5 e Barangay Rephrase

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Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

ISSN: 2581-8651
Vol-1, Issue-2, Mar – Apr 2019

Towards Digitization through e-Barangay “A Web-based

Barangay Information System”
Bren Castro Bondoc, MSIT
Faculty Member, College of Information and Communications Technology, Nueva Ecija University of Science and
Atate Campus, Philippines

Abstract— The purpose of this paper is to develop a Web- In view of this observation, the researcher was prompted to
based Barangay Information System named “e-Barangay” develop a system that would help barangay Mangga to
for barangay Mangga, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. The reinvent their way of handling transactions and streamline
researcher employed the developmental method of research administrative processes. Thus, the study “Towards
in the design and development a Web-based Barangay Digitization through e-Barangay – A web-based Barangay
Information System. The e-Barangay was developed using Information System” was formulated with the following
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology and objectives:
assessed by IT experts, and local officials of barangay 1. Development of Web-based Barangay Information
Mangga. The level of acceptance of the developed system System using System Development Life Cycle
was evaluated based on international standard for the (SDLC) methodology with the following stages:
evaluation of software also known as the ISO 9126. The
1. Planning
system adhere to the standard set by ISO 9126 and garnered
a mean rating of 4.24 from IT expertss which translates as 2. Designing
“excellent”. Also, a mean rating of 4.23 which translates to 3. Coding
“excellent” was gathered from the responses of the local
4. Testing
officials from barangay Communal. The e-Barangay was
deemed acceptable since respondents were pleased with the 5. Deployment
system's features and felt that it was functional and easy to 2. Assessment of IT professionals on the developed
use. The system would be beneficial to barangay Mangga in system based on criteria set by ISO 9126:
streamlining their administrative processes and managing
1. Functionality
document request. Also, by implementing the e-Barangay
system, it can serve as a database for local statistics of the 2. Reliability
barangay. 3. Usability
Keywords— e-Barangay, SDLC, ISO. 4. Efficiency
5. Maintainability
I. INTRODUCTION 6. Portability
In the Philippines, a barangay is the country's smallest 3. Assessment of LGU of barangay Mangga on the
administrative entity. It is here that community projects and developed system based on criteria set by ISO
endeavors are planned, initiated, and implemented [1]. 9126:
Also, the barangay processes requests of documents such as 1. Functionality
Cedula, Indigency Form, Business Permit, and other related
documents needed by its residents. Moreover, it manages 2. Usability
the filing of complaints and monitoring of local statistics.
However, due to manual processing of transactions, the II. METHODOLOGY
quality of services declines as manual handling of
The study employed a developmental method of research.
transactions takes more time, is prone to human error, and
The developmental method of research was used in the
is less secure in terms of keeping records. For these reasons,
systematic putting into the design, and development of the
boosting government transactions and public service
system to meet certain criteria [3]. The study involves
delivery through digitization is critical, as contemporary
development and assessment of the e-Barangay. The system
technology brings up new options for barangays to better
was developed using the System Development Life Cycle
serve their residents [2].

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Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)
ISSN: 2581-8651
Vol-1, Issue-2, Mar – Apr 2019
methodology as a paradigm. The consecutive steps are a
unique aspect of this paradigm. It proceeds down the
planning, design, coding, testing, and maintenance phases.

Fig.2. ISO 9126 Standard

The items in the assessment forms were answered using a

five-point scale. The quality characteristics of the e-
Barangay based on ISO 9126 standards were assessed using
the rubric shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Rubric in the Assessment of the e-Barangay
Fig.1. Development Framework
Numerical Qualitative Description
Rating Rating
The respondents of the study were five (5) IT experts, and 5
4.20-5.00 Excellent The e-Barangay meets
local officials of barangay Mangga. The IT experts assessed
ALL the quality
the technical characteristics of the e-Barangay based on the
standards of the criterion.
ISO 9126 quality standards, while the local officials
assessed its functions and usability. The IT expertss were No modification is
selected based on their educational attainment and length of required / recommended.
service in their profession. 3.40- 4.19 Very Good The e-Barangay meets
Two sets of assessment forms were used in the study. First, ALMOST ALL the
the quality attributes of the e-Barangay were assessed using quality standards of the
the IT experts' assessment form, which was based on the criterion. Very minimal
ISO 9126 quality criteria for functionality, reliability, modification is required /
usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability [5]. recommended.
Second, the assessment form for local officials of barangay 2.60- 3.39 Good The e-Barangay meets
Mangga was used to assess the functionality and usability SOME of the quality
of the e-Barangay. standards of the criterion.
Some revisions are
required / recommended.
1.80 – 2.59 Fair The e-Barangay FAILS
to meet the quality
standards of the criterion.
Major revisions are
required / recommended.
1.00 – 1.79 Poor The e-Barangay FAILS
to meet the quality
standards of the criterion.

