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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 55


214 Massachusetts Ave. N.E. )
Washington, D.C. 20002 )
214 Massachusetts Ave. N.E. )
Washington, D.C. 20002 )
Plaintiffs, )
v. ) Case No. 23-cv-1198
2707 Martin Luther King Jr., Ave., S.E. )
Washington, D.C. 20528 )
Defendant. )


Plaintiffs THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION and MIKE HOWELL (collectively

“Plaintiffs”) for their complaint against Defendant DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND

SECURITY (“DHS”), allege on knowledge as to Plaintiffs, and on information and belief as to

all other matters, as follows:

1. This is an action under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552,

to compel the production of information related to DHS’s decisions to admit HRH Prince Henry

Charles Albert David George of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton, and Baron

Kikell K.C.V.O. (“HRH” or “Duke of Sussex”) into the United States and to allow him to remain

to date. The requested information is of immense public interest. See Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 55

(Mar. 9, 2023) (“Request” or “Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request”) (Ex. 1). Widespread and continuous

media coverage has surfaced the question of whether DHS properly admitted the Duke of Sussex

in light of the fact that he has publicly admitted to the essential elements of a number of drug

offenses in both the United States and abroad. United States law generally renders such a person

inadmissible for entry to the United States. Intense media coverage has also surfaced the

question of whether DHS may have improperly granted the Duke of Sussex a waiver to enter the

Country on a non-immigrant visa given his history of admissions to the essential elements of

drug offenses. Finally, the media coverage has surfaced the question of whether DHS’ decision

to admit the Duke of Sussex into the United States should be reconsidered in light of the Duke of

Sussex’s most recent admissions to the essential elements of numerous drug offenses both here

and abroad in his 2023 memoir, Spare.

2. While this case focuses on the widespread public and press interest on the specific

issue of whether DHS acted, and is acting, appropriately as regards the Duke of Sussex, it cannot

be separated from its broader context. The press and Congressional hearing rooms are replete

with detailed accusations that DHS is deliberately refusing to enforce the Country’s immigration

laws and is responsible for the current crisis at the border. Indeed, the broader controversy is so

grave that Articles of Impeachment have been filed against DHS Secretary Alejandro N.

Mayorkas (H. Res. 8 & 89, 117th Cong. (2023)) and Secretary Mayorkas has taken the

extraordinary step of retaining private counsel to represent him in impeachment proceedings.

See Retaining Private Counsel to Represent the DHS Secretary in Impeachment Processes, 47

Op. O.L.C. __, 2023 WL 2468411 (OLC Jan. 4, 2023); PIID 70RDAD23C00000002.

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3. Plaintiff, The Heritage Foundation (“Heritage”), is a Washington, D.C.-based

nonpartisan public policy organization with a national and international reputation whose

mission is to “formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise,

limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national

defense.” The Heritage Foundation, About Heritage, found at

heritage/mission (last visited Apr. 29, 2023). Heritage is a not-for-profit section 501(c)(3)

organization which engages in substantial dissemination of information to the public. Heritage

operates a national news outlet, The Daily Signal.

4. Plaintiff Mike Howell leads The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project and is

an author for The Daily Signal. The Oversight Project is an initiative aimed at obtaining

information via Freedom of Information Act requests and other means in order to best inform the

public and Congress for the purposes of Congressional oversight. The requests and analysis of

information are informed by Heritage’s deep policy expertise. For example, Dr. Nile Gardiner,

the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at Heritage, has provided extensive

analysis and commentary on the matters at issue here. Dr. Gardiner served as an aide to former

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, L.G., O.M., D.StJ, P.C. Dr. Gardiner is a

prominent authority on U.S.-British relations and the transatlantic alliance. He has given expert

testimony before Congress on multiple occasions. By function, the Oversight Project is

primarily engaged in disseminating information to the public. See, e.g., Oversight Project, found

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 55

at (last visited Apr. 29, 2023); Twitter, found at

@OversightPR (last visited Apr. 29, 2023).

5. Defendant DHS is a federal agency of the United States within the meaning of 5

U.S.C. § 552(f)(1) whose mission statement is “[w]ith honor and integrity, we will safeguard the

American people, our homeland, and our values.” Department of Homeland Security, About

DHS, found at (last visited Apr. 29, 2023).

6. Customs and Border Patrol (“CBP”), a DHS component, defines its mission as to

“[p]rotect the American people, safeguard our borders, and enhance the nation’s economic

prosperity.” CPB, About CPB, found at (last visited Apr. 29, 2023).

CBP’s “[e]nduring [m]ission [p]riorities” as to the border are to “Secure the Border—Protect the

Homeland through the air, land and maritime environments against illegal entry, illicit activity or

other threats to uphold national sovereignty and promote national and economic security.” Id.

7. USCIS, a DHS component, is “the government agency that oversees lawful

immigration to the United States.” USCIS, Mission and Core Values, found at (last visited Apr. 29, 2023).


8. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B) because this

action is brought in the District of Columbia and 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because the resolution of

disputes under FOIA presents a federal question.

9. Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because Defendant

DHS’s principal place of business is in the District of Columbia.

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Illegal Drug Offenses and Admission to the United States

10. Congress has long deemed individuals who commit Controlled Substance

(“CDS”) violations inadmissible to the United States. When one is inadmissible, one cannot

lawfully enter the United States, even if one has applied for and received a visa. Although the

exact prohibitions have changed over time, the bar applicable during all time periods relevant to

this Complaint reads as follows:

Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having
committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements
of— . . .
(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a
State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as
defined in section 802 of Title 21), is inadmissible.

8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) (“Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II)”). The statute looks to the legality

of conduct at the time it occurred. See, e.g., Kahn v. Att’y Gen., 979 F.3d 193, 189–90 (3d Cir.

2020) (collecting cases); Fernandez-Bernal v. Att’y Gen., 257 F.3d 1304, 1310 (11th Cir. 2001).

For the purposes of this bar to admissibility, the fact of conviction—or admission to the

“essential elements” of a CDS violation—are treated as interchangeable equivalents. See

Dillingham v. INS, 267 F.3d 996, 1003 (9th Cir. 2001) (“We believe that under the terms of

§ 212(a)(2)(A)(i), however, the fact that Dillingham ‘admitted’ his prior offense is of no greater

consequence than the conviction itself.”), overruled on other grounds, Nunez-Reyes v. Holder,

646 F.3d 684 (9th Cir. 2011) (en banc).

11. The statutory text expressly covers foreign conduct:

[A]ny alien . . . who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which
constitute the essential elements of— . . . a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to
violate) any law or regulation of a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as
defined in section 802 of Title 21), is inadmissible.”

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 6 of 55

Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) (emphasis added). When conduct occurs abroad, a court asks

whether the admitted conduct “constitutes the essential elements of a violation of [the applicable

foreign] law.” Pazcoguin v. Radcliffe, 292 F.3d 1209, 1213 (9th Cir. 2002). Elements are

defined as the essential facts that must be proven to sustain a conviction; any applicable

affirmative defenses are not considered. Id. at 1215. To reiterate, the bar applies when the

conduct is admitted. There need not be an admission that an offense was committed. Id.

12. Any CDS related offense—even comparatively “minor” crimes like simple

possession—is sufficient to trigger the bar. Galvez v. Ashcroft, 98 Fed.Appx. 666, 667–68

(9th Cir. 2004) (Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) applies even to “minor drug offense(s) relating to

simple possession or use of controlled substances” (internal quotation and citation omitted)).

Indeed, Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) is frequently applied to bar admission of aliens who admit to

simple possession of CDS. See, e.g., Pazcoguin, 292 F.3d at 1212 (applying Section

1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) to historical marijuana use over 20 years ago); Talioaga v. Gonzales, 212

Fed.Appx. 612, 613 (9th Cir. 2006) (applying Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) to use of “marijuana

and methamphetamine in the past”); Matter of IRM, 2017 WL 4685431 (AAO Sept. 25, 2017)

(applying Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) to applicant who stated he had not smoked marijuana

since 2011 and had been attending AA meetings since 2013).

13. There are two narrow exemptions applicable to Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II)’s bar

to admission. The first is extraordinarily narrow, providing in pertinent part that:

The Attorney General may, in his discretion, waive the application of subparagraphs
(A)(i)(I), (B), (D), and (E) of subsection (a)(2) and subparagraph (A)(i)(II) of such
subsection insofar as it relates to a single offense of simple possession of 30 grams or less
of marijuana if—
(1)(A) in the case of any immigrant it is established to the satisfaction of the
Attorney General that—
(i) the alien is inadmissible only under subparagraph (D)(i) or (D)(ii) of
such subsection or the activities for which the alien is inadmissible

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occurred more than 15 years before the date of the alien’s application for a
visa, admission, or adjustment of status,
(ii) the admission to the United States of such alien would not be contrary
to the national welfare, safety, or security of the United States, and
(iii) the alien has been rehabilitated; or
(B) in the case of an immigrant who is the spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a
citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence
if it is established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that the alien’s denial
of admission would result in extreme hardship to the United States citizen or
lawfully resident spouse, parent, son, or daughter of such alien.

8 U.S.C. § 1182(h). Notably, this provision only applies to a single offense (or admission of the

essential elements thereof). See, e.g., Rodriguez v. Sessions, 741 Fed. Appx. 381, 385 (9th Cir.

2018) (“Furthermore, although ‘[t]he Attorney General may, in his discretion, waive

[inadmissibility] insofar as it relates to a single offense of simple possession of 30 grams or less

of marijuana’ under 8 U.S.C. § 1182(h) (emphasis added), Petitioner voluntarily admitted to

possessing marijuana on many occasions. Accordingly, he is precluded from this discretionary

waiver of inadmissibility, thereby making him ineligible for adjustment of status.”).

14. The second exception, while still narrow, is a bit more broad. An exemption

exists for individuals seeking admission on a nonimmigrant visa1:

Except as provided in this subsection, an alien (i) who is applying for a nonimmigrant
visa and is known or believed by the consular officer to be ineligible for such visa under
subsection (a) (other than paragraphs (3)(A)(i)(I), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(iii), (3)(C), and
clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (3)(E) of such subsection), may, after approval by the
Attorney General of a recommendation by the Secretary of State or by the consular
officer that the alien be admitted temporarily despite his inadmissibility, be granted such
a visa and may be admitted into the United States temporarily as a nonimmigrant in the
discretion of the Attorney General, or (ii) who is inadmissible under subsection (a) (other
than paragraphs (3)(A)(i)(I), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(iii), (3)(C), and clauses (i) and (ii) of
paragraph (3)(E) of such subsection), but who is in possession of appropriate documents

A nonimmigrant visa is “issued to foreign nationals seeking to enter the United States on a
temporary basis for tourism, business, medical treatment and certain types of temporary work.”
CBP, Requirements for Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visas, found at
and-nonimmigrant-visas (last visited Apr. 29, 2023). Conversely, an immigrant visa is “issued to
a foreign national who intends to live and work permanently in the United States.” Id.

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or is granted a waiver thereof and is seeking admission, may be admitted into the United
States temporarily as a nonimmigrant in the discretion of the Attorney General. The
Attorney General shall prescribe conditions, including exaction of such bonds as may be
necessary, to control and regulate the admission and return of inadmissible aliens
applying for temporary admission under this paragraph.

8 U.S.C. § 1182(d)(3)(A) (“Section 1182(d)(3)(A)”).

15. How do these provisions work in practice? First, because a visa is separate from

admissibility, regulations implementing the statutory scheme provide that “[e]very nonimmigrant

alien who applies for admission to, or an extension of stay in, the United States, shall establish

that he or she is admissible to the United States, or that any ground of inadmissibility has been

waived under section 212(d)(3) of the Act.” 8 C.F.R. § 1214.1.

16. United Kingdom Nationals may enter the United States without a visa for “90

days or less” under the Visa Waiver Program, but they require either an immigrant or

nonimmigrant visa to enter the United States for a longer period of time. Compare 8 U.S.C.

§ 1187; 8 C.F.R. § 217.2(a) with 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(7).

17. Typically, because a visa is required for entry to the United States for any

substantial period of time, the application of Sections 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) & 1182(d)(3)(A)

begins to play out when an individual applies for a nonimmigrant visa.

18. Most visas are processed via a form DS-160. (Ex. 2). That form contains a

number of questions tracking the grounds of inadmissibility in 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a). Pertinent

here, the following questions are included:

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19. This information is given on oath. See Ex. 2, at 80. During the visa application

process, the visa applicant is often interviewed by a consular official. As part of that process,

additional questions regarding drug use are often asked. That is particularly so if either

excerpted question is answered “Yes.” By regulation, a consular officer may recommend a

waiver be granted under Section 1182(d)(3)(A):

Consular officers may recommend directly to the designated DHS office that the alien be
admitted temporarily despite his or her inadmissibility in any case where a waiver may be
available, unless the consular officer has reason to believe that the applicant is
inadmissible under INA 212(a)(3)(A)(i), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(iii), (3)(B), (3)(C), (3)(D),
(3)(E)(i), (3)(E)(ii), (3)(E)(iii), (3)(F), or (3)(G). The Department may recommend that

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 10 of 55

the Secretary of Homeland Security waive ineligibility under any ground in section
212(a) of the INA, except for sections 212(a)(3)(A)(i)(I), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(iii), (3)(C),
(3)(E)(i), and (3)(E)(ii).

22 C.F.R. § 40.301. The Foreign Affairs Manual (“FAM”) provides further guidance. It

instructs juvenile convictions for “simple possession” to be disregarded. 9 FAM 302.4-2(B)(5).2

The provisions of the Foreign Affairs Manual dealing with Section 1182(d)(3)(A) waivers


An INA 212(d)(3)(A) waiver is available for NIV applicants found ineligible under INA
212(a)(2)(C) if you or the Secretary of State chooses to recommend one. You should
consider the following factors, among others, when deciding whether to recommend a
(1) (U) The recency and seriousness of the activity or condition causing the
applicant’s inadmissibility;
(2) (U) The reasons for the proposed travel to the United States;
(3) (U) The positive or negative effect, if any, of the planned travel on U.S. public

9 FAM 302.4-3(D)(2). That recommendation then goes for decision by DHS components.

20. If the State Department recommends granting a Section 1182(d)(3)(A) waiver,

DHS regulations allow that recommendation to be acted upon by “[d]istrict directors” and

“officers in charge outside the United States” in certain districts. 8 C.F.R. § 1212.4(a). They

may accept or reject the State Department recommendation. Id.

21. An alien may make an application for a Section 1182(d)(3)(A) waiver if they

possess a valid visa via filing a Form I-192 (Ex. 3) “prior to the applicant’s arrival in the United

States” (unless the applicant was unaware of the grounds of inadmissibility). Id. at § 1212.4(b).

That application is then acted upon. Id.

The FAM is not entitled to force of law or “binding.” Galvez, 98 Fed. Appx. at 667–68
(refusing to defer to this provision of the FAM). This provision is almost certainly void as it
directly contradicts the statute. 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(ii)(I) (excepting from statutory bar
only juvenile convictions for crimes “involving moral turpitude” and not extending that
exception to juvenile convictions for CDS violations).

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22. If a Section 1182(d)(3)(A) waiver is granted, “[t]he Deputy Commissioner or the

district director may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized under section 212(d)(3)

of the Act and shall notify the nonimmigrant in writing to that effect.” Id. at § 1212.4(h).

Media Questions Concerning Past Applications of 8 U.S.C. §§ 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) &

1182(d)(3)(A) to those Seeking Admission on Nonimmigrant Visas.

23. There has been extensive media interest in past applications of Sections

1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) and 1182(d)(3)(A) to aliens seeking nonimmigrant admission to the United

States. This coverage has directly surfaced questions regarding whether DHS is enforcing the

law in a discretionary area consistently, impartially, or is showing favoritism. Put differently, the

coverage has focused on the fact that because DHS has discretion in this area, it is critical to

know that such discretion is being properly exercised. News media has extensively covered the

issue and explained that even prior use of marijuana, regardless of whether that use was legal in a

state within the U.S. or in a foreign country, can cause a foreigner to be banned from the United


24. There are many prominent examples in which the media extensively covered

whether DHS (or its predecessors) properly applied the law:

 Mark Berry. In 2010, Berry, known as “Bez”, was refused a visa and prevented from
performing in the U.S. with Happy Mondays because of Berry’s prior drug convictions.
Independent (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B204; Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B142.3

 Isabella Brazier-Jones. In March 2019, Brazier-Jones arrived in Los Angeles,

California for a two-month trip with her friend, but was stopped by Customs officials
who thought the two did not intend to leave the U.S. Independent Online (June 17,
2019), App. B126. After a full body search, the officials looked through her phone and
found a reference to taking cocaine. Id. After Brazier-Jones admitted to taking cocaine
in 2017, she was deported back to the United Kingdom. Id. Brazier-Jones, a former
private chef and hopeful actress, was barred from entering the U.S. for ten years. Id.

Plaintiffs submitted four Appendices with their FOIA Request in support of their Application
for Expedited Processing. Appendix A (Ex. 4), Appendix B (Ex. 5), Appendix C (Ex. 6) and
Appendix D (Ex. 7). The form of Appendix citation used herein is App. [Letter][page].

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International media reported that Brazier-Jones did not disclose taking cocaine on her
ESTA application, which likely contributed to her being banned from the U.S. Express
Online (June 18, 2019), App. B160.

 Pete Doherty. Doherty has a multitude of drug convictions. Independent Online (Apr.
3, 2014), App. B141–42; Independent (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B204. In 2010, Doherty was
allowed to fly to the U.S. and arrived at the JFK airport in New York before he was sent
back home on the next flight. Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B141–42.

 Kyle Falconer. In 2007, Falconer was convicted for cocaine possession. Independent
Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B142; Independent (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B204. Falconer’s
conviction prevented the Scottish band The View from touring in the U.S. until they were
granted permission in 2011. Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B142.

 Andrew Feldman. In the 1970s, Feldman took LSD. The Telegraph (Apr. 3, 2014),
App. B24. Feldman later became a Vancouver professor and wrote an academic paper on
his experience of taking LSD in the ‘70s. Id. In 2007, Feldman was denied entry into
Blaine, Washington after this paper was discovered by a border agent. Id. There was
media interest in this matter as it is a “strange case[] of travellers” being prevented from
entering the U.S. Id. at App. B23.

 Nigella Lawson. In 2013, Lawson, a celebrity chef in London, confessed in her divorce
court proceedings that she had taken cocaine and marijuana. Contra Costa Times (Apr.
6, 2014), App. B131; Daily Mail (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B207; Press Association (Apr. 3,
2014), App. B212; Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B140; Guardian (Apr. 3,
2014), App. B16; Sky News (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B216. In 2014, Lawson was prevented
from boarding a flight to Los Angeles, California. Contra Costa Times (Apr. 6, 2014),
App. B131; Daily Mail (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B207; Guardian (Apr. 3, 2023), App. B15–
16; Press Association (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B212; Sky News (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B216.
It was reported that “[t]he US Department of Homeland Security told the Mail that
foreigners who had admitted drug taking could be deemed inadmissible. However,
Lawson has visited America since the court appearance.” Guardian (Apr. 3, 2014), App.
B16; Sky News (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B216. Days later, Lawson was formally invited to
the U.S. Embassy to apply for a U.S. visa. Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B at
140; Guardian (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B17; Daily News (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B197. “A
spokeswoman for the US Embassy said: ‘There are several ways of legally travelling
into the United States and Ms. Lawson has been invited to come to the embassy and
apply for a visa for travel to the US. We understand she has professional requirements
for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and expeditiously, so
stand by.” Daily Mail (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B194–95. There was reporting that Lawson
likely was required to submit to a drug test and possible medical examination as part of
that application. The decision to not permanently ban Lawson from entering the U.S. and
inviting her to apply for a visa shortly after being denied is unclear. One report suggested
that it may have had to do with a successful medical examination of Lawson by a doctor
contracted with the embassy. Guardian (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B17. The media questioned
why Lawson had been allowed to enter the U.S. weeks after her cocaine confession, but

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was denied entry at a later time, especially when other celebrities who admitted to using
drugs were allowed into the U.S. Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2013), App. B140–41.
Media even accused DHS of applying a “double standard” and reported allegations that
“U.S. officials . . . choose to turn a blind eye” in some cases. Contra Costa Times (Apr.
6, 2014), App. B131; see also The Blog (June 4, 2014), App. B37–40 (citing case to
criticize policy as “ineffectual, and illogical”); Express (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B200–01
(reporting Anthony Bourdain’s accusation of “hypocrisy”); Independent (Apr. 4, 2014),
App. B204 (discussing cases that appear that have been treated differently); CBS (Apr. 3,
2014), App. B19 (reporting criticism by Anthony Bourdain of alleged disparate treatment
of Lawson and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford); Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014) App.
B141–42 (noting inconsistent treatment); Telegraph (Apr. 2, 2014), App. B23 (“rules are
liable to change” and suggesting some level of arbitrariness in exercise of DHS
discretion). The widespread media coverage of Lawson being refused entry shows the
media and public question whether DHS is appropriately exercising its discretion in this

 John Lennon. In 1968, Lennon pled guilty to possession of cannabis resin in the United
Kingdom and paid a $150 fine. Lennon v. INS, 527 F.2d 187, 188 (2d Cir. 1975). On
August 13, 1971, Lennon and his wife traveled to the United States to obtain custody of
Lennon’s daughter by a previous marriage to an American citizen. Id. at 189. Statute at
the time barred entry of one convicted of “illicit possession . . . of marijuana.” Id.
(internal citation omitted) (ellipsis in original). INS exercised its discretion to temporally
waive excludability and Lennon was admitted on a nonimmigrant visa. Id. When
Lennon’s visa expired, the INS began deportation proceedings. Id. It is unclear why the
INS exercised its discretion in the way it did. Eventually, the Second Circuit held that the
offense in question under British law was not excludable under the then existing version
of the INA as it did not require an “illicit” intent. Id. at 194. Lennon instituted a claim of
selective prosecution claiming he was “singled out” because of “his political beliefs.” Id.
at 189 n.3.

 Diego Maradona. In 1991, Maradona was indicted for cocaine possession. Sun Sentinel
(Sept. 11, 1993), App. B43. In 1993, the U.S. Consulate in Buenos Aires denied
Maradona’s visa application and would not let him enter the U.S. because he had
previously been arrested for cocaine possession in Italy. ABC News (July 17, 2013), App.
B41. The State Department in Washington upheld the Consulate’s decision to refuse
Maradona entry. Sun Sentinel (Sept. 11, 1993), App. B43. In 1994, Maradona was
allowed into the U.S. to play on Argentina’s World Cup team but was later kicked out of
the tournament because he tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. ABC News
(July 17, 2013), App. B41. The basis for the discretionary decision to allow Maradona to
enter the U.S. in 1994 is unclear. In July 2013, Maradona’s visa application was rejected
by the U.S. Consulate in Dubai because of his history of drug use and cocaine addiction.

 Kate Moss. Moss, a model, had difficulty obtaining a U.S. work visa after a 2005 front
page tabloid article titled “Cocaine Kate” showed Moss “chopping and snorting a white
powder.” Independent Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B142; Independent (Apr. 4, 2014),

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 14 of 55

App. B204; see also Daily Mail Online (Feb. 25, 2018), App. B170 (noting that Moss
appeared to be submitting a medical questionnaire with a United States visa application).
Moss’s difficulty in gaining entry into the U.S. was reportedly solely due to her drug use.
Independent (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B204.

 Barry Rough. In August 2019, Rough, a 61-year-old Langley, B.C. resident, was
banned for life from the U.S. because he had smoked marijuana 18 years earlier. CTV
News (Oct. 16, 2019), App. B87. The media appears to question the wide discretion to
ban foreigners from the U.S. Id.

 Amy Winehouse. In October 2007, Winehouse, a singer, was arrested and fined in
Norway with her then husband for possession of marijuana. CNN (Feb. 7, 2008), App.
B9; BBC News (Feb. 8, 2008), App. B10; Cape Argus Weekend (Apr. 5, 2014), App.
B134; Saturday Star (Apr. 5, 2014), App. B138. In December 2007, pictures of
Winehouse with a white powder in her nose appeared in tabloids. CNN (Feb. 7, 2008),
App. B9. On January 24, 2008, Winehouse entered a rehabilitation clinic after a 19-
minute home video was leaked shortly before that date in which she states she “just took
about six Valium.” CNN (Feb. 7, 2008), App. B8–9. The video then showed Winehouse
inhaling something from a glass pipe on her bed. Id. Winehouse was famous for her
drug addiction and had entered a rehabilitation clinic in the summer of 2007. Id. In
2008, Winehouse sought a visa to enter the U.S., but she was denied by the American
Embassy in London. People (Feb. 7, 2008), App. B7. Winehouse was denied entry into
the U.S. because of her drug record and drug use; therefore, Winehouse was unable to
attend the Grammy Awards. People (Feb. 7, 2008), App. B6; Contra Costa Times (Apr.
6, 2014), App. B131; Cape Argus Weekend (Apr. 5, 2014), App. B134; Saturday Star
(Apr. 5, 2014), App. B138. Winehouse had to perform via satellite from London since
she was denied entry into the U.S. Independent (Apr. 4, 2014), App. B204; Independent
Online (Apr. 3, 2014), App. B141.

25. The press has reported extensively on U.S. immigration law experts warning

prospective immigrants and visitors that they could have difficulties if they admit to drug misuse.

CANA News (Dec. 27, 2019), App. B152; Newsweek (Nov. 15, 2019), App. B89; Express

Online (July 3, 2019), App. B155. Britons who are “green card holders can be expelled from the

U.S. and denied re-entry because of cannabis consumption, even if they used the drug in a state

where it is legal[.]” Newsweek (Nov. 15, 2019), App. B89. As this reporting demonstrates, the

press considers the issue of how DHS applies the discretionary aspects of Section 1182(d)(3)(A)

to be a matter of public interest. Some of this reporting has also specifically focused on

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inconsistent application of the law. See, e.g., Daily Mail Online (Nov. 13, 2021), App. B148–50;

Cape Argus Weekend (Apr. 5, 2014), App. B134; Saturday Star (Apr. 5, 2014), App. B137–38.

26. This reporting has also focused at times on other prominent British citizens, for

example, the Rt. Hon. Boris Johnson P.C. was warned that “[t]ravelling to the US on a tourist

Visa could prove a ‘problem’” because of prior admitted drug use. Express Online (July 3,

2019), App. B155–56; see also Independent Online (June 11, 2019), App. B163–64 (reporting on

drug use and possible visa issues for candidates in the Conservative leadership election). In

addition, British tourists and employees, including green card holders, who smoke marijuana in a

state in the U.S. where it is legal, are warned that they could risk being deported, denied entry to

the U.S., or permanently banned since marijuana is still illegal under federal law. See, e.g.,

Noticias Financieras (Nov. 21, 2022), App. B122–24; Benzinga (Aug. 23, 2022), Apr. B112;

New York Daily News (June 6, 2022), App. B119–20; The Guardian (Nov. 15, 2019), App. B1–

2; CTV News (Oct. 16, 2019), App. B87; Guardian (Aug. 22, 2022), App. B116–17; Express

Online (June 18, 2019), App. B159–60. Press has reported on the hardships this policy can

cause. See, e.g., Sunday Mirror (Mar. 19, 1999), App. B102. The press often reports on

warnings to Canadians about admitting to marijuana use when entering the U.S. even though

recreational marijuana is now legal in Canada. See, e.g., CTV News (Oct. 16, 2019), App. B86–

88; The Daily World (May 3, 2017), App. B52–54; Globe & Mail (Sept. 9, 2014), App. B178–

79; NPR (Mar. 29, 2013), App. B44–46; Los Angeles Times (Feb. 2, 2003), App. B94–100.

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HRH the Duke of Sussex’s Admission of a Long History of CDS Offenses

Illegal Drugs in England

27. The Duke of Sussex has publicly admitted in his memoir Spare (App. D) and in

media interviews to extensive personal CDS possession. Much of the admitted conduct occurred

in England.

 August 1998 through Spring 1999. HRH admitted that “Sometimes my new mates and
I[ . . . ]we’d head to the underside of the bridge [(Windsor Bridge)], where we could
smoke tabbage [(cigarettes)] in privacy. My mates seemed to enjoy the naughtiness of it,
whereas I just did it because I was on autopilot.[ . . .] Still, like a robot, I took every cig
offered me, and in the same automatic, unthinking way, I soon graduated to weed.” App.

 Summer 2001 to 2002. Part 1, Chapter 32, in Spare begins with: “I don’t remember
how we got the stuff [(marijuana)]. One of my mates, I expect. Or maybe several.
Whenever we found ourselves in possession, we’d commandeer a tiny upstairs bathroom,
wherein we’d implement a surprisingly thoughtful, orderly assembly line. Smoker
straddled the loo beside the window, second boy leaned against the basin, third and fourth
boys sat in the empty bath, legs dangling over, waiting their turns. You’d take a hit or
two, blow the smoke out of the window, then move on to the next station, in rotation,
until the spliff was gone.[ . . .] I knew this was bad behavior. I knew it was wrong. My
mates knew it too. We talked about it often, while stoned, how stupid we were to be
wasting an Eton education. Once, we even made a pact. At the start of exam period,
called Trials, we vowed to quit cold turkey, until after the final Trial. But the very next
night, lying in bed, I heard my mates in the hall, crackling, whispering. Head to the loo.
Bloody hell, they’re already breaking the pact! I got out of bed, joined them. As the
assembly line cranked up, bath to basin to loo, as the weed began to take effect, we shook
our heads. What idiots we were thinking we could change. Pass the spliff mate. One
night, straddling the loo, I took a big hit and gazed up at the moon[. . . . ]Just then I saw
something dart across the quad. It froze under one of the orange streetlights. I froze too,
and leaned out of the window. A fox! Staring straight at me! Look! What, mate?
Nothing. I whispered to the fox: Hello, mate. How’s it going? What are you on about?
Nothing, nothing. Maybe it was the weed—undoubtedly it was the weed—but I felt a
piercing and powerful kinship with that fox. I felt more connected to that fox than I did
to the boys in the bathroom, the other boys at Eton—even the Windsor’s in the distant
castle.” App. D67–68.

 Circa 2002. HRH recounted the details of a “club” in the basement of the then-HRH the
Prince of Wales Highgrove estate and admitted to CDS-related illegal conduct—and
associated scienter—by writing: “We were often tipsy, and sometimes smashed, and yet

Quotations herein from Spare omit the original paragraph structure for ease of formatting.

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there wasn’t a single time that anyone used or brought drugs down there. Our
bodyguards were always nearby, which kept a lid on things, but it was more than that.
We had a sense of boundaries.” App. D69.

 Summer 2002. HRH recounted during this time that he was confronted by a “courtier”
who informed HRH that a tabloid editor claimed to have a photo of HRH doing cocaine.
The courtier stated “this editor is willing to lock the photo into his safe forever. But in
exchange he wants to sit down with you and explain that what you’re doing is very
damaging. He wants to give you some life advice.” App. D76. HRH rejected the offer
and “told the courtier to call the journalist’s bluff, vigorously refute the claim, turn down
the deal.” App. D76. HRH wrote that the courtier did so. App. D76. HRH then
admitted that the denial he caused the courtier to make to the press was false: “Of
course . . . I had been doing cocaine around this time. At someone’s country house,
during a shooting weekend, I’d been offered a line, and I’d done a few more since. It
wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me particularly happy, as it seemed to make
everyone around me, but it did make me feel different, and that was the main goal. Feel.
Different. I was a deeply unhappy seventeen-year-old boy willing to try almost anything
that would alter the status quo.” App. D76–77. HRH then commented on his own
conduct: “That is what I told myself anyway. Back then, I could lie to myself as
effortless as I’d lied to that courtier. But now I realized coke hadn’t been worth the
candle. The risk far outweighed the reward. Threatened with exposure, faced with the
prospect of fouling up Granny’s Golden Jubilee, walking a knife’s edge with the mad
press—nothing was worth any of that. ” App. D77. HRH then continued to analyze
justifications for his admitted “lie[]”. “On the bright side, I’d played the game well.
After I’d called the journalists bluff, he went silent. As suspected, he had no photo, and
when his con game didn’t work, he slithered off.[ . . .] I was ashamed for lying. But also
proud. In a tight spot, a hugely scary crisis, I hadn’t felt any serenity like Granny, but at
least I’d managed to project it. I’d channeled some of her superpower, her heroic
stoicism. I regretted giving the courtier a cock-and-bull story, but the alternative
would’ve been ten times worse. So . . . job well done? Maybe I wasn’t a foundling after
all.” App. D77.

 2015. In Spare the Duke of Sussex described his typical daily routine in 2015 as follows:
“Every night I’d go straight home from work, eat over the sink, then catch up on
paperwork, Friends on low in the background.[ . . .] After dinner I’d smoke a joint,
trying to make sure the smoke didn’t waft into the garden of my neighbor, The Duke of
Kent. Then I’d turn in early. Solitary life. Strange life.” App. D252–53.

 Circa “[V]ery [E]nd of 2015”. App. D259. Contextually, the Duke of Sussex appears
to write about his year in 2015 in England (as well as earlier times). However, the exact
geographic locus of the admitted conduct is unclear. “Psychedelics did me some good as
well. I’d experimented with them over the years, for fun, but now I’d begun to use them
therapeutically, medicinally. They didn’t simply allow me to escape reality for a while,
they let me redefine reality. Under the influence of these substances I was able to let go
of rigid preconcepts, to see that there was another world beyond my heavily filtered
senses, a world that was equally real and doubly beautiful—a world with no red mist, no

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reason for red mist. There was only truth. After the psychedelics wore off my memory
of that world would remain: This is not all there is. All the great seers and philosophers
say our daily life is an illusion. I always felt the truth in that. But how reassuring it was,
after nibling a mushroom, or ingesting ayahuasca, to experience it for myself.”
App. D255.

 On or About July 1, 2016. App. D269. HRH recounted his first date with the now
Duchess of Sussex. App. D271–73. HRH then recounted meeting a “mate after.” App.
D273. “I recounted the entire date, then pleaded: Shit, mate, what am I going to do?”
Out came the tequila. Out came the weed. We drank and smoked and watched . . . Inside
Out. An animated movie . . . about emotions. Perfect. I was thoroughly inside out.
Then I was peacefully numb. Good weed, dude.” App. D274. HRH then recounted a
FaceTime with the now Duchess of Sussex. App. D274.

 Shortly after December 2016. App. D305, D307. HRH recounted the following in a
therapy session: “Do you think I have an addictive personality? More accurately, what I
wanted to know was, if I did have an addictive personality, where would I be right now?”
Hard to say. Hypotheticals, you know. She asked if I’d used drugs. Yes. I told her
some wild stories. Well, I am rather surprised you’re not a drug addict.” App. D312.

 Updated Admissions During CBS: 60 Minutes. (Jan. 8, 2023), App. A101.

“COOPER: You write in the book about psychedelics, Ayahuasca, psilocybin
PRINCE HARRY: I would never recommend people to do this recreationally, but doing
it with the right people if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma,
then these things have a way of working as a medicine.
COOPER: They showed you something. What did they show you?
PRINCE HARRY: For me, they clear the windscreen—the windshield, the misery of
loss. They cleared away this idea that I had in my head that my mother, that I needed to
cry to prove to my mother that I missed her, when in fact, all she wanted was for me to be

 Undated Admissions During an April 3, 2023, 90-minute pay for view livestreamed
“chat” with Dr. Gabor Maté. See, e.g., Evening Standard Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App.
A15–16; Daily Mail Online (Mar. 4, 2023), App. A5; Daily Mirror Online (Mar. 4, 2023)
App. A46–47.

o “Prince Harry went through various drugs from stimulants to psychedelics and
explained what they did for him during a livestreamed Q&A with trauma expert Dr
Gabor Maté[. ] Prince Harry has said that marijuana ‘really helped him’ mentally but
taking cocaine ‘did nothing for him’. The Duke of Sussex opened up about his drug
use in a live question and answer session tonight, set up to promote his memoir,
Spare, where the audience paid for a ticket to tune in. Speaking about cocaine,
Prince Harry told Dr Gabor Maté: “That didn’t do anything for me. It was more of
a social thing.” He added: ‘It gave me a sense of belonging for sure. It also made
me feel different to the way I was feeling, which is kind of the point.’ Moving on to

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cannabis, which he has admitted to using before, Harry said: ‘Marijuana is different,
that actually did really help me.’” Daily Mirror Online (Mar. 3, 2023), App. A46.

o “The duke also told of using psychedelics such as ayahuasca. He went on: ‘It was
the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s
filters just as much as on Instagram, these layers of filters. It removed it all for me
and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to
hold on to for a period of time. I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realize how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my
life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.’”
Daily Mirror Online (Mar. 3, 2023), App. A47.

o “‘Hallucinogens have helped me to clean the windscreen of my troubled mind’:

Prince Harry extols the use of Class A drug in cosy online chat with ‘toxic trauma
therapist’ Gabor Maté[. ] For a man who demands his privacy, it was an extraordinary
soul-bearing 90-minute public therapy session. Prince Harry sat down with Dr Maté
for a £17 livestreamed chat last night Duke of Sussex described taking hallucinogen
ayahuasca, saying it ‘changed me’.” Daily Mail Online (Mar. 4, 2023), App. A5.

o “His choice of inquisitor was controversial as Dr Maté has been roundly criticized for
advocating the use of psychedelic drugs including the South American drug
ayahuasca, which makes users vomit. The Duke of Sussex cheerfully described
taking the hallucinogen, saying it ‘changed me’ and describing it as ‘cleaning the
windscreen’ of his troubled mind. Harry, 38, also appeared to advocate for illegal
drugs, at one point saying: ‘Marijuana really did help me.’” Daily Mail Online (Mar.
4, 2023), App. A5.

o “Speaking to Dr Maté regarding his cocaine use, the Duke said: ‘I don’t think that
did anything for me. It was more of a social thing, and I guess trying to get a sense of
belonging, for sure. I think it also probably made me feel different to the way that I
was feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different, that actually did
help me.’” Daily Star Online (Mar. 4, 2023), App. A99.

o “On using drugs, Prince Harry said: ‘(Cocaine) didn’t do anything for me, it was
more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably also
made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.
Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.’ The duke also spoke of using
plant-based psychedelics such as ayahuasca, after Dr Mate told of using it with his
patients. Harry said: ‘It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the
windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on Instagram, these layers of
filters. It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time. I started doing
it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me, I would say it is
one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the
traumas and pains of the past.’” Independent (Mar. 5, 2023), App. A49.

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o “Harry said he turned to the psychedelic drug ayahuasca to deal with the traumas and
added: ‘It was the cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters. And these
layers and filters, it removed it all for me. It brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort.’ He added: ‘I started doing it recreationally and started to realize how good
it was for me. It is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and
helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.’ The duke said of his dabbles
with cocaine: ‘That didn’t do anything for me. It was more a social thing. It gave
me a sense of belonging for sure. Marijuana is different, that did actually really help
me. Alcohol is certainly more of a social thing.’” People (Mar. 5, 2023), App. A56.

o “They talked about drugs: Harry dabbled in cocaine. He said marijuana helped him,
and ayahuasca assisted in clearing the ‘windshield.’” N.Y. Post (Mar. 5, 2023), App.

o “3. Harry believes some of his experiences with drugs ‘helped.’ During their chat,
Harry admitted to taking a range of recreational drugs, including cocaine and
marijuana. The former, he said, ‘did nothing’ for him aside from giving him a
temporary ‘sense of belonging’ while the latter ‘actually really did help me’. But it
was his appreciation for psychedelics—including drink ayahuasca which is brewed
from two plants native to South America—which was perhaps the most revealing. ‘It
was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s
filters just as much as on Instagram, these layers of filters,’ he said of his experiences
of psychedelics which can cause hallucinations. ‘It removed it all for me and brought
me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for
a period of time. I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good
it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed
me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.’” Evening Standard
Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App. A15–16.

o “Anti-drug campaigners blast Prince Harry for sending ‘worrying message to young
people’ after he claimed Cannabis ‘really helped’ his mental health in latest
interview—before describing ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca[. ]
Campaigners have criticized Prince Harry after he spoke again about using drugs,
saying he is sending a worrying message to young people. The Duke of Sussex told
how using cannabis—a Class B drug—‘really helped’ him. He said ayahuasca it
‘brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort.’ In a live-streamed interview, the
Duke of Sussex told how using cannabis—a Class B drug—‘really helped’ him to
deal with mental health issues following the death of his mother. He also talked
about his ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca, saying it ‘brought me
a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a
period of time’. The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr
Gabor Mate, an outspoken supporter of decriminalizing drugs who has allegedly used
Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering mental illness. Harry told him:
‘[Cocaine] didn’t do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense
of belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was

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feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different, that actually really did
help me.’” Daily Mail Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App. A21.

o “He said that cocaine ‘didn’t do anything’ for him, though it was a ‘social thing’ and
gave him a ‘sense of belonging’. But marijuana ‘really’ helped him. And ayahuasca
triggered feelings of ‘release’ and ‘comfort’ that helped him deal with his trauma,
Prince Harry said. He added: ‘It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the
windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on Instagram, these layers of
filters. It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time.’ ‘I started
doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me, I would say
it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with
the traumas and pains of the past.’ In a previous interview, Prince Harry said he
would not recommended taking the substance recreationally. But he added: ‘Doing it
with the right people if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma,
then these things have a way of working as a medicine.’” Daily Mail Online, (Mar. 6.
2023), App. A59.

o “At one point, the conversation turned to substances that Harry may have used, both
to mask his pain and to heal it. Cocaine “didn’t do anything” for him, Harry said,
while marijuana “really did help.” It’s psychedelics, however, that he really rates. “I
started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me,”
says Harry. One such experience is detailed in ‘Spare,’ when he took magic
mushrooms at a party at Courtney Cox’s house and encountered a chatty garbage bin
in her guest bathroom. ‘I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that
changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past,’ Harry adds,
describing taking ayahuasca as akin to cleaning a dirty windscreen. ‘It removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I
managed to hold on to for a period of time.’” Toronto Staff (Mar. 6, 2023), App.

28. Recall, that under Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) the key issue governing

admissibility to the United States is whether there was an admission of the essential elements of

a CDS violation under the law of the country in which the conduct occurred, here, England (the

United Kingdom). The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, c.38 criminalizes a broad array of conduct

related to CDS. Section 5(1) provides “Subject to any regulations under section 7 of this Act for

the time being in force, it shall not be lawful for a person to have a controlled drug in his

possession.” Section 7 of the Act generally provides for use of CDS by, or under the

authorization of, doctors and researchers. Section (5)(2) provides that “[s]ubject to section 28 of

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this Act and to subsection (4) below, it is an offence for a person to have a controlled drug in his

possession in contravention of subsection (1) above.” Section (5)(3) provides as to the element

of knowledge “[f]or the purposes of this Act the things which a person has in his possession shall

be taken to include any thing subject to his control which is in the custody of another.” Section

(5)(4) provides certain defenses to simple lawful possession if “possession” of the drug was

taken either to prevent a crime and destroy the drug or deliver it to authorities, or to deliver the

drug to a person in authority.

29. Section 2 of the Act provides for “Schedul[ing]” of drugs via statute and Orders in

Counsel approved in draft by each House of Parliament.

30. Since the Drugs Act 2005 c. 17 Pt 4 s.21 “[f]ungus (of any kind) which contains

psilocin or an ester of psilocin” is Scheduled as a Class A drug. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 c.38

Schedule 2, Part 1. “Coca leaf” and “Cocaine” has been scheduled as a Class A Drug the entire

relevant time-period at issue. Id. The psychedelic “ayahuasca” contains the active ingredient

“dimethyltryptamine”, which has long been scheduled as a Class A drug. Id. During the time

period relevant to this Complaint, “Cannabinol. Cannabinol derivatives Cannabis and cannabis

resin” were scheduled as Class C drugs until the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order

2008/3130 art.2(2)(a) (Jan. 26, 2009), which rescheduled those drugs as Class B.

31. The House of Lords spoke at length to the elements of possession of CDS under

the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 in R. v. Lambert, [2001] UKHL 37 (appeal taken from Eng.). As

summarized by Lord Clyde:

The meaning of possession for the purposes of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is now well
established. The first of the two elements, control, involves a physical control. The
concept is enlarged by section 37(3) of the Act which states that “things which a person
has in his possession shall be taken to include any thing subject to his control which is in
the custody of another”. The second element involves that the defendant knows that the
thing in question is under his control. He need not know what its nature is, but so long as

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he knows that the thing, whatever it is, is under his control, it is in his possession
(Ashton-Ricktardt (1977) 65 Cr.App.R. 67, [1978]1 W.L.R. 37). The prosecution
requires to prove that the defendant had control of the thing, that he knew he had control
of it, and that the thing was the controlled drug which the prosecution allege it to have

Id. at [122]; accord id. at [16] (Lord Slynn of Hadley) (similar); id. [61] (Lord Hope of

Craighead) (“[T]here are two elements to possession. There is the physical element, and there is

the mental element. The physical element involves proof that the thing is in the custody of the

defendant or subject to his control. The mental element involves proof of knowledge that the

thing exists and that it is in his possession. Proof of knowledge that the thing is an article of a

particular kind, quality or description is not required. It is not necessary for the prosecution to

prove that the defendant knew that the thing was a controlled drug which the law makes it an

offence to possess.”); id. at [180–81] (Lord Hutton).

32. A defense may be set up under Section 28 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 as it

relates to the lack of knowledge of the defendant that what he possessed was in fact a scheduled

substance. Under the authority of R. v. Lambert, that defense only requires the defendant to

discharge an evidentiary burden. Accordingly, actual knowledge may be considered an element

for purposes of analysis under Section 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) if the defendant discharged their

evidentiary burden to put the matter at issue. See R. v. Lambert, [2001] UKHL 37 (Eng.) [17]

(Lord Slynn); id. [42] (Lord Steyn); id. [91–92] (Lord Hope); id. [158] (Lord Clyde). In any

event, it is not implicated here, as HRH admits he knowingly possessed CDS.

33. As to the timing and length of requisite possession, the rule was set down by Lord

Chief Justice Lord Parker in Hambelton v. Cullinan [1968] 2 Q.B. 427 [432]. Lord Parker, after

ruling a defendant cannot be convicted of possession of a drug at the time of a positive drug test

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in that the drug in question had by that time been changed in essential character by biological

process stated:

But before leaving the matter, I confess that I myself can see no reason why in another
case the time when the possession was said to have taken place should not be a time prior
to the consumption, because as it seems to me the traces of, in this case, amphetamine
powder in the urine is at any rate prima facie evidence—which is all the prosecution
need—that the man concerned must have had it in his possession, if only in his hand prior
to raising his hand to his mouth and consuming it. Accordingly, it seems to me that the
possible difficulty that the decision in this case raises for the police does not arise in
practice because the date of his possession can always be laid prior to the consumption.

Thus, possession antecedent to use is sufficient to establish the element of possession. See, e.g.,

R. (on the Application of Muizarajs v. Latvia, [2022] EWHC 2751 (Admin); Spitans v. Latvia,

[2022] EWHC 472 (Admin).

34. While that disposes of the analysis of the “essential elements” under United

Kingdom law, it is relevant to set out briefly that while possession of CDS is not considered a

grave crime, it is a crime nonetheless that can receive a custodial sentence. The range of

sentences for possession of CDS is helpfully set out by HM Government:

See (last visited Apr. 29, 2023).

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35. Prior to the Coroners and Justice Act of 2009, c.25, guideline cases from the

Court of Appeal established that first time simple possession almost never justified a custodial

sentence, but that in a case of “repeated flouting of law and previous convictions”, a custodial

sentence could be necessary. R. v. Batey, 2005 EWCA Crim 120 [6–9].

36. Under the current Sentencing Guidelines regime while the starting point for a first

offense of simple possession is a simple fine, there are several aspects of the Duke of Sussex’s

admitted conduct that are properly considered as aggravating, namely his repeated and chronic

use, his flouting of the law via use calculated to evade detection by his Security Officers, abuse

of public office, clear guilty intent and concealment, and probable impact that his admission and

advocacy of illegal drug use have had on the community. See

controlled-drug-2/ (last visited Apr. 29, 2023);

drug-2/ (last visited Apr. 29, 2023). On the last point, the record is replete with recent criticism

of the Duke of Sussex.6 Of course, hitherto good character, lack of prior conviction, and

See, e.g., Daily Mail Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App. A21–22 (“‘Our work is with under-18s and
our concern is that this can send a message that is going to make young people think that drugs
are going to help them with stuff that is really difficult,’ she said. ‘It is a time when a lot of them
are struggling with their mental health.’ Numbers have really increased and access to support
services is a real struggle as services are incredibly stretched. ‘Unfortunately young people are
getting the message from somewhere that drugs are going to help with their problems and
anything that reinforces that is a concern for us. Using drugs as a coping strategy is more likely
to lead to dependence than other motivations because that becomes how you are coping with
something.’ She added of Harry: ‘He has been very public about his drug use, which is one
thing, but the statement that it helped him is a concern for young people.’ TV presenter Kirstie
Allsopp also criticized the duke, tweeting: ‘If you have a vast platform you don’t mouth off
about using illegal drugs, the trade which kills people.’ In his memoir Spare, Harry admitted
using cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms and was accused of being ‘irresponsible’ and
glorifying drugs.”); Express Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App. A24 (“Prince Harry’s praise for a drug

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unfortunate childhood experiences could be considered in mitigation. See

controlled-drug-2/ (last visited Apr. 29, 2023). All that is to say, the offense is a criminal offense

under applicable domestic law and the Duke of Sussex’s offense conduct has characteristics that

might quite properly militate against discretionary relief by DHS.

Illegal Drugs in Lesotho

37. 2004 (Sometime before March). The Duke of Sussex admitted in Spare that

after sitting for a stressful and aggravating press interview in which he was accused (incorrectly)

of having been to rehab, “[a]fter the interview I went and found George and we drank beer. A

lot of beer. Gallons of beer. I believe that was also the night I smoked an entire shopping bag of

weed. I don’t recommend it. Then again, it might have been another night. Hard to be precise

when it comes to a shopping bag full of weed.” App. D92–93.

38. The United Kingdom’s Lesotho travel advice states that “[p]ossession of drugs is

a serious offence and punishments can be severe.” Local Laws and Customs—Lesotho Travel

has been criticized by the family of a woman who died after taking the psychedelic substance.”);
Daily Mail Online (Mar. 6, 2023), App. A59 (“Experts are now worried that Prince Harry’s latest
comments could ‘promote’ the ‘quack therapy’ [(use of ayahuasca)], which is illegal in the UK,
US and Canada, as a way to ‘remove life’s filters’.”); id. at App. A60 (“Experts warn ayahuasca
and similar potions could trigger underlying mental health conditions or heart problems.”); id at
App. A60–61 (“Dr Max Pemberton, an NHS psychiatrist in London and columnist for The Daily
Mail, said the Duke of Sussex’s comments are ‘highly irresponsible’ and ‘promoting yet another
quack therapy’. ‘Harry plainly has no understanding of the serious damage these substances can
wreak on users—damage that I see on mental health hospital wards with upsetting frequency,’ he
said. Dr Pemberton warned that Prince Harry has been ‘seduced by the fashionability of the
drug, which is popular among the trendy middle classes’.”); Daily Mail Online (Mar. 6, 2023),
App. A60–61 (“Meanwhile, the family of Jennifer Spencer, who died by suicide aged 29 in 2019
after taking ayahuasca in Peru, said his comments were ‘irresponsible’. Ms Spencer suffered
severe psychosis as a result of her experience with the drug. Her aunt, Fiona Chase, 73, told The
Sun: ‘He should not be speaking positively about this drug. It’s irresponsible because a lot of
people look up to him.’”).

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Advice, found at (last

visited Apr. 29, 2023).

Illegal Drugs in the United States

39. The Duke of Sussex has also admitted to the essential elements of drug offenses

in the United States on several occasions:

 January 2016, Los Angeles, California. The Duke of Sussex recounted attending a
house party in Los Angeles. App. D259–60. When a refrigerator door was opened in
that house, HRH recounts that the following ensued: “While the door was open we
spotted a huge box of black diamond mushroom chocolates. Someone behind me said
they were for everybody. Help yourself, boys! My mate and I grabbed several, gobbled
them, washing them down with tequila.[ . . .] We took ourselves outside, sat down by a
firepit, and waited. I remember after a time standing up and wandering back into the
house to use the loo. It was hard to navigate the house, with its angular modern furniture
and clean glass surfaces. Also, there weren’t many lights on. But in time I managed to
find the loo. Lovely room, I thought, shutting the door. I looked all around. Beautiful
hand soaps. Clean white towels. Exposed wood beams. Mood lighting. Leave it to the
Yanks. Beside the toilet was a round silver bin, the kind with a foot pedal to open the lid.
I stared at the bin. It stared back. What—staring? Then it became . . . a head. I stepped
on the pedal and the head opened its mouth. A huge open grin. I laughed, turned away,
took a piss. Now the loo become a head too. The bowl was its gapping maw, the hinges
of the seat were its piercing sliver eyes. It said: Aaah. I finished, flushed, closed its
mouth. I turned back to the silver bin, stepped on the pedal, fed it an empty packet of
cigarettes from my pocket. Open wide. Aaah. Thank you mate. You’re welcome mate.
I left the bathroom, giggling, and walked straight into my mate. What’s so funny? I told
him he needed to walk into that loo right now and have the experience of a lifetime.
What experience? Can’t describe it. You have to see for yourself.[ . . .] He was wearing
a big puffer jacket with a furry collar.[ . . .] Without taking it off he walked into the loo.
I went to make myself another tequila. Minutes later my mate appeared at my side. His
face was white as a sheet. What happened? Don’t want to talk about it. Tell me. My
puffer jacket . . . became a dragon. A dragon? In the Loo? And tried to eat me. Oh
dear. You sent me into a dragon’s lair. Shit. Sorry, mate. My delightful trip had been
his hell. How unfortunate. How interesting. I led him outside gently, told him it would
all be OK.” App. C261–62.

 January 2016, Los Angeles, California. “The next day[—after the conduct described at
App C261–62)—]we went to another house party.[ . . .] More tequila, more names
thrown at me. And more mushrooms. We all started playing some kind of game, some
kind of charades—I think? Someone handed me a joint. Lovely. I took a hit, looked at
the rinsed creamy blue of the California sky.[ . . .] I left him, set off across the yard, and
the memory trails away for a time. I seem to remember yet another house party . . . that
day? The next? Eventually, somehow, we made our way back to Monica’s. That is,

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 28 of 55

Courtney’s. It was night. I walked down some stairs to her beachfront and stood with
my toes in the ocean, watching the lacy surf come forward, recede, come forward, for
what felt like ages. I looked from the water to the sky, back and forth. Then I stared
directly at the moon. It was speaking to me. Like the bin and the toilet. What was it
saying? That the year ahead would be good. Good how? Something big? Really? Big.
Not more of the same? No, something special. Really, Moon? Promise. Please don’t lie
to me.” App. D262–63.

 Circa March 2020, Los Angeles, California. HRH recounted his nightly routine while
living at Tyler Perry’s residence with the Duchess of Sussex and his young son. App.
D389. HRH wrote “[l]ate at night, with everyone asleep, I’d walk the house, checking
the doors and windows. Then I’d sit on the balcony or the edge of the garden and roll a
joint.” App. D390.

40. Under United States law, it is illegal for “any person knowingly or intentionally to

possess a controlled substance,” unless such substance was obtained via valid medical

procedures or via other narrow exceptions not applicable here. 21 U.S.C. § 844. At all times

relevant here, “[m]arijuana” and “[t]etrahydrocannabinols, except for tetrahydrocannabinols in

hemp” were scheduled under Schedule 1. See 21 U.S.C. § 812, Schedule 1(c)(10), (17). So too

“[p]silocybin” and “[p]silocyn” Id. at (15)–(16). “Dimethyltryptamine” the active ingredient of

“ayahuasca” is also on Schedule I. Id. at (6).

41. “The basic elements of a simple possession offense are (1) knowing or intentional

(2) possession (3) of a controlled substance.” United States v. Lacy, 446 F.3d 448, 454 (9th Cir.

2006); accord United States v. Colon, 268 F.3d 367, 375 (9th Cir. 2001).

42. The requirement of “knowing” possession does not require criminal intent. See

United States v. Powell, 932 F.2d 1337, 1342 (9th Cir. 1991) (“Powell could be convicted of

simple possession under 21 U.S.C. § 844 even if he only possessed the cocaine for the purpose of

destroying it”). It is not necessary to show that the defendant knew “that possession of a

controlled substance was illegal.” United States v. Cain, 130 F.3d 381, 384 (9th Cir. 1997) (A

defendant “only had to know that the substances he possessed were controlled substances”).

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43. One has “possession” of an object “‘if the person knows of its presence and has

physical control of it, or has the power and intention to control it.’ Manual of Model Criminal

Jury Instructions for the Ninth Circuit, § 3.16 (1992 ed.) (emphasis added).” Cain, 130 F.3d at

382. “[I]t is not a defense to an otherwise established simple possession offense that the

defendant did not possess the substance because he merely used or consumed it.” United States

v. Courtney, 979 F.2d 45, 49 (5th Cir. 1992). Here HRH’s admitted conduct plainly includes an

admission of physical possession prior to use.

Extensive Media Coverage Concerning DHS’s Actions in Admitting HRH The Duke of
Sussex to the United States with His Admitted Extensive History with CDS.

44. In 2023, media has extensively and consistently covered all aspects of the Duke of

Sussex’s admission to the essential elements of numerous CDS crimes. This coverage has

repeatedly surfaced issues concerning HRH’s CDS related conduct and United States

immigration status. This coverage has also regularly surfaced questions concerning whether or

not DHS acted, and is acting, appropriately as concerns HRH’s immigration status:

 Daily Mail (Jan. 7, 2023), App. C211 (“US officials confirmed allegations of drugtaking
would not lead to California resident Harry being banned from entering America. Under
US law, foreign nationals who have admitted taking drugs can be turned away at the
border and refused a visa. But American immigration lawyer Christi Jackson told GB
News that admissions of drug use in the pages of a book would not be considered

 Sunday Telegraph (Jan 8, 2023), App. C219 (“Immigration lawyers The Sunday
Telegraph spoke to confirmed the Duke of Sussex would have been required to detail that
history when he made the decision to permanently relocate to California with his wife
Meghan in 2020. ‘He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his
answers, he should have been denied,’ said Prof Alberto Benítez, director of George
Washington University’s Immigration Clinic. The law professor said it would be in
Harry’s ‘best interest’ to acknowledge his illicit drug use, adding ‘otherwise, he’s
perjuring himself on an official US government document’. He suggested the Duke may
have been granted some discretion by immigration officials because of his status. ‘If he
was ‘Fred Jones’ and he had this kind of a background, he’d have a lot more scrutiny and
I could see the green card being denied,’ Prof Benitez said. If the Duke failed to declare

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it, Prof Benitez said: ‘One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be
revoked.’”); see also Telegraph Online (Jan. 7, 2023), App. C239–40.

 Daily Mail Online (Jan. 8, 2023), App. C229 (“Most applicants with a history of drug use
would be denied American visas, however immigration decisions are made on a ‘case-by-
case’ basis, The Sunday Times reported. US immigration rules state an individual’s
‘current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities . . . may make the
applicant ineligible for a visa’.”).

 Daily Mirror Online (Jan. 8, 2023), App. C237 (reporting that HRH’s admissions
regarding CDS in Spare may place his immigration status at risk).

 Daily Record (Jan. 9, 2023), App. C215–16 (“IT is feared that Harry’s revelations about
drug use could put his US visa at risk. The Prince admits in his memoir that he has taken
cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms. Experts argue that he could have been denied
residency in America if he had disclosed his drug use when applying. And he could even
have it revoked now if it is determined that he ‘lied’ during the process, a leading
authority on US immigration has argued. Professor Alberto Benítez, director of George
Washington University’s Immigration Clinic, said: ‘He would have been asked [about
his drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied.’”).

 Daily Star Online (Jan. 9, 2023), App. C232 (“There are countless examples of people
being refused entry or a visa to the United States due to admissions of past illegal drug
use, but is has yet to happen to a Prince. Prince Harry could be banned from the States
after admitting he took drugs, immigration experts have warned.”).

 Metro (UK) (Jan. 11, 2023), App. C225 (“Cannabis was legalized for recreational use in
California in 2016 but there is speculation Harry’s drug taking admission could put his
US visa at risk. The 38-year old also admits in Spare he took cocaine at the age of 17 and
once hallucinated on magic mushrooms at a celebrity party in California. When quizzed
about the royal’s visa and drug use, the US state department said: ‘All applications are
adjudicated on a case-by-case basis. Visa records are confidential under US law:
therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual cases.’”).

 Cannabis News Today (Jan. 13, 2023), App. C217 (“Prince Harry has revealed he would
‘roll a joint’ at Tyler Perry’s house while wife Meghan Markle and son Archie slept in
another room as they house-hunted for themselves. Harry, the Duke of Sussex, made the
admission in his tell all book, ‘Spare,’ in which he admitted to smoking weed, doing
cocaine and also magic mushrooms. The duke, then 36, said he rolled joints while
staying at US actor Tyler Perry’s home in Los Angeles in 2020, before settling in nearby
Montecito. ‘Late at night, with everyone asleep, I’d walk the house, checking the doors
and windows. Then I’d sit on the balcony or the edge of the garden and roll a joint. The
house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I’d listen to their
late-night song, smell the scented air,’ he states. Cannabis was legalized for recreational
use in California in 2016 but there is speculation his drug taking admission could put his
US visa at risk.”).

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 BuzzFeed (Jan. 14, 2023), App. C1–4 (discussing intense media interest in the topic of
whether HRH’s admissions relating to CDS in Spare could lead to revocation of his
immigration status in the United States; also discussing United States law on that point
and the discretion inherent in that law; recounting conflicting expert opinions as to
whether DHS properly admitted HRH or whether his status caused him to receive

 CE Latin Am. Migration Newswire (Mar. 7, 2023), App. A27 (“Once again Prince Harry
is in trouble, now he is at risk of having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he used
drugs, reported the Mirror. The Duke of Sussex revealed in Spare, his memoirs, that in
his youth he repeatedly used cocaine and other drugs, as it helped him to improve his life.
Prince Henry revealed that he started using marijuana and ayahuasca to cope with all the
traumas of his past and said he realized that it did him good to use them in his daily life.
‘I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me,’ he
told Dr. Gabor Mate. The Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough
stance when it comes to non-U.S. citizens using drugs in the country, so the Duke of
Sussex risks having his visa revoked. In recent years British citizens have had problems
entering the United States such as Nigella Lawson, who was prevented from taking a
flight to the country after using cocaine beforehand.”).

 Sun (Mar. 8, 2023), App. A94 (“Prince Harry, in his need to talk about his mental health,
confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine,
during a talk that was broadcast live with controversial physician Gabor Mate for the
program ‘The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture.’ ‘I
started doing it recreationally and then realized how good it was for me,’ recounted
Henry, Duke of Sussex. However, these statements that caused astonishment to more
than one could cause him problems with the U .S. government since if the son of Charles
III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his
permission to live in California. According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services, visa applicants ‘who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts are
inadmissible.’ ‘(Authorities) frown upon drug use by non-U.S. citizens,’ Piers Morgan
said. ‘Another compelling reason why we don’t want them at the King’s coronation, as
we could end up keeping them forever,’ he added referring to Harry and Meghan.
Australia’s ‘Sky News’ recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned
from taking a flight to the United States after confessing to cocaine use during a trial.
Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after an appeal.”).

 Express Online (Mar. 20, 2023), App. C197–98 (“Prince Harry could see his visa
revoked after admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan
pointed out.”).

 N.Y. Post (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C208 (“BEST-selling author Prince Harry (above) may
find himself in hot water for being too honest about his past drug use, a legal expert tells
Page Six, while others assert the British royal is in the clear. ‘An admission of drug use
is usually grounds for inadmissibility,’ former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told

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The Post’s Eileen Reslen of Harry’s status in the States. ‘That means Prince Harry’s visa
should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms
and other drugs’ in his blockbuster memoir ‘Spare.’ But another legal expert, James
Leonard, said, ‘I don’t see any issue with the disclosures . . . regarding recreational
experimentation with drugs.’”).

45. The press has extensively and consistently covered the Request. This coverage

repeatedly surfaces and explores the question of whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting

the Duke of Sussex. It also surfaces related questions of whether DHS is acting appropriately in

light of HRH’s recent admissions in Spare. Coverage also surfaces questions concerning the

Duke of Sussex’s CDS related admissions on his immigration status.

 Daily Mirror Online (Mar. 21, 2023), App. C202–03 (reporting on the Request and
questions regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and
whether DHS is acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Daily Mail Online (Mar. 21, 2023), App. C204–07 (reporting on the Request and
questions regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and
whether DHS is acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Daily Mail Online (Mar. 21, 2023), App. C204–07 (reporting on the Request and
questions regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and
whether DHS is acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Daily Mirror (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C132 (reporting on the Request).

 Newsweek (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C33–38 (reporting on the Request).

 CE Latin American Migr. Newswire (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C152; Daily Mirror Online
(Mar. 21, 2023), App. C202–03 (reporting on the Request and questions regarding both
whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is acting
appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Daily Mail Online (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C176–80 (reporting on the Request and
questions regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and
whether DHS is acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Mercury News (Mar 22, 2023), App. C51–54 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is
acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

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 The Sun (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C55–60 (reporting on varying legal opinions as to whether
HRH’s CDS related admissions in Spare place his immigration status in legal jeopardy).

 Daily Star Online (Mar. 22, 2023), App. C200–01 (“Prince Harry’s admission of drug
use in bombshell book Spare may lead to legal troubles down the line, a former attorney
has claimed after they say there is ‘no exception’ to drug use[. ] Prince Harry may find
his US visa revoked after revelations about his drug use were aired in Spare, the Duke’s
bombshell autobiography. A legal expert believes that the truthful Duke may have paved
a way toward losing his right to reside in the United States because of his book. Others,
however, have said that the Duke of Sussex should be fine, so long as he does not find
himself in prison for any other reason in the future.”).

 The Daily Signal (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C14 (reporting extensively on the Request).

 The Mercury (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C134 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH; reporting “Eyebrows
were raised over Harry’s legal status in the US after the release of Spare in January, and
the subsequent media blitz that mined the depths of his drug use.”).

 Hindustan Times (Mar 22, 2023), App. C39–41 (reporting on the Request).

 Daily Mail (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C61–68 (extensively reporting on varying legal
opinions as to whether HRH’s CDS related admissions in Spare place his immigration
status in legal jeopardy).

 Express Online (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C148–49 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is
acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status; reporting on claims
that the Duchess of Sussex and others should have “warned” HRH regarding discussing
conduct involving CDS).

 Express Online (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C159–60 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is
acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Daily Star Online (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C162–63 (reporting on the Request).

 Daily Mail Online (Mar. 24, 2023), App. C108–09 (reporting on the Request).

 Express Online (Mar. 24, 2023), App. C115–16 (reporting on the Request; reporting on
an interview with a retired DHS Agent concerning process for admission to the United

 Express Online (Mar. 24, 2023), App. C136–37 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is
acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

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 Express Online (Mar. 24, 2023), App. C154–55 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH).

 Express Online (Mar. 24, 2023), App C156–57 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding both whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and whether DHS is
acting appropriately as concerns HRH’s current immigration status).

 Yahoo!Life (Mar. 25, 2023), App. C8–10 (discussing intense media interest in the topic of
whether HRH’s admissions relating to CDS in Spare could lead to revocation of his
status in the United States; also discussing United States law on that point and discretion
inherent in that law; recounting conflicting expert opinions as to whether DHS properly
admitted HRH).

 Express Online (Mar. 26, 2023), App. C100 (reporting on the Request).

 Sky News AU (Mar. 27, 2023), App. C16–19 (discussing possible immigration
consequences from HRH’s CDS related admission in Spare and noting commentators’
opinions that “[a]ll eyes will be on him because obviously situations that involve high-
profile individuals you want to fairly apply the law because it could become quite
scandalous if it’s seen that Prince Harry is getting favorable treatment.”).

 Daily Mirror Online (Mar. 27, 2023), App. C82–83 (reporting on varying legal opinions
as to whether or not HRH’s CDS related admissions in Spare place his immigration status
in legal jeopardy; reporting on legal expert opinion that HRH is unlikely to face
“immigration consequences” post revelations in Spare).

 Express Online (Mar. 27, 2023), App. C85–86 (“Meghan Markle ‘should have warned’
Prince Harry about drug use visa risk[. ] Meghan Markle should have warned Prince
Harry that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal
biographer has said.”).

 Noticias Financieras (Mar. 27, 2023), App. C91–92 (reporting on the Request and
questions regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH; reporting that
“speaking to Page Six, former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani noted that ‘an
admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility. That means Prince Harry's
visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs,’ he added. ‘There is no exception for royalty or recreational

 Independent Online (Mar. 28, 2023), App C350 (reporting on the Request).

 Express Online (Mar. 29, 2023), App. C80–81 (reporting on varying legal opinions as to
whether or not HRH’s CDS related admissions in Spare place his immigration status in
legal jeopardy; reporting on legal expert opinion that HRH is unlikely to face
“immigration consequences” post revelations in Spare).

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 Daily Mail Online (Apr. 1, 2023) App. C339–40 (extensively reporting on the Request);
see also Daily Mirror Online (Apr. 1, 2023), App. C343–44.

 Daily Beast (Apr. 2, 2023), App. C394–35 (reporting on the Request).

 Telegraph Online (Apr. 4, 2023) App. C412–13 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and stating “a source close
to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said that Prince Harry had been truthful on his visa
application, but would not be drawn on the extent to which he detailed his drug-taking”).

 Daily Mail Online (Apr. 5, 2023), App. C398 (“Prince Harry ‘may have to update US
officials on his drug use’ when he reapplies for visa this year—as pressure grows on
authorities to reveal if Duke of Sussex was given special treatment when it was granted
Prince Harry must renew his US visa this year, it has emerged, as pressure mounts for his
original application to be published following his admissions of drug use. In his memoir
The Duke said he would ‘roll a joint’ and smoke it by himself at 36[. ] Sources say he has
been honest with drug use to officials in US visa application[. ] The Duke of Sussex
moved to California with his wife Meghan Markle in March 2020, meaning the typical
three-year visa given to those who emigrate to the States should be coming to an end.
The 38-year-old, who admitted past use of cannabis, magic mushrooms and cocaine in
his bombshell memoir Spare, will therefore have to apply for a new visa, Green Card or
full-blown citizenship if he wants to remain in the country. But according to US
immigration laws, foreigners who are ‘determined to be a drug user’ are classed as
‘inadmissible’. While officials can use their discretion to waive the rule, some American
conservative voices fear Harry—who admitted in his memoir to ‘rolling a joint’ as
recently as 2020—may have enjoyed special treatment. Sources close to the Duke
insisted last night that he was ‘truthful’ when he applied for residency in California,
suggesting he informed immigration officials of his past drug use.”); see also id. at
C399–400 (reporting on the Request).

 Daily Star Online (Apr. 5, 2023), App C402–03 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and stating, “Prince Harry
reportedly did inform US authorities about the drug use mentioned in his bombshell
memoir Spare.”).

 Express Online (Apr. 5, 2023), App. C405–06 (reporting on the Request and questions
regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and stating “Prince Harry
told custom officials in the US about his past drug use, an insider has claimed, adding
that the 38-year-old was ‘truthful’ on his visa application”; “The taking of these drugs,
which are Class A and Class B, was confirmed on the forms Harry had to fill out as he
applied for a visa to live in the US, alongside his wife Meghan Markle and their two
young children, Archie and Lilibet, the insider has claimed.”).

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 Daily Beast (Apr. 5, 2023), App. C409 (reporting on the Request and questions regarding
whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting HRH and stating “Prince Harry’s camp
has suggested that he admitted to drug use when applying for an American visa”).

46. On April 11, 2023, Newsweek reported on the Request and questions regarding

whether DHS acted appropriately in admitting the Duke of Sussex into the United States.

Newsweek (Apr. 11, 2023) (Ex. 8). That article also contained the results of a nationwide poll of

1,500 registered voters. “Asked ‘Given his admission in his book Spare that he previously

consumed drugs, should Prince Harry’s visa application be reviewed by the Department of

Homeland Security?’ 54 percent of respondents said ‘yes,’ while 29 percent said ‘no’ and 17

percent ‘don’t know.’” This clearly shows the intense public interest in the issues raised by the


HRH the Duke of Sussex’s Revelation of the Most Intimate of Life Details for
Commercial Gain.

47. To be sure, even public figures have privacy interests. This is particularly so as

regards the aspects of their life that are not implicated by their public status and which they take

steps to separate from their public life and keep confidential.

48. The Duke of Sussex, however, has made the affirmative choice to put almost

every aspect of his life on display—including those aspects traditionally kept private by public

figures. In so doing, he has publicized not only his own most personal and private moments, but

also those of HM the King, HRH The Prince and Princess of Wales, and the late HM the Queen.

Moreover, these revelations have been made explicitly for massive commercial gain. At the

beginning of 2023, Forbes reported that since the Duke of Sussex stepped down as a working

Royal, “Harry’s bestselling Spare . . . —along with movies, television and podcasts . . . have an

estimated value of more than $135 million.” Carlie Proterfield & Jonathan Ponciano, Here’s

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 37 of 55

What We Know About Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s $135 Million Deals, Forbes (Jan. 19,

2023) (Ex. 9). The article elaborated:

 Spare. Forbes reported rumors that HRH received a $20 million dollar advance for
Spare. Id. The “1.4 million copies” sold on release day led to Spare “becom[ing] the
fastest-selling nonfiction book of all time, according to Guinness World Records.” Id.

 Netflix. “Still perhaps their most lucrative deal yet, the couple signed a five-year, $100
million contract with Netflix in September 2020 to produce documentaries, docuseries,
feature films, scripted shows and children’s programming.” Id.

 Spotify. “In December 2020, the former working royals penned a three-year podcasting
deal with Spotify worth between $15 million to $18 million, according to industry
sources, but some reports indicate it could be as much as $25 million.” Id.

49. These various transactions made public details of virtually every aspect of the

Duke of Sussex’s private life, including aspects normally kept private by other senior Royals.

Only a few examples are necessary to make this point.

50. Take only those admissions made in Spare (which the Duke of Sussex personally

read for the audiobook):

 The Duke of Sussex reported on the then-HRH the Prince of Wales’ neck and back
injuries and his method of using headstands to treat pain from the same. App. D14.

 The Duke of Sussex revealed that his father still carried with him his childhood teddy
bear. App. D40.

 The Duke of Sussex detailed losing his virginity in sensational language: “Inglorious
episode, with an older women. She liked horses, quite a lot, and treated me not unlike a
young stallion. Quick ride, after which she’d smacked my rump and sent me off to graze.
Among the many things about it that were wrong: It happened in a grassy field behind a
busy pub.” App. D70.

 The Duke of Sussex revealed intimate details concerning his discomfort during his
brother’s wedding due to his “todger” being “frostnipped” from a trip to the North Pole.
App. D183. After confirming that he had been circumcised and pondering why he had
not discussed his frostbit “todger” with his father, brother, and others present at a pre-
wedding dinner at Clarence House (App. D183), HRH proceeded to discuss intimate
details of medical treatment for his condition. “My penis was oscillating between
extremely sensitive and borderline traumatized. The last place I wanted to be was
Frostnipistan. I’d been trying some home remedies, including one recommended by a

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 38 of 55

friend. She’d urged me to apply Elizabeth Arden cream. My Mum used that on her lips.
You want me to put that on my todger? It works, Harry. Trust me. I found a tube, and
the minute I opened it the smell transported me through time. I felt as if my mother was
right there in the room. Then I took a smidge and applied it . . . down there. ‘Weird’
doesn’t really do the feeling justice.” App. D188. HRH then proceeded to describe the
details of his treatment by a Harley Street specialist. App. D188–89. HRH later
described that when preparing for a trip to the South Pole “one very close mate hired a
seamstress to make me a bespoke cock cushion. Square, supportive, it was sewn from
pieces of the softest fleece and . . . Enough said.” App. D231.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted details of odd intensely personal moments, such as the
now Duchess of Sussex’s distress during an incident of food poisoning: “From the floor
she said softly: Please tell me you’re not having to hold back my hair while I’m
vomiting. Yes. I am.” App. D288.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted details of an argument with the now Duchess of Sussex
after which she told him to seek therapy. App. D306.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted not just the (commonly made public) fact of seeking
therapy or its role in helping him, but he also recounted details of those therapy sessions.
App. D308–14.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted a highly personal conversation with his brother in which
HRH claimed his brother “attacked” him. App. D359–60.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted that during the birth of his first son he had “two ways of
enhancing [his] calm” App. D363. The first was “Nando’s chicken.” “Two: A canister
of laughing gas beside Meg’s bed. I took several slow, penetrating hits. Meg[ . . . ]
laughed and rolled her eyes. I took several more hits and now I was bouncing, too.
When her contractions began to quicken, and deepen, a nurse came and tried to give
some laughing gas to Meg. There was none left. The nurse looked at the tank, looked at
me, and I could see the thought slowly dawning. Gracious, the husband’s had it all.
Sorry, I said meekly. Meg laughed, the nurse had to laugh, and quickly changed the
canister.” App. D363.

 The Duke of Sussex revealed the details of personal conversations with HM the Queen.
E.g., App. D377.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted details of his security arrangements and relative threat
levels assigned to the Royal Family. App. D 387; see also R. (on the Application of Duke
of Sussex v. Sec. of State for the Home Dep’t, [2022] EWHC (Admin) 682 [6, 11] (sealing
details in filings related to Royal security, including, “the level of threat assessments and
persons for whom they have been carried out”).

 The Duke of Sussex recounted the details of his “tell all” Oprah Winfrey interview. He
recounted that “[s]everal close mates and beloved figures in my life, including one of

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 39 of 55

Hugh and Emilie’s sons, Emilie herself, and even Tiggy [HRH’s nanny and at times
surrogate mother], had chastised me for Oprah. How could you reveal such things?
About your family?” App. D397.

 The Duke of Sussex recounted the details of an intimate conversation between himself,
his father, and his brother after HRH the Prince Phillip’s funeral. App. D5–7; App.
D398–400. The details reported were remarkable for revealing the most intimate parts of
the now-HM the King’s relationship with his sons: “He stood between us, looking up at
our flushed faces: Please, boys—don’t make my final years a misery.” App. D6.

51. The foregoing history of revealing virtually every aspect of private life for

commercial gain is perhaps best expressed by South Park’s biting and equal opportunity satire.

South Park deemed the contradiction between HRH’s claims of privacy and his repeated public

actions to be so great they devoted an entire episode—The World Wide Privacy Tour—to

satirizing HRH.7 Under the old adage “a picture is worth a 1,000 words”, a screenshot follows:

For the avoidance of doubt, Plaintiffs take no position on the precise content or propriety of the
satire. Rather it is cited only to demonstrate public perception.

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The Request

52. Plaintiffs submitted their FOIA Request on March 9, 2023. Pursuant to DHS’s

decentralized FOIA system, the Request was sent to DHS Headquarters, USCIS, and CBP. See

6 C.F.R. § 5.1(c).

53. The Request sought the following information:

Section 1) All records within the Alien File (A-File) of Prince Henry Charles Albert
David (Date of Birth 09/15/1984) of the British Royal Family aka Prince Harry aka His
Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales aka the Duke of Sussex, including but not limited

 Any and all applications for immigration benefits filed, whether or not
 Any and all Forms I-213;
 Any and all Forms I-275; and
 Any and all Forms I-877.

Section 2) All records pertaining to the Duke of Sussex in the following system of
records maintained by CBP and DHS:

 Automated Targeting System (ATS, DHS/CBP-006);

 Advance Passenger Information System (APIS, DHS/CBP-005);
 Border Crossing Information System (BCIS, DHS/CBP-007);
 U.S. Customs and Border Protection TECS (DHS/CBP-011);
 Non-Federal Entity Data System (NEDS, DHS/CBP-008);
 DHS Use of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) System of Records
 CBP Intelligence Records System (CIRS, DHS/CBP-024);
 DHS Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT, DHS/USVISIT-004);
 Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA, DHS/CBP-009);
 Non immigrant Information System (NIIS, DHS/CBP-016);
 Arrival and Departure Information System (ADIS, DHS/CBP-021);and
 Electric Visa Update System (EVUS., DHS/CBP-022).

Section 3) All records relating to any requests for waiver pursuant to Section 212(d)(3) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act including, but not limited to, email communications
within the DHS Office of the Secretary, the USCIS Office of the Director, the CBP
Office of the Commissioner, or any subordinate office within those named departments
or agency or a record of any communication between any of those named entities and the

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U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in London, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Request at 1–2.

54. The Request sought a fee waiver based on the public interest in understanding

whether DHS acted properly in admitting the Duke of Sussex to the United States given his

repeated admissions of drug use and questions as to whether any immigration action should be

revoked post-HRH’s extensive admissions of drug use in Spare. See id. at 4–5.

55. The Request also sought expedited processing pursuant to 6 C.F.R.

§ 5.5(e)(1)(iv), which provides for expedited processing for “[a] matter of widespread and

exceptional media interest in which there exist possible questions about the government's

integrity which affect public confidence.” See Request at 6–8.

56. Plaintiffs’ application for expedited processing was supported via a 126-page

Appendix A, which compiled “news articles and national TV transcripts covering the issue of

substance abuse by Prince Harry, including the Prince’s own admissions regarding the use of

drugs such as cocaine and marijuana in his recent book Spare.” Request at 6; App. A.

CBP’s Denial and Plaintiffs’ Administrative Appeal

57. On March 9, 2023, CBP responded with what clearly was a “form” email and

assigned the Request the number CBP-FO-2023-053731. Email from CBP to Mike Howell

(Mar. 9, 2023) (Ex. 10). That response stated:

Your FOIA request was reviewed as a third-party request and did not include
authorization that information on this individual, or business, can be released to you. All
third party FOIA requests must include a signed G-28 or G-639 form, or a signed
statement from the individual verifying that his/her information may be released to you.
Or, if requesting records pertaining to a business or company, a signed statement on
company letterhead. Due to privacy concerns, CBP cannot confirm nor deny the
existence of records on this individual or business. Your FOIA request has been closed
as insufficient. Please resubmit your FOIA request, along with the required information,
by logging into your existing SecureRelease account.

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Id. The email not only contained obvious form language (e.g., “his/her”), but also contained

absolutely no mention of Plaintiffs’ applications for expedited processing or a fee waiver. It also

did not even consider the highly unusual nature of any privacy analysis of the Request given it

involves a case in which substantial media coverage surfaces the question (and attendant matter

of high public interest) of whether DHS acted appropriately in adjudicating a high-profile case of

entry into the United States by a celebrity figure who has affirmatively placed virtually every

hitherto private aspect of his life in the public domain for commercial gain. DHS regulations

require such an analysis. See 6 C.F.R. § 5.10(c) (DHS must produce records covered by the

Privacy Act to a third-party if FOIA requires disclosure of those records); cf. id. at § 5.3(a)(4)

(“Where a request for records pertains to a third party, a requester may receive greater access by

submitting . . . a notarized authorization signed by that individual . . . .” (emphasis added)). The

email also contained zero analysis of the specific showing in Appendix A that the Duke of

Sussex has a severely diminished privacy interest in the core factual privacy issues implicated by

the Request—the appropriateness of DHS’ actions concerning his entry to, and status in, the

United States given his repeated public admissions of being a serial CDS violator.

58. Plaintiffs administratively appealed this “denial” on April 15, 2023. See Letter

from Mike Howell to CBP Appeals Office (Mar. 15, 2023) (Ex. 11) (“CPB Appeal”). Plaintiffs

began their appeal by noting that the form email they were sent on the same day they transmitted

the Request violated a host of DHS’ own regulations regarding the procedures required to deny

or otherwise “close” a FOIA request:

I am appealing the adverse determination denying my request in full because CBP

violated DHS FOIA regulations, specifically, sections § 5.6(e), § 5.6 (e)(1), § 5.6 (e)(2),
and § 5.6 (e)(3). There was a violation of § 5.6(e) because no one signed off on the
denial as required per statute. There was a violation of § 5.6(e)(1), because there was no
name, no title, no position of the person responsible for the denial as required by statute.

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There was a violation of § 5.6(e)(2), because there were no descriptions of the FOIA
exemptions applied by CBP in denying the request, even though the statute states there
should be a brief statement of the reasons for the denial, including any FOIA exemption
applied by CBP in denying the request. There was a violation of § 5.6(e)(3), because
there was no estimate of the volume of the records withheld, or a statement that it was
protected by an applicable exemption as required.

CBP Appeal at 2. Plaintiffs then continued to explain why the all-but-certain “form” response

appeared to have simply not even considered the unusual facts driving the merits of the Request:

I am also appealing this request because I am questioning the adequacy of the search as
per §5.8 (a)(1). A third-party release is not necessary for this request because there is an
overwhelming countervailing public interest in the disclosure. Public confidence in the
government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet
such a high-profile case. Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment
that would undermine public confidence in DHS, CPB, and USCIS’s application of equal
justice under the law.

Id.; see also 6 C.F.R § 5.10(c). To be frank, the entirety of the CBP “denial” is acrid with the

stench of deliberate unjustified delay.

59. By statute and regulation, CBP is required to respond to the CBP Appeal in 20

business days. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii); 6 C.F.R. § 5.8(d).

60. Plaintiffs have heard nothing further from CBP.

USCIS Meet and Confer

61. On or about March 13, 2023, Counsel for Plaintiffs received a call from USCIS

indicating that they were having difficulty locating the Duke of Sussex’s A-File. USCIS

indicated that they were contacting Plaintiffs in hopes of conferring and gathering more

information to process the Request.

62. No matter how an alien is authorized to enter the Country, they will have an A-

File in some form. USCIS makes commonly requested A-Files publicly available in their FOIA

electronic reading room. See USCIS, Electronic Reading Room, found at

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 44 of 55

room?topic_id%5B%5D=33658&ddt_mon=&ddt_yr=&query=&items_per_page=10 (last visited

Apr. 29, 2023).

63. Counsel for Plaintiffs immediately engaged with USCIS and explained that

because of conventions applicable to the naming of senior members of the Royal Family, it is

possible that the Duke of Sussex used any number of names on immigration forms. For

example, counsel for Plaintiffs posited that HRH could have given his last name as “Windsor”,

“Wales”, or “Sussex”. USCIS thanked Counsel for Plaintiffs for their assistance. Counsel for

Plaintiffs made clear that USCIS should not hesitate to contact them if additional questions arose

and that they were committed to being helpful. Counsel for Plaintiffs subsequently stated on the

record to numerous press outlets that Plaintiffs greatly appreciated USCIS’ cooperation and

thought the call was productive. See, e.g., Express UK (Mar. 23, 2023), App. C121.

64. Regrettably, Plaintiffs have received nothing further from USCIS.

Plaintiffs Supplement Their Expedited Processing Applications

65. DHS, CBP, and USCIS were required by law to make a determination on

Plaintiffs’ application for expedited processing 10 days from receipt of the Request. 5 U.S.C.

§ 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(I); 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(4).

66. Ten days from March 9, 2023 is March 19, 2023. And even if DHS attempts to

allege some issue with internal routing of the Request and invoke regulatory tolling, a

determination on Plaintiffs’ expedited processing application would be due by April 3, 2023 at

the latest. See 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(2) & (4).

67. On April 5, 2023, these statutory and regulatory deadlines having come and gone,

Plaintiffs transmitted a letter to DHS, CBP, and USCIS supplementing their claims for expedited

processing in hopes of prompting some form of action on the underlying application for

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 45 of 55

expedited processing. Letter from Mike Howell to DHS (Apr. 5, 2023) (Ex. 13); Letter from

Mike Howell to CBP (Apr. 5, 2023) (Ex. 14); Letter from Mike Howell to USCIS (Apr. 5, 2023)

(Ex. 15) (“Expedition Supps.”). These identical letters submitted three additional Appendices,

B, C, and D.

 Appendix B “contains a number of news reports and articles reporting on Department of

Homeland Security (“DHS”) denials of entry to the United States based on admissions of
drug use or other similar conduct. Many of these articles question whether DHS is
consistently and fairly discharging the law in this area.” Expedition Supps. at 1.

 Appendix C “contains a number of articles that specifically cover the issue of HRH the
Duke of Sussex KCVO’s drug use and its interaction with HRH ability to lawfully enter
and remain in the United States. Many of these articles question the role of the DHS in
this process and thus raise ‘possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect
public confidence’ in that they suggest there was some impropriety in HRH’s admission
to the United States. . . . Many of these articles specifically comment on the Request and
the ‘possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public confidence’ it
surfaces via asking questions about HRH’s long and admitted history of drug use and
admission to the United States. They thus clearly demonstrate on-going and intense
public interest in ‘possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence’ surfaced by the Request.” Id.

 Appendix D “is an Amazon Kindle redemption code to allow DHS to obtain a copy of
HRH’s book Spare and formally enter that entire book into the record.” Id.

68. Appendices B and C were provided by static URL link. See id. at 1 n.1 & n.2; see



69. Appendix D was provided by Amazon Kindle redemption link. See Expedition

Supp. at 1.

70. Ten days from April 5, 2023 is April 15, 2023. And even if DHS attempts to

allege some issue with internal routing, the applicable calculation from the date of

supplementation would be April 30, 2023 at the latest. See 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(2) & (4).

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71. On April 13, 2023, Plaintiffs were contacted by the CBP FOIA and Appeals

Policy Branch. See Secure Message via SecureRelease Portal (Ex. 15). The message asked

Plaintiffs to “send Appendix B and C again (the various articles you provided).” The message

explained that “[u]nfortunately, we experienced a technical difficulty and now we cannot gain

access to them. I apologize for the inconvenience this causes.” Id.

72. Because Appendices B and C were transmitted by static link, there is no apparent

logical explanation for CBP’s April 13, 2023 request other than delay.

73. Plaintiffs did not receive this message until on or about April 19, 2023. Plaintiffs

replied with the static URL link on April 20, 2023. Id.

Plaintiffs Constructively Exhaust Their Administrative Remedies.

74. Twenty business days from March 9, 2023 is April 6, 2023.

75. Thirty business days from March 9, 2023 is April 20, 2023.

76. Twenty business days from March 15, 2023 is April 12, 2023.

77. On April 6, 2023, Plaintiffs received an acknowledgement from DHS

Headquarters. See Letter from Jimmy Wolfrey to Mike Howell (Apr. 6, 2023) (Ex. 16) (“DHS

Letter”). This correspondence assigned the Request tracking number 2023 HQFO-01164. The

DHS letter stated:

After careful review of your FOIA request, we determined that your request is too broad
in scope, did not specifically identify the records which you are seeking, or only posed
questions to the agency. Records must be described in reasonably sufficient detail to
enable government employees who are familiar with the subject area to locate records
without placing an unreasonable burden upon the agency. For this reason, §5.3(b) of the
DHS regulations, 6 C.F.R. Part 5, require that you describe the records you are seeking
with as much information as possible to ensure that our search can locate them with a
reasonable amount of effort. Whenever possible, a request should include specific
information about each record sought, such as the date, title or name, author, recipients,
and subject matter of the records, if known, or the CISA program office you believe
created and/or controls the record. The FOIA does not require an agency to create new

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records, answer questions posed by requesters, or attempt to interpret a request that does
not identify specific records.

DHS Letter at 1–2. The DHS letter said nothing about Plaintiffs’ fee waiver and expedited

processing applications.

78. This statement is factually inaccurate, takes a frivolous position, and almost

certainly was transmitted for the purpose of improper delay.

79. As an initial matter, the DHS Letter plainly never conducted a “careful review” of

the Request. Id. at 1. Far from it. The DHS Letter is clearly a “form” letter, purporting to

describe the content of the Request in the disjunctive. See id. at 1 (“we determined that your

request is too broad in scope, did not specifically identify the records which you are seeking, or

only posed questions to the agency”(emphasis added)). Moreover, the form language chides

Plaintiffs for failing to provide (among other things) the “subject matter of the records”—

immediately after quoting language seeking specific records about specific forms related to the

Duke of Sussex. The DHS Letter closed by requesting:

Please resubmit your request containing a reasonable description of the records you are
seeking. This is not a denial of your request. Upon receipt of a perfected request, you
will be advised as to the status of your request. If we do not hear from you within 30
days from the date of this letter, we will assume you are no longer interested in this FOIA
request, and the case will be administratively closed.

Neither FOIA nor DHS regulations permit such a non-response response.

80. Plaintiffs responded on April 24, 2023, via email, writing:

This is a response to your April 6, 2023 letter, regarding 2023-HQFO-01164. This

correspondence . . . is factually inaccurate (clearly it is a form document and reflects no
sort of requisite individualized consideration), frivolous, and almost certainly sent for
improper delay. The Request is clear and legal[ly] sufficient. Please process it.

81. Plaintiffs have received no further correspondence regarding the Request or


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Violation of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Failure to Conduct Adequate Searches for Responsive Records.

82. Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1–81 as if fully set out herein.

83. FOIA requires all doubts to be resolved in favor of disclosure. “Transparency in

government operations is a priority of th[e Biden] . . . Administration.” Attorney General,

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Freedom of Information Act

Guidelines, at 4 (Mar. 15, 2022).

84. Plaintiffs properly requested records within the possession, custody, and control

of Defendant.

85. Defendant is subject to FOIA, and therefore must make reasonable efforts to

search for requested records.

86. Defendant has failed to promptly review agency records for the purpose of

locating and collecting those records that are responsive to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request.

87. Defendant’s failure to conduct searches for responsive records violates FOIA and

DHS regulations.

88. Plaintiffs have a statutory right to the information they seek.

89. Defendant is in violation of FOIA.

90. Plaintiffs are being irreparably harmed by reason of Defendant’s violation of

FOIA. Plaintiffs are being denied information to which they are statutorily entitled and that is

important to carrying out Plaintiffs’ functions as a non-partisan research and educational

institution and publisher of news. Plaintiffs will continue to be irreparably harmed unless

Defendant is compelled to comply with the law.

91. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law.

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92. Plaintiffs have constructively exhausted their administrative remedies.


Violation of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Wrongful Withholding of Non-Exempt Responsive Records

93. Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1–92 as if fully set out herein.

94. FOIA requires all doubts to be resolved in favor of disclosure. “Transparency in

government operations is a priority of th[e Biden] . . . Administration.” Attorney General,

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Freedom of Information Act

Guidelines, at 4 (Mar. 15, 2022).

95. Plaintiffs properly requested records within the possession, custody, or control of


96. Defendant is subject to FOIA, and therefore must release to a FOIA requester any

non-exempt records and provide a lawful reason for withholding any records.

97. Defendant is wrongfully withholding non-exempt records requested by Heritage

by failing to produce any records responsive to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request.

98. Defendant is wrongfully withholding non-exempt agency records requested by

Plaintiffs by failing to segregate exempt information in otherwise non-exempt records responsive

to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request.

99. Defendant’s failure to provide all non-exempt responsive records violates FOIA

and DHS regulations.

100. Plaintiffs have a statutory right to the information they seek.

101. Defendant is in violation of FOIA.

102. Plaintiffs are being irreparably harmed by reason of Defendant’s violation of

FOIA. Plaintiffs are being denied information to which they are statutorily entitled and that is

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 50 of 55

important to carrying out Plaintiffs’ functions as a non-partisan research and educational

institution and publisher of news. Plaintiffs will continue to be irreparably harmed unless

Defendant is compelled to comply with the law.

103. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law.

104. Plaintiffs have constructively exhausted their administrative remedies.


Violation of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Wrongful Denial of Fee Waiver

105. Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1–104 as if fully set out herein.

106. FOIA requires all doubts to be resolved in favor of disclosure. “Transparency in

government operations is a priority of th[e Biden] . . . Administration.” Attorney General,

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Freedom of Information Act

Guidelines, at 4 (Mar. 15, 2022).

107. Plaintiffs properly requested records within the possession, custody, or control of


108. Defendant has constructively denied Plaintiffs’ application for a fee waiver

pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(ii) & (iii) and 6 C.F.R. § 5.11(d)(2).

109. The Request does not have a commercial purpose because Heritage is a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit, Howell acts in his capacity as a Heritage employee, and release of the information

sought does not further Plaintiffs’ commercial interest.

110. Plaintiffs are members of the news media as they “gather[] information of

potential interest to a segment of the public, use[] . . . [their] editorial skills to turn the raw

materials into a distinct work, and distribute[] that work to an audience” via Heritage’s major

news outlet, The Daily Signal. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(a)(ii).

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 51 of 55

111. Disclosure of the information sought by the Request also “is in the public interest

because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or

activities of the government.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii).

112. Defendant has “failed to comply with a[]time limit under paragraph (6)” as to the

Request. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(viii)(I).

113. Plaintiffs have a statutory right to a fee waiver.

114. Defendant is in violation of FOIA by denying a fee waiver.

115. Plaintiffs are being irreparably harmed by reason of Defendant’s violation of

FOIA. Plaintiffs are being denied a fee waiver to which they are statutorily entitled and that is

important to carrying out Plaintiffs’ functions as a non-partisan research and educational

institution and publisher of news. Plaintiffs will continue to be irreparably harmed unless

Defendant is compelled to comply with the law.

116. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law.

117. Plaintiffs have constructively exhausted their administrative remedies.


Violation of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Statutory Bar Against Charging Fees

118. Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1–117 as if fully set out herein.

119. FOIA requires all doubts to be resolved in favor of disclosure. “Transparency in

government operations is a priority of th[e Biden] . . . Administration.” Attorney General,

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Freedom of Information Act

Guidelines, at 4 (Mar. 15, 2022).

120. Plaintiffs properly requested records within the possession, custody, or control of


Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 52 of 55

121. The Request does not have a commercial purpose because Heritage is a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit, Howell acts in his capacity as a Heritage employee, and release of the information

sought does not further Plaintiffs’ commercial interest.

122. Plaintiffs are members of the news media as they “gather[] information of

potential interest to a segment of the public, use[] . . . [their] editorial skills to turn the raw

materials into a distinct work, and distribute[] that work to an audience” via Heritage’s major

news outlet, The Daily Signal. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(a)(ii).

123. Disclosure of the information sought by the Request also “is in the public interest

because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or

activities of the government.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii).

124. Defendant has “failed to comply with a[]time limit under paragraph (6)” as to the

Request. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(viii)(I).

125. Defendant is currently statutorily barred from charging fees related to Plaintiffs’

FOIA Request. Therefore, Plaintiffs have a statutory right to have their request processed

without being charged any fees.

126. Plaintiffs are being irreparably harmed by reason of Defendant’s violation of

FOIA. Plaintiffs will continue to be irreparably harmed unless Defendant is compelled to

comply with the law.

127. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law.

128. Plaintiffs have constructively exhausted their administrative remedies.


Violation of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Wrongful Denial of Expedited Processing

129. Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1–128 as if fully set out herein.

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 53 of 55

130. FOIA requires all doubts to be resolved in favor of disclosure. “Transparency in

government operations is a priority of th[e Biden] . . . Administration.” Attorney General,

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Freedom of Information Act

Guidelines, at 4 (Mar. 15, 2022).

131. Plaintiffs properly requested records within the possession, custody, or control of


132. Plaintiffs properly asked that DHS expedite the processing of Plaintiffs’ FOIA

Request, based upon Plaintiffs’ showing that the Request concerns “an urgency to inform the

public about an actual or alleged federal government activity, if made by a person who is

primarily engaged in disseminating information.” 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(1)(ii).

133. Defendant refused in part to expedite Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request, contrary to the

factual and legal showing Plaintiffs made demonstrating their entitlement to expedition.

134. Defendant is in violation of FOIA.

135. Plaintiffs are being irreparably harmed by reason of Defendant’s violation of

FOIA. Plaintiffs are being denied information to which they are statutorily entitled to on an

expedited basis and that is important to carrying out Plaintiffs’ functions as a non-partisan

research and educational institution and publisher of news. Plaintiffs will continue to be

irreparably harmed unless Defendant is compelled to comply with the law.

136. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law.

WHEREFORE as a result of the foregoing, Plaintiffs pray that this Court:

A. Enter a preliminary and permanent injunction compelling Defendant to process

Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request on an expedited basis.

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 54 of 55

B. Order Defendant to conduct a search or searches reasonably calculated to

uncover all records responsive to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request;

C. Order Defendant to produce, within twenty days of the Court’s order, or by such

other date as the Court deems appropriate, any and all non-exempt records

responsive to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request and indexes justifying the withholding of

any responsive records withheld in whole or in part under claim of exemption;

D. Enjoin Defendant from continuing to withhold any and all non-exempt records

responsive to Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request;

E. Enjoin Defendant from assessing fees or costs for Plaintiffs’ FOIA Request;

F. Retain jurisdiction over this matter as appropriate;

G. Award Plaintiffs their costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees in this action as

provided by 5 U.S.C. § 522(a)(4)(E); and

H. Grant such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.

Dated: May 1, 2023 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Samuel Everett Dewey

(No. 999979)
Chambers of Samuel Everett Dewey, LLC
Telephone: (703) 261-4194

(No. 977757)
The Heritage Foundation
Telephone: (202) 617-6975

(No. 975348)
The Heritage Foundation

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 55 of 55

Telephone: (202) 489-2969


Counsel for Plaintiffs

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 2

FOIA Summons



Heritage Foundation & Mike Howell

Plaintiff )
v. ) Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198
U.S. Department of Homeland Security )
Defendant )


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

Hon. Merrick Garland
Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvannia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 30 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) you must
serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and
address are:
Samuel Everett Dewey
Chambers of Samuel Everett Dewey, LLC
2200 12th Court North No. 609
Arlington, VA 22201

If you fail to respond, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the
complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 2

FOIA Summons (1/13) (Page 2)

Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

’ Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ 0.00 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

Print Save As... Reset

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-2 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 2

FOIA Summons



Heritage Foundation & Mike Howell

Plaintiff )
v. ) Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198
U.S. Department of Homeland Security )
Defendant )


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

Hon. Merrick Garland
Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvannia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 30 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) you must
serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and
address are:
Samuel Everett Dewey
Chambers of Samuel Everett Dewey, LLC
2200 12th Court North No. 609
Arlington, VA 22201

If you fail to respond, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the
complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-2 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 2

FOIA Summons (1/13) (Page 2)

Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

’ Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ 0.00 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

Print Save As... Reset

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-3 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 2

FOIA Summons



Heritage Foundation & Mike Howell

Plaintiff )
v. ) Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198
U.S. Department of Homeland Security )
Defendant )


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

Hon. Merrick Garland
Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvannia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 30 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) you must
serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and
address are:
Samuel Everett Dewey
Chambers of Samuel Everett Dewey, LLC
2200 12th Court North No. 609
Arlington, VA 22201

If you fail to respond, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the
complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-3 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 2

FOIA Summons (1/13) (Page 2)

Civil Action No. 23-cv-1198

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

’ Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ 0.00 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

Print Save As... Reset

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-4 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 2
JS-44 (Rev. 11/2020 DC)
The Heritage Foundation & Mike Howell U.S. Department of Homeland Security



Samuel Everett Dewey

Chambers of Samuel Everett Dewey, LLC
2200 12th Court North Apt. 609
Arlington VA 22201

o 1 U.S. Government o 3 Federal Question

o1 o1
o4 o4

Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of this State Incorporated or Principal Place
of Business in This State
o 2 U.S. Government o 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State o2 o2 Incorporated and Principal Place o5 o5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of
of Business in Another State
Parties in item III) Citizen or Subject of a
Foreign Country
o3 o3 Foreign Nation o6 o6
(Place an X in one category, A-N, that best represents your Cause of Action and one in a corresponding Nature of Suit)
o A. Antitrust o B. Personal Injury/ o C. Administrative Agency o D. Temporary Restraining
Malpractice Review Order/Preliminary
410 Antitrust Injunction
310 Airplane 151 Medicare Act
315 Airplane Product Liability Any nature of suit from any category
320 Assault, Libel & Slander Social Security
may be selected for this category of
861 HIA (1395ff)
330 Federal Employers Liability case assignment.
862 Black Lung (923)
340 Marine
863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) *(If Antitrust, then A governs)*
345 Marine Product Liability
864 SSID Title XVI
350 Motor Vehicle
865 RSI (405(g))
355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability
Other Statutes
360 Other Personal Injury
891 Agricultural Acts
362 Medical Malpractice
893 Environmental Matters
365 Product Liability
890 Other Statutory Actions (If
367 Health Care/Pharmaceutical
Administrative Agency is
Personal Injury Product Liability
368 Asbestos Product Liability

o E. General Civil (Other) OR o F. Pro Se General Civil

Real Property Bankruptcy Federal Tax Suits
210 Land Condemnation 422 Appeal 27 USC 158 870 Taxes (US plaintiff or 465 Other Immigration Actions
220 Foreclosure 423 Withdrawal 28 USC 157 defendant) 470 Racketeer Influenced
230 Rent, Lease & Ejectment 871 IRS-Third Party 26 USC & Corrupt Organization
240 Torts to Land Prisoner Petitions 7609
480 Consumer Credit
245 Tort Product Liability 535 Death Penalty
Forfeiture/Penalty 485 Telephone Consumer
290 All Other Real Property 540 Mandamus & Other
625 Drug Related Seizure of Protection Act (TCP$)
550 Civil Rights
Property 21 USC 881 490 Cable/Satellite TV
Personal Property 555 Prison Conditions
690 Other 850 Securities/Commodities/
370 Other Fraud 560 Civil Detainee – Conditions
371 Truth in Lending of Confinement
Other Statutes 896 Arbitration
380 Other Personal Property
375 False Claims Act 899 Administrative Procedure
Damage Property Rights
376 Qui Tam (31 USC Act/Review or Appeal of
385 Property Damage 820 Copyrights
3729(a)) Agency Decision
Product Liability 830 Patent
400 State Reapportionment 950 Constitutionality of State
835 Patent – Abbreviated New
430 Banks & Banking Statutes
Drug Application
450 Commerce/ICC Rates/etc 890 Other Statutory Actions
840 Trademark
460 Deportation (if not administrative agency
880 Defend Trade Secrets Act of
462 Naturalization review or Privacy Act)
2016 (DTSA)
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-4 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 2
o G. Habeas Corpus/ o H. Employment o I. FOIA/Privacy Act o J. Student Loan
2255 Discrimination
530 Habeas Corpus – General 442 Civil Rights – Employment 895 Freedom of Information Act 152 Recovery of Defaulted
510 Motion/Vacate Sentence (criteria: race, gender/sex, 890 Other Statutory Actions Student Loan
463 Habeas Corpus – Alien national origin, (if Privacy Act) (excluding veterans)
Detainee discrimination, disability, age,
religion, retaliation)

*(If pro se, select this deck)* *(If pro se, select this deck)*

o K. Labor/ERISA o L. Other Civil Rights o M. Contract o N. Three-Judge

(non-employment) (non-employment) Court
110 Insurance
710 Fair Labor Standards Act 441 Voting (if not Voting Rights 120 Marine 441 Civil Rights – Voting
720 Labor/Mgmt. Relations Act) 130 Miller Act (if Voting Rights Act)
740 Labor Railway Act 443 Housing/Accommodations 140 Negotiable Instrument
751 Family and Medical 440 Other Civil Rights 150 Recovery of Overpayment
Leave Act 445 Americans w/Disabilities – & Enforcement of
790 Other Labor Litigation Employment Judgment
791 Empl. Ret. Inc. Security Act 446 Americans w/Disabilities – 153 Recovery of Overpayment
Other of Veteran’s Benefits
448 Education 160 Stockholder’s Suits
190 Other Contracts
195 Contract Product Liability
196 Franchise

o 1 Original o 2 Removed o 3 Remanded o 4 Reinstated o 5 Transferred o 6 Multi-district o 7 Appeal to o 8 Multi-district
Proceeding from State from Appellate or Reopened from another Litigation District Judge Litigation –
Court Court district (specify) from Mag. Direct File


VII. REQUESTED IN CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS DEMAND $ Check YES only if demanded in complaint


(See instruction)
YES NO ✘ If yes, please complete related case form

May 1, 2023
DATE: _________________________ /s/ Samuel Everett Dewey
SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD _________________________________________________________


Authority for Civil Cover Sheet

The JS-44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replaces nor supplements the filings and services of pleadings or other papers as required
by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the
Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of Court for each civil complaint filed.
Listed below are tips for completing the civil cover sheet. These tips coincide with the Roman Numerals on the cover sheet.

I. COUNTY OF RESIDENCE OF FIRST LISTED PLAINTIFF/DEFENDANT (b) County of residence: Use 11001 to indicate plaintiff if resident
of Washington, DC, 88888 if plaintiff is resident of United States but not Washington, DC, and 99999 if plaintiff is outside the United States.

III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES: This section is completed only if diversity of citizenship was selected as the Basis of Jurisdiction
under Section II.

IV. CASE ASSIGNMENT AND NATURE OF SUIT: The assignment of a judge to your case will depend on the category you select that best
represents the primary cause of action found in your complaint. You may select only one category. You must also select one corresponding
nature of suit found under the category of the case.

VI. CAUSE OF ACTION: Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing and write a brief statement of the primary cause.

VIII. RELATED CASE(S), IF ANY: If you indicated that there is a related case, you must complete a related case form, which may be obtained from
the Clerk’s Office.

Because of the need for accurate and complete information, you should ensure the accuracy of the information provided prior to signing the form.
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 9

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 9




March 8, 2023

Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655

Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065

National Records Center

FOIA/PA Office
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 648010
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010

FOIA Office,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
90 K Street, NE
MS 1181
Washington, DC 20229

Dear FOIA Officers,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the

implementing FOIA regulations of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
Office of the Secretary, 6 CFR Part 5, I respectfully request the following records (or
records containing the following information) that DHS, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have
within its possession:

Section 1) All records within the Alien File (A-File) of Prince Henry Charles
Albert David (Date of Birth 09/15/1984) of the British Royal Family aka Prince
Harry aka His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales aka the Duke of Sussex,
including but not limited to:
• Any and all applications for immigration benefits filed, whether or not
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 9

• Any and all Forms I-213;

• Any and all Forms I-275; and
• Any and all Forms I-877.

Section 2) All records pertaining to the Duke of Sussex in the following system of
records maintained by CBP and DHS
• Automated Targeting System (ATS, DHS/CBP-006);
• Advance Passenger Information System (APIS, DHS/CBP-005);
• Border Crossing Information System (BCIS, DHS/CBP-007);
• U.S. Customs and Border Protection TECS (DHS/CBP-011);
• Non-Federal Entity Data System (NEDS, DHS/CBP-008);
• DHS Use of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) System of Records
• CBP Intelligence Records System (CIRS, DHS/CBP-024);
• DHS Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT, DHS/USVISIT-
• Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA, DHS/CBP-009);
• Nonimmigrant Information System (NIIS, DHS/CBP-016);
• Arrival and Departure Information System (ADIS, DHS/CBP-021);and
• Electric Visa Update System (EVUS., DHS/CBP-022).

Section 3) All records relating to any requests for waiver pursuant to Section
212(d)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act including, but not limited to,
email communications within the DHS Office of the Secretary, the USCIS Office
of the Director, the CBP Office of the Commissioner, or any subordinate office
within those named departments or agency or a record of any communication
between any of those named entities and the U.S. Department of Stater, the U.S.
Embassy in London, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.

The terms “pertaining to,” “referring,” “relating,” or “concerning” with respect

to any given subject means anything that constitutes, contains, embodies, reflects,
identifies, states, refers to, deals with, or is in any manner whatsoever pertinent to
that subject.

The term “record” means any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any
nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, and whether original or copy,
including, but not limited to, the following: memoranda, reports, expense reports,
books, manuals, instructions, financial reports, working papers, records, notes,
letters, notices, confirmations, telegrams, receipts, appraisals, pamphlets,
magazines, newspapers, prospectuses, inter-office and intra-office communications,
electronic mail (emails), MMS or SMS text messages, instant messages, messaging
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 9

systems (such as iMessage, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Google

Chat, Twitter direct messages, Lync, Slack, and Facebook Messenger), contracts,
cables, telexes, notations of any type of conversation, telephone call, voicemail,
meeting or other communication, bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts,
teletypes, invoices, transcripts, diaries, analyses, returns, summaries, minutes,
bills, accounts, estimates, projections, comparisons, messages, correspondence,
press releases, circulars, financial statements, reviews, opinions, offers, studies and
investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts,
preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, and
amendments of any of the foregoing, as well as any attachments or appendices
thereto), and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including
without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape,
recordings and motion pictures), and electronic, mechanical, and electronic records
or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, tapes, cassettes, disks,
and recordings) and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded
matter of any kind or nature, however produced or reproduced, and whether
preserved in writing, film, tape, disk, videotape or otherwise. A record bearing any
notation not a part of the original text is to be considered a separate record. A draft
or non-identical copy is a separate record within the meaning of this term. By
definition a “communication” (as that term is defined herein) is also a “record” if the
means of communication is any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any sort
whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, and whether original or copy.

The terms “and” and “or” should be construed broadly and either
conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of this request any
information which might otherwise be construed to be outside its scope. The terms
“all,” “any,” and “each” should each be construed as ‘encompassing any and all.
The singular includes the plural number, and vice versa. The present tense
includes the past and vice versa. The masculine includes the feminine and neuter

The term “communication” means each manner or means of disclosure or

exchange of information (in the form of facts, ideas, inquiries, or otherwise),
regardless of means utilized, whether oral, electronic, by document or otherwise,
and whether in an in-person meeting, by telephone, facsimile, e-mail (desktop or
mobile device), text message, MMS or SMS message, messaging systems (such as
iMessage, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Google Chat, Twitter
direct messages, Lync, Slack, and Facebook Messenger), regular mail, telexes,
releases, or otherwise.

“Communications with,” “communications from,” and “communications

between” means any communication involving the related parties, regardless of
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 5 of 9

whether other persons were involved in the communication, and includes, but is not
limited to, communications where one party is cc’d or bcc’d, both parties are cc’d or
bcc’d, or some combination thereof.

The term “employee” means a current or former: officer, director,

shareholder, partner, member, consultant, senior manager, manager, senior
associate, permanent employee, staff employee, attorney, agent (whether de jure, de
facto, or apparent without limitation), advisor, representative, attorney (in law or in
fact), lobbyist (registered or unregistered), borrowed employee, casual employee,
consultant, contractor, de facto employee, independent contractor, joint adventurer,
loaned employee, part-time employee, provisional employee, or subcontractor.

Please consider all members of a document “family” to be responsive to the

request if any single “member” of that “family” is responsive, regardless of
whether the “family member” in question is “parent” or “child.”

This request for records includes any attachments to those records or other
materials enclosed with those records when they were previously transmitted. To
the extent that an email is responsive to our request, our request includes all prior
messages sent or received in that email chain, as well as any attachments to the

In the interest of expediency and to minimize the research and/or duplication

burden on your staff, please send records electronically if possible. If this is not
possible, please notify me before sending to the mailing address listed below. If
access to this request will take longer than twenty business days, please let me
know when I might receive records or be able to inspect the requested records.
Please produce responsive documents as soon as they become available. In all cases,
please communicate with me at the below email address.

Please comply fully with 5 U.S.C. § 552(b). Accordingly, without limitation to

the foregoing, if any portion of this request is denied for any reason, please provide
written notice of the records or portions of records that are being withheld and cite
each specific exemption of the Freedom of Information Act on which the agency
relies. Moreover, to the extent that responsive records may be withheld in part
produce all reasonably segregable portions of those records. Additionally, please
provide all responsive documents even if they are redacted in full.

Fee Waiver Request

This request is primarily and fundamentally for non-commercial purposes. As

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Heritage Foundation does not have a commercial purpose and
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 6 of 9

the release of the information requested is not in Heritage Foundation’s interest.

Heritage Foundation’s mission is to is to formulate and promote public policies
based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom,
traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Heritage Foundation
uses the information requested and analyzes it in order to educate the public
through social media, 1 broadcast media 2 (traditional and nontraditional) and press
releases. 3 This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of
Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use4 and further questions regarding the
Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United

Because this is a request by a member of the news media for information of

public interest, made in my capacity as an author for the Daily Signal 5 (a major
news outlet 6), I actively gather information of potential interest to our Daily Signal
Audience, and I use my editorial skills to turn raw materials into a distinct work,
and I distribute that work to our Daily Signal audience through podcasts 7 or
articles. I request that you waive all applicable fees associated with this request.

If you deny this request for a fee waiver, please advise me in advance of the
estimated charges if they are to exceed $50. Please send me a detailed and itemized
explanation of those charges.

Request for Expedited Processing

Pursuant to 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(1)(iv), I request expedited processing for this

request. I certify the following statement of facts in support of expedited processing
to be true and correct pursuant to 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(1)(iv).


1. The following factual Appendices are attached and expressly incorporated

herein and made part of this request (as are the factual sources cited therein):

Heritage Foundation. [@ Heritage] (2022, February 18). 626.8K Followers Twitter.
Fox News. (2022, February 18). Heritage Foundation launches Conservative Oversight Project aimed at 'exposing'
Biden admin, leftist policies.
Heritage Foundation. (2022, February 18) Press. .
Daily Signal. (2022, February 18). Mike Howell.
Daily Signal. [@DailySignal] (2022, February 18). 73.7K Followers Twitter.
Apple. (2022, March 4) The Daily Signal Podcast.
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 7 of 9

• Appendix A is a compilation of news articles and national TV transcripts

covering the issue of substance abuse by Prince Harry, including the Prince’s
own admissions regarding the use of drugs such as cocaine and marijuana in
his recent book “Spare.”

Expedited processing is warranted under 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(1)(iv).

1. This section provides that requests for expedited processing “will” be

granted when the request involves “[a] matter of widespread and exceptional media
interest in which there exist possible questions about the government's integrity
which affect public confidence.”

Section 6 C.F.R. § 5.5(e)(1)(iv) mirrors the Department of Justice regulation

governing expedited processing, 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(iv), which provides that
expedited processing shall be granted regarding “[a] matter of widespread and
exceptional media interest in which there exists possible questions about the
government’s integrity which affect public confidence.”

Courts have held that the DOJ Regulation requires the requester to
show: (1) that the request involves a “matter of widespread and exceptional media
interest” (28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(iv)); and (2) that the matter is one “in which there
exists possible questions about the integrity of the government that affect public
confidence” (id.). See Edmonds v. FBI, No. 02-cv-1294 (ESH), 2002 WL 32539613,
*3 (D.D.C. Dec. 3, 2002). It is not necessary to show “prejudice or a matter of
current exigency to the American public.” Id.

First, the DOJ Regulation requires showing that the matter about which
questions of integrity have been raised is the subject of widespread national media
attention. See Am. Oversight v. DOJ, 292 F.Supp.3d 501, 507–508 (D.D.C. 2018)
(denying motion for expedited processing because general media interest in
Solicitor General’s nomination is insufficient to show media interest in possible
ethics questions concerning the nomination). There need not be a showing that the
disclosure would shed considerable light on agency operations; only that there is
“exceptional” and “widespread” media interest. See CREW v. DOJ, 870 F.Supp.2d
70, 81 (D.D.C. 2012), rev’d on other grounds, 746 F.3d 1082 (D.C. Cir. 2014). While
the media interest need be “widespread” and “exceptional” it need not be
overwhelming. See ACLU, 321 F.Supp.2d at 31–32 (rejecting DOJ’s position that
requester’s citation to what the court described as “only a handful of articles” was
insufficient to show “widespread and exceptional media interest” because those
articles “were published in a variety of publications and repeatedly reference the
ongoing national discussion about the Patriot Act and Section 215” (second
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 8 of 9

quotation added)); Edmonds, 2002 WL 32539613, at *3 (numerous national

newspaper and network television broadcasts concerning whistleblower’s
allegations of security lapses in FBI translator program met test). 8

Second, the DOJ Regulation requires showing that “‘there exists possible
questions about the government’s integrity that affect public confidence.’” CREW v.
DOJ, 436 F.Supp.3d 354, 361 (D.D.C. 2020) (quoting 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(4))
(emphasis by Court). 9 It does not “require the requester to prove wrongdoing by the
government in order to obtain documents on an expedited basis.” Id. at 362. “The
primary way to determine whether such possible questions exist is by examining
the state of public coverage of the matter at issue, and whether that coverage
surfaces possible ethics issues so potentially significant as to reduce public
confidence in governmental institutions.” Am. Oversight v. DOJ, 292 F.Supp.3d
501, 508 (D.D.C. 2018). This is not an extraordinarily high bar. See, e.g., CREW,
436 F.Supp.3d at 361 (complaint sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss where it
alleged Attorney General’s action regarding disclosure of Mueller Report “supported
an inference that at best, the Attorney General undertook to frame the public
discussion on his own terms, and at worst that he distorted the truth”); ACLU v.
DOJ, 321 F.Supp.2d 24, 32 (D.D.C. 2004) (allegations in press that Section 215 of
the Patriot Act may be unconstitutional and reports that Members of Congress
have alleged abuses of Section 215 “implicate[] government integrity” and hence are
sufficient to meet test); Edmonds, 2002 WL 32539613, at *3–4 (test met where
plaintiff alleged security lapses in FBI translators program, national news covered
the issue, and two Senators expressed concern regarding “the significant security
issues raised by plaintiff’s allegations and the integrity of the FBI”). 10

8 Cf. 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(3) (“The existence of numerous articles published on a given subject can be
helpful in establishing the requirement that there be an ‘urgency to inform’ the public on the topic.”).
9 To be sure, this standard does not require expedition of any questions concerning government

integrity. See, e.g., White v. DOJ, 16 F.4th 539, 544 (7th Cir. 2021) (test not met in case where
records sought to cast doubt on requestors’ criminal conviction where requestor claimed he was
subject to an elaborate government sting operation).
10 DOJ has granted expedition under the DOJ Regulation in a number of circumstances. See, e.g.,

CREW v. DOJ, 870 F.Supp.2d at 81 n. 14 (expedition granted to request seeking records on FBI’s
closed investigation of Congressman DeLay for misconduct which did not result in charges, but
received considerable media attention (subsequent history omitted)); CREW v. DOJ, 820 F.Supp.2d
39, 42, 46 (D.D.C. 2011) (expedition granted to request seeking information concerning possible
deletion of Office of Legal Counsel emails where the possible deletion was flagged as a hindrance in
an internal investigation, covered in the media, and was the subject of Congressional concerns); Elec.
Frontier Found. v. DOJ, 565 F.Supp.2d 188, 189–91 (D.D.C. 2008) (expedition granted to request
seeking information regarding storage of information obtained by National Security Letters in FBI’s
Data Warehouse); CREW v. DOJ, No. 05-cv-2078 (EGS), 2006 WL 1518964, *1 (D.D.C. June 1, 2006)
(expedition granted to request concerning government’s decision to seek a reduced penalty in tobacco
litigation where government’s decision was subject to intensive news coverage and prompted concern
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-5 Filed 05/01/23 Page 9 of 9

2. I am requesting expedited processing for this FOIA request to

understand whether Prince Harry was properly vetted prior to or during admission
into the United States. National media outlets have widely reported on Prince
Harry’s drug use which, pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act, should
make him inadmissible to the United States absent the requisite waiver available to
non-immigrants. See generally App. A. Specifically, multiple media outlets have
consistently reported on Prince Harry’s abuse of multiple illicit substances,
including marijuana, cocaine, “magic mushrooms,” and other psychedelic drugs. See
App. A at 6, 8–9, 15, 19, 21–22, 24, 27, 34, 38, 46, 49, 52–53, 55–56, 59, 73, 87, 92,
94, 96–97, 100, 106–107, 114–115, 118, 121–122. From media reports, it appears
this drug use was continuous and substantial, at the very least from the Prince’s
teenage years into his “late 20s.” See App. A at 106, 114. Media coverage has even
included reports that Prince Harry became addicted to cocaine, heroin, ketamine,
and MDMA. See App. A at 122. This conduct likely violated numerous laws in
relevant jurisdictions. It is unclear at this juncture whether DHS complied with the
law if, in admitting Prince Harry, did so without a waiver or any interview with
CBP to assess whether, given his history, he was admissible to the United States.
As a result, this widespread media interest in Prince Henry’s drug abuse inevitably
raises possible questions regarding his application for residency in the United
States. Public confidence in the government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS,
CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-profile case. Moreover, if Prince
Harry was granted preferential treatment that to would undermine public
confidence in DHS, CPB, and USCIS’s application of equal justice under the law.
Expedition is warranted.

Thank you in advance for considering my request. If you have any questions please
contact me at


Mike Howell
Senior Advisor &
Author at The Daily Signal
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave
Washington, DC 20002

from “several Congressman” which caused a request for an Inspector General investigation of
“improper political interference” with the decision).
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 84

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
The U.S. 1-6 Filedof
Department 05/01/23
State Page 2 of 84
Bureau of Consular Affairs

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 84

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Online Nonimm igrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Apply For a N onimm igrant Visa

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\Yelcome! Get Started

On this website, y ou can apply for a U.S. Select a location wher e you will be applying for this visa
nonimmigr ant visa . Filling out the application on
our .s ite is the first ste p in the proce s.s . Afte r (@) ! - SELECT ONE - • I
you subm it y our application, y ou can m ove on
to the nex t steps, such as .signing up for an Enter the code as shown :
inte rvie w.

Important: Befol'e You Sta11

l. Lea rn about Types of Visas

2, List of Documents and Information you will
3, Browser Requirements Select a location and mak e sure y ou have the documents and
4, How to complete the application information y ou will need .

Other people can as.sist y ou with y our visa START AN APPLICATION ►

a pplication . Note tha t unde r U.S . la w (22 C.F.R.

Select a location then select an application that y ou previously
4 1.103) you m ust electr onically sign and subm it
saved on y our computer .
y our own application unles.s y ou qualify for an
exem ption . Even if .som eone else helped y ou UPLOAD AN APPLICATION ►
com plete the application, you ( the applicant)
m ust click the " Sign ApplicationN button, or y our You will be ask ed for y our application I D and answer a
application m ay not be accepted . security question .

**Please be patient as y ou use this form . RETRIEVE AN APPUCATION ►

Download tim es m ay var y depending on y our
internet connection speed .** Additional Info1mation

» Read m or e about U.S. visas at travel.state .gov.

» Visit the website of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate .

This site is m anaged by the Bureau of Consu lar Affairs, U.S. De partme nt of State. Ext ernal links to other Jnte rnet sites should
not be const rued as an e ndorsem e nt of the v ie VJs contained the rein,
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Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Apply For a Nonimmigrant Visa

Tooltip Language: English (View Tool Tip Help}

Most of this application has been translated. To see the translation point your mouse over any sentence on the page.
\Velc.omel Get Started

On t his we bsit e, you can a pply fo r a U.S. Select a loca tion whe re you will be applying fo r t his visa
nonimmigra nt visa . Filling out th e applicat ion on
our site is th e first st ep in the process. After you
s u bmit your application, you can move on to the
next ste ps, such as s igning up for a n int ervie w. Ente r th e code as shown:

Important : Before You Start

1. Learn about Types of Visas

2, List of Documents and Information you will
3, Browser Requirem ents
4, How to com pl ete the application
This visa application w ill ask y ou to upload a d igit al
Other people can assist y ou w it h y our visa photo of yourself,
application. Note t hat u nder U.S. law (22 C.F.R, Test Phot o Photo Standard Gu ide
4 1.103) y ou must elect sign and subm it
your own application unless y ou qualify for an
exempt ion . Even if someone else helped y ou
complet e th e application, y ou (t he applicant)
m ust click t he " Sign ApplicationN button, or you r Select a location and m ake sure y ou have t he documents and
application may not be accepted . informat ion y ou will need .

**Please be patient as you use this form . START AN APP LICATION ►

Download t imes may vary depending on your
Select a locati on then select an applicat ion t hat y ou previously
internet connection speed , l< 3
saved on y our com put er.

You w ill be asked for y our applicati on JD and answer a secur ity
quest i on .

Additional Information

» Read m or e about U.S. visas at tr

» Visit t h e websit e of t he U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Th is site tS managed by the Burea u of Consu la r Affairs, U.S . De partm e nt of Sta te, Extern al links to o the r Inte r net s ites sho uld
not be construed as a n e nd orsem e nt o f the vieVls co ntain ed therein,
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Upload an Application

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

.,, Getting Started ►

Upload a Previous Application

Click ' Browse' and select the previously saved application file you ,vish to upload. Next,
answer the security questions to validate that the correct file has been selected, then
click ' Upload Data '. Finally, click on the 'Next' button at the bottom of each page until
the last completed page has been reached and continue the application process.

Previously Saved Application File

File Path :
Brows e ..

~ fl~
!!1 ,;!~i,lf"..l!.JJJ~

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Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

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Retrieve an Application
Shown with valid barcode to show all additional fields.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

.,, Getting Started ►

Retrieve a DS-160 Application

Your Applica tion ID is :

1 00911JX9

~ !ir.;11}

~ ml Security Questions
Firs t 5 letters of Surnam e Year of Birth

What is the giv en nam e of y our m other 's m other ?

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above Retrieve Applicat ion Cancel

to access previously
entered data.

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Application Information

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application Information

Please record your Applicathn ID in a safe and secu re place.

Your Applicat ion ID is:
I f th er e ar e technical issu es with the syst em , o r you want to com plet e
your applicat ion some ot her time you ca n s ave your work a nd lat er,
st art where you left off. In o rder to access your applicat ion la te r,
however, you will nee d : (1) vo;r Aoolica tion IO, a nd (2) the a nswer Dat e
to the security questi on that yc,u will choose on this page, 05- JUN - 2 0 19

To choose a s ecurity quest ion, pick th e one you like t he best from the Print Applicat ion ID
dropdown list, type your a nswer to t hat quest ion in th e box be low,
and click " Cont inue," Remem ber : In order to access your applicat ion later, y ou will need to k now the answer exactly as
you wro t e it on this page.

You ca n a lso use your Applica tion IO and s ecurity quest ion to ret rie ve your Confirma tion Pa ge afte r you have submitted
your applicat ion, or t o use your previously provided a pplicat ion info rmat ion t o comple te a new a pplicat ion at a la te r da te.

If you do not plan to complet e your a pplicat ion with in t he ne xt 30 da ys, downloa d your a pplica tion to your comput er by
clicking the "Save" button a t U e bottom of the last comple te d pa ge. Follow the instruct ions. Whe n you are ready to
complet e your a pplica tion, s elect "Uploa d a n Applicat ion". NOTE: Only downloa d your a pplica tion ta a compute r th at
ca nnot be accessed by a nyone who does not have your pe rmission to s ee or record your persona l data . If you download
your applicat ion a s hared or public comput er, s uch as a compute r in a cyber cafe or libra ry, your persona l information
may be a ble to be a ccessed by oth er users .

Note : Electronica lly submitting your DS- 160 online applicat ion is the FIRST STEP in the visa a pplication process. The next
st e p is to review the inte rne t p:tge of t he e mbassy or consulat e whe re you plan to a pply for your visa . Most vis a
a pplica nts will need t o schedule a visa inte rview, t hough some a pplica nts may q ua lify fo r visa rene wa l, The embassy or
consula te informa tion may include spe cific loca l inst ructions about scheduling int e rviews, s ubmittin•J your visa a pplicat ion,
a nd othe r freq uently aske d quest ions.

Securi uestion fi

Answe r

Continue Cancel

Th is site tS ma naged by the Bu rea u o f Cons u la r Affairs, U.S . De partme nt of Sta te, Exte rn al links tc o the r Inte r net s ites sho uld
not be construed as a n e nd orsem ent o f the vieVls contained the rein,
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Provided Security Question options:

• •
• • •
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 8 of 84

Personal Information 1
Displayed for all applicants. Answered ‘Yes’ to all questions on the page.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Apphcauon ID AA000320OC

V Gettmg Started DS-160

V Personal ►
Personal Infonnation 1 EXPIRATION OATe: 11/;l0/2020

• Personal 1

Personal 2
NOTE: Dat a on t h is pa oe must match th e inform a tio n as it is written in yo ur passport.
V Travel

V Travel Comp.anions

V Previous U S Travel Htlp: Sumamu

v Address and Phone Enter all surnames as
listed in your passport. If
v Passport
only one name is listed
in your passport, enter
VU S Contact
that Surname.
V Family

11111111 Given Na m es
.,-JU_A_N_M_IG_U_El_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~
H t lp : Gh-t• N.amn

If your passport does not

indude a given name,
please enter 'FNU' in
- rfu~ll~N~• m
~ •~;o
~N~ •~U~
• •~AJ
~p~h•~b~•I~ - - - - - - -~
Given Names.
v F Visa
D Does No t Apply/Technology Not Available
V Student F xchang e Visa

V CrewV1w

V Tempo1ary Work Visa

Q: Have you e ver used ot her names (i.e., m aide n, relioious , H t lp: Othtr N.amts
professional, alias, etc. )?
other names used
indude your maiden
A:. @ Yes Q N o
name, religious name,
professional name, or
any other names which
you are known by or
Click on lhe buttons aboVe
have been known by in
to access previously
the past.

Provide the following information: H t lp: Otht r N.amts

Other S urnames Us ed (m aiden, religious, If you only have other

profess ional, a lias es , etc.) surnames to enter, enter
the same given names
as above. Conversely, if
Other Given Na mes Used you only have other
given names to enter,
enter the same surname
as above.
+ Add Another - Remove

Q: Do you have a telecode that represents your na me ? H t lp: Ttlttodt

Telecodes are 4 digit

A: @ Yes Q N o
code numbers that
represent characters in
Provide the following information: some non- Roman
alphabet names.
Tele code Surn am es

Tele code Given Name s

@ Male O Fem a le

Marital Status 0

Date and Place of Birth

Oate O H t lp: Datt of Birth

r-EJ!BCJ If day or month is

(Format: 00-MMM-YYYY) unknown, enter as
shown in passport.

