Journal Weeek 15

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This is my last journal entry for this class.

It’s the home stretch, and there’s only one

week left. One week of class, and one week left of college. (Finals Week excluded). I could not

be more relieved. I am so, so, so tired, the kind of bone deep exhaustion that lingers even after a

full night’s rest. This has never been an uncommon occurrence for me, but somehow this time

feels like the most intense.

Once again, my week consisted of solely focusing on my project. I presented it to the

entire staff at Camp Kudzu on Wednesday, and I must admit I was scrambling a little bit to get

final touches done the night before. In particular, I had trouble trying to format some of the

testimonials that I had received so that they would fit on the pages and look good. Regardless,

Wednesday came, and soon enough it was time for me to give my presentation to everyone.

While I was getting everything set up, my computer wanted to give the HDMI cable trouble,

(because of course it did), but fortunately I was able to present from Rob’s computer.

Other than that little hiccup at the beginning, everything went smoothly. The entire team

thought my project was fantastic, so much so that they want to implement it as a resource not

only at the upcoming Family Camp session but at future sessions! This was beyond flattering and

honoring to hear! However, it also meant that there was more work to be done.

At the beginning of the presentation, I explicitly asked for everyone’s thoughts and

constructive criticism, which I received. Afterwards, Rambo printed out a master copy of my

project and everyone passed it around, making notes about where they thought it could be

improved upon. Since this would be used at not just this session of Family Camp, but others, I

took careful note of what I needed to improve, rework, and create from scratch. I spent the rest of

the day doing more tasks to help get ready for Family Camp. Starting on Thursday, I jumped into

the process of re-vamping my project.

Logbook Hours:

Day Time In Time Out Time On Break Hours Worked

Monday April 9:00AM 2:30PM Lunch: 4hr 30min
17th 12:00PM-
Tuesday April 9:00AM 2:30PM Lunch: N/A 10hr 30min
18th 4:00PM 9:00PM (Working
Wednesday 9:00AM 3:00PM Lunch: 12:00- 5hr 15min
April 19th 12:45

Thursday April 8:00AM 6:00PM Lunch: 9hr

20th 11:00AM-

Friday April 21st 8:00AM 6:00PM Lunch: 9hr

Total Weekly 38hr 15min
Total Hours to 473hr 35min

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