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Field Knowledge, Plant Operation

Filtration I
The end of the common journey

Chemical products frequently occur as solid materials

(precipitates) in liquids. At the end of the production
process, the question arises: “How are the liquid and
solid components separated?” The method of choice
is filtration.

The Morning After...

At the end of a long night, first pulverized coffee form a
coffee is often the last re- very unappetizing mixture in
sort. Everyone knows the the coffee filter from the
procedure: A filter bag is extract and the solid ground
placed into the filter; then - a suspension. In the sec-
the pulverized coffee is ond step, the “spent” coffee
added; the pot is placed powder - the filter cake - is
below, and then preparation separated from the solution
starts. - the filtrate by letting it run
But what happens in the through the filter bag - the
course of this well known filter material.
form of filtration? Actually
two process are performed:
Of the hot water and the

Pores Allow this

The filter bag has pores would be prepared by way
which must satisfy two vital of a clay candle, you would
criteria: probably have to prepare
 they must be bigger than Friday’s coffee on the previ-
the liquid particles ous Monday.
 and smaller than the sep-
arated solid particles.
The smaller the pores, the
better the separation of
liquids and solids, but the
slower the filtration process.
If, for example, the coffee
Table filter (Courtesy Schenk company)

Pores and Channels

If you look at a filter bag greatly influenced by
under a microscope you see  the viscosity (flowability)
that the material consists of of the liquid,
a tangle of fine crowing  the pore diameter and
fibers. Between these fibers thickness of the filter
narrow channels remain - material, and
the pores. This is the only  the thickness of the filter
path the water - or liquid cake.
medium -may take through
the filter material and the Energy is required for con-
filter cake. It must squeeze quering the flow resistance.
through these pores. The
narrow pore produces a
flow resistance which must
be overcome by the liquid.
The flow resistance is

Microscopic picture of a cellulose filter

Field Knowledge, Plant Operation

No Effect Without Pressure...

This energy is due to the In the space upstream of
pressure difference between the filter material, a pres-
the space upstream of the sure is produced by pump- ambient pressure = suspension
filter material/filter cake and ing, hydraulic or pneumatic 1.013 bar
nutsch filter
that downstream. pressure or gas injection,
In the course of pressure which presses the incoming filter material
filtration, the space suspension through the
seal ring
upstream of the filter mater- filter material. In technical
ial is closed and the space filtering systems, a pressure
downstream - open. of 15 bar is standard.
vacuum pump
Vacuum Filtration liquid
Naturally, it is possible to This is called vacuum or
produce the required pres- suction filtration. The disad- suction bottle
sure difference via a vacu- vantage of this method is,
um which is applied at the e.g. that the pressure differ- internal pressure =
closed space downstream ence achievable at maxi- 0.6 bar
of the filter material. This mum is 1.013 bar (in the
causes the product to be field, however, only 0.6 to
filtered to be drawn through 0.8 bar maximum).
the filter layer rather than
pressed. Principle of vacuum filtration

Pore and Capillary Moisture

If the weight of the water in
the coffee filter is no longer moisture
between the
adequate to overcome the
flow resistance through the
pores, it no longer flows. In
the pores of the filter and
the capillary spaces of the
filter cake a specific amount
of water remains. This is
called residual moisture of capillary moisture
the filter cake. This residual
pore moisture
moisture must now not only
overcome the flow resistan-
ce, but also the moisture
absorbing capacity of the
filter material and the filter
cake. The residual moisture Howerver, it may only be editions Drying I and
may be reduced by press- completely removed by a Drying II).
ing. drying process (see also the

Types of Filtration Filtering is Not Always

Depending on which part of the Same
a suspension is to be ob- Another difference in filtra-
tained by filtration, we clas- tion is the type of solid ma-
sify: terial separation: During
 solid-phase filtration: screen filtration, the filter
Here the solid substance material retains all solid
is the desired product particles whose diameter is
(e.g. color pigment); bigger than the pore diame-
 clarification filtration: Here ter. Smaller particles pass
the liquid is the objective the screen. This method
of the separation (e.g. allows therefore both a sol-
coffee); id/liquid separation and also
 separating filtration: Here a separation of coarse
both, the solid substance grains. coarse particles passing
and the liquid, are the fine partiles
objective of the process.

Field Knowledge, Plant Operation

The filter-medium filtration is The cake filtration, on the suspension

based on the separation of other hand, utilizes the filter
solid substances in the filter cake on the filter material
material (e.g. a gravel or (e.g. a filter cloth) formed of
fiber bed). the separated solid parti-
Here, the permeability of the cles.
filter layer decreases with This filter cake acts as filter
increasing absorption of aid whose permeability
solid substances. Cleaning decreases with the thick-
on a regular basis or re- ness of the cake. Therefore,
placement of the filter layer it is necessary to regularly
is required. remove the filter cakes from
Due to imbedding the solid the filter material. For the
particles in the filter layer, calculation of the filtration
this method is predominant- capacity of a system a solid material filter cake
ly used for clarifying filtra- specified thickness of the filter material layer filter material
tion. filter cake is considered. (e. g. membrane)
filter discharge filter discharge

