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MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 7-INCH, 6.1-INCH LCD COLOUR MONITOR MODEL CM-7220, CM-7230, CM-6010, CM-6020 INSTRUCTION MANUAL This is the custom monitor for Mitsubishi cameras (C-4010A, C-4060A, C4013, 6-5000, C-4110), which are sold separately, Please read this manual carefully before attempting to instal! and operate this eauipnent. resent this manual to the customer.) vvsrizz810014 22098 16 CORURAICN ALL RIGHT RESERED CONTENTS UNIT PaRTs RING COWECTION - + + = + ORIGINAL CABLE cotwecTION HOM TO REPLACE THE FUSE. = HO TO INSTAL = + + » PARTS NAME & FUNCTIONS EN & TRIGGER SETTING TROUBLE SHOOTING - SPEGIF CAT EXTERIAL VIEW portant leronibition Qe owe A\ Narning hen you use in a wrong nay, contents that there ie possibility of death or serious injury If a trouble happens, turn off ‘the main Use the fuse of the samo capacity, If you use the fuse of differ iy. it Gan cae 8 Tice Z\ Caution Wn you do the wane ha ‘the possi or 2 house / househol ity th Don't put @ monitor in the following place, Dat put a monitor in the place with ‘the place where wator ‘moh wisture or dist sot hang. Tecan cause a fire or an Q hock Don't put @ heavy Request oo How to clean a cabinet. Woon you clean a cab Caution in installation A\ Caution A\ Warning When you are wiring work, take off the minus side cable of @ ‘check position of vehicle body and ine wires and be careful as not to interfere es, a tank and supply wire as anctt Don't cut coating of a power supply wire and don’ t use @ power heat hen you use a bo! part when you e able and short ‘the screw of important that steering, seat ra or a nut ond connect the GND line, don’t use ty parts or break, sorew or seat r sack by Don't sandwich a cable in the Don't ine ‘moving part that vehicle body, place w an cause an ecoidant, = ‘connection oF or dust. ‘@ monitor in the be exposed rain or water hangs or has much moisture © trawl, ice (Same as. back When you open a hol hen you use for check vehicle body and ng, mistake check of ecient. je on the istal | @ monitor ap of the. @ fecident or 81 FEATURES Ty FOUR KINDS OF WONTTORS COORDING TO LOD SIZE AND NMBER OF CONNECTION WITH CAMERA AND EXTERNAL VIDEO 1RPUT T-inch, four cameras conection, audio output furction ( @ arso10 6. I-inch, one camera connection, audio output functor HANGE CAMERA TNAGES BY FRONT SHITCA WITH MULTIPLE CAMERAS (ONLY CH-7230 AND cH-8020) TO DISPLAY GAMERA TAGE BY REVERSE GEAR OF WINER UNIT PARTS WIRING CONNECTION [ow-7220, cH-6010) Doin camector wate erst (ou-7230) Original cable [ow-s020) Please comect the sonitor and Ith the canera cables which are solé separately hon you choose the cavers cables. Please refer to the fol lowing Joint cable Gad saximin cable distance ase pull part of it confirs insulation between the canera and its inet tion hardware before connecting the ronitor with the camera ORIGINAL CABLE CONNECTION +++ (Purple) sss hit (Brom) Grey) + ed) Black) (CAM trigger) detect winker Wo ie HOW TO REPLACE THE FUSE (How to ranove the fuse cao A\Caut ioi Please use a SA fuse a Fiure6 HOW TO INSTALL PARTS NAME & FUNCTIONS TW PARTS WATE A Caution Please adjust the direction and the angle of the monitor so Uhat you can see its eoreen in front of you from the driver's seat. Rail auido SS NORTBLC saith A\Warning Don't operate the monitor ewitch during driving It ean cause an accident. Z\ Caution Monitor rear view 2 inage selected “AUDIO™ atthe menu “CAE ‘SETTING (GF, P25) is displayed, BLC function by NIR/BLC switch is inactive, (@ Funcrions 38/0N owiteh 5 snitch changes the monitor state between on and standby. Every tine you push this switch, the mnitor state is switched betwoen on and standby. Inon state, canere inase is displayed y state, camera inage isn’t displayed. Please set the monitor in standby state for normal use Men you put the change lever the monitor eet in standby state 0 (rear) and die displayed. When CM trigzer to CANE detected with 2, 00 layed. In case the nonitar detects multiple tr changed to Caneral image and distance mark igner to OMMA triager are detected mith the mont automatically changed to corresponding casera