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language ability, which view it as largely innate,

Tacit Knowing having a neurological basis beyond the scope of
conscious awareness.
▶ Incidental Learning
2. Knowledge or know-how that may be able to be
made explicit or codified, but how to achieve this
has not yet been discovered. In this case, research
can turn the tacit into the explicit, as, for instance,
Tacit Knowledge the work of Shulman and colleagues on medical
problem solving demonstrates (Shulman 2004).
PAUL J. HAGER 3. Knowledge or know-how that we exercise without
University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW, being aware that we are exercising them. These
Australia encompass all kinds of automatic habits or routines
that we carry out, often very skillfully, but with
a minimum of conscious attention. Examples
Synonyms include driving on the correct side of the road and
Implicit knowledge; Know-how; Unconscious learning entering the pin number of our credit card. These
actions commonly become so habitual that we do
Definition them without thinking about it. In some cases, such
Tacit knowledge is literally “knowledge that cannot be as which side of the road to drive on, we can be
put into words.” But this deceptively simple initial aware that we posses this knowledge or know-how
formulation requires some explication. One complication prior to exercising it subconsciously. In other cases,
is that the “knowledge” involved typically has a very broad we may be unaware that we possess such knowledge
scope, encompassing such things as unconscious habits or know-how until we realize that we have success-
and unexamined cultural mores. Further, this generally fully exercised it.
accepted initial characterization of tacit knowledge is 4. Knowledge or know-how that we are able to exer-
multiply ambiguous. As Winch (2010, p. 117) puts it: cise, but without being able to explain how we do
so. For instance, normal humans develop profi-
" Propositional knowledge, practical knowledge and ciency in activities such as walking, running, and
knowledge by acquaintance can all be tacit in certain lifting without being able to explain in detail the
circumstances. The tacitness of practical knowledge is, underpinning components of their proficiency.
however, of particular importance as it seems to point
to an ineffability or inexplicability in accomplished or These various distinct cases of tacit knowledge lead
expert practical action which defies description or Burbules (2008, p. 670) to conclude that there
explanation. “are, indeed, different kinds and degrees of ‘tacitness’
at work here.”
In fact “tacit knowledge” covers at least the follow-
ing distinct cases:
Theoretical Background
1. Knowledge or know-how that, in principle, cannot The differences between these various positions hinge
be made explicit or codified. Examples are Chom- on several dimensions or key ideas. These include the
sky and Fodor’s cognitivist accounts of human following.

N. Seel (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6,

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
3260 T Tacit Knowledge

Knowing That Versus Knowing How as the basic case of being able to do something well
The distinction between knowing that and knowing without being aware of what is involved, know-how
how is sometimes deployed to elucidate the notion of also includes related yet different activities. One such
tacit knowledge. Knowing that (“factual knowledge”), instance is being able to do something in a particular
of course, encompasses propositional knowledge, style or manner without being aware of how one does it
which by definition can be written down and codified, (e.g., a capacity to put people at ease). Another instance
whereas knowing how (“practical knowledge”) encom- is the capacity to diagnose and solve problems (e.g., to
passes the kinds of knowing that underpin acting and quickly take stock of a situation and devise a strategy to
judging appropriately in a given practical situation. cope with it).
The notion of “tacit” arises here because at least some
knowing how appears to be tacit in one or more of the
The Practice Turn and Links to the
senses listed above. It is easy to identify cases of know-
ing how that fit each of the four cases of tacit knowl-
Notions of the tacit are central to the so-called “practice
edge outlined above. This is not so for knowing that.
turn” (Schatzki 2001) that has influenced many diverse
Only the second and third cases of tacit knowledge
disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Prac-
outlined above can sometimes involve propositional
tice theorists conceive of “practices as embodied, mate-
knowledge. It seems then that propositional knowledge
rially mediated arrays of human activity centrally
can be tacit in more limited senses. So, at best, the
organized around shared practical understanding”
distinction between knowing that and knowing how
(Schatzki 2001, p. 2). For practice theorists, “embodied
provides only an approximate understanding to the
capacities such as know-how, skills, tacit understand-
domain of the tacit and the diverse interpretations
ing, and dispositions” displace “once cited mental enti-
surrounding it. Indeed, without careful elaboration,
ties such as beliefs, desires, emotions and purposes”
the distinction between knowing that and knowing
(Schatzki 2001, p. 7), thereby overturning traditional
how itself becomes problematic (see, e.g., Winch
intellectualist and individualist models of cognition,
2010; Burbules 2008).
group interaction, and learning. Whilst there are sig-
nificant differences between various practice theorists,
The Rich Diversity of Know-how Itself a theme common to all such theorists is that the pre-
The ambiguity and multiplicity of meanings surround-
suppositions that constitute a practice are tacit in that
ing the notion of the tacit can be traced in part to the
they cannot be fully articulated. But, as Rouse (2006,
rich diversity of items that fall under the term “know-
pp. 515–518) has noted, even this commonality is illu-
how.” Knowing how to act and judge appropriately in
sory, since different practice theorists understand the
a given practical situation potentially involves
tacit in very different ways. He identifies four different
a bewildering array of capacities, abilities, skills, com-
senses, ranging from weakly constitutive to strongly
petencies, dispositions, habits, feels, knacks, and, per-
haps, intuitions. Some of these may be largely innate,
Overall then, there is significant variation in mean-
others may be able to be acquired through training or
ings of the tacit. This variation is magnified by similar
mentoring, still others may be derived from experience.
variations in closely related theoretical concepts such as
Whilst various attempts have been made to describe
know-how, skills, and practice.
and codify each of these diverse constituents of know-
ing how, such attempts are typically partial, provi-
sional, and contested. Tacit knowledge becomes the Modes of Attaining or Sharing Tacit
term to capture the ingredients that these descriptions Knowledge
and codifications are thought to lack. Whilst classical propositional knowledge is customar-
While the bewildering array of components that ily taught by conventional discursive methods, the
apparently underpin know-how contribute to its ambi- situation is more varied for instances of tacit knowl-
guity, further ambiguity arises from the sorts of inter- edge. Some kinds are more readily developed than
related yet distinct activities that fall under the term others. For instance, some, such as case 1 and some
“know-how.” As Burbules (2008, p. 672) notes, as well instances of case 4 above, may be innate or
Tacit Learning T 3261

developmental. Others, such as cases 2, 3, and some model of skill acquisition (Dreyfus and Dreyfus
instances of case 4 above, may be attained best by 1986), in which the tacit becomes increasingly promi-
novices modeling or copying the activities of suitable nent in the higher stages.
mentors or masters. This works best through personal
contact in nurturing situations founded on trust. Important Scientific Research and
Other instances of cases 3 and 4 are often developed Open Questions
from personal experience. Thus, in the diversity of tacit Given that a single definition of tacit knowledge is
knowledge, some kinds are more easily shared amongst inevitably flawed, what set of replacement terms
peers than are others. might be advanced so as to eliminate the multiple
Burbules (2008, pp. 672–3) describes a continuum ambiguity that accompanies common usage of the
of tacit teaching activities: term “tacit knowledge”?
Can such a set of replacement terms be adapted to
" [First]. . .we are observed unknowingly and in this help clarify the various dimensions of theoretical con-
become examples to others whether we realise it or cepts that are closely related to tacit knowledge, such as
not [although we may be] actively behaving with an know-how, skills, and practice?
eye toward how others may be learning from us. Sec-
How might a more nuanced account of tacit
ond, in trying to explain one’s tacit know-how one knowledge inform our understanding of expertise,
person may try to indicate at least ostensively and and vice versa?
indirectly what they want another to notice: “see
that?” “try to do it like this” etc. .... Third, a certain kind Cross-References
of know-how is gained only through repetition: ▶ Experiential Learning
watching and doing the same thing over and over, ▶ Expertise
under the watchful eye of a skilled practitioner. Over ▶ Incidental Learning
time, proper performance becomes habitual in ways ▶ Informal Learning
that may be almost entirely tacit and inexpressi- ▶ Unconscious and Conscious Learning
ble. . .such repetition is sometimes called “practice.” ▶ Vocational Learning
Fourth, one sometimes tries to demonstrate the cor-
rect way of doing something by at least being able to References
point out when it is being done incorrectly.... Fifthly, Burbules, N. (2008). Tacit teaching. Educational Philosophy and The-
and similarly, sometimes teaching through questions ory, 40(5), 666–677.
Dreyfus, H. L., & Dreyfus, S. E. (1986). Mind over machine: The power
can lead thought towards important inferences and
of human intuition and expertise in the era of the computer.
connections, without saying explicitly what they are – Oxford: Blackwell.
this kind of teaching can provide a kind of scaffolding Rouse, J. (2006). Practice theory. In S. Turner & M. Risjord (Eds.),
that can guide the learner to formulate their own ver- Volume 15: Philosophy of anthropology and sociology (pp. 500–
sion of understanding against their background knowl- 540). In D. M. Gabbay, P. Thagard, & J. Woods (Eds.), Handbook
of the philosophy of science. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
edge, experiences, and point of view. Finally, analogies
Schatzki, T. R. (2001). Introduction: Practice theory. In T. R. Schatzki,
or similes can be useful, though indirect, ways of guid- K. Knorr Cetina, & E. von Savigny (Eds.), The practice turn in
ing understanding: “look at it like this,” or “imagine if it contemporary theory (pp. 1–14). London & New York: Routledge.
were....” Needless to say, those are open to interpreta- Shulman, L. S. (2004). In S. M. Wilson (Ed.), The wisdom of practice:
tion and guesswork too. Essays on teaching, learning, and learning to teach. San Francisco:
Burbules’ point with these examples is that teaching Winch, C. (2010). Dimensions of expertise: A conceptual exploration of
of the tacit is not itself a thoroughly tacit undertaking. vocational knowledge. London & New York: Continuum.
Burbules’ continuum demonstrates that “there is a
degree of structure or intention in the process of teach-
ing (it need not be entirely tacit), even when it must
necessarily involve processes of indirection, allusion Tacit Learning
and guesswork” (Burbules 2008, p. 673). Burbules’
continuum invites comparison with the Dreyfus ▶ Informal Learning
3262 T Tactical Deception

individuals with different mother tongues working

Tactical Deception together in order to learn each other’s language.
▶ Cognitive Aspects of Deception Learners can benefit from their partner’s expert knowl-
edge about language and cultural issues, and they are
able to improve their communicative competence by
conversing with native speakers as well as by receiving
feedback. As such, tandem learning is a highly social
Tailored Instruction form of learning which has been used in institutional
settings but has also been configured as a form of open
▶ Adaptation to Learning Styles learning available to individuals through language
learning networks on the Web.
Telecollaboration described as “online communica-
tion used to bring together language learners in differ-
ent countries in order to carry out collaborative
projects or undertake intercultural exchanges”
Talent is the somewhat mythical term commonly used (O’Dowd and Ritter 2006, p. 623) is closely aligned to
to describe a rare quality, dispersed among all humans, tandem learning. While tandem learning requires part-
that leads to musical greatness or ineptitude. Talent is ners to set their personal agendas for learning and
typically viewed as a quality that only a few individuals to negotiate discussion topics, the focus of telecolla-
possess, while aptitude is commonly viewed as some- boration is on discussion, debate, enquiry, and collabora-
thing that all individuals possess to some degree. tion as part of intercultural project work in class-to-class
partnerships. The interconnectedness of language learn-
ing and culture learning underpins telecollaboration, and
aims to promote students’ linguistic development and
intercultural awareness. Most telecollaborative projects
Talk involve students with higher proficiency levels.
▶ Discourse
▶ Discourse and the Production of Knowledge Theoretical Background
The earliest forms of tandem learning set up in the
1960s were conducted face-to-face (Stickler and Lewis
2008) in which the primary channel of communication
was oral: at this stage tandem learning did not receive
Tandem Learning much attention as a way of organizing language learn-
ing. However, the advent of the Internet meant that
CYNTHIA J. WHITE students could meet virtually to interact using different
School of Linguistics & International Languages, configurations of computer-mediated communication:
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand synchronous forms include chat or videoconferencing
and asynchronous modalities include email and discus-
sion forums. Since the problem of limited access to
Synonyms authentic opportunities to use the target language has
e-tandem learning; Language partners; Teletandem been an enduring challenge in language learning, this too
learning stimulated research into the potential of email tandem
language exchanges which allow learners to try out their
Definition developing second language with native speakers.
The notion of a mutually supportive partnership is Important theoretical developments in tandem
central to tandem learning, where the focus is on learn- learning came with the work of Little and Brammerts
ing through authentic communication with a native (1996) who argued that the pedagogical potential of
speaker. Tandem learning involves the pairing of tandem learning was based on two fundamental
Tandem Learning T 3263

principles, reciprocity and learner autonomy. Reci- their metacognitive awareness of the processes which
procity underpins the collaborative dimension of language learning entails. In terms of acting as
tandem learning in terms of mutual support, equal a resource for their partners, they provided lexical
contribution, equivalent benefit, and, critically, the assistance and engaged in negotiation of meaning at
degree to which individuals enact and alternate both critical points. Importantly, Kötter’s research revealed
roles of learner and expert. Moreover, reciprocity lies that the tandem learning partnership is an opportunity
behind partners’ acknowledgment of each other’s for learners to develop both their linguistic and meta-
learning needs and styles, while offering encourage- linguistic skills. Subsequent research in other contexts,
ment and providing correction. The principle of however, revealed that learners are not always equipped
autonomy underlies the host of decisions learners with a sufficiently strong understanding of the struc-
make throughout the tandem partnership, including ture of their native languages to provide metalinguistic
the topic of the co-operative exchanges, and the explanations, raising questions about how best to pre-
nature, extent, and focus of feedback and correction. pare such students for tandem exchanges.
Importantly too the balance between conversational While telecollaboration has long been heralded as
activity and peer feedback or correction as decided by having strong intercultural learning potential, and edu-
the learners is a further aspect of autonomy. The cators have assumed that engaging learners in
responsibility learners must assume for their own exchanges with members of the target culture would
learning and for the nature of the learning is seen as produce a better understanding of both language and
the product of an interdependent, collaborative pro- culture, research has tended to challenge these assump-
cess (Little 2001). tions: breakdowns in communication are common and
Sociocultural and interactionist frameworks have have been analyzed as relating to factors at the individ-
also been applied to tandem exchanges and telecolla- ual, classroom, socioinstitutional, and interaction level
borative language learning. Interactionist perspectives (O’Dowd and Ritter 2006). Importantly, Belz has
focus on how online interaction can contribute to argued that such tensions should not be seen as aspects
learners’ grammatical competence, using transcripts of that can or should be eliminated, but rather as “cultural
interactions to identify gains in terms of linguistic accu- rich–points that we want our students to explore”
racy or fluency. Sociocultural interpretations have (2003, p. 87). Further research is needed into to what
focused on intercultural exploration, the role of the extent and in what ways online contact actually con-
teacher, as well as the influence of socioinstitutional tributes to intercultural learning, and how that can be
contexts on students’ participation patterns and atti- measured or assessed. Further research is also needed
tudes toward online correspondence (Ware and that explores the role of task type in promoting the
O’Dowd 2008). Sociocultural theory has also been learning of both language and culture online. The
used to examine miscommunication and to enquire articulation between classroom activities and online
into the development of intercultural competence participation throughout the online exchanges is
online, most recently using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis another area worthy of further enquiry, as well as how
and blogs as well as social networking and virtual worlds. this relates to other domains of language learning. T
Finally, the last two decades of research into tandem
Important Scientific Research and learning have revealed that while the ability to commu-
Open Questions nicate and interact across linguistic and cultural
The first decade of research into Internet-mediated boundaries is an important personal and professional
tandem learning opened a number of important asset, such interactions are also inherently complex, at
domains of enquiry common to different configura- times conflictual and potentially at variance with the
tions of interactive exchanges. Kötter (2002), for exam- expectations of participants. Understanding how indi-
ple, identified ways in which learners improved their viduals work with such complexity and with what may
target language skills as a result of participation in be at times problematic forms of engagement is
MOO-based tandem exchanges: they learned lexical a challenge of critical importance to tandem learning,
items used in the exchange, including some of their telecollaborative projects, and numerous other
partner’s typical expressions, and, importantly, raised domains of human interaction.
3264 T Target Domain

Cross-References goal, or task, can be achieved successfully. In a flow chart,

▶ 21st Century Skills the steps can be arranged linearly and sequentially, illus-
▶ Computer-Based Learning Environments trating where a learner begins and ends.
▶ Computer-Enhanced Learning and Learning
▶ Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
▶ Language and Learning
▶ Online Collaborative Learning
Task- and Ego-Involvement
▶ Online Learning ▶ Age-Related Differences in Achievement Goal
▶ Second Language Learning Differentiation

Belz, J. A. (2003). Linguistic perspectives on the development of
intercultural competence in telecollaboration. Language Learn-
ing and Technology, 7(2), 68–117.
Task Aversion
Kötter, M. (2002). Tandem learning on the internet. Frankfurt am
Tasks perceived to be unpleasant or unmotivating.
Main: Peter Lang.
Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem
language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies
(Eds.), ICT and Language Learning: a European Perspective
(pp. 29–38). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
Little, D., & Brammerts, H. (1996). A guide to language learning in Task Difficulty in Auditory
tandem via the Internet, CLCS occasional paper, 46. CLCS,
Discrimination Learning
O’Dowd, R., & Ritter, M. (2006). Understanding and working with
‘Failed Communication’ in telecollaborative exchanges. CAL- SIMONE KURT
ICO, 23(3), 623–642. University of Ulm, Institute of Neurobiology,
Stickler, U., & Lewis, T. (2008). Collaborative learning strategies in an Ulm, Germany
email tandem exchange. In M. Hurd & T. Lewis (Eds.), Language
learning strategies in Independent settings (pp. 237–261).
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Ware, P. D., & O’Dowd, R. (2008). Peer feedback on language form in Synonyms
telecollaboration. Language Learning and Technology, 12(1), Hard-to-easy effect in acoustic conditioning
Effects of task difficulty on procedural and perceptual
knowledge transfer between tasks (hard-to-easy or
easy-to-hard task) in auditory discrimination learning
Target Domain in a shuttle box.
Unfamiliar situation, context, or problem; the general-
ization context.
Theoretical Background
The transfer of learned skills or knowledge from one
task to another is a higher cognitive function that is
characteristic for humans but has rarely been investi-
gated in other mammals. Examples for such transfer
Task Analysis capabilities are generalization of stimuli within and
across physical categories or transfer of knowledge
Procedures can be simple, whereby a learner follows one from one stimulus discrimination task to another. As
set of steps in a straightforward sequential fashion, or the acquirement of the capability to discriminate sen-
complex, with many decisions that a learner must make. sory stimuli in a certain task involves both procedural
A task analysis breaks down the steps so that the overall and perceptual learning, the type of knowledge that
Task Difficulty in Auditory Discrimination Learning T 3265

may be transferred between tasks may also be proce- discriminated is assumed. Based on this assumption,
dural, perceptual, or both. In this context, the task the average level of attention is the limiting factor for
difficulty may play a critical role in determining what the level of the discrimination performance reached in
type of knowledge will be transferred between a training session in the perceptually hard task. In the
tasks, and if there is any benefit or disadvantage from perceptually easy task, the amount of attention to the
the previously acquired knowledge for learning the new stimuli would be a limiting factor for the performance
task, especially in tasks that differ in difficulty of the only after the initial performance improvement by
perceptual discrimination and classification. procedural knowledge.
In the transition from one task to another, there
Important Scientific Research and seems to be no perceptual generalization and knowledge
Open Questions transfer across sounds from different perceptual classes
Whereas knowledge transfer between tasks in auditory and, therefore, no performance benefit in discrimination
discrimination learning has been investigated in when switching the sounds between the classes (e.g.,
a number of mammalian species including humans sounds with different pitches vs. sounds with different
(e.g., Ohl et al. 2001; Wetzel et al. 1998), the effect of rhythms) in a discrimination task. Thus, there is no
task difficulty on knowledge transfer in such tasks has beneficial effect when switching from an easy to a hard
so far been investigated only in humans (Delhommeau discrimination task if, at the same time, the perceptual
et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2008; Wright and Zhang 2009) and classes of the sounds are changed.
mice (Kurt and Ehret 2010). In these latter studies, the In contrast, when switching from a hard to an easy
amount of knowledge transfer between tasks with pos- task, subjects benefited in the easy task from knowledge
sible benefits or disadvantages for the learning perfor- acquired in the previous hard task. Because the stimulus
mance in the second task has been compared between classes in the two tasks were different, human studies
easy-to-hard and hard-to-easy successions of percep- suggest that the benefit (hard-to-easy effect) was not
tual discrimination of stimuli. It was found that two based on knowledge of or generalization across stimuli
forms of learning could be distinguished in the audi- (Liu et al. 2008) but rather on implicitly learned infor-
tory discrimination tasks: an initial rapid improvement mation integration. Integration of information about
in auditory learning that is interpreted as rapid proce- the stimuli, the procedural context, and the acquired
dural learning (learning the response demands of the cognitive skills in the experimental setting seems to be
task), and a following slower improvement that is taken the key for understanding the discrimination perfor-
as evidence for perceptual learning (improvement of mance of the subjects. When the task changed, the new
discriminative perceptual judgments). It was con- stimulus situation was immediately clear and the
cluded that the perceptual dimension for the discrim- learned cognitive skill of response demands of the task
ination or classification in the easy task is clear from the could rapidly be adapted to the new sounds because of
beginning of the training so that a rapid procedural the perceptually easy discrimination of the tones.
learning effect becomes obvious in the initial improve- A possible impediment of learning performance
ment of the performance. This procedural learning may occur during task transition if the new sounds to T
effect is masked in the hard task in which the subjects be learned share perceptual features like spectral con-
seem initially unable to perceptually identify what has tent with the already learned sounds so that unlearning
to be discriminated, so that the acquired procedural and relearning of cognitive skills is required. If this is
knowledge does not help to do the task. In the hard not the case, rapid improvement in directing the atten-
discrimination tasks, mice show a slow improvement tion to the new and clearly perceptible stimuli is seen as
presumably because of the difficulties in perceptual a beneficial effect in hard-to-easy task transitions.
task identification (difficulties to direct their attention Since mice show effects similar to humans in audi-
to the stimulus features to be discriminated). Since the tory discrimination tasks when the task difficulty is
slopes of improvement of the discrimination perfor- changed from easy to hard or from hard to easy, mice
mance in the hard tasks are very similar to the slope of offers a promising perspective for testing the influence
the late improvement in the easy task, a constant aver- of different genetic backgrounds on auditory percep-
age increase in attention to the stimuli to be tion and/or learning abilities in future studies.
3266 T Task Goals

Cross-References Definition
▶ Animal Learning and Intelligence A task is a challenge or duty that is normally accom-
▶ Animal Perceptual Learning plished during a problem-solving activity or a series of
▶ Conditioning activities. It involves the pursuit of prior or emergent
▶ Discrimination Learning Model goals. The activity involved in the learning of
▶ Discriminative Learning a sequence of tasks engages perceptual, cognitive, com-
▶ Generalization vs. Discrimination municative, and procedural skills which are applied to
▶ Task Difficulty and Learning novel or preexisting stimulus materials. Exploration of
▶ Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Learning this topic includes methods and findings from disci-
▶ Transfer of Learning plines including cognitive science, machine learning,
instruction, and ergonomics. Research into task
References sequencing and learning is of interest to scientists and
Delhommeau, K., Micheyl, C., Jouvet, R., & Collet, L. (2002). Trans- educationalists because it generates suggestions for
fer of learning across durations and ears in auditory frequency
improving learning through more stable, more versa-
discrimination. Perception & Psychophysics, 64, 426–436.
Kurt, S., & Ehret, G. (2010). Auditory discrimination learning and tile, or simply more appropriate forms of sequencing.
knowledge transfer in mice depends on task difficulty. Proceed- The central question is whether different orders of
ings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of presenting materials and techniques, in natural as well
America, 107, 8481–8485. as artificial situations, can lead to qualitatively and
Liu, E. H., Mercado, I. E., Church, B. A., & Orduña, I. (2008). The
quantitatively different learning outcomes.
easy-to-hard effect in human (Homo sapiens) and rat (Rattus
norvegicus) auditory identification. Journal of Comparative Psy-
chology, 122, 132–145. Theoretical Background
Ohl, F. W., Scheich, H., & Freeman, W. J. (2001). Change in pattern of Task sequencing plays a role in all tutoring and teaching
ongoing cortical activity with auditory category learning. Nature, systems, whether they involve human or artificial
412, 733–736. intelligence. Sequencing is based on a component-skills
Wetzel, W., Wagner, T., Ohl, F. W., & Scheich, H. (1998). Categorical
approach to learning. The order in which facts, mate-
discrimination of direction in frequency-modulated tones by
Mongolian gerbils. Behavioural Brain Research, 91, 29–39. rials, and tasks are presented may influence what is
Wright, B. A., & Zhang, Y. (2009). A review of the generalization of learned, how it is learned, how fast it is learned, and
auditory learning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society even whether anything at all is learned. Additionally, it
B: Biological Sciences, 364, 301–311. may influence the kind of errors that are made, the
amount of practice that is needed, duration of reten-
tion, and transfer of knowledge to other domains.
Sequencing effects arise when learning is affected by
Task Goals choice of training materials (data sampling), order of
presentation, and speed of presentation. Learners and
▶ Goal Theory/Goal Setting
learning systems vary in the degree to which they are
influenced by these parameters.
There are various approaches for how best to
sequence materials and techniques in teaching and
Task Sequencing and Learning
training, for example, hierarchical, procedural, topical,
and spiral sequencing. The application of a hierarchical
sequence for teaching “intellectual skills” was put for-
Department of Psychology, University of Bern,
ward by Gagne (1968). It is based on the observation
Bern, Switzerland
that skills are made up of subcomponents that are
mostly built upon one another, often to the point
Synonyms where some higher level skills cannot be taught before
Problem solving; Proceduralization; Sequence learn- lower level ones. Gagne’s model begins with simple
ing; Skill acquisition; Task-based instruction; Transfer signal learning and stimulus-response learning, which
learning are prerequisites for chaining and verbal associations.
Task Sequencing and Learning T 3267

In turn, these are prerequisites for discrimination learn- fragmented learning. It begins with the simplest version
ing, which is a prerequisite for concept learning. Con- of a task that is broadly representative of the task at its
cept learning is the basis for rule learning, which is most complex. Progressively more complex versions of
a prerequisite for problem-solving. Although Gagne’s the task are encountered and practiced until the desired
model is comprehensive and moves from simple to level of expertise is attained, with the learner being
complex tasks in a clear-cut fashion, in reality made explicitly aware of relations throughout. Each
the hierarchy may need to incorporate loops and version of the task can be performed and presented as
the possibility of moving more directly to higher levels. a “finished” item in its own right. Each captures the
Furthermore, although hierarchical learning can essence of what is required but at different stages of
encompass both topical and spiral sequencing representation or completion. In contrast,
(described below), it is limited in that instruction is a hierarchical sequence cannot “run” until the details
fragmented and perhaps de-motivating for the learner, are filled in at each level. The Simplifying Conditions
and it may be difficult to transfer resultant knowledge Method has two parts: epitomizing (the simplest ver-
to other domains. sion that is still representative of the whole task) and
In procedural sequencing, learning proceeds in steps, elaborating (moving through progressively more
each allowing for the learner’s “level of entry.” Proce- detailed versions). By helping learners understand
dural learning and performance are closely entwined. tasks holistically from the very beginning, elaboration
However, procedural task analysis (creation of a flow sequencing can enhance motivation, even when instruc-
chart) reveals that at least some hierarchical learning tion is highly directive. Elaboration sequences can be
components must be included in procedural learning. conceptual as well as procedural. Hence, elaboration
This is because each step comprises a separate concept sequences can help learners build their own cognitive
and each learner has a different degree of expertise for and creative scaffolding. The main disadvantages are
each concept. The two main strengths of a procedural that the task area must be large enough in content
sequence are that it feels logical to the learner and that it (expertise domain) to make the learning worthwhile,
does not require much input from the trainer. Its main and the elaboration sequence must still be used in
weakness is that “branching” will create a dilemma for conjunction with procedural and hierarchical learning.
the learner, as will anything that cannot be carried out
in a unidirectional, step-by-step fashion. Important Scientific Research and
In topical sequencing, a task, or topic, is taught to Open Questions
the appropriate level of understanding before Effects of task sequencing on learning have been mainly
a subsequent stage is attempted, but there is a risk explored in the areas of second language acquisition,
that the task is insufficiently learned or that it is for- instructional design, and machine learning. In the first
gotten over time. To avoid this problem, in spiral area, the aim is to subdivide the domain into compo-
sequencing, topics or tasks are perfected by means of nents, or skills, that can be learned separately
repetitive cyclical increments. With each return, the (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, and articulation) but also
topic or task is treated in more depth. The advantage combined in ways that will enable students from different T
of this approach is that it provides its own review backgrounds and with different levels of preexisting
system but the disadvantage is that it causes disruption knowledge to acquire the language quickly, efficiently,
to general learning through constant switching of and enduringly. Robinson (2010) has proposed two
schemas and techniques. As neither topical nor spiral hypotheses that are relevant here: the Cognition
sequencing are “pure” in practice, perhaps rather than Hypothesis and the Aptitude/Ability Differentiation
ask which approach is preferable, one should ask when Framework. The Cognition Hypothesis proposes that
one should be applied rather than the other, and when increasing the cognitive demands of tasks will (a) push
a combination of the two might be better. learners toward greater accuracy and complexity of
An example for such a combined approach is the language production in order to meet the greater func-
Simplifying Conditions Method (cf., Reigeluth 2007). It tional/communicative demands that are placed on the
provides a guideline for developing a “simple-to-com- learner; (b) promote heightened attention to, and
plex” task sequence that induces holistic rather than memory for, the input, thereby increasing learning of
3268 T Task Sequencing and Learning

the input and incorporating forms of information influence order effects and vice versa? In the field
made salient by the input; (c) facilitate longer-term of computer science, “▶ transfer learning” is used in
retention of the input; and (d) lead to automaticity conjunction with task sequencing. Transfer learning
and efficient scheduling of components of complex is a specialist term for improving machine learning
language-task performance. The Aptitude/Ability Dif- algorithms by training the system on a sequence of
ferentiation Framework hypothesis proposes that indi- tasks rather than single tasks in isolation (Taylor et al.
vidual differences will affect learners’ efficiency with 2007). Typically, the system or agent learns a certain set of
regard to allocation of attention, rehearsal of attended materials or a routine in what is called a “source task” and
information, awareness, and ultimately, extent of long- then applies the knowledge that has been gained to what
term retention. Hence, Robinson’s framework aims to is called a “target task.” Experience on the simpler “source
match individual learners to particular instructional task” is conveyed to the related but more complex “target
conditions. task” in order to reduce the amount of time required to
In the area of instructional design, the aim is to learn the latter task. “Transfer learning” provides a way to
provide design guidelines that help to identify situa- accelerate training. Learning algorithms that rely on rein-
tions in which order is modifiable and in which an forcement are powerful but costly in terms of time,
activity can be interrupted without disturbing learning. especially when they have to learn “from scratch” and
For example, in a classroom setting, it may be desirable when they are in complex domains. Even so, with “trans-
to include short lessons on related subtopics, or addi- fer learning,” if the goal is to minimize total training time,
tional modules, at certain points in the curriculum. In or to minimize total data required in order to learn, then
order to know how to modify sequences and facilitate the order in which the tasks are presented may still be
transfer between areas so that complexity of subsequent critical.Optimal ordering of tasks for machine learning
learning is reduced, a two-step teaching strategy can be algorithms is, therefore, an open problem and at present
applied. The first step involves compiling a list of all there is no systematic way to determine how best to
relevant tasks according to the current student model; construct such a sequence of tasks. A second problem is
a task is relevant if it contains appropriate goals and has that of “negative transfer.” Here, learning of one or more
all the necessary knowledge elements already learned or “source tasks” before a “target task” may impair the
ready to be learned. The second involves selecting the system’s ability to learn due to bias. At present, no general
most appropriate task for each student at any given technique exists to prevent negative transfer. A third
point from the list of relevant tasks. The pragmatic problem concerns how much time to spend training the
tutoring strategy is to select the relevant task with the system on “source tasks.” Whereas a human instructor
fewest familiar skills if a student is progressing quickly, can use her experience to guide students as to how long
but to select the relevant task with the fewest unfamiliar they should spend at each stage, suitable curricula for
skills (i.e., those as yet unlearned) if a student is machine learning have not been established as yet.
progressing slowly. As it is known that students tend Although some work has been carried out on “autono-
to tackle easier tasks first and rarely adopt sophisticated mous transfer” in machine learning, “transfer learning”
strategies of their own accord (such as spiral sequenc- relies mostly on humans for task order selection. An
ing, epitomizing, and elaborating), these techniques emerging proposition is that workers in the area of
may need to be taught explicitly. Yet another question machine learning should make task selection a more
is how tools, such as educational software packages and explicit part of the transfer process, and second, that
technical equipment, can be developed so that tutoring they should embark on new research to uncover how
systems compute optimal orders automatically, while best to design machine learning curricula. At least three
also providing learners with flexibility. roles are envisaged for human designers in this field,
In the area of machine learning, the aim is to develop namely, “common sense,” “domain expertise,” and
flexible and powerful incremental learning algorithms “algorithmic expertise.” It is then a question of using
that have useful and minimally adverse ordering effects. human knowledge to assist machine learning. Studies
The best orders can be found either by experimentation on task sequencing and learning can also facilitate better
or by computation. The core question is: how do rules, understanding of how human and machine learning can
speed, and space requirements (learning trajectories) be successfully integrated.
Task-Irrelevant Learning T 3269

One model of cognitive architecture, widely used by Ritter, F. R., Nerb, J., Lehtinen, E., & O’Shea, T. M. (2007). In order to
researchers, is ACT (Adaptive Control of Thought) learn: How the sequence of topics influences learning. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
by Anderson (e.g., Anderson and Lebiere 1998).
Robinson, P. (2010). Second language task complexity: Researching the
This model is relevant to task sequencing because it cognition hypothesis of second language learning and performance.
successfully combines declarative knowledge and Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
proceduralization. It incorporates long-term memory Taylor, M. E., Stone, P., & Liu, Y. (2007). Transfer learning via inter-
in the form of ▶ production rules, against which goals task mappings for temporal difference learning. Journal of
Machine Learning Research, 8, 2125–2167.
and short-term memory are matched. The most recent
version of this model is called ACT-R and involves
a mathematical approach to cognition which Anderson
refers to as “Rational Analysis”. Among many other
applications, ACT-R has been used to model the
order and structure of interactions between tutors
Task-Based Instruction
and students. Theoretical models in this area still have ▶ Task Sequencing and Learning
many general as well as specific questions to answer,
including: “How can an optimal sequence be deter-
mined in the first place? How can it be applied under
differing instructional conditions?,” “How can negative
transfer be avoided?,” “How can the appropriate Task-Induced Involvement
amount of time for allocation to source tasks be Load
selected?,” and “How are order choices to be made
between subsequent tasks?” As a separate issue, age, Task involvement load is a motivational-cognitive con-
prior expertise, and motivation must also be taken struct proposed by Hulstijn and Laufer (2001) to mea-
into account when models of task sequencing and sure the amount of mental processing that learners do
learning are proposed (Ritter et al. 2007). when working on a vocabulary learning task. It consists
of three basic components: need, search, and evalua-
Cross-References tion. Each of these three factors can be absent or pre-
▶ 2nd Language Learning sent when processing a word in a natural or artificially
▶ ACT designed task. The combination of factors with their
▶ Adult Teaching and Learning degree of prominence constitute involvement load.
▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning
▶ Human Cognitive Architecture References
▶ Implicit Sequence Learning Hulstijn, J. H. & Laufer, B. (2001). Some empirical evidence for the
▶ Integrated Learning Systems involvement load hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition. Language
▶ Learning Spiral Learning, 51(3), 539–558.
▶ Learning Task(s) T
▶ Procedural Learning
▶ Sequential Learning