Sta te/ Province

D Does Not Apply

Country/ Region H tlp: Country/Rtgion
I·SELECT ONE . El select the name that is
currently in use for the
place where you were

Public reportrng DUrdt n for this collection of information is estimatt d lo averagt 90 minut ts per
rt sponse, indudmQ timt requi~d for searchinQ existinQ data sources, QatherinQthe necessary
documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.
You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid 0MB oontroj
number. If you hav e comments on tht accuracy of this burden estimat e a nd/or recommendations for
reducing it, please s end them to: PRA BurdenCo m mentsOst<1te.go v
Co nfide ntiality Statement
The mformat1on asked for on this form ts requested pursuant to Section 222 of the lmmiQration and
Nationality Act. INA St ction 222(f) provides that the records of tht Department of State and of
d1plomat1c and consular offices of the United States pertaininQ to the issuance and r efusal of visas or
permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for tht
formulatron, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immiQration, nationality, and other laws
of the United States . Certrfied co~es of such records may be m ade available to a court provided the
COYrt certifies that the information contained in such records is nt eded in a case pending bt fore the

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WMiiMH Next Personal 2 ►

This site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Departmt nt of Statt . External lmks to other Internet sites should
not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained tht rt m.
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 9 of 84

Personal Information 2
Displayed for all applicants. Answered ‘Yes’ to all questions on the page.

~ ;z I ' English v
I 'f •• " I •• • • I "

..l'.,lil?l!?. I - _-__ I IG

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160}

Application ID AA009 11JX9

1,1 Getting Started

Personal ►
Personal Information 2
Personal 1
Help: Other
• Personal 2 V Country/Region of Origin
Q: Do you hold or have you held any nationality other than
Enter all nationalities
the one indicated above on nationality?
you currently hold and
all nationalities you
A: @)yes 0 No have previously held,
regardless of whether
Provide the following information : you have formally
and/or legally
relinquished the
nationality. If the
country where you
previously held
nationality is no longer a
Q· Do you hold a passport for the other
political entity or
'fht!~J E.d°!J~:.1.ti':JH/ • country/ r egion of origin (nationality) indicated
country, select the
TfiliniHLJ above?
nationality that
corresponds with the
A: @)yes 0 No
name of the country
that is currently used for
Provide the following information : that location.

Passport Number

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously + Add Another - Rem ove
entered data.

Q: Ar e you a permanent r esident of a country/ region other

than your country/ r egion of origin (nationali:y) indicated Help: Permanent Resident
Permanent resident
means any individual
A: @ Yes 0 No who has been legally
granted by a
Provide the following information : country/region
permission to live and
Ot her Perm anent Resident Country/ Region work without time
I-SELECT ONE - B limitation in that

+ Add Another - Rem ove

National Identification Number Help: Identification

0 Does Not Apply
Your National ID
U.S. Social Security Number Number is a unique
D -0 -D O o oes Not Apply number that your
government provides.
The U.S. Government
U.S. Taxpayer I D Number provide.c unique
numbers to those who
seek employment
0 Does Not Apply
(Social Security
Number) or pay taxes
(Taxpayer ID).

◄ Back: Personal 1 El!IIIIIII Next: Tr avel ►

This s i t e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f C o n sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtme nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
s i t es s h o u ld no t b e co n s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the v ie ws co ntain e d the re in .
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 10 of 84

Travel Information
Displayed all applicants. “Have you made specific travel plans?” set to “Yes” and “Person/Entity Paying
for Trip” set to “Other Person.”
- Contact Us I He lp I E~,t

@ US DEl'Alff~ NTu/$.J:A
Onlm N oninw:iig-rant Vis.a Appkation (DS -160)
Applicat:ton ID AA00911JX9

Travel Information

NOTE: Provide the followi"',I i nformation concem in,;i yo ur travel ~ a ris.

Provide the followiri,;i information:

Purpose of Trip t o t he U.S. 0

♦ ~ • ~

Q: Have you made specific travel ~ans?

A: @ Yes O No

Provide a com~ete it inerary for your travel to the U.S. : Hdp: Tru ·t !Plant

If you are urisure of

Date of Arrival in U. S. 0 your 0,it e of Amv,il m
rBIBCJ U.S. or D,ite of
Departur e from U.S.,
(Format: DD-MMM- YYYY)
~ease provide an
Arrival f1i9ht(ifkr.own)

Arrival City

F~t rea@rC'.~:fs. 0
(Format: DD-MMM- YYY'Y)

Departuref1i9ht (if k r.own)

Departure City

Provide t he IOC!ltions you plan to visit in the U.S.:

Address Whe~ You Will Stay in the U.S.

Street Address (Line 1)

Street Address (Line 2 ) • 0ptional

ZIP Code (if kr.own)

(e.g. 12345 or 12345-1234)

Pe rson/EntityPayingforYour Trip lO

Provide t he follow,,-.,. mform,it ,on :

Surnames of Person Payir,.p for Trip


Given Names of Person Pay ir,.p for Trip

(e.,;i. JUAN MIGUEL)

Telephone Number

Rel,itionship t oYou Ol
Q: I s the address of
t he party payi"',I for your t ri p t he
same as your Home or Ma1h"',1 Address?

A: O Yes @No

Address of Person Pay i"',I

street Address (Line 1)

Street Address (Line 2) "'Optk>rtal

state/Pr ovince
~ - - - - - ~ ODoes Not Apply

Postal Zone/ZIP Code

~ - - - ~ ODoes Not Apply

Country/Repio n

ll·IIPJ#ii,i\ _ _ _ !4,illirn■A I ;, ' ; I

!i~~•••~~~dmn•0~•:.,e~0~~::::::~ :'n~:U,:,-;n~~~l~ / ;1! •: : ~~~7n~t::. ~~~~- External links to oth+ r Inte rnet
C2pyr1gh\jnfgrm1tfgn ,:!? ~ 17 P121rw;,,k R1d11<1•2nA<tr?
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 11 of 84

Travel Information
Displayed all applicants. “Have you made specific travel plans?” set to “No” and “Person/Entity Paying
for Trip” set to “Other Company/Organization.”

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID A.A00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Travel Information
Tr avel ►

NOTE: Provide th e following information concerning y our tr avel plans .

Provide the follo wing information:

Purpose of Tri p to the U.S. @

'fht!'.1£~.!J":il!l!JUJ + A dd Another - Rem ove

~ JJ!.i
~] ,;!-.LJr~.umJ
Q: Hav e y ou m ade specific tr av el plans ?

A: Q Yes @ No

Help: Narigation Buttons Intended Date o f Arrival @ Help: Arri»l Plans

Click on the buttons above !BIB □ If you are unsure of
to access previously (Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
your travel plans,
entered data. please provide an
Intended Len th of Sta in U.S. @ estimate.

Per son/ Enti


Provide the follo wing information:

Na me of Compa ny/Organization Pa ying for Trip

Telephone Number

Relationship to You

Address of Company/Organization Paying

Str eet A ddr ess (Line I )

Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l

Help: Payer Address

Provide the street

City address, apartment
number (if applicable),
city, state or province,
country, and postal zone
State/ Provin ce (if applicable) of the
.___________, 0 Does Not Apply person or organization
that is paying for your
Postal Zone/ Z IP Code
._________, 0 Does Not Apply

Country/Reg ion

◄ Back: Personal Next: Tr avel C ompanions ►

T h is s it e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
s i t es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in ,
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 12 of 84

Travel Information (Standard Visas)

Displayed for principal applicants who select the following visa types: B, C, D, F, G, H1B1, I, J, M, N,

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Travel Information
Tr avel ►

NOTE: Provide the following information concerning y our tr av el plans .

Provide the following information:


~ !ir.;11}

~ ml
+ A dd A nother - Rem ove

Help: Narigation Buttons Q: Hav e y ou m ade s pecific tr av el plans ?

Click on the buttons above A: O ves @ No
to access previously
entered data.
I ntended Date of A rriv al @ Help: Arrinl Plans
rBI GD If you are unsure of
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
your travel plans,
please provide an
I ntended Length of Stay in U.S . @ estimate.

Pe rson/ Entity Paying for Your Trip ~


◄ Back: Per s onal IB!!IIIIII Next: Tr avel Com panions ►

T h is :sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 13 of 84

Travel Information (A Visas)

Displayed for principal applicants who select an A-Visa.

~ lllllfllllllllllilll English

• COMPLETE ,PJ:!ll.JQ. I .8§0EW _ _ _ I___

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)
Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Travel Information
Travel ►

NOTE: Provide the following information concerning y our tr av el plans .

Provide the following information:

to the U.S . @
Pur ose of Tr i

S eci @

+ A dd Another - Rem ov e

Help: Narigation Buttons Q: Hav e y ou m ade specific tr av el plans ?

Click on the buttons above A: 0 Yes @ No
to access previously
entered data.
I nt ended Date of Arriv al @ Help: Arrfral Plans
rBrBD If you are unsure of
(Format: DD-MMM- YYYY)
your travel plans,
please provide an
I nt ended Len th of Sta in U.S . @ estimate.

Mission/ Organization Information Help: Sponsoring

S ponsor ing Mission/ Or ganization
Enter "Embassy of your
country" or the name of
your International
Contact Surnam es Organization or U.S.
military base.

Contact Giv en Nam es

U .S . A ddr ess (Line 1)

U .S . A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l

C ity

S tate

Z ip Code

(e.g., 12345 or 12345- 1234)

Phone Number

(e.g., 5555555555)

Pe r son/ Entity Paying for Your Tr ip (ff)


◄ Back: Per s onal Next: Tr avel C om pani on s ►

8 1
Th is s i t e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
s i t es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the v ie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrigh t Information lfiJ Dis.claimers lfiJ Paperv.ork Reduction Act lfiJ
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 14 of 84

Travel Information (E1/E2-EX Visas)

Displayed for principal applicants who select an E1-EX or E2-EX Visa. Principal applicant question
answered “Yes” to display additional fields.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA000320OC

., Getting Started

\I Personal
Travel Inf01n1ation
., Travel ►

\I Travel Companions NOTE: Provide th e following information concerning y our trav el plans.
\I Previous U.S. Travel

\I Address and Phone

\I Passport Provide t he following information :

., U.S. Contact Purpose. of Trip t o the U .s . @

., Family
\I Work/ Education
Trammg Specify @

\I Security and

\IE Visa
Q: Has the principal Treaty Tr ader/ I nvest or already been
issued a visa?
\I StudenVExchange Visa
A: @Yes O No
., Crewv,sa

., Temporary Wor1< v,sa


Given Names
Help: Nnigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously Princi pal Applicant Date of Birth @
entered data.
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

+ Add Another

Q: Hav e you made specific trav el plans?

A: O Yes @ No

I nt ended Date of Arrival @ Help: Arm•al Plans

rEIEICJ If you are unsure of your
{Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
travel plans, please
provide an estimate.
I ntended Len th of Sta in U.S. @

Person/ Entity Paying for Your Trip @


◄ Back: Personal
IIIE'llmlllll Next Travel Companions ►

This sit e is m anaged by the Bu reau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of St at e. Ext ernal links to other Int ernet sit es should
not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
Copyright I nformation 6l Disclaimers 6l Paperwork Reduction Act 6l
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 15 of 84

Travel Information (Non-Principal Applicants)

Displayed for non-principal applicants (ex. Child Of, Spouse Of, etc.) who select the following visa types:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H1B1, I, J, M, N, NATO, Q, S, and PARCIS.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Travel Information
Tr avel ►

NOTE: Provide the following information concerning y our tr av el plans .

Provide the following information:


~ !ir.;11} Specify ~
·fr:.1iJJiJJLJ l c HILD OF AN A1 (A1) B
~ ml
~il,;!~!jf".J.!.JH'J Principal Applicant Information

Surnam es

Help: Narigation Buttons Giv en Nam es

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.
+ A dd A nother - Rem ov e

Q: Hav e y ou m ade s pecific tr av el plans ?

A: O ves @ No

I ntended Date of A rriv al @ Help: Arrinl Plans

rBI GD If you are unsure of
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
your travel plans,
please provide an

Pe rson/ Entity Paying for Your Trip ~


◄ Back: Per s onal IB!!IIIIII Next: Tr avel Com panions ►

T h is :sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copy rig ht Information lfiJ Disclaimers lfiJ Paperwork R eductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 16 of 84

Travel Information (USCIS)

Displayed for principal applicants who select the following visa types: CW/E2C, H1B, H1C, H2A, H2B,
H3, K1, K3, L, O, P, R, T, and U.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Travel Information
Tr avel ►

NOTE: Provide the following infor m ation concerning y our tr av el plans .

Provide the following information: Help: Application

Receipt/Petition Number


receipt/petition number
was given to you by the
Department of
~ !ir.;11} Specify ~
Hom el and Security's
·fr:.1iJJiJJLJ l cNMI TEMPORARY WORKER cc w 1) B United States
Citizenship and
~ ml Immigration Services
(USCIS) after you filed
A pplication Receipt/Petition Number your p-etition application
at a USCIS Service
(e.g., ABC1234567890) Center. The application
receipt/petition number
is 13 c haracters long
Help: Narigation Buttons and the first three
+ A dd A nother characters are letters.
Click on the buttons above - Rem ove
to access previously
entered data.

Q: Hav e y ou m ade s pecific tr av el plans ?

A: O ves @ No

I ntended Oate of Arriv al @ Help: Arrinl Plans

rBI GD If you are unsure of
(Format: 00-MMM-YYYY)
your travel plans,
please provide an

Person/ Entity Paying for Your T r ip ~


◄ Back: Per s onal IB!!IIIIII Next: Tr avel Com panions ►

T h is :sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Extern a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 17 of 84

Travel Information (USCIS Non-Principal Applicants)

Displayed for non-principal applicants (ex. Child Of, Spouse Of, etc.) who select the following visa types:
CW/E2C, H1B, H1C, H2A, H2B, H3, K1, K3, L, O, P, R, T, and U.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Travel Information
Tr avel ►

NOTE: Provide the following infor m ation concerning y our tr av el plans .

Provide the following information: Help: Application

Receipt/Petition Number


receipt/petition number
was given to you by the
Department of
Specify @
Hom el and Security's
l cHILD OF c w 1 cc w 2) B United States
Citizenship and
~ fl~ Immigration Services
!!1 ,;!~i,lf"..l!.JJJ~ Principal Applicant Information (USCIS) after you filed
your p-etition application
Surnam es at a USCIS Service
Center. The application
receipt/petition number
is 13 c haracters long
Help: Narigation Buttons Giv en Nam es
and the first three
characters are letters.
Click on the buttons above
to access previously Application Receipt/Petition Number
entered data.

(e.g., ABC1234567890)

+ A dd Another - Rem ove

Q; Hav e y ou m ade specific tr av el plans'

A: O ves @ No

I ntended Date of Arriv al iUl Help: Arrinl Plans

rBI GD If you are unsure of
(Format: DD-MMM- YYYY)
your travel plans,
please provide an

Person/ Entity Paying for Your T r ip (ff)


◄ Back: Per s onal IB!!IIIIII Next: Tr avel Com panions ►

T h is :sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copy rig ht Information lfiJ Disclaimers lfiJ Paperwork R eductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 18 of 84

Travel Companions Information

Displayed for all applicants.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Travel Companions Information
~ Travel

Tr avel Companions ► NOTE: Provide the following tr a v el companion infor m ation .

Persons traveling with you Help: Tmeling with

Q: Ar e ther e other persons tr av eling with y ou?
You should answer Yes
to this question if you
A: @Yes 0 No are traveling with
family, as part of an
~ !ir.;11}
organi:zed tour, or as
·fr:.1iJJiJJLJ part of a performing
group or athletic team.
~ ml You do not need to list
individuals who are
traveling with you for
the purposes of
employment with the
same employer.

Q: Are you tra ve ling as part o f a group or orga nization?

A: 0 Yes @ No
Enter person( s) trav eling with y ou

Help: Narigation Buttons Surnam es of Per son Tr av elin g With You

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data. Giv en Nam es of Per son Tr av eling With You

Relationship with Per son (ff)

+ A dd Another - Rem ov e

◄ Back: Tr avel IB!!IIIIII Next: Previous U. S. Trave l ►

T h is :sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con su la r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 19 of 84

Previous U.S. Travel Information

Displayed for all applicants. All questions are answered “Yes.”
- Contact Us I Help I Ex,!

® U.5. DEl'Alff~ NTo/..S.J:A.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)
Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Gettmg Started

~ Personal
Previous U.S. Travel Information

~ Travel Compamons NOTE: Prov ide t he following prev io us U.S. tr avel informat ion. Prov ide complet e and aocurate
infor m ation t o all questions t hat require an e lCplanat ion.
Previous US Travel ►

Q; Have you ever bee n in t he U.S. ?

A: @Yes O No

Provide information on all U.S. visits:

Date Arrived 0 H, lp; Pre-rious U.S. Visits

r-BIBCJ If you are unsure about
(Format: DD- MMM -YYYY) when you v ,s,ted the
U.S., please provide a
~ of Stay O best estimate.


·~ -~
Q: Do you or d id you ever hold a U. S. Driver's

A: @Yes O No

Hdp; '.\'1ri;1tion Bottoni

Provide the following information:
toaccessprevoousty Driver's License Number

00o Not Know

State of Driver 's License
♦ ~ - ~

Q; Have you eve r bee n issued a U.S. V isa?

A: @Yes O No

Previous U.S. Visas

Date Last V isa Was Issued @

(Format: DD- M"1M-YYYYl

V isa Number H, lp; \'in:'liumffr

~ - - - - - ~ O DoNotKnow
Enter the 8-d ,g ,t number
that is displayed in red
on the lower right hand
side of your v isa , If
your prev,ous visa was
Q: Has your U.S. V isa ever been lost or a Border Crossing Card
stolen? enter the last 12-d;g,t
number of the first line
A : @Yes O No of the machin,e readable

Enter year v isa was lost or stolen:


Q: Has your U. S. V isa ever been

cancelled or revoked?

A : @Yes O No


Q: Ha"e you ever been refused a U.S. V isa, or been r efused

admission to t he United States, o r withdrawn your
application for admission at the port of entry?

A : @Yes O No

Q: Ha$ anyone ev er filed 1m im m i9~ant pet it ion on your

behalf w tth t he United States Cit,zenship and I mmigration

A : @Yes O No

Ci-¥4U\4b I: 1-f'li · tM¥45HbIi& i4,U·1·14fiSYMI

This s i t e Is m a n a g e d by the Bure a u of Consula r Affa irs, U .S. Depa rtment of St ate , Exte r nal links t o othe r I nter n et
s ites should not be construed a s a n e ndorse ment of the v i e ws contained therein .
Copyrig ht Jnfo, mt\iq n@ ~ ! ? Pf Q1""9tk R1du d i9n >,<t.£.l
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 20 of 84

Address and Phone Information

Displayed for all non-AGNATO applicants. All questions are answered to reveal additional
fields, and Social Media Platform list included.
(Of'l,i<;t\.l'; I ~Mp !<If

~ us,__I:!}:'."~;.:.' ·:';~+.~ - ~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application{DS-160)

Appbc- ID AAOOOJ200C

Address and Phone Infonnation


0 0onNotN#'f

□ OoesN«Aw,

0: Is yow " ~ ~ t h e wm• H yow Home Addru!I?

t= _j 0 0 - NotAW'f


P rima,ry"'ioneNurnbef


l'IUffiberlf>ould bl!N

0 DoesNot~ l"llU•e-Kcetvtobl

d - ~ w .. llddbaft.ll

Ot>otsNot~ IAnd . . . . .

~ , . . .
pie.., . . tt1..1as-.--

Q;H.1.,. youlltH_,.yotMl"~IMll"lbvlll'IIMIMlfhot

• ~ - Mmm

Em;Jii Aodr•q
_ ... 11e-..
f•o --~"-'~m,r,llcoml


c ,c.-,......Pr...w..n
~ ....-1tutlt



• ~ - &:aa«tt

U5edw'"'°"IIIIIMlM_, Jntht~M-,tolN
. . . . , _ . , _, .,1«the--.•hionlllY"OVN._..Uled
onu..tiutklfm. ~ d o not""'""°*,--~· 11,ou
i..... USM_.. tt,an-llUd'Olffl or inoreO'IMI _ _.._.


« b¥ICllt on .a $lf9I pbtform. did!'. the 'Add Anath«' button ta ~ltwlyQIIUNII


.. _
lllt-..dt-~al...... 1f _ ~... notl.-d¥1yvltt..i.itd
lnlona.t-,andlo- •Kt
-1,1,,...-,~i,,oi.i.fll'l'l'Qn. Mila 'Noni"
"""attw..Llttltll Nech Pl'owid«(PIMfofm

~ a a o d..tN
., ...-IOdal..-1

! _by.,...~
· ~-!leaaXf:

Q:Ooyouw!$htoprovldelnfarm.&,,atiouc,vowpr-.ar1 DOUBAN
My~wtot11:es« 1~ v o o h1v111Sedwlt..,~
lul 11.,. ,urs to crwt, or Jh- content ( photos, wSeos, FACEBOOK
sututlupdll. .,9"-)1
/1,:. @Yff Q No GOOGLE+
Plo!-.proy!d,,thllNITHl!d!halll,ldllffll ar,dthl
, -1t4~90Ci-',,......,..,{_ _ _
llt.Thsdoanoliftdlocliaprlvlll~_,~ MYSPACE
t0>-~~~.5'1ChasWt>.ts.t.w PINTEREST
· ~ - .B.amixt TUMBLR
ilid ❖ t■i
This""" '" "'•~.,.....,~..,...,,ofContu!•Alfaan, U.S. ~ ol Stot•- f><t..-ftol-.10.....-11!t-.,... .......w
.._ "_...... ..... ~ o 1 1 : 1 , - - - ~ ~ YOUTUBE
Cw:rrnt:Sl.-!"l!"l'twO ~ ( } !'teru!tRd\/SS:mActO
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 21 of 84

Address and Phone Information (AGNATO)

Displayed for all applicants who select the following visa types: A1 visas, A2 visas, C3 visas, G1
visas, G2 visas, G3 visas, G4 visas, and NATO1-6 visas. All questions are answered ‘No.’
Contact Us I Help I Exit

.., COMPLETE JlliQTQ iID!lfil IG

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1' Getting Started

1' Personal
Address and Phone Information
1' Travel
Home A ddress
Iii Travel Companions
Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)
1' Previous U S. Travel

Address and Phone ►

St r eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) *Optional


'ihr:'.J fa.l!.J~i.l ll~HJ

ffillJUJJ~ State/ Pr ov ince
D Does Not A pply
Postal Zone/ ZI P Code
0 Does Not A pply

Count ry/ Re.gion

Mailing Address
Q: Is your Mailing A ddr ess t he s am e as your Hom e A ddr ess?

Help: Narigation Buttons

C~ck on the buttons above

to access previously Provide your mailing address:
entered data.
Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)

Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) *Optiona l


State/ Prov ince

0 Does Not A pply

Postal Zone/ ZI P Code

D Does Not A pply
Count ry/ Region

Phone Help: Phone

Prim ary Phone Number You must provide a
primary phone number.
The primary phone
number should be the
Secondary Phone Number phone number at which
0 Does Not Apply you are most likely to
be reached; this could
be a land line or a
cellular/mobile number.
Work Phone Number If you have an
D Does Not A pply additional land line or a
cellular/mobile number
please list that as your
secondary phone

Email A ddress Help: Ema.ii Address

Em ail Addr ess You must provide an

email address. The
(e.g. 1 email address you
provide will be used for
purposes. Provide an
email addr ess that is
secure and to which you
have reasonable access.

◄ Back· Previous U.S T ravel Next· Passport ►

8 1
Thi s s i t e is m a n aged b y the Bu reau of C onsula r A ffa irs, U . S . D e partme nt of St a t e . Exte rna l lin ks t o oth e r Inte rnet
s i t es shou ld not b e const ru e d as a n e n d orsem e nt of t h e v iev,rs conta in e d t h e re in .
C o p y rig ht Inf orm a t io n @ D isclaim ers @ Pa p erwork R eductio n A ct @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 22 of 84

Passport Information
Displayed for all applicants. All questions are answered ‘Yes’.
Contact Us I Help I Ex it

U. S. DEPART~ T of--.5.IA~
7 .jl§!IEW fil§!i.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

Iii Gettmg Started

1,1 Personal
Passport Information
1,1 Travel

Passport/Tra vel Docume nt Type ifil Help: Pusport/Irant

\I Travel Companions
l oTHER B Document Number
ti Previous U.S Travel
Enter the information on
Explain the travel document you
V Address and Phone
will be using when
Passport ► traveling to the U.S.
Your travel document
should be a valid,
unexpired passport or
other valid, unexpired
documentation that is
sufficient to establish
your identity and
Pa ssport/Tra v e l D o cume nt Numbe r nationality.

- j ! !.J!J-::JJ!iE.!!.JEln~:::
Passport Book Number

Count / A ut hor i
0 Ooes Not A pply

t hat I ssued Pass ort/ Travel D ocument

Help: Pmport Book

The Passport Book

Number is commonly
called the inventory
control number. You
may or may not have a
Where w as the Passport/Travel Document Issued? Passport Book Number
on your passport. The
City location of the Passport
Book Number on your
passport may vary
Help: Nu-igation Buttons depending on the
State/ Province *If s hown on passport country that issued your
Click on the buttons above passport. Please contact
to access previousty your passport issuing
entered data authority if you are
Count ry/ Region unable to determine
IAFGHANISTAN B whether or not your
passport contains a
Passport Book Number.

Issuance Dat e fil

!BIB □
(Format: OO-MMM-YYYY)

Help: Expiration Date

D No Expir at ion
In most cases your
Document must have at
least six months of
validity beyond the date
of your visa application
and/ or your arrival in
the United States.

Q: Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen?

A: @) Yes Q No

Provide the following information:

Passport/Trav el Document Number

~ - - - - - - - - ~ D Do Not Know

Country/ A ut hority t hat Issued Passport/Tr avel


+ A dd A nother - Rem ove

◄ Back : J\ddr e e e a nd Ph one Next: U S Contact ►

9 1
T h is s ite is m a n aged b y the Bure au of C o n sular Affairs, U . S. D e partm e nt of State . External lin ks t o oth e r I nternet
s it es s h ould n ot be cons t rued as a n e n dorse m e nt of t h e v i ev-6 conta in ed t h e re in .
Copyri g h t I n form ati o n @ D is claim ers@ Paperwork R edu cti on Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 23 of 84

U.S. Point of Contact Information

Displayed for all applicants. Additional fields are the same with Person and Organization.

O nline N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
U.S. Point of Contact Information
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions Con tact Person or Or ganization in the United States
Help: Contact
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel
Con tact Per son Your U.S. Point of
1,1 Address and Phone
Contact can be any
Surnam es indiv idual in the U.S.
1,1 Passport who knows you and can
verify, if necessary,
U.S. Contact ►
your identity. If you do
Giv en Nam es not personally know
anyone in the U.S., you
may enter the name of
~ !ir.;11}
the store, company, or
·fr:.1iJJiJJLJ O o o Not Know organization you plan to
visit during your trip.
~ ml Or ganization Nam e

~ Do Not Know

Relations hip to You (ff)

A ddress and Phone Number of Point of Contact

U.S . Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)

Help: Narigation Buttons

U.S . Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) * Optiona l
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data.

ZIP Code (if k nown)

(e.g., 55555 or 55555-5555)

Phone Number

(e.g., 5555555555)

Em ail A ddr ess

0 Does Not A pply

◄ Back: Passport

--- Next: Family ►

T h is s it e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtme nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f t h e vie ws conta in e d the re in ~
Copyrig ht Informatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 24 of 84

Family Information: Relatives

Displayed for all applicants. Both parents have same additional questions, displayed with both paths to
show all questions. Answered “Yes” to Immediate Relatives.
-- Contact Us I Help I Ex it


UIJiij!if = fW

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID A..400911JX9

V Getting Started

V Personal
Family Information: Relatives
V Travel
NOTE : Please provide t he following inform at ion concernim;7 your biological par ents. If you
V Travel Companions are adopted, please provide the following infor m ation on your adopt ive parents.

V Prev10us US Travel

V Address and Phone

V Passport Father's Full Name and Date of Birth

'fl U S Contact
Surnam es

Family ►
(e.g., Hernandez Garcia) ODo Not Know
• Relatives
G iven Names

(e.g., Juan Miguel) D Do Not Know

Chiktren rn~~
Date of Birth @
□ DoNot Know
(format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

Q: I s y our f at her still liv ing:>

A: @Yes O No

St r eet Addr ess ( Line 1)

Street A ddr ess {Line 2) *Optional


Hdp: 1'"1ri11tion Buttons State/Prov ince

Clck on the buttons above ~ - - - - - - - ~ D Does Not Apply

to access previOusly
entered data Post al Zone/ ZIP Code
~ - - - - - - ~ O Does Not Apply

Count ry/ Region

Q: I s y our f at her in t he U.S.:>

A: @Yes O No

Fathe r 's Status fil


M other's Full Name and Date of Birth

Surnam es

(e.g., Hernandez Garcia) O Do Not Know

Giv en Nam es

(e.g., Juanita Miguel) D Do Not Know

Date of Birth @
IE~~ O Do Not Know
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

Q: I s your m ot her still liv ing:>

A: O Yes @No

Year of Death

Q: Do you hav e any immediate r elativ es, not includim~ Help: lmmediur Relatins
par ents, in t he United States:>
Means fiance/tiancee,
spouse (husband/wife),
A: @t{.~~ O No
child (son/daughter), or
Provide the following information : sibling (brother/sister).

Surnam es

Giv en Nam es

Relationship to You 0
1- s ELECT ONE - G
Relat iv e's Status
+ Add A nother - Rem ove

◄ Sack U S Contact 5 we11M1 tlext F1ancelf1ancee ►

8 1
T h is site is m anag e d by the Bure au of Con su la r Affairs, U. S. Department of State. External lin ks t o othe r Internet
s ites s hould not b e c ons t ru e d a s a n endorse m e nt of the vie ws c ontained the re in .
Co pyright I nform a t ion rfiJ Discla imers r!i) Papel'V,Qrk Re d uction Act rfiJ
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 25 of 84

Family Information: Relatives

Both parents information marked “Do Not Know.” Answered “No” to all other questions.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Family Information: Relatives
1,1 Travel
NOTE: Please provide the following informa tion conce rning your biologica l pa re nts . If you
1,1 Travel Companions a re a dopte d, please provide th e following informa tion on your a doptive pa re nts.

1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport Father's Full Name and Date of Birth

1,1 U.S. Contact

Surnam es

Family ►
(e.g., Hernandez Garcia) Ga Do Not Know
• Relativ es
Giv en Nam es
(e.g., Juan Miguel)
Deceased Ga Do Not Know


Mother's Full Name and Date of Birth

~ fl~
~ il,;!~!jf".J.!.JH'J Surnam es

(e.g., Hernandez Garcia) Ga Do Not Know

Giv en Nam es

(e.g., Juanita Miguel)

Ga Do Not Know

Help: Narigation Buttons Q: Do y ou hav e any immedia te r elativ es, not including Help: lmmediate Relati,es
par ents, in the United Stat es?
Click on the buttons above Means fiance/fiancee,
to access previously spouse (husband/wife),
entered data.
A: O ves @ No
child (son/daughter), or
sibling (brother/sister).
Q: Do y ou hav e any other r e lativ es in the United States?

A: O ves @ No

◄ Back: U. S. Contact
IB!!IIIIII Next: Fiance tF1ancee ►

This :sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Internet
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 26 of 84

Family Information: Spouse

Displayed for all K3 applicants, or who selected ‘Married’/’Common Law Marriage’ on the ‘Personal
Information 1’ page. Spouse’s Address selected as ‘OTHER’ to show additional fields.
Contact Us I Help I Ex it

- - - ---

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

'1/ Gettmg Started

'11 Personal
Family Information: Spouse
1,/ Travel

'1/ Travel Compamons NOTE: Enter curr ent s pouse infor m at ion.

1,/ Previous U S Travel

'11 Address and Phone

Spouse's Full Name (include M aiden Name)
'1/ Passport
Spouse's Surnam es
'11 U. S Contact

Family ►

Spouse's Given Nam es


• Spou se

FiancetFiancee spo[~JI Date[~t[=j

Children (Format: DD- MMM-YYYY)

Spouse's Place of Birth


ODo Not K now

Country/ Region

Spouse's A ddr ess 61

Help: Narigation Buttons
C~ck on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data. Str eet Address (Line 1)

(postal box numbers are not allowed)

Street A ddr ess ( Line 2)


Stat e/ Prov ince

0 Does Not A pply

Postal Zone/ ZI P Code

0 Does Not Apply

Country/ Region

Date and Place of Marriage


(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)


Stat e/ Pr ov ince
0 Does Not Apply

Country/ Region

◄ Back.Re latives Next. F1ance/F1ancee ►

8 1
T h is sit e is m a n a ged b y the Bu re a u of Co n su la r Affairs, U .S. D e p artm e n t o f St a t e , Extern a l links t o othe r I n t e rn et
s it es shou ld not b e con s t ru e d as a n endorsement of t h e vie ws cont a ined the re in ,
Co p yrig ht I nformat io n @ Dis claimers@ Paperwo rk R eduction Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 27 of 84

Family Information: Partner

Displayed for all applicants who selected ‘Civil Union/Domestic Partnership’ on the ‘Personal
Information 1’ page. Partner’s Address selected as ‘OTHER’ to show additional fields.
Contact Us I Help I Exit

'> ~
..,. COMPLETE El1l2IQ. i E.W
i IG

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Family Information: Partner
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions Not e : You hav e indicat ed that y ou ar e in a civil union or dom est ic partnership. Ent er t he
following informat ion concerning y our partner.
1,1 Previous U S Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport Partner's Full Name

1,1 U.S Contact

Partner 's Surnam es
Family ►

Partner 's Given Nam es

• Partner

FiancerFiancee Partner 's Date of Birth (ii)

Children !BIBO
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
~1.2..0,/ E:1!.J~il!l-~U/
·11~u~ Partner 's Count / Re ion of Or i in Nat ionali

Partner 's Pla:e of Birth

C ity

O Do Not Know

Count ry/ Region


Help: Nu-~ation Buttons Pa rtn e r ' s: A ddr es:s:- (iii

Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data.
St r eet A dd·ess (Line 1)

(postal box numbers are not allowed)

St r eet A dd·ess (Line 2)

C ity

St at e/ Prov nee
D Does Not Apply

Postal Zone/ ZI P Code

D Doe.s Not Apply

Count ry/ Region


Dat e and Place of Civil Union/ Dom e.stic Partnership

Dat e

!BIB □
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

C ity

St at e/ Prov nee
0 Does Not Apply

Count ry/ Reg ion


◄ Back . Relat iv es Next. F1ance/F1anci:e ►

8 1
T h is s ite is m a n a g e d b y t h e Bureau o f C o n sula r A ffa irs, U. S. D e p artm e nt o f State. Exte rna l lin ks to othe r I nte rnet
s ites s h ould n ot b e cons t rue d as a n e n d orsem e n t o f t h e v ie v..s conta in e d t h e re in .
Copy rig ht Inform atio n [!il Disclaimers [!il Paperwork R eductio n A ct [!il
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 28 of 84

Family Information: Fiancé / Fiancée

Displayed for all K1 applicants.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Family Information: Fiance / Fiancee
1,1 Travel

~ Travel Companions Fiance!Fiancee's Full Name (include Maiden Name)

1,1 Previous U.S. Travel
Fiance/ Fiancee•s Surnam es
1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport
Fiance/ Fiancee·s Giv en Nam es
1,1 U.S. Contact

Family ►
Fiance/ Fiancee·s Date of Birth ~
Relativ es
i--81 BO
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)
■ Fiance/Fiancee

For mer Spouse

Fiance/Fiancee's A ddr ess
Str eet A ddr ess (Line 1)
~ !ir.;11}
(postal box numbers are not allowed)
~ ml
~il,;!~!jf".J.!.JH'J Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l


State/ Province
D Does Not Apply

Pos tal Zone/ ZIP Code

D Does Not Apply
Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously Fiance/ Fiancee·s Occupation
entered data. I -SELECT ONE- B

◄ Back: Relativ es IB!!IIIIII Next: Former Spouse ►

T h is :sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Co n sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e co n s t rue d a s a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws co nta in e d the re in .
Copy rig ht Information lfiJ Disclaimers lfiJ Paperwork R eductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 29 of 84

Family Information: Former Spouse

Displayed for all K1 applicants, and applicants who selected ‘Divorced’ or ‘Legally Separated’ on the
‘Personal 1’ page. Selecting ‘No’ shows no additional fields.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Family Information: Former Spouse
~ Travel

~ Travel Companions
Q: Do y ou hav e any for m er s pouses?
~ Previous U.S. Travel
A: @Yes 0 No
~ Address and Phone

~ Passport Number of For m er Sp ou ses: D

~ U.S. Contact
Former S~ouse Information
Family ►
Surnam es
Relativ es

Fiance/Fiancee Given Nam es

• Former Spouse

Children Date of Birth It})

~ !ir.;11}
·fr:.1iJJiJJLJ (Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

~ ml
Date of r arriB (Ii)
rn v □
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

Date Mr riag Bded (Ii)

rn v □
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

How the Marriage Ended

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.
e was Terminated

+ Add Another - Remove

◄ Back: F1ance 1F1ancee Next: Childr en ►

T h is :site is m a n a g e d b y the Bu reau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sites sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 30 of 84

Family Information: Deceased Spouse

Displayed for applicants who selected ‘Widowed’ on the ‘Personal 1’ page.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Family Information: Deceased Spouse
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions Surnam e

1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone Giv en Nam e

1,1 Passport

1,1 U.S. Contact Date of Birth

Family ►
(Format: DD-MMM- YYYY)


Former Spouse

• Deceased

◄ Back: Former Spouse .... Next: Childr en ►

~ !ir.;11}

~ ml

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This :sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bu reau o f Co n s u la r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtme nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e co n s t rue d a s a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws co nta in e d the re in .
Copy rig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 31 of 84

Family Information: Children

Displayed for all K1/K3 applicants. Selecting ‘No’ shows no additional fields.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Family Information: Children
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions

Q: Do y ou hav e any childr en?
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel
A: @ Yes 0 No
1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport Number of childr en : D

1,1 U.S. Contact

Surnam es
Family ►

Relativ es

Giv en Nam es

For mer Spouse

Date and Place of Birth
• Childr en
Date of Birth ~
181 BO
(Format: DD-MMM- YYYY)
~ ml

0 Do Not Know

State/ Province
0 Does Not Apply
Country/ Region
Help: Narigation Buttons
Q: l s this child tr av eling to the United States with y ou?
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data. A: O v es @ No

Q: l s_this child tr av eling to the U.S . at a later date to

Join y ou?

A: O v es @ No

+ A dd Another - Remov e

◄ Back: Former Spouse Next: Work/Educat1on/Tra1n1n g ►

8 1
T h is s it e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con su la r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in ,
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim e rs@ Pape rwork R e ductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 32 of 84

Present Work/Education/Training Information

Displayed for all applicants.

I , English V


Online )lonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA0O911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
Present Work/Education/Training Information
~ Travel

~ Travel Companions NOTE: Provide the following informa tion conce rning your curre nt e mployme nt or e dJca tion .

~ Previous U.S Travel

~ Address and Phone

~ Passport lorHER B
~ U.S Contact
Provide the following information:
~ Family
Specify Ot her
Work / Education / ►

• Present



Present Employ er or School Nam e

Present employ er or school address:

Str eet A ddr ess (Line I )

Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l

Help: Narigation Buttons City

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data. Sta te/ Province
0 Ooes Not Apply

Postal Zone/ Z IP Code

0 Ooes Not Apply

Fhone Number

Country/ Region
s t, rt Oate @

rn~ □
(Format: 00-MMM-YYYY)

Mo 1thly I ncom e in Local Currency ( if employ ed)

0 Ooes Not Apply

Br iefly descr ibe y our duties:

◄ Eack : Family Next: Work/Education: Previous ►

Th is s it e is m a n a g e d by the Bureau o f Con s u la r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o ther I nte rn e t
s i t es s h o u ld n o t b e cor s t rue d as a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in ,
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ D isclaim e rs@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 33 of 84

Previous Work/Education/Training Information

Displayed for all applicants. Selecting ‘No’ shows no additional fields.
~ Cont act Us I Help I Exit

® U. S. D EPART M EN T o/.$,lA
Online Nocimmigrant Visa Application (DS - 160)
Application ID A.A00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Pers onal
Previous Work/Education/Training Information
~ Travel

~ Travel Companions NOTE: Provide your employm ent information for the lost fiv e y eo rs thot you wer e employed,
if opplicable.
~ Pre"ous US r,a,el

~ Add,ess .md Phone

Q; Wer e y ou prev io usly employed?

~ U S Cont ~ct
A: @Yes O No
Employer/ Employment I nformation:

Employer Nome

• Previous
Employe r Street Address ( Line 1)

Employer Str eet Address ( Line 2) *Optional


St ate/Province

0 Does Not Apply

Postal Zone/ZI P Code

Hdp: N'a'l"ig:ation Button! 0 Does Not Apply

Country/ Region
Click on the buttons above
to access prevously
entered data
Telephone Number

Job Tit le

Supe rvisor's Sur name

O Do Not Know
Supe rvisor 's Giv en Nam es

O Do Not Know

~ m e n t Dote From 0
, ~ IB □
(Formot: DD-MMM-YYYY)

~ m e nt Dot e To 0
, ~ IB □
(Formot; DD-MMM-YYYY)

. ~ -~

Q; Hove you ottended ony educat ionol institut ions ot o Hdp: Lf"l"d of[duution
s econdary level or obov e?
You must answer Yes to
A: @Yes Q No this question 1f you have
ever attended, for any
length of time, a high
Provide the followmg information on the educational school/secondory school
institutio n(s) y ou have attended. (or its equivalent in your
country) or college,
Na me of I nstit ution university, groduote
school, a doctoral
program, or a
vocational program.
Street Addr ess ( Linc 1)

St r eet Addr ess ( Line 2) • OptionlJI

State/Pr ovince
~ - - - - - - ~ 0 Does Not Apply

Postal Zone/ZIP Code

~ - - - - ~ ODoes Not Apply

Country/ Region
Course of Study

Hdp: Course of Study

Dote of A ttc ndonc e f r om @
For m iddle school/junior
f"BIB D high or high school
course of study please
(Format. DD-MMM-YYYY)
indicate •Academic· or
~vocational.· for all
Dote of A ttendanc e To 0 other educationa l levels
f"BIB D pleose ind icate your
major or concentrot1on.
(format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

·~ - R,:::move

il:ffliiYM$£ji@\ii-i,d44M,i■MR4 l#Mii¥4YM$¥11@.0l•i:l-tMNII

e T h is s it• is man■ g ■d by t h• Bu r• a u o f Cons u la r Affairs, U .S . D•partm•nt of Stat•. Ext•rnal l in ks to oth • r l nt • rn• t

sit■s s hou ld not b • c ons tru• d ■ s ■ n • ndors• m • n t of th• v i• - conh, ined th■r• in.
Cpp yright Inform ■ ti qn@!..Ai.!n@ P1etMD•k Red udiqn Ad@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 34 of 84

Additional Work/Education/Training Information

Displayed for all applicants. Answering ‘Yes’ to all questions to show all additional fields.
Conta ct Us I He lp I Ext

@ U S D El'ARTMENT n/'5.lA
Online Nonimmigrant VisaApplicatioo {DS- 160)
Appbcation ID AA00911JX9

Additional Work/Education/Training Information

NOTE: Provide t he following work, e ducation, or t rainin,;,i re lat e d information. Provide

complete a nd accurate informat ion to a ll questio n.s that requ ire an e xpla nat ion.

Q: Oo you belon,;,i t o a dan or tribe?

A: @ Yes Q No

Provide the fo llowing information:

Clen or Tribe Name

Provide a List of Lan,;,iua ges You Spea k

·~ -~
Q: Have you traveled t o any countries/regions within the last
five years?

Provide a List of Countries/Regions Visited

Help: :"ll~~ltiODBIIIIOIIS
Country/Re g ion
Ck:tOf\lllebul!Of\Sabove I- SELECT ONE -
•~ -~

Q: Ha ve you resided in any country/ ...,,gion for six mont hs or

longe r since you atta ined 16 yea ~ of a ge?

A: @Yes Q No

Provide the List of Countries/Regions

Country/ Region
♦ ~ - ~

Q: Have you belon,;,ie d t o, contribut ed t o, or worked for a ny

professional, 50cia l, or CMrit a ble orga niuit ion'

A: @Yes O No

ProvideaListof0rga nizations

t•geni;zation Name

·~ -~
Q: Have you ever bee n a member of the Taliba n?

A: @Yes Q No

Expla in

Q: Oo you have a ny speQa lized skills or t rainin,;,i, such a s

fi rearms, e xplosives, nudear, biological, or chem,cal
e xperie nce?

A : @Yes Q No

Expla in

Q: Ha ve you e ve r serve d in the military?

A: @Yes O No

Provide the followin,;,i information:

Na me of Country/Re gion Help: i:'i"ameof

I- SELECT ONE - Co11no y1R.Ppo11

country/re91on where
you performed milttary

Military Specialty

0ate of Service From 0

(Format: 00-MMM-YYYY)

Date of Se rvice To 0
(Format: 00-MMM-YYYY)

Q: Have you e ve r se rve d .i.n, bee n_a me.m ber of,_or been
mvolve d with a para m,l,t a ry u nit, v,g,la nte uml, re bel
group, g ue rrilla group, or insurgent orga n iza tion?

A: @Yes Q No

Expla in

11!&4\iiii.f.ll/Jii·il· 4 tl~Nl&:if#Mi iiH!Mfifjij/.I1


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egpy[iqh\ inf?Cm■ .12i.K!Ai..a:w:O P121'l"Pfk esdurt"so Art @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 35 of 84

Security and Background: Part 1

Displayed for all applicants. All questions answered to show additional fields.

I , English V


Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Security and Background: Part 1
1,1 Travel
NOTE: Provide the following secur ity and back gr ound infor m ation . Provide complete and
1,1 Travel Companions accur ate infor m ation to all questions that r equir e an explanation . A visa m ay not be issued
to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel States ( ex cept when a waiv er is obtained in adv ance) . Ar e any of t he following applicable to
y ou? While a YES ans wer does not autom atically signify ineligibility for a visa, if y ou ans wer
1,1 Address and Phone
YES y ou m ay be r equir ed to per sonally appear befor e a cons ular o fficer .

1,1 Passport

1,1 U.S. Contact

Q: Do y ou hav e a communicable disease of public health
1,1 Family s ignificance? ( Communicable diseases of public
s ignificance include chancr oid, gonorrhea, gr anulom a
1,1 Work/ Education / inguinale, infectious lepr osy, lymphogr anulom a
Trammg v ener eum, infectious s tage s yphilis, activ e tuber culosis,
and other diseases as deter m ined by the Departm ent of
Security and ► Health and Human Services.)
A: @ Yes 0 No
■ Part 1
Ex plain
Part 2

Part 3


Part 5

Q: Do y ou hav e a m ental or phy sical disor der that poses or

is lik ely to pose a thr eat to the safety or welfar e of
y our self or other s?

A: @ Yes 0 No

Ex plain

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

Q: Ar e y ou or hav e y ou ev er been a dr ug abuser or addict?

A: @ Yes 0 No

Ex plain

Q: Do y ou hav e documentation to establish that y ou hav e

r eceiv ed v accinations in accor dance with U.S . law?

A: Q Yes @ No

Ex plain

◄ Back: Work/Educat1on!Tra1n1ng Next: Security/Background Part 2 ►

T h is sit e is m a n aged b y t h e Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e n t o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o t h e r I n t e rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e n t o f t h e vie ws con t a in e d t h e re in .
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Pape rwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 36 of 84

Security and Background: Part 2

Displayed for all applicants. All questions answered to show additional fields.

" Contact Us Keio E><t

Onlioc Noomuigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)
Appbcl.tton!D AA009IIJX9

Security and Background: Part 2

NOTE: Pmvide the following security arw:I b>tckgmurw:I informel ion. Pmvide complete arw:I
a ccurate a nswe rs to a ll questions that require an cx pla mit ion. A visa may not bl! issued t o
persons who a re within specific ca,tegories defi ned by law as im,dmissible to t he United
Stat es (e><ce ptwhcn a wa iveris obta incd in a dva ncc). Areany of thc following applica,bleto
y0<.1? While a Yl:S a nswe r does not auto matica,lly signify ineligibility for a visa, if y0<.1 a nswe r
Yl:S you may bl! required t o persomilly a ppear Defore a consular officer.

Q; Have. you everbl!enarrestedorconvid:cdforanyoffe nsc

or cnme, e ve n t hough subJcd of a pardon, a mnesty, or

A: @ Yes Q No

• Pan 2

Q: Have youevcr vi~ated,or cngagcd inacons~ racyto

viola te, a ny la wrc lat ingtocontmlled substa nccs?

A: @ Yes Q No


Q : Arc you coming to the United State~ to e ngage in
to access ?O"..,,oously prostrtut,on o r unla wful comme raa hzed vice or hav e you
-&• bl!en e ngagedinpmstil utionorp,ocuringprostitutes
within t hc past10ycars?

A: @Yes Q No

Q ; Ha ve youeve r bl!e n inv~ved in,ordoyoU$Ce kto

e ngagein, m- y laundering?

Q : He ve you e ve r_ committe d 0< cons~rc d to comm~ a

humantraffickingoffc nsc in thcUnrtc dSta tcs oroutsidc

A: @Yes Q No

Q ; Have youeve rknowinglyaided, abctted , assisted or

collude dwrth a n 1rw:l1v1dualwhohas committe d, or
cons~re d tocommll: a :ocvcrehuman t rafficlong<>ffe nse in
the Un~ed Sta tes or outside the United St a tes'

A: @Yes Q No


Q :Are youthe sp0use, son, ordauo htc r_<>f a n individualwho

~:~:i~~~dU~I~~~~ ~~ ~:;;: ;}!"u~~~Jr~~~~ng
arw:I have you within t he last five years, know;ngty
benefited from the trafficking activit ie s?

A: @Yes Q No

Ex pla,n

Q ; Areyouthe soouse, sonor da ughterof a nindivid ua l who

has bee n 1de ntif1ed by t he Preside nt of t he United Stat es
u person who plays a significant m le ,n a severe form of
trafficking in persons a nd have you, within the last five
yea rs, knowingly benefited from the trafficking a ctivitie s?

A: @Yes Q No

Q : Areyouthe sp0usc, sonor dai;ghtcrof a nindiv1dua l who

Nls v,olated a ny contm lledsubste ncctraffidcinglaw, a nd
have knowingly benefited fmm the trafficking activ~ie s in
thcpas:tfivcye a rs?

A: @ Yes Q No


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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 37 of 84

Security and Background: Part 3

Displayed for all applicants. All questions answered to show additional fields.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

App!Ja.uoo ID AA000320OC

Security and Background: Pa11 3

NOTE: Provide the following s ecurity and ba ckground information. Provide complete and
accurate information to all questions that require a n explanation. A visa may not be issued to
persons who a re wit hin s pecific cat egories defined by law a s inadmissible to the United States
(except when a waiver is obtained in adva nce). Are any of the following applica ble to you?
While a YES answer does not automatia.lly s ignify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you
may be required to persona lly appea r before a consular officer.

• paJ1 3
Q: Do you seek to engage in espiona ge , sabotage , export
control violations , or a ny other illegal activit y while in t he
United States?

A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Do you seek to e ngage in te rrorist activities while in the

United States or ha ve you ever engaged in terrorist

A: @Yes Q No


H, lp : Xa•ic• lio11 B■tto11s

Cllckonlhebutlons aboYe

Q: Have you ever or do you int end to provide financial

assist ance or other support to t errorists or t errorist

A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Are you a me mber or representative of a t errorist


A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Are you t he spouse, son, or da ught er of an individual who

has engaged in terrorist activity, indud1ng providing
financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist
orga nizations, In ttle last nve years?

A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted, or

otherwise participated in genocide ?

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or
otherwise participated in torture?

A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Have y~u committed, ordered, incit,e d, as sis ted, or

otherw,se participated in extrajudiaat killings, political
killings, or othe r acts of violence ?

A: @ Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever engaged in t he recruitment or the use of
child soldiers?

A: @Yes Q No


+ ~ - ~
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 38 of 84

Q: Have you, while serving as a government official, been

respon sible for or directly carried out, at any time,
particularly severe violations of religious freedom'

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Are you a member of or affiliated with the Communist or

other t otalit arian party? (Note: This question applies to K visa applicants only)
A: @Yes 0 No


Q: Have you ever dir~ctly or indirectly assisted or supported

any of the Qroups m Colombia k nown as the Revolutiooary
Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC), National Liberation Army
(ELN), or United Self - Defense Fo rces of Colombia (AUC)?

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever thr ouQh abuse of oovernmental or political

position converted for personal {Jain, confiscat ed or
expropriat ed property in a foreiQn nation to which a United
St ates national had claim of ownership?

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Are you the spouse, minor child, or agent of an individual

who has through abuse of government al or political posit ion
conv erted for personal gain, confiscated, or expropriated
property in a foreign n atioo t o w hich a United States
national had claim of ownership,

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever disclosed or trafficked in confidential U.S.

business information obtained in connection with U.S.
participation in the Chemical Weapons Convention,

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Are you the spouse, minor child, or aoent of an individual

who has disclosed or trafficked in confidential U. S. business
infor mation obtained in coonect ion with U.S. participation in
the Chemical Weapons Convent ion?

A: @Yes Q No


L :]
Q: Have you ever been directly involv ed in the establishment
or enforcement of population controls forcing a wom an to
undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a
woman to undergo sterilization against his or her free will?

A: @Yes Q No


Q: Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive

tr ansplantation of human organs or bodily tissue?

A: @Yes Q No


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Thi$ $it'" i$ man ao'"d by tht Bur.. au of Consula r Affairs, U.S. D'"pa rtm ..nt of Stat ... Ext ..rnal ~nks to oth '"r lnt.. m..t'"s should
not b'" const ru'"d as a n '"ndon.'"m'"nt of th'" vi contain'"d th'"r'"1n.
Coovnahl !nformat•on t:'.il ~ 6 ' PaP1:rworj,: Reduct•on Act r?
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 39 of 84

Security and Background: Part 4

Displayed for all applicants. All questions answered to show additional fields.

Online Noni.nuuigra.nt V isa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA000320OC

.; Getting Started

.; Personal
Security and Background: Pait 4
.; Travel
NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and
11' Travel Companions accurate information t o all Questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to
persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States
11' Previous U S Travel ( except when a waiver is obtained in advance) . Are any of the following applicable to you?
While a YES answer does not aut omatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if y ou answer YES you
~ Address and Phone may be reQuired t o personally appear before a consular officer.
.; Passport

.; U S Contact

.; Farrnly Q: Have you ever been the subj ect of a removal or deportation
.; Work f-ducat1on
A: @Yes O No
~ Se-cunty and ►
Background Explain
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

■ Part 4

Part 5
Q: Have you ever sought t o obtain or assist others to obtain a
visa, entry into the United States, or any other United
States immigration benefit by fraud or willful
~ Student/Exchange Visa
misrepresentation or other unlawful means?
11' Crew Visa
A: @Yes Q No
.; Temporary Work Visa

H elp: N nigation Buttons

CIICk on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data

Q: Have you failed to attend a hearing on removabilit y or

inadmissibility within the last five years?

A: @Yes O No


Q: Have you ev er been unlawfully present , overstay ed the

amount of time granted hf an immigration official or
otherwise violated the terms of a U.S. visa?

A: @Yes O No


Q: Are y ou subject to a civil penalty under I NA 274C?

A: @Yes 0 No


Q: Have you been ordered removed from the U.S. during the
last five years?

A: @Yes O No

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 40 of 84

Q: Have you been ordered r emoved from t he U.S. for a second

t im e within the last 20 years>

A: @Yes C No


Q: Have y ou ever been unlawfully present and ordered

rem oved from the U.S. during the last t en years?

A: @Yes C No


,__________ :]
Q: Have y ou ever been conv ict ed of an aggrav at ed f elony and
been ordered removed from the U.S.?

A: @Yes C No


Q: Have y ou ever been unlawfully present in the U.S. for mor e

t han 180 day s ( but no more than one year) and have
v olunt arily departe.d t he U.S. w ithin t he last three y ears>

A: @Yes C No


Q: Have y ou ever been unlawfully present in the U.S. for more

t han one year in the aggregate at any time during the past
ten years?

A: @Yes C No


Q: Have you ever been removed or deported from any

count ry?

A: @Yes Q No


◄ Back: Security/Background Part 3

■r-'ffil Next: Security/Background Part 5 ►

This sit e is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State. External links t o other Internet sites should
not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein .
Copyright I nformation ~ Disclaimers 6l Paperwork Reduction Act ~
( E,9)
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 41 of 84

Security and Background: Part 5

Displayed for all applicants. All questions answered to show additional fields.

Appl,e-.ll) AA0091 1SX,

Security and Background: Part 5

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 42 of 84

E-Visa: Business Profile

Displayed for E1-TR, E2-TR, and E1/E2-EX acting as their respective TRs. ‘Other’ selected where
available to show all additional fields.
Contact Us I Help I Ex it

U.S. DEPART~ NT o/...,SJ;A
~ ~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

Iii Gettmg Started

Iii Personal
E-Visa: Business Profile Information
Iii Travel
Name of U.S. Enterpr ise, Business, or Com pany
Iii Travel Compamons

Iii Previous U S Travel

T ype of Business Enter prise 0
Iii Address and Phone
Iii Passport

Iii US Contact Other ( Specify)

Iii Famlly

Iii Work I Education /


Iii Secunty and D ate and Place Business was Established o r Incorporated in
Background the United States

E V is a ►
D ate I ncrporB lij)
• Bus iness Profile rB v CJ
(Format: DD- MMM-YYYY)
Foreign Parent
Business City

finance and
Investment I-SELECT ONE -
U.S. Personnel 1

U.S. Personnel 2

Applicant Present Address of Headquarters, Subsid iaries, and Branc h Offices of

Position U.S. Enterprise ( Specify T y pe of Office)

Applicant T ype of Office 0

Position in U.S.

Contact Other ( Specify)


Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)

Str eet Address (Line 2) "'Optional

Help: Nuigatioo Buttons

Cltck on the buttons above

to access previously City
entered data

State/ Prov ince

~ - - - - - - - - ~ D Does Not Apply

Postal Z one/ ZI P Code

~ - - - - - - ~ D D oes Not A pply
Country/ Region
T elephone Number Fax Number

+ A dd A nother • Rem ov e

Nat ure of the Business

D Gener al Trade
D Exports from U.S.
D Retail Sales
D Imports t o U.S.
D Manufactur ing
D Services/Technology
~ Other (Specify)

Other ( Specify)

D escr ibe fully the services, pr oduction, or other activ ity of t he



◄ Back Secunty Next Fo reign Pare nt Business ►

8 1 T h is sit e is manag e d by t he Bureau of Cons u la r Affa irs, U. S. D e p a rtment of Stat e . Externa l links t o ot her I nt ernet
s it es s h ould not be cons t ru e d as an e ndo rse m ent of the views contain e d the re in ,
Co pyright Inform a t io n @ Discla im e rs @ Pa p e rwork Red uctio n Act @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 43 of 84

E-Visa: Foreign Parent Business

Displayed for E1-TR, E2-TR, and E1/E2-EX acting as their respective TRs. Answers selected where
available to show all additional fields.
Cont act Us I Help I Ex it


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

ti Getting Started

,,I Personal
E-Visa: Foreign Parent Business Information
,,I Travel

,,I Travel Companions Q: I s t her-e a for eign par ent business?

,,1 Previous U.S. Travel A: @Yes O No

,,I Address and Phone Provide the following information:

,,1 Passport Name of For eign Par ent Business

,,I U.S. Contact

,,1 Family Address of Foreign Parent Business:

,,1 Work / Education / St r eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)


,,I Secunty and

Background St r eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) *Optional

E-V 1sa ►

Bus iness Profile City

• Foreign Parent
Bus iness
St ate/ Pr ovince
Finance and D D oes Not A pply

Investment Postal Z one/ ZI P Code

0 D oes Not Apply
U.S. Personnel 1

Count ry/ Region

U.S. Personnel 2
Applicant Present
Teleph one Number

Position in U.S.
Fax Nu m ber

- Contact


Ciii@@hMM Q: Are t h er e any For eign Ent it ies ( Corpor ation, Partners hip,
etc .) a ssociat ed wit h t he U.S. business?

A: @Yes O No
List the Na mes o f the Foreign Entit ies :
Help: Narigation Bottoni
Name of For eign Ent ity
Clic k on the buttons above
to access previOusty
entered data
Count / Re ion of Ori in Nat ionali

Per cent of Owners hip

c==] ¾

Q: Are t h er e any For eign I ndiv idual Owner s of t he U.S.


A: @Yes O No
List the Na mes of the Foreign Indiv idual Owners:

Surnames of For eign I ndiv idual Owne r

Giv en Na mes of For eign Indiv idual Owner

Imm igr at ion Status

Country/ Region of Residence


Per cent of Owners hip

c==] ¾
+ A dd A nother - Rem ov e

◄ Back Busrness Profile ■~c;;;w llext Finance and Trade ►

9 1
T h is s it e ts m a n aged by t h e Bu re au o f Con sula r Affa irs, U . S. D e p artm e nt of St ate. Exte rna l links t o oth e r I n t e rnet
s it es s h oul d n ot b e c o n strue d as a n e n dorse m e nt of the v iev.s c o nt a in ed t h e rein .
C opyrig ht I n formati o n @ D i,sc!a im e rsc§l Pa p e rwork R e ducti o n Actc§l
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 44 of 84

E-Visa: Finance and Trade

Displayed for E1-TR and E1-EX acting as their E1-TR.
Contact Us I Help I Exit

~ ~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

GM:M·iiM@ E-Visa: Finance and Trade Information

II Personal

II Travel
NOTE : All amounts must be e nter ed in U.S. dolla rs (USD).

1¥1- l::Hi:li I:
II Previous U S Travel

PMll&i:Hi:11:1- Financial Statement for Most Recent Year

II Passoort
Select the y ear type you ar e

II U S Contact account ing for:

II Family
0 Fiscal O Calendar

. Tot al Assets Ty pe Total A ssets of U.S.

0 Current Cash

E-V1sa ►
0 Historica l Cost

Business Profile

Foreign Parent Total Liabilit ies


• finance and
Owner 's Eciuity (pa id-in capit 2I plus r etained earnings;
T rade partner 's capit al accounts in c partner ship; and owner 's capit al
account in a sole pr oprietorship.)

U.S. Personnel 1
Total Annual Oper ating I ncorre Before Tax es
U.S. Personnel 2

Applicant Present
Position Total Annual Oper at ing I ncorre A fter Taxes

Position in U.S.

Application Gross International Trade of the U .S. Enterprise for Most

Contact Recent Year
D Does Not A pply
Select t he y ear type y ou Hdp: loternational Trade
For Year :
!:1:::,1 'Ji...;J
D a re accounting for :
0 Fiscal O calenda r
This data is being
(:::W:,!JliJIJ'il!Jf,~ 'li.t:.I collected to measure the
amount of international
trade with the United
I mports from Tr eaty Country t o U.S. Business States. for trade in
merchandise, exports
U.S. Dolla r V al ue Num:ier of Percent age and imports, refer to
Help: N H igation Buttons Tr an~actions of Tot al shipment and sale of
goods across
[2Qj% international
Clici( on the buttons above
boundaries. for trade in
to access previously
services and
entered data
technology, exports and
imports, refer to the
Ex ports from U.S. Business to T reaty Count ry sale of services by
treaty- country nationals
U.S. Dolla r V al ue Num:ier of Percentage to nationals of the
Tr an;.actions of Total United States and other
~ - - -~
[QQ]-10 countries.

Imports from Thi rd Count r ies to U.S Business

U.S. Dolla r V al ue Num:ier of Percentage

Tr an:;actions of Tot al
~ - - -~

Exports from U.S. Business to Thir d Countries

U.S. Dolla r V al ue Num:ier of Percent age

Tr an~actions of Total

Dom estic U.S . Production/Manufactur ing

U.S. Dolla r V al ue Num:ier of Per cent age

Tr an~actions of Total
~ - - -~


U.S. Dollar V alue $~

Number of Tr ansactions ~

Total Percent age ~%

Calculate Total s

◄ Back Foreig n Pare nt Business &A(fiiM r1ext Investment ►

8 1
Thi s s ite i s m a n aged b y the Bu re a u o f C o nsu l a r Affairs, U . S. Depa rtme nt o f St a t e . Exte rna l links t o othe r Internet
s it es s h oul d n ot b e c onst ru ed as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the v i e ws c o nta in ed the re in .
Copyri g ht Informat ion c§J D i scla i m e rs@ Pa p er,,c,rk R eduction Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 45 of 84

E-Visa: Investment
Displayed for E2-TR and E2-EX acting as their E2-TR. ‘Other’ selected where available to show all
additional fields.
/ - Conta ct Us I Help I Ex,t

® U. S. DEI'AKT M EN T of.$,IA~
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)
Appbcat1onID AA00911JX9

., Getting Started

" Personal
E-Visa: Investment Information

NOTE: All amounts must be ent e red in U.S . d o llars {USO) .

" Tr avel Companions

" Prev,ous U S Tr avel

., Addres s and Phone Type of Investment

•··]; 0 Does Not Apply

., Us
@ Creation of new business
0 Pu rchase of an ex isting business

0 cont inu ation of a n ex ist ing business

Total s ta rt-up oosts ( in USD)

•I I
lib I
Total Investment from Abroad made in the Ulllted States
f oreign Par ent
For Most Recent Year
Bus iness
0 Does Not A pply
f inance and
Select t he y ear type you
are accounting for:
• Inve s tment
0 f iscal O Calendar

Cash (in USO)

Init ial I nvestm ent: Tota l cumulativ e investm ent :

Appbcant Present

Position in U.S.

Appbcat10n Jnv1mt ory ( in USO)

Contact Init ial I nvestment : Tota l cumulative inv estment :

Equipment ( in USD)

Init ial I nvestment: Tot<'II cumulativ e inv est m ent :

Help; Narigatio11 Buttou

Click on the buttooilabo~e

lo access previously
Pr emises (i n USO)
entered data
Init ial I nvestm ent: Tota l cumulativ e investm ent :

other ( in USD)

Init ial I nvestment: Tot<'II cumulativ e investment :

Total ( in US O)

Init ial I nvestment: , []

Total cu m ulative , []
inv estme nt :

Source of Investment Capital / Evidence of Possession and

Control of Funds in the United States (provide fun
0 Does Not Apply

Source of Investment: 0
Ex pl<'li n

Funds from: 0
Expl<'li n

I :I
How Much:

D Wire tra nsfer st at em ents
D Sank stat ements
D Promissory note


11•§§ I -# :·lift. 1¥9149§§4 1:1:14111
T h is sit■ is m a nag ■d by th■ B-u r■au o f Cons u la r Affa irs, U.S. O■pa rtm ■nt of Stat■ • Ext■rn a l links t o oth• r ln t•rn ■t
s it • s s h o u ld n o t b■ constru • d •San •nd ors■m•nt o f th■ vi■- conta in•d th■r■i n.
Cooxlight Jnformet;qn(9 ~ @ Pt09""'2' k R9ductio n Act @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 46 of 84

E-Visa: U.S. Personnel 1

Displayed for E1-TR, E2-TR, and E1/E2-EX acting as their respective TRs.
- Contact Us I Help I Exit

~ U.S. DEI'ARTMENT of.$:,D\.~

Online Nonimmigrant VisaAppltcatioo (DS- 160)
Application ID A.: \00911.JX.9

.., Getting Started

.., Personal
E-Visa: U.S. Personnel Information I

Select the year type you are accounting for:

iiit¥H::H:I :M O f.(~J O ealendar

G ·i+s&E
.., Address and Phone Nat ionals of t r eaty country on E, H, and L v isas

'<I Passport
'<I US Contact
This Year


This Ye ar
Business Profile

Foreion Par ent All other Employees


Finarw;:e and

• U.S. Personnel 1
U.S. Cit izens and Legal Permanent Resident (LPR)

Applicant Present

Position in U.S.


This Year

AJI other Employees

Htlp: N'al"igation Buuou

Cick on the buttons above

to a ccess?fe
e ntered data
Othe r (Third Country Nat ional) Employees


Specia lized/Essential

This Year

All other Employees

Tota l Employ ees


~ is Year Next Year



~ is Ye ar

All other Employees

Totvl Employc c .J


~ is Year ffjxt Year


~ is Ye ar ~ xtYear

AJI other Employees

~ is Year

w2 ; .;;;w i14,11ii@ti '1'11461

T h is s i t■
is mana g ■ d by th ■ Bur■ au of Cons u la r Affa irs, U. S. D■ pa rtm■nt of Stat■• Ext■ rn al lin ks to oth ■r I nt■rn■ t
sit■s should not b • constN■d a s a n ■ndors■ m ■nt of th■ vi■- conta in a d th ■ ra i n.
Copyright ! nform1t i9n 61 ~ 61 PtP'l!'!'9' k R1dud i9n Act61
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 47 of 84

E-Visa: U.S. Personnel 2

Displayed for E1-TR, E2-TR, and E1/E2-EX acting as their respective TRs.

• 11111111
I 11 •• " I .• •
. I

English • • ••. : • v

,.. COMPLETE ..1'.,11,Q.T I ™EV~ I__ IG

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
E-Visa: U.S. Personnel Information 2
1,1 Travel
Lis t all per sonnel of U.S . business who hold ex ecutiv e,
1,1 Travel Companions m anager ial, and/ or specialis t positions b y subs idiary/ branch
office . If aliens, indicate Nonimmigr ant visa status or Lawful
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel Permanent Resident (LPR) status.

1,1 Address and Phone

Name, Position/Title, and Division
1,1 Passport
Surnam es
1,1 U.S. Contact

1,1 Family
Giv en Nam es
1,1 Work I Education /

1,1 Secunty and


E-V,sa ►

Business Profile Division

Foreign Parent

Finance and

U.S . Status of Personnel @
U.S. Personnel 1 I-SELECT ONE - B
• U.S. Personnel 2

+ A dd Another - Remov e
Applicant Present

Position in U.S. ◄ Back: U. S. Personnel 1 Next: Applicant Pres ent Pos1t 1on ►


Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es sh ould n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht I nform a t ion@ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 48 of 84

E-Visa: U.S. Personnel 2 (Nonimmigrant)

US Status of Personnel as ‘Nonimmigrant Visa Holder.’

I , English V


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
E-Visa: U.S. Personnel Information 2
~ Travel
Lis t all per sonnel of U.S . business who hold ex ecutiv e,
~ Travel Companions m anager ial, and/ or specialis t pos itions by subs idiary/ branch
office . If aliens, indicate Nonimmigr ant vis a status or Lawful
~ Previous U.S. Travel Pe rmanent Resident ( LPR) status.

~ Address and Phone

Name, Position/Title, and Division
~ Passport
Surnam es
~ U.S. Contact

~ Family
Giv en Nam es
~ Work I Education /

~ Secunty and
Pos ition

E-Vrsa ►

Business Profile Divis ion

Foreign Parent

Finance and

U.S . Status of Personnel @
• U.S. Personnel 2
U.S . V isa
Applicant Present
Position Type of V is a I ssued ~
Position in U.S.
Date V is a was I ssued 8
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

Place V is a was I ssued


+ A dd A nother - Rem ov e

Help: Narigation Buttons

◄ Back: U.S. Personnel 1 Next: Applicant Pres ent Pos1t 1on ►
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data.

T h is s i t e is m a n age d b y the Bureau o f C o n sula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
s i t es s h o u ld n o t b e co n s t rue d a s a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws co nta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 49 of 84

E-Visa: U.S. Personnel 2 (LPR)

US Status of Personnel as ‘Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR).’

I , English V


Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
E-Visa: U.S. Personnel Information 2
1,1 Travel
List all per sonnel of U.S. business who hold executive,
1,1 Travel Companions m anagerial, and/ or specialist positions by subsidiary/ bra nch
office . If aliens, indicate Nonimmigr ant visa s tatus or La wful
1,1 Previous U.S Travel Permanent Resident (LPR) s tatus.

1,1 Address and Phone

Name, Position/Title, and Division
1,1 Passport
Surnam es
1,1 U.S. Contact

1,1 Family

Giv en Nam es
1,1 Work I Education /

1,1 Secunty and


E-V,sa ►

Div is ion
Business Profile

Foreign Parent

Finance and Count / Re ion of Or i in Nationali

Trade - SELECT ONE -

U.S. Status of Per sonnel @
• U.S. Personnel 2
Provide the following information:
Applicant Present
A Number
~ -----------~ 0 Do Not Know
Applicant (e.g., A12345678 or A123456789)
Position in U.S.

+ A dd Another - Rem ov e

◄ Back: U. S. Personnel 1 Next: Applicant Pres ent Pos1t 1on ►

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This sit e is m .a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . De p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d a s a n e n d o rse m e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht I nform a t ion@ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 50 of 84

E-Visa: U.S. Personnel 2 (Other)

US Status of Personnel as ‘Other/I Don’t Know.’

• I _ ' English • • ••. : • v

I 'f ·• " I •• • . I •

,.. COMPLETE .em!.,l I ~EV~ I IG

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
E-Visa: U.S. Personnel Information 2
1,1 Travel
List all per sonnel of U.S. business who hold executive,
1,1 Travel Companions m anagerial, and/ or specialist positions by subsidiary/ br anch
office . If aliens, indicate Nonimmigr ant visa status or Lawful
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel Per m anent Resident (LPR) status.

1,1 Address and Phone

Name, Position/Title, and Division
1,1 Passport
Surnam es
1,1 U.S. Contact

1,1 Family
Given Nam es
1,1 Work I Education /

1,1 Security and


E-V,sa ►

Business Profile

Fore ign Pare nt


Finance and
Trade V

U.S . Status of Personnel liJl
U.S. Personnel 1 I• - I. • B
• U.S. Personnel 2
Applicant Present

Position in U.S.


+ Add Another - Remove

◄ Back: U. S. Personnel 1
IIIB!!IIIIII Next: Applicant Present Posit ion ►

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This s it e is m a n a g e d b y the Bu reau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
s it es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht Information@ Disclaimers@ Paperwork R eductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 51 of 84

E-Visa: Applicant Present Position

Displayed for all principal E-Visa applicants. Questions answered to display all additional fields.
Cont act Us I Help I Exit


Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

'rl Getting Started

'rl Personal
E-Visa: Applicant Present Position Information
'rl Travel
NOTE : You hav e indicat ed t hat y ou ar e apply ing for an E- 1 or an E-2 V isa. Prov ide t he

NMH::1·11:H:f following infor m ation concerning t he business or co mpany employ ing y ou.

'rl Previous U S Travel

'rl Address and Phone

Ty pe of Applicant fii
lorHER B
'rl US Contact
Expla in Ot her
'rl Family

'rl Work I Education I


'rl Secunty and


E-V1sa ►

Bu siness Profile

Foreign Parent
Bu siness

Finance and

Investment Name and Address of Employer

Emplo y er Nam e
U. S. Personnel 1

U. S. Personnel 2
Years wit h Pr esent Employ er

• Applicant Present

Applicant Employer A ddress

Position in U.S.
St r eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)

'.;!!.J!l~JJ!/£.!!;JlilHLJ~ St r e et A ddr ess ( Line 2) * Optional



St at e/ Pr ovince
D Does Not A pply
Help: Narigation Buttons
Postal Zone/ ZI P Code
C~ck on the buttons above D Does Not A pply
to access previously
entered data.
Count ry/Re9ion

Highest Lev el of Educat ion

Sch ool

Degr ee

Maj or

Yea r

Q: D o you hav e any ot her r elev ant educat ion t o r eport?

A: @)yes 0 No

Expla in

◄ Back: U S Personnel 2 Next Applicant Posit ion in US ►

9 1
T h is s ite i s m a n age d by the Bu re au of C ons u l a r A ffairs, U . S. Departm e nt of St a te. Exte rna l links t o oth e r Int e rnet
s ites s h o u l d n ot b e con 5 t rued as a n endo rs e ment o f t he v i ev,s conta in e d t h e re in .
C opyri g ht I n form at ion@ D i sclaim e rs@ Pape rwork R e d ucti on Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 52 of 84

E-Visa: Applicant Position in U.S.

Displayed for all principal E-Visa applicants, replacing worker as “Yes.”


• COMPLETE ,PJ:!ll.JQ. I .8§0EW _ _ _ I___

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)
Application ID AA00911JX9

~ Getting Started

~ Personal
E-Visa: Applicant Position in U.S. Information
~ Travel
Describe your position in the United States, including title,
~ Travel Companions
duties, and immediate subordinates.
~ Previous U.S. Travel
~ Address and Phone

~ Passport
~ U.S. Contact

~ Family

~ Work/ Education /

~ Secunty and

E-V,sa ► Q: Will y ou have any immediate subor dinates in your position

in th e U .S .?
Business Profile

Foreign Parent
A: @ Yes 0 No
Business Immediate Subordinates

Finance and Surnames


Given Names
U.S. Personnel 1

U.S. Personnel 2
+ Add Another - Rem ove
Applicant Pres ent
Posit ion
Annual U.S. Salary and Benefits Package Help: U.S. Stlary and
• Applicant
Posit ion in U.S. Benefits
Allowances /
Salary Total
Benefits All amounts must be
Contact entered in L .S. dollars

Calculate Total

Q: Are y ou r eplacing a worker alr eady in the United States?

A: @ Yes 0 No
Help: Narigation Buttons
Provide the following information :
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data. Surr ames

Given Names

Type of Visa Issued @

Date. Visa was Issued (ii
(Format: DD-MMM-YYYY)

Country/ Region Visa was Issued


◄ Back: Applicant Pres ent Posit ion Next: Apphcat1on Contact ►

Th is sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtme nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t c, oth e r Inte rn e t
s it es sh ould n ot b e con stru e d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f t h e vie ws conta in e d t h e re in .
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Pape rwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 53 of 84

E-Visa: Applicant Position in U.S.

Replacing worker as “No.”

I , English V

,.. COMPLETE £mll IG

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
E-Visa: Applicant Position in U.S. Information
1,1 Travel
Describe your position in the United States, including title,
1,1 Travel Companions
duties, and immediate subordinates.
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel
1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport
1,1 U.S. Contact

.,, Family

1,1 Work I Education /


1,1 Secunty and


E-Vrsa ► Q: Will y ou have any immediate subo r dinates in y our position

in the U.S.?
Business Profile

Foreign Parent
A: @)yes 0 No
Business Immediate Subordinates

Finance and Surnam es


Given Nam es
U.S. Personnel 1

U.S. Personnel 2
+ A dd A nother - Remove
Applicant Pres ent
Posit ion
Annual U.S. Salary and Benefits Package Help: U.S. Salary an,d
• Applicant
Posit ion in U.S. Benefits
Allowances /
Salary Total
Benefits All amounts must De
Contact entered in U.S. dollars
$ ._
I _ __, $ ._
I _ __, (USD),

Calculate Total

Q: Ar e you r eplacing a worker alr eady in the United States?

A: 0 Yes @ No
Help: Narigation Butto11s
Provide the following information:
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data. Q: Is this an incr ease in staff?

A: 0 Yes 0 No

Q: Is ~his a continuance of an exis t ing employm ent in the

United States?

A: 0 Yes 0 No

◄ Back: Applicant Pres ent Posit ion Next: Application Contact ►

T h is sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . De p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t

G I sit es sh o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .

Copyrig ht I nform a t ion lfiJ Disclaim ers lfiJ Paperwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 54 of 84

E-Visa: Application Contact

Displayed for all principal E-Visa applicants.

• 11111111
I11 •• " I .• •
. I
- •

English • • .. · : • v

,.. COMPLETE £m!.,T I EW______ I__ IG

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
E-Visa: Application Contact Information
1,1 Travel
Respons ible officer within the business enterprise :
1,1 Travel Companions
Surnam es
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

Giv en Nam es
>I Passport

1,1 U.S. Contact

1,1 Family

1,1 Work I Education /


1,1 Secunty and

Nam e and addr ess of per son who m ay be contacted a bout this
application :

E-V,sa ► Surnam es

Business Profile

Foreign Parent Giv en Nam es


Finance and
Trade A ddress and Phone Number of Contact

Investment Str eet A ddr ess (Line 1)

U.S. Personnel 1

U.S. Personnel 2 Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l

Applicant Pres ent

Posit ion
Posit ion in U. S.

• Application State/ Province

Contact 0 Does Not Apply

Postal Zone/ Z IP Code

0 Does Not Apply

Country/ Region
Telephone Number

Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above Fax Number

to access previously 0 Does Not Apply
entered data.

Em ail A ddr ess

0 Does Not Apply

◄ Back: Applicant Posit ion m U. S. Next: Student/Exchange Visa ►

T h is sit e is. m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con su la r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es sh o u l d n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht I n formatio n @ Disclaim ers@ Paperwork Reductio n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 55 of 84

Additional Point of Contact

Displayed for all F, M, and J visa applicants.
Cont act Us I Help I Ex it

U. S. DEPART~ T o~S,J)\
~ ~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

'1/ Getting Started

'11 Personal
Additional Point of Contact Information
Ill Travel
NOTE: You hav e indicated t hat y ou will be st udy ing in som e capacity while in t he United
'1/ Travel Companions States . List at least two contacts in y our count ry of r es idence who can v er ify t he information
t hat y ou hav e prov ided on t his applicat ion. Do not list immediate fam ily m embers or ot her
'11 Previous U S Travel r elat iv es. Post al offi:::e box numbers ar e unacceptable.

111 Address and Phone

Ill Passport

'11 U.S Contact Surnam es

111 Family

111 Work / Education I Giv en Nam es


'11 Secunty and

Background Str eet A ddr ess ( L ne 1)


Student/Exchange ► Street A ddr ess ( L ne 2) *Optional


■ Additional
Contact City


State/ Prov ince

~ --------~ 0 Does Not A pply

Postal Zone/ ZI P Code

~ - - - - - - - ~ D Does Not Apply

Help: Nuigation Buttons Count ry/ Region

Click on the buttons above
t o access previously
entered d ata. T elephone Numbc.r
~ - - - - - - - - ~ D Does Not A pply
Email A ddr ess
~ - - ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ D Does Not A pply

+ A dd A nother - Remove


Giv en Nam es

St reet A ddr ess ( L ne 1)

Street A ddress ( L ne 2) *Optional


St at e/ Prov ince
~ --------~ 0 Does Not A pply

Postal Z one/ ZI P Code

~ - - - - - - - ~ U Does Not A pply

Count ry/ Region

T elephone Number
~ --------~ 0 Does Not Apply

Email A ddress
~ - -~~- - - -~ ~ D Does Not Apply
(e.g., emai1addr

+ Add A nother - Rem ove

◄ Back: E-V 1sa Mr-ibfii- Ne xt: SEVIS ►

9 1
Thi s s i te is m a n aged b y t h e Bu reau of Con s u l a r Affairs, U .S. Department of St at e. External lin ks to othe r I nt ernet
s i t es s h ould n ot be construed as a n e ndorse m e nt o f t h e v ieYis conta in e d t h e re in .
Copyri g h t I n form a t i o n @ D is cla ime rs@ Pa perwork Reducti o n A ct @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 56 of 84

SEVIS Information (F/M Visas)

Displayed for all F and M visa applicants.

.. . .
~ ;z
• 'f ·· .. ... . . I _ '
. English v

,.. COMPLETE ..l'.,lil?l~ I __ J_ _ ~ -

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
SEVIS Information
1,1 Travel
NOTE: You hav e indicated that the purpose of y our tr ip to the U.S . is to be a s tudent or
1,1 Travel Companions ex change v is itor . Pr ov ide the f1ollo w in g information r egar ding the ins titutio n at which y ou
intend to s tudy .
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport SEV I S ID

1,1 U.S. Contact

(e.g., N0123456789)
1,1 Family
Provide additional information below:
1,1 Work I Education /
Trammg Nam e of School

1,1 Secunty and

Course of Study Help: Course Study
1,1 E-V1sa
For high school course
Student/Exchange ► of study please indicate
Visa Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1) "Academic" or
"Vocational ." For all
Addit ional other educational levels
Contact please indicate your
Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) * Optiona l major or concentration.


Help: Narigation Buttons
Postal Zone/ Z IP Code
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
(e.g., 12345 or 12345- 1234)
entered data.

◄ Back: Add1t 1onal Contact

--- Next: Cr ew Visa ►

Th is s it e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con su la r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l limks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt of the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
Copy rig ht Information lfiJ Disclaimers lfiJ Paperwork R eductio n A ct@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 57 of 84

SEVIS Information (J Visas)

Displayed for all J visa applicants.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
SEVIS Information
1,1 Travel
NOTE: You hav e indicated that the purpose of y our tr ip to the U.S . is to be a s tudent or
1,1 Travel Companions ex change v is itor . Prov ide the f ollowing information r egar ding the ins titutio n at which y ou
intend to s tudy.
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport SEV I S ID

1,1 U.S. Contact

(e.g., N0123456789)
1,1 Family
Progra m Numbe r
1,1 Work/ Education /
Trammg (e.g., G-7- 12345)
1,1 Secunty and
Q: D o y ou in ten d to s tudy in t he U .S .?
1,1 E-V1sa
A: @ Yes 0 No
Student/Exchange ►

Addit ional Provide additional information below:

Nam e of School

Course of Study Help: Course Study

For high school course

of study please indicate
Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1) "'Academic" or
"'Vocational." For all
other educational levels
please indicate your
Help: Narigation Buttons major or concentration.
Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) * Optiona l
Click on the buttons above
to access previously
entered data.

Postal Zone/ Z IP Code

(e.g., 12345 or 12345- 1234)

◄ Back: Add1t 1onal Contact

IB!!IIIIII Next: Cr ew Visa ►

T h is :sit e is m a n aged b y the Bureau o f Con su la r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es s h o u ld n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
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Crew Visa
Displayed for D-Visa applicants. All questions answered ‘Yes.’

. .

• COMPLETE ,PJill,TQ. I ll90EW _ _ _ I___

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)
Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Crew Visa Information
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions NOTE: Yo u ha ve indica ted tha t you a re a cre w me mbe r .

1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

Specific j ob title aboar d air cr aft or v essel
1,1 Passport

1,1 U.S. Contact

Nam e of company that owns the air cr aft or v essel y ou will be
1,1 Family working on

1,1 Work/ Education /

Compan y Telephone Number
1,1 Secunty and

1,1 E-V1sa

1,1 Student/Exchange
Q: Did y ou acquir e y our position using a
r ecr uiting/ m anning/ cr ewing agency?
Crew Visa ► A: @)yes O No

Provide the following information:

A gency Nam e

Help: Narigation Buttons Contact Surnam es

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data. Contact Giv en Nam es

Str eet A ddr ess (Line I )

Str eet A ddr ess (Line 2) * Optiona l


State/ Province
0 Does Not Apply

Postal Zone/ Z IP Code

0 Does Not Apply

Country/ Region
Telephone Number

Q: Ar e y ou serving aboar d a seagoing ship or v essel?

A: @)yes O No
Provide the following information:

Seagoing ShipN essel Nam e

Seagoing ShipN essel Identification Number

◄ Back: Student/Exchange Visa Next: Temporary Work Vi sa ►

T h is sit e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Con sula r A ffa irs, U .S . Dep a rtm e nt o f St a t e . Exte rn a l lin ks t o o the r I nte rn e t
sit es sh ould n o t b e con s t rue d as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws conta in e d the re in .
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Temporary Work Visa

Displayed for the following Visa types: A3-EM, CW1-CW1, E1-EX, E1-TR, E2-EX, E2-TR, E2C-E2C,
E3-AUS, E3R-RT, G5-EM, H1B-H1B, H1B1-CHL, H1B1-SGP, H1C-NR, H2A-AG, H2B-NA,H3-TR,
I-FR, L1-L1, NATO7-EM, O1-EX, O2-AL, P1-P1, P2-P2, P3-P3, Q1-Q1, R1-R1, and TN-TN.

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS -160)

Application ID AA00911JX9

1,1 Getting Started

1,1 Personal
Temporary Work Visa Information
1,1 Travel

1,1 Travel Companions NOTE: You hav e indicated that the purpose of y our tr ip to the U.S . is to w ork temporar ily .
Provide the following informa tion conce rning your e mploye r .
1,1 Previous U.S. Travel

1,1 Address and Phone

1,1 Passport Whe re Do You Inte nd to Work?

1,1 U.S. Contact

Nam e of Employ er

ti Family

1,1 Work/ Education / E-V isa Company Regis tr ation Number


1,1 Secunty and

0 Does Not A pply
U.S . Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 1)
1,1 E-V1sa

1,1 Student/Exchange
Visa U.S . Str eet A ddr ess ( Line 2) * Optiona l

1,1 Crew Visa

Temporary Work Visa ► City


Help: Narigation Buttons

Click on the buttons above ZIP Code ( if known)
to access previously
entered data.
(e.g., 55555 or 55555-5555)

Phone Number

(e.g., 5555555555)

◄ Back: Cr ew Visa

--- Next: PHOTO ►

Th is s it e is m a n a g e d b y the Bureau o f Consula r A ffa irs, U .S . D e p a rtm e nt o f State . Exte rn a l limks t o o the r Inte rn e t
sit es should n o t b e construed as a n e n d orsem e nt o f the vie ws contain e d the re in .
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Upload Photo
Displayed for all applicants.

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-1 60) Application ID AA006WPHRO

Upload Photo ►
Upload Photo
Confirm Photo

Starting November 1, 2016, eye glasses will no

longer be allowed in new visa photos.
Help: N:nigation Button.,
Click on t he Upload Your Photo button below t o access our photo submission system . Once there you
Click on the buttons
,,:ill be g iven inst ruct ions on how t o supply an approved photo for your Vis.a application. Aft er you have
above to access
pre'liousty entered data. select ed t he photo to upload and t he system verifies t he photo is acceptable, you ,,:ill return to ...Confirm
Photo" to continue t he application process.

Upload Your Photo ~

◄ COMPLETE M?fbii· Next Confirm Photo ►

~~\seit:o~s~r~J:~:: ;~do~;~~n~~h~uir;!ff:iitaY~!d~~~~~~ent of State, External links toother Internet sites should

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 61 of 84

Upload Photo (continued)

Upload Photo
Prepare Photo for Submission
Please re fe r to the De partm e nt of Sta te 's im age require m e nts.

To assist in preparing your im age, you m ay click on t he ico n t o t he right

to use a De partm e nt of Sta te photo cropping tool. You m a y use this tool
to resize, rota te, a nd/ or crop a photo on your co m put e r to m eet the
De partm e nt of Sta te 's head-size a nd digita l im age submission
require m e nts. Photo Cropping Tool

Select Your Photo

Click the "Browse" button a nd choose a JPEG form a t im a ge (i. e., ,jpg fi le type ) tha t is 240 Kb or
less in file size.

Photo Quality Standards

Jn orde r to e nsure the highest quality photos will be use-cl' in the fi nal printed tra vel docum e nt, the
De partm e nt of Sta te has create-cl' a guide for you to use whe n creating a nd uploading your photos
(see photo qua lity st a nda rds guide1,(0)

Photo :
I Choose File I Ne ! i l e c hos e n

◄ Back · Cancel Ne d: Upl oad Selected Photo ►

This site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Oepartment of State, External links
to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained
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Upload Photo – Photo Quality Standards Result

', ~ U. S. DEPART~ T o/--.S.IA


Photo Quality Standards Result

I~ Photo passed quality s tandards

Your photo has s ucce ssfully been uploade d and passed a ll qua lity checks . Your photo
s ubmis.s ion has been a ccepte d.

You can continue your a pplication a t the Visa we bsite .

Selected Photo: The passport photo for

CEAC.j pg

◄ Back: Select a Different Photo Next: Continue Usmg This Photo ►

8 1
This site is m a na ged by the Bureau o f Consular Affairs, U.S . Departm e nt of State. External
links to o ther Internet sites should not be construed as a n e ndorsem e nt o f t he viev,s
contained therein.
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Upload Photo (continued)

Online Konimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160) Application ID AA006WPHRO

Confom Photo

Photo Provided :

Help: Na,;g:itioo Burtoo.s

Click on the buttons above

to access previousty

Please note tha t you may be required to bring a pas.s port-like photo t o your interview.

Choose a Different Photo ll

◄ Back: COMPLETE Next: REVI EW ►

This site is m a na ge d bv t he Bureau o f Consular Affairs , U.S. Departm e nt of State. External links to ot her Int ernet site-s s hould
not be construed a s an efldorsement o f t he views contained therein.
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Application Review (Personal, Address, Phone and Passport)

Displayed for all applicants.
Contact Us I Help l Exit

U.S. DEPART~T o/-$.J;\~

Online N onimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application JD AA00911JX9

Personal/Address/ ►
Phone/Passport Personal, Address, Phone, and Passport Information

Note : You hav e completed dat a entry for y our NI V application. Befor e submitting t he
application, please r ev iew your entr ies below. To nav igat e to t he next section t o be
filrnilJ r ev iewed , click t he ' Next' button on t he bottom of the page. If an ent ry is incor r ect, click on
t he links on the r ight side of the page, which will dir ect y ou to t he page wher e y ou enter ed
t he data . Once y ou hav e r ev iewed all sections, y ou will be dir ected t o t he Sign and Submit
page to complete t he application process.

Print ~

Photo Pr ovided :


f:=m:,.'Jr:.JIJ 'fl'J1:~ 'li.JiJ

Edit Per sonal Information

Name Provided: T EST, T EST

Full Name in Native Alphabet: D OES NOT A PPLY

Help: Xarigation Buttons
other Names Used: NO
Click on the buttons above
to access previously Telecode Name Used: NO
entered data

Marital Status: SI NGLE

Date of Birth: 0 1 JA NUARY 1950

Country/Region of Birth: T EST, A FGHA NISTA N

Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): A FGHA NISTA N

Do you hold or have you held any

nationality other than the one indicated NO
above on nationality?

Are you a permanent resident of a

country/region other than your
country/ region of origin (nationality)

National Identification Number: D OES NOT APPLY

U.S. Social Security Number: DOES NOT APPLY

U.S. Taxpayer ID Number: DOES NOT A PPLY

Edit Addres s and Phone Information

Home Address: T EST

City: T EST

State/Province: DOES NOT APPLY

Postal Zone/ZIP Code: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Region: A FGHA NISTA N

Same Mailing Address? YES

Primary Phone Number:

Secondary Phone Number: D OES NOT A PPLY

Work Phone Number: D OES NOT A PPLY

Have you used additional phone numbers in

the last five years?

Email Address: a@b .com

Have you used additional email addresses

in the last five years?

Do you have a social media presence?

Social Media Provider/Platform (1): NONE

Social Media Identifier:

Have you used additional social media

platforms in the last five years?

Edit Pa s s port/Tr a v e l Doc ume nt Informa tion

Passport/Travel Document Type: REGULAR

Passport/Travel Document Number:

Passport Book Number: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Authority that Issued

Passport/Travel Document: A FGHA NISTA N

City where issued: T EST

Country/Region where issued: A FGHA NISTA N

Issuance Date: 0 1 JA NUARY 1995

Expiration Date: DOES NOT APPLY

Have you ever lost a passport or had one


Next: Travel ►

9 1
T h is s it e is managed by t he Bu re a u of Cons u la r Affa irs, U. S. Depa rtment o f Sta t e . External links t o othe r I nte rne t
s it es shou ld n ot be con stru e d as a n e ndo rse m ent of t he views con t a in e d t he re in .
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Application Review (Travel)

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA000322WS

~ Personal/Address/
Phone/Passport Travel Infon11ation
i.J Travel ►

~ U.S. Contact Print D

~ Family Edit Travel Information

~ Work/Educat1on/ ~ The List of Purposes of Trip to the U.S.

Purpose of Trip to the U.S. (1): TREATY TRADER OR I NVESTOR ( E)

Has the principal Treaty Trader or Investor YES

already been issued a visa?

Tready Trader/Investor Name: TEST, TEST

Tready Trader/Investor Date of Birth: 0 1 JAN UARY 1955

Intended Date of Arrival: 0 1 JAN UARY 2025

Intended Length of Stay in U.S.: 4 MONTH( S)

Help : Nnigation Buttons Address where you will stay in the U.S.: TEST
r.fir.k on thP. huttnn~ ::ahnvP. TFST, Al ARAMA
to access previously
entered data. Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip: SELF

Ed it Travel Companions Information

Other Persons Traveling with You: NO

Ed it Previous U.S. Travel Information

Have you ever been in the U.S.? NO

Have you ever been issued a U.S. visa? NO
Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, or
been refused admission to the United States,
or withdrawn your application for admission
at the port of entry?

Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition

on your behalf with the United States NO
Citizenship and Immioration Services?

◄ Back: Personal/Address
IIE1lBII Next: U.S. Contact ►

This sit e is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of St at e. Ext ernal links to other Int ernet sit es should
not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
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Application Review (US Contact)

----fiflj, , Contact Us I Help I Exit

\~ U.S. DEPART MENT of...5.IA~ - ~



Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160) Application ID A A006WPHRO

U.S. Contact Information

"' Personal/Addressl
Print ~
11,1 Travel

U.S. Contact ►
Edit U.S. Point of Contact Information
Contact Person Name in the U.S.: DD NDT KNDW
Tra-ning Organization Name in the U.S.: T HE GEORGE WASHI NGT ON UNI V ERSI TY

Relationship to You: SCHOOL OFFI CI A L

Security and
Background U.S. Contact Address: 1234 GEORGE LANE SE
Phone Number: 111111111111

Email Address: DOES NOT A PPLY

H elp: :ri"nigatioo Buttons

◄ Ba-ck:Travel Next: Family ►

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This sit e is m a na ge d by t he Bureau o f Consula r Affa irs, U.S . De pa rtm e nt of S ta t e . Ext e rna l links to ot he r l nte rnet s it es shou ld
not be -const rue d a s a n e ndors e m e nt of t he vie1/tS ,conta ined t here in.
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 67 of 84

Application Review (Family)

-fifl:', - Contact Us I Help I Exit


~ - ~


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160) Application ID AA006\VPHRO

Family Infonnation
iJ PeBonal/Address/
Print ~
iJ Travel

iii U.S. Contact

Ed it Family Information: Relatives
fam1ty ►
Father's Surnames: DO NOT K NOW
Tra·ning Father's Given Names: DO NOT K NOW

Mother's Surnames: DO NOT K NOW

Security and
Background Mother's Given Names: DO NOT K NOW

Student/Exchange Visa Do you have any immediate relatives, not NO

including parents in the U.S.?
Do you have any other relatives in the NO
United States?

E d it Fa mily Information: Spouse

Help: ~nigation Buttons
Spouse's Full Name: TA RGA RY EN, DEA NERYS

Click on the buttons above Spouse's Date of Birth: 0 1 JA NUA RY 1980

to access previously
entered data Spouse's Country/Region of Origin

Spouse's City of Birth: DO NOT K NOW

Spouse's Country/Region of Birth: A FGHA NI STA N

Spouse's Address: SAME AS HOME A DDRESS

◄ Back: U.S. Contact Next: Work/Educat1on1Trammg ►

8 1
This site is m a nag e d by the Bureau o f Consula r Affa irs, U.S. De partme nt of Sta te . Ext e rna l links to ot he r Int e rnet sites s hould
not be construed as a n e ndorse m e nt o f t he vie v,s conta ined the re in.
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Application Review (Work/Education/Training)

Contact Us I H elp I Extt

~ ------ ~ S~«tTooltip L.,_..,,.,

~ U.S. D EPARTMEN T of-.SJ;i\T~ ~


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA000IITQ2

-./ Personal/Address/
PhonefPassport Work / Education / Training Inf01mation
-./ Travel
Print 1?J
-.I US Contact

II Famlly Edit Present Work Informatio n

-./ Work/Education/ ► Primary Occupation: EDUCATION
Present Employer or School Name: T EST
Ii Secunty and
Background Present Employer or School A~dress: T EST

II E Visa
City: T EST

State/Province: DOES NOT APPLY

Iii Student/Exchange Visa
Postal Zone/Zip Code: DOES NOT APPLY
'ii Crew Visa
Country/Region: AFGHANISTAN
II Temporary Work Visa
Start Date: D1 JAN UARY 2 0 10
-.I location
Work Phone Number: 1234 567 890

Monthly Salary in Local Currency (if

Briefly Describe your Duties: T EST
Help: Nuig:ation Buttons

Oickon the buttons above

to actess previously Edit Previous Work I nformatio n
entered data.
~ Were you previously employed7 Y ES

Employer Name (1) : T EST

Employer Address: T EST

City, T EST

State/Province: DOES NOT APPLY

Postal Zone/Zip Code: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Region: AFGHANI STAN

Telephone Number: 1234 567890

Job Title: T EST

Supervisor's Surname: DO NOT KNOW

Supervisor's Given Name: DO NOT KNOW

Employment Date From: 0 1 JANUARY 1975

Employment Date To: 0 1 JANUARY 1980

Briefly describe your duties: T EST

Employer Name (2) : T EST

Employer Address: T EST

City: T EST

State/Province: DOES NOT APPLY

Postal Zone/Zip Code: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Region: AFGHANI STAN

Telephone Number: 123457 8 9 0

Job Title: T EST

Supervisor's Surname: DO NOT KNOW

Supervisor's Given Name: DO NOT KNOW

Employment Date From: 0 1 JANUARY 19 7 5

Employment Date To: 0 1 JANUARY 19 80

Briefly describe your duties: T EST

Have you attended any educational NO

institutions at a secondary level or above7

Edit Additional I nformation

Do you belong to a clan or tribe? NO

~ Provide a List of Languag~ You Speak:

language Name (1): T EST

Have you traveled to any countries/regions NO

within the last five year.;;7
Have you resided in any coun:ry/region for
six months or longer since you attained 16 NO
year.;; of age7
Have you belonged to, contributed to, or
worked for any professional, social, or NO
charitable organization?
Do you have any specialized skills or
training, such as firearms, explosives, NO
nudear, biological, or chemical experience7
Have you ever served in the nilitary? NO

Have you ever served in, been a member of,

or been involved with a paramilit_a ry unit, NO
vigilante umt, rebel group, guemlla group, or
insurgent organization7

◄ Back: Family
■r-'ffliM Next Secunty and Background ►

This site is ma nag ed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Depa rtment o f State . Externa l lin ks to o the r lnte rne t site s s hou ld
not be construed as a n e ndo rseme nt c f t he vie ws contained the re in.
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 69 of 84

Application Review (Security and Background)

Applx.,.__ ID AAOOO.UOOC

Secmity and Background lnfonnation

.... 0

Doyau l u v • • a , m m . . . . . . , , . _ _ o l ~ P M . a t h ~ , { C - -

I n f ~ lep,my, ly,nphovr...,._• ,,__..,

._oloullkllOnlfl(.-lnd,IINCNIIO'old, ~ • . o , ~ •1'9-
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Whammln, M>dati-_,._.,.dRtftmlr>l'Clb-,IM~1a/HQlth and


Oo rou h;i.,..doa.llnff,at>on to--~lhaitvo.ilu.,..n,-educdn•~ln

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._,t,;act!Jf,..,_.., _.,,,or~.,..,«tion'

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~ you comr,o ta the i..wtlld !.t.o1n 10..,_'" "'oodubon «urn~

...,.,.you,._~.....,_.lft..•dovouNei<to~ _.,~

United S U D $ • ~ IN LWl:N 'ibl:M7

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~dlheUnrtll'dst,ie.n~who ..... a ~ r o l i f l n • - .

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«lll't•oled iut.M.-.:e tt.ttH•no ,• .,, ....i h..,.. ~~ __._. ,...., tN
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~ ; ; : ~ - ~ - -Oefed,indlied. _.:ICed.• oth'llrwiM ~ NO

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~~~~.:~ w.11 NO

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~ U.S ~ lnfClf!UOOn oollti U.S. ~

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HJ..eyou-toua,Mtoobt••1ultl:uttl'"11h>*Ml1~... lryWT rt,,ydherUNttdSt•l•.........,,_,_,ber..tltlrrfrM•~ NO
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 70 of 84

Application Review (E-Visa)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 71 of 84

Edit E-Visa: U.S. Personn e l Inform ation 2

IBJList all personnel of U.S. business who hold exerutive, managerial, and/or specialist
positions by subsidiary/branch office. If aliens, indicate Nonimmigrant visa status or Lawful
Permanent Resident (LPR) status

Name, Position/Title, and Division (1)

Name: T EST, T EST

Position: T EST

Division: T EST

Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA

U.S. Status of Personnel: U. S. CITIZEN

Name, Position/Title, and Division (2)

Name: T EST, T EST

Position: T EST

Division: T EST

Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): ANTIGUA A ND BARBUDA

U.S. Status of Personnel: U. S. CITIZEN

Edit E-Visa: Applican t Pr esent Po sition I ntor mation

Type of Applicant: EXECUTI VE

Present Position and Duties (describe in T EST

Employer Name: T EST

Years with Present Employer: 4

Employer Address
Street Address: T EST

City: T EST

State/Province: DOES NOT APPLY

Postal Code/ZIP Code: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Region: ALGERIA

Highest Level of Education

School: T EST

Degree: T EST

Major: T EST

Year: 19 8 5

Do you have a ny other relevant education to NO


Edi t E- Visa: Applicant Positio n in U.S. Infor mation

Title: T EST

Duties: T EST

Will you have any immediate s ubordinates in NO

your position in the U.S.?
Annual U.S. Salary and Benefits Package
Salary: $1
Allowances/ Benefits: $1
Total: $2
Are you replacing a worker already in the
United States?
Is this an increase in staff? NO

Is this a continuance of an existing

employment in the United States?

Edit E- Vi sa: Application Contact Infor mation

Responsible officer within the business enterprise

Name: T EST, T EST

Position: T EST

Name and address of person who may be contacted about this application
Name: T EST, T EST

Street Address: T EST

City: T EST

State/Province: DOES N OT APPLY

Postal Zone/ZIP Code: DOES N OT APPLY

Country/Region: AFGHANI STAN

Telephone Number: 1234567890


Email Address: DOES N OT APPLY

◄ Back: Security and Background

Mr-tflfr Next: StudenVExchange Visa ►

8 1
This s ite ts ma n ag e d by the Burea u of Consu la r Affa irs, U.S . De pa rtm e nt o f State, Exte rnal lin ks to o the r Internet s ite s should
not be construed as a n e ndo rsem e nt of the vie v, s containe d the re in.
Copyright Infoi-ma tion @ Disclaimers @ Paperwork Reduction Act @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 72 of 84

Application Review (Student/Exchange Visa)

~ Contact Us I Help I Ex,t

~® U.c~·NE~~R~~El~J;;~,f~~'~i~~ ~ ~Lzgu,ge~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-1 60) Application ID AA006WPHRO

1,1 PersorwlJAddress/
Student/Exchange Visa Infonnation

1,1 Trc1vel
Prim D

II U_ s_ Cont.let Edit Additional Point of Contact

II F.,1mily
l!J Additional Point of Cont.act Information:
1,1 Work/Educc1tion/
Trc1ining Name(l), STA RK,ARYA

II Security .and Stre-et Address: 1234 STA RK STREET

St.ate/Province: D OES NOT A PPLY
Visai Zone/ZIP Code: D OES NOT A PPLY

Country/Region: AFGHANIS TAN

Telephone Number: D OES NOT A PPLY

Email Address: D OES NOT A PPLY

Name(2), S TARK, SANSA

Help: N:nigation Button.,
Stre-et Address: 1234 STA RK STREET

Click on the buttons City: KABUL

above to access
pre'liousty entered data. St.ate/Province: D OES NOT A PPLY Zone/ZIP Code: D OES NOT A PPLY

Country/Region: AFGHANIS TAN

Telephone Number: D OES NOT A PPLY

Email Address: D OES NOT A PPLY

Edit SEVIS Information

SEVIS IO, N1111111111
Program Number: P-3-04510
Do you intend to study in the U.S.? YES

Name of School: GWU


Stre-et Address: 2255 EYE STREET NW



◄ Back Secunty and Background ■Affoj- Next Location ►

! ~\seit:o~s~r~J! ~ : :;~3
~ ;~~n~~ h~uv~;\! ff:~~t aY~!d ~~~;~~ent of State. External links to other Internet sites should
Copyright Jnformation@ Disclaimers@ Papen"ork Reduction A,t@ (l1l
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 73 of 84

Application Review (Crew Visa)

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application ID AA00011TQ2

1,1 Personal/Address/
PhonefPassport Crew Visa Info1mation
1,1 Travel
Print ~
.,, U.S. Contact

1,1 Family Edit: Crew Visa Info rmation

1,1 Wortt/Educat1on/ Specific job title aboard aircraft or vessel: TEST
Name of company that owns the aircraft
1,1 Secunty and or vessel you will be working on:
Company telephone number: 12345 67890
Did you acquire your position using a
1,1 Student/Exchange Visa recruiting/manning/crewing agency?
Are you serving aboard a seagoing ship
1,1 Crew Visa ► or vessel? YES

1,1 Temporary Work Visa Seagoing Ship/Vessel Name: TEST

1,1 Location Seagoing ShipNessel Identification


Help: Nnigation Buttons ◄ Back: Student/Exchange Visa Next Temporary Work Visa ►

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This sit e tS ma n.aged by the Bu rea u o f Cons u la r Affairs, U.S . Depa rtme nt of Sta te. Ext e rn al links to o the r Inte r ne t s ites sho uld
not be co nstrued as a n e nd orsem e nt o f the vie Vls co ntained the rein.
Copyrig ht I nfor mation @ Disclaime rs lfiJ Paperwork Reduction Act lfiJ
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 74 of 84

Application Review (Temporary Work Visa)

Application ID AA00011TQ2

1,1 Personal/Address/
PhonefPassport Temporaiy Work Visa Info1mation
1,1 Travel
Print ~
.,, U.S. Contact

1,1 Family Edit Temporary Work Visa Informa tion

1,1 Work/Educat1on/ Where Do You Intend to Work?
Name of Employer: TEST
1,1 Secunty and
Background E-Visa Company Registration Number: D OES NOT A PPLY

1,1 E-V1sa
Street Address: TEST


1,1 Student/Exchange Visa
Phone Number: 1234567890
1,1 Crew Visa

1,1 Temporary Work Visa ►

1,1 ◄ Back: Crew Visa
IBIDIIIII Next: Location ►

Help: N»-igation Buttons

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data.

This sit e tS ma n.aged by the Bu rea u o f Cons u la r Affa irs, U.S . Depa rtme nt of S ta te. Ext e rn a l links to o the r Inte r ne t s ites sho uld
not be construed as a n e nd orsem e nt o f the vieVls co ntained the re in.
Copyrig ht I nfor mation @ Discla ime rs@ Paperwork Reduction Act @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 75 of 84

Application Review (Location)


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160) Application ID A.A006WPHRO

Location Information
.,; Personal/Address/
Print ~
'ti Travel

.,; U.S. Contact

.,; Family
Ed it Locatio n Info rma tio n
\I Wor1uEducatron/
Tnunmg Location where you will be submitting your application

V Security and Current Location: KABUL, A FGHA NI STA N


'ti Student/Exchange VlS8

◄ Back: Student/Exchange Visa Next: Sign and Submit ►

Help: l\""a,igation Button.s

Cick on the buttons above

to access previousfy
entered data.

<i i
This site is m a na ged by the Bureau o f Consula r Affa irs, U.S. De pa rtm e nt of St a te . Exte rna l links to ot he r Inte rnet site s should
not be c onst rued a s a n e ndorsem e nt of the vie v,s conta ined the re in.
Copyright l nforma ti,on @ Disclaim ers@ Pape rwork Re duction Act @ C•ll
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 76 of 84

Sign and Submit – Successful Signed and Submitted page

Displayed for all applicants.
~---"' Contact Us I Help I Exit
~ ------- ~ SelectToolllpLanguage
~ U.S. DEPART M EN T oi-...5.J:ATE~ ~


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA000322,VS

E-S1gn and ►
Certification Sign and Submit

Read the following information carefully before dating, electronically signing and
H elp: Nniga tion Butto ns submitting the application.

Cltek on the buttons above Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessarily
to access previously
entered data.
mean that your application for a nonimmigrant visa is complete, as additional information
may be needed after Department of State personnel have reviewed the application.

By clicking "Sign and Submit Application· you are electronically signing the application. You
are required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by
regulation, even if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your
electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this
application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and
belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may
result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All
declarations made in this application are unswom declarations made under penalty of perjury.
(28 u.s.c. 1746).

Additionally, by clicking "Sign and Submit Application'" you are certifying that you understand
that you are required to submit your visa to the United States Immigration Officer at the port
where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the visa does not entitle
you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to be inadmissible under
U.S. immigration laws. You are certifying that you understand that any willfully false or
misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by you within the
application may subject you to permanent exclusion from the United States and, if you are
admitted to the United States, may subject you to criminal prosecution and/or deportation.

Some visa applicants are required to undergo a medical examination with an authorized
physician to assess visa eligibility consistent with INA Sections 212(a) and 221(d), and will be
notified of the requirement. If you are notified and required to undergo a medical
examination, failure to provide required information may cause delay or denial of your visa
application. If required to undergo a medical examination, your medical examination
information may be collected and temporarily stored in the eMedical system hosted, operated,
and maintained by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. If your medical examination is
collected in eMedical, you will be requested to provide consent to its collection and temporary
storage in such system, and being transferred to the U.S. Government for the purposes of
enabling the U.S. Department of State to determine your medical eligibility and for the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to undertake public health functions under the
Public Health Service Act Section 325 and INA Section 212(a).

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted
with your application may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or
other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and immigration
law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your application process,
they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other fingerprints in the FBI's Next
Generation Identification (NGI) fingerprint system or its successor systems (including civil,
criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories). If you wish to correct a record as it appears in
the FBI's CJIS Division Records System, you should follow procedures to change, correct, or
update a record that are set forth in Title 28, CFR, Section 16.34. The photograph that you
provide with your application may be used for employment verification or other U.S. law

Once you have clicked "Sign and Submit Application· you will be unable to make changes.
Electronically sign by clicking the button below after you have reviewed the information in
your application and determined that it is correct. After signing the application, click '"'Next" to
continue with the application.

Tuesda y , Oct ober 08, 2019 - I 0 : 58 : 13AM EDT

You h ave successfully signed and submitted your application. You

cannot make any changes to your application at this point. P lease click
' Next: Confirmation' to c omplete the applic atio n process .

◄ Back: REVIEW Next: Confinnation ►

8 1
This sit e is mana ged by the Burea u of Consula r Affairs, U.S. Depa rtment of Sta te . Externa l links t o othe r Internet sites shou ld
not be const rued as a n e ndorse me nt of t he vie ws conta ined t here in.
Copyright Informat ion ri' Disclaimers oJ Paperwork Reduction Act oJ
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 77 of 84

Sign and Submit– Wilberforce Pamphlet

Displayed for A3-EM, G5-EM, H1B-H1B, H1B1-CHL, H1B1-SGP, H1C-NR, H2A-AG, H2B-NA, H3-
TR, J1-J1, and NATO7-EM
- Contact Us I Help I Exit


Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

A pplication ID A.A.008RUVQC

- Sign and Submit

You hav e indicated t hat you ar e t r av eling for t wo or m or e pur poses which could r equir e
m or e t han one visa being issued. Please not e that if m or e t han one v isa is t o be issued, y ou
Help: Narigation Bunons will hav e t o pay ap plicat ion and r ecipr ocity f ees for each.

Cick on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data
Read the following information carefully before dating, electronically signing
and submitting the application.

Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessarily
mean that your application for a nonimmigrant visa is complete, as additional information
may be needed after Department of State personnel have reviewed the application.

By clicking "Sign and Submit Applicationw you are electronically signing the application. You
are required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by
regulation, even if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your
electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this
application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and
belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may
result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All
declarations made in this application are unswom declarations made under penalty of
perJury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

Additionally, by clicking "Sign and Submit Applicationw you are certifying that you
understand that you are required to submit your visa to the United States Immigration
Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the
visa does not entitle you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to
be inadmissible under U.S. immigration laws. You are certifying that you understand that
any willfully false or misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by
you within the application may subJect you to permanent exclusion from the United States
and, if you are admitted to the United States, may subJect you to criminal prosecution
?Ind/or deportation.

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted
with your application may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or
other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and
immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your
application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other
fingerprints in the FBI's Next Generation Identification (NGI) fingerprint system or its
successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories). The
photograph that you provide with your application may be used for employment
verification or other U.S. law purposes.

Once you have clicked "Sign and Submit Applicationw you will be unable to make changes.
Electronically sign by clicking the button below after you have reviewed the information in
your application and determined that it is correct. After signing the application, click "Nexr
to continue with the application.

Human Trafficking Prevention

Your applicat ion indicat es t hat y ou ar e apply ing for an employm ent · or education·
based nonimmig r ant visa. Purs uant t o Section 202 of t he William Wilberforce
Tr affick ing V icti m s Pr ot ection Reaut hor ization Act of 2008 you ar e r equir ed t o
r eceiv e a copy of an infor m ational pamphlet on t he legal r ights and r esources of
aliens apply ing for employm ent - or educat ion-based nonimmigr ants v isas. Please
r ead t he pamphlet car efully. We str ongly enco ur age you t o pr int a copy of a
pamphlet and lceep it wit h y ou if y our v isa is gra nt ed and y ou t r av e l t o t he Unit ed
St at es.

William Wilberforce Trafficking V ictims Protection Reaut hor ization Act of 2008
Pam phlet

I ce rtify t hat I hav e r ece iv ed, r ead, and understand the William Wilberforc e
Trafficking V icti ms Prot ection Reaut horization Act of 2008 Pamphlet. D

Wednesday, Mar ch 13, 20 19 - 9 :29 :42 AM EDT

Preparer of Application

Q: Did anyone assist you in filling out t his application?

A: O Yes O No


I certify under pen alty of perj ury under t he laws of the Unit ed St ates of A m er ica t hat t he
f oregoing iSc t rue and eorreet:.

Enter y our Passport/Trav el Document Number :

Ent er t he code as shown :

Click the button below to electronically sign your application:

Sign a, d .,ubmit App11cat1on

◄ Back REV IEW Mr-ibfiiW HaX'i: Cooftrmatton ►

T h is s ;t e is m a n a g ed b y t h e Bu re a u o f Cons u la r A ffa irs, U . S . D epa rtm e nt of St at e . Exte rna l lin ks t o ot h e r Inte rnet
s it es s h oul d n ot b e con st rued as a n e n dorse m e nt of t h e v i ews conta in e d the re in .
Copyrig ht I nformat i o n @ D i s cla im ers @ Pape rwork R eduction A ct @
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 78 of 84

Sign and Submit– IMBRA

Displays for K1 applicants.
- Contact Us I Help I Exit

~ U. 5. D EPART M EN T of....SJ;A ~ ~


Online Nonimmigrnnt Visa Application (DS- 160)
Application ID A.A00SR UVQC

Sign and Submit

You hav e ind icated t hat you ar e t rave ling for two or mor e purposes which could r equire
m o re than one v isa being issued. Please not e t hat if m or e t han one visa is to be issued, y ou
H dp: NaTI&atioa Bauons will have t o pay application and reciprocity fees for each.

Click on the button.s above

to access previously
entered data
Re ad the following informa tio n c are fully befor e dating, e l ectr o nically signing
a nd subm itting the applic atio n.

Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessari ly
m ean that your appl ication for a nonimmiorant v isa is complete, as addit information
may be needed after Department of State personnel ha v e r ev iewed the application.

By clicking ·sion and Submit Applicationw you are electronically s i,;;ining the application. You
are required to electronically s ion your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by
r e,;;iulat1on, ev en if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your
electronic s i,;;inature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this
application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledoe and
belief. The submission of an application conta1nino any false or m 1sleadino statements m ay
r esult in the permanent r efusal of a v isa or the denial of entry into the Unit ed States. A ll
declarations made in this application are unsworn declarations m ade under penalty of
pef]Ury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

Add1t 1onally, by dick1no •s1,;;in and Submit Applicat1onw you are certrfy1no that you
understand that you are required to submit your v isa to the United States I mmigration
Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the
v isa does not entit le you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to
be inadmissible under U.S. imm1grat 1on laws. You further understand that your adjustment
of status to legal permanent resident is. dependent upon marriage to a U.S. citizen and
upon meeting all of the r equirements of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. You
are certifying that you understand that any willfully false or m1slead1ng statement or willful
concealment of a m aterial fact made by you within the application m ay subJect you to
permanent exclusion from the United States and, if you a re admitted to the United States,
may subJect you to criminal prosecution and/or deportation. You are certifying that you are
let;1ally free to marry, and that you intend to marry the U.S. cit izen who sponsored your
petit ion within 90 days of your adm ission into the United States.

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted
with your application m ay be accessible to other government agern::1es having statutory or
other lawful authority to use such information, irn::luding for law enforcement and
immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your
application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other
fingerprints in the fBJ's Next Generation Identification (NG!) fingerprint system or its
successor systems (irn::luding civ il, crimina l, and latent fingerprint repositories). The
photOQraph that you provide with your application may be used for employment
v er ificat ion or other U.S. law purposes.

Once you have clicked • sign and Submit Applicationw you w ill be unable to make changes.
Electronically s ign by clicking the button below after you have r ev iewed the information in
your application and determined that 1t 1s correct. After s igning the application, click •Nextw
to continue with the application.

Spouse or Fiance/Fiancee

Your application indicates that y ou a re apply ing for a K v isa. Pursuant to the
Internat ional Marriage Broker Regul at ion Act of 2005, y ou are required t o receive
a copy of an informat ional pam phlet . This pam phlet provides informat ion on legal
r ights and r esources available to alie ns immigrat ing on a marriage -based v isa.
Please read the pamphlet carefully . We strongly encourage y ou t o print a copy of
the pamphlet and k eep it with y ou if your v isa is granted and y ou t r avel t o t he
United St at es .
IMBRA Pamphlet

I her eby ce rtify that I have receiv ed a copy of the IMBRA Pamphlet as part of m y
application packet. D
I her eby certify that I am let;1ally fre e to marry and intend to marry TEST T EST, a
U.S. cit izen, within 90 days of my admission into the United States. D

Edit Family Information: Fiance/Fi ancee

Wednesday, Ma rch 13, 2019 · 9 :29 :42 AM EDT

Preparer of Application

Q: Did anyone assist you in filling out this application?

A: Q Yes Q No


I certify under penalty of perj ury under the laws of the Unit ed St ates of Ame rica that the
foregoing is t r ue and correct.

Ent er y our Passport/Travel Docum ent Number:

Enter t he code as shown :

Clic k t he butto n below t o e lectr onically s ig n your applic atio n:

r,d ,;,ul rtA

11:ii·lhfo @Flt .l iMI Heltt Confifmai ioo ►

This s ite is m anaged by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State . External links to other Internet
sites 11hould not be <:on11trued a11 an •ndors•m• nt of th• v i• - ,;contain• d t h • r• i n.
Copyright I n formatio n r? 2ili.! r? P1p1 r,,ork Rt duction Act c9
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 79 of 84

Sign and Submit– IMBRA

Displays for K3 applicants.
Cont act Us I Help I Exit

NTo/ ~ J ; A ~

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Apphcation ID AA008RUVQC

- Sign and Submit

You hav e indicated that y ou ar e tr av eling for t wo or more purposes which could r equi re
m ore than one v isa being issued. Please note t hat if m or e t han one v isa is to be issued , y ou
Help: Nal"igation Buttons will hav e to pay a pplication and r eciprocity fees for each.

Click on the buttons above

to access previously
entered data
Read the following information carefully before dating, electronically signing
and submitting the application.

Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessarily
mean that your application for a nonimmigrant visa is complete, as additional information
may be needed after Department of State personnel have reviewed the application.

By dicking '"Sign and Submit Applicationw you are electronically signing the application. You
are required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by
regulation, even if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your
electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this
application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and
belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may
result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All
declarations made in this application are unsworn declarations made under penalty of
perjury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

Additionally, by clicking '"Sign and Submit Applicationw you are certifying that you
understand that you are required to submit your visa to the United States Immigration
Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the
visa does not entitle you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to
be inadmissible under U.S. immigration laws. You are certifying that you understand that
any willfully false or misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by
you within the application may subJect you to permanent exclusion from the United States
and, if you are admitted to the United States, may subJect you to criminal prosecution
!=Ind/or deportation. ,

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted
with your application may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or
other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and
immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your
application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other
fingerprints in the FBI's Next Generation Identification (NG!) fingerprint system or its
successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint r epositories). The
photograph that you provide with your application may be used for employment
verification or other U.S. law purposes.

Once you have clicked '"Sign and Submit Applicationw you will be unable to make changes.
Electronically sign by clicking the button below after you have reviewed the information in
your application and determined that it is correct. After signing the application, click '"Nextw
to continue with the application.

Spouse or Fiance/Fiancee

Your application indicates t hat y ou ar e applying for a K v isa. Pursuant to the

I nternat ional Mar r iage Brok e r Regulation A ct of 2005, y ou ar e r equir ed to r eceiv e
a copy of an informat ional pamphlet . This pamphlet prov ides information on legal
r ights and r esources av ailable to aliens immigr ating on a m arriage-based v isa.
Please r ead the pamphlet car efully. We st r ongly encourage you to pr int a copy of
t he pamphlet and k eep it with you if y our v isa is granted a nd y ou t r av el t o t he
United States.
I MB RA Pa mphlet

I her eby certify that I hav e rec eiv ed a copy of the IMBRA Pamphlet as part of m y
applicat ion packet. D

Edit Family Information: Spouse

Wednes day, March 13, 20 19 · 9 :29 :42 A M EDT

Preparer of Application
Q: Did any one assist y ou in filling out this application?

A: Q Yes Q No


I ce rtify under penalty of perjury under t he laws of the United St ates of Amer ica t hat the
foregoing is tr ue and cor r ect.

Enter y our Passport/Tr av el Document Numbe r:

Ent er the code as shown :

Click the button below to e lectronically sign your application:

Sign a Id Submit Appl catio,

- ~ ~- -

◄ Sack REV IEW ■r-.;;;w fled: Cooflnn1ttoo ►

8 1
T h i s s it e i s m a n a g e d b y t h e Burea u of C onsul a r Affa irs, U .S . D epartme n t of State. External !in ks t o othe r I nternet
s ites s h o u l d n o t b e c o n strue d a s a n e n d orsem e nt of the v i e Y6 conta i ned the re in .
Copyri g h t Inform at i o n cfil D i s d a i m ers cfil Papel"'NOrk R edu ctio n Actcfil
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Sign and Submit – FGM/C

Displayed for applicants of following nationalities: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African
Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen
Contact Us I Help I Ex it

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Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS- 160)

Application ID AA00SRUVQC

- Sign and Submit

You hav e indicated t hat y ou ar e t r aveling for two or m or e pur poses which could r equir e
more t han one v isa being issued. Please note t hat if more t han one v isa is to be issued, y ou
Help: Narigation Buttons will hav e to pay applicat ion and r ecipr ocity fees for each.

Cick on ttle buttons 21bove

to 21ccess previously
Read the following information carefully before dating, electronically signing
and submitting the application.

Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessarily
m ean that your application for a nonimmii:;irant visa is complete, as additional infor mation
may be needed after Department of State personnel have reviewed the application.

By clickini:;i "Sign and Submit Application• you are electronically sii:;ining the application. You
are required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by
r ei:;iulation, ev en if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your
electronic sii:;inature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this
application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and
belief. The submission of an application containini:;i any false or misleadini:;i stateme nts may
result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All
declarations made in this application are unsworn declarations made under penalty of
perjury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

Additionally, by clicking "Sign and Submit Application~ you are certifying that you
understand that you are required to submit your visa to the United States Immigration
Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the
visa does not entitle you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to
be inadmissible under U.S. immigration laws. You are certifying that you understand that
any willfully false or misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by
you within the application may subJect you to permanent exclusion from the United States
and, if you are admitted to the United States, may subJect you to criminal prosecution
13nd/or deportation . .

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted
with your application m ay be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or
other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and
immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your
application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other
fingerprints in the FBI's Next Generation Identification (NG!) fingerprint system or its
successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories). The
photograph that you provide with your application may be used for employment
verification or other U.S. law purposes.

Once you have clicked "Sign and Submit Application• you will be unable to make changes.
Electronically sign by clicking the button below after you have reviewed the information in
your application and d etermine d that it is correct. After signing the application, click "Next•
to continue with the application.

Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting

Female Genit al Mut ilat ion/Cutting ( FGM/ C) Pr ev ention

Purs uant to Section 644 t he I llegal Imm igr at ion Reform and Immigr ant Respons ibility A ct
(IIRI RA) , Public Law 104- 208 (8 U.S.C. 1374), t he Department of State is required t o
pr ov ide y ou wit h access to copy the infor m at ion sheet on t he sev er e har m to phy sical
and psy chological healt h caused by f emale genital mutilation/cutting ( FGM/C) .

Fem ale Genital Mut ilation or Cutting Gov er m ent Fact Sheet

I certify that I have received the U.S. Government Fact Sheet on Female Genit al
Mut ilation or Cutting ( FGM/ C). D

Wednes day, Mar ch 13, 20 19 - 9 :29 :4 2 A M EDT

Preparer of Application

Q: Did anyone assist you in fillini:;i out t his applicat ion?

A: Q Yes Q No


I certify under penalty of perj ury under t he laws of the United Stat es of Amer ica t hat the
foregoing is tr ue and cor rect.

Ent er y our Passport/Trav el Docume nt Number :

Ent er t he code as shown :

Clic k the button b e l ow to e l ectronically s i g n y o ur applicatio n:

5191 and Submit Apphcat1on

◄ Back REVIEW 5 r-1;;;w ~laxt: Coofimlatton ►

T h i s s ite i s m a n aged b y t h e Bure a u of Cons u l a r Affa irs, U . S. D epa rtm e nt of St a t e . Exte rna l lin ks t o oth e r Intern et
s ites s h o u l d n ot b e c o n st ru e d as a n e n d o rse m e nt o f t h e v i ews c o ntain e d t h e re in .
Copyri g ht Informa t i o n@ D i s cla im e rs@ Paperwork R educti o n Act@
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-6 Filed 05/01/23 Page 81 of 84

Displayed for all applicants.

Ot1li11e Not1illlllligra11t Visa Applicatioll (DS-1 60)

1111! 11111111111II~111111111111111 IIIIIIIIH
This con f irms t h e sub m issio n of t h e Nonimmig r a n t visa
a pplicatio n fo r :

Na m e Provided : S NOW, JOHNQQ Location Se lected:

Da te Of Birth : 0 1 JAN 1980
Place of Birth : KABUL, A FGHANJSTA N U.S. Embassy Kabul
Ge nde r: Ma le Great Massoud Road
Kabul., Afghanistan
Count ry/ Re-gion of
Origin (Na t iona lit y) AFGHANIS TAN

Passport Number : Ml 111111111111111111

Purpose of Tra ve l: BUS INESS/ PERS ONAL
(8 1/ 8 2)
Comple ted On : 27 APR 20 17
Confirm at ion No:
Version 0 1.02.02


Print Confirm ati on Cl Print Applicati on ~ Em ail Confirm ation (El

Not e : Eled ronic-ally subm itting y our OS- 160 online applicat ion is the FJR-ST STEP in t he visa applicat ion process. The next
st e p is to re vie w th e inte rne t page of the e m bassy or consula te where yo u pla n to a pply for your visa. Most visa a pplica nts
will nee d to schedu le a visa inte rvie w, though som e a pplica nts m a y qua I ify for visa re ne wa l. The e m bassy or consula te
inform a tion m a y in clude sped fi c local inst ructions a bout scheduling inte rvie ws, subm itting your visa a pplica tion, a nd other
fre-q ue ntly aske d quest ions.

YOU MUST BRING the confi rm a tion page a nd the following docum e nt(s) with you a t a ll st e ps during the a pplica tion

You m a y a lso provide a ny a dditiona l docum e nts you feel will support you r case.

YOU MUST SUBMIT the confi rm a tion page with a clear a nd le gible barcOOe a t the tim e of your inte rvie w. If you do not
ha ve a ccess to a printe r a t this tim e, sele ct the option to e m a il your confi r m a tion page to a n e m a il a ddress. You m a y print
or e m a il your a pplication for your own re cords . YOU 00 NOT need to subm it the a pplica tion a t the tim e of the inte rvie w.
Please note tha t you will be re-q uire d to provide proof tha t you ha ve paid t he visa a pplica tion fee a nd a ny othe r fees
associa ted with you r a pplica tion. The re m a y be other fees associa te d with the visa a pplica tion process. Please che,ck your
country's Re ciprocity Sche dule for a ny othe r fees you m a y owe.
Jf you ha ve further quest ions, or to fi nd out how to conta ct the Consula r Po st , please go to http ://ka bul.usem bassy. gov or
http :/Jtra v e I. state. q ov.
NOTE: Unless e xe m pt from a n inte rvie w, you will be re quired to sign your· a pplica tion by providing a biom e tric signa ture,
i. e. your fi nge rprint be fore a consula r offi ce r. By providing this biom e tric s igna ture you are ce rtifying unde r pe na lty of
pe rjury tha t you ha v e read a nd unde rstood the quest ions in your nonimmigra nt visa a pplica tion a nd tha t a ll st a te m e nts tha t
a ppear in your nonimmigra nt visa a pplica tion ha ve been m a de by you a nd are true a nd com ple te to the best of your
knowle dge a nd be lie f. Furthe rm ore a t the tim e of your inte rvie w, you will be re-q uire d to ce rtify unde r pe na lty of pe rjury tha t
a ll st a te m e nts in yo ur a pplica tion a nd those m a de during your inte rvie w a re true a nd com pe te to the best of your
knowle dge a nd be lie f.
You e led ronica lly signed your a pplica tion on 27-Apr-20 17 02 :27:28 (GMT- 0 5:00), You we re re-q uire d to e led ronica lly sign
your a pplica tion you rself, unless otherwise e xe m pt by re-g ula tion, e ve n if t he a pplica tion was pre pared by som e one othe r
tha n yourself. Your ,:led ronic signa ture ce rtifi es tha t you ha ve read a nd unde rst ood the quest ions in this a pplica tion a nd
tha t your a nswe rs a re true a nd corred to the best of your knowled ge a nd b e lie f. The subm ission of a n a pplica tion conta ining
a ny fa lse or m islead ing st a te m e nts m a y result in the pe rm a ne nt re fusal of a visa or the de nia l of e ntry into the Unite d
Sta tes. All de cla ra tions m a de in this a pplica tion are unsworn de cla ra tions m a de unde r pe na lty of pe rjury, (28 U. S. C. 1746),
You ce rtifi e d tha t yo u unde rst a nd tha t you are re-q uire d to subm it your vis.a to the Unite d Sta tes Jmmigra tion Offi ce r a t the
port where you a pply to e nte r the Unite d Sta tes, a nd tha t possession of th e visa does not e ntitle you to e nte r the United
Sta tes if, upon your· a rriva l, you are found to be ina dm issible unde r U. S. immigra tion la ws. You ce rtifi ed tha t you
unde rsta nd tha t any willfully fa lse or m isleading st a te m e nt or willful conce a lm e nt of a m a te ria l fact m a de by you within the
a pplica tion m a y subje ct you to pe rm a nent e xclusion from the United Sta to:s a nd, if you are a dm itted to the Unite d Sta tes,
m a y subje ct you to ,crim ina l prose,cution a nd/or de porta tion.
The inform a tion tha t you ha ve provided in your a pplica tion a nd othe r infor m a tion subm itted with your a pplica tion m a y be
a ccessible to othe r g ove rnme nt a ge ncies ha ving st a tutory or othe r la wful .authority to use such inform a tion, including for la w
e nforcem e nt a nd immigra tion la w e nforcem e nt purposes. Jf fi nge rprints a r e colle cted as part of your a pplica tion process,
the y m a y be used fo r the purpose of com paring the m to othe r fi nge rprints in the FBJ's Ne xt Ge ne ra tion Jde ntifi ca tion (NGJ)
fi nge rprint syst e m o r its successor syst e m s (including civil, crim ina l, a nd la te nt fi nge rprint re positories), The photogra ph
tha t you provide wit h your a pplica tion m a y be used for e m ploym e nt ve rifi ca tion or other U. S. la w purposes.

