Barrete Analysis

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Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:STRENGTH (MPA)

Type II Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

FactorA 30.102 3 10.034 776.817** .000

FactorB 65.015 3 21.672 1677.806** .000

FactorA * FactorB 19.007 9 2.112 163.498** .000

Error .413 32 .013

Corrected Total 114.537 47

** = significant at 1% level of confidence


Tukey’s Grouping

Factor A N 1 2 3

2 12 2.800000

3 12 3.391667

1 12 4.558333

4 12 4.683333

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other

Tukey HSDa,,b

B N 1 2 3 4

1 12 2.150000

4 12 3.425000

2 12 4.833333

3 12 5.025000

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other


Tukey HSD a,,b

Tukey’s Grouping
r AB N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 3 1.80000

21 3 1.83333

34 3 2.13333 2.13333
3 3

24 3 2.23333

31 3 2.30000

41 3 2.66666

Tukey HSDa,,b

22 3 3.36666

23 3 3.76666

14 3 4.16666

32 3 4.46666 4.46666
7 7

33 3 4.66666 4.666667

43 3 4.833333 4.83

44 3 5.17 5.17

12 3 5.43

42 3 6.07

13 3 6.83

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:STRENGTH (Mpa)

Type II Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

FactorA 2.887 3 .962 65.052** .000

FactorB 28.255 3 9.418 636.732** .000

FactorA * FactorB 22.192 9 2.466 166.698** .000

Error .473 32 .015

Corrected Total 53.807 47

** = significant at 1% level of confidence



Factor A N 1 2 3

4 12 2.933333

1 12 3.233333

2 12 3.350000

3 12 3.616667

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other


Tukey HSDa,,b

B N 1 2 3

1 12 2.333333

2 12 2.725000

4 12 4.000000

3 12 4.075000

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other


Tukey HSDa,,b

Tukey’s Grouping
AB N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12 3 1.666667

44 3 1.966667 1.966667

11 3 2.000000 2.000000

21 3 2.066667 2.066667

31 3 2.433333 2.433333

42 3 2.766667 2.766667

41 3 2.833333

22 3 3.066667 3.066667

32 3 3.400000

23 3 3.433333

33 3 4.166667

43 3 4.166667

34 3 4.466667 4.466667

13 3 4.533333 4.533333

14 3 4.733333

24 3 4.833333
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:STRENGTH (Mpa)

Type II Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

FactorA 14.021 3 4.674 60.305** .000

FactorB 3.021 3 1.007 12.993** .000

FactorA * FactorB 4.998 9 .555 7.165** .000

Error 2.480 32 .078

Corrected Total 24.519 47

** = significant at 1% level of confidence


Tukey HSD a,,b

Tukey’s Grouping
A N 1 2

1 12 1.983333

3 12 2.125000

2 12 2.258333

4 12 3.350000

Tukey HSDa,,b

Tuky’s Grouping
B N 1 2

3 12 2.150000

1 12 2.208333

4 12 2.675000

2 12 2.683333


Tukey HSD a,,b

Tukey’s Grouping
AB N 1 2 3 4

33 3 1.733333

14 3 1.766667

23 3 1.866667 1.866667

11 3 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000

31 3 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000

12 3 1.933333 1.933333 1.933333

24 3 2.233333 2.233333 2.233333

21 3 2.300000 2.300000 2.300000

13 3 2.333333 2.333333 2.333333

32 3 2.400000 2.400000 2.400000

34 3 2.466667 2.466667 2.466667

22 3 2.633333 2.633333

43 3 2.666667 2.666667

41 3 2.733333

42 3 3.766667

44 3 4.233333

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:STRENGTH (Mpa)

Type II Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

FactorA 6.696 3 2.232 144.770** .000

FactorB 47.971 3 15.990 1037.203** .000

FactorA * FactorB 25.355 9 2.817 182.740** .000

Error .493 32 .015

Corrected Total 80.515 47

** = significant difference at 1% level of confidence


Tukey’s Grouping

Factor A N 1 2

2 12 3.425000

3 12 3.483333

4 12 4.200000

1 12 4.200000

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other at 5% level

Tukey’s Grouping
B N 1 2 3 4

1 12 2.175000

3 12 3.983333

2 12 4.325000

4 12 4.825000

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other at 5% level


Tukey’s Grouping
AB N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11 3 1.900000

21 3 1.900000

31 3 2.266667 2.266667

41 3 2.633333

33 3 3.166667

23 3 3.666667

13 3 3.666667

34 3 3.666667

24 3 3.800000

42 3 3.833333

12 3 4.300000

22 3 4.333333

32 3 4.833333

44 3 4.900000

43 3 5.433333

14 3 6.933333

Means with the same grouping are not significant from each other at 5% level

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