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Kuo | Room 240 COURSE EXPECTATIONS EXTRA HELP: I am available before and after school and throughout the day by appointment. E-MAIL: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a unit on the Constitution but focuses on issues of the post-Civil War to the contemporary era and is taught with greater attention given to the practice and development of academic and thinking skills. There will also be an emphasis on analysis of public issues relevant to the present. A research paper is required. Good writing skills are essential for success in this course. Students will be expected to complete regularly assigned major reading and writing assignments. Materials employed in this course include primary source documents, selected literature and a high school-level text. TEXTBOOK: The Americans: Reconstruction through the 20th Century CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR and EXPECTATIONS: 1. Respect the learning environment 2. Give your full effort 3. Be on time to class CLASS PREPARATION: A three-ring binder, with loose-leaf notebook paper, that is only for U.S. history. o This binder should be organized with the following sections: general materials and permanent papers that you will need all year (like this course expectation) loose-leaf notebook paper for class notes and assignments homework quizzes and tests o You will empty out the binder at the end of each unit and keep it in a permanent file at home. It is important to maintain an organized binder and permanent folder because the final will be cumulative. A composition book (no spirals) An assignment notebook A writing utensil Any materials I request in advance

HOMEWORK: Students can expect homework at least once a week. Assignments will be posted on the board and on the class website, and students should record it in their assignment notebooks. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Late homework is not accepted for full credit. If you are absent on the day homework is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in when you return. Homework turned in before 3 p.m. on the day it is due will receive 2/3 credit. Homework turned in the next school day (not the next time I see your class) will receive 1/3 credit. Homework turned in thereafter will receive zero credit. You are expected to carefully and completely read any assigned textbook pages or handouts and be ready to contribute to class with the information. Unless otherwise specified, assignments may be handwritten or typed. If you choose to type your assignments, you are responsible for printing out these assignments. All typed assignments, including homework, must already be printed out before class. I do not print your assignments. No e-mailed assignments are accepted.

GRADING PROCEDURES: Grades are determined on a point system, so there is not a set percentage that each assignment is worth. Rather, each assignment is given a value. For example, a quiz might be worth 40 points, and the highest possible score will be 40/40. Quizzes will be both announced and unannounced. Tests will be announced at least one week in advance. Any questions or concerns about grades must be discussed outside of class time and after 24 hours have passed. No grade-related questions or concerns will be discussed before 24 hours. NEWS QUIZZES: We will have news quizzes (five questions, multiple choice) on the previous weeks events on Tuesdays when we dont have a test or another quiz. This quiz is worth five points. More details will be given out in class, including which newspaper you should follow. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are expected to follow the Lexington High School honor code at all times. Please see the student handbook for information on academic integrity. TARDINESS and ABSENCES: Please consult the student handbook regarding the schools attendance policy. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: MP3 players (such as iPods), cell phones, PDAs and other such devices are not allowed in the classroom and, if seen used, will be confiscated. Cell phones will be given to your dean for the duration of the school day, and you will retrieve it from him/her. CLASS COMMUNICATION: Each student will have access to the OpenClassroom portal. Its the place to find assignments and documents. The URL for OpenClassroom is We will set up our accounts in class. I am also on Twitter. This is the place you will find relevant videos and links. Twitter is also the place you can find announcements, for example, in case of snow days. You do NOT need to have a Twitter account; my account is public. TWO FINAL NOTES: This course expectation provides general guidelines for the class, and its contents may be subject to change. I will endeavor to be on time to class, but there might be rare emergencies when I might be late. There is no 10-minute rule after which students may dismiss themselves. If no teacher appears, one student should go to the nearest office to report the absence of a teacher and await instructions. Any student absence because of alleged confusion surrounding a teacher absence will be considered unexcused. (Student/Parent Handbook)


STUDENT NAME: _________________________


I have read and understood the entire contents of the course expectations. _____________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature _____________________________________________ Student signature ___________________ date ___________________ date

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