hampered by the loose paddy straw. Punjab, India) results in a substantial yield loss of 1–1.5%
Incorporation of this straw in to the field requires many till- per day (Aslam et al. 1993; Ortiz-Monasterio et al. 1994).
age operations. In Punjab state of India, 5 and more than 5 Therefore, due to a lack of user-friendly, cost-effective, and
tillage operations are being used after partial and full burning time-effective alternatives, farmers often choose to burn
of paddy straw by 50 and 25% of farmers, respectively (Gajri paddy straw in combine-harvested fields (Singh et al. 2014).
et al. 2002). In addition to the direct cost of cultivations, Several researchers indicated various baneful impact of on-
farm paddy straw burning on environment, soil, and health
of living beings, which is mention in Table 1.
* Ankit Sharma Some other paddy growing countries such as China, Indonesia etc. are benefiting from the environmental and
Amandeep Singh Brar economic advantages of using rice straw as energy, biochar, in biogas production, ethanol production. Lim et al. (2012)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Punjab Agricultural looked at a number of main factors that could influence the
University, Moga, Punjab, India use of paddy husk and straw as renewable energy sources.

Paddy and Water Environment

Table 1  Baneful impact of paddy straw burning

Parameter Baneful impact due to straw burning

Soil health Loss of soil plant nutrients, organic matter that adversely affects soil health (Lohan et al. 2018)
About 90% of N and S, 15–20% of P and K available in paddy straw are lost (IARI 2012)
Loss of about 9.2 million tonnes of C equivalent ­(CO2-equivalent of about 34 million tonnes) per year and a loss of about
1.4 × ­105 t of N (equivalent to Rs. 200 crores) annually (NAAS 2017)
Environment Crop residue burning emitted pollutants such as ­CO2, CO, C ­ H4, ­N2O, NOx, S ­ O2, black carbon, non-methyl hydrocarbons
(NMHC), volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) which contribute enormously to global
warming (Jain et al. 2014; Milham et al. 2014)
Burning of one tonne paddy straw releases 13 kg particulate matter, 60 kg CO, 1460 kg C ­ O2, 3.5 kg NOx, 0.2 kg S
­ O2 (Bakker
et al. 2013)
Human health Increase in the concentration of PM 2.5 and PM10 during the large scale burning of paddy straw is a major health hazard (Jain
et al. 2014)
Paddy straw burning poses some unrecoverable influence on children pulmonary functions (Kumar et al. 2015)
The survey and economic evaluation showed a clear increase in health-related and medical expenditure, and workdays lost dur-
ing the paddy straw burning period (September–November) each year in state of Punjab, India (Milham et al. 2014)
The human health costs due to burning of paddy straw in rural areas of state of Punjab, India are estimated as Rs. 7.61 crores
annually (Milham et al. 2014)

