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Laura Camila Martinez Ramos -20192015101

Within the history of the digital transformation, we can find two important stages: The
digitalization wave and the internet wave, each stage had an important contribution to be able
to talk about technology and the digital transformation that we can find so far.
The stage called “Digitalization wave” in the text, refers to the evolution of computer and AI
(artificial intelligence) in history, having in a first period big computers and machines which
lacked autonomy and this were controlled by a server, then these computers were adapted to
university and research needs where its use was carried out through calculations and
interfaces of complex knowledge, to later evolve at the service of commerce an finally to
common users and for daily tasks whit interfaces and languages that are easy to adapt an
learn, without the need for complex calculations by the user, this evolution has allowed
technology such as AI and commonly used machines to be available today, this adds the cost
factor, since over time the computers and technology became adaptable in terms of costs to
the majority of users around the world.
Secondly, the internet wave has allowed different advances in terms of information
management, the text talks about how the internet was born as a need to store information in
times of Cold War by the United States government, and how they are concerned for an attack
by the Soviet Union; they seek to have the least impact of information loss, it is there that the
idea of the internet and databases in cloud systems arises, then these idea are transferred to
research centers and universities improving their capacity and use, to later become a product
for all users in the planet and internet was born such a concept and product.
Clearly, both digitalization and the internet have brought great contributions to humanity,
currently mechanical tasks are no longer performed by the people, reducing time and costs,
on the other hand computers have allowed complex calculation to be made that allow
scientific advances in favor of the humanity, however for different sector this has meant a
disruption in the way of interacting and doing business.
For example, companies like Nokia that provided cellular equipment decided not to adapt to
new technologies and advances of the times, for which they died over time by not meeting
the new needs of their customers, allowing companies like iPhone where they invested capital
for technological research offering its clients new services and not only covering currents
needs but also creating new needs, they will take over the market for mobile phone
technology and other services; This is why with the digital transformation, companies had to
make the decision to invest in technology or decide to stay where they started and die in the
process over time.
The phenomenon of disruption in companies has not stopped and will not stop in the future,
day by day companies have to adapt to the current market and meet new needs that arise in
the course of technology, currently new technologies are focused on the use of AI, and
companies must adapt to the changes that AI implies so as not to fail.
Laura Camila Martinez Ramos -20192015101

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