Annex C-Logical - Framework - Enabel - STEAM - NY - G

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NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

NY’s STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

Logical framework:

Results chain Indicator Baseline Target Sources of data Assumptions
t value

Overall objective: Not applicable

Contributing to the

enhancement of quality of
learning outcomes in
STEAM and 21st century
Specific objective: % STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN) % TBD 50% vulnerable Plans by the Palestinian General stability and no
Children have an members (X/240%) reported with improvement in children and Government, National further deterioration in
improved understanding their understanding and appreciation to STEAM. 40% F statistics by the PCBS, the targeted
and appreciation of % STEAMAN members (X/240%) reported with rapid assessments by communities.
STEAM and awareness raised awareness about environmental issues, Enabel, documents by
about major climate including climate change. other orgs active in the
issues, including climate sector, interviews, focus
change. groups,

Outcome 1: Children 1.1. % STEAMAN members’ perceptions showed % TBD % TBD Baseline data, pre and Established STEAM
have improved improvement in their competencies in post MEAL reports of Ambassadors Network
competencies in STEAM STEAM skills based on pre and post capacity building, field (STEAMAN) is
and 21st century skills. questionnaires consist of 5 main domains: visit reports, interviews, committed and active in
Science, Technology, Engineering, focus groups. the action’s preparations
Mathematics, and Arts. and implementation, and
1.2. % STEAMAN members’ perceptions showed % TBD % TBD their families are willing
improvement in their competencies in 21st to engage their children
skills based on questionnaires consist of 4 during the full action’s
main domains: ccommunication, crelativity, lifetime.
ccollaboration, and ccritical thinking.

NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

Results chain Indicator Baseline Target Sources of data Assumptions
t value

Outcome 2: Children 2.1. % STEAMAN members reacted with more % TBD % TBD Baseline data, pre and Established STEAM
have an improved positive perceptions about STEAM and its post MEAL reports of Ambassadors Network
understanding and indispensable role in development. capacity building, visit (STEAMAN) are
appreciation of STEAM 2.2. % STEAMAN members showed higher % TBD % TBD reports, interviews, focus committed and active in
and awareness in climate awareness regarding sustainability domains groups. the action’s preparations
change, active citizenship/ in local and international environmental and implementation, and
social engagement. issues, including climate change. their families are willing
2.3. % STEAMAN members showed higher % TBD % TBD to engage their children
awareness regarding global citizenship, during the full action’s
including 3 main domains: 1) general culture lifetime.
and knowledge of the world, 2)
responsibility and moral obligations, and 3)
social communication and respect for
Output 1.1: Mutual 1.1.1 Number of MoUs signed with the three 0 9 Media news reports, Project partners are fully
understanding types of schools (Public, UNRWA, PS). posts on NY’s social committed.
partnerships will have 1.1.2 Number of schools found eligible to act as 0 Minimum 15 media pages, pictures of
been created for the action central schools. MoUs signing, MoUs
by the month 3 of 1.1.3 Number of schools reacted to the action as: 0 600 signed, visit reports,
implementation. offering central school, host school, student minutes of preparation
nominator. meetings with partners,
official commitment
emails or letters by
Output 1.2: STEAM 1.2.1. Qualitative: quality of the developed TBD TBD Visit reports, trainers STEAMAN members,

curricula and ToT training STEAM curricula/training resources. service contracts, their families, trainers,
will have been developed 1.2.2. Quantitative: number of STEAM curricula 0 Minimum 5 volunteer’s stipend and volunteers are fully
and conducted developed, for the 5 domains, including payment receipts, committed, with no drop
respectively, face to face practical, theoretical and research parts. beneficiary lists, pictures out from the Project’s
and through NY’s 1.2.3. Number of ToT trainers and number of 0 6 Ts (F/M) of the training sessions. capacity building
Learning Management volunteers (training assistants) participated 0 6 Vs (F/M) activities.
System (LMS), for 6 (disaggregated by F/M).
trainers and 6 volunteers,
by the month 6 of
Output 1.3: STEAM 1.3.1. Number of students applied for the aptitude Open (F/M, Min 720 Registration and result STEAMAN members,
Ambassadors Network test (F/M, school grade). Gx) records of the aptitude their families, trainers,

NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

Results chain Indicator Baseline Target Sources of data Assumptions
t value

(STEAMAN) will have 1.3.2. Number of students passed the test (F/M, Open (F/M, 240 (F/M, Gx, test, and final list of and volunteers are fully
been selected and created school grade, type of school, streaming Gx MoE/UNRWA/ STEAMAN members. committed, with no drop
by the month 3 of option1, district, Y1 & Y2). PS, STEAM out from the Project’s
implementation. domain, Y1 & capacity building
Y2) activities.
1.3.3. Number of students who passed, finally Open (F/M, 240 STEAM
registered, and joined the STEAMAN. Gx Ambassadors