In Thailand, the potential of paddy straw for heat and power succeeding crop. Because of the high integrating costs and
generation was reported by Suramaythangkoor and Ghee- energy requirements, as well as the time commitment, only
wala (2010). Delivand (2011) evaluated economic feasibil- a few farmers have adopted in situ paddy straw incorporation
ity of paddy straw based combustion projects of various as an alternative to burning. It also necessitates the use of a
capacities. Zhang and Zhang et al. (1999) used an anaero- mould board plough with a large capacity for incorporating
bic phased solids digester method to examine the suitability residue into the soil (Singh et al. 2008). Paddy straw burn-
of rice straw for bio-gasification. For rice straw digestion, ing is practiced in a large area in other NorthWestern (NW)
ammonia was used as a nitrogen substitute. The biogas yield Indian states. It is estimated that, annually in NorthWest
of untreated whole straw was found to be highest when a states of India, about 23 million tons of paddy straw is burnt.
combination of grinding (10 mm length), heating (110 °C), According to estimates, farmers in the Punjab state of India
and ammonia treatment (2%) was used. Biochar, which is burn up to 80% of paddy straw. Collection and storage of
similar to charcoal and is created by burning organic materi- such a huge quantity of straw is neither practically feasible
als such as rice straw with no or very low levels of oxygen, nor economical (Lohan et al. 2018). Therefore, the need for
is recommended to increase soil productivity rather than as providing a cost-effective and farmer friendly alternative
a fuel (Lehmann and Joseph 2009). Haefele et al. (2011) for the management of paddy straw, so that wheat sowing
concluded that biochar from rice residues can be beneficial can be accomplished timely, is both a major challenge as
in rice based systems depending upon site specific condi- well as an opportunity for the sustainability of the intensive
tions. Asai et al. (2009) also reported increase in crop yield RWCS (rice wheat cropping system) in NorthWest India.
with biochar application in rice crop. Rice straw, according Using the paddy straw as mulch can be viable alternative for
to Kim and Dale (2004), can generate 205 GL of bioethanol paddy straw management. When compared to no mulch, rice
globally, the most of any single biomass feedstock. Paddy straw mulch increased wheat grain yield, reduced crop water
residues can be ground, soaked, pelleted, or chopped to min- usage by 3–11%, and improved water use efficiency by 25%
imize particle size, and then used in a variety of ways, as (Chakraborty et al. 2010). Various machineries are avail-
described above. Instead of above mentioned uses of paddy able for this purpose. Now a days, some progressive farmers
straw for its utilization, the on-farm burning of paddy straw of Punjab State of India, is using tractor mounted happy
is also prevalent among various countries. Therefore, on- seeder machine/technology for sowing of wheat seed in field
farm management of paddy straw has become the need of which retain the paddy straw as mulch. Given the context,
the hour. wheat establishment/sowing with happy seeder paddy straw
In situ paddy straw management is the most commonly management technology should be investigated. The sow-
used method for paddy straw management by farmers since ing of wheat crops under various mechanical treatments
it only involves machinery to handle the residue and a com- with happy seeder technology, which maintains the straw
mon farmer can perform all of the operations himself. In situ as mulch and performs in situ paddy straw management,
management involves incorporating the paddy residue into is investigated in this study. The performance of machine,
the soil with the help of machineries and preparing the grain and straw yield, cost, and energy consumption in crop
field for next crop or using the paddy residue as mulch for establishment (machine/technology, operation, and source

Paddy and Water Environment

wise) is investigated in the present study and is compared Press wheel attachment
with conventional farmer’s practice, which includes on-field
paddy straw burning as a straw management method and It’s a wheel that’s connected between two adjacent happy
field preparation for sowing of wheat crop. seeder furrow openers/tines to press the chopped straw
thrown by the flails. It produces a uniformly thick layer
of paddy straw in the inter-row spaces when pressed. The
Materials and methods rotating press wheels prevent straw from plugging or fall-
ing into the furrows where seeds are sown, allowing for
The study was conducted during the year 2017–18 in better crop emergence. This theory promotes a crop’s ini-
farmer participatory research mode at different locations tial growth and production. A thick and extensive mulch
in the Sandhuan Wala village, district Moga of state Pun- cover often greatly reduces the density and variety of weed
jab, India. The village covers a total area of 248 hectares flora. This attachment improved the machine’s balancing
(ha) and located between latitude 30.7747° N and longitude and smooth running, resulting in increased capacity and
75.1648° E. Rice–wheat crop rotation is largely followed in efficacy (Singh et al. 2018).
the study area. In the present study, the in situ paddy straw
management technology is implemented by the application
Super straw management system (super SMS)
of Happy Seeder, Super SMS (Straw Management System),
Stubble Shaver machinery, which are described as below:
Super SMS attachment was used to ensure uniform dis-
tribution of loose paddy straw, which was essential for
Happy seeder
the happy seeder’s smooth operation. It was placed on the
combine harvester’s back side. It chops and distributes the
Happy seeder is an in situ paddy straw management tech-
paddy straw from the combine harvester equally.
nology, used for sowing seed of wheat crop into a combine-
harvested paddy field (without paddy straw removal or burn-
ing) in one operation by managing only that part of straw Stubble shaver machine
in front of moving furrow openers. It consists of a rotor
for managing the paddy straw and a zero till drill for sow- Standing paddy stubbles were shaved with the stubble
ing of wheat. The straw management rotor is equipped with shaver. Depending on the amount of paddy straw loaded,
flail style straight blades that cut the standing stubbles/loose it was driven in 2nd low gear at 1500–1600  rpm. It is
straw in front of the sowing tines and clean each tine twice in made up of two blades fixed on a vertical shaft, which are
one rotation of the rotor to ensure proper seed placement in encased in a frame on all four sides and top.
the soil. Between the seeded rows, the flails push the straw
as far as they can (Singh et al. 2018). General specifications
Field operations
of happy seeder are shown in Table 2. Happy seeder machine
used in the present study had the press wheel attachment.
The wheat crop (variety HD 3086) was sown with three
mechanical ­t reatmentsT 1, ­T 2 and T­ 3. The treatment ­T 1
includes: sowing of wheat with seed cum fertilizer drill
after burning of paddy straw (farmer’s practice); ­T2: sow-
Table 2  General specifications of happy seeder machine
ing of wheat with happy seeder machine after operation of
S. no. Parameter Value stubble shaver with manual spreading of straw; ­T3: sow-
ing of wheat with happy seeder after operation of Super
1 No. of tines 10
SMS. The study was conducted at five farmers’ fields, i.e.,
2 No. of blades 20
F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 having 0.4 ha area for each treat-
3 Working width (mm) 2025
ment. The detail of treatments mentioned above is given
4 Overall width (mm) 2225
in Table 3.The soil of experimental fields was loamy, and
5 Power requirement (hp) 50
the climate was sunshine with the temperature range of
6 Tine spacing 225 mm
26–34 °C. The process of wheat sowing with three alter-
7 Weight (Kg) 700
natives is shown in Fig.  1 and operational view of the
8 Seed and fertilizer mechanism Flutted roller
machinery used in T­ 2 and T­ 3 is shown in Fig. 2. The straw
9 Type of furrow opener Inverted T type
load measured by weighing straw from one ­m2 area varied
10 Rotor rpm 1400 rpm at
540 rpm of trac- from 8.0 to 10.0 t ­h a −1, and 55 hp tractor was used for
tor PTO present study and was operated in 2nd low and 3rd low

