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Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

■ Research Paper

General Systems Theory: Its Present and

David Rousseau1,2,3,4,5*
Centre for Systems Philosophy, Surrey, UK
Centre for Systems Studies, Business School, University of Hull, Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Vienna, Austria
Centre for Spirituality Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Hull, Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Religious Experience Research Centre, School of Theology, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, University of
Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, Ceredigion, UK

In the first part of this paper, I present a brief overview of contemporary research address-
ing key questions about General Systems Theory (GST), such as what it is, what form it
might take, whether developing it is a realistic prospect, how close we are to having it
and what practical activities could help us develop it further. In the second part, I consider
the early general systemists’ ambition to leverage GST to build a ‘better world’, and
address the question of what could be meant by this, from a systems perspective. I argue
that GST should have a key role in working towards such a world. Copyright © 2015 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords general system theory; GST*; General Systems Worldview; Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs; transdisciplinarity

INTRODUCTION a ‘better world’, has always been at the core of

the International Society for the Systems Sciences
The Original Vision for a General Systems (ISSS). The ISSS originated in 1954 as the Society
Transdiscipline for the Advancement of General Systems Theory
and was incorporated in 1956 as the Society for
The ambition to develop a ‘general systems the- General Systems Research (SGSR). The founders
ory’ (GST), and the vision to leverage it to build of the general systems movement believed
that a GST could be developed and used to
* Correspondence to: David Rousseau, Centre for Systems Philosophy, support interdisciplinary communication and
30 Leigh Close, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 1EL, UK.
cooperation, facilitate scientific discoveries in

The Ludwig von Bertalanffy Memorial Lecture delivered at the an- disciplines that lack exact theories, promote
nual conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences,
Washington, DC, July 2014, was presented as twinned presentations
the unity of knowledge and help to bridge the
by Peter Caws and David Rousseau, under the joint title ‘General Sys- divide between the object-oriented and the
tems Theory: Past, Present and Potential’. This paper represents David
Rousseau’s contribution reflecting on the present and potential of Gen-
subject-oriented disciplines (von Bertalanffy,
eral Systems Theory. 1972, pp. 413,423–424; Laszlo, 1974, pp. 15–16,

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


19; Rapoport, 1976; Hammond, 2003, p. 247). potential foreseen for it and what is meant, in
This involved an ambition to establish a sys- the context of this potential, by a ‘better’ world.
tems discipline that would be scientific, would These are hard questions, but happily recent
advance science as a whole and would help times have seen a renewal of interest in the devel-
make scientific research more effective and opment of a GST; an upsurge in efforts to bring
more efficient. However, their motivation in this GST to bear on a range of different academic
was not a value-free pursuit of knowledge but inquiries; and a revival of discussions about the
instead was driven by very deep ethical consid- nature, scope and potential of GST. Overviews
erations: they believed that our civilization was of these efforts can be found in Drack and
at risk due to looming human, social and envi- Schwarz (2010) and Rousseau and Wilby (2014).
ronmental crises and saw the development and In this section, I will briefly review current work
application of GST as a strategy and action plan towards answering the ‘hard questions’ about
for averting such disasters and for opening up the nature, possibility, developmental prospects
a pathway towards a ‘better world’ (von and overall potential of GST.
Bertalanffy, 1964, pp. 496–498; Laszlo, 1972a;
Rapoport, 1974, p. 247; Hofkirchner, 2005, p. 1;
Hofkirchner and Schafranek, 2011, p. 192; What is ‘GST’?
Pouvreau, 2014, p. 180).
Significant work has recently been carried out to
disambiguate the meaning of the term ‘GST’,
GENERAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH TODAY and this has cast new light on ways to develop
it further. The term ‘GST’ was ambiguous from
The challenges facing general systems research the outset, having about two dozen different
interpretations even in the works of von
The crises anticipated by the founders are now Bertalanffy himself, including a foundational
upon us, but a powerful and integrating systems theory about universal systems principles (von
transdiscipline remains elusive (Dubrovsky, Bertalanffy, 1956, p. 37), a discipline aiming to
2004; Francois, 2007; Adams et al., 2014). Since formulate that theory (von Bertalanffy, 1969,
the 1950s, systems researchers have developed p. 32) and a disciplinary field encompassing the
dozens of theories centered on specific aspects sciences, applications and worldviews informed
of systemic behaviours and structures and by that foundational theory (von Bertalanffy,
hundreds of methods informed by the systems 1969, pp. xix–xxiii). A recent discussion of the
paradigm. However, these developments have problems this ambiguity presents, and proposed
fragmented the systems community into a diver- solutions to it, can be found in Wilby et al.
sity of specializations, traditions and domains of (2015) and Rousseau et al. (2015). For present pur-
discourse (Flood and Robinson, 1989, p. 63; poses, it is sufficient to focus on von Bertalanffy’s
Midgley, 2003, p. xvii; Francois, 2004, p. 248; original proposal of a foundational theory of
Troncale, 2009, p. 553). ‘universal principles applying to systems in
The ongoing fragmentation of the systems general’ that represents principles underlying
community, and the historical lack of progress to- systemic structures and behaviours that recur iso-
wards establishing a GST, casts a long shadow morphically across different specialized disci-
over the vision of discovering and developing a plines (‘isomorphies’). My colleagues and I have
unifying general systems transdiscipline that proposed calling this theory GST* (pronounced
can efficiently and effectively support the build- as ‘g-s-t-star’) to distinguish it from other uses of
ing of a ‘better world’. It is fair now to question the term ‘GST’ (Rousseau et al., 2015).
just what is meant by ‘GST’, whether developing GST* lies at the core of the ambitions of the
it is a realistic prospect, how close we are to general systems movement, but what form
having it, what practical activities could help us would it take? This has been very unclear right
develop it further, whether it really has the from the start (Troncale, 1984, p. 7; Flood and

