Osztályozóvizsga Témakörök 2020. - What To Talk About... : 1. Festivals

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Osztályozóvizsga témakörök 2020. - what to talk about...

1. Festivals
- Classification of special occasions: family/national/religious/school/Hungarian/foreign celebrations
and special days

 Family celebrations
 National holidays
 Memorial days
 Religious holidays
 School holidays
 Foreign holidays

- Giving a few examples for each

 Family holidays: name days, birthdays, anniversaries (wedding, Christmas, Easter)

 National holidays: 15th of march (revolution and freedom fight against the habsburg
dynasty), 20th of August (foundation of the state), Saint Steven (first king) of the Holy Virgin
Mary, 4th of June (Trianon), 23th of october
 Memorial days: 4th of June the Peace threaty of France, 6th of october (martires of Arad)
 Religious holidays, 6th of January (Epiphang) – visit of the 3 kings, Ash Wednesday, Shrove
Tuesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter
Sunday/Monday, Pentecost, All saints day, all hallows day, all souls day, Christmas Eve, Day,
Boxing day (26), New year’s Eve/Day

- Details about one or two holidays/celebration that mean a lot to you

 Most of them mean a lot tom e and I also celebrate some of them too, and now I will
describe one of them…
2. Future plans, career choices
- Short-term plans: for the next weeks/months (studies, driving licence, language certificate, sports,

 In the next few weeks, I plan to focus on my studies and prepare for upcoming exams.
 I am also considering taking some additional courses or attending workshops related to law,
as I want to gain more knowledge and skills in this field.
 Additionally, I would like to keep going to gym as much as possible, as I believe it's important
to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

- Your plans for the Summer:

 During the summer, I plan to work part-time and get some money to buy stuff which I may
decide in the future.
 I also want to travel and visit some European cities that are known for their rich history and
cultural heritage.
 Furthermore, I would like to try a level C1 English langiage exma and prepare for next year’s
final exam(s).

- Mid-term plans: for the next one and a half year, till you graduate from grammar school

 My mid-term plans involve completing my grammar school education and getting accepted
into a reputable university to study law.
 I currently Don’t need to research for universities, becausd I alredy foun d where I will attend

- Your plans concerning higher education

 As mentioned, I am planning to attend an university to study law at SZE.

 I want to specialize in a particular area of law, such as international law or human rights law.

- How and when you decided what to specialise in, what university to apply for, what to be when you
grow up

 I have alredy decided that I will study law in the university

 As I mentioned before I will apply for Szechenyi university
 After i finis hit I will become a lawyer after my dad, which is a great opportunity to be secure
about your job in your first active years

- Long-term plans: family, career, place of living, imagined lifestyle

 Apart from my career plans, I also want to start a family and have children.
 I hope to live in a city with a vibrant culture and a good quality of life.

- Other wishes: places you want to visit, activities you want to try, people you want to keep in touch
with/work with, desired professional achievements, etc.

 I would love to visit some nice destinations, and try new activities for example scuba diving
 Also hope to meet inspiring people who share my values and can teach me new things.
 Finally, I want to achieve professional recognition and become a well-respected lawyer in my
3. Your ideal job, your life in 2 / 10 years
- Classification of jobs and professions

 There are many different jobs and professions out there, each with its own unique set of
skills and requirements.
 Some common job categories include healthcare, education, finance, law, technology,
marketing, and entertainment.

- How people choose their career in general

 People often choose their career based on their interests, skills, and values.
 They may also consider job stability, salary, and opportunities for growth and advancement.
 Additionally, family and societal expectations may also play a role in career choices.

- Your current/previous career plans, reasons why you chose that particular job, who inspired you

 My current career plan is to become a lawyer.

 I have always been interested in the law and how it can be used to bring justice and fairness
to people's lives.
 I was inspired by the lawyers I saw on TV and in movies, who fought tirelessly for their clients
and made a real difference in the world.
 I also enjoy researching and analyzing complex legal issues, which is an important aspect of
being a successful lawyer.

- Describing the way to your career

 To become a lawyer, I will need to complete a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as
political science or pre-law.
 After that, I will need to attend law school and pass the bar exam in order to become
licensed to practice law in my state.

- Describing he working environment you imagine for yourself

 As a lawyer, I imagine working in a law firm or possibly starting my own practice.