Paddy and Water Environment

Table 3  Treatments with Technology/ Machine used (No. of operation) No. of Total no. of Inclusion of
different technologies/machines Machines machine field operation paddy straw
for sowing of wheat crop in operated burning
combine-harvested paddy field
T1 Stubble shaver (1) + Disk harrow 05 08 Included
(2) + Cultivator (2) + Planker (2) + Seed
drill (1)
T2 stubble shaver (1) + Happy seeder (1) 02 02 Avoided
T3 Super SMS (1) + Happy seeder (1) 02 02 Avoided

Fig. 1  Process of sowing in T
­ 1,
­T2 and ­T3

gear, between 1600 and 1800 engine rpm depending upon expressed as ha h­ −1. Since it is difficult to run machines at
the field conditions. their rate width of operation continuously, their practical
During the investigation of the above said treatments, the capacity is significantly lower than their theoretical capacity
parameters like actual field capacity (ha ­h−1), field efficiency (Hunt 1979).
(%), fuel consumption (l h­ −1) of machineries were observed
and recorded for ­T2 and ­T3. Fuel consumption was measured Field efficiency (FE)
by top-up method (Pal et al. 2016) in which the tank is filled
to full capacity before and after the operation. Amount of It is the ratio of actual field capacity to theoretical field
refilling after the test is the fuel consumption for the opera- capacity, in percent (%). It is defined as the percentage of
tion. The machine performance parameter are described as time when the machine is operated at its maximum rated
below: speed and width in the field, taking into account time lost
in the field and failure to use the full width of the machine
Theoretical field capacity (TFC) (Nasri 2015). It described how effective the time was spent
to do the work (Grisso 2004). Because of the headland turns,
It is the rate of field coverage of an implement that would machine trouble, ground surface and overlapping, the FE for
be obtained if the machine performed its work at the rated an actual field operation was always less than 100% (Zan-
forward speed 100% of the time and always covering 100% donadi 2012).
of its width. Theoretical field capacity was calculated by
taking optimum forward speed of 2.5 km ­h−1 (Malik et al. Yield and economic analysis
2017) and operating machine width 2.25 m. It was calculated
by Eq. (1), given as below: The yield performance of T ­ 2 and T­ 3 mechanical field treat-
ments was compared with T ­ 1 (farmer’s practice) for sow-
TFC = (W × S)∕10, (1) ing of wheat. After harvesting the wheat with combine
harvester and operating straw combine for wheat straw col-
where TFC: theoretical field capacity, (ha ­h−1); W: width of lection, grain, and straw yield (kg ­ha−1) was observed and
machine, (m); S: speed of machine, (km ­h−1). recorded from each trial, respectively. The grain and straw
was collected in trolley and were weighted from commer-
Actual field capacity (AFC) cially available weighing bridge. A prerequisite for using
the happy seeder is that, loose paddy straw (comes out
It is the actual average rate of coverage by the machine, from combine harvester) should be uniformly spread over
based upon the total field time (Kepner 1972) and is the field and for this purpose Super SMS fitted combine