Filter-medium filtration Cake filtration

When the Filter is

All filtration processes face  an increase of the filtering
the problem that with in- quality (particle retention filter cake
creasing quantity of sepa- capacity), or filtrate flow
rated solids, the filter mater-  the solid material is
ial becomes less permeable pressed into or passed
for the liquid. The filter is through the filter material.
“blocked” or becomes un- pressure on the
permeable. The consequence is: filter cake
This results in  backwash to upstream
 a decreasing filtration system components or
capacity (suspension  contamination of already filtering time
throughput per unit time); clarified liquid.
 a pressure increase up-
stream of the filter materi- In case of screen filtration, great variety of grain pores. Eventuallly, a thick
al, in the case of filter- the system is “blocked” sizes.The solid particles filter cake develops.
medium filtration; when the solid material in become blocked, then in-
the suspension displays a creasingly, the smaller

Filter Material
In the field, a great variety of  grain size of the solid  characteristics of the There is an adequate filter
suspensions occur. The substance, particles in the solvent material for each feasible
difference may be e.g. in  distribution of grain size (e.g. susceptibility to combination of these differ-
the in the solid substance, clogging = agglomera- ences.
 solvents,  required separation effi- tion).
ciency, or

Mats and the Like

One of the oldest filter mate- fibers or carbon fibers. Met-
rial are mats and fabric fil- al fabric are frequently ap-
ters. Both consist of inter- plied as prefilters. The pore
woven fibers. The difference diameter in these filters is a
is in the method of fiber function of the fiber thick-
bonding: Mats are irregularly ness: the finer the fiber, the
felted fibers. They are fab- smaller the pore diameter
rics consisting mostly of that can be obtained.
woven fiber bundles
(threads). Fiber materials are
e.g. synthetic fibers (nylon,
polyester), natural fibers Microscopic mat filter - Microscopic mat filter -
(e.g. cellulose), glass cellulose cardboard glass fiber mat

Field Knowledge, Plant Operation

One problem that may de- which are incorporated with

velop is they, precipitants the precipitate in the filter
(e.g. flakes from effluent cake (precoat filtration).
treatment) very quickly This causes the cake to be
block the filter material. less dense and guarantees
Additionally, a very thin filter a higher residence time of
cake layer seals the filter the filter material. Such
practically completely. Here substances are e.g. kiesel-
filter aids are a solution: guhrs, activated carbon.
substances resulting either
in an agglomeration and
thus a coarsening of the Fabric filter - nylon Diatomaceous earth for
precipitate (flocculants) or precoat filtration (Photo:
Courtesy Schenk company)

The Magic Word “Mem-

Membranes, as opposed to  the fabrication is fre-
mats or fabric filter materi- quently much easier than
als, do not consist of fibers, compared to mats or
but they are actually foams. fabrics.
They consist normally of
synthetic materials which Combinations of mats/fab-
have a defined pore struc- rics and membranes are
ture as a result of special also applied: For example,
manufacturing methods. the strength of a membrane
The advantages of mem- may be increased by foam-
branes are e.g.: ing in of a fabric, or mem- Membrane with bacteria PTFE-membrane
 a pore diameter up to the branes are combined with
size of molecules may be matted precoat filters.
achieved, Membranes may obtain a
 number of pores and great variety of forms: Flat
 pore distribution may be filter courses, hoses, coat-
accurately adjusted, and ings of filter cartridges.

Filtering is More than...

Of course, filtering does not a large field of application  the smoke filters,  demisters
only mean separation of for filtering techniques and  dusts filters etc..  recovery of solvents va-
solid from liquid compo- materials. This includes Another field of application pors (systems for the
nents of a suspension. Also e.g.: is that of liquid/gaseous recovery of solvents).
the separation of  all types of breathing separation. This includes
solid/gaseous substances is filters, e.g.:

Suspensions - Colloids -
 Why is blocking of the Suspension are formed by and the mixture appears A fine distribution of two
filter material in case of finely dispersing a solid clear. However, if directing a liquids that cannot be
pressure filtration more substance in a liquid (the light beam into them, a mixed is an emulsion. Nor-
dangerous than in vacuum dispersion material) in cone of light is clearly visible mally, emulsions must be
filtration? which it does not dissolve. - a phenomenon which stabilized by way of an
Particles >1 µm does not occur in a “gen- emulsifier so that they can-
 Why is a pressure differ- (1/1000 mm) result in sus- uine solution” (e.g. sugar in not separate spontaneous-
ence greater 1.013 bar in pensions in which they water). This is called after ly. Typical representatives
mere vacuum filtration im- deposit after a prolonged its discoverer the Tyndall are e.g. milk (fat in water),
possible? period of standing (sedi- effect. cooling lubricants in metal
mentation). Typical suspensions are e.g. cutting or standard body
BASF Aktiengesellschaft Particles <1 µm are called colored varnishes, lime lotions.
GPB/E Personnel Develop- colloids. Colloidally distrib- solution or fruit marrow in
ment and Training uted solids do not readily fruit juices.
67056 Ludwigshafen deposit by themselves,
© BASF/December 2004

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