 I would like to work with a diverse group of clients and handle a variety of legal cases,
ranging from criminal defense to civil litigation. I also value a supportive and collaborative
working environment, where colleagues can share ideas and work together to achieve the
best outcomes for clients.

- Long-term plans: family, career, place of living, imagined lifestyle

 In the nextfew years, my main focus will be on completing law school and gaining experience
in the legal field.
 In the next ten years, I hope to have established a successful legal career and possibly even
have started my own law firm.
 I also hope to have a family and a home in a safe and welcoming community. In terms of
lifestyle, I envision a balanced life that includes fulfilling work, meaningful relationships, and
personal interests and hobbies.
4. Spare time, going out
- Comparison: activities to do at home vs. outdoor activities/going out

 There are many activities that can be done at home such as reading, watching movies,
playing video games, and cooking.
 Outdoor activities/going out can include sports, visiting parks or museums, going to the
cinema or theater, and socializing with friends.

- Comparison: individual pastime activities vs. thing to do with others

 Individual activities can include things like reading, painting, or exercising.

 Activities to do with others can include sports, board games, or going to events.

- Places to go with friends/family

 There are many places to go with friends and family, such as parks, restaurants, museums,
and sports facilities.
 Depending on personal preferences, some people may enjoy going to the cinema or theater,
while others may prefer outdoor activities like hiking or camping.

- Sports facilities on offer, your preferences

 Gyms, swimming pools, and sports clubs are some examples of sports facilities.
 My personal preference is to exercise outdoors, such as going for a run or a bike ride, but I
also enjoy going to the gym for weightlifting.

- Available cultural facilities, your preferences

 Cultural facilities can include museums, art galleries, and theaters.

 I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries, as I find them educational and inspiring.

- Hanging out, clubbing, festivals: your preferences

 I prefer to hang out with friends in a more relaxed setting, like going to a cafe or having a
picnic in a park.
 I am not a big fan of clubbing, but I do enjoy going to festivals and live music events.
5. Reading books, watching films
- Books: comparison of genres

 There are different genres in books such as fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance, science
fiction, horror, etc.
 Reading can be a personal experience that allows us to escape into another world, learn
something new, or explore different perspectives.

- Your reading, preferences, when, what and why you read

 I enjoy reading fiction books, particularly those in the mystery and thriller genre.
 I like to read before going to bed or during my free time.
 I read to relax, learn new things, and expand my imagination.

- Your opinion on compulsory readings

 I think that compulsory readings can be a good way to introduce students to classic literature
and different genres.
 However, I also believe that students should have the freedom to choose what they want to
read, as this can increase their interest and motivation.

- Films: comparison of genres, your preferences and dislikes

 There are various genres in films such as drama, action, comedy, romance, science fiction,
horror, etc.
 Watching films can be a way to experience different emotions, perspectives, and worlds.

- Your opinion on film adaptations

 I think that film adaptations can be a good way to introduce a story to a wider audience and
to bring it to life in a different medium.
 However, I also believe that adaptations should stay true to the essence of the original work
and not make significant changes without a good reason.
6. Going to the cinema / theatre, watching TV, the Internet
- Cinema: comparison of genres, describing the typical cinema experience

 Cinema: There are different genres in movies such as action, drama, comedy, romance,
science fiction, horror, etc. A typical cinema experience involves buying tickets, getting some
snacks and drinks, finding a good seat, and enjoying the movie on a big screen with a great
sound system.

- Theatre: comparison of genres, describing why a visit to the theatre can be special

 The theatre can be divided into different genres such as drama, musicals, opera, ballet, etc.
 A visit to the theatre can be special because of the live performance, the atmosphere of the
venue, and the opportunity to witness talented actors and performers.

- TV: classification of different programmes and channels

 There are various programmes and channels on TV such as news, sports, movies, series,
documentaries, reality shows, etc.
 People usually watch TV to relax, stay informed, or to be entertained.

- What people usually use the Internet for

 The Internet is a vast platform that offers many possibilities such as communication,
information, entertainment, shopping, social networking, and more.
 People usually use the Internet for research, communication, entertainment, and shopping.

- Your personal preferences in each of the four

 I enjoy watching action and science fiction movies in the cinema.