G This site is mana9ed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U,S, Departme nt of State, External links to other Internet sites should
I Coovrioht
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if) <~ll
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Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Pape1work Reduction Act

Public reporting burd en for this co llect ion o f inform at ion is es t imat ed to avera ge 7 5 minut es p er r esponse, including t ime req uired for

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Co n fid e nt ia lity Stat eme nt

INA Section 22 2(f) provides that the records of th e Oepartm e.nt o f State and of d ip lom atic a nd co ns u la r offk es o f the United States
pertaining to the iss ua nce and refusa l o f v isas o r pe rmits to e nte r the Unit ed State:s s hall be cons id e red confid e ntial a nd sh all be u sed
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 128

’A lot of us in the Army didn’t agree or disagree with..., 2023 WLNR 8094670

3/5/23 Sunday Tel. 11

2023 WLNR 8094670

Sunday Telegraph (UK)

Copyright © 2023 The Telegraph Group Limited, London

March 5, 2023

Section: News

’A lot of us in the Army didn’t agree or disagree with Afghanistan war’

Prince Harry talked about drugs and the importance of therapy to Dr Gabor Maté in an online interview

THE Duke of Sussex has said “a lot of us” in the Army “didn’t necessarily agree or disagree” with the war in Afghanistan.

Prince Harry, who served for 10 years in the Army and did two tours in Afghanistan, said that one of the rea sons why so
many people in the UK did not support the troops was because they “assumed” that all serving military personnel were in
favour of the invasion. “But once you sign up, you do what you’re told to do,” he told Dr Gabor Maté, a trauma expert, in a
livestreamed conversation. “There was a lot of us that didn’t necessarily agree or disagree, but you were doing what you were
trained to do. You’re doing what you were sent to do.”

The Duke, 38, took part in the 90-minute interview to promote his memoir, Spare, which was published in January.

The conversation with Dr Maté, a Hungarian-Canadian Jewish Holocaust survivor, touched on subjects including his drug
use, the importance of therapy and his wife, Meghan, who he said had “saved” him.

The Duke admitted that he has “lost a lot” by turning his back on royal duties and relocating to California. But he said that in
changing the “root cause” of his issues, he had gained the ability to bring up his children, Archie, three and Lilibet, one, in a
more “beneficial” environment, smothering them with the affection he was not shown as a child.

”I as a father feel a huge responsibility to ensure that I don’t pass on any trauma or any negative experiences that I’ve had as
a kid or as a man growing up,” he said.

The Duke said he was “grateful” that he had been able to change his environment after realising that life within the royal
institution was not right for himself or his family - and acknowledged that he was lucky to have had the resources to do so.

”When there are tough decisions to be put in front of you, there’s a lot of fear involved,” he said.

”Where you know what the right decision is but you’re afraid of making it because of what you’re going to lose.

”I’ve lost a lot. But at the same time, I’ve gained a lot. To see my kids growing up here the way they are, I just can’t imagine
how that would have been possible back in that environment.”

The Duke said he did not see himself as a victim but rather, considered his memoir “an act of service”.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 1

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 128

’A lot of us in the Army didn’t agree or disagree with..., 2023 WLNR 8094670

Meanwhile sources close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex suggested that their children may not develop a relationship
with the King if the couple are not provided with accommodation in the UK. The couple have not been offered alternative
accommodation in the UK since being evicted from Frogmore Cottage, The Sunday Telegraph understands. The couple are
said to be concerned that future visits will be incredibly “complicated” if they are forced to stay outside the security
perimeters of a royal estate.





There has been no counter offer of a place to stay should they want to return, a source suggested.

They have not been offered the occasional use of rooms at St James’s Palace, for example, or any other royal resi dence,
meaning that they may have to use hotels or stay with friends.

The news raises the prospect that the King will have no tangible relationship with his two youngest grandchildren,

Archie and Lilibet, who may never be brought back to the UK.

”It’s not just his son, it’s his grand children too,” the source noted.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment. The King’s decision to remove one of the final links his son has to the UK was
described as indicative of the current state of the relationship between the two sides of the family.

While the Palace has also refused to comment on the allegations made in the Duke’s memoir or interviews, such actions have
been interpreted in California as a direct retaliation.

The Telegraph revealed last week that the Sussexes were “disappointed” but resolute about the King’s decision to ask them to
leave their Windsor home.

The couple were asked to vacate the five-bedroomed property in January, the day after the publication of Prince Harry’s

’I as a father feel a huge responsibility to ensure that I don’t pass on any trauma I’ve had as a kid or as a man growing up’

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Judaism (1JU93); Religion (1RE60); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Aerospace & Defense (1AE96); Defense (1DE43); Ground Forces (1GR94); Military Forces (1MI37))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Asia (1AS61); Europe (1EU83); Western Asia (1WE54))

Language: EN

Edition: 02

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 2

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 5 of 128

’A lot of us in the Army didn’t agree or disagree with..., 2023 WLNR 8094670

Word Count: 747

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 3

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 6 of 128

’Hallucinogens have helped me to clean the windscreen of..., 2023 WLNR 8068334

3/4/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8068334

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 4, 2023

’Hallucinogens have helped me to clean the windscreen of my troubled mind’: Prince Harry extols the use of
Class A drug in cosy online chat with ‘t...

Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

’Hallucinogens have helped me to clean the windscreen of my troubled mind’: Prince Harry extols the use of Class A drug in
cosy online chat with ‘toxic trauma therapist’ Gabor Maté

For a man who demands his privacy, it was an extraordinary soul-bearing 90-minute public therapy session.

Prince Harry sat down with Dr Maté for a £17 livestreamed chat last night Duke of Sussex described taking hallucinogen
ayahuasca, saying it ‘changed me’ Read more: Prince Harry opens up on his ‘broken home’ upbringing

Prince Harry sat down with controversial ‘trauma therapist’ Gabor Maté for a £17 livestreamed chat last night and poured his
heart out about topics ranging from his ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drugs to how wife Meghan Markle ‘saved’ him.

Sitting in front of a roaring fire at his £12 million home in Montecito, California, Harry at one point joked about how ‘great’
the free therapy session was as he yet again complained about how he felt ‘different’ from the rest of his family and now
bombards his own children with the love he feels he never received from his own father King Charles.

His choice of inquisitor was controversial as Dr Maté has been roundly criticised for advocating the use of psychedelic drugs
including the South American drug ayahuasca, which makes users vomit.

The Duke of Sussex cheerfully described taking the hallucinogen, saying it ‘changed me’ and describing it as ‘cleaning the
windscreen’ of his troubled mind. Harry, 38, also appeared to advocate for illegal drugs, at one point saying: ‘Marijuana
really did help me.’

While the ‘old’ Harry has long been fading from sight, yesterday’s event, entitled Living With Loss And Personal Healing,
blasted that person into oblivion. Often sliding into Californian ‘therapy speak’ the Prince opened up about his ‘broken home
upbringing’ and talked about his ongoing quest to find his ‘authentic true self’.

In one of the more jaw-dropping moments he talked about his military service saying he was a good candidate for the Army
‘because they recruit from broken homes’.

When Dr Maté said he disagreed with the war in Afghanistan, the Duke veered into politics saying many British soldiers
were ‘not necessarily supportive’ of the military effort, saying: ‘Once you sign up, you do what you’re told to do.

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’Hallucinogens have helped me to clean the windscreen of..., 2023 WLNR 8068334

’So there was a lot of us that didn’t necessarily agree or disagree, but you were doing what you were trained to do, you were
doing what you were sent to do.’

When asked if he ‘wallowed’ in victimhood, Harry smiled and said: ‘I definitely don’t see myself as a victim.’

Many of the themes were familiar topics from the endless interviews he has given to promote his memoir, a copy of which
was included in last night’s price for the event. Recalling his childhood, Harry called himself ‘a boy in a bubble’ saying: ‘I
am still unclear to this day whether it was one bubble or multiple bubbles... My own self was distorted and perhaps because
of my environment I was confined in but also because of society. What it does to you, is almost like box[ing] you in.’ The
topic then turned to his love of therapy with the Duke saying: ‘When I found my therapist and started to unpack 12-year-old
Harry at the point my mother died, it was scary. I thought that when I went to therapy, it would cure me, and that I would lose
whatever I had left of my mother [but] it was the opposite.

’I turned what I thought was supposed to be sadness to try to prove to her that I missed her into realising she just really
wanted me to be happy, and that was a huge weight off my chest.’ However he said that as he ‘learned a new language of
therapy’, he found that ‘my family didn’t speak that language.’ Elaborating on his use of ayahuasca he said it ‘brought me a
sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time’.

But he said: ‘The moment I’m back in the chaos it kind of dissipates. I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realise how good it was for me. I would say it was one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me
deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.’ He added that ‘marijuana really did help me’ but cocaine ‘did nothing’
except make him feel part of a group.
READ MORE HERE: ‘I felt different to the rest of my family - and my mum felt the same’: Prince Harry opens up
on his ‘broken home’ upbringing saying parents rowing in front of children ‘is not a good idea’ - but FAILS to
mention William once in 90min toxic trauma chat
Speaking about fatherhood he said he wanted to avoid the emotional distance that defined his relationship with his own father
– recalling how Charles broke the news of Diana’s death to his son without hugging him.

He said that with his own children, Archie, three, and Lilibet, one, he was ‘trying to smother them with love’, adding: ‘I feel
a huge responsibility not to pass on any trauma or negative experiences that I’ve had as a kid or as a man growing up.’

He added that he and Meghan are trying to ‘break the pattern’ of divorce and childhood trauma, saying: ‘We do the best we
can as parents, learning from our own past and overlapping those mistakes, perhaps, and growing... to break that cycle.’
When asked what the most important thing in raising children he said: ‘It has to be love. There have to be rules, but one thing
my wife and I talk about is if they have a moment of frustration, to allow them to have that and then talk about it.’

Of his relationship with Meghan he said: ‘People have said my wife saved me. I was stuck in this world and she was from a
different world and helped draw me out of that.

’But none of the elements of my life would have been possible without me seeing it for myself.

’My partner is an exceptional human being and I am grateful for the space that she’s given to me.’

Turning to his decision to step away from Royal duties, he said: ‘Fear is a very controlling force... I wasn’t aware that there
was a choice and then I became aware of my situation, my environment and I was like “now there is a choice”.

’I realised if I take this change... I am inevitably going to get hugely criticised but I cannot let the fear of that keep me stuck
in this environment because it is not right for me, it’s not right for my wife or my children.

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News Subject: (Children (1CH89); Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups
(1MI43); Parents & Parenting (1PA25); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Gabor Maté)

Word Count: 1113

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’Spare’ but not stingy: takeaways from Prince Harry’s memoir, 2023 WLNR 987273

1/9/23 Delta Democrat Times (Greenville, Miss.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 987273

Delta Democrat Times (Greenville, MS)

Copyright (c) 2023 Delta Democrat Times (Greenville, MS)

January 9, 2023

Section: Entertainment

’Spare’ but not stingy: takeaways from Prince Harry’s memoir


From the book’s opening citation of William Faulkner, to Prince Harry’s passionate bond with his wife Meghan, you could
almost call the Duke of Sussex’s memoir “The Americanization of Prince Harry.”

Bereaved boy, troubled teen, wartime soldier, unhappy royal - many facets of Prince Harry are revealed in his explosive
memoir, often in eyebrow-raising detail. Running throughout is Harry’s desire to be a different kind of prince - the kind who
talks about his feelings, eats fast food and otherwise doesn’t hide beyond a prim facade.

Like an American.

From accounts of cocaine use and losing his virginity to raw family rifts, “Spare” exposes deeply personal details about
Harry and the wider royal family. Even Americans may flinch when he confides that a trip to the North Pole left him with
frostbitten genitals that proved most irritating during his brother’s wedding to Kate.


The book opens with a famous quote from Faulkner, bard of the American South: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

Harry’s story is dominated by his rivalry with elder brother Prince William and the death of the boys’ mother, Princess
Diana, in 1997. Harry, who was 12 at the time, has never forgiven the media for Diana’s death in a car crash while being
pursued by photographers.

The loss of his mother haunts the book, which Harry dedicates to Meghan, children Archie and Lili “and, of course, my

The opening chapter recounts how his father Prince Charles - now King Charles III - broke the news of his mother’s accident,
but didn’t give his son a hug.

Harry reveals that years later he asked his driver to take him through the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, site of the fatal crash,
hoping in vain that it would help end a “decade of unrelenting pain. He also says he once consulted a woman who claimed to
have “powers” and to be able to pass on messages from Diana.

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’Spare’ but not stingy: takeaways from Prince Harry’s memoir, 2023 WLNR 987273

Harry adds that he and William both “pleaded” with their father not to marry his long-term paramour Camilla Parker-Bowles,
worried she would become a “wicked stepmother.”

Harry also is tormented by his status as royal “spare” behind William, who is heir to the British throne. Harry recounts a
longstanding sibling rivalry that worsened after Harry began a relationship with Meghan, the American actor whom he
married in 2018.

He says that during an argument in 2019, William called Meghan “difficult” and “rude” (the kind of insults an upper class
Englishman might reserve for Americans), then grabbed him by the collar and knocked him down. Harry suffered cuts and
bruises from landing on a dog bowl.

Harry says Charles implored the brothers to make up, saying after the funeral of Prince Philip in 2021: “Please, boys - don’t
make my final years a misery.

Neither Buckingham Palace, which represents King Charles III, nor William’s Kensington Palace office has commented on
any of the allegations.


Harry writes with admiration and some affection about Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip. He remembers Phillip’s “many
passions -carriage driving, barbecuing, shooting, food beer,” and above all how he “embraced life,” as did his mother.
“Maybe that was why he’d been such a fan” of Princess Diana, Harry recalls.

Meanwhile, he acknowledges being intimidated at times by his grandmother, if only because she was the Queen. She is no
more helpful than anyone else in containing the media leaks, but she is often seen as sympathetic to his wishes, never more so
than when she approved of his marriage of Meghan.

Harry also sees her as an engaging, even humorous person beyond her otherwise proper bearing. Reflecting on her death last
year he remembers whispering jokes into her ear or convincing her to participate in a widely seen promotional video of the
Invictus Games, in which she one-ups the Obamas in a sparring contest.

”She was a natural comedienne,” he writes, calling her “wicked sense of humor” a prized confidence between the two. “In
every photo of us, whenever we’re exchanging a glance, making solid eye contact, it’s clear. We had secrets.”


The memoir suggests the media’s party-boy image of Harry during his teen and young adult years was well-deserved.

Harry describes how he lost his virginity at 17 - in a field behind a pub to an older woman who loved horses and treated the
teenage prince like a “young stallion.” It was, he says, an “inglorious episode.”

He also says he took cocaine several times starting at the same age, in order to “feel different.” He also acknowledges using
cannabis and magic mushrooms - which made him hallucinate that a toilet was talking to him.


Harry offers extensive memories of his decade in the British Army, serving twice in Afghanistan. He says that on his second
tour, as an Apache helicopter co-pilot and gunner in 2012-2013, he killed 25 Taliban militants. Harry says he felt neither
satisfaction nor shame about his actions, and in the heat of battle regarded enemy combatants as pieces being removed from a
chessboard, “Bads taken away before they could kill Goods.”

Veterans criticized the comments and said they could increase the security risk for Harry. Retired Col. Richard Kemp said it
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was “an error of judgment,” and regarding enemy fighters as chess pieces is “not the way the British Army trains people.”

”I think that sort of comment that doesn’t reflect reality is misleading and potentially valuable to those people who wish the
British forces and British government harm,” he told the BBC.

The Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in 2021, and Harry’s words have drawn protests in the country. Afghan
Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi called the Western invasion of Afghanistan “odious” and said Harry’s
comments “are a microcosm of the trauma experienced by Afghans at the hands of occupation forces who murdered
innocents without any accountability.”


Yes, he’s a Prince, but he isn’t above stopping by for burgers and fries at an In-N-Out, or getting clothes from a chain outlet.
He’s also a compulsive watcher of “Friends” and relates most to the wisecracking Chandler Bing, played by Matthew Perry.
And because he’s a prince, he got to meet another “Friends” star, Courteney Cox, and indulge in chocolate psychedelic
mushrooms at her Los Angeles home.


Harry shares painful words about his father and brother, but his real anger is directed at the British media, and at those within
the royal circle who cooperated and otherwise stood aside. While Charles remains apparently indifferent to the press, the rest
of the family is obsessed with media coverage, Harry writes, himself as much as any of them. He expresses despair over what
he calls endlessly false stories about him, the racist caricatures of his wife and of the press’ unnerving knowledge of his
whereabouts and private correspondence. “One has to have a relationship with the press,” he is told by the royal staff.


Harry credits Meghan with changing the way he sees the world and himself. He says he was “awash in isolation and
privilege” and had no understanding of unconscious bias before he met her.

The young prince notoriously wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party in 2005, and claims in the book that William and his
now-wife Kate encouraged the choice of outfit and “howled” with laughter when they saw it. He was recorded using a racist
term about a fellow soldier of Pakistani descent in 2006, but says he did not know the word was a slur and that the soldier
was not offended.

Meghan and Harry cited the U.K. media’s treatment of the biracial American actor as one of the main reasons for their
decision to quit royal duties and move to the U.S. in 2020.

The book gives no sign that royal family relations will be repaired soon. Harry told ITV in an interview to promote the book
that he wants reconciliation, but that there must be “accountability” first.

In the final pages, Harry describes how he and William walked side by side during the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth
II in September, but spoke barely a word to one another.

”The following afternoon, Meg and I left for America,” he says.

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
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News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Americas (1AM92); Asia (1AS61); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom
(1UN38); Western Asia (1WE54); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Taliban; ITV; British government; British Army) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1396

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 13 of 128

’Spare’ Is a Royal Riot. But What Does Prince Harry Really Want?, 2023 WLNR 1070635

1/10/23 (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 1070635
Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

January 10, 2023

’Spare’ Is a Royal Riot. But What Does Prince Harry Really Want?
Chris Jackson/Getty ImagesRoyalist is The Daily Beast’s newsletter for all things royal and Royal Family.
Subscribe here to get it in your inbox ev...

Tom Sykes

Chris Jackson/Getty ImagesRoyalist is The Daily Beast’s newsletter for all things royal and Royal Family. Subscribe here to
get it in your inbox every Sunday.The most shocking revelations in Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, have been splashed across
websites and newspapers for almost a week now, since Spanish booksellers put the book on sale six days earlier.The fact that
it is still a riveting read is a testament to what a skillfully written account of Harry’s life this book is.And what an
extraordinary life Harry has lived.The narrative proper opens with a description of the last day before everything changed
with the death of his mother: Aug 30, 1997.He and William are at Balmoral, the queen’s Scottish country home, and we get a
compelling picture not just of that day, but their entire, crazy, insanely privileged childhood, where they are served fish
fingers in front of the telly by footmen bearing plates covered with “fancy silver domes” removed with a flourish. They sleep
in starched sheets of an astounding thread count, embossed with his grandmother’s “EIIR” cipher. They bow to a statue of
Queen Victoria every time they pass it. His father, meanwhile, could often be found standing on his head in his bedroom in
his boxer shorts, by order of his physiotherapist, trying to heal old polo injuries. Wes Anderson would have a field day.Much
has been made of Harry’s supposed pettiness in relating examples of when he is treated less preferentially than his big
brother.One of these occurs here; the fact that he and William shared a divided room, but William had “the larger half, with a
double bed, a good size basin, a cabinet with mirrored doors, a beautiful window looking down on the courtyard, the
fountain, the bronze statue of a roe deer buck. My half of the room was far smaller. Less luxurious. I never asked why. I
didn’t care. But I also didn’t need to ask. Two years older than me, Willie was the Heir, whereas I was the Spare.”Harry (or
should we say his ghostwriter) is doing something much more clever than stamping his foot and saying, “It’s not fair.” He is
describing how he was overtly conditioned to accept, without question, an inferior status to his brother, and inviting the
reader to shake their head in wonder at the absurdity of it all, and ask themselves what that does to a kid.The death of his
mother is the beating heart of this book, and in one of the finest pieces of writing in the memoir, Harry takes us to his
bedroom on that grim morning, his wretched father sitting helplessly on the edge of his enormous, sunken bed with all its fine
linen. Charles ultimately broke the news by saying, “They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.” Diana, Princess
of Wales with her sons Prince William and Prince Harry attend the Heads of State VE Remembrance Service in Hyde Park
on May 7, 1995, in London, England. Anwar Hussein/Getty Images Harry’s accounts of the days after her death and her
funeral are also astonishing, with the icy writing injecting an eerie sense we are watching a mime show taking place behind
glass. So disconnected is Harry from his emotions that he refuses to believe his mother is really dead, a wilful delusion he
continued to harbor off and on for years.He says that Diana’s sister Sarah McCorquodale handed him and William “two tiny
blue boxes,” which contained Diana’s hair. He writes, “Aunt Sarah explained that, while in Paris, she’d clipped two locks
from Mummy’s head. So there it was. Proof. She’s really gone.”The reader might be forgiven for thinking this is a macabre
example of what Harry will later call the Windsor “death cult,” so it is, therefore, with some astonishment that we read, over

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’Spare’ Is a Royal Riot. But What Does Prince Harry Really Want?, 2023 WLNR 1070635

20 years later, that he keeps the blue box on his nightstand-and credits it with magically encouraging a positive result to
Meghan’s first pregnancy test.His conflict with his family, especially his brother, is the other key theme of the book, and he
paints a compelling portrait of the agony of brothers at war. William is overbearing, controlling, and dismissive of his
younger brother, and, much as they love each other, the resentments inexorably build up, layer by layer, rather like the stones
in the Tower of London that Harry later tells us were set with mortar mixed with animal blood for extra strength.Harry starts
using drink and drugs, but his habits remain, strangely, unexamined. He appears anxious to give the impression he doesn’t
have a problem with substances, just really likes getting high, hence the oddly boastful account of getting wasted on magic
mushrooms at Courtney Cox’s house and communing with a talking bin. One is left with the impression he still partakes of
the perhaps not-so-occasional joint.His account of his time in the military is a bit odd. Tales of killing the enemy are rather
Boy’s Own, and the now well-documented admission that he killed 25 enemy fighters is evidence that all-powerful figures
need advisers bold enough to say, “Maybe not, sir,” rather than yes men.Some readers may find their sympathy for Harry
drains somewhat in the final third of the book when he goes to war with his family and then leaves it. Not coincidentally,
perhaps, this, of course, is where the stream of gossipy revelations become a torrent. But the endless accusations against
Camilla make him look mean-spirited, and publishing Kate’s text messages to Meghan in their row over a bridesmaid dress
for Charlotte is simply hugely hypocritical for an advocate of privacy and compassion. When William pushes him over and
he breaks a dog bowl, one can’t help wondering: who the hell has a china dog bowl? Prince Harry, Meghan Markle,
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge attend the first annual Royal Foundation Forum
held at Aviva on February 28, 2018 in London, England. Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images As the bones of the
dispute are picked over, it all becomes a bit much, a bit tawdry, and entirely unlike the marvelous revelation in the opening
section of the book that Princess Margaret once gave him a biro for Christmas that says so very much about the abiding
insanity of Britain’s ruling family.A scene in which he and Meghan gawp jealously at William and Kate’s apartment, which
is decorated with priceless artifacts from the Royal Collection, while Harry moans that they have just bought a new couch
with her credit card from is tin-eared, especially considering that £2.4 million (as public records would later reveal)
of taxpayer’s money is at that very moment being spent renovating Frogmore Cottage for them.Their treatment by the media
is horrific, and the account of how the paparazzi ruin his relationships one by one by stalking his girlfriends is sickening. But
Harry takes out his anger with the press on his family, becoming increasingly outraged that William and Charles won’t join
what they regard as his ill-advised war on the media. Harry then concludes that they are in cahoots with the papers and
briefing against them.It’s a 2+2=5 moment, not helped by the contradiction of Harry’s own burgeoning media career.In
interviews, Harry has frequently appeared petulant, spoiled, babyish, and vindictive. It’s to the credit of his ghostwriter J.R.
Moehringer that in this book most of those rough edges are ironed out and he conveys, on the whole, the impression of a
flawed but hugely sympathetic human being.Ultimately, however, there is a huge credibility gap. Writing a book like this
simply is a betrayal of your family-and that means it is hard to square his endless protestations that he wants to reconcile with
his troubled clan with the reality of the damning, but rather brilliant, book in your hand.Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heads of State VE Remembrance Service; Getty Images) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1328

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’Spare’ Is a Royal Riot. But What Does Prince Harry Really Want?, 2023 WLNR 1070635

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 16 of 128

10 things we learned from Prince Harry’s live interview with..., 2023 WLNR 8242285

3/6/23 Evening Standard Online (London, U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8242285

Evening Standard Online (London, UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 6, 2023

10 things we learned from Prince Harry’s live interview with trauma expert
Prince Harry’s 90-minute live conversation with ‘toxic trauma’ expert Dr Gabor Maté covered everything from
hugs, drugs and his true feelings on th...

Martha Alexander

Prince Harry’s 90-minute live conversation with ‘toxic trauma’ expert Dr Gabor Maté covered everything from hugs, drugs
and his true feelings on the invasion of Afghanistan...

As part of the continued promotion for his memoir, Spare, Prince Harry, 38, joined Hungarian-Canadian trauma expert and
author Dr. Gabor Maté , 79, for what was billed as an intimate online conversation on ‘living with loss and the importance of
personal healing’. The 90-minute chat was hosted in part by Penguin Random House, who published Spare and was
broadcast live online to a select audience who had paid £20 per ticket.

Settled into vast armchairs in front of a roaring fire, the pair covered Harry’s childhood, his role as a soldier deployed to
Afghanistan, psychedelic drugs and the feeling of living in a bubble in 90 minutes. Here are ten top take aways from the talk.
1. Dr Maté is not deferential to the Prince
Throughout their conversation, Dr Maté repeatedly demonstrated that he was not in awe of the prince and not there to
mollycoddle him.

He challenged his opinions frequently and would openly disagree with him -including a moment where Harry claimed he had
enjoyed happy childhood.

This ties into Dr Maté’s obvious self-confidence: he once told an interviewer “I am arrogant. I like attention.”
2. Condemnation compels Harry to reveal more
While Harry pointed out how much positive feedback Spare had received, citing ‘essays’ of praise it has received, he
acknowledged that it -and he -has plenty of detractors. However, he admits he is galvanised by negative opinions, telling Dr
Maté “The more [my enemies] criticise me, the more I need to share.”
3. Harry believes some of his experiences with drugs “helped”
During their chat, Harry admitted to taking a range of recreational drugs, including cocaine and marijuana.

The former, he said, “did nothing” for him aside from giving him a temporary “sense of belonging” while the latter “actually
really did help me”.

But it was his appreciation for psychedelics -including drink ayahuasca which is brewed from two plants native to South
America -which was perhaps the most revealing.

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10 things we learned from Prince Harry’s live interview with..., 2023 WLNR 8242285

”It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on Instagram,
these layers of filters,” he said of his experiences of psychadelics which can cause hallucinations.

”It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a
period of time. I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the
fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.”
4. Dr Maté diagnosed harry with ADD
In the midst of their discussions, Dr Maté, who spent decades as a medical doctor before retiring, diagnosed Harry with
Attention Deficit Disorder (also known as ADHD -Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

ADD is, according to Additude magazine -a publication dedicated to educating people about ADHD -”a neurological
condition with symptoms of inattention, distractibility, and poor working memory”.

Although this was only their second meeting, Dr Maté was confident Harry presented as someone with ADD.

”Whether you like it or not, I have diagnosed you with ADD. You can agree or disagree,” he said.

Prince Harry answered, “OK – should I accept that or should I look into it?”

Maté replied, “You can do what you want with it.”

5. Harry denied being a victim or seeking sympathy
Presumably aware that some critics and commentators see him and his wife as playing the victim -the most recent example
being an episode of South Park which sees a prince and princess in exile demanding privacy and attention at the same time
-Harry twice denied seeing himself as a victim.

He also said “and I have never looked for sympathy in this, for me.”

Instead he claimed his efforts were acts of service.

6. Harry said British soldiers did not ‘necessarily agree’ with war in Afghanistan
Dr Maté told Harry he did not endorse the war in Afghanistan -where Harry was deployed as an officer.

”One of the reasons why so many people in the United Kingdom were not supportive of our troops was because they
assumed that everybody that was serving was for the war,” he responded.

”But no, once you sign up, you do what you’re told to do. So there was a lot of us that didn’t necessarily agree or disagree,
but you were doing what you were trained to do, you were doing what you were sent to do.”
7. The Duke loves hugging his children
Harry and Dr Maté discuss how displays of emotion, hugging and physical touch were not the norm in the royal family
growing up. Harry agreed that he lacked being held as a child and admitted that is has made him commit to hugging his own
children, Archie and Lilibet, as much as possible.

”[My childhood] leaves me in position now, as a father to two kids of my own, making sure that I smother them with love
and affection... feel a huge responsibility to ensure that I don’t pass on any traumas...or any negative experiences that I had as
a kid or as a man growing up.”
8. Harry compared himself to The Boy in the Bubble
In the early 1980s, a documentary exploring the life of a little boy called David Vetter, from Texas, USA shocked the world.
Vetter had spent his entire life sealed inside a plastic bubble with no human contact whatsoever until his death, aged 12, in

Harry referenced it -suggesting his childhood as a royal was similar to Vetter’s.

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10 things we learned from Prince Harry’s live interview with..., 2023 WLNR 8242285

’It’s interesting, the film The Boy in the Bubble, it kind of felt like that to some extent.’
9. There was no mention of William
The absence of Harry’s brother, the Prince of Wales, in any of the discourse is telling. Maybe it’s because Harry is trying not
to bring William any unwanted or negative attention after the volley of incendiary bombshells in Spare -or perhaps it’s
because he is sticking to the adage ‘if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all’. Whatever the reason, the omission of
William speaks volumes.
10. Harry believes Meghan saved him
Harry has always been vocal when it comes to praising his wife, so it was no surprise to hear him describe her as an
“incredible human being” to Dr Maté.

”My wife saved me. I was stuck in this world, and she was from a different world and helped draw me out of that,” he said.
“But none of the elements of my life now would have been possible without me seeing it for myself.”

He also shared that his relationship with Meghan has educated him on the blight of racism.

”I think what people perhaps don’t understand is the pain that it causes to an individual is huge, but then the pain that it
causes to society is immense,” he said.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Children (1CH89); Children’s Health (1CH55); Disabled Issues (1DI27); Health & Family (1HE30);
Learning Disabilities (1LE39); Parents & Parenting (1PA25))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders & Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Asia (1AS61); Western Asia (1WE54))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Penguin Random House) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1187

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 19 of 128

All Prince Harry’s Memoir Revelations So Far-and One Big Omission, 2023 WLNR 669699

1/7/23 (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 669699
Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

January 7, 2023

All Prince Harry’s Memoir Revelations So Far-and One Big Omission

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/GettyThe publishers promised us a heartfelt and
intimate memoir.While the jury is out on t...

Tom Sykes

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/GettyThe publishers promised us a heartfelt and intimate
memoir.While the jury is out on that one, what we do know is that Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, certainly contains a series
of eye-popping and toe curling revelations.Two warnings: do not read on if you find accounts of frost-bitten royal penises
offensive, and please note, all quotes are taken from British newspapers, and websites’ translations of the Spanish version of
the book, which went on sale six days early, so the precise wording may differ from the original English language version
due to be published next week.Harry says that he killed 25 Taliban fightersHarry says that in the “din and confusion of
combat” he thought only to ensure that “baddies” were eliminated before they could kill “goodies” and he thought of enemy
combatants as chess pieces. Harry’s decision to publicize his kill count has been widely criticized, amid fears that it could
make him an even bigger target for terrorists. Hashtags saying Harry is a war criminal have been trending on Twitter. Colonel
Richard Kemp, commander of British forces in Afghanistan in 2006, told BBC News: “Talking about ‘chess pieces’ and not
human beings… feeds very much into the narrative that the British Army went into Afghanistan and other places as callous,
cold-hearted killers… which of course is far from the truth,” adding that Harry’s words could “potentially be used to incite
and encourage others to carry out attacks, including British people in this country.”Harry had a frost-bitten penis at Kate and
William’s weddingThe Victorian constitutional historian Walter Bagehot once said that the greatest risk the monarchy could
take was to allow sunlight in on the magic. He probably wouldn’t have approved, therefore, of a member of the royal family
pulling down their pants in the way that Harry does in Spare. Harry writes that his penis became “frost nipped” after an
expedition to the North Pole in March 2011 and was still “an issue” at the time of his brother’s wedding. He says that among
the remedies he tried, with little success, were Elizabeth Arden cream. He also says that he was circumcised as a child,
adding, “the chance of getting penile frostbite is much greater if you’re not circumcised… I was snipped as a baby.”While we
are down there, Harry also says, per the BBC, that he wet his pants hours before meeting Meghan for their first date while out
at sea for a racing competition on a boat that didn’t have a toilet. He says: “All I cared about was jumping into the water,
washing off the pee from my trousers and getting back to London as fast as possible where I was about to start my real
race.”He learned about the queen’s death from the BBCThere was a great deal of controversy around the time of the queen’s
death about how and when Harry was told the news. In his book Harry reveals, The London Times says, contrary to what the
palace has insisted, that he did not get the information from his father first, but learned of her death in the first instance from
the BBC website as the private plane he had chartered to whisk him towards Balmoral was descending into Scotland.
Britain’s Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (L), and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, attend the unveiling of a statue of their
mother, Princess Diana at The Sunken Garden in Kensington Palace, London on July 1, 2021, which would have been her
60th birthday. Dominic Lipinski/Pool/AFP via Getty Images William and Harry: the fight, and smashed dog bowlThis was
the first revelation to break from the book, and a scoop for The Guardian. On Thursday morning it was dynamite. It seems

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All Prince Harry’s Memoir Revelations So Far-and One Big Omission, 2023 WLNR 669699

rather tame now. Amazingly, Harry says that immediately after the fight the first person he called was his therapist. This has
left some people scratching their heads, as Meghan claimed on her Oprah Winfrey interview that she was unable to get access
to a therapist. A friend of William’s exclusively told The Daily Beast, “It hardly sounds like a violent assault.”Harry accused
Camilla of planting storiesCamilla, who had an affair with Charles throughout much of his marriage to Diana, comes off
pretty badly in the book, with Harry at one stage pondering whether she will be “an evil stepmother.” He also accuses her of
placing stories about him in the media, and seems to imply that she plotted to be queen. He also says that William referred to
Camilla as the, “other woman.”He writes: “Willy did everything he [King Charles] wanted, and sometimes he didn’t want
him to do much, because dad and Camilla didn’t like Willy and Kate getting too much publicity.”Charles told him about
Diana’s deathHarry describes being woken at Balmoral the morning after his mother’s death in a Paris underpass by his
father. According to the Sky News translation, Harry writes that he was woken up by his father, who “sat on the edge of the
bed and put his hand on my knee.” He then recalled Charles saying: “My dear son, mum has had a car accident. There have
been complications. Mum has been seriously injured and has been taken to hospital, my dear son.” Harry adds: “He would
always call me ‘dear son,’ but he was repeating it a lot. He spoke quietly. It gave me the impression he was in shock.”Harry
went to the Paris tunnel where Diana diedHarry writes, “The bump that supposedly sent mummy’s Mercedes veering off
course” was “nothing” and he “barely felt it.” He hoped the drive would aid closure, but it didn’t, and he concludes it was “a
very bad idea.” Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince Charles at Prince William’s first day at Eton. Tom
Wargacki/WireImage Harry, William wanted Diana death investigation reopenedHarry alleges that he and William were
persuaded not to go forward with a plan to issue a statement asking for the investigation to be reopened by senior courtiers.
According to some translations of the Spanish text, Harry calls the conclusion that the crash was caused solely due to a drunk
driver “simplistic and absurd,” and asks “Why had those paparazzi got off lightly? Why weren’t they in prison? Who had
sent them? And why weren’t those people in jail either? What other reason could there be apart from corruption and
cover-ups being the order of the day?”Meghan told Kate she had baby brainHarry claims that Meghan upset Kate Middleton
shortly after she had given birth by telling her that she might have “baby brain” before their 2018 wedding. Harry alleges that
Meghan apologized but William “pointed a finger” at her. Per the Telegraph, William then reportedly went on to say: “Well,
it’s rude, Meghan. These things are not done here.” Meghan is alleged to have responded: “If you don’t mind, keep your
finger out of my face.”He called a graveside meeting with Charles and WilliamAt a meeting in a royal graveyard after Prince
Philip’s death, Charles pleaded with his sons not to make his “final years a misery.” Call us naïve, but isn’t the point of
calling a secret meeting not to tell anyone about it? Especially one in a graveyard.Charles gave him the title for his bookOn
the day Harry was born, Charles allegedly told Diana, “Wonderful, now you’ve given me an heir and a spare. My work is
done.” Prince Harry grimaces during a polo match on June 18, 2003 in Windsor, England. Anwar Hussein/Getty Images
Harry took lots of drugsHarry describes smoking marijuana in his garden at his home in Kensington Palace and making sure
the smell didn’t waft through to his neighbor, Prince Michael of Kent. He also says he took cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms. Under the influence of the latter, he became persuaded that a toilet had grown a head and was talking to him.
“Psychedelic drugs also helped me. I had experimented with them throughout the years, for simple pleasure, but now I had
started to take them for therapy, like medicine [to see] another world beyond my very limited sensory perception.”Lost
virginity in field to woman who compared him to a stallionAccording to a translation posted on the Sky News website, Harry
described his partner as “an older lady, who loved horses very much and treated me like a young stallion… I mounted her
quickly, after which she spanked my ass and held me back… one of my mistakes was letting it happen in a field, just behind
a busy pub. No doubt someone had seen us.”The Daily Beast understands from friends of Harry’s set that the pub in question
is a now-shuttered, formerly legendary hostelry in the Cotswolds where the “glossy posse” used to go after hunting, named
The Tunnel House Inn-and known locally as the Tunnel.He tried to contact Diana via a woman with “powers”According to
The Guardian, the woman told him: “You’re living the life she couldn’t. You’re living the life she wanted for you.”Harry
writes that on being told his mother was “with him,” his neck “grew warm” and his eyes watered, The Guardian reported.
Harry said that before the visit to the psychic, Archie had smashed a Christmas tree ornament in the shape of his
grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.This bizarre detail resurfaces when Harry visits the psychic, who says: “Your mother
says… something about a Christmas ornament? Of a mother? Or a grandmother? It fell? Broke?… Your mother says she had
a bit of a giggle about that.” A man reads The Sun in London, Jan. 13, 2005 with a headline about Prince Harry wearing a
Nazi uniform at a costume party. Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images Harry part-blames William and Kate for Nazi
costumeHarry writes that he was trying to choose between a pilot uniform or a Nazi uniform and called his brother for
advice. “I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said.” Harry adds that he later tried the outfit
on in front of them: “They both howled. Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the
point.”He likes a nice room, with a nice viewPer Sky News, he considered it disrespectful “that one of the queen’s private
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All Prince Harry’s Memoir Revelations So Far-and One Big Omission, 2023 WLNR 669699

secretaries parked next to his window and blocked out his bedroom light.” Later he complains that at Christmas at
Sandringham in 2013, he was “given a mini room in a narrow back corridor.”In another section, Harry and Meghan visit
William and Kate in their apartment. He writes: “The wallpaper, the ceiling trim, the walnut bookshelves filled with volumes
of peaceful colors, priceless works of art. Magnificent. Like a museum. We congratulated them on the renovation without
holding back the compliments while feeling embarrassed of our IKEA lamps and the second-hand sofa we’d recently bought
on sale with Meg’s credit card on” Such is the agony of being the spare!And the glaring omission… Who was the
royal racist?In their interviews with Oprah Winfrey, the couple alleged that a member of the royal family asked them what
color skin their then-unborn babies would be likely to have. They refused to identify the person beyond saying it wasn’t the
queen or Prince Philip.It seems odd the issue isn’t addressed in Spare, alongside Meghan’s experiences of racism within the
family and at the hands of the British tabloids. Maybe he is saving this for the sequel, or one of the TV interviews to
come.Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race
Relations (1RA49); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1936

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Anti-drug campaigners blast Prince Harry for sending..., 2023 WLNR 8173678

3/6/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8173678

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 6, 2023

Anti-drug campaigners blast Prince Harry for sending ‘worrying message to young people’ after he claimed
Cannabis ‘really helped’ his mental health...

Claire Duffin

Anti-drug campaigners blast Prince Harry for sending ‘worrying message to young people’ after he claimed Cannabis ‘really
helped’ his mental health in latest interview - before describing ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca

Campaigners have criticised Prince Harry after he spoke again about using drugs, saying he is sending a worrying message to
young people.

The Duke of Sussex told how using cannabis – a Class B drug – ‘really helped’ him He said ayahuasca it ‘brought me a sense
of relaxation, release, comfort’

In a live-streamed interview, the Duke of Sussex told how using cannabis – a Class B drug – ‘really helped’ him to deal with
mental health issues following the death of his mother.

He also talked about his ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca, saying it ‘brought me a sense of relaxation,
release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time’.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Mate, an outspoken supporter of decriminalising
drugs who has allegedly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering mental illness.

Harry told him: ‘[Cocaine] didn’t do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I
think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different,
that actually really did help me.’
READ MORE: Reckless, ignorant, self-serving... Prince Harry’s words will cause huge harm, says psychiatrist DR
Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, who launched a drugs education charity in her son Daniel’s name after he died of an accidental MDMA
overdose aged 16, described the comments as ‘concerning’.

’Our work is with under-18s and our concern is that this can send a message that is going to make young people think that
drugs are going to help them with stuff that is really difficult,’ she said.

’It is a time when a lot of them are struggling with their mental health.

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’Numbers have really increased and access to support services is a real struggle as services are incredibly stretched.

’Unfortunately young people are getting the message from somewhere that drugs are going to help with their problems and
anything that reinforces that is a concern for us.

’Using drugs as a coping strategy is more likely to lead to dependence than other motivations because that becomes how you
are coping with something.’

She added of Harry: ‘He has been very public about his drug use, which is one thing, but the statement that it helped him is a
concern for young people.’

TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp also criticised the duke, tweeting: ‘If you have a vast platform you don’t mouth off about using
illegal drugs, the trade which kills people.’ In his memoir Spare, Harry admitted using cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms and was accused of being ‘irresponsible’ and glorifying drugs.

Yesterday his latest comments were seized upon by pro-cannabis campaigners to bolster their calls for it to be legalised in the

The CannaClub said on Twitter: ‘Definitely time to decriminalise.

’If it’s good enough for our Prince Harry then it’s good enough for millions of people. Listen to the science. Cannabis is good
for so many aliments.’

Clear Cannabis Law Reform, which campaigns for legally regulated cannabis to be available on prescription and at licensed
outlets for adults, also retweeted a link to an article about Harry.

Yesterday a charity blasted Dr Mate for diagnosing Harry with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) live on air.

The ADHD Foundation said it was not ‘ethical nor appropriate to tell someone for the first time, in a public interview, that
they have ADHD. It is for the individual to decide whether to disclose their neurodiversity’.

---- Index References ----


Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42); Healthcare (1HE06);
Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders & Conditions (1PS79);
Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ADHD Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 611

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 25 of 128

Aunt of woman killed by Class A drug rebukes ‘irresponsible’..., 2023 WLNR 8218779

3/6/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8218779

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 6, 2023

Aunt of woman killed by Class A drug rebukes ‘irresponsible’ Prince Harry for praising it
The Duke of Sussex spoke of using psychedelic drugs such as ayahuasca in a live interview with trauma expert
Dr Gabor Mate.

Jon King

Prince Harry’s praise for a drug has been criticised by the family of a woman who died after taking the psychedelic
substance. The Duke of Sussex spoke to Dr Gabor Mate on Saturday in a live interview where topics also included his use of
cocaine, marijuana and alcohol.

Related articles

Harry said cocaine didn’t do anything for him and was more of “a social thing,” giving him a sense of belonging.

The Duke also revealed his use of psychedelics such as the plant-based drug ayahuasca, which can lead a user to hallucinate,
as a way of helping him cope with the trauma of the death of his mother, Princess Diana.

Harry said: “It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on
Instagram, these layers of filters.

”It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a
period of time.”

Harry and Meghan given updated timeline to vacate Frogmore Cottage - long after CoronationPrince Harry and Meghan
Markle have reportedly been given an updated timeline to give up the keys to their royal home, Frogmore Cottage, with the
couple expected to be given a new Palace home by King Charles.

While the Sussexes must leave their previous residence “within weeks”, the America-based couple could be offered Prince
Andrew’s old suite in Buckingham Palace.

Read more HERE.

He added: “I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the
fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.”

Jennifer Spencer killed herself in 2019 after she suffered psychosis from the drug on a yoga retreat in Peru.

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Aunt of woman killed by Class A drug rebukes ‘irresponsible’..., 2023 WLNR 8218779

Her aunt, Fiona Chase, 73, from Andover, Hampshire, told The Sun: “He should not be speaking positively about this drug.
It’s irresponsible because a lot of people look up to him.

”It worked for him, but it certainly didn’t work for Jenny. Like every drug, different people react differently.”


Related articles

After the inquest into Ms Spencer’s death, East Sussex assistant coroner James Healy-Pratt issued a prevention of future
death report in which he issued an urgent alert to the NHS.

Mr Healy-Pratt warned ayahuasca, DMT and similar “Shamanic” hallucinogens were becoming more common in the UK. He
called for more awareness among mental health professionals.

In the report, he wrote: “In my opinion action should be taken to prevent future deaths.”

Tory MP Nigel Mills told the same publication: “Harry’s comments are clearly dangerous. What he said is a disgrace.”

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Mr Mills added: “If you have a coroner issuing warnings about this stuff then we should not have someone in such a
high-profile position promoting and boasting about it. He is by no means a medical expert. His comments are outrageously

Harry’s interview with Dr Mate came after the publication of the Duke’s best-selling memoir, Spare.

Dr Mate told him: “Reading the book, I diagnose you with ADD... I see it as a normal response to normal stress.”

He said this can be “healed at any age”.

ADD is a term used for people who have difficulties with concentration without the presence of symptoms of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder , such as impulsiveness or hyperactivity.

A speaker and best-selling author, Dr Mate claims to have expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and
childhood development.

According to reports, he is an outspoken supporter of decriminalising drugs and has allegedly used the Amazonian plant
ayahuasca to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

The livestreamed event was produced by Penguin Random House in partnership with Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and
Indigo Books & Music.

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Tickets for the event cost £17, plus a £2.12 fee for UK customers.

The price included a copy of Spare, which became the fastest-selling non-fiction book in the UK since records began on its
release in January.
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For information, help and advice about drugs visit

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Lincolnshire antique store Stacey Solomon cleans ‘greasy’ hair after not washing it for 3 weeks

---- Index References ----

Company: BARNES & NOBLE, INC.; Indigo Books & Music Inc.; PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Health & Wellness (1HE60))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders
& Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Region: (Europe (1EU83))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Barnes & Noble,; Indigo Books & Music; Penguin Random House) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 784

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 28 of 128

Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

3/7/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 7, 2023

Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

Agencia Reforma

Once again Prince Harry is in trouble, now he is at risk of having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he used drugs,
reported the Mirror.

The Duke of Sussex revealed in Spare, his memoirs, that in his youth he repeatedly used cocaine and other drugs, as it helped
him to improve his life.

Prince Henry revealed that he started using marijuana and ayahuasca to cope with all the traumas of his past and said he
realized that it did him good to use them in his daily life.

”I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me,” he told Dr. Gabor Mate.

The Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough stance when it comes to non-U.S. citizens using drugs in the
country, so the Duke of Sussex risks having his visa revoked.

In recent years British citizens have had problems entering the United States such as Nigella Lawson, who was prevented
from taking a flight to the country after using cocaine beforehand.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Enrique)

Keywords: (Internacional)

Word Count: 179

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Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

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From a frostbitten penis to Dad’s daily handstand habit in..., 2023 WLNR 1076754

1/10/23 N.Y. Daily News (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 1076754

New York Daily News

Copyright © 2023 New York Daily News

January 10, 2023

From a frostbitten penis to Dad’s daily handstand habit in boxer shorts, Prince Harry spares nothing in new

Theresa Braine; New York Daily News

The hype is done. We now have the Book.

Prince Harry’s memoir, “Spare,” came out on Tuesday, replete with even more revelations than his smattering of
prepublication interviews had hinted at. It sold 400,000 copies in the U.K. including hardcover, e-book and audio, on day one
— rivaling first-day sales of the “other Harry,” said Larry Finlay, managing director of Transworld Penguin Random House,
referring to the Harry Potter franchise.

We’ve already heard about how Prince Harry for years was unable to believe his mother was dead; that he missed his
grandmother’s last moments because he wasn’t invited on the plane rushing family members to her bedside; that he
experimented with drugs, and that he lost his virginity at age 17 to an older woman, behind a pub.

The full book contains a bombshell on every page, what BBC News calls a mixture of confession, rant, love letter and “the
longest angry drunk text ever sent.”

The trauma of losing his mother, Princess Diana, infuses and informs the entire narrative.

Many of his anxieties seem to stem from that terrible day in 1997 when the then 12-year-old prince’s father, now King
Charles, told his “darling boy” that his mummy had been in a car crash and “didn’t make it.”

Harry seems almost as traumatized by the relentless press attention as he is by his mother’s death.

”The last thing Mummy saw on this Earth was a flash bulb,” Harry told Anderson Cooper in a “60 Minutes” interview that
aired Sunday.

The day after she died, Harry grabbed his father’s hand for comfort as the cameras clicked while the family greeted the
crowds of mourners. It backfired completely, since “that gesture set off an explosion of clicks,” he wrote, adding that he had
inadvertently “given them exactly what they wanted. Emotion. Drama. Pain. They fired and fired and fired.”

Harry hates the British press in particular, especially the tabloids.

Rebekah Brooks, who used to edit News of the World and The Sun, is not referred to by name. She becomes the anagram

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From a frostbitten penis to Dad’s daily handstand habit in..., 2023 WLNR 1076754

“Rehabber Kooks,” though the moniker’s true identity is left up to the imagination of the reader. He describes her as “an
infected pustule on the arse of humanity, plus a s--- excuse for a journalist.”

Charles and Camilla allegedly did not hesitate to further their public image at the expense of his son.

Thus it came as a major betrayal when Charles and Camilla’s rep worked with Brooks to change his dad’s public image from
“unfaithful husband” to “harried single dad coping with a drug-addled child.”

They did this by not bothering to correct a false story asserting Harry had gone to rehab.

”I felt heartbroken at the idea that this had been partly the work of my own family, my own father and future stepmother,”
Harry writes. “They’d abetted this nonsense. For what? To make their own lives a bit easier.”

Camilla, in particular, “sacrificed me on her personal PR altar,” Harry writes, even as he acknowledges that he wanted them
to be happy.

Charles joked about Harry’s “spare” status starting on the day of his birth.

”Wonderful! Now you’ve given me an Heir and a Spare — my work is done,” Harry reports that his father told his mother.
Though the future king was “presumably” joking, he said it just before trotting off to meet “his girlfriend,” Camilla.

King Charles does daily headstands, on doctor’s orders, wearing nothing but boxers.

There is no shortage of TMI in this tome. One of the more intimate details is King Charles’s daily regimen:

”Prescribed by his physio, these exercises were the only effective remedy for the constant pain in Pa’s neck and back,” Harry
writes. “Old polo injuries, mostly. He performed them daily, in just a pair of boxers, propped against the door, hanging from
a bar like a skilled acrobat.”

He wishes, in retrospect, that he and his Aunt Margo, the late Princess Margaret, had been friends — spare to spare.

Her relationship to her sister, Queen Elizabeth II, bore similarities to the one Harry shares with older brother William, now
next in line to the throne. There was the “simmering rivalry” and the “intense competition,” mostly emanating from the elder
sibling. Also similar was the way they were pushed apart as their drastically different destinies unfolded.

He identified with Chandler’s character in “Friends,” and once stayed at Courtney Cox’s house.

Cox was a friend of a friend, and he once ended up there at a party that lasted a couple of days and involved many magic
mushrooms, washed down with tequila.

He’s grateful to ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas for helping him process his mother’s death.

Bonas helped him open up and cry for the first time since Diana’s burial. She was “the first person to help me across that
barrier,” he wrote. “It was cathartic, it accelerated our bond, and added an element rare in past relationships: immense

That bond notwithstanding, he realized while on a ski trip to Kazakhstan that “we weren’t a match” and felt remorse at
breaking up and “leaving her in tears” when she had been the one to help him cry.

His penis got frostbite.

During a trip to the Arctic, the royal appendage got frostbitten and remained icy and painful even as Harry attended William
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From a frostbitten penis to Dad’s daily handstand habit in..., 2023 WLNR 1076754

and Kate’s wedding. It was during a charity expedition to the North Pole, as he and fellow soldiers who had served in
Afghanistan hiked 200 miles across the frozen landscape. Harry’s ears, cheeks and “todger,” as he calls it, were frostbitten.
He also goes to great lengths to clarify that he and his brother were circumcised, refuting numerous stories that Diana had
expressly forbidden it, as Vanity Fair noted.

”All the stories were false,” he wrote. “I was snipped as a baby.”

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Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Live Entertainment
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Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Transworld Penguin Random House; News Wire Services) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 975

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From Brotherly Beefs to Penises, Virginity, Drugs and More,..., 2023 WLNR 578403

1/5/23 Alb. Herald (Alb., Ga.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 578403

Albany Herald, The (Albany, GA)

Copyright (c) 2023 The Albany Herald

January 5, 2023

Section: Arena

From Brotherly Beefs to Penises, Virginity, Drugs and More, Prince Harry’s Biggest Bombshells and Juiciest
Confessions From ‘Spare’


Prince Harry really does tell all, for better or worse.

Prince Harry revealed a slew of secrets in his memoir Spare, dishing on everything from his marital spats with Meghan
Markle to the infamous royal rift with his brother Prince William and father King Charles III.

Here are the biggest revelations from Spare.

Related: How to Watch Prince Harry’s Interviews for Spare

Then-Prince Charles allegedly told Princess Diana he was ‘done’ after Prince Harry was born.

Prince Harry alleged in Spare that after his birth, his father King Charles III (then Prince Charles) told his mother, Princess
Diana, “Now you’ve given me an heir and a spare-my work is done.”

Prince Harry addresses rumors of James Hewitt being his real father-and King Charles’ reaction to them.

Prince Harry alleges that his father would often make cruel remarks about whether or not he was Harry’s biological father.

”Pa liked telling stories, and this was one of the best in his repertoire. He’d always end with a burst of philosophizing …
‘Who knows if I’m really the Prince of Wales? Who knows if I’m even your real father?’” Harry wrote.

”He’d laugh and laugh, though it was a remarkably unfunny joke, given the rumor circulating just then that my actual father
was one of Mummy’s former lovers: Major James Hewitt. One cause of this rumor was Major Hewitt’s flaming ginger hair,
but another cause was sadism,” he continued.

Harry pointed out that Hewitt and Diana met well after his birth, making the rumors completely bogus, but that it didn’t stop
anyone from speculating about it.

Prince Harry alleged that Prince William felt guilt over King Charles’ affair with Camilla during his marriage to Princess

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Prince Harry writes in Spare that when his mother talked about there being “three in the marriage” in her famous Panorama
interview, he and Prince William were hit hard, but that his brother in particular felt responsible somewhat for his father’s

”She left Willy and me out of the equation. We didn’t understand what was going on with her and Pa, certainly, but we
intuited enough, we sensed the presence of the Other Woman, because we suffered the downstream effects,” Harry wrote.
“[It] confused him, tormented him, and when those suspicions were confirmed he felt tremendous guilt for having done
nothing, said nothing, sooner.”

Harry noted that he was too young at the time to understand what was happening between his parents, but that he did notice
“the lack of stability, the lack of warmth and love, in our home.”

Related: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Most Shocking Harry & Meghan Confessions

Prince Harry said that Charles barely consoled him when Princess Diana died.

Prince Philip, Prince William, Earl Spencer, Prince Harry and Prince Charles at Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997Anwar
Hussein/Getty Images

Prince Harry recalls in Spare that now-King Charles III wasn’t particularly warm nor comforting towards him when Diana
died in a car crash in August 1997.

”Pa didn’t hug me. He wasn’t great at showing emotions under normal circumstances, how could he be expected to show
them in such a crisis?” he wrote.

”His hand did fall once more on my knee and he said, ‘It’s going to be OK.’ That was quite a lot for him. Fatherly, hopeful,
kind. And so very untrue,” he added.

He recalled of their conversation about Diana’s death, “[Dad] sat down on the edge of the bed. He put a hand on my knee.
‘Darling boy, Mummy’s been in a car crash.’ I remember thinking: ‘Crash … OK. But she’s all right? Yes?’ I vividly
remember that thought flashing through my mind. And I remember waiting patiently for Pa to confirm that indeed Mummy
was all right. And I remember him not doing that.”

Related: Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Go to King Charles’ Coronation?

Prince Harry and Prince William didn’t want Charles to marry Camilla.

Prince Harry alleges in Spare that both he and his brother urged King Charles (then the Prince of Wales) not to marry

”Despite Willy and me urging him not to, Pa was going ahead. We pumped his hand, wished him well. No hard feelings,” he
wrote. “We recognized that he was finally going to be with the woman he loved, the woman he’d always loved.”

”Fate might’ve intended for him in the first place,” he added. “Whatever bitterness or sorrow we felt over the closing of
another loop in Mummy’s story, we understood that it was besides the point.”

Harry also compared his stepmother to fairy-tale villains.

”I remember wondering … if she would be cruel to me; if she would be like all the evil stepmothers in the stories,” he wrote,
adding, “Willy had been suspicious of the Other Woman for a long time, which confused and tormented him. When those
suspicions were confirmed, he felt agonizing remorse for not having done or said anything before.”
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In Harry & Meghan, Harry pointedly said that most men in the royal family don’t marry for love, but for whoever can “fit the
mold” of the position.

Prince Harry was upset that Camilla used his old bedroom as a dressing room.

Camilla and Prince HarryAnwar Hussein/WireImage

Prince Harry recalled being upset when Camilla transformed one of his old bedrooms into a dressing room.

Harry claims that almost as soon as he moved out of his father’s Clarence House residence, Camilla converted the room into
a wardrobe. “I tried not to care. But especially the first time I saw it, I cared,” he wrote.

Prince Harry lost his virginity to an older woman.

Prince Harry doesn’t name the woman nor specify when it happened, but he writes in Spare that when he lost his virginity
that it was an “inglorious episode ... She liked horses, quite a lot, and treated me not unlike a young stallion.”

”Quick ride, after which she’d smacked my rump and sent me to grace,” he continued. “Among the many things about it that
were wrong. It happened in a grassy field behind a busy pub.”

Prince Harry used cocaine in the past.

Though he long denied ever using drugs, Prince Harry came clean in Spare about using cocaine as a teen, recalling the first
time he tried it being at a hunting weekend with friends.

”I’d been offered a line, and I’d done a few more since,” Harry wrote. “It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me particularly
happy, as it seemed to make everyone around me. But it did make me feel different, and that was the main goal.”

He previously has spoken about using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain he still felt years after the death of Diana.

Prince Harry said Prince William and Kate Middleton encouraged him to wear his notorious Nazi costume.

Newspaper with Prince Harry in a Nazi costumeJIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

While planning to attend a colonizers and natives-themed party-already massively distasteful, tone deaf and minimizing of
the damage the British empire wreaked over the entire world-Prince Harry asked Kate Middleton and Prince William for help
deciding whether to dress up as a Nazi or as a pilot.

”I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said,” Harry recalled in Spare, adding that he went to
their house to model the Nazi uniform for them.

”They both howled. Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the point.”

Prince Harry was 20 years old at the time of the incident. So far none of the royals have made any significant statements on
how colonization has harmed the world.

Related: Prince Harry Details Why He Partly Blames Kate Middleton and Prince William for Nazi Gaffe

Prince Harry got frostbite on his penis before Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

Among details that he absolutely needed to share, Prince Harry writes in Spare that he got frostbite on his nether regions
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during a trip to Antarctica ahead of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding in April 2011.

”The pre-wedding dinner was pleasant, jolly, despite Willy visibly suffering from standard groom jitters,” he wrote. “I
regaled the company with tales of the [South] Pole. Pa was very interested and sympathetic about the discomfort of my
frostnipped ears and cheeks, and it was an effort not to overshare and tell him also about my equally tender penis.”

He continued, “Upon arriving home I’d been horrified to discover that my nether regions were frostnipped as well, and while
the ears and cheeks were already healing, the todger wasn’t.”

Prince Harry and Prince William are circumcised

As if it were anyone’s business, Prince Harry confirmed that he and brother Prince William are circumcised. When
discussing his frostbitten privates, he explained, “My penis was a matter of public record, and indeed some public curiosity,”
Harry writes. “The press had written about it extensively. There were countless stories in books, and papers (even The New
York Times) about Willy and me not being circumcised.”

”Mummy had forbidden it, they all said, and while it’s absolutely true that the chance of getting penile frostbite is much
greater if you’re not circumcised, all the stories were false. I was snipped as a baby.”

Prince Harry thinks he lost his brother when Prince William and Kate Middleton got married.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Pippa Middleton and Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding
in 2011Kirsty Wigglesworth - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince Harry felt a sense of loss when Prince William and Kate Middleton married in April 2011.

”The brother I’d escorted into Westminster Abbey that morning was gone-forever. Who could deny it?” he wrote in Spare.
“He’d never again be first a foremost Willy. We’d never again ride together across the Lesotho countryside with capes
blowing behind us. We’d never again share a horsey-smelling cottage while learning to fly. Who shall separate us? Life,
that’s who.”

”And I recall Willy walking her back up the aisle, and as they disappeared through the door, into the carriage that would
convey them to Buckingham Palace, into the eternal partnership they’d pledged,” he continued. “I recall thinking:

Related: Relive the Best Royal Weddings

Prince William and Kate Middleton were ‘religious’ fans of Suits before meeting Meghan Markle, according to Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane in “Suits”USA Network/NBCUniversal

Prince Harry writes in Spare that Prince William and Kate Middleton invited him over to chat when they noticed a change in
his behavior. It was then that he revealed he was dating someone new, and when Harry told the Cambridges that it was
Meghan Markle, an actress on Suits that it rocked their worlds.

”Their mouths fell open. They turned to each other. Then Willy turned to me and said, ‘F–k off?’” he recalled, adding that
they explained to him that “they were regular-nay, religious-viewers of Suits.” He said they barraged him with questions but
that he was cautious not to reveal too much too soon.

”All this time I’d thought Willy and Kate might not welcome Meg into the family, but now I had to worry about them
hounding her for an autograph,” he wrote.

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Prince Harry says watching Meghan Markle’s sex scenes was a ‘mistake.’

Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross and Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane in a sex scene from “Suits”USA Network

You live and you learn!

In Spare, Prince Harry recalled Googling Meghan Markle when they first started dating and falling into a rabbit hole of
watching her Suits sex scenes with co-star Patrick J. Adams.

Harry joked, “It would take electric-shock therapy to get those images out of my head.”

”I’d witnessed her and a castmate mauling each other in some sort of office or conference room,” Harry wrote. “I didn’t need
to see such things live.”

Prince William told Prince Harry to slow down in his relationship with Meghan Markle.

William and Kate attend Christmas service on the Sandringham Estate along with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.Chris
Jackson/Getty Images

Prince Harry recalled one of the first times he grew miffed with his family’s attitude towards his now-wife: When Prince
Harry told Prince William he thought Meghan Markle was the one, William urged him to slow his roll.

”He still said to slow down,” Harry wrote. He said that William warned him, “’She’s an American actress, after all, Harold.
Anything might happen.’”

Prince Harry said Meghan Markle took Kate Middleton aback when she asked to borrow lip gloss.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Kate MiddletonCHRIS JACKSON/AFP via Getty Images

Prince Harry says that Meghan Markle rubbed Kate Middleton the wrong way when she asked the now Princess of Wales to
borrow lip gloss before they had to speak at an event in 2018, noting that the moment was “awkward” and calling Meghan’s
request “an American thing.”

”Kate, taken aback, went into her handbag and reluctantly pulled out a small tube,” Harry wrote in Spare. “Meg squeezed
some onto her finger and applied it to her lips. Kate grimaced.” He said that it shouldn’t have been a big deal, but that once
the press sensed there may be tension, the stories never stopped, explaining that Middleton realized then that she was “going
to be compared to, and forced to compete with, Meg.”

Related: Prince Harry and Prince William Fight Details

Prince Harry and Prince William got into a physical fight over Meghan Markle.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William and Kate MiddletonEmilio Morenatti - WPA Pool/Getty Images

In what was supposed to be a civil discussion over difficulties Prince Harry and Meghan had adjusting to royal life, Harry
recalled that he and Prince William got into a shouting match. Harry alleged that William referred to Meghan as “abrasive”
and “difficult,” which Harry felt was simply mimicking the media narratives that surrounded his wife. When things got
heated to the point of insulting one another, Harry went into the kitchen of his Nottingham Cottage home to get a glass of
water for William, but the storm didn’t stop.

”He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast,” Harry wrote. “He
grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked
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under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”

Next, find out everything Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have said about racism in the royal family.

---- Index References ----


Industry: (Apparel & Textiles (1AP20); Celebrities (1CE65); Consumer Products & Services (1CO62); Entertainment
(1EN08); Fashion Industry (1FA88); Retail (1RE82); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (AFP; Getty Images; USA Network; The New York Times) (Prince Harry; Spare)

Word Count: 2469

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Frozen penises, drugs, and virginity: what is already known..., 2023 WLNR 1214475

1/11/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 1214475

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

January 11, 2023

Frozen penises, drugs, and virginity: what is already known about Prince Harry’s book

With a series of controversial revelations about the British royal family , Prince Harry ‘s book, officially released on
Tuesday, has been causing a stir worldwide. The book, entitled “What’s Left “ (”Spare”), brings to light various
behind-the-scenes aspects of the relationship of the 38-year-old Duke of Sussex with other members of royalty, especially
King Charles III and his wife, Queen Consort Camilla , as well as disagreements with his brother William and sister-in-law
Kate Middleton .

In the midst of family conflicts, the youngest son of Princess Diana also relates many controversial personal stories. Recall
some of them below.

Fight with William

In detail, Harry tells about the time he was assaulted by his brother, Prince William. The Duke of Sussex revealed an ugly
argument between the two, caused by Meghan Markle. The reason for the argument was allegedly a comment made by King
Charles III’s eldest son in 2019, who described the Duchess as “difficult,” “rude,” and “rough.”

- He grabbed me by the collar, snatched my lanyard and threw me to the floor. I fell into the dog’s food bowl, which broke on
my back, with the shards cutting me. I stayed there for a moment, stunned, then I got up and told him to go away,” he
recounts in one excerpt.


Harry says he snorted a career’s worth of cocaine when he was 17, and admits to having used the stimulant on several other
occasions. He also describes his relationship with marijuana at Eton, the boarding school for boys, and in the gardens of
Kensington Palace. “After dinner, I would smoke a joint, taking care that the smoke did not reach the garden of my neighbor,
the Duke of Kent,” he narrates about his life in 2015. In the book, he also tells about the experience of using hallucinogenic

Nazi fantasy

Harry was involved in one of his biggest controversies in 2005, when the British tabloids exposed him on the cover wearing a
Nazi soldier costume. In the piece the Prince reveals that William and Kate Middleton encouraged him to wear the costume,
which was also a laughingstock.

- I phoned Willy and Kate, asked them what they thought,” he writes. - They both howled. Worse than Willy’s knitted outfit.

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Much more ridiculous! - he adds.

’Laughed at’: Prince Harry blames William and Kate Middleton for wearing Nazi costume at party

Death of Taliban soldiers

In the memoir, he claims to be responsible for 25 deaths of Taliban fighters. During the ten years he served the army, the
duke served two missions in Afghanistan.

- It’s not a number that satisfies me, but it doesn’t embarrass me either,” Harry confesses, saying further that he saw them as
“chess pieces removed from the board” because “you can’t kill people if you see them as people.”

The prince’s account even came under condemnation from the Afghan government, which released a note of repudiation
from the Asian country’s Foreign Ministry.

Name of the book

The title of the book, ‘Spare’, translated into the Brazilian version as “What is left”, is a reference to a comment allegedly
made after Harry was born. He points out that, when he was 20, he was told that his father, Charles, said to Diana, “Great.
You have given me an heir, and a reserve. You’ve done your job.”

Frozen penis

One of the most intimate stories described by Harry is the episode when he had his penis frozen during a 305 km expedition
to the North Pole when he was in the military. He says that his penis was injured and burned because of the extreme cold.
The incident took place on the eve of William and Kate’s wedding in 2011.


Harry mentions that he lost his virginity at the age of 17, in a field behind a “busy pub”. The prince branded the moment as
“one of my many mistakes,” because of the chances that he was caught with “an older woman who liked macho horses and
who treated me like a young stud.”

---- Index References ----

Company: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Asia (1AS61); Western Asia (1WE54))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Foreign Ministry; Afghan government) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Cultura)

Word Count: 664

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Harry ignores drug damage, 2023 WLNR 8505457

3/8/23 Irish Daily Mail 39

2023 WLNR 8505457

Irish Daily Mail

Copyright © 2023 Associated Newspapers Company

March 8, 2023

Section: News

Harry ignores drug damage

I HAVE long thought that people should give Prince Harry a break - until his ‘honesty’ about using drugs including cannabis
and how this has ‘helped’ him.

I wonder if he has taken a walk on the other side of Los Angeles? I was there a couple of weeks ago and was shocked to see
so many homeless people high as a kite. Cannabis is legal in California for recreational use, which clearly exacerbates the
problem. Beverly Hills oozes wealth, but on its doorstep is a tent city of the desperate. The fact Harry says cannabis helped
his mental health does no favours to those who have succumbed to regular drug taking or youngsters thinking of trying it.
Most won’t have the luxury of money to keep them out of tent city.


---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health, Education & Welfare (1HE31); Social Issues (1SO05); Social Welfare (1SO83))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 135

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 44 of 128

Harry never ‘intended to hurt’ the royal family, 2023 WLNR 1256117

1/12/23 USA TODAY B4

2023 WLNR 1256117

USA Today (USA)

Copyright (c) 2023 Gannett

January 12, 2023

Section: News

Harry never ‘intended to hurt’ the royal family

Edward Segarra

January 12, 2023

Prince Harry isn’t sparing us the cold, hard truth of life as a British royal. The Duke of Sussex sat down for a candid
interview with Anderson Cooper on “60 Minutes,” which aired Sunday on CBS. The interview previewed the “unflinching
honesty” of Harry’s upcoming memoir “Spare,” which hits shelves today and details his life before and after he and his wife,
Duchess Meghan, stepped back from their roles as senior members of the royal family. In his conversation with Cooper,
Harry opened up about his relationships with members of the royal family, including his father’s wife, Queen Consort
Camilla, as well as the yearslong grief of losing his mother, Princess Diana, at age 12. Here are the biggest bombshells from
Harry’s interview.

Despite the frankness of his upcoming memoir, including his description of his brother, Prince William, Harry told Cooper
“Spare” is his way of setting the record straight about the tensions in his family life.
Prince Harry never ‘intended to hurt’ family with memoir
”None of anything that I’ve written, anything I’ve included is ever intended to hurt my family,” Harry said. “But it does give
a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one that
destroyed the relationship between these two brothers.”

Responding to the criticism of being very “public” since resigning from his royal duties, Harry claimed his attempts at
privacy have been thwarted by the royal family’s correspondence with the media.

”Every single time I’ve tried to do it privately there have been briefings and leakings and planting of stories against me and
my wife,” he said. “The family motto is ‘Never complain, never explain,’ but it’s just a motto.

”So now, trying to speak a language that perhaps they understand, I will sit here and speak truth to you with the words that
come out of my mouth, rather than using someone else, an unnamed source, to feed in lies or a narrative to a tabloid media
that literally radicalizes its readers to then potentially cause harm to my family, my wife, my kids.”
Prince Harry revisits ‘guilt’ after Diana’s death
Harry also spoke about the emotional aftermath of the loss of his mother, who was killed in a car accident in Paris in 1997.
Recalling meeting mourners outside Kensington Palace in London with William, Harry said he remembers “the guilt that I

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Harry never ‘intended to hurt’ the royal family, 2023 WLNR 1256117

”The fact that the people that we were meeting were showing more emotion than we were showing, maybe more emotion
than we even felt,” said Harry, adding that he felt like a “middle person” for people’s grief.

He said he understands his mother more now because he is a parent to two children himself.

”I’m starting to comprehend the position that she was as a mother, a single parent, looking after two boys with this intense
media harassment,” he said. “It wasn’t online then. It was very much physical. She was being chased.”

He added that he continues to do everything he can to protect his family “because it certainly doesn’t seem as though the
British press have changed their ways.”
Prince Harry on using psychedelic drugs to cope with trauma of Princess Diana’s death
Harry went into detail with Cooper about the healing process of grieving his mother’s death. Apart from going to therapy,
Harry said he has also pursued experimental medicinal treatments, such as using the psychedelics Ayahuasca and psilocybin.

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic created from “prolonged heating or boiling of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine with the leaves of the
Psychotria viridis shrub,” according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. Psilocybin, or magic mushrooms, are “naturally
occurring and are consumed for their hallucinogenic effects.”

”I would never recommend people to do this recreationally,” Harry said. “But doing it with the right people, if you are
suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a way of working as a medicine.”

Harry said taking the drugs gave him clarity about his own relationship with grief. “They cleared away this idea that I had in
my head that I needed to cry to prove to my mother that I missed her. When in fact, all she wanted was for me to be happy,”
Harry said.
Prince Harry, William ‘didn’t think it was necessary’ for King Charles, Camilla to wed
Harry spoke about his relationship with Camilla, who married his father, King Charles III, in 2005.

Harry revealed that he and William asked Charles not to marry Camilla. “We didn’t think it was necessary,” Harry said. “We
thought that it was going to cause more harm than good and that if he was now with his person, that surely that’s enough.
Why go that far when you don’t necessarily need to?”

He added: “We wanted him to be happy, and we saw how happy he was with her. So, at the time, it was, ‘OK.’”

But, Harry said, Camilla’s need to “rehabilitate her image” came at a cost because of “the connections that she was forging
within the British press.”

”If you are led to believe, as a member of the family, that being on the front page, having positive headlines, positive stories
written about you, is going to improve your reputation or increase the chances of you being accepted as monarch by the
British public, then that’s what you’re going to do.”
Prince Harry says he was excluded from plans to see Queen Elizabeth II before she died
Harry was in the right place when it was announced Queen Elizabeth II was under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle in
Scotland. Harry was in London in September while his grandmother was ill.

”I asked my brother – I said: ‘What are your plans? How are you and Kate getting up there?’ And then, a couple of hours
later, you know, all of the family members that live within the Windsor and Ascot area were jumping on a plane together. A
plane with 12, 14, maybe 16 seats,” he said, adding that he was “not invited” to travel with them.

Harry was met by his aunt, Princess Anne, who allowed him to spend some time with Elizabeth alone. She had died by the
time he arrived.

”I was actually really happy for her. Because she’d finished life. She’d completed life, and her husband was waiting for her,”
he recalled. “And the two of them are buried together.”
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Harry never ‘intended to hurt’ the royal family, 2023 WLNR 1256117

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Alcohol and Drug Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Edition: 1

Word Count: 1080

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 47 of 128

Harry says marijuana ‘really helped’ him mentally but cocaine..., 2023 WLNR 8060432

3/4/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8060432

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 4, 2023

Harry says marijuana ‘really helped’ him mentally but cocaine ‘did nothing’ for him
Prince Harry went through various drugs from stimulants to psychedelics and explained what they did for him
during a livestreamed Q&A with trauma e...

By, Charlie Jones & Kelly-Ann Mills

Prince Harry went through various drugs from stimulants to psychedelics and explained what they did for him during a
livestreamed Q&A with trauma expert Dr Gabor Maté

Prince Harry has said that marijuana “really helped him” mentally but taking cocaine “did nothing for him”.

The Duke of Sussex opened up about his drug use in a live question and answer session tonight, set up to promote his
memoir, Spare, where the audience paid for a ticket to tune in.

Speaking about cocaine, Prince Harry told Dr Gabor Maté: “That didn’t do anything for me. It was more of a social thing.”

He added: “It gave me a sense of belonging for sure.

”It also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which is kind of the point.”

Moving on to cannabis, which he has admitted to using before, Harry said: “Marijuana is different, that actually did really
help me.”

The Duke sat down with Dr Gabor Maté, an expert in trauma and childhood development, on Saturday March discuss
living with loss and the importance of personal healing.

The live event came a month after the highly-anticipated book, which details how the young Prince dealt with the death of his
mum Princess Diana, was released.

He also revealed he felt a lot of peer pressure to drink alcohol.

The Prince said: “I was at a dinner party and people would all be drinking and I wasn’t the one drinking. I would feel left out
of the conversation, to the point where it was like ‘if you’re not going to have a drink leave.’ So i was like ‘Okay I’ll leave.’

”I started to realise ‘Wow is this the way the world is’.

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Harry says marijuana ‘really helped’ him mentally but cocaine..., 2023 WLNR 8060432

”Where if, for whatever reason you don’t drink or you don’t want to have a drink that night, then there seems to be this group
peer pressure.”

The duke also told of using psychedelics such as ayahuasca.

He went on: “It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on
Instagram, these layers of filters.

”It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a
period of time.

”I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental
parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.”

Tickets for the event cost £17, plus a £2.12 fee for UK customers, and included a copy of Spare which became the
fastest-selling non-fiction book in the UK since records began following its release in January.

Harry’s ghost-written tell-all autobiography laid bare his frustrations with his family.

He claimed his brother William, now the Prince of Wales, had knocked him to the floor at Harry’s then home Nottingham
Cottage after calling the Duchess of Sussex “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive”.

The duke claimed his father, now the King, put his own interests above Harry’s and was jealous of Meghan and Kate, and
that the Queen Consort sacrificed him on “her personal PR altar”.

Speaking about negative reaction to the book, Harry said: “Sometimes I’m surprised and sometimes I’m not.

”It is the same group of people who react the same way when someone in a position like myself talk about their trauma.

”As we’ve already discussed, I’m not a victim in this, but there’s almost a balancing act. The more they criticise, the more
they comment, the more I feel the need to share.

”I found a way to be able to look around, and firstly ignore, the criticisms and the abuse.”

The duke, who lives in California after moving to the US in 2020, has revealed he has enough material for two books but
held back because he does not think his father and brother would “ever forgive” him.

It has not yet been confirmed whether Harry will be invited to attend his father’s coronation in May.

The livestreamed event was produced by Penguin Random House in partnership with Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and
Indigo Books & Music.

---- Index References ----

Company: BARNES & NOBLE, INC.; Indigo Books & Music Inc.; PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC

News Subject: (Alcohol Abuse (1AL63); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Parents & Parenting
(1PA25); Teenagers (1TE59))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

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Harry says marijuana ‘really helped’ him mentally but cocaine..., 2023 WLNR 8060432

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Barnes & Noble; Indigo Books & Music; Penguin Random House) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 716

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Harry used drugs to deal with ‘trauma and pain’, 2023 WLNR 8079563

3/5/23 Independent (United Kingdom) 12

2023 WLNR 8079563

Independent (UK)
Copyright (c) 2023 Independent News and Media Limited.

March 5, 2023

Section: News

Harry used drugs to deal with ‘trauma and pain’


Prince Harry has revealed that using marijuana and psychedelics helped him deal with trauma in his life, as he is diagnosed
with attention deficit disorder (ADD) during a livestream interview.

The Duke of Sussex spoke to Dr Gabor Mate, a trauma expert, and they covered a wide range of topics, including his
mother’s death, drug use, his time in the army, and his relationship with other members of the royal family.

On using drugs, Prince Harry said: “(Cocaine) didn’t do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of
belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.
Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.”

The duke also spoke of using plant-based psychedelics such as ayahuasca, after Dr Mate told of using it with his patients.

Harry said: “It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on
Instagram, these layers of filters. It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness
that I managed to hold on to for a period of time.

”I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental
parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.”

Harry, who took part in the interview to continue publicising his controversial tell-all memoir Spare, also spoke about the
death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997 when the duke was just 12 years old.

Dr Mate told him: “Reading the book, I diagnose you with ADD....I see it as a normal response to normal stress.” He said this
can be “healed at any age”. The Duke of Sussex responded: “Thanks for the free session.”

Prince Harry also tackled some of the negative reaction to his book, that included a recent particularly scathing portrayal of
the prince and his wife, Meghan, in an episode of South Park.

Speaking about dismissive reaction to the tome, the Duke of Sussex said: “Sometimes I’m surprised and sometimes I’m not.

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Harry used drugs to deal with ‘trauma and pain’, 2023 WLNR 8079563

”It is the same group of people who react the same way when someone in a position like myself talk about their trauma. “As
we’ve already discussed, I’m not a victim in this, but there’s almost a balancing act.

”The more they criticise, the more they comment, the more I feel the need to share. I found a way to be able to look around,
and firstly ignore, the criticisms and the abuse.”

Talking about his army career, he claimed that some British soldiers were not “necessarily” supportive of military efforts in

During the livestreamed conversation, Dr Mate told the Duke of Sussex that he did not align with the West during the

Harry responded: “One of the reasons why so many people in the United Kingdom were not supportive of our troops was
because they assumed that everybody that was serving was for the war.

”But no, once you sign up, you do what you’re told to do. “So there was a lot of us that didn’t necessarily agree or disagree,
but you were doing what you were trained to do, you were doing what you were sent to do.”

The Duke of Sussex also revealed that a lack of hugs he received from members of the royal family during his childhood has
affected how he raises his children.

He said: “It leaves me in the position now, as a father of two kids of my own, to make sure that I smother them with love and
affection,” he said. “Not smother them to the point where they’re trying to get away and I’m like, ‘No, come here I need to
hug you.’”

Harry’s latest interview comes after the revelation that he and wife Meghan have been asked to leave Frogmore Cottage by
King Charles.

Sources claimed that the couple are “not fighting” the decision, as they are said to be making arrangements to have their
remaining belongings shipped to California.

It has not yet been confirmed whether Harry will be invited to attend his father’s coronation in May or whether he will accept
if he is asked to come.

Additional reporting by PA

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders & Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

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Harry used drugs to deal with ‘trauma and pain’, 2023 WLNR 8079563


Edition: 2ND

Word Count: 749

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 50

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 53 of 128

Harry’s book shatters foundations of the royal family before..., 2023 WLNR 721009

1/7/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 721009

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

January 7, 2023

Harry’s book shatters foundations of the royal family before hitting the stands

Three days before its world premiere, Prince Harry’s autobiography, entitled Spare, has shaken the foundations of the British
royal family before it even hits the stands. In 416 pages, the youngest son of King Charles III makes a series of revelations
that have led critics to accuse him of wanting to “ruin the monarchy. Leaked excerpts show that Harry used cocaine and other
drugs, report that he killed 25 Taliban during his military service in Afghanistan, and expose his troubled relationship with
his brother, William. First in line of succession to the throne, William reportedly assaulted him during an argument over
Meghan Markle, Harry’s wife. In 2020, Harry abdicated his monarchical duties and moved to California with his wife.

A specialist in constitutional law and UK politics, with a focus on monarchy, from Bangor University (in Wales), Craig
Prescott admitted to the Mail that the autobiography is damaging to the royal family. “There are allegations about Prince
William. More deeply, the book suggests pressures and challenges that members of the royal family may face. This is likely
to lead to debates about reform and the future of the monarchy,” he commented. However, the scholar understands that the
past has highlighted similar situations. “There was the abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936, and the difficulties between
Charles and Princess Diana in the early 1990s. On both occasions, the monarchy carried on. It is in transformation, with a
greater focus on the future of the line of succession,” he said.

Prescott envisioned the possibility that Harry and Meghan would return to the bosom of the royal family and play an
important role in the coming years. “Now, that is something very hard to imagine. The book reveals the depth of the feud
between William and Harry, and it seems hard for me to see how it can be overcome. It seems that Harry wants some form of
public accountability or apology for what he believes occurred.”
Open criticism
Jonathan Sacerdoti - a British journalist and commentator on the royal family - agrees that Harry’s autobiography is “one of
the most potentially damaging books to the monarchy in many years.” “In a direct way, Harry attacks aspects of his own
family’s behavior and openly criticizes the royal family as an institution. His attack is both personal and organizational. The
way he refers to William shows a clear sense of rivalry with his older brother,” he explained to the report. “But Harry is also
very critical of the king himself, by suggesting that Buckingham Palace deliberately leaked information against him and
Meghan, to somehow damage his reputation.”

According to him, the most sensitive points of the piece were the direct criticism of Charles III and the royal family’s value
system. “Charles III has just begun the reign, and part of his job is to erect his existing reputation so that subjects will support
him more and more. In the book, Harry paints his father as unfriendly and unloving, which will not be well received. The
same goes for William, Prince of Wales: attempts to portray him as explosive and violent go against the image he wishes to
convey,” Sacerdoti added.

The revelation about the deaths of 25 Taliban drew criticism from the British military and Afghanistan’s own Islamic

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Harry’s book shatters foundations of the royal family before..., 2023 WLNR 721009

fundamentalist militia. “Harry is putting salt in the wounds of the Afghan people,” Mohammad Suhail Shaheen, head of the
Taliban’s political office in Doha (Qatar) and former spokesman, warned the Post. Shortly after, he posted on social media
that the British prince committed crimes against humanity. “They (the Taliban) were guerrillas for the freedom of their own
country. Harry was an invader, and his cause, illegitimate. While our men were heroes, you were the enemy. To this day,
every day people visit the graves of heroes and honor their memory, but they put a curse on Harry,” the Taliban wrote.

Sacerdoti pointed out that the mention of the operations in Afghanistan was widely questioned for characterizing the British
Armed Forces in a negative way. In his autobiography, Harry confided that he thought of the executed Taliban as “chess
pieces removed from the board.” “This suggests that Harry was trained to regard those he killed as if they were not human,”
said the royal commentator.
Charles and Camilla
In the book, Harry claimed that he and his brother, William, begged their father, now King Charles III, not to marry Camilla
Parker Bowles. According to the British tabloid The Sun, the brothers had separate dates with Camilla before she was part of
the family. Harry said that they both showed willingness to forgive their stepmother if she would make Charles happy.
Diana’s death
Harry was 12 years old when Princess Diana, his mother, died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997. In the book, he
details that Charles did not hug him when he gave him the news about his mother’s death. Harry wrote that he retraced
Diana’s path on the night of the accident because he believed that this gesture would end a cycle. According to him, this
made him question the official cause of the tragedy.
Assaulted by his brother
Harry reported that William grabbed him by the collar and knocked him to the floor of his London home. The brother
reportedly made comments about his sister-in-law Meghan, calling Harry’s wife “rude,” “difficult,” and “scathing.” “I fell
into the dog bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I stood there for a moment, stunned, then got up
and told him to leave,” Harry wrote.
Loss of virginity
Humiliating. That was the term Harry used to describe the experience when he lost his virginity to an older woman, at the age
of 17, in a field behind a pub. According to him, the woman treated him like a “young stud”.
Drug use
According to the autobiography, Harry snorted a career of cocaine at someone’s house when he was 17, and used the drug on
other occasions. However, he claimed not to have enjoyed it. He also reported smoking marijuana in the bathroom at Etton
College, and trying hallucinogenic mushrooms on a trip to California in 2016.
Fight at grandfather’s funeral
Harry and William reportedly got into another argument during the funeral of their grandfather, Prince Philip, on September
19, 2022. According to the autobiography, Charles stood between his sons and made a plea, “Please, boys. Don’t make my
last years of life a misery.”
Taliban as a target
Harry recounted that when he was a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan between 2012 and 2013, he participated in six military
missions and killed 25 Taliban fighters. “It wasn’t a statistic that filled me with pride, but it didn’t make me ashamed either,”
he wrote. “When I found myself immersed in the heat and confusion of combat, I didn’t think of those 25 (Taliban) as
people. They were chess pieces removed from the board.”

”Let’s see if the International Criminal Court and human rights organizations will question Harry about this crime and bring
him to justice or if they will cover it up. We will see whether they are sincere in their mission or raise mere empty slogans.”
Mohammad Suhail Shaheen, head of the Taliban’s political office in Doha (Qatar)
”After personal details became public, including conversations Harry had with his father and brother, Charles and William
are likely to be accurate in confronting the younger man, for fear of further leaks. They would like all of this to be resolved
privately, without public exposure.”
Craig Prescott, an expert in constitutional law and UK politics, with a focus on monarchy, from Bangor University
(in Wales)
”In the book, Harry claims concern for his own safety. This seems totally at odds with the fact that he boasts of having killed
25 Taliban. Many people fear that the prince has put a target on the back of himself and his own family by mentioning the
deaths in Afghanistan. But there are other parts of the autobiography that could damage the monarchy.”
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Harry’s book shatters foundations of the royal family before..., 2023 WLNR 721009

Jonathan Sacerdoti, British journalist and commentator on the royal family

---- Index References ----

Company: International Criminal Court; Bangor University

News Subject: (Assault & Battery (1AS33); Crime (1CR87); Global Politics (1GL73); Social Issues (1SO05); Top World
News (1WO62); Violent Crime (1VI27); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Arab States (1AR46); Asia (1AS61); Europe (1EU83); Gulf States (1GU47); Middle East
(1MI23); Qatar (1QA42); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Asia (1WE54); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (British Armed Forces; International Criminal Court; Bangor University) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Reino Unido)

Word Count: 1332

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 56 of 128

Harry: I’ve always felt different from rest of my family, 2023 WLNR 8102497

3/5/23 People (UK) 4

2023 WLNR 8102497

People (UK)
Copyright © 2023 MGN Ltd.

March 5, 2023

Section: News

Harry: I’ve always felt different from rest of my family

FRESH MISERY FOR ROYALS ALS AS dukE cHAtS to tRAumA guRu Prince admits he took drugs to relax New
blast at King over his traumatic broken home


PRINCE Harry last night heaped more misery on his dad King Charles with a series of shocking admissions which included
TAKING illegal drugs like cannabis and cocaine that changed him.

FEELING different from the rest of the Royal Family.

QUESTIONING why Britain went to war in Afghanistan - and claiming he was a typical soldier from “a broken home”.

? CLAIMING that speaking about his trauma over his mum Diana’s death was an act of service to the world.

The Duke of Sussex - speaking publicly for the first time since he and wife Meghan, 41, were ordered out of their UK royal
base at Frogmore Cottage by Charles - denied he was looking for sympathy by publishing blistering allegations in his
memoir, Spare.

But his latest claims in an internet podcast with a controversial self-help guru are likely to cause further divisions with his
dad and brother Prince William.

Harry, 38, revealed in the £20-a-head podcast - likely to have been watched by Palace aides - how elements of his childhood
were incredibly painful and he always felt slightly different to other royals.

And he drew parallels with mum Diana, who died in 1997 after

NEW LIFE Harry and Meghan live in US divorcing Charles. He said: “I felt strange being in this container and I know that
my mum felt the same.

”It makes sense to me. It didn’t make sense at the time. I felt as though my body was in there and my head was out.”

Quizzed by Canadian author Dr Gabor Maté on whether readers would see his

GRIEF William, memoir as wallowing in selfpity, Harry replied: “I definitely don’t see myself as a victim.”

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Harry: I’ve always felt different from rest of my family, 2023 WLNR 8102497

He said people told him Meghan had saved him, adding: “I was stuck in this world and she was from a different world and
helped draw me out of that.”

Asked about how it felt to break free from “fancy captivity” by quitting the UK for California, Harry replied: “It feels great.
Once the book came out I felt incredibly free. I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. The system in which I was part of
doesn’t encourage free living.”

He told Dr Maté how he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress after seeking counselling over Diana’s death.

Harry said: “When I found my therapist and started to really unpack 12-year-old Harry at the point of where my mother died,
that did start to unravel all sorts of other moments. It was scary.”

Harry said he turned to the psychedelic drug ayahuasca to deal with the traumas and added: “It was the cleaning of the
windshield, the removal of life’s filters.

”And these layers and filters, it removed it all for me. It brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort.”

He added: “I started doing it recreationally and started to realise how good it was for me. It is one of the fundamental parts of
my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.”


The duke said of his dabbles with cocaine: “That didn’t do anything for me. It was more a social thing. It gave me a sense of
belonging for sure.

”Marijuana is different, that did actually really help me. Alcohol is certainly more of a social thing.” Harry also claimed a lot
of people in the armed forces didn’t agree or disagree with the war in Afghanistan, where he was a helicopter gunship pilot.

He said: “One of the reasons why so many people in the United Kingdom were not supportive of our troops was because they
assumed that everybody that was serving was for the war.

”But no, once you sign up, you do what you’re told to do. So there was a lot of us that didn’t necessarily agree or disagree.”

Last night Col Philip Ingram, a former military intelligence officer and Nato planner, said he believed Harry was wrong to air
his views.

He added: “I also think he is wrong saying about troops being against the war because I don’t think that was the case.”

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Global Politics (1GL73); Military Conflicts (1MI68); Social Issues (1SO05);
Top World News (1WO62); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Internet Media Content (1IN04))

Language: EN

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Harry: I’ve always felt different from rest of my family, 2023 WLNR 8102497

Other Indexing: (PRINCE Harry)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 685

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 59 of 128

How dangerous Amazonian drug ‘promoted’ by Prince Harry..., 2023 WLNR 8254813

3/6/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8254813

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 6, 2023

How dangerous Amazonian drug ‘promoted’ by Prince Harry has become the latest trend adored by middle
class Brits

Emily Craig Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline

With Prince Harry discussing the role of drugs in managing his ‘trauma and pain’, a spotlight has once again been shone onto

Amazonian tribes have used the psychedelic brew for thousands of years to bring ‘spiritual enlightenment’.

Amazonian tribes use the psychedelic ayahuasca for ‘spiritual enlightenment’ Prince Harry discussed the role of the
hallucinogenic in managing his ‘trauma’

Yet ayahuasca’s use isn’t just confined to shamanistic rituals deep in the jungles of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador — or young
Western travellers experimenting while they journey through South America.

For the powerful hallucinogenic potion has, over the past decade, become trendy among another group... to the despair of
psychiatrists and experts.

Presenter Bruce Parry, famous for making documentaries in remote parts of the world, has been partly credited with ‘bringing
ayahuasca to the middle classes’.

After taking it with indigenous tribes in Iquitos, Peru, he called the bitter brew one of his ‘greatest healing methodologies’
when discussing its effects in 2013.

In a frank admission, Bruce said he takes it ‘as often as possible’ in Colombia and other parts of the world.

No data exists to prove how commonly the drink is used in the UK.

Yet there are dozens of events and retreats, which cost up to £1,500 for a week, in the UK that have been shared online under
the hashtag ayahuasca, or promising ayahuasca ceremonies.
READ MORE: Family of woman, 29, who killed herself after suffering psychosis from the drug Prince Harry
claimed ‘really helped’ his mental health in latest interview slam the Duke as ‘irresponsible’ after he described his
‘positive’ experience of ayahuasca
Ayahuasca has been blamed for the deaths of at least three Brits, one of whom took her own life due to its effect on her
mental health.

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How dangerous Amazonian drug ‘promoted’ by Prince Harry..., 2023 WLNR 8254813

DMT is the active ingredient in ayahuasca, which makes it a Class A Drug.

Possession can come with a prison term of up to seven years in the UK and an unlimited fine.

It is made by combining the bark from a Banisteriopsis caapi vine tree and leaves from the Psychotria viridis bush — both of
which are native to south America — and originally used by shamans for healing and religious rituals.

The psychedelic affects all the senses — altering a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions. It can make users feel
tripped out, hallucinate or feel frightened and confused.

Its effects, which are almost instantaneous and said to be similar to LSD and magic mushrooms, also include raised blood
pressure, heart rate and body temperature, as well as nausea, diarrhoea and anxiety.

Experts are now worried that Prince Harry’s latest comments could ‘promote’ the ‘quack therapy’, which is illegal in the UK,
US and Canada, as a way to ‘remove life’s filters’.

In an interview broadcast online on Friday, Prince Harry talked to Dr Gabor Maté, a controversial author and trauma expert
who is an advocate of decriminalising drugs.

The Hungarian-Canadian doctor has used ayahuasca to treat his patients suffering from mental illness.

In the interview, which viewers were charged £19 to watch — and get a copy of his book — Prince Harry discussed the rift
with his family and his experience with drugs.

He said that cocaine ‘didn’t do anything’ for him, though it was a ‘social thing’ and gave him a ‘sense of belonging’.

But marijuana ‘really’ helped him.

And ayahuasca triggered feelings of ‘release’ and ‘comfort’ that helped him deal with his trauma, Prince Harry said.

He added: ‘It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on
Instagram, these layers of filters.

’It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a
period of time.

’I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental
parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past.’

In a previous interview, Prince Harry said he would not recommended taking the substance recreationally.

But he added: ‘Doing it with the right people if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these
things have a way of working as a medicine.’

In the interview with the Duke of Sussex, Dr Maté denied that the drug can trigger side effects such as vomiting — which
one study found affects seven in 10 users — and hallucinations.

He said: ‘You purge with it sometimes, it’s a good thing. It doesn’t give you hallucination — it gives you visions... You think
it’s really happening.’
Traditional psychoactive plants that can trigger health problems
For thousands of years before the arrival of European explorers, native American tribes harnessed the psychoactive properties
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of plants for magic and ritual.

Since the 1960s hippy trail reached South America, Western visitors have been tempted to ‘broaden their consciousness’ by
consuming hallucinogenic drinks mixed by local shamen – traditional healers and spiritual guides.

While substances such as ayahuasca are illegal to possess or supply in the UK, overseas retreats where people can sample
them are widely promoted online, and many users have reported trying them in this country as well.

Actress Lindsay Lohan credited drinking ayahuasca – which is created by pounding vine stems in boiling water – with
helping to free her from ‘the wreckage of my past’.

Musician Sting is also a proponent, saying ayahuasca had convinced him a ‘higher intelligence’ was at work.

Users experience hours of illusions and flashbacks. It is illegal in the UK as it contains the Class A drug DMT.

Experts warn ayahuasca and similar potions could trigger underlying mental health conditions or heart problems.

There are reports that tourists in South America have been robbed after being drugged by bogus shamen.

After the death of backpacker Henry Miller, 19, from Bristol, who paid £13 to try ayahuasca during his gap year trip to
Colombia in 2014, a coroner warned against taking part in such rituals.

Wachuma – brewed from the mescaline-producing San Pedro cactus and known as ‘the doorway’ – causes vomiting and
12-hour hallucinations, risking exacerbating underlying mental illness.

The cacti are legal to own – but only if not intended for human consumption.

However, he added: ‘I don’t think it’s a panacea for dealing with trauma.’

Professor Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at the University of Exeter, told MailOnline:
‘Ayahuasca is an under-researched botanical hallucinogenic and psychedelic drug that has shown some rather preliminary
promise in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

’Adverse effects are on record, some of which are serious.

’Its promotion as a life-changing treatment is unwise at best and irresponsible at worst.’

Dr Max Pemberton, an NHS psychiatrist in London and columnist for The Daily Mail, said the Duke of Sussex’s comments
are ‘highly irresponsible and ‘promoting yet another quack therapy’.

’Harry plainly has no understanding of the serious damage these substances can wreak on users – damage that I see on mental
health hospital wards with upsetting frequency,’ he said.

Dr Pemberton warned that Prince Harry has been ‘seduced by the fashionability of the drug, which is popular among the
trendy middle classes’.

Meanwhile, the family of Jennifer Spencer, who died by suicide aged 29 in 2019 after taking ayahuasca in Peru, said his
comments were ‘irresponsible’.

Ms Spencer suffered severe psychosis as a result of her experience with the drug.

Her aunt, Fiona Chase, 73, told The Sun: ‘He should not be speaking positively about this drug. It’s irresponsible because a
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lot of people look up to him.

’It worked for him, but it certainly didn’t work for Jenny. Like every drug, different people react differently.’

Ms Spencer is not the only Brit to die after a trip on ayahuasca, however.

Henry Miller, from Bristol, died in 2014, aged 19, in the Columbian rainforest, which he had travelled to be part of a
shamanic ritual and take ayahuasca.

On his first try, he felt no effects from the brew, so went back two days later to try it again. But soon after drinking one cup,
his breathing slowed and he became unwell.

His body was found by the side of a road, after two men tried to take him to hospital and ‘panicked’ when he died en route,
an inquest heard at the time. A coroner ruled that it was an accidental death by intoxification.

Earlier this year, a coroner warned against taking the drug after Katie Hyatt, 32, suffered a mental breakdown and took her
own life following a shamanic ritual at a retreat in Malvern, Worcestershire.

Her parents believe she had consumed ayahuasca.

Last year, actor Will Smith revealed during an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he drank the brew over 12 times during a
retreat in Peru, while having marital problems with his wife Jada.

Mike Tyson said ayahuasca and other psychedelics saved his life, while Hunter Biden said profound trips helped him become

Actress Lindsay Lohan credited drinking ayahuasca – which is created by pounding vine stems in boiling water – with
helping to free her from ‘the wreckage of my past’.

Musician Sting is also a proponent, saying ayahuasca had convinced him a ‘higher intelligence’ was at work.

And Aaron Rodgers, an American football quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, revealed that he took the drugs on two
separate retreats to Peru, which he credited for helping with ‘a lot of healing’.

Experts warn that the ‘intense’ trips the drink can trigger may lead flashbacks or even a mental health condition.

It use dates back to 900BC, when it was taken for religious and medicinal purposes. While it continues to be used in this way
in south America, the use by tourists has grown.

It is popular among tourists travelling in south America, who drink the brew during a ceremony, led by a healer or shaman, at
specialist retreat centres.

Some studies have suggested ayahuasca could improve mental health and some credit it for tackling addiction, depression
and trauma.

A University College London a study found the so-called ‘jungle tea’ may boost wellbeing and lower the risk of depression.

The UCL researchers, who examined results from the Global Drug Survey, said those who took the plant, which causes
hallucinations that last up to six hours, were also less likely to develop eating disorders.

If you are affected by any of the issues raised by this article, you can call the Samaritans anonymously for free on 116 123, or
go online at
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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Health & Family (1HE30); Health & Wellness (1HE60))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders
& Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Europe (1EU83); Latin America (1LA15); Peru (1PE60); South America (1SO03))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (University of Exeter; University College London; Green Bay Packers) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1751

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Meet Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriend he almost married, 2022 WLNR 36435585

11/13/22 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2022 WLNR 36435585

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2022 ContentEngine, USA.

November 13, 2022

Meet Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriend he almost married

Before Meghan Markle came into Prince Harry’s life, the son of King Charles III was known as one of the most
“womanizing” royals in the history of the British royal family. In addition, the Duke of Sussex had problems with drugs and
this caused many headaches for Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince Harry had numerous girlfriends, and one of the most remembered is Chelsy Davy, whom Harry met during a tour in

Read more: The harsh revelation about the origin of the grudge between Princes William and Harry
Who is Chelsy Davy?
Before graduating from Eton College, Prince Harry decided to travel to Africa. There he met Chelsy Davy, a businesswoman
born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, of British parents. Prince Harry and Chelsy soon began to be photographed and hounded by
the world’s press. This situation overcame Davy and the young woman decided to end the relationship in 2010.

Read more: These would be the new titles of Archie and Lilibet Diana, children of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

”I found it difficult. It’s not something you get used to,” Davy once assured The Times. When they ended their relationship,
Prince Harry was 24 and she was 23.
What is Chelsy Davy’s life?
The relationship between Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy continued to be good even after their breakup. The young woman
attended the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, as the royal family had become very fond of her. Besides,
Chelsy and Kate used to spend a lot of time together and this generated between them a beautiful friendship.

Chelsy secretly married Sam Cutmore-Scott, the younger brother of actor Jack Cutmore-Scott, who owns a hotel chain.
Chelsy studied economics and law and worked in a law firm. This year it became known that Chelsy Davy became the
mother of little Leo. The young woman shared the news through her Instagram account. In addition Davy is the founder of
“Aya Jewels”, and to create her jewelry she is inspired by Africa.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Consumer Products & Services (1CO62); Entertainment (1EN08); Luxury Items (1LU28))
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Region: (Africa (1AF90); Southern Africa (1SO66); Zimbabwe (1ZI44))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Eton College) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 331

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Meet the ‘toxic trauma’ expert interviewing Prince Harry, 2023 WLNR 7422504

2/28/23 Evening Standard Online (London, U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 7422504

Evening Standard Online (London, UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

February 28, 2023

Meet the ‘toxic trauma’ expert interviewing Prince Harry

He’s treated his patients with psychedelic drugs and written books on ADHD, addiction and stress. Get to know
Dr Gabor Maté, who is set to intervie...

Martha Alexander

He’s treated his patients with psychedelic drugs and written books on ADHD, addiction and stress. Get to know Dr Gabor
Maté, who is set to interview Prince Harry this weekend

Bad news for anyone who has heard quite enough from him — and music to the ears of anyone hungry for more – Prince
Harry is set to take part in a livestream chat with Canadian child development expert and author of six books, Dr Gabor Maté.

The hour-long conversation will take place online on Saturday March 4th at 5pm (UK time) on Vimeo. It will be broadcast to
ticket holders only and costs £17 plus a £2.12 fee for UK customers. This will include a copy of Prince Harry’s memoir,

Produced by Penguin Random House in partnership with Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and Indigo Books & Music, Prince
Harry, 38, and Dr Maté, 79, are set to discuss the importance of personal healing, among other topics.

Each guest has the opportunity to submit a question, which may be chosen for a Q&A session that will conclude the event.

But what exactly is Dr Maté’s relationship to Harry? And what else can we expect to see the pair discuss in what will be the
prince’s first public event since his January publicity blitz for Spare?

Dr Maté is an apt choice for Prince Harry to talk with, not least because the former’s next book, Hello Again: A Fresh Start
for Parents and Their Adult Children, is due for release later this year.

His focus on familial relationships is clear, as he asked “How much of what I have believed and done is actually my own and
how much has been in service to a self-image I originally created in the belief it was necessary to please my parents?” in his
book When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress.

Dr Maté lives in Vancouver with his wife Rae, whom he married in 1969 after meeting at the University of British Columbia.
They have three children, including journalist Aaron Maté, with whom Dr Maté wrote Hello Again, and daughter Hannah,
who is a PhD student in clinical psychology. Born in Hungary in 1944, as the Second World War raged, he moved to Canada
at the age of only 12. As an infant, his mother put him in the care of strangers to keep him safe for over a month. However,
he felt acute anger and developed a fear of abandonment, which he’s carried throughout his life — and has informed his work

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Meet the ‘toxic trauma’ expert interviewing Prince Harry, 2023 WLNR 7422504

on trauma, child development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addiction and stress.

An advocate for drugs being decriminalised, Dr Maté has even used the plant ayahuasca — which causes hallucinations and
vomiting — to treat patients suffering from addiction and mental illness on dedicated retreats, where he worked with a
Peruvian shaman. Although there was evidence to suggest his methods helped to ease symptoms, in 2011 he got into hot
water with the Canadian authorities who threatened to arrest him.

However, that same year, Dr Maté, who spent much of his career working alongside drug addicts in one of Vancouver’s
roughest neighbourhoods, had his work recognised in the form of the Civic Merit Award of the City of Vancouver as well as
the Order of Canada.

While he is officially retired as a practising physician, Dr Maté shows no sign of putting his feet up. He is a frequent public
speaker and a prolific writer.

He also has an active Instagram account with 1.2 million followers including the likes of Elizabeth Day, Mae Martin and
Anita Rani — although it is run, with his blessing, by his daughter. He features in ‘to camera’ videos or conversations on
topics such as people pleasing, childhood trauma, and how to move past suffering.

He is regularly invited on podcasts to offer insight into all sorts of psychological issues. He spoke on Fern Cotton’s Happy
Place podcast about the emotional demands put on women by the traditional family unit and discussed addiction with Bryony
Gordon on her Mad World podcast. He told Gordon he would ban the word ‘addict’ if he could. Dr Maté firmly believes that
we are all addicts to some degree.

One of his most cited quotes is “a hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours”.

There is speculation about how the collaboration with Harry came about. Was it a decision made by Random House? Or
perhaps Harry is a client of Dr Maté? The latter theory is unlikely, given that while Dr Maté is a retired practicing physician.

It is probable that Harry, who has very much taken the reins on his own life over the last few years, decided to select Dr Maté
to accompany him for this part of Spare’s promotion — not least because it is another nod to his interest in talking therapy,
which he has had for seven years.

”The moment I started doing therapy, it opened my eyes,” he said at the inaugural Masters of Scale Summit in 2022. “I was
moving through life thinking there was only one way to live. And therapy burst that bubble.”

Given Dr Maté’s areas of expertise and how much Harry’s memoir focuses on his childhood (including the trauma of losing
his mother, Princess Diana, when he was only 12), it is likely that the livestream will focus on grief, loss and personal

The conversation, which viewers are prohibited from making any copies of and during which the ‘chat’ function will be
disabled, comes after a turbulent period for Prince Harry, who lives in California with his wife Meghan and their two

His memoir is the fastest-selling non-fiction book in the UK since records began in 1998, shifting over 467,000 copies in its
first week. However, a recent poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek found that his popularity — and that of his
wife — has slumped to an all-time low among Americans. The couple were also savagely mocked in an episode of South

However, under a post promoting the virtual conversation on his Instagram, while many commenters questioned why Dr
Maté would give Harry further publicity, there was plenty of support. “Everyone deserves healing,” one person said.

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Meet the ‘toxic trauma’ expert interviewing Prince Harry, 2023 WLNR 7422504

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Children (1CH89); Children’s Health (1CH55); Disabled Issues (1DI27); Health & Family (1HE30);
Learning Disabilities (1LE39); Parents & Parenting (1PA25))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders
& Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); British Columbia (1BR37); Canada (1CA33); Europe (1EU83); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Barnes & Noble,; Penguin Random House) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1036

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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One-On-One With Prince Harry; Buckingham Palace Has..., 2023 WLNR 971995

1/10/23 CNN: Anderson Cooper 360 (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 971995

CNN: Anderson Cooper 360

Copyright (c) 2023 Cable News Network LP, LLLP

January 10, 2023

One-On-One With Prince Harry; Buckingham Palace Has Repeatedly Decline To Comment On The Contents Of
Prince Harry’s Memoir. Aired 8- 9p ET

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Or would it use its industrial and economic power to
control Taiwan instead of its military and that, Erin, is a critical question.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST: Oren, thank you very much. Sobering.

And thanks so much for joining us. Don’t forget you can watch “Out Front” anytime on CNN Go.

AC 360, meantime starts now.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Welcome to a Special Edition of 360. The Harry interview, my conversation with
Prince Harry that I did it for CBS “60 Minutes.”

Tonight, the interview and we’ll discuss with our correspondents and guests the potential fallout from it and what Harry
reveals in his new book which comes out on Tuesday.

Prince Harry may have stepped back from his Royal duties in 2020, but he and his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex
certainly haven’t stepped away from the spotlight.

Just last month, they appeared in a six-part Netflix documentary about their relationship and their decision to leave their
Royal lives behind. But now, the 38-year-old Prince Harry is telling his own story in his new memoir, “Spare,” a nod to his
backup role in the line of succession.

The book is a stunning break with Royal protocol. It is deeply personal, and it’s an account of Prince Harry’s decades long
struggle with grief after the death of his mother, Princess Diana, and a revealing look at his fractured relationships with his
father, King Charles; his stepmother, the Queen Consort, Camila; and his brother, Prince William, the heir to his spare.


COOPER: You write about a contentious meeting you had with him in 2021. You said: “I looked at Willy, really looked at
him maybe for the first time since we were boys. I took it all in. His familiar scowl, which had always been his default in
dealings with me, his alarming baldness more advanced than my own, his famous resemblance to mummy, which was fading

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with time, with age.” It’s pretty cutting.

PRINCE HARRY, DUKE OF SUSSEX: I don’t say it as cutting at all. You know, my brother, and I love each other. I love
him deeply. There has been a lot of pain between the two of us, especially the last six years. None of anything that I’ve
written or anything I’ve included, is ever intended to hurt my family.

But it does give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was
the one that destroyed the relationship between these two brothers.

COOPER: I think so many people around the world watched you and your brother grow up and feel like you two were
inseparable. And yet in reading the book, you have lived separate lives from the time your mom died.

Even when you were in the same school in high school --

PRINCE HARRY: Sibling rivalry.

COOPER: Your brother told you, pretend we don’t know each other.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, and at the time, it hurt. I couldn’t make sense of it. I said, what are you talking about? We’re now at
the same school. Like, I haven’t seen you for ages. Now, we get to hang out together. He’s like, no, no, when we’re at school,
we don’t know each other.

I took that personally. But yes, you’re absolutely right. You hit the nail on the head, like, we had a very similar traumatic
experience and then we dealt with it in two very different ways.

COOPER: William, it tried to talk to you occasionally about your mom. But as a child, you could not -- you couldn’t

PRINCE HARRY: For me. It was never a case of I don’t want to talk about it with you. I just don’t know how to talk about. I
never ever thought that maybe talking about it with my brother or with anybody else at that point would be therapeutic.

COOPER (voice over): In August 1997, Harry and William were vacationing in Scotland with their father. Harry was 12,
William 15. They were asleep at Balmoral Castle on August 31st when Harry was awakened by his father, who told him his
mother had been in a car crash in Paris.

COOPER: In the book you write? He says, “They tried darling, boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.” These phrases remained
in my mind like darts in a board, you say. Did you cry?

PRINCE HARRY: No. I never shed a single tear at that point. I was shocked. You know, I am only 12 years old, sort of
seven, seven thirty in the morning, early. Your father comes in, sits on your bed, puts his hand on your knee and tells you
there’s been an accident. I couldn’t believe.

COOPER: And you write in the book that “Pa, didn’t hug me. He wasn’t great at showing emotions under normal
circumstances. But his hand did fall once more on my knee and he said, it’s going to be okay.” But after that nothing was
okay for a long time.

PRINCE HARRY: No, nothing was okay.

COOPER (voice over): Harry says his memories of the next few days are fragmented, but he does remember this: Greeting
mourners outside Kensington Palace in London the day before his mother’s funeral.

COOPER: When you see those videos now, what do you think?
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PRINCE HARRY: I think it’s bizarre, because I see William and me smiling. I remember the guilt that I felt --

COOPER: Guilt about?

PRINCE HARRY: The fact that the people that we were meeting were showing more emotion than we were showing, maybe
more emotion than we even felt.

COOPER: They were crying, but you weren’t.

PRINCE HARRY: There was a lot of tears and I talk about how wet people’s hands were, I couldn’t understand it at first.


COOPER: Their hands were wet.

PRINCE HARRY: Their hands are wet from wiping their own tears away.

I do remember one of the strangest parts to it was taking flowers from people, and then placing those flowers with the rest of
them as if I was some sort of middle person for their grief, and that really stood out for me.

COOPER (voice over): The funeral on a cool September morning was watched by as many as two and a half billion people
around the world. Perhaps the most indelible image, Prince Harry and his brother walking behind their mother’s casket on its
way to Westminster Abbey.

COOPER: What do you remember about that walk?

PRINCE HARRY: How quiet it was. I remember the occasional wail and screaming of someone. I remember the horse
hooves on the road. The bridles of the horses, the gun carriage, the wheels, the occasional gravel stone underneath your shoe,
but mainly, the silence.

COOPER (voice over): After the service Princess Diana’s body was brought for burial to her family’s ancestral estate,

PRINCE HARRY: Once my mother’s coffin actually went into the ground. That was the first time that I actually cried. Yes,
there was never another time.

COOPER: All through your teenage years, you didn’t cry about it? PRINCE HARRY: No.

COOPER: You didn’t believe she was dead.

PRINCE HARRY: For a long time. I just refused to accept that she was gone. Part of, you know, she would never do this to
us, but also part of maybe this is all part of a plan.

COOPER: I mean, you really believe that maybe she had just decided to disappear for a time.

PRINCE HARRY: For a time, and that she would call us and we were going to join her.

COOPER: How long did you believe that?

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. Many, many years. William and I talked about it as well. He had similar thoughts.

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COOPER: You write in the book, you say, “I’d often say to myself first thing in the morning, maybe this is the day.” Maybe
this is the day that she’s going to reappear.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. Hope. I had huge amounts of hope.

COOPER (voice over): He held on to that hope into adulthood. When Harry was 20, he asked to see the police report about
the crash that killed his mother, her boyfriend Dodi al Fayed, and their driver Henri Paul, while they were being pursued by
paparazzi in a Paris tunnel.

The files contain photographs of the crash scene. Why did you want to see it?

PRINCE HARRY: Mainly proof. Proof that she was in the car, proof that she was injured and proof that the very paparazzi
that chased her into the tunnel were the ones that were taking photographs of her lying half dead on the backseat of the car.

COOPER: You write, “I hadn’t been aware before this moment,” talking about looking at the pictures of the crash scene,
“That the last thing mommy saw on this earth was a flashbulb.”


COOPER: That’s what you saw in the pictures.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. Well, there were pictures that showed the reflection of a group of photographers taking photographs
through the window and the reflection on the window was them.

COOPER (voice over): He only saw some of the crash photos. His private secretary and adviser dissuaded him from looking
at the rest.

PRINCE HARRY: All I saw was the back of my mom’s head slumped on the backseat. There were other more gruesome
photographs, but I will be eternally grateful to him for denying me the ability to inflict pain on myself by seeing that, because
that’s the kind of stuff that sticks in your mind forever.

COOPER (voice over): Harry says he believed his mother might still be alive until he was 23 and visited Paris for the first

You told your driver, “I want to go to the tunnel where my mom died.”

PRINCE HARRY: I wanted to see whether it was possible driving at the speed that Henri Paul was driving, that you could
lose control of a car and plow into a pillar killing almost everybody in that car. I need to take this journey. I need to ride the
same route.

COOPER: The same tunnel, the same speed.

PRINCE HARRY: All of it.

COOPER: Your mother was going.

PRINCE HARRY: Because William and I had already been told the event was like a bicycle chain. If you remove one of
those chains, the end result would not have happened and the paparazzi chasing was part of that. But yet, everybody got away
with it.

COOPER (voice over): Harry writes he and his brother weren’t satisfied with the results of a 2006 investigation by London’s
Metropolitan Police, concluding Diana’s driver, Henri Paul had been drinking and the crash was a “tragic accident.”
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PRINCE HARRY: William and I considered reopening the inquest, because there was so many gaps and so many holes in it,
which just didn’t add up and didn’t make sense.

COOPER: Would you still like to do that?

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t even know if it’s an option now, but no, I think -- would I like to do that now? That’s a hell of a
question, Anderson.

COOPER: Do you feel you have the answers that you need to have about what happened to your mom?

PRINCE HARRY: Truth be known, no. I don’t think I do. I don’t think my brother does either. I don’t think the world does.


Do I need any more than I already know? No, I don’t think it would change much.

COOPER (voice over): Harry now says it wasn’t until he served in combat with the British Army in Afghanistan that he
finally found purpose and a sense of normalcy.

PRINCE HARRY: My military career saved me, in many regard.

COOPER: How so?

PRINCE HARRY: It got me out of the spotlight from the UK press. I was able to focus on a purpose larger than myself, to be
wearing the same uniform as everybody else, to feel normal for the first time in my life and accomplish some of the biggest
challenges that I ever had.

I was training to become an Apache helicopter pilot, you don’t get a pass for being a prince.

COOPER: The Apache doesn’t give a crap about who you are.

PRINCE HARRY: No. There’s no prince autopilot button that you can press and just takes you away.

I was a really good candidate for the military. I was a young man in my 20s, suffering from shock, but I was now in the front
seat of an Apache, shooting it, flying it, monitoring four radios simultaneously and being there to save and help anybody that
was on the on the ground with a radio screaming, we need your support. We need air support. That was my calling. I felt
healing from that, weirdly.

COOPER: And that multitasking, the brain work of that, that felt good to you.

PRINCE HARRY: It felt like I was turning pain into a purpose. I didn’t have the awareness at the time that I was living my
life in adrenaline. And that was the case from age 12, from the moment that I was told to my mom had died.

COOPER: You say war didn’t begin in Afghanistan, it began in August 1997.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, the war for me unknowingly was when my mum died.

COOPER: Who are you fighting?

PRINCE HARRY: Myself. I had a huge amount of frustration and blame towards the British press for their part in it.

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COOPER: Even at 12 -- I mean, at that young, you were feeling that toward the British press.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, I mean, it was obvious to us as kids, the British press is part in our mother’s misery and I had a lot of
anger inside of me that luckily, I never expressed toward anybody, but I resorted to drinking heavily, because I wanted to
numb the feeling, I wanted to distract myself from whatever I was thinking and I would resort to drugs as well.

COOPER: Harry admits he smoked pot and used cocaine and writes that in his late 20s, he felt hopeless and lost.

PRINCE HARRY: There was this weight on my chest that I felt for so many years, and I was never able to cry. So I was
constantly trying to find a way to cry. But even sitting on my sofa, and going over as many memories as I could muster up
about my mum and sometimes I watch videos online.

COOPER: Of your mum? PRINCE HARRY: Of my mum.

COOPER: Hoping to cry.


COOPER: And you couldn’t.

PRINCE HARRY: I couldn’t.

COOPER (voice over): He sought out help from a therapist for the first time seven years ago, and reveals he’s also tried more
experimental treatments.

You write in the book about psychedelics, Ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms.

PRINCE HARRY: I would never recommend people to do this recreationally, but doing it with the right people if you are
suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a way of working as a medicine.

COOPER: They showed you something. What did they show you?

PRINCE HARRY: For me, they clear the windscreen -- the windshield, the misery of loss. They cleared away this idea that I
had in my head that my mother, that I needed to cry to prove to my mother that I missed her, when in fact, all she wanted was
for me to be happy.


COOPER: We’ll continue with part two of my interview shortly. But first joining us right now, CNN Royal correspondent,
Max Foster; CNN Royal historian Kate Williams, and Bonnie Greer, noted author and playwright and former Deputy Chair
of the British Museum.

Max, let’s start with you. You know, this is a two-part interview that we did for “60 Minutes,” and one of the reasons that we
wanted to start with this -- with a focus on Princess Diana and the experience of her death for Harry is in reading the book
and it is 460 pages, I mean, it is, yes, people are going to be paying most attention to all the revelations and you know, the
inside information that he’s giving out, the break of protocol with Royal family, information he is telling about the Royal
family, which we will show shortly.

But for me, I mean, this is such a memoir about loss and about grief and about the devastating impact of childhood trauma,
the death of his mom which played out obviously on a global scale and it’s extraordinary how the life that he lived is so
different than or his perception of himself and his perception of his life is so different than the world’s perception of what his
life and his inner life must have been like growing up.
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I find that sort of dichotomy interesting.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, and it is where we all connect with Harry, isn’t it, that image of
him walking behind the coffin and utter sympathy you have for that young boy and how he was so deeply affected.

And as you explored with him, so effectively, this is a really sort of historic part of the interview, because it was a global
event defining for the UK in modern history and you see him behind the coffin and you tried to get a sense of what that was
like. And you’ve given that -- you know, you’ve shown and brought that out. So, it’s incredibly powerful.

And these images are seared on the world’s consciousness. And then, you know, you explore this part of the -- you know, he
didn’t -- he wondered if she was still alive and he didn’t really believe that she was dead until he saw the photos, and then he
sees the paparazzi around the body.

And this is utterly defining, as you explore later on in the interview, how, from that moment onwards, he’s at war, really,
with a media. And it’s not just the photographers. It is the news desks that commission and buy those photographers.

COOPER: Kate, I’m wondering what you thought of this side of Harry, how much was new to you? Does it inform at all the
way kind of what is happening now?

KATE WILLIAMS, CNN ROYAL HISTORIAN: Yes, Anderson, it was just heartbreaking to hear him talk about his
mother’s death. I was so moved, he said he felt guilty, because he couldn’t cry.

I remember being out there with the crowds, everyone was weeping. The tears were falling out. You were out there as a
reporter. The grief was cataclysmic. And yet Harry, the one with really almost the greatest -- he and William had the greatest
right to grieve of all, he just couldn’t cry. He felt so guilty.

I was so moved about him talking about his feelings, and how he is speaking out, Harry’s book, there really has been three
things for me: A portrait of a very dysfunctional family, their relationships with the press in this dysfunctional family. But
most of all, a portrait of a young boy losing his mother at this young age, with very little support from within the family and
also expected to play this role on the world stage.

And when he said “My war began in 1997,” that was, I think, a stunning revelation and really went to the heart of why he is
still suffering now, the loss of his mother and how much the press had a role in that.

COOPER: Bonnie, I mean, again, for me, the idea of how little we actually know about the people we think we know in
public life, you know, how they see their lives, their inner life is so completely opposite from what people imagined it would

BONNIE GREER, FORMER DEPUTY CHAIR, BRITISH MUSEUM: Well, Anderson, this family is a little bit more than,
you know, celebrities. I mean, they are constitutional elements of his country. The head of the family is the constitutional
head of state, his oldest is also in the Constitution, and the oldest after that are also in the Constitution. So they become much
more than a prominent family. They’re actually the fabric of the country.

And you know, I can remember I mean, I remember when Charles and Diana brought Harry out of the Lindo Wing at St.
Mary’s, the day he was born, and watching this jolly little redhead boy who just always had a smile on his face, until that day,
when he was made to walk behind that coffin, which was barbaric, but also keeping in the tradition of this family, which is
more than a family, they are the state.

So that is the issue I think that the British people are going to have to come to grips with and I think is what Harry in which
you show in that really brilliant interview, Harry is challenging this and this is really the conflict and the clash is going to
come in the British body politic.
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COOPER: It is also interesting, Max, I mean, this whole notion of the heir and the spare, which you know, it’s been in
tabloids -- tabloid headlines, the fact that it kind of rhymes is obviously a tabloid catnip. Prince Charles and I asked this to
Harry, we didn’t include it in the interview, but you know, Prince Charles is famously rumored to have said to Diana after
Harry’s birth, well, you know, I’ve done my job I’ve given you an heir and a spare and that my job is done.

I asked him if he thought that was a true story. He said based on the various sources he had talked to or who had told him
about it, he thought it probably was true, but also probably meant as a joke.

But that heir and spare dynamic, it pops up throughout the book, and throughout the relationship between Prince William and
Prince Harry, we all have this idea that or at least you know, if you see a lot of the coverage in the British tabloids since the
whole rift, the argument is that that Meghan was the cause of that, and I don’t know what degree that is true, but from what
Prince Harry is saying in his book, and he documents this is from the time Diana died, they lived two very separate lives and
dealt with that grief in very separate ways. It’s like they were on separate paths. And part of that is the heir and spare


FOSTER: I mean, what Charles said there is the brutal reality though, isn’t it? This is a monarchy, it is built on a hierarchy
and Harry spoke to you about that. And by any definition, you know, there are more senior people in the hierarchy. If you
don’t like the hierarchy, you don’t like monarchy. And then Harry, of course, says he does believe in monarchy, I think that
is the reality.

I mean, I think what William’s side would say is that they did everything they could to make Harry not feel like a spare. They
elevated him, they had something called the Royal Foundation, where they worked together initially, Harry and William, and
that was an umbrella group for all of their charities.

And I think William felt that he was elevating what would be a traditional role for a spare, a spare, would, in the past, just be
invisible and brought in if they’re needed.

So I think Harry really struggled with that and then it was the treatment, of course, from William that he felt he received as
well always being made to feel like a spare. And ultimately, when he found Meghan, and she wasn’t happy with the situation,
either. They came together and realized they couldn’t do this any longer.

COOPER: And Kate, one of the things that Harry talks about is that his being dubbed the spare and his role as the spare, he
felt he was more vulnerable to the British press than others in the Royal family. He was essentially expendable, and that
particularly comes into play when he is making the argument that other members of the Royal family, as we will see in this
next part of the interview, in particular, now, the Queen consort, Camila, he says, was essentially throwing him under the bus.

He was one of the bodies left in the street, as she had a relationship with the British media.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I think that is exactly what Harry is saying. Harry feels he was the scapegoat that many other Royals used
him to deflect from their own problems, their own insecurities, and the bad stories about them. And particularly just as you
say, he talks about Camila, he said that she was seen as a villain, she needed to rehabilitate her image. And the way she did
this particularly was by pushing forward negative stories about Harry.

As the spare, he is expendable, and I thought you brought this out so acutely in the interview, the grief he suffered, that the
isolation he suffered, but also as this “Spare,” the title of the book, that very structure I think, even though he says he
supports the monarchy, he does blame it for so much of what went wrong.

We have a situation in which one child gets everything and all the attention and the next child not only gets nothing, but also
is sold out to the press and that is why he was so unhappy and that is why he felt he had to leave and I think it really raises
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questions about the structure of monarchy, spare and heir, the European Royals don’t do it like that. The younger Royals
have their jobs, they don’t expect to be a backup Royal, maybe that’s the way we have to go.

It’s not humane in the way that it is at present.

COOPER: We’ve got to take a short break. We’ll have more with Bonnie and Kate and Max. Stay with us.

When we come back, part of my interview you didn’t see last night. I asked Harry about why he made no mention of the
most headline making comment his wife gave to Oprah Winfrey alleging a Royal family member had expressed concerns
about what the skin color their first baby might be.

Also ahead, part two of the “60 Minutes” interview. Harry tells me why he called his stepmother Camila “dangerous.”

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: You wrote, “I even wanted to Camila to be happy, maybe she’d be less dangerous if she
was happy.” How is she dangerous?

PRINCE HARRY: Because of the need for her to rehabilitate her image.

COOPER: That made her dangerous.

PRINCE HARRY: That made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the British press.




COOPER: Welcome back to this Special Edition of 360.

Harry’s memoir “Spare” is anything but spare in its unflattering portrayal of the Royal family especially his stepmother,
Camila, now the Queen Consort. She married then Prince Charles in 2005, though the two had been romantically involved on
and off for decades.

When Princess Diana famously referred to Camila as the third person in her marriage, the British tabloids ran with it and
Prince Harry has never forgotten.


PRINCE HARRY: She was the villain. She was the third person in the marriage, she needed to rehabilitate her image.

COOPER: You and your brother both directly asked your dad not to marry Camila.



PRINCE HARRY: We didn’t think it was necessary. We thought that it was going to cause more harm than good. And that if
he was now with his person, that surely that’s enough. Why go that far when you don’t necessarily need to.

We wanted him to be happy and we saw how happy he was with her. So at the time it was okay.

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COOPER: You wrote that she started a campaign in the British press to pave the way for a marriage and you wrote, “I even
wanted Camila to be happy, maybe she’d be less dangerous if she was happy.” How was she dangerous?

PRINCE HARRY: Because of the need for her to rehabilitate her image.

COOPER: That made her dangerous. PRINCE HARRY: That made her dangerous because of the connections that she was
forging within the British press, and there was open willingness on both sides to trade information and with a family built on
hierarchy and with her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street because of

COOPER (voice over): Harry says over the years, he was one of those bodies. He accuses Camila and even his father at times
of using him or William to get better tabloid coverage for themselves.

Prince Harry writes Camila, “... sacrificed me on her personal PR altar.”

PRINCE HARRY: If you are led to believe as a member of the family that being on the front page, having positive headlines,
positive stories written about you is going to improve your reputation or increase the chances of you being accepted as
monarch by the British public, then that’s what you’re going to do.

COOPER (voice over): In his book, Harry writes that when he introduced Meghan Markle to his family in 2016, his father
initially took a liking to her. But William was skeptical, disdainfully referring to Meghan as an American actress, though
Harry doesn’t specify who, he says other members of the Royal family were uneasy as well.

PRINCE HARRY: Right from the beginning before he even got a chance to get to know, and the UK press jumped on that
and here we are.


COOPER (on-camera): And what was that based on, that mistrust?

PRINCE HARRY: The fact that she was American, an actress, divorced, black, biracial for the black mother. Those were just
four of the typical stereotypes that is becomes a feeding frenzy for the British press.

