Chapter Three-1

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3.0 Introduction

This chapter shows a detailed description of selected methods which includes: research design,
research population, sample size, sampling procedure, research instrument, data gathering
producers, data analyses, ethical consideration and limitations of the study.

3.1 Research Design

The research design is used in this study is descriptive design. A descriptive study is a study with
clearly stated investigative questions. The research objective in a descriptive study is to describe
the phenomena or characteristics associated with a subject population i.e. the who, what when,
where and how of a topic, estimates of the proportions of a population that have certain
characteristics, discovery of associations among different variables and discovery and
measurement of cause and effect relationships among variables.

3.2 Research Population

Target population refers to the total number of elements from which the sample is selected. As a
result, the target population in this research is focus on directors, managers, supervisors, admin
staffs and others income Bank namely Premier Bank in Mogadishu. The study population was
60 employees who work in some selected Bank namely Premier bank, in Mogadishu.

Table 3.1 the following table presents the population

Category Target population Sample size

1 Manager 40 33
2 Employees 45 37
Total 85 70

3.3 Sampling
Procedure In this study, the sampling procedures are non-probability sampling technique for
choosing the sample of respondent. Although the target population of this study were 70 or exact
number, so this study was select purposive sampling techniques because it may save time and
cost when it is compares to probability sample techniques such as random sample techniques.
Thus, purposive sampling technique was facilitating for this study to simply choose its
respondents and gather great data

3.3.1 Size and design

According to Holloway and Wheeler (2002) assert that sample size does not influence the
importance or quality of the study and note that there are no guidelines in determining sample
size in qualitative research. It would be difficult to collect data from every element population,
even if it possible, it would be unaffordable in terms of time, cost and human resources. Sample
size is the targeted number of respondents which had been used for the research. By using the
Slovene’s formula used for sample size in this research, 70 copies of questionnaire were
collected from those companies

N 85
n= ¿ = 70.1 or 70
1+ N ¿ ¿ 1+ 85 ¿¿

n: stands for the sample

N: stands for the population

e: stands for the acceptable error

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

This study the data was collect from 60 respondents from Premier Bank in Mogadishu Somalia
during April using questioners. The data will collect by hand and the researchers responsible for
this collection. Then the researchers will try to cooperate with the respondents to fill the
questionnaires appropriately

3.4.1 Research Instrument

Questionnaire was suitable instrument to obtain information needed can easily described in
writing. Since the sample size is fairly large and there is limited time, questionnaire considered
ideal for collecting such data. It is suitable tool for collecting lot information over short period of
time. Self-developed questionnaire and close end questions were used in the study.

3.5 Data Analysis

An in-depth quantitative analysis of the content of the responses would be carried out. The
structured data will make use of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer
software package. Thereafter, the data will clean to ensure completeness of the information
obtained. The collected data statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel program and the
Statistical Program for Social Scientists (SPSS) and presented in tables and figures to give a
clear picture of the findings at glance. Data analysis of this study is descriptive analysis.

3.6 Limitation of the Study

During the study, here are some of challenges that the researcher may encounter:

 Lack of enough time and fund to make the research study

 Lack of enough books to get this research and library
 Facing language barriers since some of the respondents may not know English language
and this need to be translated in to their mother language.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

The researcher was complied with ethical procedures to protect the rights of the research
participants, involving the principle of participation which requires that participants do not need
to be constrained into participating in this research. As well as, the researcher wad protected
confidentiality. Confidentiality means that information from participants was not going to be
disclosed to the public nor made available to colleagues, subordinates or superiors. In this study,
all information about participants was kept with confidentiality.

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