 I am fine with musicals and ballet performances in the theatre, but I almost never go to any
kind of theatre.
 I prefer to watch series and documentaries on TV, but again I rarely watch any of them.
 I use the Internet for research, communication, entertainment, sometimes shopping, and of
course gaming
7. Shopping facilities, your shopping habits
- Comparing shopping facilities: malls, shopping streets, markets, online shopping, second-hand
products, etc.

 There are various shopping facilities available for consumers, each with their own advantages
and disadvantages. Some common shopping facilities include:
 Malls: These are large shopping complexes with a variety of stores and products. They offer
convenience and comfort, as everything is in one place, but can be crowded and
 Shopping streets: These are areas with a high concentration of shops and boutiques. They
offer an unique shopping experience and often have a more personal touch, but can be
limited in terms of selection.
 Markets: These are outdoor or indoor areas where vendors sell fresh produce, artisanal
products, and souvenirs. They offer a more authentic experience and can be cheaper, but
may not have a wide selection of products.
 Online shopping: This allows consumers to shop from the comfort of their own home and
have products delivered to their doorstep. It offers convenience and a wide selection of
products, but can be risky in terms of quality and security.
 Second-hand products: This involves purchasing used items from thrift stores, garage sales,
or online platforms. It can be more environmentally friendly and cheaper, but may require
more effort in finding specific products.

- Methods of payment

 There are various methods of payment available for shopping, including cash, credit/debit
cards, and mobile payments. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in
terms of convenience, security, and fees.

- Shopping for food

 Shopping for food involves choosing between supermarkets, local markets, and specialty
 Some people prefer to shop for fresh produce at markets or specialty stores, while others
prefer the convenience and variety of supermarkets.

- Shopping for clothes

 Shopping for clothes can involve trying on various styles and sizes in-store or browsing
 Some people prefer to shop at specific brands or boutiques, while others prefer to find deals
at discount stores or thrift stores.

- Shopping facilities you use around your school/on the way to school

 may frequent certain shopping facilities on their way to and from school, such as
convenience stores or fast food chains.
 Some students may also prefer to shop for school supplies or clothing at nearby malls or
shopping streets.

- Your experience in online shopping

 Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many people have had
both positive and negative experiences.
 Some people appreciate the convenience and variety of products, while others may have had
issues with shipping, quality, or security.
 As for my own shopping habits, I tend to prefer shopping at malls or online for clothing and
accessories. For food, I usually shop at supermarkets or local markets, depending on what I
am looking for. I often use cash or credit/debit cards for payment, depending on the
situation. When it comes to online shopping, I mostly have good experience so far, and I
always make sure to research the website and read reviews before making a purchase.
8. Services
- Short description of a few sports/entertainment facilities: gyms, cinemas, exit rooms,
amusement/theme/adventure parks, etc.

 Sports/Entertainment Facilities: There are various sports and entertainment facilities

available to people today.
 Gyms offer people a place to work out and stay fit, and some even offer personal training
 Cinemas provide a space for people to enjoy movies with friends and family, and some offer
luxury seating options.
 Exit rooms are a popular form of entertainment where groups of people solve puzzles and
escape a locked room.
 Amusement, theme, and adventure parks offer thrilling rides, attractions, and games for
people of all ages.

- Mentioning a few examples of catering industry: restaurants, pubs, hotels, hostels, etc.

 Catering Industry: The catering industry includes various food and beverage establishments.
 Restaurants provide a place for people to dine and enjoy a variety of cuisines, and some even
offer takeout and delivery services.
 Pubs are popular social spots where people can enjoy drinks and food in a relaxed
 Hotels and hostels offer accommodation services to travelers and often include on-site
restaurants and bars.

- THE MOST IMPORTANT: describing financial services: banks, insurance companies, currency
exchange offices

 Financial Services: Financial services are an essential aspect of our lives.

 Banks provide a range of services, including savings and checking accounts, loans, and credit
 Insurance companies offer protection against potential risks and damages, such as health,
car, or home insurance.
 Currency exchange offices allow people to exchange money and currencies for international
travel or business purposes.
9. Transport, traffic in Győr
- Means of transport used in Győr

 Means of Transport Used in Győr: Győr offers various means of transport, including buses,
trams, bicycles, and cars.
 Buses and trams are the most common means of public transportation, with several lines
running throughout the city.
 Bicycles are becoming increasingly popular among commuters, and the city has implemented
bike lanes to support this trend.
 Cars are also widely used, although traffic congestion can be a problem during peak hours.