COOPER (on-camera): But all those things within the family also were sources of mistrust.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, you know, my family read the tabloids. You know, it’s laid out at breakfast when everyone comes
together. So, whether you walk around saying you believe it or not, it’s still leaving an imprint in your mind. So, if you have
that judgment based on a stereotype right at the beginning, it’s very, very hard to get over that. And a large part of it for the
family, but also the British press and numerous other people, was like, he’s changed. She must be a witch. He’s changed. As
opposed to, yes, I did change and I’m really glad I changed, because rather than getting drunk, falling out of clubs, taking
drugs, I had now found the love of my life and I now have the opportunity to start a family with her.

COOPER (voice-over): Soon after their relationship became public, harry insisted on putting out a statement condemning
some of the tabloid coverage of Meghan and what he called, quote, the racial undertones of comment pieces. (on-camera):
You write that your dad and your brother William were furious with you for doing that. Why?

PRINCE HARRY: They felt as though it made them look bad. They felt as though they didn’t have a chance or weren’t able
to do that for their partners. What Meghan had to go through was similar in some part to what Kate and what Camilla went
through. Very different circumstances. But then you add in the race element, which was what the British press jumped on
straight away. I went into this incredibly naive I had no idea the British press was so bigoted. Hell, I was probably bigoted
before the relationship with Meghan.

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COOPER (on-camera): You think you were bigoted before the relationship with Meghan?

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t know. Put it this way, I didn’t see what I now see.

COOPER (voice-over): They were married in May 2018 in a ceremony that seemed to promise a more modern and inclusive
royal family and given the titles Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Behind the scenes, according to Harry, William’s mistrust of
Meghan only worsened.

(on-camera): Did you ever try to meet with William and Kate to defuse the tension?


COOPER (on-camera): How did that meeting go?

PRINCE HARRY: Not particularly well.

COOPER (voice-over): In early 2019, Harry writes, the rancor between William and him exploded at Harry’s cottage on the
grounds of Kensington Palace.

(on-camera): Your arguments with your brother became physical.

PRINCE HARRY: It was a buildup of frustration, I think, on his part. It was at a time where he was being told certain things
by people within his office. And at the same time, he was consuming a lot of the tabloid press, a lot of the stories, and he had
a few issues which were based not on reality. And I was defending my wife, and he was coming for my wife. She wasn’t
there at the time, but through the things that he was saying, I was defending myself and we moved from one room into the
kitchen and his frustrations were growing and growing, and growing. He was shouting at me. I was shouting back at him. It
wasn’t nice. It wasn’t pleasant at all. And he snapped and he pushed me to the floor.

COOPER (on-camera): He knocked you over?

PRINCE HARRY: He knocked me over. I landed on the dog bowl.

COOPER (on-camera): You cut your back? PRINCE HARRY: Yes, I cut my back. I didn’t know about it at the time. But
yes, he apologized afterwards. It was a pretty nasty experience, but --

COOPER (on-camera): He asked you not to tell anybody? Not to tell Meghan?

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. And I wouldn’t have done. I didn’t until she saw on my back, she goes, what’s that? I was like,
what? Actually, didn’t know what she was talking about. I looked in the mirror, I was like, because I hadn’t seen it.

COOPER (voice-over): Meghan has said constant criticism and pressure led her in the winter of 2019 to contemplate suicide.

PRINCE HARRY: The thing that’s terrified me the most is history repeating itself.

COOPER (on-camera): You really feared that your wife Meghan?

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, I feared. I feared a lot that the end result, the fact that I lost my mum when I was twelve years old
could easily happen against my wife.

COOPER (voice-over): In January 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan announced they intended to, in their words, step back as
senior members of the royal family. They moved to California three months later. Then there was the headline grabbing
interview with Oprah Winfrey and a deal with Netflix worth a reported hundred million dollars. Critics say the Duke and
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Duchess are cashing in on their royal titles while they still can.


(on-camera): Why not renounce your titles as Duke and Duchess?

PRINCE HARRY: And what difference would that make?

COOPER (on-camera): One of the criticisms that you’ve received, is that, OK, fine, you want to move to California, you
want to step back from the institutional role. Why be so public? Why reveal conversations you’ve had with your father or
with your brother? You say you try to do this privately.

PRINCE HARRY: And every single time I’ve tried to do it privately, there have been briefings and leakings and planting of
stories against me and my wife. You know, the family motto is, never complained, never explain. But it’s just a motto, and it
doesn’t really hold.

COOPER (on-camera): There’s a lot of complaining and a lot of explaining?


COOPER (on-camera): And private being done in through leaks.

PRINCE HARRY: Through leaks.

COOPER (voice-over): Prince Harry continues to claim he would never leak against his family.

PRINCE HARRY: So now trying to speak a language that perhaps they understand, I will sit here and speak truth to you with
the words that come out of my mouth, rather than using someone else, an unnamed source, to feed in lies or a narrative to a
tabloid media that literally radicalizes its readers to then potentially cause harm to my family, my wife, my kids.

COOPER (voice-over): Last month, the British tabloid The Sun published a vicious column about Meghan written by a TV

(on-camera): He said, I hate her at night. I’m unable to sleep as I lie there grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day where
she is made to walk naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant shame and throw lumps of
excrement at her. Did that surprise you?

PRINCE HARRY: Did it surprise me? No. Is it shocking? Yes. I mean, thank you for proving our point.

COOPER (on-camera): Has there been any response from the palace?

PRINCE HARRY: No. That comes a point when silence is betrayal.


COOPER: A lot to talk about. I’m joined now by Max Foster, Kate Williams, Bonnie Greer. There’s a lot of issues there to
talk about the issue of Camilla, which is probably one of the big allegations made in this book.

But Bonnie, I also want to bring up something that wasn’t in the included in the 60 Minutes interview, though. Though it
took part in the interview. It was played on CBS Mornings this morning. I asked Harry about a comment that Meghan, the
Duchess of Sussex, had made to Oprah Winfrey in that headline making interview when they first came to the United States
before the Netflix show. And she had said that a member of the family, of Harry’s family had expressed concerns. There have
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been conversations about the potential skin color of their first child. I want to play they didn’t go any further in that
interview, Oprah oppressed them, they didn’t go any further. It became a huge story. I want to play -- I asked Harry about it.


COOPER (on-camera): In your interview with Oprah, probably one of the most explosive claims came from Meghan, which
was that a member of the Royal family wondered how dark your child skin would be. That wasn’t brought up in Netflix or in
the book. Why?

PRINCE HARRY: The way the British press reacted to that was fairly typical. There was like a hunt for the raw racist.
Neither of us believe that comment or that experience or that opinion was based in racism, unconscious bias, yes. But I think
that you speak to the majority, maybe not all, but the majority of mixed-race couples around the world that the white side of
the family would wonder whether talking openly about it or amongst themselves, what the kids are going to look like. The
key word here was concern as opposed to curiosity. But the way that the British press, what they turned it into was not what it

COOPER (on-camera): But you stand by that happened, but you just didn’t feel the need to.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, but what else did I say at the end of within that Oprah interview?

COOPER (on-camera): That you would not discuss it further.



COOPER: Bonnie, I wonder you made of how he framed that? Because obviously it was got a huge publicity at the time and
there was no mention of it in ethics, no mention of it in his book.

BONNIE GREER, FMR DEPUTY CHAIR, BRITISH MUSUEM: Well, you know, I saw it. You remember Oprah’s reaction
was something like what? And the whole world stopped, then Meghan looked as she was about to cry. So, you know, we
have to take that as very serious and maybe even deliberate. And then Harry kind of implies that maybe it wasn’t. So, you
know, how do you take this?

The other thing I want to say that I didn’t get a chance to say about spare. Anderson, there’s no way that a person who is
royal one side and high nobility on the other would be surprised about being called a spare. The second son is a norm in
aristocratic of royal circles. Henry the 8th was a second son. His great grandfather was a second son. They were spares. So,
Harry would have known about the spares. He would have gone to school with a bunch of spares.


The issue is, I think, that there was no space for this man to be who he is in this particular family. I mean and that’s the crisis.
And we can see that when he’s walking behind his mother’s coffin on that day. That is a crisis. And it’s a crisis not just for
Harry. It’s a crisis for the British people. They have to make some decisions about this family, because I’ve frankly, I’ve
lived here a long time, half my life, and every decade, there’s something about the royal family that’s going on every decade.
And I think the British people are going to have to make a decision about this, because the head of the family is the
constitutional head of state. His eldest is the constitutional, and his eldest is constitutional. Everybody else is despair.


GREER: So, you know, we need to actually this has to be in the hands of the British people to actually understand what’s
going on here and deal with it, because this can’t keep going on.
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One-On-One With Prince Harry; Buckingham Palace Has..., 2023 WLNR 971995

COOPER: Max, you know, you hear Prince Harry talking about his relationship with the Queen Consort, Camilla. I mean
that’s really some of in the book, some of his toughest perspective is about her.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. And for me, that was seismic. You know, actually, it’s interesting
through that story and, you know, part of the interview, how he lets off Charles quite lightly there, and he has done, actually,
throughout the whole of this book. The reality is, over the last 20 years or so, Charles has driven this effort to rehabilitate
Camilla’s image. And Harry, in that interview in the book, is literally blowtorching that saying that she’s dangerous and she
was leaking stories, and that was undermining other members of the royal family. But Charles was part of that as well, has
been part of that. There’s no way she could have gone through that process of working with the media, which (INAUDIBLE)

COOPER: And I should point out, Harry does hinted that -- does talk about that, his perspective on it in the book. There’s
more detail of it in the book. He talks about one particular incident when Harry was actually in high school and there were all
these stories about alleged drug use. Harry was, I believe, smoking pot, he says, but many of the details were, he says, were
not true that were being reported. And he believes a decision was made by the spin doctors that were employed by his father
and by Camilla, essentially, to, if not greenlight those stories, not try to squash them or count or in some way try to minimize
them because they were convinced or told by their spin doctor that those stories would make Prince Charles look better. He
would suddenly go from being the villain in the story who had been terrible to his former wife, to being the beleaguered dad
with a drug adult son.

FOSTER: Yes. I mean, reality is they do protect the more senior members of the family. Not necessarily a campaign against
the junior members of the family, but I mean the crying incident. You know, this has gone into folklore, you know, who
made who cry? Meghan or Kate over the bridesmaid dress just before the wedding. I mean it’s quite defining. I mean, none
of us know who made who cry. The story got in the papers was that Meghan made Kate cry and Meghan and Harry are really
precious about this, saying it wasn’t that way around, it was the other way around. But the palace wouldn’t address that
because it would be a more negative story for Kate to make Meghan cry. And that’s the sort of thing that really frustrates
Harry and Meghan.

But, you know, my experience was that whenever I worked with William’s side of the palace, they would often, you know,
and hey were working with the Sussexes as well. They were constantly talking about, you know, the racism and the sexism in
the British tabloid media, and they were trying to stick up for them. But, you know, I didn’t, I was a party to the
conversations between behind palace walls, and clearly Harry had the inside track, and he felt that it was always working
against him and Meghan.

COOPER: Yes. Everyone stick around. More of my interview with Prince Harry when we come back, including what
happened when he learned his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, was near death. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

PRINCE HARRY: I asked my brother, I said, what are your plans? How are you and Kate getting up there? And then a
couple of hours later, you know, all of the family members that live within the Windsor and Ascot area were jumping on a
plane together. A plane with 12, 14, maybe 16 seats.

COOPER (on-camera): You were not invited on that plane?

PRINCE HARRY: I was not invited.




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COOPER: More now of my interview with Prince Harry that first aired last night on CBS’s 60 Minutes. We pick up the
conversation with the death of the Queen. And once again, Harry finds himself with his brother, this time behind his
grandmother’s casket.


COOPER (voice-over): Harry has been back in the United Kingdom. He was in London last September for a charity event
when the palace announced his grandmother, the Queen, was under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

PRINCE HARRY: I asked my brother, I said, what are your plans? How are you and Kate getting up there? And then a
couple of hours later, you know, all of the family members that live within the Windsor and Ascot area were jumping on a
plane together. A plane with 12, 14, maybe 16 seats.

COOPER (on-camera): You were not invited on that plane?

PRINCE HARRY: I was not invited.

COOPER (voice-over): By the time Harry got to Balmoral on his own, the Queen was dead.

PRINCE HARRY: I walked into the hall and my aunt was there to greet me. And she asked me if I wanted to see her. I
thought about it for about 5 seconds, thinking, is this a good idea? And I was like, you know what, you can do this. You need
to say goodbye. So, I went upstairs, took my jacket off and walked in and just spent some time with her alone.

COOPER (on-camera): Where was she?

PRINCE HARRY: She was in her bedroom. I was really happy for her because she’d finished life, she’d completed life, and
her husband was waiting for her. And the two of them were buried together.


COOPER (on-camera): As they had 25 years earlier, Harry and William found themselves walking together, but apart this
time behind their grandmother’s casket.

(on-camera): Do you speak to William now? Do you text?

PRINCE HARRY: Currently, no. But I look forward to us being able to find peace.

COOPER (on-camera): How long has it been since you spoke?


COOPER (on-camera): Do you speak to your dad?

PRINCE HARRY: We haven’t spoken for quite a while. No, not recently.

COOPER (on-camera): Can you see a day when you would return as a full- time member of the royal family?

PRINCE HARRY: No. I can’t see that happening.

COOPER (on-camera): In the book, you call this a full-scale rupture. Can it be healed?

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. The board is very much in their call. But, you know, Meghan and I have continued to say that we
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will openly apologize for anything that we did wrong. But every time we ask that question, no one’s telling us the specifics or
anything. There needs to be a constructive conversation, one that can happen in private, that doesn’t get late.

COOPER (on-camera): I assume they would say, well, how can we trust you? How do we know that you’re not going to
reveal whatever conversations we have in an interview somewhere?

PRINCE HARRY: This all started with them briefing daily against my wife, with lies to the point of where my wife and I had
to run away from my country.

COOPER (on-camera): It’s hard, I think, for anybody to imagine a family dynamic that is so Game of Thrones without

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t watch Game of Thrones, but there’s definitely dragons. And that’s, again, the third party, which is
the British press. So ultimately, without the British press as part of this, we would probably still be a fairly dysfunctional
family, like a lot all. But at the heart of it, there is a family, without question. And I really look forward to having that family
element back. I look forward to having a relationship with my brother. I look forward to having a relationship with my father
and other members of my family.

COOPER (on-camera): You want that?

PRINCE HARRY: That’s all I’ve ever asked for. (END VIDEOTAPE)

COOPER: The 60 Minutes reached out to Buckingham Palace for comment about this interview. Its representatives
demanded that before even considering responding, 60 Minutes provide them with a report prior to airing it last night, which
is something the broadcast never does.

Back now with Max, Kate and Bonnie. So, Kate, I mean obviously the royal family would like to avoid a public tit for tat
with Prince Harry. They have not responded, I assume they probably won’t, given that this is probably the worst in terms of
the attention, the amount of coverage and revelations to come. What happens now?

KATE WILLIAMS, CNN ROYAL HISTORIAN: Anderson, they’ve said they’re not going to respond. They’re going to stay
(INAUDIBLE). And it’s interesting, isn’t it, because Harry was saying that never explain, never complain was just tomato.
As you were saying, there’s an awful lot of complaining and explaining behind the scenes. So, they aren’t going to say
anything officially, but we’ve already had sources briefing the newspaper that they’re devastated, that William is angry that
there won’t be a role for Harry in the coronation.

So, there are sources who Harry, of course, would say comes from Buckingham Palace itself. These sources are anonymous
sources are briefing. At the moment, it looks very much as if there can’t be a reconciliation. There is a big distance between
them. Harry said we haven’t spoken for a while. He said there are dragons in the family. The press he said that actually also
that the press wanted them to stay apart. They’d be terrified by a peace between them. So there seems to be this huge
investment in keeping them apart and Harry sees that, you know, about to continue.

So, I don’t see a happy family reconciliation anytime soon, but I certainly think that Harry feels that he’s been damaged so
much already, that this is not burning bridges, it’s honesty, and he’s telling his truth.

COOPER: Bonnie, what do you think happens now?

GREER: Well, this is the story of a human being caught in a machine. The royal family, as Kate and Max have implied and
said, is a machine and it’s grinding along and Harry has said, halt. So, it’s halted, but it’s going to still try to struggle. If
there’s a coronation in May, that’s going to be fascinating. But Harry is telling a story that has to be told. His mother started
it, he’s going to finish it. So, in that sense, spare at your interview with him is very, very important because we’re getting a
look at the vicious, nasty tabloids which Americans we don’t have an equivalent of that anywhere in the United States. There
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is no equivalent. So, he’s right about how Meghan was labeled, which was appalling.

So, this guy is stopping the machine. I hope he does. I hope the British people in this great country also began to look at this
machine, because it’s not doing, I don’t think it’s doing the country any good, even though my taxi driver said he wanted the
royal family to stay because of continuity. [20:55:14]

COOPER: Max, I mean, it’s interesting, you know, the palace is not responding publicly, and yet they are briefing, as Kate
said, I assume privately, and offering up people who will say things that they want to be said.

FOSTER: I haven’t had that. There’s been a bit of it in the papers. I’m not sure where it’s coming from. I think a very clear
decision not to say anything here, (INAUDIBLE) get it all out, or perhaps to rise above it. I don’t really know. I’m a bit more
hopeful than the other two, only because things are so bad, they can’t get any worse. I mean, he’s broken the cardinal rule
wash, you know, he’s -- the really private moments he’s exposed, you know, at moments at Philip’s funeral, at the Queen’s
funeral. You would not talk about this as part of the family. He feels he has to do that. It’s so bad. I think he only get better.

So, in future they might look at this and say, well, let, you know, it’s all out there now. We might as well try to fix things. I
don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon, but I’m quite hopeful, you know, it can only get better, frankly.

COOPER: Yes. And he has said that the ball is in their court. There need to be conversations, but that from his concern. He
says that the original offer is still on the table of a partial role for him. He doesn’t see a full-time role, but he would like to see
a partial role. Obviously that there needs to be a lot of conversations before that.

GREER: Charles needs to be the king and actually take his fund offer up. If he wants to change his institution, that’s what he
needs to do.

COOPER: Bonnie Greer, Max Foster, Kate Williams, I appreciate all you being with us. Thank you so much.

We turn back to U.S. politics and our breaking news tonight. President Biden now with his own classified documents
controversy and the Justice Department investigating. Details next.


[Byline: Anderson Cooper, Max Foster, Kate Williams] [Guest: Prince Harry, Bonnie Greer] [High: Prince Harry on the
death of his mother, Princess Diana: After that, nothing was okay for a long time. Anderson Cooper talk about his latest
interview with Prince Harry on “60 Minutes,” in which he details dealing with the loss of his mother, Princess Diana.
Britain’s Prince Harry has launched a series of incendiary accusations against members of his family in his new memoir,
which reveals a number of private confrontations between him and other senior royals and details his split from the family.
CNN has obtained a copy of the book called “Spare,” a reference to the Duke of Sussex’s role as the monarchy’s “spare
heir.”] [Spec: Royalty; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; King Charles II; Camilla; Prince William; Princess Kate; Queen
Elizabeth II; Royal Family; United Kingdom; Family; Media; Race; Racism; Policies; Tabloid]

[Copy: Content and programming copyright 2023 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Prepared by
VIQ Media Transcription, Inc. No license is granted to the user of this material other than for research. User may not
reproduce or redistribute the material except for user’s personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be
printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon Cable News
Network LP, LLLP’s copyright or other proprietary rights or interests in the material; provided, however, that members of
the news media may redistribute limited portions (less than 250 words) of this material without a specific license from CNN
so long as they provide conspicuous attribution to CNN as the originator and copyright holder of such material. This is not a
legal transcript for purposes of litigation.] [End-Story: One-On-One With Prince Harry; Buckingham Palace Has Repeatedly
Decline To Comment On The Contents Of Prince Harry’s Memoir. Aired 8-9p ET]

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Metropolitan Police; Buckingham Palace; CNN PENTAGON; CBS; Justice Department; British Museum;
Cable News Network LP, LLLP; VIQ Media Transcription, Inc.; British Army; Apache) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 9479

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POOR PRINCE A TRAUMA QUEEN Duke of Sussex in..., 2023 WLNR 8156964

3/5/23 N.Y. Post 7

2023 WLNR 8156964

New York Post

Copyright 2009, The New York Post. All Rights Reserved

March 5, 2023

Section: News

POOR PRINCE A TRAUMA QUEEN Duke of Sussex in denial on his victim complex


Prince Harry has made the most shocking claim since he’s left royal life.

”I certainly don’t see myself as a victim,” he told Gabor Mate, the renowned Hungarian-Canadian physician and author in an
online therapy session to plug his cringey memoir, “Spare.”

It’s a rather hollow sentiment considering the royal has spent his last three years claiming the “poor me” title of Duke of
Roadkill from the House of Windsor.

In a multimedia effort, he’s chronicled every sin committed against him by his cold, distant, racist family — and of course,
the media.

But now, Harry, who clearly read every scathing review from all corners of the press, is reframing his tawdry tell-alls.

He called his perpetual oversharing an “act of service,” attaching virtue and charity to systematically and publicly tossing his
family under the bus.

In this, Harry’s latest journey into his well-tread mental inner sanctum, the price of entry was a cool $37.15. Viewers
received an hour and a half of psychobabble buzzwords discernible only to people who use the phrase “lived experience.”

At times, it seemed I was watching a fierce competition between two grown men to see who could employ the word “trauma”

Yes, it was a trauma-palooza.

First, the good doctor noted that Harry suffered from not being cuddled and hugged as a child. As a result, Harry said, he
“smothers” his kids with love.

Harry said he’s always felt different from his family and was not interested in erudite pursuits. He thrived on the rugby field
and in wilderness. And he said the military was a good place for him because the armed forces “tends to recruit people from
broken homes.”

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They talked about drugs: Harry dabbled in cocaine. He said marijuana helped him, and ayahuasca assisted in clearing the

But this wasn’t all an empty, exploitative exercise.

Mate unwittingly opened a fascinating window into Prince Harry’s mind when he offered him numerous mental health
diagnoses. These clinical assessments were based off the doc’s reading of “Spare.”

Instantly, Harry lit up at the prospect of piling more onto his stack of issues to be worked out in therapy, his favorite sport.

Mate said Harry has ADD. And fittingly as the conversation starts to meander into other areas (as ADD will make you do),
Harry kept interrupting. He wanted Mate to finish the list, giggling like a child at Christmas.

Mate noted that Harry has depression, agoraphobia, anxiety and post-traumatic stress injury. Not post-traumatic stress
disorder. Language matters.

Whatever words you want to use, there’s one clear conclusion: Prince Harry is addicted to trauma, whether real or imagined.

He and his wife Meghan Markle quite literally live in a house that trauma built — a $14.7 million Montecito retreat — paid
for by trading on his family turmoil and his childhood tragedies.

There is a point where Harry and Mate discuss how acknowledging trauma helps trigger the process of healing.

But it’s clear that Prince Harry doesn’t want to move on or close old wounds.

Being injured and aggrieved is the ginger prince’s most comfortable place and sadly, what he views as his most valuable

Yes, the “T” word to him is like a warm bed on a cold, rainy morning.

And he’s not moving.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders
& Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63); Psychology (1PS96))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Duke of)

Edition: All Editions

Word Count: 550

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Prince Andrew is left ‘furious’ after finding out the King might..., 2023 WLNR 8427439

3/8/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8427439

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 8, 2023

Prince Andrew is left ‘furious’ after finding out the King might ban him from wearing lavish velvet Knight of the
Garter robes at Charles’s coronation

Chris Matthews For Mailonline

Prince Andrew is ‘furious’ after he found out he might be banned from wearing ceremonial robes at King Charles’
coronation.The disgraced Duke of York could be banned from donning a set of velvet robes adorned with intricate royal
details that signify his position as a Knight of the Garter.The King is reportedly deciding whether to let his brother wear the
robes after Andrew stepped back from royal duties because of a sex abuse scandal.The Prince paid a reported £12million in
an out-of-court settlement with his accuser Virginia Giuffre while emphatically denying her claims that he had sexually
assaulted her when she was 17.He was previously banned from wearing the traditional robes at Queen Elizabeth’s final
appearance at the Garter Day procession in Windsor.King Charles III’s coronation on May 6 will be a ‘Collar Day’, meaning
Knights of the Garter can wear the robes denoting their status as members of the highest British Order of Chivalry.As a result
of Prince Andrew’s scandal, the King may force him to wear a lounge suit.A source told The Mirror Andrew was ‘left
completely in the dark’ over his dress for the coronation even though others have been told the specifics and is ‘furious’ that
he could be banned from wearing the robes.Buckingham Palace declined to comment when contacted by MailOnline. Charles
ascended to the throne immediately following the death of Her Majesty, but his coronation will not be until May 6 this
year.Camilla, the Queen Consort, will also be crowned at the same time during the historic event. The royal coronation
ceremony, in particular, is an event that dates back over a thousand years and is set to take place inside Westminster Abbey,
with Charles opting for a slimmed down occasion and a guest list of only around 2,000 people.He will be the 40th reigning
monarch to be crowned in the Abbey. Charles will be 74 at the time of the ceremony, the oldest new monarch ever
crowned.The guest size is much smaller compared to Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953, where more that 7,000 people
packed into Westminster Abbey.In January, Buckingham Palace announced details for King Charles III’s version of the
tradition, which will be followed by two more days of celebration and will include a concert at Windsor Castle and
community-building events.But what does the coronation mean for the public, when exactly is it, and will Prince Andrew be
there? And what about Prince Harry and Meghan - will they make an appearance following the Duke’s fallout with the Royal
Family?The Coronation will take place on Saturday, May 6, at Westminster Abbey.It will be a bank holiday weekend,
allowing Britons to celebrate on Monday, May 8 as well.The Queen’s Coronation took place nearly 70 years before, on June
2, 1953, but she actually became monarch in February the previous year, following the death of her father George VI.The
coronation itself will be televised. The Archbishop of Canterbury will conduct the ‘solemn religious service’ of King Charles
and Queen Consort Camilla’s coronation, which will take place in the morning and will be televised by the BBC. However,
specific details of when and where will be available closer to the big day. A worldwide audience of hundreds of millions is
expected to watch. Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953 was the first coronation to ever be aired on TV and sparked an
explosion in ownership of televisions around Britain.Around 27 million people watched the ceremony, with a further 11
million listening on the radio.It has not yet been confirmed what time the King’s Coronation will take place. However, Queen
Elizabeth II’s ceremony began at 11.15am and lasted nearly three hours.However, the Mail on Sunday previously revealed

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that the service will last for just over an hour.Though they’ve stepped down as senior members of the Royal Family, Harry
and Meghan are still both technically royal and family to King Charles.They have confirmed they have been invited to the
King’s Coronation – but have refused to say whether they will be attending.The Mail understands that Harry and Meghan’s
former UK home, Frogmore Cottage in Windsor – which the King is said to have taken from them – will be available for
them to stay in should they fly to England to attend. Harry received an email from the Palace about the event, their
spokesman said, despite the fallouts with the Royal Family and his ‘trauma chat’ on Saturday.The Duke of Sussex sat down
for an intimate chat with controversial ‘trauma therapist’ Gabor Maté over the weekend and poured his heart out about topics
ranging from his ‘positive’ experience of psychedelic drugs to how wife Meghan Markle ‘saved’ him. The conversation
heaped more misery on his dad King Charles with a series of shocking admissions which included him claiming that
speaking about his trauma over his mum Diana’s death was an act of service to the world.This comes following the release of
Harry’s book Spare and the bombshell Netflix docuseries the royal couple starred in a few months ago.So, while there is a rift
between Harry and the rest of the Royal Family members, only time will tell whether the couple will fly across the pond for
the monumental day.Charles will be crowned alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort.The occasion is expected to be a smaller
affair than the late Queen’s ceremony.A Buckingham Palace statement said in October: ‘The coronation will reflect the
monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.’It added: ‘The
coronation is a solemn religious service, together with an occasion for celebration and pageantry.’The ceremony has retained
a similar structure for over a thousand years, and this year’s coronation is expected to include the same core elements while
recognising the spirit of our times.’For the last 900 years, the ceremony has taken place at Westminster Abbey, London.
Since 1066, the service has almost always been conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.’The guest list may also be
slashed from 8,000 to 2,000 and discussions have been held about having a more relaxed dress code.The King is also set to
ditch the various outfit changes that his mother had to make.Whilst some lengthy traditions that featured in 1953 are set to be
axed, the highly sacred moment of the anointing of the monarch will be retained.A canopy of golden cloth will be held over
Charles’ head during the anointing, so that no one else can see.Charles will swear to be the ‘defender of the faith’, not
‘defender of faith’ - a change that was previously speculated.The King will sit in the Coronation Chair, which dates from the
start of the 14th century.After being anointed, Charles will have the crown of St Edward placed on his head, officially
crowning him as King Charles III.The 1762 Gold State Coach, which was refurbished at great expense for the Queen’s
Platinum Jubilee, will also be part of the Coronation procession.Prince William will also take on new titles at the Coronation,
including being formally named as the Prince of Wales.The King has personally chosen the music for the ceremony, which
will feature 12 newly-commissioned pieces, including an anthem from Cats composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. Part of the
service will be sung in Welsh, and soloists will include world-famous Welsh opera singer Sir Bryn Terfel. There will be
Greek Orthodox music in memory of the King’s father, Prince Philip, who was born in Greece. A gospel choir will also
perform, as will choristers from Westminster School.After the service at Westminster Abbey, the King may head to
Buckingham Palace to stand on the balcony with senior members of his family.The Bank Holiday weekend means that most
Britons will be able to celebrate the crowning of the King for two further days until they go back to work on
Tuesday.Coronation Big Lunches, thousands of street parties, and The Big Help Out will bring communities together over the
special Bank Holiday Coronation weekend.It should be noted that Street parties and coronation events require a road closure,
so it is important to check with your local council or borough on how you can organise one. Big Lunches take place across
the UK annually and last year they raised more than £22 million for local charities. Here is what is planed for each day:

Prince Andrew left ‘furious’ after he found out of potential ban from royal robesDuke of York could be banned from donning
a set of velvet robes at coronation
Here is everything you need to know:
When is the Coronation?
Will the Coronation be on television?
What time will the coronation start?
Will Harry and Meghan be at the Coronation?
What will actually happen at the Coronation?
What do we know about the music?
What will happen after the Coronation and will there be street parties?
Saturday 6th May 2023 - The Coronation Service at Westminster AbbeySunday 7th May 2023 - The Coronation Concert at
Windsor CastleSunday 7th May 2023 - The Coronation Big LunchMonday 8th May 2023 - The Big Help Out
What Crown will the king wear?
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Prince Andrew is left ‘furious’ after finding out the King might..., 2023 WLNR 8427439

King Charles will wear St Edward’s Crown, which was made in 1661 for the coronation of King Charles II.

It is made of solid gold and features more than 400 gemstones, including six sapphires, and 12 rubies. It weighs nearly 5lbs

St Edward’s Crown is a replacement for the original that was among the Crown Jewels that were melted down and sold off
when the monarchy was abolished in 1649.
Why was May 6 chosen?
Reportedly, King Charles wanted his Coronation to be held around the same date as his mother’s 1953 coronation, which
took place on Tuesday 2nd June.

Instead, 6th May was reportedly chosen in consultation with the government, the Church of England and the Royal

---- Index References ----

Company: Church of England-Equity

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Music (1MU57); Music Concert (1MU45))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Household; Westminster School.After; Church of England) (Prince Andrew; Knight; King Charles’)

Word Count: 1576

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 93 of 128

Prince Harry admits in his memoirs that he started using..., 2023 WLNR 498959

1/5/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 498959

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

January 5, 2023

Prince Harry admits in his memoirs that he started using cocaine at 17 years old

Prince Harry publishes next week his memoirs, which threaten a new series of revelations about the royal’s life, after the
documentary produced with Netflix with his wife, Meghan Markle. One of the details that Harry of England expands on in
the book is the use of drugs, which he had once admitted without giving excessive details.

In his memoirs, Harry assures that he tried cocaine for the first time at the age of 17, according to an excerpt advanced by
Sky News television.

”Of course I used cocaine at that time. At someone’s house, during a hunting weekend, I was offered a stripe and since then I
have consumed more times,” assures the member of the British royalty in his new book.

”It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me feel happy as it seemed to provoke others, but it made me feel different and that
was my goal,” he goes on to relate. “To feel. To be different. I was a 17-year-old kid trying to do anything that upset the
preset order. At least that’s what I was trying to convince myself of,” Harry elaborates.

---- Index References ----

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26); TV (1TV19); TV
Programming (1TV26); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Sky News) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Gente); (Drogas); (Reino Unido)

Word Count: 189

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Prince Harry admits in his memoirs that he started using..., 2023 WLNR 498959

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 95 of 128

Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

3/8/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 8, 2023

Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use


Prince Harry , in his need to talk about his mental health, confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs , such as
marijuana and cocaine , during a talk that was broadcast live with controversial physician Gabor Mate for the program “The
Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture.”

”I started doing it recreationally and then realized how good it was for me,” recounted Henry, Duke of Sussex.

READ: Rauw Alexander dislocates his shoulder during his concert and is taken to the hospital (VIDEO)
However, these statements that caused astonishment to more than one could cause him problems with the U .S. government,
since if the son of Charles III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his permission
to live in California .

According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, visa applicants “who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts
are inadmissible.”

”(Authorities) frown upon drug use by non-U.S. citizens,” Piers Morgan said. “Another compelling reason why we don’t
want them at the King’s coronation, as we could end up keeping them forever,” he added referring to Harry and Meghan.

Australia’s “Sky News” recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned from taking a flight to the United
States after confessing to cocaine use during a trial. Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after
an appeal.

Harry and Meghan have already received the official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III next May 6 and it was
via email. The couple has not yet decided whether they will attend the royal family event or decline the invitation.

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---- Index References ----

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Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; U .S. government) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Entretenimiento)

Word Count: 307

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Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana..., 2023 WLNR 8062039

3/5/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8062039

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 5, 2023

Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana ‘really helped’ him but cocaine and alcohol was ‘more
of a social thing’, and psychedelic dr...

Madeleine Ross

Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana ‘really helped’ him but cocaine and alcohol was ‘more of a social
thing’, and psychedelic drug Ayahuasca ‘helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past’ in Q&A with Gabor Mate

Prince Harry spoke candidly about his recreational use of illegal drugs during a intimate chat with a toxic trauma expert.

Duke of Sussex talked about his recreational drug use during bombshell chat Read more: Prince Harry discusses being
diagnosed with PTSD in interview

The discussion came in a ‘intimate conversation’ about ‘living with loss and personal healing’ between the Duke and Dr
Gabor Mate on Saturday evening.

Tickets to the livestream, which cost £19, included a hardback copy of the Prince’s recent memoir, Spare.

The second son of King Charles said marijuana had ‘really helped’ him but that cocaine and alcohol were more ‘social’.

The timing of the discussion is particularly awkward for the palace, coming just days after it emerged King Charles is
evicting Harry and his wife Meghan Markle from Frogmore Cottage, their grace-and-favour mansion on the Windsor estate.

Trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate spoke of the way people used drugs to deal with problems in their lives before asking Harry’s
about his reasons for using drugs including cocaine and cannabis.

’The first one you mentioned, that didn’t do anything for me, it was more a social thing. It gave me a sense of belonging and
probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling,’ Harry said.

’Marijuana is different, that actually did really help me.’

The prince said alcohol was also ‘more of a social thing’ and complained about peer pressure around drinking.

Dr Mate, who has faced numerous controversies in the past, denied accusations he had been threatened with arrest by the
Canadian government for using Ayahuasca with his patients.

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Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana..., 2023 WLNR 8062039

In 2011, Health Canada threatened to prosecute the trauma expert if he did not stop using the Amazonian plant to treat

In the two years before receiving the warning, Dr Mate administered the medicine to between 150 and 200 patients.
Prince Harry interview LIVE: Follow MailOnline’s coverage
The addiction doctor said during the interview: ‘I was never threatened with arrest.’

He also spoke about the side effect of the drugs, denying that they can include vomiting and hallucinations.

He said: ‘You purge with it sometimes, it’s a good thing.

’It doesn’t give you hallucination - it gives you visions... You think it’s really happening.’

Dr Mate added: ‘I don’t think it’s a panacea for dealing with trauma.’

Harry agreed, describing his own experiences using psychedelics.

He said: ‘It was the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life’s filters.

’It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a
period of time

’For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me. I would say it is one of the
fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.’

Prince Harry admitted taking cocaine as a teenager, smoking weed and trying magic mushrooms in the home of Courtney
Cox in his explosive memoir Spare.

Courtney Cox responded to the claims last week ahead of her induction to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

She told Variety that the Prince had stayed with her for a ‘couple of days’ and was ‘a really nice person’.

’I haven’t read the book. I do want to hear it, because I’ve heard it’s really entertaining. But yes, it’s gotten back to me about

’I’m not saying there were mushrooms! I definitely wasn’t passing them out,’ the actress said.

Dr Mate has also faced criticism for remarks made in the past and Harry has come under fire for sharing a platform with him.

The doctor has provoked fury due to his history of controversial comments, including comparing Hamas to the Jewish heroes
of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the Nazis.
Read more: How Prince Harry’s chat with guru who compared Hamas terrorists to Jews who battled the Nazis has
appalled Rabbis
The 79-year-old Hungarian-Canadian Holocaust survivor has also defended Palestinian rocket fire at Israeli civilians and
once branded the Israeli government ‘terrorists’.

The ‘intimate conversation’ comes amid concern from the Sussex camp over the recent revelation that they will be asked to
move out of their Windsor home - which may be handed over to Prince Andrew.

The couple were allegedly given ‘weeks’ to pack up their British home at Frogmore Cottage after Harry’s memoir Spare hit
the shelves in January.

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Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana..., 2023 WLNR 8062039

Earlier this week, journalist Omid Scobie claimed that some members of the Royal Family were ‘appalled’ by the decision to
evict Harry and Meghan, with the couple also said to have felt ‘stunned’.

An insider allegedly told him: ‘It all feels very final and like a cruel punishment. It’s like [the family] want to cut them out of
the picture for good.’

But the couple are not as ‘stunned’ about leaving as previous reports have suggested, believing that ‘if we need to move out,
we will get ourselves out’, a source told The Times.

The revelation comes as preparations are taking place for King Charles’ Coronation in May amid speculation that Harry may
not receive an invitation.
What is ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca, also known as caapi, yaje or yage, is a hallucinogenic drink made from tropical plants found in the Amazon.

The brew is made from the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub along with the stalks of the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine,
though other plants and ingredients can be added.

The drink has been used for spiritual and religious purposes by Amazonian tribes and is still used for rituals in some places in
South America today.

Psychotria Viridis contains DMT, which is a psychedelic substance.

There are several potential benefits to the drug, including improving brain health and psychological wellbeing.

Unpleasant side effects include vomiting, diarrhoea, paranoia and panic and while the effects are usually temporary, they can
be very distressing.

The substance remains illegal in many countries including Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Source: Britannica

---- Index References ----

Company: Health Canada

News Subject: (Alcohol Abuse (1AL63); Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smuggling
& Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Canada (1CA33); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Canadian government; Hamas; Health Canada) (Prince Harry; Gabor Mate)

Word Count: 1020

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Prince Harry opens up about drug use, saying marijuana..., 2023 WLNR 8062039

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 101 of 128

Prince Harry shares drug that ‘really helped’ him mentally as..., 2023 WLNR 8062163

3/4/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8062163

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 4, 2023

Prince Harry shares drug that ‘really helped’ him mentally as cocaine ‘did nothing’
Prince Harry revealed the drug that ‘really helped’ during his dark days, but noted another, cocaine, ‘did
nothing’ for him as the Duke of Sussex o...

By, Ewan Gleadow

Prince Harry revealed the drug that ‘really helped’ during his dark days, but noted another, cocaine, ‘did nothing’ for him as
the Duke of Sussex opens up to Dr Gabor Maté in a Spare-promoting chat

Prince Harry has revealed the drug that “really helped” him mentally, and cast aside cocaine as a drug that “did nothing”.

The Duke of Sussex opened up on his drug use during a live question and answer section with Dr. Gabor Maté, and shared
which drug worked best for him mentally.

Promoting his memoir, Spare, the Duke considered marijuana was the most helpful narcotic that he had applied himself to,
with the paid audience given the details of his drug use.

READ MORE: Prince Harry says ‘I’m not a victim’ as he hopes Spare will ‘help people’

Prince Harry had previously revealed in his autobiography that he had taken several drugs, and claimed marijuana was the
most helpful of all.

Speaking to Dr Maté regarding his cocaine use, the Duke said: “I don’t think that did anything for me. It was more of a social
thing, and I guess trying to get a sense of belonging, for sure.

”I think it also probably made me feel different to the way that I was feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is
different, that actually did help me.”

That point appeared to be “really helpful” with the use of marijuana, a drug use the Duke had revealed in his autobiography
and further confirmed during his chat promoting the book.

It comes just as the Duke of Sussex claimed he was “not a victim” during the talk with Dr Maté.

Daily Star previously reported that Harry had hoped his book would “help people”, noting that his book served as an “act of
service” to readers.

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Prince Harry shares drug that ‘really helped’ him mentally as..., 2023 WLNR 8062163

Dr Maté had noted some were “resentful” toward the Duke, without having read the book.

The Prince replied: “I definitely don’t see myself as a victim’, adding that his experiences and his work with mental health
‘sharing my story will help some people out there.”

It comes during a talk that one expert, Phil Dampier, claimed the Duke had “nothing to lose” during his chat with Dr Maté
following on from the Frogmore Cottage eviction.

For the latest breaking news from the Royal Family and stories from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletter by clicking
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Prince Harry has ‘nothing to lose’ in tell-all talk after Frogmore Cottage eviction Prince Harry says therapy helped him
‘break free’ from his family in live interview Royal expert’s bombshell theory on why King Charles has evicted Prince Harry
and Meghan ‘Bullet magnet’ Prince Harry’s Afghanistan tour was ‘as normal’ as life gets for royal King Charles to break
‘900-year’ coronation rule as guest list gutted to 2,000 people

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 401

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 100

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 103 of 128

Prince Harry Speaks Truth, 2023 WLNR 2948569

1/9/23 CBS: 60 MINUTES (SUNDAY GEN. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 2948569

CBS: 60 Minutes (Sunday general)

Copyright (c) 2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

January 9, 2023

Prince Harry Speaks Truth

ANDERSON COOPER: Prince Harry may have “stepped back” from his royal duties in 2020, but he and his wife, Meghan,
the Duchess of Sussex, certainly haven’t stepped away from the spotlight. Just last month, they appeared in a six-part Netflix
documentary about their relationship and their decision to leave their royal lives behind.

But now, the 38-year-old Prince Harry is telling his own story. In a new memoir, coming out Tuesday, called “Spare” -- a
nod to his backup role in the line of succession. The book is a stunning break with royal protocol. It’s a deeply personal
account of Prince Harry’s decades-long struggle with grief after the death of his mother, Princess Diana, and a revealing look
at his fractured relationships with his father, King Charles, his stepmother, the Queen Consort Camilla, and his brother,
Prince William, the heir to his spare.

(Begin VT)

ANDERSON COOPER: You write about a contentious meeting you had with him in 2021. You said, “I looked at Willy,
really looked at him maybe for the first time since we were boys. I took it all in, his familiar scowl, which had always been
his default in dealings with me, his alarming baldness, more advanced than my own, his famous resemblance to Mummy
which was fading with time, with age.” That’s pretty cutting.

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t see it as cutting at all. You know, my brother and I love each other. I love him deeply. There has
been a lot of pain between the two of us, especially the last six years. None of anything that I’ve written, anything that I’ve
included is ever intended to hurt my family. But it does give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also
squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one that destroyed the relationship between these two brothers.

ANDERSON COOPER: I think so many people around the world watched you and your brother grow up and feel like you
two were inseparable. And yet in reading the book, you have lived separate lives from the time your mom died.


ANDERSON COOPER: Even when you were in the same school, in high school.

PRINCE HARRY: Sibling rivalry.

ANDERSON COOPER: Your brother told you, “Pretend we don’t know each other.”

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah, and at the time it hurt. I couldn’t make sense of it. I was like, “What do you mean? We’re now at

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Prince Harry Speaks Truth, 2023 WLNR 2948569

the same school. Like, I haven’t seen you for ages, now we get to hang out together.” He’s like, “No, no, no, when we’re at
school, we don’t know each other.” And I took that personally. But yes, you’re absolutely right, you hit the nail on the head.
Like, we had a very similar traumatic experience, and then we dealt with it two very different ways.

ANDERSON COOPER: William had tried to talk to you occasionally about your mom, but, as a child you could not -- you
couldn’t respond.

PRINCE HARRY: For me, it was never a case of, “I don’t want to talk about it with you.” I just don’t know how to talk
about it. I never ever thought that maybe talking about it with my brother or with anybody else at that point would be

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): In August 1997, Harry and William were vacationing in Scotland with their father.
Harry was 12, William, 15. They were asleep at Balmoral Castle on August 31st, when Harry was awakened by his father
who told him his mother had been in a car crash in Paris.

ANDERSON COOPER: In the book you write, “He says, ‘They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.’ These
phrases remain in my mind like darts on a board,” you say. Did -- did you cry?

PRINCE HARRY: No. No. Never shed a single tear at that point. I was in shock, you know? You’re twelve years old, sort of
7:00, 7:30 in the morning early. Your father comes in, sits on your bed, puts his hand on your knee and tells you “There’s
been an accident.” I -- I couldn’t believe.

ANDERSON COOPER: And you write in the book that, “Pa didn’t hug me. He wasn’t great at showing emotions under
normal circumstances. But his hand did fall once more on my knee and he said, ‘It’s going to be okay.’” But after that,
nothing was okay for a long time.

PRINCE HARRY: No, nothing -- nothing was okay.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry says his memories of the next few days are fragmented. But he does remember
this: greeting mourners outside Kensington Palace in London the day before his mother’s funeral.

ANDERSON COOPER: When you see those videos now, what do you think?

PRINCE HARRY: I think it’s bizarre, because I see William and me smiling. I remember the guilt that I felt.


PRINCE HARRY: The fact that the people that we were meeting were showing more emotion than we were showing, maybe
more emotion than we even felt.

ANDERSON COOPER: They were crying, but you weren’t.

PRINCE HARRY: There was a lot of tears. I talk about how wet people’s hands were. And I couldn’t understand it at first.

ANDERSON COOPER: Their hands were wet from crying --

PRINCE HARRY: Their hands were wet from wiping their own tears away. I do remember one of the strangest parts to it
was taking flowers from people and then placing those flowers with the rest of them. As if I was some sort of middle person
for their grief. And that really stood out for me.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): The funeral, on a cool September morning, was watched by as many as 2.5 billion
people around the world. Perhaps the most indelible image: Prince Harry and his brother, walking behind their mother’s
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Prince Harry Speaks Truth, 2023 WLNR 2948569

casket on its way to Westminster Abbey.

ANDERSON COOPER: What do you remember about that walk?

PRINCE HARRY: How quiet it was. I remember, the occasional wail and screaming of someone. I remember the horse
hooves on the road.

The bridles of the horses, the gun carriage, the wheels, the occasional gravel stone underneath your shoe. But mainly, the --
the silence.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): After the service, Princess Diana’s body was brought for burial to her family’s ancestral
estate, Althorp.

PRINCE HARRY: Once my mother’s coffin actually went into the ground, that was the first time that I actually cried. Yeah,
there was never another time.

ANDERSON COOPER: All through your teenage years, you did -- you didn’t cry about it?


ANDERSON COOPER: You didn’t believe she was dead.

PRINCE HARRY: For a long -- for a long time, I just refused to accept that she was -- she was gone. Part of, you know, she
would never do this to us, but also part of, maybe this is all part of a plan.

ANDERSON COOPER: I mean, you really believed that maybe she had just decided to disappear for a time?

PRINCE HARRY: For a time, and then that she would call us and that we would go and join her, yeah.

ANDERSON COOPER: How long did you believe that?

PRINCE HARRY: Years. Many, many years. William and I talked about it as well. He had -- he had similar thoughts.

ANDERSON COOPER: You write in the book, you say, “I’d often say it to myself first thing in the morning, ‘Maybe this is
the day. Maybe this is the day that she’s going to reappear.’”

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah, hope. I had huge amounts of hope.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): He held onto that hope into adulthood. When Harry was 20, he asked to see the police
report about the crash that killed his mother, her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed and their driver Henri Paul while they were being
pursued by paparazzi in a Paris tunnel.

ANDERSON COOPER: The files contained photographs of the crash scene. Why did you want to see it?

PRINCE HARRY: Mainly proof. Proof that she was in the car. Proof that she was injured. And proof that the very paparazzi
that chased her into the tunnel were the ones that were taking photographs of her lying half dead on the back seat of the car.

ANDERSON COOPER: You write, “I hadn’t been aware before this moment,” talking about looking at the pictures of the
crash scene --


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Prince Harry Speaks Truth, 2023 WLNR 2948569

ANDERSON COOPER: -- “that the last thing Mummy saw on this earth was a flash bulb.”


ANDERSON COOPER: That’s what you saw in the pictures?

PRINCE HARRY: Mm-hmm. Well, they were -- the pictures showed the reflection of a group of photographs taking
photographs through the window, and the reflection on the window was -- was them.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): He only saw some of the crash photos, his private secretary and advisor dissuaded him
from looking at the rest.

PRINCE HARRY: All I saw was the back of my mum’s head slumped on the back seat. There were other more gruesome
photographs, but I will be eternally grateful to him for denying me the ability to inflict pain on myself by seeing that. Because
that’s the kind of stuff that sticks in your mind forever.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry says he believed his mother might still be alive until he was 23 and visited Paris
for the first time.

ANDERSON COOPER: You told your driver, “I want to go to the tunnel where my mom died?”

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. I wanted to see whether it was possible driving at the speed that Henri Paul was driving that you
could lose control of a car and plow into a pillar killing almost everybody in that car. I need to take this journey. I need to
ride the same route --

ANDERSON COOPER: The same tunnel, the same speed --

PRINCE HARRY: All of it.

ANDERSON COOPER: -- your mother was going.

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. Because William and I had already been told, “The event was like a bicycle chain. If you remove
one of those chains, the end result would not have happened.” And the paparazzi chasing was part of that. But yet, everybody
got away with it.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry writes he and his brother weren’t satisfied with the results of a 2006 investigation
by London’s Metropolitan Police, concluding Diana’s driver, Henri Paul, had been drinking and the crash was a, quote,
“tragic accident.”

PRINCE HARRY: William and I considered reopening the inquest. Because there were so many gaps and so many holes in
it. Which just didn’t add up and didn’t make sense.

ANDERSON COOPER: Would you still like to do that?

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t even know if it’s an option now. But no, I think -- would I like to do that now? It’s a hell of a
question, Anderson.

ANDERSON COOPER: Do you feel you have the answers that you need to have about what happened to your mom?

PRINCE HARRY: Truth be known, no. I don’t think I do. And I don’t think my brother does either. I don’t think the world
does. Do I need any more than I already know? No. I don’t think it would change much.

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Prince Harry Speaks Truth, 2023 WLNR 2948569

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry now says it wasn’t until he served in combat with the British Army in
Afghanistan that he finally found purpose and a sense of normalcy.

PRINCE HARRY: My military career saved me in many regards.


PRINCE HARRY: Got me out of the spotlight from the -- from the U.K. press. I was able to focus on a purpose larger than
myself, to be wearing the same uniform as everybody else, to feel normal for the first time in my life. And accomplish some
of the biggest challenges that I ever had. I was training to become an Apache helicopter pilot. You don’t get a pass for being
a prince.

ANDERSON COOPER: The Apache doesn’t give a crap about who you are.

PRINCE HARRY: No, there’s no prince autopilot button that you can press and just takes you away. I was a really good
candidate for the military. I was a young man in my 20s suffering from shock. But I was now in the front seat of an Apache
shooting it, flying it, monitoring four radios simultaneously and being there to save and help anybody that was on the -- on
the ground with a radio screaming, “We need support, we need air support.” That was my calling. I felt healing from that

ANDERSON COOPER: And that multi-tasking, the brain work of that, that felt good to you?

PRINCE HARRY: It felt like I was turning pain into a purpose. I didn’t have the awareness at the time that I was living my
life in adrenaline, and that was the case from age 12, from the moment that I was told that my mom had died.

ANDERSON COOPER: You say, “War didn’t begin in Afghanistan. It began in August 1997.”

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. The war for me unknowingly was when my mum died.

ANDERSON COOPER: Who were you fighting?

PRINCE HARRY: Myself. I had a huge amount of frustration and blame towards the British press for their part in it.

ANDERSON COOPER: Even at 12, I mean, at that young, you were feeling that toward the British press?

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. I mean, it was obvious to us as kids, the British press’ part in our mother’s misery and I had a lot of
anger inside of me that luckily, I never expressed to anybody. But I resorted to drinking heavily. Because I wanted to numb
the feeling, or I wanted to distract myself from how -- whatever I was thinking. And I would resort to drugs as well.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry admits he smoked pot and used cocaine. And he writes that in his late 20s, he felt
“hopeless” and “lost.”

PRINCE HARRY: There was this weight on my chest that I felt for so many years that I was never able to cry. So I was
constantly trying to find a way to cry, but in even sitting on my sofa and going over as many memories as I could muster up
about my mum, and sometimes I watched videos online.


PRINCE HARRY: Of my mum.

ANDERSON COOPER: Hoping to cry?

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ANDERSON COOPER: And you couldn’t.

PRINCE HARRY: I couldn’t.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): He sought out help from a therapist for the first time seven years ago. And he reveals
he’s also tried more experimental treatments.

ANDERSON COOPER: You write in the book about psychedelics, Ayahuasca, psilocybin, mushrooms.

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah, I would never recommend people to do this recreationally. But doing it with the right people if you
are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a way of working as a medicine.

ANDERSON COOPER: They showed you something. What did they show you?

PRINCE HARRY: For me, they cleared the windscreen, the windshield, the misery of loss. They cleared away this idea that I
had in my head that my mother, that I needed to cry to prove to my mother that I missed her. When in fact, all she wanted
was for me to be happy.

(End VT)

ANDERSON COOPER: Prince Harry says he’s found that happiness with his wife in California, but as you’ll hear in a
moment, he’s far from at peace with the royal family.


ANDERSON COOPER: Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare,” is anything but spare in its unflattering portrayal of the royal
family, especially his stepmother, Camilla, now the Queen consort. She married then-Prince Charles in 2005, though the two
had been romantically involved on and off for decades. When Princess Diana famously referred to Camilla as the third person
in her marriage, the British tabloids ran with it, and Prince Harry has never forgotten.

(Begin VT)

PRINCE HARRY: She was the villain. She was the third person in their marriage. She needed to rehabilitate her image.

ANDERSON COOPER: You and your brother both directly asked your dad not to marry Camilla?



PRINCE HARRY: We didn’t think it was necessary. We thought that it was going to cause more harm than good and that if
he was now with his person, that -- surely that’s enough. Why go that far when you don’t necessarily need to? We wanted
him to be happy. And we saw how happy he was with her. So, at the time, it was, “Okay.”

ANDERSON COOPER: You wrote that she started a campaign in the British press to pave the way for a marriage. And you
wrote, “I even wanted Camilla to be happy. Maybe she’d be less dangerous if she was happy.” How was she dangerous?

PRINCE HARRY: Because of the need for her to rehabilitate her image.

ANDERSON COOPER: That made her dangerous?

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PRINCE HARRY: That made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the British press. And
there was open willingness on both sides to trade of information. And with a family built on hierarchy, and with her, on the
way to being Queen consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street because of that.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry says over the years, he was one of those bodies. He accuses Camilla and even his
father, at times, of using him or William to get better tabloid coverage for themselves. Prince Harry writes, Camilla, quote,
“sacrificed me on her personal P.R. altar.”

PRINCE HARRY: If you are led to believe, as a member of the family, that being on the front page, having positive
headlines, positive stories written about you, is going to improve your reputation or increase the chances of you being
accepted as monarch by the British public, then that’s what you’re going to do.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): In his book, Harry writes that when he introduced Meghan Markle to his family in
2016, his father initially took a liking to her, but William was skeptical, disdainfully referring to Meghan as “an American
actress.” Though Harry doesn’t specify who, he says other members of the royal family were uneasy as well.

PRINCE HARRY: Right from the beginning, before they even had a chance to get to know her. And the U.K. press jumped
on that. And here we are.

ANDERSON COOPER: And what was that based on, that mistrust?

PRINCE HARRY: The fact that she was American, an actress, divorced, black, biracial with a black mother. Those were just
four of the typical stereotypes that is -- becomes a feeding frenzy for the British press.

ANDERSON COOPER: But all those things within the family also were sources of mistrust.

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. You know, my family read the tabloids. It’s laid out at breakfast when everyone comes together. So,
whether you walk around saying you believe it or not, it’s still -- it’s still leaving an imprint in your mind. So if you have that
judgment based on a stereotype right at the beginning, it’s very, very hard to get over that.

And a large part of it for the family, but also the British press and numerous other people is, like, “He’s changed. She must be
a witch. He’s changed.” As opposed to, yeah, I did change, and I’m really glad I changed. Because rather than getting drunk,
falling out of clubs, taking drugs, I had now found the love of my life, and I now had the opportunity to start a family with

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Soon after their relationship became public, Harry insisted on putting out a statement
condemning some of the tabloid coverage of Meghan and what he called, quote “the racial undertones of comment pieces.”

ANDERSON COOPER: You write that your dad and your brother, William, were furious with you for doing that. Why?

PRINCE HARRY: They felt as though it made them look bad. They felt as though they didn’t have a chance or weren’t able
to do that for their partners. What Meghan had to go through was similar in some part to what Kate and what Camilla went
through, very different circumstances. But then you add in the race element, which was what the press -- British press jumped
on straight away. I went into this incredibly naive. I had no idea the British press were so bigoted. Hell, I was probably
bigoted before --


PRINCE HARRY: -- the relationship with Meghan.

ANDERSON COOPER: You think you were bigoted before the relationship with Meghan.
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PRINCE HARRY: I don’t know. Put it this way, I didn’t see what I now see.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): They were married in May 2018, in a ceremony that seemed to promise a more modern
and inclusive royal family -- and given the titles Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But behind the scenes, according to Harry,
William’s mistrust of Meghan only worsened.

ANDERSON COOPER: Did you ever try to meet with William and Kate to try to defuse the tension?


ANDERSON COOPER: How did that meeting go?

PRINCE HARRY: Not particularly well.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): In early 2019, Harry writes, the rancor between William and him exploded at Harry’s
cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace.

ANDERSON COOPER: Your arguments with your brother became physical.

PRINCE HARRY: It was a buildup of frustration, I think, on his part. It was at a time where he was being told certain things
by people within his office. And at the same time, he was consuming a lot of the tabloid press, a lot of the stories. And he had
a few issues, which were based not on reality. And I was defending my wife.

And he was coming for my wife -- she wasn’t there at the time -- but through the things that he was saying. I was defending
myself. And we moved from one room into the kitchen. And his frustrations were growing, and growing, and growing. He
was shouting at me. I was shouting back at him. It wasn’t nice. It wasn’t pleasant at all. And he snapped. And he pushed me
to the floor.

ANDERSON COOPER: He knocked you over?

PRINCE HARRY: He knocked me over. I landed on the dog bowl.

ANDERSON COOPER: You cut your back.

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. I cut my back. I didn’t know about it at the time. But, yeah, he apologized afterwards. It was a
pretty nasty experience, but --

ANDERSON COOPER: He asked you not to tell anybody -- not to tell Meghan?

PRINCE HARRY: Yeah. And I wouldn’t have done it. I didn’t until she -- until she saw on the -- on my back. She goes,
“What’s that?” I was like, “Huh, what?” I actually didn’t know what she was talking about. I looked in the mirror. I was like,
“Oh (inaudible).” Well, because I’d never -- I hadn’t seen it.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Meghan has said constant criticism and pressure led her in the winter of 2019 to
contemplate suicide.

PRINCE HARRY: The thing that’s terrified me the most is history repeating itself.

ANDERSON COOPER: You really feared that your wife, Meghan --

PRINCE HARRY: Yes, I feared -- I feared a lot that the end result, the fact that I lost my mum when I was 12 years old,
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could easily happen again to my wife.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): In January 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan announced they intended to, in their words,
step back as senior members of the royal family. They moved to California three months later. Then there was the
headline-grabbing interview with Oprah Winfrey and a deal with Netflix worth a reported $100 million. Critics say the Duke
and Duchess are cashing in on their royal titles while they still can.

ANDERSON COOPER: Why not renounce your titles as duke and duchess?

PRINCE HARRY: And what difference would that make?

ANDERSON COOPER: One of the criticisms that you’ve received is that okay, fine, you want to move to California, you
want to step back from the institutional role. Why be so public? Why reveal conversations you’ve had with your father or
with your brother? You say you tried to do this privately.

PRINCE HARRY: And every single time I’ve tried to do it privately, there have been briefings and leakings and planting of
stories against me and my wife. You know, the family motto is never complain, never explain. But it’s just a motto. And it
doesn’t really hold --

ANDERSON COOPER: There’s a lot of complaining and a lot of explaining.

PRINCE HARRY: Endless --

ANDERSON COOPER: Private -- being done in -- through leaks.

PRINCE HARRY: Through leaks.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Prince Harry continues to claim he would never leak against his family.


(10:30 PM, EDT)

PRINCE HARRY: So now, trying to speak a language that perhaps they understand, I will sit here and speak truth to you
with the words that come out of my mouth, rather than using someone else, an unnamed source, to feed in lies or a narrative
to a tabloid media that literally radicalizes its readers to then potentially cause harm to my family, my wife, my kids.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Last month, the British tabloid The Sun published a vicious column about Meghan
written by a TV host.

ANDERSON COOPER: He said, “I hate her. At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of
the day where she is made to walk naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame,’ and
throw lumps of excrement at her.” Did that surprise you?

PRINCE HARRY: Did it surprise me? No. Is it shocking? Yes. I mean, thank you for proving our point.

ANDERSON COOPER: Has there been any response from the palace?

PRINCE HARRY: No. And there comes a point when silence is betrayal.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): Harry has been back in the United Kingdom. He was in London last September for a
charity event when the Palace announced his grandmother, the Queen, was under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle in
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PRINCE HARRY: I asked my brother -- I said, “What are your plans? How are you and Kate getting up there?” And then, a
couple of hours later, you know, all of the family members that live within the Windsor and Ascot area were jumping on a
plane together, a plane with 12, 14, maybe 16 seats.

ANDERSON COOPER: You were not invited on that plane?

PRINCE HARRY: I was not invited.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): By the time Harry got to Balmoral on his own, the Queen was dead.

PRINCE HARRY: I walked into the hall, and my aunt was there to greet me. And she asked me if I wanted to see her. I
thought about it for about five seconds, thinking, “Is this a good idea?” And I was, like, “You know what? You can -- you
can do this. You need to say goodbye.” So I went upstairs, took my jacket off and walked in and just spent some time with
her alone.

ANDERSON COOPER: Where was she?

PRINCE HARRY: She was in her bedroom. I was actually -- I was really happy for her. Because she’d finished life. She’d
completed life, and her husband was waiting for her. And the two of them are buried together.

ANDERSON COOPER (voiceover): As they had 25 years earlier, Harry and William found themselves walking together, but
apart, this time behind their grandmother’s casket.

ANDERSON COOPER: Do you speak to William now? Do you text?

PRINCE HARRY: Currently, no. But I look forward to -- I look forward to us being able to find peace. I want --

ANDERSON COOPER: How long has it been since you spoke?


ANDERSON COOPER: Do you speak to your dad?

PRINCE HARRY: We aren’t -- we haven’t spoken for quite a while. No, not recently.

ANDERSON COOPER: Can you see a day when you would return as a full-time member of the royal family?

PRINCE HARRY: No. I can’t see that happening.

ANDERSON COOPER: In the book, you called this, “A full-scale rupture.” Can it be healed?

PRINCE HARRY: Yes. The ball is very much in their court, but Meghan and I have continued to say that we will openly
apologize for anything that we did wrong, but every time we ask that question, no one’s telling us the specifics or anything.
There needs to be a constructive conversation, one that can happen in private that doesn’t get leaked.

ANDERSON COOPER: I assume they would say, “Well, how can we trust you, how do we know that you’re not going to
reveal whatever conversations we have in an interview somewhere?”

PRINCE HARRY: This all started with them briefing daily, against my wife with lies to the point of where my wife and I had
to run away from our -- from my country.
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ANDERSON COOPER: It’s hard, I think, for anybody to imagine a family dynamic that is so “Game of Thrones” without

PRINCE HARRY: I don’t watch “Game of Thrones,” but --


PRINCE HARRY: -- there’s definitely dragons. And that’s again the third party which is the British Press. So, ultimately,
without the British press as part of this, we would probably still be a fairly dysfunctional family, like, a lot are. But at the
heart of it, there is a family, without question. And I really look forward to having that family element back. I look forward to
having a relationship with my brother. I look forward to having a relationship with my father and other members of my

ANDERSON COOPER: You want that?

PRINCE HARRY: That’s all I’ve ever asked for.

(End VT)

ANDERSON COOPER: We reached out to Buckingham Palace for comment. Its representatives demanded that before
considering responding, 60 MINUTES provide them with our report prior to airing it tonight, which is something we never

ANNOUNCER: Prince Harry on how being father helps him understand his own mother.

PRINCE HARRY: I’m starting to comprehend the position that she was in.




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Language: EN

Other Indexing: (VIQ Media Transcription, Inc.; British Army; CBS Broadcasting Inc.) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 5070

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Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ but not stingy, 2023 WLNR 1437020

1/13/23 Chi. Trib. 5

2023 WLNR 1437020

Chicago Tribune
Copyright (c) 2023 Chicago Tribune Company

January 13, 2023

Section: Arts + Entertainment

Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ but not stingy

Deeply personal details about royals fill explosive book

Hillel Italie

Jill Lawless, Associated Press

From the book’s opening citation of William Faulkner to Prince Harry’s passionate bond with his wife, Meghan Markle, you
could almost call the Duke of Sussex’s memoir “The Americanization of Prince Harry.”

Bereaved boy, troubled teen, wartime soldier, unhappy royal -- many facets of Prince Harry are revealed in his explosive
memoir, often in eyebrow-raising detail. Running throughout is Harry’s desire to be a different kind of prince -- the kind who
talks about his feelings, eats fast food and otherwise doesn’t hide beyond a prim facade.

Like an American.

From accounts of cocaine use and losing his virginity to raw family rifts, “Spare” exposes deeply personal details about
Harry and the wider royal family.

Brotherhood: The book opens with a famous quote from Faulkner: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

Harry’s story is dominated by his rivalry with elder brother Prince William and the death of the boys’ mother, Princess
Diana, in 1997. Harry, who was 12 at the time, has never forgiven the media for Diana’s death in a car crash while being
pursued by photographers.

The loss of his mother haunts the book, which Harry dedicates to Meghan, children Archie and Lili, “and, of course, my

The opening chapter recounts how his father Prince Charles -- now King Charles III -- broke the news of his mother’s
accident, but didn’t give his son a hug.

Harry reveals that years later he asked his driver to take him through the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, site of the fatal crash,
hoping in vain that it would help end a “decade of unrelenting pain.” He also says he once consulted a woman who claimed
to have “powers” and to be able to pass on messages from Diana.

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Harry adds that he and William “pleaded” with their father not to marry his long-term paramour Camilla Parker-Bowles,
worried she would become a “wicked stepmother.”

Harry also is tormented by his status as royal “spare” behind William, who is heir to the British throne. Harry recounts a
long-standing sibling rivalry that worsened after Harry began a relationship with Meghan, the American actor whom he
married in 2018.

He says that during an argument in 2019, William called Meghan “difficult” and “rude” (the kind of insults an upper-class
Englishman might reserve for Americans), then grabbed him by the collar and knocked him down. Harry suffered cuts and
bruises from landing on a dog bowl.

Harry says Charles implored the brothers to make up, saying after the funeral of Prince Philip in 2021: “Please, boys -- don’t
make my final years a misery.”

Neither Buckingham Palace, which represents King Charles III, nor William’s Kensington Palace office, has commented on
any of the allegations.

Admiration for grandparents: Harry writes with admiration and some affection about Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
He remembers Philip’s “many passions -- carriage driving, barbecuing, shooting, food, beer,” and above all how he
“embraced life,” as did his mother. “Maybe that was why he’d been such a fan” of Princess Diana, Harry recalls.

Meanwhile, he acknowledges being intimidated at times by his grandmother, if only because she was the Queen. She is no
more helpful than anyone else in containing the media leaks, but she is often seen as sympathetic to his wishes, never more so
than when she approved of his marriage of Meghan.

Harry also sees her as an engaging, even humorous person beyond her otherwise proper bearing. Reflecting on her death last
year, he remembers whispering jokes into her ear or convincing her to participate in a widely seen promotional video of the
Invictus Games, in which she one-ups the Obamas in a sparring contest.

”She was a natural comedienne,” he writes, calling her “wicked sense of humor” a prized confidence between the two. “In
every photo of us, whenever we’re exchanging a glance, making solid eye contact, it’s clear. We had secrets.”

Wild teenage years: The memoir suggests the media’s party-boy image of Harry during his teen and young adult years was

Harry describes how he lost his virginity at age 17 -- in a field behind a pub to an older woman who loved horses and treated
the teenage prince like a “young stallion.” It was, he says, an “inglorious episode.”

He says he took cocaine several times starting at the same age to “feel different.” He also acknowledges using cannabis and
psychedelic mushrooms.

Army revelations: Harry offers extensive memories of his decade in the British Army, serving twice in Afghanistan. He says
that on his second tour, as an Apache helicopter co-pilot and gunner in 2012-2013, he killed 25 Taliban militants. Harry says
he felt neither satisfaction nor shame about his actions, and in the heat of battle regarded enemy combatants as pieces being
removed from a chessboard, “Bads taken away before they could kill Goods.”

Veterans criticized the comments and said they could increase the security risk for Harry. The Taliban returned to power in
Afghanistan in 2021, and Harry’s words have drawn protests in the country.

A regular guy: Yes, he’s a prince, but he isn’t above stopping by for burgers and fries at an In-N-Out, or getting clothes from
a chain outlet. He’s also a compulsive watcher of “Friends” and relates most to the wisecracking Chandler Bing, played by
Matthew Perry. He got to meet another “Friends” star, Courteney Cox, and indulge in chocolate psychedelic mushrooms at
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her Los Angeles home.

The real villain: Harry shares painful words about his father and brother, but his real anger is directed at the British media,
and at those within the royal circle who cooperated and otherwise stood aside. While Charles remains apparently indifferent
to the press, the rest of the family is obsessed with media coverage, Harry writes, himself as much as any of them. He
expresses despair over what he calls endlessly false stories about him, the racist caricatures of his wife and of the press’
unnerving knowledge of his whereabouts and private correspondence. “One has to have a relationship with the press,” he is
told by the royal staff.

Personal journey: Harry credits Meghan with changing the way he sees the world and himself. He says he was “awash in
isolation and privilege” and had no understanding of unconscious bias before he met her.

The young prince notoriously wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party in 2005, and claims in the book that William and his
now-wife Kate encouraged the choice of outfit and “howled” with laughter when they saw it. He was recorded using a racist
term about a fellow soldier of Pakistani descent in 2006, but says he did not know the word was a slur and that the soldier
was not offended.

Meghan and Harry cited the U.K. media’s treatment of the biracial American actor as one of the main reasons for their
decision to quit royal duties and move to the U.S. in 2020.

The book gives no sign that royal family relations will be repaired soon. Harry told ITV in an interview to promote the book
that he wants reconciliation, but that there must be “accountability” first.

In the final pages, Harry describes how he and William walked side-by-side during the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth
in September, but spoke barely a word to one another.

”The following afternoon, Meg and I left for America,” he says.

Photo: Copies of Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare” are displayed Jan. 10 at a bookstore in London. Many facets of the Duke of
Sussex are revealed in eyebrow-raising detail in the book. KIN CHEUNG/AP

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News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Taliban; ITV; British Army) (Prince Harry)

Edition: Final

Word Count: 1261

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-8 Filed 05/01/23 Page 119 of 128

Prince Harry and drugs: cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca and alcohol, 2023 WLNR 8128987

3/5/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8128987

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 5, 2023

Prince Harry and drugs: cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca and alcohol

Prince Harry , as part of the promotion of his book of memoirs ‘Spare: In the Shadow’ , held a live session -his followers had
to pay to see it- with Dr. Gabor Maté , a specialist in the treatment of addictions. The Duke of Sussex has not avoided any
question and has spoken openly about his past relationship with drugs: cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca and alcohol .

Let’s start with marijuana . In this case, Prince Harry has confessed that this substance was a great help for him mentally.
However, he does not have such good experiences after his consumption of cocaine , of which he assures that, beyond having
a social component, it was of practically no use to him.

Harry has explained that cocaine made him feel “different”, which is what he was looking for in part with the consumption of
this type of substance. “It helped me have a sense of belonging,” he has reflected as Dr. Gabor Maté listened attentively.
Ayahuasca helped Prince Harry
On the other hand, the son of Charles III has also opened up about his consumption of ayahuasca , a potent hallucinogen. In
this case, Harry has given quite a few more details about what this substance caused in his mood and mental state: “It was
like cleaning the windshield , like removing the filters on Instagram”.

The Duke of Sussex has acknowledged that this substance helped him “deal with the traumas and pains of the past”. “It took
it all away and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort and a lightness that I managed to hold on to. I did it, at first,
as a leisure activity, but then I saw that it was good for me,” he reflected.

In a different way he has analyzed his experiences with alcohol. Although in other interviews he has acknowledged that he
had times when he drank heavily, in the talk with Dr. Gabor Maté he made a different assessment: “It seems that there is a
social pressure to drink . At some dinners when I didn’t drink, they told me, if you’re not going to drink anything, go away”.
Gabor Maté’s diagnosis: Harry may have ADD
The conversation with Prince Harry has led addiction specialist Gabor Maté to a conclusion: the Duke of Sussex may have
attention deficit disorder (ADD ). The doctor has commented that this may be due to the fact that the Duke of Sussex , among
other factors, has grown up in an environment that he has described as “abnormal”.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Alcohol Abuse (1AL63); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders
& Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))
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Prince Harry and drugs: cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca and alcohol, 2023 WLNR 8128987

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Tiramillas); (Actualidad)

Word Count: 412

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Royal Sussex

3/4/23 PA Media 18:03:05

PA Media
Copyright © 2023 PA Media Group. All rights reserved

March 4, 2023

Royal Sussex

The Duke of Sussex has said marijuana “really helped” him mentally.

Harry, speaking at a livestreamed event, said cocaine “did nothing” for him.

He went on: “Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.”

---- Index References ----

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Sussex)

Word Count: 36
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Royals will be mortified as Harry’s cocaine confession revives..., 2023 WLNR 657068

1/7/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 657068

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 7, 2023

Royals will be mortified as Harry’s cocaine confession revives memories of Freddie Windsor and Camilla’s son’s
drug use - with Kate at the helm of ...

Tom Scotson For Mailonline

Royals will be mortified as Harry’s cocaine confession revives memories of Freddie Windsor and Camilla’s son’s drug use -
with Kate at the helm of anti-abuse charity

Senior Royals are likely to be uneasy at Prince Harry’s cocaine confession as it drags up unwelcome memories of drug use
within the wider royal family.

The Duke of Sussex, 38 sensationally admitted to taking cocaine ‘a few times’Prince Harry also confessed to smoking
cannabis and taking magic mushroomsLike Harry’s drug habits the Royal Family has a history of taking and using
drugsREAD MORE: ‘I didn’t know p*** was an insult...’ says Prince Harry

Writing in his memoir Spare, which went on sale in Spain earlier than planned, the Duke of Sussex sensationally admitted to
having taken cocaine ‘a few times’ during his wilder party years.

In his autobiography, the 38-year-old Royal also confessed to taking cannabis and magic mushrooms, and ended up
hallucinating that a bin was talking to him.

In his book, Harry described smoking cigarettes and cannabis and drinking at the Windsor Castle golf course while he was a
student at Eton, but he’s not the only member of the family with a history of dabbling with illegal substances.


In 1999 Camilla’s son, Tom Parker Bowles, was caught giving cocaine to a journalist while working at the Cannes Film
Festival in France.

Last year, it emerged that one of Ghisaline Maxwell’s accusers had a hand in setting up the sting.

According to the Telegraph, the woman was paid up to £40,000 to help a tabloid newspaper set up Mr Parker Bowles, son of
the Queen Consort, as part of a well-publicized sting in 1999.

Mr Parker Bowles was secretly filmed offering to buy cocaine for the woman, who was used by the tabloid because she knew
the food writer at the time.

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Royals will be mortified as Harry’s cocaine confession revives..., 2023 WLNR 657068

He also admitted using cocaine himself with ‘someone he found last night’ while working in France.

Mr Parker Bowles, who was 24 at the time and working as a publicist, was caught in the sting while at the Cannes Film
Festival and the incident was splashed over five pages of the News of the World.

In contemporary reports, Parker Bowles was described as ‘contrite’ while it was said Prince Charles, who was then a patron
of the drugs charity Phoenix House, was ‘fairly cross’ with the 24-year-old and scolded him for having been caught up in the

Lord Frederick Windsor

Queen Elizabeth II’s cousin, Lord Frederick Windsor, also admitted to taking cocaine after being snapped on the floor of a
London club, aged 22.

Back in 1999 he was spotted snorting cocaine after succumbing to peer pressure.

Lord Freddie later retold the story and said he regretted it.

After the incident Lord Freddie and his younger sister Lady Gabriella Windsor were taken by their mother to a drug
rehabilitation centre as teenagers, so they could see the problems caused by addiction.

It was reported at the time that both children were sick after leaving, having been left shocked by the aged state of a
17-year-old addict they met, the Princess said.

Nicolas Knatchbull

Another of Charles’s godchildren, Honourable Nicholas Knatchbull, the great-grandson of Earl Mountbatten of Burma, was
Prince William’s mentor at Eton and a frequent holiday companion.

But he became hooked on drugs and his life after school becamse a downward spiral or wild parties, which saw him drop out
of Edinburgh University after just six weeks.

A typical evening out would involve drug-taking, nightclubs and often end with him performing dangerous high-speed
manoeuvres in the car his father had bought for him.

Initially, he was arrested and cautioned by police for possession of cannabis, but rapidly graduated to crack cocaine, heroin,
ketamine — the horse tranquilliser — and MDMA, the key ingredient of ecstasy.

Devastated, his parents tried keeping him under curfew at Broadlands, the Hampshire home where the Queen and Prince
Philip spent their honeymoon, but ended up sending him to detox clinics costing up to £10,000 a week in Essex, Surrey,
London, South Africa and Arizona.

When he went on the run from The Priory, in Roehampton, South-West London, they had no choice but to have him
sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

As well writing about drugs in his memoir, Prince Harry’s drug use and partying lifestyle has been well documented.

During the Golden Jubilee in 2002, the Duke described being dragged into an office by an anonymous Royal Household staff
member after a reporter enquired about his drug-taking habits.

In February 2002 it was also reported that King Charles then the Prince of Wales, sent Harry to visit Featherstone Lodge
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Royals will be mortified as Harry’s cocaine confession revives..., 2023 WLNR 657068

Rehabilitation Centre in Peckham.

His Majesty took the decision after finding out the prince had taken drugs at parties and drunk booze at the Rattlebone Inn,
Sherston, Wiltshire.

In 2012, Harry enjoyed a wild weekend in Las Vegas, where he was snapped in just a necklace while a naked girl hid behind
him following a game of strip billiards in his VIP suite.

During Dax’s ‘Armchair Expert’ show, the royal was chatting about how people are more likely to run away and rebel after
being told ‘you need help’ when the host mentioned the notorious trip, joking: ‘[Or] take your clothes off in Las Vegas’.

Kate is a Patron of an Anti Drugs Charity

At the same time senior royals such as Kate Middleton are at the helm of anti-drugs charities.

Back in October the Princess of Wales released a message of support for those suffering with addiction, urging them to not
let shame hold them back from asking for help.

The Princess of Wales, patron of addiction recovery charity The Forward Trust, said addiction is ‘a serious health condition’
and ‘not a choice’.

Her message of support for the Taking Action on Addiction campaign comes in the form of a video on the first day of
Addiction Awareness Week.

In the video, Kate, 40, appears to be speaking from home as she is sitting on a couch with framed family photographs visible
behind her.

She says: ‘Addiction is a serious mental health condition that can happen to anyone, no matter what age, gender, race or

’As patron of The Forward Trust, I have met many people who have suffered from the effects of addiction. Attitudes to
addiction are changing.


Prince Harry reveals he took cocaine a ‘few times’ aged 17 after first being ‘offered a line’ during a hunting weekend but
claims it ‘wasn’t very fun’

’I saw the red mist in William. He wanted me to hit him back, but I chose not to’: Prince Harry tells more about the fight
between him and his brother in new ITV trailer... and says his mother Princess Diana would be ‘sad’ about their broken

---- Index References ----

Company: Phoenix House Inc; HSBC ASSET FINANCE (UK) LIMITED

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Film Festivals (1FI62); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice
Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Motion Pictures (1MO51); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

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Region: (Americas (1AM92); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); France (1FR23); Mediterranean (1ME20);
Nevada (1NE81); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Edinburgh University; Phoenix House; The Forward Trust) (Prince Charles; Freddie Windsor; Camilla;
Kate Middleton)

Word Count: 1083

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What we learned from Prince Harry’s live therapy session..., 2023 WLNR 8286164

3/6/23 Toronto Star (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8286164

Toronto Star
Copyright (c) 2023 thestar

March 6, 2023

Section: Life

What we learned from Prince Harry’s live therapy session with Gabor Mat[©

Sarah Laing

Ninety minutes is a long time to do anything, let alone delve into the deepest corners of your psyche and family history on a
ticketed livestream video feed. It’s a marathon of public self-examination, to be sure, but it’s one Prince Harry has been
training for ahead of his online conversation with Gabor Mat&#38;#233;, a Hungarian-Canadian trauma expert on Saturday.
(Writing a 416-page tell-all memoir about his life so far while filming a six-part documentary about his marriage has clearly
built his stamina in the confessional arena.)

This weekend’s virtual event was hosted by Random House, Harry’s publisher of his record-selling memoir, as well as of
Mat&#38;#233;’s own new book, “The Myth of Normal,” elegantly arranged alongside “Spare” on the rustic wooden mantle
of the fireplace that burned behind the two men, snow falling softly outside.

It was not, however, entirely the cosiest of fireside chats. Mat&#38;#233; was firmly in therapist mode, far more interested in
plumbing the depths of Harry’s feelings than casual chit-chat that might reveal nuggets of salacious gossip. Nothing, for
example, about whether Harry and Meghan will attend King Charles’s coronation , how he feels about the Frogmore Cottage
“ Frogxit “ drama, or even whether he’s spoken to his family since his book came out.

What we did get, however, was a series of fascinating revelations, straight from the therapist’s couch (armchair). Let’s get
into it.

There is very little physical affection between the Windsors

We already had a sense that the royals aren’t huggers (Exhibit A: Meghan’s story of her first time meeting William and Kate,
when it seems they found her attempts to embrace them “jarring”), but Harry really drove the point home in this
conversation. When Mat&#38;#233; suggested he had a childhood “deprived” of touch, Harry agreed, implying that he was
traumatized by his father’s lack of physical affection, which never went beyond a touch on the shoulder or knee, and even
then only in times of emotional extremis.

”It leaves me in the position of a father having two children trying to smother them with love,” Harry said of parenting
Archie and Lilibet. “I feel a huge responsibility not to pass on any trauma or negative experiences that I’ve had as a kid or as
a man growing up. There are times when I catch myself when I should be smothering them with that love but I might not be.”

Harry said he’s focused on “breaking the cycle” in his own family, a clear implied indictment on the way he was parented

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What we learned from Prince Harry’s live therapy session..., 2023 WLNR 8286164

(and the way Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip did, by extension). In Charles’ defence, however, Harry added that “we
only know what we know.”

Harry said Meghan “saved” him

Harry landed another less-than-favourable blow against his family, who he describes as being trapped in an unhealthy “gilded
cage”: That his wife “saved him.” As he put it: “ I was stuck in this world, and she was from a different world and helped
draw me out of that.” In a fascinating follow-up, surely in response to the commenters who paint him as a manipulative
woman’s puppet, Harry went out of his way to say, “But none of the elements of my life now would have been possible
without me seeing it for myself.”

Along with an admission that he reads the Amazon reviews of his book (at his publisher’s urging), this little detail reveals
that Harry is indeed keeping tabs on what tabloids and royal watchers are saying about him.

Gabor Mat&#38;#233; suggested Harry has ADD

In one of the stranger moments of the livestream, Mat&#38;#233; began to diagnose a sometimes visibly uncomfortable
Harry with various mental health conditions: PTSD (which Harry said he prefers to call a “post-traumatic injury” instead of
disorder, since it’s something that can be healed rather than a life sentence); depression (which Harry accepts, while stressing
his episodes were very brief) and ADD, or attention deficit disorder. Gamely going along with being diagnosed live on air,
Harry entertains the idea. “OK &#38;#8230; should I accept that, or should I look into it?” he says with a slightly awkward
laugh before his on-air therapist tells him to do “whatever” he wants with that information.

Harry’s a fan of psychedelics &#38;#8212; and skeptical about Big Pharma

At one point, the conversation turned to substances that Harry may have used, both to mask his pain and to heal it. Cocaine
“didn’t do anything” for him, Harry said, while marijuana “really did help.” It’s psychedelics , however, that he really rates.
“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me,” says Harry. One such experience is
detailed in “Spare,” when he took magic mushrooms at a party at Courtney Cox’s house and encountered a chatty garbage
bin in her guest bathroom.

”I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of
the past,” Harry adds, describing taking ayahuasca as akin to cleaning a dirty windscreen. “It removed it all for me and
brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time.”

Harry seems less keen on pharmaceutical medication, however, asking Mat&#38;#233;’s opinion on prescription drugs used
to treat depression in a leading sort of way that indicated he’s not such a believer himself. Later, he posited a theory that
doctors are paid more (by who, it’s not clear) when they prescribe medication.

Harry views “Spare” as “an act of service”

One of the striking things about the release of Harry’s memoir has been the dissonance between how he talks about it in
interviews and what’s actually in the book. For instance, his thoughtful explanation to Stephen Colbert of why he chose to
write about his “kill count” in Afghanistan read very differently in the book than the way he spoke about it. Saturday’s event
was another example of this: Harry called writing the book “an act of service,” something he did to help other people. While
that may be true, it’s also a glossing of the fact that many parts of the book &#38;#8212; including some of the petty family
dramas he airs &#38;#8212; feel less like charitable works and more like chances to score points against people who will
likely never answer back, publicly at least.

This tale of two Harrys could have a few different explanations: evidence of his continuing evolution, perhaps, a kind of
growth that means he might now see things he wrote in the book differently. Or it could be the added veneer of public
relations interventions giving him talking points to address points of controversy his “authentic” self spilled in the book.
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What we learned from Prince Harry’s live therapy session..., 2023 WLNR 8286164

This interview makes it seem unlikely Harry and Meghan will be at the Coronation

While Harry and Meghan’s reps have confirmed they’ve received an invite to King Charles’s coronation , in the wake of this
interview it seems increasingly bizarre that we would see Harry and Meghan at Charles’s big day. Not only has Harry not
walked back any of the more hurtful things he’s said in his memoir, he’s taken another opportunity to reiterate them, even
added to them. “I always felt different from everyone in my family, and I know my mother did too,” he said at one point. He
also strongly implied that there’s little to no contact between him and his family: “I’ve lost a lot.”

Sarah Laing is a Toronto-based freelance contributor for The Kit and the Star, writing about lifestyle and culture. Follow her
on Twitter: @sarahjanelaing

---- Index References ----


Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice
Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Disorders & Conditions (1PS79); Psychiatric Services
(1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63); Publishing (1PU26); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Random House) (Prince Harry; Gabor Mat[©)

Word Count: 1291

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Appendix B
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This article is more than 3 years old

Britons who legally smoke cannabis in the US 'risk being deported'

Warning comes amid rise in expulsions under federal law – even in
states where drug is legal

Henry McDonald
Fri 15 Nov 2019 08.53 EST

A legal expert at an international immigration firm has warned British tourists and employees that if they smoke marijuana in the US,
even in states where it has been legalised, they risk being barred from the country for life.

UK visitors can still be arrested and deported from the US even if they consume cannabis in states such as California and Colorado,
where the drug is legal, said Charlotte Slocombe, a senior partner at Fragomen in London.

Slocombe says her firm and others that deal with US immigration laws have seen a rise in cases where British holidaymakers and
green card holders, working legally in the US, are being expelled or denied entry because of cannabis consumption in states where it
is legal.

She said in a scenario where Americans were caught by police smoking cannabis at a party, in a state where it was
legal, they could not be arrested. British people and other foreign tourists at the same party, however, could be arrested, deported
and branded unfit to re-enter the US.

The warning comes as a growing number of US states are expected to legalise cannabis, among them New York and New Jersey,
which will follow 11 states, including Washington DC, that have made the drug legal. Despite that change, under US federal law the
drug remains illegal – meaning that foreign visitors can be sanctioned.

“Canada legalised cannabis in 2018 but as the US customs and Border Protection keep saying, US federal law has not changed,” said
Slocombe. “What is confusing to people is that while states in the USA have legalised cannabis it remains illegal federally.

“Even if you are a foreigner in a state where it’s legal, it’s still illegal for you federally. If, for example, you buy cannabis from a legal
dispensary and that dispensary asks for your passport details as ID that information might be discoverable. It could then trigger, as
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can admission of drug taking, immigration issues because immigration is covered by federal law not state law.

“This is how people get caught out even though they think they are doing something which is now legal in that state. Equally that
would include green card holders and those who hold visas to live and work in the US. Even for an American it is federally illegal, but
because they are not subject to US federal immigration laws they would not be as vulnerable.”

Slocombe said federal law trumped state law, and as a foreigner this could trigger inadmissability under US immigration legislation.

“Don’t take any risks, while you are not breaking state law you are still breaching federal law. It’s too dangerous because the
consequences are enormous and you might be ineligible for ESTA entry and a visa forever,” she said.

Slocombe warned it was not just cannabis consumers who ran the risk of being deported and potentially permanently barred from
the US. Investors, shareholders or firms that supply equipment for legal cannabis producers in also run the same risk.

“There is one example I am aware of where two known investors in the US cannabis industry, who are foreigners and on visas, had
their investment deemed illegal in federal law. Another example is a farmer who was on a visa and sold a portion of his land to a
cannabis producer and filed US tax returns. That came up as an issue when he tried to apply to renew his visa.”

She said Fragomen had even advised non-US technology companies to be careful over supplying IT services to American cannabis

“Customs and Border Protection state that they have the right to question you about your travel to the US and the industry you are
in. So if you are going to do something related to the cannabis industry then yes you could find yourself inadmissible to enter the US.”

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APP. B 002
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Travel > News & Advice

British tourist barred from entering US for 10 years over

cocaine text
Tourist forced to abandon £3,500 holiday

Helen Coffey · Monday 17 June 2019 14:45 · Comments

British tourist barred from entering US for 10 years over cocaine text message

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A British tourist has been barred from entering the US for 10 years after a reference to taking cocaine was found on her mobile

Isabella Brazier-Jones travelled to Los Angeles with her friend in March to embark on a two-month trip, but the pair were
stopped by Customs officials who suspected they were planning to overstay their visas.

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Brazier-Jones, 28, and her companion Olivia Cura, 26, were questioned about their plans and finances. Cura was released after an
hour or so, while Brazier-Jones’s bag and phone were seized, reports The Sun.

Brazier-Jones said she was subjected to a full body search and held in a cell with four other women, an experience she described
as “torture”.

Meanwhile, officials searched her phone and found a text that suggested she had taken cocaine.

Customs strike sparks travel chaos: in pictures Show all 8

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The former private chef and aspiring actress admitted to having taken the class A drug in 2017, after which she was deported to
the UK and told she was banned from visiting the US for a decade.

While Cura was told she could stay in the States, she opted to fly home with her friend instead.

Could admitting to illegal drug use jeopardise future travel plans?

The pair, both from west London, had quit their jobs to embark upon the holiday of a lifetime, which had cost them £3,500 in
total for flights, accommodation and car hire.

Brazier-Jones had also redecorated her flat and rented it out in preparation.

She accused American officials of taking against her as a “posh, white, blonde girl” and said she’d been “terrified”.

The story comes after several Conservative leadership candidates admitted to taking drugs.

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Amy Winehouse Denied U.S. Visa,

Won't Attend Grammys
But the troubled singer will reportedly perform via satellite at the ceremony
in L.A.

By Pete Norman | Published on February 7, 2008 02:55 PM

APP. B 006
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 9 of 634

Amy Winehouse will not be attending the Grammy Awards this weekend
because she’s been refused permission to touch down on American soil –
but she will be performing via satellite.

The troubled singer will perform and accept any awards via video feed, reports, citing a music executive involved with the Grammys.

Winehouse’s hopes of showing up in person were nixed after she was

denied a visa. “The singer has been invited to appear at the event on
Sunday after receiving an amazing six nominations for the prestigious
awards,” reads a statement issued by her publicist on Thursday.
“Unfortunately, her application for a visa to enter the United States of
America has been rejected at this time by the American Embassy in

“Amy has been progressing well since entering a rehabilitation clinic two
weeks ago, and although disappointed with the decision, has accepted the
ruling and will be concentrating on her recovery,” the statement continues.
“Amy has been treated well and fairly by the Embassy staff and thanks
everyone for their support in trying to make this happen. There will of
course be other opportunities and she very much looks forward to visiting
America in the near future.”


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Amy Winehouse denied visa, won't be at Grammys

Story Highlights
British singer is nominated in six categories at the Grammy Awards
She entered a rehabilitation clinic two weeks ago to be treated for drug addiction
Winehouse is disappointed with the decision, but accepts the ruling, publicist says
Statement: "She very much looks forward to visiting America in the near future"
Next Article in Entertainment »


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LONDON, England (CNN) -- British singer Amy Winehouse will not perform at the Grammy Awards as
planned, because she has been denied a visa to enter the United States, according to a statement Thursday.

Amy Winehouse and husband Blake Fielder-Civil watch an MTV awards program in November.

Winehouse, who is being treated for drug addiction, was invited to the Sunday event in Los Angeles, California,
after being nominated in six categories, said the statement from the singer's British publicists.

"Unfortunately, her application for a visa to enter the United States of America has been rejected at this time by
the American Embassy in London," the statement said.

"Amy has been progressing well since entering a rehabilitation clinic two weeks ago and although disappointed
with the decision, has accepted the ruling and will be concentrating on her recovery.

"Amy has been treated well and fairly by the embassy staff, and thanks every one for their support in trying to
make this happen," the statement said. "There will of course be other opportunities and she very much looks
forward to visiting America in the near future."

Winehouse entered the rehabilitation clinic January 24 after the leak of a home video that showed her smoking
something in a glass pipe, just minutes after she is heard saying she had taken six tablets of the anti-anxiety drug

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The Sun, Britain's best-selling daily tabloid newspaper, made the 19-minute video public, saying it had been shot
days earlier at Winehouse's East London home.

Don't Miss

Winehouse questioned about crack-smoking video

Amy Winehouse going back to rehab

In a two-minute portion of the video posted on The Sun's Web site, Winehouse walks around her home in a dark
tank top, talks to a friend on her cell phone, and talks to the person shooting the video. At one point, she says, "I
just took about six Valium."

Sitting on her bed, she then lights a glass pipe and inhales. What was in the pipe was unknown. Video Watch
the video of Winehouse and a glass pipe »

Scotland Yard has said it is looking into the the video after receiving it from The Sun.

Winehouse has become famous for her battles with addiction. Her hit song "Rehab" describes her reluctance to
enter a rehabilitation center. She previously entered rehab last summer.

In October, Winehouse and her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, were arrested at a Norwegian hotel for marijuana
possession, and soon afterward fans booed her on stage as she slurred and stumbled her way through her set.

In December, tabloids published pictures of Winehouse with a mystery white powder in her nose. She was also
photographed wandering barefoot on a London street, wearing only jeans and a bra and appearing disoriented.

Fielder-Civil is currently behind bars in London on charges of perverting the course of justice following a bar


Winehouse's parents have publicly expressed concern that their daughter is succumbing to the pressures of fame.

Winehouse's Grammy nominations include record and song of the year for "Rehab" and best album for "Back to
Black." E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

All About Amy Winehouse • Music Awards

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News Front Page Last Updated: Friday, 8 February 2008, 10:31 GMT
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Winehouse denied visa for Grammys

Africa Amy Winehouse will not SEE ALSO
Winehouse questioned over drugs
perform at this year's
06 Feb 08 |  Entertainment
Grammy Awards after her
Asia-Pacific Winehouse leaves rehab for visa
US visa application was 04 Feb 08 |  Entertainment
rejected by the country's Winehouse put on drip in hospital
Middle East
embassy in London. 01 Feb 08 |  Entertainment
South Asia
Winehouse is admitted into rehab
UK The singer was fined for 24 Jan 08 |  Entertainment
Business cannabis possession in Norway Winehouse 'filmed smoking crack'
Health last year. 22 Jan 08 |  Entertainment
Amy Winehouse plans to appeal against
Science & Profile: Amy Winehouse
her cannabis fine
Environment A spokesman for the troubled 25 Jan 08 |  Entertainment
Technology star said she was "disappointed", but had "accepted the ruling
Entertainment and will be concentrating on her recovery". Amy Winehouse
Arts & Culture Grammy Awards
Winehouse has been nominated for six Grammy Awards ahead
Also in the news The BBC is not responsible for the
of the ceremony in Los Angeles on Sunday. content of external internet sites
Video and Audio
They include the major prizes of record, album and song of the TOP ENTERTAINMENT STORIES
year. U2 reschedule US and Canada
Programmes dates
Have Your Say She is now expected to AMY WINEHOUSE IN THE US Cheryl 'on the mend' says Simon
In Pictures perform via satellite during the Cowell
Nominated for six Grammy
Country Profiles ceremony instead. Awards Zsa Zsa Gabor taken to hospital
Special Reports Sold 1.5 million copies of her | News feeds
A statement from her album Back To Black
management company did not
Billboard charts
SPORT say why her application was Cancelled North American tour MOST SHARED MOST READ
WEATHER turned down. last August
Also cancelled appearance at BBC News
EDITORS' BLOG The US Embassy in London and MTV Music Video Awards 2007 BBC News
the State Department in
BBC News
Washington also declined to comment.
BBC News
BBC entertainment reporter Colin Paterson said: "The blow to BBC News
Amy Winehouse is that this was going to be one of the
BBC News
highlights of her whole career.
BBC News
"She was going to be on the same bill as Aretha Franklin, Tina BBC News
Turner, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Herbie Hancock - all-
time greats. BBC News
BBC News
"The Grammys was the carrot her family and record company
used as a way to persuade her to get into rehab. Now they're Most popular now, in detail
going to have to find another way to motivate her."

The star, whose hits include Back to Black and Rehab, entered
a rehabilitation centre last month a few days after a video
emerged that apparently showed her smoking a crack pipe.

And she is planning to appeal against the cannabis fine in a

Norwegian court later this month.

APP. B 010
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 13 of 634
Winehouse called off a series of
concerts and appearances at
the end of last year after
reportedly being treated for
drug addiction.

Back To Black was the biggest-

selling album of 2007 in the UK
after shifting more than 1.85
million copies.
Beyonce will duet with Tina Turner at
this year's ceremony
The Grammys is the most
prestigious award event in the music industry's calendar.

This year, Tina Turner and Beyonce will perform a duet and
Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Fergie and Alicia Keys are among
the other performers.

Award presenters include Stevie Wonder, Prince, Tony Bennett,

Nelly Furtado, Ringo Starr and Tom Hanks.

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Travel > News & Advice

British tourist barred from entering US for 10 years over

cocaine text
Tourist forced to abandon £3,500 holiday

Helen Coffey · Monday 17 June 2019 14:45 · Comments

British tourist barred from entering US for 10 years over cocaine text message

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A British tourist has been barred from entering the US for 10 years after a reference to taking cocaine was found on her mobile

Isabella Brazier-Jones travelled to Los Angeles with her friend in March to embark on a two-month trip, but the pair were
stopped by Customs officials who suspected they were planning to overstay their visas.

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Brazier-Jones, 28, and her companion Olivia Cura, 26, were questioned about their plans and finances. Cura was released after an
hour or so, while Brazier-Jones’s bag and phone were seized, reports The Sun.

Brazier-Jones said she was subjected to a full body search and held in a cell with four other women, an experience she described
as “torture”.

Meanwhile, officials searched her phone and found a text that suggested she had taken cocaine.

Customs strike sparks travel chaos: in pictures Show all 8

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The former private chef and aspiring actress admitted to having taken the class A drug in 2017, after which she was deported to
the UK and told she was banned from visiting the US for a decade.

While Cura was told she could stay in the States, she opted to fly home with her friend instead.

Could admitting to illegal drug use jeopardise future travel plans?

The pair, both from west London, had quit their jobs to embark upon the holiday of a lifetime, which had cost them £3,500 in
total for flights, accommodation and car hire.

Brazier-Jones had also redecorated her flat and rented it out in preparation.

She accused American officials of taking against her as a “posh, white, blonde girl” and said she’d been “terrified”.

The story comes after several Conservative leadership candidates admitted to taking drugs.

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Nigella Lawson

This article is more than 8 years old

Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa after being

turned back at Heathrow
US embassy says TV chef's application to visit US after cocaine use
admission would be handled 'routinely and expeditiously'

Press Association
Thu 3 Apr 2014 13.59 EDT

Nigella Lawson has been invited to apply for a visa to travel to the United States just
days after she was stopped from flying to Los Angeles.

The 54-year-old was prevented from boarding a flight at Heathrow on Sunday,

apparently as a result of comments she made about taking drugs while giving evidence
in the trial of two of her staff accused of fraud.

But the US embassy in London said on Thursday she had now been invited to apply for
a visa and promised the matter could be "handled routinely and expeditiously".

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At the trial of two former personal assistants of her and her ex-husband Charles
Saatchi, Lawson admitted taking cocaine.

The mother-of-two told jurors she took the class A drug twice, once with her late
husband John Diamond when he found out he had terminal cancer and again in 2010
when, she said, she was being "subjected to intimate terrorism" by Saatchi.

But she told the court: "I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual

A spokeswoman for the US Embassy said: "There are several ways of legally travelling
into the United States and Ms Lawson has been invited to come to the embassy and
apply for a visa for travel to the US. We understand she has professional requirements
for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and expeditiously, so
stand by."

The spokeswoman said the embassy was unable to comment on the reasons that
someone might be turned away.

A witness told the Daily Mail Lawson attempted to board a British Airways flight from
London on Sunday morning but was turned away. "She didn't seem to say much but
she did not look happy," the onlooker said.

The US Department of Homeland Security told the Mail that foreigners who had
admitted drug taking could be deemed inadmissible. However, Lawson has visited
America since the court appearance.

Lawyer Susan McFadden, who specialises in US immigration law, said Lawson could
have been unlucky because her fame had drawn attention to the comments in court
about drugs.

She explained: "In order to travel to the States without a visa on the visa waiver
programme one has to obtain Esta (electronic system for travel authorisation)

"As part of that, one has to answer questions about whether one has been arrested or
convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude or in relation to a controlled
substance. Someone in Lawson's circumstances could tick no.

"But the problem comes when one also has to answer a question as to whether you are
a drug abuser or addict. The question of who is a drug user is a difficult one and is
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supposed to be directed by regulations set out by the Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta.

"Typically, any person who has used drugs within the last year can be considered a
drug abuser or addict. It could be because she is unlucky enough to be famous and her
admission of drug use made the newspapers. It could be that someone said 'Hey, if she
has used illegal drugs in the past year she could be classed as a drug abuser'."

McFadden explained that if this was the case, there were a series of steps which must
be taken before Ms Lawson would be allowed back into the US. She would first be
advised to visit a doctor who holds a contract with the US embassy in London who
would carry out an assessment to see whether or not she could be classed under these

If the doctor says she should be free to travel she could obtain a visa in a number of
weeks, McFadden said.

Elisabetta and Francesca Grillo, who worked for Lawson and Saatchi, were accused of
fraudulently using company credit cards, spending hundreds of thousands of pounds
on designer goods. But the Italian sisters claimed every purchase had been approved
by their then-bosses and they were found not guilty.

Police had reviewed the allegations of drug use that emerged during the trial but said
no further action would be taken.

Lawson told Good Morning America that having details of her acrimonious split from
millionaire art dealer Saatchi discussed in court under the glare of the world's media
was "mortifying".

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Nigella Lawson stopped from boarding plane to U.S. after

admitting drug use

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Nigella Lawson, who acknowledged last year that she had occasionally used cocaine, was
wireless bill per year
denied permission to board a flight to the United
S avStates over
i n g s co m pa re d tothe
we i g weekend,
h te d ave ra g e o fthe
to p 3U.S.
p rov i d e rs
ba s e d o n o p t i m i ze d p ri c i n g . Co m c a s t B u s i n e s s i n te rn e t

Embassy said Thursday. re q u i re d . R e d u ce d s p e e d a f te r 20 G B o f u s a g e / l i n e .

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The embassy did not disclose the reason for refusing the British celebrity cook entry to the
Watch CBS News
United States.

Embassy spokeswoman Lynne Platt said Lawson was stopped from traveling Sunday and
had subsequently been invited to the embassy to apply for a visa.

A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection would not comment directly
about Lawson's case, but told CBS News in a statement, "Applicants for admission bear the
burden of proof to establish that they are clearly eligible to enter the United States. In
order to demonstrate that they are admissible, the applicant must overcome all grounds of

She tweeted Saturday that she was going on vacation, but she also has worked in the U.S.,
where she co-hosted TV cooking competition "The Taste."

British citizens need visas to work in the U.S. but not for a vacation.
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U.S. authorities may refuse passengers admission for various reasons, including drug use.
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events, and exclusive reporting.
Lawson, author of "How To Be A Domestic Goddess," has had a turbulent year in which
her personal life was scrutinized in the media.

In July she divorced art collector Charles Saatchi after he was photographed grabbing her
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Watch CBS News

In December she testified at the fraud trial of two former aides, and told the court she had
used cocaine a handful of times. She denied claims by the defendants that she was a
regular drug user. Police later said they would not be investigating her.

Lawson's co-host on "The Taste," chef Anthony Bourdain, tweeted that he was "absolutely
mortified with embarrassment over the cruelty and hypocrisy of U.S. actions" over
Lawson's travel.

I am absolutely mortified with embarrassment over

the cruelty and hypocrisy of US actions re: #Nigella
travel. Unbelievable.

— Anthony Bourdain (@Bourdain) April 3, 2014

Toronto mayor, Rob Ford? Welcome to the USA.

Nigella Lawson? No. REALLY? Absolutely appalling
misuse of our system. And by whom? How?

— Anthony Bourdain (@Bourdain) April 3, 2014

A spokesman for Lawson declined comment.

She is not the first British celebrity to fall afoul of U.S. immigration officials. In 2008, the
late singer Amy Winehouse, who had a marijuana arrest and well-publicized problems
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with alcohol and drugs, was refused a visa to perform at the Grammy Awards.
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events, and exclusive reporting.
Singer Lily Allen was denied a visa the same year, shortly after she was arrested over an
altercation with photographers.

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Nigella Lawson: odd cases of refused entry to the US

APP. B 021
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3 April 2014 • 12:00am

As Nigella Lawson found out this week, gaining entry into the US can prove tricky,

particularly if you’ve admitted to a court that you’ve snorted cocaine.

Here we outline the different reasons you might be kept out of the country, and look at some

of the strangest cases of holidaymakers being turned away at the border.

Why might you be denied entry to the US?

According to the Department of Homeland Security website, travellers may be denied entry

to the US for the following reasons:

1. They have previously worked illegally in the US

2. They are suspected of being an intended immigrant who will overstay their visa

3. They are suspected of having ties to terrorist or criminal organisations

4. They have overstayed a previous visit to the US

5. They do not have sufficient funds to support themselves while there

6. On health-related grounds (the Department of State website specifies that this includes

anyone with a “communicable disease” or “a physical or mental disorder that may pose, or

has posed, a threat to [the person] or others” or “a drug abuser or addict ”)

And finally, 7. They have been found guilty of a criminal offence

While Nigella Lawson does not have a criminal conviction, the Department of State website

also states that entry may be denied to “any alien convicted of, or who admits having

committed… a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a

State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance”.

The only exceptions are if the crime was committed when the person was under 18 years of

age or more than five years before the date of application for admission to the US, or if “ the

maximum penalty possible for the crime of which the alien was convicted… did not exceed

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imprisonment for one year ”. Given that the maximum sentence for someone convicted of

possessing cocaine is significantly greater than one year, this would not apply to Nigella.

And clearly, as her case demonstrates, the rules are liable to change. Weeks after her

confession, she flew into America on New Year ’s Day to film a live interview promoting the

second series of The Taste USA. So those will a criminal history who had no problem getting

in once, may fail to do so on other occasions.

Full details can be found here.

Strange cases of travellers denied entry

There have also been dozens of incidents where travellers have been denied entry or even

taken into custody for more unusual reasons than Nigella.

For tweeting

In 2012, two British tourists were kept in a cell for 12 hours after landing in Los Angeles and

jokingly tweeting that they planned to “destroy America” and “dig up Marilyn Monroe”

during their holiday there. Authorities clearly didn’t realise that “destroy ” is slang for

“party ”.

Abta, the travel association, urged holidaymakers to be “ultra-cautious” when talking about

forthcoming trips to the US. "In the past we have seen holidaymakers stopped at airport

security for 'joking' that they have a bomb in their bag, thoroughly questioned and ending up

missing their flights, demonstrating that airport security staff do not have a sense of humour

when it comes to potential risk," it added.

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For writing a research paper on drugs

In 2007, Andrew Feldman, a Vancouver professor, was denied entry into Blaine,

Washington, after a border agent discovered he'd written an academic paper about taking

LSD in the Seventies.

For offending Obama

In 2010 Luke Angel, a 17-year-old Briton, was banned for life from visiting the US for sending

Barack Obama an offensive email in which he described the president as “a p****”.

For being well travelled

Last year Niels Gerson Lohman, a Dutch writer, was denied entry to the US at the Canadian

border after officials found stamps from Muslim countries, such as Yemen and Malaysia, in

his passport.

For depression

Ellen Richardson, a wheelchair-bound Canadian, was refused entry last November due to

being hospitalised for clinical depression the previous year. The decision forced her to miss a

10-day Caribbean cruise from New York.

For playing the guitar

A feature in Vice magazine last year revealed that a German was deported for travelling with

his guitar. He said he planned to take part in open mic nights, but officials believed he was

planning to seek employment.

For being Yusuf Islam

Muslim singer Cat Stevens, who changed his name to Yusuf Islam, was refused entry in 2004

on “national security grounds”. Colin Powell, secretary of state at the time, later apologised.

For criticising the Government?

Ilija Trojanow, a German author, was refused on board a flight to Denver. He said he was not

told why, but suggested that his public criticism of the US government ’s spying operations

was to blame.

For relying on Bitcoin

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“Doctor Nefario”, a Chinese Bitcoin developer, was turned away by customs officials in

Seattle in 2011 as he only had $600 in cash for a two-month trip. The rest of his funds

consisted of the digital currency, but this was not deemed adequate.

For a 24-year-old conviction

The former world's heaviest man, Paul Mason from Ipswich, was recently denied entry

because of a 24-year-old conviction for stealing. He had hoped to travel there in order to

have surgery to remove excess skin after losing 43 stone.

Other celebr it ies to have been prevented f rom enter ing the US for bad behavio ur include Lily

Allen , in 2007 after she was ar rested earlier that same year for allegedly p unching a

photog rapher, Pete Doherty, Amy Wineho u se , footballer Jer maine Pennant and Boy George .

How to apply for a US visa

British travellers to the US must first complete an Electronic System for Travel Authorization

(ESTA) at /. This is an automated system used to determine the

eligibility of visitors to travel to the US under the Visa Waiver Program and whether they

pose any law enforcement or security risk. The majority of applications are processed within


Should an ESTA be granted, entry might still be denied. Airlines are required to supply US

security officials in advance with details about all passengers so they can be screened.

Therefore passengers could be stopped at a UK or US airport.

What options are available to those denied entry?

Travellers can contact the Department of Homeland Security if they feel they have been

unfairly denied entry. They can do this online ( or by mail, and must

supply flight numbers, dates and passport numbers. The application for redress will then be

reviewed, but a Department of Homeland Security spokesman said foreigners who had

admitted committing drugs offences in the US, or another country, were liable to be refused.

He added: “Depending on the basis of their refusal they may be eligible to apply in advance

of travel for a temporary waiver of inadmissibility. The waiver application process can be


Read more

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Nigella Lawson

This article is more than 8 years old

Nigella Lawson's New Zealand visa appears to confirm

US ban
Celebrity cook denied permission to enter US last month, after
admitting cannabis and cocaine use

Agence France-Presse in Wellington

Sat 19 Apr 2014 22.31 EDT

New Zealand officials have granted a special visa to Nigella Lawson, who has admitted
using cocaine, in an apparent confirmation that she has been blocked from entering the
United States, it was reported on Sunday.

US authorities declined to specify why Lawson was stopped from flying from London
to Los Angeles late last month. However, in a statement to the Herald on Sunday
newspaper, Immigration New Zealand said the celebrity cook was not allowed to enter
the US, which meant she required special permission to work in New Zealand.

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“As Ms Lawson has been excluded from another country, namely the United States, she
was ineligible to be granted a visa to enter New Zealand unless given a special
direction,” Immigration New Zealand said. “A special direction was considered and
granted, and subsequently her visa application was approved.”

Lawson, 54, admitted, in a court case last year, that she had used cocaine and
cannabis. British newspapers have speculated that she was prevented from flying to
the US, where she stars in a cooking talent show The Taste, because of her admission of
drug use.

A US embassy spokeswoman in London confirmed Lawson was denied permission to

fly to Los Angeles but declined to say why, citing privacy reasons. Lawson is in New
Zealand to film an advertisement.

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Pete Doherty was refused a visa to play a one-off gig in America, it’s been reported.

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at Milk Studios in New York last week.
KOKO, London, reviewed
However, Doherty was denied entry by US custom officials at JFK airport. He was then
asked to board a return flight to London.

Doherty has a string of drug convictions, but thought he would still be allowed into the
US, according to The Sun.

As previously reported on Gigwise, Doherty will rejoin his former Libertines bandmates Latest
to play the Reading and Leeds festivals in August.

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APP. B 028
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 31 of 634



Travel > News & Advice

US visa application: Can you still get an Esta if

you've taken drugs?
British woman barred from US for 10 years after admitting to cocaine use

Helen Coffey · Monday 17 June 2019 17:54 · Comments

US Customs officials can deny entry for a number of transgressions (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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After a British tourist was banned from entering the US for 10 years over a text
referring to taking cocaine, here’s everything you need to know about how previous
drug offences could affect your travel plans.

What happened?
Isabella Brazier-Jones travelled to Los Angeles with her friend in March to embark
on a two-month trip, but the pair were stopped by Customs officials who suspected
they were planning to overstay their visas.

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Brazier-Jones, 28, and her companion Olivia Cura, 26, were questioned about their
plans and finances. Cura was released after an hour or so, while Brazier-Jones’s bag
and phone were seized.

Brazier-Jones said she was subjected to a full body search and held in a cell with four
other women, an experience she described as “torture”.

How Brexit will affect your travel to Europe Show all 14

Meanwhile, officials searched her phone and found a text that suggested she had
taken cocaine.

The former private chef and aspiring actor admitted to having taken the class A drug
in 2017, after which she was deported to the UK and told she was banned from
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visiting the US for a decade.

Why would admitting to drug use lead to deportation?

Drug abuse is no longer grounds for outright exclusion from America, as John
Lennon experienced for a time. However, the US Electronic System for Travel
Authorization (the “online visa” known as Esta) asks applicants whether they have
ever taken drugs in the past under the “eligibility” section: “Have you ever violated
any law related to possessing, using, or distributing illegal drugs?” Answering yes to
this question means it is likely the applicant will be denied an Esta.

Could admitting to illegal drug use jeopardise future travel plans?

Presuming Ms Brazier-Jones answered “no” to this question, the search of her phone
found this assertion to be false, meaning she lied on the form.

“Lying on the Esta represents separate grounds of inadmissibility to the USA under
the material misrepresentation or fraud provision,” Ioana Hyde, US Immigration
Attorney at American Immigration Law Office Ltd, told The Independent. “If this
finding is made, then a person subsequently applying for a visa to the USA may well
be denied due to misrepresentation or fraud.”

Kaitlin Davies, solicitor and US attorney with US immigration specialists Davies

Legal, adds that Brazier-Jones’s own admission of guilt may have been a factor in the
severity of the penalty.

“On strict application of the law, social media posts regarding drug use should not be
sufficient, in the absence of more evidence,” she said. “Had Ms Brazier not admitted
controlled substance use to the interviewing officer, it is possible that the outcome
could have been different.

“The likely ground on which Ms. Brazier was banned for 10 years, although we
cannot be certain, would relate to misrepresentation of her prior ‘violation [of] any
law related to possessing [and/or] using... illegal drugs’.

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Digital INVEA
Digital INVEA

“Misrepresentation and fraud often form the basis of lengthy bans.”

What happens if I lie on my Esta application?

Nacro (previously the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of
Offenders) provides an answer on its survey about declaring a criminal record when
travelling abroad:

“If I lie on the Esta form, will I be found out?”

“The short answer is: probably not. The US authorities do not have access to
criminal record information held on the Police National Computer. However, if the
authorities have particular concerns about an individual, they may request criminal
record information from the Home Office by making an application through
Interpol. Such requests, however, are rare.”

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Michael Gove says he was 'fortunate' not to go to jail after taking cocaine several times whilst working as a journalist

However, since 2018 US border agents have had the authority to seize and search
individuals’ phones and electronic devices “without probable cause” – ie they don’t
need to provide a reason for doing so. Refusing to hand it over along with your
password could mean you’re denied entry to the country regardless.

In Ms Brazier-Jones’s case, they found reference to previous drug taking, which

along with her admission of guilt was enough to bar her from the country for a

Kaitlin Davies says that those who have previously taken drugs should consult an
immigration lawyer before applying for a US visa.

“It is notable that even if an applicant has previously used or abused substances, and
is therefore deemed ineligible to travel on Esta, they may still successfully apply for a
B-1/B-2 Temporary Visitor visa, as we do for hundreds of clients, some with
extensive drug use and/or convictions,” she said.

Should I delete incriminating pictures or messages from my

Experts advise checking what information is stored on your phone and electronic
devices prior to travel.

How can I bring my medicine to Dubai?

Ioana Hyde says: “In recent times, I have spoken to individuals who ran into
difficulties at the US border after being sent images through WhatsApp or similar
messaging apps where images received from others are automatically downloaded
and stored on the device without the user’s specific intent to save a photo.

“The photo showed possible drug use or other potentially illegal activities which in
turn resulted in difficulties to the applicant for entry into the USA, including in the

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worst case being summarily removed which then carries a five-year bar from
entering the USA unless a waiver (additional permissions) can be secured.”

Davies also recommends reviewing your social media before travelling to the US.
“Anything, drug-related or otherwise, including expressions of ‘moving to the US’ or
the previous famous example of a British citizen writing about ‘destroying the US’ in
colloquial terms, may cause problems at the border,” she says. “In the current
climate, applicants should be mindful that posts and photographs can be
More about: USA Travel ESTA Visa Drugs

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Why Was Nigella Lawson Refused Entry To The US?

Ultimately, the decision to refuse Nigella Lawson entry to the US reflects the uglier
side of its immigration legislation. It was apparently arbitrary; Lawson's behaviour
suggests that she had no prior indication of the Border Agency's decision...

By Megan Hughes
Third-year languages student at Jesus College, Cambridge

04/04/2014 11:17am BST | Updated June 4, 2014

It has emerged that Nigella Lawson was prevented from boarding a

flight to America earlier this week, apparently on the grounds that
she has admitted taking illegal drugs. The US is known for its hard-
line on both drugs policy and border control; whilst US Border
Officials refused to comment upon this incident in isolation,
regulations state that individuals who have confessed to drug
offences outside of the country are not eligible to enter it.

It isn't surprising that the US Border Control has barred Lawson from
entering the country, where laws surrounding illegal drug use are
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notoriously strict. Yet the move was sudden, and somewhat arbitrary;
in the time since her confession under oath last year, Lawson has
flown to and from the US unimpeded.

This isn't surprising either, particularly in the context of US drug

policy. Commentators have long critiqued government drug policy as
ineffectual, and illogical. Such a criticism rings even more true
against a backdrop of recent state-level cannabis legalisation in
Colorado and Washington, where state legislation now directly
undermines the principles of US drug policy at federal level.


What might perhaps be considered as surprising is that a wealthy,

popular celebrity such as Lawson was targeted by these laws. Few
deny the scale of wealth inequality in the US; many civil structures
such as the courts seem pre-programmed to protect the 1 percent. It
might be seen as bizarre, then, that Nigella Lawson was refused
entry, given how much she is worth, and her popularity on American
television. Yet Lawson is not American; US society might protect the
interests of the wealthy, but more importantly, it protects the interests
of its own wealthy.

This isn't the sole instance of double standards implicated in this

issue; whilst he has never publicly confessed to taking cocaine in his
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youth, George Bush memorably said that he couldn't answer to such
a charge for fear of setting a bad example. More than this, numerous
critics have voiced their opposition to drug policy at both a federal
and state level, which is widely considered to discriminate against
those from poor and ethnic-minority communities.

It is this hypocrisy, endemic in many of the US' judicial and legislative

bodies, which emerged once again on Sunday in the case of
Lawson's refused admission. The celebrity chef was never formally
convicted of any drug-related offence in the UK following her
admission that she had taken cocaine and smoked marijuana. Since
confessing to infringing UK drug laws, Lawson has been allowed to
go to the US to work on the popular culinary programme 'The Taste'.

Sunday's trip, however, was openly acknowledged as recreational;

Lawson posted a photo on Twitter on Saturday with the words
'Packing for my holiday!' US Border Control has refused to comment
on the decision to prevent her from flying to California, but it is worth
speculating whether they would have done so had she been flying
out for a professional motive. As it is, Lawson was flying out for
personal reasons, and suddenly her past drug use became an
insurmountable obstacle.


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Not only is US drug policy applied capriciously, and weighted against
black and other minority communities, but it is simply ineffective.
There are, clearly, some individuals who have committed such
heinous crimes elsewhere in the world that the decision to refuse
them admission to the US is justified. Some of these crimes may
even be drug-related.

Nonetheless, it is simply irrational to impose a blanket ban on any

foreign individual who has committed any drug offence elsewhere in
the world, for several reasons. Primarily, because the number of drug
users in the US has been increasing since the early 2000s;
according to data collected by the National Institute of Drug Abuse in
2012, nearly a quarter of 18 to 20 year olds in the US admitted to
having used an illicit drug in the past month.

Some of these young people will, undoubtedly, go on to occupy

positions of authority in the US government, or in its courts. It
wouldn't be outlandish to suggest that Bush may be just one of many
senior figures in American politics with a history of illegal drug use.
Denying an individual entry for a mistake they made when they were
young makes no sense, particularly when the same survey showed
that nearly 10% of Americans admitted to using an illegal substance
in the last month.

Given the prevalence of recreational drug use worldwide, it's fair to

assume that there are many public figures, and people holding posts
of relative authority in other countries, who have taken drugs in the
past. Young people are prone to poor judgement, but most of the
mistakes they make are harmless; such errors shouldn't go on to
define us later in life. The US government knows that, because it
allows individuals with DUI (Drink Driving) offences to enter freely.

Ultimately, the decision to refuse Nigella Lawson entry to the US

reflects the uglier side of its immigration legislation. It was apparently
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arbitrary; Lawson's behaviour suggests that she had no prior
indication of the Border Agency's decision. It also demonstrated that
such policies are underpinned by self-interest, and by hypocrisy; she
was allowed to enter so long as her presence benefitted the US, yet
found the door firmly shut when she looked to travel for her own




Megan Hughes
Third-year languages student at Jesus College, Cambridge

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This Soccer Legend Was Denied a U.S Visa,

British Paper Claims
Maradona Hasn't Been in the US Since 1994

July 17, 2013, 2:26 PM

July 17, 2013&#151; -- You'd think that being a millionaire and famous
soccer star would make it easy to get a U.S. tourist visa right?

Not if you're a former drug user, like Diego Maradona.

The retired Argentine superstar, now 52, regularly travels around the world
to coach soccer teams, appear on tv programs and attend promotional

But such credentials may not have impressed the U.S consulate in Dubai,
which allegedly rejected Maradona's visa application earlier this month,
according to The Sun.

The reasons for the rejection have not been spelled out. Maradona, who has
been working as a sports adviser for Dubai's government, has not even
confirmed that this incident occurred.

But the former Argentina captain has been denied entry to the U.S. in the
past over his well-documented drug abuse problems.

In 1993, for example, the U.S. consulate in Buenos Aires denied Maradona a
visa, claiming that it could not allow the soccer star to enter the country
because he had been previously arrested for cocaine possession in Italy.

According to U.S. immigration law, anyone who has used "controlled"

substances [ie drugs] is ineligible for a visa. To become eligible, they must
get a special waiver, which is provided by consulates on a discretionary

Maradona was actually allowed to enter the U.S. in 1994 as one of the
players on Argentina's World Cup squad. But he was expelled from the
tournament after he tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.

Maradona, who claims that he has overcome his cocaine addiction, has not
been to the U.S. since then. He's also a fierce critic of the U.S. government
and a close friend of Fidel Castro. So that probably doesn't further his cause
to get a visa.

According to The Sun's sources, Maradona wanted to go to Florida to visit

Disney World with his grandson, his two daughters and his 23-year-old
girlfriend. Argentine media also reported in April that Maradona was
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trying to get back into the U.S. to discuss commercial deals with potential

The lesson of this tale?

U.S. consular officers could reject your visa application if they find out
you've been taking drugs. Of course, it's only possible for them to find out if
you're famous like Maradona, if you tell them you use the stuff, or if you
have some sort of conviction for drug use in your records.

Proven drug users can still get a visa if they apply for a special waiver of
eligibility, that is granted by consuls, who weigh the violations committed
by the applicant against the benefits of letting that person into the country,
says immigration lawyer, David Leopold.

Canadians who regularly make trips to the U.S. are also discovering that it's
not a good idea to answer border patrol officers' questions on personal
marijuana habits. Border officers don't always ask about drug use, but as
some travellers have found out, fessing up to marijuana habits, can have
negative consequences.

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South Florida Sun-Sentinel • Sep 11, 1993 at 12:00 am


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Diego Maradona will not be allowed to enter the United States and play with the Fort
Lauderdale Strikers in a game against the Los Angeles Salsa on Sunday. The U.S. Consulate in
Argentina denied a waiver to Maradona that would have allowed him to obtain a visa. The State
Department in Washington upheld the decision. The refusal by the consulate was based on the
Immigration and Naturalization Act. It states that an alien is ineligiable to receive a visa if there
has been any violation of law or regulation on a state, the United States, or a foreign country
relating to a controlled substance. Maradona was indicted on cocaine possession charges in
1991. The Strikers will play at 6:06 p.m.
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Ever try pot? Answer yes, and U.S. won't let you
in — ever
KNKX Public Radio | By Paula Wissel
Published March 29, 2013 at 5:01 AM PDT

LISTEN • 1:25

Associated Press

File image

Ever try pot? Answer yes to a border agent, and foreigners could face permanent
consequences even if they haven't used marijuana in years. 

More and more Canadians are learning the hard way that admitting to U.S. border
agents that you smoked pot can bar you from entering the country forever.

Immigration lawyers say some Canadians are under the mistaken impression that
of marijuana in Washington state has resulted in leniency by U.S. border
NPR's Morning Edition
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agents here, but it hasn't. Marijuana is still an illegal substance under federal
law.Questioned at border

Immigration lawyer Len Saunders, whose offices are near the border in Blaine, Wash.,
says he's been getting a lot of calls from mostly young Canadians who've been denied
entry into the U.S. after being questioned about their past drug use.

This week, James Sward from Vancouver, B.C., called to ask for help. Saunders says his
case is typical.

According to Saunders, Sward was denied entry a year and a half ago.

"He admitted under oath at the port of entry that he’d smoked marijuana in the past,”
Saunders said.

More recently, Sward tried to enter the U.S. on a commercial airline. Saunders says
Sward was told he couldn't fly to Virginia because of his earlier admission of drug use.
Saunders says Sward couldn't believe it.

“He kept telling me that he has no criminal convictions, and I said, 'That doesn’t matter.'
I said, 'You might as well have a conviction, because you’ve admitted the essential
elements of a crime involving moral turpitude, which is the use of illegal drugs,"'
Saunders said. 

In case you’re wondering, "moral turpitude" is a term referenced in U.S. immigration law
that means you’ve violated community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.

What the law says

In an email, Thomas Schreiber, chief Customs and Border Patrol officer, laid out what
U.S. immigration law says about who can be denied entry into the country: "Under Sec.
212 (8 U.S.C.1182) you are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the
United States if you 'voluntarily admit to having committed a crime involving moral

You shouldn't lie, but...

So, what’s a Canadian to do, lie about smoking a little weed in college?
NPR's Morning Edition
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Saunders says he doesn’t condone lying, but he does tell Canadians they can refrain
from answering questions at the border.

“Just withdraw your application for entry, go back to Canada and maybe try a different
day, and maybe you’ll get a more hospitable officer," he said.

He says the inconvenience of that is far less than being permanently barred. People
who've been denied entry, he says, are forever in the database and have to go through
the expense and time of seeking a special waiver every time they want to cross the

How many Canadians are denied entry?

There's no way of knowing how many Canadians are being kept out of the U.S. for past
drug use. But here's what Schreiber told me via email:

"On a typical day during our last fiscal year, CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) processed
932,456 passengers and pedestrians to the United States, processed 591 inadmissible
aliens and refused 470 at our ports of entry. While the vast majority of legitimate
travelers are expedited into the United States, CBP does encounter the necessity to
refuse entry to a narrow portion of that demographic on a daily basis."

In 2007, "The Colbert Report" ran a story about a Vancouver man who was denied entry
at the Blaine port of entry after the border agent found that he'd written an academic
paper about taking LSD in the 1970s.

there was an error

NPR's Morning Edition
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What Would You Like To Know?

You are here: Home / The Customs Inspection Experience / Cannabis at the US Canada Border / Cannabis
Issues When Entering the U.S.

Current U.S. & Canadian Covid-19 travel restrictions explained

Cannabis Issues When Entering the U.S.

In addition to this page, read our page on Cannabis at the U.S. Canada Border for detailed advice on
how to handle your border inspection.

Like all matters involving criminal records, a conviction for cannabis / drug offenses will often lead to
denial of entry into the U.S. The push to legalize cannabis does not really change what happens if you
have a criminal conviction. You should read our Criminal Records section if you need detailed
information on this subject.

You are also likely be turned away at the U.S. border – and possibly arrested – if you have pot in your
vehicle when you try to enter the U.S. Cannabis, and any paraphernalia used to consume drugs, is
illegal under U.S. federal law. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operates under U.S.
Federal law.

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If you are caught with even with a small amount of marijuana, it will be confiscated, and you could face
thousands of dollars in fines. The amount of marijuana you have, and whether it is concealed, will
determine whether they seek even stronger penalties like jail time. If you are caught with more than
what would be considered personal use, you will definitely end up in the U.S. legal system.

It does not matter if both Canada and the U.S. state you are entering have legalized marijuana.
U.S. state law is irrelevant in this matter.
It does not matter if you have a prescription for medical marijuana.
It does not matter if it is “your” pot or someone else’s in the vehicle.

It is important to realize that, at the border, U.S. Customs officials are both judge and jury. They have
almost complete discretion to admit, or bar, you from entry into the U.S. How they view cannabis issues,
and what actions they may take, will vary between officers.

One interesting tidbit is that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection claims you are under their
jurisdiction even if you are not on federal land or entering a border inspection booth. The U.S. Customs
and Border Patrol has asserted the right to search vehicles as much as 100 miles from the border. The
key is whether you have the “intent to go foreign.”

How to Answer the Question “Have You Ever Smoked

CBP officers may profile you and then ask you whether you have used cannabis before. If you say
“yes”, you may be turned away at the border. U.S. federal law says that someone is inadmissible to the
U.S. if they have either been “convicted of” or “admits having committed” a violation of drug laws in the
U.S. or elsewhere. In other words, if you admit to drug use, that is grounds to turn you away, and maybe
give you a ban on ever entering the U.S. Not every officer will ask the question, and some officers may
have a much tougher response than others. As a result:

Do not even joke about drug use.

It does not matter if you say this was a long time ago. There was a case where an individual was
turned away from the U.S. border, and barred for life, after a border guard searched his name on
the internet and found that he had written in an academic journal about using LSD in the 1960s.

You have 4 options to the question: “Have You Ever Smoked Pot”

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1. Lie
2. Tell the truth
3. Refuse to answer
4. Revoke your request to enter the U.S.

If you lie about your past pot use, be aware that the consequences are likely to be very harsh if you’re
caught in the lie. You could face up to a lifetime ban on ever entering the U.S. again. If you receive a
shorter ban, your immigration record will always show that you lied to officers. This will likely lead to
extensive interrogation at the border for the rest of your life. This will be true even if the U.S. later
decides to stop asking about marijuana use.

There are lots of ways that U.S. border officials may uncover your deception. CBP officers are entitled
to use any documentary evidence to confirm your statements – whether in print, online or on social
media, in text or image. It can be on the internet, your phone, or laptop. Read our page on Border
Searches to get a clear idea of the extent of the border patrol’s search powers.

There are also questions as to whether U.S. Customs Officials may be able to get access to Canadian
information about the purchase and sale of recreational cannabis. Records of customer purchases, and
information from the many companies in the distribution network, will be kept in a wide variety of
Canadian databases. In addition, the U.S. Patriot Act permits border officials to access information like
credit card data.

