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ENG4U Mrs.

The Great Gatsby Guided Reading Questions
Chapter One
1. What relationship exists between Nick and the Buchanans?
2. What are Carraway’s opinions of humanity? These are expressed in the opening paragraphs of the story.
3. Why does Daisy always speak in such exaggerated phrases?
4. Why does Daisy hope her child will be a beautiful fool?
5. Why does Daisy describe her youth as a “white girlhood”?
6. Why does Gatsby reach out to the water?

Chapter Two
7. Why is Wilson covered from dust from the ashes?
8. Why does Myrtle Wilson behave with such hauteur, both towards her husband and in the city
9. Why does Hick see himself as both on the outside and inside of the apartment?
10. Contrast the Valley of Ashes to East Egg.
11. What two facets of Tom’s personality are revealed when he breaks Myrtle’s nose?

Chapter Three
12. Why is there such an extensive description of Gatsby’s party?
13. What is the significance of the “owl-eyed” man?
14. Why does the owl-eyed man describe Gatsby as a real Belasco?
15. What is the contrast between Gatsby and his party?
16. What is the significance of Jordan’s lie?

Chapter Four
17. List all the rumours told about Gatsby.
18. Why does Gatsby call Nick “old sport”?
19. What is ironic about Gatsby’s appraisal of Jordan?
20. Why does Gatsby want Daisy to see his house?
21. Nick says, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.” What does Nick mean?
How do the characters of the novel fit into this schema?

Chapter Five
22. Why is Gatsby dressed in a gold tie and silver shirt?
23. Why does Nick reject Gatsby’s offer of business?
24. Explain the significance of the green light.
25. What hint is given in the story of how Gatsby’s house was built?

Chapter Six
26. Why does Fitzgerald reveal the truth about ‘Jay Gatz’ at this particular point in the novel?
27. What is ironic about Dan Cody?
28. Compare the attitudes of Gatsby and the visiting trio which includes Tom Buchanan.
29. What is the irony of Tom’s remark that women run around too much and meet the wrong kind of
30. Why does Daisy say she is giving out “green” cards?
31. What is the meaning of the ladder that Gatsby imagines he saw in the blocks of the sidewalk?
32. What finality does Gatsby create when he first kisses Daisy?
ENG4U Mrs. Zoern
Chapter Seven
33. Why does Fitzgerald emphasize the heat?
34. What comparison is made between Wilson and Tom?
35. What ironic situation is occurring on the drive to town?
36. es Gatsby’s innocence?What has increased Tom’s hatred to Gatsby?
38. Why does Tom’s defense of family life and traditional institutions amuse Nick?
39. Why does Tom insist that Daisy and Gatsby drive home together?
41. Why are Tom and Daisy reconciled?
43. How does Nick react when he realiz

Chapter Eight
44. How has Gatsby’s house changed?
45. Why does Fitzgerald choose this point in the novel to present a detailed discussion of the initial love
affair between Gatsby and Daisy?
46. Why does Daisy’s wealth always remain in the foreground of Gatsby’s feelings and memories of her?
47. What was the basis of Daisy’s decision to marry Tom?
48. Why does Daisy always seem mysterious to Gatsby?
49. How does Nick leave Gatsby?
50. Why i bnnnnnnnnnnnnns it important that Nick thanks Gatsby for his hospitality?

Chapter Nine
51. What is the significance of Nick’s taking charge of Gatsby’s funeral arrangements?
52. Why to Tom and Daisy leave?
53. What is the irony of Mr. Gatz’s admiration of the house?
54. What is the pathos of Gatsby’s youthful resolutions?
55. What is the significance of the owl-eyed man’s attendance at the funeral?
56. Why does Nick finally shake hands with Tom?
57. Why does Nick feel that Gatsby’s tragedy is a contrast between East and West?

Discussion Questions
How does Nick come to change his mind about Gatsby?
What does Nick learn about Daisy?
How has Nick matured by the end of the novel?
What are the values and goals of the world described in the novel?
Who “survives” in this world?
What is a real “gentleman”?

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