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

General Systems Theory 523


Robinson, 1989, p. 63; Francois, 2007; Adams behaviours, and hence relate to the Systemics,
et al., 2014, p. 112). Kenneth Boulding’s classic pa- rather than kinds of systems in a complexity
per ‘General Systems Theory, the Skeleton of hierarchy, as Boulding seems to suggest. The dis-
Science’ (Boulding, 1956a) proposed two possi- tinction between ‘elemental systems archetypes’
bilities. First, a ‘low ambition, high confidence’ and ‘kinds of systems’ is similar to the distinction
strategy merely aimed for the set of theories between chemical elements (of which there
and models pertaining to recurring systemic are relatively few) and kinds of chemical sub-
structures or behaviours. These theories model stances (of which there is a vast array). From this
what von Bertalanffy called ‘isomorphies’ and refined analogy, she is now able to suggest ways
as a set represent what we now call ‘the Sys- forward with developing GST* in a systematic
temics’. Systems philosopher Mario Bunge is a way and proposes that this will lead to a princi-
strong advocate of the view that this is all ‘GST’ pled foundation for discovering new Systemics
could ever amount to (Bunge, 1979, p. 1, 2014, representing novel kinds of system structures
p. 8). Second, Boulding proposed a ‘high ambi- and system behaviours, just as the discovery of
tion, low confidence’ strategy, which aimed at a the first partial periodic table suggested the
‘spectrum’ of systems theories forming a ‘gestalt’ existence of previously unsuspected chemical
for wider theory construction, in the same way elements (Billingham, 2015).
that the periodic table of elements served the Billingham, however, also points out a key
field of Chemistry (Boulding, 1956a, p. 198). If limitation of the ‘chemical’ metaphor, in that
such a theory existed, it would be very powerful, it relates to a purely physical system, whereas
serving as a unifying theory for the systems field, the kinds of systems for which we have to
in the same way that that the theories of find a general model and general principles
Mendeleev, Darwin, Newton and Lyell unified can exhibit many properties that are mysteri-
previously disparate disciplines under a common ous from the perspective of physical science,
conceptual and explanatory framework and in particular the subjective or intentional
rapidly opened up new routes to scientific dis- kinds of properties illustrated in Figure 1. In-
covery. This vision has inspired recent research tentionality (also called ‘aboutness’) is the
by Julie Billingham that has helpfully sharpened property of being directed at or about some-
our ideas of what such a GST* would involve thing else—and mental states are typically
(Billingham, 2014a, 2014b, 2015). like this, for example, a wish is for something,
Billingham suggests that Boulding’s analogy anger is about something and belief is that
with Chemistry was apt but that he did not de- something is the case. It is the intentionality
velop it far enough and misjudged some of its of ideas that give them the capability of being
implications. She argues that the unifying theory true or false about the nature of the world.
of Chemistry consists of three components, The subjectivity and intentionality of some
namely, a general model of the ‘architecture’ of
an atom, principles regarding the instantiation
of real atoms (e.g. the sequence in which orbitals
are populated with electrons) and finally, the
periodic table of chemical elements that results
from applying such rules to the general model.
By analogy, we should expect GST* to consist of
a general model of a system, universal rules
governing the instantiation of ‘elemental sys-
tems’ and then a ‘gestalt’ that shows how the
‘elemental systems’ (which Billingham calls
‘elemental system archetypes’) relate to each
other. A key observation is that the ‘elemental
system archetypes’ represent kinds of systemic Figure 1 Kinds of properties systems can exhibit