References Task-Involved Goals

Anderson, T. R., & Lebiere, C. (1998). The atomic components of ▶ Goal Theory/Goal Setting
thought. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gagne, R. M. (1968). Learning hierarchies. Educational Psychology, 6,
Reigeluth, C. M. (2007). Order, first step to mastery: An introduction
to sequencing in instructional design. In F. R. Ritter, J. Nerb,
E. Lehtinen, & T. M. O’Shea (Eds.), In order to learn: How the Task-Irrelevant Learning
sequence of topics influences learning (pp. 19–40). Oxford:
Oxford University Press. ▶ Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Learning
3270 T Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Learning

offered during the first few years of life are highly

Task-Irrelevant Perceptual effectual. However, widely accepted treatments for
Learning Amblyopia in adults are lacking. However, while there
exists broad consensus that the early stages of sensory/
AARON R. SEITZ perceptual processing are less plastic in adults than
Department of Psychology, University of California – infants, there exists a burgeoning literature demon-
Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA strating perceptual learning can occur in adults.
A notable example of adult perceptual plasticity is that
of a radiologist; a radiologist typically starts their train-
Synonyms ing as an adult and after training is able to discriminate
Subliminal perceptual learning; Task-irrelevant and categorize subtle visual stimuli that have no consis-
learning tent form to untrained observers. This, and other exam-
ples, of perceptual expertise provide strong evidence that
Definition the adult perceptual system retains some level of plastic-
Task-irrelevant perceptual learning is a relatively per- ity. There currently exists an active research climate to
manent and consistent change in the perception of understand the extent of, and the mechanisms underly-
a stimulus array after experience with that stimulus ing, plasticity in the adult sensory/perceptual systems
array when the stimulus did not directly inform one’s under the guise of perceptual learning.
goal-directed behavior. Task-irrelevant perceptual Recent theories of perceptual learning suggest that
learning is distinguished from other forms of percep- attentional and/or reinforcement gating systems serve
tual learning in that it is not dependent on attention to allow or to restrict the learning process. For example,
being directed toward, nor having awareness of, the it is well established that improvements in perceptual
stimulus array during the period of learning. Stimulus tasks arise out of practice with those tasks. This has led
arrays that are unnoticed, and even subliminally to the view that focused attention to a stimulus array is
presented, can be learned through task-irrelevant per- necessary to produce perceptual learning on that array.
ceptual learning when presented in conjunction with However, the recently discovered research paradigm of
appropriate reinforcing events. task-irrelevant perceptual learning demonstrates that
focused attention toward a stimulus is not required for
Theoretical Background that stimulus to be learned (for a review see Seitz and
Task-irrelevant perceptual learning is a form of percep- Watanabe 2005, 2009). Task-irrelevant perceptual
tual learning that has been used primarily to study the learning has captured a growing interest in the field of
learning of low-level sensory primitives in adult sub- learning science. The basic phenomenon is that stimu-
jects. Perceptual learning concerns the extent to which lus features that are irrelevant to a subject’s task (i.e.,
the perceptual system is able to adapt to changes in the convey no useful information to that task) can be
perceptual environment. While it is clear that during learned due to their consistent presentation with
early development there exists a substantial degree of behaviorally relevant events. The grounding idea is
plasticity in the perceptual systems, the adult percep- that stimuli that are important to the organism will
tual system is significantly more stable and robust to produce more learning than those that are not.
change. For example, in an infant prolonged closure of Task-irrelevant perceptual learning demonstrates
one eye will result in a reorganization of primary visual a process of learning that is qualitatively different
cortex favoring the open eye. However, in an adult than that suggested by contemporary models of atten-
a similar manipulation may result in no noticeable tional selection in perceptual learning (e.g., Ahissar and
change in the territory of visual cortex responsive to Hochstein 2004). In task-irrelevant perceptual learn-
each eye. This reduction of the degree of plasticity in ing, selection is thought to arise through temporal
the adult sensory cortices is one that has serious con- coincidences between the stimulus arrays and behav-
sequences to those suffering conditions impacting the iorally relevant events. Thus goal-directed behavior
organization or function of the sensory systems. For involving the stimulus arrays and stimulus awareness
example, in the case of Amblyopia treatments that are are not required for task-irrelevant learning, as they are
Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Learning T 3271

in attentional learning. However, task-irrelevant learn- subjects performed a letter identification task. Despite
ing is not contrary to all theories of attentional selec- the fact that the motion stimuli were below the thresh-
tion. There are many different types of attentional and old of visibility and were irrelevant to the subjects’
learning signals that have been identified by psycholog- tasks, the repetitive exposure improved performance
ical and neuroscience research and active research is specifically for the direction of the exposed motion
underway to understand how they each contribute to when tested in a subsequent suprathreshold test.
perceptual learning. Seitz and Watanabe (2005) specu- A subsequent study by Seitz and Watanabe (2003)
lated that neuromodulatory chemicals, such as acetyl- provided mechanistic insight regarding this learning
choline, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which have phenomenon. They found that task-irrelevant percep-
also been implicated as mechanisms modulating atten- tual learning occurred as the result of temporal-pairing
tion, are candidate learning signals that may underlie between the presentation of a subliminal, task-irrele-
task-irrelevant perceptual learning. The fact that simi- vant, motion stimulus and a task-target. Seitz and
lar brain chemicals are implicated in task-irrelevant Watanabe exposed subjects to four different directions
perceptual learning and attention suggests that while of motion an equal number of times, but a single direc-
task-irrelevant perceptual learning may not engage tion was consistently paired (temporally preceded and
focused attention, it is not entirely dissociated from then overlapped) with the targets of the letter identifi-
other forms of attention. cation task. Learning was found only for the motion-
Task-irrelevant perceptual learning has emerged as direction that was paired with the task-targets, not for
an important mechanism of perceptual learning. This the other motion-directions. Together these results
learning can occur without awareness of the learned imply that the learning signal involved in perceptual
stimuli and even outside of the context of a task. How- learning does not require focused attention. The latter
ever, task-irrelevant perceptual learning is not purely result argues against the notion that task-irrelevant
passive and requires the release of learning signals that perceptual learning results from passive processing of
can be triggered by important task events or an external the learned stimulus arrays.
reward (for a review see Seitz and Watanabe 2009). To A model proposed by Seitz and Watanabe (2005)
date, task-irrelevant perceptual learning has been suggests that task-irrelevant perceptual learning is
shown to occur most consistently for learning of things gated by the confluence between a spatially diffusive
that are below the perceptual threshold. This aspect of task-related signal and a task-irrelevant feature.
task-irrelevant perceptual learning may be important for According to the model, when subjects detect the
enabling the perceptual systems to improve their task-targets the release of chemicals (i.e., a learning
processing of subtle, unattended, cues whose incidences signal) is triggered in the brain that results in learning.
are correlated with important behavioral events and as This learning signal triggers both task-relevant learning
such task-irrelevant perceptual learning may be a general for task-targets and also task-irrelevant learning of the
mechanism for the enhancement of stimulus features stimulus arrays that are presented at the same time as
that are consistently presented at behaviorally relevant the task-targets. This model resembles theories of rein-
times. forcement learning in that learning is thought to be T
gated by behaviorally relevant events (rewards, punish-
Important Scientific Research and ment, novelty, etc.). At these times learning signals are
Open Questions released to enhance processing of those aspects of the
An important characteristic of task-irrelevant percep- environment (even those for which the observer is not
tual learning is that the learning takes place for stimuli consciously aware) that are predictive of, or covary
to which the subject is not attending (and is typically with, the event. Key evidence for this model has been
unaware of) and that the learning is difficult to explain found in a recent study in which task-irrelevant learn-
as an effect of subjects discovering the distinguishing ing occurred in the absence of any task whatsoever.
features by which to perform the testing tasks. The Seitz et al. (2009) found that subliminally presented
phenomenon of task-irrelevant perceptual learning stimuli in conjunction with liquid rewards (in subjects
was first identified by Watanabe et al. (2001), when who were thirsty) also resulted in perceptual learning.
they exposed subjects to a motion stimulus while the This gives evidence of the role of reinforcement in
3272 T Taste Aversion Learning

task-irrelevant learning. However future work is required Seitz, A. R., Kim, D., & Watanabe, T. (2009). Rewards evoke learning
to determine the correlates in the brain of the learning of unconsciously processed visual stimuli in adult humans. Neu-
ron, 61(5), 700–707.
signals implicated in task-irrelevant perceptual learning.
Watanabe, T., Nanez, J. E., & Sasaki, Y. (2001). Perceptual learning
An important aspect of research on task-irrelevant without perception. Nature, 413(6858), 844–848.
perceptual learning has regarded what types of learning
can occur through. Task-irrelevant perceptual learning
has been found to impact performance on a variety of
testing tasks including detection, discrimination, and
identification tasks and to occur for a variety of differ- Taste Aversion Learning
ent stimuli including visual motion and orientation,
critical flicker fusion, and also for auditory stimuli. W. ROBERT BATSELL, JR.
Furthermore, benefits resulting from task-irrelevant Department of Psychology, Kalamazoo College,
perceptual learning can last for years. This research Kalamazoo, MI, USA
has produced psychophysical and electrophysiological
evidence indicating that task-irrelevant perceptual
learning can involve plasticity in the earliest stages of Synonyms
sensory processing (see Seitz et al. 2009; Seitz and Conditioned taste aversion; Flavor-aversion learning;
Watanabe 2009). Thus task-irrelevant perceptual learn- Garcia effect
ing may be a particularly good paradigm by which to
identify low-level effects of perceptual learning because Definition
it dissociates what is being learned (i.e., the task- Taste-aversion learning occurs when an organism dem-
irrelevant stimulus) from the decision processes that onstrates a pronounced decrease in consumption of
correspond to the training task, and thus task- a food or liquid after experiencing that substance
irrelevant perceptual learning cannot easily be prior to an illness episode. Taste-aversion learning is
explained by learning in the decision processes. Future a ubiquitous phenomenon that has been recorded at all
research is required to better understand the levels levels of the animal kingdom, ranging from insects to
of stimulus processing and the types of learning that mammals, including humans. The adaptive benefits of
can arise through task-irrelevant perceptual learning. this form of learning are obvious: a foraging animal
For example, does task-irrelevant perceptual learning that is able to associate the taste of a noxious substance
generalize to non-perceptual aspects of learning? with its aversive consequences is more likely later to
avoid consuming a larger, and potentially toxic, por-
Cross-References tion of that same substance. It is notable that although
▶ Exposure-Based Perceptual Learning the term taste-aversion learning is most commonly
▶ Incidental Learning used in the literature, the synonym of flavor-aversion
▶ Perceptual Learning learning is preferred by some researchers because it
▶ Reinforcement Learning captures both the gustatory and olfactory components
▶ Unconscious Learning of a substance that are probably present whenever
a food or liquid is consumed.
Ahissar, M., & Hochstein, S. (2004). The reverse hierarchy theory of Theoretical Background
visual perceptual learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8(10), Taste-aversion learning is a form of classical or Pavlov-
457–464. ian conditioning. The neutral taste of the food or liquid
Seitz, A. R., & Watanabe, T. (2003). Psychophysics: is subliminal
is the conditioned stimulus (CS), the illness-inducing
learning really passive? Nature, 422(6927), 36.
event is the unconditioned stimulus (US), the resulting
Seitz, A., & Watanabe, T. (2005). A unified model for perceptual
learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(7), 329–334. illness is the unconditioned response (UCR), and the
Seitz, A. R., & Watanabe, T. (2009). The phenomenon of task-irrelevant subsequent decrease in consumption when the taste
perceptual learning. Vision Research, 49(21), 2604–2610. is reencountered is the conditioned response (CR).
Taste Aversion Learning T 3273

There appear to be few limitations from either the CS research for the US military. Indeed, in some cases
or US on taste-aversion learning. Taste aversions have Garcia has been termed the “Father of Taste-Aversion
been reported with a range of tastes (e.g., sweet, sour, Learning,” and the term “Garcia Effect” has been
bitter, salty, and those that are hedonically preferred or substituted for “taste-aversion learning.” In addition
rejected) and odors. Moreover, a range of stimuli has to developing many of the basic procedural details of
been reported to be effective in producing taste aver- taste-aversion learning, Garcia and his colleagues were
sions, including those that directly produce gastroin- involved in reporting many of the seminal studies that
testinal distress (irradiation or an intraperitoneal promoted the unique features of taste-aversion learn-
injection of the salt, lithium chloride), or vestibular ing, including cue-to-consequence learning, long-delay
disturbances via rotational stimulation. Interestingly, learning, one-trial learning, and potentiation.
other USs that do not directly produce illness have also It is quite possible that the most influential taste-
been shown effective in producing conditioned taste aversion publication was the set of four experiments in
aversions; these include swimming stress, running which Garcia and Koelling (1966) introduced cue-to-
stress, and some drugs of abuse that produce pleasur- consequence learning. In these experiments, rats were
able aftereffects. presented a complex compound of stimuli that included
Empirical analysis of taste-aversion learning arose a sweet taste, a clicking relay, and a flash of lights (the
from two distinct areas of research, rodent/pest control “bright-noisy, and tasty water study”). Rats were then
studies developed by the British during World War II exposed to one of two different unconditioned stimuli,
and analyses of the effects of radiation conducted by the either one producing peripheral pain (immediate or
US military in the 1950s. In the 1960s, taste-aversion delayed foot shock) or one producing illness (radiation
learning became a popular paradigm to investigate asso- or lithium chloride). For testing, rats were presented
ciative learning because of its ecological validity and with a subset of cues from the bright-noisy, tasty water.
a number of unique learning phenomena that were One test condition involved consumption of water in the
first identified in taste-aversion research. Indeed, presence of the auditory and visual stimuli (bright-noisy
throughout the heyday of taste-aversion learning water) whereas the other test condition involved
research (1960s–1980s), the primary theoretical ques- consumption of the sweet taste solution (tasty water).
tions involved were whether taste-aversion learning The key finding from this work was the demonstration
represented a qualitatively different or quantitatively that the strength of learning was dependent on the
different form of learning. This question of whether correspondence of the CS (the cue) to each US (the
taste-aversion learning operated under a set of rules consequence). Specifically, following conditioning with
different from other forms of classical conditioning like the shock US, the audiovisual complex produced signif-
fear conditioning or eyeblink conditioning was theoret- icantly greater suppression of drinking compared
ically important because it challenged general process with the aversion produced by the taste. However, the
approaches to learning. Many early learning theorists opposite pattern was observed in the groups that
from Thorndike to Skinner have proposed general prin- received conditioning with the illness-producing US:
ciples of learning that were assumed to be unrestricted these rats drank significantly less of the tasty solution T
by organism or conditioning paradigm. Therefore, in the than the bright-noisy water solution. In short, selective
early 1960s, the prevailing dogma in associative learning associations were demonstrated as audiovisual cues
theory reflected this General Process Approach, in which were better associated with shock and taste was better
an underlying assumption was that the rules that gov- associated with illness. The presence of these selective
ern the formation of associations should be present in associations was in direct contrast to the prevailing
all associative learning, regardless of the exact identity view that learning reflected a general set of processes
of those stimuli (for a review of the modern status of and that a given US should produce effective learning
this debate, see Domjan 2008). The individual who had regardless of its correspondence with a specific CS.
the most profound influence on the scientific study of Following this seminal work, researchers actively
taste-aversion learning was John Garcia, who explored and found evidence of selective associations
conducted some of the aforementioned radiation in other forms of associative learning.
3274 T Taste Aversion Learning

Another feature of taste-aversion learning that predator signals also has high adaptive value, one-trial
appeared to distinguish it from other forms of associa- learning should have been readily identifiable in other
tive learning was the presence of long-delay learning. preparations such as fear conditioning. Nonetheless,
The CS–US interval refers to the duration in time from after the presence of one-trial learning in taste-aversion
the termination of the CS and the onset of the US. In learning was confirmed, one-trial learning was detected
most associative learning paradigms, the strength of the in other behavioral preparations (see context fear
CR is inversely related to the CS–US interval where learning).
increases in the CS–US interval lead to progressively A final, unique phenomenon that arose from
weaker CRs. Indeed, in most classical conditioning research in taste-aversion learning is taste-mediated
preparations, if the CS–US interval exceeds a matter potentiation. Typically, when two CSs are conditioned
of seconds or minutes, no evidence of learning is in compound with a US, the CSs will compete for
obtained. In contrast, Garcia et al. (1966) demon- associative strength, and learning to each cue is weak-
strated that reliable taste aversions could be demon- ened relative to conditioning each CS alone,
strated with CS–US intervals as long as 6–12 h. Because a competitive form of learning that Pavlov termed
the order of magnitude of this difference was substan- overshadowing. Overshadowing can be most pro-
tial, it spurred new conjecture that the rules that govern nounced when a more salient CS is paired with a less
taste-aversion learning are different. Subsequent work salient CS, and the learning to the less salient CS is
in this area revealed that one reason taste aversions substantially decreased. In contrast, when a weak
were able to survive long delays between the CS and odor CS is presented simultaneously with a strong
US was the absence of interference effects. Specifically, taste CS prior to aversion conditioning, the subse-
in a fear-conditioning design with a visual CS, follow- quent odor aversion is significantly stronger than if
ing termination of this CS, the organism is likely to the odor alone is paired with illness. Thus, the pres-
view a range of other visual stimuli during the CS–US ence of taste-mediated potentiation is another unique
interval that would be more contingent with the finding that originally arose from research in taste-
subsequent US. As a result, these interfering stimuli aversion learning that demonstrated a pattern of
would likely signal the impending US, and decrease learning that was different from that seen in other
learning to the distal, visual CS. In most taste-aversion forms of classical conditioning. Evidence of potenti-
learning preparations, however, the organism was not ation in the taste-aversion literature was present for
given any other taste to consume during the CS–US 30 years before the first reliable evidence of potentia-
interval, and thus, there was minimal interference with tion was reported in a fear-conditioning preparation
the target taste. When Revusky (1971) inserted an (Urcelay and Miller 2009). In a series of four experi-
interfering taste between the target taste and presenta- ments, Urcelay and Miller conducted fear condition-
tion of the US, learning to the target taste was signifi- ing with a compound stimulus composed of two
cantly decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that auditory CSs paired with a shock US. Importantly,
taste-aversion learning does not violate the rules of they also varied the CS–US interval from 0 s to 20 s.
contiguity that influence other forms of associative Following compound conditioning with the 0 s CS–
learning; instead, its procedures are better able to US interval, testing the weaker auditory cue revealed
reduce interference effects. overshadowing relative to a single-element control. In
A third, notable feature of taste-aversion learning contrast, following compound conditioning with the
evident in the work of Garcia et al. (1966) is that robust 20 s CS–US interval, potentiation of the fear CR was
aversions form after only a single pairing of a taste CS recorded to the weaker auditory cue compared to its
with an illness-inducing US (i.e., one-trial learning). single-element control. Therefore, much like cue-to-
The fact that taste aversions can form after a single consequence learning and one-trial learning, potentia-
trial is consistent with the adaptive value of the phe- tion-like effects have now been identified in a traditional
nomenon because it promotes the organism’s rapid Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
identification of poisonous substances within its diet. In sum, one of the primary contributions of taste-
However, considering the need to identify and avoid aversion learning to the larger field of associative
Taxonomy of Educational Resources T 3275

learning is that the initial evidence for some unique the saccharin, but a conditioned place preference to the
learning phenomena (e.g., one-trial learning, cue-to- context. Similarly, recent work has shown that physical
consequence learning, long-delay learning, and taste- exercise, such as running or swimming, may have a
mediated potentiation) was first obtained in this similar bivalent effect of producing reliable taste aver-
preparation. Although subsequent work has shown sions while imbuing hedonic reactions to other cues.
that these phenomena are not exclusive to taste- Currently, different theoretical mechanisms have been
aversion learning, the challenges these phenomena - proposed to account for these effects, but no consensus
provided for existing theories was a major catalyst for has been reached.
much innovative research.

Important Scientific Research and Cross-References

Open Questions ▶ Associative Learning
As evidenced by the recent book focused on taste- ▶ Behavior Systems and Learning
aversion learning by Reilly and Schachtman (2009), ▶ Biological and Evolutionary Constraints of Learning
many of the outstanding open questions in taste- ▶ Competitive Learning
aversion learning are related. For example, as it has ▶ Conditioning
been in other areas of behavioral neuroscience, ▶ Context Fear Learning
a central research question involves identifying the neu- ▶ Eyeblink Conditioning
ral substrates of a particular learning phenomenon. ▶ Fear Conditioning
Once these substrates have been identified, research ▶ Pavlov, Ivan P. (1849–1936)
that incorporates behavioral and physiological manipu-
lations provides opportunities for greater understanding
of learning. Currently, there is common agreement that
Domjan, M. (2008). Adaptive specializations and generality of the
the following structures are necessary for gastrointesti-
laws of classical and instrumental conditioning. In R. Menzel
nal illness-mediated taste aversions: nucleus of the (Ed.), Learning theory and behavior. Vol. [1] of learning and
solitary tract, parabrachial nucleus, thalamus, amygdala, memory: A comprehensive reference (pp. 327–340). Oxford:
and insular cortex in the temporal lobe. The Elsevier.
parabrachial nucleus, in particular, appears to be the Garcia, J., & Koelling, R. A. (1966). Relation of cue to consequence in
avoidance learning. Psychonomic Science, 4, 123–124.
first anatomical site of convergence for gustatory infor-
Garcia, J., Ervin, F. R., & Koelling, R. A. (1966). Learning with
mation and illness signals from the gut. Of course, other
prolonged delay of reinforcement. Psychonomic Science, 5,
structures like the hippocampus and the orbitofrontal 121–122.
cortex may receive indirect projections of this informa- Reilly, S., & Schachtman, T. R. (Eds.). (2009). Conditioned taste
tion. Present work continues to determine if the struc- aversion: Behavioral and neural processes. Oxford: Oxford Uni-
tures along these pathways have complimentary roles or versity Press.
Revusky, S. (1971). The role of interference in association over a delay.
specific functional roles.
In W. K. Honig & P. H. R. James (Eds.), Animal memory
Another important research question that is (pp. 155–213). New York: Academic. T
addressed within the Reilly and Schachtman (2009) Urcelay, G. P., & Miller, R. R. (2009). Potentiation and overshadowing
collection concerns taste aversions produced in the in Pavlovian fear conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychol-
absence of illness. As detailed earlier, although the ogy: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 340–356.
majority of behavioral and physiological investigations
of taste-aversion learning have involved chemical
agents or radiation that induce toxicosis, reliable taste
aversions have also been demonstrated with
a “bivalent” US, like a drug of abuse. For example, Taxonomy of Educational
presentation of a saccharin solution in a distinctive
context prior to delivery of a drug of abuse like mor-
phine is capable of producing a conditioned aversion to ▶ Classification of Learning Objects
3276 T Taxonomy of Engagement

Taxonomy of Engagement Teaching Experiments and

▶ Styles of Engagement in Learning
Professional Learning
School of Education, Australian Catholic University,
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Taxonomy of Learning Objects
▶ Classification of Learning Objects
Action research; Design experiments; Professional
development; Professional learning community

TCP Definition
TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It is Teaching experiments are a sequence of teaching epi-
a transport layer protocol that enables two computers sodes where researchers test hypotheses about how
to establish a two-way connection and exchange students learn and reason in mathematics. During the
streams of data. TCP guarantees data delivery. course of the teaching episodes new hypotheses can also
be generated. These hypotheses are tested through obser-
vation and recording of data (Steffe and Thompson
2000). These data provide researchers with greater
understanding of how students construct mathemati-
Teacher Work Sample Method cal concepts and operations. These findings then form
(TWSM) the bases for the development of subsequent teaching
▶ Alignment of Learning, Teaching, and Assessment
Professional learning can be defined as teachers
working as a community in a sustained and intensive
way where they use evidence-based learning strategies
to improve the effectiveness of their teaching that leads
Teachers and Burnout to raising student achievement. When professional
learning is used in conjunction with teaching experi-
▶ Burnout in Teaching and Learning ments, researchers and teachers work as co-learners
collaborating to understanding what is happening
within the classroom (Lesh and Kelly 2000).

Teaching Theoretical Background

It can be argued that teaching experiments developed
Involves presenting knowledge and modeling its struc- from the clinical interview of experimental design. The
ture in such a way that it can be accurately acquired and intention of the clinical interview was to understand
reproduced. The instructor is the transmitter of knowl- the students’ current knowledge. However, in the 1970s
edge and the learner is a receiver. researchers realized that progress in understanding
a student’s mathematical constructions resulted from
conducting mathematical conversations with their
peers, teachers, and researchers (Steffe and Thompson
Teaching Environment 2000). Documenting such conversations required
working with students and teachers over extended
▶ Climate of Learning periods of time. Use of the word “teaching” in the
Teaching Experiments and Professional Learning T 3277

term teaching experiment also recognizes the challenge conjunction with this methodology. In more recent
of studying classroom interactions in the messiness of years, this combination of teaching experiments and
day-to-day teaching experience. professional learning has been used as the stepping
By the 1980s mathematics education was entering stone to other methodologies such as design experi-
the postmodern period, which led to changes in the ments and action research.
way mathematical knowing was understood. It was As with all research methodologies there are inherent
during this time that teaching experiments came challenges. Being alert to these challenges will assist both
more fully into prominence as a methodology for researchers and teachers to appreciate the desired out-
investigating mathematical learning and development comes of the other. The challenges that may result from
(Cobb and Steffe 1983). Fundamental to this method- the combination of teaching experiments and profes-
ology is the intention that researchers focus on explor- sional learning, that warrant ongoing monitoring
ing students’ ways and means of operating include allocating sufficient time for researcher/teacher
mathematically and not the researchers own ways and interactions; teacher content knowledge in the field
means of doing so. Consequently, this research meth- under study, limiting teachers understanding of the
odology is not about recording and reporting if experimental process; researcher interest in the experi-
a student is right or wrong, rather the significance of mental process in comparison to teacher interest in the
the teaching experiment is to understand what the outcome of that process; lack of teacher involvement in
students can do and how they can do it. Over the course the forming and testing of hypotheses, restricting own-
of a teaching experiment, interactions with students ership by teachers. Dealing with these challenges leads to
provide researchers with the opportunity to observe many questions for researchers to consider. Researchers
when students’ reorganize their thinking – identified using teaching experiments that are combined with
by changes in language and actions. This approach is teacher professional learning will need to consider ways
consistent with Vygotsky’s (1978) work on zones of to successfully work with this combination of method-
proximal development. ologies knowing the recognized challenges.
Adaptations to the teaching experiment methodol-
ogy have developed as research needs have changed. Cross-References
One such change is the use of professional learning for ▶ Action Research on Learning
teachers as an associated outcome of teaching experi- ▶ Design Experiments
ments. Teachers’ professional learning is documented ▶ Professional Learning and Development
as occurring in the classroom during teaching experi-
ments and also during discussions that follow
(e.g., Cobb 2000). Due to teacher collaboration and References
contribution to the development of theory, some Cobb, P. (2000). Conducting teaching experiments in collaboration
with teachers. In A. Kelly & R. A. Lesh (Eds.), Handbook of research
researchers began to include teachers more formally
design in mathematics and science education (pp. 307–333).
in their research projects as coresearchers. This depar- Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
ture from the original methodological conception of Cobb, P., & Steffe, L. P. (1983). The constructivist researcher as T
teaching experiments, by including the teachers as teacher and model builder. Journal for Research in Mathematics
researchers, has led to the evolution of new methodol- Education, 14(2), 83–94.
ogies such as design experiments and action research. Lesh, R. A., & Kelly, A. (2000). Multitiered teaching experiments. In
A. Kelly & R. A. Lesh (Eds.), Handbook of research design in
Involvement of teachers in this ways is also the subject mathematics and science education (pp. 197–205). Mahwah: Law-
of other research into teachers’ professional learning. rence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Steffe, L. P., & Thompson, P. W. (2000). Teaching experiment meth-
Important Scientific Research and odology: Underlying principles and essential elements. In A.
Open Questions Kelly & R. A. Lesh (Eds.), Handbook of research design in math-
ematics and science education (pp. 266–287). Mahwah: Lawrence
Teaching experiments, originally designed to investi-
Erlbaum Associates Inc.
gate how students learn and reason in mathematics, Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher
continues to be widely used today. The important role psychological processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press
of teacher professional learning can be addressed in (Original work published in 1934).
3278 T Teaching Health Professionals

Teaching Health Professionals Team Learning Strategies

▶ Empowering Health Learning for the Elderly (EHLE) ▶ Collaborative Learning Strategies

Teaching Story
Team Mental Model
▶ Intuition Pumps and Augmentation of Learning
▶ Role-Play and the Development of Mental Models

Teaching Styles
▶ Adult Learning Styles
Technical Writing
▶ Learning to Write

Teaching Tales
▶ Stories in Psychotherapy Technological Learning in
Teaching-Learning Global and Entrepreneurial Finance Research Institute
Environment (GEFRI), School of Business, George Washington
University, Washington, DC, USA
Teaching–learning environment describes the whole
range of teaching and learning activities and assessment
practices that take place within university courses. Effec-
tive learning, that is likely to lead toward conceptual Technology enhancement in organizational learning
understanding, depends on these activities being aligned
congruently and coherently – with each other, with the
students, and with main aims of the courses.
Technological learning (TL) refers to a specific area of
organizational learning. It is defined as the process by
which a technology-driven firm creates, renews, and
upgrades its latent and enacted capabilities based on its
Team Cognition stock of explicit and tacit resources. TL combines both
technical and administrative learning processes
▶ Shared Cognition
(Carayannis 1994).

Theoretical Background
In today’s globalizing and hypercompetitive market-
Team Learning place, knowledge and learning are major capabilities
to provide sustained competitive advantage:
▶ Collaborative Learning
▶ Cooperative Learning ● Knowledge is the content of learning, where a firm
▶ Group Learning gains competitive superiority by either knowing
Technological Learning in Organizations T 3279

SMOTL (Entire Area Is

of High Economic Rent)

Non-Substitutable Resources

Institutional Strategy
Level (Intuition Driven) SMOTA High Economic
Rent Area

Corporate Strategy Level Imperfectly Imitable Resources

(Intelligence Driven)
SMOT High Economic
Rent Area
Business Strategy Level
(Knowledge Driven)
Rare Resources

MOT High Economic

Functional Strategy Level Rent Area
(Information Driven)

Valuable Resources

Operational Strategy
Level (Data Driven)

Generic Resources

Area of Technology Derived


Technological Learning in Organizations. Fig. 1 Illustration of concentric levels of technological learning. MOT
management of technology, SMOT strategic management of technology, SMOTA strategic management of technology
assets, SMOTL strategic management of technological learning (Adapted from: Carayannis (1994))

something that its competitors do not know or by valuable (Carayannis 1994). As the cone in Fig. 1 indi-
having a certain type of knowledge that cannot be cates, the highest value is derived from the strategic
easily replicated. management of technological learning as these pro-
● Learning is the process of gaining new knowledge so cesses enable the renewal of critical capabilities and
that the firm is constantly accumulating and assim- assets and the generation of new sources of competitive T
ilating new knowledge which becomes the basis for advantage (Carayannis 1994).
creating and improving organizational routines. Adopting a learning-based view of competitive
● Learning is the basis of what strategists are calling advantage changes the basis for identifying how various
the dynamic capabilities of a firm (Nonaka 1994), activities by firms are linked to improved performance
where firms build new competences in an evolu- (Spender 1996). In the terminology of the resource-
tionary cycle to maintain an edge in an ever- based view of firms (Peteraf 1993), learning which
changing industry environment. improves performance will tend to display:
The management of technological capabilities pro- ● Heterogeneity (processes are not identical across all
ducing increasing economic returns as they focus more firms)
narrowly on knowledge assets and processes that ● Durability (learning processes must endure over
are non-substitutable, imperfectly imitable, rare, and time)
3280 T Technological Learning in Organizations

● Causal ambiguity (the basis and development of enables firms to approach new organizational oppor-
learning processes are not immediately apparent) tunities in a more efficient and more effective manner,
● Imperfect mobility (learning processes are difficult and to leverage or combine existing core capabilities in
to transfer across organizational boundaries) novel formations for greater competitive advantage.
● Non-replicability (learning processes cannot be eas- ● On the strategic learning level, we have development
ily imitated) and learning (internalization and institutionaliza-
● Appropriability (firms are able to profit from tion) of new views of our operating universe or
learning) ▶ Weltanschauungen, hence we learn new strategies
of learning. Thus, we redefine our fundamentals (our
For the concept of technological learning to be
rules and contingencies) for our decision making, or
useful to strategic management, it must be unbundled
we redefine the fundamentals of our operating uni-
to identify different dimensions of organizational
verse. This is the very long-term perspective on learn-
learning so that these can then be used to evaluate
ing that focuses on reshaping our reinventing and
and even predict performance. For researchers to iso-
reengineering organizational methods and processes.
late how learning affects performance, learning activi-
● The strategic learning level involves the expan-
ties must also have the attributes of:
sion and reformulation of concepts about the
● Distinguishability (good learning can be seen as limits and potential of the firm’s strategic envi-
distinct from bad learning) ronment, where the older framework is seen as
● Pervasiveness (the learning style is present throughout simply a “special case” within the new, more
the organization, thus representing organizational inclusive framework (akin to the relationship
learning rather than individual or group learning) between “normal” and “revolutionary” science
● Communicability (new employees can learn the developed by Thomas Kuhn). Strategic learning
new style of learning through explicit teaching, serves to “leap-frog” to a new competitive realm
tacit socialization, or other processes) and “to increase the slope of the learning curve as
● Flexibility (the learning style can be changed to well as the rate by which the slope per se increases
meet new needs and new conditions) by means of enhanced and innovative organiza-
tional routines” (Carayannis 1994, pp. 582–583).
This leads to an architecture of learning activities,
The result is what other authors refer to as
where learning takes place at three interrelated concep-
“changing the rules of the game” (D’Aveni
tual levels (Carayannis 1994) as shown in Fig. 2:
1994) or creating new “ecologies of business”
● On the operational learning level, we have accumu- (Moore 1996). The firm pioneers a new concep-
lated experience and learning by doing: we learn tualization of its business, its market, and/or its
new things. This is the short to medium term per- overall competitive environment, which gives it
spective on learning, focusing on new or improved greater strategic flexibility not only in its own
capabilities built through the content learned by an course of actions but also in influencing and
organization. This learning contributes to the man- leading the firms around it.
agement of core organizational capabilities (Prahalad
The effect on firm performance of activities at each
and Hamel 1990), resource allocation (Andrews
level of technological learning initially appears difficult
1971), and competitive strategy (Porter 1980).
to discern, but is brought into sharp relief by consider-
● On the tactical learning level, we have learning of
ing the performance effects of the absence of each type
new tactics about applying the accumulating expe-
of learning:
rience and the learning process: we build new con-
tingency models of decision making by changing the ● Firms which are unable to learn (absence of opera-
rules for making decisions and/or adding new ones. tional learning) are quickly eliminated from com-
This is the medium- to long-term perspective on petition as they are unable to develop new
learning, resulting in a process of reinventing and capabilities to match changes in their environment
reengineering the corporation (Argyris and Schon and to maintain performance parity with other
1978; Quinn 1980; Senge 1990). Tactical learning firms.
Technological Learning in Organizations T 3281





Technological Learning in Organizations. Fig. 2 A triple-layered architecture of technological learning: strategic,

tactical, and operational. SOF self-organization feedback, FB feedback loop, FF feedforward loop (Adapted from
Carayannis 1994)

● Firms which are unable to learn how to learn (absence a greater degree of specification in describing the par-
of tactical learning) are able to compete in the short ticular approach to technological learning adopted by
term, but in the medium term are unable to adopt a firm. The four aspects are:
new learning strategies which could enable them to
● Content (what is being learned, whether it is a skill,
make discontinuous leaps in performance (analogous
a theory, or a new way of thinking)
to changes in quanta). Thus, such firms are unable to
● Process (the conceptual level of learning, whether it is
maintain the same rate of performance improvement
simply learning new content, learning to learn, or
as firms which engage in tactical learning.
learning to learn-how-to-learn)
● Firms which are unable to learn to learn-how-to-learn
● Context (the environmental conditions of the learn-
(absence of strategic learning) are able to compete in
ing activity under study)
the medium term, but in the long term are eliminated
● Impact (the change resulting from learning on the
because they cannot maintain a consistent rate of
improvement in learning processes and, therefore,
cannot control the timing and scale of quantum Table 1 shows the range of dimensions found within T
leaps in performance. Such firms are outmaneuvered each aspect.
at the hyper-learning level by firms which have devel-
● The content of the learning describes the nature
oped the organizational capacity to generate new
of the corporate capability which is improved
strategic learning processes through self-regulating,
or added through organizational learning. One
emergent, and adaptive mechanisms.
breakdown of learning content distinguishes among
Differentiating among the learning styles of various learning facts, learning rules, and learning meta-rules
firms requires further decomposition of technological (or know-what, know-how, and know-why).
learning within each of the three levels. In our model, ● The process of learning concerns whether the learn-
we identify and study four general aspects of techno- ing is limited to the improvement of existing capa-
logical learning present at each level. Each of these bilities or the creation of new capabilities
aspects itself has several dimensions, enabling (technological learning), or if learning encompasses
3282 T Technological Learning in Organizations

Technological Learning in Organizations. Table 1 Framework for the assessment of learning

Aspect Description Dimensions
Learning content Nature of the capability added or improved ● Facts (operational)
through learning ● Rules, theories, models (tactical)
● Meta-rules (strategic)
Learning process Nature and effectiveness of the mechanism of ● Learning (learning new capabilities or
learning improving existing capabilities)
● Learning to learn (learning how to improve
firm performance through learning)
● Learning to learn-how-to-learn (learning how
to redesign organizational paradigms to
generate improved learning)
Learning context Environmental conditions affecting and affected ● Focus (administrative versus technical)
by learning content & process ● Scope (individual, group, firm, industry)
● Nature, including:
● Timeframe (short, medium, or long term)
● Structure (formal to informal)
● Tangibility (explicit to tacit)
● Magnitude (radical to incremental)
● Relation (competitive to cooperative)
● Function (sociocultural change, socioeconomic
change, etc.)
Learning impact Nature and function of the change which results ● Instrumental change (operational)
from learning in the technological operations and ● Innovative change (tactical)
activities of the firm ● Creative change (strategic)




Content Process Context Impact Quantitative


Technological Learning in Organizations. Fig. 3 An architecture of concepts in technological learning

Technological Learning in Organizations T 3283

Technological Learning in Organizations. Table 2 new ways to learn (learning about learning) and the
Typologies of technological learning content: strategic, development of a new capacity to synthesize and
tactical, and operational forms Carayannis (1994b) manage learning capabilities (learning to learn-
Typology of operational technological learning how-to-learn) (Carayannis 1994).
● The context of learning refers to the level and scope
Individual Group
within which a learning activity is analyzed and
Tacit Know-how, expertise Group texture, work measured. Context consists of many different vari-
ables, each measured along a continuum, which
Explicit Rules of thumb, Drills, stories together is analogous to the “magnification” of the
lens used to view learning.
Typology of tactical technological learning
To these three dimensions, we add a fourth aspect of
Individual Group
learning, namely, impact (the nature of the resulting
Tacit Common Sense, Good Work practice, core change due to learning). This impact operates on
Judgment competencies
three levels as well:
Explicit Design rules, Best practices, work
procedures processes ● Instrumental impact, corresponding to operational
learning, which produces incremental change in firm
Typology of strategic technological learning
processes, outputs, operations and performance
Individual Group ● Innovative impact, corresponding to tactical learn-
Tacit Wisdom, intuition Organizational ing, which produces radical change in firm pro-
intelligence cesses, outputs, operations, and performance
Explicit Design meta-rules Business process ● Creative impact, corresponding to strategic learn-
re-engineering ing, which produces architectural change in firm
processes, outputs, operations, and performance

Technological Learning in Organizations. Table 3 Indicators of technological learning

Indicator type Indicator domains Examples

Technical learning Indicators of R&D ● R&D intensity or R&D spending/assets
indicators productivity ● Number of new patents per R&D spending
● Number of new products per R&D spending
Indicators of absorptive ● R&D spending per employee
capacity ● Ratio of R&D personnel to total employees
● Licensing agreements signed T
● Formation of strategic alliances
Administrative Indicators of new ● Introduction of new methods of managing innovation, such as
learning indicators approaches to innovation alliances
● Announcement of new R&D facilities and organization, e.g.,
movement of R&D closer to business units
● Adoption of radical new forms of organizing innovation, such as
concurrent engineering, global R&D
Human capital ● New training programs and initiatives, such as partnerships with
development universities
● Changes in compensation practices, especially for technical/
research personnel
3284 T Technological Learning in Organizations

Technological Learning in Organizations. Table 4 Contrast between TL and HTL activities

Technological learning Higher-order technological learning
Technical learning Administrative learning Technical learning Administrative learning
Change in the rate Changes in the Change in the productivity Introduction of new approaches to the
and volume of organization of and effectiveness of management and organization of
innovation innovation activities innovation innovation

Technological Learning in Organizations. Table 5 Sam- a firm’s absorptive capacity for learning. Larger incre-
ple terms used as indicators of technological activities ments of technological learning begin to depress per-
Research and development indicators Research formance, until a new critical point is reached and
performance again improves. This suggests the pres-
ence of an optimal learning absorption bandwidth for
Patent each firm, where learning activities should not exceed
Technology the absorptive capacity of the firm but also must be
Collaborative research indicators Alliance sufficient to sustain improved performance.
Carayannis (2004) discussed how the ability of an
organization to manage intangible assets matures along
a continuum from potential to added value where the
License potential value has two stages – unrealized or realized.
Management of technology indicators Acquisition When members of an organization are not aware of the
Innovation knowledge they possess, this is unrealized potential.
Through the progression of awareness, the organization
collectively comes to understand their intangible assets,
but there is no system for putting this knowledge to
cohesive use. This marks the stage of unrealized poten-
Important Scientific Research and tial, but the value add is still absent. The maturation to
Open Questions added value also has two stages: non-leveraged and
The creation and transfer of knowledge within an
captured. Systemic awareness of knowledge may permit
organization has increasingly become a critical factor
the development of superior solutions, but if the deploy-
in that organization’s success and competitiveness.
ment of these solutions is constrained by subpar pro-
Studies done in various organizations found that the
cesses, it marks the condition of non-leveraged value
two main knowledge activities that need to be
add. The final stage of maturity is when the value add
balanced are the creation of knowledge and the trans-
is effectively captured and reflected in tangible outcomes
ferring of knowledge across time and space. Many
– as an extrinsic capability of the organization.
organizations are now concentrating their efforts on
We close with the following open-ended research
how knowledge can be transferred throughout the
organization. This is seen to be particularly important
in the development domain, where knowledge is 1. In what instances and through which aspects do
a large, critical, and changing component of policy- learning activities contribute to or detract from
making processes. firm market performance?
Carayannis and Alexander (2002) showed empiri- 2. What is the scale of the impact of technological
cally, through longitudinal, time-series-data-based learning activities on firm market performance,
analysis, that there can be too little as well as too and how does that impact vary under different
much technological learning taking place in firms. firm, industry and market conditions?
This is directly related to their intrinsic absorptive 3. What is the time lag between learning activities and
capacity in that learning activities may initially their impact on firm market performance, and how
improve performance, but that there is some limit to does that lag vary?
Technology in Music Instruction and Learning T 3285