Tell the truth?

As of this writing, you will most likely be turned away at the border. However, times change, and it is
possible that, at a later date, the U.S. will no longer ban pot smokers. For example, if the U.S. ever
legalized marijuana on the federal level, then a mark on your record that you admitted smoking pot may
no longer be a problem. Compare that to the lifetime of issues you will have if you are caught lying to
border officers.

Refuse to answer?
You have no legal obligation to answer any questions put to you by a border officer. However, you are
also likely to be refused entry into the U.S. and flagged in the CBP database with a “lookout.” This

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would likely result in closer scrutiny during your next border crossing attempt. You need to decide if
being turned away on this one trip is better than being barred for life.

Revoke your request to enter the U.S.?

You have the right – at both land crossings and in pre-flight clearance – to revoke your request to enter
the U.S. if you do not wish to answer questions posed by Customs Officers. However, like a “refusal to
answer,” you will likely be flagged in the Customs and Border Protection database, which may
mean closer scrutiny during your next border crossing attempt. Again, like the “refusal to answer,” you
need to weigh this against the risk of being caught lying.

Searches at the border

We have another page with much more information on searches at the U.S. / Canadian border, but the
main point is that at any border crossing checkpoint, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have
the power to conduct a search of your car, yourself, your passengers, and everybody’s possessions –
without a warrant. These search powers extend to electronic devices like phones, tablets, laptops and
hard drives.

If you have private information on your electronic devices that do you not want searched, you should
either remove the information, or leave the device at home. Some experts recommend carrying a burner
phone, but, if you have already been profiled and deemed somewhat suspicious, carrying a burner
phone will likely increase the officer’s suspicion. For any electronic device, you would be best to turn if
off as you approach the border.

Problems If You Work in the Cannabis Industry

As of this writing, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has declared that “A Canadian citizen
working in or facilitating the proliferation of the legal marijuana industry in Canada, coming to the U.S.
for reasons unrelated to the marijuana industry will generally be admissible to the U.S. However, if a
traveler is found to be coming to the U.S. for reason related to the marijuana industry, they may be
deemed inadmissible.”

Customs officers can ask you whether you work in the cannabis industry and, as we have already
explained, you need to be very careful about how you respond. If you say no, but the officer is
suspicious, they can  search for you on the internet. If you have an online presence in the marijuana

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industry, they may find it. They can seize and search your phone or laptop without a warrant, so your
contact information will jump out if it references the industry.

What Can You Do If You Are Deemed Inadmissible?

You can, in fact, enter the U.S. despite inadmissibility issues. The most common approach is to apply in
advance for a “waiver of inadmissibility.” Waiver requests are judged case-by-case and often depend on
the reasons for travel. The application fee is around $1,000, and the process can take up to a year. The
waiver may be good for a year, or perhaps longer, depending on the discretion of the approval officer.
When the waiver expires, you will have to re-apply and pay the current fee.

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Have you ever smoked pot? Saying yes
can get foreigners barred for life at U.S.
More Canadians may let down their guard and admit to U.S. authorities that they’ve used marijuana.

By Rob Hotakainen McClatchy Washington Bureau • May 3, 2017 10:00 pm

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Jessica Leppala, left, helps customer Dave Watters on Monday at Evergreen Cannabis in Blaine. (Philip A.
Dwyer/Bellingham Herald)

By Rob Hotakainen

McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Canada’s likely move to completely legalize marijuana next year promises to produce immediate
spillover effects in the United States, starting with increased confusion at the U.S.-Canadian border.

“I’m expecting my business to boom,” said Len Saunders, an immigration attorney from Blaine, Wash.

With recreational marijuana already legal up and down the West Coast, from Alaska to California, he said, more Canadians
may let down their guard and admit to U.S. authorities that they’ve used marijuana, reason enough to get foreigners barred
from entering the country.

Beyond that, pot retailers and legalization backers say it’s difficult to predict exactly what might happen if Canada, as
expected, becomes only the second nation in the world to fully legalize pot for anyone over 18 on July 1, 2018.

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Even with such a big move, Jacob Lamont figures the Canadian customers will keep coming to Evergreen Cannabis, his pot
shop in Blaine, just a few blocks from the U.S.-Canadian border.

“I enjoy my brothers and sisters from the north — obviously they support my business quite well,” said Lamont, who
estimates that Canadian customers make up 60 percent of his year-round business. “They still come down here. They buy a
lot of milk, they buy cigarettes and they buy alcohol, because the taxation is so high up there. And I have a feeling they’re
going to follow suit with marijuana.”

Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a longtime champion of legalization, said it could be a game changer for Congress.

“It completely changes the dynamic,” he said. “Some regard Canada as the 51st state. This is going to make a big difference
in terms of adjusting attitudes and accelerating progress. … It’s going to help us bring these things to a head.”

Saunders scoffed at the idea that the United States would ever legalize marijuana with President Donald Trump, a teetotaler,
in the White House.

“You have a president who not only has an attorney general (Jeff Sessions) who is going to fight drugs, but you have a
president who’s never even had a sip of alcohol,” Saunders said.

One of Saunders’ clients, Alan Ranta, 36, a freelance music journalist from Vancouver, British Columbia, got barred last year
as he tried to drive his Toyota Yaris into Washington state. During questioning, he was handcuffed and told a U.S. border
guard he had smoked marijuana in the past. Even though he was not carrying the drug with him at the time, Ranta said, he
was told that under U.S. law he had committed “a crime involving moral turpitude.”

“It lulls you into a false sense of security when you don’t have anything on you and you’ve done nothing wrong and you’re
going to a place where it’s legal,” Ranta said. “You keep thinking, ‘This is crazy, why am I getting in trouble?’”

He figures he was stopped because he and a friend were headed to a music festival, with a banana suit, tutus and a
psychedelic top hat visible in the car: “If it’s an electronic music festival, we like to dress up in weird things that we’d never
wear day to day.”

Saunders said that even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as a private citizen, could be denied entry since he had
admitted to smoking marijuana in the past. Saunders is advising people not to lie to border authorities but to refuse to
answer any questions about past pot use.

“Let’s change the question: What if they asked about your sex life? Would you be so forthcoming?” he said. “If you’ve
smoked in the past, it’s nobody’s business. … If you don’t answer the question, the worst thing they can do is deny you entry.
If you answer that question and say ‘yes,’ you are inadmissible for life. It’s a lifetime ban.”

Saunders said Canadians who were barred could apply for a waiver, paying $585 but then having to wait for months to get
permission to enter the country. Usually, he said, the requests are rarely disapproved, but he got his first denial last month
for a case involving a 20-year-old Canadian student who had admitted smoking pot to an agent. Saunders called it the “first
change I’ve seen” and predicted that it’s a sign of more to come from the Trump administration.

Last year, Canada Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. it was “ludicrous” that so
many Canadians were getting banned and said the issue needed to be addressed with U.S. officials.

Goodale declined to be interviewed by McClatchy, but his spokesman, Scott Bardsley, said the issue had come up at a news
conference when Trudeau unveiled his legalization plan on April 13.

“What we will expect of our American counterparts, just as they would expect it of us, that when people present themselves
to cross the border, that the experience is respectful, that it’s consistent, that it’s professional and that people are not
treated in any kind of a capricious way,” Goodale told reporters.

A spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection said any decision by Canada to legalize marijuana would not change
anything at the U.S.-Canadian border.

While eight states have approved recreational marijuana use and 29 allow the drug to be used for medical purposes, pot is
still regarded by federal authorities as a Schedule 1 substance, in the same category as LSD and heroin, with no medical value.

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Last month, Department of Homeland Security John Kelly said there would be no letup in fighting marijuana, calling it a
“potentially dangerous gateway drug” and saying his agency would continue to arrest and investigate those possessing it.

“Its use and possession is against federal law, and until that law is changed by the United States Congress, we at DHS, along
with the rest of the federal government, are sworn to uphold all the laws that are on the books,” Kelly said.

With summer approaching, Lamont is expecting more business from Canadians. He said they accounted for up to 75 percent
of his business as the local population boomed during the tourism season. And he said he was warning his Canadian
customers that they didn’t need to incriminate themselves at the border.

Lamont said he’d be watching the nuts and bolts of Canada’s legalization plan as it developed, but he predicts he’ll be able to
sell marijuana at lower prices, depending on how much tax is imposed by the Canadian government.

“I’m thinking it’s going to be pretty steep,” he said.

For Ranta, the cost of applying for a waiver is far too steep, nearly as much as the $650 he pays each month for rent.

“I don’t make very much money. I can’t afford to spend a month’s rent on the possibility of visiting the states,” he said.

Ranta said he had scrapped his plans to cover the Sasquatch Music Festival in Quincy, Wash., over Memorial Day weekend.
He’s sad that he won’t be visiting his family’s cottage in Point Roberts, Wash., where he spent summers growing up. And he
said he and his wife missed their regular trips to Bellingham, where they shopped at Trader Joe’s.

“My wife and I won’t be doing random trips to spend our money down there anymore,” Ranta said.

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Will I Be Denied Entry to USA if I Admit Drug Use?

Will I Be Denied Entry to USA if I Admit Drug Use? Search ... 

Should I Admit Drug Use? Recent Comments

 Brenda Logan on
Admit Drug Use – Permanent COVID-19

Your Marriage
If you admit to drug use at a USA port of entry, you may be denied
entry. Why?  The United States Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)  STEPHANIE
treat the admission of drug use the same as a conviction. Drug WILLIAM on Save
convictions over the age of 18 and indictable drug convictions Your Marriage
between the age of 16 and 18 render you inadmissible to the
United States on a permanent basis.   ***There are exceptions, see  jenny scut on Save
below. *** Your Marriage

You can overcome your inadmissibility by applying for a Waiver of  Jocelyn Galindo on
Inadmissibility. However, waivers are only valid for a period of 6 Save Your Marriage
months to 5 years. This means you will have to keep renewing
APP. B 055
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your waiver if you want to
continue to visit the United
States regularly.

To answer the question

“Should I admit drug use
to a USA CBP officer?” or
“should I lie about my past
drug use?”, you should
never lie or misrepresent
yourself to a USA CBP
officer. Be truthful. We will
never counsel Is it better to admit drug use to the
misrepresentation. I United States Border Patrol?
always tell people there
are 3 things that the USA absolutely hates the most. They are drug
trafficking, sex offences and lying to a CBP officer!  Some
proponents argue that you should never admit to drug use.

Refuse to Admit Drug Use –

Temporary Ban

The better question is: “Do I have to answer their question about
drug use?” No, you don’t. You can refuse to answer the question.
Ordinarily, it would result in a one-time ban and possible
problems on re-entry in the future.

I believe being denied entry for failure to answer a question is

preferable to a possible lifetime ban. However, it is only
speculation as to which situation will result in a better outcome
for your specific case.

Airport vs Land Port of Entry

It is better to be denied in Canada at an International airport—it is

more difficult for a CBP officer to detain or arrest you.  But, you are
on USA soil once you reach a CBP officer at a land border.  At a
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land border, a CBP officer is more likely to detain you longer, deny
you washroom privileges and tear your car apart (for you to put
back together).  Therefore, refusal to answer questions may
aggravate the situation.

You need to think about the long-term impact of your answer.   I’m
a Waiver Specialist. I’ve helped process over 2,000 applications. 
As I’ve said, I can’t tell you what to say–meaning I can’t counsel
misrepresentation. I can only tell you what you are expected to
say.  But, I imagine a lawyer would tell you “don’t admit to
anything” and “don’t sign anything”.  The choice is yours.

Exceptions to Bans

If you have a prescription for marijuana use for medical purposes

(or other banned substance), you may not be denied entry for
admitting to drug us or being in possession of marijuana (or other
banned substance) for personal use while in possession of a
medical prescription. HOWEVER, you run the risk of becoming
medically inadmissible if the medical issue for which you are
taking marijuana (or other banned substance) is of concern to the
United States. That means, they could deny you for medical
reasons if they think that your medical condition could cause you
to be a burden on the USA health care system.  In a case like this,
it is helpful to carry medical insurance to ensure that you are
adequately covered—but it is no gaurantee that you will be
permitted entry.


Once the border guard goes down any particular path that could
lead to your refusal, they often will check other things that may
lead to refusal including (a) do you have a return ticket (meaning
is your stay in the USA really only temporary; (b) do you have the
means to support yourself while visiting the United States; (c) do
you have a job to return to or other ties to Canada.  Basically, once
border guards become concerned for any particular reason, they
often go through many more checks than they would otherwise.
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For example, I once had a client who proved she was not
inadmissible for drug use because she had a medical prescription,
but they determined she had a one-way ticket, was going to the
USA for the winter to enjoy the hot sunshine because the hot
weather was less aggravating for her medical condition and she
was being supported by her parents. They felt she could become
a financial burden in the United States as there was no way to
gaurantee her parents would continue to support her or that all of
her medical expenses would be covered. So, they denied her and
deemed her medically inadmissible. Once inadmissible, she has
to correct the situation that made her inadmissible, show that an
error was made when denying her, or apply for and receive a U.S.
Waiver due to medical inadmissiibility.

What Can I Do If I am Denied


To summarize, if you admit drug use or you refuse to answer their

question, the outcome will be unfavorable.  You may be denied
entry one-time only or you may be banned permanently. 
Depending on your situation, there are four possible remedies:

Make a redress complaint;

Apply for a Waiver of Inadmissibility;
Request a Non-inadmissibility letter (a ruling that the
incident does not make you inadmissible); or
spend your travel dollars somewhere else!

We strongly recommend that you be polite and respectful in all

cases. If you have cross-border issues, please call. We can help.
Contact us, if you need our assistance on this or a related matter.

Am I banned permanently?

In a 1957 court case (Matter of K-), the Board of Immigration

Appeals stated that the following steps must be followed before
an individual can be found inadmissible:

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1. the individual must be given a definition of the offense with
all essential elements; and
2. the individual must be given an explanation of the offense in
layperson’s terms.

The statute does not make someone inadmissible if they admit

drug use. Rather, a person becomes inadmissible for admitting to
breaking a statute related to a controlled substance. However, a
person can only be found to be inadmissible if these
requirements are satisfied:

1. DHS identify the laws violated;

2. the person was given an explanation of the elements of the
crime; and
3. the person admitted to all these elements in Affidavit form,
signed under oath in the presence of a Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) officer.

That means if the elements do not all occur on your refusal or you
refuse to sign the Affidavit, your refusal may be one-time only.
Rather than sign the Affidavit, you may instead request to
withdraw your application for admission.

Legalization of Marijuana

It will be interesting to see what happens when marijuana use

becomes legal in Canada.  Currently, marijuana use is legal in
some US States, but is not legal on a Federal level.  The admission
of visitors to the USA is controlled on a Federal level and it is
Federal laws which make drug violations excludable offences. 
This is why you are inadmissible to the USA if you admit to
marijuana use even if marijuana use is legal in the State you are

What do others have to say on

the matter?

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It has been argued that the new policy from DHS does not satisfy
“corpus delicti” (a crime must be proved to have occurred before
a person can be convicted of committing that crime). I guess the
question remains, is a confession but not a conviction sufficient to
exclude a person? It seems DHS is taking that view.

As well, the statute of limitations may apply. For example, in

Canada a person can’t be charged more than six months after the
commission of the summary offence in question (pursuant to
Section 786(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada) whereas there are
no limitations for indictable offences.

The Canadian Government has expressed strong objections to

this latest DHS policy. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said in
an interview with the CBC, “We obviously need to intensify our
discussions with our border authorities in the United States,
including the Department of Homeland Security” and “This does
seem to be a ludicrous situation”.

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Why investing in pot could pose problems at the U.S. border

Jackie Dunham Writer
 @JaclynLDunham Contact

Published Friday, July 13, 2018 8:48AM EDT

Last Updated Saturday, July 14, 2018 10:34AM EDT

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With the impending legalization of recreational marijuana this fall, Canadians with investments in
American pot companies will have to be careful crossing the U.S. border following the news that
one prominent businessman was banned for life.

Sam Znaimer is a prominent venture capitalist in Vancouver who started investing in budding
U.S. cannabis startup companies a few years ago.

In May, Znaimer was trying to travel to the States when he was stopped by border officials.
During the questioning, he said he was never asked about his personal consumption of the drug,
which is legal in several U.S. states, but not federally. Instead, Znaimer said Homeland Security
interrogated him about his investments.

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• Why admitting to cannabis use could get you banned from U.S. for life
• Canada's cannabis law makes headlines worldwide
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“In the course of four hours, they never did ask [about pot consumption] and I believe that was
because they wanted to send a message to Canadians that it has not only to do with your
personal behaviour, but whether in any way you have invested in these companies,” he told CTV
Vancouver on Thursday.

Even though recreational marijuana is legal in certain states, possession of the drug is still a
criminal offence under U.S. federal law. This means that border officers have the ability to
question Canadians crossing the border about any past cannabis use. Canadians who admit to
consuming marijuana at some point in their lives can face serious consequences, such as a
lifetime ban on entering the U.S.

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Even though Znaimer didn’t admit to personally using pot, he was given a lifetime ban anyway
because of his investments in U.S. marijuana companies, he said.

“I was truly shocked by what happened to me,” Znaimer exclaimed.

Znaimer is hardly alone. A pot industry executive contacted by CTV News said he lost his
NEXUS Trusted Traveller card because he was headed to an industry meeting in the U.S.
Another entrepreneur was reportedly denied entry and banned for life for running a company
that makes equipment that helps harvest marijuana.

Problems at the border could impact thousands of Canadian investors who have put an
estimated $25 billion to $30 billion into Canada's biggest pot production companies.

Federal officials have been in touch with their U.S. counterparts about the border issues before
legal cannabis hits the market on Oct. 17.

Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said Canadian travellers questioned at the U.S. border
should be honest and fully understand the American policy on cannabis.

“They have their own rules and views with respect to cannabis, and I would encourage
Canadians to respect those rules as they go into the United States," Hussen said Friday in

U.S. immigration lawyer Len Saunders explained that Znaimer’s case is not unique. The
Washington-based lawyer said he’s seen a growing number of Canadian businesspeople
denied entry and even banned from investing in U.S. companies.

“Some people are caught off guard,” Saunders said. “They think it’s legal in Washington state,
which it is. It’s going to be legal in Canada, so what’s the big deal? Why not admit to the officer at
the border that you’ve invested in a cannabis company in California?”

Saunders said U.S. Homeland Security’s definition of “business” in the country can be quite
broad and can include mutual funds or any other investment plans.

In one case, Saunders said an Edmonton man received a lifetime ban from entering the U.S.
simply because he was a part-owner in a Colorado building that leases space to a pot

What to do if you’re banned:

For those Canadians who are banned from the States for their cannabis use or business
dealings, there’s little recourse. Saunders said they can apply for temporary waivers that will
permit them to cross the border for up to five years.

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The process for applying for a waiver can be cumbersome and costly, however. The application
requires a lot of paperwork and can take up to a year to process. It also costs US$585, according
to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.

Unfortunately, Saunders wasn’t able to offer a better alternative for Canadians.

“Either stop travelling to the U.S. or get out of the business,” he said.

As for Canadians with investments in pot companies at home, Saunders said it doesn’t appear
that will cause them any trouble at the U.S. border.

With a report from CTV Vancouver's Penny Daflos


Sam Znaimer speaks to CTV News on Jul 12, 2018.

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Canadians banned from U.S.: Dos and don'ts at the border

Solarina Ho Writer
 @shtweet Contact

Published Friday, September 27, 2019 10:11PM EDT

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TORONTO -- Rochelle Trepanier was planning on visiting her boyfriend in California, a trip she
had made many times over the past two years. But this time was different. Officials with the U.S.
Customs and Border Protection wanted more proof she had ties to Canada and would return.
She failed to satisfy their demands and was ultimately banned for five years.

Trepanier is the latest in a spate of travel bans against Canadians by U.S. CPB agents that is
drawing attention to the increased scrutiny some Canadians are encountering at the border.

Border agents have wide latitude when it comes to detaining travellers they deem suspicious,
and some lawyers say that latitude has expanded under U.S. President Donald Trump’s

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• 'I've done nothing wrong': B.C. man handed five-year ban at U.S. border
• Lifetime ban reversed for 21-year-old carrying CBD oil into the U.S.

"There are certain authorizations that have come through from this administration that allows for
them to increase their scope, how far they can expand their authority," said Tim Golden, an
immigration lawyer with Green and Spiegel, one of the world’s oldest immigration law practices.

Trepanier’s lawyer, U.S. immigration attorney Len Saunders, said she failed to satisfy CBP agents
despite having ample documentation via cellphone bills and work stubs, because of her primary
work as a tree planter in British Columbia, a seasonal job that gave her several months off.
Trepanier and her boyfriend also had a wedding to attend, so she tried to cross again a few
hours later at a different border where she was detained for several hours before being handed
the ban.

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Saunders said agents used to simply deny entry to Canadians who did not have enough
documentation to show their ties to Canada.

"I’ve been practising near the border in northern Washington state for over 20 years, and I’m
literally seeing one of these cases a day right now," said Saunders, who noticed the spike this
summer and believes it is localized.

"I’ve never seen them handing out these five year bars -- it’s like speeding tickets."

Nick Austin, also from B.C., was issued a five-year ban as well earlier this month after he decided
to make a detour to visit an old family vacation spot on the U.S. side during his move from
Vancouver Island to the Lower Mainland.

Meanwhile, Canadians in other high-profile cases have faced up to lifetime bans for trying to
cross into the U.S. carrying cannabis products like cannabidiol oil or CBD, or even for being a
cannabis investor.

"Since the change in administration in the U.S., I think that’s where we’ve seen the spike in
denials and more stringent questioning at the border," said Catherine Glazer, a U.S. immigration
attorney with Mamann, Sandaluk & Kingwell LLP, one of Canada's largest immigration law firms.

The consequences of running afoul of border agents have been dire for some unlucky
Canadians, prompting questions over what travellers can do to mitigate the potential difficulties
that may arise when crossing into the United States.


It is the traveller's responsibility to satisfy border officers that they are visiting the U.S. for the
stated purpose, said Glazer. If a traveller says they are going on vacation, but a border agent
finds a resume, work clothes, a text, or other evidence indicating a job offer, for example, these
can all be red flags.

Officers may also be suspicious if you have a lot of luggage for a short trip. Border agents may
also be wary of Canadians visiting a significant other in the U.S. due to concerns they will remain
stateside, get married, and stay.

If a CBP agent has concerns about a traveller’s intent (they do not have enough proof of their
ties to Canada, for example), they can deny the person entry.

The challenge is that "misrepresentation" is a broad category under which people can be
deemed inadmissible. Any form of lying at the border, even a seemingly innocuous one, could
qualify as "misrepresentation."

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"It’s something officers use: 'You told me one thing, now you’re telling me something different. OK,
I don't care, you lied to me, therefore you’re removed and now you’re barred for life,'" Golden said.

"There’s a variety of different things that can get you expedited removal. Ultimately, they can
land on a very simple issue, which is, 'We can’t determine your intent, so we’re going to remove

Providing false documentation, or having a criminal record could also bar you from the United

"It's discretionary in that the border officer can decide to give the person a chance to clarify and
be truthful and let them in, or the border officer can decide despite having lied, they're
comfortable that the person had good intentions and let them in," said Glazer. "Or, the border
officer can decide that because of the lie, the individual is going to be deemed inadmissible."

A ban, or "expedited removal," generally happens at land crossings and vary in length, lawyers
say. That is because the traveller is technically on U.S. soil, unlike the preclearance process at
Canadian airports, where agents may simply deny a traveller entry, but not a ban. However, even
that is no guarantee.

"We have seen some isolated incidents of late where somebody has been expedited, removed
from pre-flight inspection," said Golden. "Those are the ones that are really kind of at the
forefront of contention."


Travellers who have been barred from the U.S. can apply for a waiver that will allow them re-
entry, but this can be an expensive process that takes months. The fee can cost up to US$930
depending on where you submit the forms, and applicants can incur additional costs such as
lawyer fees or costs related to obtaining court records. 

The application itself can be time consuming, and the applicant would need "proof of

If a person tries to apply for a waiver the day after their ban, there is a high risk the waiver will be
denied, because not enough time has passed to show remorse.

"The adjudicating officer needs to be satisfied the individual is not likely to offend -- the individual
has been rehabilitated, the individual feels remorseful," said Glazer.


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• Immigration lawyers offer the following tips when visiting the United States:
• Whether you are visiting for pleasure or work, be well informed of what you can and
cannot do or bring
• Do not overstay -- it could come back to haunt you later
• You can be removed from the United States without an underlying crime
• If you are denied entry at one border, do NOT try your luck at a different one - border
agents see themselves as a united front and information is shared electronically
• If you have been banned for a set number of years and try to cross the border without a
waiver, they can extend the length of the ban
• If you are going for an extended trip, bring proof of your ties to Canada (e.g. property tax,
proof of a job, a cruise itinerary or other proof of your U.S. travel plans)
• If you are self-employed, show proof that your work is based in Canada (e.g. a contract
or upcoming meeting that would require you to return home)
• Indications that you will “facilitate” the drug trade can be risky: Even being a consultant
for a cannabis company and meeting with U.S. clients could be problematic
• Border agents could ask to see your device and its contents
• Even after your ban expires, it will remain on your record permanently


The United States border crossing is shown Wednesday, December 7, 2011 in Lacolle, Que., south of
Montreal. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

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Home > News > Politics

Canadians denied entry to the US because of weed

Published Jan 25, 2019 05:05 p.m. ET
Annette Felix In Politics Updated 4 years ago 2 min read


Can I get arrested in the US for smoking weed?

 Absolutely. Reasons for not being allowed entry to the United States include; production, simple possession,
distribution of cannabis and medicinal or recreational use. Any of these infractions could result in a lifetime ban,
according to US Border Security. These were the laws until the statement from the USA government dictating that
Canadians who work in the legal marijuana industry can now gain entry to the states. The American border rules are
Federal jurisdiction. This ruling, had it not been changed, could have affected 5 million Canadians. Even after this
statement Canadian weed users should be very cautious about crossing the US border.

Canadian border questions

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Canadians attempting to enter the states will have to be prepared to answer some tough questions.  At the
border,you may be asked where you work. If your answer has anything to do with the cannabis industry, you could
have been denied. That included many government employees working in the legal marijuana industry. Your entry
could still be compromised; If you provide information to the border officer that you indulge in marijuana before
OCTOBER 17 2018, this could render you inadmissible. If the officer deems that you may engage in the same
behavior in the States, then they can  deny you entry. If you are asked questions, the officer will probably base his
reasoning on if you were a smoker before legalization in Canada or after. It is hoped that this line of questing would
not be routine at the border. The USA does not recognize Canadian amnesty like a pardon, so if you have had your
marijuana record pardoned you are still legally not to be given entry.

This ruling is tough. Just by working for a company that perhaps advertises cannabis or its products   could put you
in this category. You may say that’s crazy I have never touched marijuana. Well sorry, you get remuneration for your
job, which gets money from a cannabis company, this is just a scenario but none the less a very real situation. You
are classed as living off the profits from a drug trade. This is a significant problem in the states and will not be
tolerated.  Early in October of 2018, this law was changed and any Canadian’s that work in the cannabis industry will
not be denied entry for that reason. However, if you are coming to the states for marijuana industry business, entry
might be a little less forthcoming.

Prior to the changing of that rule, if that situation happened to you at a USA border,you would have needed to hire
legal representation to apply for a legal waiver. A very time consuming, expensive and the waiver would need to be
renewed on a periodical basis. There is ultimately no guarantee that the waiver would be approved.  

Cannabis use in the US

If you decide to take a road trip to the States, do not take your weed with you. This is a banned substance under the
law and could land you in an American jail. You may ask if the state you are traveling to has legal marijuana use, why
can I not bring my own.  The answer to that is clear. To take drugs across an international border is illegal. Just wait
till you cross the border and purchase your weed legally.

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What Canadians Can Do To Avoid

Getting Banned At The US Border
Canadians in the cannabis industry are being denied entry into the USA
Posted by:
DanaSmith on Saturday Sep 1, 2018

What Canadians Can Do To Avoid Getting Banned At The US Border

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Come October 17 (

recreational-cannabis-to-be-legal-in-canada), recreational cannabis will officially be legal in Canada.

This poses lots of opportunities and developments in the world of legal cannabis, but for traveling
Canadians, it could be a problem (
use-can-be-banned-from-the-usa-for-life). What’s particularly worrisome is that many of the
400,000 Canadians who cross the border to the US could face a lifetime ban if they admit to
consuming pot – or if they work in the cannabis industry.

The Canadian government has already issued warnings on its website

_ga=2.118485770.2058000798.1529696008-879253854.1529514899), saying, “previous use of
cannabis, or any substance prohibited by US federal laws, could mean that you are denied entry to
the US.” This isn’t exactly news; for years now, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have
been given orders to question Canadian citizens crossing the border about their cannabis habits,
because the drug remains a federally illegal substance in the USA. It’s not uncommon for people
who have admitted to smoking pot to be banned from the USA as a result of this, and oftentimes,
for life.

This problem may only get worse by October 17.

So while the Great White North finally says goodbye to prohibition, here are things Canadians need
to remember when crossing the border to avoid a lifetime ban:

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1. Don’t bring cannabis over the border: This may seem obvious, but some people might just need to be
reminded. Naturally, this doesn’t just go for smuggling, but even small quantities shouldn’t be brought if you want
to stay on the safe side of the law. According to Aaron Bowker, a CBP officer: “I don’t think it will pose any issues,
but obviously it increases the chance that we see people with personal use quantities of marijuana, because
they’ve obtained it legally in Canada,” says a report. (

Last week, border agents seized two massive shipments of cannabis weighing a total of 145
pounds, worth around $145,000 in the United States. Come September, CBP is expected to begin a
campaign to warn individuals about the possible consequences of bringing cannabis with them to
the border. “At a minimum, they’d face a fine, we have zero tolerance so that could be $500 and up
depending on how much you had or how many times you’ve been caught with it.”

1. Don’t look or act the part: Again, avoid acting or dressing like the stereotypical stoner. One of the most effective
ways to avoid getting questioned in the first place is if you give the impression that you’re sober, and dress like a

Civilized spoke to immigration lawyer Len Saunders (

canadian-cannabis-consumers-can-do-to-avoid-getting-a-lifetime-ban-from-america/), who gave
some tips about how to act once being questioned by border officials. “Look professional and
respectable because there is a lot of profiling that happens in that interaction with the border
guard. If you’re in your early 20’s, crossing the border with dreadlocks, a tie dye t-shirt and baggy
pants, you’re probably going to be scrutinized a lot more than a 45-year-old man that’s crossing
with his wife and kids.”

It also goes without saying that you should be polite. “Another important thing is to be polite, no
matter the circumstance,” Saunders explains. Expect the border officials to try and squeeze
information out of you, so you have to learn how to stand your ground without losing it. “There’s a
lot of fear mongering that takes place. Be aware of that. A lot of border agents will insist you tell

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them truthful answers to the questions they are asking, and some even threaten the lie detector,
but they can’t legally do that. If their questions have nothing to do with your admissibility to the US,
the answers aren’t any of their business.”

1. Don’t say anything: The best solution here, according to Saunders, is to omit the truth but don’t lie, either. “The
best thing I can advise is to say nothing,” Saunders says. “Don’t answer the question. You can be denied entry that
one time, but it’s nothing that will get you barred for life. The Canadian government shouldn’t be telling Canadians
to be truthful because they don’t understand the consequences. They are not in the business of giving legal
advice, but they also need to wake up and realize what’s going to happen after October 17 when potentially
thousands upon thousands of Canadians are facing a lifetime ban from entering the US for partaking in
something that’s perfectly legal within Canadian borders.”

So there you have it; being honest about your pot-smoking habits may get you into trouble but
now you know what you need to do to avoid a lifetime ban should problems arise at the border.

What Canadians Can Do To Avoid Getting Banned At The US Border for Cannabis
( from CannabisNet ( on Vimeo






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Canadians Who Admit Cannabis

Use Can Be Banned From The USA
For Life
Admitting Cannabis Use To a Border Guard Can Be Costly
Posted by:
HighChi on Thursday Jun 28, 2018

Canadians Who Admit Cannabis Use Can Be Banned From The USA For Life

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Banned for Life? Canadians

Who Admit Cannabis Use Could
Banned from the USA



Banned for Life? Canadians Who Admit Cannabis Use Could Banned from the USA
( from CannabisNet ( on Vimeo

The world will be watching as we approach October 17 (

trudeau-pick-october-17th-for-recreational-cannabis-to-be-legal-in-canada), the date when
recreational cannabis will finally be legal in Canada – the second country in the world and the first
G7 nation to do so.

While there are many things to be excited about, there are a few things that still need to be

For one, why will Canadians be banned from the United States if they admit to border patrol that
they consumed cannabis in the past?

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“It’s basically black and white – if you admit to a US border officer at a US port of entry that you’ve
smoked marijuana in the past, whether it’s in Canada or the US, you will be barred entry for life to
the United States,” Len Saunders, an immigration lawyer, told CTV News.

Saunders explains that he thinks US border agents will start asking these questions more once the
new cannabis legalization rules are set in place. However, he says that Canadians also have the
right to refuse an answer, which may result in denied entry into the United States but the ban will
only last for that specific day.

Reports following the meeting (

legal-weed-could-cause-trouble-at-the-us-canada-border) of conservative Canadian authorities
with US Attorney General Jeff Sessions state that Canadians may face issues when they get to the
US border once legalization has been implemented. Sessions’ abhorrence for cannabis is well-
known, despite what the previous administration of Obama had done to protect cannabis laws.

The Canadian government (

_ga=2.118485770.2058000798.1529696008-879253854.1529514899) website warns its citizens that
even if one legally consumes cannabis, this may still pose problems when traveling internationally.
“Cannabis is illegal in most countries,” reads the website. “Previous use of cannabis, or any other
substance prohibited by local laws, could result in a traveler being denied entry to their destination

Saunders says that if a Canadian ends up getting a lifetime ban, they can still apply for a temporary
waiver which would let them cross the border for as long as 5 years. However, they will need to
continue reapplying in order to get the waiver for life. The process is not easy nor is it cheap. The
US Customs and Border Protection website says that a waiver application can cost US $585 and
can take as much as a year to complete processing. A lot of paperwork will be involved, which may
also require verification of criminal records and fingerprinting. But Saunders isn’t recommending
Canadians to lie just to get through the border – they just have to keep in mind that they do not
have to answer the question if they have ever smoked cannabis.

“Each country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of
Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit
requirements,” the Canadian website warns.

What’s The Problem?

Last April, Senator Claude Carignan disclosed to VICE News

at-the-us-canada-border) through a phone interview the results of a closed-door meeting between

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Jeff Sessions and the Canadian delegation. According to him, Sessions as well as Homeland
Security were concerned that Canadians will cause longer wait times at the border because of
secondary screenings.

“They know that they will have more secondary inspection because if the dogs that they use at the
border are very good… if people smoke cannabis and they keep the same clothes… they will smell
the cannabis and so automatically they will put the people at the secondary inspection,” Carignan
said. “It will delay the travelers from not only for those who have inspections, but for the regular
travelers. If they spend more time on secondary, they will have less border agents to take care of
the regular travelers.”

More than that, he said that the Trump administration is worried about increases in illegal drug
trafficking across the US-Canada border, and that illegal cannabis activities could be happening on
Indigenous reserves near the border.

“What they have seen in Colorado is that they have seen new cartels that have used the legal
activities to cover their trafficking,” Carignan said, referring to states that have legalized
recreational cannabis. “They produce more than what they need and they traffic the cannabis.”

Canadians Who Admit Marijuana Use Can Be Banned From The USA For Life
( from CannabisNet ( on Vimeo




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What Would You Like To Know?

You are here: Home / The Customs Inspection Experience / Prior Criminal Offenses / Crimes that will make
you inadmissible to the U.S.

Current U.S. & Canadian Covid-19 travel restrictions explained

Crimes that will make you inadmissible to the

Both the U.S. and Canada make it very difficult for anybody with a criminal record to cross the border.
You can be barred from entry for a very wide variety of criminal offenses – even if they seemed to be
minor when you were charged. You should also realize that border officers are not trained as lawyers. It
is therefore certainly possible that they may misinterpret the law or misapply it to your situation.

The list of criminal acts that will bar you from the U.S. is long and complex. You can read through the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection discussion of what it takes to enter the U.S. with a criminal record.
If you are still confused, you can call the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service for guidance.

However, unless it is pretty obvious that you fall under a clear exception, none of these steps may give
you the answers you need. It is very possible you will want to consult an attorney who specializes in this
field to determine if you will have a problem crossing the border. We have a separate pages that
discuss how to resolve criminal inadmissibility to the U.S.
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Crimes that will make you Inadmissible to the U.S.

Below is a very basic list of crimes that will make you inadmissible to the Unites States. This list is by no
means complete. You should also note that not all of these crimes require an actual conviction in court
to make the applicant inadmissible.

Crimes involving “moral turpitude.” (See the next section for a definition and examples)
This includes any attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime.
This does not include crimes committed when the person was under 18, as long as the
person was released from jail more than five years before applying for a visa or other
immigration benefit.
It also excludes crimes for which the maximum penalty did not exceed one year in prison,
if the person was not sentenced to more than six months in prison.
A controlled substance violation according to the laws and regulations of any country.
This includes trafficking and any conspiracy to commit such a crime.
This includes a single offense of simple possession for a small amount of THC residue or
for “drug paraphernalia.”
It also includes the spouse, son, or daughter of the inadmissible applicant if that person
has, within the last five years, received any financial or other benefit from the illicit
activities, and knew or reasonably should have known where the money or benefit came
No actual conviction is required to trigger this inadmissibility.
Convictions for two or more crimes for which the prison sentences totaled at least five
years. It does not matter whether the convictions came from a single trial, or whether or not the
offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct.
Prostitution or commercialized vice.
A serious criminal activity for which immunity from prosecution has been received.
Human trafficking offenses.
Almost anything that has to do with money laundering.
Do not even attempt to enter the U.S. if you have been previously deported without a proper
visa. This is considered a serious felony under U.S. law and can result in extended jail time.

Crimes of Moral Turpitude

The definition of moral turpitude is “an act or behavior that gravely violates the sentiment or accepted
standard of the community.” As you can tell, this definition is very broad, so we’re listing the most
common examples of this type of crime below.

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The actual offenses are ever-changing. Some of them may be minor, such as shoplifting, while others
can be very serious, such as murder. The actual penalty for the conviction does not matter when you’re
trying to enter the country.

Passing bad checks

Assault causing bodily harm, or with intent to cause harm
Assault with a weapon
Assault with intent to cause bodily harm
Aggravated Assault
“Aggravated felony” is even worse, though these also have a very loose definition, and
therefore the offences can change over time. However, there is absolutely no relief, and
anyone deported or excluded for this reason cannot ever enter the US.
Sexual assault
Trespass with intent to commit a crime involving moral turpitude
Endangerment and actual injury
Child abuse, in some cases
Benefiting from illicit drug trafficking
Prostitution and commercialized vice
Involvement in serious criminal activity, where the person has asserted immunity from
prosecution, departed the United States as a result, and not subsequently submitted to the
jurisdiction of the relevant U.S. court
Human trafficking, whether inside or outside the United States
Laundering or aiding or abetting monetary instruments

Crimes that Shouldn’t Prevent Entry to the U.S.

Not all crimes will result in being denied entry to the U.S.

Crimes that are not considered moral turpitude include where the individual has committed only
one crime of moral turpitude, and:
the crime was committed when the individual was under 18 years of age, and the crime
was committed more than five years ago
the crime did not exceed one year of imprisonment
the individual was convicted of the crime, but the individual was not sentenced to
imprisonment for a term greater than six months
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Offences like failure to appear, causing a disturbance, common assault, and impaired driving are
not ordinarily considered in determining your admissibility to the country. In addition, multiple
convictions involving crimes which are NOT classified as crimes involving moral turpitude
ordinarily do not block your entry.
The U.S. does not deny entry to persons with a conviction for “Driving Under the Influence” (DUI
/ DWI), despite how seriously Canada takes this type of offense. However, if there are multiple
convictions for this and / or other misdemeanors, you could be denied entry.

Acquittals and Non-Convictions

As we explained on our general page about Prior Criminal Offenses, if you have an arrest record for a
crime and were charged but never convicted, or if you were acquitted, you should technically be able to
enter the United States. However, this information will be on your criminal record, and the U.S. Customs
and Border Protection will have access to this information when you try to cross the border.

If the border agent is concerned about something on your criminal record, even if it is not a conviction,
you may have a problem gaining entry into the United States.

Pardons and Expungements

Canada and the United States generally do not recognize each other’s pardon and expungement
policies. This means that having a record extension (expungement), for a Canadian offense will not
erase the conviction for the purposes of entering the United States. If you have not already read it, see
our page on Prior Criminal Offenses for more discussion on this topic. A Canadian pardon may prove
useful as evidence of rehabilitation in a U.S. Waiver Request, but that is all.

The United States also treats a Conditional Discharge as a conviction. Even withdrawn charges remain
in the law enforcement database, and may lead to problems at the border. This means that any person
who has had a charge withdrawn should be prepared to produce proof of the withdrawal when they
attempt to enter the United State

Admitting to Drug Use or Arrest at a U.S. Port of Entry

If you committed an offense but were never convicted, you could still be denied entry to the United
States. The most common examples of this are when the Port of Entry Officer asks “have you ever
smoked pot?” or “have you ever been arrested, charged or fingerprinted?” If you answer yes, and

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describe anything which would suggest that you may have committed an serious offense, you can be
deemed inadmissible even if there is nothing in your database record.

There are also examples of people being prevented from visiting the country when they had made prior
public acknowledgements of illegal drug use, and those statements ended up in their FBI or RCMP

You should also realize that U.S. state and federal laws differ in many aspects. U.S. Customs and
Border Protection officers are federal agents and enforce U.S. federal laws. State laws are different.
Just because the state you are trying to enter has legalized pot means does not mean the border
protection considers the possession or use of pot okay. If you admit to using drugs you can be turned
away. If you are caught with possession of marijuana you can be arrested. See our pages on marijuana
at the U.S. / Canada border for more information.

How Being Named in a Police Report Can Affect Your

Travel Plans
Access to Canada’s RCMP’s Criminal Record database also gives the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection access to police reports from across Canada. On some occasions, travelers are
unexpectedly detained at border crossings and/or barred from entering the U.S., even when they have
no criminal record or have never been charged with an offense.

For example, police records are created for some types of medical emergencies, such as suicide
attempts or traffic accidents, even if no charges are ever filed. If you have even the slightest idea that
your name may appear in a police report, it is best to contact your local police, RCMP and/or the CBP
before travel to the U.S. to confirm that you won’t have problems at the border.

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Pot use admission at U.S. border snagging Canadian

boomers, says lawyer
Dirk Meissner
The Canadian Press

Published Wednesday, October 16, 2019 4:19AM EDT

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VICTORIA -- Canadians wanting to cross the U.S. border are being asked different marijuana
questions than they were before cannabis was legal, says an American immigration lawyer who
represents numerous aging baby boomers denied entry to America for past pot use.

Recreational marijuana will have been legal for a year on Thursday, but any celebrating still
stops at the U.S. border, said Len Saunders, a Canadian-born lawyer based in Blaine, Wash.

• READ MORE: Canadians banned from U.S.: Dos and don'ts at the border
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"They are not asking questions of recent use because they know they can't deny the person
because it's legal in Canada," he said. Instead, he said they're asking Canadians if they have
ever smoked marijuana and that's what's been keeping him busy.
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A spokesperson for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office was not available for
comment, but an official emailed a statement dated September 2018 that said U.S. laws will not
change after Canada's legalization of marijuana.

The statement said even though medical and recreational marijuana is legal in some U.S. states
and Canada, marijuana is not legal under U.S. federal law which supersedes those laws.

"Consequently, crossing the border or arriving at a U.S. port of entry in violation of this law may
result in denied admission, seizure, fines, and apprehension," said the statement.

Border officials are currently compiling data about the number of Canadians stopped at U.S.
crossings since marijuana legalization in Canada, but the figures are not available, the
statement said.

Saunders said he has noticed over the past year an increase in Canadians in their 50s and 60s
wanting his services after being denied entry to the United States because of admitted
marijuana use.

"It's prior to legalization and they admit to it, then it's still grounds to inadmissibility," he said.
"They say, 'I did it back in the 70s, hippie stuff.' "

Barry Rough, a resident of Langley, B.C., said he received a lifetime ban from the U.S. last August
after he told border officials that he last smoked marijuana 18 years ago.

Rough, 61, said he was travelling to Emerson, Wash., to offer addictions counselling to an
Indigenous group but border officials denied his entry to the U.S.

"They asked me if I'd ever done drugs and I just told the truth," he said. "I didn't want to lie, so I
told them, 'Yes, I smoked marijuana 18 years ago.' Four hours later, I was escorted across the
border after I was fingerprinted, frisked, pictures taken and asked 1,000 questions, the same
question every time."

Rough said he hired Saunders to help him apply for a waiver to enter the United States. His
family has vacation property in Palm Springs, Calif., and he wants to visit later this year.

He estimated the waiver process will cost him about US$2,000. The cost includes legal fees,
criminal record checks and he is expected to write a letter of remorse for smoking marijuana in
the past.

Rough warned other Canadians could face the same circumstances.

"If you say you have tried it you are risking going through the same process I went through,"
Rough said.

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Saunders said hiring him is not a guarantee that Canadians will be allowed back into the United

The waiver process can take up to one year to complete and is not permanent, meaning people
often must reapply, he said.

Toronto immigration lawyer Joel Sandaluk said he hasn't seen many cases where people have
been denied access to the U.S. on grounds of marijuana use.

"People are often not asked, have they smoked marijuana before?" he said. "The advice we give
our clients is always to be as honest with officers as they possibly can be. If I was in the back
seat of your car whispering advice in your ear, I'd probably say at that point, I'd rather not answer
that question and ask if you can withdraw your application for admission."

Sandaluk said it is possible border officers behave differently at different crossings.

"One of the things you have to remember about border officers, Canadian as well as American,
is they have vast discretion when it comes to who they stop, who they search and how they
examine," he said.

Canada Border Services Agency said in an email statement it has developed awareness tools
to inform travellers of the continued prohibition of the cross-border movement of marijuana.

"Our message on cannabis is simple: don't take it in, don't take it out," said the statement. "It is
illegal to bring cannabis in or out of Canada."

Saunders said he anticipates he'll see more clients once edible marijuana products and other
derivatives become legal in Canada.

This report by the Canadian Press was first published Oct. 16, 2019.


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00:00 03:05

B ritish holidaymakers and green card holders can be expelled from the
U.S. and denied re-entry because of cannabis consumption, even if they
used the drug in a state where it is legal, a London immigration law firm has

There has been a rise in cases of Britons working legally in the U.S. who were
deported or denied re-entry because of links to cannabis in states where it is
legal, according to the firm Fragomen.

11 states and Washington, D.C. have made the drug legal, however, under U.S.
federal law, which classifies cannabis as illegal, foreigners can still be punished.


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A joint is smoked by a customer at the Lowell Cafe in West Hollywood, California in September, which is America's
first cannabis restaurant. A British legal expert says that Britons who smoke the drug in states where it is legal can be
denied entry to the U.S.

For instance, if a foreigner was caught along with American citizens smoking
cannabis at a party in a state where the drug is now legal, the foreigner could face
arrest and deportation and be deemed unfit to re-enter the U.S.

Charlotte Slocombe, a senior partner at Fragomen, told The Guardian: "This is

how people get caught out even though they think they are doing something
which is now legal in that state."

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"Equally that would include green card holders and those who hold visas to live
and work in the US. Even for an American it is federally illegal, but because they
are not subject to U.S. federal immigration laws they would not be as vulnerable,"
Slocombe added.


Slocombe said that buying cannabis from a legal dispensary that asks for your
passport details can be traced by the authorities later.

The lawyer said that people connected with legal cannabis producers might also
be denied entry, citing the example of two foreign investors in the U.S. cannabis
industry having their investment ruled illegal.

This week, Canadian rock star Neil Young

said he was having difficulties with his
American passport application because of his
admission of cannabis use.

The discrepancy between state and federal

Neil Young's Plan to Vote Against

laws over legal cannabis has posed

Trump Suffers Setback Over

headaches for its producers and investors as

Marijuana Use
it develops into a multi-billion dollar business.

Read more
In many cases, businesses legally selling
cannabis are not allowed to put the proceeds

from the trade into federal banking systems, and in Denver, Colorado, huge sums

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of cash are taken around the city to be deposited in vaults, according to the white-
collar crime blog FCPA.

Airports also have to deal with this legal grey area because an airport police force
acts according to state law but the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is
a federal agency, and U.S. airspace is under federal jurisdiction.


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Yes No

I don't know


Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) lets passengers carry up to 28.5 grams of
cannabis, as per California law, while Portland International Airport lets
passengers carry marijuana if flying within the state of Oregon, according to

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However, at McCarran International Airport in Nevada and Denver International

Airport in Colorado, cannabis possession is illegal on airport property even though
it is legal in their respective states, the publication noted.



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Cover Story, 2003 WLNR 15187725

2/2/03 L.A. Times 12

2003 WLNR 15187725

Los Angeles Times

Copyright © 2003 Los Angeles Times

February 2, 2003

Section: Los Angeles Times Magazine

Cover Story
The Drug War Refugees

Eric Bailey

Eric Bailey is a Times staff writer based in Sacramento.

Along the rugged coastline of British Columbia, more than a generation ago, the first American refugees trickled in. As the
Vietnam War raged, draft dodgers who chose to flee America rather than fight an unacceptable war gravitated to Canada's west
coast, to rain-washed Vancouver and northward in tiny villages astride deep fiords left by the glacial past.

A few of the new arrivals brought with them a taste for marijuana, and some began cultivating pot gardens. Isolated from the
law by rugged terrain, separated from most of civilization by deep bays, a marijuana industry was born. As the tale goes, the
coast north of Vancouver became a pot lover's paradise.

Now a new breed of American refugee has arrived, seeking asylum from a different kind of war--the fight over medical
marijuana. By some counts, they number more than 100 expatriate U.S. citizens, many of them from California, the fiercest
battleground in America's medpot fight. They are patients and activists who share an uneasy distrust of the U.S. government
and dismay over its intolerance of their brand of medicine. And they often arrive scarred by schizophrenic drug policies that
now pit the Golden State's lenient laws governing the use of medical marijuana against the federal government's zero-tolerance

Vancouver has become a magnet for this underground railroad of the new millennium. Clean and cosmopolitan, the city is
famous worldwide among cannabis aficionados for its high-potency "B.C. Bud" and a largely laissez-faire police response to
pot. Though nonmedical marijuana is still illegal in Canada, activists say its recreational use rarely results in arrest. In Vancouver,
pot is openly smoked in some Hastings Street cafes. The provincial marijuana party puts up a slate of candidates each election.
North of the city, a 30-mile-long knob of bucolic mainland known as the Sunshine Coast rivals California's pot-growing north
coast. Locals say marijuana cultivation runs right up there with tourism and retirement checks as a main economic engine.
U.S. marijuana expatriates--much like their Vietnam-era brethren who flocked to Canada--are sinking roots into this cannabis-
friendly land, launching businesses, raising kids.

But even in open-armed Canada, there are limits for newcomers dubbed criminals. Some of the Americans arrive with drug-
war wounds: arrest warrants outstanding, prosecutions pending, jail terms unfulfilled. When immigration officials threatened to
toss them out, four California medpot expats--Steve Kubby, Ken Hayes, Renee Boje and Steve Tuck--decided to test Canada's

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characteristic tolerance. Facing deportation or extradition, they requested something quite extraordinary for citizens of the
First World: political refugee status.

That designation is normally reserved for the castoffs of troubled lands, but the four Americans say they are just that. Despite
the passage of California's landmark 1996 medical marijuana initiative, U.S. law makes cannabis illegal for any use, putting
die-hard activists squarely in the crosshairs of federal drug agents. If returned to the U.S., the California foursome say, they
don't face just prosecution for their unyielding embrace of medical marijuana. They face political persecution.

The deportation tussle arrives at a remarkable juncture between these two sister nations. As the U.S. has worked to crush the
movement in California and the other states that adopted medical marijuana laws, Canada has legalized medicinal use. Politicians
say the Canadian Parliament could go even further this year. Justice Minister Martin Cauchon has endorsed decriminalization,
though Prime Minister Jean Chretien is urging more debate. If lawmakers fail to act, the courts seem ready to step in. On
Jan. 9, a Superior Court justice in Ontario gave the Canadian government six months to provide safe distribution of medical
marijuana or risk opening the door to full legalization. The Canadian Supreme Court appears poised to fashion new law out of
three pivotal criminal cases involving Canadians accused of growing, selling or possessing pot. Overnight, the country that has
treated recreational marijuana with a wink and a nod might codify its casual stance.

Should it happen, that tectonic shift would rattle the ground under drug warriors in the U.S. The Bush administration has warned
that if Canada gets softer on pot, North America could see a boost in drug dependency and gummed-up commerce between
the world's two biggest trading partners.

Cannabis has a long and contentious history. It was described in a Chinese medical compendium dating to 2,737 BC. In
America, marijuana has been outlawed since the Great Depression. In 1970, the Nixon administration assigned it to Schedule I,
a spot reserved for heroin, LSD and other high-octane drugs thought to have no redeeming medical merit. It was Nixon's way,
pot advocates say, of shelving the martini of the antiwar movement.

American marijuana activists say pot was "rediscovered" as medicine when ill patients tried the drug recreationally and found it
reduced the nausea of chemotherapy and helped those suffering from glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and other maladies.
Patients joined the push to have pot rescheduled, a step that would allow physicians to prescribe it. The effort languished until
1988, when the chief administrative judge at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration made a startling ruling: Marijuana had
a place in medicine. Judge Francis L. Young declared it unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the federal government to
stand between "sufferers and the benefits of this substance."

DEA officials quickly rejected Young's ruling, and the courts backed them. The rescheduling effort, meanwhile, went nowhere
in Congress; politicians on both sides of the aisle long ago concluded it's safer to talk tough on drugs than risk oblivion as a
pot appeaser.

The AIDS epidemic brought a huge new pool of patients to marijuana's cause. Famous for producing the munchies, marijuana
likewise seemed to stem the wasting effects of HIV. But here, too, U.S. officials balked. Out of frustration, a movement was
born in California. An unlikely coalition of cannabis true believers and three ultra-rich businessmen eager to shift the nation's
drug debate put the state's landmark medical marijuana initiative, Proposition 215, on the 1996 ballot.

Proposition 215 won big, but it ushered in an era of confusion among cops and courts, patients and politicians. The federal
government, whose laws supercede any conflicting state statutes, at first threatened doctors, saying that any who recommended
the use of marijuana by patients would be prosecuted or have their authority to prescribe certain drugs withdrawn. After doctors
fought back and generally won, the feds shifted tactics, using civil and criminal courts to go after medicinal-use activists who
grow or distribute marijuana. But a trend began leapfrogging the nation. Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada,
Oregon and Washington all passed medpot measures.

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Amid the fog of this new war, what became clear was that Proposition 215 caused a fundamental shift in the way Americans talk
about marijuana. The just-say-no simplicity of the Reagan era has been replaced by a more complicated debate about science
and orthodoxy, privacy and morality, freedom and states' rights.

Recent U.S. polls show pot winning this cultural debate. But prohibitionists are prevailing in battlegrounds such as Nevada,
where voters rejected a marijuana legalization measure in November. From the beginning, prohibitionists have labeled medical
marijuana a smoke screen for legalization. California alone has an estimated 30,000 medical users, and for every cancer and
AIDS patient there seems someone willing to claim that pot helped them cope with insomnia, anxiety, psoriasis or menstrual
cramps. Not everyone buys the claims.

"Because somebody feels something makes them feel better, that's not science," says John Walters, President Bush's director
of national drug-control policy. "That's snake oil."

Try telling that to Steve Kubby. The onetime California gubernatorial candidate and medical pot user fled California two years
ago. In Canada, he has been granted a medpot exemption by the government health agency and has emerged as the lead agitator
in an effort to draw attention to the conflicting state and federal drug laws in the U.S. If medical marijuana has a Thomas Paine,
Kubby just might qualify.

Now 56, Kubby hardly seems the stereotypical stoner. Despite pot's reputation as a sinkhole for gumption, Kubby lives big,
whether he's hustling on the campaign trail or running a Web-based ski magazine. After multiple joints, he speaks with the
lucidity of an espresso addict at a coffee bar. Like others in the cannabis community, Kubby believes generations of right-wing
prohibitionists--from Richard M. Nixon to George W. Bush--have waged a cultural war against pot-smoking hippies, ghetto
dwellers and the powerless ill.

Cancer dug a hole in Kubby's world in the early 1970s. In a time of free love, Watergate and questions about authority, Kubby
watched his brimming life begin to drain. Doctors diagnosed pheochromocytoma, cancer of the adrenal gland that in 90% of
cases is not malignant. In Kubby's case, it was. Abdominal tumors flooded his system with adrenaline and norepinephrine,
causing skyrocketing blood pressure, heart palpitations, nausea and shortness of breath. Kubby, running an alternative summer
program for kids in the forests of Shasta County, says he struggled through each day.

In the span of a few years, he underwent four surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Nothing seemed to stop his steady decline.
Unchecked, doctors say adrenal cancer usually spreads through the vital organs. Kubby says he was told he shouldn't expect to
live beyond five years, and likely would die of a heart attack or stroke.

Marijuana became his life preserver quite by accident, he says, with the help of a soon-famous friend. The son of a San Fernando
Valley wrecking-yard owner and housewife, Kubby had roomed at Cal State Northridge with Richard "Cheech" Marin, then an
unknown pre-law major but later to become half the iconic doper comedy duo of Cheech and Chong. As Kubby tells it (Marin
did not respond to a request for comment), Cheech paid him a visit one summer day. Kubby was spiraling toward oblivion. His
old buddy offered a suggestion: If you're going to die, Steve, why not die happy? Kubby hadn't smoked pot since his cancer
diagnosis. For old time's sake, he lit up. A wave of euphoria hit. Kubby hadn't felt so good in months.

He continued smoking marijuana, and says he eventually felt so good that he gave up doctors and hospitals and prescription
drugs, turning to a regimen of fresh foods, clean fluids, exercise and pot. Kubby's health turned around, for reasons that remain
a mystery. While he credits his prodigious use of marijuana for his survival, doctors have been unable to definitively pinpoint
the reason.

Years passed without a visit to an oncologist, Kubby says. Vincent DeQuattro, an expert on hypertension illness who years earlier
had treated Kubby at County-USC Medical Center, examined him in 1998 and discovered that lethal levels of adrenal fluids--10

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to 20 times normal--were still coursing through Kubby's system. But, DeQuattro concluded, pot seemed to be somehow blunting
or masking its effects.

The conclusion reached by DeQuattro, who died in August 2001, was echoed this past year by Joseph Conners, a top oncologist
at the B.C. Cancer Agency and a professor at the University of British Columbia who examined Kubby at the behest of
Canadian immigration officials. He found a large tumor invading the upper abdomen, but concluded that pot's "most important
achievement is normalization of his heart rate, blood pressure and blood volume markedly reducing the risk of heart attack or
stroke." Conners believes that Kubby should be allowed to continue its use, saying, "It is controlling his symptoms at least as
effectively as anything I can do."

Freedom and medical marijuana were the centerpieces of Kubby's 1998 California gubernatorial run, when he received less
than 1% of the vote on the Libertarian ticket. But candor about his copious use of pot cost him. A few weeks after election
day, a task force of Lake Tahoe drug agents battered down the couple's door, confiscated his 265-plant medpot garden and--
as his wife held their screaming toddler--hauled Kubby off to jail on charges of cultivation and drug trafficking. During three
days behind bars, Kubby's blood pressure spiked.

At his 1999 trial in Placer County Superior Court--which Kubby predicted would be "the Scopes monkey trial of medical
marijuana"--prosecutors suggested he was faking it, calling a witness who said his prison-cell dry heaves didn't seem real. They
raised questions about his cancer, suggesting it might be in remission and that Kubby used pot simply to get high. (The defense
countered with DeQuattro vouching for Kubby's medicinal needs.) Prosecutors also argued that Kubby was selling his pot for
profit, taking in more than $100,000 over 18 months. The prime evidence was cash Kubby got during his campaign (he says
it was donations from medpot dispensaries) and a sheet of paper covered with numbers. Prosecutors said it listed street sales;
Kubby says it tallied how many plants he could grow as a patient.

Placer County prosecutor Christopher Cattran still rolls his eyes over their courtroom encounters. "I don't dislike Mr. Kubby
more than anybody else who breaks the law," Cattran says. "He's not a bad person, just an extremist who is impassioned about

The jury declared Kubby not guilty of the marijuana charges but guilty of two other counts--possession of a peyote button and
a hallucinogenic mushroom stem found in the raid. Kubby faced four months in county jail, where he believed he would suffer
and possibly die without access to pot.

Even if he avoided jail, Kubby believed his high-profile pot use made him a DEA target, and he knew that pot activists
sometimes don't fare well in federal court. For example, a few heady months after Proposition 215's win, drug agents busted
Peter McWilliams, a best-selling self-help author, and Todd McCormick, a medical pot activist, for cultivating 4,000 plants
at a Bel-Air mansion dubbed the "Cannabis Castle." A federal judge denied both men the right to put on a medical defense.
McWilliams, an HIV patient, died in June 2000 before he set foot in jail. McCormick is now in federal prison, deprived of the
pot he claims eases pain from a fused spine. He was sentenced to five years after a plea bargain with prosecutors.

Scrambling to avoid such an end, Kubby looked to Canada. Pot activists told him it was a different world north of the border,
particularly on the Sunshine Coast. One put it this way: There may be some people on the coast who don't smoke pot, but I
haven't met any of them.

Bankrupted by a $250,000 court defense, their ski magazine in ashes, the Kubbys felt they had little to lose. America seemed
like enemy territory, not home. Kubby says he felt the trauma of "turning your back on your country, leaving loved ones, having
friends question your sanity and striking out to an unknown future."

The Kubbys moved to Sechelt, B.C. The tiny seaside town sits midway up the Sunshine Coast, a scenic peninsula of conifers
and granite divided from Vancouver by a glacial bay so wide and deep that no road from the big city was ever cut. The only

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way in is via floatplane or ferry, and Kubby likes that just fine. The isolation has turned it into a haven for tourists, marijuana
growers and more than a dozen California pot expatriates. There's no Home Depot, but hydroponic gardening stores do a brisk
business supplying indoor pot gardeners.

Across the border, everything went right. Kubby and family--wife Michele and two young daughters--rented a contemporary
three-story house above the docks and breakfast inns that dot tranquil Porpoise Bay. Their monthly rent was only $700. They
delighted in the ethereal sky show of the Northern Lights. The average Canadian seemed friendly and tolerant. Kubby, who had
been smoking donated pot from other expats and Canadians, began to grow his own in secret.

Never one to shy from the righteous fight for cannabis freedom, Kubby didn't balk when Canadian reporters got wind of his
story and came calling. Headlines hit the provincial papers. Then the Canadian Broadcasting Co. TV show "Disclosure" did a
segment. Suddenly, Kubby and other American medical marijuana expatriates were news all across the northern tundra.

Canadian authorities couldn't ignore this. Three weeks after the TV show aired, officers knocked on Kubby's door. Compared
to his U.S. bust, it was all very polite and cordial. They confiscated 160 marijuana plants and took Kubby to jail in Vancouver
on charges of immigration and drug violations. His wife was frantic. "In our minds," she says, "incarceration means death for
Steve." But when his heart began to race and sweat poured off his face, Kubby didn't face disbelief from his Canadian jailers.
They didn't accuse him of faking the dry heaves. They called a doctor.

That humane approach to medical marijuana users is what brought Ken Hayes to a lonely pier on the Sunshine Coast, where at
the moment he is casting a fishing line. Swells batter the oily pilings. He's after salmon. Nothing is biting.

Among the faithful, Hayes is considered a cannabis Samaritan, running a medpot dispensary. Two years ago, he beat a rap for
growing 899 medicinal pot plants; San Francisco Dist. Atty. Terence Hallinan appeared as a star witness to vouch for Hayes'
medicinal legitimacy. But the acquittal in state court only put Hayes in the sights of federal authorities. He got across the border
in January 2002, right before the U.S. Attorney announced charges that carried a prison sentence of 10 years to life.

The 35-year-old Hayes sees no moral conflict in growing pot. He concludes that the U.S. has lost track of its founding freedoms.
He'll only return, he says, "when they decide to restore the Bill of Rights."

Renee Boje's exodus to Canada came, she says, because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was living at the
Cannabis Castle in Bel-Air, hired to do illustrations for a book on medical marijuana. She watered the plants, did her art. Drug
agents swept up Boje in the bust.

Charges looming, she fled Los Angeles for Canada in 1998. At the request of U.S. prosecutors, Canadian authorities launched
extradition proceedings. The 33-year-old Boje married a Canadian pot activist, had a baby and started an herbal health shop. A
willowy woman who favors peasant skirts, Boje has given up on America and thinks pot activists should come north. She calls
the war on drugs in the U.S. "a war on Mother Nature and higher consciousness."

Steve Tuck can be found at the New Amsterdam Cafe, a Hastings Street gathering place for the free of spirit. Dark-wood booths
harbor clusters of mellow young adults. Marijuana paraphernalia glistens in a glass case. The menu includes vegetarian items,
with a few hemp seeds tossed in. In a back corner is a glass-walled room, as big as a VW van. Pot smokers go there to light up.

Tuck is taking hits off a joint. At 36, he is a wisp of a man with a big Kentucky accent. His story unfolds like a soliloquy. He was
an Army paratrooper. A jumping accident during a 1987 military exercise seriously damaged his spine. He was hospitalized
for months, undergoing 13 surgeries in a decade. With that, Tuck pulls out an X-ray, right there in the smoke-filled booth, and
holds it up to the light. It shows his backbone in white-on-black silhouette, the vertebra strangled by a mess of surgical metal.

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A doctor recommended that he try cannabis for the pain, Tuck says. He became a believer, moving to Arcata on California's
north coast to cultivate pot for a medical dispensary, overseeing several indoor and outdoor "grow-ops." The Humboldt County
Sheriff's drug enforcement unit concluded that Tuck was a for-profit marijuana grower. Tipped off one morning to drug agents
bearing down, Tuck fled north. He bluffed his way across the border by saying he planned to do some fishing.

"They're on a witch hunt," he says, "and they're burning me at the stake."

The heat continues to rise back in the United States. During the past year, the Bush administration has stepped up its campaign
against medical marijuana, which crescendoed in September with the bust of a Santa Cruz pot cooperative. Camouflage-clad
federal drug agents stormed in, arresting Valerie and Michael Corral, founders of the cooperative. According to reports, agents
pointed automatic weapons at Suzanne Pfeil. They ordered her to stand. Pfeil is disabled by postpolio syndrome, so the agents
handcuffed the 44-year-old medical pot patient to her wheelchair.

Canada is running the opposite way. The debate over pot flamed in September, when a parliamentary study committee of the
Senate--the country's equivalent of Britain's House of Lords--issued a thick report suggesting cannabis be treated as a matter of
personal responsibility, not police work. Pot should be declared legal, even sold by government stores, it suggested. Scientific
evidence, the committee added, indicates alcohol is more harmful.

Police groups howled with outrage, as did the country's conservative minority. But many suspect Canadian lawmakers will vote
this year to relax the laws. Randy White, a member of Parliament from the Vancouver area, dreads that prospect, which he fears
is a done deal. But he intends to fight to deport the American marijuana refugees. "As far as I'm concerned, they're not going
to get away with it," he says. "They're abusing our refugee laws to avoid prosecution in the U.S."

Walters, the U.S. drug czar, says he has talked with his Canadian counterparts about the pitfalls of pot legalization and harboring
of American drug fugitives. "If Canada wants to become the locus for that kind of activity," he says, "they're likely to pay a
heavy price." He calls it "reprehensible" for medpot expatriates to use Canada as a shield. He's all for individual liberty, Walters
says, but within rational limits. Modern civilization, he concludes, is based on the notion that "we control the darker angels
of our nature."

Steve Kubby never figured himself as a dark angel, just a man trying to stay alive. If he and his doctors are to believed, pot is
helping. But returning Kubby to the United States could kill him, says Alex Stojicevic, a Canadian immigration lawyer who
has advised the family. "Are we all so sure that marijuana is of no medical benefit that we risk his life against the advice of
physicians who are experts in the field? It seems foolhardy."

In May, a conditional departure order was issued based on Kubby's 2000 drug conviction in California for possession of the
hallucinogenic mushroom (possession of peyote is not a crime in Canada and thus not a prod for deportation). Kubby countered
with his refugee claim, saying he faces a "well-founded fear of persecution" in America. At his March refugee hearing--a tribunal
conducted before a single judge--Kubby will face an army of lawyers dispatched by the government, Stojicevic says. (Canadian
immigration and refugee officials declined to discuss Kubby's case, citing confidentiality issues.) Despite the talk of relaxing
Canadian marijuana laws, Stojicevic says, immigration officials are wary of the floodgates opening to Americans eager to avoid
pot prosecutions. "It's the same situation as the draft dodgers, except it's not the Vietnam War, it's the war on drugs," he says.
"The Bush administration's zealous prosecution of medical marijuana, that's what is on trial here."

In December, at Conners' suggestion, Kubby began an experimental radiation treatment that could shrink his cancer significantly.
The Vancouver doctor says it might even take away the medical need for Kubby to smoke grass. Kubby says he'd remain a
cannabis consumer anyway. Pot has been his personal savior for a quarter century. It has become more than medicine for him.
More like a sacrament.

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For now, Kubby has no idea what tomorrow will bring. Up in Sechelt, the comfortable home and laid-back life make it easy to
forget his predicament. But the threat of deportation lingers. The Kubbys cherish Canada, but what if it is taken from them?
What if they become people without a country?

"We would love to go back to the U.S.," Kubby says. But only, he adds, if America changes.

As it is now in the U.S., there is too much to lose. "We could have our kids taken, our car and assets most certainly would be
seized," he says. Kubby is brooding, a face he hasn't shown before. "They could take all my medicine. Throw me in jail. Kill me."

Each year in America, about 750,000 people are arrested for pot crimes. According to a 2001 federal study, marijuana is one of
America's biggest cash crops, legal or illegal, fetching $10.6 billion annually on the black market. Richard Cowan, a marijuana
activist who moved to Vancouver out of contempt for the U.S. drug war, says America needs to be reminded what this fight
is all about.

"It isn't about being drug free," Cowan argues. "It's about being free."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Legal (1LE33); Social Issues (1SO05); Police (1PO98); Judicial (1JU36); Legislation (1LE97); Government
(1GO80); Economic Policy & Policymakers (1EC69); Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Economics & Trade (1EC26))

Industry: (TV Programming (1TV26); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Holiday Products & Services (1HO76); TV
(1TV19); Entertainment (1EN08); Travel & Tourism (1TR07); TV Regulatory (1TV84))

Region: (North America (1NO39); Far East (1FA27); Eastern Asia (1EA61); Indo China (1IN61); California (1CA98);
Southeast Asia (1SO64); Americas (1AM92); Vietnam (1VI02); Asia (1AS61); USA (1US73); Canada (1CA33); Nevada

Language: EN

Camouflage; Cattran; Chong; Christopher Cattran; Compared; Conners; Cowan; DeQuattro; Francis L. Young; George W.
Bush; Hayes; Headlines; Jean Chretien; John Walters; Joseph Conners; Ken Hayes; Kubby; Kubbys; Locals; Martin Cauchon;
McCormick; McWilliams; Michael Corral; Michele; North; Nothing; Overnight; Peter McWilliams; Proposition; Randy White;
Renee Boje; Richard Cowan; Richard M. Nixon; Scientific; Scrambling; Steve; Steve Kubby; Steve Tuck; Stojicevic; Swells;
Terence Hallinan; Throw; Tipped; Todd McCormick; Tuck; Unchecked; Vincent DeQuattro; Walters; Watergate; Young)


Edition: Home Edition

Word Count: 5060

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 104 of 634
Mum faces exile over 23-year-old drugs conviction, 1999 WLNR 4936931

3/14/99 Sunday Mirror (Pg. Unavail. Online)

1999 WLNR 4936931

Sunday Mirror (UK)

Copyright © 2004 MGN Ltd. All rights reserved.

March 14, 1999

Mum faces exile over 23-year-old drugs conviction


A BRITISH mother with a family in America now seems certain to face deportation from the US over a drug conviction
dating back 23 years.

Deborah Aaro, 43, has been ordered out of the US for possessing cannabis in London in 1976. She will have to leave her
husband David, her teenage sons and their Los Angeles home.

An immigration service judge has rejected her final plea against the deportation order - marking the likely end of a nine-year
battle to stay in the United States.

Mrs Aaron, whose husband and sons are American citizens, was fined pounds 10 for possession of cannabis in 1976. She
married an American and moved to the US in 1977. But under stringent US immigration laws, anyone convicted of a drug
offence is refused the right to live there.

Mrs Aaron said. "I'm at the end of the line. I'm really up against the wall.

"It's such a minor offence as far as the British Government is concerned that I can't understand why, 23 years later, I couldn't
be granted an official pardon."

She was charged with possession of 54.4g of cannabis resin after a raid on her home. She insists the drugs did not belong to her.

The Foreign Office said: "It is a matter for the American authorities."

---- Index References ----

Region: (USA (1US73); Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (FOREIGN OFFICE; MUM) (Aaron; David; Deborah Aaro; HELEN WILLIAMS)

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Mum faces exile over 23-year-old drugs conviction, 1999 WLNR 4936931

Word Count: 243

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 106 of 634
Profile: Four Americans making their cases to become..., 2003 WLNR 16702536

3/5/03 NPR Morning Edition (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2003 WLNR 16702536

NPR Morning Edition

Copyright © 2003 National Public Radio®. All rights reserved.

March 5, 2003

Profile: Four Americans making their cases to become political refugees in Canada because
they say they face persecution in the US because they smoke marijuana for medical purposes


This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Bob Edwards.

The first of four Americans makes his case today in Vancouver, British Columbia, to become a political refugee in Canada.
Reminiscent of the draft evaders of the 1960s, the Americans claim they face persecution in the United States. But the issue
isn't war with Iraq. It's marijuana for medical purposes. From member station KUOW in Seattle, Cathy Duchamp reports.

CATHY DUCHAMP reporting:

When you walk in through the front door of Steve Kubby's house in Sechelt, British Columbia, you see a large laminated sign
taped to the wall. It's a color photocopy of a license that allows Kubby to grow marijuana to treat symptoms of his adrenal
cancer. Kubby is more than happy to give a tour of his garage turned greenhouse.

Mr. STEVE KUBBY: Here, you see sativa from Ecuador called Celestial Temple sativa. It's the most extraordinary medicine
I've ever seen.

DUCHAMP: With his license, Kubby can grow up to 59 pot plants. He also grew marijuana in California, which, like eight
other states, has legalized medical marijuana. Still, Kubby was arrested in Lake Tahoe for allegedly growing more than the legal
limit. He was acquitted, but fearing further harassment, he says, by the federal government, Kubby moved to Canada. He's now
fighting deportation and wants Canada to grant him political refugee status.

Mr. KUBBY: We and the other American cannabis refugees are simply trying to find a place where we can use this medicine
without being hounded and treated like common criminals.

DUCHAMP: Kubby points to the conviction of California pot activist Ed Rosenthal. Rosenthal had been designated by the city
of Oakland to grow marijuana for people with AIDS and cancer. Still, in a high-profile US federal trial last month, Rosenthal
was found guilty of drug trafficking and now faces up to 85 years in prison. Kubby and the others, who are now fighting
deportation, claim if they return to the States, what happened to Rosenthal will happen to them.

Mr. KUBBY: The Bush administration has drawn a line in the sand and has said that anyone who grows medical marijuana
and is vocal can expect a raid from the DEA.

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Profile: Four Americans making their cases to become..., 2003 WLNR 16702536

DUCHAMP: Kubby's claim shined a spotlight on two countries with drastically different views on marijuana. While the US
federal government tries to squash the medical pot movement, Canada's federal government has legalized medical marijuana
nationwide and is considering decriminalizing pot for recreational use as well.

Mr. VAUGHN PALMER (The Vancouver Sun): It's the most liberalized attitude toward marijuana this side of Amsterdam,
I'm told.

DUCHAMP: Vaughn Palmer is political columnist with The Vancouver Sun newspaper. Palmer says while liberal, Canada's
tolerance of marijuana is not unusual compared to most Western countries.

Mr. PALMER: There are problems associated with marijuana use, but Canadians so long ago decided not to turn people into
criminals for lighting up marijuana, and they've also decided to look the other way, to some degree, on the marijuana trade.
Some people estimate that it's the biggest cash crop in British Columbia.

DUCHAMP: US drug czar John Walters has threatened to tighten security at the border in light of Canada's growing pot industry.
Randy White, a conservative member of Canada's Parliament, takes this threat seriously. What's more, White doesn't want
Americans who've broken drug laws in their own country to see Canada as a safe haven, and he worries that if medical marijuana
expatriates like Kubby are granted political refugee status, the US will retaliate.

Mr. RANDY WHITE (Parliament Member, Canada): Whatever policy on drugs the United States has, we have to at least
coordinate our laws in such a way that one doesn't offend the other. Otherwise, we're going to have a closed border.

DUCHAMP: Coordinated drug laws would not be good news for American Steven Tuck. Like Kubby, he's also applying for
refugee status in Canada.

(Soundbite of music)

Mr. STEVEN TUCK: It's this or die. I have no choice. I can't go back.

DUCHAMP: On a rainy afternoon, Tuck drinks Coca-Cola and takes a toke from his pipe at Vancouver's new Amsterdam Cafe,
a place where '70s rock flows and people can smoke pot without fear of arrest. Tuck smokes it for chronic back pain, the result
of a parachuting accident when he was in the Army. Tuck is wanted on drug possession charges in Humboldt County, California.
He says even if his request for political refugee status is denied, he won't return.

Mr. TUCK: It's like jumping out of a building when it's on fire. That's what I looked at when I left America. The building was
on fire, and I jumped out, and I'm just praying that somebody gets a trampoline when I hit the bottom. And May the 13th,
I'll let you know.

DUCHAMP: May the 13th is the day Tuck makes his formal plea to Canadian immigration authorities. For NPR News, I'm
Cathy Duchamp in Vancouver, British Columbia.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35))

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Region: (Europe (1EU83); Netherlands (1NE54); USA (1US73); Americas (1AM92); Ecuador (1EC67); North America
(1NO39); Canada (1CA33); Western Europe (1WE41); South America (1SO03); California (1CA98); Latin America (1LA15))

Language: EN

DUCHAMP; DUCHAMP: COORDINATED; NPR NEWS) (Bob Edwards; Bush; Ed Rosenthal; John Walters; Kubby; Mr.;
Mr. STEVE; Palmer; Randy White; Reminiscent; Rosenthal; Soundbite; Steve Kubby; Tuck; White)

Word Count: 995

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 109 of 634

Lottie Moss is forced to return to London due to US visa issues after

moving to LA to shoot OnlyFans content
Kate Dennett For Mailonline | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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Lottie Moss is forced to return to London due to USvisa..., 2022 WLNR 27660945

9/1/22 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2022 WLNR 27660945

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2022

September 1, 2022

Lottie Moss is forced to return to London due to US visa

issues after moving to LA to shoot OnlyFans content

Kate Dennett For Mailonline

Lottie Moss has revealed she was forced to return to London due to issues with her visa after she tried to relocate to California
earlier this year.

The sister of Kate Moss, 24, took to Instagram on Wednesday to detail her visa woes as part of a Q&A session with her 541,000

She shared her hope that she would be moving back to Los Angeles 'very soon' as she explained that she is back in London
as officials sort out her visa application.

Earlier this year, Lottie revealed that she planned to move to LA to produce OnlyFans content and later relocated to the US
to take part in an array of racy shoots.

But she has since returned to London, and Lottie has now revealed that she did so because her US visa application is still
being sorted.

Answering a fan, who asked her when she is returning to LA, Lottie said: 'Hopefully very, very soon. Just waiting on my visa
situation, which is taking forever.'

Elsewhere in the Instagram Q&A session, Lottie said she is currently the 'happiest' she has 'ever been' as she said she has been
spending time with her family.

'I'm probably the happiest I've ever been - ever. Just spending loads of time with family, working but just doing projects I really
enjoy,' she said.

Speaking about her decision to join OnlyFans, Lottie also revealed that she decided to produce racy content as she decided
she didn't want to be a model.

She said: 'I actually never wanted to become a model, which is kind of why I steered away from that and did OnlyFans. But
it was really fun.'

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Lottie Moss is forced to return to London due to USvisa..., 2022 WLNR 27660945

Lottie also candidly opened up about her dating life, after she was reported to be dating American music producer Cody Colacino
earlier this year.

Implying she may now be single, Lottie said of her attraction to men: 'My taste changes all the time. I've typically gone for like
skinny, tattooed guys but I'm coming away from that – hopefully.'

She also quashed rumours she is dating her friend and adult content model Mia Malkova, after the pair shot very raunchy
content together.

When asked if she was dating Mia, Lottie said: 'No unfortunately she's not my girlfriend, I wish. But I love her – she's the best.'

Her latest comments come after Lottie said earlier this year that London 'isn't for me' as she shared her plans to move to LA.

Speaking in March, she said: 'I need cheering up. I'm having a very stressful time at the moment. I'm moving to LA soon -
in two weeks.

'I'm moving to get more content. Lots more people do OnlyFans out there. London just isn't for me.

'I'm moving with Megan Barton Hanson and we're going to live in the same apartment and shoot content together. It's going
to be so hot.'

Elsewhere, Lottie recently claimed she was given alcohol and drugs to get through modelling shoots.

She said she thought taking drugs was 'normal' in the modelling industry as she alleged that she was given drugs when she
was 'exhausted' at events.

Lottie claimed she didn't feel like people 'cared' about her 'wellbeing'.

Speaking about drug use in the industry, Lottie told the Call Her Daddy podcast: 'I think I just thought it was normal and I was
going to these events and parties and I was exhausted, that was the only way I was getting through it.

'A lot of the time I would be showing up to set and I would not be happy and I didn't want to do it, I'd be crying my eyes out
and they said, 'we'll just get you some drugs, you can have a drink and then you'll be fine'.

'It was very much like that, 'oh you'll do this shoot, whether you're sober or not. It's going to happen'.'

Lottie, who recently spent a month seeking treatment for mental health issues and cocaine addiction, said taking drugs 'shouldn't
be normalised' in the 'celebrity or fashion industry'.

Speaking about one incident when she became upset while working, she added: 'I was at an event in Rome and I was crying
my eyes out in the hotel and I was putting makeup on over my tears, it was bad.'

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

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Industry: (Apparel & Textiles (1AP20); Consumer Products & Services (1CO62); Entertainment (1EN08); Fashion Industry
(1FA88); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Live Entertainment
(1LI85); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Retail (1RE82))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (OnlyFans; Instagram) (Lottie Moss; Kate Moss; Cody Colacino; Mia Malkova; Megan Barton Hanson)

Word Count: 717

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Lord Finkelstein Tries Weed For The First Time: Does Smoking In
A Legal State Make Him Ineligible For US Visa?
Nina Zdinjak | Benzinga

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Lord Finkelstein Tries Weed For The First Time: Does..., 2022 WLNR 26592453

8/23/22 Benzinga (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2022 WLNR 26592453

Copyright (c) 2022 Benzinga News

August 23, 2022

Lord Finkelstein Tries Weed For The First Time: Does

Smoking In A Legal State Make Him Ineligible For US Visa?

Nina Zdinjak

Aug 23, 2022

Lord Daniel Finkelstein, a British journalist and politician opened up about trying weed for the first time in a columnhe wrotein
The Times on Monday.

A former chairman of Policy Exchange, Finkelstein, 59, said he'd never consumed weed before a recent visit to Colorado, where
it's legal. Why? Because he avoids doing things that are illegal, he said.

Meanwhile, some legal experts arequestioning the legality of Finkelstein's decision, considering that cannabis is illegal at the
federal level. There is now speculation that this could compromise his future visits to the U.S. ground.Wait, what?

That's right, smoking pot acquired in a legal cannabis shop in a state with legal recreational use can possibly have some serious
consequences for foreigners because federal law is above state law. First things first, let's see what Finkelstein wrote.

"If you poured all the alcoholic drinks I have consumed in my life into a single pint glass, the liquid wouldn't reach the rim," ex-
executive director of The Times began. "I don't smoke. I don't even drink coffee. And I have never had a joint. Until now. I'm
59. None of this is because I treat my body as a temple. I treat it more like an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. I don't drink either
alcohol or coffee for the same reason that I don't eat celery. I don't like the taste very much. I'm not afraid of losing control,
because that would overestimate the amount of control I have in the first place."
Gently Mellow
Finkelstein, who was recently appointed director of Chelsea football club that is currently under new U.S. ownership, wrote that
his family "researched the law quite carefully," to confirm where it is legal to buy cannabis, where they are allowed to smoke
it, and who could smoke it, reported The Guardian. Then, he and his eldest son went to a shop called Half-Baked in Boulder
and bought a strain of cannabis called Jelly Pie. After a few days, they smoked it.

"The effect wasn't great," he wrote. "It didn't change my life. After my second drag I told the others that I had now decided I
was against capitalism and nuclear weapons, but in truth, I was just the same as before, except very gently mellow."

Nothing spectacular here, so what seems to be the problem?

Smoking Pot Makes You Ineligible For U.S. Visa

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Lord Finkelstein Tries Weed For The First Time: Does..., 2022 WLNR 26592453

According toCharlotte Slocombe, a partner at the law firm Fragomen and an expert in US immigration law, admitting smoking
marijuana provides a reason for U.S. authorities to deny future visas, as they follow federal law.

If U.S. authorities decide to act, he most likely won't be the only person denied a visa over the same actions, as so many tourists
have been recently drawn to various states that have legalized recreational cannabis use.

Slocombe said the US embassy "having access to social media could ask questions around the use of drugs, and any admission
could lead to becoming inadmissible for a visa". She added:"You do not need to be convicted to be deemed inadmissible under
US immigration," reported The Guardian. She noted that the visa waiver, orEsta, asks: "Have you ever violated any law related
to possessing, using, or distributing illegal drugs?" A positive answer would make the applicant ineligible.

Although Finkelstein has not officially responded to these comments, when a legal blog wrote about this issue on Twitter, he
didn't seem worried. "They checked my passport before selling me the drug so I don't think so."

Photo: Benzinga Edit; Sources: Policy Exchange - Flickr via Wikimedia , Add Weed and Caspar Rae via Unsplash

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Blockchain (1BC01); I.T. (1IT96))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (The Guardian; U.S.; Add Weed; Unsplash; Chelsea football; Newstex; Half-Baked; Flickr; The Times;
Fragomen; Wikimedia; Twitter; Policy Exchange) (Lord Daniel Finkelstein; Gently Mellow Finkelstein; Slocombe; Caspar Rae)

Keywords: (Cannabis); (Charlotte Slocombe); (Lord Daniel Finkelstein); (News); (smoking cannabis and visa); (The Guaridan);
(The Times); (Markets); (Benzinga)

Word Count: 808

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Tory peer could be refused entry to US after cannabis revelation in

the Times
Robert Booth Social affairs correspondent | Guardian (UK)

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Tory peer could be refused entry to US after cannabis..., 2022 WLNR 26505365

8/22/22 The Guardian (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2022 WLNR 26505365

Guardian (UK)
Copyright (c) 2022

August 22, 2022

Tory peer could be refused entry to US after cannabis revelation in the Times
Daniel Finkelstein may fall foul of legal anomaly despite
using drug in state where it was allowed, says lawyer

Robert Booth Social affairs correspondent

A Conservative peer may have damaged his chances of being allowed back into the US after legally smoking cannabis in
Colorado, a leading immigration lawyer has warned.

Daniel Finkelstein wrote in the Times on Monday how he smoked marijuana for the first time at a friend's house in the state,
where buying limited quantities of the drug for recreational use has been allowed for almost a decade.

But such admissions could lead to US authorities refusing future visas, because while it is now legal in several states, possession
and use of the drug remains a federal crime, according to Charlotte Slocombe, a partner at the law firm Fragomen and an expert
in US immigration law.

Lord Finkelstein, who does not drink, smoke or even drink coffee, described how he chose to try the drug only because he
knew it was legal "and I try never to do things that are illegal". He is unlikely to be alone if he falls foul of the legal anomaly and
US authorities choose to act. Tourists have been drawn to states from New York to Oregon where the drug has been legalised
for limited recreational use and is sold in licensed shops, bringing in several billion dollars in tax revenue annually.

Slocombe said the US embassy "having access to social media could ask questions around use of drugs, and any admission
could lead to becoming inadmissible for a visa". She added: "You do not need to be convicted to be deemed inadmissible under
US immigration."

Finkelstein, who recently became a director of Chelsea football club, which is now under new US ownership, wrote in the
article that his family had "researched the law quite carefully. Where could we buy it, where could we smoke it, who could
smoke it". He and his eldest son then bought a strain of cannabis called Jelly Pie from a shop called Half-Baked in Boulder
and Finkelstein tried it a few days later.

"The effect wasn't great," he wrote. "It didn't change my life. After my second drag I told the others that I had now decided I
was against capitalism and nuclear weapons, but in truth I was just the same as before, except very gently mellow."

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Tory peer could be refused entry to US after cannabis..., 2022 WLNR 26505365

When a legal blog highlighted on Twitter that he may have fallen foul of the anomaly that possession and use of cannabis
in states like Colorado and California is legal while remaining banned federally and he could be banned from the country,
Finkelstein replied: "They checked my passport before selling me the drug so I don't think so."

But Slocombe said the visa waiver, known as an Esta and used by many travellers to the US, asks: "Have you ever violated
any law related to possessing, using, or distributing illegal drugs?" Anyone answering yes would become ineligible and would
need a full tourist visa, and the application for that asks a similar question.

She said: "There are more instances of issues at the border with customs and border protection than at US embassies, but yes
there is a real issue, particularly along the Canadian/US border because it is now legal in Canada."

Finkelstein and Chelsea FC have been contacted for comment.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Colorado (1CO26); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Finkelstein; Chelsea football; Chelsea FC; Half-Baked; Fragomen; Twitter) (Daniel Finkelstein; Charlotte

Word Count: 533

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Drug arrest makes getting immig visa unlikely

New York Daily News

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Jurisdiction: NY

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Drug arrest makes getting immig visa unlikely, 2022 WLNR 17685920

6/6/22 N.Y. Daily News 26

2022 WLNR 17685920

New York Daily News

Copyright (c) 2022 The Tribune Publishing Inc.

June 6, 2022

Section: Main

Drug arrest makes getting immig visa unlikely

Iwas deported more than 30 years ago for carrying weed into the United States. Any chance I can get a visa to travel back
to the United States?


With your record, your chances of getting a nonimmigrant visa, like a tourist visa, are slim but possible. Based on what you
write, it is unlikely that you will ever qualify for an immigrant visa.

Immigration laws bar most individuals who have committed drug-related crimes, from getting an immigrant visa - a green card.
The exception is for certain individuals whose conviction was for a single conviction of simple possession of marijuana. If you
have two marijuana possession convictions or the government has "reason to believe" you were involved in drug trafficking,
the law permanently bars you from getting a green card.

The law provides a general waiver for all "inadmissibility" grounds except for individuals who are a threat to national security.
If you have a clear record of rehabilitation, you might persuade a U.S. consular officer to grant you a nonimmigrant visa given
that 30 years have passed since your deportation.

I am in the United States, working here on an H-2B temporary visa. Can my wife and daughter come stay with me during
my lawful stay here?


The law allows for the spouse and unmarried children to come to the United States to be with an H-2B temporary worker. Given
that H-2B status is granted in one-year intervals only, your family will need to prove very strong ties to their home country to
get a consular officer to grant them visas.

Immigration grants H-2B status to temporary, nonprofessional, non-agricultural workers. For a worker to get an H-2B visa, an
employer must prove that no qualified U.S. worker is available to fill the position.

The law limits how many H-2B workers can get visas each year, making them hard to get. That's despite low-unemployment
and our country's desperate need for service and other workers. Often these jobs are seasonal; for example, workers in the

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Drug arrest makes getting immig visa unlikely, 2022 WLNR 17685920

service industry here for the summer season. While your family can apply for visas now, they may have a better chance if they
apply the next time you apply for yours.

Allan Wernick is an attorney and director of the City University of New York's Citizenship Now! project. Email questions and
comments to Follow him on Twitter: @awernick.

---- Index References ----

Company: The City University of New York

News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Crime (1CR87); Employment (1EM26); HR & Labor Management (1HR87);
Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Twitter; City University of New York) (Clifford; Jeisson; Allan Wernick)

Edition: 1STAR

Word Count: 404

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 123 of 634

For these reasons you may be denied entry to the United States even
if you have a visa or Green Card.
NoticiasFinancieras - English

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Jurisdiction: FE

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For these reasons you may be denied entry to the..., 2022 WLNR 37470099

11/21/22 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2022 WLNR 37470099

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2022 ContentEngine, USA.

November 21, 2022

For these reasons you may be denied entry to the

United States even if you have a visa or Green Card.

When U.S. authorities find evidence that you are engaging in illegal activities, they can deny you entry to the United States.

It won't do you any good if you are the holder of a visa or Green Card after a trip back to U.S. soil. But, if this happens, there
are ways to avoid being denied.

In the same way that you are denied entry, you can be granted a special permit, pardon or waiver. This is a request for a waiver
to the U.S. government that forgives or overlooks the inadmissibility problem in your case, as reported by El Nuevo Herald.

These are the new instructions for petitioning an alien relative for a U.S. green cardIn

terms of immigration law, these characteristics are known as grounds of inadmissibility or grounds of inadmissibility, as set
forth in Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

For the protection of the United States, the law establishes classes or categories of immigration inadmissibility with the main
grounds for denial of entry into the country due to inadmissibility by the officers of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS).

In immigration law terms, these characteristics are known as grounds of inadmissibility. (Evgenia Parajanian/

)Why you are denied entry to the U.S. even if you have a visa or Green


diseasesOfficials will not let in people with major communicable diseases that pose a public health emergency, such as

There is an exemption, waiver or waiver available for these cases known as the "Waiver of Communicable Disease of Public
Health Significance".

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For these reasons you may be denied entry to the..., 2022 WLNR 37470099

Green Card: If I participate in the U.S. visa lottery does it affect me for the tourist visa?

Covid-19 is a much more contagious disease than the flu. (Getty Images /


IllnessPeople with physical or mental disorders that may cause harm to themselves and others are not considered admissible.
There is a waiver in these cases called Waiver of Physical or Mental Disorder Accompanied by Harmful Behavior.

When hallucinations are present, the physician must rule out general medical illnesses, the effect of certain medications and
the misuse of other drugs.


USCIS officials believe that you have used or abused drugs, you will not be allowed to enter the United States. You are
considered to have used illicit substances when you have done so more than once in the past three years.

Although there is no waiver for health-related inadmissibility due to drug abuse or addiction, an applicant can still overcome
this inadmissibility issue if his or her drug abuse or addiction is determined to be in remission.

VaccinationsWhile individuals without the proper vaccinations may be deemed inadmissible, they have different options for
entry through the Waiver of Immigrant Vaccination

Get vaccinated against foreseeable diseases.Obtain a medical certificate in case vaccination is not necessary.And when such
vaccinations are contrary to the applicant's religious beliefs or moral convictions.

Each of these waivers has its own requirements, and the first two waivers do not require paying any fees. EFE/Shawn Thew


RecordPeople who have committed or have been convicted of crimes of moral turpitude (CMT) are considered inadmissible
upon arrival to the U.S. and are eligible to apply for a waiver to enter the country

Violating immigration laws

Those who have held a J-1 exchange visa and are still subject to the two-year foreign residency requirement.Have been removed
or deported. ? Entered the U.S. without the proper documentation.Having been or being in the U.S. illegally if you have not
yet served the penalty period.

If you violate a rule set by the United States, you will have difficulties. (EvgeniyShkolenko/

)Other grounds for denial of entry to the United States

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For these reasons you may be denied entry to the..., 2022 WLNR 37470099

Falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen.Illegal voters.International child abduction.Practicing polygamy and bigamy, being married
to more than one person.Spies.Terrorists.Having been a member of totalitarian political parties: Communist or Nazi Party.To
have participated in a genocide.Belonging to gangs.


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you don't need an academic degree.Do you want to immigrate to Canada? A program offers the possibility of doing so as a
caregiver for the elderly.

---- Index References ----

Company: US Citizenship and Immigration Services - Federal Protective Service Police; GETTY IMAGES HOLDINGS, INC.;
United States of America

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (El Nuevo Herald; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; Getty Images; U.S. government)

Keywords: (internacional)

Word Count: 554

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US visa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on your Esta?
Helen Coffey | Independent Online (UK)

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USvisa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on..., 2019 WLNR 18609883

6/17/19 Independent Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 18609883

Independent Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2019

June 17, 2019

US visa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on your Esta?
British woman barred from US for 10 years after admitting to cocaine use

Helen Coffey

After a British tourist was banned from entering the US for 10 years over a text referring to taking cocaine, here's everything
you need to know about how previous drug offences could affect your travel plans.

What happened?

Isabella Brazier-Jones travelled to Los Angeles with her friend in March to embark on a two-month trip, but the pair were
stopped by Customs officials who suspected they were planning to overstay their visas.

Brazier-Jones, 28, and her companion Olivia Cura, 26, were questioned about their plans and finances. Cura was released after
an hour or so, while Brazier-Jones's bag and phone were seized.

Brazier-Jones said she was subjected to a full body search and held in a cell with four other women, an experience she described
as "torture".

Meanwhile, officials searched her phone and found a text that suggested she had taken cocaine.

The former private chef and aspiring actoradmitted to having taken the class A drug in 2017, after which she was deported to
the UK and told she was banned from visiting the US for a decade.

Why would admitting to drug use lead to deportation?

The US regards admission of drug abuse as evidence of "moral turpitude" – a legal concept in the United States and some other
countries that refers to "an act or behaviour that gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the community".

It is no longer grounds for outright exclusion from America, as John Lennon experienced for a time. However, the US Electronic
System for Travel Authorization (the "online visa" known as Esta) asks applicants whether they have ever taken drugs in the
past under the "eligibility" section: "Have you ever violated any law related to possessing, using, or distributing illegal drugs?"
Answering yes to this question means it is likely the applicant will be deniedan Esta.

Read more

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USvisa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on..., 2019 WLNR 18609883

Could admitting to illegal drug use jeopardise future travel plans?

Presuming Ms Brazier-Jones answered "no" to this question, the search of her phone found this assertion to be false, meaning
she lied on the form.

"Lying on the Estarepresents separate grounds of inadmissibility to the USA under the material misrepresentation or fraud
provision,"Ioana Hyde, US Immigration Attorney at American Immigration Law Office Ltd, told

The Independent

. "If this finding is made, then a person subsequently applying for a visa to the USA may well be denied due to misrepresentation
or fraud."

Kaitlin Davies, a solicitor with US immigration specialists Davies Legal,adds thatBrazier-Jones's own admission of guilt may
have been a factor in the severity of the penalty.

"On strict application of the law, social media posts regarding drug use should not be sufficient, in the absence of more
evidence," she said. "Had MsBrazier not admitted controlled substance use to the interviewing officer, it is possible that the
outcome could have been different.

"The likely ground on which Ms. Brazier was banned for 10 years, although we cannot be certain, would relate to
misrepresentation of her prior 'violation [of] any law related to possessing [and/or] using... illegal drugs'.

"Misrepresentation and fraud often form the basis of lengthy bans."

Should I lie on my Esta application?

When it comes to criminal offences, possibly. Nacro (previously the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of
Offenders) provides an answer on itssurvey about declaring a criminal record when travelling abroad:

"If I lie on the Esta form, will I be found out?"

"The short answer is: probably not. The US authorities do not have access to criminal record information held on the Police
National Computer. However, if the authorities have particular concerns about an individual, they may request criminal record
information from the Home Office by making an application through Interpol. Such requests, however, are rare."



says he was 'fortunate' not to go to jail after taking cocaine several times whilst working as a journalist

However, since 2018 US border agents have had the authority to seize and search individuals' phones and electronic devices
"without probable cause" – ie they don't need to provide a reason for doing so. Refusing to hand it over along with your password
could mean you're denied entry to the country regardless.

In Ms Brazier-Jones's case, they found reference to previous drug taking, which along with her admission of guilt was enough
to bar her from the country for a decade.

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USvisa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on..., 2019 WLNR 18609883

Kaitlin Davies says that those who havepreviously taken drugs should consult an immigration lawyer before applying for a
US visa.

"It is notable that even if an applicant has previously used or abused substances, and is therefore deemed ineligible to travel
on Esta, they may still successfully apply for a B-1/B-2 Temporary Visitor visa, as we do for hundreds of clients, some with
extensive drug use and/or convictions," she said.

Should I delete incriminating pictures or messages from my phone?

Experts advisechecking what information is stored on your phone and electronic devices prior to travel.

Read more

How can I bring my medicine to Dubai?

Ioana Hyde says: "In recent times, I have spoken to individuals who ran into difficulties at the US border after being sent images
through WhatsApp or similar messaging apps where images received from others are automatically downloaded and stored on
the device without the user's specific intent to save a photo.

"The photo showed possible drug use or other potentially illegal activities which in turn resulted in difficulties to the applicant
for entry into the USA, including in the worst case being summarily removed which then carries a five-year bar from entering
the USA unless a waiver (additional permissions) can be secured."

Davies also recommends reviewing your social media before travelling to the US. "Anything, drug-related or otherwise,
including expressions of 'moving to the US' or the previous famous example of a British citizen writing about 'destroying the
US' in colloquial terms, may cause problems at the border," she says. "In the current climate, applicants should be mindful that
posts and photographs can be misinterpreted."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Fraud (1FR30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Consumer Electronics (1CO61); Consumer Products & Services (1CO62); Electronics (1EL16); Mobile Phones &
Pagers (1WI07); Telecom Consumer Equipment (1TE03))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); North America (1NO39); United Kingdom (1UN38);
Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (American Immigration Law Office Ltd) (Kaitlin Davies; Olivia Cura; Ioana Hyde; Isabella Brazier-Jones;
However; John J. Lennon; John J. Lennon)

Word Count: 1008

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USvisa application: Should you lie about taking drugs on..., 2019 WLNR 18609883

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Why Justin Bieber not facing Nigella Lawson-type ban from U.S.
Compiled by Ann Tatko-Peterson Contra Costa Times | Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA)

Search Details
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Jurisdiction: CA

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 133 of 634
Why Justin Bieber not facing Nigella Lawson-type ban from U.S., 2014 WLNR 9248307

4/6/14 E. Bay Times (Walnut Creek, Cal.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9248307

Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek,CA)

Copyright © 2014 Contra Costa Times.

April 6, 2014

Section: Breaking

Why Justin Bieber not facing Nigella Lawson-type ban from U.S.

Compiled by Ann Tatko-Peterson Contra Costa Times

Poor Nigella Lawson. Not only has suffered a messy, public divorce from business tycoon Charles Saatchi over the past year,
but now she can't fly to the U.S.

The U.K. celebrity chef was prevented from boarding a flight to Los Angeles on Sunday because of a court confession during
her divorce about her previous drug use. Lawson now likely will have to undergo a medical examination, including blood tests
to screen for illegal drugs, if she wants to obtain a travel visa to the United States, a British lawyer told the Telegraph.

So forgive us for asking, but why is Canadian singer Justin Bieber still allowed into this country? Bieber has spent most of this
past year fending off drug use allegations and criminal investigations; yet, he still maintains residences in the United States.

For starters, Bieber has never admitted to drug use -- Lawson testified last year that she had snorted cocaine and smoked
marijuana in front of her children. Bieber's current legal troubles also aren't related to illegal drugs; he faces DUI charges in
Miami, where after an arrest for alleged drag racing, Bieber reportedly told police he had consumed alcohol and prescription
medicine. He also is being investigated in Los Angeles for allegedly throwing eggs at his neighbor's home; the investigation
led to a search of Bieber's home, where marijuana was discovered but the singer was never charged.

In Lawson's case, her admitted past drug use during a trial last year raised a red flag. According to U.S. border officials, they
can bar entry to anyone who admits to "committing acts which constitute the essential elements" of the crime, including abuse
of a controlled substance.

Susan McFadden, a U.S. attorney based in London, told the Telegraph that if during a medical examination,"the doctor finds the
applicant is a drug abuser than that person is ineligible for a visa. This can be set aside only if the consular official recommends
that the ineligibility for a visa should be waived."

McFadden noted that such waivers are decided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and can take six to seven months
to process.

Such bans have prevented celebrities from entering the United States in the past. In 2008, singer Amy Winehouse was not
allowed to attend the Grammy Awards. Singer Lily Allen lost her work visa in 2007. And the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security placed singer Yusuf Islam on a no-fly list in 2004.

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Why Justin Bieber not facing Nigella Lawson-type ban from U.S., 2014 WLNR 9248307

But apparently, U.S. officials also can choose to turn a blind eye. Last month, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford -- who has admitted to
smoking crack cocaine -- was able to travel to Los Angeles for an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's late-night show.

The double standard had celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain in an uproar Thursday. He tweeted, "Toronto mayor, Rob Ford?
Welcome to the USA. Nigella Lawson? No. REALLY? Absolutely appalling misuse of our system. And by whom? How?"

Joel Sandaluk, a Toronto immigration lawyer, offered his theory on that to the Toronto Star. "It's hard to imagine a U.S. border
officer who is unfamiliar with Rob Ford -- I mean, he's introduced in the American media as Toronto's crack-smoking mayor,"
Sandaluk said. "All I can imagine is the officer who he encountered at the airport simply followed a 'don't ask, don't tell' approach
to it."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71); Social
Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); Canada (1CA33); North America (1NO39); Ontario (1ON96); U.S. West
Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Susan McFadden; Yusuf Islam; Charles Saatchi; Jimmy Kimmel; Justin Bieber; Anthony Bourdain; Amy
Winehouse; Rob Ford; Lily Allen; Joel Sandaluk)

Keywords: My Town News Local

Word Count: 556

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Some get all clear ... although they're not

Cape Argus Weekend (South Africa)

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Some get all clear ... although they're not, 2014 WLNR 9207056

4/5/14 Cape Weekend (S. Afr.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9207056

Cape Argus Weekend (South Africa)

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.

April 5, 2014

Some get all clear ... although they're not

LONDON: Many British stars have fallen foul of America's immigration rules because of drug use and criminal convictions.
Those who have been refused entry visas range from Boy George to Lily Allen, Pete Doherty to Amy Winehouse. However,
there are lots of celebrities who have been welcomed into the US despite well-recorded drug use and criminal records.

Sir Paul McCartney has spoken openly about his once habitual drug use and until 1973 was denied entry into the US. The
former Beatle has admitted to taking heroin, cocaine, cannabis and LSD. His drug use made headlines in 1980 when he was
arrested at Tokyo airport with his band Wings after officials discovered 227g of marijuana in his luggage. He spent 10 nights
in prison before being deported.

Despite this, McCartney has several houses in the US, including a Manhattan townhouse and a ranch in Arizona. Since marrying
American heiress Nancy Shevell, he now spends a lot of time at their mansion in the Hamptons.

Mick Jagger has also openly admitted taking cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis. In 1967, he and Rolling Stones bandmate
Keith Richards were convicted for drug possession and jailed for three months - sentences quashed on appeal.

However, Jagger's well-documented drug use does not appear to have been a bar to entry to the US. The band has toured there
many times and Jagger spent a lot of time living in New York with his girlfriend L'Wren Scott, who committed suicide last month.

Russell Brand is well-known for his heroin addiction and run-ins with the police, having been arrested 12 times. He quit drugs in
2003. Despite his past record, however, the star has not been barred from America. He has appeared in a number of Hollywood
films and owns a £2million (R21.3m) home in LA.

In 2007, Lily Allen's US working visa was revoked after her arrest for assaulting a photographer in London.

Amy Winehouse was denied a visa to enter America in 2008 because of her drug record. The singer had earlier been arrested
with her then husband for possession of cannabis.

Noel and Liam Gallagher of English rock band Oasis fame were forced to undergo drug tests before being granted US visas
in 1997.

The brothers, who were going to New York to promote an album, had been cautioned by British police for cocaine possession
a year earlier. - Daily Mail

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Some get all clear ... although they're not, 2014 WLNR 9207056

Weekend Argus © 1999 - 2014 Independent Newspapers (Pty) Limited. All rights strictly reserved. Provided by ,
an company

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Audio Recording (1AU32); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Entertainment Technology (1EN50);
Music (1MU57))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); New York (1NE72); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Lily Allen; Wren Scott; Pete Doherty; Paul McCartney; Nancy Shevell; Mick Jagger; Keith Richards; Boy
George; Russell Brand; Noel Gallagher; Amy Winehouse; Liam Gallagher)

Word Count: 409

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US has mixed record of allowing or banning celebrity drug users

Saturday Star (South Africa)

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Jurisdiction: FE

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US has mixed record of allowing or banning celebrity drug users, 2014 WLNR 9206794

4/5/14 Saturday Star (S. Afr.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9206794

Saturday Star (South Africa)

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.

April 5, 2014

US has mixed record of allowing or banning celebrity drug users

LONDON: Many British stars have fallen foul of US immigration regulations because of drug use, criminal convictions and
reported assaults.

LONDON: Many British stars have fallen foul of US immigration regulations because of drug use, criminal convictions and
reported assaults.

Those who have been refused entry visas range from Boy George to Lily Allen, Pete Doherty to Amy Winehouse. However,
there are many celebrities who have been welcomed into the US - despite well-recorded drug use and criminal records.

Sir Paul McCartney has spoken openly about his once habitual drug use, and until 1973 was repeatedly denied entry into the
US. The former Beatle, 71, has admitted to taking heroin on one occasion, as well as cocaine, cannabis and LSD. In an interview
in 2004, he said: "Just about everyone was doing them in one form or another. We were no different."

His drug use made headlines in 1980 when he was arrested at Tokyo airport with his band, Wings, after officials discovered
227g of marijuana in his luggage. He spent 10 nights in prison before eventually being deported.

Despite this, Sir Paul has several houses in the US, including a Manhattan townhouse and a ranch in Arizona. Since marrying
American heiress Nancy Shevell, he now spends a lot of time at their mansion in the Hamptons.

Mick Jagger has also openly admitted taking cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis. In 1967, he and Rolling Stones bandmate
Keith Richards were convicted for drug possession and jailed for three months - sentences quashed on appeal.

However, Jagger's well-documented drug use does not appear to have been a bar to entry to the US. The band have toured there
many times and Jagger, 70, spent a lot of time living in New York with his girlfriend L'Wren Scott, who committed suicide
last month.

Russell Brand is well-known for his heroin addiction and run-ins with the police, having been arrested 12 times. He quit drugs in
2003 and is now patron of addiction charity Focus 12. Despite his past record, however, the star has not been barred from the US.

He has appeared in a number of Hollywood films and owns a £2million (R35m) home in LA.

Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins, 33, admitted having been a regular user of cocaine and ecstasy but this has not led to a bar on
her travel. She competed in the US television show Dancing with the Stars.

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US has mixed record of allowing or banning celebrity drug users, 2014 WLNR 9206794

Steve Coogan, too, has been open about his past drug use. In an interview in 2011, the comedian and actor, 48, said he started
smoking cannabis when he was 22, which developed into a class-A habit. He works in the US regularly, and has been living
there on and off for more than a decade.

In 2007, Lily Allen's US working visa was revoked after her arrest for assaulting a photographer in London.

Amy Winehouse was denied a visa to enter the US in 2008 because of her drug record. The singer had earlier been arrested
with her then husband for possession of cannabis.

Noel and Liam Gallagher were forced to undergo drug tests before being granted US visas in 1997. The brothers, who were
going to New York to promote an album, had been cautioned by British police for cocaine possession a year earlier. - Daily Mail

Saturday Star © 1999 - 2014 Independent Newspapers (Pty) Limited. All rights strictly reserved. Provided by ,
an company

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Assault & Battery (1AS33); Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smuggling
& Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Violent Crime (1VI27))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); New York (1NE72); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Lily Allen; Wren Scott; Pete Doherty; Paul McCartney; Steve Coogan; Nancy Shevell; Beatle; Keith Richards;
Boy George; Russell Brand; Mick Jagger; Katherine Jenkins; Noel Gallagher; Amy Winehouse; Liam Gallagher)

Word Count: 553

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 141 of 634

Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa days after being turned
away for admitting past drug use
Adam Sherwin | Independent Online (UK)

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Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa days after being..., 2014 WLNR 9060819

4/3/14 Independent Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9060819

Independent Online (UK)

Copyright © 2014

April 3, 2014

Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa days after being turned away for admitting past drug use

Adam Sherwin

Nigella Lawson has been invited to the US Embassy to formally apply for a travel visa after being turned away from a flight
to Los Angeles at Heathrow on Sunday because she confessed to taking drugs.

The celebrity cook could be required to undergo a drugs test to secure the visa, following her admission under oath last year
that she had taken cocaine and smoked cannabis.

At the trial of her and ex-husband Charles Saatchi's personal assistants, the self-styled "domestic goddess" admitted snorting
cocaine on seven occasions but said she had been drug-free since 2010.

Although Scotland Yard took no action, the US immigration authorities subsequently informed British Airways that Ms Lawson,
54, would not be allowed into the country, after becoming aware of her confession.

The US Department of Homeland Security has the power to bar as "inadmissible" foreigners who have committed drugs
offences, even if they have never been charged.

The star, planning to visit Los Angeles for a holiday, was stopped at the boarding gate and forced to return to the first class
check-in to retrieve her luggage.

The US Embassy said that Ms Lawson did not face a permanent ban and opened the door to her swift admission, once she
has applied for a visa.

A spokeswoman for the US Embassy said: "There are several ways of legally travelling into the United States and Ms Lawson
has been invited to come to the Embassy and apply for a visa for travel to the U.S. We understand she has professional
requirements for U.S. travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and expeditiously, so stand by."

Weeks after her cocaine confession, Ms Lawson was allowed to fly into America on New Year's Day to film a live television
interview promoting the second series of her cookery show, The Taste.

Although Ms Lawson learned in January that Scotland Yard would take no action, the US authorities decided to take a tougher
stance after failing to flag the issue before her previous visit.

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Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa days after being..., 2014 WLNR 9060819

Ms Lawson is thought to have registered online for permission to travel to via the US Esta [electronic system for travel
authorisation] website.

She would have been able to tick "no" to the boxes that ask if the applicant has been arrested or convicted of offences including
taking illegal drugs.

Lawyer Susan McFadden, who specialises in US immigration law, said Ms Lawson was unlucky because her fame had drawn
attention to the comments in court about drugs.

She said: "The problem comes when one also has to answer a question as to whether you are a drug abuser or addict. Typically
any person who has used drugs within the last year can be considered a drug abuser or addict."

Ms McFadden said Ms Lawson would be advised to visit a doctor who holds a contract with the US embassy in London, who
would carry out an assessment to confirm that she was drug-free.

If the doctor confirms she is free to travel, she could obtain a visa in a number of weeks, the lawyer said.

Had Ms Lawson consulted a lawyer familiar with securing travel visas beforehand she may have avoided the embarrassment
of being turned back.

A spokesman for the Homeland department's customs and border protection branch said: "In general an alien found inadmissible
will need a waiver of inadmissibility. They may be eligible to apply in advance of travel for a temporary waiver of

Drug admissions have not prevented celebrities including Russell Brand and Keith Richards from travelling freely to the US.
Louise Mensch, the former Conservative MP, who said taking class A drugs left her with mental health problems, moved to
New York to live with her American husband.

Ms Lawson admitted drug use at the trial of her former housekeepers, Francesca and Elisabetta Grillo, who were accused of
stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds from her and Mr Saatchi.

Francesca Grillo's barrister suggested in court that Ms Lawson had played down the extent of her drug use, in part to keep
alive her dreams of television success in the US.

Karina Arden told the jury: "You may think about her breaking into the American market - that means she wouldn't want it
coming out for that reason, because you all know about the Americans taking a strong line in relation to foreigners with drugs."

No turning back

Despite a string of drug convictions, Pete Doherty was allowed to fly to the US. He made it to New York's JFK airport before
being sent on the next flight home in 2010.

Russell Brand, who spoke publicly about his heroin addiction, was granted a US visa in 2007 after volunteering to undergo a
drugs test. The comedian has been drug free since 2003.

Amy Winehouse had to perform at the 2008 Grammy Awards via satellite from London after she was banned entry to the US
over her arrest for drug possession in Norway in 2007.

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Nigella Lawson invited to apply for US visa days after being..., 2014 WLNR 9060819

Kate Moss struggled to obtain a US work visa following the 2005 "Cocaine Kate" tabloid front page, which showed the model
apparently chopping and snorting a white powder.

Former crack addict Shaun Ryder has kept US immigration authorities busy for 25 years. Happy Mondays were allowed to
perform in 2010 but dancer Bez was refused a visa due to his drug convictions.

Singer Kyle Falconer's 2007 conviction for cocaine possession prevented Scottish band The View from touring the US until
permission was finally granted in 2011.

US visa rulesAirlines must check all passengers have a valid visa or other authorisation to enter the US.British citizens must
register online before their trip under the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation [Esta].Passengers must confirm they have
never been arrested for, or convicted of, an offence involving "moral turpitude": criminality including everything from murder
to wilful tax evasion, or relating to illegal drugs.People who are not eligible for an Esta must apply to the US embassy for a visa,
and in most cases will have to undergo a face-to-face interview.Those who fail to meet requirements must apply for a "waiver"
to overturn the decision to bar them.The US authorities have tightened immigration requirements since 9/11. All passengers are
screened against Washington's "no fly list" of suspects linked to terrorism.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Government (1GO80); Health & Family (1HE30);
Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); New York (1NE72); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Pete Doherty; Karina Arden; Kyle Falconer; Keith Richards; Susan McFadden; Russell Brand; Kate Moss;
Elisabetta Grillo; Francesca Grillo; Bez; Louise Mensch; Nigella Lawson; Amy Winehouse; Shaun Ryder; Charles Saatchi)

Word Count: 1037

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If I have a criminal record, can I be granted a tourist VISA to the

United States?
NoticiasFinancieras - English

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If I have a criminal record, can I be granted a tourist VISA..., 2021 WLNR 40419638

12/10/21 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2021 WLNR 40419638

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2021 ContentEngine, USA.

December 10, 2021

If I have a criminal record, can I be granted a tourist VISA to the United States?

United States - If I have a criminal record , can I be granted a tourist VISA to the United States? Check this before you travel
to avoid problems.

Having a criminal record and getting a VISA in the United States , are things that cannot go hand in hand but there are ways
to overcome this obstacle when traveling by doing the VISA process with a criminal record correctly.
VISA application with a criminal record
To enter the United States, taking into account that the traveler has a criminal record you should know the following information:
Yes you can travel to the country in this situation , but you must get a U.S. visa, therefore, you can also process this document
to be in this condition.

Read more : Trailer overturned in Chiapas was carrying about 160 migrants in two boxes: National Guard

To apply for a VISA , it must be considered that much of the process depends on the type of criminal history and criminal
record that the applicant has. It is likely that your visa will be approved if the crimes committed are minor, such as assault or
breaking and entering.

However, a VISA will most likely be denied if the applicant has a history of committing major crimes such as Rape, Kidnapping,
Forgery, Murder and drug related convictions.

It should be noted that the standards and rules of security and punishment for crimes depend on each country, however, in the
United States they are considered serious crimes.

To initiate a US B1/B2 visa petition with a criminal record, the application process is the same as anyone else, the first step is
to fill out a series of questions and online known as the DS-160 Form. Once the form is completed, an interview appointment
must be made, and once the appointment is completed, the applicant will be informed whether or not their visa was approved.
Electronic System for Travel Authorization
The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) can be obtained with a criminal record, however obtaining approval
will depend on the nature of the crime, the age of the offender at the time of the crime and the date it occurred.

No matter where the crime occurred, any arrest, caution or conviction must be declared on the ESTA application where
applicable, or on the U.S. VISA application.

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If I have a criminal record, can I be granted a tourist VISA..., 2021 WLNR 40419638

Travelers with criminal records who plan to apply for ESTA to enter the United States often overlook the details of the eligibility
questions on the application form.

Can you travel with a drug conviction? If your ESTA application is denied, you may apply for a B-2 tourist visa or B-1 business
visa and will have an opportunity to clarify the circumstances surrounding your conviction for prior drug possession or use.

Convictions for criminal offenses can bring certain types of restrictions and deprivation of civil rights to anyone convicted of
these types of offenses. So, after committing some crimes and being sentenced, some convicted offenders often have to be
forced into restrictions on certain licenses, jobs, or even forms of identification.

The rules covering these restrictions are usually unknown to the general population, and if you have ever asked yourself the
Is it possible to get a passport if you have a criminal record?
The answer is yes, yes you can get a passport with a felony conviction as long as you don't fall into a restricted category.

But you need to know the definition of a felony, which are crimes that violated the highest moral standards of society, in this
case it is no longer possible.

Most felonies are defined by the amount of prison time given for the crime. Crimes ranging from murder to drug offenses that
give more than one year in prison are typically considered felonies.

According to the Border Protection Information Center, the United States does not deny entry to people who have a "Driving
Under the Influence" conviction. However, there are multiple convictions for this and other misdemeanors for which you may
be denied entry.

In general, any conviction for drug possession can result in a denial of entry. But if the conviction was long ago, you may need
to contact the U.S. Embassy, Bureau of Consular Affairs to obtain a waiver.

Other misdemeanors may result in denial of entry if they were recent.

A crime involving moral turpitude may be grounds for denial of entry into the United States.

Criminals who have committed crimes, such as drug trafficking, while crossing international borders cannot hold a U.S.

Read more : List of migrants injured in hospitals after crash in Chiapas that left 54 dead published

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legal (1LE33); Prisons
(1PR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

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Other Indexing: (System for Travel Authorization; Border Protection Information Center; U.S. Embassy; Bureau of Consular

Keywords: (Migración)

Word Count: 769

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How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive conviction
hanging over her…? American immigration lawyers say they
'mystified' as to how she ...
Vivek Chaudhary For Mailonline | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive..., 2021 WLNR 37239772

11/13/21 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2021 WLNR 37239772

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2021

November 13, 2021

How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive conviction hanging over
her…? American immigration lawyers say they 'mystified' as to how she ...

Vivek Chaudhary For Mailonline

How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive conviction hanging over her…? American immigration lawyers say they
'mystified' as to how she got a visa weeks after admitting taking cocaine

Legal experts have questioned how Katie Price has travelled to the US just weeks after admitting in court that she had taken
cocaine while pleading guilty to drink-driving charges.

Katie Price arrived in Las Vegas on Wednesday with her fiancé Carl Woods, 32 Six weeks earlier Katie pleaded guilty to three
charges of drink driving Katie flipped her car on a country road at 6.20am near West Grinstead She checked into The Priory
rehab clinic and only left earlier this week

Katie, 43 arrived in Las Vegas on Wednesday with her fiancé Carl Woods , 32, where they plan to marry.

Just six weeks earlier on 29 September, Katie pleaded guilty at Crawley Magistrates' Court to three charges of drink driving,
driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance after she flipped her car following an all-night alcohol and cocaine

Prosecutors dropped a drug-driving charge in light of her guilty drink-driving plea, but magistrates were told that a drugs test
gave a positive reading for cocaine.

Katie, from Horsham, West Sussex, who was already banned from driving, flipped her car on a country road at 6.20am near
West Grinstead, close to her home.

After the hearing, she checked into The Priory rehab clinic and only left earlier this week as she headed to the US.

American immigration lawyers based in the UK told MailOnline that they are 'mystified' as to how she was able to travel to
the US given the fact that she admitted to taking illict drugs.

Following the crash, Katie told police: 'I was just going to my friend's house. I know I shouldn't. I've been banned four times.
I took drugs. I should not be driving. I admit it all.'

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How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive..., 2021 WLNR 37239772

Most travellers to the US apply through ESTA, an automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to the country
and does not require them to get a visa.

But those who are convicted of drug offences or simply admit to consuming them, either during a court appearance or following
a high-profile incident are automatically prevented from ESTA and are forced to apply for a visa, which can take anything up
to two years, because of a COVID backlog.

Kaitlin Davies, a lawyer for London-based firm DaviesLegal, which specialises in US immigration law said: 'Her case was at
the end of September and it would be near impossible for Price to get to the US this quickly by applying for an ESTA.

'You don't have to disclose a driving under the influence of alcohol conviction for ESTA but if you have admitted in court to
taking illicit substances, even if you are not convicted or charged for this, an ESTA would be denied.'

Ms Davies cited the case of Nigella Lawson, who in 2014 was stopped from flying to the US four months after she confessed
to taking cocaine during a court hearing.

Ms Davies revealed that when an ESTA is denied, only two other options are open for travellers to the US; to apply for what is
known as a B-visa or an O-visa, which are only issued to high profile entertainers or VIPs.

Referring to B-visas, she said: 'This involves going to the US embassy, being interviewed and then your case is sent to the
Admissibility Review Office in the US for final consideration.

'Because of the COVID backlog, you cannot get an interview at the US embassy in London at the moment for love nor money.
The whole process can take anything up to two years.'

US attorney Melissa Chavin, head of London-based Chavin Immigration, which specialises in immigration to the US said:
'O-visas are issued to very high-profile entertainers and VIPs and Katie Price would qualify for this.

'But given that she has been involved in a recent incident of drug taking, which received a lot of media attention, the advice
would have been for her to apply for an O-visa in a years' time, when things have moved on a bit. She is unlikely to get one
so quickly.'

O-visas are also issued if the person applying can prove that they have scheduled work in the US or there is a compelling reason
of national interest for them to visit.

Apart from revealing her plans to marry, Katie claims that she is in the US to visit Carl's parents and visit tourist sights.

Ms Davies said: 'These are not compelling reasons, and she has admitted very recently to taking illicit drugs, so the whole visa
process for somebody like Katie Price would be a lot more complicated.'

Both lawyers accept that Katie may have had visas issued prior to her arrest and court appearance but under US laws she is
obliged to report this, which could lead to her permission to travel to the country being denied.

Ms Davies said: 'Any entrant to the US has an obligation to notify authorities of any material change in circumstances.'

Ms Chavin added: 'Even if she already had a visa, Price would had to have reported the incidents and her drug taking.

'It's very hard to get into the US if you have admitted to taking illegal substances. Even a caution for minor drug offences,
which may have even expired, can cause serious problems.'

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How DID Katie Price fly to the US with a drink drive..., 2021 WLNR 37239772

MailOnline has approached Katie Price's representative for comment.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Assault & Battery (1AS33); Automobile Crime (1AU99); Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Violent Crime (1VI27))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Crawley Magistrates' Court; The Priory rehab clinic; DaviesLegal; Admissibility Review Office; MailOnline)
(Katie Price; Carl Woods; Kaitlin Davies; Nigella Lawson; Melissa Chavin)

Word Count: 876

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 153 of 634

TRINIDAD-VISA-US says expunged drug conviction is no

guarantee for visa
CANA News (Barbados)

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TRINIDAD-VISA-US says expunged drug conviction is no..., 2019 WLNR 38816951

12/27/19 CANA News (Barb.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 38816951

CANA News (Barbados)

Copyright (c) 2019 CANA News

December 27, 2019

TRINIDAD-VISA-US says expunged drug conviction is no guarantee for visa

The United States Friday said Trinidad and Tobago nationals with expunged drug convictions may not necessarily be granted
a visa to visit the North American country as Port of Spain began the process of having persons jailed for the possession of
small quantities of marijuana released.

Attorney General Faris Al Rawi last week approached the High Court to begin the process to release an estimated 100 inmates
who had been jailed for being in possession of small amounts of marijuana in keeping with the decision by the Trinidad and
Tobago Parliament to amend the Dangerous Drugs Act so as to allow for the decriminalisation of marijuana for recreational
and medicinal purposes. Under the legislation, which went into effect on December 23, a person could be in possession of 30
grammes of marijuana without fear of being arrested and charged.

In a statement, the US Embassy here said that the adoption of the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2019 into Trinidad and
Tobago law 'does not exempt persons with expunged convictions from disclosing such information on visa applications.

'Under U.S. immigration law, visa applicants who have ever been convicted or arrested for any offense, including drug-related
offenses, still must disclose that information to US officials when they apply for a U.S. visa.'

Washington said 'prior arrests and convictions, even if expunged, could still indicate visa ineligibilities,' adding 'failure to reveal
arrests or convictions could lead to visa ineligibilities'.

Trinidad and Tobago is among a number of Caribbean countries that have recently tabled legislation allowing for the
decriminalisation of marijuana for medicinal purposes.

The Keith Rowley government has also tabled the Cannabis Control Bill that will provide for the licensing, control and
inspection of the formulation of businesses operating within the sector. The bill is now before A Joint Select Committee of
Parliament which has to report by February next year.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legal
(1LE33); Legislation (1LE97); Prisons (1PR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

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Region: (Americas (1AM92); Caribbean (1CA06); Latin America (1LA15); Trinidad & Tobago (1TR16); West Indies (1WE90))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Keith; Faris Al Rawi; Bill)

Word Count: 309

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Why Boris Johnson might 'face difficulties' travelling to the US -

'Could be a problem'
Katie Weston | Express Online (UK)

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Why Boris Johnson might 'face difficulties' travelling to the..., 2019 WLNR 20394978

7/3/19 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 20394978

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2019

July 3, 2019

Why Boris Johnson might 'face difficulties' travelling to the US - 'Could be a problem'

Katie Weston

BORIS JOHNSON could "face difficulties" when travelling to the United States for one particular reason, claimed immigration
law expert Charlotte Slocombe.

var brightcoveBrandsafety = '4 Sport and specialist news – passed for ad targeting';

Travelling to the US on a tourist Visa could prove a "problem" for Boris Johnson, claimed an immigration law expert. Charlotte
Slocombe, Partner at Fragomen, warned Tory leadership contenders who have admitted to drug misuse could face "difficulties"
entering the US. Speaking ahead of the final round of votes in the leadership race, Ms Slocombe told "Quite a
few of the Tory party leadership candidates have admitted to drug misuse and could face difficulties, Boris included."

Related articles Cocaine 'did nothing' for Johnson Met chief reveals she looked into drug admissions made by Tory MPs

She further explained: "There are two aspects of this, it's whether they are applying and what type of Visa they're applying for.

"If they're applying for a diplomatic Visa, obviously a Prime Minister would clearly need a diplomatic Visa called an A1.

"You then are exempt for pretty much all ground of inadmissibility except espionage, terrorism, direct foreign interests. So if
they were entering under a diplomatic type Visa, they effectively have no issue.

"But the tricky bit is unless you're a Prime Minister and you're entering as an MP for personal travel, then there could be a

"You have to apply for a tourist Visa, a B Visa, if you're ineligible for ESTAa and then if the immigration officer is asking the
correct questions, then there could be problems.

READ MORE:Theresa May wades into Tory leadership drug row

Boris Johnson news: Boris may face "difficulties" travelling to the US, claimed an expert

Boris Johnson news: Boris previously described it as a "single inconclusive event"

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Why Boris Johnson might 'face difficulties' travelling to the..., 2019 WLNR 20394978

"Because they've admitted to this, an immigration officer could arguably ask them questions around it and then it could have
a knock on effect on their personal travel.

"So it's whether they're travelling for activities related to the Government."

Ms Slocombe added: "All the other politicians that have openly confessed, it wouldn't be enough to find them inadmissible
unless there were extra steps that an immigration law officer took.

"So what happens quite often at Customs and Border Protection, so the person at port of entry, they can ask certain questions
that if phrased appropriately will lead to an admission, which is the same as a conviction."

Mr Johnson confirmed in 2008 that he snorted cocaine and smoked drugs as a teenager.

Boris Johnson news: Michael Gove also admitted to taking cocaine in the past

var brightcoveBrandsafety = '4 Sport and specialist news – passed for ad targeting';

The former Foreign Secretary said in an interview: ""I think I was once given cocaine, but I sneezed and so it did not go up
my nose. In fact, I may have been doing icing sugar."

On whether he had smoked 'dope' before university, Mr Johnson said: "That's true, but the stuff you and I may have smoked
is not the same as what the kids are having now.

"I think skunk and this stuff is very, very dangerous."


Boris is a 'Remainer deep down', claims biographer [VIDEO]

Rees-Mogg puts Channel 4 host on the spot as drug question backfires [VIDEO]

Hunt supporters demand investigation into Johnson's 'breaches of law' [LIVE BLOG]

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Boris Johnson news: a number of former contenders admitted to drug misuse

When questioned again about his drug past in a BBC interview last month, Mr Johnson described it as a "single inconclusive

He said: "I have answered the question exhaustively.

"It was a single inconclusive event that took place when I was a teenager and which I have extensively described already."

Asked if he had taken cocaine since, he replied: "No." has contacted Mr Johnson for comment.

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Why Boris Johnson might 'face difficulties' travelling to the..., 2019 WLNR 20394978

Related articles 'Hunt doesn't believe in Brexit' - Priti Patel launches shock attack Tory leadership contest descends into Jon
Snow v Luke Skywalker farce Brexit revealed: How EU responded to Boris Johnson's 'red tape' tirade

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Government (1GO80); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smoking (1SM71); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Europe (1EU83))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (fragomen) (Charlotte Slocombe; Michael Gove; Johnson Met; Luke Skywalker; Theresa May; Visa; Priti

Word Count: 707

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Warning: Britons could be BANNED from the US over strict new

social media rules
Harriet Mallinson | Express Online (UK)

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Warning: Britons could be BANNED from the US over strict..., 2019 WLNR 18711668

6/18/19 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 18711668

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2019

June 18, 2019

Warning: Britons could be BANNED from the US over strict new social media rules

Harriet Mallinson

USA holidays are well-loved by Britons but new entry rules could see Britons banned from America as lawyers warn social
media may be examined for suspicious material. Those with previous alcohol or drugs related offences are particularly at risk.