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

524 David Rousseau


mental states appear to be inexplicable in T2. Moderate ontological realism. A real concrete
terms of the properties of physical matter, world underlies some of our experiences (but
which are objective and reflexive. experiences can also be distorted, constructed
A GST* is anticipated to bridge the divide be- or hallucinated) (Bunge, 1977, p. 16 (M1)).
tween the object-oriented and subject-oriented T3. Broad naturalism. All changes have propor-
disciplines, but a purely physical analogy such tionate causes, but concrete phenomena
as Boulding’s provides no confidence that this cannot all be reduced to Physics (von
can be carried out in practice or any idea of what Bertalanffy, 1955, pp. 261–262).
form it might take. T4. Moderate systemic realism. The concrete
world is inherently systemic (but we can also
project systemicity onto our experienced
Can a GST* exist in principle? world) (Bunge, 1973, pp. 30–31).
T5. Systemic universalism. Every concrete thing
The lack of progress in general systems research, (i.e. everything that has causal powers) is
and doubts and concerns raised by researchers always a real system or part of one (Bunge,
such as Bunge and Billingham, fairly raises ques- 1979, p. 44,245).
tions about whether a GST* can exist in principle. T6. Moderate axiological realism. Values are
Recent studies have developed arguments for largely constructed via cultural processes,
the in principle existence of a GST* (e.g. Wilby but natural systemic principles also influ-
et al., 2015), but this argument hinges on the ence them (Boulding, 1956b; Rapoport,
validity of the metaphysical tenets adopted by 1973, p. 247).
the early general systemists. These tenets are T7. Moderate praxeological realism. We have the
discussed in Hofkirchner and Rousseau (2015) capacity and freedom for uncoerced choices
and Wilby et al. (2015). The philosophical frame- and actions, but our choices and actions can
work of the ‘Bertalanffy Circle’ was scientific, also be conditioned by natural and cultural
naturalistic and realistic but also moderate (crit- factors (Rapoport, 1953; von Bertalanffy,
ical) and not physicalistic (see succeeding text 1967, p. 114).
for an explanation). Such views have been
unpopular in mainstream Social Sciences and These tenets jointly support the view that, in
Humanities both then and since, but they are principle, a GST* can be developed, in the follow-
starting to emerge as credible views in main- ing way. If we assume that a real concrete world
stream academic thinking across the academic exists (T2), that we can have a scientific model of
spectrum (Psillos, 1999; Ellis, 2002; Glennan, it (T1 and T3) and that there are real systems in
2010; Hooker, 2011; Illari et al., 2011; Archer, the concrete world (T4), then by implication, there
2013; Craver and Darden, 2013; Mingers, 2014). can be a scientific theory that can model the sys-
This provides some confidence that the temic aspects of the concrete world. Granted this,
‘Bertalanffy project’ aimed at developing a GST* if we assume that all concrete properties are
is feasible after all. conditioned by systemic processes (T5), it follows
Briefly, the philosophical position of the early that there could be a scientific theory about
general systemists can be summarized in a sim- systemicity that could apply everywhere and al-
plified way in terms of seven tenets. These tenets ways. Hence, a GST* can exist (Wilby et al., 2015).
are here stated in contemporary philosophical This argument goes beyond a mere ‘possibility
terms, but they have precursors scattered across of existence’ claim, because if GST* is to be a the-
the early systemists’ publications as follows: ory involving principles that can be applied
everywhere and always, then it would have the
T1. Moderate epistemological realism. We can same ubiquity and utility as general ‘Laws of Na-
progressively gain more and more complete ture’ such as the Conservation of Energy and the
knowledge of the real world (von Bertalanffy, General Theory of Relativity. Discovering and
1955, pp. 258–259; Bunge, 1973, p. 28). developing a GST* could thus be of profound