4. How does the scope of learning activities affect the Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge
resulting impact on firm market performance? creation. Organization Science, 5, 14–37.
Peteraf, M. A. (1993). The cornerstones of competitive advantage:
5. How does the level of investment in learning activ-
A resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 170–181.
ities affect the impact of those activities on firm Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy. New York: Free Press.
market performance? Prahalad, C. K., & Hamel, G. (1990). The core competence of the
corporation. Harvard Business Review, May–June, 79–91.
The key issue for this research focused on techno- Quinn, J. B. (1980). Strategies for change: Logical incremnentalismn.
logical learning is not simply to extrapolate future firm Homewood: Irwin.
or organizational performance from past performance. Senge, P. M. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the
Instead, the key issue is to discover the underlying learning organization. New York: Doubleday Currency.
Spender, J. C. (1996). Competitive advantage from tacit knowledge?
drivers of past performance and examine predictable
Unpacking the concept and its strategic implications. In B. Moingeon
patterns in learning activities versus performance. & A. Edmondson (Eds.), Organisational learning and competitive
advantage. London: Sage.
Szulanski, G. (1996). Exploring internal stickiness: Impediments to
Cross-References the transfer of best-practice within the firm. Strategic Manage-
▶ Absorptive Capacity and Learning ment Journal, 17, 27–43.
▶ Creative Inquiry
▶ Creativity and Learning Resources
▶ High Performance Learning Spaces
▶ Human Resource Development and Performance
Technology Enhanced Learning
▶ Knowledge Acquisition: Constructing Meaning from ▶ Advanced Learning Technologies
Multiple Information Sources
▶ Knowledge Organization
▶ Management Learning
▶ Learning Organization
▶ Organizational Change and Learning
▶ Resource-based Learning
Technology Enhancement in
Organizational Learning
References ▶ Technological Learning in Organizations: Key
Andrews, K. R. (1971). The concept of corporate strategy. Homewood: Concepts and Implications for Theory and Practice
Dow-Jones Irwin.
Argyris, C., & Schon, D. (1978). Organizational learning: A theory of
action perspective. Reading: Addison Wesley.
Carayannis, E. (1994). The strategic management of technological
learning: Transnational decision making frameworks and their
empirical effectiveness. Published Ph.D. dissertation, School of Technology in Music Instruction
Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy.
and Learning T
Carayannis, E., & Alexander, J. (2002). Is technological learning a firm
core competence; when, how, and why: A longitudinal, multi-
industry study of firm technological learning and market perfor- PETER R. WEBSTER
mance. International Journal of Technovation, 22(10), 625–643. Department of Music Studies, Henry and Leigh Bienen
Carayannis, E., et al. (2006). Technological learning for entrepreneur- School of Music, Northwestern University, Evanston,
ial development (TL4ED) in the knowledge economy (KE): Case IL, USA
studies and lessons learned. International Journal of
Technovation, 9, 419–443.
D’Aveni, R. A. (1994). Hypercompetition: Managing the dynamics of
strategic maneuvering. New York: Free Press.
Edmondson, A., & Moingeon, B. (1999). Learning, trust and organi-
zational change. In M. Easterby-Smith, L. Araujo, & J. Burgoyne CAIM (Computer-aided [assisted] instruction in
(Eds.), Organizational learning and the learning organization. music); Computer-based music instruction (CBMI);
London: Sage. Music technology
3286 T Technology in Music Instruction and Learning

Definition jobs. Software advances in the 1980s such as the devel-

Technology in music instruction and learning refers to opment of the Music Instrument Digital Interface
the use of hardware and software resources designed to (MIDI) – a digital set of codes that described sound
assist in teaching about music and music experience. for hardware devices to use – changed the way hard-
The term “technology” in this context refers mainly to ware and software worked together to serve the needs
personal computers, tablet/smartphone devices, and all of music production (e.g., notation, music printing)
of the music and nonmusic peripherals needed to per- for teachers a well as all those involved in the musical
form music tasks with computers/tablets/phones. enterprise. Further developments in music software in
These peripheral devices include such hardware as recent years have included many commercial titles for
electronic music keyboards, digital interfaces, digital the support of music production (digital audio editing,
recording devices, disc drives, printers, scanners, and traditional notation and graphics-based composition
a wide array of music software designed to work with programs, loop-based composition and arranging, CD/
this hardware. Online sites designed to assist student DVD creation, music video/podcast presentations) and
learning are also part of the understood meaning of specifically for music teaching and learning (intelligent
music technology in service to education. accompaniment, simulators for composition and
improvisation, and titles designed to teach music con-
Theoretical Background cepts in a game-like or guided instruction setting).
Music teachers at all levels of instruction, including Complicating the background further is the moral
adult community learning as well as more traditional imperative felt by many teachers to use the technology
venues in K-12 schools and higher education, are likely more democratically to represent a wider array of sonic
to actively consider some kind of technology to support landscapes other than the traditional “Western canon.”
their philosophies of teaching. The modern-day use of The cultural use of music technology by wider
technology in music instruction and learning is populations of music makers in many countries of the
a complicated confluence of music technology devel- world present interesting and important challenges for
opment in its own right, the varieties of music evident the pedagogy of music technology and its use by all
in our pluralistic societies, and an emerging pedagogy students in schools. It is no longer possible to discuss
that favors individual expression, constructionist music technology in instruction and learning without
learning, and creative thinking while respecting the careful consideration of social context. Still further
need for conceptual learning. discussion in the literature of music teaching and learn-
Music, and its development as either a more formal ing centers on the use of technology as a way to encour-
art or as part of a practical cultural experience, has been age explorative learning in creative music tasks that
influenced historically by technology of all sorts. This help the learner understand music less as teacher-
ranges from the design of instruments and the atten- dominated “do as I do” environment but more as
dant issues of physics of sound to the most recent ways a guided construction of learning. Because the technol-
that music is consumed and distributed across the ogy can be used as powerful tools for student-generated
world. Of most importance in recent times has been products, music teachers often see an interesting syn-
the development of digital audio and its representation thesis of technology tools with the adoption of new
of music which is, humanly speaking, an analog human models of music learning. Recent development of
experience. Advances in the representation of music interactive Internet resources, especially the sharing
digitally has transformed the way musicians improvise, seen in social networking communities, adds still
compose, store, perform, distribute, and certainly teach more flavor to this interesting topic.
and listen to music. On the hardware side, digital
devices such as personal computers, tablets, phones, Important Scientific Research and
and personal music players all support music sound Open Questions
files. The development of hard disk storage, laser disc Despite the rise in use of technology as noted above,
technology, and sampled sound as hardware resources extensive empirical evidence of its long-term effective-
has had a major effect on how music teachers do their ness as a way to learn about music is not present.
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry T 3287

Much work remains too with important social context

issues such as gender bias, effectiveness with students Technology-Enhanced Learning
with learning differences, and equal access to technology Environments for Science
among poorly funded schools. The question of the Inquiry
effectiveness and wisdom of distance education music
learning is still another open question. JAMES D. SLOTTA, HEDIEH NAJAFI
Important professional organizations that are Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning,
engaged in the study and promotion of technology in Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
music instruction and learning: University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Association for Technology in Music Instruction
Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME)
Inquiry-based learning environments; Science inquiry;
Technology-enhanced learning
▶ Computer-Based Learning Environments
Scaffolding: Technological or pedagogical supports that
▶ Constructivist Learning
enable students to undertake tasks they would be
▶ Learning Technology
unable to accomplish otherwise. In some cases, such
▶ Music Instructional Methods
scaffolds would be removed, “faded” away over time,
resulting in autonomous performance of the same
tasks. In other cases, such fading is not an explicit
Archambault, L., & Crippen, K. (2009). Examining TPACK among K-
12 online distance educators in the United States. Contemporary
part of the definition.
Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1). Retrieved from Inquiry: In science education, inquiry-oriented methods are those that emphasize the active
Finney, J., & Burnard, P. (Eds.). (2007). Music education with digital constructing, refining, and applying of students’
technology. London: Continuum International. understandings of scientific concepts through formal
Webster, P. (2007). Computer-based technology and music teaching
experimentation, informal observations and reflec-
and learning: 2000–2005. In L. Bresler (Ed.), The international
handbook of research in arts education (pp. 1311–1328). Dor- tions, designs or other productive processes, critique
drecht: Springer. or comparison of arguments, and collaborative discus-
Williams, D., & Webster, P. (2008). Experiencing music technology sions with peers. The specific definitions of inquiry
(3rd ed.). New York: Cengage. adopted by researchers vary from the formal “scientific
inquiry method” (i.e., of hypothesis, experiment, and
evaluation) to more open-ended processes of
questioning, reflecting, and sensemaking.
Technology of Teaching T
Theoretical Background
▶ Behavioral Approaches to Instruction For decades, the developers of educational technologies
have heralded a great impact of their innovations on
teaching and learning in K-12 classrooms. However, to
date there has been very little significant change, and
Technology-Enhanced Learning the most striking feature of K-12 classrooms today is
their similarity to those of previous generations: rows
▶ e-Learning and Digital Learning of desks sitting face-forward toward the teacher, who
▶ Socio-technical Learning continues to lecture about topics and requires students
▶ Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for to perform “problem sets” and prepare for summative
Science Inquiry exams. Still, educators continue to call for a radical
3288 T Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry

transformation of learning and instruction, and con- research is that of “inquiry,” where students are guided
tinue to note a possible role for technology in to develop a personal understanding of instructional
supporting new forms of activity and new patterns of topics through the exploration of personally relevant
interactions within our classrooms (diSessa 2000; questions about scientific phenomena. While inquiry is
Slotta and Linn 2009; Collins and Halverson 2009). sometimes construed as a formal “scientific cycle” of
This entry summarizes the major applications of hypothesis and experimentation, it more often refers to
technology within educational research that offer some a wider class of activities and interactions where stu-
promise for transforming K-12 classrooms. Consider- dents are engaged in direct manipulation of raw data or
able research has focused on the domain of science, in rich visualizations, reflection, and conceptual explana-
part because of the historically high levels of funding tions – often in collaboration with peers and teachers
available for science education, and in part because (Linn and Eylon 2006). This is a constructivist notion
science is well suited as a domain of inquiry for educa- of learning, in the sense that students are challenged to
tional researchers, given its highly structured and chal- build upon their own existing ideas, and develop
lenging conceptual content, and assessable learning a personal understanding of science topics.
outcomes. An implicit assumption has been that if new Many technology-enhanced learning environments
technologies and pedagogical approaches can succeed in have been developed by researchers to support their
the domain of science, then they can be reappropriated investigations of different models of inquiry, or specific
for purposes of learning within other domains. Thus, features of inquiry such as collaboration or the use of
our discussion is focused on innovations for science scientific visualizations. Below, we summarize these
education, letting the reader decide whether there may technology environments in several main categories.
be possible applications in other domains. First, scaffolded inquiry environments, typically deliv-
The most compelling innovations have been ered via the Internet, support student investigations
advanced not as general-purpose technologies (e.g., and collaborations through the use of interactive mate-
interactive white boards, or the Internet), but rather rials and inquiry tools. Second, immersive environ-
as specific applications that support new forms of ments engage students with their peers or with
learning, which might otherwise be difficult or impos- fictional characters within a virtual world designed to
sible. For example, powerful scientific visualizations present otherwise unattainable learning opportunities.
have been developed where students can assemble Third, ubiquitous learning environments empower
their own molecules or create chemical reactions students through the use of handheld computers in
online; in another project, students are assembled order to provide contextualized learning where stu-
into online communities where they can exchange dents capture observations during field trips or in the
resources and hold virtual debates; in still another course of everyday activities. For each kind of environ-
effort, students interact with avatars to explore myste- ment, we summarize some prominent examples and
rious diseases in an online virtual environment. As offer some comments concerning their efficacy and
research has progressed in exploring new pedagogical relevance for K-12 learning. Finally, we close with
models, it has advanced new technology materials and a brief discussion of the “open questions” relating to
environments in service to those models. Investigators the continuing evolution of educational technologies
often refer to their technology elements as “scaffolds,” and educational institutions in the twenty-first century.
in the sense that they enable students and teachers to
conduct activities or engage in interactions that might Important Scientific Research and
otherwise be out of reach. Open Questions
Research has typically explored alternatives to lec-
ture-based instruction, primarily because lecture has Scaffolded Inquiry Environments
been established as an ineffective approach for helping Scaffolded inquiry environments are designed to help
students develop a deep conceptual understanding, orchestrate students’ inquiry, providing supports
particularly as compared with models such as tutoring (or “scaffolds”) in the form of tools, prompts, hints,
or even peer instruction (Bransford et al. 1999). or structured materials. Approaches to the design of
A common pedagogical approach in science education such environments vary. Some are focused on helping
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry T 3289

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry. Fig. 1 The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment
(WISE) scaffolds inquiry projects for K-12 science. An inquiry map (left-hand side) guides students through activities,
with many different technology tools and interactive materials

students conduct designed inquiry “projects,” where discussions, reflection notes, inquiry journals,
the environment helps to guide students through whiteboards, scientific models, or interactive visualiza-
reflection, critique, and peer collaboration activities. tions. As students progress through the steps, evidence
In other technology environments, students are for their understanding of the topic is collected
supported as they conduct more open-ended experi- through embedded assessment, which are accessed
mentation and investigation of empirical questions, and evaluated online by the teacher. Students work
design artifacts, or debate scientific controversies. collaboratively (typically in pairs) within a WISE pro-
Across this spectrum, there are good examples of tech- ject, taking turns at the computer keyboard, interacting
nology-enhanced learning environments that scaffold with peers in online discussions, and even conducting
students in the use of scientific models, simulations, off-line activities, such as classroom debates or labora-
and various knowledge building and reflection tech- tory experiments. In one WISE project, students learn
niques (e.g., concept mapping, online discussion, about photosynthesis, then download instructions for
journals, etc.). Below, we describe several environments building a terrarium, which they construct in their
in order to illustrate the variety of perspectives about classroom, then follow inquiry instructions to conduct
inquiry, and the corresponding diversity of technology an experiment where they grow plants within their T
environment, inquiry tools, and approaches to student terrarium under different lighting conditions. The
collaborations, curriculum, and assessment. WISE technology environment serves in scaffolding
One example of scaffolded inquiry for K-12 science the experiment, collecting students’ data, and engaging
is the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE, them in discussions and reflections.
see Fig. 1), which guides students and teachers to per- Another scaffolded inquiry environment is that of
form inquiry activities that embody four principles: to BGuILE, the Biology Guided Inquiry Environment.
make science accessible; to make thinking visible; to Developed by researchers at Northwestern University
support collaborative learning; and to foster lifelong (Reiser et al. 2001), BGuILE(see Fig. 2) provides ana-
learning (Slotta and Linn 2009). WISE inquiry projects lytical toolkits and inquiry scaffolds to engage students
are divided into steps that are completed in sequence by in iterative cycles of asking research questions about
students. Each step consists of a specific activity, a biological phenomenon, constructing hypotheses,
including a technological scaffold, such as online using data to examine their tentative explanations,
3290 T Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry. Fig. 2 Biology Guided Inquiry Learning
Environment (BGuILE) supports student investigations of rich datasets. In the Galapagos Finches projects, students
interact with scientific data such as rainfall patterns and beak length, similar to that employed by Darwin

refining their questions and explanations, and finally in BGuILE, as it provides opportunities for students to
explaining the phenomenon under study and sharing provide evidence to support conflicting or alternative
their findings with peers (Reiser et al. 2001). A scaffold explanations shared by group members. BGuILE
for student reflections, known as the Explanation Con- attends to discipline-specific knowledge and skills as
structor, prompts students to attend to specific com- it scaffolds students within domain-specific methodol-
ponents of the inquiry process during planning, ogies. In contrast with WISE, curriculum materials in
conducting, and sharing explanations for their investi- BGuILE were developed for research purposes only,
gations. Collaboration is an important part of inquiry and have not been adopted widely by K-12 teachers.
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry T 3291

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry. Fig. 3 WorldWatcher software engages students
with real climate data in support of personally relevant inquiry curriculum projects. ClimateWatcher software includes
a visualization window displaying surface temperatures. Cut-and-fold diagrams show surface temperatures created by the
GlobeBuilder application

A similar inquiry environment is WorldWatcher Another form of scaffolded inquiry environment is

(Edelson 2006), developed by researchers at North- that of microworlds or simulation environments,
western University as a virtual inquiry environment where students manipulate interactive technologies to
where middle and high school students engage with test their understandings. For example, ThinkerTools
visualizations and conduct scientific investigations on (White and Frederiksen 1998) engaged middle school
climate data. WorldWatcher (Fig. 3) was designed to science students in inquiry about Newtonian physics,
promote a model of inquiry known as Learning for using interactive computer simulations and analytic
Use, where learning activities promote the develop- tools to create and test experimental models that
ment of useful knowledge that can be recalled in future would have been impossible in the real world.
situations. This form of inquiry occurs in three sequen- ThinkerTools scaffolded students to more accurately
tial yet interacting processes: Creating conceptual need, measure phenomena, develop graphs, and determine
constructing knowledge, and refining knowledge. Stu- results from their measurements, avoiding the obser-
dents learn within this model as they recognize the vational errors that typify traditional K-12 physics
limitations of their knowledge in a given situation, laboratory activities. Another simulation environment
integrate new knowledge with their existing ideas, and is that of SimQuest, developed by researchers at the
reorganize connections between their previously held University of Twente, in the Netherlands, where stu-
ideas and new ones encountered during the dents manipulate variables within a simulated envi-
instruction. ronment, as well as other formal representations such
3292 T Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry. Fig. 4 SimQuest presents a simulation microworld
where students explore relationships between variables by conducting experiments, supported by various
representations and inquiry scaffolds

as graphs and equations, to explore the relationships Immersive Environments

among these entities. SimQuest (see Fig. 4) has been Immersive environments, sometimes known as Multi-
employed as a foundation for several research projects User Virtual Environments (MUVEs), allow multiple
and is still actively used within many classrooms and users to collaborate with peers and other virtual char-
ongoing research projects (de Jong and van Joolingen acters and objects within a rich media environment in
1998). order to address compelling issues or problems. Char-
The general category of scaffolded inquiry environ- acters, both real and fictional, are typically represented
ments has emerged over the past 3 decades as as avatars, which are digital representations of users
a prominent direction for educational technologies. that allow them to interact within the virtual world.
In part, this is because they offer a well-designed, Two examples of educational MUVEs for science edu-
structured form of learning and instruction, in con- cation are Quest Atlantis and River City – both of
trast with the alternative approach of simply adding which have been developed to foster problem solving
computers and the Internet into science classrooms and scientific inquiry.
and hoping the teacher can determine some effective Quest Atlantis (QA) is a multimedia, multi-user,
applications. Inquiry-based instruction is effective 3D online environment designed at the University of
because it engages students in constructivist learning Indiana to engage K-12 students in collaborative game-
activities where they build on their preexisting ideas, based curricular activities to target science content
and develop conceptual understandings through learning goals, as well as the growth of social responsi-
personally relevant activities. However, such an bility. Students are engaged in “quests” with the aim of
instruction is difficult to achieve without the aid of solving a problem and improving the state of the vir-
technology environments, which support students and tual world, called Atlantis. When assigned to a quest,
teachers alike through their use of structured and students take on a role (as well as the form of an avatar)
sequenced activities, with embedded assessments, and use their existing knowledge as well as resources
relevant resources, contextualized guidance, and well- provided to them by the inquiry environment, to inter-
designed materials. While more work is required to act with other students (who represent different roles),
extend the models and materials described above to in order to address problems and answer scaffolding
the wider community of educators, such efforts are questions (Barab et al. 2005).
currently underway, and scaffolded inquiry environ- River City creates new ways for students to learn
ments have become increasingly accessible to students within MUVEs that are enhanced with simulations and
and teachers worldwide. models, allowing an interactive, social form of online
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry T 3293

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry. Fig. 5 River City is a multi-user virtual environment
(MUVE) where students collaborate with peers and virtual characters to investigate health and biological science topics
within a meaningful inquiry context. The software provides supports for student investigation of data

adventure, where the technology environment supports platforms and materials. Still, more research is neces-
student interactions and captures detailed logs of sary about the kinds of interactions and inquiry activ-
students’ learning processes (Dieterle and Clarke 2007). ities that can help students develop deep conceptual
Developed at Harvard University, River City curricu- understandings and powerful lifelong learning skills
lum addresses scientific knowledge and twenty-first within such environments.
century skills by engaging middle school students in
proposing and testing hypotheses about what the cause Handheld Computers and Smart
of a mysterious illness in a fictitious nineteenth-century Phones
city in the USA is (see Fig. 5). The environment scaf- Another means of supporting student inquiry that has
folds teams of students to use multimedia clues pro- been prominent over the past 2 decades is that of
vided in various locations within River City – including handheld computing, most recently enacted through
interactions with virtual citizens who provide clues the use of smart phones and tablet computers. Early
about the sources, symptoms, and spread of the disease. efforts focused on the use of scientific “probeware” to
All student actions are tracked by the software environ- help students collect physical measurements of envi-
ment, which then provides customized guidance to ronmental variables. Researchers from the University
scaffold students’ inquiry. of Michigan offered some of the first examples of such T
While the work in immersive multi-user virtual remote data collection devices, where students col-
environments is still in its relative infancy, the projects lected measures of water temperature, acidity, and tur-
above have demonstrated a proof of concept that such bidity in a local creek (Krajcik et al. 1998). These early
technologies can serve to scaffold meaningful student endeavors were often supported by prototype technol-
inquiry. With the recent explosion of popular interest ogies, referred to as “portable microcomputers,” many
in such environments (e.g., World of Warcraft and of which were developed by Bob Tinker and his col-
Second Life), it seems likely that students and teachers leagues at the Concord Consortium.
will come to expect such virtual environments for pur- With the advent of Palm Pilot computers in the late
poses of learning. At time of this writing, there is 1990s, educational researchers expanded their develop-
a wealth of research and development activity in this ment of interactive materials for handheld computers,
area, with a number of powerful new open-source as well as the technological integration of handheld
technologies available for the development of applications with software running on personal
3294 T Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments for Science Inquiry

computers, or with Web-based applications. Elliot students are coming to possess cellular technologies,
Soloway and his colleagues in the Highly Interactive and Internet connectivity is nearly ubiquitous. It is
Computing for Education (HI-CE) group at the Uni- expected that handheld, ubiquitous computing will be
versity of Michigan developed a small library of high- a major area of educational research in coming decades
quality applications for Palm computers, including (Roschelle et al. 2000).
“Cooties” – an application that relied on the Palm hand-
held computer’s infrared “beaming” capabilities to Summary
enable a participatory simulation where students wan- This entry has reviewed educational technologies that
dered around the classroom infecting their peers with have made an impact over the past few decades,
a fictitious disease that could be pre-configured in terms emphasizing a perspective of inquiry-oriented learning
of its level of infectiousness and incubation time. and instruction. It has focused on those educational
Other projects, such as Biokids, developed at the technologies that scaffold inquiry-oriented models
University of Michigan, employ handheld observation learning and teaching, supporting students and
forms that allowed students to record their observa- teachers as they adopt previously unfamiliar practices.
tions during field trips or outdoor adventures (e.g., At the time of this writing, such technologies have not
observing insects or birds on the playground). At the yet gained a permanent foot hold in schools. Moreover,
University of California, Berkeley, Jim Slotta, and Tim technology itself is a rapidly evolving collection of
Zimmerman expanded the WISE platform to include media and media practices. Laptop computers, the
a role for handheld forms. They added an aquarium Internet, smartphones, tablet PCs, and many other
visit to a WISE project about evolution in marine technologies are still in their relative infancy. It remains
habitats, scaffolding students to conduct observations an open question how these technologies will continue
about fish and their habitats with “observation forms” to unfold, and how students, teachers, and scientists
that were loaded onto handheld computers. All student will learn to use them in new ways. Finally, educational
observations were then uploaded into WISE, providing institutions continue to evolve, changing the landscape
a classroom data set to be used in subsequent activities in which our technologies must perform. Currently, the
within the WISE evolution project. structure of K-12 schooling is not well suited for deep
New roles for handheld computers are rapidly inquiry learning. Science instruction, for example,
emerging, such as delivering context-sensitive informa- tends to emphasize the coverage of a great breadth of
tion to users during the course of their daily activities. curriculum topics, which places heavy requirements
Often referred to as “ubiquitous computing” because and expectations on teachers that hinder their adop-
the user is seen as being “logged on all the time, every- tion of inquiry methods. Thus, the open questions in
where,” this functionality can support dramatic new this area of the learning sciences are concerned with the
kinds of inquiry learning. For example, students can evolution of schools, and the continued rapid evolu-
now use smart phones to create an “augmented reality,” tion of the technologies themselves.
where their observations of the world around them are
supplemented with a digital layer of information pro- Cross-References
vided by the handheld computer (i.e., as indexed ▶ 21st-Century Skills
according to GPS data, or other semantic variables). ▶ Adaptive Game-Based Learning
Other interesting applications of handheld computers ▶ Adaptive Instruction Systems and Learning
are concerned with their capacity to link networks of ▶ Adaptive Learning Systems
individuals through text messaging, such as in the ▶ Advanced Distributed Learning
recent applications of Twitter and other social net- ▶ Advanced Learning Technologies
works. These functions have given rise to a wealth of ▶ Affective and Cognitive Learning in the Online
research on new models of student inquiry within Classroom
social networks. While handheld computers have yet ▶ Agent-Based Modeling
to make a substantive impact on teaching and learning ▶ Collaborative Knowledge Building
in K-12 or higher education, there is clearly a great ▶ Collaborative Learning Supported by Digital Media
opportunity for advances in this area, as nearly all ▶ Computer-Based Learning
Tele-education T 3295

▶ Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Linn, M. C., & Eylon, B.-S. (2006). Science education: Integrating
▶ Constructivist Learning views of learning and instruction. In P. A. Alexander & P. H.
Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (2nd ed.,
▶ Design of Learning Environments
pp. 511–544). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
▶ Designing Educational Computer Games Reiser, B., Tabak, I., & Sandoval, W. (2001). BGuILE: Strategic and
▶ Human–Computer Interaction and Learning conceptual scaffolds for scientific inquiry. In S. M. Carver &
▶ Inquiry Learning D. Klahr (Eds.), Cognition and instruction: Twenty-five years of
▶ Integrated, Multidisciplinary, and Technology- progress (pp. 263–305). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Roschelle, J. M., Pea, R. D., Hoadley, C. M., Gordin, D., & Means, B.
Enhanced Science Learning
(2000). Changing how and what children learn in school with
▶ Interactive Learning Environments computer-based technologies. The Future of Children, 10(2),
▶ Learning Agents and Agent-Based Modeling 76–101. Los Altos, CA: The David and Lucile Packard
▶ Learning Environment(s) Foundation.
▶ Ontology of Learning Objects Repository for Slotta, J. D., & Linn, M. C. (2009). WISE science: Inquiry and the
Knowledge Sharing internet in the science classroom. New York: Teachers College
▶ Project-Based Learning
White, B., & Frederiksen, J. (1998). Inquiry, modeling, and metacog-
▶ Scaffolding nition: making science accessible to all students. Cognition and
▶ Scaffolding Discovery Learning Spaces Instruction, 16(1), 3–118.
▶ Scaffolding Learning by the Use of Visual
Further Reading
Representations Linn, M. C., & Hsi, S. (2000). Computers, teachers, peers: Science
▶ Situated Learning learning partners. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
▶ Situated Prompts in Authentic Learning
▶ Virtual Reality Learning Environments
▶ Zone of Proximal Development
References Playgrounds
Barab, S., Thomas, M., Dodge, T., Carteaux, R., & Tuzun, H. (2005).
Making learning fun: Quest Atlantis, a game without guns. ▶ Playful Learning Environments: Effects on
Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(1), Children’s Learning
Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. (1999). How people
learn: Brain, mind, experience and schooling. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press.
Collins, A., & Halverson, R. (2009). Rethinking education in the age
of technology: The digital revolution and schooling in America.
Technology-Rich Learning
New York: Teachers College Press. Environments
de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. (1998). Scientific discovery
learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. ▶ Computer-Based Learning Environments
Review of Educational Research, 68, 179–201. T
Dieterle, E., & Clarke, J. (2007). Multi-user virtual environments for
teaching and learning. In M. Pagani (Ed.), Encyclopedia of mul-
timedia technology and networking (2nd ed.). Hershey: Idea
Group, Inc.
diSessa, A. A. (2000). Changing minds: Computers, learning and
literacy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
▶ Edutainment and Learning
Edelson, D. C. (2006). Engineering pedagogical reform: A case study
of technology-supported inquiry. In R. Duschl & R. Grandy
(Eds.), Establishing a consensus agenda for K-12 science inquiry.
Rotterdam: Sense Press.
Krajcik, J., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., Bass, K., Fredricks, J., &
Soloway, E. (1998). Inquiry in project-based science classrooms: Tele-education
initial attempts by middle school students. Journal of the Learn-
ing Sciences, 7(3), 313–350. ▶ Tele-Learning
3296 T TelElearning

mobile devices, audiocassettes, compact disks (CDs),

TelElearning digital video disks (DVDs), mp3 players, email, Inter-
▶ Tele-Learning net, virtual learning environments (VLEs), or video-
conferencing could all be used to provide sharing or
linking through electronic means. In all cases, these
electronic links allow individuals to interact, but in
some cases (radios, televisions, audiocassettes, CDs,
Tele-Learning DVDs) the interactions will be asynchronous, while in
other cases they will be synchronous. The forms of
DON PASSEY interaction involved in Tele-learning practices can
Department of Educational Research, Lancaster vary; interactions may occur between learner and
University, Lancaster, UK resource, learner and teacher, learner and teacher and
resource, or learner and learner, for example, as well as
between groups of learners, or learners and teacher(s).
Synonyms Similarly, the forms of technological access devices can
Distance learning; telElearning; TelElearning; Tele- vary and affect the learning process: mobile devices can
education capture audio, images, and video at specific sites and be
used to share them with others immediately, which is
Definition not feasible with desktop equipment.
Tele-learning (alternatively written as telElearning or
TelElearning) is also referred to as tele-education, and Theoretical Background
in contexts where technologies are used widely to sup- A number of Tele-learning practices have been in use
port learning and teaching, it can be included as an for many decades; these include radio school broad-
element of distance learning, Elearning, e-learning, casts in Australia, and television broadcasts for Open
technology-based learning, or information and com- University (OU) courses in the United Kingdom. They
munications technology (ICT)-based learning. The were initially based on a model of “delivery,” rather
term “Tele-learning” is made up of two component than “interactivity.” The term “Tele-learning” first
words: tele (from the Greek tZlέ, meaning “far off ” appeared in the early 1990s when telecommunication
or “at a distance”) and learning. The “tele” component systems were advanced enough to allow adequate shar-
of the term (referring to uses of telecommunications) ing of data (initially in textual or data spreadsheet
distinguishes it from distance learning (which could be formats, and then increasingly in imagery, video, and
paper-based only) and other elements in technological graphic formats), and has tended to persist in Canada,
learning practices that are not designed for use “at the USA, and the Nordic countries. In other countries,
a distance.” Collis (1998) defines Tele-learning as the term “Tele-learning” has often become
“using telematics for learning-related purposes . . . encompassed within a wider term such as Elearning,
this definition does not say anything about geograph- e-learning, and technology-based or ICT-based learn-
ical distance, one way or the other. This is intentional, ing, which include learning applications through all
because with telematics when we make a connection available forms of electronic communication and sup-
with persons they may be in the next room or the next port devices (distant and local), and in yet other coun-
continent; when we connect to information with tries (e.g., India), the use of the term “Tele-learning”
telematics tools, we may be accumulating it from the has increased as higher levels of broadband communi-
hard drives of our own computers, from our own local cation infrastructures have become available.
servers or from computers on the other side of the Individuals engage in Tele-learning practices
world. The point is that with telematics, the distance because of their individual interests and drives (see
between myself and the persons with whom I am com- entries on “▶ Motivation and Learning” and “▶ Moti-
municating or between myself and the information vation to Learn”), influences of formal education (see
with which I am working is not particularly relevant.” the entry on “▶ Formal Learning”), social and informal
In the context of Tele-learning, radios, televisions, learning influences (see entries on “▶ Informal
Tele-Learning T 3297

Learning” and “▶ Social Construction of Learning”), theoretical constructs. Similarly, external discussion
opportunities through additional online resources leading to social engagement and internal discussion
(human and other), and influences of accessing or leading to social integration of ideas have been shown
using additional media (see the entry on “▶ Digital to impact learners engaging in “community-based”
Learning”). Engagement due to individual interests discussions. How Tele-learning practices lead to “com-
and drives (see the entry on “▶ Motivation to Learn”) munities of practice” is an area of exploration for
is a complex area, but can be considered within five a range of research activities. Early findings in this
major groups – physiological (e.g., access to online area (Wegerif 1998) indicate that discussions at
resources about personal health), safety (e.g., access to a social group level are important in terms of learner
online mentors who can advise about issues of personal outcomes when they lead to feelings of “belonging.”
safety), social (e.g., being able to ask peers online about Tele-learning practices often involve aspects of social
problems with specific learning tasks), esteem (e.g., and emotional behaviors, so positive learning out-
accessing online “drill and practice” activities to gain comes do not always arise from a simple response to
the highest levels of success possible), and self- a perceived cognitive need.
actualization (e.g., using online applications to gain Tele-learning practices have allowed some learners
feedback and produce work of publishable quality). to gain in the short term (through immediacy of infor-
Tele-learning supports engagement for ranges of mation access and online mentor access). Tele-learning
learners, and many research studies have identified can support learners in the wider or longer term as well
positive impacts and outcomes on learning also. as in the short term. Forms of Tele-learning (uses of
Ouellette (2001), for example, found that Tele-learning email, chat rooms, and social networking sites) have
can impact positively on young people who find it hard supported mediators and others in interacting with
to learn; the medium allows ease of manipulation and supporting people (perhaps in terms of caring for
(when editing, when gathering information, when try- others). These uses often integrate emotional aspects of
ing out alternative versions and formats, as well as involvement, as a Tele-learning environment can offer
when using a working canvas for drafting or simulation greater anonymity, greater neutrality, and greater par-
of ideas). Opportunities to produce outcomes in dif- ticipation (e.g., for those who are reticent in the phys-
ferent formats (e.g., using imagery, perhaps moving ical presence of others).
imagery, with diagrams, perhaps linked to audio, and Beyond the cognitive arena, Tele-learning offers
integrated with textual material in electronic presen- support to some individuals at a metacognitive level
tations) have enhanced the abilities of some learners of learning (enhancing opportunities for review, pro-
(often those who find it difficult to work in a textual viding time and opportunity for self-evaluation, and
medium alone) to express ideas and extents of offering access to alternatives that learners might
learning. explore when they are initially unsuccessful). In some
A variety of explanations are offered for the cases, Tele-learning offers ways for learners to gain
enhancements to learning brought about by Tele-learn- overviews of subjects and topics, offers them ways to
ing practices. Enhanced opportunities for social inter- see and construct “big pictures,” and provides tutors T
action, using both synchronous and asynchronous with ways to support different starting points as well as
means, have allowed wider or deeper levels of discus- the size of steps and the distance to learning end-points
sion, and have in parallel offered opportunities for different learners. Schachter and Fagnano (1999),
concerned with timeliness (learners being able to ask from a review of over 700 empirical research studies
questions at the time they arise in mind, without fear of carried out in the United States of America, stated that
interruption, and then gaining feedback that is consid- when students used a range of educational technolo-
ered more neutral than it would be in a face-to-face gies, positive gains in achievement were shown; impor-
environment). The importance of discussion in formu- tantly, these findings showed that uses could lead to
lating ideas and concepts is well recognized (see entry improvements in metacognition (enhanced abilities to
on “▶ Social Interaction Dynamics in Supporting identify conceptual abilities) and motivation
Learning”); some learners have identified the benefits (increased personal expectations and depth of knowl-
of Tele-learning environments that relate to these edge aspirations). Schellens and Valcke (2005) similarly
3298 T Tele-Learning

concluded that: “The results [from 230 freshmen tak- identifies goals and undertakes activities to complete
ing a course on educational sciences using asynchro- one or more tasks). It is clear that this model highlights
nous electronic discussion groups] confirm that the key importance of the learner both developing and
interaction in the discussion is very task-oriented, using metacognitive processes when undertaking
stays task-oriented and reflects high phases in knowl- learning actions and interactions.
edge construction.” However, it should also be noted that certain nega-
In all five categories of individual interests and tive aspects continue to be identified with Tele-learning
drives, research studies have shown positive engage- practices. Of particular recent importance has been the
ment in and impacts of Tele-learning in terms of both ease with which learners can simply “copy and paste,”
the management of learning and the processes of learn- which fails to lead to understanding or a transfer
ing (see entries on “▶ Cognitive Learning” and of knowledge or ideas because the processes of engage-
“▶ Metacognition and Learning”). Recent studies ment with and manipulation of information and ideas
have continued to point to the importance of learners are lacking. In such cases, it is particularly important
being able to combine key features of Tele-learning. for tutors and teachers to give guidance and advice to
Opportunities for distant document sharing and feed- learners as well as consider how to instigate, develop,
back have become increasingly possible by using email and ensure learner independence of action.
attachments or posting documents onto VLEs, while
the creation of multimedia materials by individuals has Important Scientific Research and
provided for new forms of individual expression (see Open Questions
entries on “▶ Attitudes and Learning Styles” and Although studies have shown that different aspects of
“▶ Digital Learning”). The increasing range of forms learning can be impacted by Tele-learning practices,
of interaction and modes of expression have enabled questions still remain as to the extents of these impacts
wider opportunities for blended learning – where and whether such measures are themselves valuable, or
forms of learning can be varied over time to suit the whether impacts for learners are related far more to
purpose and approaches for teaching and learning (see individual, personal, or affective characteristics that
entry on “▶ Blended Learning”). need to be explored concurrently. Concerns raised
More fully integrated electronic facilities now allow about a potential reduction of cognitive interactions
learners to undertake parallel activities and to collabo- for the learner when Tele-learning practices are used
rate at a distance: for example, to use email discussion (e.g., due to decreased levels of handwriting) have often
and Internet resource access alongside each other; to been balanced with a recognition of positive impacts
jointly construct and create documents or diagrams arising (learners finding that typing allows an easier
using collaborative software; to participate by observ- match of cognitive activity to levels of attention,
ing the discussion of others; or to interact when an engagement, or motor interactions). Although some
individual chooses, without the need to remain “silent” motivational aspects of Tele-learning involvement
as might be the case in a face-to-face environment. have been studied (both motivations that engage the
Luckin (2010) offers a model that allows key learning learner, as well as motivations arising after use by the
influences in a Tele-learning environment to be con- learner), many questions remain at this time about how
sidered as a series of actions and interactions within Tele-learning interacts with and impacts on motiva-
a Zone of Collaboration – coming from a Zone of tional aspects such as self-efficacy, learning goals, and
Available Assistance (the space within which the entire self-confidence.
width of resources available to a learner can be appro- Knowing more about how Tele-learning practices
priately reviewed and selected by that learner), the can be developed effectively when teachers or mentors
learner moves through a Zone of Proximal Adjustment are involved has been highlighted as an important
(the space within which the learner negotiates their research need by some authors. For example, Laferrière
learning with “more able others”) to a Zone of Proxi- and Breuleux (2002) state that: “the complexity of the
mal Development (see the entry on “▶ Zone of Proxi- educational transformations that the teaching profes-
mal Development”) (the space within which the learner sion is facing calls for powerful conceptual tools to
Tele-Learning T 3299

think about learning and leading. We are collectively individuals. As Tele-learning practices move from
faced with new questions that cannot be answered from more focused uses in higher education contexts to
our past experiences. For example, what does it mean uses in school and informal learning contexts increas-
to ‘lead’ a community of learners, considering that such ingly, research studies will need to be more specifically
communities cannot simply be engineered but that targeted if they are to answer fundamental questions
they are highly complex, self-organizing, and ecological and allow findings to be applied usefully to specific
entities?” In this context, Wasson and Mørch (2000) groups of users in terms of practice and policy.
highlight four different collaboration patterns arising Technologically, questions also remain. Even in
from their research (adaptation, coordinated countries where broadband-linked technologies are
desynchronization, informal language, and construc- now well established, full interoperability and ease of
tive commenting), and argue that “what these exam- resource access are still not always easy. Learners can
ples illustrate is that training and practice in the art of find that their applications (e.g., videoconferencing or
collaboration is equally, if not more important, than VLEs) do not interoperate with those used by other
just being trained in using the tools.” More recent learners or mentors and some systems do not allow ease
research from Salmon (2004) has continued to identify of sharing documents. While some nations have
the key roles of e-moderation in supporting teaching attempted to address these issues through national
and learning online, while Ertl, Reiserer, and Mandl standards and national system provision, the issue of
(2005) explore how content schemes and collaboration ease of access and interoperability across nations is yet
scripts can impact outcomes for students; their work to be addressed.
also highlights the importance of relating effective sup- Over the past 20 years, research has explored learn-
portive practices and identification of outcomes ing impacts arising as successive Tele-learning technol-
through research to specific technologies, as well as to ogies have been developed and implemented. New
specific concepts of learning. Oubenaissa-Giardina technologies will continue to be developed and applied
(2007) highlights the need to consider “the non- to educational contexts, and there is clearly a continued
availability of design tools that consider learners’ per- need for research in this area. The development of Tele-
spectives, beliefs, and how those elements affect the learning practices within an increasing range of nations
learners’ socio-cognitive and metacognitive interac- is an important topic in itself. Although questions are
tion. Therefore, it is clear that we need to understand sometimes raised about the priorities of such research,
how interactions are affected by personal and cultural Panda and Chaudhary (2001) say in the context of Tele-
differences.” The complexity of this field is further learning developments in India: “the fact is that India
deepened by the need to consider practices and related needs the jet and the bullock cart, the global connec-
outcomes in specific subject domains (e.g., uses and tions and the local delivery. The rural poor and the
outcomes in medicine as described by Moser et al. urban disadvantaged must be helped to become more
2003) and the development and use of specific learning empowered and self-reliant through education, to
resources (see Busetti et al. 2007). enjoy better health and lifestyles.”
Tele-learning practices are undoubtedly supporting T
the management and processes of learning for a range
of individuals. Although research has identified uses Cross-References
and impacts, outcomes relating to particular groups of ▶ Computer-Based Learning
learners (e.g., those who are working at the level of ▶ Computer-Based Learning Environments
physiological needs, safety needs, those who are shy, ▶ Computer-Enhanced Learning and Learning
those who find it hard to learn, and those who are Environments
emotionally unstable) have not always been specifically ▶ Interactive Learning Environments
focused on and delineated. Indeed, some studies have ▶ Literacy and Learning
simply grouped outcomes arising from potentially dis- ▶ Online Learning
parate groups together, appearing also to assume sim- ▶ Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments
ilarities of learning approach across all of those ▶ Virtual Reality Learning Environments
3300 T Telescoping