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Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)
ISSN: 2581-8651
Vol-1, Issue-2, Mar – Apr 2019
Needs to be redone to In the deployment stage, the developed e-Barangay
serve its purpose. was installed in a computer system to check final
2. Assessment of the e-Barangay by IT expertss, and local
officials of barangay Mangga. As a result of the
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION assessment, comments and recommendation given by
This chapter discusses the development of the e-Barangay the respondents were noted and addressed for the
and the results of the assessment by the IT experts, and enhancement of the developed e-Barangay.
students. 2.1 Assessment of IT experts. IT experts evaluated
1. Development of the e-Barangay. The SDLC model the e-barangay's attributes using ISO 9126
serves as the framework in the development of the e- software quality standards, which included
Barangay. It has five stages namely: planning, functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,
designing, coding, testing, and deployment. maintainability, and portability.. Table 2
In the planning stage, requirement analysis and system summarizes the assessment result of the technical
definition were done. Requirement analysis involved characteristics of the e-Barangay by IT experts
data gathering to determine the specific feature
expectations of the e-Barangay, and to make sure that Table 2: Assessment results of the technical characteristics
its features conform to the user needs. In system of the e-Barangay by IT experts
definition, software development applications and
hardware needed in the development of the e-Barangay
were reviewed and studied.

All the criteria with respect to the technical characteristics

of the e-Barangay were rated excellent by IT experts.
2.2 Assessment of the e-Barangay by local officials
Fig.3. Context Diagram of barangay Mangga. Local officials of barangay
Mangga assessed the e-Barangay based on its
functionality, and usability.
In the designing stage, the detailed requirements
gathered in the planning stage were transformed into a
complete and detailed system design. The design stage Table 3: Assessment result of e-Barangay’s functionality,
focuses on how the e-Barangay delivered its intended and usability by students
functions. It involves designing of process flow using
dataflow diagram, and use case diagram. Also, database
design includes entity relationship diagram, database
normalization and data dictionary.

In the coding stage, the vb.net, Microsoft server, With a mean of 4.20, the usability of the e-Barangay was
MySQL workbench, XAMPP, SQLYog, MySQL rated excellent. Also, the e-Barangay’s functionality was
Connector and Report viewer were used to create the rated excellent by the local official of barangay Mangga
program. with its numerical rating of 4.25. In a nutshell, the local
officials gave an overall rating of excellent on the e-
The testing stage was done together with the coding
Barangay’s functionality, and usability.
stage so that errors detected can be modified
simultaneously. Each button and feature was tested.
Consequently, necessary modifications were made.

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Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)
ISSN: 2581-8651
Vol-1, Issue-2, Mar – Apr 2019
IV. CONCLUSION and Incremental/Iterative model. International Journal of
Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 12(1), 106.
The goal of the study was to create and evaluate an e-
[5] International Organization for Standardisation. (ISO)
Barangay, a web-based barangay information system. The (1991). ISO/IEC: 9126 Information technologySoftware
e-Barangay was designed to reinvent the way barangay Product Evaluation-Quality characteristics and guidelines
Mangga handles their processes. From the releasing of for their use –
important documents needed by the residets such as 1991.http://www.cse.dcu.ie/essiscope/sm2/9126ref.html
Community Tax Certificate, Indigency Form, Business
Permit and Certificate of Good Standing. Also, it allows the
barangay to manage the list of residents and produce
necessary reports to be used in planning and
implementations of projects. Moreover, the e-Barangay also
provides the barangay a platform to process complaints and
take actions accordingly. The e-Barangay was developed
using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
The study underwent two phases: development and
The results of the study are the following:
1. The developed e-Barangay was designed to innovate
the way barangay Mangga handles their processes or
transactions. The functions of the e-Barangay met its
intended purpose as it followed the different stages of
the System Development Life Cycle.
2. All of the quality characteristics of the e-Barangay were
given an excellent rating by IT experts, including:
functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,
maintainability, and portability. Because of the
excellent ratings given, very minimal modifications
were suggested on the developed e-Barangay. These
excellent ratings showed very strong evidence that the
e-Barangay met the quality standards set by ISO 9126
3. The local officials of barangay Mangga gave an
excellent rating on the functionality and usability of the
e-Barangay. The mean rating in terms of functionality
and usability was 4.96. They found the e-Barangay
interesting and easy to use in monitoring and printing
out copy of their report of grades.

[1] Carpio, C. O. Barangay Management System. International
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
[2] Bautista, R. M. (2015). Promoting Digital Empowerment
through Implementation of Barangay Management
System. Bulacan State University. International Journal of
Engineering Research and General Science, 3(2 Part 2).
[3] Richey, R. C. (1994). Developmental Research: The
Definition and Scope.
[4] Alshamrani, A., & Bahattab, A. (2015). A comparison
between three SDLC models waterfall model, spiral model,

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