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Reid Harrison

Professor Harrison


28 February 2023

How the Development of AI can create Jobs

AI technology has already changed the way many companies operate, and its impact on

marketing is just beginning. The advancement of AI technology can create more marketing jobs,

allowing companies to reach larger audiences and serve their customers better. Here are four

ways AI technology can create more marketing jobs.

First, AI technology can automate some of the mundane tasks that marketers used to do

manually. This frees up marketers to focus on more creative tasks such as developing strategies,

crafting content, and analyzing data. It also allows for more efficient use of resources, which can

lead to increased job opportunities.

AI technology can also be used to create personalized marketing experiences for

customers. Companies can use AI technology to personalize campaigns, target customers more

accurately, and analyze data to better understand their customers' preferences. This requires

marketers to be more creative and analytical, which can create new job opportunities.

AI technology has the ability to help marketers track, measure, and report on the results

of their campaigns. AI technology can be used to analyze data to identify trends and uncover

insights that marketers can use to optimize their campaigns. This can help brands make more

informed decisions, leading to more job opportunities. As a marketing major, I have learned that

being able to identify trends is one of the most important things I can do. If you can identify
customer trends, then you have the ability to positively exploit those trends to benefit your


In conclusion, the advancement of AI technology can create more marketing jobs by

allowing companies to automate mundane tasks, personalize campaigns, track and measure

results, and automate customer support activities. This can lead to increased job opportunities for

marketers as they are able to focus on creative tasks and be more analytical. As AI technology

continues to evolve, it will open up even more opportunities for marketers to expand their skills

and find new job opportunities.

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