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Chemistry for Everyone

Concentration Scales for Sugar Solutions

David W. Ball
Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115;

In the chemistry laboratory, concentrations of solutions (and other solutes) and 75 g of water per 100 g of solution.
are expressed in a variety of common units. Molarity (moles The Brix scale is probably the most common scale used in
of solute per liter of solution) is probably the most common, beer- and winemaking, because the degrees Brix of the ini-
and much of the chemical and physical behavior of solutions tial juice or must (the industry term for the initial mixture
is (technically erroneously, in some cases) tied to molarity. that, after it is fermented, becomes wine or beer) can be di-
Molality (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent) is also com- rectly related to the alcohol content of the final fermented
mon, in part because it is temperature-independent and be- product, assuming that the dissolved solutes are all sugar. A
cause the molarity and molality of aqueous solutions is rule of thumb is that the alcohol content of the fermented
numerically similar for dilute solutions. Normality (number product will be about 0.55 times the degrees Brix of the start-
of equivalents per liter of solution), parts per million/billion/ ing solution. Beer brewers will adjust the sugar content of
trillion, and a variety of percentage composition are also com- the unfermented beer so the final alcohol content of the fin-
mon (1). ished beer is the desired percentage (typically 5–7%). Using
There are several industries that depend on solutions the rule of thumb from above, the initial must should be
where some sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc.) is the ma- about 9–13 Bx.
jor solute. Several that come to mind immediately are the Grape growers are constantly measuring the degrees Brix
production of alcoholic beverages, especially beer and wine of the juice of the ripening grape, as it is one indicator of the
(2), maple syrup production (3), honey production (4), and proper time for harvesting grapes for crushing. The desired
corn syrup production. In the production of certain alcoholic Bx value of harvested grapes depends on the type of grape
beverages, the sugar concentration of the initial solution af- and style of wine being produced, but 17–25 Bx is a com-
fects the final alcohol content after fermentation. In the pro- mon range. It is not unusual to see the Bx of the original
duction of maple syrup, a dilute solution of sugars (the maple grape juice printed on a wine bottle label (2).
sap) is concentrated until a certain concentration of sugar is In maple syrup production, maple sap that is 1–2% sugar
reached. In honey production, bees collect nectar, a relatively is boiled down by a factor of 40–50 to make a solution that
dilute solution of sugar and other components and evapo- is about 66–67 Bx. At concentrations lower than that, the
rate it until a certain concentration of sugars is reached, at syrup can sour over time, while at concentrations higher than
which point the honeycomb is capped over and the honey is that, there is the potential for the sugars to crystallize out of
stored until eaten by the bees or harvested by a beekeeper solution (3).
for human consumption. In the first two industries, human Honey has a concentration of about 80 Bx. (The sug-
measurement and intervention is crucial to making the proper ars in honey are different from the sugars in maple syrup,
product; in the case of honey production, we the human con- which is why the two solutions can be unsaturated at differ-
sumers depend on the bees’ ability to manage the sugar con- ent concentrations. The sugars in honey do tend to crystal-
centration of the end product. lize out of solution over time, however; see ref 4.) The juice
Given the importance of sugar concentrations in these concentrate industry also uses the Brix scale; concentrated
industries, it may not be surprising to learn that there are fruit juices are generally expected to be at least 42 Bx, some-
several concentration scales that are commonly used to ex- times much higher.
press the sugar content of solutions. (The identity of the The Brix scale is a corrected version of an earlier scale
sugar(s) is irrelevant to these scales, although there are un- of sugar content, the Balling scale, introduced by German
doubtedly minor variations owing to the specific type of chemist Karl Balling in 1843. The Balling scale is based on
sugar.) Anyone who works in these industries will doubtless percent sucrose; 1 degree Balling equals 1% sucrose. Balling’s
have to be familiar with them; home brewers of beer and original tables contained a numerical error that was corrected
wine, amateur apiarists, even people with their own by a German scientist named Plato and, later, Brix. Essen-
sugarbushes who collect sap to boil down into maple syrup tially, the three scales are the same but are used in different
will probably work with these concentration units. Here, we regions of the world. European continental brewers call it
introduce and review several of the more popular units. the Plato scale, while the wine, sugar, and juice industries
use Brix.
Degrees Brix
Degrees Baumé
In the 19th century, German scientist Adolf F. Brix
(1798–1870) developed a hydrometer scale to directly mea- Another scale used in sugar solutions is the degrees
sure the percent sugar and other dissolved solids in solutions. Baumé (B or Bé), developed by French chemist Antoine
The scale, which is numerically equal to the percent sugar Baumé (1728–1804). This scale is a scale of relative density
and other dissolved solids in the solution, is now known as (that is, specific gravity), as read from a hydrometer invented
the Brix scale, or degrees Brix (abbreviated Bx). In many by Baumé. There are actually two Baumé scales, one for liq-
cases it is assumed that all of the dissolved solute is sugar. uids less dense than water and one for liquids more dense
Thus, a solution that is 25 degrees Brix has 25 g of sugar than water. In the denser scale, a specific gravity of 1.000 is • Vol. 83 No. 10 October 2006 • Journal of Chemical Education 1489