USA holidays: Suspicious social media posts could cause problems for those applying to enter

USA holidays require Britons to obtain a visa to enter America but entry rules have become much stricter - this is the latest
travel advice. Earlier this month it was announced that social media details would have to be revealed by those applying for a
US visa. This means the applicant has to submit all social media account names that have been used within the last five years.
Suspicious social media posts could cause problems for those applying to enter the US.

Related articles Holidays: Never make this easy mistake in USA Donald Trump BANS US cruise ships sailing to Cuba

Any past alcohol or drug offences - even if they did not lead to any cautions or criminal charges following an arrest - could
also see travellers banned from entering the country.

The US embassy explains: "If you have ever been arrested, cautioned and/or convicted of an offence anywhere in the world,
you are required to declare it when applying for a visa.

"In cases where an arrest resulted in a conviction, you may be permanently ineligible to receive a visa and will require a waiver
ineligibility to travel to the United States."

Nita Upadhye, managing attorney at NNU Immigration in London, told the Financial Times that restrictions to enter the USA
were the worst she'd seen in 15 years.

The percentage of people refused entry increased by 108 from 2015 to 2019, according to data from US Customs and Border
Protection, Upadhye said.

US border agents now have the authority to seize and search phones and electronic devices without needing to provide a reason.

USA holidays: Restrictions to enter the USA were the worst the attorney had seen in 15 years

If you refuse or decline to provide your password you could well see your entry barred regardless.

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Warning: Britons could be BANNED from the US over strict..., 2019 WLNR 18711668

Charlotte Slocombe, a partner at immigration law firm Fragomen, told The Sun: "When you apply for a visa, the Department
of State also googles you.

"[Anything suspicious] on your phone or laptop or social media immediately triggers more questioning, which can lead to
admissions, which is the same as a conviction."

In 2017, UK traveller Isabella Brazier-Jones admitted to taking cocaine in a text but had not declared this in her ESTA

When border officials found the text and she explained she had indeed taken the drug, she was sent back to Britain and banned
from the US for ten years.

Related articles Brexit news: Experts warn of huge visa 'drawbacks' for UK travellers Holidays 2019: How safe is it to travel
to Germany?

USA holidays: It's advisable to check what information is stored on your phone before you travel

var brightcoveBrandsafety = '2 Distressing news – passed for ad targeting';

Consequently, it's advisable to check what information is stored on your phone and devices before your travels and reviewing
your social media.

"Anything, drug-related or otherwise, including expressions of 'moving to the US' or the previous famous example of a British
citizen writing about 'destroying the US' in colloquial terms, may cause problems at the border," Kaitlin Davies, solicitor and
US attorney with US immigration specialists Davies Legal, told The Independent.

"In the current climate, applicants should be mindful that posts and photographs can be misinterpreted."

Those who have bee arrested - even if it did not result in a criminal conviction are advised to apply for a visitor visa, or a 'B
visa', for either a Business or a Pleasure trip rather than an ESTA.

For those on holiday in the USA, it's important to not make this one mistake.

Travel website Big Domain has explained that you always need to give a gratuity of at least 20 per cent.

"Don't leave a tip less than 20 per cent, it could create a problem," a Big Domain spokesperson told

"By giving a 20 per cent tip, it shows you thought the service was at least 'good.'"

Related articles USA holidays: UK tourists cannot enter US without THIS crucial documen Briton refused USA entry after
accidentally saying he was a TERRORIST Britons shun breaks in Eurozone with 20 per cent fall in transactions

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Warning: Britons could be BANNED from the US over strict..., 2019 WLNR 18711668

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services
(1RE38); Travel & Tourism (1TR07); Travel Bargains (1TR46); Travel Health & Medicine (1TR84))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); North America (1NO39); United Kingdom (1UN38);
Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (fragomen) (Donald John Trump; Donald John Trump; Kaitlin Davies; Davies Legal; Charlotte Slocombe;
Isabella Brazier-Jones; Nita Upadhye)

Word Count: 736

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Tory leadership contest: Could admitting to illegal drug use

jeopardise future travel plans?
Simon Calder | Independent Online (UK)

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Tory leadership contest: Could admitting to illegal drug use..., 2019 WLNR 17772473

6/11/19 Independent Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 17772473

Independent Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2019

June 11, 2019

Tory leadership contest: Could admitting to illegal drug use jeopardise future travel plans?
As contenders to benext prime minister reveal
misdemeanours, these are key questions on 'morality clauses'

Simon Calder

A majority of the candidates for leadership of the Conservative Party – and the next prime minister – have admitted that they
have used illegal drugs.

How could this affect their travel plans, and what "morality clauses" could stand between you and your next adventure?

What is a "morality clause"?

A demand for information about illegal activities in the past, or a promise of good behaviour for the future.

Many countries around the world are keen to know more about any previous convictions by prospective visitors before they
decide to issue permission to travel. They want to know if you are of good character, as defined by them.

Every country makes its own rules in assessing the character of a potential visitor.

How do they evaluate your character in terms of any police record?

The height of the legal bar varies widely from one country to another. The application form for Australia's eVisitor pass , for
example, stipulates: "The visa holder cannot have any criminal convictions, for which the sentence (whether served or not) is
for a total period of 12 months or more, at the time of travel to, and entry into Australia."

Read more

Taking these prescription drugs into Dubai could get you arrested

Most countries that ask questions about your record go further, with China, Japan, asking if you have ever had a criminal
conviction of any sort.

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Tory leadership contest: Could admitting to illegal drug use..., 2019 WLNR 17772473

While the presumption of innocence until proven guilty prevails in the UK, for the purposes of appraising prospective visitors,
several countries – notably Canada, India and the United States– demand more. They want to know if you have been arrested
for or charged with any criminal offence in any country.

There is a considerable moral and legal distance, of course, between being arrested and never charged (for participation in a
demonstration, for example) and being sentenced to prison for a year or more. But you are expected to reveal the incident even
if you were subsequently released without charge or found not guilty.

Can I be economical with the truth?

Nacro (previously the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders) provides an answer on its excellent
survey about declaring a criminal record when travelling abroad.

The answer is specifically about the US Electronic System for Travel Authorization (the "online visa" known as Esta) but
applies to other jurisdictions.

"If I lie on the Esta form, will I be found out?"

"The short answer is: probably not. The US authorities do not have access to criminal record information held on the Police
National Computer. However, if the authorities have particular concerns about an individual, they may request criminal record
information from the Home Office by making an application through Interpol. Such requests, however, are rare."

So why are people suggesting the Tory leadership contenders could be in trouble?

Because they have publicly admitted to using illegal drugs – in the case of Michael Gove , the Class A substance cocaine.

The US regards admission of drug abuse as evidence of "moral turpitude". It is no longer grounds for outright exclusion from
America, as John Lennon experienced for a time. But the authorities may be concerned that the individuals' responses on their
applications for a US visa or Esta may not tally with the information now in the public domain.

Support free-thinking journalism and subscribe to Independent Minds

The Independent

asked the six candidates who have confirmed they used illegal drugs how they answered the question on drug use on their
most recent application for a visa or Esta.

A spokesman for Mr Gove's campaign said: "We have taken legal advice from a QC who is satisfied that Michael completed
his forms correctly."

Matt Hancock, Andrea Leadsom, Esther McVey, Dominic Raab and Rory Stewart have yet to respond.

Any similarly tricky places?

With a British passport, advance application for permission to visit is not required for dozens of destinations. Often, for tourist
or business trips, no information on past activities is required. For longer-stay visits, though, it may be.

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Tory leadership contest: Could admitting to illegal drug use..., 2019 WLNR 17772473

For example, the Philippines has a standard visitor arrival card (issued to most British travellers) which does not ask about
past misdemeanours. But for anyone who needs an actual visa, the official form has a morality clause and asks for details of
anything from an arrest upwards (or downwards).

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legal (1LE33); Prisons
(1PR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Travel & Tourism (1TR07); Travel Health & Medicine (1TR84))

Region: (Asia (1AS61); Australasia (1AU56); Australia (1AU55); Oceania (1OC40))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Matt Hancock; John Lennon; Dominic Raab; Rory Stewart; Esther McVey; Michael Gove; Andrea Leadsom)

Word Count: 721

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US Embassy asked why drug-linked mayor granted a visa.

Manila Bulletin (Philippines)

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US Embassy asked why drug-linked mayor granted a visa., 2019 WLNR 16795775

3/14/19 Manila Bull. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2019 WLNR 16795775

Manila Bulletin (Philippines)

Copyright (c) 2019 Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp.

March 14, 2019

US Embassy asked why drug-linked mayor granted a visa.

By Genalyn Kabiling

President Duterte has asked the United States embassy in the Philippines why it granted visa to drug-linked former Iloilo City
Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog if it was true that he went there.

The President said he gave the US embassy a list of suspected drug offenders, including Mabilog, so it could deny their visa

Mabilog is included in the list of 46 politicians identified by the President for alleged involvement in the illegal drug trade.
Administrative cases have been filed against the concerned officials before the Office of the Ombudsman, Duterte said.

"I'd like to inform the US Embassy. I thought I gave you a list noon. Kung nakalusot itong mayor na ito, I'd like to ask the
embassy bakit ninyo nabigyan ng...Nanghingi kayo ng listahan, binigay ko sa ambassador ninyo so Filipino addicts who would
go there only to destroy your country will be denied visas [If this mayor was able to escape, I'd like to ask the embassy why
did you give him (a visa). You asked for a list and I gave it to your ambassador so Filipino addicts who would go there only to
destroy your country will be denied visas]," Duterte said during the peace and order council meeting in Davao City.

"I remember I gave you a copy and the name of this mayor because he is so famous was there definitely. Now I'm asking
bakit nandyan sa Amerika [why is he in America] if indeed he is in America or if he is not in America, I'm sorry but maybe
in Canada," he said.

The President has accused Mabilog as a suspected protector of drug syndicates, who has allowed Iloilo to become the "most
shabulized" province in the country.

Mabilog has denied the President's allegations and left the country to allegedly seek medical treatment in 2017. He was later
removed from his post by the Office of the Ombudsman for failing to declare his true wealth.


Former Iloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog (MANILA BULLETIN FILE PHOTO)

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US Embassy asked why drug-linked mayor granted a visa., 2019 WLNR 16795775

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Government
(1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Local Government (1LO75); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social
Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Asia (1AS61); Eastern Asia (1EA61); Far East (1FA27); Philippines (1PH56); Southeast Asia (1SO64))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Duterte; Jed Patrick Mabilog) (Philippines; Philippines)

Keywords: (General interest); (Drug dealing); (Drug traffic); (Visas); (Mayors); (Drug traffic); (Visas); (Mayors)

Word Count: 342

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Off to the US, eh? Supermodel Kate Moss is seen clutching a

passport and visa application forms as she visits the new American
embassy in London

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Off to the US, eh? Supermodel Kate Moss is seen clutching..., 2018 WLNR 6038564

2/25/18 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2018 WLNR 6038564

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2018

February 25, 2018

Off to the US, eh? Supermodel Kate Moss is seen clutching a passport and
visa application forms as she visits the new American embassy in London


She was discovered by scout as she walked through the bustling terminals of New York City 's John F. Kennedy Airport, soon
becoming one of the world's top models.

And Kate Moss appears to be in the midst of plans to make a trip back to the shores where it all began, as she was recently
spotted visiting the US Embassy in London.

Clutching a passport and a stack of visa application forms, the 44-year-old Croydon-born beauty appeared to be in good spirits
as she made her way out of the shiny new headquarters, located in Vauxhall, south London.

Wearing a black leather jacket over a bronze sweater with skinny jeans and thigh-high boots, the mother-of-one looked typically
stylish for her appointment.

She shielded her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses, her collection of forms included a medical questionnaire - which may be
required after she was photographed snorting a white powder back in 2005, earning her the nickname 'Cocaine Kate'.

A source told The Sun this week: 'A past episode like this could potentially be an eligibility to getting a visa.'

While she has returned to the US since, most notably for Topshop's grand New York City opening in 2009, it has been rumoured
for years that Kate faced an uphill struggle in obtaining another American visa.

Under US rules, suspected drug abusers applying for a visa maybe required to answer additional medical history questions and
also take a medical exam to prove that they are not still a drug abuser before being allowed to enter the country.

US Rules on Medical Examinations for Applicants with Drug Abuse History

"Only after your medical examination has been completed successfully and the consular officer has interviewed you can a
decision be reached as to your eligibility under the law to receive a visa. You should NOT make any final travel arrangements,
nor take other irrevocable actions until the visa has been issued and you are in receipt of your passport."

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Off to the US, eh? Supermodel Kate Moss is seen clutching..., 2018 WLNR 6038564

In the immediate aftermath of the incriminating photographs of Kate being published in 2005, the star faced relentless backlash
and was dropped by Chanel and High Street giant H&M, on the eve of her serving as the face of the Stella McCartney collection

A representative for H&M said in a statement at the time: 'We have decided that a campaign using Kate Moss is not in accordance
with H&M's stance against drugs.'

However, she managed to hold on to big contracts with Christian Dior and Rimmel and subsequently won back her deal with

She also went on to secure deals with Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein and Virgin Mobile as well as Longchamp, Mango and Vogue-

The supermodel model also made £3million designing clothing for Topshop.

In 2007, she placed second on Forbes magazine's top-earning models list behind Brazilian Gisele Bündchen, having made an
estimated £5.7 million in a year.

In 2010, after Kate's career bounced back, her agent at the time, Sarah Doukas, said of the cocaine scandal: 'All press is good
press in this world we live in.'

Following her trip to the US embassy, Kate was spotted enjoying a relaxing weekend trip to the Cotswolds, where she owns
a home.

She was accompanied by her hairdresser James Brown and her 15-year-old daughter Lila Grace, from her relationship with
Jefferson Hack.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Apparel (1AP19); Apparel & Textiles (1AP20); Banking (1BA20); Clothing Accessories (1CL17); Consumer
Products & Services (1CO62); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Fashion Industry (1FA88); Financial Services (1FI37);
Retail (1RE82); Retail Banking Services (1RE38); Sunglasses (1SU17))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); New York (1NE72); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Rimmel) (Lila Grace; Gisele Bündchen; Kate Moss; Jefferson Hack; Sarah Doukas; James Brown)

Word Count: 564

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Life Takes Visa?Except If You Want to Buy Pot

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux | American Prospect Blogs

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Life Takes Visa?Except If You Want to Buy Pot, 2013 WLNR 23877314

10/7/14 Am. Prospect Blogs (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2013 WLNR 23877314

American Prospect Blogs

Copyright © 2013 The American Prospect Blogs

October 7, 2014

Life Takes Visa?Except If You Want to Buy Pot

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux

Sep 24, 2013

AP Images/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Earlier this summer, Elliott Klug had a plumbing problem on his hands. There was a leak in the drainage line between his
marijuana dispensary, Pink House Blooms in Denver, Colorado, and the street. It was a relatively simple fix, but when it came
time to pay the plumber, things got more complicated. Because of federal regulations that restrict marijuana business owners'
access to financial services like banking, Klug had no choice but to hand the plumber an envelope with $25,000 in cash. When
the plumber tried to deposit the payment, the cash was held in limbo until the bank could count all of the money and verify
that it wasn't laundered?standard operating procedure for such a large cash deposit. Klug says it's just another daily hassle for
marijuana dispensaries, which occupy a strange legal gray area. Under Colorado law, Pink House Blooms is just one more small
business, but in the eyes of the federal government, Klug is illegally trafficking one of the most dangerous drugs around.

Over the past 15 years, 20 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. In 2014, legal marijuana for
recreational use will go on the market in Washington and Colorado. Public opinion is on legalization supporters' side: more
than eight in ten voters believe that marijuana should be legal for medical use if a physician prescribes it. A majority support
legal recreational marijuana. But because the federal government still classifies marijuana as a Schedule One drug under the
Controlled Substances Act?an extremely dangerous illegal drug with no approved medical use?dispensaries are stuck in no
man's land between the state and the federal government.

This legal uncertainty has real commercial implications. Because of regulations that bar banks from doing business with drug
traffickers, many financial institutions refuse to open accounts for dispensaries or give them small-business loans. The same
goes for major credit-card companies like Visa and MasterCard. Merchant service providers?the middlemen between retailers
and credit-card companies who process customers' payments?are also reluctant to run afoul of the federal government, so most
won't accept payments from dispensaries. These restrictions force dispensaries to operate as cash-only businesses. The fact that
customers can't swipe a card is the least inconvenient part. Without a bank account, dispensary owners can't deposit their money
in a secure place or write checks to their landlords. Every plumbing fix or utility charge must be paid in cash. "Perhaps you can
survive without a bank account, but you'll have to find vendors and suppliers who will take your cash," says Klug. "We went
through quite a few office-supply companies before we could find one that would accept our payments."

The financial mess gets even stickier when tax season rolls around. Back in the early 1980s, after a drug kingpin successfully
wrote off yachts, guns, and bribes on his tax return, Congress passed a law designed to prevent future drug traffickers from

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Life Takes Visa?Except If You Want to Buy Pot, 2013 WLNR 23877314

taking deductions on illegal business operations. The law, IRS Code Section 280E, forbids businesses from writing off any
expenses related to a federally controlled substance, including marijuana. When, years later, California passed the first medical-
marijuana law, dispensary owners were stuck between a rock and a hard place: as state-legal businesses, they wanted to pay
federal taxes, but couldn't take deductions for product, payroll, health-insurance benefits, or rent. As a result, a dispensary's
tax bill can be three or four times what the average small business might pay, making it impossible to turn a profit. Harborside
Health Center, the largest medical-marijuana dispensary in California, has been fighting the IRS since 2011, when they were
audited and told to cough up $2.5 million in back taxes.

These problems will only compound over the coming year in Colorado and Washington, which legalized marijuana for
recreational use with ballot measures last November. Both states are gearing up for a dramatic increase in the size of the
marijuana market, raising concerns about safety?more cash and more drugs will make marijuana businesses and their customers
an even bigger target for robberies?and practicality. "We want to be treated like any other business," says Ean Seeb, the co-
owner of Denver Relief, a medical-marijuana dispensary in Denver, Colorado. "General access to banking, a place to put our
cash, a way to write checks. We want to pay our taxes. It's just very difficult to do so."

These issues haven't escaped the federal legislators' notice. At the beginning of the summer, a group of representatives proposed
legislation that would exempt medical-marijuana dispensaries from blanket prohibitions that apply to illegal drugs. One
proposed bill, introduced by Ed Perlmutter, a Democrat from Colorado, would adjust banking regulations to allow financial
institutions to do business with marijuana businesses in the states where it's legal. Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat,
introduced a second piece of legislation that would clarify the language in 280E to allow state-legal marijuana businesses to
take standard tax deductions. Jared Polis, another Colorado Democrat, is backing a final bill with a much wider scope. His
proposed legislation would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, shifting oversight over the drug from the
Drug Enforcement Agency to the renamed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Firearms.

Despite bipartisan support for the legislation?including an endorsement from Grover Norquist's group, Americans for Tax
Reform, on Blumenauer's bill?it seems unlikely that with politicians' energies consumed by the budget showdown, the bills
will get much traction. Mason Tvert, a spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, says he's not hopeful about the legislation's
chances, but blames the stasis on general congressional gridlock, rather than specific opposition to the bills. "Honestly, it's more
an issue of Congress being unable to accomplish anything than being about marijuana," Tvert says.

Congress, however, isn't the only recourse when it comes to the banking issue. According to Tvert, the Department of Justice
(DOJ) could clarify the rules in a memo to banks, telling them they'll be safe from federal retaliation if they start working with
marijuana businesses. Right now, a shift in policy from the DOJ seems a likelier outcome than congressional action. In a recent
Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Deputy Attorney General James Cole acknowledged that current policy will only grow
more untenable as Colorado and Washington begin selling marijuana to the general public, and said that DOJ is working with
bank regulators to find a possible solution.

Unfortunately for advocates, the executive branch has less power over marijuana business owners' inability to write off expenses
on their federal income taxes. Although the change itself is small?according to Henry Wykowski, a San Francisco-based attorney
who represents marijuana dispensaries under audit, the problem could be solved by exchanging an "or" for an "and" in 280E?
the IRS has made it clear that Congress will have to make the fix, either by altering the tax code or removing marijuana from
the Controlled Substances Act. Changing 280E might be feasible in a Congress less preoccupied with a looming government
shutdown. But legalizing marijuana through Congress is still a daydream.

Despite this discouraging legislative outlook, it's becoming increasingly clear that as more and more states legalize marijuana
for both medical and recreational use, something will have to give. At least when it comes to banking, it seems likely that the
federal government will step in. "Eventually we're going to have to find some reasonable solutions to these problems," says
Betty Aldworth, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. "If marijuana businesses can't grow, that's bad

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Life Takes Visa?Except If You Want to Buy Pot, 2013 WLNR 23877314

for state economies. And if the federal government wants a regulated marijuana system, they're going to have to start giving
these businesses some basic equity."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Government (1GO80); Government Industry Highlights (1GO15); Legislation (1LE97);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Taxation (1TA10); U.S. Legislation (1US12))

Industry: (Accounting, Consulting & Legal Services (1AC73))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); Colorado (1CO26); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46);
USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Ean Seeb; Earl Blumenauer; James Cole; Elliott Klug; Jared Polis; Jose Sanchez; Henry Wykowski; Ed
Perlmutter; Grover Norquist; Betty Aldworth; Mason Tvert)

Word Count: 1272

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Can U.S. border guards turn me away for saying I've smoked pot?
JASON TCHIR | (Toronto)

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Can U.S. border guards turn me away for saying I've smoked pot?, 2014 WLNR 24944270

9/9/14 (Toronto) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 24944270 (Toronto)
Copyright © 2014 Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

September 9, 2014

Section: Other

Can U.S. border guards turn me away for saying I've smoked pot?


"Present the facts, just answer the questions they ask, and don't volunteer information," says a Vancouver lawyer

I get really nervous when driving across the border, especially because I've heard the story of a friend of a friend who was
banned from the U.S. on his way to Burning Man. He has no criminal record, but the officer asked him if he'd ever smoked
a joint and he said yes. This sounds far-fetched, doesn't it? Can I really get turned away at the border for saying I've smoked
pot a couple of times in my life? - Martin, Calgary

If you tell a border official that you've smoked a joint or had a bite of that pot brownie - or that you plan to partake in legal
weed in Washington or Colorado - your ability to freely enter the United States will go up in smoke.

"If you admit you've smoked marijuana or plan to, you can be banned permanently - there's no due process, no right to a trial and
it's not appealable," says Mark Belanger, a Vancouver lawyer who works on border issues. "Anything drug-related is typically
a crime involving moral turpitude. Those are magic words and you'll be banned from entering the United States."

So, you don't need to have a drug conviction to be turned away for drug crimes under Section 212 of the U.S. Immigration and
Nationality Act ( A couple of puffs could be enough.

All it takes is an admission that you've knowingly used an illegal drug, either because you've answered an officer's question
or you've been chatty and volunteered the information. You won't go to jail, but you will get told to turn your car around and
head back to Canada.

"An admission to the essential elements of possession of a controlled substance is a permanent bar to entry into the United
States," Belanger says. "Once one has been deemed inadmissible, they require a non-immigrant visa waiver for the rest of their
life in order to obtain entry into the U.S."

A visa waiver will cost you

If you're a Canadians who's been banned, you can eventually apply for a visa waiver that will let you cross into the U.S. You'll
have to apply at the border. It takes 6 months to process and costs $585 (U.S.), Belanger says.

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Can U.S. border guards turn me away for saying I've smoked pot?, 2014 WLNR 24944270

"The first waiver would be valid for one year, the second for three and the third and every one thereafter for five years," Belanger

Just admitting you're planning to do drugs will get you sent back and banned too, even if you'll be in Washington state or
Colorado, where pot is legal. U.S. immigration laws are federal and the federal government doesn't recognize state drug laws,
Belanger says.

"Even though you're going to Washington to smoke a roach there, if you tell them 'I'm going down to smoke legal weed,' they'll
turn you down because it's still against federal law," Belanger says.

Get caught in a lie and you'll get banned for fraud

If you have been convicted of a drug crime and have had it pardoned, you could still be banned from the U.S..

"They can do a check and that conviction will still appear, if they ask if you've ever been convicted and you say no because you
got that pardon, then you're guilty of lying about it and you'll be banned," Belanger says.

Another way to get banned is to get caught lying to border officials. It's fraud. Again, you won't face criminal charges, but you
will get banned on the spot.

"The Golden Rule is 'always be truthful,'" he says. "Present the facts, just answer the questions they ask, and don't volunteer

So, if you're doing any business on a trip to the States, even if it's a one-hour lunch with a client, don't say that you're just
going shopping or visiting friends.

"If they get suspicious and search you and find something related to business, then you've committed fraud because you lied
and said it was entirely personal, and that's a five-year or a permanent ban" he says. "If it's a mix of business and personal,
tell them. The worst thing that can happen is that they say you can't cross without certain paperwork, you turn around, go and
get the paperwork and try the next day."

And if you're acting nervous, the border officer will probably get suspicious, Belanger says.

"They're intimidating - they're judge, jury and executioner and that's why they have that air about them," he says. "But they
really can't turn you away for no reason. You're allowed to go as a visitor to shop, to visit friends, for leisure activities and for
work purposes like trade shows so you've got no reason to be nervous in those circumstances."

So, what if the border officer asks if you've ever smoked a joint? And what if you've never been convicted and the officer has
no way - assuming your Facebook profile photo isn't you inhaling from a Bart Simpson bong - to tell whether or not you've
actually tried pot or any other drug?

Good question. "I can't tell people to lie," Belanger says.

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Can U.S. border guards turn me away for saying I've smoked pot?, 2014 WLNR 24944270

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Fraud (1FR30); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration &
Naturalization (1IM88); Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Colorado (1CO26); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (GOLDEN RULE) (Mark Belanger)

Mark; Belanger; visa; waiver; border; officer; non-immigrant; visa; waiver; jason; Tchir; border; guards; burning; man; U.S.;
Immigration; and; Nationality; Act

Word Count: 937

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Officials say 'sorry' to Nigella for drug error

Isaac Davison politics | New Zealand Herald

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Officials say 'sorry' to Nigella for drug error, 2014 WLNR 16374836

6/18/14 N.Z. Herald A012

2014 WLNR 16374836

New Zealand Herald

Copyright © 2014 New Zealand Herald

June 18, 2014

Officials say 'sorry' to Nigella for drug error

Isaac Davison politics

Immigration officials expressed regret to celebrity chef Nigella Lawson after they wrongly presumed she had been banned from
the United States because of her drug use.

Lawson was given a waiver to enter New Zealand for promotional work in April. This is required if a person has been denied
access to another country.

Immigration New Zealand later admitted the special dispensation was not required because there was no evidence Lawson had
been barred from the US.

In a letter to Lawson's lawyer released under the Official Information Act, Immigration New Zealand area manager Michael
Carley said: "We regret any inconvenience caused to your client, and I hope this letter clarifies that your client is not considered
to be an excluded person by Immigration New Zealand."

Mr Carley said the British chef's immigration status was initially inconclusive.

To arrange Lawson's visa "in a timely manner", Immigration New Zealand's London office granted her a "special direction" visa.

This visa was given to people excluded or deported from another country, convicted and sentenced to five or more years in
prison, or convicted and sentenced to 12 months or more in the past 10 years.

Immigration officials believed the waiver was required because of British media reports that said Lawson had been refused
entry to the US after publicly admitting cocaine and cannabis use. She admitted her drug use last year during the trial of two
of her former staff members for fraud, but did not have a conviction.

After reviewing Lawson's visa application and information provided by a London lawyer, officials found that she should not
have been categorised as an excluded person and was eligible for a visa.

"We currently have no information to indicate that she was excluded from the United States," Mr Carley said in the letter.

Lawson's New Zealand lawyer Megan Richards said INZ's response "was satisfactory from our client's perspective ... everything
worked out in the end".

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Officials say 'sorry' to Nigella for drug error, 2014 WLNR 16374836

The fact that Lawson needed special permission to enter New Zealand drew international media attention. It also raised eyebrows
in New Zealand because some convicted criminals had not required such special direction to enter the country.

The original "Wolf of Wall Street", Jordan Belfort, who is speaking in Auckland this month, was eligible for a visa because his
fraud convictions were not serious enough to warrant a special direction visa.

In correspondence to media, Immigration NZ noted that US rapper Snoop Dogg required a waiver to perform in New Zealand
in January because he had drug convictions.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Australasia (1AU56); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); New Zealand (1NE69); Oceania (1OC40); United Kingdom
(1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Immigration New Zealand) (Jordan Belfort; Michael Carley; Megan Richards; Snoop Dogg)

Word Count: 414

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New Zealand lifts visa ban on Nigella Lawson

Daily Telegraph (UK)

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New Zealand lifts visa ban on Nigella Lawson, 2014 WLNR 10654828

4/21/14 Daily Telegraph (London) 5

2014 WLNR 10654828

Daily Telegraph (UK)

Copyright © 2014 The Telegraph Group Limited, London

April 21, 2014

Section: News

New Zealand lifts visa ban on Nigella Lawson

NIGELLA LAWSON has been granted special permission to work in New Zealand after being blocked from travelling to the
United States for using cocaine.

The 54–year–old celebrity cook has been given a waiver to enter the country to make a television advertisement for a brand
of chocolates next month.

Immigration New Zealand said Miss Lawson had been granted a work visa under the country's "special direction" laws, which
was necessary because of her US travel ban.

A spokesman said: "As she has been excluded from another country, the United States, she was ineligible to be granted a visa
to enter New Zealand unless given a special direction.

"A special direction was granted and her visa application was approved."

The statement was official confirmation that US immigration officials had prevented her boarding a plane at Heathrow for Los
Angeles, where she had previously filmed the cooking talent show The Taste.

The mother of two was banned from travelling to the country as a result of comments she made about taking cocaine and
cannabis while giving evidence under oath in last year's trial of two of her staff accused of fraud.

Miss Lawson told jurors she took cocaine twice, once with her late husband John Diamond when he found out he had terminal
cancer, and again in 2010 when, she said, she was being "subjected to intimate terrorism" by her former husband, Charles
Saatchi. But she told the court: "I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user."

Police had reviewed the allegations of drug use that emerged during the trial but said no further action would be taken, despite
public controversy over her admission.

Miss Lawson later told the US breakfast television show Good Morning America that having details of her acrimonious split
from Mr Saatchi made public had been "mortifying". The US can decide to bar visitors who have committed drugs offences
even if they have never been charged.

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New Zealand lifts visa ban on Nigella Lawson, 2014 WLNR 10654828

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration
& Naturalization (1IM88); Judicial Cases & Rulings (1JU36); Legal (1LE33); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social
Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Australasia (1AU56); New Zealand (1NE69); Oceania (1OC40))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (John Diamond; NIGELLA LAWSON; Charles Saatchi)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 323

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Kiwis give a visa to drug-linked Nigella

Express (UK)

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Kiwis give a visa to drug-linked Nigella, 2014 WLNR 10671995

4/21/14 Express (UK) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 10671995

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2014 Daily Express

April 21, 2014

Section: News

Kiwis give a visa to drug-linked Nigella

NIGELLA Lawson may have been barred from entering America after drug-taking revelations - but she has been given the
green light to visit New Zealand.

The chef, 54, was prevented last month from flying to Los Angeles where she has previously filmed TV cooking show The Taste.

The ban was thought to be due to her admission in court last year that she had used cocaine and cannabis.

Now she has been given a visa to enter New Zealand, where she is shooting a TV advert.

But officials confirmed special permission was needed because of the US ban.

A spokesman said: "As Ms Lawson has been excluded from another country, namely the United States, she was ineligible to
be granted a visa to enter New Zealand unless given a special direction."

During the fraud trial of her former employees, her ex-husband Charles Saatchi accused Ms Lawson of being "off her head
on drugs".

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Crime (1CR87); Social Issues (1SO05); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health
& Family (1HE30))

Region: (Australasia (1AU56); New Zealand (1NE69); Oceania (1OC40))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Charles Saatchi; Lawson)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 155

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Kiwis give a visa to drug-linked Nigella, 2014 WLNR 10671995

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World Entertainment News Network

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4/21/14 World Ent. News Network (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 10676957

World Entertainment News Network

global rights reserved. No unauthorised copying or re-distribution permitted.

April 21, 2014


Apr 21, 2014 (WENN via COMTEX News Network) --Celebrity chef NIGELLA LAWSON has been granted a special visa
allowing her entry to New Zealand after she was banned from travelling to the U.S. following her cocaine confession in court.

The British TV star was stopped from boarding a plane to the U.S. last month (Mar14) and reports suggested the travel ban was
linked to her drug admission during a high-profile court case last year (13).

She faced a similar ban in New Zealand, where she is due to shoot an advert for a chocolate brand, but now officials have
confirmed they have issued a special visa allowing her to enter the country.

A statement from a spokesperson for Immigration New Zealand reads, "As she has been excluded from another country, the
United States, she was ineligible to be granted a visa to enter New Zealand unless given a special direction.

"A special direction was granted and her visa application was approved."

The drug admission came during a fraud case against Lawson's two former aides, who were cleared of racking up huge debts
on her and ex-husband Charles Saatchi's credit cards. Police in England declined to launch a further investigation into Lawson's
drug use and decided not to file charges. (MJ/WNBTE/LR)

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Region: (Australasia (1AU56); New Zealand (1NE69); Oceania (1OC40))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Charles Saatchi)

Word Count: 214

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 194 of 634

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Now Nigella faces drug test before US will let her return
Sam Marsden and Neil Sears | Daily Mail (UK)

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Now Nigella faces drug test before US will let her return, 2014 WLNR 9139992

4/4/14 Daily Mail 7

2014 WLNR 9139992

Daily Mail (UK)

Copyright © 2014 Associated Newspapers Company

April 4, 2014

Section: News

Now Nigella faces drug test before US will let her return

Sam Marsden and Neil Sears

Sam Marsden; Neil Sears

NIGELLA Lawson faces the humiliation of being drug tested to prove she is clean if she wants to visit the US.

The celebrity cook was barred from boarding a flight to Los Angeles at the weekend after her courtroom admission she took
cocaine and cannabis. The US embassy in London has now invited her to apply for a visa. But law experts have warned officials
are likely to insist she is tested for illegal substances.

Miss Lawson, 54, would then have to be examined by an embassy-approved doctor and provide a clean blood or urine sample
before she could be cleared to travel to the US again. Her television career in the States - she has recently been a judge on the
American version of cookery show The Taste - is now in peril.

The Daily Mail revealed yesterday how Miss Lawson was stopped from getting on a British Airways flight from Heathrow to
LA on Sunday. She was barred under strict American laws which technically exclude any foreigner who admits committing
drugs offences in their home country - even if they were never charged or convicted.

Miss Lawson confessed during the trial of her former assistants in December that she had snorted cocaine seven times and
smoked cannabis in front of her two children.

The TV cook told the court she last took cocaine in 2010 to cope with the 'intimate terrorism' of her thenhusband, Charles
Saatchi, 70. But she admitted she had smoked cannabis 'in the last year of my marriage to Mr Saatchi'.

The couple divorced last July, suggesting Miss Lawson may have used the drug within the past 12 months. This could prove
significant for the US authorities, who will insist on drug tests if they believe she has a recent history of narcotic abuse.

Steven Heller, a US immigration lawyer based in Britain, said: 'A drugs test is pretty much standard if there is a suggestion of
recent drug use. Certainly if there was something within the past year, they would send her for a drug test.' It is understood
that as of yesterday Miss Lawson had not applied for a visa through the US embassy in London. But once she does, she will be
invited to attend a face-toface interview with a consular officer. She could then be told she needs to attend a medical examination
with embassyapproved doctors in Knightsbridge.

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Now Nigella faces drug test before US will let her return, 2014 WLNR 9139992

Adults seeking a visa in London must pay £235 for a basic medical examination and £48 for a drug test, according to a document
on the US State Department's website. According to one former visa applicant, Miss Lawson may have to go through the
degrading experience of being watched as she provides a urine sample to ensure her drug test results are not faked.

Miss Lawson is thought to have tried to enter the US on Sunday under the visa waiver programme, whereby travellers must
register online and confirm they have never been arrested for or convicted of certain offences. The specific grounds on which
she was barred entry have not been officially confirmed. She is now expected to engage lawyers to ensure she can travel freely
to America, which she visits regularly both for pleasure and for work.

Miss Lawson insisted during the trial of her housekeepers, Elisabetta and Francesca Grillo that she had never been a habitual
user of illegal substances and maintained that she was now drug-free.

US border officers appear to have hardened their position since the start of January, when Miss Lawson was allowed to fly to
New York to film an interview promoting the second series of The Taste USA.

A spokesman for the US embassy in London said: 'There are several ways of legally travelling into the United States and Miss
Lawson has been invited to come to the embassy and apply for a visa for travel to the US.

'We understand she has professional requirements for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and
expeditiously.' Miss Lawson's spokesman declined to comment.

Comment - Page 14 Jan Moir - Pages 34 - 35

'Snorted cocaine''Degrading experience'

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Government (1GO80); Health & Family
(1HE30); Smoking (1SM71))

Industry: (Drug Testing & Workplace Substance Abuse (1DR74); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Policy (1HE46))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Francesca Grillo; Steven Heller; Lawson; Charles Saatchi; Elisabetta Grillo)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 671

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Celebrity cook faces drug test before US visit

Daily News (South Africa)

Search Details
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Jurisdiction: FE

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Date: April 3, 2023 at 3:34 PM
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Celebrity cook faces drug test before US visit, 2014 WLNR 9127283

4/4/14 Daily News (S. Afr.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9127283

Daily News (South Africa)

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.

April 4, 2014

Celebrity cook faces drug test before US visit

LONDON: Nigella Lawson faces the humiliation of being drug tested to prove she is clean if she wants to visit the US.

LONDON: Nigella Lawson faces the humiliation of being drug tested to prove she is clean if she wants to visit the US.

The celebrity cook was barred from boarding a flight to Los Angeles at the weekend after her courtroom admission she took
cocaine and cannabis.

The US Embassy in London has now invited her to apply for a visa. But law experts have warned officials are likely to insist
she is tested for illegal substances.

Lawson, 54, would then have to be examined by an embassy-approved doctor and provide a clean blood or urine sample before
she could be cleared to travel to the US again. Her television career in the US - she has recently been a judge on the American
version of cookery show The Taste - is now in peril.

The Daily Mail revealed yesterday how Lawson was stopped from getting on a British Airways flight from Heathrow to LA
on Sunday.

She was barred under strict American laws, which technically exclude any foreigner who admits committing drugs offences
in their home country - even if they were never charged or convicted.

Lawson confessed during the trial of her former assistants in December that she had snorted cocaine seven times and smoked
cannabis in front of her two children.

The TV cook told the court she last took cocaine in 2010 to cope with the "intimate terrorism" of her then-husband, Charles
Saatchi, 70. But she admitted she had smoked cannabis "in the last year of my marriage to Mr Saatchi".

The couple divorced last July, suggesting Lawson may have used the drug within the past 12 months.

This could prove significant for US authorities, who will insist on drug tests if they believe she has a recent history of narcotic

US immigration lawyer based in Britain, Steven Heller, said: "A drugs test is pretty much standard if there is a suggestion of
recent drug use. Certainly, if there was something within the past year, they would send her for a drug test."

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. App. B 197 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 200 of 634
Celebrity cook faces drug test before US visit, 2014 WLNR 9127283

It is understood that as of yesterday Lawson had not applied for a visa through the US Embassy in London. But once she does,
she will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview with a consular officer. She could then be told she needed to attend a
medical examination with embassy-approved doctors in Knightsbridge.

Adults seeking a visa in London must pay £ë (R4 151) for a basic medical examination and £48 for a drug test, according to
a document on the US State Department's website.

One former visa applicant said Lawson may have to provide a urine sample to ensure her drug test results are not faked. -
Daily Mail

Daily News © 1999 - 2014 Independent Newspapers (Pty) Limited. All rights strictly reserved. Provided by ,
an company

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Divorces (1DI23); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Legal (1LE33); Personal & Family
Law (1PE02); Smoking (1SM71))

Industry: (Drug Testing & Workplace Substance Abuse (1DR74); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Policy (1HE46))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Steven Heller; Nigella Lawson; Charles Saatchi)

Word Count: 485

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 201 of 634

Apply for visa, US tells Nigella after flight ban

John Chapman | Express (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

Delivery Details
Date: April 3, 2023 at 3:34 PM
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 202 of 634
Apply for visa, US tells Nigella after flight ban, 2014 WLNR 9100835

4/4/14 Express (UK) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 9100835

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2014 Daily Express

April 4, 2014

Section: News

Apply for visa, US tells Nigella after flight ban

John Chapman

CELEBRITY cook Nigella Lawson has been invited to apply for a US visa just days after she was stopped from flying to
America because of her confession that she had taken cocaine.

The self-styled Domestic Goddess has been told she is not permanently banned from entering the land of the free, despite being
turned away from a flight to Los Angeles.

She was prevented from boarding, apparently because of comments she made about taking drugs while giving evidence in
a recent court case. Mother-of-two Nigella, 54, was said to be "hugely embarrassed" by the incident. But the US embassy in
London yesterday vowed her application could be handled quickly and as a matter of routine.

At the trial of her former personal assistants, Nigella admitted twice taking cocaine but told the court: "I have never been a
drug addict. I've never been a habitual user."

A spokeswoman for the US embassy said: "Ms Lawson has been invited to come to the embassy and apply for a visa for travel
to the US. We understand she has professional requirements for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely
and expeditiously, so stand by."

Reasons She added the embassy was unable to comment on the reasons someone might be turned away.

A witness said Nigella tried to board a BA flight from Heathrow on Sunday morning but was turned back. The bemused onlooker
added: "She didn't look happy."

Lawyer Susan McFadden, who specialises in US immigration law, said: "It could be because she is unlucky enough to be famous
and her admission of drug use made the newspapers."

Police reviewed the allegations of drug use which emerged during the trial but Scotland Yard said no further action would
be taken.

The US Department of Homeland Security said foreigners who admitted drug taking could be deemed "inadmissible". However,
the celebrity chef has visited America since her court appearance.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. App. B 200 1
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Apply for visa, US tells Nigella after flight ban, 2014 WLNR 9100835

Her co-host on TV cookery contest The Taste, chef Anthony Bourdain, tweeted that he was "absolutely mortified with
embarrassment over the cruelty and hypocrisy of US actions".

He said Nigella was "the most focused, non-party, sober person I know. How this could happen - to her, of all people - is
beyond me."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Government (1GO80); Health &
Family (1HE30); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Nigella Lawson; Reasons She; Anthony Bourdain; Susan McFadden)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 373

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Come to US embassy and apply for visa, Nigella told

ADAM SHERWIN | Independent (UK)

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Come to US embassy and apply for visa, Nigella told, 2014 WLNR 9068027

4/4/14 Independent (United Kingdom) 12

2014 WLNR 9068027

Independent (UK)
Copyright © 2014 Independent News and Media Limited.

April 4, 2014

Section: News

Come to US embassy and apply for visa, Nigella told

News | TV star barred from transatlantic flight over drug confession


Nigella Lawson has been invited to the US embassy to apply formally for a travel visa after being turned away at Heathrow
from boarding a flight to Los Angeles because she confessed to taking drugs.

The celebrity cook could be required to undergo a drugs test to secure the visa, following her admission under oath last year
that she had taken cocaine and smoked cannabis. At the trial of her and ex-husband Charles Saatchi's personal assistants, Ms
Lawson admitted snorting cocaine but said she had been drug-free since 2010.

Although Scotland Yard took no action, the US immigration authorities subsequently informed British Airways that Ms Lawson,
54, would not be allowed into the country after becoming aware of her confession.

The US Department of Homeland Security has the power to bar as "inadmissible" foreigners who have committed drugs
offences, even if they have never been charged. Ms Lawson, planning to visit Los Angeles for a holiday, was stopped at the
boarding gate on Sunday and forced to return to the first class check-in to retrieve her luggage.

The US embassy said that Ms Lawson did not face a permanent ban and opened the door to her swift admission, once she has
applied for a visa.

A spokeswoman for the US embassy said: "There are several ways of legally travelling into the United States and Ms Lawson
has been invited to come to the embassy and apply for a visa for travel to the US. We understand she has professional
requirements for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and expeditiously, so stand by."

Weeks after her cocaine confession, Ms Lawson was allowed to fly into America on New Year's Day to film a live television
interview promoting the second series of her cookery show, The Taste.

Although Ms Lawson learned in January that Scotland Yard would take no action, the US authorities decided to take a tougher
stance after failing to flag the issue before her previous visit.

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Come to US embassy and apply for visa, Nigella told, 2014 WLNR 9068027

Ms Lawson is thought to have registered online for permission to travel via the US Esta (electronic system for travel
authorisation) website. She would have been able to tick "no" to the boxes that ask if the applicant has been arrested or convicted
for offences including taking illegal drugs.

Susan McFadden, a lawyer who specialises in US immigration law, said Ms Lawson was unlucky because her fame had drawn
attention to the comments in court about drugs. She said: "The problem comes when one also has to answer a question as to
whether you are a drug abuser or addict. Typically any person who has used drugs within the last year can be considered a
drug abuser or addict."

Ms McFadden said Ms Lawson would be advised to visit a doctor who holds a contract with the US embassy in London, who
would carry out an assessment to confirm that she was drug-free.

If the doctor confirms she is free to travel, she could obtain a visa in a number of weeks, the lawyer said.

Had Ms Lawson consulted a lawyer familiar with securing travel visas beforehand, she might have avoided the embarrassment
of being turned back. A spokesman for the Homeland department's customs and border protection branch said: "In general,
an alien found inadmissible will need a waiver of inadmissibility. They may be eligible to apply in advance of travel for a
temporary waiver of inadmissibility."

Drug admissions have not prevented celebrities including Russell Brand and Keith Richards from travelling freely to the US.
Louise Mensch, the former Conservative MP, who said taking class A drugs left her with mental health problems, moved to
New York to live with her American husband.
Despite a string of drug convictions, Babyshambles singer Pete Doherty (pictured) was allowed to fly to the United States. He
made it to New York's JFK airport before being sent on the next flight back home to London in 2010.

Russell Brand, who spoke publicly about his heroin addiction, was granted a US visa in 2007 after volunteering to undergo a
drugs test. The comedian has been drug free since 2003.

Singer Amy Winehouse, who died in 2011, had to perform at the 2008 Grammy Awards via satellite from London after she was
banned entry to the US over her arrest for drug possession in Norway in 2007.

Model Kate Moss (pictured) struggled to obtain a US work visa following the 2005 "Cocaine Kate" tabloid front page, which
showed the model apparently chopping and snorting a white powder.

Former crack addict Shaun Ryder has kept US immigration authorities busy for 25 years. Happy Mondays were allowed to
perform in 2010 but dancer Bez was refused a visa because of his drug convictions.

Singer Kyle Falconer's 2007 conviction for cocaine possession prevented his Scottish band The View from touring the US until
permission was finally granted in 2011.
Airlines must check all passengers have a valid visa or other authorisation to enter the US.

British citizens must register online before their trip under the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (Esta).

Passengers must confirm they have never been arrested for, or convicted of, an offence involving "moral turpitude" - criminality
including everything from murder to wilful tax evasion - or relating to illegal drugs.

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Come to US embassy and apply for visa, Nigella told, 2014 WLNR 9068027

People who are not eligible for an Esta must apply to the US embassy for a visa, and in most cases have to undergo a face-
to-face interview.

Those who fail to meet requirements must apply for a "waiver".

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); New York (1NE72); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Pete Doherty; Kyle Falconer; Keith Richards; Susan McFadden; Russell Brand; Kate Moss; Bez; Louise
Mensch; Nigella Lawson; Amy Winehouse; Shaun Ryder; Charles Saatchi)

Keywords: (News)

Edition: 1ST

Word Count: 918

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Sam Marsden, Neil Sears and Claire Ellicott | Daily Mail (UK)

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4/3/14 Daily Mail 1

2014 WLNR 8979803

Daily Mail (UK)

Copyright © 2014 Associated Newspapers Company

April 3, 2014


Domestic Goddess turned back at Heathrow trying to board L.A. flight

Sam Marsden, Neil Sears and Claire Ellicott

Sam Marsden; Neil Sears; Claire Ellicott

NIGELLA Lawson has been banned from the US because of her court confession that she took cocaine.

Humiliatingly, the celebrity cook was stopped from boarding a flight from Heathrow to Los Angeles, the Daily Mail can reveal

Her television career in the US - she is a judge on talent show The Taste - is now in peril.

The 54-year-old 'Domestic Goddess' was forced to confess under oath during a trial last year that she had snorted cocaine seven
times and smoked cannabis in front of her children.

Although Scotland Yard did not act over her confession, the US authorities are taking a tougher stance.

Miss Lawson arrived alone at Heathrow's Terminal Five on Sunday morning to catch a direct British Airways flight to LA. She
is thought to have checked in and passed security before being told she could not board her plane. She had to return to the first
class check-in to arrange to collect her hold luggage.

'She didn't seem to say much, but she did not look happy,' said an onlooker. 'She could not get on the flight so she had to turn
around and leave.'

Miss Lawson is thought to have tried to enter the US by registering online for permission to travel and confirming she had not
been arrested or convicted of offences including taking illegal drugs. But the US can also decide to bar any foreigners who
have committed drugs offences without their even being charged.

Would-be travellers can apply to have the ban lifted, but this can take months.

Miss Lawson wrote on Twitter in the early hours of Sunday that she was 'packing for my holiday' with 'travel essentials' -
including a picture of a sun hat, a tube of Colman's mustard and salt.

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The specific grounds on which she was barred entry to the US have not been confirmed. And it is not known if she was stopped
at passport control or at the departure gate where passports are often scanned.

She is now expected to engage lawyers to ensure she can travel freely to America, which she regularly visits both for pleasure
and for work.

The US Department of Homeland Security's customs and border protection department said it could not comment on individual
cases. But a spokesman said foreigners who had admitted committing drugs offences in the US or another country were deemed
to be 'inadmissible'.

'In general, an alien found inadmissible will need a waiver of inadmissibility,' he added.

'Depending on the basis of their refusal they may be eligible to apply in advance of travel for a temporary waiver of
inadmissibility. The waiver application process can be lengthy.'

Airlines are required to supply US security officials in advance with details about all passengers on flights to America so they
can be screened against Washington's 'no fly list' of suspects linked to terrorism.

The carriers must also check passengers have a valid visa or other authorisation to enter the US before they take off.

Weeks after her cocaine confession, Miss Lawson was allowed to fly into America on New Year's Day to film a live interview
promoting the second series of The Taste. The show was broadcast in January and February, having been filmed before the TV
cook's admission of drug-taking. But American border protection officers appear to have hardened their position since January.
Steven Heller, a US immigration lawyer based in Lewes, East Sussex, said her celebrity status as the Domestic Goddess may
have counted against her.

'I strongly doubt that if someone who was not particularly notable made an admission in court proceedings about past drug
use, it would come up,' he said.

Since the start of this year, the American authorities have enforced a stricter interpretation of the law on excluding people who
admit an offence, he added.

Mr Heller is confident that Miss Lawson will eventually be able to get a visa to travel to the US, although the process could
take some time.

'I'm sure she can get a waiver. The typical wait time is about 20 to 25 weeks but you can get it done in a matter of days. You
need to demonstrate a need for it to be handled quickly,' he said.

Being blocked from America caps a torrid 12 months for Miss Lawson, who has endured a very public divorce from her former
husband Charles Saatchi.

The marriage broke down irrevocably after Mr Saatchi, 70, a wealthy art collector, accepted a caution for assault when
newspapers printed pictures of him with his hand around his wife's throat outside Scott's restaurant in Mayfair in June.

Miss Lawson then had to give evidence at the trial of her former housekeepers, Francesca and Elisabetta Grillo, who were
accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds from her and Mr Saatchi.

While insisting she had never been an addict or habitual user of drugs, she confirmed she had taken cocaine.

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She said she needed the drugs to cope with the death of her first husband, John Diamond, and the 'intimate terrorism' of her
second, Mr Saatchi.

The TV cook also described how she 'smoked the odd joint' of cannabis in the last year of her marriage to Mr Saatchi to make
'an intolerable situation tolerable'.

But she maintained that she was now drugfree, telling the jury: 'I did not and do not have a drug problem, I had a life problem.
I decided to address that.' Francesca Grillo's barrister suggested in court that Miss Lawson had played down the extent of her
drug use, in part to keep alive her dreams of success in the US.

Karina Arden told the jury: 'You may think about her breaking into the American market - that means she wouldn't want it
coming out for that reason, because you all know about the Americans taking a strong line in relation to foreigners with drugs.'

Miss Lawson was never arrested, and Scotland Yard said in January that she would not face any police action over her admission
of drug-taking, in part out of fears that charging her would deter other court witnesses from telling the truth.

It would be no surprise if Mr Saatchi was delighted at the US authorities' moves to bar his ex-wife from the country.

In a furious email which he sent her last year, he revealed his contempt for her burgeoning American TV career, saying: 'Bravo,
you have become a celebrity hostess on a global TV gameshow.'

Other British celebrities said to have found it more difficult to gain entry to the US as a result of convictions or drug use include
Amy Winehouse, Kate Moss, Russell Brand and Oasis stars Noel and Liam Gallagher.

A spokesman for Miss Lawson said last night: 'We would never comment on Nigella's travel plans.'

A BA spokesman said: 'Due to data protection laws, we cannot comment on individual customers.'

Tough US line on 'moral turpitude'

THE United States has very strict laws banning people convicted of serious crimes or drugs offences from entering the country.

But it is less well known that US immigration can also exclude foreigners who merely admit having committed such violations.
Those who fall foul of the regulations must apply for a 'waiver' to overturn the decision to bar them.

Obtaining such a waiver normally takes six months, but lawyers say it can be done in days in especially urgent cases.

Most British citizens who visit America do not need a visa. They have to register online before their trip under the Electronic
System for Travel Authorisation (Esta). Once granted, approval normally lasts for two years. As part of the application they
must confirm they have never been arrested for, or convicted of, an offence involving 'moral turpitude' - criminality including
everything from murder to wilful tax evasion - or relating to illegal drugs.

People who are not eligible for an Esta for any reason must apply to the US embassy for a visa, and in most cases will have
to undergo a face-to-face interview.

Anyone who has ever been arrested or convicted of an offence is recommended to go down the visa route, even if the conviction
is 'spent' under British law because a fixed period of time has elapsed.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 212 of 634

'Admitted she smoked the odd joint''Americans taking a strong line'

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration &
Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Passenger Transportation (1PA35); Transportation (1TR48))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (John Diamond; Steven Heller; Karina Arden; Russell Brand; Kate Moss; Lawson; Elisabetta Grillo; Francesca
Grillo; Noel Gallagher; Amy Winehouse; Charles Saatchi; Liam Gallagher)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 1382

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Press Association Reporters | Press Association

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4/3/14 Press Ass’n 14:28:54

Press Association
Copyright © 2014 Press Association

April 3, 2014


Press Association Reporters

TV cook Nigella Lawson has been invited to apply for a visa to travel to America just days after she was stopped from flying
to Los Angeles.

The 54-year-old celebrity was prevented from boarding a flight at Heathrow on Sunday, apparently as a result of comments she
made about taking drugs while giving evidence during an unrelated court case.

But the US embassy in London said today she had now been invited to apply for a visa and promised the matter could be
"handled routinely and expeditiously".

At the trial of her and ex-husband Charles Saatchi's personal assistants the self-styled "domestic goddess" admitted taking

The mother-of-two told jurors she took the class A drug twice - once with her late husband John Diamond when he found out
he had terminal cancer and again in 2010 when she claimed she was being ''subjected to intimate terrorism" by Mr Saatchi.

But she told the court: "I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user."

A spokeswoman for the US Embassy said: "There are several ways of legally travelling into the United States and Ms Lawson
has been invited to come to the Embassy and apply for a visa for travel to the US.

"We understand she has professional requirements for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and
expeditiously, so stand by."

The spokeswoman said the embassy was unable to comment on the reasons that someone might be turned away.

An eyewitness told the Daily Mail that Ms Lawson attempted to board a British Airways flight from London on Sunday morning
but was turned away.

"She didn't seem to say much but she did not look happy," the onlooker said. "She could not get on the flight so she had to
turn around and leave."

Lawyer Susan McFadden, who specialises in US immigration law, said Ms Lawson could have been unlucky because her fame
had drawn attention to the comments in court about drugs.

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She explained: "In order to travel to the States without a visa on the visa waiver programme one has to obtain Esta (electronic
system for travel authorisation) authorisation.

"As part of that one has to answer questions about whether one has been arrested or convicted for an offence involving moral
turpitude or in relation to a controlled substance. Someone in Ms Lawson's circumstances could tick no.

"But the problem comes when one also has to answer a question as to whether you are a drug abuser or addict.

"The question of who is a drug user is a difficult one and is supposed to be directed by regulations set out by the Centre for
Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

"Typically any person who has used drugs within the last year can be considered a drug abuser or addict.

"It could be because she is unlucky enough to be famous and her admission of drug use made the newspapers. It could be that
someone said 'hey, if she has used illegal drugs in the past year she could be classed as a drug abuser'."

Ms McFadden explained that if this was the case, there were a series of steps which must be taken before Ms Lawson would
be allowed back into the States.

She would first be advised to visit a doctor who holds a contract with the US embassy in London who would carry out an
assessment to see whether or not she could be classed under these terms.

If the doctor says she should be free to travel she could obtain a visa in a number of weeks, Ms McFadden said.

Police reviewed the allegations of drug use which emerged during the trial but Scotland Yard said no further action would
be taken.

So while Ms Lawson has not been convicted for any drug offence, it appears that US officials still decided to deny her entrance
to the country.

The US Department of Homeland Security told the Mail that foreigners who had admitted drug taking could be deemed

However, Ms Lawson has visited America since the sensational court appearance.

She appeared on US TV show Good Morning America to promote her show The Taste but also spoke at length about the trial
of Elisabetta and Francesca Grillo.

The Grillos had been accused of fraudulently using company credit cards, spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on designer
goods for themselves while working as personal assistants to the celebrity couple.

But the Italian sisters claimed every purchase had been approved by their then-bosses and they were found not guilty after
jurors deliberated for nine hours.

Ms Lawson told Good Morning America that having details of her acrimonious split from millionaire art dealer Mr Saatchi
discussed in court under the glare of the world's media was "mortifying".

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 216 of 634

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Social Issues (1SO05); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family
(1HE30); Crime (1CR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35))

Industry: (Travel & Tourism (1TR07); Travel Bargains (1TR46))

Region: (United Kingdom (1UN38); Europe (1EU83); England (1EN10); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Charles Saatchi; Susan McFadden; Francesca Grillo; John Diamond; Elisabetta Grillo; Nigella Lawson) (Los
Angeles) (Heathrow) (London) (the United States) (London) (Atlanta) (London) (SHOWBIZ)

Keywords: Nigella; Lead

Word Count: 802

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Nigella Lawson Invited To Apply For US Visa

Sky News (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

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Date: April 3, 2023 at 3:34 PM
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Nigella Lawson Invited To Apply For USVisa, 2014 WLNR 8943287

4/3/14 Sky News (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2014 WLNR 8943287

Sky News (UK)

Copyright © 2014 Sky News

April 3, 2014

Nigella Lawson Invited To Apply For US Visa

The television cook was due to take a flight from Heathrow at the weekend but was turned away, apparently following her court
confession that she has taken cocaine.

Lawson had earlier tweeted about going on holiday and posted a photo of a sunhat and some mustard.

"Packing for my holiday! #essentials," she wrote.

But the US embassy in London said she had now been invited to apply for a visa and promised the matter could be "handled
routinely and expeditiously".

During the December fraud trial of the 54-year-old and her ex-husband Charles Saatchi's personal assistants, she admitted to
taking the class A drug.

The court heard that she took it with her late husband John Diamond when he was terminally ill with cancer and in 2010 when
she claimed she was being "subjected to intimate terrorism" by Mr Saatchi.

Police reviewed the allegations of drug use made during the trial but Scotland Yard said no further action would be taken.

A witness told the Daily Mail that the self-styled 'domestic goddess' attempted to board a British Airways flight from London
on Sunday morning but was turned away.

"She didn't seem to say much but she did not look happy," the onlooker said.

"She could not get on the flight so she had to turn around and leave."

Lawson's co-host on The Taste, American chef Anthony Bourdain, tweeted: "I am absolutely mortified with embarrassment
over the cruelty and hypocrisy of US actions re: #Nigella travel. Unbelievable."

A spokeswoman for the US Embassy said: "There are several ways of legally travelling into the United States and Ms Lawson
has been invited to come to the Embassy and apply for a visa for travel to the US.

"We understand she has professional requirements for US travel and these matters are generally handled routinely and
expeditiously, so stand by."

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. App. B 216 1
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Nigella Lawson Invited To Apply For USVisa, 2014 WLNR 8943287

The spokeswoman said the embassy was unable to comment on the reasons that someone might be turned away.

The US has a strict visa policy and authorities are able to ban anyone who has committed a drugs offence even if they have
not been convicted.

However, Lawson has visited America, where she has a successful career, since her court appearance.

The mother-of-two appeared on US TV show Good Morning America to promoteThe Taste but also spoke at length about the
trial of Elisabetta and Francesca Grillo, who were acquitted.

British Airways would not comment on the incident and told Sky News: "Due to data protection laws, we cannot comment
on individual customers."

Related Stories Nigella Lawson: No Police Action Over Drugs Nigella Lawson: Court Case Was Mortifying

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Government (1GO80); Health & Family

Industry: (Air Safety (1AI68); Air Transportation (1AI53); Transportation (1TR48); Travel & Tourism (1TR07); Travel Bargains

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Francesca Grillo; John Diamond; Anthony Bourdain; Lawson; Charles Saatchi; Elisabetta Grillo)

Word Count: 425

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Appendix C
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 221 of 634



British Press In A Tizzy Over How Harry's Admitted

Drug Use Could Risk His U.S. Visa
One expert told The Telegraph that Prince Harry “would have been asked” about
drug use as part of the visa application process.

By Mary Papenfuss
Jan 14, 2023, 10:01 PM EST | Updated Jan 15, 2023

APP. C 001
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 222 of 634
The British press has speculated in a flurry of news articles that
Prince Harry’s admitted drug use in his new memoir could threaten
his American residency.

“Harry could be barred from the U.S. ... after his admission he has
taken drugs,” speculated The Daily Mail last week.


Harry could “lose his visa after admitting taking cocaine and magic
mushrooms,” the Mirror reported.

“Harry’s frank drug-taking admissions could land him in hot water

with the immigration authorities in America,” The Sunday Times of
London reported.

The Duke of Sussex — who currently resides with wife Meghan

Markle and his two children in Montecito, California — revealed in his
new book, “Spare,” that he has enjoyed cannibis, magic mushrooms
and cocaine, and that the psychedelic ’shrooms helped him perceive
“the truth.”

United States immigration rules warn that an applicant’s “current

and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities ... may make
[an] applicant ineligible for a visa,” the Sunday Times noted.
APP. C 002
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 223 of 634
A U.S. State Department representative told the newspaper that visa
records are confidential, adding simply that decisions on applications
are made on a “case by case” basis.


It’s not clear what kind of visa Harry has. He could have a spousal
visa since his wife is a U.S. citizen. It’s also possible he was granted a
special O-1 visa for people with “extraordinary abilities,” such as
athletes or actors.

One expert told The Telegraph that Harry “would have been asked”
about drug use as part of the visa application process.

If he was “truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,”

insisted Professor Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington
University’s Immigration Clinic. If he lied, his visa could now be
revoked, Benítez told The Telegraph.

Benítez speculated, however, that officials may have cut Harry some
slack because of his status as a member of the royal family.

“If it was ‘Fred Jones’ and he had this kind of a [drug] background ...
he’d have a lot more scrutiny, and I could certainly see the green
card being denied,” Benítez said.
APP. C 003
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 224 of 634


But immigration lawyer Chrissie Fernandez told the newspaper that

without any kind of drug conviction, Harry’s past drug use is “unlikely
to cause a real problem for him” regarding his visa.

Prince Harry admits taking cocaine and mushrooms in l…


APP. C 004
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 225 of 634


News > World > Americas

Conservative group demands to know if Prince Harry admitted

drug use on US visa application
The Heritage Foundation think tank wants California-based royal’s application published

Abe Asher · Wednesday 22 March 2023 11:28 · 3 Comments

Prince Harry says marijuana ‘really helped' him deal with trauma

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A conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry’s US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he
admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is arguing that US officials should release the
details of the prince’s application so Americans can see whether or not he was “properly vetted” before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

APP. C 005
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 226 of 634

“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States,” Mike
Howell, director of the foundation’s Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail.

The foundation’s push for information on Harry’s visa application comes after the Prince revealed his use of a range of
substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine during his promotion of his new book Spare.

Prince Harry reveals drugs were a ‘comfort’ to help deal with trauma

Queen quizzed Meghan on Donald Trump during first meeting, says Harry

Harry writes in the book that he first took cocaine at the age of 17 and used it sparringly since then but has said that his use of
marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with past trauma.

The recreational use of marijuana is legal in California, while the state has also taken steps towards decriminalising the use of
psychedelics like mushrooms. Oregon, just to the north, legalised the use of small amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms in

During an interview to promote his book, Harry told Dr Gabor Maté in an interview that his use of the psychedelic drug
ayahuasca “brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time” and
were a “fundamental part” of his life.

Nevertheless, if Harry failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa application, he could be barred from applying for US
citizenship and even deported from the country where he has lived for nearly three full years. Meghan Markle, Harry’s wife, is an
American citizen who was born in the Los Angeles area. Their two children were both born in the US as well.

The federal government making the details of Harry’s visa application public would be highly unusual — visa applications are
confidential under the terms of the Immigration and Nationality Act — but Harry’s past drug use could also theoretically affect
future visa applications.

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It is not currently clear what kind of US visa Harry holds, though the Daily Mail reported that he is believed to hold either a
spousal visa or an O-1 visa granted to people possessing an “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or
athletics” or a record of extraordinary achievement in film or television.

O-1 visas are initially granted for three years, meaning that if Harry has that type of visa, he may have to re-apply this year with
elements of his past drug use now public.

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The Heritage Foundation, which has promoted nativist policies and a hard-line approach to immigration that had a significant
influence on the Donald Trump administration, has reportedly sent a dossier with info on Harry’s drug use to officials at the
Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration Services.

Harry and Ms Markle have aligned themselves with liberal political causes, opposing, for instance, the reversal of Roe v Wade.
More about: Prince Harry Meghan Markle Harry And Meghan Visas US Royals Drugs

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Could Prince Harry’s Recent Drug Use Revelations Affect His U.S.
Visa Status?
105 Rachel Burchfield
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revelations in his memoir Spare and in subsequent interviews
I'm a therapist who suffered a
to promote the book potentially prove problematic for him? miscarriage. We need to talk
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TODAY · 5 min read
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NEWS that in the
SPORTS released in January,
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revealed that he drank heavily, used cocaine, and smoked Search for
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pot throughout his life. While Harry said he only used 1. REHAB CENTERS NEAR ME ❯Mail

cocaine as a teen, he also told trauma expert Gabor Maté

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Inspiring Stories ❯
recently in an online chat to promote Spare that he
experimented with psychedelics well into adulthood, and
that he considers hallucinogenic drugs to be a “fundamental” 4. TREATMENT CENTER NEAR ME ❯
part of his life. EMPLOYMENT SCREENING
5. ❯
“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s
filters—these layers of filters—it removed it all for me and
brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness
that I managed to hold back for a period of time,” he said
earlier this month to Maté. “I started doing it recreationally
and then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani says that, per

Harry’s U.S. visa status that allows him to live in the country,
“an admission of drug use is usually grounds for
inadmissibility. That means Prince Harry’s visa should have
been denied or revoked because he admitted to using
cocaine, mushrooms, and other drugs.” Rahmani adds that
there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

To every point there is a counterpoint, and attorney James

Leonard—who represented The Real Housewives of New
Jersey’s Joe Giudice in his immigration case—says that Harry
is not at a high risk of his visa being overturned.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or

any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a
habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any
issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” he says.

Leonard explains that drug users who are not U.S. citizens
would have to give immigration officials a reason to launch
an investigation into the individual—like a criminal act.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it and

revealing it in a book—that you experimented with drugs
when you were a young man—I don’t think gets you there,”
he says. “Immigration is not going to do anything based on
that. If he got arrested or he got a DWI, then we’re having a
different conversation.”
APP. C 009
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 230 of 634
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“unlikely that these admissions will present a problem. If

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there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a
significant issue in getting a visa. This isn’t to say that drug
Life Featured Well-being Parenting Style & Beauty Food Horoscopes Shopping COVID-19 Inspiring Stories
use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but
in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present an
issue. It isn’t clear to me what the Duke’s visa status is in the
U.S., but breaking the law could be an issue in getting a visa
renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But recreational drug
use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is
unlikely to present an issue for someone’s visa status.”

Rahmani argues that there is “no requirement that the

person actually be convicted of a drug offense” and adds
that there is a loophole for drug users to stay in the U.S. if
they can get a waiver to prove that their substance abuse is
in remission. “Someone is considered in remission after one
year of sobriety,” Rahmani says. “A waiver request requires a
doctor to submit medical records, but it’s unclear whether
Prince Harry made such a request, because immigration files
are not public.”

Adair says past recreational drug use is “not something that

is likely to have been raised in a visa interview,” so it was
likely not an issue during Harry’s approval process. “The drug
use could be an issue if there had ever been an arrest,
charge, or conviction, but recreational use would not likely
come up in the visa interview,” he says.

Page Six cites a 2021 article from The Times that states that
Harry has no plans to seek a permanent U.S. residency,
citizenship, or a “green card at any point.”

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APP. C 010
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 231 of 634

Why Prince Harry is at risk of

being deported from US over visa
issues | Explained
Prince Harry’s US visa is at risk now because of his memoir Spare in which the Duke of
Sussex admitted to using recreational drugs before he left the UK after stepping down
from the royal duties and shifted to the United States.

Lachmi Deb Roy March 23, 2023 09:37:39 IST

Harry’s visa at risk; to be deported from US for drug addiction

According to reports, a conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry’s US visa
application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he admitted to his past
drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. Now the question is what
will happen to Meghan Markle if Harry gets deported from USA over visa issues? Will
Harry go back to Britain? Will Meghan continue to live in US? Lets wait and watch.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is
arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince’s application so
Americans can see whether or not he was properly vetted before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and
drug use.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, wrote that he smoked marijuana while he and his family were
staying at US actor Tyler Perry’s house in Los Angeles in 2020, after they left Canada. In
the memoir he wrote: “Late at night, with everyone asleep, I would walk the house,
checking the doors and windows. Then I would sit on the balcony or the edge of the
garden and roll a joint.”

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InAbout memoir, Spare, Harry alsoFront
his Firstpost reflects
on sharing a ‘spliff’ with friends in his Eton days
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a tiny washroom. He writes inPolitics
Release the memoir, “I knew this was New badDelhi
behaviour. I knew it
RSSwrong. My mates knew too.SportsWe talked about it often, whileMumbai
stoned, how stupid we
Twitterto be wasting an Eton education.”
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“This request is in the public interest
Businessin light of the potential revocation
Coronavirus of Prince Harry’s
visa for illicit substance use andEntertainment
further questions
News regarding the Prince’s drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States,” Mike Howell, director

of the foundation’s Oversight Project,

Tech told the Daily Mail.

The foundation’s push for information

Photos on Harry’s visa application comes after the Prince
revealed his use of a range of substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine
Press Release
during his promotion of his new book Spare.

Harry writes in the book that heLong

took cocaine at the age of 17 and used it sparingly
Latest Mobiles
since then but has said that his use of marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with
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past trauma. The recreational use of marijuana is legal in California, while the state has
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also taken steps towards decriminalising the use of psychedelics like mushrooms.
Oregon, just to the north,
Network18 sites
legalised the use of small amounts of hallucinogenic
Moneycontrol News18 CNBC TV18 Overdrive Forbes India TopperLearning
mushrooms in 2020.
Copyright © 2023.Firstpost- All Rights Reserved.
Harry also confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine and magic mushrooms, and described
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how he hallucinated that a bin was talking to him. He felt that the use of psychedelic
drugs helped him deal with the grief and trauma he felt after the death of his mother,
Lady Diana. He said using psychedelics when he got older ‘cleared away the idea’ that he
needed be sad to prove he ‘missed’ his mother. During an interview to promote his book,
Harry told Dr Gabor Maté in an interview that his use of the psychedelic drug ayahuasca
“brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on
to for a period of time” and were a “fundamental part” of his life.

In the memoir Spare, the Duke of Sussex also describes being dragged into the office of
an unnamed member of the Royal Household staff during his grandmother the Queen’s
Golden Jubilee in 2002 after a journalist asked the Palace about his drug-taking habits.

He revealed that he was offered a line of cocaine during a hunting weekend. Admitting
that he lied to the Royal Household staff during his interrogation, Harry mentioned that
taking cocaine wasn’t much fun and he did it partly to be different and because he was a
seventeen-year-old willing to try almost anything that would upset the established order.

He wrote: ‘It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me feel particularly happy the way the
others seemed to, but it did make me feel different, and that was my main goal. To feel.
To be different.’

Nevertheless, if Harry failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa application, he could
be barred from applying for US citizenship and even deported from the country where he
APP. C 012
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 233 of 634
has lived for nearly three full years. Meghan Markle, Harry’s wife, is an American citizen
who was born in the Los Angeles area. Their two children were both born in the US as

The federal government making the details of Harry’s visa application public would be
highly unusual — visa applications are confidential under the terms of the Immigration
and Nationality Act — but Harry’s past drug use could also theoretically affect future visa

It is not currently clear what kind of US visa Harry holds, though the Daily
Mail reported that he is believed to hold either a spousal visa or an O-1 visa granted to
people possessing an “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or
athletics” or a record of extraordinary achievement in film or television.

O-1 visas are initially granted for three years, meaning that if Harry has that type of visa,
he may have to re-apply this year with elements of his past drug use now public.

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 and Entertainment News here. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Updated Date: March 23, 2023 23:03:00 IST

TAGS: Buzz Patrol Buzzpatrol Controversial Book Spare Harry And Marijuana

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 234 of 634

Heritage Foundation Requests Records on How Drug

User Prince Harry Acquired US Visa 
Elizabeth Troutman / March 23, 2023

A leading American think tank is trying to determine how Britain’s Prince Harry acquired a U.S. visa
after revealing his affinity for drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, “magic mushrooms” and other

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project submitted a request under the Freedom of Information
Act to find out if the Duke of Sussex admitted his once-heavy drug use before moving to Montecito,
California, from London with his American wife, former actress Meghan Markle in May 2020. (The Daily
Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation).  

“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the prince’s drug use and whether he was properly
vetted before entering the United States,” Mike Howell, director of Heritage’s Oversight Project, said in
a request for documents March 8.  

The Oversight Project first submitted the FOIA request Feb. 22. It currently is appealing a denial of the
request March 9 by U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement, which along with U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services is one of two agencies of the Department of Homeland Security that the
Oversight Project’s request also names.

If the Department of Homeland Security was aware of Harry’s drug use, it may have given special
treatment to the prince because of the couple’s fame, according to the Oversight Project. Usually, the
U.S. throws out visa applications from candidates with any history of illicit drug use.  

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Howell wrote, “should make him inadmissible to the United
States absent the requisite waiver available to non-immigrants.”

The prodigal prince chronicles his drug use in his bestselling memoir “Spare,” published Jan. 10.
Harry, now 38, has said that psychedelics “really helped” him to deal with mental health issues
following the 1997 death of his mother, Princess Diana, sparking criticism that he glorifies dangerous
drug use.

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Samuel Dewey, the lawyer representing The Heritage Foundation on the FOIA request, said it seeks
documents to help determine whether U.S. officials enforced immigration laws fairly. Dewey said he
wants to find out whether the Department of Homeland Security appropriately processed Harry’s
paperwork or gave him preferential treatment based on his left-leaning political ideology.

Prince Harry has commercialized every part of his life, and the legitimacy of his U.S. visa is of public
interest, Dewey said, so Harry’s visa application should be released to the public.

“He has no reasonable expectation of privacy because he’s commercialized every aspect of his life,
which is his decision to make,” Dewey told The Daily Signal. “And the second point is that there is a
public interest. Did someone who’s very politically active, aligned with one agenda, get preferential

“If a bunch of people are spending a lot of time to give him preferential treatment, they may not be
able to spend that time processing an applicant who doesn’t have those issues, who did everything
right,” Dewey said.

Media outlets, including CBS News, The Daily Mail, The Daily Beast, and The Daily Mirror, have
reported on Harry’s abuse of illicit substances.

“From media reports, it appears this drug use was continuous and substantial, at the very least from
the prince’s teenage years into his ‘late 20s,'” Heritage’s Howell said.

Neither Prince Harry nor the Department of Homeland Security responded to The Daily Signal’s
request for comment.  

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we’ll
consider publishing your edited remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. Remember to include the
url or headline of the article plus your name and town and/or state.

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World News United Kingdom

Intimate details of Taliban kill count and drug use in Prince

Harry's book Spare could have repercussions for Sussex family
The future of Prince Harry’s US visa has come into question as a result of the drug confessions made in
his tell-all memoir Spare, while his kill count admission is also "not helping".

Patrick Staveley Digital Reporter

3 min read March 27, 2023 - 2:20PM 0 comments

APP. C 016
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 237 of 634

A royal commentator has slammed Prince Harry as "not very bright" for sharing intimate details in his book that may
negatively impact his family's safety.

Prince Harry penned in his memoir Spare that he killed 25 Taliban fighters, an admission that writer and broadcaster
Esther Krakue fears could place his family under a potential threat.

“The reality is the man is not very bright,” Ms Krakue told Caroline Di Russo Sunday night's The Royal Report.

“I’m sure many people would’ve told him that if you’re in an illegal dispute with the home office regarding your
security and think that you face a high level of security, probably putting your Taliban kill count in your book is not
helping matters.

“There’s also implications for his children in the regard where you raise your level of risk if you reveal intimate details
about your time in combat.

“That has repercussions on your children and most people have the sense to see that but unfortunately the Sussexes
seem to have other priorities with regards to that.”

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Prince Harry killed 25 people while serving the British Army in Afghanistan, he revealed in Spare. Picture: John Stillwell - WPA
Pool/Getty Images

Iranian officials accused Harry of committing war crimes in January following his death count revelation.

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The Iran Foreign Ministry took to Twitter to publicly criticise the 38-year-old’s actions in Afghanistan.

“The British regime, whose royal family member, sees the killing of 25 innocent people as removal of chess pieces
and has no regrets over the issue, and those who turn a blind eye to this war crime, are in no position to preach
others on human rights,” the tweet read.

Spare was released in January, offering a further look into the life of the Duke of Sussex after the release of the
Netflix series Harry and Meghan.

The couple’s high profile in the media - despite not being working members of the royal family - has led to Ms
Krakue suggesting they have the wrong priorities.

'Everyone's terrified': Prince Harry and Meghan becoming 'more outrageous'

“It just goes to show how short-sighted the couple are, putting 'my truth' ahead of logic and reason, even ahead of
the safety of their own family because there will be repercussions,” she said.

The royal writer said that as two mature-aged adults, they should be capable of making the right choices without
the need for guidance.

“I’ve made the point that the people that were around the Sussexes at the time that they’ve done all these media
exposes just saw dollar signs when they saw the couple so I don’t think they got any decent counsel but at the same
time these are grown people,” she said.

“The reality is this is a short-sighted couple that had clearly other priorities other than ones that would more concern
the average-day person like safety, security and dignity for that matter.”

Prince Harry also publicised his history of recreational drug-taking including marijuana, magic mushrooms and
cocaine which may bring his United States visa under scrutiny.
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Prince Harry admitted to drug use in his younger years. Picture: Chris Jackson/Getty Images.

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Different laws apply to US and non-US citizens and punishment for the revelations in his tell-all could force him to
return to the United Kingdom.

“You have to remember that Prince Harry Is not an American citizen and even some states that have legalised the
use of marijuana – that’s just for American citizens,” Ms Krakue said.

“Federal law with regards to non-citizens is far, far stricter with regards to drug use and any sort of illegal activities
that include DUIs.

“All eyes will be on him because obviously situations that involve high-profile individuals you want to fairly apply the
law because it could become quite scandalous if it’s seen that Prince Harry is getting favourable treatment.”

Harry and Meghan are yet to confirm their attendance at the coronation of King Charles, which is set to occur at
Westminster Abbey on May 6.

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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

Entertainment | Royalty

Lawyers discuss if Prince Harry risks US visa status

over drug use
The Duke of Sussex admitted to having used cocaine, marijuana, and magic mushrooms
in the past.
APP. C 020
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 241 of 634
By Tanya Diente @mystidrift NEWSLETTER SIGNUP
03/22/23 AT 8:14 AM GMT      
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

Prince Harry revealed in "Spare" that he used cocaine, magic mushrooms, and marijuana in the past. (PHOTO:

P rince Harry may find himself having his U.S. visa revoked following
revelations that he used illegal drugs during his wild partying days.

APP. C 021
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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

The Duke of Sussex admitted in his memoir "Spare" that he has tried magic
mushrooms and marijuana, snorted cocaine when he was a teen, and used other
drugs. "Of course, I had been taking cocaine at that time. At someone's house,
during a hunting weekend, I was offered a line, and since then I had consumed
some more," reads a passage from his book quoted by HuffPost.

Being candid about his past experience with illicit drugs may land him back in
the U.K. Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani said that is "usually
grounds for inadmissibility" telling Page Six, "That means Prince Harry's visa
should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms, and other drugs" and there is "no exception for royalty or
recreational use."


APP. C 022
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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

However, Attorney James Leonard, who represented "The Real Housewives of

New Jersey" alum Joe Giudice in his immigration case, does not agree with
Rahmani. He does not see any risk to the 38-year-old's visa status unless there
was a criminal charge involved.

He explained, "Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any

finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which
he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir
regarding recreational experimentation with drugs."

The New Jersey-based celebrity lawyer added that Prince Harry would have to
give immigration officials valid reason to launch an investigation into his visa
status, like criminal acts.

APP. C 023
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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

"You've got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a
book, that you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I don't
think gets you there. Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If
he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we're having a different conversation."

Immigration lawyer Sam Adair, an executive partner at Graham Adair, agrees

with Leonard and said it is unlikely that the royal's "admissions will present a
problem." He pointed out that had there "been a conviction, it would have likely
been a significant issue in getting a visa."

"This isn't to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration
process, but in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present an issue.
It isn't clear to me what the duke's visa status is in the US, but breaking the law
could be an issue in getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the US. But
recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is
unlikely to present an issue for someone's visa status," he explained.

APP. C 024
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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

Adair said that past recreational drug use is "not something that is likely to have
been raised in a visa interview" so this was likely not an issue during Prince
Harry's visa approval process. He reiterated that "drug use could be an issue if
there had ever been an arrest, charge or conviction, but recreational use would
not likely come up in the visa interview."

Leonard agreed and said that if Prince Harry had a criminal charge, then it
could absolutely affect his U.S. visa status and "whether it gets renewed or
terminated." But just to admit that you used illicit drugs in the past does not.

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APP. C 025
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 246 of 634

Rahmani argued that there is "no requirement that the personNEWSLETTER

actually beSIGNUP
convicted of a drug offense." He suggested that Prince Harry could "get a
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money
waiver" as proof he is "in remission" so he can avoid getting his U.S. visa
revoked. This would require a doctor to forward medical records to
immigration. But the duke has not disclosed whether or not he had to go to
rehab for his past drug use.


Prince Harry could lose US visa for being a 'druggie': expert

APP. C 026
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 247 of 634

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Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking cocaine
and magic mushrooms
The Duke of Sussex's shock revelation in his Spare memoir could see him miss out on extending his visa

By Sean McPolin
14:12, 8 Jan 2023 UPDATED 17:04, 8 Jan 2023

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Prince Harry 's shock cocaine and magic mushrooms admission could put his US visa at risk.
The Duke of Sussex, who moved to the US in 2020, admitted taking drugs in leaked extracts from his
upcoming Spare memoir.

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Entry to the States is granted on a "case-by-case" basis with rules stating an individuals "current or past
actions, such as drug or criminal activities" could cause the applicant to be ineligible for a visa.
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The 38-year-old has revealed he took cocaine when he was 17 and on a shooting weekend and had done
"a few more lines" on other occasions.
He has also taken magic mushrooms at a celebrity party in California, which caused him to hallucinate, as
well as admitting to smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan Markle in London back in 2016.
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In Harry's new book he reveals he first took cocaine at the age of 17 ( Image: Tim Graham Photo Library
via Get)


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It's unknown what visa Prince Harry has, with most suggesting it would most likely be a spousal visa due to
the Duchess of Sussex's US citizenship.
But the prince may have been granted special dispensation for people with "extraordinary ability".

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Entertainment | Royalty

Prince Harry could lose US visa for being a

'druggie': expert
The Duke of Sussex admitted in "Spare" that he used cocaine, marijuana, and magic
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By Tanya Diente @mystidrift NEWSLETTER SIGNUP
02/03/23 AT 3:18 AM GMT      
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

P rince Harry's revelations about his use of illicit drugs may have dire
consequences, according to an immigration expert who said that substance
abusers are normally barred from getting visas to the U.S.A.

In his memoir "Spare," the 38-year-old admitted to having used cocaine,

marijuana, and magic mushrooms during his wild, partying days. He said that it
was his coping mechanism since it helped him numb the pain he felt from losing
his mother, Princess Diana.

But this revelation puts the Duke of Sussex in danger of being evicted from the
Montecito mansion he shares with Meghan Markle and their children Archie
and Lilibet. It could allegedly lead to his U.S. visa being revoked.

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Prof. Alberto Benitez, director of the Immigration Clinic at George Washington

University, pointed out that when Prince Harry applied for a U.S. visa he would
have been asked about drug use.


Prince Harry labelled paranoid and delusional by psychiatrist

He told Globe, "If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied"
and added that if he did deny using illicit drugs, then he would be guilty of

Prof. Benitez noted, "If he wasn't Prince Harry, if it was "Fred Jones" and he had
this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could certainly see
the green card being denied."

It is believed that the duke currently has a three-year "0-1" U.S. visa given to
athletes and celebrities, which would expire at the end of 2023. He might face
hurdles getting it renewed following his revelations in "Spare."

Prince Harry moved to the U.S.A. after he and Meghan Markle left their royal
duties in 2020. They initially lived in Canada but after King Charles III removed
their security detail and with the paparazzi stalking them, they had to act
quickly and move out of the country.

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Thankfully, Tyler Perry offered his Beverly Hills mansion as a NEWSLETTER

temporary home
for the couple until they could find their own place in Montecito, Santa Barbara,
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money
California. It is unlikely for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to return to the
U.K. as the duke himself told Anderson Cooper in an interview that he has no
intention of returning as a working royal.

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Harry and his elder brother William are reportedly no longer on speaking terms (PHOTO: AFP NEWS)

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P rince Harry's account of taking an array of illegal drugs in his memoir

Spare has led a conservative think tank to raise the prospect of "the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use."

The Washington, D.C.-based Heritage Foundation wants U.S. authorities to

publish the Duke of Sussex's visa application to determine whether he was asked

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to disclose any drug use. InStay

Spare, Harry
up to date describes
with the taking drugs such as cocaine,
latest from Newsweek

marijuana, mushrooms andNotifications

ayahuasca. can be turned off any time from browser settings.

Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail:
"This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince
Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's
drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

In 2020, Harry and Meghan Markle left Britain for a new life in America to escape
a wave of hostile media coverage, which they said the royal family was not
helping them deal with. Much of their criticism focused on the British press,
particularly the tabloids, which the couple said were uniquely intrusive and hostile.


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are seen onstage at Global Citizen Live in New York City's Central Park on September
25, 2021. The Heritage Foundation wants U.S. officials to release Prince Harry's visa application.

Some observers may have expected the couple's experience in America to be

more positive. For a long time it was, though this has become more complicated
during their time in California and particularly in the months since the publication
of Spare.

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Stay up to date with the latest from Newsweek

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There has been a significant swing against the couple in U.S. polling. They are
now significantly less popular in America than they were in Britain at the time they
chose to leave.

In January, Meghan was liked by 26 percent of Americans and disliked by 39

percent, giving her a net approval rating of -13, in polling done by Redfield &
Wilton for Newsweek.


By contrast, a majority of Brits liked Meghan as late as November 2019, two

months before they announced they were stepping down as working royals and
moving to Canada. That data, collected by YouGov, showed 54 percent liked the
duchess and 34 percent disliked her, giving her a net approval rating of +20.

Harry was liked by 31 percent and disliked by 38 percent of Americans in January,

giving him a net approval rating of -7. This compares with the 72 percent of Brits
who liked him and 21 percent who disliked him in November 2019, adding up to a
net approval rating of +51.

In addition, some American comedians have ridiculed Harry's memoir, including

Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock and Trevor Noah.


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If the Heritage Foundation is successful in its campaign and the result is "the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa," that would be a major milestone for
APP. C 036
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 257 of 634

the prince's critics on eitherStay

side ofdate
up to the Atlantic.
with the latest from Newsweek
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Harry and Meghan have faced genuine threats to their security, including a
suspicious white powder—which turned out to be harmless—that was intercepted
in a racist letter sent to St. James's Palace in 2018. However, nothing in Britain
has yet had consequences comparable to the prospect of Harry being deported
from the U.S.

In Spare's account of his drug use, Harry wrote: "Psychedelics did me some good
as well. I'd experimented with them over the years, for fun, but now I'd begun to
use them therapeutically, medicinally. They didn't simply allow me to escape
reality for a while, they let me redefine reality.

"Under the influence of these substances I was able to let go of rigid preconcepts,
to see that there was another world beyond my heavily filtered senses, a world
that was equally real and doubly beautiful—a world with no red mist, no reason
for red mist. There was only truth."

He went on: "After the psychedelics wore off my memory of that world would
remain: 
This is not all there is. All the great seers and philosophers say our daily life is

APP. C 037
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 258 of 634

an illusion. I always felt theStay

truth indate
up to that.
withBut how
the latest reassuring
from Newsweek it was, after
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nibbling a mushroom, or ingesting ayahuasca, to experience it for myself."

Jack Royston is chief royal correspondent for Newsweek, based in London. You
can find him on Twitter at @jack_royston and read his stories on Newsweek's The
Royals Facebook page.

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Home / World News / Prince Harry to be deported from US? He's at risk. Here's why

Prince Harry to be deported from US? He's at risk. Here's why

By Mallika Soni

Mar 22, 2023 01:01 PM IST

Prince Harry: The Heritage Foundation claimed that Prince Harry's visa application should be made
public. Here's why

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Prince Harry may be struggling to keep his US visa in place following the release of his memoir Spare
in which the Duke of Sussex admitted to using recreational drugs before he left the UK afterOPEN
down from the royal duties and shifted to the United States. A report in the Daily Mail revealed that a
conservative research institute is in a heated dispute with US officials who are rejecting requests to
publish details of Prince Harry's visa application.

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Prince Harry: Britain's Prince Harry follows the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during her funeral procession.(Reuters)


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Read more: Prince Harry 'was asked to give a month's notice before UK trips'. Here's why

The Heritage Foundation claimed that Prince Harry's visa application should be made public so that it
can be known whether he revealed about his use of drugs before entering the US or not. The director
of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, Mike Howell, said as per Daily Mail, “This request is in
the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States”.

A spokesman for the US State Department said as per the report, “Visa records are confidential under
Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of
individual visa cases.”

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APP. C 040
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Read more: Argument in royal family? Over Prince William's son in coronation. Here's why

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Prince Harry admitted to using cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms,
claiming that psychedelics and marijuana “really helped” him deal with his “trauma”, while cocaine
use for him was more of a “social thing”.

Prince Harry said in an interview while promoting his memoir, "(Cocaine) didn’t do anything for me, it
was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me
feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different, that actually
really did help me.”


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When not reading, this ex-literature student can be found searching for an answer to the question, "What is the
purpose of journalism in society?"
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Prince Harry’s Admitted Drug Use Could A ect His Ability To Fly To The Coronation
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Prince Harry’s Admitted Drug Use Could Affect His Ability To Fly To The Coronation
© Splash News

In his bombshell memoir, Spare, Prince Harry, 38, admitted using the drugs cocaine, cannabis, and magic mushrooms in the past. A lawyer says
that this could threaten his US visa, saying that there was “no exception for royalty.” The conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation, is calling
for the Duke of Sussex’s US visa application to be released to see whether he admitted his drug use before coming to California with his wife
Meghan Markle, 41, in 2020.

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Prince Harry’s US Visa Could Be At Risk After

Admitting To Drug Use In Memoir
by Favour Adegoke ( Posted on March 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

Prince Harry’ ( US visa status is reportedly being

questioned following his admission to using drugs in his memoir, Spare (
leaks/). One argument posits that the Duke’s visa should have been revoked as there is “no exception for royalty.”

Harry admitted to using cocaine, weed, and mushrooms, in his memoir and interviews. In a chat with trauma expert Gabor Maté, the Prince
said hallucinogenic drugs are “fundamental” in his life. He moved to America with his family in 2020 and doesn’t plan to “seek a permanent
US residency” soon. 

Read on to find out more.

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Lawyers Are Debating On Prince Harry’s Visa Status


Former Federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani is one of the multiple lawyers who recently spoke to Page Six
( about the possibility of Prince Harry’s
admission to using drugs affecting his visa to stay in America. He said, “An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.”

Rahmani continued, “That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs.” He insisted that there should be “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Attorney James Leonard, who famously represented reality star Joe Giudice (
theresa-giudice/) in his immigration case, disagreed with Rahmani’s statement that Harry’s visa is at any real risk. He explained that the
Royal has no “criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol” and is clearly not a “habitual drug user.”

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Prince Harry Admitted To Using Various Drugs


In Harry’s recently released memoir, Spare, he admitted that he used to drink heavily and used weed and cocaine multiple times in the
past. During an online interview with trauma expert Gabor Maté, Harry said hallucinogenic drugs are a “fundamental” part of his adult life.

He stated, “It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me and brought
me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.”

The Duke of Sussex explained that he only ever did cocaine as a teenager and said it was a social thing that “wasn’t much fun.” However,
about weed, Harry said he “started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me,” so it’s still present in his life.

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It’s Unlikely His Visa Will Be Affected

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Attorney Leonard explained to Page Six that normally, all drug users have to raise certain red flags to make immigration officials investigate
their status. He said, “You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with drugs
when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there.”

Sam Adair, another immigration lawyer and specialist with decades of experience, also agrees that it’s unlikely Harry’s drug admissions will
“present a problem.” He said, “If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa.”

Adair also added that usually, drug use could still be an issue in many cases, but “in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present
an issue.” Despite the contrary opinions, Rahmani insisted that there’s no specific “requirement that the person actually be convicted of a
drug offense.”

Prince Harry Moved To America With His Family


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Prince Harry moved to America with his wife, Duchess Meghan Markle, and their young son, Prince Archie, in 2020. The move came after
the couple quit their roles as senior officials in the British Royal Family.

Harry and Meghan now live in an £11 million mansion in Santa Barbara with their son and daughter, Princess Lilibet. In 2021, a source
claimed to The Times that Harry has made no plans to obtain US citizenship, permanent residency, or a “green card at any point.”

If any issues do come up with Harry’s visa, another immigration attorney has told Page Six (
prince-harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/) that Markle, a US citizen by birth, can sponsor her husband. One method could be through
the O-1 visa, which is already used by non-American celebrities like Justin Bieber and Rachel McAdams.

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Prince Harry’s past drug use

raises questions about US visa
A conservative think tank wants to know if the Duke of
Sussex failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa
application, a potential violation that could lead to

Prince Harry pointed out that he has done everything for the past six years privately to
get through to his family. (Henry Nicholls/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

By MARTHA ROSS | Bay Area News Group

PUBLISHED: March 22, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. | UPDATED: March 22, 2023 at 6:22 a.m.

  APP. C 051
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Prince Harry continues to learn that not everyone in his adopted homeland is
happy about him being here. The latest group of Americans to come after the
renegade British royal is the Heritage Foundation, which is pushing to find out
whether the husband of Meghan Markle admitted to his past drug use when he
applied for a visa to live in the United States.

The conservative think tank said it is in a battle with the U.S State Department,
which is refusing to release any details about the Duke of Sussex’s visa
application, the Daily Mail said. The group wants to know if Harry admitted using
marijuana, cocaine and psychedelics on his application when he moved to the
United States in 2020. If he failed to disclose his prior drug use, he could be
accused of lying on his application, the group says. U.S. immigration law imposes
harsh penalties for visitors and potential immigrants who lie to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

The demand to see Harry’s application comes after Harry openly discussed using
marijuana and cocaine in his book “Spare” and in the accompanying media
blitz. While Harry claimed he only used cocaine as a teen, he admitted to
experimenting with psychedelics well into his adulthood. In a recent online
conversation with trauma expert Gabor Maté, Harry spoke openly about his
recreational use of psychedelics and said the drugs helped him deal with past

“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for
me,” Harry said. “I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that
changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.”

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, told the
Daily Mail that Harry’s admitted use of illegal substances raises questions about
what he said on his application, whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States and whether he continues to use drugs.

Thus far, the State Department has refused to make Harry’s visa application
public, with a spokesperson telling the Daily Mail: “Visa records are confidential
under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we
cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.”

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Legal experts are divided over whether Harry’s past drug use jeopardizes his
ability to stay in the United States to live and work. Harry and Meghan, a former
Hollywood TV actor, live in Montecito, where they are raising their two young
children. The son of King Charles III also has a position as “a chief impact officer”
for a San Francisco mental health startup, BetterUp, and presumably uses
Montecito as his base for working on the couple’s production deals with Netflix
and Spotify.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” former federal
prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six. “That means Prince Harry’s visa
should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs.”

Rahmani, president of Los Angeles-based West Coast Trial Lawyers, also said that
there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

But James Leonard, a New Jersey-based attorney who represented “The Real
Housewives of New Jersey” star Joe Giudice in his immigration case, disagreed
with Rahmani that Harry’s U.S. status was at risk.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a

judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not,
I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational
experimentation with drugs,” Leonard told Page Six.

Leonard said immigration officials need a reason to launch an investigation into

a person’s status, such as the person being arrested for a criminal act. “You’ve
got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that
you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you
there,” he said.

It’s not known what type of visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either
holds a spousal visa — sponsored by his American wife — or an O-1 visa which is
given to people with “extraordinary ability,” the Daily Mail said. Other celebrities
known to be in the United States on an O-1 visa include Canadian singer Justin
Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman.

That the Heritage Foundation has made Harry’s visa an issue probably shouldn’t
come as a surprise. Since Harry and Meghan’s acrimonious departure from royal
life, the couple have irked U.S. conservatives with their progressive politics and
with the perception that they are lecturing regular people from a position of
wealth and entitlement.

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The foundation said that “public confidence” in the U.S. government would be
undermined if it appeared that its agencies failed to properly vet such a high-
profile individual or if Harry admitted his past drug use but “received preferential
treatment” and was allowed to stay in the United States anyway.

US officials can stop people who have committed drug offenses from entering
the country. Suspected drug abusers applying for visas also may be required to
answer additional questions about their medical history or take a medical exam
to prove that they are not still using drugs. For example, TV chef Nigella Lawson
was initially banned from flying to the United States in 2014, four months after
she admitted she once used cocaine with her husband in 2010.

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Tags:  Celebrities, Celebrity Alert, Coffee Break, Drugs

Martha Ross | Features writer
Martha Ross is a Bay Area News Group features writer for The Mercury News
and East Bay Times who covers everything and anything related to popular
culture, society, health, women’s issues and families. She has previously
reported or edited for Bay Area news and lifestyle publications, including
Walnut Creek Patch, and Diablo, Oakland and Alameda magazines, as well as
The Nation in Bangkok, Thailand and The Economist. She graduated from
Northwestern University with a BA degree in German studies and from Mills
College with a MFA degree in creative writing and English.

 Follow Martha Ross @marthajross

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UK Edition Search

News Royal

PRINCE'S PAPERS Prince Harry’s US visa

under scrutiny after duke’s shocking
drug admissions, lawyer claims
Sarah Grealish
Published: 10:55, 22 Mar 2023 Updated: 10:56, 22 Mar 2023

PRINCE Harry's US visa could be under scrutiny after

he admitted using drugs, a lawyer has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex detailed his past drug use in his

bombshell book Spare as well as in several TV

APP. C 055
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Harry's Visa status could be called into question because of
his past drug use, lawyers claim

APP. C 056
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 277 of 634


In his explosive autobiography, Prince Harry confesses to
snorting cocaine several times

In his memoir, Harry admits he regularly smoked

cannabis and misused alcohol as a teenager.

And in a TV interview, he admitted using Class A

ayahuasca, a high from Amazon rainforest vines, to
help him cope with the trauma of his mum Princess
Diana’s 1997 death.

Now legal experts have claimed his admission could

put him in hot water with US immigration.

APP. C 057
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 278 of 634
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page
Six: “An admission of drug use is usually grounds for



Harry &… Harry… Meghan…

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been

denied or revoked because he admitted to using
cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs.”

She added that there is “no exception for royalty or

recreational use.”

However, Immigration expert Attorney James Leonard,

disagrees, saying Harry is "clearly not" a "habitual drug
user" currently.

In his book Harry wrote: “Of course I had been

doing cocaine around this time.


BOX OFFICE Susanna Reid speechless after

Anthony Joshua's bizarre antics in GMB

PAUL'S PAIN Paul O'Grady's heartbreaking

final post days before he died

APP. C 058
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 279 of 634


O'Grady dies 'unexpectedly but peacefully'
aged 67

NEW FACE This Morning reveals huge

comedian as Phillip Schofield's replacement

“At someone’s country house during a hunting

weekend, I’d been offered a line, and I’d done a few
more since.

“It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me particularly

happy, as it seemed to make everyone around me.

“But it did make me feel different, and that was the

main goal. Feel. Different.

“I was a deeply unhappy 17-year-old willing to try

almost anything that would alter the status quo. That
was what I told myself anyway.”

He goes on to describe his experiences under the

effects of magic mushrooms.

Harry described how his pals went to the fridge for a

drink, writing: “While the door was open, we spotted a
huge box of black diamond mushroom chocolates.

“Someone behind me said they were for everybody.

Help yourself, boys.

“My mate and I grabbed several, gobbled them,

washed them down with tequila.”

But it soon turned into a nightmare as he began

hallucinating in a bathroom.

Harry said: “Beside the toilet was a round silver bin, the
kind with a foot pedal to open the lid. I stared at the
bin. It stared back. Then it became . . . a head.

APP. C 059
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 280 of 634



People are only just Reid speechless after
realising what Asda… Anthony Joshua's…

“I stepped on the pedal and the head opened its

mouth. A huge open grin.

“I laughed, turned away, took a p***. Now the loo

became a head too. The bowl was its gaping maw, the
hinges of the seat were its piercing silver eyes. It said,

Sign up to The Sun's

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how he got his US visa despite his EVERYTHING
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Harry admitted to taking cocaine, mushrooms and cannabis – an admission that Shop Now
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'I think the public will be really outraged if he was admitted to the US through a
system of preference and privilege,'  a think tank rep  told


PUBLISHED: 15:58 EDT, 23 March 2023 | UPDATED: 18:17 EDT, 23 March 2023

491 576
View comments

A think tank's probe into Prince Harry's immigration filings could have 'major
implications' for his future in the United States, investigators told –
and could soon end up in court.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute focused on public policy,

is currently battling with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to get a copy    
of the Duke of Sussex's visa filings under the Freedom of Information Act.
'I would do it again':
Jeremy Renner fights
A director at the think tank and their lawyer told the immigration tears in first interview
documents could expose a thorny diplomatic issue: whether Harry declared his since horrific snowplow
accident where he
previous illegal drug use, and whether DHS officers gave him special treatment. describes breaking 30
bones after being
crushed by snowplow
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 282 of 634
ISEMENT 'enervating' exchange
While applying for his residency permit, Harry had to fill out a form asking if he has with Gwyneth Paltrow
who was 'not pleasant'
ever used illegal drugs.   

An answer of 'yes' often results in the application's denial, or a raft of extra hurdles
that can even include drug tests and interviews before getting a special waiver
00:05 01:00 to
allow a visa.

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US think tank,The Heritage Foundation is investigating Prince Harry's immigration filings to

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The Duke of Sussex openly discussed how he experimented with drugs in his youth, including
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APP. C 062
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 283 of 634

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A rather tipsy and red faced Prince Harry is pictured leaving the Embassy nightclub in London
with several boozy pals and his brother William in 2006 

I was with my husband

for 17 years and had
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MacDowell, 64, cuts a
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Harry admitted to taking cocaine, magic mushrooms and cannabis in his memoir, Mirren, 77, to shoot
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Spare, and in interviews.  

The Heritage Foundation argues that means he either lied on his form – usually a How to banish your
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Dewey added that if he doesn't get a tycoon is branded
'entitled' by judge, as he
satisfactory response by April 12, they refuses to award her
will be suing the government in a $228m she demanded
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Washington DC federal court. View gallery firm's valu...

In Spare and the TV interviews that followed, EXCLUSIVE: Barack

'Even if he came in through a visa, it still and Michelle Obama are
Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and given permission to
has to be cleared by DHS, because you magic mushrooms  break an important rule
also have to be admissible to the as they climb the
Sydney Harbour Bridge
country,' Dewey said. 
APP. C 063
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 284 of 634
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The Heritage Foundation has requested access to Prince Harry's records from DHS through Organization says
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Attorneys at the foundation told, DHS officials are currently scrambling to find with Jennifer Aniston at
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British celebrity chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US in 2014 because she
confessed to taking drugs. Libertines frontman Pete Doherty was also famously banned from
the US due to drug-related arrest

APP. C 065
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 286 of 634
ISEMENT The attorney, who was formerly in charge of oversight and investigations on the US
House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, told that in
order to get Harry's records, there needs to be a public interest that defeats any
privacy concerns.

'There's a precedent for getting this immigration information from the immigration
authorities,' he said.

'The first question that a court will ask is, how much of a privacy interest is there
here? And we think it's as low as it can be. stars 'will have to pay
up to FOUR TIMES their
'This is a public figure who's been notoriously open for commercial gain,' the signing fee if they
decide to pull out of
attorney said.  Saudi-backed series'...
leaving some players
facing ...
'He has so aggressively put himself into the public for his commercial benefit that it's
a perfect storm of diminished privacy rights.' I'm a professional
cleaner and these are
the 10 huge mistakes
The lawyer joked that he would ask the judge to 'watch the South Park episode' – almost everyone makes
that are ruining your
referring to the satirical, irreverent cartoon which skewered Prince Harry and home
Meghan Markle by portraying 'the Prince of Canada and his wife' embarking on a
'worldwide privacy tour', loudly demanding 'privacy' while also hawking a tell-all Brad Pitt sells his Los
book and media appearances. Feliz compound in LA
for $39M nearly three
'The second question the court will ask is what is the public interest?' Dewey said. snapping up the
property for $1.7M from
horror icon Elvira 
'We've got a serious problem with our immigration system in this country. And a big  
part of that problem is laws are not being enforced. 
What a catch! Jennifer
Aniston, 54, shines in
'So the question is, was preferential treatment given to Prince Harry because of who silver netted mini dress
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he was? Was the process not followed? If it wasn't, that's a big deal. as she leads stars at
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Michelle Obama
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French police KNOCK
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Harry  spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca which allegedly 'Blood and Fire' pension
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 287 of 634
mass school shooter
Audrey Hale was
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Christian parents who
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the mystery 29-year-old
Ayahuasca is a drink made by boiling together vine stems along with leaves from a chacruna
shrub — both native to the Amazonia region How the giant hole on
the sun could wreak
HAVOC on Earth: 1.8
'If they're spending a lot of time giving a special unjustified preference to Prince MILLION mph solar
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Harry, how does that affect the common immigration applications where people power grids, disrupt
GPS signals and see the
have carefully dotted every I and crossed every T?' skies light u...

In his autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting The Roy effect!
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weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more lines' on other occasions. for 'ludicrously
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He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and mocked in the HBO
smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan. show - and now
everyone wants one

He spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it ADVERTISEMENT

'brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to

hold on to for a period of time'. Ayahuasca is illegal ni the United States unless it is
for religious use.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté,an
outspoken supporter of decriminalizing drugs who has allegedly used the
Amazonian plant to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Nile Gardiner, Director of the Margaret

Thatcher Center for Freedom at the
Heritage Foundation, told
that the FOIA request could have severe
consequences for Harry's ongoing
immigration status – if it is shown that he
lied on official forms.

'I think what happens with this FOIA

request has a direct impact on what The Duke of Sussex , 38, claimed he used
happens with Harry's future in the US, if psychedelics like ayahuasca and magic
indeed he wants to become a permanent mushrooms (pictured) as 'medicine' after the
death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997
US resident or a US citizen,' he said.

'The stakes are very high here. This issue

of a visa application has major implications for his future in the United States.'

Gardiner added that he believes the Prince has now given up any credible claims of
privacy regarding the DHS documents.

'Harry can talk all he likes about protecting privacy, but he's just written a massive Moment brave cop
takes down Nashville
book outlining all of his drug use. I'd say this isn't a very smart move,' he said.  school shooter with
precision shots before
'No one should be above the law. It doesn't matter if you're a member of the Royal colleague finishes her
off on the ground:
Family, everyone should be treated the same.  Police release six
minutes of hellish...

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APP. C 067
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 288 of 634
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+11 'Hate has
View gallery consequences': Trans
support group blames
GOP 'anti-trans
Prince Harry is pictured after a night out at the Cuckoo Club in London in August 2006 legislation' for
Tennessee school
shooting, calls Audrey
'I think it's in the public interest to know whether or not Harry was completely Hale's death a
transparent in documenting all of his drug use that he outlined in Spare. 'TRAGEDY' and

'I think that the public will be really outraged if he was admitted to the United States Gwyneth Paltrow's
daughter Apple tells
through a system of preference and privilege, or he got in without revealing the full court she had never
information.' seen her mom 'shaken
up like that' after the
ski-slope smash saying
The State Department told that an immigration law makes visa records she was 'frantic'
Gwyneth Paltrow trial
'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality LIVE: Actress' lawyers
set to grill retired doctor
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases,' a over claims she plowed
into him in $300,000 ski
spokesperson said. crash case 
But Dewey said this law only pertains to a 'small slice' of immigration documents
held by the Department of State, and not to the main bulk of files held by DHS Are you ready for
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He said DHS routinely publishes immigration documents related to notable $17 a bottle
individuals, pointing to records of Kamala Harris's mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris  

in 2020, actor Peter Mayhew in 2019 and George Harrison in 2001 on the 'As an actor, you don't
department's website. have power over
anything': Eva Longoria
puts on a leggy display
in stunning photoshoot
Share or comment on this article: Prince Harry's visa filings could have 'major as she discusses
becoming a director
implications' on his future in US, think tank says  

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 289 of 634



U.S. group want to know details about Prince Harry’s visa
Conservative group America’s Heritage Foundation want to know more details on the prince’s American

Kelsey Rivera
Update: March 21st, 2023 18:19 EDT

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Toby Melville / REUTERS

An American group called The Heritage Foundation is calling for the U.S. government to release details about
Prince Harry’s visa to see if he admitted to drug use prior to receiving it.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that was created in 1973 that took a prominent position
in creating policies during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s.

Harry openly admits drug use in ‘Spare’ memoir


APP. C 070
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 291 of 634
The Heritage Foundation is battling with Washington to get details of Prince Harry’s visa application released
to the public. No details have been released out of respect for the Duke of Sussex’s privacy.

“Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we
cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases,” a U.S. State Department spokesman said.

“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted
before entering the United States,” said Mike Howell, the director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight
Project, which seeks to spot questions of accountability in Washington.

The foundation’s interest in Prince Harry’s visa application came after the prince revealed his past drug use in
his recent memoir ‘Spare’. In the book, he opened up about his family life as a royal and his time as a young
person, including his experimentation with drugs while visiting friends in the United States.

Harry explains that he first tried cocaine when he was 17 years old, but says that he found marijuana and
hallucinogenic mushrooms to be most useful in helping him come to terms with his past trauma.

In his recent live interview with Dr. Gabor Maté earlier this month, Harry also explained how taking the
psychedelic drink known as ayahuasca brought him a “sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I
managed to hold on to for a period of time.”

Does it matter if Prince Harry disclosed past drug use on his visa application?
Some experts say that admitting to past drug use can be used as grounds to reject someone’s visa application.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” Neama Rahmani said, who is a former federal

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs,” he added.

Meanwhile, other lawyers, such as James Leonard, who represented Joe Giudice from ‘The Real Housewives of
New Jersey’ for his immigration case, say otherwise.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is
a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” Leonard said.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented
with drugs when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there,” he added.
King Charles’ grandchildren to have starring role in coronation


APP. C 071
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Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto

Media & Culture | Entertainment

Will Prince Harry's Admission Of Drug Use In Memoir 'Spare' Affect His
Visa? Lawyers Speak Up
By Catherine Armecin
03/21/23 AT 9:28 PM EDT
     

APP. C 072
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 293 of 634

Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto



 Neama Rahmani believes Prince Harry's admission of drug use puts his visa at risk
 James Leonard said there's no issue unless Harry would give immigration officials a reason for an investigation
 Sam Adair agreed with Leonard and said breaking the law could be an issue in the visa renewal

P rince Harry's admission of drug use in his memoir, "Spare," has drawn mixed responses from legal experts.

APP. C 073
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 294 of 634

Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto

The Duke of Sussex got candid about his history of drug use in his bombshell memoir that dropped in January.
However, a legal expert claimed that being too honest about his previous drug use might put him in trouble.

"An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility," former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani
told Page Six.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs."

Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, added that there is "no exception for royalty or recreational

Attorney James Leonard, who represented "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" alum Joe Giudice in his
immigration case, argued that Prince Harry's admission would cause him trouble.


"Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is
a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs," the high-profile lawyer told the outlet.

The New Jersey-based lawyer explained that drug users who are not U.S. citizens would have to give immigration
officials a reason to launch an investigation like a criminal act. Otherwise, the officials won't do anything about it.

"You've got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with
drugs when you were a young man, I don't think gets you there," the celebrity lawyer said. "Immigration is not

APP. C 074
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 295 of 634
going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we're having a different
Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto

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Sam Adair, an immigration lawyer with more than two decades of experience, agreed with Leonard that it is
"unlikely that these admissions will present a problem."

"If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa," Adair noted. "This
isn't to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is
unlikely that this would present an issue."

He added, "It isn't clear to me what the duke's visa status is in the U.S., but breaking the law could be an issue in
getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But recreational drug use that has not been the subject of
criminal scrutiny is unlikely to present an issue for someone's visa status."

APP. C 075
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 296 of 634
I REALLY do hope the [...], 2023 WLNR 11228593

3/29/23 Express (UK) 13

2023 WLNR 11228593

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Daily Express

March 29, 2023

Section: News

I REALLY do hope the [...]

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe

I REALLY do hope the United States renews Harry's visa despite his glorification of drug-taking, because the last thing this
country deserves is to have that pair back here with whingeing and whining psychology gurus.

Harry, left, and revelling in the of refusing to say whether they will come the Coronation.

pai their whingein and weird psy Meanwhile Meghan are re petty power o whethe to th The the ththa

King should tell them to make up their minds now or the seats will be allocated to politer souls.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Campaigns & Elections (1CA25); Global Politics (1GL73); World Elections (1WO93))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 90

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 076 1
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Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

3/29/23 Nat'l L. Rev. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11288741

National Law Review

Copyright (c) 2023 National Law Review

March 29, 2023

Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?

Norris McLaughlin P.A.

Mar 29, 2023

Raymond G. LahoudNorris McLaughlin P.A.Immigration Law Blog - Norris McLaughlin

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Prince Harry's memoir Spare (2023) documents salacious accusations about the Royal Family and describes, in detail, Prince
Harry's past and continued use of marijuana, cocaine, psychedelic mushrooms, and other drugs. The author admits to his prior
and ongoing addictions to drugs, as well as his possession and continued use. Prince Harry writes that his past use was necessary
for him to handle his then-royal duties, ongoing rifts within the Royal Family, and public scrutiny of his life. He writes that
more recently, psychedelic mushrooms were critical in helping him find peace in his life – opening his eyes to a world that
is not as he first imagined it.

While Prince Harry's candor is admirable, his words may seriously impact his immigration status in the United States. It is
reported that the prince has never applied for lawful permanent residence in the United States by virtue of his marriage to Megan
Markle – a United States Citizen. Rather, he is in the United States under a non-immigrant visa. When someone seeks a non-
immigrant visa, attempts to enter the United States with a non-immigrant visa, or seeks to become a lawful permanent resident,
questions about prior and current drug use, addictions, and for that matter, prior simple possession of drugs, are fair game.
Prince Harry's admissions in Spare could bar him from renewing visas or entering the United States, and quite possibly prevent
the approval of any future applications for lawful permanent resident status.

Admitting to drug use can have serious implications for non-citizens in the United States, regardless of an arrest or conviction.
In general, drug use can be seen as a violation of federal law, and non-citizens who admit to drug use can be found inadmissible
to the United States DOJ.
Drug Use and United States Immigration Law
Under United States immigration law, non-citizens who admit to drug use or have been convicted of drug offenses can be
found inadmissible to the United States. Moreover, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prohibits the admission of non-
citizens who are "drug abusers or addicts." This includes both recreational drug users and those who use drugs for medical
purposes without a prescription. A conviction is not required; rather, admitting to certain actions can form sufficient basis for
denying a non-citizen entry into the United States.

Non-citizens who are found to be inadmissible due to drug use can be barred from entering the United States or denied certain
immigration benefits, such as a visa or green card. Non-citizens may be eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility, but this can
be a difficult and time-consuming process.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 077 1
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Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

Prince Harry's Admissions to Drug Use in Spare

In Spare , Prince Harry details his drug use throughout his life. His own words provide a basis for findings that he has possessed,
used, and been dependent on drugs that are unlawful under federal law in the United States. These admissions, in and of
themselves, could provide a basis for denial of non-immigrant visa renewals, requests to enter the United States after traveling
internationally, and any future application by Prince Harry to become a lawful permanent resident of the United States.

It is important to note, however, that Prince Harry's admissions to drug use do not necessarily mean that he would be found
inadmissible to the United States. A finding of inadmissibility based on an admission of unlawful conduct, rather than a
conviction, requires one to affirm violating specific elements of a particular federal controlled substance offense. Arguably,
Spare makes it clear: Price Harry says, in no uncertain terms, that he used marijuana, cocaine, and psychedelic mushrooms, and,
when using those drugs, he effectively possessed them. For purposes of determining if an individual is a drug abuser or drug
addict, the abuse and/or addiction must be current or recent. In Spare , Prince Harry writes of his ongoing use of psychedelic
mushrooms as a tool to help alleviate the pressures of his past royal life and the ongoing public and media scrutiny.

Should the prince seek lawful permanent residence in the United States, his admissions to drug use will present an additional
barrier. Federal law requires non-citizens who apply for lawful permanent residence to undergo a medical examination. This
medical examination necessitates a detailed review of current and past drug use, which, in turn, becomes a factor in determining
whether a non-citizen is medically admissible to the United States. Lacking medical admissibility because of drug abuse and
addiction is a stand-alone basis to deny an application for lawful permanent residence in the United States.
Will Prince Harry Be Spared?
Admitting to drug use creates serious implications on the immigration status and applications of non-citizens. While Prince
Harry's admissions to drug use may not immediately impact him, the future is uncertain. Words are not "just" words, particularly
when those words make up the biographic life story of an individual as published in a globally-circulated memoir. The day may
very well come when a United States Immigration or Customs Officer who read, or was briefed on, Spare interviews Prince
Harry for a non-immigrant visa renewal, lawful permanent residence, or permission to enter the U.S. upon arrival at an airport
after international travel.

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Newstex nor its re-distributors make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the
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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Blockchain (1BC01); I.T. (1IT96))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 078 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 299 of 634
Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (United States DOJ) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Immigration); (Global); (All Federal); (United Kingdom)

Word Count: 1090

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 079 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 300 of 634
Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure..., 2023 WLNR 11076761

3/28/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11076761

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 28, 2023

Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure mounts for visa papers release
Prince Harry has been facing calls to release the details of his visa
application after his drug use admission sparked questions about his entry in...

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry has been facing calls to release the details of his visa application after his drug use admission sparked questions
about his entry into the US.

Prince Harry could be spared the ignominy of being deported from the US for his drug use, a celebrity lawyer has claimed.
The Duke of Sussex has been facing mounting pressure to release his visa details after admitting in his book, Spare, he had
taken recreational drugs to cope with his trauma when he was younger. Hundreds of Britons have been denied entry into the
US because of their drug use but attorney James. J Leonard argued Harry is unlikely to face any consequences for his actions.

Leonard, who represented Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice in his deportation hearing, argued the only scenario
likely to result in a threat of deportation would be if the Duke had been involved in a criminal case over his drug use.

Speaking to The Mirror, he said: "I do not envision any viable scenario where revelations in a memoir related to experimental
and recreational drug use would lead to any immigration consequences for Prince Harry.

"Where this would become an absolute issue is if there was a criminal case of any kind and if those allegations were related
to drugs or alcohol and it was determined that he was a habitual user, which I do not believe is the case here, that would raise
concerns and create real problems."


Leonard added: "Should a scenario like that occur, which I don't see happening, Prince Harry's status as a royal would make
subject the review of his matter to heightened scrutiny which would likely have a detrimental effect on the outcome."

Harry has been facing demands from the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation to release the details of the visa
application he filled out to enter the country in 2020.

The foundation argues US taxpayers are entitled to know whether he declared his drug use – and if so, to question if he received
preferential treatment and was allowed in despite strict immigration regulations.

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Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure..., 2023 WLNR 11076761

Responding to The Heritage Foundation's demands, a spokesman for the US State Department said: "Visa records are
confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual
visa cases."

READ MORE: Amazon's 3-day sale is now on - top deals on electronics, home and fashion

Harry opened up about his drug use in Spare and later expanded on what had brought him to use psychedelics in a televised
therapy session with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

The Duke claimed the drugs helped him peel back the "filters" of his life and made him feel relaxed.

He said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me
and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time," he shared.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

He added: "They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

Harry said he was first offered cocaine while on a weekend shooting and continued taking the drug because it did "make him
feel different".

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; The Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 601

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 081 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 302 of 634
Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

3/27/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11008482

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after drug admissions, lawyer claims
Prince Harry has faced calls to have his US visa application made public
after he admitted taking drugs in the past -but one lawyer says it's unlik...

By, Amber O'Connor & Jennifer Newton

Prince Harry has faced calls to have his US visa application made public after he admitted taking drugs in the past -but one
lawyer says it's unlikely the duke will face action

There were calls for Prince Harry'sUS visa application to be made public after he sensationally confessed to using drugs in
the past.

In his controversial memoir Spare, the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms

And in a recent interview, he also spoke of how psychedelic drugs have helped him "deal with the traumas and pains of the past".

However, despite strict laws and harsh penalties surrounding America's immigration policies -including deportation -a lawyer
claims Harry is unlikely to face any 'immigration consequences'. Hundreds of Brits are banned from the US after over their
drug misuse.

But celebrity lawyer James. J Leonard -who represented the Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice in his deportation
case -has said he does not envision a probe into Harry's immigration status.

The Atlantic City-based attorney told the Mirror: "I do not envision any viable scenario where revelations in a memoir related
to experimental and recreational drug use would lead to any immigration consequences for Prince Harry.

"Where this would become an absolute issue is if there was a criminal case of any kind and if those allegations were related
to drugs or alcohol and it was determined that he was a habitual user, which I do not believe is the case here, that would raise
concerns and create real problems.

"Should a scenario like that occur, which I don't see happening, Prince Harry's status as a royal would make subject the review
of his matter to heightened scrutiny which would likely have a detrimental effect on the outcome."

America's Heritage Foundation has been calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 082 1
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Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

The Heritage Foundation argues if immigration officials did know about the royal's drug use, Harry's case raises questions
over whether he was given special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

In response to the Foundation's calls, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222f
of the Immigration and Nationality Act INA; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

And Mr Leonard added: "From what I have seen, I believe that Prince Harry is going to acclimate quite well to life in America
thanks in large part to the way that he was raised by his mother, Princess Diana.

"I think that she was well versed in the social and cultural ways of the west and raised both Harry and Prince William to honour
and respect the traditions of their lineage, but also with an understanding of how the rest of the world works. I think Prince
Harry is going to do just fine."

It comes as earlier today, Prince Harry back in UK as he makes surprise court appearance in latest legal row, where he was seen
arriving at the High Court to attend a hearing in his latest legal row.

It is believed to be the first time he has been back in the UK since his grandmother the late Queen's funeral in September.

His surprise return also comes nearly three months after he laid bare his troubled relationship with his father King Charles and
brother William in his controversial autobiography Spare.

The hearing today was also due to coincide with Charles and Queen Camilla's state visit to France, which was meant to start
yesterday but was shelved due to unrest in the country.

But according to the Telegraph, Harry is not expected to meet up with his father while in the UK -e Prince Harry 'won't meet
up with Charles' on surprise UK trip as King is 'busy'

Buckingham Palace said the King was not in Windsor or London and would be leaving for a state visit to Germany on Wednesday

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Europe (1EU83); New Jersey (1NE70); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region
(1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation; US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 676

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 083 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 304 of 634
Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 084 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 305 of 634
Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal..., 2023 WLNR 10974041

3/27/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10974041

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal Family as King Charles has upper hand
As their popularity plummets, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are "losing
the power struggle" against King Charles, according to one royal expert.

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry "cannot win" their campaign against the Royal Family, suggests one royal commentator.
Daniela Elser cited the Sussexes' falling popularity as well as jokes made at their expense as evidence that the couple's "PR
campaign" against the royals has backfired.

"Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, might have spent the last two years waging an exhausting, never-ending
battle of wits and PR strategy against The Firm, but they have actually ended up on the losing side," claimed Ms Elser.

She added: "Over the last two years, the Sussexes have thrown a hell of a lot of criticism at Charles, Queen Camilla, William
and Kate, and the institution of the monarchy as a whole."

Most recently, Prince Harry released a tell-all memoir, Spare, which slammed several members of the Firm and revealed
numerous intimate moments in the Duke's life. The book became an overnight best seller but has cost the Sussexes, according
to Ms Elser.

She pointed out that Meghan and Harry had become the butt of jokes in the US with comedians Chris Rock, Jimmy Kimmel and
Trever Noah all hitting out at the Duke and Duchess while the hit TV show South Park dedicated a whole episode to mocking
the couple.

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa riskMeghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry
that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now the Duke has been
warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Read more HERE.

"This is the price that the Sussexes are paying for their Palace campaign having failed to really gain a huge amount of PR
ground," Ms Elser added, writing for

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Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal..., 2023 WLNR 10974041

She continued: "Harry might be fighting to squeeze some sort of admission or acknowledgment or even an apology gluten-free
muffin basket from his family, but instead he ended up with an immovable palace, a King who has refused to give an inch and
large chunks of Americans having gone off them."

Polls show the Duke and Duchess's popularity has fallen significantly in America since the release of Spare. Prince Harry has a
net approval rating of -10, down 38 points since December, according to a Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek taken in February
after the release of Spare.

Similarly, Meghan Markle had a dismal net approval rating of -17, a drop of 40 points since December.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US - claim

"Harry cannot win the campaign he has been waging against the royal family. Soz," Ms Elser quipped.

Although she admitted that no one could be certain what would happen in the future, she said: "Right now, it certainly looks
like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are losing the power struggle with Charles."

Meghan and Harry have been invited to King Charles's Coronation, but it's unclear whether the Duke and Duchess will attend.
The Coronation will take place on May 6 but, so far, there has been no RSVP from the Sussexes.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01); Sales &
Marketing (1MA51))

Industry: (Advertising & Public Relations (1AD83); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Public Relations (1PU66))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Redfield & Wilton) (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; King Charles)

Word Count: 548

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 086 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 307 of 634
Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan..., 2023 WLNR 10917284

3/27/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10917284

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan attack amid GB News backlash
Denise Welch hit out on social media at GB News presenter Nana
Akua's brutal commentary of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Michelle Marshall

Denise Welch was admittedly left stunned after Nana Akua took aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Saturday's
instalment of her GB News programme. The Loose Women panellist branded the broadcaster's scathing monologue "disgusting".

It comes after Nana took aim at Harry's visa affair adding it would be "hilarious" if Harry had to leave the United States
before branding Meghan "narcissistic".

She began: "Prince Harry might be in a spot of bother after being evicted from Frogmore [Cottage] in replace of disgraced
Prince Andrew.

"The Duke of Montecito may well be objected from America as well. Oh, my heart bleeds. It's hilarious."

She continued: "After Prince Harry opened his big mouth and admitted to taking cocaine and magic mushrooms and cannabis
before moving to the States in his pathetic memoir Spare...

READ MORE: Harry Styles pats Emily Ratajkowski's bottom during sloppy kiss

Prince Harry bumps into cameraman as he arrives at High Court for privacy case hearingPrince Harry has made a surprise
return to the UK to attend in person a high-profile hearing at the Royal Court of Justice.

The Duke of Sussex was spotted by reporters as he walked inside the building.

See the latest pictures HERE.

"An investigation is now underway to confirm whether he disclosed his drug taking when he applied for his residency permit."

She laughed: "If Prince Harry has lied he may find himself out on his big old ear - hilarious."

Taking to Twitter, Denise shared the video with her 535,000 followers as she hit out at the coverage.

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Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan..., 2023 WLNR 10917284

The Loose Women presenter tweeted: "Wow!! Nana professed to care about mental health when she had me on her show to
talk about my own struggles."

Denise added she thought the opening monologue was "disgusting".

Nana also highlighted how the couple is in partnership with a group which wants boyhood to be seen as "fluid" and aims to
eradicate the phrase "boys will be boys".

Earlier this week, it was reported Meghan and Harry's organisation Archewell and podcast Archetypes have teamed up with
the Global Boyhood Initiative.

Nana fumed: "Who wants a drug addict Prince and his narcissistic wife telling the world how to live?

"From what I can see when they advise you to do something, do the opposite of what they tell you to do."

The Duke of Sussex has faced criticism in recent weeks after detailing his repeated drug use in his controversial memoir, Spare.

Earlier this month Harry revealed during an online chat with trauma expert Gabor Mat&eacute; that drugs have helped him
deal with his past traumas.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me," Harry added.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

---- Index References ----

Company: GB News Ltd

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Court of Justice; Global Boyhood Initiative; GB News) (Denise Welch; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 479

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 088 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 309 of 634
Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a..., 2023 WLNR 10976399

3/27/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10976399

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a defamation claim against a British newspaper

Prince Harry was in a London courtroom Monday as the lawyer for a British tabloid group prepared to ask a judge to dismiss
lawsuits by the prince, Elton John and several other celebrities alleging wiretapping and other invasions of privacy.

The hearing involves one of several lawsuits Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, has filed against the media. It is expected
to last four days.

Harry's presence in London's High Court is a sign of the importance he attaches to the case.

Associated Newspapers, which publishes titles including the Daily Mail, is asking the High Court to stop claims brought by a
group of high-profile individuals seeking damages for the misuse of private information. Other plaintiffs include John's husband
David Furnish and actresses Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost.

The complaint is against the publisher dates back to a text published in February 2022 alleging that the Prince tried to keep
quiet about a family dispute over the British government's refusal to allow him to pay for a private police security service after
it was taken away from him when he stepped down from the throne.

The media outlet then published a text that read: "Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal battle with the Government
over police bodyguards a secret... then, just minutes after the story broke, his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the

According to Duque's defense, the newspaper slandered him by claiming that he lied in his initial public statements about the
lawsuit against the Government and asserts that the facts presented in the text do not support the argument presented by the
counterpart that it is, in fact, an "honest opinion".

The article is "fundamentally inaccurate," argued attorney Justin Rushbrooke.

The conflict over the personal safety of Harry and his family began in 2020, after they decided to settle in the United States.
Since then, the couple has been battling with the British government to provide them with police security during their visit to
the country, which is financed with public funds.

Faced with the refusal of this request, the Prince has asked to pay personally for the security so that he can travel with his partner
and their two children -Archie, almost 4 years old, and Lilibet, almost 2. However, he was again denied, although in 2022 a
judge authorized Harry to sue the government - a case that has not yet gone to trial.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 310 of 634
Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a..., 2023 WLNR 10976399

The publisher's lawyer, Andrew Caldecott, defended the media, arguing that the complaint amounted to "straitjacketing the
newspaper's right to comment" and stressed the importance of the media being able to speak truths, even to those who govern
the country.

"Expressing an opinion to power is just as important, if not more so", as long as the opinion is based on facts, he added.

(with information from AP)

Warning to Prince Harry: his U.S. visa could be revoked after admitting to drug use

Prince Harry filed a libel suit against a British newspaper

Archie and Lilibet, Harry and Megan's children, claimed the titles of prince and princess

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Defamation, Libel & Slander (1DE07); Government Litigation
(1GO18); Judicial Cases & Rulings (1JU36); Legal (1LE33); Liability (1LI55); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Associated Newspapers) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (america); (realeza)

Word Count: 512

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 090 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 311 of 634
Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing..., 2023 WLNR 11047488

3/27/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11047488

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing he used drugs

After revealing that he tried different types of drugs in his youth, Prince Harry could be putting at risk the visa that allows him
to be in the United States, where he resides with his wife Meghan Markle since 2020.

It was in a promotional interview he conducted for his autobiographical book In the Shadow, with the therapist Gabor Maté,
a specialist in addictions, where Harry gave revealing details about his substance use. Among them, cocaine, cannabis and
magic mushrooms.

In these moments of honesty, Harry also said he had tried ayahuasca, a drink with hallucinogenic effects that is used as medicine
by indigenous peoples of Latin America.

According to the youngest son of Charles III, cocaine was more of a "social thing. It gave me a sense of belonging and probably
also made me feel different from the way I felt." While marijuana, in his view, delivered feelings of liberation and really helped
him heal.