Paddy and Water Environment

Fig. 2  Operational view of
stubble shaver, happy seeder,
and crop germination for ­T2 and
super SMS, happy seeder, and
crop germination in standing
stubble for T

harvester was operated in T ­ 3. On the other hand, in case Gross return of production Rs ha−1 =Yield kg ha−1
( ) ( )
of ­T2 spreading of paddy straw was done manually after
× Sale price Rs kg−1
( )
operating the stubble shaver machine. But in case of ­T1,
after operating the stubble shaver, farmer done the man-
agement of paddy straw by on-field burning of straw. The Net return Rs ha−1 =Gross return Rs ha−1
( ) ( )

economic analysis was done to compare the cost in Indian −Gross cost of production Rs ha−1
( )
Rupees (Rs.) involve in sowing of wheat with T ­ 1, ­T2 and (3)
­T3 and to obtain the net return (Rs h­ a−1). The cost involved
in sowing were hiring the machinery, purchasing seed, fer- Benefit cost ratio (B ∶ C)
tilizer, weedicidies, insecticides, labor and irrigation cost, = Gross return of production∕Gross cost of production
marketing charges, interest of variable cost @9% for three
months. The gross return (Rs h­ a −1) includes the return
from grain and straw yield which was Rs 17.35 and 3.0 Energy consumption in wheat establishment
per kg. The benefit cost ratio (B:C) was calculated for each
mechanical treatment after the cost analysis and was com- The energy consumption for wheat crop establishment
pared to farmer’s practice. The gross return of production, using ­T1, ­T2 and T
­ 3 mechanical treatments was calculated
net return, and benefit cost ratio were calculated (Moham- from the total amount of direct energy (DE) sources that
madi et al. 2008) using Eqs. (2–4), mentioned below: release energy in a direct manner (e.g., human labor, diesel,

Paddy and Water Environment

electricity) and indirect energy (IDE) source which do not Fuel energy, MJ ha−1 = Fuel consumption, l h−1 ∕AFC, ha h−1
( )
release energy direct way but release it by conversion pro- × EE, MJ l−1
cess (energy embodied in machinery). Indirect energy is the (7)
total amount of energy used in the processing and transpor- −1
tation of all inputs to the plant (Uhlin 1999; Hülsbergen et al. Water energy, MJ ha
2001; Refsgaard et al. 1998; Pimentel 1980). Proper energy = (Amount of water applied, l∕Area covered, ha)
equivalents (EE) were used to account for both direct and × EE, MJ m−3 (8)
indirect components according to the nature of the input
and the values of the energy equivalent for each form of The amount of electricity consumed, kW-h, the rate of
energy consumption are provided in Table 4. The parameters irrigation, ha h­ −1, and the energy equivalent of electricity
and assumptions used to calculate energy expenditure for was used for calculation of electric energy for pumping
each farm operation are included in Table 5. The human, water. The energy consumption in each group of inputs
fuel, water, and machinery energy consumption (Sidhu et al. was calculated from the multiplication of the amount
2015) for each operation was determined using Eqs. (5–8), of the input consumption and its energy equivalent per
written as below: unit (extracted from scientific sources). The significance

Machine energy, MJ ha−1 = (Machine weight, kg)∕ Wear out life, h × AFC, ha h−1
( ( ))
× EE, MJ kg−1

Human energy, MJ ha−1 =((No. of labor used × time, h)∕Area covered (ha))
× EE, MJ h−1