Busetti, E., Dettori, G., Forcheri, P., & Ierardi, M. G. (2007). Teletandem Learning
A pedagogical approach to the design of learning objects for
complex domains. International Journal of Distance Education
▶ Tandem Learning
Technologies, 5(2), 1–17.
Collis, B. A. (1998). New wine and old bottles? Tele-learning,
telematics, and the University of Twente. In M. F. Verdejo & G.
Davies (Eds.), The virtual campus: trends for higher education and
training (pp. 3–17). London: Chapman and Hall.
Television Violence
Ertl, B., Reiserer, M., & Mandl, H. (2005). Fostering collaborative
▶ Media Violence Effects on Learning
learning in videoconferencing: the influence of content schemes
and collaboration scripts on collaboration outcomes and indi-
vidual learning outcomes. Education, Communication and Infor-
mation, 5(2), 147–166.
Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (2002). Leadership issues and challenges
in telelearning and teacher education. Technology, Pedagogy and
Education, 11(3), 335–354. ▶ Emotional Intelligence in Animals
Luckin, R. (2010). Re-designing learning contexts: Technology-rich,
▶ Neuroticism as a Predictor of Mood Change
learner-centred ecologies. London: Routledge.
Moser, P. L., Hager, M., Lorenz, I. H., Sogner, P., Schubert, H. M., ▶ Personality Effects on Learning
Mikuz, G., & Kolbitsch, C. (2003). Acceptance of telemedicine
and new media: a survey of Austrian medical students. Journal of
Telemedicine and Telecare, 9(5), 273–277.
Oubenaissa-Giardina, L. (2007). Managing technological constraints
and educational aspiration in a multicultural e-learning environ-
Template Consistency Problem
ment design. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 18(1),
▶ Constraint Satisfaction for Learning Hypotheses in
Ouellette, P. M. (2001). Creating a telelearning community for train- Inductive Logic Programming
ing social work practitioners working with troubled youth and
their families. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 18(1),
Panda, S., & Chaudhary, S. (2001). Telelearning and telelearning centres
in India. In C. Latchem & D. Walker (Eds.), Telecentre: Case studies Template Theory
and key issues. Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning.
Salmon, G. (2004). E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning
Theory of expertise, developed in 1996 by Gobet and
online. London: Taylor and Francis. Simon, building on the chunking theory and proposing
Schachter, J., & Fagnano, C. (1999). Does technology improve stu- that well-elaborated chunks lead to larger meaningful
dent learning and achievement? How, when and under what units (templates).
conditions? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 20(4),
Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2005). Collaborative learning in asyn-
chronous discussion groups: what about the impact on cognitive ▶ Learning in the CHREST Cognitive Architecture
processing? Computers in Human Behavior, 21(6), 957–975.
Wasson, B., & Mørch, A. I. (2000). Identifying collaboration patterns
in collaborative telelearning scenarios. Educational Technology
and Society, 3(3), 237–248.
Wegerif, R. (1998). The social dimension of asynchronous learning
Temporal Contiguity
networks. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 2(1), 34–49. ▶ Split-Attention Effect

Temporal Extension of
Telescoping Memories
▶ Accelerated Learning ▶ Memory Persistence
Temporal Learning in Humans and Other Animals T 3301

physical time, it is useful to consider an example:

Temporal Learning in Humans A person is presented tones with durations randomly
and Other Animals selected from a list of 11 durations (e.g., 1.0, 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.0 s) and asked to
RUSSELL M. CHURCH report the apparent durations of the tones. The physi-
Department of Psychology, Brown University, cal duration is the number of seconds recorded by an
Providence, RI, USA accurate clock; the psychological duration is the
reported duration.
There are many different ways that a person might
Synonyms be asked to report a duration. Some of the possibilities
Duration discrimination; Timing are as follows: (a) report the number of “seconds”; (b)
report the duration on a scale of 1–7, or (c) report
Definition whether the tone was “short” or “long.” These reports
Temporal learning refers to the acquisition of knowl- may be spoken or written, or they may be based on
edge about the physical time between events. The events pressing a key on a computer keyboard. Another way
may be stimuli or responses. Thus, a person with expe- that a person might be asked to report a duration is to
rience at a particular traffic light may learn the dura- hold down a key to reproduce the duration. The differ-
tion of the red light, the interval between the yellow and ent methods to obtain a report of the psychological
red light, the time from the change in one of the lights duration produce similar results. One of the advantages
until a response can be made on the accelerator or of the methods that do not require spoken or written
brake pedal, the temporal relationship between the language is that they may be used for nonhuman, as
responses on the two pedals, etc. This knowledge is well as human, animals. This permits comparison of
usually described in terms of psychological time between the psychological timing of different species. The rela-
events, which is referred to as temporal perception, or tionship between the psychological duration and the
equivalently, the subjective representation of physical physical duration is known as the psychophysical func-
time. Temporal learning involves more than just the tion, that is, the function relating the duration reported
perception of time; it also involves temporal memory by a person to the duration measured with a physical
(the remembered psychological time) and temporal device.
decision that is based on a comparison between tempo- Although it seems natural to time the duration of
ral perception and temporal memory. a continuous stimulus, what does it mean to time the
duration between two brief stimuli, for example,
Theoretical Background the duration between two clicks? Between the two
Humans and other animals live in a physical world clicks there is only “empty time,” and how is it possible
characterized by space and time. With experience they to time the duration of nothing? Humans and other
learn the distinctive features of many locations, the animals can easily time the duration between two
relationship of these locations to each other, their clicks, and philosophers and psychologists have spent T
own present location, and how to navigate to other considerable time and effort to explain how this can be
locations. This is referred to as spatial learning, and it done. The current standard approach of psychologists
is done in a three-dimensional world. With experience is to introduce the concept of a “time marker” that is
they also learn the times at which events happen, and a physical stimulus, and a psychological process that
their durations. This is referred to as temporal learning, changes in a regular way with physical time since the
and it requires only a single dimension. onset of the time marker. This psychological process is
In thinking about temporal learning, it is important usually called an “internal clock,” but some writers
to distinguish between physical time and psychological prefer to use other names. To explain how it is possible
time. Physical time refers to time as measured by phys- to time the duration of nothing, the approach is to say
ical instruments (e.g., clocks); psychological time refers that a click (an external stimulus) is a time marker, and
to time as measured by biological instruments (e.g., an internal clock times begins at the time marker and
behavior). To distinguish psychological time from can be read at any time, such as the next click.
3302 T Temporal Learning in Humans and Other Animals

Four types of time markers have been identified: psychological time of an outcome is proportional to
(a) external stimuli, (b) contexts, (c) outcomes, and the mean physical time; (c) The ratio of the standard
(d) responses. The time marker may be the onset or deviation of the psychological time to the mean of the
termination of an external stimulus (such as a tone or psychological time is a constant; and (d) The distribu-
a click). It may also be a context, which refers to tion of relative psychological times of an outcome is the
a relatively unchanging environmental location. Thus same for all intervals. These principles provide an
a rat can learn to expect food two minutes after it has excellent approximation to observed behavior under
been put in a particular box. Time markers also may be most conditions. A deeper understanding of the con-
outcomes, such as rewards or punishments. This makes ditions under which there are systematic deviations
it possible for a person or a rat to respond differentially from the scalar property have revealed important
to different sequences of reward (R) and nonreward clues about the underlying neural basis for timing.
(N), such as (RNRNRN. . . or RRNRRN. . .). Thus, they Standard learning theories are focused on the determi-
can anticipate the time of the next food on the basis of nants of strength of associations, and do not make pre-
the time of delivery of the last food. Time markers may dictions about temporal learning. Other theories have
also be responses. For example, a person or a rat can been developed to account for temporal learning but do
learn to respond slowly if a long interval between not make predictions about associative learning. Three
responses is necessary in order to obtain food. They approaches have been used for the integration of these
can also learn to time from multiple time markers two types of theories: (a) modification of a theory of
(simultaneous temporal processing). associative strength to include predictions regarding tem-
In his famous textbook, William James (1890) pro- poral learning, (b) modifications of a theory of temporal
vided a thoughtful review of the perception and learn- learning to include predictions regarding associative learn-
ing of time in humans. In his lectures, Ivan Pavlov ing, and (c) development of a hybrid model to do both.
(1927) provided strong evidence of the perception Some theories make quantitative predictions of times of
and learning of time by dogs. These approaches to the individual responses of individual participants. Ideally,
study of human and nonhuman animal time percep- these models will be simple, and easy to modify and test.
tion and learning were quite different. The similarities
are now more clearly understood (1993). Important Scientific Research and
Two types of explanations of temporal learning Open Questions
have been extensively used – explanation with princi- A major open question for scientific research on tem-
ples, and explanation by processes. The principles are poral learning in the twenty-first century concerns the
“if-then” statements, such as “if food is delivered to explanation of temporal learning. In the twentieth cen-
a rat at a fixed time after the onset of a stimulus, then tury most effort on temporal learning was put into the
the rat will learn to anticipate the food after the onset of discovery of facts, and the organization of these facts
the stimulus.” A deduction from this principles follows into general principles. The enormous developments in
from a procedural statement that “food was delivered neuroscience, some of which has been devoted to tem-
to a rat at a fixed time,” and a definition of a behavioral poral learning, is now likely to lead to discoveries
measure of “anticipation.” Some of the most general regarding the biological basis of internal clocks, tem-
principles have been referred to as “laws.” poral perception, memory, and decision processes.
The principles of scalar timing have been inten- There have also been enormous developments in com-
sively investigated (Gibbon 1991). They are impressive putational sciences, some of which have been devoted
because of their ability to provide quantitative predic- to temporal learning. This is likely to establish mathe-
tions of behavior of individuals and to apply to a wide matical theories of the relationship between temporal
range of species. These principles provide a way to experience and timed behavior. A thorough knowledge
make predictions about behavior from a single physical of the temporal experiences of an individual may be
time to all other physical times. The scalar timing sufficient to lead to accurate predictions of behavior. It
principles are as follows: (a) The mean psychological is also possible that observation of the temporal behav-
time of an outcome is a linear function of the mean ior may lead to an accurate diagnosis of the experiences
physical time; (b) The standard deviation of the of an individual.
Test Postdiction T 3303

Cross-References should be obtained following the current policy. It

▶ Animal Intelligence updates incrementally the value associated to the dif-
▶ Animal Perceptual Learning ferent states of the system, while concurrently modify-
▶ Anticipatory Learning ing the current policy.
▶ Associative Learning
▶ Cognitive Models of Learning
▶ Computational Models of Classical Conditioning
▶ Pavlov, Ivan P. (1849–1936)
▶ Reinforcement Learning Temporal-Difference Learning
▶ Reinforcement Learning in Animals
This reinforcement-learning algorithm learns to predict
▶ Sequential Learning
future rewards through a reward prediction-error signal.
▶ Skinner, B. F.
It is an extension of the Rescorla–Wagner learning rule
▶ Stochastic Models of Learning
with an elaborated representation of time. Besides being
an efficient machine-learning algorithm, temporal-
References difference learning is widely used in neurosciences as
Church, R. M. (1993). Human models of animal behavior. Psycho-
a model for animal behavior and dopamine cell activity.
logical Science, 4, 170–173.
Gibbon, J. (1991). Origin of scalar timing theory. Learning and
Motivation, 22, 3–38.
James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology (Vol. 1). New York:
Holt. Chapter 15.
Pavlov, I. P. (1927). Conditioned reflexes. (trans: Anrep, G. V.). Ten Steps to Complex Learning
New York: Dover.
▶ Four-Component Instructional Design

Temporal Lobe
Tending to Remedy Math
The lateral region of the brain that is associated with
speech, hearing, and memory functions.
▶ Effects of Remedial Mathematics on the Learning of

Temporal Memory
▶ Memory for “What,” “Where, and “When” Informa-
tion in Animals
Test Anxiety T
A state-emotion related to negative cognitive and phys-
iological reactions during an evaluative situation.

Temporal-Difference (TD) Cross-References

▶ Stress and Learning
The temporal difference algorithm (TD) is a classical
method in reinforcement learning. It is a bootstrapping
method that learns to predict a quantity that depends
on future values of a given signal. It is especially used in
Test Postdiction
predicting the expected sum of future rewards that ▶ Calibration
3304 T Test Prediction

Two theories attempt to explain the direct benefits

Test Prediction of the testing effect. The ▶ transfer-appropriate
▶ Calibration processing theory suggests that initial tests improve
performance on final tests because they stimulate
learners to use the same retrieval processes that are
required on the final tests. This theory cannot accom-
modate all findings, however. For instance, matched
Test-Enhanced Learning formats on initial and final tests (e.g., recognition vs
recall) do not always produce higher final test scores
JESSYE BRICK, MARK A. MCDANIEL than mismatched formats (see Rohrer et al. 2010).
Department of Psychology, Washington University, Another theory suggests that the ▶ effortful retrieval
Saint Louis, MO, USA demanded by tests is responsible for the testing effect.
Effortful retrieval may stimulate further strengthening
or variability of encoding of the target content, more so
Synonyms than additional study (see Roediger et al. in press).
Retrieval practice; Testing effect Support for this theory stems from the common find-
ing that recall quizzes (i.e., short answer, cued recall,
Definition free recall) produce a greater testing effect than recog-
In educational settings, tests are generally viewed as nition tests (i.e., multiple-choice), even when the final
a high-stakes means of assessing learning. Much test is a recognition test (Rohrer et al. 2010).
research, however, suggests that tests can be used to In addition, there are many indirect reasons why
promote learning, rather than merely evaluate it. testing might enhance learning. For example, frequent
In fact, research has shown that taking a test on studied quizzing may reduce anxiety on summative exams and
material improves retention of the material beyond thus improve performance. Furthermore, quizzing
merely restudying the material. This phenomenon is generally involves feedback, which increases exposure
termed the testing effect and has been demonstrated to and review opportunities. Quizzes also serve
enhance learning even with retention intervals of a metacognitive function: students are more attuned
months (see McDaniel et al. 2011). While the concept to what they know and what they do not know, which
that testing improves memory has existed for hundreds can help them target their studying. These benefits are
of years, it has not received wide attention in the edu- especially pertinent to authentic classroom settings and
cational community. Only recently have researchers provide further justification to incorporate low-stakes
begun to explore both the applied potential and the quizzing in schools.
theoretical nuances of test-enhanced learning.
Important Scientific Research and
Theoretical Background Open Questions
In 1620, Bacon argued that: “if you read a piece of text
through twenty times, you will not learn it by heart so Test-Enhanced Learning in the
easily as if you read it ten times while attempting to Laboratory
recite from time to time and consulting the text when When studying the testing effect in the laboratory, the
your memory fails” (F. Bacon, 1620/2000 cited in experimenter generally presents materials for partici-
Roediger and Karpicke 2006, p. 181). The earliest pants to study (often a word list or a list of paired-
experiments to assess this theory took place in the associates). One group of participants is then given one
early 1900s and the results suggested that, in compar- or more initial tests prior to the final test. Final test
ison to restudying material, a certain period of studying performance is then compared to control conditions.
followed by self-testing in the form of recitation led to In one type of control, participants only study the
superior performance on subsequent tests (Roediger material once. In a more rigorous control, participants
and Karpicke 2006). have the opportunity to study the material the same
Test-Enhanced Learning T 3305

number of times that the experimental group is tested. tests when initial tests require more effortful retrieval,
Generally, the results show the testing group regardless of initial test format. Researchers measured
outperforming both the single study and restudy con- learners’ response times on initial test questions and
ditions (Roediger and Karpicke 2006). found that learners exhibited superior retention for
Furthermore, research indicates that the testing items that took them longer to respond to, in compar-
effect is augmented as the delay increases between the ison to questions that were answered quickly on the
initial test (or study) and final testing. Several study initial tests (thereby indicating that the item demanded
sessions tend to result in high performance on a test little effortful retrieval; see Rohrer et al. 2010, for
administered immediately after studying. This may review).
explain why many students choose to “cram” immedi-
ately before an important test. It is virtually Test-Enhanced Learning in the
undisputed, however, that cramming does not lead to Classroom
long-term retention of studied material. When reten- Some studies have sought to generalize these findings
tion is measured after a delay, participants who took to educationally relevant materials. For instance,
multiple initial tests perform better than participants Roediger and Karpicke (2006) had participants study
who engaged in the same number of study sessions. prose passages instead of word lists. Participants then
This effect becomes more pronounced as the number of took one or three initial free recall tests or restudied the
initial tests increases (Roediger and Karpicke 2006). material one or three times. Participants in the study
An issue that follows from the above finding conditions outperformed those in the testing condi-
concerns the optimal spacing of multiple initial tests. tions when the final test was given only 5 min later.
With an expanding schedule, the interval between After 1 week, though, participants in the testing con-
successive initial tests gradually increases. For exam- ditions demonstrated superior retention.
ple, if 3 min elapse between the first and second initial Very few studies have investigated the testing effect
tests, 5 min would elapse between the second and third in an authentic educational setting, but those that have
initial tests, and so on. In contrast, an equally spaced reproduce laboratory findings. College students
schedule results when the same amount of time elapses enrolled in a web-based course performed better on
between each initial test. Some researchers argue that the final test when concepts had been quizzed previ-
an expanding schedule is optimal because the spacing ously than when they had been presented for further
gradually increases the difficulty of retrieval, thus study. Furthermore, there were no significant differ-
promoting later retention. Findings have not consis- ences between facts that had been presented for partic-
tently supported this theory, however. While some ipants to reread and facts that had not been presented
research suggests that an expanding schedule is pref- for additional study (but were covered in class assign-
erable, other studies indicate that an equal schedule is ments). These results provide support for the idea that
more beneficial; many find no difference in final per- initial testing may be a more beneficial study technique
formance after an expanding schedule relative to an than re-reading (restudy). In middle school class-
equal schedule. Regardless, both spaced schedules have rooms, students exhibited superior unit exam and T
consistently been shown to result in superior final test semester exam performance for quizzed items in com-
performance than massed quizzing (Roediger and parison to non-quizzed items and items that were
Karpicke 2006). presented to the students for restudy (McDaniel et al.
Researchers have also examined the most beneficial 2011; Roediger et al. in press).
format of the initial tests. Many studies have found that
short answer initial tests result in superior final test Test-Enhanced Learning and Transfer
performance in comparison to multiple-choice initial Most studies on the testing effect have simply repeated
tests. These findings support the effortful retrieval the- questions from initial tests on final tests. Thus, the
ory, as multiple-choice questions require significantly findings are limited to situations where participants
less effortful retrieval than short answer questions. have already seen the question. From an educational
Furthermore, learners tend to perform better on final perspective, this might significantly limit the
3306 T Test-Enhanced Learning

applicability of using tests to promote learning, because facts but on non-tested related material as well (Chan
most teachers are presumably reluctant to use identical 2010). Implementing quizzing in the classroom does
questions for quizzes and tests. Furthermore, while not require a significant change in course content or in
there are content areas that require a great deal of fact teaching style. While some teachers may be hesitant to
memorization, often the ultimate learning goal is the sacrifice class time in order to give more frequent
ability to apply one’s knowledge to other scenarios. quizzes, research has shown that the testing effect
Clearly, the testing effect would be most valuable if it results even from brief quizzes and from web-based
enabled students to transfer and apply the target quizzes taken outside of class (McDaniel et al. 2011).
knowledge. A growing literature suggests that initial Even if teachers choose not to implement test-
testing is capable of promoting transfer to final crite- enhanced learning in their classrooms, students can
rion tests (Chan 2010; Rohrer et al. 2010). use self-testing to improve individual performance.
One type of transfer that testing has been shown to The Read-Recite-Review (3R) study strategy functions
improve is associative transfer of knowledge. That is, as a type of self-testing in which students read material,
quizzing one component of an association will result in recite what they remember, and then review what they
better performance on a final test that requires learners could not remember. A recent experiment found that
to provide another component of the association as the students who used the 3R strategy exhibited higher
answer. For example, the initial test question might final test performance, including problem solving
read “All preganglionic axons, whether sympathetic or items, in comparison to students who reread the mate-
parasympathetic, release ____________ as rial. Performance between the 3R condition and a note-
a neurotransmitter,” while the final question would taking condition was equivalent, but participants in the
read “All ______________ axons, whether sympathetic 3R condition spent significantly less time studying.
or parasympathetic, release acetylcholine as Thus, while note taking is a much more common
a neurotransmitter.” Using such materials, researchers study strategy than self-testing (99% of college students
found that testing improved ▶ associative learning rel- report taking notes), incorporating recitation
ative to a restudy condition, implying that the testing (retrieval) into study strategies appears to be more
effect does not merely result from the opportunity to efficient and equally effective (McDaniel et al. 2009).
practice specific responses (Rohrer et al. 2010). A host of questions remain regarding the parame-
In addition, recent experiments indicate that testing ters that are important with regard to implementing
can also facilitate overall deeper understanding of the the testing effect in educational settings. These issues
material. Chan (2010) found that testing some material include the frequency and spacing of testing, the nature
can enhance retention of related, non-tested material. of feedback provided, and the format of initial tests
Chan had participants read two passages and take an (multiple-choice, short answer, essay). The present lit-
initial quiz on one of them. On the final test, partici- erature demonstrates the potential of using tests to
pants performed better on related, non-tested material augment learning, and future research will hopefully
(items that were not on the initial quiz but that covered begin to identify the most effective means of incorpo-
material from the initially quizzed passage) in compar- rating test-enhanced learning in authentic educational
ison to non-related items (questions that covered contexts.
material from the non-quizzed passage). Perhaps test-
ing helps learners create a more organized and detailed Cross-References
framework of the targeted concepts, which results in ▶ Effects of Testing on Learning
deeper learning. ▶ Metacognition and Learning
▶ Metacognitive Strategies
Practical Implications and Open ▶ Paired-Associate Learning
Questions ▶ Transfer of Learning
The findings on the testing effect indicate that testing
can be a powerful learning tool in a wide variety of References
content areas and grade levels. Furthermore, the effect Chan, J. C. K. (2010). Long-term effects of testing on the recall of
has been shown to enhance learning not only on tested nontested materials. Memory, 18, 49–57.
Text Relevance T 3307

McDaniel, M. A., Howard, D. C., & Einstein, G. O. (2009). The read-

recite-review study strategy: Effective and portable. Psychological Text Learning
Science, 20(4), 516–522.
McDaniel, M. A., Agarwal, P. K., Huelser, B. J., McDermott, K. B., & ▶ Learning from Text
Roediger, III H. L. (2011). Test-enhanced learning in a middle
school science classroom: The effects of quiz frequency and
placement. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online
Publication. doi:10.1037/a0021782.
Roediger, H. L., III, Agarwal, P. K., McDaniel, M. A., & McDermott,
K. B., (in press). Test-enhanced learning in the classroom: Long-
Text Relevance
term improvements from quizzing. Journal of Experimental Psy-
Roediger, H. L., III, & Karpicke, J. D. (2006). The power of testing BOBBY HOFFMAN3
memory: Basic research and implications for educational prac- 1
School of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy,
tice. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1, 181–210. Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Rohrer, D., Taylor, K., & Sholar, B. (2010). Tests enhance the transfer 2
Department of Educational Psychology, University of
of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Mem-
ory, and Cognition, 36(1), 233–239. Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Department of Educational Studies, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

Testing Effect Synonyms

▶ Effects of Testing on Learning Focusing instructions; Reading purpose
▶ Test-Enhanced Learning
Reading is a goal-directed activity such that a reader
seeks to reach a particular outcome as a result of read-
ing. Text relevance refers to the match between
a reader’s goal and information germane to that goal.
▶ Dynamic Testing and Assessment Information that closely matches a reader’s goal is more
relevant, whereas information that does not match the
goal is less relevant, regardless of its importance. Rele-
vance differs from importance in that readers assign
Text relevance to information, whereas importance is
author defined and is cued by various characteristics
▶ Discourse and the Production of Knowledge internal to the text (e.g., first mention, text signals,
Theoretical Background
Text and Graphics Wilson and Sperber (2004) proposed a theory of rele-
vance based on two key principles. The first is the
cognitive principle of relevance, which states that infor-
▶ Representational Learning mation processors (e.g., readers) seek the most relevant
information to achieve optimal cognitive efficiency,
which involves meeting a goal with the least amount
of energy expenditure. Optimal cognitive efficiency is
Text Comprehension essential because people encounter massive amounts of
information, yet have extremely limited cognitive
▶ Language/Discourse Comprehension and resources to process and remember this information.
Understanding One adaptation is to grade information for its relevance
3308 T Text Relevance

Relevance instructions

Specific General

Targeted Elaborative Perspective Purpose

segments interrogation
Definition: Prompts that Prompts that Prompts that ask Prompts that ask
target discrete text promote explanatory readers to view a readers to read for a
segments inferences text from a general reason
designated point of
Example: What is Why do waves break Read about living in Read for study vs.
wavelength? close to the beach? a city next to the entertainment
beach from the
perspective of a
surfer vs. a geologist

Text Relevance. Fig. 1 Taxonomy of relevance manipulations

and to prioritize high-relevance information. For or general criteria for determining relevance (see
example, when studying for a test in science, knowing Fig. 1). Specific relevance instructions highlight a nar-
precisely what information will be on the test should row range of information, whereas general relevance
help students allocate their resources more efficiently instructions highlight broad themes or purposes.
by focusing on relevant concepts. Specific relevance instructions consist of targeted
The second principle is the communicative principle segment and elaborative interrogation instructions.
of relevance, which states that every ostensive stimulus Targeted segment instructions, such as pre-reading
conveys a presumption of its own optimal relevance. questions, prompt readers to identify discrete catego-
With respect to reading, information is ostensive when ries or pieces of information (e.g., What is wave-
it meets two conditions: (a) the observer selectively length?), whereas elaborative interrogation
attends to information that has been pointed out, and instructions are “why” questions that prompt readers
(b) the observer perceives that the information has to draw explanatory inferences (e.g., Why do waves
been pointed out intentionally. To reach optimal rele- break close to the beach?).
vance, the reader must be aware that the information is General relevance instructions include perspective
relevant and that it was made relevant for a particular and purpose instructions. Perspective instructions
reason. For example, a teacher directs students to par- prompt readers to examine a text from a designated
ticular concepts that will appear on a test, and the reference point (e.g., imagine you will be moving to
student understands that the teacher’s action is a city next to a beach, determine the good and bad sides
a signal to allocate more effort and attention to that of your new home city from the perspective of a surfer
information while studying. vs a geologist), whereas purpose instructions prompt
individuals to read for a general reason (e.g., read for
Taxonomy of Relevance Instructions study vs. read for entertainment). These categories
In educational contexts, students often read to meet represent a general taxonomy.
a particular task demand, such as to prepare for a test. There is evidence that readers use different strate-
Providing students with relevance instructions is one gies to process relevant and irrelevant information, and
way to help readers identify relevant information for remember each differently (e.g., Cerdán and Vidal-
study. Relevance instructions are explicit cues that sig- Abarca 2008; Kaakinen et al. 2002; Rouet et al. 2001;
nal information’s relevance. McCrudden and Schraw van den Broek et al. 2001). Typically, readers take
(2007) identified two main categories of relevance longer to read relevant information and remember it
instructions that prompt readers to use either specific better than less relevant information.
Text Relevance T 3309

Goal-Focusing Model of Relevance with prior knowledge, and knows that using elabora-
McCrudden and Schraw (2007) proposed a four-stage tion will make the information more meaningful and
model, called the goal-focusing model, to explain how memorable.
relevance cues affect goal-focusing, resource alloca-
tion, and learning (see Fig. 2). This model is supported Functions of Relevance Instructions
by a substantial body of empirical research. Stage 1 of Research has shown that relevance instructions serve at
the model is relevance cues, or cues that signal infor- least three functions. First, relevance instructions affect
mation’s relevance, such as pre-reading instructions. goal-focusing. Readers adjust their goals in response
For example, an instructor could provide readers with to relevance instructions. They enact strategies to meet
either targeted segment or elaborative interrogation these goals and they monitor their progress toward
instructions before reading an expository text about accomplishing their goals. Second, relevance instruc-
ocean waves. Stage 2 is goal-focusing, which is the tions affect resource allocation. Readers allocate their
process by which students set goals, enact strategies attention differently to information that is more or less
to meet those goals, and monitor progress. For exam- relevant to their reading goals. Research has shown that
ple, a reader who receives “what” questions about readers spend more or less time reading information,
ocean waves adopts a goal to answer those questions, and engage in different types of strategic inferences as
whereas a reader who receives “why” questions adopts a function of information’s relevance. Third, relevance
a goal to answer these questions. Each student will use instructions affect text learning. Readers learn relevant
strategies to meet their respective goals and monitor information better than irrelevant information.
whether they are meeting their goals. Stage 3 is
resource allocation, which involves focusing attention Important Scientific Research and
on and processing goal-relevant information. Readers Open Questions
focus attention on information based on its relevance There are an important number of directions to pursue
to the reading goal. This means that readers must in future research. First, there is limited research exam-
make evaluations as they read regarding whether ining the relationship between different types of rele-
information is relevant to their goals. For example, vance instructions and learning outcomes. Most
students may direct attention to information that per- studies have examined how relevance instructions
tains to “what” or “why” questions. Stage 4 is learning. affect comprehension and memory, whereas few have
Successful readers understand what they read. The examined how relevance instructions affect deeper
nature of the reading goal and the attention-focusing learning. Understanding how relevance instructions
strategies used to accomplish that goal affect text influence different levels of learning can enable educa-
learning. tors to match relevance instructions with intended
An assumption of the goal-focusing model is that learning outcomes. A second direction is to examine
successful readers are metacognitive. They have knowl- the alignment between educators’ intent for assigning
edge of different strategies, they know how to use those readings and students’ interpretations of the educators’
strategies, and they have knowledge about when and intents. A teacher may assume readers have a clear T
why to use various strategies to meet a reading goal. For understanding of their purpose for reading; however,
instance, a successful reader knows what elaboration is, students may hold different interpretations than the
even if he or she does not know the actual term, knows teacher intended, which may impact how the student
how to use elaboration to build relationships between interacts with the text. A third direction is to examine
new information and ideas already known, knows to the influence of reader characteristics on the effects of
use this type of strategy when trying to integrate an idea relevance instructions. It may be that different types of
relevance instructions are more or less effective in help-
ing readers with differences in prior knowledge, verbal
Relevance Goal- Resource ability, epistemic beliefs, and age-related differences.
instructions focusing allocation The research on relevance instructions has at least
two implications for educators. First, relevance instruc-
Text Relevance. Fig. 2 Goal-focusing model tions help readers develop more focused reading goals,
3310 T Textual Schema

which helps them to focus on and remember task-

relevant information. Providing students with explicit The Classification of
relevance instructions helps them become more aware Educational Objectives
of the general purpose for reading an assigned text and
▶ Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives
promotes learning. Second, teachers need to be mind-
ful of the impact of the instructions they provide stu-
dents. Readers may adopt reading goals that are not
aligned with instructional objectives or with the
teachers’ intent for having students read an assigned
text. Educators should consider asking students to
The Experiential Learning Cycle
explain why they are reading assigned texts. ▶ Learning Cycles

▶ Learning from Text
▶ Learning Strategies
▶ Mental Activities of Learning The Harvard Project Zero
▶ Metacognition and Learning
Project Zero is essentially a group of educational
▶ Reading and Learning
researchers at the Graduate School of Education at
Harvard University. Its mission is to understand and
References enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts as
Cerdán, R., & Vidal-Abarca, E. (2008). The effects of tasks on inte- well as in humanistic and scientific disciplines, at both
grating information from multiple documents. Journal of Edu-
the individual and institutional levels. For more infor-
cational Psychology, 100, 209–222.
Kaakinen, J. K., Hyönä, J., & Keenan, J. M. (2002). Perspective effects mation, see:
on online text processing. Discourse Processes, 33, 159–173.
McCrudden, M. T., & Schraw, G. (2007). Relevance and goal-focusing
in text processing. Educational Psychology Review, 19, 113–139.
Rouet, J.-F., Vidal-Abarca, E., Bert-Erboul, A., & Millogo, V. (2001).
Effects of information search tasks on the comprehension of
instructional text. Discourse Processes, 31, 163–186.
The International Society of the
van den Broek, P., Lorch, R. F., Jr., Linderholm, T., & Gustafson, M. Learning Sciences
(2001). The effects of readers’ goals on inference generation and
memory for texts. Memory & Cognition, 29(8), 1081–1087. The International Society of the Learning Sciences is
Wilson, D., & Sperber, D. (2004). Relevance theory. In L. Horn & G. a professional society dedicated to the interdisciplinary
Ward (Eds.), Handbook of pragmatics (pp. 607–632). Oxford: empirical investigation of learning as it exists in real-
Blackwell. world settings and of how learning may be facilitated
both with and without technology. The society is
widely interdisciplinary and includes members from
cognitive science, educational psychology, computer
science, anthropology, sociology, information science,
Textual Schema neuroscience, education, design studies, instructional
▶ Learning from Text design, and other fields.