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

General Systems Theory 525


significance for science. Not only that, but under GSW are indicated in red in the online version
these tenets, GST* would also have implications of this paper).
that go beyond those usually associated with As Laszlo explains, the existence of special-
Laws of Nature, just as the early general ized disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Genetics,
systemists proposed. First, if values are systemi- Sociology, etc.) shows that the concrete
cally conditioned in a naturalistic way (T6), then world is organized into intelligible domains.
GST* would be relevant in both naturalistic and The Systemics, by revealing patterns of sys-
humanistic contexts. Second, if we have agency temic structure or systemic behaviour that
and free will (T7), then we can use our knowledge recur isomorphically across these domains,
and our values to make a difference to how things cumulatively show that the concrete world is
turn out, so we can in practice use the insights pro- intelligibly organized as a whole. This global
vided by GST* to change how the world evolves. organization is reflected in the principles and
The tenets on which these arguments depend models of GST*. The existence of global orga-
are historically controversial but increasingly less nizing principles entails that the concrete
so, suggesting that the vision for developing a world’s special domains (as characterized by
GST* may have been ahead of its time at the the specialized disciplines) are contingent ex-
founding of the SGSR, but its time may now be pressions or arrangements or projections of a
at hand. unified underlying intelligibly ordered reality
(Laszlo, 1972a, p. 19). In this way, Laszlo
argued that the possible existence (in principle)
How could a GST* be discovered? of GST* implies that there is an intrinsically
ordered, and hence unified, reality underlying
Believing that a GST* could, in principle, exist does Nature (designated here by the ‘General Systems
not tell us how to discover one. Unfortunately, von Ontology (GSO)’ in Figure 2).
Bertalanffy and his ‘circle’ had limited practical On the basis of this important inference, we
ideas about how to go about discovering it can now go further and point out that the content
(Troncale, 1984, p. 7; Checkland, 1999, p. 93; of GST* would provide an abstract model of the
Dubrovsky, 2004, p. 110; Pouvreau, 2014, p. 180), systemic nature of this concrete underlying real-
and little progress has been made since their ity (designated here by the ‘General Systems
day. The most well-developed work towards de- Metaphysics’ (GSM) in Figure 2).
veloping a GST* is probably that of Len Troncale, In this light, the metaphysical nature of the
but this is focused on identifying isomorphies and underlying reality provides the conditions for
working out the relationships between them the manifestation of systemic structures and
(Troncale, 1978; Friendshuh and Troncale, 2012), behaviours encountered in the specialized disci-
so it is still some way away from working out plines, because their phenomena are all grounded
the principles behind the isomorphies and the in a unified reality that is systemic in nature. This
gestalt of the elemental systems archetypes they does not entail that the specialized disciplines
predicate. will in due course be subsumed under an all-
However, I have recently been working with embracing systems science and systems philoso-
colleagues to revisit and expand an argument phy, but only that the systemic aspects of what
originally from Ervin Laszlo about the relation- each discipline studies can be understood in a
ship between GST* and the General Systems consistent way.
Worldview (GSW) (Laszlo, 1972b), and this ex- An interesting further implication of this
poses a significant opportunity to make progress inference is that the worldviews of the special-
with GST* as a by-product of a very doable pro- ized disciplines will, as science advances, move
ject aimed at articulating the GSW (this is work towards consilience with respect to their
is in progress). Laszlo’s (1972b) insight, which ontological and metaphysical commitments.
provided the foundation of his systems philoso- Of course, worldviews involve more than
phy, is summarized in Figure 2 (GST* and the ontology and metaphysics and also encompass