(p = 0.05) of the difference between the grain and straw

Table 4  Values of energy equivalents for different sources of energy yield of wheat for T­ 1, ­T2 and T
­ 3 and field capacity, fuel
(Singh and Mittal, 1992; Devi et al. 2018) consumption and field efficiency of happy seeder for ­T2
S. no. Source Unit EE (MJ u­ nit−1) and ­T3 treatments was determined using the independent
‘t’ test using SPSS (V26) statistical software.
1 Human h 1.96
2 Diesel l 56.31
3 Tractor kg 64.8
4 Machinery kg 62.7
5 Electricity kW-h 11.93
6 Water m3 1.02

Table 5  Parameters and assumptions (Sidhu et al. 2015) considered for calculating energy expenditure for different farm operations
Method Source Machine Wear out life (h) AFC (ha h­ −1) Human (h ­ha−1) Fuel con-
weight (kg) sumption (l

T1 Combine harvester 8900 6000 0.42 4.76 9.5

Disk harrow 475 2500 0.65 1.54 5.5
cultivator 175 2500 0.7 1.43 4.5
Planker 150 2500 0.72 1.39 3.5
Irrigation pump (11.19 kW) 150 10,000 0.15 6.67 -
Seed cum fertilizer Drill 322 1200 0.62 1.61 4.75
T2 Combine harvester 8900 7000 0.42 4.76 9.5
Stubble shaver 195 1200 0.55 1.82 3.5
Happy seeder 700 1200 0.33 6.06 6.95
T3 Super SMS fitted combine harvester 9100 6000 0.4 5.0 11.0
Happy seeder 700 1200 0.37 5.41 5.88

Paddy and Water Environment

Results and discussion showed that mean of actual field capacity, fuel consump-
tion, and field efficiency of happy seeder in ­T2 and ­T3 dif-
Machine performance fer significantly (p = 0.038, p = 0.032 and p = 0.038) with
each other.
Happy seeder technology in mechanical field treatment
­T 2 and T
­ 3 were evaluated at five field each, and it was
observed that average actual field capacity (AFC) of happy Yield analysis
seeder machine was more (0.37 ha ­h−1) in ­T3 treatment
as compared to ­T2 treatment (0.33 ha ­h−1). The average The trails conducted at each five fields for ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3
increase in actual field capacity between T ­ 3 and T­ 2 was mechanical treatments showed (Table 7) that the yield
10.85%. The average fuel consumption (FC) was less of wheat crop with ­T2 and T ­ 3 is comparable to the con-
(5.88 l/h) in ­T3 as compared to ­T2 (6.95 l  ­h−1) but field ventional method T ­ 1. The maximum yield (5270 kg ­ha−1)
efficiency was more (65.35%) in T ­ 3 as compared to T ­2 was obtained with T ­ 1 having maximum (3.84%) coef-
(58.21%). The actual field capacity was more and fuel con- ficient of variation (CV) followed by T ­ 3 and ­T 2 having
sumption was less in ­T3 due to the uniform distribution yield 5262 and 5216 kg ­ha−1 with coefficient of variation
of loose straw by Super SMS prior to operate the happy 1.07 and 1.80%. In case of straw yield coefficient of vari-
seeder, which, make the operational of happy seeder more ation (CV) was maximum (4.99%) for ­T1 and minimum
feasible in combine-harvested paddy field. Detail of happy (3.98%) for ­T2. Comparison of grain yield for ­T1, ­T2 and
seeder performance for ­T2 and ­T3 mechanical field treat- ­T3 field treatments is shown in Fig. 3. Independent t test
ments is given in Table 6. Independent t test conducted conducted showed that mean of grain and straw yield differ

Table 6  Comparison of happy Locations T2a T3b Increase in AFC

seeder performance in T
­ 2 and T
­3 of ­T3 than ­T2 (%)
mechanical treatment AFC (ha h­ −1)c FC (l ­h−1)d FE (%)d AFC (ha h­ −1) FC (l ­h−1) FE (%)

F1 0.3 7.91 53.57 0.33 6.67 58.92 9.09

F2 0.31 7.33 55.35 0.35 6.16 62.50 11.42
F3 0.32 6.83 57.14 0.37 5.67 66.07 13.51
F4 0.34 6.66 60.71 0.4 5.5 71.42 15
F5 0.36 6.0 64.28 0.38 5.42 67.85 5.26
Average 0.33 6.95 58.21 0.37 5.88 65.35 10.85
SD 0.024 0.719 4.30 0.027 0.525 4.824 –
CV (%) 7.30 10.34 7.39 7.30 8.93 7.38 –
a, b
  Significantly differ
 Actual field capacity
 Fuel consumption
 Field efficiency