ine, ‘rinmers, displayed image is changod to inage of th hts up when the monitor is in on state It lights up at less intensity snd informe that the monitor is in etandby state, © CM-SELECT suite 1) Gaera select (Ghort push : Less than 2 socords) Evory tino you puch this switch, dioplayed inage is switched {H-7220, c-6010) Displayed inage isn't switched because the ruber of camera input Is one (4-7230] Displaed inete is itched in order Carel — Caner — Canerad —> Cored — less of camera connect ng state Image is switched in order Canoral — Caner? — External video input jardlece of canera connecting state, external video inage is displayed only shen the parking brake is enabled push ‘witch for over 2 seconds, the noniter displays blue back and "WEN OP (CF, P.20)" appears ‘the menu, this ewitoh functions as execution enitoh. If seconds again, the menu ends. After leaving the monitor fends. Notes) Please make sure to stop a vehicle in a safe place whan you operate the menu 11 push this owiteh for over ne for 10 seconds, @ v/a evitch This switch edjusts the volume only when canera inage selected "AUDIO" atthe menu “CAMERA 2) SETTING (GF. P.25)" is displayed. You can adjust the volune by 9 steps from 0 to 8 However, you can’t adjust the volune of C-6010 because it doesn’ t have autio output function. In the mona, this switch functions ae down switch / up evitch 2 The audio canera it! t cold in Dec. 2014 © DIN switch Tie ewiton changes the display briahtness ‘he display becones dark in ON and bright in OFF, Please set this as easy to see. Every tine you push this switch, the dimer state i ewitehed Between on and off In the manu, thie owitch functions a2 loft svitch © NOVEL switon This switch inproves the view of image when it is difficult to see because of a back! ight ‘hen you push this ewiteh once, BLC control operates forthe tine set at the mon “BL TINER (cf. P23) However, in case canera image selected “BLO” at the nena “OMVERAI (2) SETTING (Cf. .26)” ie displayed, GLC function is active fs soon a6 BLG control ends, canera image returns a noraal state In the meng, thie ewitch funetione ae right aviteh Motes) When you push both DIM witch and NOBLE switch for over 2 eooonds, the mnitor displays blue back and “TRIGGER SETTING (GT. P.27)” sepoars 1 you push both DIN switch and NUR/BLC owitch fr ovar 2 socends again, the trigger setting song ends. After leaving the monitor alone for 10 seconds, the trigger setting menu ents The trigger setting nana ean be operated whether the monitor detects the trigger or not Please make sure to stop a vehicle in a safe place when you operate the trigger setting MENU & TRIGGER SETTING ‘Wan you push CNSELEOT owiteh Tor over 2 eeoonde, the wonltor dleplays blue back and "WEN TOP NORMAL (BLE OFF) Nenu item enw iten Default setting — LAGU SETTING a RIGATESS ONE) Tae | | GATES O1N-O0 sear | [covreast ° ~ fore cour fo oF md To CAE REVERSE OFF SRBHESS [o [ewes reverse oF | coveras Aspect |FULL cover aspect | FULL cameras aseeor | FULL cera aspect | FULL (DISTANCE MARK WA 5 TIMER See (ov-soro_cv-s020) [nenw ites [Default setting Louce SETTING | WPMESE SRLOHTHESS 8 cal ua 2 conreast . cao o 4] | | om fo cma Reve | oFF SHARPNESS © casa REVERSE ofr cae SPECT | PL rest Wo [cameo aseecr | UL rcs ——— a [neo aspect [ru TRIO%ER2 [iow 1 wewy To = of, P20 aed P28 setting fron “EL-SHB JAPANESE)” or “ENGLISH” by DIM eviteh and NOR/BLC "BACK", the manu ends 1 PICTURE hen you ICTURE™ at “MENU TOP", the following sereen appears ust picture of Canera or ideo input which sdjust picture of each Canera and External video ingut individually. BRIGIMEESS. DINEOH) contrast coLeuR TINT SHARPNESS When yeu select “BACK”, tho moniter returns to “MEM) TOP” BRIGHTNESS (DINSOFF) Ti+ coLou you select “BRIGHTIESS (DINMOFF)" at "PICTURE", tho folloring screen appears Ween you seloct “COLOUR” at “PICTURE”. the soreen appears em O to 10 by DIM switch and NOR/BLC switch setting. ness ue deorestes, brightness Men you push CNV-SELECT he monitor nenorizes the set value and returne to “PICTURE 1-1-2 BRIGHTNESS DINEOW) 1-1-5 TIT ‘han you coloct “BRIGHTNESS (OIN-ON)” at “PICTURE”. the folloving soroen appears. When you colect “TINT” at “PICTURE”. the following soreen appears. MON) from 0 to 10 by DIM onitch and NOR/BLC switch Please sot tint fron -5 to +5 by UM ewiteh and MIVBLC switch. intense, As mich a8 the value decresses, brightness renorizes the set value and returns to “PICTURE” 1-1-6. SHARPNESS When you colect,“SMARPNESS” at “PICTURE”. the following ccreen appeers 1-3 CONTRAST ‘When you select, “CONTRAST” a the folowing screen appears 1-2 FUNCTION Wen you select "FUNCTION" at “WERU TOP", the following soreen appears. Please set correctly in conformity with purpose of use. vehicle and canera (ou7220,_0W-7230) Please select a neni iter by W/ 4 seitoh Each value inside [] ie a current setting When you push CAU-SELECT switoh, the monitor enters the chosen iton. COERAT ASPECT = or P28 ‘CAMERAS ASPEST = Of, P24 5K This item is grey and can't be cot at (-7220 and OM-6010 COMERS ASPEST = OF P24 HK This item is grey and can't be set at OH-7220, OMERAA ASPECT = Of 245K Thi item is grey and can't be set at CH-1220, VIDED ASPECT = Of P24 3% This item is grey and can't be set at CH-6010 DISTANCE WARK = of P24 Please select setting tine of exposure corpensation fran (S5ee), (I0seo) or (80sec) by DIM ewiteh and MOR/BLC switch et, "ELC TIER” to “WENY TOF Men you select “BACK”, the monitor ret a CME ASPECT Men you select “CAVERAL ASPEOT™ at “FUNCTION. the folloving screen appears Please select aspect ratio by DIM switen and MIR/ELC eviteh, The value inside [ ] is a current sotting @) FUL Aspect ratio = 16:9 3% Inage is expanded equally in hor zontal direction @ NORM — = Aspect ratio = 4:3. @ mde Aspect ratio = 16:9. Distortion by expansion Is reduced at center Wen you push CNF-SELECT switch, the nanitor manorizes the eet value and returns to “FUNCTION” Aesorine tothe model, you can st “GER ASE to “ERM ASPELT” an “VIDE ASPECT 9 the sane way. 1-2-2. DISTANCE MARK Wnon you colect “DISTAVGE MARK” st "FUNCTION". the following screen apoeers, Please select distanco mark in conformity with instal lation height and canera by DIM swt ony The val ent setting r Height = 3e. Canere = ¢-5000 ® Height = 2m Canera = ¢-5000 @ Height = Sn. Canera = C-40108/ 0-40608/ ¢-8110 Height = 2n, Canera = C-4010A/ 0-40604/ ¢-4110 Distance mark isn't displayed distance points On Im, Zn from under side 3a, Sn, Im, 10n, 18 from under eid, When you push CAV-SELECT switch, the moniter mnorizes the set value and returns to “FUNCTION Notes) Distance nark isn't meant sbsolute distance fran a vehicle. Please use it a¢ aim m4 1-3 Inpur Men you select “INPUT” at “MEW TOP", the following sereen appears. Please set correctly in conformity with purpose of use and canera {ou-7220, 4-7230] CMVERAZ SETTING 3% This item is erey and can't be set at OM-7220 and O-6010 AUDIO SETTING 5 This item is rey and can't be set at OM-7220 and GH-6010. Notes) In case the audio canera is comected, please set “CANERAI SETTING", “CAMERAZ SETTING and "AUDIO SETTING” in conformity with purpose of use. However, the audio canara isn't sold in Deo., 2014 ‘en you push CNF-SELECT switch, the monitor entere’ the chosen ten CMERAT REVERSE CT. P26 CMMERAZ REVERSE «=f. P.26. 3% This iten is grey and can't be set at CH-7220 and OH-6010 CAMERAS REVERSE «= GT. P.26. 3% This item is grey and can't be set at cH-7220. CHMERAL REVERSE Cf, P.26. 3% This item is erey and can't be set at GH-T220. hon you select "BAK", the monitor returns to “WEMD TOP” 1-3-1 CANERAT SETTING Please select camera function from [B.C] or {AUDIO} by DIM switch end NOR/BLC switch at “CAMERA SETTING? ae LG function is active. (Audio output function is inactive.) (2 AUDIO = Audio output function is active. (BLE function is inactive.) Aecording to the medol. you can sot “CAMERAD SETTING” in the cane way. 8 1-3-2 mo SETTING Please select Audio output canera frox (DISPLAY], [CAIERAT] or (GAMERA) by DIM switch and WOR/BLC fwitoh at “AUDIO SETTING” DISPLAY + Tho nonitor outoute audio of displayed canera CHVERAI The monitor outputs sudio of Camera CAMERAZ = The monitor outguts audio of Canara. Incase Audio cutput camera is the audio caters selected "AUDIO" at “GMERAI (2) SETTING audio outout fron the sonitor it active 1-3-3 CANERAT REVERSE When you select “CAVERAI REVERSE” at “INPUT”. the following sereen eppears 8 direction of right and left of Canorat by DIN switch and NOR/BLC ewiteh. is 8 current setting ie direction of right and left is reverse Inage direction of right and left isn’t reverse Wn you push CAI-SELECT switch, the mnitor manorizes the set valve and returns to “INPUT Notes) In ease you use to contirm 2 rear View, please telect image direction as sane ae beck mirror. ‘ecording to the model, you can set “GAUERA2 REVERSE” to “CAMERA REVERSE in the sane way 1-4 RESET When you colect “RESET” at "VENU TOP”. the f soreen appears t (YES) or [NO] of reset control by DIM switch and NOR/BLC switch ue inside [7 is a current setting ized to default values, except lanquege setting, and 1d to default valves and returne to “MEM) TOP” % faerze0 or 20) TROUBLE SHOOTING Before you order service Tease oheck the [oheek tems Ghesk tthe original eable cut or cone off? the fuse of the original cable cut? —— ator UE) ht shts up, but | Doesn't shut the canera front out wi appears Treaty use he shitter caer (1 shutter close? t the front glass of the canera stained? T [When you input @ reverse ‘does backlight turn on both [rien ond Tet? | Sutter decor t ork —JOon't you comet diratiy the Wieeor Yo DOTA2AT az over spply or wthicle ground? ‘Incase you use C¥-1230, don’ t you connect the shutter camera | (C-4060h to Caersd or Carat? Eb Caner and Caner does suport shutter control Shiteies din"€ werk [Doesn't the monitor estect the tr leer? Displayed ings car be | Doesn't CM TOME trier) to CAMA (OME trigger) contact Cheer [th veicle around) Don't yu cerneot directly the triegor to DETA/EAT ROE dover seply 9 vehicle round? Please contirn jneton and voltage Tove of Ue Crane od “TRIGGER SETTING (6 P27” Display [Tinaae doen't viviel Please select a mens iten by ¥/ svt, Fach value inside [ ] is a current setting TRIGGER This item is grey and oan't be set at CH-7220 and CH-£010 RS_——« This item is grey and can't be sot at C7220 TRIGGER 3% This Item is grey and can’t be set at CH-7220. When you select "BACK", the trigger setting menu ends The backlight of the LOD has life expectancy (about 20, 000 haure). Wen the display becomsa der] ng or doesn’t light up, you need to change LOD. Please ask dealer in detail ON) by DIM switch and WoR/BLC ow toh at “TRIGGER” ease you cormect BACK (Reverse gear trigger) to OCI2V/24V Lon Tn case you comect BACK (Reverso gear trigger) to GD. According to the model. you can set “TRIGGER2” to “TRIGGER” in he LOD is made by high technology but there are defect pixels. always on or always off, wit se than 0.01%. Please understand it beforehand a 8 SPECIFICATIONS (CN-7220) Trinch TFT Leb aspect ratio 16:9) 00d)» 48000 0cd/n Tye) Tight and left 65° , up SO" , dom 65° (Typ) ‘out 20,000 hours CIFICATIONS (CM-7230) oe dow 65° (Typ) Nise/ PAL autonatic switching Maximan 1 camera NTSO/ PAL eutonatic switching Maximus 4 cameras rs © Display mode selection (SB/0N) (10) Menu iene (@ CMERA ASPECT (FULL/ MORNAL/ MIDE) A OMERA REVERSE (OFF/ ON) ( RESET (YES/NO) (® TRIGGER GHGHY LOW Supported caperas Mitsubishi car vision camer -4960A, C-4015, €-5000, 6-8110) (11) Supported camoras (12) Audio output function Audio output function wi220) Both DOIZN/24V (DOH1T¥ to +920) Less than 9 100,0(0) > 124.0¢H) % 93.600) am (ot include switches and prot han 3805 (Only monitor) ances) 1 ® Instruction sarwal 1 (23) Attachnont bracket © Hanger-type bracket K-72108 1B Wount ing bracket K (23) Attachment bracket PECIFICATIONS (CM-6020) E.T-inch TFT LOD (aepect ratio TO) SPECIFICATIONS (CM-6010) @.I-inch WY LGD (aspect ratio 150) 00H) 4800) Oca? Cty) Fight and loft 65° , up S0° . down 65° (Typ) About 20,000 hours Fight and left 68° up 50° . dom 65° (yp) Aout 20,000 hours NISO/ PAL autonatic ewitehing MMB AL eutnticothig Novi 1 cra ° Display mde selection ($8/04) (10) Meru items AUDIO SETTING (DISPLAY) (1 OMERA REVERSE OFF/ ON) RESET (YES/NO) & meen nt Ln Swported caneras hi car vision canera he 4010, 0-4060A, 0-4013, 6-5000, 6-4110) Audio output function (23) Attachment bracket (3) Attachwent bracket EXTERNAL VIEW (CM-7220, CM-7230) TERNAL VIEW (CM+6010, CN-6020)

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