- How people choose the means of transport

 How People Choose the Means of Transport: The means of transport people choose often
depends on factors such as convenience, speed, cost, and environmental impact.
 Public transportation is often favored for its affordability and convenience, while cars are
preferred for their flexibility and speed.
 Bicycles are popular for short trips and for their environmental friendliness.

- Environmental impact

 Environmental Impact: The use of cars in Győr contributes to air pollution and traffic
congestion, which can impact the environment and the quality of life for residents.
 The city has implemented measures to reduce traffic, such as encouraging public
transportation use, promoting cycling, and improving infrastructure.

- Your preferences, your ideas for the ways of future development, how you imagine the future of

 As a resident of Győr, my preference is to use public transportation or a bicycle whenever

possible to reduce my carbon footprint.
 In the future, I envision the development of more sustainable and innovative means of
transportation, such as electric buses and autonomous vehicles.
 I also believe that implementing smart traffic management systems, such as intelligent traffic
lights and real-time traffic updates, can help alleviate traffic congestion and improve traffic
flow in the city.
 Overall, the future of transport in Győr should prioritize environmental sustainability and
efficiency to improve the quality of life for residents.
10. Travelling
- Comparing different means of transport when going on holiday

 When planning a holiday, there are various means of transport to consider, including planes,
trains, buses, cars, and boats.
 Each has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the destination and the traveler's
 For example, planes are the fastest means of transportation for long distances, but they can
be expensive and may involve long waits and security checks.ó
 Trains are comfortable and scenic, but they may not be the most efficient option for certain
 Buses are affordable and flexible, but they may not be as comfortable as other options.
 Cars offer flexibility and convenience, but they can be costly and may not be suitable for long
 Boats offer an unique and scenic experience, but they may not be practical for all

- Comparing types of accommodation

 There are various types of accommodation to consider when planning a holiday, including
hotels, hostels, apartments, and vacation rentals.
 Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the traveler's budget,
preferences, and needs.
 Hotels offer comfort and convenience, but they can be expensive.
 Hostels are affordable and social, but they may not offer as much privacy or comfort.
 Apartments provide more space and autonomy, but they may require more planning and
 Vacation rentals offer a home-like experience, but they may not be as centrally located or
have the same level of service as hotels.
11. Holidays
- Describing types of holidays (family, culturalwinter/summer, package tour, backpacking,
honeymoon, cruise, etc.)

 There are various types of holidays that people can choose from, depending on their
preferences and interests. Some common types of holidays include:
 Family holidays: These are typically geared towards families with children and may involve
activities such as visiting theme parks, beaches, or camping sites.
 Cultural holidays: These holidays are designed for people who want to explore new cultures
and traditions. They may involve visiting historical sites, museums, and attending cultural
 Winter/summer holidays: These holidays are typically geared towards people who enjoy
outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, or hiking in the winter, and swimming,
sunbathing, and other water sports in the summer.
 Package tours: These holidays are pre-packaged trips that include transportation,
accommodation, and activities. They are often more affordable and convenient, but may
have less flexibility.
 Backpacking holidays: These holidays involve traveling with minimal luggage and on a low
budget, often staying in hostels or camping sites and exploring new places on foot or by
public transport.
 Honeymoon holidays: These holidays are designed for newlyweds and may involve luxurious
accommodation, romantic activities, and special treatment.
 Cruise holidays: These holidays involve traveling on a cruise ship and visiting multiple
destinations during the trip.

- Typical activities during holidays

 The activities during holidays vary depending on the type of holiday and the destination.
Some common activities include:
 Sightseeing and visiting tourist attractions
 Relaxing on beaches or by the pool
 Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or skiing
 Shopping and trying local cuisine
 Attending cultural events or festivals
 Taking part in water sports such as snorkeling or surfing
 Participating in adventure activities such as bungee jumping or skydiving

- Your preferences when going on holiday, your dislikes concerning vacation

 Personally, I enjoy family holidays where I can relax and have fun with my family, try local
foods, and visit some places, where all of us can have a wholesome time together. I also
enjoy outdoor activities such as exploring natural scenery. However, I dislike crowded places
and prefer to avoid tourist hotspots during peak season. Additionally, I prefer to stay in
accommodation that is comfortable and clean, but not necessarily luxurious.

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