The Approximate Number The Knowledge Creation

System Approach
▶ Numerical Skill in Animals ▶ Knowledge Creation Metaphor, The
Theory Construction T 3311

The Knowledge Creation Davydov, V. V. (1999). What is real learning activity? In M. Hedegaard &
Metaphor of Learning J. Lompscher (Eds.), Learning activity and development. Aarhus:
University Press.
▶ Knowledge Creation Metaphor, The

Theory Construction
The Learning Cycle
▶ Learning Cycles
LIRMM: Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and
Microelectronics, University Montpellier & CNRS,
Montpellier Cedex 5, France

The Milgram Experiment

▶ Learning of Obedience to Authority
Scientific discovery

Theory construction is a process, i.e., a set of state
The Role of Discipline Problems changes by an autonomous agent, or by an organism
in Teacher Burnout composed of several autonomous agents. In the first
case, we may recall the approach of Peirce (1931) that
▶ Burnout in Teaching and Learning considers three logical operations (inference rules) on
a knowledge base, i.e., a set of propositions asserted to
be valid: abduction, deduction, and induction. Abduc-
tion generates new hypotheses from which deduction
derives predictions to be confirmed by experience. The
The Taxonomy of Educational confirmed hypotheses are structured by induction into
Objectives laws of general validity. A similar way to describe the
▶ Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives life cycle of theory construction within a single agent is
to say that the real world asks the agent for a concrete
solution in a single instance case, then the solution is
abstracted in order to identify laws that are more gen-
eral; finally the abstracted solution is applied to other T
The Worked Example Effect classes of instances of the abstract problem, i.e., it is
generalized. The interplay of these operations in one
▶ Worked Example Effect single autonomous (artificial) agent is widely modeled
in the work on machine learning.
The second social scenario – communicating agents
learning by exchanging messages – is less easily formal-
Theoretical Knowledge ized but probably more realistic when describing
human learning. In this article we give support to the
In the theories of learning activity and developmental conjecture that the process of construction of knowl-
teaching, theoretical knowledge represents interrela- edge in science (theory construction or scientific dis-
tions between internal and external, between original covery) and human learning are interactive human
and derived in the learned material (Davydov 1999). processes of a social nature that present profound
3312 T Theory Construction

similarities and relations with each other so that we resource management was the lack of a holistic
may profit from advances in one domain to infer prop- approach bridging ecology (in fact, according to his
erties of the other one and the reverse. In this approach views, social ecology with a strong emphasis on
we are strongly influenced by constructivism (Piaget human impact) and the natural sciences. We are facing
1970) and social constructivism. what people call a complex system with feedback. From
a practical viewpoint, reductionism supports human
Theoretical Background learning by disciplinary subjects and toy problems,
The previous century has been characterized by while a holistic view supports learning by solving real-
a constructivist approach to science (Zalta 2011). Knowl- istic inter-, trans-, and multidisciplinary problems.
edge construction in any science was strictly associated
to proof and validation (Popper 1959). Obviously, Important Scientific Research and
proof and validation in history, for instance, is not Open Questions
the same as in mathematics and, in turn, not the same Scientific knowledge is built and communicated by
as in physics or biology. Nevertheless, all these proof- means of interactions among scientists and between
and-validation processes require to possess a critical scientists and all other human beings. Several interac-
mind as well as to exercise a critical approach knowing tion communities are formed and dissolved each hav-
that proofs and validations have to be accepted by ing properties that are different one from another.
others. Theory construction is then the result of A scientist does not process his/her theories alone, but
a social game that enables the historical development rather he/she is guided by critics of his/her pairs on
of newborn theories that progressively focus their own a scientific production offered as a contribution to the
validation domain. In more general terms, the scientific solution of problems identified within a scientific con-
activity is considered as a social activity influenced, as text where publications already exist. A well-trained
all the other ones, by pressures of the contemporaneous researcher should be able to enact successfully
leading powers (Kuhn 1962; Latour 1987). a problem-solving process on old and new problems
The end of the previous century is marked by an within a scope limited by the discipline of expertise.
evolution of reductionism. Reductionism can either The training requires exercise but training and practice
mean (a) an approach to understanding the nature of are intertwined all life long, not separated in temporal
complex things by reducing them to the interactions of phases, so that we may treat scientists as lifelong stu-
their parts or to simpler things or (b) a philosophical dents and teachers at the same time.
position that a complex system is nothing but the sum The interactive view does not assume that each of
of its parts, and that an account of it can be reduced to the interacting partners have the same knowledge, lan-
accounts of individual constituents. Problem solving is guage, goals, plans, strategies, tactics, intentions, pre-
not considered anymore just as consisting of conceptions, assumptions, misconceptions, etc. In
decomposing each problem into a finite set of sub- order to hopefully converge to an agreement, argu-
problems and composing the solutions. Rather, the ments and counterarguments are discussed and exem-
holistic, situated approach to problem solving requires plified in a social, interactive negotiation. Communities
one to integrate (or make interoperable) the partial exchange messages according to patterns and rules that
results validated by different scientific disciplines. historically have been studied in sociolinguistics: prag-
Reductionism and holism seem today complementary matics, which is the science of understanding the rela-
approaches. For instance, understanding and forecasting tions between messages and the state of the actors
phenomena related to the global warming problem producing and receiving those messages, and rhetoric,
requires to consider the planet and model simulta- which is the art of convincing a partner about an
neously, for example, their physical, chemical, biologi- argument or evoking emotions into a partner, are the
cal, and social properties. A regulation rule influences disciplines that deal best with human interaction. In
human behavior, acts modifying the actors thus the the most interesting case, the rhetoric game of
observed system. According to the pioneer ecologist interacting for negotiating meaning occurs between
Francesco Di Castri, for instance (Di Castri and Hadley and among actors belonging to different viewpoints/
1988), one of the major scientific bottlenecks to natural disciplines, thus offering inter-, multi-, and
Theory Construction T 3313

transdisciplinary scenarios of collective intelligence. (or sub-domains of knowledge) one may have several
Recently, emotions and personality traits have entered composite situations – interaction patterns – that
the scene as a mean to understand individual intelli- explain the nature and complexity of the holistic view
gence; thus we expect them also to be at the core of previously identified to be a foundation of current
phenomena of collective intelligence. scientific progress as well as modern learning processes.
Formal theories of interactive learning study differ- At the basis of each of those situations there is the
ent approaches of knowledge construction and their fact that “Real-world problems may not respect disci-
effectiveness. It is usually hard to say that one approach pline boundaries” (Popper 1959) while scientific com-
is correct and the other ones are wrong; often it is the munities are made of actors that mainly master a single
case that they are complementary. Let us consider for- discipline, including the lexicon and the methods. Here
eign language learning by practice: after a while, the is the crucial challenge for the future of science as well
learner’s performance improves and his/her mistakes as innovation and, simultaneously, human learning:
diminish. This learning is accelerated if the instructor How to exploit disciplinary convictions, viewpoints,
confirms (or not) the correctness of his/her sentence, or rules, and jargon when many of them should interact
either when the instructor shows the apprentice the synergically. Hereafter is a simple, though significant
incorrectness of a grammatical form by showing preliminary classification that adopts the above identi-
a counter example. Such training by practice is also fied classification criteria.
common in learning of sports or in learning of artistic Multidisciplinarity: each actor uses statements
skills when the trainee is required to adopt complex proved by his/her (multidisciplinary) community in
practices without necessarily justifying them as theo- his/her own problem’s statement and argumentation.
ries. Any learning needs practice: the trainer should Interdisciplinarity: each actor exploits in her/his
define the exercises adequate for the learner to untie proof statements proved by another community. The
the body and the mind. Similarly, the researcher’s work principle of interdisciplinarity is to admit as axioms
requires a practice to learn how to be creative. But some results proved by other communities that one
practice and supervised learning without creativity cannot prove by himself. An interdisciplinary approach
and autonomous rational thinking seem to concern is required when there is no discipline omniscient and
only a minor part of the complex knowledge and skills omnipotent able to solve the problem without inter-
required for coping with realistic problems. vention from others.
Where does creativity come from? Sometimes it Transdisciplinarity: actors propose some hypothet-
emerges from a coincidence; often it is the fruit of ical statements to other communities that trigger inter-
a surprise (unexpected event) assuming the mind is or multidisciplinary work (Piaget 1970).
well prepared to that event. The history of sciences is Each of these interaction scenarios may be mapped
full of discoveries emerging from chance, manipulation to many concrete situations (called also business pro-
errors, even from the innocent viewpoint expressed by cesses) of theory construction and scientific discovery,
a novice. Such serendipitous events look quite similar to but also of technological innovation. In human learn-
learning as a side effect of interaction: something that ing, similarly, the game of collective construction of T
happens even if we can neither forecast its occurrence knowledge is very clearly influenced by synergies
nor explain its origins. between and among actors each representing different
We will reinterpret multi-, inter-, and transdisci- disciplines, viewpoints, and interests.
plinarity as modalities of collective behavior of the Finally, the interactive construction of scientific
social game of theory construction that we claim to theories can be viewed as an activity intertwined with
be similar to human learning. Assume a “service- two kinds of learning: one is supervised by the teacher
oriented view” of such a social interaction: the one or master and implies the acquisition of practical skills;
actor produces a statement and the other one consumes the other is unsupervised as it is concerned with the
it, either for progressing in his/her own scientific con- communication of knowledge in the form of docu-
struction, or for demonstrating/refuting the validity ments that have to be evaluated by pairs.
of the proposed statement. Under the hypothesis Since both the process of creative discovery in sci-
that the two actors come from different disciplines ence and learning in all its facets present those quite
3314 T Theory of Conformist Social Learning

similar properties, we may assume that they are related as an idea, a behavior, or a tool, by observing (or
to each other, so that advances in understanding each otherwise learning from) another individual (rather
of the two may be profitable for the other one and the than by their own invention of the element, which in
reverse. the same terminology is called individual learning). The
individual that is observed is often called the cultural
Cross References parent. If social learners choose cultural parents at
▶ Abductive Reasoning random, the frequencies of cultural variants among
▶ Advanced Learning Technologies social learners will not change in any systematic way.
▶ Learning as a Side Effect Theories of conformist social learning investigate the
▶ Network Communities possibility that the choice of cultural parent may be
biased toward the most common cultural variant, in
References which case cultural evolution will become directed
di Castri, F., & Hadley, M. (1988). Enhancing the credibility of
toward cultural homogeneity among social learners.
ecology: Interacting along and across hierarchical scales. For any specific case, a bias for socially learning the
GeoJournal, 17(1), 5–35. most common variant may arise in several ways – for
Kuhn, T. S. (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: example, if the common variant is more attractive in
University of Chicago Press. itself, or if it is favored by the current norms, that is,
Latour, B. (1987). Science in action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Uni-
versity Press.
through mechanisms that could just as well bias the
Peirce, C. S. (1931). Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839– choice toward some other variant than the currently
1914). Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press/Harvard University most common one. Theories of conformist social
Press. learning make a much stronger claim: that biological
Piaget, J. (1970). L’épistémologie génétique. Paris: Presses evolution has favored an innate psychological bias to
universitaires de France.
prefer cultural parents that exhibit common behaviors.
Popper, K. (1959). The logic of scientific discovery. London:
This proposed innate bias is called a conformist bias.
Zalta, E. N. (2011). (Principal Editor) Stanford encyclopedia of
philosophy. Vienna Circle. Theoretical Background
vienna-circle/ Imitation of the most common behavior or conformity
has long been the focus for social psychologists, for
example, Floyd Allport’s (1934) j-curve hypothesis of
conforming behavior. However, more recently, there has
been an interdisciplinary surge of interest in conformity
Theory of Conformist Social and the conformist bias with papers in economics, phi-
Learning losophy, evolutionary computation, anthropology, and
biology journals. There has been an accompanying
KIMMO ERIKSSON1, JULIE C. COULTAS2 decrease of interest in conformity within the social psy-
School of Education, Culture and Communication, chology literature where conformity is often subsumed
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden under the title of social influence. It should be noted that
Department of Psychology, University of Sussex, the term social learning in the psychological literature
Brighton, Sussex, UK generally refers to Bandura’s (1977) theory which sug-
gests that observational learning plays a primary role in
child development.
Synonyms Following previous suggestions about the role of
Conformist bias; Conformist transmission various forms of frequency-dependent transmission
in cultural evolution, the specific theory of conformist
Definition social learning was proposed by Boyd and Richerson
Within theories of animal behavior and cultural evolu- (1985) as part of their general paradigm that coevolu-
tion, social learning or social transmission is the act tion of genes and culture can be studied through math-
when an individual acquires a cultural element such ematical models inspired by population genetics.
Theory of Conformist Social Learning T 3315

This theory has since been developed further, with Joe conformity has been studied since the famous 1950s
Henrich as main contributor. It is helpful to view the experiments of Solomon Asch. Experiments in this
theory of conformist social learning as consisting of tradition found that a subject is much more likely to
two main parts: first, the reasons why conformist social agree with an erroneous judgment if it is expressed by
learning might have evolved, and second, its a unanimous group rather than just a majority. This
consequences. and other findings from experiments on the social
The main idea of the evolutionary story is simple to influence of groups were incorporated in the social
describe. Assuming that individuals’ biological fitness impact theory of Latané (1981). On the topic of the
depend on which behaviors they learn (e.g., which food size of the group, this theory states that the marginal
to eat), evolutionary processes would favor adaptations social impact is decreasing, meaning that minority
that guide individuals’ learning toward those behaviors groups have stronger impact relative to their size.
that confer the highest fitness. A bias for conformist From the point of view of the social learner, this
social learning would be such an adaptation if, over would in effect mean a bias against learning from
evolutionary history, the fact that a behavior is com- a member of the majority. Thus, evidence from social
mon has been a sufficiently reliable cue of high fitness. psychology does not support a general bias for con-
It is difficult to know whether this has been the case in formist social learning. Without a general bias, the
human evolution. In the absence of data, a couple of second part of the theory that deals with the implica-
processes have been suggested that could create such tions of conformist social learning is applicable only in
a correlation between commonness and fitness. First, contexts in which social learning tends to be conformist
assuming that children have learnt their behaviors for context-specific reasons. Which these contexts may
mainly from their parents, natural selection would be is a completely open empirical question. However,
have favored those behaviors that confer high fitness suggestions include so-called coordination games
(Boyd and Richerson 1985). Second, assuming that where everyone gains from choosing the same behavior
individuals tend to evaluate behaviors and generally as others, situations where an individual has reasons to
prefer those that confer high fitness, then those behav- believe that others have better information (e.g., when
iors will become common (Henrich and Boyd 1998). the individual is a newcomer), and when a group has
Observe that both assumptions necessarily limit the established norms about certain behavior such that
role of conformist social learning, as it cannot be such deviations are discouraged (Eriksson et al. 2007;
conformism that makes a cultural element common in Eriksson and Coultas 2009). These suggestions relate
the first place. For instance, in the first case learning is to earlier work on social influence by Deutsch and
assumed to be mainly from biological parents, whereas Gerard (1955) where influence can be either normative
conformist social learning applies to situations where (individuals change their behavior to avoid social
you learn from others, which by the same assumption exclusion) or informational (individuals believe that
are rare. It has also been shown to be difficult to others are more knowledgeable).
reconcile these models with the cumulative nature of
human culture (Eriksson et al. 2007). Cross-References T
The second part of the theory deals with the within- ▶ Biological and Evolutionary Constraints of Learning
group cultural homogeneity that conformist social ▶ Conditions of Learning
learning would tend to lead to over time, and its pos- ▶ Cultural Learning
sible implications for cooperation and group selection ▶ Cumulative Learning
(e.g., Henrich 2004). ▶ Evolution of Learning
▶ Imitation: Definitions, Evidence and Mechanisms
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Learning and Evolution of Social Norms
Open Questions ▶ Social Learning
Although the theory of conformist social learning was
developed by cultural evolutionists, the notion of a bias References
for learning from a member of the majority clearly falls Allport, F. H. (1934). The j-curve hypothesis of conforming behavior.
within the realm of social psychology, where The Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 141–183.
3316 T Theory of Games

Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Theoretical Background
Hall. When humans observe another individual witnessing
Boyd, R., & Richerson, P. J. (1985). Culture and the evolutionary
an event, they encode information about the individ-
process. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Deutsch, M., & Gerard, M. B. (1955). A study of normative and social ual’s body and face orientation, the presence and nature
influence upon individual judgement. Journal of Abnormal and of objects, and the spatial relation between the observer
Social Psychology, 53, 100–107. and the objects. Additionally, they also infer that
Eriksson, K., & Coultas, J. (2009). Are people really conformist- observers are capable (or incapable) of seeing some-
biased? An empirical test and a new mathematical model. Journal
thing. Whereas it is undisputed that nonhumans pro-
of Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 5–21.
Eriksson, K., Enquist, M., & Ghirlanda, S. (2007). Critical points in
cess information of the first kind, researchers disagree
current theory of conformist social learning. Journal of Evolu- on whether they also infer mental states and if they do,
tionary Psychology, 5, 67–87. what kind of attributions they make (see Call and
Henrich, J. (2004). Cultural group selection, coevolutionary pro- Santos in press, for a brief description of the various
cesses and large-scale cooperation. Journal of Economic Behavior theories proposed).
and Organization, 53, 3–35.
Comparative research has devoted an uneven atten-
Henrich, J., & Boyd, R. (1998). The evolution of conformist trans-
mission and between-group differences. Evolution and Human tion to each of these families of mental states (see Call
Behavior, 19, 215–242. and Santos in press; Call and Tomasello 2008, for
Latané, B. (1981). The psychology of social impact. The American reviews). Most studies have concentrated on perceptual
Psychologist, 36, 343–356. and volitional states but there has also been some work
devoted to investigate epistemic states, which are con-
sidered as the most opaque since they are more
detached from perceived actions.

Theory of Games Perceptual States

Behavioral and neurophysiological data show that
▶ Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory
numerous species are sensitive to someone else looking
at them (see Emery 2000, for reviews). Great apes use
visual gestures preferentially when others can poten-
tially see them and chimpanzees even place themselves
Theory of Mind in Animals in locations where others can see them before they
gesture. Conversely, when they want to avoid detection,
JOSEP CALL primates and corvids move behind barriers to take or
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, cache food, respectively. Additionally, these species also
Leipzig, Germany avoid producing noise when they are trying to steal
a piece of food.
Individuals can also follow the gaze direction of
others to external entities. Numerous studies have
Synonyms shown that several mammal and bird species follow
Mental state attribution; Mindreading the gaze of others to distant locations behind them-
selves and around barriers to locate otherwise hidden
Definition targets. In doing so, great apes take into account the
Premack and Woodruff (1978) defined possessing location and opacity of the barriers involved. If upon
a theory of mind as the ability to attribute mental states following the gaze to a particular location they find
to oneself and others. Three main categories of mental nothing, apes and monkeys check back at the infor-
states have been distinguished: perceptual, epistemic, mant and back at the location, which suggests that they
and volitional. Perceptual mental states include things are expecting to find something at the target location.
like seeing and attending. Epistemic states include There is some evidence, although this is much more
things like thoughts, knowledge, and beliefs. Volitional controversial, that subjects can use the head direction
states include intentions, goals, and desires. to locate hidden rewards in object-choice situations.
Theory of Mind in Animals T 3317

Most studies have shown no effect or just a weak effect a location change, simply a state of ignorance. This
with the use of gaze direction but some studies have may not attribute false beliefs to their competitors
shown that even glancing is possible after some train- because, otherwise, they should have performed better
ing. Pointing provides a stronger cue than head or eye in the change of location task than in the ignorance
direction, but it is still not completely reliable in all task. Other studies have also failed to produce conclu-
conditions. However, increasing cue saliency and con- sive evidence of false belief attribution in both com-
trolling for the likelihood of subjects looking at the petitive and cooperative situations, thus suggesting
informant’s face can affect performance substantially. that false beliefs may be beyond the grasp of
Some species have also shown that they can judge nonhuman animals.
what another individual can or cannot see. Individuals Much of the research on theory of mind in
of various species can distinguish between one piece of nonhuman animals have been devoted to investigate
food that is hidden to a competitor and one that is whether individuals attribute mental states to others.
visible, even though both are visible to them. Subordi- In contrast, very little is known about whether they also
nate individuals competing for food with dominant attribute mental states to themselves. Do they know, for
ones preferentially take the piece that is hidden from instance, that their current perceptual states may not
the dominant animal. reflect reality accurately? This question has been inves-
tigated extensively in children by confronting them
Epistemic States with appearance-reality tests in which an object
If knowledge is understood as remembering what appears to be something when in reality it is not.
another individual has witnessed a few minutes before, Recently, researchers have investigated chimpanzees’
and not just what he/she can see at the present time, reactions to magnifying glasses and the effect that
then there is evidence that chimpanzees, macaques, and they have on food of different sizes. Chimpanzees
corvids attribute knowledge to others. Thus, when refrained from selecting a grape placed behind
a dominant chimpanzee witnessed the placement of a magnifying glass, which made it appear larger than
one piece of food in one location but had not seen the another grape placed behind a minimizing glass. They
placement of a second piece of food, subordinates were able to select the larger grape because they had
preferentially targeted the piece that the dominant seen the grapes’ real sizes before they were deposited
had not seen. Moreover, chimpanzees associate partic- behind the glasses. Control tests ruled out that subjects
ular knowledge to particular individuals. Thus, when had simply tracked the large grape’s position without
dominant A has seen the food deposited in a location paying attention to its current visual appearance and
and the subordinates got to compete with dominant also showed that subjects had not simply learned to
B (who was ignorant about the food location), they pick the apparently smaller grape to net the larger one.
were more likely to attempt to retrieve the food than if Another area of metacognition that has evidenced
they were competing against A. some progress in recent years is that of metamemory
This setup has also been used to present subjects (see Smith 2009). Are individuals capable of monitor-
with a change of location task, one of the tasks of false ing their own memories and take action when they find T
belief attribution most widely used in developmental them to have deteriorated? To what extent do individ-
psychology. Subordinate animals witness a dominant uals know that they do not know? Creating uncertainty
animal seeing the food being placed in a particular and allowing subjects to either escape the situation or
location. Then while the dominant’s visual access is seek additional information have been the two main
blocked, the food is moved to another location while approaches to this question. Several studies have shown
the subordinate witnesses both the food’s movement that apes and macaques are more likely to skip trials
and the dominant’s lack of visual access to it. Subor- after increasing the delay between presentation of the
dinate chimpanzees are more likely to attempt to get stimuli and response. Other studies have shown that
the food when the dominant did not witness the apes and monkeys are more likely to search for addi-
change in the food’s location compared to when the tional information after long delays and when rewards
dominant saw the change. This result is virtually iden- of a higher quality are at stake, but they search less
tical to the one reported above that did not involve when they are offered an alternative source of
3318 T Theory of Mind in Animals

information about the location of the reward. It has used to investigate goal attribution is particularly
been hypothesized that escaping trials and seeking revealing because individuals actually produce with
additional information are a reflection that individuals their own actions what they perceive to be the demon-
are capable (at least to some extent) of monitoring the strator’s goal – what the other is attempting to do
state of their own mental states. regardless of what they actually did.
Chimpanzees also react differently to identical out-
Volitional States comes depending on how those outcomes are reached,
Several studies have shown that chimpanzees can react more specifically depending on who is responsible for
appropriately to an individual’s incomplete actions. the outcome. In particular, chimpanzees are more
Thus, they can use the human’s reaching behavior to likely to punish those chimpanzees responsible for
assess the object that someone wants to get and even to stealing and eating their food compared to those who
infer the location of a hidden piece of food. Upon simply ate their food but were not involved in stealing
observing actions that did not produce their intended it. This means that identical outcomes, just like identi-
outcome (i.e., unfulfilled attempts) chimpanzees can cal actions, can lead to chimpanzees producing differ-
produce the intended outcome. That is, they do not ent responses depending on the context in which they
slavishly copy what they see an experimenter doing but occur and suggests that “responsibility” attribution
they see beyond the body movements to infer the goal may play an important role in regulating chimpanzees’
that is being pursued. Chimpanzees can also distin- social interactions.
guish between a human experimenter who is unwilling
from one who is unable to give them food even though Important Scientific Research and
they do not receive food from any of them. Chimpan- Open Questions
zees and orangutans can also distinguish intentional Many animals are sensitive to the gaze directed at
from accidental actions to locate hidden food. In par- themselves and can exploit the gaze directed at external
ticular, apes are more likely to use a marker that indi- entities. Additionally, some primates and corvids
cates food that the experimenter has placed there deploy their competitive tactics and communicative
intentionally from a marker that the experimenter has strategies in a way that suggests that they are sensitive
dropped in the same location but accidentally. Other to what others can or cannot currently see and even
studies have shown that they are more likely to copy what others have seen a few minutes before. In contrast,
actions that are done intentionally than those that are there is no evidence supporting the idea that
accidental. nonhuman animals are sensitive to the false beliefs of
One could argue that all that those studies show is others and instead they appear to operate on the basis
that individuals can distinguish intentional action of a knowledge–ignorance psychology. Chimpanzees
from incomplete or accidental actions based purely distinguish between appearance and reality, and
on the action kinematics and/or the direction of gaze macaques and apes can monitor to some extent their
when executing the actions, not their underlying own memories. Chimpanzees can use incomplete
motives. However, there are other studies in which actions to gauge motives and to learn about the loca-
those differential cues are absent and subjects still tion of hidden rewards and procedures to obtain those
respond appropriately. Both chimpanzees and orangu- rewards. Additionally, they can distinguish intentional
tans copy the actions of an experimenter selectively from accidental actions and in doing so they can learn
based on the situational constraints. In particular, in from others how to manipulate objects or locate hid-
the so-called rational imitation studies, subjects who den food. Finally, they distinguish identical actions and
witness a human perform an action in an unusual way identical outcomes by their context, suggesting that
copy it if the usual way to do the action would also be chimpanzees, like humans, understand the actions of
possible but they do not copy it if the usual way is others not just in terms of surface behaviors but also in
blocked in some way. This suggests that apes can dis- terms of the underlying goals.
criminate between a human choosing to use some Despite the unprecedented progress that has
action as opposed to being forced (by the situational occurred in the last decade, there are two aspects that
constraints) to use that action. The imitation paradigm require further research. First, future research should
Thinking Aloud T 3319

explore the nature of social representations in

nonhuman animals with regard to their level of Theory of Signal Detectability
abstraction and their accessibility to other cognitive ▶ Signal Detection Models
systems. Some authors had argued that nonhuman
mindreading abilities are restricted to competitive sit-
uations. This view, however, is too narrow because
chimpanzees, at least, can also engage those abilities
in communicative situations that require the collabo-
ration of their partner. Despite the current interest in Theory of Signal Detection
the cognitive mechanisms underlying cooperative
▶ Signal Detection Models
interactions in which two (or more) individuals pursue
a common goal, there is no research devoted to inves-
tigate theory of mind in this setting. Second, much of
the work on theory of mind has concentrated on indi-
viduals attributing mental states to others whereas
attributing mental states to oneself has remained Therapeutic Metaphors
largely understudied. Obtaining more information
▶ Stories in Psychotherapy
about self-attributions is important for several reasons.
It could answer questions about the extent of mental
awareness in nonhuman animals. Additionally, it may
help to establish a connection between self and other
mental state attribution – a connection that is crucial
for some simulation accounts of mental state Therapeutic Stories
attribution. ▶ Stories in Psychotherapy

▶ Animal Intelligence
▶ Causal Learning in Animals
▶ Deception and Intelligence in Animals Think-Aloud Protocols
▶ Joint Attention in Humans and Animals
▶ Metacognition and Learning ▶ Self-explanation, Feedback and the Development of
▶ Social Cognition in Animals Analogical Reasoning Skills
▶ Social Learning in Animals
▶ Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals

References T
Call, J., & Santos, L. (in press). Understanding other minds. In J.
Mitani, J. Call, P. Kappeler, R. Palombit, & J. Silk (Eds.), The
▶ Communication and Learning in the Context of
evolution of primate societies. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press. Instructional Design
Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2008). Does the chimpanzee have a theory ▶ Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals
of mind? 30 years later. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, 187–192.
Emery, N. J. (2000). The eyes have it: The neuroethology, function
and evolution of social gaze. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral
Reviews, 24, 581–604.
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978). Does the chimpanzee have
a theory of mind? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 515–526. Thinking Aloud
Smith, J. D. (2009). The study of animal metacognition. Trends in
Cognitive Sciences, 13, 389–396. ▶ Historical Thinking
3320 T Thorndike, Edward L. (1874–1949)

Thorndike died in early August of 1949 in Mon-

Thorndike, Edward L. trose, New York.
SARA J. JONES, DANIEL H. ROBINSON 1895 Wesleyan University (B.S. in English)
Department of Educational Psychology, The University 1897 Harvard University (B.S., M.A. in psychology)
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA advisor ▶ William James
1898 Columbia University (Ph.D. in psychology)
advisor James M. Cattell
Life Dates
1898 Western Reserve University – Assistant
Edward Lee Thorndike was born in Williamsburg,
Professor of Pedagogy
Massachusetts, on August 31, 1874, to Edward Robert
1899– Columbia University – Faculty at Teachers
Thorndike and Abbie Ladd Thorndike. His father had
1940 College
begun his career as a lawyer, but was a practicing
Methodist minister by the time Thorndike was born. 1942– Harvard University – William James Lecturer
During his childhood, the Thorndike family moved
several times to serve various congregations in the Associations
New England area. Thorndike was the second of four 1912 President of American Psychological
children who all went on to successful careers in edu- Association
cation. His older brother, Ashley Horace, and his Second President of Psychometric Society
younger brother, Lynn, both became faculty members 1934 President of American Association for the
at Columbia University. Ashley taught English and Advancement of Science
Lynn history. Mildred, his sister, was a high school
Thorndike studied English at Wesleyan and entered Contribution(s) to the Field of
Harvard with English and French as his focus. His Learning
interest in psychology was piqued after reading selec- Edward L. Thorndike, with little formal training in
tions from William Jame’s Principles of Psychology. At psychology or mathematics, pushed educational stud-
Harvard, Thorndike was able to attend lectures with ies toward empirical research on measurable outcomes
James and switched his degree to psychology in his and founded the field of Educational Psychology. Dur-
second semester. He felt that experimental scientific ing his career, he published over 500 books and articles
methods could be used to gain more insight into ani- covering topics from ▶ animal learning to intelligence
mal learning than the traditional methods of observa- testing. These included multiple textbooks in psychol-
tion and began working with chickens to prove his ogy, educational psychology, and measurement. In
point. In 1897, he moved to Columbia University addition to textbooks, Thorndike published the first
to finish his Ph.D. with James M. Cattell. At Columbia, student dictionary and various course materials for
he was able to expand his studies to include cats and language arts and mathematics education based on
dogs. He completed his dissertation, Animal Intelli- his theories about learning. As he was such a prolific
gence in 1898. author, this biography will only touch on a select few of
At age 26, in 1990, Thorndike married Elizabeth his most influential contributions.
Moulton. They had four children. The three oldest
became professors: Elizabeth Frances in mathematics at Animal Learning and the Law of Effect
Vassar, Edward Moulton, in physics at Queens College, Thorndike began his career in psychology with animal
and Robert Ladd in educational psychology at Teachers’ learning studies. His dissertation, Animal Intelligence
College, Columbia University. Their youngest child, (1898), was later expanded to a book (1911) that chal-
Alan worked for the federal government as a research lenged the beliefs and study of learning in animals.
physicist. With his experiments on chickens, cats, and dogs,
Thorndike, Edward L. (1874–1949) T 3321

Thorndike countered traditional observation and spec- prior learning only aided in future learning when the
ulation of naturalistic behaviors with quantitative exper- learning tasks overlapped. The more significant
iments of animal behavior. In his most famous animal the overlap in the subjects, the more influence that
experiment, he put cats into puzzle boxes and recorded the first learning experience had over the ease of the
the amount of time it took them to escape. By charting second task. This idea of transfer of knowledge chal-
the cats’ behaviors and the time length for repeated trials, lenged the notion of classical education. His findings
Thorndike found that over time, the cats were able to were later critiqued for being too narrow in their
escape the box more quickly and performed fewer extra- definition of transfer. Counter to Thorndike’s narrow
neous behaviors. This, along with his other animal stud- definition, recent research has shown that transfer of
ies, led him to the ▶ Law of Effect: knowledge to new contexts can and does occur.
" Of several responses made to the same situation, those
which are accompanied by or followed by satisfaction
Intelligence and Testing
Thorndike believed that all constructs could be measured,
to the animal will, other things being equal, be more
and intelligence was no exception. However, his views on
firmly connected with the situation, so that when it
intelligence differed from Spearman’s one general intelli-
recurs, they will be more likely to recur; those which
gence factor. Based on Connectionism, Thorndike
are accompanied or closely followed by discomfort to
believed that people differed in their readiness and ability
the animal will, other things being equal, have their
to make the S-R connections. This readiness, however,
connections with that situation weakened, so that,
was not based on a general intelligence, but on one’s prior
when it recurs, that will be less likely to recur. The
S-R connections or prior knowledge. To Thorndike, intel-
greater that satisfaction or discomfort, the greater the
ligence was an ability to learn, which differed not only
strengthening or weakening of the bond. (Thorndike
from individual to individual, but also based on the
1911, pp. 244–245)
information that the person was trying to learn.
Thorndike later revised the Law of Effect with With this understanding of learning and intelli-
reward as the most important shaper of behavior. In gence, Thorndike constructed numerous instruments
the revised law, behaviors which are accompanied or to test ability and achievement in reading, handwriting,
followed by positive rewards are said to be strength- composition, and mathematics. He also created the
ened, but negative consequences after a behavior do Thorndike Intelligence Examination for High School
little to weaken the bond. Instead those actions are Graduates and the IER Intelligence Scale CAVD, mea-
discontinued simply because other strengthened suring sentence completion, arithmetic reasoning,
behaviors replace them. Thorndike’s theory of learning, vocabulary, and the ability to follow directions, which
both in animals and in humans, based on the Law of were used as college entrance exams. These exams were
Effect, was called Connectionism. In Connectionism, unique because they included content items to test the
learning occurred by creating multiple positive stimu- potential students’ knowledge as well as content-free
lus–response (S-R) connections to a behavior. items to test their intellectual ability. During World
Newer paradigms on learning have expanded and War I, the US government tasked a group of scientists, T
amended Thorndike’s beliefs about learning, but his including Thorndike, to create tests for the selection
theories set the stage for a quantitative approach to and classification of incoming army personnel.
studying learning. The Alpha and Army Beta tests were part of the psy-
chological tests authored by this group.
Transfer of Learning Thorndike felt that it was a responsibility of formal
Immediately after completing his Ph.D., Thorndike education to test student knowledge and learning of con-
turned his attention to practical issues and beliefs tent. His dedication to creating instruments to measure
about human learning. Classical education was widely student learning is still a tenet of educational psychology.
practiced at the time based on the belief that learning
subjects such as Latin would discipline the mind and Lasting Principles
make learning future subjects easier. Through empiri- Thorndike’s emphasis on scientific rigor and devotion
cal studies, Thorndike was able to demonstrate that to applying research findings to practical situations
3322 T Thought Experiments

formed the basis of educational psychology. With his

studies, Thorndike continually contradicted accepted Thought-Experiment
beliefs about learning and educational practices with ▶ Intuition Pumps and Augmentation of Learning
strong empirical support for his conclusions. His goal
was to show that through scientific methods, social
phenomena could be quantified, measured, and under-
stood. He believed that through this process, real-life
issues could be solved. He repeatedly proved his point
by researching controversial issues in education and Thriving
applying research-based principles to educational
▶ Posttraumatic Growth
resources, textbooks, and assessments. His work
showed that quantitative analysis of learning was not
only possible, but essential to improving education.

▶ Abstract Concept Learning in Animals
Through Apprenticeship
▶ Adult Learning Theory ▶ Imitation Learning in Robots
▶ Adult Learning/Andragogy
▶ Analogical Reasoning in Animals
▶ Animal Intelligence
▶ James, William (1842–1910)
▶ Law of Effect
▶ Learning from Animals
Time on Task
▶ Theory of Mind in Animals ▶ Engagement in Learning

Bruce, D. (2000). Introduction to the transaction edition. In E. L.
Thorndike (Ed.), Animal intelligence (pp. vii–xvii). New
Branswick: Transaction Publishers.
Goodenough, F. L. (1950). Edward Lee Thorndike: 1874–1949. The Time-Dependent Processes
American Journal of Psychology, 63(2), 291–301.
Mayer, R. E. (2003). E. L. Thorndike’s enduring contributions to ▶ Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation
educational psychology. In B. J. Zimmerman & D. H. Schunk
(Eds.), Educational psychology: A century of contributions
(pp. 113–154). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Thorndike, E. L. (1898). Animal intelligence: An experimental study
of the associative process in animals. Psychological Monographs, 2
(Whole No. 8). Timescale Invariance
Thorndike, E. L. (1911). Animal intelligence: Experimental studies.
New York: Macmillan. In classical conditioning, the finding that increasing the
Woodworth, R. S. (1952). Edward Lee Thorndike, 1874–1949. In amount of time in the intertrial interval does not facil-
National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC: National Acad- itate the rate of learning if a proportional amount of
emy of Sciences.
time is added to the duration of the CS.