"I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me. I would say it's one of the fundamental
parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past," he said.
Prince Harry's risk
The prince's confessions had almost immediate effects. It should be recalled that at the time of applying for his residence permit
in the United States, Harry - like all those who make this application - completed a declaration in which he was asked if he
had ever used drugs.

Sometimes, if the applicant admits to having used such substances, the visa application is rejected or a series of additional tests
are required in order to obtain the visa.

On the other hand, U.S. law establishes harsh penalties for those who are identified as having lied in their statements to
immigration officials. The harshest measures involve expulsion from the country, as well as a ban on applying for citizenship.

Due to the above, a conservative group in that country decided to take action to verify if the Duke of Sussex lied in his declaration
to apply to live in the United States, and at the same time, if there was any kind of preferential treatment because he comes
from the British royal family and because his wife is a famous actress.

According to information from the British website Daily Mail, it is the Heritage Foundation, a conservative institute dedicated
to public policy research.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 091 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 312 of 634
Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing..., 2023 WLNR 11047488

The entity would be asking the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a copy of the 38-year-old prince's visa application,
within the framework of a U.S. law.

Speaking to Page Six, former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani noted that "an admission of drug use is usually grounds for

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs," he added. "There is no exception for royalty or recreational use."

While journalist and royal family expert Kinsey Schofield told GB News that "immigration lawyers here in the U.S. say there
are two ways deportation could threaten Prince Harry."

"That's if he's caught committing a crime, which we heard him say in his pay-per-view interview, where he talked openly about
illegal drug use, or if on this visa application he lied about his drug use, that could also result in deportation," she adds.

Despite Heritage Foundation's wishes, a U.S. State Department spokesperson cautioned Daily Mail that "visa records are
confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of
individual visa cases."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 603

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 092 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 313 of 634


'This is serious!' Harry slammed over drug use

as Americans ask 'do we still want him'
Prince Harry has found himself in the crosshairs of a conservative think-tank demanding to see his visa application
now a royal expert claims Americans are rethinking whether they want the Duke to remain in the US.

Prince Harry: Jobson on possible issues with US citizenship

APP. C 093
Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)
Case 1:23-cv-01198 has been slammed1-9
Document over his
use with Americans
Page 314 asking whether they still
of 634
"want him" in the US, according to a royal (/latest/royal-family) expert. The Duke admitted to using cocaine,
marijuana and psychedelics, something which has drawn the ire of a group in Washington which is demanding to
look over Harry's US visa (/latest/united-states) application to make sure he didn't receive special treatment.


Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa says royal Most Britons 'delighted' if Harry and Meghan skip
expert Coronation, expert
(/news/royal/1750173/prince-harry-usa-visa-drug-use- (/news/royal/1750201/meghan-markle-prince-harry-
dxus) coronation-invite-dxus)

Typically in the United States, visa applicants are asked about their criminal history and past drug use and experts
have warned that Prince Harry ( could even face deportation if he lie
on his application.

"When you apply for a visa in any country, it's the same when you come here, you're essentially a guest. You might
come to work or to live but you're basically expected to be on your best behaviour," royal expert Richard Eden said
on Palace Confidential (

He added: "When you move to a country, like Harry has to the USA, and then you start bringing out a book [detailing
drug use, talking about how great it was for you and then you appear in that interview with [Dr Gabor Maté], again, h
was talking about the benefits of drug use - I think people in America, from what I hear, they're starting to ask 'do w
still want him here? Is he a guest that we welcome?'"

The visa row kicked off when the conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation demanded to view the Prince's
application after he admitted to using illegal drugs. Although the Duke said cocaine "did nothing for me" he touted
the use of marijuana and psychedelics to help him with his mental health issues.

APP. C 094
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 315 of 634

Americans may be turning on Prince Harry as a think-tank demands to see his visa application. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan and Harry moved to the US in 2020 after stepping down as working royals. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle ‘should have warned’ Prince In a televised therapy session with trauma expert and
Harry about drug use visa risk outspoken proponent of decriminalising drugs Dr Gabor Maté
the Prince said that psychedelics helped him as a "cleaning o
the windshield [and] removal of life's filters".
APP. C 095
Meghan Markle should
Case have warned Prince
1:23-cv-01198 But those
Document 1-9 Filedcomments
05/01/23drew the attention
Page 316 of 634 of The Heritage
Harry that revealing his past drug use could put Foundation, which says it wants to make sure Harry was
his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has "properly vetted" before entering the States.
In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential
past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and revocation of Prince Harry
marijuana. Now the Duke has been warned that (’s visa for illici
his admission could see him booted out of substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s
America. drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States," Mike Howell, director of the foundation’s
Read more HERE. Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail
(/news/royal/1749962/meghan-markle- (
prince-harry-drug-visa-dxus) Prince-Harry-visa-despite-drug-use-Campaigners-demand-

Richard Eden said the action was "serious" and shows Americans may be rethinking the Prince's move across the

He said: "From what I can see, this is serious. It's a conservative think-tank now but there are people asking to see h
application form for the visa and what he put in that. Also there are people saying 'should we rethink whether we
allow him to stay?'"

READ MORE: Harry may have to 'pack his bags and move back home' -claim (/news/royal/1749710/prince-harr

Prince Harry is married to American actress Meghan Markle. (Image: GETTY)

APP. C 096
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 317 of 634

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's daughter are US citizens while Archie is likely eligible. (Image: GETTY)


Gwyneth Paltrow accuser dealt blow by internet Girl gunned down by Nashville shooter was trying to
sleuth's findings pull fire alarm
( ( (
Paltrow-accuser-private-data-dxus) shooting-hero-girl-fire-alarm-victims-named-dxus)

Visa applications in the US typically remain confidential under the Immigration and Nationality Act, however, Prince
Harry ('s admission could come back to haunt him over any new visa

Additionally, if the Duke lied on his original application he could be deported back to the UK and barred from ever
applying for US citizenship. It's long been speculated Harry holds an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary abilit
in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics" or an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or
television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years meaning that Prince Harry (
harry) could need to reapply in the near future as he's been living in the States for almost three years.

The Duke's immediate family are all likely US citizens: Meghan Markle (
markle) is an American and Princess Lilibet Diana was born in the US granting her automatic citizenship. Prince
Archie Harrison, although born in London, is likely eligible for US citizenship though his mother.APP. C 097
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 318 of 634
Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret..., 2023 WLNR 10871568

3/26/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10871568

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 26, 2023

Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret entrance was offered instead'
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were pictured going out for dinner at an
elite Hollywood hotspot on the same day the news broke that the couple were...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were pictured going out for dinner at an elite Hollywood hotspot on the same day the news
broke that the couple were being kicked from their UK residence of Frogmore Cottage.

It has been claimed that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called people ahead of time to "take their photo" as they arrived
at an elite Hollywood restaurant. The Duke and Duchess were pictured arriving at A-lister hangout San Vicente Bungalows
in Hollywood earlier this month.

Prince Harry, 38, is now believed to be a member at the elite club which has a £3,400 a year membership price tag. The hotspot
is a hangout for celebrities and film industry figures in Tinsel Town.

However, a club member told Page Six there was no reason for the Sussexes to enter the club through the front as it has a private
"celebrity door". It's also a two-hour drive each way from Meghan and Harry's Montecito mansion.

The outing came just hours after the news broke that the Sussexes would have to give up their UK home, Frogmore Cottage,
something which the club member called a "bold move".

"I think it was definitely a statement coming on the evening of the Frogmore news," they said, adding: "I know that San Vincente
has a back door for celebrities, so no one needs to see you coming and going. They're really all about privacy."

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa riskMeghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry
that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now the Duke has been
warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Read more HERE.

The member continued adding that "bigger stars" than Meghan and Harry come into the restaurant meaning, if they wanted
to, the couple most likely could have quietly entered the establishment.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 098 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 319 of 634
Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret..., 2023 WLNR 10871568

The member claimed: "They have way bigger stars than Harry and Meghan coming in and no one will ever know they're
there. But Harry and Meghan said, 'We're fine' and that they didn't need to use it. And even when they left, they used the
main entrance."

The Page Six article caught the eye of royal commentator Kinsey Schofield, who accused Meghan and Harry of calling
paparazzi ahead of time to photograph them entering the restaurant.

Sharing a screengrab of the article's headline to Twitter, the To Di For Daily podcast host said: "I will save you a click, it's so
the people they called ahead of time will take their photo."

READ MORE: Harry slammed over drug use as US asks 'do we still want him' - claim

I will save you a click… it's so the people they called ahead of time will take their photo.

Meghan and Harry moved to Montecito, California in 2020 after stepping back from the Royal Family. In a Netflix documentary
released in December last year, the Duke and Duchess blamed, at least partly, the paparazzi and Britain's tabloid media for
the move.

However, someone who knows Meghan and Harry told Page Six that the outing didn't mean the couple were going "all
Hollywood" and added that the Duke and Duchess had "only been out for dinner with friends and at the Archwell office recently,
as well as a meeting with Netflix".

At the San Vicente, the Sussexes were reportedly joined by two friends and chatted with actress Kate Hudson who was also at
the club. The following week, Meghan, 41, drove to West Hollywood and celebrated a ladies lunch with Archwell employees
to celebrate International Women's Day.

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---- Index References ----

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Motion Pictures (1MO51);
Online Social Media (1ON38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 638

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 099 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 320 of 634
Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid..., 2023 WLNR 10862268

3/26/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10862268

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 26, 2023

Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid deportation, lawyers claims
The Duke of Sussex has faced criticism in recent weeks after
detailing his repeated drug use in his controversial memoir, Spare.

Claire Anderson

Prince Harry has been warned his US visa status could have "major implications" on his future as the royal is facing demands
to reveal his immigration filings after revealing he has used drugs in the past. The Conservative research institute, the Heritage
Foundation is investigating the Duke of Sussex's immigration documents to find out if he disclosed his drug use. But CEO of
West Coast trial lawyers Neama Rahmani has explained Harry could waive any issues with his visa with three simple steps.

He told Us Weekly: "Normally an admission of drug use can get a visa denied or revoked even if it's recreational.

"There is an exception however that if you've been sober for a year, you're in remission and you have a note from a physician
that may be able to grant you a waiver.

"The prince's admitted drug use was when he was a lot younger, I think about 17 years old."

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

Harry detailed in his memoir, Spare that he smoked cannabis with Tyler Perry and took magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's

It comes as Sarah, the Duchess of York, said she wouldn't judge the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their decision to move
to the US and publicise their lives.

The couple quit as senior working royals in 2020 in favour of more freedom and the ability to earn their own money in the US,
before giving a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021.

A controversial six-part Netflix series titled Harry & Meghan was released in December 2022 before Harry's memoir titled
Spare, which also contained a string of revelations, was published in January.

Sarah, who is affectionately known as Fergie, related her own experience of divorcing Andrew, the Duke of York in 1996 and
giving an interview to Winfrey declaring that royal life was "not a fairy tale".

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 100 1
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Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid..., 2023 WLNR 10862268

She told the PA news agency: "I divorced, went to America, wrote a book, went on Oprah and did 12 years as the longest
running spokesperson of Weight Watchers.

"I looked to America to support me and to help me and I really can't thank the American people enough for what they gave
me and what they did for me.

"So, I believe very strongly that I have absolutely no judgment on any other person's life, and I look at how much she loves him
and loves the children and gives him a love that he's never had before. That's how I look at it."

The charity founder and author, 63, also spoke about Harry and Meghan's children Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, and
Harry's mum, Diana, the Princess of Wales, who died in August 1997.

She said: "The most important thing is that the sun will come up tomorrow and the day will move on.

"The most important thing is, Diana would be so very proud of Archie and Lili. She would have adored every moment of it."

Sarah has most recently co-written her second historical romantic novel co-authored with Marguerite Kaye, who has written
more than 50 Mills & Boon books, which will be published on March 30.

A Most Intriguing Lady is inspired by Sarah's relative Lady Mary Montagu Douglas Scott, who in the fictional tale is born into
the highest society, fighting to define her place in life.

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---- Index References ----

Company: WW International, Inc.; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Divorces (1DI23); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legal (1LE33); Personal
& Family Law (1PE02); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (West Coast; Weight Watchers; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 572

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 101 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 322 of 634
GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack..., 2023 WLNR 10760671

3/25/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10760671

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 25, 2023

GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack on Harry and Meghan
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were torn apart by GB News host Nana Akua,
but her scathing monologue about the couple did not sit well with viewers.

Rebecca Jones

Presenter Nana Akua took aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Saturday's instalment of her GB News programme over
their new charity partnership and the Duke of Sussex's visa affair. The broadcaster even told viewers it would be "hilarious" if
Harry had to leave the United States before branding Meghan "narcissistic".

Nana began: "Prince Harry might be in a spot of bother after being evicted from Frogmore [Cottage] in replace of disgraced
Prince Andrew.

"The Duke of Montecito may well be objected from America as well. Oh, my heart bleeds. It's hilarious."

She continued: "After Prince Harry opened his big mouth and admitted to taking cocaine and magic mushrooms and cannabis
before moving to the States in his pathetic memoir Spare...

"An investigation is now underway to confirm whether he disclosed his drug taking when he applied for his residency permit."

Nana also said a Freedom of Information request is trying to obtain the finer details.

READ MORE: Emmerdale exit for Mackenzie Boyd after he finally confesses

She laughed: "If Prince Harry has lied he may find himself out on his big old ear - hilarious."

After composing herself, Nana continued to hit out about Harry and Meghan to GB News viewers.

She highlighted how the couple is in partnership with a group which wants boyhood to be seen as "fluid" and aims to eradicate
the phrase "boys will be boys".

It was reported earlier this week that Harry and Meghan's organisation Archewell and podcast Archetypes have teamed up
with the Global Boyhood Initiative.

The group sets out to promote gender equality by "fostering positive masculinity in boys and men".

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 102 1
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GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack..., 2023 WLNR 10760671

Nana fumed: "Who wants a drug addict Prince and his narcissistic wife telling the world how to live?

"From what I can see when they advise you to do something, do the opposite of what they tell you to do."

She then moved on to King Charles III's upcoming Coronation, stating how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not confirmed
whether they will be attending.

Nana concluded: "I feel sorry for the Royal Family, having to appease these two?

"Are there actually people who still feel sorry for them? Come on, surely the penny has dropped."

Nana's monologue caused a stir with GB News viewers, with Bernadette Bragg commenting: "Grow up and stop the name
calling for God's sake."

Nikki Aura said: "Nana Akua is a vile human being. She needs to get a job away from people."

@ElmoputneyVs said: "I'm pretty sure this is just another vile smear against Harry and Meghan calling him a drug addict is
low and untrue. Either call to #AbolishTheMonachy or stop slagging them off."

@ProjectReality8 shared: "Who wants a narcissistic 'not news' channel presenter telling us anything?"

Meanwhile, Anne penned: "Harry has become an embarrassment to Britain and the RF... They wanted superstardom and they
have got it. Unfortunately, they will go down in history and be well remembered."

A supportive Jasmine Harris commented: "Love you, Nana."

GB News is available to watch on Freeview 236, Sky 512 and Virgin 6034.

---- Index References ----

Company: GB News Ltd

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Broadcast TV (1BR25); Broadcast TV Programming (1BR42); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV
(1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26); TV Stations (1TV23); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (GB News) (Nana Akua; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 510

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 103 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 324 of 634
Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

3/25/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10759964

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 25, 2023

Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed Megxit deal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate
their own "royal court" in the United States by a royal commentator after th...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate their own "royal court" in the United States by a
royal commentator after they failed to get what they wanted out of Megxit.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are attempting to create their own "royal court" in the US, according to a royal commentator.
The comments come amid a slew of media appearances by the Duke and Duchess - particularly by Prince Harry - which left
one commentator asking "what was the point?"

In recent months, Prince Harry has been in the spotlight. Before and after the release of his memoir Spare in January he gave
numerous explosive interviews on primetime television. In December of last year, Meghan and Harry released a six-part Netflix
series describing their relationship and eventual exit from royal life.

"I ask myself this all the time. What was the point for Harry and Meghan? Were they trying to make themselves look better?
Were they trying to make themselves more popular than the royals? Are they trying to recreate their own royal court in the United
States?" asked a royal commentator and founder of popular YouTube channel the Royal News Network who goes by Brittany.

She added: "Number one, yes they do definitely want to create their own royal sphere in the United States. Obviously, we do
not have a monarchy here and nor do we want one, so they're welcome to live here like other royals do but don't make yourself
a royal of the United States - huge difference there."

She cited the Megxit deal which saw Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave the Royal Family for North America.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

"I think they are just trying to recreate what they wanted, what their vision was for themselves that they couldn't have in the
UK, in the US," she said.

The host of the show added: "They could not get their way, I think at the end of the day that was their big anger point. They
were not going to get their way."

Brittany pointed to the role the couple wanted to play in the Commonwealth, claiming Meghan wanted to be "Queen of the
Commonwealth". She also claimed the Sussexes wanted to "supersede" the Royal Family in popularity.

During the Meghan and Harry's separation from the rest of the Firm, dubbed Megxit, the pair appeared to want to become hybrid
royals who were financially independent but still represented the Queen.

On their now defunct website, the couple touted "progressive" new roles which would "continue to carry out
their duties for Her Majesty the Queen, while having the future financial autonomy to work externally".

However, in 2020, Buckingham Palace released a statement making it clear Meghan and Harry were "required" to step back
from royal duties.

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

It appeared the couple failed to negotiate a half-in, half-out Megixt deal and in 2020 they moved to Montecito, California with
their son Archie, completely stepping back from royal duties.

Since then, the pair have engaged in numerous media endeavours, including the now famous 2021 interview with Oprah. The
couple released a Netflix documentary in December 2022 flush with never-before-seen footage and photos.

Arguably the biggest bombshell to date, however, was the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare in January 2023 and the
multiple interviews the Prince gave both before and after the book hit the shelves.

The book contains numerous allegations against the rest of the Royal Family and details Prince Harry's life, including his time
in Afghanistan and his drug use.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Government (1GO80); Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Postal Services (1PO50))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal News Network) (Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 684

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 105 2
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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 106 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 327 of 634
Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

3/24/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10619559

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to send a

message to disabled veteran who had his Jeep Grand Cherokee restored

Amie Gordon Rory Tingle

The Duke of Sussex last night congratulated a disabled veteran saying he is 'the definition of inspiration' during a surprise
appearance on a car renovation show.

Former Lance Corporal Stephan van Niekerk, 36, had his Jeep Grand Cherokee taken in for persistent mechanical problems
on the National Geographic's Car SOS.

Duke of Sussex congratulated veteran saying he is 'the definition of inspiration' Ex Lance Corporal Stephan Van Niekerk, 36,
had his Jeep Grand Cherokee fixed

The former serviceman, from Taunton in Devon, joined 3rd Battalion, the Rifles, at the age of 21 before he was hit seven years
later by an improvised explosive device.

After the vehicle restoration was shown to Mr Van Niekerk, Harry said in a video message: 'Stephan, congratulations. I hope
at this point you're sitting in your brand new, or certainly what looks like a brand new Jeep.

'Good on you mate, well done, fully, fully, fully deserved. I can't think of anyone that deserves this more than you.'

Prince Harry expressed his admiration for Stephan van Niekerk's (pictured) resilience and determination and praised the Car
S.O.S team for their outstanding work

The 36-year-old served in Afghanistan before losing his left leg at the hip, his right leg below the knee, and five fingers in 2009

Harry is known for his work supporting injured veterans, and helped set up the Invictus Games - an event for wounded, injured
and sick servicemen and women.

Addressing Stephan, he added: 'After getting injured at such a young age after two tours of Afghanistan, you are the definition
of inspiration because you are not defined by your injury. You are defined by your selflessness to others, to your community,
your inspirational talks to young people.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 107 1
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Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

'And, of course, to your four kids, and your amazing wife Sadie, who no doubt has got you this far. So full respect, well done
you, and I heard, someone told me, that you're planning to cycle from Canada to Mexico – just a mere 2,745 miles, I think.

'Good luck with that, I know you're going to do it, I know you're going to smash it. I know you're going to raise a lot of money
for Blesma as well. Other than that, mate, just a huge congratulations. And thank you, thank you for your service. Thank you
for your continued service and commitment to others.

'I'm sure your whole family is incredibly proud of you. I'm proud of you. We're all proud of you… there's a reason you were
chosen for this. So yeah, saddle up and enjoy your new wheels. And then make sure that you get as fit as you can for this next
huge adventure that's coming your way and then you can smash that.

'And at the end of that. I would love to meet you even if it's over a Zoom, but yeah, full respect, mate. Well done, love it and
catch you soon, cheers.'

The duke, who recorded the clip last year at his home in the US, was a battlefield air controller when he first went on a ten-
week tour of duty in 2007 fighting the Taliban in Helmand province.

Stephan van Niekerk had bought himself a used Jeep Grand Cherokee, which had the potential to be a contender, but it was
off the road due to persistent mechanical problems

Prince Harry expressed his admiration for Stephan's resilience and determination and praised the Car SOS team for their
outstanding work

He then retrained and qualified as an Apache helicopter pilot and in September 2012, he returned to Afghanistan for a second

Mr Van Niekerk lost his left leg at the hip, his right leg below the knee, and five fingers when he stepped on an IED in Sangin
while on his second tour of the country in 2009.

He was medically discharged, and with the support of his wife and Army rehabilitation has reinvented himself as a motivational
speaker for Blesma, The Limbless Veterans charity.

His best friend Ian and wife Sadie wanted to reward him for his bravery and positivity by fulfilling his ambition to become an
off-road driving champion with his used 2002 car.

The Jeep was restored by presenters Tim Shaw and Fuzz Townshend to competition-level standards, modified for disabilities,
and has a roll cage, high lift axle kit and wheel arch extensions as well as having the suspension upgraded.

Mr Van Niekerk is also set to raise money for Blesma by cycling from Canada to Mexico.

He said Harry's message was 'insane' and he could not believe he was talking about him.

The former serviceman, from Taunton in Devon, joined 3rd Battalion, the Rifles, at the age of 21 before he was hit seven years
later by an improvised explosive device

It comes as Harry continues to face pressure over his immigration status in the US, where a think-tank has raised questions
over his drug use.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 108 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 329 of 634
Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute focused on public policy, is currently battling with the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) to get a copy of the Duke of Sussex's visa filings under the Freedom of Information Act.

A director at the think-tank and their lawyer told the immigration documents could expose a thorny diplomatic
issue: whether Harry declared his previous illegal drug use, and whether DHS officers gave him special treatment.

While applying for his residency permit, Harry had to fill out a form asking if he has ever used illegal drugs.

An answer of 'yes' often results in the application's denial, or a raft of extra hurdles that can even include drug tests and
interviews before getting a special waiver to allow a visa.

Harry admitted to taking cocaine, magic mushrooms and cannabis in his memoir, Spare, and in interviews.

The Heritage Foundation argues that means he either lied on his form – usually a surefire way to get kicked out of the country
– or DHS gave him a special waiver.

This episode of Car SOS will be repeated on National Geographic on Sunday at 7pm.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Automobiles (1AU45); Automotive (1AU29); Automotive Models (1AU61); Four Wheel Drive (1FO31); Land
Transportation (1LA43); Passenger Transportation (1PA35); Transportation (1TR48))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Asia (1AS61); Western Asia (1WE54))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Car SOS; Department of Homeland Security; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 981

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 109 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 330 of 634


Prince Harry may have to 'pack his bags and

move back home' as US urged to disclose visa
The Duke of Sussex has come under fire over his drug use with a Washington-based organisation demanding to kno
the details of his immigration status.

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

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Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) may have to "pack his bags" and head back to the UK, according to two royal
(/latest/royal-family) commentators. The comments come amid an uproar about the Duke's US (/latest/united-state
visa after he admitted to using drugs including cocaine, cannabis and psychedelics in the past.


Camilla caught breaking royal protocol in US detailed by Meghan and Harry must have 'cut off point' for RSVP -
snapper presenter
(/news/royal/1749263/camilla-royal-protocol-usa-arthur- (/news/royal/1749289/meghan-markle-prince-harry-
edwards-dxus) coronation-rsvp-dxus)

Harry may have run afoul of the United States' famously strict immigration laws with the admission of his drug use. A
conservative think tank called The Heritage Foundation is demanding to know the details of the Duke's US visa

"This might be illegal, he might have to pack his bags and move back home," said host of the Royally Us
( podcast Christina Garibaldi.

Co-host Christine Ross added: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry ( gets
deported, what a drama it would be. You know, this is true. When you apply for a visa you sort of have to prove that
you are a really upstanding citizen, that there's no chance you're going to be in any trouble in your new country.

"You do have to declare that you've never taken part in illegal substances. I do wonder how Prince Harry
( answered that question."

APP. C 111
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 332 of 634

Prince Harry has come under fire over his visa status in the US. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry is married to US citizen Meghan Markle and lives in California. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry brutally mocked again as author Prince Harry admitted his drug use in Spare
releases parody version of book: 'Spare Us!' (/news/royal/1717680/prince-harry-memoir-drugs-cocaine-
mushroom-royal-family-ont) and in several interviews includin
The Duke of Sussex's book Spare is being a live-streamed therapy session with trauma expert Dr Gabor
parodied in a spoof biography of Prince Harry Maté.
which promises to go "deep inside the castle
walls" and expose "every shouting match, fist- He said cocaine "didn't do anything" for him but lauded the us
fight, betrayal, teddy bear, awkward hug and tear- of marijuana and psychedelics (/news/royal/1742759/prince-
stained wedding rehearsal". harry-should-not-have-praised-class-a-ayahuasca-drug). He
In a clear mockery of the bestselling memoir, the claimed the latter helped him as a "cleaning of the windshield
upcoming work has been described in a press [and] removal of life's filters".
release as a "frostbite-and-all book", and is titled
Spare Us! A Harrody. Now, however, the Prince has come under fire for his
Read more HERE. comments. The right leaning Heritage Foundation is now
(/news/royal/1749518/prince-harry-mocked- arguing that US officials should release the details of his visa
spare-parody-version) application to make sure he was "properly vetted" before
entering the US.
APP. C 112
"This request isCase
in the1:23-cv-01198
public interest in light of the potential
Document revocation
1-9 Filed of Prince
05/01/23 Harry333 of 634
(’s visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the
Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States," Mike Howell, director of t
foundation’s Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail (

READ MORE: Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa after drug use admission (/news/royal/1749665/prince-

The Duke admitted to using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics. (Image: GETTY)

Of Meghan and Harry's children, Lili is already a US citizen while Archie is likely eligible. (Image: GETTY)


APP. C 113
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 334 of 634

Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

Those applying for US visas are typically asked about their past criminal history and drug use. Usually, visa
applications remain confidential under the Immigration and Nationality Act, but Prince Harry
('s admission could affect future applications.

In addition, if he lied on his application he could potentially be deported and barred from applying for US citizenship.
Although it's unknown what type of visa Harry holds, the Daily Mail previously reported that he likely has a spousal
visa or an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics" or
an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years, meaning Harry - who has lived in California for almost three years - ma
need to apply for another in the near future.

Prince Harry ('s wife, Meghan Markle

(, is a US citizen. His daughter, Princess Lilibet Diana, was born in
the United States granting her automatic US citizenship. Prince Archie Harrison is likely eligible for US citizenship
though Meghan.

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Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) Royal Family (/latest/royal-family) USA (/latest/united-states)

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Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

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March 24, 2023

Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law in deportation row
EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after
the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the past. spoke...

Adam Chapman

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the
past. spoke to a former Homeland Security Special Agent to cut through the noise.

Prince Harry has been given a stern warning that "there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal
Family from being truthful in their visa applications", as the row deepens over the Duke's recent admissions of past drug use.
Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is campaigning for the release of Harry's US visa application after the Duke
of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation
that can result in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

Speaking exclusively to, retired Department of Homeland Security Special Agent Kristofor Healey revealed
exactly what protocols Harry would have had to follow when he applied for citizenship and whether he thinks the Duke
breached them.

It's unclear what visa Harry was issued when he applied as that has not been publicly released.

Harry likely obtained a visa based on his marriage to Meghan Markle, Healey said

Given that the Duke's married to a US Citizen and has chosen to reside in the US, he is eligible to obtain some type of "immigrant
visa", the former DHS official explained.

READ MORE: 'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use

According to Healey, the bone of contention appears to refer to the section on the form under "Security and Background", which
specifically asks: "Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?"

While illegal drug use can absolutely be grounds for inadmissibility, applicants can also provide additional context on an
application that mitigates the issue, he explained.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 115 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 336 of 634
Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

"An individual could note that they had been in recovery for years or were no longer engaged in drug use at the time of the
application, for instance," Healey said, adding: "In that case, absent other issues with the application, the visa might still be

However, even if Harry concealed past drug use in his visa application, Healey thinks it's highly unlikely that the Duke's at
risk of having his visa status revoked.

"Unless a visa recipient is involved in other criminal activity, DHS doesn't typically move to investigate someone for visa fraud
or revoke their status," the former DHS agent explained.

He continued: "And while there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal Family from being truthful
in their visa applications, Harry would almost certainly be given the benefit of the doubt by anyone looking into the issue
based upon his notoriety and status.

"In short, he isn't a threat to national security or a likely criminal, which is the point of screening applicants in the first place."

While it is illegal to knowingly make a false claim in a visa application, and such false claims can be charged federally, Healey
said he rarely encountered this infraction during his time as a DHS agent.

"I investigated subjects for visa fraud many times in my career, but when we charged them, it was typically part of a larger
investigation in which the individual committed other crimes – money laundering, wire fraud, mail fraud – and used their visa
to enter and remain in the United States in furtherance of those crimes," he explained.

Healy added: "Regardless of the type of visa that he obtained, I highly doubt that DHS will open a criminal matter or try to
revoke his visa administratively.

"While it can be argued that Harry made a false claim if he failed to acknowledge past drug use on his application, it is unlikely
to be seen as material to his overall suitability to reside in the United States."

Regardless of the facts on the ground, the lawyer pushing for the release of Harry's visa application believes the public has
a right to know.

READ MORE: Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's 'somebody important'

"The Heritage Foundation is seriously concerned about migration policy, and the laws on the books being properly enforced.
That's what led to this," lawyer Samuel Dewey told

Dewey continued: "We had a concern that Prince Harry had preferential treatment because there are certain grounds for
inadmissibility into the country regardless of your visa applications; you can't come into the country without meeting certain
criteria and one of them relates to drug use."

The lawyer believes it's a matter of principle: "When you're talking about immigration it's often a zero sum game. If resources
were spent processing and giving a special favour to Prince Harry because of his status, they may have been taking away from
an applicant who didn't have any potential grounds for inadmissibility and has a very good case to come here."

---- Index References ----

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Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Financial Fraud (1FI18); Fraud (1FR30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 854

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 117 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 338 of 634


'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer

scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use
EXCLUSIVE: spoke exclusively to the lawyer pushing for the release of Prince Harry's visa application
after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the past.

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

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3rd parties based on our understandin
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A US lawyer is demanding the release of Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)'s visa application over concerns he was
given "preferential treatment" after recent admissions about drug (/latest/drugs) use. The Duke of Sussex, 38,
revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. The lawyer, taking on Washington officials on behalf of conservative think tank The Heritag
Foundation (, believes the public has a right to know whether Harry declared his past drug
use on his visa application.


Harry opens up to William on staff member's plot to Harry brutally mocked again as author releases parody
'sabotage' Meghan version of Spare
(/news/royal/1749470/prince-harry-prince-william- (/news/royal/1749518/prince-harry-mocked-spare-parod
sabotage-meghan-markle) version)

"The Heritage Foundation is seriously concerned about migration policy, and the laws on the books being properly
enforced. That's what led to this," lawyer Samuel Dewey ( told (/).

Dewey continued: "We had a concern that Prince Harry ( had
preferential treatment because there are certain grounds for inadmissibility into the country regardless of your visa
applications; you can't come into the country without meeting certain criteria and one of them relates to drug use."

US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation that can result
in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

The lawyer said the Heritage Foundation is agnostic over whether Harry should or shouldn't get a waiver based on t
facts, but it's a matter of principle that the truth comes out.

READ MORE: Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive blow: 'No exception for royalty'

APP. C 119
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 340 of 634

Campaign: Samuel Dewey is pushing for the release of Harry's visa over drug use admission (Image: Getty Images/SamuelDewey)

King Charles follows 'track record' to bring It's not known exactly what questions Harry was asked when
Harry and Meghan back into royal fold applying for his US visa, because it is not yet clear which visa h
The King is following a familiar footprint as he
battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan, the However, the question on the ESTA application which most UK
Duchess of Sussex in family events, a royal applicants would use is: "Have you ever violated any law relate
commentator has said. His Majesty had the Duke to possessing, using or distributing illegal drugs?"
and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list
for his Coronation, but the couple has yet to "We just want to know what happened because if improper
confirm whether they will attend.  treatment has been given that's a huge concern as it relates t
Find out more HERE. the enforcement of the law," Dewey said.
meghan-return-dxus) If it turns out that Harry was given preferential treatment, this
has ramifications that go beyond Harry's visa status, the lawye

Don't miss...
US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always in trouble' (/showbiz/tv-radio/1749556/Prince-Harry-
deported-America-drugs-Spare) [LATEST]
Harry opens up to William on staff member's plot to 'sabotage' Meghan (/news/royal/1749470/prince-harry-
prince-william-sabotage-meghan-markle) [LATEST]
Harry warned 'no exception for royalty' over US visa threat - lawyer (/news/royal/1749419/prince-harry-US-visa
drugs-dxus) [LATEST]

APP. C 120
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 341 of 634

Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

READ MORE "When you're talking about immigration it's often a zero sum game. If
resources were spent processing and giving a special favour to Prince Harry
( because of his status, they m
have been taking away from an applicant who didn't have any potential groun
for inadmissibility and has a very good case to come here," he said.

Besides legality, Americans have a right to know the truth, claims Dewey,
Prince Harry and Meghan delight
author of child bereavement book because it relates to what he calls the "American stance of fairness".
meghan-markle-mark-lemon-the- The lawyer explained: "We don't have royalty here but there's a sense of
magical-wood) unfairness in taking your hereditary title and using it very directly to profit
without engaging in public service."

How strong is the case?

Dewey says he has had "very productive conversations" with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Samuel Dewey: The lawyer claims 'public has a right to know' whether Harry got special treatment (Image: Samuel Dewey)
APP. C 121
been told by US Customs and Border
Document 1-9 Protection they Page
Filed 05/01/23 READ
of 634
won't produce records without a waiver from Prince Harry
( because it's private," the lawyer

However, Dewey believes Harry has forfeited his right to privacy by going
"enormously" out of his way to "put his stuff in the public spotlight".
Camilla 'not a vengeful person' and
is supportive of King, expert says
Secondly, the public interest argument is strong, the lawyer believes. (/news/royal/1749479/Camilla-
"Obviously there's a clear public interest here. Was Harry given preferential return-dxus)
treatment because of his status? That's a really important question," Dewey said, adding: "I can't say but the public
has a right to know".

The lawyer says he is "fully expecting" to have to go to federal court to get these documents "but we are prepared t
do that".

READ MORE: Prince Harry brutally mocked again as author releases parody version of book: 'Spare Us!'


US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always in Harry set for Coronation snub as Duke unlikely to wear
trouble' special robes
(/showbiz/tv-radio/1749556/Prince-Harry-deported- (/news/royal/1749644/prince-harry-news-coronation-
America-drugs-Spare) snub-robes)

APP. C 122
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 343 of 634

Admission: Harry revealed in his memoir that he had taken cocaine as a teen (Image: Getty Images)

Who is Sam Dewey?

Dewey specialises in white-collar investigations, including compliance and litigation, as well as complex public policy

The legal professional has served as the Senior Counsel in charge of Oversight & Investigations with the US House
Representatives Financial Services Committee, as Chief Investigator & Counsel with the US Senate Special
Committee on Aging, and as the Senior Advisor with the United States Agency for Global Media.

He has also worked for a number of private legal firms over the years, including Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and
McDermott, Will & Emery.

Dewey graduated from Brandeis University with a BA in Political Science in 2006. He proceeded to Georgetown
University Law Center in Washington DC, and earned his Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, in 2009. He was a Senior Editor of Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and an Executive Board
Member at Harvard Federalist Society.

In response to (/news/us)'s request for comment, the State Department said: "Visa records are
confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the
details of individual visa cases." (/news/us) has approached Harry's representatives for comment.

Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) Drugs (/latest/drugs)

APP. C 123
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 344 of 634
Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092

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2023 WLNR 10616092

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find Harry and Meghan 'annoying'
Ron DeSantis said he admired the Queen's "stoicism" but added
that he is a "little mixed" when it comes to younger royals.

Charlie Bradley,Catherine Meyer-Funnell,Lauren Welch

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are "annoying" to some Americans, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said.

Mr DeSantis is a high-profile figure in the US, and is likely to run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination ahead
of the 2024 election.

In an interview with Piers Morgan on TalkTV, Mr DeSantis compared the Queen to the younger generation of royals.

He said: "I really respected the Queen. I think she was really elegant. And I think her stoicism was really good."

More to follow...

Mr DeSantis then drew comparisons between the "younger generations" of Royals, saying it was a "little more mixed".

He added: "I mean that's just the reality."

The Florida governor then said that he had no view on the Sussexes.

But when quizzed further by Mr Morgan over whether Harry and Meghan were "annoying", he said: "I think for some they are."

He added: "I mean look, I'm not involved in that... But I think for some Americans they can be."

During another part of the interview, Mr DeSantis said he admired Winston Churchill and added that personal conduct matters.

This was seen as an apparent jibe at Donald Trump. The Republican figures have clashed in recent months as they prepare to
battle for the nomination.

22:42 Lauren Welch

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 124 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 345 of 634
Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the
past. spoke to a former Homeland Security Special Agent to cut through the noise.

Prince Harry has been given a stern warning that "there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal
Family from being truthful in their visa applications", as the row deepens over the Duke's recent admissions of past drug use.
Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is campaigning for the release of Harry's US visa application after the Duke
of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation
that can result in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.


22:32 Lauren Welch

Queen Rania of Jordan, 52, celebrated a family "Iftar" on the first day of Ramadan along with her husband, King Abdullah. An
"Iftar" is the first meal eaten after sunset during the holy month of Islam.

Queen Rania arrived at her family Iftar looking incredibly stunning. The Jordanian Queen wrote on Instagram: "Grateful to
be sharing Iftar on the first day of the holy month with people we love. From today's family Iftar." Rania accessorised with a
handbag that showed how much love she has for the country of Jordan.


21:38 Lauren Welch

The Duke and Duchess have not confirmed whether they will attend the Coronation, nor whether Archie and Lilibet have
received an invite.

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will likely need a babysitter if they attend King Charles III's Coronation.
While the couple is yet to confirm whether they plan to support King Charles III on May 6, their children are likely too young
to follow. The Sussex Prince and Princess are just three and one-and-a-half years old, respectively, and their attendance would
mark a departure from tradition.


20:59 Lauren Welch

The King and Queen Consort's planned state visit to France has been put off due to the violence that erupted this week.

The cancellation of the King's first overseas visit has been deemed an "embarrassment to France". Speaking of the visit, former
head of Royal Protection, Dai Davies claimed he has "never heard of" a visit cancellation before. The King and Queen Consort
were due to travel to France on Sunday, March 26.


20:33 Lauren Welch

The King was delivered the then-latest Land Rover, the Discovery 3, back in 2007.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 125 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 346 of 634
Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092

The royal Land Rover, previously owned by the then-Prince Charles, has been offered for sale at a motoring auction. The car,
which is currently on its third owner in Ilminster, has now racked up 117,816 miles. Whilst handling the sale, Collecting Cars
described the vehicle as "a handsome example of the Land Rover Discovery 3, with excellent documented royal provenance".


19:27 Lauren Welch

Prince William's two-day trip to Poland saw him visit British and Polish troops, Ukrainian refugees, the Polish President Andrzej
Duda and make a poignant visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, echoing Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's
in 1996. Longstanding royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams noted the significance of the trip lay with him "being the ideal
diplomat" to visit such a sensitive area.


19:03 Lauren Welch

The Palace has furiously denied rumours published by a French magazine the glamorous royal couple could be on the verge
of separating after nearly 12 years together.

Princess Charlene of Monaco has furiously denied the "malicious" rumours she and husband Prince Albert of Monaco are
divorcing as the Royal Family broke cover for the first time since the sensational claims emerged. Rumours about the couple's
marriage have been swirling across the internet after French magazine ROYAUTÉ claimed the prince and princess are in the
process of separation. But the Palace has furiously hit back at the claims and have "formally denied the malicious rumours
peddled by the magazine".


18:02 Lauren Welch

The Royal Family's approval rating has slumped to its lowest level in 12 months following the publication of Spare, the Duke
of Sussex's tell-all memoir.

Prince Harry's tell-all campaign has tarnished the reputation of the whole Royal Family in the eyes of the public, a devastating
new poll suggests. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's popularity has slumped to a new low following the release of the Duke's
memoir, Spare, and the controversial revelations the Duke has subsequently made about the Firm. But the latest Ipsos poll also
suggests that all senior royals' have been negatively affected by the fallout.


17:35 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's status as former senior members of the Firm will likely ensure their treatment at the King's
Coronation this spring.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been invited to the King's forthcoming Coronation in May. However, if the pair do accept
their invite, they are set to have a very different experience to other members of the Royal Family. The couple's Coronation will
be distinct from their non-official roles to the clothing they wear for the historic ceremony.

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Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092


16:55 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his memoir that he had previously experimented with a
number of illegal substances.

The Duke of Sussex is unlikey to see his his US visa revoked over his admission of past drug use as he is "somebody important"
and therefore probably struck a "special deal", a royal expert claims. It comes after critics are calling for his visa application
documents to be made public over concerns he lied on the forms.


16:19 Lauren Welch

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may be snubbed from making an appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony alongside
the Royal Family after the Coronation ceremony.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have received an invitation to King Charles III's Coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey
on May 6 but are yet to publicly confirm their attendance. As part of the festivities, the Royal Family are expected to make an
appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony, but should the Duke and Duchess of Sussex join them? Vote in our poll.

15:54 Lauren Welch

The Princess of Wales's iconic ring has a fascinating history that dates back centuries - but its day-to-day "routine" is something
the royals remain "tight-lipped" on.

It's been over a decade since Kate, Princess of Wales, and Prince William's engagement, but the dazzling 12-carat oval sapphire
engagement ring that marked the occasion remains a phenomenon. The iconic ring once belonged to William's late mother
Diana, Princess of Wales, which then-Prince Charles used to propose in the Eighties. It dates back to the 19th century, when
Prince Albert had a sapphire-and-diamond brooch created for his wife, Queen Victoria. It has been passed down through royal
generations ever since. However, while the history of the piece is well-known, its current usage remains quite private, with the
royals staying "tight-lipped about the day-to-day locations and routines regarding their jewellery," according to an expert.


15:31 Lauren Welch

The Duke of Sussex attacked his stepmother in his autobiography Spare, referring to her as "the villain" and the "third person
in the marriage".

Prince Harry may not have to pay homage to Queen Consort Camilla at the Coronation in May, as Buckingham Palace is still
hopeful the Sussexes will be there to witness King Charles be crowned. According to reports, Harry has been struggling with
the idea that Camilla will wear the crown that he believes should have been his mother's and that she will be anointed close to
where Diana's coffin had rested at Westminster Abbey.


15:07 Lauren Welch

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Good afternoon from London. I'm Lauren Welch and I'll be bringing you all the latest royal news today. If you have any points
or comments to make - please send my way!


Twitter: laurenmwelch

14:49 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

King Charles is planning on asking more members of the Royal Family to vacate their London accommodation as he plans to
let the houses out for profit, according to sources.

Some royals enjoy subisided accommodation in the capital, or their "London pads", but now Charles is King this is about to

The source told the Evening Standard of the eviction plans and said: "Properties will be let at commercial rates going forward
and to people outside the family. Where it is in a palace environment they will of course be security vetted."

The insider did not state what royals were at risk, or which London residences would be targeted.

Read the full story here

13:17 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Prince Harry could have a "serious problem" after he shared he took drugs while in the US, a royal correspondent said.

Under US immigration law, people who admitted to taking drugs are not eligible for visas.

But Harry is described in Spare smoking cannabis with Tyler Perry and taking magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's house,
all of which he claimed took place in America.

Now, royal journalist Robert Jobson has said that if Harry lied on his visa application, he could have a "really serious problem"

He said he found out "very early on" when he and photographer Arthur Edwards "had been filling out forms to go to America"
that drugs can bar you from entering the US.

"On it, it's pretty damn clear 'have you taken drugs' and all these things, and basically, if you have, you haven't got a prayer
of getting a visa," he said.

Read the full story here

12:35 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been warned that "America is waking up" to the Sussexes ahead of the release of a
spoof of Harry's book Spare, an expert has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, released his much-anticipated memoir in January and returned to TV screens with a series of high-
profile interviews.

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But the father-of-two looks set to be the butt of some more US-based jokes with Spare Us! A Harrody hitting the shelves on
April 1.

TalkTV's Royal Tea panel sat down to discuss how the couple could be impacted by the spoof book.

Royal photographer Arthur Edwards said: "It's better than the book that Harry wrote because I didn't enjoy that, seeing the way
he rubbished some of the people that work hard for this country. I thought that was outrageous."

Read the full story here

11:50 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Emmanuel Macron has come under fire after it was confirmed King Charles III's state visit to France would be postponed due
to violent protests across the country.

Generation Frexit leader, Charles-Henri Gallois told the move proves the French leader no longer has control
of the turmoil in his country.

He said: "It's a terrible sign for Macron. It means he does not have control of his country anymore. He can no longer pretend
it's business as usual."

Fellow researcher at the Henry Jackson Society Dr Helena Ivanov also told this website President Macron will not be seen in
a favourable light at home and internationally after this decision.

Read the full story here

10:21 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Russian propagandists have seized on Prince William's trip to Poland as an opportunity to further escalate tensions with the West.

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian foreign ministry, cited an unfortunately-worded article on the historic visit
to imply that British troops were not only supporting Ukrainians, but were actively involved in the fighting.

Ms Zakharova quoted from an article on Tatler magazine's website, which described William visiting "British and Polish troops
involved in the war in Ukraine".

She claimed this statement "completely dispels any doubts, if anyone has them, whether Britain and Poland are involved parties."

Read the full story here

09:47 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles on May 6 at Westminster Abbey, the Cosmati pavement, generally closed off from
the public, will be part of a guided barefoot tour allowing visitors to stand on the exact spot where Charles will be crowned.

One of the country's medieval art treasures, the mosaic dates back to the 13th century, with kings and queens being crowned
on it for over 700 years.

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The mosaic is normally covered with carpet for the ceremony, but this time it will be left uncovered.

Anyone visiting the artwork will be asked to walk in socks to help protect the geometric patterns of marble, stone, glass and
metal, with tourist groups to be kept to a maximum of 10 at a time.

Read the full story here

08:34 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Most Britons would "be delighted" if Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stayed home for the Coronation, claims one royal

A recent survey found that one in five Britons said they were "less likely" to watch the event if the Sussexes attended.

Although the couple has been invited, its unclear if they will attend and reports have surfaced that Meghan and Harry are locked
in negotiations with the Palace over their role during the event.

"I think, certainly in the UK, most people will be delighted if they don't turn up...there will be boos like you've never heard,
they are so badly regarded now," claimed royal biographer Angela Levin on Sky News Australia.

The comments come as a survey by showed that a number of viewers would switch off if the Sussexes
do attend.

Read the full story here

07:28 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

While Meghan Markle chose a British-based designer, Clare Waight Keller, to design her wedding dress in a nod to what was
meant to be her new home, Princess Eugenie made a different decision for her bridal gown.

The Princess of York's wedding dress was created by two designers, one Austrian-Italian and the other Belgian-Peruvian.

Traditionally, UK royals have worn wedding designs by British brands.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex tied the knot on May 19, 2018, and royal fans eagerly anticipated the gown that Meghan
would wear.

Read the full story here

07:11 Charlie Bradley

Good morning, we will be bringing you all the latest Royal Family news throughout the day.

---- Index References ----

Company: The Henry Jackson Society; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

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News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Arab States (1AR46); CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe
(1EA48); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); Florida (1FL79); France (1FR23); Jordan (1JO78);
Mediterranean (1ME20); Middle East (1MI23); North America (1NO39); Poland (1PO03); U.S. Southeast Region (1SO88);
USA (1US73); Ukraine (1UK09); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Henry Jackson Society; Heritage Foundation) (Americans; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 2625

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Call to make Harry'svisa forms public, 2023 WLNR 10297276

3/22/23 Daily Mirror (U.K.) 25

2023 WLNR 10297276

Daily Mirror (UK)

Copyright © 2023 MGN Ltd.

March 22, 2023

Section: News

Call to make Harry's visa forms public


PRINCE Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application made public, after admitting drug use.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, admitted in his autobiography Spare to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

America's Heritage Foundation is behind the calls for Harry's visa application to be released.

The think-tank's director Mike Howell said it was in the public interest, as the admission meant the visa could be revoked.

It also raised questions of whether Harry was "properly vetted" before entering the US, he said.

Hundreds of people have US bans due to drug use. The US State Department said it could not discuss individual visa cases.

---- Index References ----

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation; US State Department) (PRINCE Harry)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 107

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Coke use may be a visa blow for Harry, 2023 WLNR 10406658

3/23/23 Mercury (Hobart, Austl.) 39

2023 WLNR 10406658

Mercury, The (Hobart, Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

March 23, 2023

Section: World

Coke use may be a visa blow for Harry

LOS ANGELES: Prince Harry is facing questions over whether he lied to enter the US after admitting to illegal drug use in
his memoir Spare; with a government oversight group launching a new legal challenge over his visa application.

While it is unknown which immigration visa Prince Harry used to enter the US, his revelations of cocaine, magic mushroom
and marijuana use could put his legal status in the country at risk if it was not declared to Homeland Security.

The new challenge to Harry's immigration status comes as he considers attending the King's coronation in the UK, placing his
visa under additional scrutiny on a subsequent re-entry to the US.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative American think tank, said it had launched a legal dispute over the US State
Department's refusal to release details of Harry's visa application.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said Harry either lied on his application, which can be
rejected over drug use, or he received special treatment as a royal and celebrity, which would be illegal.

A US State Department spokesman said visa records were confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality

"Therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases," the spokesman said in an emailed statement.

Eyebrows were raised over Harry's legal status in the US after the release of Spare in January, and the subsequent media
blitz that mined the depths of his drug use. He admitted to using cocaine from the age of 17, taking magic mushrooms at a
celebrity party in California and smoking marijuana after his first date with Meghan Markle in 2016. Harry's memoir and
public comments have been sent as a dossier by Mr Howell to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border
Protection, and the US Citizenship Immigration Services as part of his bid to view Harry's visa application under freedom
of information laws.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

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News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Corporate Events (1CR05); Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; US Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services; Heritage
Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Edition: Hobart

Word Count: 319

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 356 of 634
Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next..., 2023 WLNR 10567800

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10567800

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next election, suggests royal expert
EXCLUSIVE: The Duke of Sussex will likely remain safe in the
US as long as a Democrat is in power, a royal expert has said.

Rosie Jempson

Prince Harry has been warned that he could be at risk of having his US visa revoked if Republicans win the next election, a
royal expert claims. The Duke of Sussex, 38, has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking a list of illegal substances in
his memoir, Spare, and in recent interviews, which officials have warned could jeopardise his visa status in the UK.

Royal expert Richard Palmer spoke to Daily Express about the likelihood of Harry's visa being revoked.

Reporter Pandora Forsyth asked Palmer if he felt there was any possibility of this happening, noting Harry's revelations of
drug use.

He replied: "The US visa does have quite a strict no-drugs policy.

"What I do know to apply for a visa last year, the visa questionnaire runs to around 100 questions and they are very detailed
about it."

Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the American taxpayer
can understand whether the Duke declared his drug use.

Prince William's Poland trip savagely mocked by Russia as they give him insulting nicknamePrince William has been given a
cruel nickname by Vladimir Putin as the future King made an unexpected visit to the Polish-Ukrainian border this week. The
Russian leader's foreign ministry belittled the prince as merely being the "son of Charles", and have tried to use the opportunity
to heighten tensions with the West, however the prince has been welcomed warmly on his trip by both Polish and Ukrainian

Read more HERE.

US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation that can result in
deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

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Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next..., 2023 WLNR 10567800

"It's not quite clear on what terms he is residing in the US at the moment but this group is saying he should basically be kicked
out because he has admitted to being a drug user," Palmer noted.

"Is that going to happen in the near future? I very much doubt it.

"Not least because we have a Democrat president in charge."

READ MORE: Meghan left options open for blog relaunch before marrying Harry

He added: "But this particular group has been quite influential in the past. Particularly, I believe, when Ronald Reagan was
President. I think he essentially followed its programme in the first few years he was president."So if the Republicans win the
next election, perhaps this becomes more likely."

The right-wing think tank is arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince's application so Americans can see
whether or not he was "properly vetted" before being allowed to enter the country.

Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

Harry admitted to using a range of substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine in his memoir Spare.

He wrote that he first took cocaine at the age of 17. He also said his use of marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with
past trauma.

Palmer said the call for Harry's visa to potentially be revoked, is "more evidence of the political divide in the US over this

He added: "How they have become a touch paper of political differences between liberals, who are generally in favour and
conservatives who really don't like them."

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Campaigns & Elections (1CA25); Crime (1CR87); Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Global Politics
(1GL73); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Public Affairs (1PU31); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); World Elections (1WO93))

Region: (CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Poland (1PO03); Ukraine

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Republicans; Daily Express) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 564

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10457163

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as 'everything for sale
A royal columnist says the Prince and Princess of Wales are "terrified" of
giving Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, any information about...

Richard Ashmore,Alice Scarsi,Liam Doyle

A royal columnist says the Prince and Princess of Wales are "terrified" of giving Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex,
any information about the Coronation for fear of it being "for sale".

Kate, the Princess of Wales, and Prince William "won't tell anything" to the Sussexes about the upcoming Coronation plans
because of fears "everything's for sale" when it comes to the Royal Family, a commentator has claimed. News Corp columnist
Louise Roberts says everyone close to Prince Harry and Meghan is "terrified" given every indiscretion or every "aside comment"
could be magnified for an American audience in order for the pair to make a profit.

Talking to Sky News Australia, Ms Roberts spoke about King Charles III's upcoming Coronation and discussion around recent
issues relating to the Sussexes. She claimed Harry and Meghan are becoming "increasingly more outrageous in their claims". She
said: "Who knows what they'll say after they leave the UK and go back to America after the Coronation. But the problem is that
anyone who could be close to them, for example, William and Kate, won't tell them anything. Everyone's terrified, everything's
for sale, every indiscretion or every aside comment could be magnified for an American audience in order to get them a profit."


22:45 Liam Doyle

An old clip reportedly shows the Duchess of Sussex in a "wobble" with a studio audience.

The then future royal, who was working as an actress at the time and writing for her now defunct blog The Tig, discussed her
experiences and shared her knowledge of the industry.

Body language expert Judi James said that, after the pause and "no-questions wobble", the Duchess is quick to rebuild her brand.

Ms James said: "Meghan very deftly re-builds her brand via some name and event-dropping that puts her squarely back in A-
list status again after the no-questions wobble,"

Read more here

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21:59 Liam Doyle

Senior royals have experienced a popularity sink in the months following the release of Spare.

Approval ratings in the Royal Family's upper ranks have sunk to their lowest level in a year after the Duke of Sussex released
his tell-all memoir, pollsters have found.

A survey conducted by Ipsos discovered that no senior royal was left untouched, with even the most popular, Prince William,
having slipped 10 percent since December to 59 points.

The Princess Royal and Princess of Wales saw their popularity drop by seven and 11 points respectively.

The Royal family's overall approval has slipped to 47 percent, down six percent over the last 12 months.

21:09 Liam Doyle

Prince Harry could be "kicked out" of the US by Republicans if they retake the presidency in 2024, an expert has claimed.

Conservatives in the US are less than enthused about the Prince's admitted experimentation with drugs, with the Heritage
Foundation calling for his vis application to be released.

Daily Express royal editor Richard Palmer said he is not likely to get "kicked out" any day soon, "not least", he said, because
the country currently has a Democrat president.

He suggested that might change if a Republican takes President Joe Biden's place following the next election cycle in 2024.

Mr Palmer said the Heritage Foundation was "quite influential" during the Ronald Reagan presidency.

He said the President "essentially followed its programme in the first few years he was president".

Mr Palmer concluded: "If the Republicans win the next election perhaps [the Heritage Foundation getting their way] becomes
more likely."

Read more here

19:20 Liam Doyle

Prince Harry is likely "in the clear" over his US visa, a royal expert has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex has come under fire fir admitting that he has used cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics, including

While a conservative group has called for his application to be rejected, royal expert Rupert Bell said he is likely in the clear
on this front due to a lack of criminal charges.

He said: "He hasn't had any criminal charges against him for taking drugs so therefore he's probably in the clear from that

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He conceded that his admitted drug experimentation is "not a good look for him in any sense of the imagination".

He added: "What he was up to and some of the stuff he comes up with regarding what drugs are helping him cope with his
mental health issues."

Read more here

17:37 Liam Doyle

Blackadder and Time Team star Tony Robinson has revealed his early thoughts on King Charles III.

The actor and presenter has said that, while he is impressed by the King's record and his mother's service, he once thought he
was a "bit of a twit".

He told Jane Garvey and Fi Glover on Times Radio's Off Air podcast that he was a former republican whose stance on the
monarchy has softened after years of watching the royals work.

He told the presenters people have given "man of integrity" Charles "so much stick" over the years.

Mr Robinson said the King's early passions and outspoken championship of the environment seemed early on like a "mad old
man talking to trees".

He added: "And now, an awful lot of what he said was profoundly prescient.

"And although I don't necessarily agree with him about modernist architecture, nevertheless, he was continually looking at the
world around him."

Read more here

16:44 Liam Doyle

Prince William was spotted dining at an LGBT restaurant in Poland during his royal tour, offering a stark comparison to his
brother's high-flying life in the US.

The Prince joined staff at the Butero Bistro in Warsaw today, where meals on offer cost less than £10, as he toured the country
while proffering the UK's thanks for sending troops to Ukraine.

He opted for a Kanapka w chalce, a type of pulled pork sandwich costing just £7.37, and sat down with staffers, delighting locals.

One, posting a picture on social media, said that "Warsaw can surprise".

They added: "I ate dinner today with the Prince."

Prince Harry, on the other hand, was most recently pictured with his wife, Meghan Markle at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly
Hills Hotel.

The high-profile location is known for its extravagance, and offers an $85 , seafood risotto, 4oz wagyu steak for $190 and an
ounce of Imperial caviar for $290 .

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Read more here.

15:37 Liam Doyle

Princess Eugenie has a network of Hollywood friends with whom she can "party", a royal expert has said.

Speaking to, Nick Ede, a TV presenter, said Eugenie's recent debut in LA has fuelled rumours she is considering
a move stateside.

Mr Ede said she is already ingratiated with Hollywood celebrities.

He first brought up her mother's connections, stating Fergie is "big friends with Lisa Marie Presley".

The Princess and her sister Beatrice are thought to be friends with Karlie Kloss, the US supermodel who married Josh Kushner,
the brother of Donald Trump's former son-in-law and adviser.

Other friends of Eugenie in the Hollywood elite include Demi Moore, who attended her 2018 wedding to Jack Brooksbank.

Liv Tyler, the actress who portrayed Arwen in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film series, is also reportedly a friend.

Royals like the Princess who spend less time in the public eye are free to "have fun and party" with these friends, Mr Ede added.

Read more here

15:23 Alice Scarsi

Meghan should have warned Prince Harry that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer
has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana.

Now the Duke has been warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Conservative activists in the US are pushing for Harry'svisa application to be made public as the future of his visa status
looks uncertain.

Royal biographer Angela Levin claimed Meghan should have done more to prevent her husband from speaking out on the matter.

Speaking to GB News' Dan Wootton, she said: "I don't understand why his wife didn't warn him."

Read the full story here

14:22 Alice Scarsi

The Princess of Wales is a proud mother-of-three, with Prince Louis being her youngest child.

The three young royals are often kept out of the spotlight with some occasional royal appearances scheduled.

The four-year-old has shared some special moments with his mother whilst out on royal engagements.

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163 took a look at some of those special mother-and-son moments.

See them here

14:02 Alice Scarsi

Prince William had a meal at an LGBTQ+ restaurant last night, a move which was seen by a local as a "valuable" gesture of
support for the community amid the crackdown on its rights it is experiencing in Poland.

The Prince of Wales amazed fellow diners as he was spotted at the Butero Bistro in Warsaw on his first evening in Poland.

Read the full story here

12:49 Alice Scarsi

A left-wing French politician has issued a warning to King Charles ahead of his visit to Paris on Sunday.

The King and Camilla, Queen Consort, are planning a three-day State Visit to France before moving on to Germany.

But Paris has been plagued with night-time riots and protests after President Emmanuel Macron decided to raise the retirement
age from 62 to 64 without a parliamentary vote - and millions are set to gather next week.

A lavish banquet was due to take place on Monday at the Palace of Versailles - with the event aimed at being the highlight of
the monarch's trip to France. However, it is believed to have been moved.

Jean-Luc Melenchon, a regular presidential candidate and leader of the France Unbowed party, warned Charles that "it's not
the right time" for a State Visit.

Read the full story here

11:54 Alice Scarsi

Prince William confirmed through his spokesman Poland's President Duda and his wife have been invited to the Coronation
of King Charles - and will be in attendance.

The prince's spokesman, speaking after William met President Duda in Warsaw, said: "The Prince said he was very much looking
forward to seeing the President and first lady at the Coronation. He also thanked him for attending the late Queen's funeral."

Read more here

11:20 Alice Scarsi

The King is following a familiar footprint as he battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan in family events, a royal commentator
has said.

His Majesty had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list for his Coronation, but the couple has yet to confirm
whether they will attend.

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

Author Gareth Russell said the invite should not come as a surprise as the King has a "track record" for trying to broker deals
between feuding sides of the Royal Family.

Read the full story here

10:31 Alice Scarsi

Prince William is continuing his trip to Poland. This morning, he stepped out in Warsaw to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier.

This floral arrangement featured the white feathers of the Prince of Wales and was first used by William in November, when
he attended for the first time in his new royal role the National Service of Remembrance.

The wreath also included a message penned by the royal, which read: "In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice".

The heir to the throne echoed his grandparents Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, who in 1996 visited the site and also laid
a wreath to pay tribute to the fallen.

Read the full story here

08:59 Alice Scarsi

Prince Philip once "terrified" Secret Service agents protecting Barack Obama on a state visit to the UK.

The late Duke of Edinburgh, never one to shy away from fun and good humour, asked Mr Obama, his wife Michelle and their
security detail to pile into his Range Rover.

It was the only time the Democrat president and First Lady were driven by someone other than security detail while working.

Read the full story here

08:15 Alice Scarsi

Sarah Ferguson, while promoting her upcoming novel A Most Intriguing Lady, spoke to Access Hollywood where she was
asked about her "favourite guilty junk food pleasure".

Royal fans pointed out Sarah's choice wasn't the usual "ice cream or chocolate" most people name when speaking about junk

Sarah told the reporter: "OK, ready? Baked potato."

The reporter asked: "What do you put on it? Do you do the bacon, the sour cream, the butter?"

The Duchess nodded and said: "Butter." But then, Sarah shocked the reporter by saying "mayonnaise".

The reporter sounded surprised and added: "Mayonnaise? On your baked potato?" Fergie simply said: "Yeah, yeah! Mayonnaise,
butter, cheese, and really crispy skin."

Read the full story here

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

07:35 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may still have "plenty of time" before they need to confirm whether they will travel across
the Atlantic to attend the Coronation of King Charles, an expert said.

Dr George Gross, visiting research fellow in Theology at King's College London, said that, unless the official invitations sent
presented a set RSVP deadline after which guests can no longer express their wish to attend, Meghan and Prince Harry don't
need to be in a hurry to make up their mind about heading to Westminster Abbey for the historic event.

He told "In a bygone era, if we're going back to the Tudors and the Stewards, if you received a summons to
the Coronation, attendance wasn't optional, you couldn't say 'I'm not free', you'd attend. But obviously in the 20th and 21st
century, things have been different.

"Given that we don't really know that all the formal invitations have gone out yet, I think they've still got plenty of time."

Read the full story here

07:30 Alice Scarsi

Good morning from London. I'm Alice Scarsi, I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please feel
free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Motion Pictures (1MO51))

Region: (Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); France (1FR23);
Mediterranean (1ME20); Poland (1PO03); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Sky News Australia; National Service of Remembrance; Secret Service; Daily Express; King's College
London; Access Hollywood; Heritage Foundation; GB News') (Kate; Prince Harry; Sussexes)

Word Count: 2350

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King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and..., 2023 WLNR 10478884

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10478884

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March 23, 2023

King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and Meghan back into royal fold
The King has extended Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of
Sussex an olive branch by inviting the couple to his Coronation.

Aurora Bosotti

The King is following a familiar footprint as he battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex in family
events, a royal commentator has said. His Majesty had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list for his Coronation,
but the couple has yet to confirm whether they will attend. Author Gareth Russell said the invite should not come as a surprise
as the King has a "track record" for trying to broker deals between feuding sides of the Royal Family.

Speaking to US Weekly, Russell said: "This has been a recurring theme in his life, actually. I found out that in the late 1960s,
and early 1970s, when Charles was still pretty young, he was one of the only members of the Royal Family who was prepared
to go over to Paris to visit his great-uncle, Edward VIII, and Wallis Simpson.

"He said to the Queen Mother and to the Queen, 'I think we should try to build bridges between this side of the family."

"He thought his great-uncle and aunt should be brought back into the fold a bit.

"So there is a past track record of Charles doing things like this and, in that sense, it tracks as consistent with what we know
of him as a person."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt' after US visa threatPrince Harry's drug use could "come back and
bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US visa row, a royal commentator has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh
scrutiny after a request was submitted to release his visa application.

Find out more HERE.

Following his abdication in 1936, Edward VIII moved to France and quickly married his long-time lover, Wallis Simpson.

The former king took on the title of Duke of Windsor and spent the majority of the rest of his life in de facto exile abroad.

The couple did briefly return to the UK on several occasions over the decades, but never quite reconciled with the Royal Family.

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King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and..., 2023 WLNR 10478884

Russell argued the Coronation invitation could also prove to be a wise PR move from the King.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry 'should stay away' from Coronation – YOU VOTED

Speaking to the Royally US podcast, he added: "I also think you catch more with honey than vinegar. If one side, rightly or
wrongly, is perceived as being the side that complains and has had a real run of publicity, of interviews that are stating the same
thing then a very sensible PR move is for you to say nothing.

"Or when you say something, to say something positive so I think it's a mixture of personal and pragmatism that has prompted
him to do that."

A spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said earlier this month the couple would not yet confirm if they will be
returning to the UK to attend the Coronation.

It has since emerged Harry and Meghan made a series of demands for the Palace to meet before they guarantee they will attend.

Among the alleged requests is for them to appear alongside the rest of the Royal Family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace
following the ceremony.

But the King has been tipped to follow in the footsteps of the late Queen and limit the traditional outing to only his direct heir,
Prince William, and his family.

During Her late Majesty's last appearance at the Palace, she only had then-Prince Charles with his wife Camilla, the then Duke
and Duchess of Cambridge, and their three children.

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News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (King; Prince Harry; Meghan)

Word Count: 633

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 368 of 634
Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about..., 2023 WLNR 10502172

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March 23, 2023

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa risk
A Prince Harry biographer lashed out at Meghan Markle for not
warning the Duke about his past drug use putting his US visa at risk.

Dylan Donnelly

Meghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal
biographer has said. In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now
the Duke has been warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Conservative activists in the US are pushing for Harry's visa application to be made public as the future of his visa status
looks uncertain.

Royal biographer Angela Levin says Meghan should have done more to prevent her husband from speaking out on the matter.

Speaking to GB News' Dan Wootton, she said: "I don't understand why his wife didn't warn him."

The royal expert added: "He talked to her about everything he was going to say. She is in charge as we both know.

Prince Harry's Coronation 'request' questioned as Duke missed Archie's birthday last yearRoyal fans have taken to Twitter to
point out Prince Harry wasn't at home for the whole day when Prince Archie Harrison turned three in May 2022.

This comes after it was claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have asked for the fourth birthday of their son, which falls on
the day of King Charles's Coronation, to be acknowledged in some way before they decide whether to attend the historic event.

Read more HERE.

"She didn't say 'be careful, because if you talk too much about the drugs, you might be in trouble'.

"Why she left him alone on this, I feel quite concerned about.

"The mental health guru who was talking to him should have said beforehand, 'don't talk about the drugs'.

"He made his life extremely difficult."

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READ MORE: Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' at Coronation

According to the US' immigration law, people who have admitted to drug offences are not eligible for a visa.

In Spare, and in interviews promoting the book, Harry admitted to using cocaine as a teenager.

The royal described trying the drug at a hunting weekend party in order to feel something different, and also told ITV's Tom
Brady that it was "important to acknowledge" his use of the Class A drug.

Following Harry's drug claims, the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation called for his visa application to be released so
American taxpayers can see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

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Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Pharmaceuticals &
Biotechnology (1PH13); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation; GB News') (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 492

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 370 of 634
Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S., 2023 WLNR 10570806

3/23/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10570806

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S.

Prince Harry , Duke of Sussex, could face losing his U.S. immigration status , being deported from the country and losing his
visa . An immigration lawyer has filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of the prince's current visa.

The lawsuit is based on the revelation in his autobiographical book "Spare" of Harry's drug use , which legal experts say could
have been grounds for denying him a visa.

Uganda passes anti-LGBTQ law: up to 20 years in prison and death penaltyFormer Puerto Rico mayor convicted of receiving
bribes and extortion

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative association, has demanded that Prince Harry's U.S. visa application be made public .
Mike Howell, the organization's director of Oversight, argues that publication of the visa application is in the public interest
and could help taxpayers understand whether the prince declared his drug use.

Adding to that, there are concerns about whether Harry was properly vetted before entering the United States.

It is unclear whether the Department of Homeland Security complied with the law by admitting Prince Harry into the country
without a waiver or interview with Customs and Border Protection to assess whether, given his background, he was admissible
to the United States.

U.S. immigration policies have strict laws and severe penalties for those who lie to officials. Many British citizens have been
banned from entering the United States because of their drug abuse.

The Heritage Foundation argues that if immigration officials knew about Harry's drug use, his case raises questions about
whether he received special treatment because of his royal status and his wife's celebrity status, which they insist would be
illegal .

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the United States in March 2020 and have since resided at their home in Montecito,
California, with their two young children.

Prince Harry breaks silence, devastated to leave office

---- Index References ----

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Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S., 2023 WLNR 10570806


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; Customs and Border Protection; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Mundo)

Word Count: 282

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Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

3/22/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 22, 2023

Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

Redacción PERÚ21

Although Prince Harry wrote his memoirs with honesty, one would not expect it to get such a bad reception. In addition to
having earned the criticism of war veterans, now his own U.S. visa could be denied, after he admitted in the book "Spare" to
having used drugs.

According to statements given to the Daily Mail by expert lawyers on the subject, the fact that she is royalty does not exempt
her from losing her visa, should her statements prove to be true. In the book she explained that she had used cocaine, cannabis
and magic mushrooms, mainly to deal with her emotional problems.

Following his statements, he has been asked to publish his U.S. visa application to confirm whether he admitted to drug use
before immigrating to California in 2020.

According to the words given by the Heritage Foundation, his visa application would have to be accessible for the American
taxpayer to come to understand whether Harry declared his drug use. American immigration law tends to be incredibly harsh
in the immigration process; lying to officials carries penalties such as deportation or a ban on applying for citizenship.

LOOK: Prince Harry is criticized after being found to have killed 25 Taliban in military service

In the words of former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani, "Admission of drug use is generally grounds for inadmissibility.
That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs. There is no exception for recreational use."

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, clarified, "This request is in the public interest in light
of the possible revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions about the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

The Heritage Foundation suggests that if border officials knew about the issue, it raises a big question: Was Harry free of any
penalties just because he was a royal? If that were true, the same officials would end up fined.

But it is complicated to know the situation because it is not even known what kind of visa he received, according to the Daily
Mail. Generally, the question U.K. tourists receive when applying for a visa through the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel
Authorization) application is "Have you ever broken any laws relating to the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs?"

So far, no further details are available due to the U.S. State Department's confidentiality regarding individual visa cases.

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Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

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Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Daily Mail; U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 423

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 374 of 634
Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing..., 2023 WLNR 10664947

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10664947

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing he took drugs on US soil
Prince Harry described taking drugs in the US in his tell-all memoir Spare,
prompting headlines but also questions about the Duke's visa, which an ...

Dylan Donnelly

Prince Harry described taking drugs in the US in his tell-all memoir Spare, prompting headlines but also questions about the
Duke's visa, which an expert has addressed.

Prince Harry could have a "serious problem" after he shared he took drugs while in the US, a royal correspondent said. Under
US immigration law, people who admitted to taking drugs are not eligible for visas.

But Harry is described in Spare smoking cannabis with Tyler Perry and taking magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's house,
all of which he claimed took place in America.

Now, royal journalist Robert Jobson has said that if Harry lied on his visa application, he could have a "really serious problem"

He said he found out "very early on" when he and photographer Arthur Edwards "had been filling out forms to go to America"
that drugs can bar you from entering the US.

"On it, it's pretty damn clear 'have you taken drugs' and all these things, and basically, if you have, you haven't got a prayer
of getting a visa," he said.

TalkTV's Sarah Hewson then suggested that either Harry has "lied or he's been given special treatment".

Jobson then told the broadcaster: "If he's lied on the form that would be a really serious problem for him.

"We know he's the husband of an American citizen and that's fine but you know he's gone public with saying he's taken all this
stuff, and he can say 'well I haven't done it since' but €¦"

After Hewson and commentator Emily Andrews noted Harry admitting to taking drugs in America, Jobson added: "There's
not been an awful lot of thought gone into this, but the fact is that if that form has been signed and he's lied on it, he has got
a problem."

READ MORE: Florida boss admits Americans find Harry and Meghan 'annoying'

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Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing..., 2023 WLNR 10664947

Conservatives in America have pushed for Harry's visa application to be made public.

According to the US' immigration law, people who have admitted to drug offences are not eligible for a visa.

In Spare, and in interviews promoting the book, Harry admitted to using cocaine as a teenager.

The royal described trying the drug at a hunting weekend party in order to feel something different, and also told ITV's Tom
Brady that it was "important to acknowledge" his use of drugs.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Region: (Americas (1AM92))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 402

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 376 of 634
Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's..., 2023 WLNR 10703255

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10703255

Express Online (UK)

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March 24, 2023

Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's 'somebody important'
Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his
memoir that he had previously experimented with a number of illegal substan...

Rosie Jempson

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his memoir that he had previously experimented with a
number of illegal substances.

The Duke of Sussex is unlikely to see his US visa revoked over his admission of past drug use as he is "somebody important"
and therefore probably struck a "special deal", a royal expert claims. It comes after critics are calling for his visa application
documents to be made public over concerns he lied on the forms.

A top lawyer has warned Harry that there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to an admission of drug use, which is
usually grounds for inadmissibility of a US visa.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani said: "That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because
he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs."

However, royal photographer Arthur Edwards disagrees with this assessment, suggesting that Harry won't need to worry unless
a state department official says it is a problem.

He explained: "I think the fact a lawyer said it, is all you need to know. I think when someone in the state department says
it, you've got to worry.

Five ways Prince Harry and Meghan will be treated different to other royals at CoronationPrince Harry and Meghan Markle
have been invited to the King's forthcoming Coronation in May.

If the pair do accept their invite, they are set to have a very different experience to other members of the Royal Family.

Here are the five ways Harry and Meghan will be treated differently from other royals at the Coronation.

"I think Harry's going to be safe here. It's not going to be a problem."

He said this is because Harry is "somebody important".

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Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's..., 2023 WLNR 10703255

Edwards added: "He'll have had a special deal done, I'm sure. After all, he was a prince of the realm here.

"He's somebody important here and he would be treated like that."

He reiterated: "And a lawyer said it, that's a lawyer talking. But it's when it's someone from the state department says it, that's
when you need to worry."

READ MORE: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex avoids '4pm slump' with a healthy recipe

The Duke's past drug use came under the spotlight after right-wing Heritage Foundation launched a campaign to pressure
authorities into releasing details of Harry's original visa application.

Harry is taking heat as a result of the campaign, with royal editor Robert Jobson, telling TalkTV: "If he's lied on the forms,
that will be a very serious problem for him.

"We know he's the husband of an American citizen and that's fine but he's gone public saying he's taken all this stuff.."

Royal commentator Emily Andrews cut in: "And he said he's done it in America as well - at Courtney Cox's house. And smoking
cannabis while he was at Tyler Perry's house."

Mr Jobson replied: "It's not great. You know, there's not been an awful lot of thought gone into this but the fact is, if that form
has been signed and he's lied, he has got a problem."

There has so far been no public comment made by American officials over whether the Duke's visa could be revoked.

Speaking to renowned therapist Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month, Harry said he started taking drugs "recreationally"
to handle his traumas and "pains of the past."

The Duke said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time."

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Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 624

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 379 of 634
Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

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March 23, 2023

Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not a good look' in America
Prince Harry is facing scrutiny from a US-based conservative think-tank
that's demanding the release of his visa application following the Duke's a...

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry is facing scrutiny from a US-based conservative think-tank that's demanding the release of his visa application
following the Duke's admission of past drug use.

Prince Harry is likely "in the clear" over his US visa, however, his drug use is "not a good look", according to a royal
commentator. The Duke has come under fire for admitting to using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics and one conservative
group is demanding to see his visa application to make sure the Prince was "properly vetted".

The demand has sparked uproar with many speculating Prince Harry might be deported, however, royal expert Rupert Bell
isn't so sure.

"He hasn't had any criminal charges against him for taking drugs so therefore he's probably in the clear from that respect,"
said Mr Bell.

He added: "Look, it's not a good look for him in any sense of the imagination what he was up to and some of the stuff he comes
up with regarding what drugs are helping him cope with his mental health issues."

However, Mr Bell argued that alone was likely not enough for Harry's next US visa application to be denied, something which
would see the California-based Prince sent back to Britain.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

Speaking on TalkTV, Mr Bell said: "In terms of his status in the States, I can't see that being changed. Now, clearly, some
people might say 'You're taking it absolutely by the letter of the law' [and] he may have made a mistake but actually I don't
think that the law will be upheld."

The uproar over Prince Harry's visa emerged as the conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation demanded that the US
Government reveal the Duke's application.

"This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States," Mike
Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project told the Daily Mail.

Prince Harry admitted to taking cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics in his memoir Spare and several TV interviews including
a livestreamed therapy session with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

Dr Mat&eacute; is an outspoken proponent of decriminalising drugs and has used the Amazonian hallucinogen ayahuasca to
treat patients suffering from mental health issues.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry must have 'cut off point' for RSVP - presenter

During his session with Harry, the Duke said that cocaine "didn't do anything for me" and was more of a "social thing" but the
Prince lauded marijuana and psychedelics which he said had helped him.

Those applying for US visas are typically asked about their past criminal history and drug use. Although Harry has lived in
the US for nearly three years, he could face scrutiny when applying for his next visa.

In addition, if he lied on his original visa application he could potentially be deported from the US and barred from applying
for US citizenship. It has been speculated that Harry is on an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary ability in the sciences,
arts, education, business, or athletics" or an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years, meaning the Duke may need to apply for a new one in the near future.
Harry is married to American actress Meghan Markle while his daughter, Princess Lilibet Diana, would have US citizenship
automatically as she was born in America. Prince Archie Harrison most likely is eligible for US citizenship through his mother.

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Company: HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE); United States of America

News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation; US Government) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 680

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Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 382 of 634
Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to..., 2023 WLNR 10545807

3/23/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10545807

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to UK' after drug revelations
The Duke of Sussex could be in trouble if a request from a right-wing think
tank to see his visa application is upheld, as anger over his drug use ...

By, Harry Thompson

The Duke of Sussex could be in trouble if a request from a right-wing think tank to see his visa application is upheld, as anger
over his drug use continues in the US

Prince Harry may have to "pack his bags" and head back to the UK as a visa row breaks out over his drug use.

The Duke of Sussex has openly admitted to using drugs ranging from cocaine to cannabis and psychedelics both on TV and
in his explosive memoir Spare.

Royal experts have now claimed that the Prince could be in trouble when it comes to his visa, with a possibility that the way
in which he obtained it is illegal.

READ MORE:Parody version of Prince Harry's bombshell memoir in pipeline titled 'Spare Us!'

Christina Garibaldi, host of the Royally Us podcast discussed the issue in the latest episode following demands to see Harry's
visa application from conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation.

"This might be illegal, he might have to pack his bags and move back home," she said.

"I can't imagine if Prince Harry gets deported, what a drama it would be. You know, this is true."

She continued: "When you apply for a visa you sort of have to prove that you are a really upstanding citizen, that there's no
chance you're going to be in any trouble in your new country.

"You do have to declare that you've never taken part in illegal substances. I do wonder how Prince Harry answered that

Criminal activity is a major factor in the visa application process and discovery that he had lied would likely lead to deportation.

His admission could also impact future applications.

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Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to..., 2023 WLNR 10545807

The right-wing outfit is now baying for blood over the matter with a desire to see the application based on hopes of checking
he was "properly vetted" before entering the US.

Speaking to the Daily Mail , Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project said: "This request is in the public
interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the
Prince's drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States".

The Prince may also be in need of renewing his visa, with them typically expiring after three years.

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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (The Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 411

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 163 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 384 of 634


Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him

on the butt' after US visa threat
The Duke of Sussex said he has taken several illicit substances during interviews ahead of the release of his memoi

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)'s drug use could "come back and bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US vis
row, a royal (/latest/royal-family) commentator has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh scrutiny after a
APP. C 164
request was submitted to release his visa application.
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 385 of 634

'Serial pooper' strikes in aisle near Hillary Clinton at 'Where's Meghan?' Sussex fans respond to ex-pal
Broadway show Mulroney's post
(/news/us/1749065/Hillary-Clinton-poo-some-like-it-hot- (/news/royal/1749160/Meghan-markle-Jessica-Mulroney
broadway-dxus) suits-dxus)

The Duke of Sussex's visa scrutiny was discussed by Christine Ross and Christina Garibaldi on the Royally US

Ms Ross said: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry ( gets deported. What a
drama that would be.

"You know, this is true, when you apply for a visa application you have to sort of prove that you're a really upstanding
citizen, there is no chance you're going to be in trouble in your new country and you have to declare that you've neve
taken part in illegal substances.

"I do wonder how Prince Harry ( answered that question and that's
what they're calling for here."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

Prince Harry warned drug use will 'come back and bite him on the butt' in US visa row (Image: Getty)
APP. C 165
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 386 of 634

A photo of a woman holding a US flag and documents from the Citizenship and Immigration Services. (Image: Getty)

'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer She added: "This will be an interesting story to see how it play
scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use out.
A US lawyer is demanding the release of Prince "I'm not sure that this is a good look for Prince Harry
Harry's visa application over concerns he was (/latest/prince-harry)."
given "preferential treatment" into the US
following the Duke's recent admissions about his Ms Garibaldi responded: "This can come back and bite him in
past drug use. The Duke of Sussex revealed in his the butt.
tell-all memoir, Spare, and in recent TV
interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis
"This cannot be a good thing.
and magic mushrooms in the past.
Read more HERE. READ MORE: Sarah Ferguson shares ‘guilty junk food
(/news/royal/1749665/prince-harry-visa- pleasure’ that's not ice cream or chocolate (/life-
drugs-dxus) style/food/1749815/sarah-ferguson-favourite-junk-food-

APP. C 166
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 387 of 634

Prince Harry relocated to Montecito in California with his wife and children. (Image: Getty)

"So we will have to wait and see what happens. You know there could be some repercussions to this we will have to
wait and see."

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so American
taxpayers can see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in
light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry (’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before
entering the United States".

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

Tourists blasted by American waitress after family left her 10% tip (/news/us/1749040/Tourists-American-
waitress-tip-dxus) [LATEST]
Joachim follows Harry and Meghan stateside after Danish family feud (/news/royal/1748970/prince-Joachim-
prince-harry-meghan-markle-danish-royal-family-dxus) [REVEALED]
Trump fans threaten to barricade home and stop police arresting him (/news/us/1748911/Donald-Trump-
Wednesday-arrest-stormy-Daniels-dxus) [INSIGHT]

APP. C 167
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 388 of 634

A stock image of people queuing to have their passports checked at a US airport. (Image: Getty)


Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

APP. C 168
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 389 of 634

The Heritage Foundation is calling for Prince Harry's visa application to be released. (Image: Getty)

American immigration law could hand out significant penalties if someone is found to have lied to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six (

harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/): "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility." has approached the Duke of Sussex's representatives for comment.

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and @expressusnews (
Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) USA (/latest/united-states)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 390 of 634
Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt'..., 2023 WLNR 10471856

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10471856

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt' after US visa threat
The Duke of Sussex said he has taken several illicit substances
during interviews ahead of the release of his memoir Spare.

Jack Walters

Prince Harry's drug use could "come back and bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US visa row, a royal commentator
has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh scrutiny after a request was submitted to release his visa application.

The Duke of Sussex's visa scrutiny was discussed by Christine Ross and Christina Garibaldi on the Royally US podcast.

Ms Ross said: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry gets deported. What a drama that would be.

"You know, this is true, when you apply for a visa application you have to sort of prove that you're a really upstanding citizen,
there is no chance you're going to be in trouble in your new country and you have to declare that you've never taken part in
illegal substances.

"I do wonder how Prince Harry answered that question and that's what they're calling for here."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa over drug useA US lawyer is demanding the release of
Prince Harry's visa application over concerns he was given "preferential treatment" into the US following the Duke's recent
admissions about his past drug use. The Duke of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir, Spare, and in recent TV interviews
that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.

Read more HERE.

She added: "This will be an interesting story to see how it plays out.

"I'm not sure that this is a good look for Prince Harry."

Ms Garibaldi responded: "This can come back and bite him in the butt.

"This cannot be a good thing.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 170 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 391 of 634
Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt'..., 2023 WLNR 10471856

READ MORE: Sarah Ferguson shares 'guilty junk food pleasure' that's not ice cream or chocolate

"So we will have to wait and see what happens. You know there could be some repercussions to this we will have to wait and see."

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so American taxpayers can
see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States".

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

American immigration law could hand out significant penalties if someone is found to have lied to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility." has approached the Duke of Sussex's representatives for comment.

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Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 507

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 392 of 634
Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa

3/23/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa


Not only has he come clean in his voluminous and explosive memoir, 'In the Shadows', but Prince Harry has continued to
provide details about his past with drugs in various interviews and television appearances. The latest, earlier this month, sitting
on the couch of controversial doctor Gabor Maté, who is prosecuted in Canada for using psychedelic drugs on his patients,
he blurted out, "I started using drugs recreationally and discovered how good they were for me ." This kind of statement has
caused a stir among anti-drug activists in the UK . And now, in addition, another association is looking closely at whether the
youngest son of King Charles III lied to obtain his visa, which would be grounds for his deportation.

The Heritage Foundation , a U.S. conservative foundation based in Washington DC, wants U.S. authorities to make the Duke of
Sussex's visa application public to determine whether he was asked to disclose any drug use. In his memoirs, the 'royal' describes
in detail his experience with various substances. He claims to have tried cocaine, cannabis and hallucinogenic mushrooms . He
says that his first contact with coke was a weekend at the age of 17, although later he repeated several times.
Conservative foundation
He also admits taking hallucinogenic drugs at a celebrity event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with
Meghan Markle . He even doesn't blush to explain that after trying hallucinogenic mushrooms he ended up conversing with
furniture. "It wasn't much fun, it didn't make me feel happy, but it made me feel different," he writes.

Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project, has told the 'Daily Mail', "This request is in the public interest in
light of the possible revocation of Prince Henry's visa for illicit substance use, about whether he was asked about this issue and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the US."
Possible deportation
This type of information about drugs and narcotics is asked in the questionnaire to obtain the certificate. The U.S. Immigration
Department has one of the stiffest penalties for lying on such an application. So much so that if someone is caught making
falsehoods, they are subject to possible deportation and prevented from applying for citizenship.

The prince has resided in the U.S. since 2020, after he and his wife, Meghan Markle, decided to abandon their duties as members
of the British royal family. After a brief period in Canada, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to a mansion in Montecito
(California ), where they live with their two children, Archie Harrison (3) and Lili Diana (1), and developing their professional
career (mainly focused on the media, series, documentaries, books..., and through their charitable foundation).

---- Index References ----


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Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa

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Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. Immigration Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Henry)

Keywords: (portada)

Word Count: 447

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 173 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 394 of 634
Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en..., 2023 WLNR 10565175

3/23/23 El Debate (Mex.) (Spanish) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10565175

El Debate (Mexico) (Spanish)

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en Estados Unidos

Elizabeth Flores

El príncipe Harry , duque de Sussex, podría enfrentar la pérdida de su estatus migratorio en Estados Unidos, ser deportado
del país y perder su visa . Un abogado de inmigración ha presentado una demanda que cuestiona la validez de la visa actual
del príncipe.

La demanda se basa en la revelación en su libro autobiográfico "Spare" del uso de drogas por parte de Harry , lo que según
expertos legales podría haber sido motivo para negarle la visa.

Uganda aprueba ley anti-LGBTQ: penas de hasta 20 años de prisión y pena de muerteDeclaran culpable a exalcalde de Puerto
Rico por recibir sobornos y extorsión

The Heritage Foundation, una asociación conservadora, ha exigido que la solicitud de visa estadounidense del Príncipe Harry
se haga pública . Mike Howell, director de Supervisión de la organización, argumenta que la publicación de la solicitud de visa
es de interés público y podría ayudar a los contribuyentes a comprender si el príncipe declaró su uso de drogas.

A eso se suma que hay preocupaciones sobre si Harry fue investigado adecuadamente antes de ingresar a los Estados Unidos.

No está claro si el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional cumplió con la ley al admitir al príncipe Harry en el país sin una
renuncia o entrevista con la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza para evaluar si, dado su historial, era admisible en
Estados Unidos.

Las políticas de inmigración de Estados Unidos tienen leyes estrictas y sanciones severas para quienes mienten a los
funcionarios. A muchos ciudadanos británicos se les ha prohibido la entrada a los Estados Unidos debido a su uso indebido
de drogas.

The Heritage Foundation argumenta que si los funcionarios de migración sabían sobre el uso de drogas de Harry, su caso plantea
dudas sobre si recibió un trato especial debido a su estatus real y el estatus de celebridad de su esposa, lo que insisten sería ilegal .

Los duques de Sussex se mudaron a Estados Unidos en marzo de 2020 y desde entonces residen en su casa en Montecito,
California, con sus dos hijos pequeños.

Príncipe Harry rompe el silencio, se siente devastado por dejar el cargo

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Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en..., 2023 WLNR 10565175

---- Index References ----

Language: ES

Keywords: (Mundo)

Word Count: 324

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 175 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 396 of 634
'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

3/22/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10325541

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince Harry's drug use
could threaten his US visa after he admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and ...

Mark Duell Martin Robinson for MailOnline

'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince Harry's drug use could threaten his US visa after he admitted taking
cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in his memoir and TV interviews

Prince Harry's admission of drug taking could threaten his US visa, an American lawyer has warned as he insisted there was
'no exception for royalty'.

Duke of Sussex is now facing calls for his US visa application to be released Ex-prosecutor says 'admission of drug use is
usually grounds for inadmissibility' But other lawyers say Harry's admissions wouldn't be enough for a probe

The Duke of Sussex revealed in his bombshell memoir Spare and TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past.

MailOnline yesterday revealed how the duke is now facing calls for his US visa application to be released to see whether he
admitted his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020.

A conservative think-tank is in the middle of a battle with Washington DC officials who are staunchly refusing to publish any
details - including any texts or emails.

The DC-based Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand
whether Harry declared his drug use.

US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and being barred from applying
for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six last night: 'An admission of drug use is usually grounds for

'That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs.'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 397 of 634
'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

Mr Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers which is based in Los Angeles, added that there was 'no exception for
royalty or recreational use'.
Can drug users be banned from visiting the United States?
US officials can stop foreigners who have committed drugs offences entering the country even if they have never been arrested
and charged by police.

Under US rules, suspected drug abusers applying for a visa may be required to answer additional medical history questions
and also take a medical exam to prove that they are not still a drug abuser before being allowed to enter the country.

In high-profile cases where celebrities who are known to have taken drugs want to come to America, they have been invited
into the US embassy in London to take a drugs test.

Pete Doherty was famously banned from the US due to drug-related arrests.

In 2014 chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US because she confessed to taking drugs.

But Texas-based immigration lawyer Sam Adair told Page Six that it was 'unlikely that these admissions will present a problem'
because there have been no criminal convictions.

And attorney James Leonard told the publication that revealing in a book that 'you experimented with drugs when you were a
young man' would not be enough for immigration officials to launch an investigation into Harry's status.

It is not known exactly what questions Harry was asked when applying for his US visa, because it is not yet clear which visa
he received. However, the question on the ESTA application which most UK tourists would use is: 'Have you ever violated any
law related to possessing, using or distributing illegal drugs?'

In Spare and the TV interviews that followed, Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

He said marijuana and psychedelics 'really helped' with his 'trauma' while cocaine was more a 'social thing'.

The Heritage Foundation has now called for his visa application to be released.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

Experts have insisted US visa applications would usually be thrown out if there is any history of drug use.

The Heritage Foundation says if border officials did know, Harry's case raises questions over whether he was given special
treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

MailOnline has approached representatives for Prince Harry for comment.

A US State Department spokesman said: 'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases'.

In his autobiography Spare, Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more
lines' on other occasions.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 398 of 634
'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He also spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it 'brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time'.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté, an outspoken supporter of decriminalising
drugs who has allegedly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Harry told him: '(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I
think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.
READ MORE - British tourist 'banned from the US for 10 years after LA customs officials found a text message about
taking cocaine on her mobile phone'
In 2019, a British tourist claimed to have been banned from the USA for 10 years after admitting snorting a line of cocaine
two years prior.

Isabella Brazier-Jones, 28, flew from London to Los Angeles with her friend Olivia Cura, 26, where they planned to embark
on the trip of their dreams.

But when quizzed by immigration officials about the length of their stay, they found a text message on her phone that referred
to cocaine.

They asked Ms Brazier-Jones, who is from Wimbledon in south-west London, whether she had ever taken the Class A drug
and she confessed to having a line in 2017.

She was immediately thrown in a jail cell and made to wait for 24 hours before being shipped back to Britain, the aspiring
actress said.

Read the full story from 2019 here

'Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.'

Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, who launched a drugs education charity in her son Daniel's name after he died of an accidental MDMA
overdose aged 16, said the duke's comments were 'concerning'.

It has long been speculated that Harry could be working in the US on a fast track visa handed to people with 'extraordinary
ability' - known as a O-1 visa.

The O-1, also used by Canadian singer Justin Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman, last for three years, meaning that
Harry's renewal could be due with weeks.

Following the release of Spare in January, where the exiled royal revealed regular drug use, immigration experts warned he
may have put his visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug use.

And the The Heritage Foundation, which took a leading role in the conservative movement during the presidency of Ronald
Reagan and had a major influence on Donald Trump's administration, has now asked for the release of his visa application
demanding to know if Harry was 'properly vetted' before coming to America.

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'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

The group also wants to know if he admitted to officials that he took drugs, which immigration experts note meant he should
have been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his narcotics usage during the application process.

The Heritage Foundation has also compiled a dossier of evidence, including Harry's own admissions in his memoir and various
TV interviews about taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

This has all been sent to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration
Services to bolster their freedom of information request.

US officials have so far refused to release his visa application, citing 'privacy' concerns, but Mike Howell, director of the Heritage
Oversight Project, insists it is in the 'public interest' to know how Harry's case was handled and has appealed the decision.

Mr Howell has also demanded to see any emails, texts, WhatsApps or other correspondence related to Harry's visa to ensure
public confidence in how it was handled.

He said: 'Harry's abuse of multiple illicit substances includes marijuana, cocaine, magic mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs.

'It is unclear at this juncture whether DHS complied with the law in admitting Prince Harry, and did so without a waiver or any
interview with CBP to assess whether, given his history, he was admissible to the United States.

'As a result, this widespread media interest in Prince Henry's drug abuse inevitably raises possible questions regarding his
application for residency in the United States.

'Public confidence in the government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-
profile case.

'Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment that too would undermine public confidence in DHS, CPB, and
USCIS's application of equal justice under the law'.

American authorities note entry into the country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis and it is unclear if Harry, who moved to
California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa application.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. Any renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Professor Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said recently.

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

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'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if he was "Fred Jones" and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I
could certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials have repeatedly declined to answer whether his admission of drug use would 'cause difficulties'
with his immigration status - or if he had detailed any drug use before.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesman said in January.

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law. All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

---- Index References ----

Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Oversight Project; US State Department; Department of Homeland Security; CBP; USCIS; George
Washington University; West Coast Trial Lawyers; US Customs/Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services;
Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1859

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US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always..., 2023 WLNR 10367228

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10367228

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always finding himself in trouble'
Prince Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application
made public following his admission of taking drugs in the past.

Lauren Williams

Prince Harry's memoir Spare saw the Duke admit to taking drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. The
admission has led to conservative activists calling for Prince Harry to be deported over drug use as it is one of the requirements
an individual must meet when applying for a visa. Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield joined GB News presenters Eamonn
Holmes and Isabel Webster to discuss the recent "trouble" Harry has found himself in.

Eamonn began the segment: "Prince Harry, to live and work in the United States he has to have a Visa. In that visa, it asks
whether you have taken drugs or used drugs in the past. Tell us what the debate is now."

Kinsey explained: "Eamonn and Isabel you and I have had this discussion weeks ago, we broke it first! Could he get in trouble
for this?

"It's the Heritage Foundation here in the States. They're a conservative group that have filed a request through the Freedom
of Information Act.

"They're saying they want to know how Prince Harry got his visa if it was a special privilege because he's a Prince if it was
because his wife is a TV star. They say that's illegal."

READ MORE: BAFTA TV Awards' full list of nominations as Happy Valley missing

In a discussion with Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster during Breakfast on GB News, she said: "Immigration attorneys here
in the States are saying that there are two ways that deportation could loom over Prince Harry.

"That's if he's caught doing a crime, which we heard him say in his pay-per-view interview, where he was openly discussing
illegal drug use.

"So if he's caught doing a crime, deportation could be one of their resolutions. Or if in this visa application, he lied about his
drug use, that could actually result in deportation, too."

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US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always..., 2023 WLNR 10367228

Asked where the debate had reached, Kinsey continued: "We're waiting to see if the Heritage Foundation gets that information
about Prince Harry's visa application.

"It's just not a good look that Prince Harry always seems to be finding himself in trouble."

Eamonn quipped: "And if it's not there then he goes looking for it."

The conservative think tank's director Mike Howell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation
of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was
properly vetted before entering the United States".

Under current immigration rules, people who are found to have lied to border officials can face a hefty fine or even deportation.

During Prince Harry's book tour in January, he openly spoke about his drug use revealing he first tried cocaine aged 17 while
on a shooting weekend.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with his wife
Meghan Markle.

When speaking to Dr Gabor Mate during his mental health event, the Duck of Sussex admitted that smoking marijuana "really
helped him" but taking cocaine "did nothing for him".

He explained: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past. They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel airs weekdays from 6am on GB News.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 630

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 404 of 634
William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry', 2023 WLNR 10310110

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10310110

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry'
The Prince and Princess of Wales are set to make one major move to stop
their youngest son, Prince Louis, from being "left out", one expert has cla...

Richard Ashmore,Alice Scarsi,Lauren Welch

The Prince and Princess of Wales are set to make one major move to stop their youngest son, Prince Louis, from being "left
out", one expert has claimed.

Prince William and Kate, the Princess of Wales are trying to do all they can to ensure that Prince Louis doesn't feel left out,
royal expert Angela Mollard has said.

Ms Mollard has said that the royal couple plan on using the forthcoming Coronation to ensure their youngest child has a strong
bond with the monarchy, and in turn, doesn't go down the same route as his uncle, Prince Harry. In order to ensure that Louis
is there for when Prince George becomes King, the royal couple are said to want their younger son to have the memories of
the royal celebration this spring.

Ms Mollard then suggested that having all three of the couple's children, including Princess Charlotte, at the Coronation will
lesser the chance of a repeated rift in the future.

As previously stated on, Ms Mollard said that, when the time comes, their elder son will need to be "supported
by his siblings".

Ms Mollard also stated that the family-of-five show "very much" stick together. She claims that they enforce the 'We're a family,
we do it all together'", adding that they "do not want an offshoot like Harry in the future".

Although prepared to be in attendance, the actual roles of the three children remain unknown.


21:51 Lauren Welch

King Charles's mix of "personality and pragmatism" is likely the reason he invited Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to the
Coronation, claims a royal biographer.

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William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry', 2023 WLNR 10310110

King Charles has a "track record" of trying to "build bridges" within the Royal Family which could be why he invited Meghan
Markle and Prince Harry to the Coronation, according to a royal biographer. Gareth Russell drew parallels between Charles's
treatment of Edward VIII - who abdicated the throne to pursue a relationship with Wallis Simpson - and that of the Duke and


20:24 Lauren Welch

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's real reason for deciding to "empty the barrel" with his book Spare has been addressed by comedian
Katherine Ryan.

Prince Harry, 38, has been the subject of much debate since he released his tell-all memoir Spare in January. Comedian Katherine
Ryan, 39, has shared her opinion on the book exclusively to as well as explaining her reasoning for why she
thinks Harry decided to "empty the barrel".


19:28 Lauren Welch

King Charles III will be crowned on May 6 at Westminster Abbey but royal fans can already celebrate the momentous occasion.

Located in central London, Hotel Café Royal offers guests the unique "Crown Jewels Experience", a brand new and very
special stay to celebrate King Charles's Coronation. According to the hotel's website, it is the "ultimate experience of luxury
and exclusivity", and costs a staggering £13,000.


19:11 Lauren Welch

The King's forthcoming Coronation is set to follow tradition by reinforcing royal hierarchy.

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex could be set to "stand out" at the King's Coronation. If the pair do decide to
attend the historical event, they are not likely to wear any form of formal Coronation robes. The couple have, so far, decided
to remain silent on whether they will be in attendance.


18:34 Lauren Welch

Kate, Princess of Wales, met with companies worth billions of pounds in the City as part of her championing of early years

Kate, Princess of Wales, is sending a message to Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, with a "power play" to prove
the Royal Family "matters". On Tuesday, the 41-year-old mother-of-three donned a cream blazer and went into business mode
meeting representatives of huge firms including IKEA, Co-op, Unilever, Lego, finance giants Natwest, Aviva, Deloitte and the
Bank of England no less. The Princess was able to host the companies worth billions of pounds as she championed early years
development with the launch of her new "Business Taskforce for Early Childhood" later.

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William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry', 2023 WLNR 10310110

Writing in, royal writer Daniela Esler called the meeting a "powerhouse" moment for the princess that sent a clear
message to any royals thinking the "Firm" was on the wane.

Referencing images of the event of Kate, Princess of Wales, posing business-like with the economic leaders, she wrote: "Kate
is proving to be a stealthy powerhouse dynamo of action and machine washable lightweight wool who is busily redefining what
a working member of the monarchy can actually achieve.

"And if there is one person who should be looking at these images of Kate with this clutch of business bigwigs who preside
over global empires of shampoo and Allen keys, it is her brother-in-law, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex."

17:43 Lauren Welch

Prince William made an unannounced visit to Poland amid tight security today to visit British and Polish troops helping Ukraine's
war effort against Russia.

Prince William, who has begun a two-day visit to Poland, went to military bases in Rzeszów in the south-east of the country
near the Ukraine border, where the Royal Artillery and other British units are working with western allies to train Ukrainians
and funnel weapons to troops resisting the Russian invasion. He hailed them for "defending our freedoms" and told the British
troops: "Everyone back home thoroughly supports you."


17:10 Lauren Welch

EXCLUSIVE: King Charles's Coronation is just weeks away but Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should "avoid" the jubilant
celebrations, claimed Apprentice star Ryan-Mark Parsons.

Ryan-Mark Parsons has also addressed King Charles's decision to ask Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to vacate Frogmore
Cottage. It comes as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's attendance at the coronation still hang in the balance.


16:20 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry had reportedly laid out some key "demands" ahead of the King's Coronation in May.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's appearance at King Charles III's Coronation reportedly rests on whether Harry's "demands"
are met. Earlier this month, the Sussexes confirmed they had been invited to the Coronation. However, the couple are yet to
confirm if they will be joining the Royal Family at Westminster Abbey on May 6.


16:01 Lauren Welch

The author posted a copy of the children's book to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after admiring how Prince Harry and
William coped with the death of their mother, Princess Diana.

Prince Harry had thanked an author who sent him a book that helped children deal with the heartache of losing a parent. The
author of the book, Mark Lemon, has shared the letter written by the Duke of Sussex back in 2019 on his Instagram profile.

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William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry', 2023 WLNR 10310110


15:10 Lauren Welch

Good afternoon from London. I'm Lauren Welch and I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please
feel free to get in touch with me. Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: laurenmwelch

14:40 Alice Scarsi

A viral clip of Prince Archie playing with his grandmother Doria Ragland in Prince Harry and Meghan's first hit Netflix series
has taken social media by storm.

The Sussexes' oldest son is still a baby in the clip, which shows him sitting in a ride-on toy car pushed by Meghan's mother.

In another segment, he can be seen grabbing onto Meghan's legs while walking around the kitchen.

The Duchess can be heard saying "Are we walking?" in the clip.

Since airing, a clip of the video was later posted to TikTok, where it became an instant hit.

Read the full story here

13:44 Alice Scarsi

A viral video has taken TikTok by storm after user Becca Brandon reimagined the Prince and Princess of Wales as "council
estate parents" in a shocking makeover.

The TikToker, under the handle electricraspberry, photoshopped the royal couple to make them look almost unrecognisable in
her viral video which has amassed over 4.4 million views since it was posted on Monday.

On her channel, Ms Brandon, who grew up on a council estate, records herself adapting photos of famous figures using the
app "Procreate".

See the pictures here

12:56 Alice Scarsi

The Duke of Sussex's book Spare is being parodied in a spoof biography of Prince Harry which promises to go "deep inside
the castle walls" and expose "every shouting match, fist-fight, betrayal, teddy bear, awkward hug and tear-stained wedding

In a clear mockery of the bestselling memoir, the upcoming work has been described in a press release as a "frostbite-and-all
book", and is titled Spare Us! A Harrody.

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William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry', 2023 WLNR 10310110

The book also hit out at the Duke of Sussex's decision to reveal intimate details about his life and private conversations while
also seeking a more private existence far from the British press.

This version of Spare has been written by Bruno Vincent, who previously gained the spotlight with his Enid Blyton parody

Published by Little Brown, which is owned by Hachette, Spare Us! will be aptly released on April Fool's Day.

Read the full story here

12:00 Alice Scarsi

The Crown has been hit with a wave of criticism after images of a replica of the mangled Mercedes from Princess Diana's crash
in Paris, which led to her death, emerged.

The Netflix series has courted controversy since it first began and continues to face backlash over the handling of topics such
as King Charles's divorce from Diana, and the late Princess of Wales' death.

The Crown's nominations include leading actress for Imelda Staunton playing the Queen and supporting actor for Salim Daw
as Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Read the full story here

11:25 Alice Scarsi

Prince Harry has been warned there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to his visa potentially being revoked.

The Duke of Sussex has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani claims the royal should not even have been allowed into the US in the first place
if he filled in his visa documentation correctly.

Rahmani said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The West Coast Trial Lawyers attorney said that the rules would apply to Harry as well as there is "no exception for royalty
or recreational rules."

Read the full story here

10:20 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor's Paris mansion is to be turned into an attraction and open to the public, it was announced
days before King Charles and Queen Camilla are to undertake their first official visit to France since his accession to the throne.

Paris city council has given heritage trust Fondation Mansart the task of turning the run-down house, originally known as Chteau
le Bois, into a permanent touristic site.

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The 19th century mansion located in the Boulogne woods of western Paris is primarily known for having hosted the exiled
Duke and Duchess of Windsor for some three decades.

However, Egyptian businessman Mohamed Al Fayed added to its lore when he claimed Princess Diana would have relocated
there had she not died in a car crash in Paris in August 1997.

Read the full story here

09:22 Alice Scarsi

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex will use her revamped blog The Tig to "gain control over her public image" after speaking out
about struggling with the press and the media.

A brand expert who has worked with Britney Spears has said Meghan's new rumoured project could "thrive".

It's believed the wife of Prince Harry and mother-of-two is planning to relaunch her blog The Tig.

The former actress ran the blog for two years while working on the cable drama Suits, but she shut the platform down when
her relationship with the royal became serious.

Read the full story here

08:31 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been invited to King Charles's Coronation, but a new poll has shown
widespread opposition to either showing up.

Read the results of our poll here

08:01 Alice Scarsi

A Labour campaign is calling for Buckingham Palace to be subject to workplace legislation as it accuses the Palace of being
"shielded" from scrutiny.

The pressure group, Labour for a Republic, is pushing the party to commit to ending the royals' exemption from the Equality
Act, which protects workers against discrimination based on race, sex, gender, age, religion and disability.

Ben Clinton, Labour for a Republic's campaign coordinator, told "The idea that one of the most prominent
families, one of the most prominent employers, in the country is exempt is wrong and needs to be reversed if we are to continue
being a party for working people."

Labour for a Republic wants national party chiefs to include the Royal Family being subject to the Equalities Act in Labour's
next general election manifesto.

Read the full story here

07:20 Alice Scarsi

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex face a similar fate to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, a royal commentator has claimed.

Tom Quinn, author of the newly-released book Gilded Youth, has drawn similarities between the life lived by former King
Edward VIII and his wife Wallis Simpson after he abdicated and the future possibly looming for Prince Harry and Meghan.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Mr Quinn said, have made several appearances and interviews as well as a docu-series and
a memoir united by one main theme - "how badly they were treated".

However, he added, that is a topic that will interest people only "for so long".

He continued: "And when you're not saying that anymore, and you can't make any more films and interviews about how badly
you've been treated, what then, what do you do?

"My fear is that Harry will become like Edward VIII and Meghan will become like Mrs Simpson."

Read the full story here

07:14 Alice Scarsi

Good morning from London. I'm Alice Scarsi, I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please feel
free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Family Social Issues (1FA81); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries
(1EU86); France (1FR23); Poland (1PO03); Ukraine (1UK09); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Europe

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Natwest; Hotel Café Royal; IKEA; Fondation Mansart; West Coast Trial Lawyers; Bank of England; Royal
Artillery; Lego; Aviva; Little Brown; Unilever; Royal Family) (Prince Louis; Lauren Welch)

Word Count: 2418

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 412 of 634
Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful..., 2023 WLNR 9988696

3/19/23 Cape Argus (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9988696

Cape Argus (South Africa)

Copyright (c) 2023 SyndiGate. All Rights Reserved.

March 19, 2023

Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful childhood' yet he lives a privileged life

Letter to the Editor

LETTER: Harry's book Spare has not had the desired result he and his wife were wishing for. Instead of evoking sympathy, it
has turned the British and American public against them. In a Newsweek approval rating, Harry has dropped to -10 (dropping
48 points) and Meghan -17 (dropping 40 points).

Harry's book Spare has not had the desired result he and his wife were wishing for. Instead of evoking sympathy, it has turned
the British and American public against them. In a Newsweek approval rating, Harry has dropped to -10 (dropping 48 points)
and Meghan -17 (dropping 40 points).

This has been exacerbated by the animated cartoon series South Park in which they were clearly lampooned and mocked. In
his latest, self-pitying interview with Dr Gabor Mate, a physician, Harry claims that using psychedelic drugs and cannabis
helped him deal with his mental health problems.

He stated: "Hey, it really helped me."

These drugs actually lead to psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and other severe mental illnesses.
He is therefore advocating illegal drug use for other people, especially youngsters, to solve their problems. This is irresponsible
from a man 38 years old, with two minor children.

A poor example indeed. He is always going on about his "incredibly painful childhood" yet he lives a very privileged life.

He earns his living by trashing his family and then expects an apology from them. Shocking! Nevertheless, he has received a
massive backlash for the above comments and could lose his US visa. Anti-drug campaigners have slammed Harry for his
latest rant and "US border agents take a dim view of drug use by non-US citizens".

Harry is entirely absorbed in himself, is constantly craving attention and desperate to be heard. He is, however, not the world's
biggest victim. Blaming others is characteristic of losers, and Harry is a loser.

* John Whitlock, Germiston.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful..., 2023 WLNR 9988696

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Word Count: 390

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Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive..., 2023 WLNR 10335542

3/22/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10335542

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive blow: 'No exception for royalty'
Prince Harry admitted in his book and in a series of televised interviews
that he had routinely taken drugs when he was younger to cope with his tr...

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry admitted in his book and in a series of televised interviews that he had routinely taken drugs when he was younger
to cope with his trauma.

Prince Harry has been warned there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to his visa potentially being revoked. The
Duke of Sussex, 38, has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani claims the royal should not even have been allowed into the US in the first place
if he filled in his visa documentation correctly.

Rahmani said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The West Coast Trial Lawyers attorney said that the rules would apply to Harry as well as there is "no exception for royalty
or recreational rules."

Rahmani's warning comes as the conservative Heritage Foundation launched a pressure campaign on authorities to release
details of Harry's original visa application.

JUST IN: Harry and Meghan risk repeating mistakes of exiled royals Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

Prince Harry's six Coronation 'demands' as Sussexes remain undecided on UK returnThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex's
appearance at King Charles III's Coronation reportedly rests on whether Harry's "demands" are met.

Earlier this month, the Sussexes confirmed they had been invited to the Coronation. However, the couple are yet to confirm if
they will be joining the Royal Family at Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Here are Harry's six reported demands.

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Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive..., 2023 WLNR 10335542

The DC-based think tank claims US taxpayers have a right to know whether the Duke misled authorities on his drug use when
he first entered the country after stepping down from his formal role in 2020.

Under current immigration rules, people who are found to have lied to border officials can face a hefty fine or even deportation.

However, another lawyer told Page Six that Harry's admission would likely not be a problem for the royal.

Texas-based immigration lawyer Sam Aldair insisted it was "unlikely that these admissions will present a problem because
there have been no criminal convictions."

READ MORE: Kate's 'cold stare' shows the 'power play' between her and Prince William, expert claims

And colleague James Leonard noted that revealing in a book that "you experimented with drugs when you were a young man"
would not give authorities much of a base to challenge Harry's presence in the country.

Speaking to renowned therapist Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month, Harry said he started taking drugs "recreationally"
to handle his traumas and "pains of the past."

The Duke said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.

DON'T MISS:Harry and Meghan warned by expert Lilibet move may backfire [REVEALED]Prince Harry and Meghan have
'rocky future' ahead, says expert [OPINION]King Charles ready to 'capitulate' to Meghan and Harry - claim [LATEST]

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

Harry added: "They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

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(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (West Coast Trial Lawyers; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 596

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 417 of 634
Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

3/20/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10078082

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 20, 2023

Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity ratings as Britons have 'had enough'
A royal expert has warned there may be protests against the Duke and Duchess
of Sussex at King Charles's Coronation as their standing has fallen so...

Jon King

A royal expert has warned there may be protests against the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at King Charles's Coronation as their
standing has fallen so far among the public.

Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have been warned of their dire popularity ratings as Britons have "had enough"
of the royal couple. The Sussexes have been invited to King Charles's Coronation but it has yet to be made public whether they
will attend the historic occasion on May 6.

Related articles

Former ITN royal editor Tim Ewart told Sky News Australia that Harry and Meghan's popularity has plummeted in the wake
of the couple's Netflix series and the Duke's memoir, Spare.

Asked if Harry and Meghan's behvaiour was making things difficult for them, Mr Ewart said: "Quite clearly the Sussexes are
becoming extremely unpopular in this country.

"Now it would be unfair to say that that is an opinion held by everybody. Younger people in Britain like the Sussexes, [they]
like the diversity that they bring to the Royal Family, the modern lifestyle that they lead, who respect the way that Harry has
been so keen to tell his story, to bear his soul.

"But the vast majority of people have had enough of it."

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

Mr Ewart explained that the public is tired of hearing Harry talk about his personal issues all the time.

The Duke's memoir includes a series of revelations, including an allegation Harry was attacked by his brother, Prince William,
and claims Camilla, Queen Consort, tried to tarnish the Duke's image to improve hers.

Spare went on to become the biggest-selling work of non-fiction after its release in January.

Mr Ewart said: "The majority of Britons really, really don't care for [Harry and Meghan's disclosures] any longer and to be
blunt, wish they would be quiet and go away and stay in America if that is really what they want to do."


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He added that one of the issues surrounding the Coronation is whether or not there will be protests should Harry and Meghan
attend, particularly the Duchess.

The former royal editor asked: "Will there be public anger expressed against them. We know there are going to be demonstrations
by the republican movement... It's not impossible that there would be insults shouted at Harry and Meghan.

"It really is a complicated business, but their standing in this country has now fallen.

"They're extremely unpopular. They have a minus popularity rating in such polls as we're able to read about them so a lot of
people really won't be very welcoming when they come here."

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The Coronation weekend will be held from Saturday, May 6 to Monday May 8, with thousands of events expected to take place
across the country.

The formal ceremony will take place at Westminster Abbey and will follow the traditional pageantry used to anoint monarchs
over the past 1,000 years.

After processions to the Abbey and back, Charles and Camilla will then appear on the balcony at Buckingham Palace along
with members of the Royal Family.

Mr Ewart, asked what Harry and Meghan have reportedly requested ahead of the Coronation, said "status and respect".

He added: "What we need to remember in this mess - [which is] at the moment is threatening to overshadow the Coronation -
what we need to remember is Harry is still fifth in line to the throne.

"For everything that's happened he is still a senior royal so there are issues over the way he's treated and the way that he's
protected when he and his wife, possibly - although she may not come - when they come, if they come, to the Coronation."

Mr Ewart said a "sore point" will be what security Harry will be provided as well as whether he will be included in the carriage
procession, appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and where he will sit during the Coronation ceremony.

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Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

Related articles

He added: "There is still a lot to discuss. My sense is that the Palace has extended the invitation and they're now able to say,
'Look guys, the ball is in your court. If you don't want to come, let us know. If you do want to come, you're going to have
to play by our rules'."

A spokesperson for Harry said earlier this month the Sussexes have received an invitation to King Charles's Coronation but
would not yet confirm publicly whether they will attend.

They said: "I can confirm The Duke has recently received email correspondence from His Majesty's office regarding the

"An immediate decision on whether The Duke and Duchess will attend will not be disclosed by us at this time."

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'interesting' in front of cameras Elton John joins growing list of celebs to snub Harry and Meghan Harry and Meghan didn't
expect 'humiliating' jokes about Spare Jeremy Clarkson slams Tory BBC debate after Kate and Wills poster row

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Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Postal Services (1PO50))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Sky News Australia) (Prince Harry; Meghan; Britons)

Word Count: 958

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 420 of 634
Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug..., 2023 WLNR 10321970

3/22/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10321970

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug use bombshells, lawyer warns
Prince Harry's admission of drug use in bombshell book Spare may lead to
legal troubles down the line, a former attorney has claimed after they say...

By, Ewan Gleadow

Prince Harry's admission of drug use in bombshell book Spare may lead to legal troubles down the line, a former attorney
has claimed after they say there is 'no exception' to drug use

Prince Harry may find his US visa revoked after revelations about his drug use were aired in Spare, the Duke's bombshell

A legal expert believes that the truthful Duke may have paved a way toward losing his right to reside in the United States
because of his book.

Others however have said that the Duke of Sussex should be fine, so long as he does not find himself in prison for any other
reason in the future.

READ MORE: Prince Harry shares drug that 'really helped' him mentally as cocaine 'did nothing'

Despite this, legal expert and former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani has said there is "no exception" for recreational drug
use, royal or otherwise.

Speaking to PageSix, the former prosecutor said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The Duke had previously revealed in his bombshell memoirs that he had taken cocaine, marijuana and mushrooms,
experimenting with psychedelics well into his adulthood.

It would appear though that Harry ditched Class A cocaine when he left his teenage years, with Daily Star reporting the round-
up of drugs the Duke had taken, and the one that "really helped" him through tough times.

In a conversation with Dr Gabor Maté, the Duke of Sussex revealed that marijuana was the most helpful drug of all those taken.

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Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug..., 2023 WLNR 10321970

Speaking at the time on his drug use, the Duke said: "It was more of a social thing, and I guess trying to get a sense of belonging,
for sure. Marijuana is different, that actually did help me."

But attorney James Leonard has said the Duke may find himself in no trouble at all over such admissions, unless he "got arrested
or if he got a DWI".

He said: "Any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual
drug user, which he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational experimentation
with drugs."

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Government Litigation (1GO18); Health
& Family (1HE30); Legal (1LE33); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

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Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Spare)

Word Count: 412

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 422 of 634
Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to..., 2023 WLNR 10251587

3/21/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10251587

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 21, 2023

Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to know if he admitted drug use
The conservative think tank America's Heritage Foundation is now calling
for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can underst...

By, Christopher Bucktin

The conservative think tank America's Heritage Foundation is now calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the
US taxpayer can understand whether the royal declared his drug use

Prince Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application made public after a request was submitted to release his papers
following his admission to taking drugs in the past.

The appeal comes after the Duke of Sussex admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in his autobiography
Spare, which was released earlier this year.

America's Heritage Foundation is now calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

The conservative think tank's director Mike Howell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation
of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was
properly vetted before entering the United States".

Strict laws surround America's immigration policies with harsh penalties for anyone caught lying to officials.

They include deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Hundreds of Brits are banned from the US after over their drug misuse.

In 2019, Brit Isabella Brazier-Jones claimed she was banned from the USA for 10 years after admitting to snorting a line of
cocaine two years prior.

The 31-year-old said she was immediately thrown in a jail cell and made to wait for 24 hours before being shipped back to

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Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to..., 2023 WLNR 10251587

The Heritage Foundation argues if immigration officials did know about the royal's drug use, Harry's case raises questions
over whether he was given special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

In response to the Foundation's calls, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222f
of the Immigration and Nationality Act INA; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases".

In January and during his Spare book tour, Harry spoke about his drug use revealing he first took cocaine at 17 while on a
shooting weekend.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

Visa applicants are asked by US officials: "Have you ever violated any law related to possessing, using, or distributing illegal

Answering yes means it is likely the applicant will be denied entry.

During one promotional event Prince Harry told Dr Gabor Maté marijuana "really helped him" mentally but taking cocaine
"did nothing for him".

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 427

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 424 of 634
So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

3/21/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10233796

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 21, 2023

So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners demand to know if

Duke admitted 'multiple' drug use on application - and call for the royal to b...

Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter For Mailonline

So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners demand to know if Duke admitted 'multiple' drug use on application
- and call for the royal to be deported if he lied about taking cocaine before moving to California

Prince Harry faces a fight to keep his US visa application secret today as campaigners demanded its release to see if he admitted
his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020, MailOnline can reveal.

A conservative think tank is in the middle of a battle with Washington DC officials who are staunchly refusing to publish any
details - including any texts or emails - citing the Duke of Sussex's 'privacy'.

In Spare and the TV blitz that followed, Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. He said marijuana and
psychedelics 'really helped' with his 'trauma' while cocaine was more a 'social thing'.

The Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand whether
Harry declared his drug use. US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation
and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

Experts have insisted US visa applications would usually be thrown out if there is any history of drug use. The Heritage
Foundation says if border officials did know, Harry's case raises questions over whether he was given special treatment because
he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.
Can drug users be banned from visiting the United States?
US officials can stop foreigners who have committed drugs offences entering the country even if they have never been arrested
and charged by police.

Under US rules, suspected drug abusers applying for a visa may be required to answer additional medical history questions
and also take a medical exam to prove that they are not still a drug abuser before being allowed to enter the country.

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So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

In high profile cases where celebrities who are known to have taken drugs want to come to America, they have been invited
into the US embassy in London to take a drugs test.

Pete Doherty was famously banned from the US due to drug-related arrests.

In 2014 chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US because she confessed to taking drugs.

MailOnline has approached representatives for Prince Harry for comment.

A US State Department spokesman said: 'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases'.

In his autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more
lines' on other occasions.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He also spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it 'brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time'.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté,an outspoken supporter of decriminalising
drugs who has allegedly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Harry told him: '(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I
think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.

'Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.'

Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, who launched a drugs education charity in her son Daniel's name after he died of an accidental MDMA
overdose aged 16, said the duke's comments were 'concerning'.

It has long been speculated that Harry could be working in the US on a fast track visa handed to people with 'extraordinary
ability' - known as a O-1 visa. The O-1, also used by Canadian singer Justin Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman, last
for three years, meaning that Harry's renewal could be due with weeks.

Following the release of Spare in January, where the exiled royal revealed regular drug use, immigration experts warned he
may have put his visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug use.

And today MailOnline can reveal that The Heritage Foundation, which took a leading role in the conservative movement during
the presidency of Ronald Reagan and had a major influence on Donald Trump's administration, has asked for the release of his
visa application demanding to know if Harry was 'properly vetted' before coming to America.

They also want to know if he admitted to officials that he took drugs, which immigration experts note meant he should have
been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his narcotics usage during the application process.

The Heritage Foundation has also compiled a dossier of evidence, including Harry's own admissions in his memoir and various
TV interviews about taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

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So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

This has all been sent to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration
Services to bolster their freedom of information request.

But US officials have so refused to release his visa application, citing 'privacy' concerns, but Mike Howell, director of the
Heritage Oversight Project, insists it is in the 'public interest' to know how Harry's case was handled and has appealed the

Mr Howell has also demanded to see any emails, texts, WhatsApps or other correspondence related to Harry's visa to ensure
public confidence in how it was handled.

He said: 'Harry's abuse of multiple illicit substances, including marijuana, cocaine, "magic mushrooms," and other psychedelic

'It is unclear at this juncture whether DHS complied with the law if, in admitting Prince Harry, did so without a waiver or any
interview with CBP to assess whether, given his history, he was admissible to the United States.

'As a result, this widespread media interest in Prince Henry's drug abuse inevitably raises possible questions regarding his
application for residency in the United States.

'Public confidence in the government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-
profile case.

'Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment that too would undermine public confidence in DHS, CPB, and
USCIS's application of equal justice under the law'.

Following the release of Spare, immigration experts warned The Duke of Sussex could be barred from the US and put his visa
'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug usage.

American authorities note entry into the country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis - and it is unclear if Harry, who moved to
California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa application.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. Any renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Prof Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said recently/

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the Duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 206 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 427 of 634
So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if he was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials have repeatedly declined to answer whether his admission of drug use would 'cause difficulties'
with his immigration status - or if he had detailed any drug use before.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesman said in January

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law.

'All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Oversight Project; US State Department; Department of Homeland Security; USCIS; US Customs/
Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1500

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 428 of 634
Stoned out of US?, 2023 WLNR 10365162

3/22/23 N.Y. Post 16

2023 WLNR 10365162

New York Post

Copyright 2009, The New York Post. All Rights Reserved

March 22, 2023

Section: Page Six

Stoned out of US?

BEST-selling author Prince Harry (above) may find himself in hot water for being too honest about his past drug use, a
legal expert tells Page Six, while others assert the British royal is in the clear. "An admission of drug use is usually grounds
for inadmissibility," former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told The Post's Eileen Reslen of Harry's status in the States.
"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs" in his blockbuster memoir "Spare." But another legal expert, James Leonard, said, "I don't see any issue with the
disclosures . . . regarding recreational experimentation with drugs."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Language: EN

Edition: All Editions

Word Count: 109

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 208 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 429 of 634
Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after..., 2023 WLNR 10384567

3/22/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10384567

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 22, 2023

Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after admission of drug abuse

Prince Harry revealed in his recent memoir, "Spare" and in several television interviews that he used cocaine, cannabis and
magic mushrooms in the past.

The Duke of Sussex's admission of drug use could threaten his US visa, warned a US lawyer, who insisted that there was "no
exception for royals", commented Daily Mail.

The media outlet further revealed yesterday that the duke now faces requests to have his US visa application published to see
if he admitted his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020.

The DC-based Heritage Foundation explained that his visa application must now be accessible so that the US taxpayer can
understand whether Harry declared his drug use.

U.S. immigration law has stiff penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and a ban on applying for

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six that "Admission of drug use is generally grounds for inadmissibility.
That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

He added that "there is no exception for recreational use."

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said, "This request is in the public interest in light of
the possible revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions about the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

The media outlet commented that the Heritage Foundation says that if border officials knew, Harry's case raises questions
about whether he received special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

So far it is not known exactly what questions he was asked when he applied for his U.S. visa, because it is still unclear what
visa he received, Daily Mail commented. However, the question on the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization)
application that most U.K. tourists would use is, "Have you ever violated any laws relating to the possession, use or distribution
of illegal drugs?"

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Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after..., 2023 WLNR 10384567

A U.S. State Department spokesperson told the media outlet that "Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we are unable to discuss the details of individual visa cases."

It should be recalled that in "Spare," the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. He said
marijuana and psychedelics "really helped" with his "trauma," while cocaine was more of a "social thing."

"(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more of a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably
also made me feel different than how I felt, which was kind of spot on. Marijuana is different, that really helped me," he revealed
in an interview with therapist Dr. Gabor Maté, an outspoken supporter of drug decriminalization.

Prince Harry filed a libel suit against a British newspaper

Prince Harry admitted that marijuana was his salvation to overcome depressive episodes.

British Defense Minister criticized Prince Harry for revealing that he killed 25 Taliban: "He let his team down".

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (america); (realeza)

Word Count: 523

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 210 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 431 of 634
Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms, 2023 WLNR 740104

1/7/23 Daily Mail 7

2023 WLNR 740104

Daily Mail (UK)

Copyright © 2023 Associated Newspapers Company

January 7, 2023

Section: News

Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms

Ryan Hooper

A PEDAL bin 'spoke' to Prince Harry in an hallucination during a drug binge in California, his book reveals.

He acknowledged that his memoirs contained 'surprising' revelations of drug use dating back to his teenage years.

The Duke of Sussex admitted trying cocaine for the first time aged 17 and also experimented with magic mushrooms and
cannabis at various stages in his life.

In one extract, the prince said that at a party he and a group of friends discovered a box of mushroom chocolates in a fridge
and decided to eat them before washing them down with tequila.

The 'trip' did not go as intended, however, and the duke ended up having a bizarre hallucination in the bathroom. Harry described
staring at a bin which, in his drug-induced state, took on human form.

It became a head and began to smile as Harry placed his foot on the pedal to lift the lid, according to the book.

The prince said he laughed and then went to the loo, at which point the toilet also became a head, with the hinges holding the
seat in place resembling silver eyes.

Elsewhere, Harry said he had taken cocaine during a shooting weekend by the summer of 2002, when he was 17, and did 'a few
more lines' on other occasions. He wrote that it was not a fun experience but he did feel 'different', which was his 'main goal'.

On another occasion, Harry told how he drank tequila, smoked weed and watched the computer-animated film Inside Out with
a friend after his first date with Meghan.

In another brief trailer for ITV's interview with the duke, due to be broadcast tomorrow, presenter Tom Bradby said: 'There's
a fair amount of drugs - marijuana, magic mushrooms, cocaine that's going to surprise people,' to which Harry responded:
'But important to acknowledge.'

Harry has spoken candidly in the past about his previous drug use, saying he was willing to take substances after the death
of his mother in 1997.

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Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms, 2023 WLNR 740104

In 2002, Charles sent Harry to Featherstone Lodge, a drug rehabilitation clinic in Peckham, south London, after he admitted
smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol.

US officials confirmed allegations of drugtaking would not lead to California resident Harry being banned from entering

Under US law, foreign nationals who have admitted taking drugs can be turned away at the border and refused a visa.

But American immigration lawyer Christi Jackson told GB News that admissions of drug use in the pages of a book would
not be considered 'valid'.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Parents & Parenting (1PA25); Smoking
(1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Teenagers (1TE59))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ITV)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 420

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 212 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 433 of 634

1/9/23 Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) 8

2023 WLNR 871115

Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)

Copyright © 2023 MGN Ltd.

January 9, 2023

Section: News; Teasers


WORDS Wills livid but refusing to bite, say supporters


PRINCE William is said to be "burning" with anger over Prince Harry's decision to drive a wrecking ball through the Royal
Family with his memoir, Spare.

But he is also reportedly "anxious and sad" at being accused of bullying his brother and even physically attacking him.

Yet supporters insist William, 40, will refuse to engage in a war of words with his estranged sibling, despite the string of
incendiary allegations against their family.

Friends have reportedly branded Harry, 38, "cruel and cowardly" over his extraordinary claims, which include tales of fighting,
arguments and jealousy behind closed doors.

WILLIAM'Sitting as Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate FRIEND OF WILLIAM'S ON 'COWARDLY' HARRY

One friend of William's told The Sunday Times: "He won't retaliate, he never would, because he's dignified and loyal.

"William is a sitting duck because Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate. It's cruel, cowardly and so sad for William to keep
taking the punches."

Here, the Record examines the latest raft of astonishing stories to emerge from Harry's book and the fallout.

¦Spare, published by Penguin Random House, is available from tomorrow, RRP £28.

WILLIAM LUNGE 'LOOKING FOR A FIGHT' HARRY claims after flying back for the funeral of grandfather Prince Philip,
tensions raged in his family, saying: "My father and Willy had come looking for a fight.

"Every time I tried to offer a new explanation one of them would interrupt me.

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"Willy, in particular, wouldn't see sense."

Harry also recounts how he accused William of "not lifting a finger" to help him when he and wife Meghan were "stripped of
everything" in their exit deal from the family.

And he claims William replied: "That was Granny! Take it up with Granny!"

Harry writes: "I waved a hand, disgusted, but he lunged, grabbed my shirt." He claims he then "pulled away" and "refused to
meet" William's gaze.