Chemistry for Everyone

0.0 Bé and a solution having a specific gravity of 1.842 is Table 1. Concentration of Sugars
66.0 Bé. Thus, every degree Baumé is approximately 0.0128 in Various Food Products
specific gravity units. In the less dense scale, 0.0 Bé is equal Product Concentration
to the specific gravity of a 10.0% solution of NaCl; 60.0 Bé Frozen concentrated 42 °Bx
is a solution whose specific gravity is 0.745. Since the spe- orange juice
cific gravity of a 10.0% NaCl solution is approximately 1.071, Reconstituted orange juice 12 °Bx
(5) in this scale each degree Baumé is approximately 0.00543 Honey 76–78 °Bx, 42.5–43 °Bé
specific gravity units. The Baumé scale may be unique in that Maple syrup 66.5 °Bx, 32 °Bé
not only are two different scales defined for different regions
Corn syrup 43 °Bé
of specific gravity, but the scales go in two different direc-
tions. For liquids denser than water, an increase in Bé im- Wine must 22–24 °Bx, 11–14 °Bé
(pre-fermentation) (regular table wines)
plies a denser solution, while for liquids less dense than water,
an increase in Bé means a less dense solution. Beer wort/must 5–14 °Bx, 2.7–7.0 °Bé
For denser liquids, the conversion between degrees Brix a
and degrees Baumé is approximately German wine system
Kabinett 65–85 °Ö, 17–21 °Bx
Bx = (1.905) Bé − 1.6 Spätlese 76–95 °Ö, 19–24 °Bx
The Baumé scale does not measure solution concentration Auslese 83–105 °Ö, 20–25 °Bx
directly. However, for solutions (like sugar solutions) that have Beerenauslese 110–128 °Ö, 26–30 °Bx
known concentration–specific gravity relationships, Bé is a Trockenbeerenauslese >150 °Ö, >35 °Bx
useful scale. Maple syrup, for example, should be about 32 a
Unfermented grape juice has this concentration in these wines.
Bé; honey is usually 42 Bé or higher. The degrees Baumé
of a solution is measured in the same way the degrees Brix is Table 2. Corrections to the °Brix Measurement
measured: either by hydrometer or by refractometer. Refrac- of Maple Syrup as a Function of Temperature
tometers for use with honey or maple syrup can list both Temperature Correction If °Bx Correction If °Bx
scales. of Syrup/°F Is 60.0–69.9 °F Is > 69.9 °F
Although it is rarely introduced in general chemistry 32 1.4 1.5
courses, concentrated solutions of chemicals can have their
35 1.3 1.4
concentrations expressed in degrees Baumé. For example,
40 1.2 1.2
commercial muriatic acid (concentrated aqueous HCl) is typi-
cally sold at a concentration of 20 Bé, to be used for clean- 45 1.0 1.0
ing masonry surfaces such as bricks and the surfaces of 50 0.8 0.8
concrete-lined swimming pools. Ferric chloride etching so- 55 0.5 0.6
lutions are sold as 42 Bé in concentration. Sodium silicate, 60 0.3 0.3
ammonium hydroxide, ammonium nitrate, and sodium hy- 65 0.1 0.1
droxide are other solutes whose solutions are sold in terms 68 0.0 0.0
of their concentrations in degrees Baumé. 70 0.1 0.1
75 0.3 0.3
Other Scales 80 0.5 0.5
There are other sugar concentration scales that are still 85 0.8 0.8
used but have a more regional influence. The degree KMW 90 1.0 1.0
(KMW) is used in Austria; the KMW stands for 95 1.2 1.2
“Klosterneuburger Mostwaage” (Klosterneuburg must scale). 100 1.5 1.5
One degree KMW is roughly equal to 1 percent sugar by 105 1.7 1.7
weight. The degree Öchsle (“UX-luh”, Ö or Oe) is formally 110 1.9 1.9
defined as the first three decimal place of the specific gravity 115 2.2 2.2
of a sugar solution. Thus, a sugar solution that has a specific
120 2.4 2.4
gravity of 1.085 would measure 85 Ö. Roughly, one degree
Öchsle is approximately 0.2% sugar by weight. The degree 125 2.7 2.7
Öchsle is very common in the German and Swiss wine in- 130 3.0 2.9
dustry, with the various classifications of German wines 135 3.2 3.2
(kabinett, spätlese, auslese, etc.) requiring certain minimum 140 3.5 3.4
values of Ö for the grape juice used to make any particular 145 3.8 3.7
wine. Table 1 lists the concentrations of sugar solutions in a 150 4.1 4.0
variety of units. 155 4.4 4.2
160 4.7 4.5
Other Considerations 165 5.0 4.9
The concentrations of sugar solutions are typically mea- 170 5.5 5.2
sured in two ways. For relatively dilute solutions, special hy- 176 5.9 5.7