Table 7  Yield analysis of wheat Technology T1 T2 T3

crop sown with T­ 1, ­T2 and ­T3
Locations GY* SY** GY* SY** GY* SY**

F1 5535 3708 5359 3581 5334 3607

F2 5207 3531 5199 3305 5260 3581
F3 5398 3607 5237 3480 5298 3531
F4 5199 3429 5103 3277 5199 3254
F5 5009 3251 5179 3300 5215 3353
Average 5270 3505 5215 3388 5261 3465
SD 202.32 175.06 93.96 134.78 56.26 154.14
CV (%) 3.8 4.99 1.80 3.98 1.07 4.45

*GY Grain Yield (kg h­ a−1)

**SY Straw Yield (kg h­ a−1)

Paddy and Water Environment

Grain yield Straw yield by ­T2. Benefit cost ratio was minimum for ­T1 (3.19) as the
cost involve in sowing of wheat crop is more due to more
number of field operation was involved in field preparation
and sowing, on the other hand, least operation was involved
Yield (kg ha-1)

3000 in case of T
­ 3 as wheat was sown directly after harvesting of
2000 paddy crop with Super SMS fitted combine harvester. Cost
analysis details is shown in Table 8.
T1 T2 T3 Energy analysis

Machine‑wise energy consumption

Fig. 3  Comparison of grain and straw yield for T
­ 1, ­T2 and ­T3
Analysis of energy consumption in establishment of wheat
crop using the T ­ 1, ­T2 and T
­ 3 field treatments is given in
Economic analysis Table 9. This analysis showed that total energy consump-
tion for the crop establishment was highest (6171.3 MJ ­ha−1)
The maximum net return (75,110 Rs h­ a−1) was observed in in case of T ­ 1 followed by T ­ 2 (3266.75 MJ  ­ha−1) and T ­3
­T3 followed by comparable net return (73,385 Rs h­ a−1) in T
­2 (2838.89  MJ  ­ha ). The energy consumption for wheat
with benefit cost ratio of 3.83 and 3.69, respectively. Ben- establishment was maximum in T ­ 1, because it involved more
efit cost ratio was maximum for T ­ 3 because cost involve in machinery to operate for the purpose whereas in T ­ 2 and T
sowing of wheat crop was minimum in case of T ­ 3 followed the machinery involved for the purpose is less. Among the

Table 8  Economic analysis of Technology GY SY GC GY RSY GR NR BCR

wheat crop sown with T
­ 1, ­T2
and ­T3 T1 5270 3505 32,004 91,434 10,515 101,949 69,945 3.19
T2 5215 3388 27,259 90,480 10,164 100,644 73,385 3.69
T3 5261 3465 26,563 91,278 10,395 101,673 75,110 3.83

GC Gross Cost, RGY​ Return from Grain Yield, Return from Straw Yield, GR Gross return, NR Net Return in
Rs ­ha−1, BCR Benefit Cost Ratio

­ 1, ­T2 and ­T3

Table 9  Energy consumption for of T
Method Name of machine Direct energy (MJ ­ha−1) Indirect energy (MJ ­ha−1) Total
Human Diesel Electricity Machinery Water consume
Machine Tractor

T1 Combine harvester 9.33 1273.68 0 221.44 0 0 1504.45

Stubble shaver 3.54 358.34 0 18.53 25.92 0 406.33
Disk harrow 6.04 952.94 0 36.66 43.86 0 1039.5
Cultivator 5.6 723.98 0 12.54 40.74 0 782.86
Planker 5.44 547.46 0 10.46 39.60 0 602.96
Pre-sowing irrigation 13.06 0 890.42 6.27 0 437.43 1347.18
Seed cum fertilizer drill 6.12 417.93 0 26.29 22.28 0 487.85
Total 49.32 4287.81 890.42 333.04 173.11 437.43 6171.13
T2 Combine harvester 9.33 1273.68 0 221.44 0 0 1504.45
Stubble shaver 7.68 358.34 0 18.53 25.92 0 481.11
Happy seeder 11.88 1185.92 0 110.83 43.20 0 1351.83
Total 28.89 2817.94 0 350.8 69.12 0 3266.75
T3 Combine harvester with Super SMS 9.8 1548.53 0 237.74 0 0 1796.07
Happy seeder 10.58 894.87 0 98.85 38.52 0 1042.82
Total 20.38 2443.4 0 336.59 38.52 0 2838.89