Thought Experiments
▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental
Models ▶ Temporal Learning in Humans and Other Animals
Tinbergen, Nikolaas (1907–1988) T 3323

of behavior. These two sets of questions are often

Tinbergen, Nikolaas (1907– grouped together as questions of proximate causation,
1988) as contrasted with so-called ultimate questions. The
latter includes the evolutionary history of the behav-
DONALD A. DEWSBURY ioral pattern and the adaptive significance, or biologi-
Department of Psychology, University of Florida, cal function, of the behavior. One of the lasting
Gainesville, FL, USA influences of Tinbergen was in showing that adaptive
significance could be studied empirically in nature.
Along with Konrad Lorenz, Tinbergen developed
Life Dates some fundamental concepts of ethology (Burkhardt
Niko Tinbergen was born on April 15, 1907, in the 2005). At its core was the Fixed Action Pattern (FAP),
Hague, Netherlands, the third child of Dirk and a relatively complex, but stereotyped, behavioral pat-
Jeannette (Van Eek) Tinbergen. He studied biology at tern believed to be largely innate. These FAPs were
Leiden University, receiving his Ph.D. in 1932. Later he triggered by the appearance of highly specific stimuli
joined the faculty at Leiden, where he remained until in the environment – sign stimuli or releasers. A whole
1949 except for a period when he was imprisoned by schema was developed to try to explain the immediate
the Nazis occupying the Netherlands. In 1949 he moved causation of these FAPs and changes in the ease of their
to Oxford University partially in an effort to spread his elicitation. The Innate Releasing Mechanism (IRM) was
ethological approach to the English-speaking world. a hypothetical location within the animal at which the
He retired in 1977 and died at his Oxford home on releaser acted to trigger the FAP. Tinbergen (1951)
December 21, 1988. Tinbergen shared the 1973 Nobel developed this into a hierarchical conceptual model of
Prize for Medicine and Physiology with Konrad Lorenz the nervous system with seven levels ranging from major
and Karl von Frisch; his brother Jan had shared the first instincts at the top down to motor units at the base.
Nobel Prize in Economics 4 years earlier (Kruuk 2003; Ethologists believed that the FAPs were innate as the
Tinbergen 1985). result of natural selection acting on differential repro-
ductive success of ancestral species and individuals and
Theoretical Background served some function in facilitating that success. Their
Tinbergen viewed himself as a “curious naturalist” and ontogeny was believed to be relatively independent of
dealt with theory only as a supplement to his research on the environment – largely genetic.
the behavior of animals in the natural environment. It was Although all of these concepts have been modified
always grounded in an evolutionary and ecological con- in various ways, they provided the foundation for
text. His real genius was in conducting simple, but signif- much work in animal behavior studies. As Tinbergen
icant, experiments in nature that were groundbreaking interacted with English-speaking psychologists and
for his time (Tinbergen 1972).That noted, he also was biologists he took the lead in modifying these concepts,
important in systematizing the work in the field of and in influencing the psychologists, and he came to
ethology, the study of animal behavior in a biological understand the complex ontogenetic pathways along
which these behavioral patterns develop.
Tinbergen emphasized the importance of begin- Late in his career, Tinbergen turned to the study of
ning the study of behavior with careful description of human behavior and such topics as war and peace and
the behavioral patterns under natural conditions. He is autism. When others were generalizing the results of
noted and widely cited for his next step. Paraphrased, animal research to humans, sometimes rather loosely,
he believed that a complete explanation of behavior Tinbergen tried to apply ethology’s methods to the
required answers to four sets of questions: immediate conduct of research with humans that was comparable
causation, development, evolutionary history, and to that in nonhuman animals.
adaptive significance. Questions of immediate causa-
tion concern events within and outside of the animal at Contributions to the Field of Learning
about the time of the behavior. Developmental ques- Although focusing on behavior that they regarded as
tions concern longer-term influences on the ontogeny essentially innate, the ethologists in general, and
3324 T Tinbergen, Nikolaas (1907–1988)

Tinbergen in particular, had important influences on the Herring gulls feed the young in their nests. For the
study of learning as well. They placed it in an ecological first few days after hatching the young from different
context, perhaps beginning with the studies of imprint- nests can be interchanged and they will be accepted and
ing by Oskar Heinroth and Lorenz following up on even fed by the parents. After a period of about 5 days,
earlier work. But it was Tinbergen who laid the founda- however, they will be rejected. During this period the
tion for what we now regard as the ecological study of parents have become conditioned to the particular
learning. It was his insistence on studying learning in the individuals in their nests; humans have difficulty mak-
natural context that led to many of his insights. ing these discriminations. Thus, once they have been
Tinbergen noted that “many animals inherit predis- with them for a few days, the gulls will feed only their
positions to learn special things, and these dispositions own chicks. By contrast, the gulls seem utterly inept at
to learn therefore belong to the innate equipment” learning to recognize their own eggs. This shows the
(Tinbergen 1951, p. 128). He called this “localized contrast between preparedness and contra-prepared-
learning” or “localized ‘dispositions’ to learn” (p. 145) ness. Like many other birds, gulls also learn to recog-
and believed that the different predispositions in nize their mate quite quickly; a feat for which humans
different species have adaptive significance. Recent generally need to place colored bands on the gull’s legs.
authors have termed these phenomena preparedness, Years later, students of learning have found many
and contra-preparedness. Some examples will help to examples of such preparedness and contra-
cement the concept. preparedness.
Digger wasps of the genus Philanthus paralyze, It was the emphasis on studying learning in relation
rather than kill, their prey immediately; they simply to the natural habitat and its adaptive significance
paralyze it so that their larvae get a chance to devour it. therein and the unraveling of predispositions to learn
The wasp leaves the nest, kills a bee, and then returns to that made the work of this “curious naturalist” so
the nest with the prey to feed the larvae. During the important for the study of animal learning.
1930s Tinbergen and W. Kruyt (see Tinbergen 1972)
showed that as she leaves the nest the wasp flies about Cross-References
in a brief “locality study” (about 6 s) during which she ▶ Adaptability and Learning
appears to attend to the landmarks around the nest. In ▶ Adaptive Game-Based Learning
a series of studies they manipulated the landmarks ▶ Adaptive Memory and Learning
(mainly pine cones surrounding the nest) and could ▶ Affordance and Second Language Learning
direct or misdirect the bee when she later returned. ▶ Animal Perceptual Learning
Remarkably, the wasps demonstrated one-trial ▶ Behavior Systems and Learning
Pavlovian learning after exposures of only about 6 s ▶ Biological or Evolutionary Constraints on Learning
or less. The wasps were predisposed to attend to these ▶ Comparative Psychology and Ethology
landmarks visually and to use them to find the nest on ▶ Ecology of Learning
their return. In a series of studies they showed, for ▶ Evolution of Learning
example, that the relevant stimuli were, indeed, visual. ▶ Exemplar Learning and Schematisation in Language
Some stimuli were learned more easily than others. Development
Relevant factors included three-dimensionality, pat- ▶ Field Research on Learning
tern, size, proximity to the burrow, contrast with the ▶ Learning Spatial Orientation
background. Large, three dimensional objects are more ▶ Lorenz, Konrad (1903–1989)
likely to persist around the nest than are such items as ▶ Selective Learning
leaves or pine needles. Thus, the wasps appear adapted
to learn to navigate using stimuli likely to be reliable
guides to the nest. Although increased familiarity References
Burkhardt, R. W., Jr. (2005). Patterns of behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko
improved retention, orientation was successful after
Tinbergen, and the founding of ethology. Chicago: University of
just these brief exposures. By contrast, hunting behav- Chicago Press.
ior and food seeking patterns showed little evidence of Kruuk, H. (2003). Niko’s nature: A life of Niko Tinbergen and his
conditioning. science of animal behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tolman, Edward C. (1886–1959) T 3325

Tinbergen, N. (1951). The study of instinct. Oxford: Oxford Univer- Contributions to the Field of Learning
sity Press. In his early experiments and papers, Tolman focused on
Tinbergen, N. (1972). The animal in its world (Vol. 2). London:
rats’ behavior in mazes, observing the animal’s solution
George Allen & Unwin.
Tinbergen, N. (1985). Watching and wondering. In D. A. Dewsbury to problems in space. In contrast to the behaviorist view,
(Ed.), Leaders in the study of animal behavior: Autobiographical Tolman believed that the animal’s behavior reflects
perspectives. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. a purpose (i.e., moving toward the goal in order to get
something) and knowledge about the spatial layout.
Tolman’s basic assumption was that the subject
acquired a cognitive map that allowed it to use orga-
nized information in order to reach the goal. Another
Tolman, Edward C. (1886–1959) line of this early research was concerned with the prob-
lem of whether the subjects could use knowledge of the
NORBERT M. SEEL maze to make inferences about what to do in new
Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, situations. The results of numerous experiments
Department of Education, University of Freiburg, showed that the animal was able to use its knowledge
Freiburg, Germany about the space to make appropriate inferences in new
situations. Finally, Tolman’s research with animals also
aimed at investigating control processes, such as selec-
tive testing of possible solutions. This was named
Life Dates “vicarious trial and error.”
Tolman was born on 14 April 1886 in Newton, Massachu- Tolman also worked on the phenomenon of latent
setts. After graduation from high school in 1907 and learning, defined as learning which is not apparent in
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the learner’s behavior at the time of learning, but which
1911, he studied psychology at Harvard until 1915. manifests later when a suitable motivation and circum-
At this time, he became familiar with two emerging stances appear. Tolman’s latent learning experiments
approaches of experimental psychology: Gestalt psy- with rats showed that they learned the layout of com-
chology and behaviorism. These two approaches plex mazes even though they showed little or no evi-
would inform his entire work as psychologist. In dence of such learning. However, after some trials in
1915, Tolman received his Ph.D. He spent 3 years at which the rats were first rewarded in the goal box, they
Northwestern University before accepting a position at showed almost error-free behavior on the next trial.
the University of California at Berkeley in 1918, where From the latent learning experiments Tolman con-
he spent the rest of his life. cluded that learning is different from performance
Tolman’s research focused particularly on animal and occurs even when there is no clear evidence for it.
learning, but in 1942 he published the book Drives Furthermore, the experiments showed that subjects
Toward War, in which he tried to explain the motives acquire organized knowledge of the maze before learn-
that drive men to go to war as well as the associated ing about rewards. The final conclusion, especially, was T
social constraints and made suggestions on the social inconsistent with the dominant behavioristic view that
controls necessary to constitute a society without war. rewards determine which behaviors are learned.
Tolman was a man with principles, which also became At a time when learning theorists were still trying to
evident in the leadership role he assumed in the Berkeley establish the theory of learning, Tolman (1949)
faculty’s resistance to the imposition of an oath of loy- published an article entitled There Is More than One
alty to the United States as requested by the regents of Kind of Learning. His major argument was that “the
the University of California in 1949. The non-signers – theory and laws appropriate to one kind may well be
led by Tolman – considered the request an attack upon different from those appropriate to other kinds”
academic freedom. It took 10 years for the courts to (p. 144). Based on this assumption, Tolman distinguished
declare the special oath of loyalty unconstitutional, and the following types of learning that are still under
the non-signers were reinstated completely. Tolman investigation: (1) approach learning, (2) escape learning,
died in Berkeley on 19 November 1959. (3) avoidance learning, (4) choice-point learning, and
3326 T Tolman, Edward C. (1886–1959)

(5) latent learning. These various types of learning a consequence of correct or incorrect responses
depend on goal-oriented behavior that is mediated by will tend to disrupt learning.
expectations, perceptions, representations as well as
In his Sign Gestalt Theory, Tolman emphasized the
environmental variables. And for all forms of learning
notion that there are three components of learning that
Tolman presupposed the same principles, namely,
operate together as a gestalt. First, there is the “signif-
(1) learning is always purposive and goal-directed;
icant” (or goal) of behavior. The second component is
(2) learning involves the use of environmental factors to
called the “sign” (or signal) for any action, and the third
achieve a goal; and (3) organisms always select the
component captures the “means-end relations” consid-
shortest or easiest path to achieve a goal (Tolman 1932).
ered as internal processes. Learning is discussed in
terms of the accumulation of these sign gestalts,
Important Scientific Research and which constitute cognitive maps. Of course, input
Open Questions information also affects behavior because it causes cer-
Although Tolman is often considered as a forerunner of tain gestalts to be activated (or not) in relation to the
modern cognitive psychology, he started as individual’s purposes or goals. Tolman adopted from
a behaviorist with a focus on animal learning. He Gestalt psychology the idea that learning is primarily
termed his research approach “purposive behavior- a function of the central nervous system, as opposed to
ism,” according to which the organism produces behav- the behaviorist conception of trial-and-error learning.
ior for some adaptive purpose. Later he adapted several In consequence, in Tolman’s theory the concept of
Gestalt principles from Kurt Koffka and opposed cognitive maps plays an important role. A cognitive
Watson’s behaviorism due to its mechanistic and map is a perceptual mental representation of features
reductionistic perspective. In Tolman’s view, learners and landmarks of the external environment. As indi-
do more than merely respond to external stimuli but viduals process a multitude of cues from their environ-
rather act intentionally in accordance with beliefs, atti- ments they create expectancies about the permanence
tudes, and changing environmental conditions. of these cues and possible changes in characteristics. By
Tolman is perhaps the only behaviorist who did not using a cognitive map as a mental representation of
accept the stimulus–response theory, arguing instead a given physical space, individuals can reach to the goal
that behavior is cognitive coping with patterns of stim- by locating it in a complex of environmental features.
uli. He considered human behavior as cognitive, holis- Short cuts and variable routes are possible within a
tic, and purposive, but did not regard reinforcement as cognitive map. However, training may lead to a
necessary for learning to occur. Therefore, Tolman tendency to move to a certain place, meaning that the
wanted to disprove Thorndike’s law of effect and individual will learn where to go (but not how to go).
replaced it with his own three laws: Another important aspect of Tolman’s theory is the
introduction of intervening variables into psychology of
1. The law of motivation, according to which learning
learning. The theory includes three general categories
always aims at gaining final success or avoiding final
of variables: (1) independent variables (e.g., environ-
failure. Motivation provides the purpose for any
mental and individual variation), (2) dependent vari-
learning activity. Interestingly, Tolman’s theory of
ables (i.e., behaviors being observed or measured), and
motivation was influenced greatly by Sigmund
(3) intervening variables as hypothetical constructs.
Intervening variables capture internal cognitive pro-
2. The law of emphasis. Learning consists of building
cesses which are not observable but can be defined
up gestalts (patterns) and then emphasizing and
and measured by means of testing. As the name says,
selecting particular responses. These responses
intervening variables have functional (causal) relation-
tend to strive toward final success. Accordingly,
ships with both independent and dependent variables.
the organism emphasizes and prefers certain behav-
iors over others because they lead to success or
pleasure in learning. Cross-References
3. The law of disruption, according to which punish- ▶ Gestalt Psychology of Learning
ment – either physical or emotional – as ▶ History of the Sciences of Learning
Tool Use and Learning in Robots T 3327

References In most cases, this coincides with Beck’s definition

Crutchfield, R. S., Krech, D., & Tryon, R. C. (1960). Edward Chace but it emphasizes the fact that an object is a tool first
Tolman: A life of scientific and social purpose. Science, 131, 714– and foremost because it helps an agent achieve a goal.
716. A robot may learn to use a tool by observing another
Tolman, E. C. (1920). Instinct and purpose. Psychological Review, 27,
agent using it. The robot may also learn to use the tool
Tolman, E. C. (1932). Purposive behavior in animals and men. through trial-and-error experimentation or by
New York: Century. a combination of observation and experimentation.
Tolman, E. C. (1942). Drives towards war. New York: Appleton.
Tolman, E. C. (1949). There is more than one kind of learning. Theoretical Background
Psychological Review, 27, 217–233.
Given the ubiquity of tools in our man-made environ-
ment, we would like to have robots that can take
advantage of them. It would be useful, for example,
for a household robot to be able to learn to use new
Tool Behavior tools. While one might expect that a household robot
would be pre-programmed from the factory with many
▶ Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals
useful behaviors, there may remain many objects or
situations that the programmers could not anticipate –
for example, using a pot plant to prop open a door or
using a spoon to pry the lid off a jar.
Tool Mediation The actions to do this must be learned.
▶ Learning Through Artifacts in Engineering A robot might observe someone using a spoon to
Education open the jar and notice that they have achieved a goal
that was not previously considered achievable. The
robot might then learn this useful action by attempting
to open a jar itself. This involves selecting a suitable
object to use as the tool and then trying repeatedly to
Tool Use and Learning in use it in the correct manner to remove the lid. If the
Robots robot selects the wrong type of spoon (e.g., plastic, too
small, or too thick) for the given jar, it must experiment
SOLLY BROWN, CLAUDE SAMMUT to try to identify one that works.
School of Computer Science and Engineering, There are four aspects to learning to use a tool:
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
1. Determining the effect the tool action achieves
2. Identifying the properties of an object that make it
Definition a good tool
Beck (1980) defines tool use in animals as 3. Finding the correct position in which the tool
should be placed T
" . . . the external employment of an unattached environ-
4. Working out how the tool should be manipulated
mental object to alter more efficiently the form, posi-
after being positioned
tion, or condition of another object, another organism,
or the user itself when the user holds or carries the tool The robot’s progress on learning to use a tool can be
during or just prior to use and is responsible for the measured by how successfully it can perform new ver-
proper and effective orientation of the tool. sions of the same task. As the robot learns to better
identify tools that can be used successfully, by isolating
For a robot, we are interested in what a tool can help
the important properties, it will require fewer attempts
an agent achieve. Thus, we can define a tool as follows:
to perform a given instance of the particular task.
" An object is considered a tool if it is deliberately employed Similarly, the robot’s success rate will increase when it
by an agent to help it achieve a goal that would other- learns to generalize the correct positioning of the tool
wise be more difficult or impossible to accomplish. across different situations.
3328 T Tool Use and Learning in Robots

Approaches to Learning Tools Use their corresponding force and depth of penetration
A useful way of categorizing robot tool use learning produced. By interpolating between the points sampled
approaches is by the type of model used to represent by experiment, a surface relating the shape, force, and
the tool. In general, we can identify three different types depth of penetration of the material was constructed.
of model used in current research: The best shapes for the tool were selected by analyzing
repeated experiments and selecting shape parameters
● Geometric models involve an explicit (though per-
which led to the largest success rate for the task.
haps approximate) representation of physical
Another pioneering effort in building a tool-using
geometry of the tool.
robot agent is described by Wood (2005). In this work,
● Functional approaches describe tools by the types
a Sony Aibo uses a stick-tool to dislodge a ball that is
of action outcomes they can be used to achieve. For
located on a platform out of direct reach. The agent
example, a book and a cup can both serve as
uses a simple geometric model consisting of four artic-
a paperweight tool even though they have quite
ulated line segments to represent its body, neck, head,
unrelated geometric descriptions.
and (optionally) a stick-tool. An interesting feature of
● Relational models explicitly describe the structure
this approach is that an MMC (Mean of Multiple
and relationships between tool parts and/or the
Computations) network (Cruse 2003) is used to
tool, target object, and environment. A single rela-
encode the geometric relationships between the seg-
tional model is able to describe a wide range of
ments and to calculate the angles necessary to achieve
instances of a tool (e.g., hammers) by explicitly
a goal. This type of network, which is commonly used
encoding the important relationships which make the
for the control of multi-segmented manipulators, is
object a tool (e.g., in the case of a hammer: a flat, heavy
able to adapt to changes in the tool length segment
hitting surface attached to a handle at right angles).
without requiring recalculation of the network.
Tool-learning approaches that use each of these tool Thus, the same network can be used for calculating
representations are described below. robot configurations whether the tool is present (i.e.,
tool segment length of zero) or not. In this way, the tool
Important Scientific Research and is treated as a natural extension of the agent’s body.
Open Questions Kemp and Edsinger (2006) study learning tool
manipulation from a human demonstration, focusing
Geometric Approaches on detection and control of the tip of an unknown tool.
Bogoni (1995) describes the first example of a robot The tip of the tool is automatically extracted from
learning with tools. In this work, the robot experiments image data by using a multi-scale spatio-temporal
with a series of differently shaped tools to learn their interest point operator that selects fast-moving convex
suitability for piercing and chopping tasks. The exper- shapes in the image. A demonstration of the desired
iments involved simple manipulations in which the tool-using behavior is then provided by a human, and
tool was lowered into contact with objects made from the robot attempts to mimic the tracked trajectory by
different materials (styrofoam, sponge, pine, and balsa using a form of feed-forward control on the arm and
wood). Observations from force sensors allowed the wrist joints. Using this method, the humanoid robot is
construction of a time-varying force profile of the able to learn how to clean a flexible hose with a brush
interaction, while vision and position sensors were without any prior models of the object or tool.
used to determine the success or otherwise of the chop- This approach is an example of a crude (but effective)
ping/piercing operation. geometric approximation of a tool, where all of the
The visual data were also used to fit a simple geo- relevant information is encoded in the location of the
metric model (with two parameters) to the edge/tip of tool-tip relative to the robot arm.
the tool and to thereby characterize the shape of the
object. This information was then integrated into Functional Approaches
a multidimensional force-shape map for each tool- A primarily functional approach to learning to use
object combination where different points in the tools has been adopted by Stoytchev (2005, 2007).
space represented variations on the object shape with A robot investigates the effects of performing
Tool Use and Learning in Robots T 3329

user-defined primitive behaviors (pushing, pulling, or representing the tool-tip. Bogoni (1995) learns the
sideways arm movements) while applying different object shape parameters that give the best performance
stick tools to an orange puck. The displacements of on a tool use task but this approach is only effective
the puck that result from different combinations of when the important features can be represented by
tools and behaviors are stored in a look-up table, a compact set of attributes and their values.
which can be used to solve simple manipulation tasks, Tools are structured objects where the relationship
such as moving the puck into a goal zone. between the constituent parts – and between the user,
By associating probabilities with the success of par- tool, and target object – is critical to the effective
ticular tool/behavior combinations the agent is able to functioning of the tool. A hammer, for example, should
adapt when the tool is modified. That is, when one of have a flat head that lies at a right-angle to the handle.
the branches of a T-shaped stick is broken, the agent is The handle should be held near the base and the flat
able to learn that the tool affordance it is using is no surface of the hammer should be brought into contact
longer reliable. It is then able to adapt its tool behavior with the blunt end of the nail, which in turn is held at
by choosing an alternative affordance so that it can still right-angles to the piece of wood. Learning this sort of
move the puck into the goal location. information in attribute-value form is difficult. The
Stoytchev’s robot does not possess a geometric learner must represent every possible relationship
model of the tool. It has no idea of the shape or between each part of every object by an attribute,
structure of each object and simply labels each by its leading to a combinatorial explosion of attributes
color. The characteristics of a tool are then encoded with no structure in the search space of the learning
purely in the action outcomes that can be achieved by algorithm. It is difficult to incorporate background
using the tool. This is the essence of the functional knowledge into attribute-value learning and many rela-
approach to tool use. tional concepts such as “the object under the hammer”
Sinapov and Stoytchev (2008) extend the approach cannot be properly expressed.
of Stoytchev (2007) to learn functional taxonomies of Brown (2009) uses a relational representation in
tools. A simulated robot arm manipulates a puck using which tools and situations are described in a subset of
a variety of differently shaped stick tools and observes first-order logic. An Inductive Logic Programming sys-
the different ways in which the puck moves. tem (Muggleton and Feng 1992; Srinivasan 2001)
A hierarchical clustering algorithm then finds clusters learns tool definitions and usage, such as in the ham-
of similar displacements that can be summarized by mer and nail scenario. This makes it possible to gener-
a prototype displacement. The set of these puck dis- alize across different objects and situations in a more
placement prototypes for each tool is used to calculate flexible manner than is possible with an attribute-value
a similarity metric that allows comparison of one tool based learner. When an agent encounters a new object,
to another. In this way, the agent is able to classify it is able to determine whether it might be a useful tool
different types of tools based upon the functional abil- by considering the relationships that exist between its
ities they possess. A large number of trials (1,200) were constituent parts and the properties of these parts.
needed to generate the clusters of outcomes, and these Likewise, the way in which the tool should be made to T
experiments were conducted in simulation. interact with novel objects, and the user, is captured by
the relational representation.
Relational Approaches A benefit of a symbolic relational representation is
A disadvantage of the geometric and functional that it can be easily incorporated into planning and prob-
approaches is that generalization across different lem solving. Thus, the agent learns to use a tool so that it
objects and situations is difficult. For example, in can achieve a goal that it is otherwise unable to achieve.
a purely functional approach, such as Sinapov and When a new behavior is learnt, it expands the range of
Stoytchev (2008), a robot must experiment and learn planning operators that is available for problem solving.
with each object before it can determine what type of
tool it is. Kemp and Edsinger (2006) allow for general- Cross-References
ization across different tools but only by abstracting ▶ Robot Learning
away details of the tool and reducing it to a point ▶ Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals
3330 T Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals

References Definition
Beck, B. B. (1980). Animal tool behaviour: The use and manufacture of Problem Solving: Acquisition of knowledge or behav-
tools by animals. New York: Taylor & Francis. ior to overcome an obstacle(s) to obtain some desired
Bogoni, L. (1995). Identification of functional features through obser- state or commodity, or to overcome an obstacle(s) to
vations and interactions. PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania,
avoid or escape some aversive state or agent. Insightful
Brown, S. (2009). A relational approach to tool-use learning in robots. problem solving is the sudden appearance of a correct
Ph.D. thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The solution to a complex problem, after a period of
University of New South Wales, Sydeney. nonproblem-directed activity, which in turn follows
Cruse, H. (2003). The evolution of cognition: A hypothesis. Cognitive a period of incorrect responding, and is often said to
Science, 27, 135–155.
involve cognitive reorganization and causal under-
Kemp, C. C., & Edsinger, A. (2006). Robot manipulation of human
tools: Autonomous detection and control of task relevant fea-
standing of problem elements.
tures. In Proceedings of the fifth international conference on devel- Tool Use: The external employment of an unat-
opment and learning, special session on classifying activities in tached or manipulable attached environmental object
manual tasks. (the tool); to purposively alter the form, position, or
Muggleton, S., & Feng, C. (1992). Efficient induction of logic pro- condition of another object, another organism, or the
grams. In S. Muggleton (Ed.), Inductive logic programming
user itself; when the user holds or directly manipulates
(pp. 281–298). New York: Academic.
Sinapov, J., & Stoytchev, A. (2008). Detecting the functional similar- the tool during or prior to use; and when the user is
ities between tools using a hierarchical representation of out- responsible for the proper and effective orientation of
comes. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on development and the tool.
learning (ICDL 2008), France.
Srinivasan, A. (2001). The Aleph manual.
Theoretical Background
Stoytchev, A. (2005). Behaviour-grounded representation of tool
Animals solve problems by trial-and-error or insight,
affordances. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference on or sometimes when peers are present, through social
robotics and automation (ICRA). learning. In trial-and-error, reward for correct
Stoytchev, A. (2007). Robot tool behaviour: A developmental approach responses and lack of reward for incorrect responses
to autonomous tool use. Ph.D. thesis, College of Computing, gradually increases the probability of a correct
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
Wood, A. (2005). Effective tool use in a habile agent. Master’s thesis,
response. For example, in an experimental paradigm
North Carolina State University, Raleigh. used to study problem solving and tool use, an ape or
monkey is presented with a peanut in a narrow trans-
parent tube, and a stick that fits into the tube. A naı̈ve
monkey may try to stick its fingers into the tube, detach
the tube and tilt it so the peanut would roll out, break
Tool Use and Problem Solving the tube open, hit the tube with the stick, and finally
in Animals will insert the stick and seemingly accidentally push the
peanut out the other end. This is problem solving by
BENJAMIN B. BECK1,2,3, KRISTINA WALKUP5, trial-and-error, or associative learning. The monkey
ROBERT SHUMAKER4,5 will usually solve the problem with increasing speed
Great Ape Trust, Des Moines, IA, USA and efficiency, and will usually perfect the solution after
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, five or ten attempts. The successful monkey always
Washington, DC, USA inserts the stick from the end that is best suited to its
Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA hand preferences and current position with regard to
Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis, IN, USA the tube. Its cognitive understanding of the task is
Drake University, Des Moines, IA, USA unknown, but he or she seems simply to be repeating
a previously rewarded response.
If the tube is altered so that a hole or “trap” is
Synonyms inserted in the tube on one side of the peanut, such
Associative learning; Insight; Instrumentation; Think- that the peanut will drop down and be lost if the tool is
ing; Tool behavior; Trial-and-error learning inserted into the end without the trap, the problem
Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals T 3331

solver must insert the stick from the end of the tube workers cutting and retrieving leaves doubled. The
with the trap and push the peanut out the other end authors termed this individual and collective intelligent
(Visalberghi and Limongelli 1994). Human children, problem solving. For mammals and birds at least, being
monkeys, and many great ape individuals make errors, raised in the wild, or in especially complex captive
walk away, and then return and try again. Some apes environments, appears to confer an advantage in prob-
never solve the problem but about a third eventually lem solving. Animal problem solving has to be studied
do. In such problems, successful solution often on a descriptive behavioral level, since introspective
appears suddenly after a period of nonproblem- verbal reporting is not available as it is in humans,
directed activity as contrasted with solution after but the work on human problem solving shows striking
a period of trial-and-error, and the children and apes similarities with nonhuman problem solving, and
are said to have solved the problem by insight, a term appears to confirm that insightful problem solving
first used in this context by Wolfgang Köhler (1925). involves cognitive understanding (Davidson and Stern-
Most monkeys, in contrast to apes, continue to push berg 2003).
the stick into the tube from their preferred side (the Humans, and many other animals, use tools to solve
rewarded response), and thus lose the peanut in 50% of problems (Beck 1980; Shumaker et al. 2011). For
their attempts. example, many different types of birds, monkeys,
It often seems as if an animal approaches a problem and apes use twigs and other elongate objects as
with a bias toward certain attempts (sometimes called tools to probe for, pry out, stab, fish for, or chase
“prepotent behaviors,” a “mental set,” or “functional out prey items such as insects or small mammals
fixedness”) that is not effective in solving the problem from tree holes and crevices. In many cases the user
at hand; in the present example, the biases are to reach actually modifies the tool before using it, for example
into the tube and pull the peanut out, somehow detach by breaking it off a larger branch, breaking off side
and tip the tube, and approach the problem from the projections that would impede its use, and even mod-
side that is most convenient given hand preferences. It ifying the tip. Thus, these tool users are also making
also seems that if and when the problem is solved, or manufacturing their tools. Chimpanzees use twigs
solution follows a period during which the animal to clean their teeth, and elephants use them to lance
suspends its solution attempts, during which mental abscesses. One group of long-tailed macaque mon-
“incubation” is said to allow the animal to overcome its keys has even learned to pluck human hair and use it
bias and mentally reorganize the “problem space” or as dental floss.
“break frame,” and then suddenly try an innovative Many species of birds, sea otters, and some monkey
solution. Such insight (often called an “aha!” moment) and ape species open hard-shelled food items such as
may represent causal understanding of the problem but fruits, nuts, and shellfish by pounding them with stones
this is difficult to confirm in animals. The inference of and sticks. Sometimes the food item is placed on an
causal understanding is strengthened when individuals anvil, and some chimpanzees have even used a third or
use different insightful solutions to solve the same fourth stone as metatools to level the anvil. Many
problem: some apes do not push the peanut out but “pounders” have been documented to selectively T
rather thrust the stick through the tube at high velocity, choose and reuse their stone hammers.
causing the peanut to jump over the trap and come out Elephants use a diversity of tools. They have been
the other end. seen to drop logs on electric containment fences to
Different animal species seem to differ in their abil- short-circuit the wires. They scratch themselves with
ities to solve problems by insight. Apes, parrots, crows tree branches held in their trunks, and wave leafy
and their relatives, and predators such as wolves excel. boughs to disperse flies. One rogue elephant chased
But in an experiment requiring leaf-cutting ants to climb three people who climbed a tree to escape. The elephant
over a barrier on their return to their nest, they cut and then moved 36 logs from a nearby stack to a point
carried smaller bits of leaf than when there was no beneath the tree, and stood on the stacked logs to
barrier. Further, despite the decrease in per capita leaf reach his tormentors (they were able to climb higher
returns, the amount of leaf returned to the nest as into the tree). If the elephant had been a beaver they
a whole remained constant since the number of might not have escaped; a beaver was seen to readily
3332 T Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals

climb on a stack of branches to get a piece of bread animal tool users power their tools with gravity and
suspended from a tree limb. The experimenter then metabolic energy, but only humans have learned addi-
disassembled the stack of branches, expecting the bea- tionally to use wind, water, and combustible fuels to
ver, like the elephant, to restack the branches to get the power tools.
bread. Instead, the beaver simply cut down the tree!
Sometimes tool use is not the best way to solve Important Scientific Research and
a problem, but these examples show how animals can Open Questions
use tools in problem solving. All animals solve problems and many use tools, but the
These examples also stimulate inferences that the underlying cognitive processes may differ. Understand-
tool user or toolmaker is acting “intelligently”: the ing taxonomic differences and similarities in cognitive
behavior is purposive, and flexibly adaptable to aspects of problem solving and tool use, for example,
the nature of the problem and the resources available causal understanding, continues to be an important
to solve it. When a heron or a capuchin monkey research challenge, and may provide insight into treat-
distributes bread or other food remains on water to ment of human cognitive disorders. Studies of corre-
attract fish, and then seizes the fish that are attracted to lates of brain anatomy and physiology as they relate to
the “bait,” the behavior seems intelligent. But assassin problem solving are equally important. Information
bugs dangle dead termite carcasses to attract and catch technology and robotics are being used to model prob-
other termites. The bugs are using bait tools and are lem solving and tool use, and are resulting in useful
solving a problem, but are probably not behaving intel- inanimate innovative problem-solving and tool-using
ligently. Many cases of tool use, especially among inver- surrogates.
tebrates, appear to be genetically based. Social influences in problem solving and tool use
Herring gulls and other bird species do not hammer are being studied intensively to determine how and
hard-shelled foods with stones, but drop them on hard when individuals learn to solve problems and use
surfaces. This is functionally analogous to the tools by watching others, and when intentional teach-
pounding and hammering described above, but the ing is involved. Chimpanzees and orangutans show
birds are not actually manipulating the stones. This is some distinctive group-specific tool-using behaviors
proto-tool use. If it were classified as tool use, trees that appear to be socially learned from other group
climbed by monkeys and even the ground on which members, most usually by younger from older individ-
we walk would have to be called tools. There is uals. These are recognized as culturally acquired behav-
a definitional borderline area regarding the require- iors. In humans, apes, and perhaps a few other kinds of
ment that a tool be manipulated in its entirety during animals, individuals use problem solving to improve
use. This requirement eliminates nests as tools, on the previous solutions of others, resulting in
a conclusion with which some disagree. sustained cultural advancement: a shelter made of ani-
Many animals use and make tools, but chimpanzees mal hide led to a modern house. Such sustained linear
and orangutans do so more frequently, in a greater problem solving, known as cultural ratcheting
variety of ways, and for more purposes than other (Tomasello 1999), is thought to be another character-
nonhuman animals. Tool use by birds and mammals istic that distinguishes humans from nonhumans.
for the most part appears to be intelligent, but is only
one way in which these animals intelligently solve social
and environmental problems in their lives. Some tool Cross-References
use, especially among invertebrates appears to be ▶ Animal Culture
genetically based. Thus not all intelligent behavior ▶ Animal Intelligence
involves tool use, and not all tool use is intelligent. ▶ Complex Problem Solving
Humans use tools more frequently and diversely ▶ Evolution of Learning
than any other animal. They cooperate in their tool ▶ Imitative Learning in Humans and Animals
use to a degree not seen in nonhumans, and use tools in ▶ Insight Learning or Shaping
spectacular combinations. Human- and all other ▶ Linguistic and Cognitive Capacities of Apes
Trait-State-Error Models T 3333

▶ Planning in Birds
▶ Problem Solving Tracking
▶ Social Cognition in Animals ▶ Cooperative Learning Groups and Streaming
▶ Social Learning in Animals ▶ Effects of Tracking and Ability Grouping on
▶ Tool Use and Learning in Robots Learning

Beck, B. B. (1980). Animal tool behavior: The use and manufacture of
tools by animals. New York: Garland.
Davidson, J. E., & Sternberg, R. J. (2003). The psychology of problem Training
solving. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Köhler, W. (1925). The mentality of apes. London: Routledge and ▶ Deliberate Practice and Its Role in Expertise
Kegan Paul. Development
Tomasello, M. (1999). The cultural origins of human cognition. Cam- ▶ Vocational Learning
bridge: Harvard University Press.
Shumaker, R., Walkup, K., & Beck, B. (2011). Animal tool behavior;
The use and manufacture of tools by animals, (2nd ed.). Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Visalberghi, E., & Limongelli, L. (1994). Lack of comprehension of
cause-effect relations in tool-using capuchin monkeys (Cebus Trait
apella). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 108(1), 15–22.
The term trait refers to relatively stable personality

Top-Down Learning
▶ Bottom-Up Learning and Top-Down Learning Trait Anxiety
▶ Effects of Anxiety on Affective Learning

Topic Interest
Trait Theory
Topic interest refers to a person’s individual interest in
a specific subject area or knowledge domain. Topic ▶ Neuroticism as a Predictor of Mood Change
interest is conceptualized as having both a feeling-
related component (i.e., associating a topic-related
activity with enjoyment or other positive feelings) T
and a value-related component (i.e., assigning personal
significance to a topic). Topical categories guide inter-
est-based engagement and influence the course of ▶ Abilities to Learn: Cognitive Abilities
events in an activity. ▶ Personality Effects on Learning

Topological Psychology Trait-State-Error Models

▶ Field Theory of Learning ▶ Models of Measurement of Persons in Situations
3334 T Trajectories of Participation - Temporality and Learning