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

526 David Rousseau


Figure 2 The relationship between GST* and the General Systems Worldview

epistemology, cosmology, axiology and praxeol- making of new discoveries across the disciplines,
ogy. The requirement that worldviews be because it applies equally to the physical, social
internally consistent entails that these other and human disciplines.
worldview components will also evolve in ways Second, although the route to discovering
that bring them into consilience with the GSO GST* in a direct way remains obscure, this is
and GSM. In this way, we can expect to see the not the case for GSW, because such a project
emergence of a set of consilient foundational com- has the foundational discoveries of all the
mitments in each of these areas. Taken together, specialized disciplines to draw on. However,
these assumptions and models then constitute given the correlation between GST* and GSW,
the GSW. we can expect that work towards distilling a
In this light, the specialized disciplines will GSW from the findings of the specialized disci-
have GST* and the GSW in common as involving plines will expose principles belonging to GST*,
principles and tenets that they can all in principle because we would encounter their consequences
agree to but continue to have scientific and philo- in all the specialized disciplines. In fact, such
sophical models that reflect the unique contin- discoveries have already emerged from my
gencies of their specializations. own research, although they have not been pub-
These conclusions carry important implica- lished yet.
tions for the development of GST* and its associ-
ated transdiscipline. First, if we had such a GST*
and a GSW, their respective discourse domains THE POTENTIAL OF GST*
would contribute significantly to the transdisci-
plinary language envisaged by the founders of The contemporary work towards a GST*
the SGSR, because they would capture concepts discussed so far gives some cause for optimism
and principles of universal utility. This linguistic that significant progress towards a GST* is now
and conceptual framework would support the possible. But what would the value of this be?

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

General Systems Theory 527


What would GST* contribute to human knowl- Examples of theories and methods associated
edge and human welfare that could not be with each wave are given in Figure 3.
achieved by just pushing ahead with doing scien- Three things stand out when considering this
tific research in the traditional way? list. First, these innovations were not driven by
The founders believed that GST* would sig- General Systems Research but by independent
nificantly contribute to the competence and work in other areas. This is of course unsurpris-
scope of science by inaugurating an era of sys- ing given the nascent state of the general systems
temic innovation that could be leveraged to discipline, but it does raise the question of how
build a ‘better world’. In this context, it is in- things might be different in the future if strong
structive to reflect on the history of systemic progress towards a GST* could be made. Second,
innovation so far, and on what could be meant, no new waves have originated since the 1980s, a
from a systems perspective, by the notion of a third of a century ago. While the popularity of
‘better world’. I will propose an argument sug- complexity science in the 1990s could conceivably
gesting that developing GST* (and its concrete be seen as a fourth wave, there are good argu-
correlate the GSW) is crucial to the develop- ments against this view: complexity science has
ment of systemic innovations needed to origins in first wave writings (e.g. Weaver, 1948)
support the building of a systemically healthy and has since expanded to encompass very simi-
world. lar ideas to the three waves mentioned earlier,
suggesting that the paradigm breaks that took
decades to reach fruition in the systems
Advances in systems science, thinking and
sciences have simply been reinvented within
the discourse of complexity science, but in a
shorter period of time (Midgley and Richardson,
Even without a well-developed GST*, many im-
2007). Could progress with a GST* help to initi-
portant systemic innovations have been devel-
ate new waves of SSTP? Third, there is no
oped (Midgley, 2000, pp. 187–211; Reynolds and
established framework for what spurred on the
Holwell, 2010, pp. 10–11), and systems science,
past waves and hence what might inspire new
thinking and practice (SSTP) has made very pos-
ones. This raises again the question of whether
itive contributions to many areas of human con-
there can be systematic criteria for the ‘better
cern (Hammond, 2005, p. 20). As Midgley (2000,
world’ anticipated by the early systemists, and
2003) explains, these innovations can be charac-
how GST* might help us transition towards it.
terized in terms of the following three waves
of SSTP,
Proposal for a systems model of a ‘better world’
• The ‘hard systems’ wave that originated in the
1950s. It addresses technical problems and is I have suggested earlier that GST* is not only a
earmarked by a perceived unity of purpose. viable prospect but also that contemporary work
• The ‘soft systems’ wave that originated in the is likely to make significant progress with it in the
1970s. It deals with social and organizational near future. I would now like to propose a model
problems and is earmarked by issues around giving criteria for the notion of a ‘better world’
perspectives on people and their perspectives and discuss how GST* can support the emer-
on issues. gence of such a ‘better world’.
• The ‘critical systems’ wave that originated in The founders worked towards various kinds of
the 1980s. It deals with human problems social goods, such as human dignity, meaningful
such as emancipation and is focused on lives, international co-operation and environ-
how power relations affect how problems mental stewardship, but these sentiments were
are perceived and addressed. This wave also never articulated in terms of a systemic vision.
brought together methods from the first two In recent times, these loose ideas have been re-
waves to create a more pluralist, flexible placed by a more integrated vision expressed
and responsive SSTP. via ISSS conference themes advocating work

