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1st paragraph: Are holidays special for you? How often do you have holidays?

What do you
usually do for holidays? How do you like spending your holidays?

Holidays are a special time to relax and stay with people who you can’t see in the rest of the
year… like Friends or relatives who lives in another city or even another country.

In holidays I love to spend time with my big cousins…walking in the night aimlessly after the
dinner, talking about things without sense and a lot of simple things who really makes me feel
loved and happy. Just simple moments and a lot of laughs.

The most part of my life, for the end of the year I travel to Aconquija with my dad, to spend
holidays with my grandparents, my uncles, my aunts and a lot of cousins.

I enjoy spending my time with my friends and my cousins, with them I feel happy and full of
energy, it’s how I supposed to feel in this eve…

2nd paragraph: Describe a holidays that was special for you.

To be honest I can’t remember a Holidays to was be especially good for me, maybe especially
bad. (This end of year for example, I had a panic attack and that was so horrible, I start crying
in middle of the toast and run away)

I think every holidays are special and not at the same time.

Are special because it’s a celebration with nice moments, but it’s not because I feel every
holidays the same thing, same people, same food, same problems, same place to spend the
day… every year it’s the same at least in my case, and that’s not bad I think…

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