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I. Watch Sequence 1.

i.) Complete the following grid. whereas

Susie Money

Age 19 22

Social background a well-off of social blackground a poor social background

milieu social

tar.nil~/ friends mum/dad/one sister doesn't have any family

a united family 3 friends :

2 dogs, a cat, a horse

Pets --------_.__ ._._------- doesn't have
-_ .._-----_ any __ ._._._-_._-

17TH century Georgian house contry

Houses ------_._-- _. __ .. _-- .-
- where?
- type of area
- living conditions
summing pool
tennis court
the huge contry


horses/horse-riding smooking, playing music

Activities / hobbies
swimming in her pool
sports-cars talking with her friends

----- -----_._. __ -.. ---_._----_••• __ -----

sports-cars doesn't have any libet

Cars ----_ _--------------
.. ---------_ .._-_._----

Music associated
with them


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