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

528 David Rousseau


Figure 3 Waves of Systems Science, Thinking and Practice, after Midgley (2000)

towards enabling global thrivability, but here too, needs that give rise to engineering challenges
there remains a need for a comprehensive vision as needs for food and shelter, clean water,
of what this specifically entails and how this healthy physical environment, access to
can be achieved by developing and leveraging health care, access to information, communi-
the systems sciences. cation and education, transportation and
Many organizations operating on multi-national mobility, economic security and equity, and
scales have expressed goals that can be taken as security and safety (INCOSE, 2014, pp. 2–3).
specific desiderata relevant to the progress of
These lists all seem to target broadly similar
human civilization. Examples are as follows.
considerations, but do not rank them or say any-
(1) The United Nations’ 1948 Universal Declara- thing about their interdependencies. I would like
tion of Human Rights includes rights to life, to suggest that the ‘hierarchy of needs’ devel-
liberty, security, own property, freedom, dig- oped by Abraham Maslow could be adapted for
nity, justice, a nationality, marriage, have a this purpose. Maslow proposed that people
family, social participation, personality devel- strive to fulfill their needs in a particular se-
opment, education, quality of life, enjoy art, quence, prioritizing lower ones over higher ones.
culture and scientific progress. A version of this, based especially on his 1954
(2) The 2004 Preamble of the European Constitution book, Motivation and Personality, is given in
lists commitments to prosperity, security, de- Figure 4.
mocracy, solidarity, justice, freedom, equality, Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’ was intended as
learning, culture, peace and social progress. a model of individual personal needs, and it did
(3) The International Council on Systems Engi- not say anything about the notion of a ‘better
neering’s 2014 document, Systems Engineering world’. Also, it can be challenged as a universally
Vision 2025, lists the human and societal applicable model due to its sample bias and the

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

General Systems Theory 529


perspective, we can then treat these criteria as

values for how the global community provides
for the needs of ‘individuals’. Interestingly, we
can then identify an alignment between these in-
dividual needs and international value schemes
such as those mentioned earlier. An example
mapping is given in Figure 5. The advantage of
this structuring is that it provides for ranking
and relating ‘better world’ criteria in a systematic
and systemic way.
The ‘Maslow Framework’ appears to present
us with a relatively comprehensive list of
criteria, as well as priorities and dependencies,
and provides a schema that can reconcile a vari-
ety of established social value systems into a
‘Global Values Hierarchy’. This generalization
of Maslow’s model therefore provides us with
a well-structured basis for discussions on the
subject of building a ‘better world’.