Strauss and his colleagues conveyed different but still

Trajectories of Participation - certain paths.
Temporality and Learning However, when studying learning it becomes prob-
lematic to retain the notion of a set pattern because
INGVILL RASMUSSEN people are related and actively involved in different
InterMedia, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway communities and institutions, and these may provide
very distinct and diverse learning opportunities that are
not easily predictable. Still, it is common knowledge
Synonyms that there are regularities in how people make sense and
Developments; Path; Process construct knowledge. So to reflect both dynamic
changes and to account for the embeddedness of learn-
Definition ing in and through various temporal and spatial
In physics, a trajectory is the path followed by a planet dimensions, participation is often combined with tra-
in its flight through space; in the sciences of learning, jectories to describe the processes and results of having
a trajectory also refers to a path. However, when used to taken part in activities over time. As the seminal work
designate learning, the term is often used in the plural, of Lave and Wenger (1991) demonstrates – through
i.e., trajectories, and is combined with participation to case studies of midwives, tailors, quartermasters,
describe the processes and results of having taken part butchers, and ex-alcoholics – in spite of individual
in activities over time. differences there are paths that go from being
a peripheral participant to becoming a central actor
Theoretical Background and a full member of the community (Lave and Wenger
Sudden insight – the “aha” moment – is often experi- 1991).
enced as separate from time and space. However, expe- Moreover, the concept of trajectories of participa-
riences of sudden clarity are rare and most learning tion has been used in different studies ranging in focus
does not happen suddenly; rather, the construction of from the personal to the societal. It has been used to
knowledge and understanding evolves over time. Any draw attention to the relationship between participa-
interaction arises from, draws upon, and is responsive tion in different situations (e.g., home and school) to
to previous experiences, present situations, and future paths that societies organize for their members, such as
anticipations. Furthermore, what is significant in rela- that from nursery, via primary and secondary schools
tion to current interactions is not necessarily relevant to higher education, working life, and retirement. In
in the same way when we study learning in relation to relation to learning practices, trajectories have been
practice over several years. But how do we take into used to investigate how learners become proficient in
account time and temporality when studying learning? a knowledge domain, stressing the need to be sensitive
One theoretical solution to this methodological ques- not only toward students’ content-related talk, but also
tion can be found in the concept of trajectories of to how institutional aspects are displayed in interac-
participation. tions. In this way, studies of trajectories of participation
One of the first scholars to introduce trajectory as provide a deeper understanding of the nature of stu-
a concept in the social sciences was Anselm Strauss. In dents’ learning (Furberg and Ludvigsen 2008).
studies from hospitals in the 1960s, Strauss and his
colleagues developed the concept to understand and Important Scientific Research and
analyze how patients and their families manage to live Open Questions
as normal a life as possible in the face of a chronic A short event may have long-term consequences. If we
illness. In their study the trajectory can be seen as think in terms of history, we can point out moments of
a process of connected phases in which there are indi- extreme importance, moments in which specific events
vidual differences as well as common features in expec- have had long-term consequences. The assassination of
tations (Strauss et al. 1985). In studies of illness and Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which was cen-
death it is useful to apply a concept that includes a start tral in the acceleration of the international conflicts
and an end point, and the trajectories described by leading to the First World War and all the ensuing
Trajectories of Participation - Temporality and Learning T 3335

social change, is one example from modern history. On scientists, on the other hand, are interested in under-
the personal level, perhaps you once encountered standing how humans make sense of their worlds.
someone who changed “everything” in your life, or Hence, in relation to learning both real physical time
perhaps you undertook a small job that turned into and the more subjective and mental aspect of time as
a lifelong interest, career, or commitment. On the other experience are relevant.
hand, events that seem significant at the time may not The challenge for the learning scientist is therefore
turn out to matter in the long run. not what time is, but how to dovetail different levels of
Probably the most common impact of time occurs analysis and the scaling of observations. The challenge
when a long timescale process produces an effect for the researcher involves how to trace sequences of
in a much shorter timescale. Lemke refers to the activities and participation structures across time and
latter as “the case of heterochrony” (2000: p. 280). space and how to bring this together analytically. In his
Heterochrony is a way of understanding our use of article “Across the Scales of Time,” Lemke (2000) argues
artifacts – material and nonmaterial. For example, that some form of reductionism is unavoidable. The
computers, books, and hammers are material artifacts question we need to raise is what types of reductionism
that are the result of accumulated knowledge over time. are reasonable and how we can bring different levels
Furthermore, concepts and classification systems are together. This important point will be illustrated below
examples of nonmaterial, historically accumulated through a case study dealing with the issue of computers
knowledge which take account of history. In other and the copying of content from the Internet (Rasmus-
words, artifacts connect us to our past and to how sen 2005). Computers may represent the case of
knowledge has been socially organized and accumu- heterochrony, as they are one of our times’ most impor-
lated (Ludvigsen et al. 2010). tant material artifacts resulting from accumulated
So far, three types of impacts of time and tempo- knowledge. A central characteristic of computers is
rality in learning have been discussed. In the first their capacity to store information, which can then be
account, studies typically trace activities across time easily attained, reused, transformed, and transported.
and space: moment by moment and over time. In Hence, the copy function is one characteristic feature of
these studies, taking temporality as a central analytical computer technology with potentially big implications.
regulator provides insights into how certain types of Copying in schools is a controversial issue and
activities or knowledge become relevant not only in the generally teachers across countries discourage it. Copy-
moment, but also how and why they stay relevant ing content does not require much effort and is often
throughout the activity and how this relates to the done to avoid the work that is needed to make sense of
social practice, whether this practice is in a school, new knowledge, and hence it hinders learning. How-
a hospital, or a more informal social setting. Hence, ever, this one-dimensional conclusion is still
temporality situates the present and concrete in rela- problematized in a study following learners’ trajecto-
tion to the larger setting that the individual is somehow ries of participation during school projects (Rasmussen
concerned with, interested in, or committed to. This 2005). The pupils in this study were 11–12 years old
category of time includes real and physical time. working together in groups to create a multimedia T
However, as illustrated above, secondly there is the presentation. By following their activities as
case of short events that have a large impact, events (big a trajectory the following pattern emerged. The pupils
or small) with little impact, and thirdly, the case of how would start by dividing tasks within their group. Then
accumulations of knowledge work in the present – they would search for information on their topic on the
heterochrony. This latter category of time is not real Internet. While they did so they supported each other’s
in the same way as physical time; rather it is more understanding of the texts by reading aloud and
subjective and mental. Whereas the first category of commenting on the information rendered. The analysis
real and physical time reflects Aristotle’s (384–322 BC) revealed that they were looking for content that resem-
definition of time, the second and third category of bled information in textbooks and that they copied the
time as experience hails from Augustine (354–430) content they encountered. The tendency to split the
(Schatzki 2006). However, the question that philoso- task meant that they later needed to meet as a group
phers grapple with concerns what time is; learning to share their information. This division of labor
3336 T Trajectories of Participation - Temporality and Learning

created a situation in which some kind of artifact was like “learning processes”; if not, why use it? Hence, the
required in order to organize the “story” of their pre- concept of trajectories of participation is one that needs
sentation. Some drew diagrams while others used orga- specification to gain preciseness and analytical power.
nizing tools on the computer. The participants in the In other words, the researcher needs to specify the level
group did not always share the same views or select and and the scope of analysis.
include the same texts to copy. Typically groups Multiplicity and diversity as premises for move-
engaged in disputes about what to include and about ment between places, tools, and practices is what char-
the ordering of the line of argument. Finally, as a result acterizes human learning. Human interactions are like
of the pupils’ improvisations with the available soft- links in a chain. Each and every interconnected link is
ware, a new practice emerged: they recorded themselves symbolizing responsivity to the past, situatedness in the
reading the copied texts aloud. The software also present, and anticipation toward the future. This
afforded the pupils the opportunity to play their implies that different accounts of time are always in
recordings over and over. play. The concept of trajectories of participation pro-
In response to the criticism that the pupils do not vides a unit of analysis and levels of description that
exert much effort in relation to copied texts, it appears cuts across and makes the connection between tempo-
that this was not the case in this instance. The technol- rality and learning more transparent. The concept of
ogy and their peers prompted engagements and efforts trajectories of participation may therefore provide
with the copied texts. Although it should be empha- empirical accounts of how moment-by-moment inter-
sized that the pupils were copying text as a shortcut to action is constituted as part of larger scale activities.
get the results, the analysis shows that they were aware
that this practice was controversial. Even though the Cross-References
technology allows corners to be cut, the important ▶ Adaptation and Anticipation: Learning from
point regarding new technologies in terms of learning Experience
is not that the learning process becomes better or more ▶ Apprenticeship Learning in Production Schools
efficient; rather, it is to understand how technology ▶ Critical Learning Incidents
changes the manner in which information is organized, ▶ Cumulative Learning
stored, communicated, and interpreted. ▶ Discourse Processes and Learning
The concept of trajectories of participation demon- ▶ Learning: A Process of Enculturation
strated here gives a new perspective on the phenomena ▶ Life-Long Learning
investigated. The basic argument is that circumstances, ▶ Social Learning
if analyzed as a trajectory, might have a different sig-
nificance in terms of learning.
The concept of trajectories of participation is References
Furberg, A., & Ludvigsen, S. R. (2008). Students’ meaning-making of
potentially important in scientific attempts to under-
socio-scientific issues in computer-mediated settings: exploring
stand the complex, temporal nature of situated learn- learning through interaction trajectories. International Journal of
ing. However, it also has its pitfalls. The following Science Education, 30, 1775–1799.
critical remarks should not be overlooked. First, it is Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral
problematic – in terms of learning – to use the concept participation. New York: Cambridge University Press.
of trajectory alone, since it implies a set path with Lemke, J. L. (2000). Across the scales of time: Artifacts, activities, and
meanings in ecosocial systems. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 7(4),
a start and an end, and participation in itself offers
limited help. Participation as a metaphor for learning Ludvigsen, S. R., Rasmussen, I., Krange, I., Moen, A., & Middleton, D.
can easily become the same as “going with the flow,” an (2010). Temporalities of learning in intersecting trajectories of
empty jargon that offers little insight into the selections participation. In S. R. Ludvigsen, A. Lund, I. Rasmussen, & R.
that individuals make, what they do, the dynamic that Säljö (Eds.), Learning across sites; new tools, infrastructures and
practices (Routledge in the Early Learning series). New York:
people in interactions create, and how paths are
Taylor and Francis.
formed. Likewise, it is relevant to ask whether the Rasmussen, I. (2005). Project work and ICT: Studying learning as
concept of trajectories of participation makes us more participation trajectories. Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University
attentive to aspects of learning than more prosaic terms of Oslo, Oslo.
Transfer of Learning T 3337

Schatzki, T. R. (2006). The time of activity. Continental Philosophy learning transfer encompasses all studies which are
Review, 39, 155–182. concerned with how learning in a certain school subject
Strauss, A., Fagerhaugh, S., Suczek, B., & Weiner, C. (1985). Social
affects subsequent learning in the same or another
organization of medical work. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press. subject or how school learning influences achievements
outside of school. The transfer of learning can be pos-
itive and negative. One speaks of positive transfer when
a learner accurately remembers a learning outcome
reached in a certain situation and applies it in a new
Transdisciplinary Research situation. This form of transfer is typically at the core of
educational interests, whereas the fact that transfer can
▶ Multidisciplinary Research on Learning also be negative is often ignored. For example, a person
who has learned to apply a certain procedure when
working on a certain type of problem generally does
not show a tendency to apply this procedure when
attempting to solve problems from another class, even
Transfer Learning
if the two problem classes are similar.
Transfer refers to the influence of earlier learning on For a classification of learning transfer we can refer
later learning. Some kinds of transfer take the form of to Ausubel and Robinson (1969) who identified three
simple stimulus generalization, while in more complex basic forms of transfer:
learning situations transfer may depend on the acqui-
1. Lateral transfer occurs when learners are able to
sition of rules or principles that apply to a variety of
solve different but similar problems of equal com-
different circumstances. Learning can be viewed as
plexity as soon as they have learned to solve one of
intermediate between simple generalization and the
them. Lateral transfer involves a learning achieve-
more complex transfer phenomena involved in hierar-
ment at the same level as the initial learning but in
chically organized skills.
another context.
2. The concept of sequential transfer corresponds with
Cross-References the observation that most content learned in school
▶ Task Sequencing and Learning is organized into broad disciplines and is taught
sequentially. The topic which is taught today should
be in some way related to a topic which will be
taught tomorrow. As with lateral transfer, sequen-
tial transfer happens in one and the same context,
Transfer of Learning i.e., both are organized horizontally.
3. Vertical transfer, on the other hand, requires that
learning at a lower level must be transferred to
Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, T
a higher level of cognitive skills. Thus, vertical
Department of Education, University of Freiburg,
transfer is the ability to solve similar and at the
Freiburg, Germany
same time more complex or elaborated problems
with the help of previously acquired declarative and
procedural knowledge. An example of vertical
Synonyms transfer is when a student uses the concept of accel-
Application of learning; Knowledge transfer; Learning
eration to discover or understand the generalization
transfer; Transfer of training
“power = mass X acceleration.”
Definition An alternative classification has been suggested by
Generally speaking, the term learning transfer is used to Salomon and Perkins (1987). They distinguish between
refer to the influence of learning in one situation on “low road transfer” (or near transfer) and “high road
learning in another situation. Accordingly, research on transfer” (or far transfer). Low road transfer occurs when
3338 T Transfer of Learning

a skill which has been practiced to the point of automa- which provide the learner an overview of units of
tion is triggered spontaneously in a new context – information as well as a conceptual frame in which
e.g., when two cars are so similar that they trigger the new information can be integrated. Organizers are
same complex skills in a driver. High road transfer a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for sequential
requires a “meaningful” abstraction in the sense of a transfer. According to Bruner (1966), a further condi-
decontextualization as well as a good deal of practice. tion is the structure of discipline. An adequate structure
conforms to the learner’s level of psychological devel-
Theoretical Background opment as well as to the extent and depth of the
The idea of transferring learning (e.g., learning Latin as knowledge of the topic. Also necessary for a successful
an introduction to the Romance languages) has a long sequential transfer are several principles including pro-
tradition in the field of educational psychology around gressive differentiation, sequential organization, coor-
the world. At the beginning of the twentieth century, dination of learning tasks, and consolidation of the
Thorndike and other psychologists had stressed the material learned by way of overlearning and exercises.
significance of learning transfer. They argued that the Another approach of learning transfer emerged in
amount to which a person will profit from previous the 1960s when Gagné (1962) formulated an ability
experiences in a new situation depends on the degree to theory of learning transfer. Gagné argues that
which the stimulus–response connections between the a successful transfer of a solution from one problem
old and new situation overlap. Gestalt psychologists to another is dependent on whether the learner suc-
(e.g., Wertheimer 1959) contested that successful trans- ceeds in putting the content of the two tasks into
fer is dependent on whether two tasks share a “deep” relation with one another and whether the learner has
structural relation which enables them to be solved developed and can apply an ability to solve problems by
through the use of the same procedure. In the course generalizing the experiences with the initial learning
of the twentieth century numerous transfer theories task. The major characteristic attribute of this type of
were developed. Some of them still influence our transfer is the scope of the generalization of the mate-
thought today although they have been empirically rial learned to new situations. The more varied the
refuted. situations in which an ability is put to the test during
Actually, an influential theory of learning transfer is learning are, the greater is the likelihood that the
the theory of identical elements formulated by Thorn- learner will be able to transfer the material learned to
dike (1913). This theory assumes that elements of the new and different situations.
original learning situation must appear in the new Although cognitive psychologists first ignored the
situation in order for transfer to occur. Identical ele- transfer problem some of them started in the 1980s
ments may include specific facts and skills. The theory with investigating the conditions of analogical transfer
of identical elements was followed by the generalization and the specific transfer of general abilities under
theory and the transposition theory. The generalization metacognitive control (Mayer and Wittrock 1996).
theory assumes that we abstract generalizations or prin- Approaches related to this phenomenon are grounded
ciples on the basis of numerous experiences and then on a belief from Gestalt psychology which states that
apply them to new situations in which they guide our people learn an operational strategy in a certain situa-
behavior. The transposition theory goes even further, tion and then use it to solve similar problems in other
requiring the entire pattern of relations between situations (Wertheimer 1959). A transfer happens
means and ends as the basis for learning transfer. The when two problems require the learner to apply the
more elaborate the knowledge of relations a person same operations. Here, we have to distinguish between
acquires during the initial learning process, the greater a specific transfer of general skills and a general transfer of
the chances that transfer will occur. This idea also specific skills. In the first case the skills learned in solving
forms the basis of the transfer theory of meaningful problem A may be transferred in a specific way to
learning developed by Ausubel and Robinson (1969). the requirements of problem B, and in the second
Aiming at improving the transfer of learning these case the operations which are transferred from
authors recommend the use of advance organizers A to B correspond with a general principle or strategy.
Transfer of Learning T 3339

The assumption of a general transfer is based on the rapidly as forgetting curves in psychological learning
belief that skills can have a broad range of application experiments. This is due to the fact that knowledge
over and above the specific behavioral patterns in the acquired in school does not consist in isolated units,
initial situation. Similarly, Anderson (1987) contested but rather is built up cumulatively and includes numer-
that a transfer between two problems requires that the ous relations between knowledge units.
two problems share similar content and also, and even Nevertheless, some movements motivated by
more importantly, that they allow the learner to apply reform-pedagogy (e.g., Resnick 1987) call into question
the same operator schemas. In contrast to the gestalt the legitimacy of knowledge acquired in school, espe-
psychologists, however, Anderson also stressed the cially in mathematics class, due to its insufficient appli-
necessity of domain and skill-specific fine tuning of cability. Anderson et al. (1996) have remarked that
transferable procedures for a transfer of general skills. these positions are grounded primarily on findings
An alternative approach, which has received from psychological transfer research, and that they
increasing attention since the early 1980s, assumes oversee the fact that it is difficult if not impossible to
that the specific transfer of general skills is based on apply the results of this research to school learning.
an analogical transfer which occurs when a person Actually, psychological transfer research is situated pri-
solves a new learning task by using that which they marily in highly specialized experimental situations
already know about a similar task which they can with a narrow focus and a limited scope, not on real
already solve. Vosniadou and Ortony (1989) have instructional situations in school. Moreover, Anderson,
defined this type of transfer as “the transfer of relational Reder, and Simon point out that the transfer tasks used
information from a domain that already exists in in experimental psychological studies are typically
memory. . . to the domain to be explained” (p. 6). more similar to brainteasers than to the real conditions
and demands of school learning. Finally, they raised the
Important Scientific Research and objection that observations of daily life provide enough
Open Questions evidence that skills acquired in school such as reading,
“Non vitae, sed scholae discimus,” wrote Seneca in the writing, or knowledge of specialized symbolic systems
106th letter of the Epistulae morales ad Lucilium. What (such as numbers) are used successfully in many dif-
he meant was that a school education is hardly an ferent contexts and situations. Indeed, a mechanical
appropriate means of preparing young persons for engineer would have little trouble calculating the trans-
life. Taking up the ironical turn in this statement, mission of signals in linear time-invariant systems in
pedagogy has long followed the guiding principle of the domain of communications engineering with the
enabling students to apply the knowledge and skills help of the convolution algebra and Fourier integrals he
acquired in school to everyday situations. The state- learned in college. On the other hand, there is enough
ment has also again and again sparked criticism from empirical evidence demonstrating that students often
those who believe that school falls short of fulfilling this find it difficult to apply declarative and procedural
objective. knowledge acquired in school to similar problems
Actually, there is a long tradition in lamenting the from the same subject domain – not to mention their T
shortcomings of school learning and many people are insufficient ability to solve problems in everyday life
strongly convinced that things which are learned in the with the help of knowledge acquired in school. The
classroom are forgotten shortly afterward. However, transfer and application of knowledge and skills
Semb and Ellis (1994) conducted a meta-analysis on acquired in school to new problem situations is and
more than 50 articles on this topic and found that the evidently is set to remain the neuralgic point of the field
long-term retention of school knowledge is really sub- of activity of school.
stantial: Students retain much of that which they learn More than 40 years ago, Ausubel and Robinson
in class and they retain it for a remarkably long time. (1969) referred to the significance of the specific con-
Although retention performance diminishes with time tent of school subjects and the teaching of transferable
as a function of the retention interval, the forgetting skills as appropriate means of training lateral transfer.
curves for school knowledge do not fall nearly as They stressed that this process does not run
3340 T Transfer of Learning

automatically. Rather, the learners must be taught to process a new problem with an isomorphic structure.
apply general principles in working on learning tasks A second difficulty has to do with the process of
through conscious control. However, in cases in which abstraction: Even a person who identifies that one or
metacognitive abilities are also necessary, the lateral two base problems are potential analogs for the
transfer of concepts and the generalizations associated processing of the target problem is often unable to
with them extend beyond Ausubel’s conception of actually affect the analogical transfer because the per-
meaningful learning. This conclusion is also in line son is incapable of abstracting general structural prin-
with studies on transfer which operated with simpler ciples from concrete structural attributes. Remarkably,
tasks (Sternberg and Frensch 1993). They demonstrate several studies (e.g., Gick and Holyoak 1983) indicate
that initial learning and subsequent transfer are essen- that it is possible to encourage the abstraction process
tially dependent on the initial representation of declar- by providing the learner with multiple analogs which
ative knowledge and even more on how easy it is to can be used to abstract the structural principle of the
differentiate between the concepts and principles used. convergence. Finally, an analogical transfer can also fail
Aside from the observation that domain-specific prin- if the learner is not capable of “mapping” the path from
ciples and a conceptual model with causal explanations the base to the target domain. Holyoak and Koh (1987)
can be decisive for a flexible and creative transfer of have shown that learners are less likely to identify a
newly acquired knowledge, more recent studies on structural similarity and use it to process a problem if the
learning transfer also indicate that only little transfer base and target domain include analog structures but no
occurs during problem solving (e.g., in physics and surface similarity. Furthermore, Holyoak and Koh drew
programming) when the learners are not trained to attention to the effect of a pedagogical intervention
come up with and apply explanations on their own which consisted in explicitly demonstrating to learners
when processing learning tasks and acquiring declara- the structural similarities between problems with differ-
tive knowledge (Renkl et al. 1998). ent content. The research on analogical transfer
Although this seems immediately clear, the obser- conducted to date has significant pedagogical implica-
vation that being able to solve one version of a problem tions – for instance for the use of analog models in
does not make it easier to solve another version of the teaching physics problems and for the use of “worked
problem is something of a leitmotif in the research example problems” for solving mathematical problems.
literature on analogical transfer. According to several
studies (Gick and Holyoak 1983, 1987; Reed et al. Cross-References
1974), learners are often not capable of realizing that ▶ Analogy-Based Learning
a solution which they have worked out in one domain ▶ Advance Organizers
can be transferred to a structurally equivalent problem ▶ Cross-Linguistic Influence and Transfer of Learning
in another domain. Researchers see the reasons for this ▶ Deutero-learning
in three cognitive subprocesses of analogical transfer, ▶ Gestalt Psychology of Learning
which Mayer and Wittrock (1996) have termed “recog- ▶ Interdisciplinary Learning
nition,” “abstraction,” and “mapping.” Recognition ▶ Metacognition and Learning
happens when someone who is working on a problem ▶ Retention and Transfer
recalls a potential analog, abstraction occurs when the ▶ Trouble with Transfer: Insights from the Study of
learner abstracts the general principle which can be Learning
used to solve the base problem, and mapping occurs
when the learner uses this knowledge successfully to References
solve the target problem. Mayer and Wittrock demon- Anderson, J. R. (1987). Skill acquisition: Compilation of weak-
strate that the findings outlined above can be put down method problem solutions. Psychological Review, 94, 192–210.
to the difficulties of learners in these three cognitive Anderson, J. R., Reder, L. M., & Simon, H. A. (1996). Situated
learning and education. Educational Researcher, 25(4), 5–11.
subprocesses of analogical transfer: One of the main
Ausubel, D. P., & Robinson, F. G. (1969). School learning. An intro-
stumbling blocks for a successful analogical transfer is duction to educational psychology. New York: Holt.
the inability to recognize that knowledge on the Bruner, J. S. (1966). Toward a theory of instruction. Cambridge, MA:
processing of a previous problem can be used to Harvard University Press.
Transformational Learning T 3341

Gagné, R. M. (1962). The acquisition of knowledge. Psychological

Review, 69, 355–365. Transformation
Gick, M., & Holyoak, K. J. (1983). Schema induction and analogical
transfer. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 1–38. ▶ Internalization
Gick, M., & Holyoak, K. J. (1987). The cognitive basis of knowledge
transfer. In S. M. Cormier & J. D. Hagman (Eds.), Transfer of
learning (pp. 9–47). San Diego: Academic.
Holyoak, K. J., & Koh, K. (1987). Surface and structural similarity in
analogical transfer. Memory & Cognition, 15, 332–340.
Mayer, R. E., & Wittrock, M. C. (1996). Problem-solving transfer. In
Transformation of Aesthetic
D. C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of educational Experiences
psychology (pp. 47–62). New York: Macmillan Simon & Schuster.
Reed, S. K., Ernst, G. W., & Banerji, R. (1974). The role of analogy in ▶ Aesthetic Learning
transfer between similar problem states. Cognitive Psychology, 6,
Renkl, A., Stark, R., Gruber, H., & Mandl, H. (1998). Learning from
worked-out examples: The effects of example variability and
elicited self-explanations. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
23, 90–108.
Transformational Learning
Resnick, L. B. (1987). Learning in school and out. Educational
Researcher, 16(9), 13–20. ALI SIMSEK
Salomon, G., & Perkins, D. N. (1987). Transfer of cognitive skills from Institute of Communication Sciences,
programming: When and how? Journal of Educational Comput- Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
ing Research, 3, 149–169.
Semb, G. B., & Ellis, J. A. (1994). Knowledge taught in school: What is
remembered? Review of Educational Research, 64(2), 253–286.
Sternberg, R. J., & Frensch, P. A. (1993). Mechanisms of transfer. In D. Synonyms
Detterman & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), Transfer on trial: Intelligence, Transformative learning
cognition, and instruction (pp. 25–38). Norwood: Ablex.
Thorndike, E. (1913). Educational psychology: The psychology of learn-
ing. New York: Teachers College Press. Definition
Vosniadou, S., & Ortony, A. (Eds.). (1989). imilarity and analogical Transformational learning is the process of deep,
reasoning. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. constructive, and meaningful learning that goes
Wertheimer, M. (1959). Productive thinking (Enlargedth ed.). beyond simple knowledge acquisition and supports
New York: Harper & Row.
critical ways in which learners consciously make mean-
ing of their lives. It is the kind of learning that results in
a fundamental change in our worldview as
a consequence of shifting from mindless or unques-
tioning acceptance of available information to reflec-
Transfer of Training tive and conscious learning experiences that bring
▶ Learning Set Formation and Conceptualization about true emancipation. As Mezirov (2000) puts it,
▶ Transfer of Learning transformational learning is one’s becoming critically
aware of tacit assumptions/expectations and assessing
their relevance for making an interpretation.
As the definition implies, transformational learning
often leads to profound changes in our thoughts, feel-
Transfer Test ings, perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors because it is
a radical shift of consciousness that permanently alters
A test measuring the transferability of what was learned our way of being in the world. In other words, trans-
under different practice conditions to a novel task formational learning is more than a shift in knowledge
variation or a novel situation. Similar to retention and behavior because it involves a totally new paradigm
tests, transfer tests are conducted after a certain inter- of learning and living. It affects personal understanding
val, with identical conditions for all groups. of ourselves, relationships with other people, ways of
3342 T Transformational Learning

thinking, belief systems, responses to environment, and assumptions to determine whether the beliefs that
overall interpretation of the world. Moreover, it influ- were acquired in childhood through cultural assimila-
ences purposes, priorities, and prospects that we hold tion remain to be functional for adults when in fact
in terms of life; thus, it goes beyond everyday learning they are capable of evaluating the validity of belief
and changes our patterns of life. systems based on their accumulation of knowledge,
experiences of life, and problem solving skills. It is
Theoretical Background highly interesting to observe that through the reflection
The theory of transformational learning was developed process people can explore themselves more and then
by Jack Mezirow in 1978 and evolved over the years understand learning better. Mezirov (1994) emphasizes
with contributions of some other researchers to include four related ways of learning in this context: refining
new dimensions. In general, this theory is based on the personal meaning schemes, learning new meaning
psychoanalytic theory and the critical theory. As schemes, transforming meaning schemes, and
described by Mezirow, Transformational Learning The- transforming meaning perspectives; each are challeng-
ory is constructivist in nature because learners contin- ing enough for traditional learners who are ready to
uously interpret their sense of existence in order to accept whatever information is presented as true.
create meaning or develop alternative views. Meaning schemes are ways people make sense of
Transformational Learning Theory involves two experiences, deconstruct them, and act upon them in
kinds of learning. Those are instrumental learning a rational matter. Mezirow suggests that this happens
and communicative learning. Instrumental learning through a series of phases that begin with the disorienting
focuses on manipulating the environment through dilemma, passes through several intermediate phases, and
learning task-oriented problem solving and determina- ends with integration of the new perspective into the
tion of cause and effect relationship. Communicative person’s life. Disorienting dilemma is usually triggered
learning involves how people communicate their by a life crisis, accumulation of transformations in mean-
needs, thoughts, feelings, values, and desires with ing schemes over time or predicaments created by
another person (Taylor 1998). teachers. Perspective transformation is at the core of
Transformational Learning Theory is often transformational learning. It is the process whereby we
described through meaning structures. As a vital ele- move over time to reformulate our structures for making
ment of this theory, meaning structures are our frames meaning, usually through reconstructing dominant dis-
of reference including assumptions and expectations course. Clark (1991) identifies three dimensions of this
often experienced outside of our conscious awareness. process: psychological (changes in understanding of
Meaning structures are divided into two categories. the self), convictional (revision of belief systems), and
The first is meaning perspectives (or habits of mind), behavioral (changes in lifestyles).
defined as “broad sets of predispositions resulting from In addition to Mezirow, there are also several other
psychocultural assumptions determining the horizons people who have started to work with this theory and
of our expectations.” They usually act as a filter for our contributed to develop it more by adding new ideas.
experiences including social norms, religion, world Robert Boyd is probably the most important figure who
view, personality, learning style, etc. The second cate- has extended this theory. Boyd worked with Mezirow’s
gory of the meaning structures is meaning schemes “Transformative Learning Theory” and developed his
(points of view), defined as “the constellation of con- revised version of “Transformational Learning Theory.”
cept, belief, attitudes, judgment, and feelings which He feels that his theory is based on the ability for the
shapes a particular interpretation.” When we become person to be able to work with themselves and take care
aware of our own points of view along with the views of of problems that they have going on within themselves
other people, we realize that there are alternative views in order to develop more refined personality. He
on the same topic and they should be interwoven in focused more on discernment within the theory,
order to form multiple and probably more comprehen- whereas Mezirow was more involved with the self and
sive points of view (Mezirov 1994). reflection.
Reflection plays the central role in developing mean- Discernment uses images and symbols in order to
ing structures because it involves a critique of create a personal image of what they are like. It is made
Transformational Learning T 3343

up by three different things: receptivity, recognition, with others. Similarly, Boyd points out that the learners
and grieving (Boyd and Myers 1988). First, the learner usually look at what they need to accomplish and then
must be willing to have an open mind and to think get the job done themselves in adult learning so that
about things (receptivity). Second, the learner must they typically go through the three steps of transforma-
recognize things that need to change or things that tional learning (receptiveness, recognition, and griev-
are going on around them (recognition). Third, the ing). Mezirow, another educator who thinks that this
learner must take on a new way of doing things or try theory suits adult learning better, indicates that adult
to integrate new ideas into his/her life; he/she then learners become more successful by using the mutual
must come to terms with the fact that the steps that meaning structures to understand the situations.
he/she has taken before are no longer relevant to what Taylor (1998) reports a number of views on apply-
he/she is going to do in the future (grieving). ing transformational learning theory to adult educa-
Paulo Freire is another educational theorist who has tion. Adult educators find this theory “ideal to promote
contributed to transformational learning. Although he a sense of safety, openness, and trust.” They also posit
is not interested in Mezirow’s idea on just learning the that “it promotes learner autonomy, participation, and
self, he wants people to learn about the societal trans- collaboration.” There are also other adult educators
formation that goes on around them. Toward this pur- indicating that “it encourages the exploration of alter-
pose, he questions education that is simply based on native perspectives, problem-posing, and critical
the accumulation of dysfunctional knowledge and reflection.” Imel (1998) states that “transformational
defends the idea that education should be based on learning builds trust, facilitates the development of
dialogue and liberation of people. However, he agrees sensitive relationships among learners, and gives the
with Mezirow on the idea that critical reflection is an learner the chance to create the conditions under which
important part of the transformational learning pro- learning will occur.”
cess. He claims that when the learner critically becomes A number of critical responses to the Transforma-
more aware of the power structure surrounding them, tional Learning Theory have emerged over the years.
they are able and willing to transform society and Most of them have contributed to articulation or
eventually their own reality (Taylor 1998). expansion of this theory. A major criticism has been
about the emphasis of the Transformational Learning
Important Scientific Research and Theory on rationality. These critics claim that transfor-
Open Questions mational learning generally grants rational reflection
Transformational Learning Theory has been particu- too much importance, and critical reflection by nature
larly useful for adult learning because adults continu- may not be always be rational, considering a number of
ously interpret and reinterpret their experiences from potentially distorting variables.
a developmental and critical perspective. This theory Cranton (1997) summarizes it all: “At its core,
has many concepts, issues, and approaches that may be transformative learning theory is elegantly simple.
used in adult learning. Because transformational learn- Through some event which could be as traumatic as
ing often requires a more comprehensive and collabo- losing a job or as ordinary as an expected question, an T
rative understanding of the meaning, learners should individual becomes aware of holding a limiting or
have the willingness and capability to share their distorted view. If the individual critically examines
mutual experiences. In many cases, this is done easier this view, open herself to alternatives, and consequently
and better within the context of adult learning since changes the way she sees things, she has transformed
each learner comes to the educational environment some part of how she makes meaning out of the world.”
with invaluable experiences. In fact, most of the leading
figures of the Transformational Learning Theory have Cross-References
come from the field of adult education. ▶ Adult Teaching and Learning
Freire has stated that educators and learners being ▶ Deep Approaches to Learning in Higher Education
on the same level will make the classroom of a more ▶ Jack Mezirow on Transformative Learning
open, relax, and safe environment; therefore, learners ▶ Lifelong Learning
will feel comfortable to share their views and feelings ▶ Organizational Learning
3344 T Transformative Education

Boyd, R. D., & Myers, J. G. (1988). Transformative education. Inter- Transition of Learning
national Journal of Lifelong Education, 7(4), 261–284.
Clark, M. C. (1991). The restructuring of meaning: An analysis of the
▶ Stochastic Models of Learning
impact of context on transformational learning. Unpublished doc-
toral dissertation. University of Georgia.
Cranton, P. (Ed.). (1997). Transformative learning in action: Insights
from practice. New directions for adult and continuing education.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Translational Education
Imel, S. (1998). Transformative learning in adulthood. (ERIC Docu-
▶ Integrated, Multidisciplinary, and Technology-
ment Reproduction Service No. ED423426).
Mezirov, J. (1994). Understanding transformation theory. Adult Edu- Enhanced Science Education
cation Quarterly, 44(4), 222–232.
Mezirov, J. (2000). Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on
a theory in progress. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Taylor, E. W. (1998). The theory and practice of transformative
learning: A critical review. (ERIC Document Reproduction Ser- Transposition
vice No. ED423422).
Transfer-of-training phenomenon in which organisms
learn about the relation between stimuli (e.g., respond
to the larger stimulus or to the darker block of color)
rather than about the specific stimuli themselves (e.g.,
Transformative Education respond to the stimulus of a specific size or shade).
▶ Creative Inquiry

Treadmill Running
Transformative Experience ▶ Effects of Exercising During Learning

▶ Science, Art, and Learning Experiences

Triadic Looking
Transformative Learning ▶ Joint Attention in Humans and Animals
▶ Creative Inquiry
▶ Transformational Learning

Trial-and-Error Learning
▶ Adaptive Learning Through Variation and Selection
Transforming New Information ▶ Reinforcement Learning in Animals
Into Cognitive Rules ▶ Tool Use and Problem Solving in Animals

▶ Rule Formation

Trial-Spacing Effect
Transient Recollection Learning is relatively rapid and/or better retained when
consecutive learning trials are spaced or distributed in
▶ Short-Term Memory time as opposed to being massed.
Trial-Spacing Effect in Associative Learning T 3345

a criterion, responding will emerge. According to the

Trial-Spacing Effect in theory, responding emerges more rapidly with long
Associative Learning intertrial intervals because the longer the intertrial
interval, the lower the perceived rate of reinforcement
TRAVIS P. TODD, MARK E. BOUTON in the background. The general relationship between
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, time in the CS and time in the intertrial interval is
College of Arts and Sciences, Burlington, VT, USA captured by the I/T ratio, where I represents the dura-
tion of the intertrial interval and T represents the dura-
tion of the trial, or CS. Learning rate is thought to be
Synonyms proportional to the value of this ratio; low ratios result
Distributed practice; Spaced practice in slow learning, while high ratios result in more rapid
Definition Other explanations are possible. Perhaps the most
Learning is usually more rapid when consecutive learn- important alternative is based on the influential view
ing trials are distributed in time rather than massed in that associative learning is best when the items that are
time. This phenomenon, known as the ▶ trial-spacing going to be associated (i.e., the CS and US) are surpris-
effect, appears to be ubiquitous. It has been demon- ing when they occur on a learning trial (e.g., Wagner
strated in a number of different species (including 1981). Items are not surprising when they have recently
humans, rats, pigeons, fruit flies, and sea slugs been activated and are therefore already present in
[Hermissenda]) and in a number of associative learning ▶ short-term memory when they occur. With short
tasks (including appetitive and aversive classical con- intervals between successive trials, the CS and US are
ditioning, autoshaping, eyelid conditioning, taste- still in short-term memory on a given trial because of
aversion learning, and categorization). their recent presentation on the preceding trial. This
The trial-spacing effect has been studied particu- makes them less surprising when they are presented
larly extensively in ▶ classical conditioning in animals. again, and less learning therefore results from the cur-
In this method, animals learn to respond to rent trial. When longer intervals intervene between
a conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, that has successive trials, the items are less likely to be in
been repeatedly paired with a biologically significant short-term memory at the start of each new trial
event (an unconditioned stimulus, or US), such as (short-term memory is short term, after all). This
a foot shock or a food pellet. The trial-spacing effect makes the items more surprising on the next trial,
takes the form of more rapid learning when the CS–US and better learning will occur. Thus, the trial-spacing
pairings are widely distributed in time. Another way of effect may be a consequence of the dynamics of mem-
saying this is that each CS–US pairing is relatively more ory between trials. A variety of evidence is consistent
effective at generating learning when there is ample with this view, and the processes just described have
time between trials (the ▶ intertrial interval). been shown to operate and create a trial-spacing effect
in different subjects that otherwise have equivalent I/T T
Theoretical Background ratios (e.g., Sunsay et al. 2004).
There are several explanations of the trial-spacing Nonetheless, trial spacing has also been studied
effect. One recent theory of learning states that with intertrial intervals that are longer than the interval
responding in classical conditioning emerges when over which items are forgotten from short-term mem-
the organism estimates that the rate of presentation of ory. Even here, further increases in the time between
the US is greater in the CS than in the background trials can facilitate learning, suggesting that the account
(Gallistel and Gibbon 2000). Theoretically, subjects given above is not complete. In the case of such
are thought to be sensitive to time both within and extended intertrial intervals, other processes that influ-
between CSs, so that they can compute the rate of ence short-term memory may begin to dominate.
reinforcement (US presentation) in the CS and in the Specifically, the to-be-associated items (CS and US)
background. If the ratio of these rates (CS reinforce- may be associated with stimuli in the background
ment rate/background reinforcement rate) exceeds (so-called ▶ contextual stimuli) whenever they occur.
3346 T Trial-Spacing Effect in Associative Learning

All learning and remembering occurs in a given place described above, adding time to the intertrial interval
or psychological state that can contribute to the ▶ con- will not increase the rate of learning if the time in the
text, and as a consequence of the association between CS is increased by a proportional amount. For example,
the item and the context, the context can become a if the intertrial interval (I) and the CS duration (T)
▶ retrieval cue: The context’s association with the item were both tripled, the I/T ratio would be unchanged,
allows it to activate or retrieve a representation of the and the beneficial effect of adding time between trials
item into short-term memory. Retrieval of the item by would be nullified. This effect, known as ▶ timescale
the context will thus make the item less surprising – invariance, sometimes occurs in classical conditioning,
and therefore also reduce learning. When the intervals although it may be restricted to a certain range of CS
between trials are longer, the subject is exposed to the and intertrial interval durations (Holland 2000). Cur-
context for longer periods of time, and this will increas- rently, no other theories have been designed or
ingly weaken the context–item association through extended to account for the timescale invariance effect.
▶ extinction. Such extinction will reduce the context’s Another open question is the extent to which the
tendency to retrieve the item into short-term memory, trial-spacing effect is relevant to understanding forms
making the item more surprising, and thus yielding of psychopathology that depend on learning. For
better learning with widely spaced trials. The trial- example, the development of anxiety disorders appears
spacing effect is thus due to a subtle interplay between to depend on learning associations between cues and
psychological learning and memory processes that con- emotional trauma, and drug dependence may depend
trol short-term memory (Sunsay and Bouton 2008). on persons learning to associate certain cues and cer-
Relatively little research has rigorously applied the tain behaviors with drugs. Thus, a person might
mechanisms described above to learning tasks in become afraid of an enclosed space because of its asso-
humans, although there is little reason to think they are ciation with a traumatic event in childhood, and a drug
not involved. In humans, there are at least two other user might develop stronger craving and drug-taking
historically popular accounts of the trial-spacing effect. frequency in the presence of stimuli that have been
According to one, long intervals between trials cause associated with drug taking. Are these examples of
forgetting of the items between trials, and this makes associative learning similarly dependent on the spacing
processing the items more difficult on the next trial. of the learning trials? And can the trial-spacing effect be
Effortful processing may lead to better learning. used to engineer efficient new learning, such as the
Although the language here is different from the lan- learning involved in psychotherapy? Clinical psycholo-
guage used above, the idea may not be fundamentally gists have long known the value of exposure therapy, in
different: In both accounts, forgetting between trials which a client with a learned fear of enclosed places, for
yields better learning. Another account emphasizes that example, is exposed to them without consequence so
the contextual stimuli in the background are likely to that fear undergoes extinction. There is preliminary
fluctuate or change as time passes between trials. With evidence that increasing the spacing of exposure ther-
longer intervals between trials, a larger set of these con- apy trials does in fact lead to better retention of thera-
textual stimuli therefore become connected with the peutic learning. But this needs to be further explored.
items that are being learned. This state of affairs increases Finally, although the trial-spacing effect is also gen-
the probability that a test conducted in a new context, or erally consistent with the possibility that distributed
after another interval, will contain contextual stimuli trials allow more time for certain time-dependent
that have been associated with the items, and can thus brain processes to ▶ consolidate learning after each
support retrieval of them. As a consequence, learning trial, there has been relatively little research that specif-
with distributed trials can lead to better long-term reten- ically links the trial-spacing effect to underlying
tion of the learned association. changes in the brain. However, some evidence does
suggest that distributed trials may allow better memory
Important Scientific Research and formation because they allow more protein synthesis to
Open Questions occur, between trials, at the synapses activated by the
There are several open questions about the trial- CS and the US, leading to long-term strengthening of
spacing effect. For one, according to the I/T approach these synapses (Scharf et al. 2002).
Trouble with Transfer: Insights from the Study of Learning T 3347

Cross-References in the future. Without the ability to transfer knowledge

▶ Associative Learning (or ▶ generalize) across related situations and prob-
▶ Computational Models of Classical Conditioning lems, a person would be forced to constantly relearn
▶ Conditioning information even when very small details differed
▶ Pavlovian Conditioning between the original learning context (the ▶ base
▶ Short-Term Memory and Learning domain) and the transfer context (the ▶ target
References Transfer is also an important element in
Gallistel, C. R., & Gibbon, J. (2000). Time, rate, and conditioning.
▶ microgenetic studies, which are central to the psy-
Psychological Review, 107, 289–344.
chology of learning. In microgenetic studies,
Holland, P. C. (2000). Trial and intertrial durations in appetitive
conditioning in rats. Animal Learning & Behavior, 28, 121–135. researchers obtain densely sampled observations that
Scharf, M. T., Woo, N. H., Lattal, K. M., Young, J. Z., Nguyen, P. V., & span the period of learning, and these dense observa-
Abel, T. (2002). Protein synthesis is required for the enhance- tions are intensively analyzed in an attempt to infer the
ment of long-term potentiation and long-term memory by mechanisms that produced the change. Microgenetic
spaced training. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87, 2770–2777.
data provides key information about five dimensions of
Sunsay, C., & Bouton, M. E. (2008). Analysis of a trial-spacing effect
with relatively long intertrial intervals. Learning & Behavior, 36, cognitive change: source, the experiences that set the
104–115. change in motion; path, the sequence of cognitive states
Sunsay, C., Stetson, L., & Bouton, M. E. (2004). Memory priming and leading up to and following competence; rate, the
trial spacing effects in Pavlovian learning. Learning & Behavior, amount of time or trials that elapse before a cognitive
32, 220–229.
change occurs; breadth, how broadly the new cognitive
Wagner, A. R. (1981). SOP: A model of automatic memory processing
state generalizes to new contexts and problems, and
in animal behavior. In N. E. Spear & R. R. Miller (Eds.), Infor-
mation processing in animals: Memory mechanisms (pp. 5–47). variability, individual differences in any of the other
Hillsdale: Erlbaum. four dimensions.