1490 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 83 No. 10 October 2006 •

Chemistry for Everyone

drometers are available that are calibrated in Bx, Bé, or other Summary
scales. They are available at general scientific supply houses
Molarity, molality, normality, and other concentration
such as Fisher Scientific or Cole–Parmer for less than thirty
units that we introduce in lecture courses are not the only
U.S. dollars.
concentration units used in the real world. Certain indus-
Because a hydrometer makes density measurements, the
tries that focus on some type of sugar solution use concen-
exact reading in Bx or Bé is temperature-dependent. Unless
tration scales originally defined for some sugar as a solute or
a solution is measured at the reference temperature (usually
are based on specific gravity. Thus, in the wine and beer brew-
20 C, or 68 F), a correction is necessary to determine an
ing industries, concentrations of pre- and post-fermentation
accurate concentration. Table 2 shows corrections based on
solutions are commonly expressed in degrees Brix, degrees
sample temperature. The corrections must be combined with
Baumé, degrees Öchsle, or some other unit, but never as
the Bx reading from a direct measurement to get the true
molarity! The use of these units illustrates that even very
°Bx of the solution (3). This particular table uses degrees Fahr-
chemically-oriented industries—for what is beer brewing if
enheit, which is still the prevalent temperature scale used in
not an exercise in chemistry—use concentration units not
industry in the United States. Many hydrometers have a cor-
normally found in the classroom.
rection scale printed on them.
The other common way to measure the concentration
Literature Cited
of a sugar solution is by refractive index using a refractome-
ter, much as we measure the refractive index in the teaching 1. For a representative text, see Hill, J. W.; Petrucci, R.; McCreary,
laboratory. Already calibrated in Bx, Bé, Ö, or other scales, T. W.; Perry, S. S. General Chemistry, 4th ed.; Prentice Hall:
refractometers can be desktop or handheld; the handheld re- Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2005.
fractometers are more portable and are available for as little 2. McGee, H. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the
as $75. The refractive index of a sugar solution is also tem- Kitchen; Scribner: New York, 2004.
perature-dependent; refractometers are typically calibrated at 3. North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. The Ohio
20 C. For measurements taken at other temperatures, a cor- State University Extension Bulletin 856, 1996. http://
rection is again necessary. Electronic refractometers can be (accessed May 2006).
programmed with a correction curve, while handheld or other 4. The Hive and the Honeybee; Grout, R. A., Ed.; Dadant & Sons:
analog instruments typically come with a calibration chart Hamilton, IL, 1946.
that must be consulted while making the necessary adjust- 5. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 82nd ed.; Lide, D.
ments. R., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 2001. • Vol. 83 No. 10 October 2006 • Journal of Chemical Education 1491

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