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2022-2023 SPRING


Project: Hospital Management System

Lab Objective: Splitting user stories into backlog tasks

Task: Think about the user stories you have written before. Identify the tasks that the system is
expected to perform in these stories. Examine the examples, write down tasks based on the user
stories you have written. Be sure to clearly identify all possible tasks, considering that you will use
these tasks later when determining functional and non-functional requirements.

ID # : 001 TITLE: Drug Stock Status Notification PRIORITY: 2 SIZE: 2
As a…. <user/persona> I want to…. <goal/objective> So that… <benefit>
Pharmacist forward messages to the doctors can recommend the
doctors about the time of right drugs to patients
stock updates to drugs

Provide drug stock status notification

Scenario: As a pharmacist, I want to forward messages to the doctors about the time of stock updates
to drugs, so they can recommend the right drugs to patients. A doctor may recommend a drug to a
patient that is not available at a particular time, which leads to wasted time and a delay in the
treatment for the patient. It is best for doctors to check with me about the drug’s availability, and
prescribe an alternative medicine, in the absence of the drug. I want to inform them about the time it
will take for the drug to come in the market, so they can issue prescriptions to patients accordingly.

Task 1- Follow-up of patient numbers and prescriptions of hospital units:

It is necessary to record the number of patients who applied to the units and the continuity of drug
use. If there is a significant increase in the number of patients compared to previous periods, the
situation should be processed with a marker.

If there is a drug that the patient will use for a certain period of time, the estimated use and dose
escalation rate of the drug should be processed.

If the patient's drug use is discontinued, but the patient's routine controls will continue, the drug
information should be deleted.

Task 2- Prioritization by medical units:

Some departments require medication continuity, doctors’ continuous dose adjustment is a dynamic

The drug demand rates of the units should be monitored, and the units should be prioritized
according to the ratio of the data obtained. Priority requests should be sent to the pharmaceutical
warehouses in this order.

Up-to-date follow-up of the number of patients by the doctors of the relevant department should be
carried out. In proportion to the increase in the number of patients, the demand for drugs should be
forwarded to the warehouses.


Task 3-Giving feedback to doctors:

Feedback should be given to the doctors in line with the stock information coming from the

If the stock status is low compared to the number of patients and expected overdoses, the doctor
should be notified of the critical situation.

If there are equivalent drugs in the market, equivalent drug information should be recorded in the
information of the drug and processed in the feedback.


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