Theoretical Background
Despite the importance of transferring knowledge –
Triggering Conditions whether from domain to domain, from school to
everyday life, or from everyday life to school – sponta-
▶ Learning Action Affordances and Action Schemas neous transfer is notoriously difficult to elicit, with
learners typically generalizing new approaches to
a much narrower set of problems than is optimal.
Learning to solve symbolic math problems, for exam-
Trouble with Transfer: Insights ple, often generalizes fairly weakly to familiar – but
from the Study of Learning formally identical – real-world problems, and the
reverse is equally true: Brazilian street vendors who
CLARISSA A. THOMPSON1, JOHN E. OPFER2 can solve difficult arithmetic problems in their daily T
Department of Psychology, The University of work fail to transfer their solutions to the symbolic
Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA problems they face in school. This “trouble with trans-
Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, fer” does not arise simply because initial learning is
Columbus, OH, USA incomplete or unstable; even in microgenetic studies
of children’s learning, where stability and completeness
of learning is assessed, children very often under-
Synonyms extend novel solutions (Siegler 2006).
Generalization Interest in transfer dates to work by Thorndike
(1922) who posited the somewhat pessimistic conclu-
Definition sion that learning is universally narrow and situation-
Transfer is the ability to retrieve and use previously specific. According to Thorndike’s identical-elements
learned information in order to solve related problems theory of transfer: “Any disturbance whatsoever in the
3348 T Trouble with Transfer: Insights from the Study of Learning

concrete particulars reasoned about will interfere Thorndike’s theory might suggest. Yet the degree of
somewhat with the reasoning, making it less correct, similarity required for transfer has been difficult to
or slower, or both” (Thorndike 1922, p. 36). In establish, partly because the degree of similarity in the
Thorndike’s view, the more overlap in surface-level base and target domains may be defined differently
similarity between the base and target domains, the from one study to the next (see Siegler 2006, for
more likely transfer of learning will occur. Thorndike’s a related criticism). To deal with this problem, Chen
identical-elements theory challenged the prevailing and Klahr (2008) analyzed the conditions under which
school of thought at the turn of the twentieth century: transfer occurred and identified three important
the doctrine of formal discipline. According to the dimensions. These dimensions included task similarity,
doctrine of formal discipline, if individuals successfully which is shared elements across the base and target
studied difficult subjects (like Latin or geometry), the tasks (e.g., shared mathematical operations in calculus
training would ultimately strengthen the mind’s gen- and physics); context similarity, which is the similarity
eral ability for reasoning and problem solving, much of the physical and social contexts in which solutions
like a muscle that could be strengthened through exer- and strategies are acquired and used (e.g., classroom
cise and exertion. Over the next century, these two versus laboratory setting; teacher versus researcher);
views regarding transfer led to a flurry of scientific and time interval, which is duration of time between
investigation, including research on the effects of sim- the learning and transfer tasks (e.g., a time gap of
ilarity and of practice on transfer. minutes versus many years). Using these dimensions,
Chen and Klahr concluded that the degree of transfer is
Important Scientific Research and inversely proportional to the time delay between the
Open Questions learning and transfer problems and proportional to the
Although subsequent work has not revived the doctrine similarity between the learning and transfer contexts.
of formal discipline, studies on the psychology of learn- Thus, when all three dimensions are maximized, the
ing have found several important factors that do pro- elements between the base and transfer tasks will be
mote transfer. Here we review three factors that have truly identical and transfer will be highest, as in
figured prominently in this research: (1) perceptual Thorndike’s theory. Unlike Thorndike’s theory, how-
similarity of the base and target domains, (2) relational ever, Chen and Klahr’s analysis predict transfer when
similarity of the base and target domains, and (3) prac- elements are similar but not identical.
tice with the target domain. Relational similarity of the base and target domains.
Perceptual similarity of the base and target domains. Even with no identical elements between the base and
Across many species and domains, learning transfers target domains, transfer can also occur because learners
most robustly to perceptually similar situations. This observe the base and target domains to be analogous.
finding might be best illustrated by Pavlov’s experi- That is, learners map elements from the base domain to
ments examining classical conditioning in dogs. In different elements in the target domain because the
these experiments, dogs were presented with nonidentical elements share similar relations. A good
a clicking metronome immediately prior to being example of this analogical transfer would be Bohr’s
given meat powder; after many such presentations, analogy from the structure of the solar system to the
the dogs learned that the metronome predicted the structure of the atom (sun:planets::nucleus:electrons),
arrival of meat powder, and the dogs salivated as soon where none of the elements (e.g., sun, planets, nucleus,
as they heard the metronome itself. Critically, the dogs electrons) are perceptually similar, let alone identical.
also transferred their learning to similar situations. For Analogical transfer can be quite remarkable for the
example, when dogs learned to anticipate meat powder robustness and breadth of learning obtained. In Gick
from the sound of one pitch, transfer was very great for and Holyoak’s (1980) study of analogical reasoning, for
a highly similar pitch, but it decayed exponentially with example, college students learned about a general and
less similar pitches. his troops attempting to capture an enemy fortress. The
Findings from classical conditioning suggest that key lesson was that the general could not allow all his
transfer occurs more broadly than just when elements troops to descend on the fortress through one road
between the base and target domains are identical, as because the troops would detonate hidden mines, so
Trouble with Transfer: Insights from the Study of Learning T 3349

he ordered them to converge on the fortress through 86% of such problems were solved; however, if partic-
multiple roads. After this vignette about the general, ipants were given a pretest to determine their knowl-
students were challenged to solve a problem in which edge of the original functions of the familiar objects,
a doctor wanted to eliminate a patient’s stomach tumor the rate of problem solving dropped to 58%. Duncker’s
through the use of radiation. Like the general, the explanation was that previous experience with the
doctor faced the dilemma that the radiation that was objects induced a ▶ functional fixedness that inhibited
strong enough to destroy the tumor would inevitably participants’ novel solutions.
destroy surrounding healthy tissue. Gick and Holyoak Just as previous experience with objects can induce
found that when participants were given a hint to functional fixedness in students, microgenetic studies –
compare the military and medical problems, solving which often repeatedly test the same participant over
the medical problem was much easier for the college many trials, sessions, or days – can induce a conceptual
students. In this case, mapping of nonidentical, sur- fixedness that inhibits transfer (Opfer and Thompson
face-level features of the problems (i.e., convergence on 2008). Thus, when children have practice on a task
fortress versus tumor) allowed participants to general- without any feedback (e.g., when they complete
ize from their initial learning. a pretest on a transfer task), children must use some
Microgenetic studies of learning in children have mental ▶ representation to complete that task, and the
found similar benefits of learning by analogy. For more they use that mental representation, the greater
example, children often believe that 1,500 is closer in the strength of the representation, and the more likely
size to 10,000 than to 0, yet they typically understand children will continue using the representation in the
that 15 cherries is closer in size to 0 cherries than to future. Under circumstances in which the representa-
100 cherries. To prompt children to analogize between tion used on the task is appropriate, pretests can facil-
15 cherries and 1,500, Thompson and Opfer (2010) itate transfer. However, when representations are
gave children two types of number lines (0 cherries – inappropriate, practice on a pretest makes imperfect
100 cherries and 0–10,000), and they colored the last because practice merely strengthens the inappropriate
two zeros of 1,500 and 10,000 red (like the cherries). In representation used on the transfer task and thereby
this case, the combination of the coloring and align- blocks transfer of the more optimal representation
ment served as a hint to children (as in Gick learned during training. An important implication of
and Holyoak’s study), and it prompted children to this finding is that one “trouble with transfer” is at least
note similarities between placement of 15 cherries on partly an experimental artifact of studies that ask par-
the 0–100 number line and placement of 1,500 on ticipants to complete a pretest on the transfer task. It
the 0–10,000 number line. By noting these similar also helps to explain why school lessons sometimes fail
relations (15:100::1,500:10,000), children spontane- to transfer to children’s problem solving on real-world
ously transferred their knowledge about the placement tasks in which children have prior experience.
of all the numbers from 0 to 100 to the corresponding In this entry, we reviewed evidence from the psy-
numbers that were orders of magnitude higher. chology of learning for three types of factors – percep-
Practice with the target domain. Another factor con- tual similarity between the base and target domains, T
tributing to transfer (in this case, inhibiting transfer) is relational similarity between the base and target
the amount of practice that students have with the domains, and previous practice with the target
target domain. The ▶ mental set literature, for exam- domain – that affect transfer of learning. In fact, the
ple, provides insight on difficulties participants face number of factors is likely to be much larger than these
when attempting to solve problems on which they three, and an open question for future research is to
have received previous practice. For example, Duncker examine the impact of other factors on transfer, such
tested whether participants could apply novel func- as where attention is directed during learning, the
tions to various familiar objects (e.g., a matchbox, stability and organization of initial learning, and
tacks, and candles). In this study, to solve the problem insufficient prior knowledge in the base domain. Any
of placing three small candles on a door at eye-level, of these factors might affect how similar tasks seem to
participants had to conceive of a novel function for the children and might also give them further troubles
matchbox (i.e., to serve as a platform). Normally, about with transfer.
3350 T Trust into e-Learning

Cross-References is involved as a central element in all human interac-

▶ Analogy/Analogies: Structure and Process tions allowing to cope with uncertainty and risks.
▶ Analogy-Based Learning In the context of learning, its role is becoming as
▶ Generalization (Versus Discrimination) in Learning relevant as the huge increase of:
▶ Learning (How) to Learn
1. Online available resources, according to the Web
▶ Microgenetic Analysis of Learning
2.0 philosophy that promote user-generated
▶ Representation Changes in Learning
▶ Thorndike, Edward L. (1874–1949)
2. Social networks–based learning, that includes terms
▶ Transfer of Learning
as collaborative learning, associated collaborative
communities, learning communities, working groups,
References and many others
Chen, Z., & Klahr, D. (2008). Remote transfer of scientific reasoning
Trust indeed can be effectively used both
and problem-solving strategies in children. In R. Kail (Ed.),
Advances in child development and behavior (36, pp. 419–470).
when choosing learning contents from different
Amsterdam: Elsevier. providers, in order to download high-quality resources
Gick, M. L., & Holyoak, K. J. (1980). Analogical problem solving. (recommender systems), as well as when joining to
Cognitive Psychology, 12, 306–355. groups for collaborative learning purposes, allowing
Opfer, J. E., & Thompson, C. A. (2008). The trouble with transfer: to xploit others’ experiences to select most rated people
Insights from microgenetic changes in the representation of
to study or collaborate with (▶ reputation systems).
numerical magnitude. Child Development, 79, 790–806.
Siegler, R. S. (2006). Microgenetic analyses of learning. In W. Damon
& R. M. Lerner (Series Eds.) & D. Kuhn & R. S. Siegler (Vol. Eds.),
Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 2: Cognition, perception, and Theoretical Background
language (6th ed., pp. 464–510). Hoboken: Wiley. The word “trust” assumed several meanings over time
Thompson, C. A., & Opfer, J. E. (2010). How 15 hundred is like
and across different disciplines. Several scientific works
15 cherries: Effect of progressive alignment on representational
changes in numerical cognition. Child Development, 81, 1768–
attempted to define trust and its applications,
1786. discussing about the general meaning of trust in soci-
Thorndike, E. L. (1922). The effect of changed data upon reasoning. ology, psychology, economics, and politics, providing
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 5, 33–38. a set of attributes that should characterize trust as
competence, predictability, reliability, honesty, and
many others.
The frequently cited work by Marsh (Marsh 1994) is
focused on trust in computer science, and its main
Trust into e-Learning contributions are (1) one of the first analytical formu-
lation of trust relationship between two people (or
ALESSANDRO LONGHEU, VINCENZA CARCHIOLO, MICHELE agents); (2) the inclusion of human factors as the
MALGERI, GIUSEPPE MANGIONI reciprocity (if x trusts y then y could trust x somehow),
Department of Electric, Electronic and Informatics transitivity of trust and distrust, and legal issues in real
Engineering (DIEEI), University of Catania, Catania, life interactions; and (3) how people can leverage trust,
Italy balancing the need of cooperation with the risk that
such interaction implies.
The recent survey of trust in computer science and
Synonyms semantic web by Artz and Gil (Artz 2007) recalls the
Collaborative learning; Recommendation systems; three most frequently adopted notions of trust, which
Reputation; Social networks can be intended as a measure of:

Definition 1. How good the future behavior of a given agent will

Trust is generally defined as the assured reliance on be based on his past actions, thus leading to the
a specific feature (e.g., the ability) of someone, and it reputation-based trust
Trust into e-Learning T 3351

2. How much expert (hence, reliable) is a given agent users provide different trusts about the same person
in a specific context, introducing trust as and we want to compute a unique trust to assign him.
competence The use of negative values for trust leads to the term
3. How much an agent will act dependably in distrust, sometimes adopted to leverage negative users’
performing a specific action within a specific period experiences; it has been observed however that in real
world, people rarely provide explicit distrust; rather
The words user or person is frequently used instead
they prefer to not express any opinion at all, so distrust
of the word agent since trust is being used more and
has not received the same interest as trust among
more within social networks and services to achieve
safety in virtual interactions among people.
Finally, the last aspect that characterizes trust is
Apart from these definitions, several factors con-
whether a user is assigned with a single trust value in
tribute to outline a metric for trust, and consequently
the whole network he belongs to (i.e., trust is global) or
lead to different approaches to its evaluation.
different values can be assigned to the same user by
A first question is whether trust is expressed as
different persons (i.e., trust is local or personalized).
a simple (scalar) value or as a set of values (i.e.,
The former case is computationally feasible since trust
a vector); this can be reformulated as the question: “Is
is evaluated just once for all users, conversely the local
trust absolute or can different kinds of trusts be defined,
approach is considered the most precise and tailored
according to some property, thus leading to a set of
to the point of view of each user, and also more attack-
values?” Different properties can affect the definition of
resistant to malicious peers (i.e., persons or agents
trust, for instance the context where trust is actually
that try to subvert trust values within a given trust
used, so we could assign a high trust value to
network), although trust evaluation must be
a computer scientist within the context “computer
performed for any user.
programming” and a low trust value to the same sci-
Most researchers implicitly assume that a single,
entist within the “financial services” context. Most
global value of trust for each user exists, but others
researches however intend trust as absolute (unique
claim that local values are necessary since a shared
value), hence context or other properties generally
opinion could be impossible to achieve, as it occurs
lead to different terms (e.g., a context-based rank is
for instance in the case of a controversial user, i.e.,
known as expertise).
someone trusted by many users and distrusted by
Another issue is the range of values used to express
many others; hence, the personalized approach is gen-
trust; usually the [0, 1] range is adopted, where the
erally preferred, especially in recommender systems.
0 models the indifference due either to the absence of
information (no trust can be given) or to the same
amount of positive and negative judgments (some- Important Scientific Research and
times, these situations are treated separately). The Open Questions
range is chosen to normalize trust values. Trust recently gained an increasing attention thanks to
Sometimes a set of discrete values (eventually its role within virtual social networks, consequently
within the range [0, 1]) are used for trust, especially affecting the e-learning which is more and more T
when such values represent some specific quality or exploiting social networking to facilitate the sharing
property the trust is based on, for instance the of learning materials, knowledge, and users
Advogato data set ( is an experiences.
online community dedicated to free software develop- In such a scenario, a first question is that a massive
ment where three different levels of certification in user-generated content is now available on the Internet,
programming ability (Apprentice, Journeyer, and Mas- shifting the question from the lack of learning materials
ter) are defined, thus leading to three numerical values. to the difficulty of selecting high-quality contents
Continuous ranges are however mostly adopted, both among hundreds of shared resources; trust is then
to provide a fine-grained value range and to avoid the used to select the “best” learning material as the one
rescaling of values whenever two or more trust values recommended by “trusted” users, as it is adopted in
must be somehow joined together, e.g., when many e-commerce and review sites like eBay or Epinions.
3352 T Trust into e-Learning

Similarly, the process of learning is increasingly cited above allow to leverage trust into e-learning
accomplished via collaborative tools and activities like activities; some specific consideration can though be
Weblogs, wikis, social networks, and communities added. In particular, (Fisler and Firestone 2006) high-
through which learners exchange knowledge, skills, lights the positive role of trust in supporting the idea of
competences (Na Li et al. 2010), hence trust is useful collective responsibility for student success, i.e., learn-
to select most rated peers or groups to study or collab- ing is a common goal for which all teachers are respon-
orate with, for instance, by exploiting others’ experi- sible, and trust among them helps to enforce this idea.
ences as it occurs in reputation systems. Trust among students however usually is considered
The research on trust can be outlined into three the most relevant in several works. In (Chih-Wei and
major areas: (1) policy-based trust, (2) reputation- Gwo-Dong 2007), the use of a trust management sys-
based trust, and (3) trust on the (semantic) web. tem is proposed to students in a computer-supported
Works in the first area are quite old (started in cooperative learning (CSCL) environment; the work
1993), and concern with trust as a consequences of shows how collaboration performances increase with
hard evidences like certificates, used to implement pol- the presence of trust.
icies. This approach requires a well-defined network A more extensive analysis (Gerdes 2010) about
infrastructure, e.g., the use of Kerberos protocol to preconditions for trust (including ethics and philoso-
exchange credentials. phy) in CSCL confirms that trustful interactions in
The second research area endorses the idea of using virtual teams play a central role, but also point out
users’ past interactions (reputation) to assess trust, and the fact that trust in virtual environment suffers from
it is frequently adopted in recommendation systems, the lack of bodily presence of both counterparts, and
peer-to-peer networks, and social networks. also from the lack of personal long-term behavior sta-
Many proposals for trust evaluations have been bility, i.e., a person is unlikely to achieve a stable idea
formulated in this context; the first work is the about its performances over time within a virtual envi-
Eigentrust algorithm by Garcia-Molina in 2003, ronment (for instance, he/she can decide at any time to
followed by Peertrust (2003), Powertrust (2007), and leave the social network). These factors limit the phil-
Gossiptrust (2008); authors of each algorithm use dif- osophical idea of trust as self-surrender, but an effective
ferent criteria to evaluate trust, and also focus on its evaluation of trust is possible thanks to social networks,
performance, scalability, and robustness to malicious discussion boards and chat rooms, where trust can be
attacks. built upon social cues likes the attitude to positive
The third research area deals with the need to estab- interactions, the kindness, or an helpful behavior, in
lish the reliability of web resources (known as informa- turn exploiting online reputation systems; in a few
tion quality) and sites (provenance); by leveraging trust words, trust is a tool to incentivize users mutual
to achieve these goals, agents in the Semantic Web will cooperation.
make decisions autonomously, thus providing users In summary, the shared opinion is that trust plays
with the best information available. Well-known an important role in learning activities, for teachers,
works in this area include the PageRank algorithm, students, and resources management; however,
whose original goal was to rate web pages using hyper- a unified approach to its evaluation seems still missing,
links and, as their authors wrote, “. . .can help the user also due to its multidisciplinary nature. Some open
to decide if a site is trustworthy or not,” so it can be questions are currently discussed in research commu-
used as a trust metric. A more recent work is nity, in particular:
TrustWebRank (2009), that proposes a mechanism for
1. Who the trustee and trustor are (user-user, user-
personalized (i.e., local approach) and dynamic trust
resource, user-website, user-network. . .), and what
evaluation in social networks, and it addresses specifi-
consequences this will have on trust definition and
cally the question of network evolution over time,
analyzing what happens when nodes leave the network
2. More and more large and complex networks (social
or new nodes join (hence the adjective “dynamic”).
networks, CSCL environments with tens or hun-
Trust in e-learning involves both “reputation-based
dreds of thousands nodes) aim at embodying the
trust” and “trust on the web” research areas, so results
Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies T 3353

concept of trust to effectively accomplish their pur-

poses, so trust evaluation approaches have to take Twenty-First-Century
into account critical factors as the performance, the Competencies
scalability, and the dynamic evolution of networks.
▶ 21st-Century Skills and Competencies
▶ Community of Learners
▶ Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
▶ Cooperative Learning
▶ e-Learning and Digital Learning
Twenty-First-Century Learning
▶ Network Communities ▶ 21st-Century Skills and Competencies
▶ Social Interactions and Learning

Artz, D., & Gil, Y. (2007). A survey of trust in computer science and
the Semantic Web. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on Twenty-First-Century Skills
the World Wide Web. 5(2), 58–71.
j.websem.2007.03.002 ▶ Learning in Information-Rich Environments
Chih-Wei, C., & Gwo-Dong, C. (2007). A methodology to facilitate
inter-trust in computer supported collaborative learning. IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(pp. 71–73). Seventh IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 18–20, 2007.
Fisler, J., & Firestone, W., (2006). Teacher learning in a school- Twentyfirst Century Skills and
university partnership: Exploring the role of social trust and Competencies
teaching efficacy beliefs. Teachers College Record 108(6), 1155–
Gerdes, A., (2010). Revealing preconditions for trustful collaboration 1
21st Century Learning LLC, Boston, MA, USA
in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collabo- 2
rative Learning, 5(3), 345–353. ISSN 1556–1607, New York: 21st-Century Learning Consultant, Palo Alto,
Springer. CA, USA
Li, N., El Helou, S., & Gillet, D., (2010). Trust-based rating prediction
for recommendation in web 2.0 collaborative learning social
software. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Synonyms
Cappadocia, Turkey, April 29 – May 01, 2010 (pp 197–201). Twenty-first-century competencies; Twenty-first-
Piscataway: IEEE Press. century learning
Marsh, S. P., (1994). Formalising trust as a computational concept.
PhD thesis, University of Stirling.
Definition T
Twenty-first-century learning, or the twenty-first-
century Skills Movement as it is commonly known
(Trilling and Fadel 2009), refers to a global movement
Try-Step Abuse Model to redefine education goals and transform learning
practice in response to the question, “What do students
▶ Guessing Model need to learn for life in our times?” – A world that is
rapidly evolving from the industrial to the knowledge
and innovation era.
Since this is a global topic, taxonomy matters sig-
Tutoring nificantly: the word “skill” may appear as “competen-
cies” in some languages. In others, such as English,
▶ Coaching and Mentoring some users draw the definition as the formula
3354 T Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies

“Knowledge + Skills = Competencies.” In French, there Important Scientific Research and

is the progression from “savoir” (knowledge) to Open Questions
“savoir-faire” (literally know-how; skill) to “compe-
tences” (competencies). “Knowledge” here refers to Twenty-First-Century Educational
how people store their experiences within their minds Goals
as cognitive structures, and “skill” is defined as dexter- Arising from a number of initiatives to define the
ity in relation to the execution of a mental or physical critical knowledge, skills and competencies needed
task performance. “Competency” is then a measure of by our increasingly information driven and technolog-
task performance, indicated by graduated scales such as ically powered societies (Trilling and Fadel 2009;
“novice” to “competent” to “expert” performance. US Department of Labor 1992; European Union
Lisbon Council on Skills and Human Capital 2010),
Theoretical Background 21st learning proponents advocate an expanded set of
Though there are timeless similarities, what constitutes educational goals, as in the Partnership for twenty-
a well-educated person in a nineteenth-century agrar- first-Century Skills (P21) learning framework (P21
ian society differs dramatically from the competencies 2010) as depicted in Fig. 1.
of a well-educated twenty-first-century citizen. Global- In this model, the “rainbow” above represents the
ization is imposing significant pressures on businesses goals, standards, or intended outcomes of learning for
to remain competitive, and societal woes (environmen- 21st students, and the concentric circles below indicate
tal, financial, etc.) drive the demand for better- the learning–support systems that enable the goals.
equipped citizenry. The learning goals include traditional core subject
The movement from agrarian, to industrial, to knowledge areas, such as math, science, language,
knowledge and innovation economies requires the use etc.; interdisciplinary and contemporary thematic con-
of concrete, abstract, and creative thought processes. tent, such as environmental, health, financial, and civic
This in turns implies teaching not only knowledge, but literacy; and three sets of essential skills, representing
also its application, via a range of skills such as imag- the application of content knowledge (see Table 1).
ination and creativity, communication and collabora- A number of frameworks exist, and Table 2 com-
tion, etc. pares the most prominent. There is a significant

Learning and
Innovation Skills

Core Subjects and

21st Century Themes Information,
Life and Media, and
Career Skills Technology

Standards and

Curriculum and Instruction

Professional Development

Learning Environments

Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies. Fig. 1 P21 framework for twenty-first-century learning
Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies T 3355

Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies. Table 1 P21 skills

Learning and innovation – the 4 Cs Digital literacy Career and life
Critical thinking and problem solving Information literacy Flexibility and adaptability
Communications Media literacy Initiative and self-direction
Collaboration ICT literacy Social and cross-cultural interaction
Creativity and innovation Productivity and accountability
Leadership and responsibility

Twentyfirst Century Skills and Competencies. Table 2 Comparison of the various global frameworks

Partnership for twenty-first-century Commission ISTE ETS OECD
Skills skills (P21) (Lisbon) ATC21S NETS iSkills PISA NAEP
Creativity and X X X X
Critical thinking X X X X
Problem solving X X X X X X X
Decision making X (part of problem solving) X X
Communication X X X X X
Collaboration X X X X
Information literacy X X X X X
Research and (part of curriculum and instruction X X
inquiry guidelines – not a standard)
Media literacy X
Digital citizenship X (part of information literacy; in synch X
ICT operations and X (part of information literacy; in synch X X X X
concepts with ISTE NETS)
Flexibility and X X X T
Initiative and self- X X
Productivity X
Leadership and X X
Integrated with X (base of construct: knowledge AND X X
school subjects skills)
Learning to learn; X (instruction-level implementation) X
“X” indicates that the skill is included in the identified framework
3356 T Two-Choice Reaction Time Task

consensus between them, particularly as it comes to ● Scarcity of solid guiding materials for Project
the 4 Cs: Critical thinking, Communication, Collabo- Learning, including database of effective projects
ration, Creativity (in italics in the table below). and practices
● Insufficient teacher training on classroom project
design and management
Twenty-First-Century Learning ● Readiness and science of formative assessments
that measure 21st skills. This is being addressed by
Equally important to 21st learning is the application of as well as other organizations.
learning science research and principles to education
methods and the design of learning activities, projects,
assessments, and environments. Principles of effective
▶ Assessment of Learning
learning important to 21st education practitioners
▶ Collaborative Learning and Critical Thinking
include (Bransford et al. 1999):
▶ Critical Thinking and Learning
● Authentic learning – learning from real-world ▶ Cross-Disciplinary Learning
problems and questions ▶ Literacy and Learning
● Mental model building – using physical and virtual ▶ Measurement of Creativity
models to refine understanding ▶ Multimodal Learning Through Media
● Internal motivation – identifying and employing ▶ Problem-Based Learning
positive emotional connections in learning
● Multimodal learning – applying multiple learning References
methods for diverse learning styles Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (1999). How
people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school (expanded ed.).
● Social learning – using the power of social interac-
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
tion to improve learning impact European Union Lisbon Council on Skills and Human Capital. (2010,
June 18). Skills and Human Capital. Retrieved April 18, 2011,
A particularly effective learning method that incorpo-
rates these principles is “Project Learning”: inquiry – and html
design-based, collaborative learning projects (Markham Markham, T., Larmer, J., & Ravitz, J. (2003). Project based learning
et al. 2003). Students in well-designed and managed handbook: A guide to standards-focused project based learning for
learning projects often produce artifacts (reports, models, middle and high school teachers. Novato: Buck Institute of
simulations, presentations, inventions, videos, etc.) that Education.
P21 (2010, June 18). Framework for 21st century learning. Retrieved
can be evaluated for both content understanding and skill
April 18, 2011, from
proficiency, and can demonstrate increasing competency content&task=view&id=254 &Itemid=119
when included in an ongoing project portfolio. Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in
Assessments, for their part, need to evolve as well, our times. San Francisco: Wiley/Jossey-Bass.
and there is a sustained call for US Department of Labor, Secretary’s Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skills (SCANS). (1992). Learning a living: A blueprint
● Better summative assessments: authentic, problem- for high performance. Washington, DC: US Department of Labor.
based, not simplistic multiple choice, and assessing
multiple dimensions of the learner
● Many more formative assessments: real-time,
across the instructional cycle, performance-based, Two-Choice Reaction Time Task
and assessing multiple dimensions across all skills
▶ Choice Reaction Time and Learning
and understandings

Open Questions
● Resistance to change of highly interlocked educa- Two-Factor Theory
tional systems - standards, assessments, curriculum
and instruction, professional development, and The idea that there are two basic learning processes:
learning environments emotional conditioning, produced by the Pavlovian
Typicality Effect on Learning T 3357

pairing of conditioned stimuli (CSs) with uncondi- Definition

tioned stimuli (USs), and instrumental conditioning, A category is a class of items, grouped together for
produced by the stamping in of Thorndikian stimulus- some purpose. Some category members are better
response (S-R) associations by drive reduction (as in examples of a category than others. For example,
drive-reduction theory). Two-factor theory, articulated most people would agree that a blue jay is a better
by Mowrer in 1947, was a reaction to monistic theories example of a bird than a penguin. Not because we have
of learning that either suggested that all learning was due a preference for blue jays over penguins, but because
to Pavlovian conditioning or that all learning was due to of the typicality of each bird. A typical category mem-
the law of effect. Two-factor theory proposed that nei- ber has properties that are true across most if not all
ther form of learning is reducible to the other. The two members of the category. An atypical category mem-
forms of learning can, however, interact. For example, ber has fewer properties shared with other category
suppose that a subject (either a human or a nonhuman members as well as properties that tend to occur in
animal) learns to fear a CS via Pavlovian pairings of the items from other categories. When learning about
CS with an aversive US. If the subject is subsequently a category, the typicality of the items encountered
allowed to perform a response that terminates the CS, has an impact on what knowledge is acquired about
two-factor theory predicts that the response should be the category as well as how easily the category is
reinforced, because fear is assumed to be a drive, and the learned. The typicality effect on learning is that typical
reduction in fear produced by the CS termination is items are learned earlier than atypical items – they
therefore assumed to be reinforcing. These predictions provide more information about properties that are
were confirmed by the results of acquired-drive experi- common across most category members and they
ments and form the basis for one of the most influential have more category typical properties. Imagine trying
explanations for avoidance learning. to learn what a bird is by only seeing penguins and
ostriches. It would be very difficult to develop an accu-
References rate prototype, or best category member, because most
Mowrer, O. H. (1947). On the dual nature of learning-a reinterpre- of these examples’ properties are atypical (e.g., pen-
tation of conditioning and problem solving. Harvard Educa- guins and ostriches cannot fly).
tional Review, 17, 102–148.

Theoretical Background
There are several current theories of how categories are
represented, most of which can account for typicality
Two-Process Models effects in learning, but the prototype view provides the
simplest explanation. According to the prototype view,
▶ Dual-Process Models of Information Processing the category’s prototype is a summary representation
of the category’s typical features, which is learned
through experience with category members. This view
captures the idea that the members of a category are T
Typicality Effect on Learning similar to one another and share many features, but not
all members must have all of the category features.
ERIN JONES HIGGINS1, BRIAN H. ROSS2 Category membership is determined by comparing an
Psychology Department, University of Illinois, item to the prototype. If the item shares more features
Champaign, IL, USA with the category’s prototype than with other catego-
Psychology Department, University of Illinois at ries’ prototypes, then it is a member of the category.
Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA Some items are better (i.e., more typical) category
members than others, but how is typicality deter-
mined? Typicality is measured as an item’s family
Synonyms resemblance compared to other category members
Family resemblance; Graded category structure; Proto- (Rosch and Mervis 1975). If one looks at
type effects a photograph of an extended family, including a few
3358 T Typicality Effect on Learning

generations, one will see that the family members share Important Scientific Research and
a number of features, with some members having more Open Questions
of the family features than others. Rosch and Mervis Given that typical items are learned and accessed faster,
defined family resemblance as the extent to which an what are the implications for how one might better
item overlaps with the category’s prototype and does learn categories? Researchers have shown that the
not overlap with other categories’ prototypes. They types of examples encountered during learning affect
demonstrated that most natural categories have how well a category is learned. Mervis and Pani (1980)
a family resemblance structure by showing that items demonstrated that both children and adults will
possessing more features typical of their respective acquire a category faster and generalize what they
categories were more likely to be rated as typical than learn to novel items more accurately if they learn with
those items possessing fewer typical features. Addition- typical examples than if they learn with only atypical
ally, items possessing more features typical of other examples. This is because typical items have the most in
categories were rated as less typical than items with common with other members of the same category and
fewer features typical of other categories. To eliminate very little in common with members of other catego-
potential confounds in the interpretations of these ries. Atypical items, on the other hand, have some
correlations, these effects were also replicated with arti- similarity to items in other categories, which makes it
ficial categories – items were rated as more typical if more difficult to learn to categorize them and figure
they possessed more category typical features than out what features and feature values are prototypical
other items and if they overlapped less with members and relevant for category membership. For instance, it
of another category (Rosch and Mervis 1975). is easier to figure out what mammals are like by
The typicality of an item affects both learning and encountering dogs and cats rather than whales and
use. If a learner is presented with a variety of different dolphins.
items during learning of multiple categories, he or she The order in which the examples are encountered
will learn to accurately classify the typical examples affects how well a category is learned. Learners will
before learning the atypical examples (Rosch and acquire more knowledge about a category, as measured
Mervis 1975). Once a category is learned, typical by item-by-item typicality ratings and classification
items are classified faster than atypical items (e.g., accuracy on a final test, if they are shown the typical,
Rips et al. 1973). It is easier for learners to see how or best example, items at the beginning of learning
typical examples relate to each other and the summary followed by more atypical items (Elio and Anderson
representation (because they have many of the same 1984). This is compared to a random ordering of items
features) than it is to see how atypical examples relate or atypical items followed by typical ones. One expla-
to other typical or atypical examples, thus making it nation for this effect is that the learner will generate
easier to learn and classify the typical examples. hypotheses based on the initial items encountered and
Children are also affected by an item’s typicality will use the remainder of the items to test and refine the
during learning. Children learn to classify typical cate- hypotheses. If typical items are shown first, then those
gory members before they learn to classify atypical features common to most category members will be
category members, even when provided with the entire encountered more often at the beginning of learning,
set of category members in a random order (Mervis thus allowing learners to generate the appropriate
and Pani 1980). Additionally, Meints et al. (1999) hypotheses.
showed that the age of acquisition is lower for typical Even though it is helpful to see typical items before
compared to atypical examples. In their study, 12- atypical items, the benefits of learning are not just due
month-old infants identified typical but not atypical to seeing good items earlier. Interestingly, if the best
targets as members of a familiar, named category, item, the prototype, is presented a few times before
where identification was measured as the difference in seeing other category items, then category learning is
looking time between the target and the distracter (i.e., slowed. Performance is worse than just seeing typical
longer looking times to the target than to the items first, but also even worse compared to seeing
distracter). atypical items first or a random order of items
Typicality Effect on Learning T 3359

(Elio and Anderson 1984). Learning about the category category might influence the typicality of items and
involves not just the most common features, but also typicality effects in learning. A final question is the
learning about the variability of the features. In this degree to which these effects might be used to improve
prototype-repetition-first case, learners are not able to learning in real-world education situations.
learn the probability of each feature occurring across all
members, making it difficult to generalize to less typical Cross-References
items. ▶ Categorical Learning
There are ways of improving learning that take ▶ Categorical Representation
advantage of the typicality of items, but do people ▶ Concept Formation: Characteristics and Functions
know and use this advantage? There is some evidence ▶ Conceptual Clustering
that people understand the effect typicality has on ▶ Schema(s)
learning and can effectively choose which examples
should be studied next. Avrahami et al. (1997) used References
a teaching-by-examples paradigm, where participants Avrahami, J., Kareev, Y., Bogot, Y., Caspi, R., Dunaevsky, S., & Lerner,
learn about two categories and then teach the catego- S. (1997). Teaching by examples: Implications for the process of
category acquisition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psy-
ries to someone else. They found that the most com-
chology, 50A, 586–606.
mon teaching sequence participants employed, across
Elio, R., & Anderson, J. R. (1984). The effects of information order
a variety of situations, consisted of typical examples and learning mode on schema abstraction. Memory & Cognition,
followed by atypical examples. 12, 20–30.
There are many open questions that still need to be Meints, K., Plunkett, K., & Harris, P. L. (1999). When does an ostrich
considered. One question is whether the typicality become a bird: The role of prototypes in early word comprehen-
sion. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1072–1078.
effect on learning depends on the variation of instances
Mervis, C. B., & Pani, J. R. (1980). Acquisition of basic object cate-
within a category as well as the similarities and differ- gories. Cognitive Psychology, 12, 496–522.
ences between that category and the categories neces- Rips, L. J., Shoben, E. J., & Smith, E. E. (1973). Semantic distance and
sary to distinguish it from. A second is whether these the verification of semantic relations. Journal of Verbal Learning
different orders for learning categories influence the and Verbal Behavior, 12, 1–20.
Rosch, E., & Mervis, B. (1975). Family resemblances: Studies in the
category representation. A third question is how one’s
internal structure of categories. Cognitive Psychology, 7, 573–605.
background knowledge and prior experiences with the

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