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Index of Ornaments

Symbol Example Name Description Use Source

Anticipation Made with a beat or shake, and When the melody rises or descends the interval of a second Geminiani
swelling sound
Close shake Press the finger strong upon the Work of genius, his imagination is warm and glowing as he Geminiani See vibrato
string and move wrist in and out pours the fame exalted spirit into his own performance
flowingly and equally
Coulement links two or several notes on the To connect notes melodically Muffat
same bow-stroke.
It can be simple or figured. The
simple Coulement, marked in the
com- position itself, adds nothing

Détatchement Play each note as if it had a short To play in a light character Muffat
rest after

Diminution In place of its slow note adds Muffat

several other small ones suitable to
the harmony each having its own
bow stroke

Dispersion Accent which adds the third or Muffat

another leap above the note

Exclamation Type of Coulement, rising three Muffat

notes scale wise.It can either occur
before or after the note

Holding a note Geminiani See tenuto

Inferior More confined than superior Can only be used when the melody rises at the interval of a Geminiani
Appogiatura appoggiatura second or third
Involution Type of Coulement which Muffat Also called an agrément
envelops the note like a circle,
sometimes also including a

Petillement Expresses notes distinctly, making To create a new texture, to connect a leap by step Muffat
them crackle on the same bow

Piano and forte Dynamic volume Follow the rising and falling of voice Geminiani

Pincement begins and ends on the note End of a phrase or musical idea Muffat
making use of the next lower note,
usually a semitone below
often, as in this instance, must be
raised by a sharp
rather quickly, being most often
Plain Shake Made on any note Geminiani See trill

Port du voix The Port de voix embraces the first Muffat

three types of accentuations;
of two notes, the first is to be
played again before playing the

Symbol Example Name Description Use Source

Préoccupation uses the last three accentuations, Muffat

adds to the preceding note the note
following it

Relâchement Accent which adds the note below Muffat

Separation When the note rises a second or third or descends a second Geminiani
Sous-Acent Accent which takes the note below Muffat

Stacatto Short note with space in between it Expresses rest, taking breath or changing a word Geminiani
and the next note
Superior Long, giving it more than half the Express love, affection, pleasure Geminiani
appoggiatura length or time of note it belongs to
Sur-Accent Accent which takes the note above Muffat

Sursaut Accent which takes a note a third Muffat


Sursaut after the Up one step down a 3rd Muffat See echapee

Swelling and Express great beauty and variety in melody Geminiani

softening the sound
Temblement + Tremblement + turned back Muffat
Reflechissant (reflechissant), in which case the
note below is included once, and
then a brief stop is made on the
final n
The beat Strong and short = mirth, satisfaction. Soft and swell = Geminiani
horror, fear, grief, lamentation
Tirade, or Course Runs as fast as possible up the Muffat
note with extremely lively bow

Tremblement begins a note higher and Muffat

(Simple) ends on the note itself.

Tremblement + Tremblement + rolling (roulant), Muffat

Roulent which differs from the
reflechissant only in that it does
not halt at all on its [final] note,
but rolls in one sweep to the
following note and often includes
the two sixteenth notes that appear
with it. This is what harpsichord
players call double cadence
Turn’d Shake Geminiani See mordent ?

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