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Final Reflection

Alayna Pulley

English 1010


Final Reflection

Throughout his course, I have learned a lot about the way writing is influenced by

rhetoric and have come to understand the threshold concepts. While learning about rhetoric and

how rhetoric is influential in writing I reflect upon the reading from week 6 “Farewell to baseball

address” By Lough Gerig. Through attending the lab in week 6 I learned that rhetoric can be

used in many different shapes in forms like in the sense of the “Farewell to baseball address” By

lough Gerig. Loug Gerig delivers a powerful speech that motivates and inspires many to this

day. Rhetoric is any form of persuasive words written or spoken that affect an audience.

Discussing this threshold concept in the lab gave me insight into how rhetoric affects everyday


A substantial portion of my understanding of the threshold concept of action came from

my writing. While constructing my flash narrative for the peer review in week three, and after

receiving feedback on my writing from the peer review I came to better understand the threshold

concept of action. Your actions and others' actions around you can influence your writing and

the way your perspectives may vary in writing. Action on the advice given in the peer review in

week 3 helped me create a solid first-second draft for my flash narrative. I found this same

concept to be true in the threshold concept of choices. Writing is full of choices that sometimes

can be hard to make. In peer reviews, it was important to make choices that best helped your

writing excel to the next level by taking the peer reviews into account.
Context is an especially important threshold concept to understand because context

helps provide clarity in writing. This was true for me when completing reflection throughout the

course. Delivering my reflections in context and making sure that they provided clarity for the

reader was a big learning process over this course. Learning the literate practices and

processes was a large step in constructing my notebooks. Making sure my response throughout

the course's notebooks was following those literate practices and processes helped me practice

correct writing skills.

Lastly, writing as a resource was one of the most impactful threshold concepts for me

throughout this course. Through weekly reading, completing notebooks, participating in the

discussions, and attending the labs I came to understand the importance of writing and what it

provides to the world. I found myself throughout this course turning back to the weekly reading

to help guide me through completing notebooks and discussions. Overall, this course has

impacted the way I now view and approach writing. It has made me understand the thought and

demanding work that goes into being a writer. Over this course, I have come to fully understand

how each of the threshold concepts influences writing and the role it plays in writing. Each

threshold concept is unique and important in its own way, learning these threshold concepts has

helped me to develop writing skills that will help me through life.

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