Paddy and Water Environment

­T1, ­T2 and ­T3, number of machinery required was least in capacity of happy seeder machine with more fuel consump-
­T3 which results in least energy consumption in T ­ 3. Super tion. The consumption of electricity (890.42 MJ ­ha−1) and
SMS fitted combine harvester machine consumed the maxi- water energy (437.43 MJ ­ha−1) in ­T1 is due to the pre-sowing
mum (1796.07 MJ ­ha−1) energy while operating under T ­ 3. irrigation operation. This irrigation operation is not required
Happy seeder machine used for sowing purpose in ­T2 and in ­T2 and T
­ 3 as in both of these methods the sowing is done
­T3 consume less (1042.82 MJ ­ha−1) energy in T ­ 3 than in ­T2 in the conserve (due to the presence of paddy straw) soil
(1351.83 MJ ­ha−1). moisture which was present due to the last irrigation applied
This is due to the operation of Super SMS fitted combine to paddy crop. The graphical representation of energy con-
harvester prior the operation of happy seeder in T ­ 3 which sumption while operating happy seeder machine in ­T2 and
results in uniform distribution of straw. This further lead to ­T3 is shown in Fig. 4.
decrease in straw load which cause increment in field capac-
ity of happy seeder machine with low fuel consumption. On Operation‑wise energy consumption
the other hand in ­T2 operation of stubble shaver machine
harvest the standing stubble, but distribution of straw load The energy consumption was highest in ­T 1 due to the
in less uniform as in the case of ­T3. This result in more energy involved in land preparation (2425.32  MJ  ­ha−1)
increment in straw load, which further decrease the field which required tillage machinery operation and pre-sowing
irrigation (1347.18 MJ ­ha−1) which was absent in the case
Human Diesel Machine Tractor
of ­T2 and ­T3 as no land preparation and pre-irrigation was
required. The percentage of energy consumption (Table 10)
in residue management operation with respect to the total
Energy consumption (MJ ha-1)

energy consumed was highest (63.27%) in case of T ­ 3 fol-
lowed by ­T2 (58.62%) and ­T1 (30.97%). This indicate that
800 residue management with the mechanical means required
600 more energy. On the other hand, percentage of energy con-
400 sumption in sowing operation was highest (41.38%) in case
of ­T2 followed by T­ 3 (36.73%) and T­ 1 (7.90%). This indi-
cates that absence of land preparation operation before the
T2 Treatments T3 sowing crate results more requirement of energy for sow-
ing operation, as it is predicts from ­T2 and ­T3. The land
Fig. 4  Graphical representation of energy consumption while operat- preparation operations implemented only in T ­ 1, consumed
ing happy seeder machine in T ­ 2 and ­T3 39.30% of the total energy consumed in ­T1. The graphical

Table 10  Energy consumption in various operations for wheat establishment in T

­ 1, ­T2 and ­T3
Method Farm operation Technology Energy consumption % Over
(MJ ­ha−1) total

T1 Residue Management Combine harvesting + Stubble shaver + straw burning 1910.78 30.97

Land preparation Harrowing + Cultivation + Planking 2425.32 39.30
Sowing Seed cum fertilizer drill 487.85 7.90
Pre-sowing irrigation Applicable 1347.18 21.83
Total 6171.13
T2 Residue Management Combine harvesting + Stubble shaver + manual Spreading 1914.92 58.62
Land preparation NA –
Pre-sowing irrigation NA –
Sowing Happy seeder 1351.83 41.38
Total 3266.75
T3 Residue management Super SMS 1796.07 63.27
Land preparation NA –
Pre-sowing irrigation NA –
Sowing Happy seeder 1042.82 36.73
Total 2838.89