GST* as a keystone for systemic innovation

Figure 4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (adapted from towards a ‘better world’
Maslow, 1954)
With this value scale in hand, it is now possible to
small study population (Wahba and Bridwell, reflect on the ways in which systems theories and
1976; Soper et al., 1995). However, if used with methods can be used to support an integrated
care, it can be employed to represent a scale of and balanced response to the need for a ‘better
values of more general validity. Examples are as world’. As I discussed earlier, such an integrated
follows. response is not possible at the moment, because
the systems community has become fragmented
(1) The ‘individual’ whose needs are being
into a diversity of specializations, traditions and
modeled can be determined contextually, so
domains of discourse, and systemic innovation
that ‘individuals’ can be families, villages,
has slowed down, such that we have had no
communities, tribes or nations, as well as indi-
new waves of SSTP since the 1990s, despite a
vidual citizens, and these boundaries can shift
great proliferation of systemic challenges. In my
contextually (Hofstede, 1984; Pinzón and
view, this fragmentation and slow pace of inno-
Midgley, 2000; Tang et al., 2002; Gambrel and
vation can be ascribed to the lack of a general
Cianci, 2003).
systems theory. Historically, the discovery and
(2) The satisfaction criteria can be weighted differ-
development of a discipline’s general theory rep-
ently for different individuals within a commu-
resented a key stage in its maturation, because a
nity, for example, based on age and profession
general theory integrates the special theories of
(Goebel and Brown, 1981; Tutor, 1986).
the disciplinary field under a unified explanatory
By taking care to not interpret Maslow’s model framework, provides a common ontology and
too rigidly, we can use it, at least provisionally, terminology for the field and forms a basis for
to set criteria for a better world, by proposing principled exploratory science that rapidly opens
that the world is ‘better’ if more ‘individuals’ up new routes to fundamental discoveries. The
(broadly construed) have opportunities to general theories initiated by Newton, Mendeleev,
move up the hierarchy of needs. Under such a Darwin and Lyell provide clear examples of how

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 32, 522–533 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

530 David Rousseau


Figure 5 A Model of ‘Better World’ Criteria Mapped to Organizational Value Systems

the introduction of a general theory unifies, systemically healthy world. The philosophical
invigorates and empowers the field it bears on. climate in academia is shifting towards at least
GST* would be that general theory for the sys- tolerance of the philosophical tenets of the early
tems field, and if a GST* can be developed, the systemists, and this creates a hopeful context for
systems field could be likewise transformed. further General Systems Research. If the ISSS re-
GST* would not only enable novel developments news its commitment to its founding principles,
in systems science and practice but could also, and sets projects in motion to actively work to-
under the guidance of the Global Values Hierar- wards establishing GST* and the GSW, we may
chy described earlier, support the development soon gain the leverage our founders desired and
of an integrated, balanced and effective response anticipated.
to the urgent challenges facing our world.

I would like to acknowledge the influence of
Contemporary work in General Systems Re- ongoing collaborations with Julie Billingham,
search suggests that the development of GST* is Jennifer Wilby and Stefan Blachfellner on the
a realistic prospect and that without it (and its ideas presented in this paper. I would also like
correlated GSW), we would not attain the Gen- to thank Gerald Midgley for his helpful com-
eral Systems Transdiscipline through which we ments on a previous version of this paper.
could deliver on the founding objectives of the
SGSR/ISSS, namely, (as mentioned earlier) to
support interdisciplinary communication and co-
operation, facilitate scientific discoveries in disci-
plines that lack exact theories, promote the unity
Adams KM, Hester PT, Bradley JM, Meyers TJ, Keating
of knowledge, help to bridge the divide between CB. 2014. Systems theory as the foundation for
the object-oriented and the subject-oriented disci- understanding systems. Systems Engineering 17(1):
plines and provide a disciplined way to build a 112–123.

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DOI: 10.1002/sres.2354

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