Output 1.4: By the month 1.4.1. Number of SAs in each of the 6 grades: G5, 0 20 SAs per Baseline data, STEAMAN members,
24 of implementation, 240 G6, G7, G8, G9, and G10 (F/M). grade (F/M) beneficiary their families, trainers,
STEAM ambassadors 1.4.2. Number of SAs (quantitative) show TBD TBD lists/attendance sheets, and volunteers are fully
(SAs) will have been competency improvement (qualitative) in pre and post MEAL committed. Qualified
incubated and capacitated their skills of the 5 STEAM domains, and reports of capacity and committed trainers.
with critical thinking and number of SAs (quantitative) show building, visit reports, with no drop out from
problem-solving skills competency improvement (quantitative) in interviews, focus groups, the Project’s capacity
connected to real-society the 21st century skills in the domains of copies of training building activities.
issues (120 in Y1 and 120 critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, materials/curricula,
in Y2). and communication. copies of brochures
1.4.3. Number of STEAM training weekends 0 25, F/M, 150 circulated, media news
conducted (per grade, F/M, training hours). hours per grade reports, posts on NY’s
in Y1 and Y2 social media pages,
1.4.4. Number of SAs passed the training tests 0 TBD (F/M, Gx) pictures of the training
(qualitative) and average of their marks in sessions.
percentage (qualitative).
1.4.5. Number of “Activity Brochures” produced 0 Minimum 5
and communicated by the SAs
1.4.6. Number of SAs and volunteers participated 0 210 SAs in Y1
actively in the STEAM summer camps and 210 in Y2.
(camp in Y1 and camp in Y2). 15 Vs in Y1 and
15 in Y2
Output 2.1: School 2.1.1. Number of components (quantitative) and 0 Min 5*X Baseline data, exhibition Extra schools are
students will have better their types (qualitative) included in the visitors’ records, post interested and attending
awareness, understanding portable STEAM exhibitions. visit satisfaction forms, the exhibition for free.

: Highest mark among STEAM domains.
NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

Results chain Indicator Baseline Target Sources of data Assumptions
t value

and appreciation of 2.1.2. Number of extra schools offered to host the 0 20 offered visitors’ quotes through No obstacles imposed
STEAM, by the month 24 STEAM exhibitions, final number of 10 committed video filming. by the Israeli authorities
of implementation, schools committed, and number of STEAM on the portable
through quality portable exhibition days. exhibitions in East
STEAM exhibitions. 2.1.3. Number of positive comments recorded in 0 400 Jerusalem/Gaza Strip/
the visitor book. Hebron.
2.1.4. Number of non-host schools requested the 0 9
STEAM exhibitions in their schools and
contributed to the exhibitions with
additional STEAM components and
volunteering work.
Output 2.2: By the month 2.2.1. Number of extra STEAM exhibition(s) 2 6 Exhibition conduction STEAMAN members
24 of implementation, committed by the STEAMAN members. plan document. are committed to their
STEAM knowledge and plan for the output 2.2.
awareness will have been
expanded and sustained
through further
efforts/campaigns by

Activity Matrix:
No. Key activities Assumptions
Output 1.1: Mutual understanding partnerships will have been created for the Means: Committed schools’
action by the month 3 of implementation. The action will need the following means: headmasters and teachers.
Activity 1.1.1: Prepare and introduce the Project to the MoE, Directorates of Education, - Human resources: Project manager 100% for 24 months,
UNRWA’s Education Program, and private sector schools (and unions of Project admin 100% for 24 months, accountant 50% for
PS schools where available). 24 months, MEAL 50% for 24 months, logistics
Activity 1.1.2: Select 1 central school (host school) which will host the Project activities. coordinator 10% for 22 months, procurement 10% for
20 months, 6 trainers per STEAM training weekends, 6
volunteers per STEAM training weekends, graphic
Activity 1.1.3: Announce the Project to the schools and to the public through media
designer per piece of work for 24 months.

NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

No. Key activities Assumptions
Output 1.2: STEAM curricula and ToT training will have been developed and - Media promotional campaigns. - Qualified and committed
conducted respectively, face to face and through NY’s Learning - NY’s Learning Management System (LMS). trainers.
Management System (LMS), for 6 trainers and 6 volunteers by the - Aptitude test. - Committed volunteer
month 6 of implementation. - Pre-and-post activity MEAL forms (including students.
Activity 1.2.1: Collect credible resources about the five STEAM domains for the Project forms/tools related to STEAM and 21st century skills). - Committed STEAM
intervention, which are a) Critical and Design Thinking, b) Behind the - Training: face-to-face and through the LMS. Ambassadors and their
Wires, c) Science Fruit of Life, d) VR and Coding, and e) Math in - Social media sponsoring costs. families to the weekend
Engineering. - Transportation. trainings.
Activity 1.2.2: Compile the curricula and validate it through NY’s experts in the domains. - Equipment and supplies.
- Contribution to office space rent.
Activity 1.2.3: Select 6 trainers and 6 volunteers to receive ToT training. - Final MEAL report.
- Baseline surveys, if any.
Activity 1.2.4: Implement a ToT training Project, on STEAM domains, for the 12 trainers
- Visibility actions.
and volunteers.
- Graduation events: for training courses and other
Output 1.3: STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN) will have been selected activities if any (hall rent, hospitality, certificates, …). - Aptitude test available on
and created by the month 3 of implementation. - For all the above, and to be resilient to any risks, NY time.
Activity 1.3.1: Conduct an aptitude test, using the “Code of Palestine” test for the will work according to a risk management plan. - Applicant students are
students (all students applied by themselves or nominated by their committed to set for the
schools). Cost: test online.
Activity 1.3.2: Select top 240 students (120 in Y1 and 120 in Y2) to join the Project The action will need funds to cover the following budget - Committed STEAM
activities, and name it as “STEAM Ambassadors Network– STEAMAN”. lines: Ambassadors and their
1. Human resources = families to the weekend
2. Transportation = trainings.
Output 1.4: By the month 24 of implementation, 240 STEAM ambassadors (SAs) 3. Equipment and supplies = - STEAMAN members,
will have been incubated and capacitated with critical thinking and 4. Office space = their families, trainers, and
problem-solving skills connected to real-society issues (120 in Y1 and 5. Other costs and services (including final MEAL) = volunteers are fully
Activity 1.4.1: 120 in Y2). 6. Other = committed.
Activity: For each year, distribute the 120 selected ambassadors into 6 7. Subtotal direct eligible costs (1-6), excluding taxes = - Qualified and committed
grade groups, each group consists of 20 ambassadors: G5, G6, G7, G8, 8. Admin costs = trainers.
G9, and G10. 9. Total eligible costs, excluding taxes = 174,500 (7+8) - No drop out from the
Activity 1.4.2: Conduct STEAM training sessions for the ambassadors over 25 weeks in 10. Taxes = 0 Project’s capacity building
the central school (named STEAM weekend). Each of the 6 the grades 11. Total eligible/accepted costs of the action = 174,500 activities.
will simultaneously receive 5 weekly sessions, 1 hour per each session. (9+10)) - Effective distribution
The training topics will be: 1) Critical and Design Thinking, 2) Behind the strategy of the STEAM
Wires, 3) Science Fruit of Life, 4) VR and Coding, 5) Math in Engineering brochure.
and 6) Extra topic, to be determined at a later stage with priority to major
environmental issues (especially climate change, …).
Activity 1.4.3: Within and in-between their training sessions, the ambassadors will
prepare “Activity Brochures” that match the 5 STEAM domains.

NY Logframe - STEAM Ambassadors Network (STEAMAN)

No. Key activities Assumptions
Activity 1.4.4: Outreach and coordinate with Palestinian and international scientists who
are gifted in STEAM (named STEAM champions).
Activity 1.4.5: Conduct monthly on-line inspirational speech by a
Palestinian/international gifted STEAM speaker (6 speeches during Y1
and 6 speeches during Y2).
Activity 1.4.6: Conduct a STEAM summer schools, for STEAMAN members, by end of
Y1 and end of Y2.
Output 2.1: School Students will have better awareness, understanding and - Extra schools are
appreciation of STEAM, by the month 24 of implementation, through interested and attending
quality portable STEAM exhibitions. the exhibition for free.
Activity 2.1.1: Prepare a portable STEAM exhibition, which includes STEAM products - No obstacles imposed by
and experiments to be produced/prepared by NY. the Israeli authorities on
Activity 2.1.2: Set up the STEAM exhibition at each of the 8 host schools, for 3 weeks the portable exhibitions in
per school (24 weeks, 6 months, in Y1), and set up the exhibition in 8 new East Jerusalem.
schools in Y2.
Activity 2.1.3: Navigate the exhibition between other interested schools so that other
students experience the STEAM exhibitions, while the ambassadors lead
the exhibition’s booths and sessions for other visiting students.
Output 2.2: By the month 24 of implementation, STEAM knowledge and
awareness will have been expanded and sustained through further STEAMAN members
volunteering efforts/campaigns by STEAMAN. commitment to their plan.
Activity 2.2.1: NY will keep the STEAMAN active and the Project’s outputs sustainable
by leading the STEAMAN to conduct an annual STEAM exhibition(s),
after the project lifetime.


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