Paddy and Water Environment

representation of operation-wise energy consumed in ­T1, ­T2 Table 11  Source-wise energy consumption in ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3 for wheat
and ­T3 is shown in Fig. 5. establishment
Method Energy source Energy con- % Over Saving
Source‑wise energy consumption sumption (MJ total over ­T1
­ha−1) energy (%)
Among the all, the human component of energy consump- T1 DE 5227.55 84.71 –
tion was least because of high level mechanization was IDE 943.58 15.29 –
applied in the studied area. It was observed that, in ­T1, ­T2 Total 6171.13 –
and ­T3 the maximum portion of the energy consumption T2 DE 2846.83 87.15 45.54
was comes from direct energy source as compared to indi- IDE 419.92 12.85 55.50
rect energy sources (Table  11). ­T1 consumed maximum Total 3266.75 – 47.06
(5227.55 MJ  ­ha−1) direct energy sources followed by T ­2 T3 DE 2463.78 86.79 52.87
(2846.83 MJ ­ha−1) and ­T3 (2463.78 MJ ­ha−1). The highest IDE 375.11 13.21 60.25
energy consumption component in all the machine opera- Total 2838.89 – 54.00
tion (Table  9) was fuel (diesel) (4287.81, 2817.94, and
2443.40 MJ ­ha−1 for ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3) which is a major con-
tributor under direct energy source and also a non-renewable number of considerable field operations (2 disk harrow, 2
energy source. The consumption of non-renewable energy cultivator and 2 planker operations) with the utmost impor-
source on large scale is a matter of musing because these are tant benefit of avoidance of paddy straw burning. Further, in
available in limited quantity and increased environmental ­T2 and ­T3 germination of crop was good resulting in uniform
pollution on use. crop stand, luxuriant growth and on-time crop maturity as
Dependence on non-renewable energy source may not compared to T ­ 1. Among T
­ 2 and T
­ 3, in T
­ 3 timeliness in wheat
be acceptable from the futuristic point of view. To omit sowing can be achieve immediately after the harvesting of
this, it is suggested to use technologies, which required less the paddy crop (even on the same day of paddy harvesting,
consumption of non-renewable energy sources. T ­ 2 and T
­3 if there is optimum moisture available in the soil). Also, ­T3
method can be used over ­T1, as there is 45.54 and 55.50%; has more saving in fuel consumption due to less machinery
52.87 and 60.25% saving of direct and indirect energy source operation as compared to ­T2. The same reason can be stated
in ­T2 and T ­ 3 over T
­ 1. The overall saving in energy source for more return in case of ­T3. Table 12 showed the beneficial
consumption was maximum (54%) in ­T3 over ­T1. This indi- comparison of ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3.
cates ­T3 is the most efficient method and best alternative to
­T1, i.e., farmer’s practice. Graphical representation of direct
and indirect energy sources is shown in Fig. 6. Conclusions

Considerable outputs The study finds that the mechanical treatment ­T3 and T­ 2 is a
viable alternative to open-field burning of paddy straw. The
In comparison to T­ 1 treatment, T
­ 2 and T
­ 3 treatment has sav- mean output in terms of yield of wheat crops is comparable
ing in water (at least one irrigation) and diesel fuel con- to fields that have been sown with ­T1 treatment and from
sumption (34.28 and 43.03%) and also T ­ 2 and T
­ 3 eliminate those that have been cultivated using ­T3 and T
­ 2 treatments.
Farmers also get substantial time savings because the happy
Residue management Land preparation Pre-sowing irrigation Sowing
120 DE IDE
Energy consumption (MJ ha-1)

Energy consumption (%)


60 3000

40 2000

20 1000

0 0
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Treatments Treatments

Fig. 5  Graphical representation of operation-wise energy consump- Fig. 6  Graphical representation of direct and indirect energy sources
tion in ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3 consumption in ­T1, ­T2 and ­T3

Paddy and Water Environment

Table 12  Comparison of ­T1, ­T2 Benefits T1 T2 T3

and ­T3
Cultivation cost Maximum Less Least
Water saving – One irrigation water One irrigation water
Straw burning 100% – –
Timeliness in sowing Less achievable Achievable Maximum achievable
Net return (Rs ­ha−1) Minimum More Maximum
Energy consumption (MJ ­ha−1) Maximum Less Least

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