But he insists his brother "forced me to look into his eyes".

Harry claims his brother faced him, saying: "Listen to me, Harold, listen! I love you, Harold! I want you to be happy."


HARRY claims that William told him he believed he had been "brainwashed" by the therapist he was seeing.

The Duke of Sussex outlines the moment he alleges his older brother said he wanted to come along to one of his confidential
therapy sessions.

And Harry also accuses William of believing "I was unwell, which meant I was unwise" as he made plans to leave royal duties
and carve out a new life abroad.

Harry further states that he tried to patch up their relationship with a joint therapy session, telling William it would "be good
for you. Good for us". However, he claims that William did not take up the offer.


SPARE alleges there were heated arguments between Princess Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, and the Royal Family about
whether Harry, then 12, and William, then 15, should walk behind their mother's coffin at her funeral.

The Earl "flew into a rage" at the idea, calling it "a barbarity", Harry claims, recalling him saying: "You cannot force these
children to walk behind their mother's coffin." But Harry says he objected when someone suggested William follow the hearse
on his own, writing: "It didn't seem right that Willy would have such a hard time without me." Harry adds "it seemed a lot to
ask for two children", claiming: "Several adults were horrified."


FORMER allies of Harry are reportedly considering whether to go on record to quash some of his allegations.

And several once-loyal pals have branded some of the Prince's claims "b*****ks", according to The Sunday Times.

One former friend allegedly warned: "Loyalty works both ways." Harry's book contains a number of explosive revelations —
including details of a physical fight between the Duke of Sussex and Prince William.

And some sources have warned that the "outrageous disloyalty" Harry is showing is "strategically not clever".

They said: "You could have a f***ing field day with sh** on Harry."

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Harry's the first royal to openly criticise his uncle, Prince Andrew, over sexual abuse allegations. It came as he told of talks
with Meghan about security after they quit the UK. Harry'says there was an "obligation" to protect them and he didn't think
his taxpayerfunded service would be cut.

He writes: "Not in this climate of hate. And not after what happened to my mother. Also, not in the wake of my Uncle Andrew.

"Despite.. a shameful scandal, accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, no one had even suggested removing his security.
People have had plenty of reasons to complain about us, sex crimes weren't one."

Andrew has always denied the allegations.


HATE preacher Anjem Choudary said Harry'shown "his true colours" by claiming he killed 25 Taliban fighters while serving
as an Apache pilot in Afghanistan.

He said: "[This] tells us everything we need to know about the Royal Family and their thinking about Islam and Muslims. In
reality, the British Royal Family has along and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim lands, the usurpation of
its resources and the oppression of Muslims."

The cleric also issued a threat to troops stationed in Islamic nations, urging Muslims to target them in "Syria, Iraq and North
Africa where many British soldiers are deployed".


HARRY claims he wondered if he was adopted because of how calm the Queen was at Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002,
saying: "What struck me most was how little surprised she was.

"It wasn't that she didn't feel emotions. On the contrary, I always thought that Grandma felt all the normal emotions in a human

Only she knew how to control them better than the rest of the mortals.

"I stood at her side or behind her for most of the celebration and often the thought would come to my mind, 'If this doesn't faze
her, she really has earned her reputation for unflappable serenity.'

"In which case, maybe I'm adopted? Because I am a bundle of nerves'."


IT is feared that Harry's revelations about drug use could put his US visa at risk.

The Prince admits in his memoir that he has taken cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

Experts argue that he could have been denied residency in America if he had disclosed his drug use when applying. And he could
even have it revoked now if it is determined that he "lied" during the process, a leading authority on US immigration has argued.

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Professor Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said: "He would have been asked
[about his drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied."


Harry's confirmed that he picked a close friend rather than his brother to be best man at his 2018 wedding to Meghan - after
claiming it was a "bare faced lie" that he was WILLIAM'S best man at his 2011 wedding to Kate.

Contrary to public knowledge, Harry'said he picked his "old friend" Charlie for the job. And he claimed that the Royal Family
lied again about who was really best man.

Harry'so suggested that William failed to attend a get-together for drinks he organised with friends at Coworth Park Hotel in
Ascot on the eve of his big day - because he may have been sulking at not being handed the best man role.

William is a sitting duck as Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate FRIEND OF WILLIAM'S ON 'COWARDLY' HARRY

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Islam (1IS02); Religion (1RE60); Sexual Misconduct & Crimes
(1SE01); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ING; British Royal Family; Penguin Random House)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 1274

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 216 4
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 437 of 634
Cannabis News Today, 2023 WLNR 1492513

1/13/23 News Americas News Network (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 1492513

News Americas News Network

Copyright (c) 2023 SyndiGate. All Rights Reserved.

January 13, 2023

Cannabis News Today


Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan. 13, 2023: Here are the cannabis headlines making marijuana news globally and
in the Caribbean and Latin America this week in less than 60 seconds:

Prince Harry has revealed he would 'roll a joint' at Tyler Perry's house while wife Meghan Markle and son Archie slept in
another room as they house-hunted for themselves. Harry, the Duke of Sussex, made the admission in his tell all book, 'Spare,'
in which he admitted to smoking weed, doing cocaine and also magic mushrooms.

The duke, then 36, said he rolled joints while staying at US actor Tyler Perry's home in Los Angeles in 2020, before settling
in nearby Montecito.

"Late at night, with everyone asleep, I'd walk the house, checking the doors and windows. Then I'd sit on the balcony or the
edge of the garden and roll a joint. The house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I'd listen to their
late-night song, smell the scented air," he states.

Cannabis was legalized for recreational use in California in 2016 but there is speculation his drug taking admission could put
his US visa at risk.

Former NBA players Al Harrington and Larry Hughes are teaming up once again, as they bring Harrington's cannabis business,
Viola Brands, to St. Louis. Los Angeles-based Viola will open two dispensaries this month.

The federal U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) held a public meeting on Thursday, where members voted to propose an
amendment to update sentencing guidelines to suggest that judges treat prior marijuana possession offenses more leniently.

Senators in the U.S. Virgin Islands have voted to legalize cannabis for adults, making the Caribbean territory the 21st jurisdiction
in the United States to end the prohibition on recreational marijuana.

A push to legalize recreational cannabis is now underway in Hawaii.

Indiana lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have made a push to legalize marijuana, but it is dependent on changes made at
the federal level first.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 438 of 634
Cannabis News Today, 2023 WLNR 1492513

According to Facts & Factors, the global legal marijuana is anticipated to generate revenue worth over USD 97 Billion by the
end of 2026, representing a CAGR of around 28% between 2021 and 2026.

Meanwhile, the global Cannabidiol Oil (CBD Oil) Market is expected to at a CAGR of 38.90% during the forecast period. This
indicates that the market value, which was USD 9.86 Billion in 2022, would rocket up to USD 136.64 Billion by 2030.

And three Cannabis stocks to watch In 2023 are: Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR); Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF)
and Trulieve Cannabis (TCNNF).

© News Americas News Network and - All rights reserved Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc.
( ).

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal
Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42); Gardens & Gardening (1GA80))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Viola Brands; U.S. Sentencing Commission; Green Thumb Industries; Innovative Industrial Properties)

Word Count: 442

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 218 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 439 of 634
Drug history 'should have barred entry to America', 2023 WLNR 767706

1/8/23 Sunday Tel. 5

2023 WLNR 767706

Sunday Telegraph (UK)

Copyright © 2023 The Telegraph Group Limited, London

January 8, 2023

Section: News

Drug history 'should have barred entry to America'

THE Duke of Sussex should have been denied residency in America if he failed to disclose his drug use and could see it revoked
if he "lied", a leading US immigration expert has suggested.

Anyone seeking to settle either temporarily or permanently in the US must answer questions about their drug use.

Prince Harry extensively details his drug-taking in his tell-all memoir Spare.

Immigration lawyers The Sunday Telegraph spoke to confirmed the Duke of Sussex would have been required to detail that
history when he made the decision to permanently relocate to California with his wife Meghan in 2020.

"He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,"

said Prof Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic.

The law professor said it would be in Harry's "best interest" to acknowledge his illicit drug use, adding "otherwise, he's
perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He suggested the Duke may have been granted some discretion by immigration officials because of his status.

"If he was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could see the green card being
denied," Prof Benitez said.

If the Duke failed to declare it, Prof Benitez said: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked."

The Duke of Sussex was contacted for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 440 of 634
Drug history 'should have barred entry to America', 2023 WLNR 767706

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's; Immigration Clinic)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 241

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 220 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 441 of 634
Drug stories 'US visa risk', 2023 WLNR 864670

1/9/23 Express (UK) 6

2023 WLNR 864670

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Daily Express

January 9, 2023

Section: News

Drug stories 'US visa risk'

Giles Sheldrick

ADMITTING to extensive drug use could get Prince Harry's US visa revoked, it is claimed.

The Duke of Sussex, who details his past use of magic mushrooms, cocaine and marijuana in his book, said in his TV interview
that doing so is "important to acknowledge".

But rules state a person's "current and/or past actions", including drug use, may make them ineligible for a US visa.

US immigration expert Professor Alberto Benítez said: "If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied [a visa]."

The US State Department said applications are judged on a "case-by-case basis".

If Harry holds a spousal visa through his marriage, it usually lasts three years.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 115

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 442 of 634
Drug stories 'US visa risk', 2023 WLNR 864670

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 222 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 443 of 634
Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in..., 2023 WLNR 900857

1/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 900857

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in countdown to Duke's memoir
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their decision
to step down as senior working royals on January 8, 2020.

Lauren Welch

Three years on from their announcement, royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams has spoken exclusively to about the
Duke and Duchess of Sussex's strained relationship with the monarchy.

Related articles

Speaking of the monarchy, Mr Fitzwilliams said: "The monarchy has, with the exception of Cromwell's protectorate, lasted
over 1,000 years. [It] is an integral part of Britain's DNA."

He added: "The Sussexes would weaken it if they could. They have harmed it, even in Britain, especially among the young."

Despite no longer being a senior royal, Harry is still fifth in the royal line of succession.

Harry and Meghan's two children, Archie and Lilibet, are still sixth and seventh in line, as stated on the official monarchy

READ MORE: Prince Harry's claim William and Kate had hand in infamous Nazi outfit branded 'bull****'

Prince Harry asked why he and Meghan haven't renounced their Sussex titles 'Why not?'Sitting down with Anderson Cooper
on CBS on Sunday night, Prince Harry says that he "tried to [speak to his family] privately" before voicing his issues with the
world, but felt he was left with no choice but to go public.

As the controversial show aired, many were asking why the Duke and Meghan have not renounced their royal titles - and the
Prince had a definitive answer.

Read the full story here.

The royal expert claimed that the monarchy "lies in the hands" of Prince William, who is next in line to the throne, and his wife,
Kate, as well as their three children, who all fall before Harry in the line of succession.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 444 of 634
Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in..., 2023 WLNR 900857

In their official departure statement, Harry and Meghan declared their wish to "make a transition" and to "carve out a progressive
new role" within the monarchy.

They wished to "become financially independent", whilst continuing to support the late Queen.

Following their departure, and completing their final engagement in March 2020, the couple signed a multi-million dollar deal
with the popular streaming service, Netflix.


Harry's royal revelations baffle Montecito neighbours [LATEST]Prince Harry wanted to cancel tell-all book after visiting
Queen [INSIGHT]Meghan and Harry's biographer fumes at Harry critics over new book [INSIGHT]

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The couple released their two-part Netflix series, titled Harry and Meghan, in December 2022.

Prince Harry is due to release his bombshell memoir on January 10, 2023.

His memoir, Spare, is set to include a series of bombshell claims, some of which have already been revealed in the past few days.

Earlier this week, copies of Spare were spotted in stores in Spain. Harry's memoir was originally scheduled for release in
late 2022.

Related articles Harry The Interview airs on ITV tonight and here are all the details Harry's friends come out fighting for
Duke after Taliban kill claim Meghan Markle warned Americans turning on her over 'endless whining' Prince Harry's drug
admissions in book could put US visa at risk Harry and Meghan won't regain UK support, expert claims

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Equity Instruments (1EQ90); Funding Instruments (1FU41); Health & Family (1HE30); Market Financials
(1FI61); Stock Markets (1ST45))

Industry: (Construction (1CO11); Financial Services (1FI37); Investment Management (1IN34); Securities Investment (1SE57);
Stocks (1EQ09); Tools (1TO28))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 487

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 224 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 445 of 634
I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus, 2023 WLNR 1193412

1/11/23 Metro (U.K.) 3

2023 WLNR 1193412

Metro (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Associated Newspapers Company

January 11, 2023

Section: News

I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus

PRINCE Harry was still smoking cannabis after relocating to the US with his family two and a half years ago, he reveals in
his book.

The duke, then 36, said he rolled joints while staying at US actor Tyler Perry's home in Los Angeles in 2020, before settling
in nearby Montecito.

In book Spare, released in the UK yesterday, he writes: 'Late at night, with everyone asleep, I'd walk the house, checking the
doors and windows. Then I'd sit on the balcony or the edge of the garden and roll a joint.

'The house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I'd listen to their late-night song, smell the scented air.'

Cannabis was legalised for recreational use in California in 2016 but there is speculation Harry's drug taking admission could
put his US visa at risk. The 38-yearold also admits in Spare he took cocaine at the age of 17 and once hallucinated on magic
mushrooms at a celebrity party in California.

When quizzed about the royal's visa and drug use, the US state department said: 'All applications are adjudicated on a case-
by-case basis. Visa records are confidential under US law: therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual cases.'

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42); Celebrities (1CE65);
Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 205

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 225 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 446 of 634
I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus, 2023 WLNR 1193412

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 447 of 634
Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

3/8/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 8, 2023

Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use


Prince Harry , in his need to talk about his mental health, confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs , such as marijuana
and cocaine , during a talk that was broadcast live with controversial physician Gabor Mate for the program "The Myth of
Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture."

"I started doing it recreationally and then realized how good it was for me," recounted Henry, Duke of Sussex.

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However, these statements that caused astonishment to more than one could cause him problems with the U .S. government,
since if the son of Charles III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his permission
to live in California .

According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, visa applicants "who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts
are inadmissible."

"(Authorities) frown upon drug use by non-U.S. citizens," Piers Morgan said. "Another compelling reason why we don't want
them at the King's coronation, as we could end up keeping them forever," he added referring to Harry and Meghan.

Australia's "Sky News" recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned from taking a flight to the United States
after confessing to cocaine use during a trial. Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after an appeal.

Harry and Meghan have already received the official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III next May 6 and it was via
email. The couple has not yet decided whether they will attend the royal family event or decline the invitation.

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---- Index References ----

Company: US Citizenship and Immigration Services; United States of America

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 448 of 634
Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; U .S. government) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Entretenimiento)

Word Count: 307

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 228 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 449 of 634
Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

1/8/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 786025

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 8, 2023

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put

visa 'at risk' after his admission he has taken drugs

Natasha Anderson For Mailonline

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug usage, immigration
experts have warned.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking hallucinogenic mushrooms in his upcoming

Prince Harry could be barred from the US after he admitted to taking drugs He confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis
and taking mushrooms Typical visa applicants would be denied over their history with illicit substances

Typical applicants would be denied a visa over their history with illegal substances, but US authorities note entry into the
country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis.

It is unclear if Harry, who moved to California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa
application. Immigration experts warn that if he 'lied' about his past, the Duke could have his visa revoked.

In his new autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few
more lines' on other occasions.

The one hard-partier also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his
first date with Meghan.

Most applicants with a history of drug use would be denied American visas, however immigration decisions are made on a
'case-by-case' basis, The Sunday Times reported.

US immigration rules state an individual's 'current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities . . . may make the
applicant ineligible for a visa'.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 229 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 450 of 634
Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

If Harry holds an O-1 visa, which is often given to celebrities and athletes, it would have to be renewed after three years.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. His renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.
Prince Harry was allowed to leave his RAF base when drugs testers turned up: Click here to read more
Immigration experts, however, note Harry should have been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his drug usage
during the application process.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Prof Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, told The Telegraph.

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the Duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials declined to answer the newspaper's query about whether or not his admission of drug use would
'cause difficulties' with his immigration status.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesperson told the Times.

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law.'

The spokesperson added: 'All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

MailOnline has approached representatives for Harry and the US State Department for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

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Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 617

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 231 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 452 of 634
Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took..., 2023 WLNR 846287

1/9/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 846287

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took cocaine and magic mushrooms
There are countless examples of people being refused entry or a visa to the
United States due to admissions of past illegal drug use, but is has ye...

By, George Mathias

There are countless examples of people being refused entry or a visa to the United States due to admissions of past illegal drug
use, but is has yet to happen to a Prince

Prince Harry could be banned from the States after admitting he took drugs, immigration experts have warned.

Harry, 38, could have his visa revoked after he confessed to snorting cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking magic mushrooms.

He has been living in California since quitting the UK in early 2020.

READ MORE: Harry's claim William and Kate 'laughed at' his Nazi outfit branded 'bullsht'

But according to an expert the revelations in his book Spare would be enough to get the average immigrant turned down –
especially if he lied on his visa application.

Expert Alberto Benítez revealed: "He would have been asked [about drugs]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have
been denied."

The professor, who is director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said failing to declare his drug use would
have meant "perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He added: "If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny
and I could certainly see the green card being denied."

US immigration rules state that "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities" could make an applicant
"ineligible for a visa".

However, decisions are made on a "case-by-case" basis.

The Duke of Sussex has dominated global headlines this week thanks to the early release of his new memoir Spare.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 453 of 634
Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took..., 2023 WLNR 846287

The book was due to officially go on sale this week, but copies began being sold early in Spain, leading to a scramble for the
most juicy details.

Among the most shocking claims from the book are that William physically assaulted his younger brother.

Harry also revealed he lost his virginity to an older woman in a field, sparking speculation over who the mystery woman is.


Prince Harry's biggest controversies -rehab visit, race row and Nazi uniform scandal Prince Harry's famous exes -Kate
Middleton's pal, lingerie model and pop star flings Caroline Flack's pals praise 'charming' Harry as he details romance with
late star

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Steroids (1ST76))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Publishing (1PU26); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's; Immigration Clinic) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 333

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 233 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 454 of 634
Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

3/7/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8409499

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting taking cocaine and psychedelics
The Duke of Sussex told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he had previously done
cocaine which 'did nothing' for him, but that smoking cannabis and taking ps...

By, Susie Beever

The Duke of Sussex told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he had previously done cocaine which 'did nothing' for him, but that smoking
cannabis and taking psychedelics had helped his mental health

Prince Harry's US visa could be revoked after his claims that weed and psychedelics were a "fundamental" part of his life.

The royal told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he began using weed and ayahuasca -a psychoactive drink -to help cope with trauma
from his past.

His admission came as part of an interview for Dr Mate's The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culturen
which he claimed: "I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me."

But according to some, US immigration officials take a Draconian stance when it comes to non-Americans using drugs in
the country.

According to Piers Morgan, the Duke of Sussex may have jeopardised his stay by admitting his drug use for health reasons.

The talk show host, who makes no secret of his cynicism over Harry and Meghan's claims, said: "Harry has barely finished
the global family trashing tour in support of his treacherous family trashing memoir, inevitably he's decided the world hasn't
heard quite enough from him

"So Harry's latest wheeze is a live therapy session with Dr Gabor Mate – a famed trauma expert – in which he reminded us
again that he, Harry, is the world's biggest victim."

Harry told Dr Mate that low-level recreational drug use had become a "fundamental part" of his life that "helped me deal with
the traumas and the pains of the past".

In his memoir Spare, he wrote that he would smoke cannabis while living at Nottingham Cottage in 2015.

He also told Dr Mate in the show, which screened on Saturday, that cocaine "did nothing" for him.

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Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

"It was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me feel different to the
way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.

"Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me."

South American entheogenic brewed drink ayahuasca, the royal claimed, was like "cleaning the windscreen" of the many filters
from life.

"It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for
a period of time.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains
of the past."

Cannabis is legal in California, where Prince Harry currently resides, and while ayahuasca is permitted for religious use only
in the States, certain cities have opted to decriminalise it.

Travelling into the US while carrying the substances however may be illegal, as cannabis for medical use is not regulated by
the FDA.

In some instances in the past, however, British nationals like Harry have been barred from entering the US over drugs
controversies -in 2014, Nigella Lawson was stopped from getting on a US-bound flight following her admission during an
unrelated trial she had previously taken cocaine.

Piers Morgan continued that Harry should avoid boarding a plane to the UK for the King's coronation in May if he doesn't want
to risk getting stuck on the way home.

"Another compelling reason why we don't want them at the king's coronation," said the controversial host.

"We might end up being stuck with them for good."

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Health & Wellness (1HE60); Smoking
(1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (FDA) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 605

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 456 of 634
Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 457 of 634
Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking..., 2023 WLNR 830372

1/8/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 830372

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 8, 2023

Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking cocaine and magic mushrooms
The Duke of Sussex's shock revelation in his Spare
memoir could see him miss out on extending his visa

By, Sean McPolin

Prince Harry 's shock cocaine and magic mushrooms admission could put his US visa at risk.

The Duke of Sussex, who moved to the US in 2020, admitted taking drugs in leaked extracts from his upcoming Spare memoir.

Entry to the States is granted on a "case-by-case" basis with rules stating an individuals "current or past actions, such as drug
or criminal activities" could cause the applicant to be ineligible for a visa.

The 38-year-old has revealed he took cocaine when he was 17 and on a shooting weekend and had done "a few more lines"
on other occasions.

He has also taken magic mushrooms at a celebrity party in California, which caused him to hallucinate, as well as admitting to
smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan Markle in London back in 2016.

It's unknown what visa Prince Harry has, with most suggesting it would most likely be a spousal visa due to the Duchess of
Sussex's US citizenship.

But the prince may have been granted special dispensation for people with "extraordinary ability".

This so-called O-1 visa — often given to film stars and top athletes — lasts for three years which would mean Harry might
need to seek an extension or a new visa soon.

Last night the US State Department said: "All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.

"Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.

"We cannot speculate on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa. Whenever an individual applies for a US visa,
a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law."

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 458 of 634
Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking..., 2023 WLNR 830372

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 292

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 238 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 459 of 634
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

1/7/23 Telegraph Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 762323

Telegraph Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 7, 2023

Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over drug use revealed in memoir
Immigration lawyers confirm the Duke would have been required to
detail his drug history when he permanently relocated to California

Rozina Sabur, Washington Editor

Prince Harry should have been denied residency in America if he failed to disclose his drug use and could see it revoked if
he "lied", a leading US immigration expert has suggested.

Anyone seeking to settle either temporarily or permanently in the US must answer questions about their history of drug use
when applying for a visa or permanent residency.

Harry extensively detailed his drug taking in his tell-all memoir Spare, claiming that psychedelic drugs allowed him to see
"the truth".

Immigration lawyers The Telegraph spoke with confirmed the Duke of Sussex would have been required to detail that history
when he made the decision to permanently relocate to California. The Duke moved to the ultra-wealthy Californian enclave
of Montecito with his wife Meghan in early 2020.

"He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied," said Prof Alberto
Benítez, the director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic.
Acknowledging drug use 'in Harry's best interest'
The law professor said it would be in Harry's "best interest" to acknowledge his illicit drug use, adding "otherwise, he's
perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He suggested the Duke may have been granted some discretion by immigration officials because of his Royal status.

"If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied," Prof Benitez said.

If the Duke failed to declare it, Prof Benitez said: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked,
or he'll be subject to being revoked because he lied in the application process."

Prof Benitez, who includes the Duke as a case study in one of his law classes, said it was most likely Harry is residing in the
US on a Green Card.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 239 1
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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

He said the easiest route for the Duke to gain a Green Card would be through his wife, who is a US citizen.

Applicants for a Green Card, usually granted to foreigners who are permanent residents in the country, are also required to
undergo a medical examination.

The application form includes an extensive list of questions including an applicant's criminal history and even asking about
any potential involvement in the Nazi Party.

Similar questions are posed to applicants for visas, including tourists applying for visa waivers.

Another immigration lawyer, Chrissie Fernandez, tempered speculation over the legal jeopardies Harry's drug use posed.

"In theory, if Prince Harry ever possessed any illicit substances, even if he was not arrested, he would have been required to
disclose that," she told The Telegraph.

However Ms Fernandez suggested that US officials will only ban applicants based on drug use in "very limited circumstances".

She added: "As it relates to past drug use without a conviction, it's unlikely to cause a real problem for him.

"It's unlikely that his case would be reopened if immigration authorities were to hear that he previously, years ago, used drugs...
So unless he talked about using drugs quite recently, it's unlikely to have affected his getting immigrant status in the US."

In Spare, Harry writes that he took psychedelics both for fun and therapeutically over the years, smoking cannabis in his garden
at Kensington Palace and at Eton.

He admits he took cocaine as a teenager and magic mushrooms in California in 2016.

The Duke of Sussex was contacted for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's Immigration Clinic; Nazi Party) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 582

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 241 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 462 of 634
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

1/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 880255

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over Megxit memoir drug revelations
Prince Harry's Megxit memoir 'Spare' will hit the shelves on January 10.

Jack Walters

Prince Harry should have been denied residency in the United States after he failed to disclose his drug use which was
referenced in his upcoming Megxit memoir, an American immigration expert has suggested. The Duke of Sussex, 38, was
quizzed on his drug use during an interview with CBS' Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes.

Related articles

Harry said: "I would never recommend people to do this recreationally.

"But doing it with the right people if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a
way of working as a medicine."

During his memoir 'Spare', which will be released on January 10, the father-of-two admitted to smoking cannabis, using cocaine
and resorting to psychedelics.

Professor Alberto Ben&iacute;tez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, told the Telegraph: "He
would have been asked [about drug use].

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King poised to punish Harry and Meghan with 'nuclear option'The Royal Family has declined to comment on claims made in
Prince Harry's book spare, but royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams warned they may be forced to act sooner rather than later.

Condemning the "sheer outrageousness of the claims and the malign nature of the memoir", revealed King Charles' options
should he decide the "strategy of silence" is unsustainable.

Read the full analysis here.

"If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied."

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 463 of 634
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

If the Duke failed to declare it, he added: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked, or he'll
be subject to being revoked because he lied in the application process."

However, Professor Benitez speculated Prince Harry is residing in the United States on a Green Card.

A Green Card would be obtained by the Duke through his wife.

READ MORE: Prince Harry says people are 'infuriated' and 'embarrassed' at his 'peace' in the US

Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles and is an American citizen.

Applicants for a Green Card are also obliged to undergo a medical examination.

Applicants must also address questions such as criminal history and involvement in extreme organisations, including Nazi

Immigration lawyer Chrissie Fernandez also addressed concerns about Harry's drug use.

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She told the broadsheet: "In theory, if Prince Harry ever possessed any illicit substances, even if he was not arrested, he would
have been required to disclose that."

However, Fernandez added: "As it relates to past drug use without a conviction, it's unlikely to cause a real problem for him." has approached the Duke of Sussex for comment.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 524

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 244 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 465 of 634

1/10/23 Herald-Sun (Melbourne) 10

2023 WLNR 864391

Herald Sun (Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

January 10, 2023

Section: News



PRINCE Harry has accused his stepmother of sacrificing him on her "personal PR altar", criticised his father's parenting and
revealed Prince William and Catherine never liked his wife Meghan.

Kicking off the publicity tour for his explosive memoir, the Duke of Sussex also revealed it took him a decade to accept Princess
Diana was dead, a period in which his brother pretended not to know him at school before he later resorted to psychedelic
drug treatment.

In his latest salvo at the royal family, Harry also hit out at their "unconscious bias", claimed he was left off the plane to see
the dying Queen and laid bare his violent confrontation with his brother.

Appearing on British and US TV, the Prince said he had no intention of hurting the House of Windsor, although he acknowledged
he would never return to a full-time royal role.

The royals have been rocked by a drip-feed of revelations from Harry's memoir Spare, which will go on sale in Australia on

But the saga was inflamed when he spoke out in raw interviews with British ITV journalist Tom Bradby and America's Anderson
Cooper on 60 Minutes.

In his sharpest comments, he said Queen Consort Camilla was "dangerous" in the wake of his mother's death because she was
determined to boost her profile in the press and pave the way for her marriage to the future King.

"She was the villain – she was the third person in the marriage," Harry said. "She needed to rehabilitate her image … With
her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street." He also questioned whether
Charles had the "patience" and "time" for parenthood, adding that he was "never made" to be a single parent.

Harry said he and William believed Diana's death was "all part of a plan", and they expected she would eventually call them
so they could be reunited.

"I just refused to accept that she was gone," he said.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 466 of 634

It took him a decade to admit the truth after he looked at photos of the tragic crash for "proof" and traced her final route in Paris,
although his doubts made him consider pushing to reopen an inquest on her.

Later, Harry turned to psychedelic drugs with the help of medical professionals, saying they "cleared the windshield" as he
struggled to comprehend his grief.

Revelations in Spare about his use of cocaine and cannabis already sparked speculation about whether his US visa could be
affected, given rules stating that a person's "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities … may make the
applicant ineligible".

In the interviews, Harry also accused his brother and sister-in-law of "stereotyping" his wife as a "divorced, bi-racial American
actress", although he admitted he was "probably bigoted" before meeting Meghan.

He said the foursome never got along – despite William and Catherine being fans of Meghan's TV show Suits – as he claimed
they never expected him to find "someone like Meghan who had a very successful career".

"A large part of it for the family, but also the British press and numerous other people, is like: 'He's changed, she must be a
witch' … As opposed to yeah, I did change, and I'm really glad I changed," Harry said.

"Rather than getting drunk, falling out of clubs, taking drugs, I'd now found the love of my life." Tensions between the brothers
over Meghan exploded at the Duke's Kensington Palace cottage, where they shouted at each other before Harry said William
"snapped" and pushed him to the ground.

He said William later apologised and asked him to keep the fight a secret, which Harry intended to do until Meghan saw a
cut on his back.

At the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral, Harry said William invoked their "secret code" by saying he swore on "mummy's life"
that he wanted him to be happy.

"It stopped me cold. I didn't believe him," he said.

The Prince denied saying his family was racist – after Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that an unnamed relative made
"troubling comments" about the skin colour of their son Archie – but suggested they were guilty of "unconscious bias".

He also accused other relatives of "getting in bed with the devil" by leaking to the press against him and Meghan.

The Duke of Sussex said he had recently lost contact with his brother and father, having been particularly upset that a plane
carrying members of the royal family to farewell the Queen at Balmoral left without him.

While Harry said he believed the rift could be healed, he said "the ball is very much in their court".

"I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back," he said. "At the moment, I don't recognise them,
as much as they probably don't recognise me."

FAMILY 'LIES' "None of anything that I've written, anything that I've included is ever intended to hurt my family. But it does
give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one who
destroyed the relationship between these two brothers." DENIES CALLING THE ROYALS RACIST, BUT SAY THERE IS

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 246 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 467 of 634

'UNCONSCIOUS BIAS' "There were comments of concern by the palace made about what our kids were going to look like.
They need to make that right." ON HIS FATHER'S PARENTING AFTER DIANA DIED "He'd always given an air of not being
quite ready for parenthood: the responsibilities, the patience, the time … But single parenthood? Pa was never made for that. To
be fair, he tried." ON HIS COMMENTS ABOUT FAMILY IN HIS BOOK "There's no part of any of the things that I've said
(that) are scathing towards any member of my family, especially not my stepmother." ON HIS LIFE NOW "I'm very, very happy,
I'm very at peace. I am in a better place than I've ever been, and I think that probably angers some people, infuriates others."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Edition: HeraldSun

Word Count: 1040

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 247 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 468 of 634

1/10/23 Courier-Mail (Austl.) 10

2023 WLNR 931230

Courier Mail (Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

January 10, 2023

Section: News



Exiled Harry takes aim at brother, father, Camilla and 'unconscious bias' PRINCE Harry has accused his stepmother of
sacrificing him on her "personal PR altar", criticised his father's parenting and revealed Prince William and Catherine never
liked his wife Meghan.

Kicking off the publicity tour for his explosive memoir, the Duke of Sussex also revealed it took him a decade to accept Princess
Diana was dead, a period in which his brother pretended not to know him at school before he later resorted to psychedelic
drug treatment.

In his latest salvo at the royal family, Harry also hit out at their "unconscious bias", claimed he was left off the plane to see
the dying Queen and laid bare his violent confrontation with his brother.

Appearing on British and US TV, the Prince said he had no intention of hurting the House of Windsor, although he acknowledged
he would never return to a full-time royal role.

The royals have been rocked by a drip-feed of revelations from Harry's memoir Spare, which will go on sale in Australia on

But the saga was inflamed when he spoke out in raw interviews with British ITV journalist Tom Bradby and America's Anderson
Cooper on 60 Minutes.

In his sharpest comments, he said Queen Consort Camilla was "dangerous" in the wake of his mother's death because she was
determined to boost her profile in the press and pave the way for her marriage to the future King.

"She was the villain – she was the third person in the marriage," Harry said. "She needed to rehabilitate her image … With
her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street." He also questioned whether
Charles had the "patience" and "time" for parenthood, adding that he was "never made" to be a single parent.

Harry said he and William believed Diana's death was "all part of a plan", and they expected she would eventually call them
so they could be reunited.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 248 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 469 of 634

"I just refused to accept that she was gone," he said.

It took him a decade to admit the truth after he looked at photos of the tragic crash for "proof" and traced her final route in Paris,
although his doubts made him consider pushing to reopen an inquest on her.

Later, Harry turned to psychedelic drugs with the help of medical professionals, saying they "cleared the windshield" as he
struggled to comprehend his grief.

Revelations in Spare about his use of cocaine and cannabis already sparked speculation about whether his US visa could be
affected, given rules stating that a person's "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities … may make the
applicant ineligible".

In the interviews, Harry also accused his brother and sister-in-law of "stereotyping" his wife as a "divorced, bi-racial American
actress", although he admitted he was "probably bigoted" before meeting Meghan.

He said the foursome never got along – despite William and Catherine being fans of Meghan's TV show Suits – as he claimed
they never expected him to find "someone like Meghan who had a very successful career".

"A large part of it for the family, but also the British press and numerous other people, is like: 'He's changed, she must be a
witch' … As opposed to yeah, I did change, and I'm really glad I changed," Harry said.

"Rather than getting drunk, falling out of clubs, taking drugs, I'd now found the love of my life." Tensions between the brothers
over Meghan exploded at the Duke's Kensington Palace cottage, where they shouted at each other before Harry said William
"snapped" and pushed him to the ground.

He said William later apologised and asked him to keep the fight a secret, which Harry intended to do until Meghan saw a
cut on his back.

At the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral, Harry said William invoked their "secret code" by saying he swore on "mummy's life"
that he wanted him to be happy.

"It stopped me cold. I didn't believe him," he said.

The Prince denied saying his family was racist – after Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that an unnamed relative made
"troubling comments" about the skin colour of their son Archie – but suggested they were guilty of "unconscious bias".

He also accused other relatives of "getting in bed with the devil" by leaking to the press against him and Meghan.

The Duke of Sussex said he had recently lost contact with his brother and father, having been particularly upset that a plane
carrying members of the royal family to farewell the Queen at Balmoral left without him.

While Harry said he believed the rift could be healed, he said "the ball is very much in their court".

"I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back," he said. "At the moment, I don't recognise them,
as much as they probably don't recognise me."

FAMILY 'LIES' "None of anything that I've written, anything that I've included is ever intended to hurt my family. But it does
give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one who

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 249 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 470 of 634

destroyed the relationship between these two brothers." DENIES CALLING THE ROYALS RACIST, BUT SAYS THERE IS
'UNCONSCIOUS BIAS' "There were comments of concern by the palace made about what our kids were going to look like.
They need to make that right." ON HIS FATHER'S PARENTING AFTER DIANA DIED "He'd always given an air of not being
quite ready for parenthood: the responsibilities, the patience, the time … But single parenthood? Pa was never made for that. To
be fair, he tried." ON HIS COMMENTS ABOUT FAMILY IN HIS BOOK "There's no part of any of the things that I've said
(that) are scathing towards any member of my family, especially not my stepmother." ON HIS LIFE NOW "I'm very, very happy,
I'm very at peace. I am in a better place than I've ever been, and I think that probably angers some people, infuriates others."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (House of Windsor)

Edition: CourierMailCQ

Word Count: 1051

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 250 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 471 of 634
US drug ban fear, 2023 WLNR 866165

1/9/23 Daily Star 4

2023 WLNR 866165

Daily Star (UK)

Copyright © 2023 Daily Star

January 9, 2023

Section: News

US drug ban fear

THE shy man could be banned from the States after admitting he took drugs, immigration experts warned.

He could have his visa revoked after he confessed to using cocaine and cannabis.

He has been living in California since quitting the UK in early 2020.

Expert alberto Benítez revealed: "He would have been asked about drugs. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have
been denied."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Steroids (1ST76))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 66

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 251 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 472 of 634
Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in..., 2023 WLNR 8852991

3/10/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8852991

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 10, 2023

Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in California? Prince

Harry reportedly in serious trouble after confessing to marijuana and co...

Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in California? Prince Harry reportedly in serious trouble after confessing
to marijuana and cocaine use

In his need to talk about his mental health, Prince Harry confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs, such as marijuana
and cocaine, during a talk that was broadcast live with the controversial doctor Gabor Maté for the program "The Myth of
Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture".

However, these statements that caused astonishment to more than one could cause him problems with the U.S. government, since
if the son of King Charles III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his permission
to live in California, as reported by El Informador.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Dr. Gabor Maté (@gabormatemd)

The legal problem Harry could face for drug use

"I started doing it recreationally and then I realized how good it was for me," said Harry, Duke of Sussex in the interview with
Dr. Gabor Maté, which was published a few days ago

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle christen daughter Lilibet in California; her godfather was African-American actor Tyler
Perry, who helped the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their move to California

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Dr. Gabor Maté (@gabormatemd)

According to U.S. citizenship and immigration services, visa applicants "who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts
are inadmissible."

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 473 of 634
Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in..., 2023 WLNR 8852991

"(Authorities) frown on drug use by non-U.S. citizens," Piers Morgan said. "Another compelling reason why we don't want
them at the king's coronation, as we could end up staying with them forever," he added referring to Harry and Meghan.

"Sky News" of Australia recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned from taking a flight to the United
States after confessing to cocaine use during a trial. Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after
an appeal.

Harry and Meghan Markle already received the official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III next May 6 and it was
via email. The couple has not yet decided whether they will attend the royal family event or decline the invitation.(I)

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Prince Harry (@princeharryofengland)

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (internacional)

Word Count: 399

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 253 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 474 of 634
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

1/11/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 822808

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 11, 2023

Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the warring royal brothers
hint 'favoured usher' Jack Mann really had the top job at his wedding.....

Charlotte Griffiths Editor At Large For The Mail On Sunday Eirian Jane Prosser For Mailonline

Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the warring royal brothers hint 'favoured usher' Jack Mann really had the top
job at his wedding... after Duke of Sussex claimed his role at Wills' and Kate's wedding was also just 'for show'

Prince Harry has claimed his role as best man for Prince William at the 2011 Royal Wedding was 'all for show' - sparking
accusations he had his own secret best man.

Harry claimed he was not William's 'real' best man and that it was 'all for show' He made the sensational claims about his
brother's wedding in his book Spare Sources have now said that there was also 'another best man' at Harry's wedding He had
several ushers on the day including his fellow polo-player Jack Mann

Friends of the warring brothers now suggest the Duke of Sussex may have employed the same strategy as his sibling for his
own wedding in 2018.

A source told The Mail on Sunday: 'There have long been rumours in Harry's circle that there was another best man, in secret.
William was the public-facing best man but not the sole best man, nor the true best man in Harry's eyes.'

Harry had several ushers on his big day, including his fellow polo-player Jack Mann and his closest friend Charlie van
Straubenzee, brother of Prince William's best friend Thomas.
Who is Jack Mann, Prince Harry's 'favoured usher'?
Prince Harry befriended Jack Mann at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

He is the son of Simon Mann, a SAS officer turned mercenary, who was jailed for five years for allegedly tried to overthrow
the government in Equatorial Guinea in 2004.

Harry's friend served with the British Arm for tours of Iraq and Afghanistan.

After leaving the army he worked in Libya as a country manager for a UK security company called Aegis Defence Services.

He went to create his own private security company in 2015 called Alma Risk.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 254 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 475 of 634
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

Some friends believe it was an usher who acted as best man.

According to one friend, Mr Mann has long been described by those close to him as Harry's favoured usher – or 'best man'.

He had previously been referred to as Harry's so-called 'deputy best man' by a source who attended a lunch with the Duke, Mr
van Straubenzee and his 'surrogate godfather' Mark Dyer in 2021 following Prince Phillip's funeral.

Mr Mann recently appeared in the fourth episode of the Sussexes' Netflix documentary series Harry & Meghan, which revealed
previously unseen pictures of their wedding receptions.

The Duke and Mr Mann, who became friends while at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, were pictured among a group
of men at Harry's wedding, as they partied at Frogmore House in Windsor Castle.

Last month, Mr Mann was detained by security officials before travelling to war-torn Libya, being questioned by Maltese police
who challenged his claim that he was on a mission to deliver medical training.

Maltese police later confirmed to the Mail that they 'spoke to the passengers for clarification of the proposed activities in Libya'
and that no further action was taken.

The former army member, said he and his colleagues, which included other former British soldiers, had been stopped at an
airport in Malta, a Mediterranean Island around 223 miles north of Libya.

Mr Mann confirmed: 'We did not continue the journey from Malta [to Libya] on the advice of Maltese immigration to rectify
our paperwork before travelling onwards.

'The issue was resolved within five days and the United Nations has confirmed there was no breach of sanctions.

'They [Alma Risk] are free to deliver the training.

'I have visited Libya previously in my role as a private security consultant. '

Prince Harry's friend is also the son of SAS officer turned mercenary Simon Mann, whose alleged bid to overthrow the
government of Equatorial Guinea in 2004 led to a five-year stint behind bars.

Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, admitted unwittingly being a financier behind the
attempted coup. He said he was misled by its organisers.

Mr Mann, who is newly engaged, hosted the Duchess of Sussex for dinner parties at his West London home during the early
days of her courtship with Harry.

However, he is thought to have grown apart from Harry since the wedding. In Spare, the Prince explains that appearances can
be deceptive at Royal weddings, revealing that it was a 'barefaced lie' that he was William's best man.
Military veterans warn Invictus Games is at 'risk of terror attack' after Harry's revealed he killed 25 Taliban fighters
in Afghanistan: Click here to read more
He said his brother's close friends James Meade and Thomas Van Straubenzee actually gave the traditional speech at the

He said: 'Willy didn't want me giving a best man's speech.'

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 255 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 476 of 634
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

At Harry's wedding, Meghan broke tradition by giving a fairy-tale-themed speech of her own, but it has never been reported
that Prince William spoke at length – and if he did, Harry does not describe him doing so in Spare.

Instead, he says his brother ruined the seating plan at the evening dinner by swapping place cards on his table so that couples
were seated apart, in the English tradition.

It was Meghan's preference that couples should be seated together.

Harry also explains that William did not want to spend time with him the night before the ceremony and only attended a pre-
wedding ushers' dinner after the Queen intervened. Last night, Mr Mann said: 'I'm not going to comment on anything to do
with this.'

Mr Mann served with the British Army in Iraq and Afghanistan before setting up a private security company in 2015 called
Alma Risk.

Prior to this he worked in Libya as a country manager for a different UK security company, Aegis Defence Services.

Alma Risk's website says the company offers a 'diverse range of security and risk management services to corporate and private

In other claims amid the 557 pages of the memoir, the Prince told of how William was 'tipsy on last night's rum' just hours
before he married Kate, while greeting members of the public who had gathered on the Mall by Buckingham Palace.
Prince Harry reveals he took cocaine a 'few times' aged 17 after first being 'offered a line'
Harry recalls that he said to his brother 'you smell of alcohol' before handing him mints as he lowered the window of the car.

The remarks come amid his deeply personal war of words with William - who he accused of pushing him over onto a dog bowl
during a blazing row at Nottingham Cottage in 2019.

The fight allegedly broke out after William called Meghan 'difficult', 'rude' and 'abrasive'.

In another alleged fight Harry claimed his brother 'lunged' at him and 'grabbed his shirt twice' in front of King Charles during
a row over Harry and Meghan's explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Harry said William used a secret code phrase about their mother Princess Diana during the fight following Prince Phillip's

The California-based royal said Prince William was 'really steaming' and grasped at him as he tried to walk away from the fight.

Harry claimed at the time he had been trying to address bullying allegations made by Meghan but said his father and brother
'weren't listening'.

William allegedly 'grabbed him again' as he tried to walk away and 'twisted him' so they could maintain eye contact.

It was then that William said their 'secret code' swearing on Princess Diana's life that his intentions were genuine.

He writes that William said: 'Harold, you must listen to me! I just want you to be happy, Harold. I swear I swear on Mummy's life.'

Harry continued: 'He stopped. I stopped. Pa stopped. He'd gone there.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 256 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 477 of 634
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

'He'd used the secret code, the universal password. Ever since we were boys those three words were to be used only in times
of extreme crisis.'

The Duke claimed his brother 'wasn't quite ready to accept defeat' and claimed to be 'properly sick and ill' over the tensions
between the pair.

William allegedly reiterated: 'I swear to you now on Mummy's life that I just want you to be happy'.

Harry has talked openly of wanting to reconcile with his father and his sibling, despite his extraordinary claims plunging the
Royal Family into its worst crisis since the death of his mother in 1997.


EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's polo chum detained at airport in war-torn Libya after Maltese police challenged claim he was
on mission to deliver medical training

Prince William 'lunged at Harry, grabbed his shirt and used shocking secret code phrase about Diana' during row over Oprah
Winfrey interview as the pair tried to hold peace talks in front of Charles moments after Prince Philip's funeral

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa 'at risk' after his admission he has taken drugs
Who does Prince Harry claim Prince William's best men were in 2011?
Prince Harry has claimed in his extraordinary memoir, Spare, that hew as forced to go along with Prince William's 'bare face
lie' that he was meant to be his best man at his wedding in 2011.

He said the alleged ongoing rift between the pair meant 'Willy didn't want me giving a best man's speech'.

Instead, Harry claimed that the best man speech was given to Prince William's two closest friends, James Meade and Thomas
Van Straubenzee.

Who is James Meade?

James Meade went to Eton with Prince William, and is the son of Olympic gold medalist equestrian Richard Meade.

Mr Meade also became close with the Princess of Wales, whom he even accompanied to the Badminton Horse Trials after her
brief split from William in May 2007.

He and his wife Lady Laura Marsham, daughter of the 8th Earl of Romney, are both godparents to Princess Charlotte.

The couple have been married since 2013, when William was an usher at their wedding.

Meade reportedly used to take the Prince drinking at the Cuckoo Club in Piccadilly in their youth, where he reportedly always
encouraged the royal heir to hit the dance floor.

Who is Thomas Van Straubenzee?

Thomas Van Straubenzee has been friends with both William and Harry for many years, dating all the way back to when they
attend Ludgrove prep school together.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 257 4
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 478 of 634
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

Van Straubenzee is the global head of the private office of estate agent Knight Frank, and accompanied the Prince to New
Zealand on his gap year.

He is also godfather to the Wales' daughter Princess Charlotte.

The businessman and property consultant, whose parents are Captain Alexander van Straubenzee and Claire Fenwick, used
to holiday with William in Cornwall when they were children, and, before his marriage to Charlotte's former teacher from St
Thomas's Battersea Lucy Lanigan-O'Keeffe, 32, in 2020, had a reputation for loving a night out.

The couple share a young son, Albert.

---- Index References ----

TRAINING UNIT KENYA; Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Commandant's Fund

News Subject: (Global Politics (1GL73); Health & Family (1HE30); Top World News (1WO62); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Africa (1AF90); Arab States (1AR46); Asia (1AS61); Central Africa (1CE37); Equatorial
Guinea (1EQ49); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); Libya (1LI91); Malta (1MA02); Mediterranean (1ME20);
North Africa (1NO44); Southern Europe (1SO59); Western Asia (1WE54); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (SAS; British Arm; Alma Risk; Aegis Defence Services; United Nations; British Army; Royal Military
Academy Sandhurst) (Prince Harry; Jack Mann; Kate)

Word Count: 1758

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Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

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CE Latin America Migration Newswire

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March 7, 2023

Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

Agencia Reforma

Once again Prince Harry is in trouble, now he is at risk of having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he used drugs,
reported the Mirror.

The Duke of Sussex revealed in Spare, his memoirs, that in his youth he repeatedly used cocaine and other drugs, as it helped
him to improve his life.

Prince Henry revealed that he started using marijuana and ayahuasca to cope with all the traumas of his past and said he realized
that it did him good to use them in his daily life.

"I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me," he told Dr. Gabor Mate.

The Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough stance when it comes to non-U.S. citizens using drugs in the
country, so the Duke of Sussex risks having his visa revoked.

In recent years British citizens have had problems entering the United States such as Nigella Lawson, who was prevented from
taking a flight to the country after using cocaine beforehand.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Enrique)

Keywords: (Internacional)

Word Count: 179

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Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 260 2
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Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so..., 2023 WLNR 8407764

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8407764

Express Online (UK)

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March 7, 2023

Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so destructive' towards Royal Family
EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry seemed "in awe" of Dr Gabor Maté during a "master-
pupil" session in which the Duke opened up about his mental health, a roy...

Matthew Dooley

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry seemed "in awe" of Dr Gabor Maté during a "master-pupil" session in which the Duke opened up
about his mental health, a royal expert told

Prince Harry's live streamed therapy session doesn't explain why he is so publicly "destructive" towards the Royal Family,
according to a royal expert. Richard Fitzwilliams, speaking to, branded Harry more "cautious" than in previous
interviews during his recent Q&A session with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

Related articles

The Duke of Sussex sat down with Dr Mat&eacute; for a 90 minute live-streamed Q&A covering topics from Prince Harry's
drug use to his self-proclaimed "broken home" at the heart of the Royal Family. Still, Harry seemed more "cautious" than in
previous interviews, according to Mr Fitzwilliams.

"It showed Harry as more cautious, there was plenty of background about the royals who don't hug, that Harry was different
and there was a mention of his 'broken home', but no personal attacks on senior royals which was a relief," he told

During the session, Prince Harry told Dr Mat&eacute; he didn't see himself as a "victim" and wasn't looking for "sympathy".
The doctor diagnosed Harry on the spot with ADD, PTSD, anxiety and depression, but what wasn't explained was Harry's
tendency to be publicly "destructive" towards other royals, according to Mr Fitzwilliams.

He said: "Harry says he doesn't see himself as a victim. He obviously relies on therapy a good deal.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so..., 2023 WLNR 8407764

"What was not explained is why he is so destructive when it comes to discussing his family in public, yet claims his memoir is
'an act of service'. To whom, one wonders? Recent polls in the US have shown a seismic drop in support for the Sussexes.

The royal expert added that the Duke seemed "in awe" of Dr Mat&eacute;, giving the session a "master-pupil" dynamic.

"It struck me as a master-pupil session. He was obviously in awe of Dr Mat&eacute;, although I was perturbed to learn that the
latter relies on The Crown for his understanding of the Royal Family," Mr Fitzwilliams opined.

In previous interviews, Prince Harry has lashed out at other members of the Royal Family, including his father King Charles,
Camilla, Queen Consort and his brother Prince William.

READ MORE: Americans are 'done' with Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying'

Although the Duke spoke of his family in general terms with Dr Mat&eacute;, direct personal attacks were absent. He didn't
mention his brother Prince William by name once during the 90-minute chat.

Following previous interviews and the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare tensions between the Sussexes and the Firm
appeared to be at a breaking point.

Now, Meghan and Harry have confirmed they did receive an invitation to King Charles's Coronation but have so far refused
publicly confirm their attendance.

The once-in-a-generation event will take place later this year on May 6 with thousands of guests in attendance to mark the
reign of King Charles III.

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themselves' in Hollywood LookFantastic launches Beauty Egg for £60 with contents worth £200

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychology (1PS96))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 630

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 262 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 483 of 634
Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put..., 2023 WLNR 8409530

3/8/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8409530

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 8, 2023

Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put celeb pals in 'terrible position'
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been called out for putting celebrities
in a "terrible position" after backtracking on their previous claims.

Claire Anderson

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were "destroyed on their own turf" over the weekend after comedian Chris Rock mocked the
couple's race claim about the Royal Family. He took aim at Meghan for accusing an unnamed member of the Royal Family of
racism during an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Royal expert Kinsey Schofield pointed out that the Sussexes must be "feeling
the burn right now".

Tune into our Royal Family Snapchat Show, every Monday exclusively on Snapchat

Related articles

She told Sky News Australia: "This happened on their own turf. Netflix paid Harry and Meghan hundreds of thousands of
dollars to create content for them and Chris Rock goes on their own platform and destroys them.

"They are feeling the burn right now."

Rock said Meghan's claim was simply "some in-law s***" while noting that she won the "light-skinned lottery".

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry left 'isolated' as they struggle to get 'invites'

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugs

Prince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

He went on to say ""even black people want to know how brown" Archie Harrison would be.

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Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put..., 2023 WLNR 8409530

It comes as Sky News host Rita Panahi pointed out that Hollywood "isn't that into Harry and Meghan anymore".

Schofield continued: "No, where is Oprah to defend them? Remeber Gayle King from CBS, Oprah's best friends, going on TV
saying that they had receipts that the Royal Family was racist.

"A year later Harry goes on Tom Bradby's show and says, 'we never said there were racist'.

"Where are these people that Meghan and Harry have put in a terrible position?"

She added the people who defended them have "disappeared into the background".

Gayle King had rushed to the defence of the Sussexes on CBS' This Morning following the interview.

She said: "I think Meghan has plenty of receipts, meaning that she's been keeping track of things."

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but Meghan appeared to break [INSIGHT] Americans are 'done' with Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying' [ANALYSIS]

But speaking with ITV's Tom Bradby, who pointed out "there were troubling comments about Archie's skin color", Harry
backtracked on the comment.

Harry said: "There was concern about his skin colour."

Bradby asked: "Right, wouldn't you describe that as essentially racist?

Harry replied: "I wouldn't, not having lived within that family."

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a criticism' - 'a little bit boring' Charles will pretend Harry and Meghan 'do not exist' as feud rages on Prince Harry is 'only
interested in promoting himself' Prince Harry 'won't come to Coronation' to 'punish' Royal Family

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Hollywood; ITV) (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 530

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 486 of 634
Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other..., 2023 WLNR 9668094

3/17/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

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Express Online (UK)

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March 17, 2023

Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other young royals to attend Coronation
EXCLUSIVE: Young members of the Royal Family, such as Princes Louis and
Archie, could be allowed to sit through only part of the Coronation to ensu...

Jon King

EXCLUSIVE: Young members of the Royal Family, such as Princes Louis and Archie, could be allowed to sit through only
part of the Coronation to ensure they don't miss out on the entire service.

Buckingham Palace aides may make provisions for Prince Louis and other young royals to attend King Charles's Coronation,
an expert has said. While Prince William, Kate, Princess of Wales will attend the historic Westminster Abbey ceremony on May
6, it is yet to be confirmed whether their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will join them.

Related articles

Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have also been invited to the service, but they did not say if their children,
Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana, were also on the guest list.

Dr George Gross, visiting research fellow in theology at King's College London and co-founder of the British Coronations
Project with Dr David J Crankshaw, told the royal offspring could attend. He said arrangements have been made
in the past for those who would not be able to sit through the hours-long ceremony in its entirety.

He explained how at the Coronation of King George V on June 22, 1911, Winston Churchill, who was then Home Secretary,
received an invitation for himself and his wife Clementine.

The ceremony took place less than a month after Clementine had given birth to their son, Randolph, on May 28. As a result,
the King made special arrangements to accommodate her.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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The King's secretary, Lord Knollys, wrote to the Home Secretary on April 29: "I spoke to the King today about his giving Mrs
Churchill a ticket for his Box in Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the Coronation.

"He said he should have much pleasure in giving her one, and you may like to know that he was very nice about it."

The Churchill's youngest daughter, Mary, quoted in volume two of Randolph Churchill's book about their father, said: "A royal
brougham called for her at her house and drove her to Westminster Abbey, so that she arrived at the latest possible moment;
she watched the ceremony until after the actual crowning of the King, then she slipped discreetly away and was driven home
to the hungering Randolph.

"This was the first of three Coronations at which both Winston and Clementine were destined to be present."


Related articles

Dr Gross said similar arrangements for the Sussex and Waleses' children to leave part-way through King Charles's Coronation
could be made.

But he added there would be an added complication due to the service being televised.

He said: "There's a way they could have [the children] there for some of it. It's possible we could see the Wales and Sussex
children. But it's a long service so who knows.

"It is also harder with TV the way it is today. But given that Charles and the Queen [Elizabeth II] both witnessed a coronation,
it seems quite likely Prince George will be there."

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'move' [REVEALED]

Dr Gross added: "A lot of young children at home of his age will be interested to watch. It's a spectacle with a lot to see."

The eldest of William and Kate's children, Prince George, nine, and Princess Charlotte, seven, are expected to attend the
Coronation. They often step out for important events and went to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II alongside their parents.

But it is not clear if Prince Louis, who turns five next month, will be there on May 6.

Harry and Meghan's children are younger still. Archie will turn four on the date of the Coronation and Lilibet will be just shy
of two.

Charles attended his mother's Coronation in 1953 when he was four, but Princess Anne didn't attend because she was deemed
to be too young at the age of two.

The ceremony itself could last for hours although Charles is understood to want parts streamlined.

Full details have yet to be made public, but Dr Gross suggested the Homage part of the ceremony, in which every member of
the British nobility pays their respects to the monarch, could be dropped or shortened.

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Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other..., 2023 WLNR 9668094

The crowning of Camilla, Queen Consort, would also add an extra layer to the ceremony which did not happen at Elizabeth
II's Coronation in 1953.

The Anointing, which may be televised for the first time ever at Charles's Coronation, the Crowning and the delivery of the
Coronation Oath would also be included as key parts of the ceremony.

Dr Gross explained the oath is an integral part of the ceremony with the Acclamation and Recognition also viewed as very

He said: "This happens before the Oath, with the congregation asked, Do you recognise this person as your King or Queen?

"This part of the cereony dates back to the Anglo Saxon period when monarchs were elected by the elite. Monarchs can't be
anointed without that being done.

"In many ways, those in Westminster Abbey [on May 6] represent us. It's a really important moment where the public are asked
if they recognise this monarch."

Dr Gross predicted Charles's Coronation would also be relatively long in duration because of a lot of music has been announced.

On the possibility of the Anointing being televised for the first time, Dr Gross said it was possible, adding: "Will it make a
difference to remove that mystery and magic? Our hunch is it will not.

"If it is to be televised, we won't know until a couple of days before. We can make this argument because lots of people will
watch the Coronation on TV. Telling people now won't generate extra interest.

"But an announcement a couple of days before might generate a bit more. But we don't know. There's a higher chance, but
we don't know for sure."

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---- Index References ----

Company: King's College London

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Buckingham Palace; King's College London) (Prince Louis)

Word Count: 1138

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 490 of 634
Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to..., 2023 WLNR 8360798

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8360798

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugs
Prince Harry said he started using psychedelic drugs "recreationally" to cope with his trauma.

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.
Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma. But Morgan noted US
officials "take a dim view of drug use by non-US citizens" as he noted the Duke of Sussex's US stay could now be at risk.

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The presenter said: "Harry has barely finished the global family trashing tour in support of his treacherous family trashing
memoir, inevitably he's decided the world hasn't heard quite enough from him

"So Harry's latest wheeze is a live therapy session with Dr Gabor Mate – a famed trauma expert – in which he reminded us
again that he, Harry, is the world's biggest victim."

Discussing his relationship with drugs, the Duke of Sussex told Dr Mate: "I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realize how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

JUST IN: Dear God when will the self-pity end Harry? You're a grown man!

Margaret Atwood says Prince Harry 'would have been murdered' in more powerful royal familyHandmaid's Tale author Margaret
Atwood has sparked backlash after saying Prince Harry would have been murdered by a lesser royal.

The Canadian writer issued the bizarre statement in an interview in which she said it's a good thing the Windsors don't enjoy
the power that previous royal households have exercised in past centuries.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to..., 2023 WLNR 8360798

Morgan suggested Prince Harry may now be forced to skip his father's Coronation on May 6 to avoid being barred from returning
to the United States because of his admission.

TV chef Nigella Lawson was forbidden from boarding a flight to the United States in 2014 after admitting to having taken
cocaine during an unrelated trial.

The Sky News Australia contributor added: "Another compelling reason why we don't want them at the king's coronation, we
might end up being stuck with them for good."

READ MORE: The seven clues Harry and Meghan may decline Coronation invite

According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, visa applicants "who are found to be drug abusers or addicts are
inadmissible" to the US.

The terms regulating how to assess whether someone is a habitual drug user are set under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association.

But under rules changed in 2010, "a history of experimental use" can "no longer play a direct role in the admissibility
determination" border officers have to make when assessing a visa claim.

However, precedent exists where foreign nationals applying for entry to the US were denied on criminal grounds despite having
no conviction to their name.

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Rebel Wilson jibe prior to 'cold' meeting [REACTION] Prince Harry 'won't come to Coronation' to 'punish' Royal Family

Laura Devine Solicitors senior attorney Karnig Dukmajian told Vice in 2019: "The law says that if you have been convicted of
a US or foreign law relating to controlled substances, or if you have admitted to violating such a law, then you are inadmissible
to the US."

Referring to the case of Brit Isabella Brazier-Jones, who was denied entry to the US after a two-year-old message about cocaine
was found on her phone, Dukmajian noted US officials had become stricter when it comes to admitting people who used drugs
in the past.

He added: "There are legal standards the authorities are supposed to follow, but recent experience has shown that a simple
admission to having possessed a controlled substance is being deemed sufficient to refuse entry."

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Prince Harry has been residing in the United States since March 2020, when he and Meghan Markle moved their home to
California after six months spent in Canada.

The couple has since settled with their two children in Montecito, in the suburbs of Santa Barbara.

Harry and Meghan last week received an invite to the King's Coronation, which will take place on May 6 in London.

But the couple has already said they will not be confirming quite yet whether they will make it across the Atlantic for the service.

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struggle to get 'invites' Meghan and Harry are going to make 'grand decision' on Coronation

---- Index References ----

Company: US Citizenship and Immigration Services; AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychology (1PS96))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US Citizenship and Immigration Services; American Psychiatric Association) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 830

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern..., 2023 WLNR 8412568

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8412568

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern day Mother Theresa'
Prince Harry has been slammed for trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as "Mother
Theresa" after he claimed she had "saved" him in his most recent inter...

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry has been slammed for trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as "Mother Theresa" after he claimed she had "saved"
him in his most recent interview.

Prince Harry is attempting to brand Meghan Markle as "Mother Theresa", according to a royal expert. The Duke made a media
appearance over the weekend in which he sat down with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; to discuss his drug use, mental health and
even his self-proclaimed "broken home" at the heart of the Royal Family.

Related articles

During the therapy session, Prince Harry praised his wife Meghan Markle as an "exceptional human being" and claimed "people
have said that my wife saved me."

However, not everyone was convinced. Royal commentator and expert Kinsey Schofield took aim at the Duke's comments in
a recent interview.

"I don't understand that commentary at all whatsoever except that this is just the continued narrative that Harry is trying to
thrust on us. That Meghan is not the bad guy," Ms Schofield told

The host of the To Di For Daily podcast continued: "She's Diana 2.0. A modern day Mother Theresa.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern..., 2023 WLNR 8412568

"That's just something that they are trying to shove down our throats because we've seen through it all and understand that these
problems didn't start happening within the family until a certain member was introduced and that's Meghan Markle."

During the interview with Dr Mat&eacute;, Prince Harry didn't just discuss his wife. The Duke also spoke about his past drug
use which included cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics, something he also detailed in his memoir Spare.

"[Cocaine] didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably
also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point," said Prince Harry.

He added: "Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me."

READ MORE: Prince Harry is 'only interested in promoting himself'

Speaking on psychedelics Prince Harry said: "It was the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time.

"For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me."

However, again, Ms Schofield wasn't so sure. "The lightness you're describing Harry is called being high. I mean, it brings new
meaning to Your Highness," she said.

Now royal watchers are waiting to see whether the Sussexes will attend King Charles's Coronation later this year on May 6.
Although Meghan and Harry confirmed they have received an invitation, they have yet to RSVP to the event.

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'preparing fight' over Taiwan Chris Rock slams Meghan Markle's race claim about the Royal Family Americans are 'done' with
Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying' LookFantastic launches Beauty Egg for £60 with contents worth £200

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Health & Family (1HE30); Sales & Marketing (1MA51))

Industry: (Advertising (1AD82); Advertising & Public Relations (1AD83); Branding & Naming (1BR12); Celebrities (1CE65);
Entertainment (1EN08); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; Mother Theresa)

Word Count: 584

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Visa at risk due to drugs, 2023 WLNR 8922783

3/9/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8922783

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 9, 2023

Visa at risk due to drugs

Prince Henry risks having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he tried cocaine.

- The Duke of Sussex revealed in his book "Spare: In the Shadow" that in his youth he used cocaine and marijuana, as well
as other substances.

- Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough stance when it comes to foreigners who use drugs in the country,
so the Prince is at risk of having his document revoked.

- British citizens have had problems entering the U.S. over similar issues. Chef Nigella Lawson was prevented from taking a
flight after revealing that she had used cocaine.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30))

Language: EN

Keywords: (Gente)

Word Count: 105

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 275 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 496 of 634
Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

3/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8608288

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 9, 2023

Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official with major website update
Buckingham Palace has updated its website to show Lilibet and Archie's new titles.

Jon King

Buckingham Palace has made Archie and Lilibet's new titles official in an update on the Royal Family's official website. The title
change was first announced on Wednesday when the Sussexes published a statement confirming Lilibet had been christened.

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Harry and Meghan's children became a prince and princess when King Charles acceded to the throne, but they had remained
a plain "master" and "miss" on the Buckingham Palace website over the last six months.

But in an update today, the palace website refers to the Sussex children as Prince Archie of Sussex and Princess Lilibet of Sussex.

The site's line of succession list has been updated to reflect the change after a spokesperson for the Sussexes publicly referred
to Lilibet as a princess for the first time when announcing news of her christening.

Lilibet, who will be two in June, was baptised in California on Friday, with the Sussexes' spokesperson saying: "I can confirm
that Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday March 3 by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, the Rev John Taylor."

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after
admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly keen not to deny their children their birthright, but to allow them the chance
to decide for themselves when they are older whether to drop or keep using their titles.

In a recent statement the couple said the matter had been settled for some time.

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Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

Harry and Meghan have embraced the royal titles despite the couple's repeated criticism of the monarchy.

Prince Harry accuses his family of "total neglect" in the past and has said he suffered "genetic pain".

The Sussexes also alleged racism against an unnamed member of the Royal Family, who they claim asked what colour Archie
would be. Harry has since appeared to row back on the allegation.


Related articles

In response to the title changes, royal commentator Emily Andrews tweeted on Wednesday: "The perennial question still
remains; if being a royal is so traumatic, such a burden, carries so much inter-generational pain why would you want to style
your kids prince and princess/keep your own royal titles....??"

King Charles was reportedly aware that the Sussexes intended to refer to their daughter as Princess Lili on Wednesday. It is
understood there had been some correspondence about the matter.

Archie and Lilibet's titles will be used in formal settings, but they will not be used routinely by Harry and Meghan.

Lilibet's christening was an intimate affair with 20-30 people present, including Meghan's mother Doria Ragland and Lili's
godfather, Tyler Perry, according to People magazine.

Guests enjoyed an afternoon of food and dancing, with Archie even dancing with his sister.

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The magazine said US actor Perry arrived with a gospel choir who performed Oh Happy Day and This Little Light Of Mine
- a song which featured during the Sussexes' wedding.

It was reported King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales, were invited but did not

Rules over titles set by King George V in 1917 mean Archie and Lilibet, as the children of a son of a sovereign, automatically
became a prince and a princess when Charles became King.

They would also be entitled to an HRH style but these will not be used. Harry and Meghan have retained their HRH styles,
although they no longer use them after quitting the working monarchy.

Meghan said in the couple's interview with US talk show host Oprah Winfrey that Archie was not given the title of prince
because of his race.

However, when Archie was born seventh in line to the throne in May 2019, he was too far down the line of succession.

Although he was a great-grandchild of the monarch, he was not a first-born son of a future king, so was not automatically a

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Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

Related articles Elvis Presley's affair behind Priscilla's back was life-changing Author shares 65 great Carry on secrets The
Apprentice stars details what really happened in taxi drives home Shocking 160,000 cancer patients suffer delays to vital
treatment Bruce Willis' wife slams 'dumb' claim Demi Moore 'moved in with ex'

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Dance (1DA68); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Family) (Archie; Lilibet Diana)

Word Count: 803

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 499 of 634
A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

12/30/02 Evening Chron. (Newcastle) 14

2002 WLNR 8653089


Copyright © 2004 MGN Ltd. All rights reserved.

December 30, 2002


A year of pain and joy

Nation's mourning for Queen Mother deflects the anger over train strikes


The single currency had a smooth launch as Europeans in 12 countries got their first look at new Euro notes and coins.

Rail travellers faced commuter misery and the economy lost millions as strikes on some of the country's busiest routes crippled
services. Then Transport Secretary, Stephen Byers, admitted certain aspects of Britain's railways had got worse under Labour.

Five people died after a private executive jet crashed during take-off at Birmingham International Airport.

Professor Ian Wilmut, the man who led the team which created Dolly the sheep, called for more research into cloning after it
emerged that Dolly had developed arthritis.

Chancellor Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah mourned the loss of their 10-day-old baby daughter Jennifer Jane. She had
suffered a brain haemorrhage.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, announced his retirement.

Gary Hart, the driver convicted of causing the deaths of 10 people in the Selby rail crash, was jailed for five years.

Prince Charles sent his younger son Harry to a drugs rehabilitation clinic after he admitted to regularly smoking cannabis and
drinking alcohol.

Shafiq Rasul, 24, of Tipton, West Midlands, was among the suspected al Qaida prisoners being held at Camp X-Ray, the US
military prison in Cuba. Several other Britons were also being held at the camp.

Tens of thousands of people fled their homes in eastern Congo and Rwanda after a volcano erupted, sending burning lava into
Lake Kivu.

Two Afghan brothers were each jailed for five years for hijacking and other offences relating to the Stansted Airport siege.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Eire publican, Colm Murphy, 49, was sentenced at Ireland's Special Criminal Court, to 14 years imprisonment for conspiring
to cause the 1998 Omagh Bombing, in Northern Ireland. It killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins.

Lord Wakeham stepped aside as chairman of the Press Complaints Commission to answer questions over his involvement with
the collapsed United States of America energy giant Enron.


Stormy weather battered Britain. RAF helicopter crews winched 34 seamen to safety in two air-sea rescue operations, while
passengers were stranded on a ferry which ran aground. Two men died when a tree fell on their vehicle.

Teacher Amy Gehring, 26, was cleared of having sex with two teenage pupils. Gehring was acquitted by a jury at Guildford
Crown Court of three charges and the judge ordered a verdict of not guilty on a fourth.

The Queen marked the 50th anniversary of her accession with a poignant visit to a cancer unit in memory of her father, King
George VI.

Home Secretary David Blunkett provoked criticism by saying Asians should make arranged marriages within the UK rather
than flying in candidates from the Indian sub-continent.

Princess Margaret died, aged 71, in her sleep. Her coffin rested at Kensington Palace until the funeral service, which was
attended by the Royal Family, including the Queen Mother.

Pop Idol reached its climax with Will Young pulling off a shock win over Gareth Gates.

A gang of robbers escaped with several million pounds in cash after holding up a security van at Heathrow Airport.

The Prime Minister was "totally unapologetic" over his backing of a bid by wealthy Labour Party donor Lakshmi Mittal to buy
a Romanian steel company. This was despite claims that it would badly affect British jobs.

Transport Secretary Stephen Byers told MPs that his controversial special adviser, Jo Moore, and civil servant Martin Sixsmith
had agreed to resign. Sixsmith later denied that he had voluntarily given his resignation.

A pounds 100m immigration removal centre near Bedford was wrecked when asylum seekers facing deportation lit a series
of fires during a mass breakout.

Europe's top election observer arrived in Britain after being expelled from Zimbabwe just before the country's presidential
elections. Thirteen EU governments called for immediate sanctions against Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe.

Four men found guilty of plotting to carry out the "Robbery of the Millennium" by snatching pounds 200 million worth of
diamonds from the Millennium Dome were jailed for between 15 and 18 years.

Actor John Thaw, star of The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC, died from cancer of the oesophagus, aged 60.

A 17-year-old youth was dramatically cleared of the murder of schoolboy Damilola Taylor after a judge threw out the evidence
of the prosecution's main witness.

Comedian and writer Spike Milligan, the last of the Goons, died of liver disease, aged 83.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089


The mother and step-father of heroin addict Rachel Whitear released pictures of their daughter's death. She had died alone with
a syringe still in her arm.

The Earl and Countess of Wessex announced that they were quitting their careers amid criticism that work was interfering with
their royal duties.

Alain Baxter, Britain's Olympic slalom skiing bronze medallist, said he was "devastated" after being told he had tested positive
for the banned substance methamphetamine. He was later stripped of his medal.

Robert Mugabe claimed victory in Zimbabwe's presidential election. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw condemned the
"systematic violence and intimidation" which he said had dominated the polling.

Prime Minister Tony Blair was urged by 39 of his MPs not to back US military action against Iraq. International Development
Secretary Clare Short hinted that she would leave the Cabinet if Britain joined an attack.

Pop Idol winner Will Young disclosed he was gay.

Thousands of police officers converged on Westminster to protest about planned reforms to the service.

Baroness Thatcher's office announced that, due to health concerns, she would never make a public speech again.

England and Surrey cricketer Ben Hollioake was killed in a road accident in Australia. He was 24.

The parents of teenager Amanda Dowler made an emotional appeal for help in finding their daughter three days after she

Actor Jim Broadbent was a surprise winner of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in Iris.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell won pounds 3,500 damages from The Daily Mirror after the High Court ruled it acted in breach
of confidence in publishing details of her therapy at Narcotics Anonymous. The Mirror later won its appeal.

A second defendant in the Damilola Taylor murder trial walked free from the Old Bailey.

Education Secretary Estelle Morris was heckled and jeered when she told the NUT's annual conference she would not "do
business" with teachers over pay and conditions if they threatened to strike.

The nation mourned as the Queen Mother died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 101.


A shower of flowers rained down on the Queen Mother's hearse as she made her final journey, past around one million well-
wishers, to St George's Chapel, Windsor. Her four grandsons had mounted a vigil as she lay in state in Westminster Hall, and
the Queen addressed the nation with a message of thanks for public support.

Violence engulfed the Middle East as Israeli tanks invaded Ramallah, trapping six British peace activists. The UN Security
Council elected to send a fact-finding team to a refugee camp in Jenin after reports that "hundreds" of Palestinians had been
killed there.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Television company ITV Digital collapsed, ceasing all pay TV services. Football League clubs were forced to accept a pounds
120 million "golden goodbye" from the company.

REM guitarist Peter Buck was cleared of "ransacking" a first-class cabin during a drunken airborne rampage.

The Prime Minister led national concern for David Beckham's injured foot - and England's World Cup dreams. The England
captain's broken metatarsal bone, sustained in a Champions League clash with Deportivo La Coruna, put Beckham's hopes of
playing in Japan in doubt.

Caroline Ann Stuttle, a 19-year-old backpacker from York, was thrown to her death from a bridge after being robbed in Australia.

Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced an pounds 8 billion tax hike in the Budget. Meanwhile a Treasury-commissioned report
warned that spending on the National Health Service would have to more than double over the next 20 years.

Sven Goran Eriksson's girlfriend, Nancy Dell'Olia, insisted that reports of a relationship between the England football coach
and TV star Ulrika Jonsson were "rubbish".

Two teenage brothers walked free from the Old Bailey after being cleared of the murder of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor.
Damilola's parents said they blamed themselves and British society for their son's death.

Six British plane spotters arrested near a Greek air force base in 2001, were found guilty of spying by a court in the southern
town of Kalamata. They were sentenced to three years in jail.

An expelled pupil went on a gun rampage in a German school, killing 17 people including at least two children, before turning
the gun on himself.

Diane Pretty, a terminally-ill woman who wanted her husband to be allowed to help her "die with dignity" without fear of
prosecution, lost her bid for the backing of the European Court of Human Rights.


Far-right British National Party candidates won three seats in local elections in Burnley, Lancs.

Nearly 50 police officers were injured when mass violence erupted at the end of a Division One play-off game at Millwall
Football Club.

Conservative frontbencher Ann Winterton was sacked after telling a racist joke at a dinner.

Thousands of Jewish campaigners filled Trafalgar Square to call for peace in the Middle East in the biggest ever rally staged
in the capital by the Jewish community.

Transport Secretary Stephen Byers resigned, claiming it was the "right thing to do for the Government and the Labour Party".
He had denied misleading MPs by telling them his department's communications director, Martin Sixsmith, had resigned, when
he had not.

Arsenal beat Chelsea to win the FA Cup final and secured the double by beating Manchester United to be crowned Premiership

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Seven people died and dozens were injured when a passenger train derailed, smashing into a bridge and platform at Potter's
Bar in north London. Railtrack insisted passenger safety had not been compromised after damaged railway sleepers were found
near the scene.

The Foreign Office advised Britons to consider leaving India after a senior diplomat warned Pakistan and India were `very
close' to renewed warfare over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

Beckham-mania hit the Far East as the England captain was greeted by a screaming 600-strong crowd when Sven Goran
Eriksson's squad touched down in Japan for the World Cup. Republic of Ireland captain Roy Keane was sent home after
criticising his side's preparations for the tournament.

Have I Got News For You host Angus Deayton was accused of snorting cocaine and cheating on his girlfriend.

The Government gave away the Millennium Dome and its surrounds for free in the hope of getting pounds 550 million back
over 20 years.


The cricket world was in shock following the death of disgraced former South African cricket captain Hansie Cronje in a plane

The Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations were dubbed an "enormous success". Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney topped the
bill at the Party at the Palace and went on to marry Heather Mills at a remote countryside castle in Ireland later this month.

A two-seater aircraft careered on to the M11 motorway, killing one man and injuring another.

Five people were shot as sectarian violence hit Belfast for four nights.

Former Transport Secretary Stephen Byers apologised to Paddington rail crash survivor Pam Warren over an aide's e-mail
seeking information about her campaign group.

Former South African president Nelson Mandela called for a fresh appeal in the case of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali
Mohmed Al Megrahi.

Postal group Consignia announced 17,000 job cuts, record losses of pounds 1.1 billion and a 1p rise in the price of stamps.

Bobby Robson and Mick Jagger were knighted in the Queen's birthday honours.

England beat Argentina only to lose 2-1 in the World Cup quarter finals to eventual winners Brazil.

Police told the parents of missing schoolgirl Amanda Dowler that she was probably dead.

The London stock market saw more than pounds 35 billion wiped from shares as traders reacted to a massive accounting scandal
from US giant WorldCom which slashed 17,000 jobs.

A builder was found guilty of killing three generations of one family with an iron bar. David Morris was convicted at Swansea
Crown Court of murdering Mandy Power, 34, her daughters Katie, 10, and Emily, eight, and Mrs Power's bedridden mother
Doris Dawson, 80.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Copyright: MGN Ltd

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Violent Crime (1VI27); Strikes & Work Stoppages (1ST12); Teenagers (1TE59); Parents & Parenting (1PA25);
Health & Family (1HE30); Political Parties (1PO73); Public Affairs (1PU31); HR & Labor Management (1HR87); Legal
(1LE33); Business Management (1BU42); Social Issues (1SO05); Accidents & Injuries (1AC02); Government (1GO80); Crime
(1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79))

Industry: (Gen Y Entertainment (1GE14); Gen Y TV (1GE33); Soccer (1SO61); Aerospace & Defense (1AE96); Celebrities
(1CE65); Defense (1DE43); Passenger Transportation (1PA35); Military Forces (1MI37); Railroads (1RA98); Sports (1SP75);
Airports (1AI61); Transportation (1TR48); Airborne Forces (1AI38); Land Transportation (1LA43); Entertainment (1EN08);
Passenger Railroads (1PA89); Air Transportation (1AI53))

Region: (England (1EN10); Western Europe (1WE41); Europe (1EU83); Africa (1AF90); Southern Africa (1SO66); Northern
Ireland (1NO23); Indian Subcontinent (1IN32); India (1IN24); Asia (1AS61); USA (1US73); Zimbabwe (1ZI44); Southern Asia
(1SO52); North America (1NO39); United Kingdom (1UN38); Americas (1AM92); Ireland (1IR50); Middle East (1MI23))

Language: EN

Megrahi; Alain Baxter; Amanda Dowler; Amy Gehring; Angus Deayton; Ann Winterton; Arsenal beat Chelsea; Baroness
Thatcher; Beckham; Ben Hollioake; Bobby Robson; Caroline Ann Stuttle; Chancellor; Chancellor Gordon Brown; Charles;
Clare Short; Colm Murphy; Comedian; Conservative; David Beckham; David Blunkett; David Morris; Diane Pretty; Doris
Dawson; Education; Eire; Emily; England; Eriksson; Estelle Morris; Europe; Gary Hart; Gehring; George; George Carey;
Gordon Brown; Hansie Cronje; Heather Mills; Ian Wilmut; Inspector Morse; Jack Straw; Jennifer Jane; Jo Moore; Katie;
La Coruna; Labour Party; Lakshmi Mittal; Martin Sixsmith; Mick Jagger; Mother; MPs; Nancy Dell; Nelson Mandela; Pam
Warren; Party; Paul McCartney; Peter Buck; Pop Idol; Postal; Power; Prime; Rachel Whitear; Railtrack; Robert Mugabe; Roy
Keane; Shafiq Rasul; Sixsmith; Spike Milligan; St George; Stephen Byers; Supermodel Naomi Campbell; Surrey; Sven Goran;
Sven Goran Eriksson; Television; Tens; Thirteen EU; Tony Blair; Trafalgar Square; Transport; Ulrika Jonsson; Westminster

Edition: EC3012-0

Word Count: 2524

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 284 6
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 505 of 634

U.S. Back to school for Prince Harry  
BUSINESS January 14, 2002 Posted: 1:52 AM EST (0652 GMT)
POLITICS ETON, England -- Prince Harry is
Prince Harry, 17, spent a day
LAW expected to be back in classes at
at a rehab clinic where he heard
SCI-TECH Eton on Monday where he will
about the dangers of substance
SPACE hope to put the weekend's
HEALTH revelations of his drug taking
EDUCATION His father, the Prince of Wales won
IN-DEPTH praise from Prime Minister Tony
Blair and drugs support groups for
VIDEO Prince Harry, 17, spent a day his handling of "every family's
LOCAL at a rehab clinic where he nightmare."
CNN heard about the dangers of
NEWSWATCH substance abuse Prince Harry left Eton College on
E-MAIL Sunday after revelations of his
SERVICES cannabis smoking and underage
CNNtoGO drinking were revealed.
The 17-year-old youngest son of
CNN TV Prince Charles and the late Princess
what's on Diana spent Sunday at his father's country residence, Highgrove in
show transcripts Gloucestershire.
CNN Headline
Prince Harry had lunch with his father and MORE STORIES
elder brother William and was expected to • Prince faced 'every
CNN International
return to the school on Sunday night. parent's nightmare' 
Blair, whose eldest son Euan was once caught Asia  QUICKVOTE
underage drinking, acknowledged it was a Europe difficult situation for the Prince of Wales and Should Prince Harry his family, saying: "I know this myself. have been sent to a drugs clinic for admitting to
set your edition "I think the way that Prince Charles and the smoking cannabis?
Languages Royal Family have handled it is absolutely
Time, Inc. right and they have done it in a very Yes
responsible and, as you would expect, in a No
very sensitive way for their child," Blair told View Results vote
the BBC.

Euan Blair, then 16, was found to be drunk  

and incapable in London's Leicester Square while celebrating the end of
his GCSEs in July 2000.

Prince Charles had faced "every parent's nightmare" but handled it very
well, according to Addiction, Britain's largest specialist drug and alcohol
treatment agency.

APP. C 285
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 506 of 634
"It seems from what we know of the story that the Prince of Wales has
acted with deep sensitivity and very quickly, which is exactly what is
needed," chief executive Peter Martin told the Press Association.

A spokesman for St James's Palace, the Prince of Wales's official London

residence, confirmed on Saturday night that Prince Harry had visited the
Featherstone Lodge drug, a rehabilitation clinic in Lewisham, south
London, of which has father is patron.

The spokesman told CNN: "This is a serious matter which was resolved
within the family, and is now in the past and closed."

Prince Charles discovered the teenage prince had taken drugs at

Highgrove and at private parties, and allegedly drank alcohol at the
Rattlebone Inn, Sherston, Wiltshire, the Sunday tabloid News of the
World reported.

Bill Puddicombe, chief executive of Phoenix House UK -- which runs

Featherstone Lodge -- described to CNN details of Prince Harry's visit,
which was made last summer.

He said: "We received a request from the Prince of Wales's office for
Prince Harry to come and visit one of our rehabilitation centers.

"He came and visited for a couple of hours. Prince Charles was not with
him. He spoke to the people were there recovery from addiction from
cocaine, heroin, other illicit drugs and alcohol.

"He learned a bit about the consequences of drug use, he heard about
people's life stories and heard, I guess, some harrowing details of what
had happened to them."

In Britain, possession of cannabis, a Prince Harry spent two hours

class B controlled substance, is visiting patients at Featherstone
punishable by up to five years in Lodge, in south London
prison, although the government has
proposed making possession a non-
arrestable offence. The legal age for
buying alcohol is 18.

The News of the World said Harry had

experimented with marijuana over a
two-month period at Highgrove, in a Prince Harry spent two hours
rundown shed at a nearby pub and at visiting patients at
private parties held by friends. Featherstone Lodge, in south
Prince Charles was alerted to his son's
behaviour by a Highgrove staff member, who noticed a strong smell of
marijuana, the newspaper reported.

Prince Charles is reported to have reacted straight away when he learned

his son had tried cannabis, sending him to visit the rebab clinic to show
him the dangers of drug abuse.

"The way we interpreted it was it was a piece of good, responsible

parenting by Prince Charles," Puddicombe said.

Scandals involving drink and drugs have dogged the circle of friends of
Prince Harry and his elder brother William, whose mother died in a car
APP. C 286
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 507 of 634
crash in 1997.

Last year, Nicholas Knatchbull, one of Prince Charles's godchildren

received treatment at a drug rehabilitation clinic.

Tom Parker Bowles -- another godchild and son of Prince Charles's

partner, Camilla Parker Bowles -- was exposed as a cocaine user two
years ago.

His cousin, Emma Parker Bowles, admitted in 2000 that she had been
treated for drink and drug addiction.

And when he was 14, Prince Charles himself was at the centre of an
infamous underage drinking episode after he entered a pub on the Isle of
Lewis in Scotland.

He asked for a cherry brandy, saying later it was the first thing that came
into his mind, but the incident attracted international attention.


• UK prince smoked cannabis
January 13, 2002
• Prince faced 'every parent's nightmare'
January 13, 2002
• Diana butler sent for trial
January 10, 2002
• Royal row over William film crew
September 27, 2001

• The Prince of Wales
• Prince Harry unofficial profile
• Phoenix House UK

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Drugaddicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old..., 2023 WLNR 947304

1/9/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 947304

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Drug addicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed
to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and Nepalese hashish temple ball...

Sam Greenhill Chief Reporter For The Daily Mail

Drug addicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and
Nepalese hashish temple balls during visit to rehabilitation centre

Drug addicts were stunned when 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed he took cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and Nepalese
hashish temple balls, it was claimed yesterday.

A former resident, Paul Smith, claimed yesterday that the Prince was 'so open' Harry left them bemused when he said he took
potentially harmful temple balls In his explosive book he said taking drugs like cocaine did not make him happy

He was sent to meet residents at a rehabilitation centre when Prince Charles discovered he had been experimenting with cannabis
and alcohol.

But when he was at Featherstone Lodge in south-east London, Harry apparently confessed to much more serious drug taking,
telling startled addicts he had taken Class A cocaine and Class B ketamine, a tranquilliser.

A former resident, Paul Smith, claimed yesterday: 'Harry was so open. He said he'd taken ketamine, cannabis and also cocaine.
We were stunned. There had been reports of bad behaviour around that time, but this was so shocking. This was a prince. It
was incredible.'

Harry also left them bemused when he talked of taking temple balls, an especially potent and potentially dangerous form of
cannabis which has been cultivated in Nepal for hundreds of years.

Mr Smith, 54, shared his memories from 2002 after the Duke of Sussex wrote in his memoir, Spare, about snorting lines of
cocaine and hallucinating on magic mushrooms, once believing that a bin was talking to him.

Mr Smith told The Sun yesterday: 'We had no prior warning, we were just told he was heading in. He said when he was doing
these things, he was out of control. It was brutally honest. I think he felt happy to speak around us.'

He recalled Harry had spent about an hour with him and two other addicts, talking in great detail about his life. He said: 'I think
Charles wanted him to be alone and talk to real addicts about how bad drugs are. He did not even have his security people

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Drugaddicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old..., 2023 WLNR 947304

in the room at the time. I said my name was Paul and I explained my situation. I told him that he did not want to end up in
a place like this.'

In the book, Harry said taking cocaine did not make him happy, but he had tried the Class A drug and other narcotics as a way
to escape the harsh reality of his life. He also suggested that taking psychedelic drugs had helped his mental health therapy.

He admits smoking cannabis at Eton, and said he continued to smoke the drug even while living at Nottingham Cottage in
Kensington Palace, adding that he tried to ensure the smoke did not drift into the garden of his neighbour, the Duke of Kent.

Harry boasts of how he lied to palace officials when a newspaper claimed in 2002 to have obtained a photo of him taking cocaine.
He bragged of dishonestly informing a senior courtier he had never taken the drug, leading the palace to deny it to the journalist.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal
Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Region: (Asia (1AS61); Indian Subcontinent (1IN32); Nepal (1NE32); Southern Asia (1SO52))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 486

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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 Locations Addictions  Testimonials

Prince Harry Admits to Drug Use

By Cedric Dent JANUARY 12, 2023

Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, details many of the unexplored recesses of his royal life but
also extant reports of heavy drinking and drug use. Few details have been provided
regarding his path to recovery. This follows the December release of a widely viewed, six-
part Netflix documentary on Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, and a dramatic film about
their lives, Harry & Meghan, released in 2019.

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 Locations Addictions  Testimonials

The Royal Cocaine Rumor

The book covers several controversial scenes,
including one where William, Prince of Wales,
physically attacks Prince Harry during an argument
about Meghan. Another that’s actually not related to
the relationship is that of what Spare calls the “party
prince.” It refers to a time in his life when the Duke
of Sussex concedes that he indulged in cocaine a
“few” times. This actually hearkens back to a rumor
first published by a British tabloid the same year
Harry & Meghan was released.

“Which third-generation royal unrolled a friend’s banknote when doing coke?” the original
piece read according to Daily Mail. “They said, ‘Hello, granny!’ to the Queen’s portrait
before re-rolling it and hoofing their line.”

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This left readers to contemplateGet
whether or not it was speaking of Prince Harry due to his
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
reputation as the wild child of the Royal Family.
Treatment Though the memoir doesn’t specifically
confirm this exact statement and scenario, it does confirm that Harry had, indeed, done
cocaine. He says he used cocaine several times, starting at age 17 in order to “feel

Other Royal Substance Abuses

Cocaine is one of many substances the memoir, however, admits Harry abused from
nicotine to marijuana and even psychedelics like ayahuasca and psilocybin, which is
being increasingly considered for legalization in the U.S. Harry details one experience in
2016 in which mushrooms gave him a hallucination in which he conversed with a
trashcan. In the book, he expresses remorse and guilt for his substance use.

“I knew this was bad behaviour,” Harry wrote about sharing a joint with friends. “I knew it
was wrong. My mates knew too.”

He wrote that he took drugs, like many people do, to deal with mental trauma. In Harry’s
case, it was in an effort to deal with the loss of his mother, Princess Diana. He said “It
wasn’t much fun and didn’t make me feel particularly happy the way others seemed to.” 

Newspaper reporters had actually approached palace officials in 2002, claiming to have
photographic evidence of Harry doing cocaine, according to the memoir. Harry brags in
the book about lying to the officials and leading the royal family to deny the allegation to
the journalist.

Prince Harry Forced into Recovery

In February 2002 — the same year Harry got the palace to lie to press about his cocaine
abuse — King Charles, then Prince of Wales, enrolled Harry in the addiction treatment
program at Featherstone Lodge Rehabilitation Centre in South London per The Guardian.

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Featherstone was then referred to as a detox facility for heroin users. Royal sources at the
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
time had only confirmed that Harry, then age 17, had confessed to “experimenting” with
cannabis on several occasions. He was also said to have been drinking excessively.

Much of this behavior was then attributed to Prince Harry coping with the death of his
mother, Princess Diana. This matches what addictionologists often assert about trauma
being a common denominator for substance abuse habits. That’s one of the problems
cognitive behavioral therapy is intended to treat. It’s a treatment modality largely used for
victims of post traumatic stress disorder.

Treatment Modalities for Prince Harry

Taking an aggregate sum of what substances Prince Harry took, he may have had an
arduous detox process to undergo. It’s literally a series of chemical changes in the body,
which prove not only uncomfortable but painful and even life-threatening sometimes.
Healthcare experts agree that this is a process best overseen by professional, medical

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Even after detox, these chemical processes can easily lead to a dopamine crash.
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
Dopamine levels drop so precipitously when this happens that some people become
temporarily suicidal. Ephemeral mental illness aside, therapy is a necessary treatment to
actually combat substance use disorders (SUDs), too.

Detox supervision is one of the specialties of Landmark Recovery, even to the point of
medication-assisted treatment in some circumstances. Also, therapy afterward is hardly
just about surviving dopamine crashes. At the same time, not all talk therapy is well suited
to deal with the root problem of SUD. Cognitive behavioral therapy identifies and targets
the thought processes that contribute to substance abuse, yanks them up by the root and
replaces them with thoughts better suited to living without those substances.

If you relate to Prince Harry’s journey, and need help to stop drinking or taking drugs, go
to Landmark Recovery or call 888.448.0302.

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About the Author

APP. C 294
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Prince Harry Is Said To Have Used Drugs

By The Associated Press
Jan. 13, 2002

See the article in its original context from

January 13, 2002, Section 1, Page 10 Buy Reprints


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Prince Charles took his youngest son, Harry, to a rehabilitation clinic to show him the
dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, after the young prince admitted having smoked
marijuana and getting drunk, a Sunday newspaper reported.

St. James's Palace, the official residence of Prince Charles, said the matter was now closed.

''This was a serious matter which was resolved within the family and is now in the past and
closed,'' a spokesman said today, speaking on condition of anonymity.

According to tabloid News of the World, Charles made the decision after discovering the 17-
year-old prince had used marijuana and had also been drinking at a pub near Charles'
Highgrove country estate in western England.

Marijuana use is illegal in Britain and the legal drinking age is 18. Harry was 16 when he
confessed to his father last summer, the newspaper reported.

The newspaper said Harry experimented with marijuana over a two-month period at
Highgrove, in a rundown shed at a nearby pub and at private parties held by friends.

Charles was alerted to his son's behavior by a Highgrove member of staff, the newspaper
reported. He confronted the young prince and took him to a drug rehabilitation center in
south London, where he spent a day talking with addicts.

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News > UK > This Britain

Prince Harry sent to rehab over drink and drugs

Claire Hill · Sunday 13 January 2002 01:00 · Comments

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Harry's friends are no strangers to drugs

Prince Harry was sent to a drugs rehabilitation clinic after he admitted to smoking
cannabis and drinking alcohol, it emerged last night.

His father, the Prince of Wales, sent his son to Featherstone Lodge Rehabilitation
Centre in Peckham, south London. Prince Charles took the decision after learning
his son had taken drugs during private parties at Highgrove, and had drunk alcohol
at the nearby Rattlebone Inn in Sherston, reports said.

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These incidents are reported to have happened last June and July when Harry was
16. It is believed that Prince Charles was alerted to the problem when a senior
member of staff noticed a smell of cannabis. In the late summer, he visited the
rehabilitation centre for what was intended to be a "short, sharp shock".

Bill Puddicombe, the chief executive of Phoenix House Treatment Service For Drug
Dependency, confirmed Prince Harry's visit to the lodge. "The visit was at the
request of the Prince of Wales, who is our patron," he said. "Prince Harry came for a
couple of hours on a day in late summer and talked to several people in recovery,
heroin and cocaine addicts mostly.

"They told him what had happened in their lives, which must have been quite
harrowing for him. Prince Harry was friendly and relaxed and the residents liked
him and responded very warmly to him.

"I spoke to the Prince in November and was pleased to hear that Harry had enjoyed
his visit and learnt a lot.

"It was an opportunity for the Prince of Wales to teach Prince Harry about our work
and the consequences of taking drugs. Featherstone has helped an enormous
number of people, and we are pleased if the visit helped Prince Harry too."

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Prince Harry was reportedly shown the residential and detox areas and sat in on a
communal therapy group and heard stories of addicts moving from cannabis to
cocaine and heroin.

A Star is Born: Julia Roberts' 18-

Year-Old Daughter Steals the Show

A spokesman for St James's Palace said last night: "This is a serious matter which
was resolved within the family, and is now in the past and closed." It is expected
there will be widespread praise for the Prince of Wales's actions.

Prince Harry, now at Eton public school and planning to go to agricultural college
after his A-levels, is the latest in a line of young aristocrats and politicians' children
who have succumbed to drug taking. The Hon Nicholas Knatchbull, a godson of
Prince Charles, was in a rehabilitation clinic last year. Camilla Parker Bowles's son,
Tom and Lord Frederick Windsor have also admitted using cocaine. Tony Blair's son,
Euan, was found drunk in Leicester Square in 2000 when he was 16.

The Mail on Sunday also reported last night that the prince was at the centre of a
Police investigation into after-hours drinking at the Rattlebone Inn. He verbally
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abused a French employee and was ordered to leave the premises, the report said.
The landlord, David Baker, left the pub within weeks of the incident.

The Prince of Wales was involved in an underage drinking episode when he was 14.
During a school sailing trip, he led his four friends to the Crown Hotel on the Isle of
Lewis. He asked for a cherry brandy, the first drink that came to his mind.
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The Observer

This article is more than 21 years old

Prince Harry taken to drink and drugs rehab clinic

Antony Barnett
Sat 12 Jan 2002 23.36 EST

Prince Harry was taken to a drugs rehabilitation clinic for a day after Prince Charles
discovered he had been regularly smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol, it emerged
last night.

The prince, 16 at the time, was confronted last year by Prince Charles, who then
arranged a visit to Featherstone Lodge, a detox centre for heroin addicts in Peckham,
south London.

Royal sources confirmed that Harry, now 17, had confessed to 'experimenting' with
cannabis on several occasions at his father's Highgrove home and drinking to excess at
private parties and at a local pub in Wiltshire.

The latest revelations will be highly embarrassing for the royal family and also put a
spotlight on how Prince Harry has coped since his mother Diana, Princess of Wales,
was killed.

The News of the World quoted one source as saying: 'Since Princess Diana died, there
has been a family rule that when Prince Harry is home from school, his father is at
home at Highgrove.

'But last summer was different. Prince Harry was getting older, Prince Charles was
often away on business in London and Prince William was on his gap year.

'So for the first time Prince Harry found himself occasionally at home alone at
Highgrove and was encouraged to have friends round to keep him company. During a
period covering June and July 2001, Prince Harry fell in with a bad lot at the Rattlebone
Inn. There are so many fights at the Rattlebone Inn. In fact, earlier last year Prince
Harry was involved in an incident after a fight broke out over out-of-hours drinking
and was barred from the inn for a while.'

The News of the World reports that one of his new friends encouraged him to
experiment with cannabis at a private party in Tetbury and on one occasion in the shed
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at the back of the pub.

It was after a private party at Highgrove that a member of the Royal staff smelled
cannabis and alerted Prince Charles. An aide to the Prince of Wales confirmed:
'Although his friends smoked at parties at Highgrove, Harry was mindful only to smoke
in private with close friends in the local area.'

Charles is reported to have asked Prince William to suggest to Harry that he should
spend some time at the Featherstone clinic to familiarise himself with the dangers of
drugs. It was reported that the prince visited the centre for a day as a short, sharp
shock and not for treatment.

According to the report, Charles told aides: 'There is no point in hiding the truth. These
are the facts - let people make their own judgment.' St James's Palace said: 'This is a
serious matter which was resolved within the family and is now closed.'

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News UK News

DRUG CONFESSIONS Prince Harry, aged 17,

told addicts at rehab he’d ‘experimented’
with cocaine, ketamine & cannabis
following loss of mum
Isaac Crowson
Published: 16:00 ET, Jan 8 2023 Updated: 1:54 ET, Jan 9 2023

PRINCE Harry confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine,

cannabis and Nepalese hashish Temple Balls to other
users at a drug rehab centre aged 17, a former
resident has claimed.

Paul Smith said he and other addicts were left stunned

when the Prince visited Featherstone Lodge in South
APP. C 302
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 523 of 634
East London with his father Charles in 2002.

A former resident of a drug rehab centre claIms Harry
confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and
Nepalese hashish Temple Balls aged 17 Credit: David Hartley

Paul Smith said he and other addicts were left stunned when
the Prince visited Featherstone Lodge in London with
Charles in 2002 Credit: Times Newspapers Ltd

Harry was taken there after the now-King discovered

his son had been regularly smoking cannabis and
APP. C 303
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 524 of 634
drinking alcohol as a teenager.
It was widely reported around that time that Charles
confronted Harry, who had confessed to
“experimenting” with weed on several occasions at his
father’s Highgrove home.

But The Sun can reveal he went further than was

publicly known and told startled addicts he had taken
the Class A drug cocaine and Class B ketamine, a

And he left them bemused with a confession to taking

Temple Balls — which experts have warned are not for
the casual drug taker.

It is a form of cannabis which has been cultivated in

Nepal for hundreds of years — and is a plant
concentrate which produces a much more potent high
than regular weed.

Paul, 54, has come forward to talk about Harry’s visit

after the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking drugs in
his memoir, Spare.

He claims: “Harry was so open. He said he’d taken

ketamine, cannabis and also cocaine.

APP. C 304
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Paul Smith, 52, said Harry claimed to have taken ketamine,
cannabis and cocaine Credit: Kevin Dunnett

It comes as the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking drugs in
his memoir, Spare Credit: Instagram

“We were stunned. There had been reports of bad

behaviour around that time, but this was so shocking.
This was a prince. It was incredible.
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“He said he’d struggled with the loss of his mother and
I could relate to that. I’d also had bereavement in my

“He’s a man in line to the throne at a drug

rehab centre laying out his soul. It was shocking.

“We had no prior warning, we were just told he was

heading in. He said when he was doing these things, he
was out of control.

“It was brutally honest. I think he felt happy to speak

around us.”

Paul said Harry spent about an hour with him and two
other addicts, talking in great detail about his life.

He said that at times he had to “pinch myself” that it

was really happening.
APP. C 306
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He added: “I was a senior resident at the centre at the
time which is why I think they chose me. I think Charles
wanted him to be alone and talk to real addicts about
how bad drugs are.

“He did not even have his security people in the room
at the time. I said my name was Paul and I explained
my situation.

APP. C 307
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Harry was taken to the rehab centre after the King
discovered his son had been regularly smoking cannabis and
drinking Credit: PA

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Harry also admits in Spare that he had lied about his cocaine
use when confronted about it Credit: Reuters

"I told him that he did not want to end up in a place

like this. He talked about taking marijuana, Temple
Balls and cocaine.

“He also talked about Ketamine. I was like, ‘Oh my god’

— I told him he needed to rein it in.

"But when all the drug taking stuff came out this week
from his book I was shocked. I don’t know why he
decided to announce it all now. He said he felt very bad
after taking the drugs.”

In the book, Harry admits he took cocaine as a

teenager and blamed it on an adolescent rebellion.

He says he was offered the Class A drug during a

hunting weekend when he was 17 — and on a few other

Harry also reveals he smoked cannabis at Eton and he

had continued to smoke the drug at Nottingham
Cottage, the home he moved into with Meghan in the
grounds of Kensington Palace, in 2015.

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He says he would smoke a marijuana joint after dinner,
adding that he tried to ensure the smoke did not drift
into the garden of his neighbour, the Duke of Kent.

Psychedelic drugs had helped him escape into

“another world”, he adds, and he describes getting
drunk on tequila and taking magic mushrooms with
friends in California in 2016.

Harry also admits in Spare that he had lied about his

cocaine use when confronted about it at the time of
the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002.

He says he was ushered into a small office and asked

bluntly if he had taken the drug.

The unnamed member of the Royal Household said a

journalist had claimed to have a photograph of the
young prince taking cocaine.



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Harry denied the claim immediately and told the

official to deny it to the journalist.

But in his memoir, he admits to taking cocaine at that

time when he would have been 17.

Topics Drugs Exclusives Royal Family

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Home / News / World /  ‘What Meghan wants, she gets’, Expert hints Markle responsible for Prince Harry's US visa scrutiny

‘What Meghan wants, she gets’, Expert hints Markle responsible for Prince Harry's US visa scrutiny
1 min read . Updated: 25 Mar 2023, 05:41 PM IST

Edited By Sanchari Ghosh

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has called for the release of Prince Harry's US visa application to see if he properly disclosed his past drug use before
moving to California in the summer of 2020. (REUTERS)

Royal biographer criticized Meghan Markle for allegedly encouraging Prince Harry to reveal details of his drug use in his memoir ‘Spare’

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny and partially his wife Meghan Markle is responsible for it. As per experts, Meghan should have warned

Harry about detailing his drug use in his book ‘Spare’ as it could have serious consequences for his visa status in the United States. 

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After the book came out, The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has called for the release of Prince Harry's US visa application to see if
he properly disclosed his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. 

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It is unclear what the consequences would be for Meghan Markle if Prince Harry were to be deported from the United States over visa issues.
Similarly, it is uncertain whether Prince Harry would return to Britain or whether Meghan Markle would remain in the United States.


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It is important to note that failing to disclose relevant information on a visa application can have serious consequences. US immigration laws have
strict punishments for people who lie or hide information, and deportation is one of the potential outcomes. 

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APP. C 313
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 534 of 634

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Could Prince Harry be deported from the US over drug use?




Piers Morgan

Prince Harry facing demands to publicise his US visa application after admitting recreational drug use

Prince Harry is facing calls to reveal whether his US visa application included details of his past drug use.

It comes after he admitted taking cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms. in his autobiography, Spare.
APP. C 314
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 535 of 634
A request has been submitted for him to release a copy of his application by a US conservative think tank to see whether he admitted to his drug use before m

Peter Hitchens blames drug users like Prince Harry for narcotics trade 'misery'


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The Heritage Foundation has argued the details of Harry's application should be released to confirm whether he was properly vetted before being allowed to

Applicants for US visas are typically asked about previous drug use. Hundreds of Brits have been denied access to America after admitting prior drug misuse.

The think tank's director Mike Powell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use

APP. C 315
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 536 of 634

Prince Harry: 'Drugs responsible for glaring book errors', says Royal commentator


Harry wrote in his memoir that he first tried cocaine when he was 17 and has used it recreationally since. He also said that he used cannabis and magic mushro

The Heritage Foundation argues that if immigration officials knew about Harry drug use it raises questions over whether he was given special treatment becau

If Harry failed to declare his drug use he could also be barred from applying for US citizenship and deported from the country he has lived in for nearly three y

Latest Articles

APP. C 316
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 537 of 634

Explained: Why Meghan Markle is

responsible for Harry’s visa
Prince Harry is frightened of his wife Meghan Markle, claims royal biographer; calls her
really scary’. She controls every move of Harry

Lachmi Deb Roy March 24, 2023 12:19:35 IST

Prince Harry is ‘frightened’ of his wife Meghan Markle, claims royal biographer; calls her ‘really scary’.

Meghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry against revealing details about his drug
usage for his memoir Spare. Harry has disclosed plenty of royal secrets and interesting
details about his drug usage in his memoir Spare. For that reason, his visa applications
have come under scrutiny and there are chances that he may be deported from the US.
US immigration law tends to have very harsh punishment for people lying and hiding
information. The royal biographer Angela Levin has called out Meghan Markle for not
stopping  Prince Harry from revealing all details. In fact, she encouraged Harry to tell it

According to reports, a conservative think tank is calling for

Prince Harry’s US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he
admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. Now
the obvious questions are what will happen to Meghan Markle if Harry gets deported
from the USA over visa issues? Will Harry go back to Britain? Will Meghan continue to live
in the US?

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is
arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince’s application so
Americans can see whether or not he was properly vetted before being allowed to enter
the country Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and APP. C 317
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 538 of 634
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and
drug use.

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Prince Harry is frightened of his wife Meghan Markle. She added
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that Meghan is delightful unless you say something that
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According to GB News Harry doesn’t want to say anything if Meghan wants to speak, if
she wants to speak to someone before him he steps back, he’s very nervous.’ Calling him
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gets”, She remarked, “It’s a tragedy because I think that he lets her say and do things that
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anyone else would say ‘no this isLatest
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Updated Date: March 24, 2023 21:23:12 IST

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 539 of 634


Lawyers reveal whether Prince Harry’s drug use will affect US visa
By Eileen Reslen March 21, 2023 | 3:18pm

00:57 / 01:30

“Truth-teller” Prince Harry may find himself in hot water — and lose his rights to live in the US — for being too honest about
his past drug use, a legal expert tells Page Six exclusively.

However, others argue that the British royal is in the clear — unless he happens to one day find himself behind bars.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani says.

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms
and other drugs.”

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 540 of 634

Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, adds that there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Prince Harry’s admission of drug use could affect his visa status.
Getty Images

The Duke of Sussex revealed in his memoir, “Spare,” released in January, that he “drank heavily,” used cocaine and smoked
pot throughout his life.

While Harry, 38, claimed he only used coke as a teen, he has also admitted to experimenting with psychedelics well into his

The prince said during an online chat with trauma expert Gabor Maté earlier this month that he considers hallucinogenic
drugs a “fundamental” part of his life.

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Harry, seen here in 2004, wrote about using cocaine in his book, “Spare.”
Richard Young/Shutterstock

“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me and
brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time,” he shared at
the time.

“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Attorney James Leonard, who represented “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” alum Joe Giudice in his immigration case,
disagrees with Rahmani that Harry’s status in the US is at such high risk.

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APP. C 322
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The royal, seen here in 2012, has not said he’s suffered from addiction issues.
Tim Rooke/Shutterstock

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual
drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational
experimentation with drugs,” the high-profile New Jersey-based lawyer tells Page Six.

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Leonard explains that drug users who are not US citizens would have to give immigration officials a reason to launch an
investigation into the individual’s status, like a criminal act.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with drugs when
you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there,” the celebrity attorney adds.

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Legal experts say Harry’s visa would only be at risk if he faced criminal charges.
The Daily Stardust / ShotbyNYP/MEGA / BACKGRID

“Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we’re having a different

Sam Adair, an immigration lawyer with more than two decades of experience, agrees with Leonard that it is “unlikely that
these admissions will present a problem.”

“If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa,” the executive partner at
Graham Adair points out.

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Harry moved to the US in 2020 with his wife, Meghan Markle.
Getty Images for 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala

He adds, “This isn’t to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is
unlikely that this would present an issue. 

“It isn’t clear to me what the duke’s visa status is in the US, but breaking the law could be an issue in getting a visa renewed
or for readmission to the US. But recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is unlikely to
present an issue for someone’s visa status.”

However, Rahmani maintains that there is “no requirement that the person actually be convicted of a drug offense.”

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Harry resides in the US full-time with his wife and two kids, Archie and Lilibet.
Alexi Lubomirski / Duke and Duchess of Sussex

He notes, though, that a loophole for drug users to stay in the US would be for them to “get a waiver” as proof that their
substance abuse “is in remission.”
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“Someone is considered in remission after one year of sobriety,” Rahmani explains. “A waiver request requires a doctor to
submit medical records, but it’s unclear whether Prince Harry made such a request because immigration files are not public.”

Harry has not disclosed whether he has ever struggled with serious drug issues, but his father, King Charles III, sent him to a
rehab center at age 17 after he confessed to smoking marijuana.

Markle is a US citizen.
AFP via Getty Images

Adair says past recreational drug use is “not something that is likely to have been raised in a visa interview,” so it was likely
not an issue during Harry’s approval process.

“The drug use could be an issue if there had ever been an arrest, charge or conviction, but recreational use would not likely
come up in the visa interview,” the Texas-based lawyer concludes.

Leonard agrees, “If he had a criminal charge, it could absolutely affect his status and whether it gets renewed or terminated.
But just to say that you indulged in that behavior, the answer is no [it would not affect his status].”

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Harry and Markle quit the British royal family in January 2020.
Getty Images

206 What do you think? Post a comment.

Harry moved to California with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their son, Archie, in early 2020 after quitting the royal family
that January.

According to a 2021 article by the Times, the duke has no plans to seek a permanent US residency, citizenship or a “green
card at any point.”

A top immigration attorney previously told Page Six that should any issues arise, Markle, 41, who was born in California,
could sponsor her husband.

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Prince Harry Facing Questions Surrounding U.S. Visa After Admitting To

Using Drugs 
  by Nicky Kashani (  March 27, 2023, 11:29 pm Like 4

 Daily Digest (, News (, News Feed


Follow uInterview

( (

Prince Harry ( has made some bombshell revelations

spare/) in his recent interviews and 2023 autobiography, Spare. The most recent to come under

APP. C 331
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 552 of 634

scrutiny is his admission to having experimented with illicit drugs, such as cocaine and magic
mushrooms (
mushrooms-in-new-memoir/), which has raised questions about whether he declared his past
substance use when applying for residency, and why it has not impacted his ability to obtain a U.S.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has submitted a request for Prince Harry’s visa
documents under the Freedom of Information Act. Experts believe that if the Heritage Foundation’s
investigation finds the Duke of Sussex to have lied on his application, he could have his visa revoked
and could face deportation.



Experts say that an admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

If, however, the investigation finds that he has mentioned his history with illicit drugs, then it would
suggest that he has received unfair preferential treatment due to his royal status or as a result of his
wife Meghan Markle (‘s fame.

Many individuals with a history of substance use have been refused from the U.S. in the past. For
example, in 2014, food writer and TV chef Nigella Lawson was banned from an LAX-bound flight from
London Heathrow, four months after admitting to experimenting with Class-A drugs.

While the 38-year-old prince claimed to have only engaged in cocaine use in his teenage years, he
recalled his experimentation with psychedelics to have been well into his adulthood, at the Los
Angeles home of actress Courteney Cox (
harry-saying-he-took-magic-mushrooms-at-her-house/). Earlier this month, the duke told trauma
expert Dr. Gabor Maté that hallucinogenic drugs are a “fundamental” part of his life.

“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it
removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed
to hold back for a period of time,” he told Maté, admitting that he began “doing it recreationally and
then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Despite the backlash, there are some who believe that without a criminal act, immigration officials will
not have sufficient reason to launch an investigation.

APP. C 332
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Celeb (Https://Hellogiggles.Com/Celebrity/) | News

Prince Harry Might Face Deportation Over Past Drug

K a r w a i Ta n g / W i r e I m a g e ( h t t p s : / / w w w. g e t t y i m a g e s . c o m / d e t a i l / n e w s - p h o t o / p r i n c e - h a r r y - d u k e - o f -

Prince Harry (

are-making-big-coronation-demands-says-source/)’s cons list for
attending King Charles (
harry/)’s coronation just got one bullet point longer — and a whole lot more
complicated. A Washington D.C.-based conservative think tank is
demanding that Harry’s U.S. visa application be made public following his
admission of past drug use (


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Earlier this year, during his global press tour for Spare, Harry revealed on-
camera he has used cocaine, magic mushrooms, marijuana, and
psychedelics including ayahuasca. The Heritage Foundation wantsVolkswagen
know if Harry omitted to use of those drugs on his application.
Skip Ad

APP. C 333
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 554 of 634
If the answer is yes, he could be facing
possible deportation(/) for lying to immigration
officials. That also means if he decides to
travel to the U.K. for Coronation Weekend,
he may not be allowed back into the US.


“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of

Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding
the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States,” The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project director
Mike Howell told Daily Mail (

The real ticker is whether or not Harry received preferential treatment for
being a Prince, The Heritage Foundation added. Typically, those with a
history of drug use are denied entrance into the U.S. Thus, if Harry was
honest about his drug record and immigration turned a blind eye, the
public may have something to say about that.

RELATED: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are Making Big Coronation
Demands, Says Source (

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for

inadmissibility,” former federal prosecutor Neama
Rahmani told Page Six.
prince-harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/) “That
means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or
revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms, and other drugs.”
Albeit, attorney James Leonard argues Harry’s past drug use would have
to be linked to a criminal charge for immigration to raise eyebrows.


APP. C 334
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“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a

judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly
is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” he told the outlet.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in
a book, that you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I
don’t think gets you there,” Leonard continued.

Leonard did note, however, if Harry ever got a DWI or was arrested, then
his visa might be in jeopardy.

Visa records are kept private, so it’s uncertain whether The Heritage
Foundation’s legal dispute will go in their favor. It’s also unclear what this
may mean when Harry has to review his U.S. visa.


Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk

about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more (




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APP. C 335
( 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 556 of 634
     

Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa ‘Should Have Been
Denied Or Revoked’ Following Drug Use
u-s- u-s- u-s-
u-s- u-s-
Says — But Others
Disagree visa- visa- visa- visa- visa-


should- should-
22 Mar should-
2023 2:02
should- PM should-
Last updated: 23 Mar 2023 5:11 PM

have- have- have-

been- been- been-
ET Canada denied-
denied- denied-
denied- denied-
Prince Harry At Risk Of Being Deported From U.S. Over Visa Issues
or- or- or-or- or- or-

revoked- revoked-
revoked- revoked-
revoked- revoked-

following- following-
following- following-
following- following-

drug- drug- drug-

use- use- use-
use- use- use-

admission- admission-
admission- admission-
admission- admission-

lawyer- lawyer-
lawyer- lawyer-

says- says- says-

Legal experts have but-
but- whether Prince Harry’s past drug use
but- but-
admission will affect his rights to live in the U.S.
others- others-others-others-
Harry, who stepped back as a senior royal alongside wife Meghan Markle in
March 2020 beforedisagree%2F)
moving todisagree%2F)
California, admitted to taking cocaine, mushrooms
and smoking weed, as well as drinking heavily, in his tell-all memoir Spare.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani has now told Page Six
affect-us-visa/) that his admission should have previously been declared to

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” Rahmani said.

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he
admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs.”

Rahmani, who is president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, insisted there was “no
exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Despite Rahmani’s comments, other legal experts have said Harry would only
have issues if he was to get into trouble and do something that was considered a
criminal act.

James Leonard, who represented “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star
Joe Giudice in his immigration case, told the publication: “Absent any criminal
charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince
Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with
the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational experimentation with drugs.
APP. C 336
“You’ve got to give them something
( that would trigger
1:23-cv-01198 it, and revealing
Document 1-9 it Filed
in a 05/01/23 Page 557 of 634
book, that you experimented
  withdrugs
you were a young man, I don’t 

think gets you there.

“Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he
got a DWI, then we’re having a different conversation.”
harrys- harrys-harrys-harrys-
READ MORE: Courteney Cox Responds To Prince Harry Saying He Ate Psychedelic
Mushrooms At Her House: u-s-
‘I Wasn’t
u-s- u-s- u-s- u-s- Them
Passing u-s- Out’
visa- visa- visa-
visa- visa- visa-

should- should-
should- should-
Immigration lawyer Sam Adair agreed with Leonard that it is “unlikely that these
admissions will present have- have- have-
a problem.”

“If there had been abeen-

conviction, been- been-
it would
been-been- been-
have likely been a significant issue in
getting a visa,” he said, adding: “This isn’t to say that drug use could not be a
denied- denied-
denied- denied-
problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is unlikely that
this would present an or- or-or-
or-issue. or- or-

“It isn’t clear to merevoked- revoked-

the Duke’s revoked-
revoked- revoked-
status is in the U.S., but breaking the law
could be an issue in getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But
following- following-
following- following-
following- following-
recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is unlikely
to present an issuedrug-
for someone’s visa
drug-drug- status.”
drug- drug-

Leonard pointed out, “If he

use- use-had ause-
use- use-charge,
criminal use- it could absolutely affect his
status and whether it gets renewed or terminated. But just to say that you
admission- admission-
admission- admission-
admission- admission-
indulged in that behaviour, the answer is no [it would not affect his status].”
lawyer- lawyer-
lawyer- lawyer-
“Someone is considered in remission after one year of sobriety,” Rahmani did
state of a possible loophole.
says-says-“A waiversays-
says- request
says-requires a doctor to submit
medical records, but it’s unclear whether Prince Harry made such a request
but- but- but- but- but-
because immigration files arebut-
not public.”

others- others-others-others-
Harry’s drug use admissions hit headlines around the world when his book was
released in January.
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)

READ MORE: Prince Harry Opens Up About Losing His Virginity To An Older Woman
In A Field And Taking Cocaine At Age 17 In Bombshell New Memoir

He revealed he’d previously dug in to “a huge box of black diamond mushroom

chocolates”  (
mushrooms-at-courteney-coxs-house-and-her-toilet-talked-to-him/)while staying
at Courteney Cox’s house years ago, as well as admitting to taking cocaine for
the first time at age 17 during a hunting weekend.

Harry wrote of taking the drug, “It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me feel
particularly happy the way the others seemed to, but it did make me feel
different, and that was my main goal. To feel. To be different.”

The Duke of Sussex said he was a “17-year-old willing to try almost anything that
would upset the established order” at the time, adding that he smoked cigarettes
and cannabis, as well.

APP. C 337
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 558 of 634

Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug question in

US visa application
Caroline Graham In Los Angeles | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

4/1/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11706208

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 1, 2023

Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug question in US visa application

Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

Prince Harry has been urged to be 'totally transparent' and release details of his US visa application or risk becoming a 'political
pawn' over his past drug use.

US immigration authorities have until April 12 to respond to a Freedom of Information (FoI) request filed by a leading American
think-tank which is seeking to determine how the Duke of Sussex was allowed to enter the States after openly admitting using
a variety of substances in the past, including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

FoI seeks to determine how the Duke of Sussex was allowed to enter the States He has openly admitting using a variety of
illegal substances in the past

Under US law, anyone applying for a visa to live and work in America has to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question:
'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?'

In his controversial memoir Spare and in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate to promote his book last
month, Harry admitted using psychedelic drugs.

They included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, whose effect he described as 'the cleaning of the windshield,
the removal of life's filters'.

But under US law, an admission of drug use usually results in a person being denied entry to the States, as happened in the
case of chef Nigella Lawson and the late singer Amy Winehouse.

The issue of immigration is expected to become one of the main focuses of the 2024 presidential election, with Republicans
attacking President Joe Biden for his lax border controls. And there are fears that Harry's friendships with prominent Democratic
Party figures such as former president Barack Obama and major Democratic donors including Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry
could see him become an 'unwitting pawn in a highly political game'.

Last night, in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, senior lawyer Samuel Dewey at conservative think-tank the
Heritage Foundation, which has filed a 127-page FoI request to see the Duke's application, said: 'It is in the public interest to
know how Prince Harry answered the drug question.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 339 1
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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

'If he has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he
ticked the "yes" box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States.

'That means he would have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply
asking who granted that waiver.'

There is a history of authorities releasing immigration documents about public figures.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services website has an electronic reading room which contains the immigration files of
people such as Shyamala Gopalan Harris, mother of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, and George Michael and John Lennon.

Other celebrities whose files are open to the public include Canadian-born Superman actress Margot Kidder and British actress
Lynn Redgrave.

Mr Dewey added: 'An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever.

'There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who
authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know.'

Often a ban is overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a waiver can
be issued.

In 2014, Ms Lawson was prevented from entering the US after admitting during a court case to taking cocaine, even though
she told a judge: 'I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user.' She was later granted a visa after being
interviewed at the US Embassy in London, while Ms Winehouse was twice refused entry because of her drug use.

Mr Dewey said: 'There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware
of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger he could become an unwitting
pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato.'

Reports in the US have suggested Harry was admitted on an 'O' visa – given to people of extraordinary ability.

Nile Gardiner, a director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: 'This is a much bigger
issue than Prince Harry. It is about enforcing immigration law and ensuring that no one is above the law. Prince Harry is simply
the tip of the iceberg.

'There are many who believe that under President Biden immigration laws have become lax and are not being properly
implemented. Prince Harry openly talked about his drug use and he has done so for commercial and financial gain, to sell
books. In our opinion, there is no case for privacy here.'

The MoS sought comment on Prince Harry's immigration status from the US Department of Homeland Security, the US
Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Customs and Border Protection, California
Border Patrol and the Sussexes' Archewell organisation. None responded.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION
(THE); U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legislation (1LE97);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); U.S. Legislation (1US12))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom; Democratic Party; California Border Patrol; Sussexes' Archewell; US
Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation; US Department of Homeland
Security) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 843

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug questions for US

By, Will Maule | Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

Delivery Details
Date: April 1, 2023 at 10:05 PM
Delivered By: Samuel Dewey
Client ID: SED
Status Icons:

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11709245

4/1/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11709245

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 1, 2023

Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug questions for US visa
A Freedom of Information (FoI) request has been filed after Prince Harry
admitted to taking a variety of substances in the past, including marijuan...

By, Will Maule

A Freedom of Information (FoI) request has been filed after Prince Harry admitted to taking a variety of substances in the past,
including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms

Prince Harry is under pressure to reveal the answers he gave on his US visa application regarding his previous drug use.

Visa applicants are required to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question: 'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser
or addict'

A Freedom of Information FoI request has been filed by a leading US think tank who are asking the Duke to be "totally
transparent" about his answers.

Harry has openly admitted to using a variety of substances in the past, including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

In his best-selling memoir, Spare, the royal recalled using psychedelic drugs.

He reaffirmed the drug usage last month while taking part in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate.

The drugs he took included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, which supposedly has the effect of "removing
life's filters".

Admission of drug use usually results in visa applications being denied.

Senior lawyer Samuel Dewey at conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation, which has filed a 127-page FoI request to
see the Duke's visa application, told the Mail on Sunday: "It is in the public interest to know how Prince Harry answered the
drug question.

"If he has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he
ticked the "yes" box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States.

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11709245

"That means he would have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply
asking who granted that waiver."

Mr Dewey highlighted that an initial visa rejection does not always mean a lifetime barring from the US.

A ban is sometimes overturned following an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a
waiver can be issued.

It comes after America's Heritage Foundation called for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Foundations (1FO95); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration &
Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 381

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 565 of 634

Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of withholding

phone hacking evidence from him
Thomas Kingsley, Maryam Zakir-Hussain and Andy Gregory | Independent Online (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

Delivery Details
Date: April 1, 2023 at 10:05 PM
Delivered By: Samuel Dewey
Client ID: SED

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 566 of 634
Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

3/28/23 Independent Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11118787

Independent Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 28, 2023

Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals

of withholding phone hacking evidence from him
Allegation over historic phone hacking emerged in fresh
High Court privacy hearing against different publisher

Thomas Kingsley,Maryam Zakir-Hussain and Andy Gregory

Prince Harry has accused the royal family of "without doubt" withholding information from him "for a long time" about phone
hacking as they did not want to "open a can of worms", the High Court has heard.

The allegation – relating to News Group Newspapers – emerged in a witness statement submitted by the Duke of Sussex in
the high-profile privacy case against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, which he is bringing alongside Sir Elton
John, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, and others.

In the second day of a preliminary hearing at London's Royal Courts of Justice, the publisher argued that part of the case should
be thrown out as it relies on documents supplied confidentially to the Leveson Inquiry.

The allegations – which are denied – include the hiring of private investigators to place listening devices inside cars and the
accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

The court heard on Monday that Prince Harry had lost or "cut off" friends as "everyone became a 'suspect' since he was misled
by the way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source" of articles about him.
Key Points
Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace 'withheld' information about historic phone hackingDaily Mail publisher claims
privacy case uses files provided confidentially to Leveson Inquiry ...... as complainants argue banning this 'highly relevant'
material from case would be 'draconian'Sir Elton John in court as judge told publisher saw copy of child's birth certificate
before himDoreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored and landline hacked, court hearsPublisher brands allegations
'preposterous smears'Judge grants anonymity for Mail journalists involved in alleged phone-tapping

17:01 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry has said the Royal Family withheld information from him about phone hacking because
they didn't want him to bring a claim as it would "open a can of worms", my colleague Thomas Kingsley reports.In a witness
statement submitted before his civil claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, the Duke of Sussex said that he
was conditioned to accept his family's rule to "never complain, never explain" when dealing with the press."The Institution made
it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not
sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms," the Duke said in his statementBut discussing phone hacking

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claims against News Group Newspapers, Harry said "I became aware that I had a claim that I could bring" in 2018. You can
refresh this breaking report for updates: Duke says Royal Family 'without doubt' withheld phone hacking information from him
16:41 , Andy Gregory15:59 , Thomas Kingsley David Sherborne, the lawyer representing Prince Harry and the other claimants,
says the possibly confidential material they're relying upon for their case is "highly relevant".He claims that even if Mr Justice
Nicklin found they were in breach of orders imposed by the Leveson inquiry which restrict their disclosure, removing this
element of their argument from the case would be a "draconian" measure."We don't accept that there is no room for manoeuvre,"
Mr Sherborne told the judge. 15:38 , Andy Gregory The Duke of Sussex has not returned to the courtroom in the Royal Courts
of Justice during an afternoon break in the preliminary hearing. 15:17 , Andy Gregory Baroness Doreen Lawrence has returned
to London's Royal Courts of Justice today for the preliminary hearing of her case against Associated Newspapers.Her lawyers
say that she feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators
to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information.Baroness Lawrence alleges that her landline and bank accounts were
monitored by private investigators, who she claims made "corrupt payments" to Metropolitan Police officers for information
about the investigation into her son Stephen's murder in 1993. 14:44 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry suffered from "suspicion
and paranoia" and lost friends because of newspaper articles, a court heard on Monday, as he launched his campaign to reform
the media with a surprise appearance in London.The Duke of Sussex flew 5,500 miles from his new home in California to
attend a High Court hearing as the Daily Mail 's publisher bids to throw out claims against its titles, including accusations of
phone-hacking.Also in court were Sir Elton John, Sadie Frost, and Baroness Lawrence, who are among the public figures suing
Associated Newspapers for alleged unlawful activity.'Paranoid' Prince Harry lost friends over 'unlawful' newspaper stories, court
hears 14:12 , Andy Gregory A High Court judge has said he is "concerned" about who is responsible for policing confidentiality
undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL)'s argument is that part of the case
brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in
2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.The company maintains that these documents are subject to
binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their use, and that lawyers for the people bringing
the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their disclosure.However on Tuesday, Mr Justice
Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry no longer exists.He said that "basic contract
law" requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone has to be able to stand there and say that they
have the power to enforce it."Who is that person?" he asked, adding: "I am now concerned about who is responsible for policing
the Leveson undertakings." 14:00 , Maryam Zakir-HussainIn case you missed it... The Duke of Sussex claims he was "largely
deprived" of important parts of his teenage years due to the unlawful actions of the Daily Mail's publisher, court documents
have shown as he made a surprise appearance at the High Court in London.Harry, Sir Elton John, his husband David Furnish,
Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon and Sadie Frost all attended the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday for the start of
the first hearing in their claims against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).The high-profile individuals are part of a group,
which also includes Liz Hurley and former Lib Dem MP Sir Simon Hughes, bringing privacy claims against the publisher
over allegations it carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering.Harry 'deprived' of parts of teenage
years due to Mail publisher, court told 13:57 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain A High Court judge has said he is "concerned" about
who is responsible for policing confidentiality undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited
(ANL)'s argument is that part of the case brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided
by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in 2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.The company
maintains that these documents are subject to binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their
use, and that lawyers for the people bringing the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their
disclosure.However on Tuesday, Mr Justice Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry
no longer exists.He said that "basic contract law" requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone
has to be able to stand there and say that they have the power to enforce it."Who is that person?" he asked, adding: "I am now
concerned about who is responsible for policing the Leveson undertakings." 13:38 , Maryam Zakir-HussainIn case you missed
it... Sir Elton John and David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child's birth certificate before it was "unlawfully" obtained
by the publisher of the Daily Mail and placed beneath a "derogatory" headline, the High Court has been told.The singer and his
filmmaker husband were described as "outraged" and "mortified" in court documents alleging that the privacy of their home
was "ruthlessly invaded" – with their landline allegedly tapped and staff "targeted" – in order "to steal and exploit" information
to fuel stories about them.The couple's allegations form part of a host of similar claims brought against Associated Newspapers

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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

Ltd (ANL) by a group comprising Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, actors Sadie Frost and Elizabeth Hurley, and
former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes.Daily Mail publisher 'saw copy of Elton John's child's birth certificate before
him' 12:47 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain Lawyers are yet to get into their arguments over the continuation of the claims against
ANL and whether they should be taken to trial. Meanwhile, Baroness Lawrence has entered the court room. She told the court
yesterday through her lawyers that she feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly
hiring private investigators to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information. 12:07 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain11:51 ,
Maryam Zakir-HussainThomas Kingsley reports live from the High Court Every seat in the public gallery is filled for today's
hearing with Prince Harry, today wearing a grey suit, is in attendance again listening attentively to the proceedings. Lawyers
have not yet begun to discuss their arguments for why the claims from the Duke and others should be taken to trial or thrown
out -first there is a discussion over legal details around confidentiality and restricted documents in this week's hearing. 10:51 ,
Maryam Zakir-Hussain The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time since the late Queen's
funeral – but is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.His trip – for a High Court hearing in London in his
claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering – will be seen as
demonstrating the strength of his determination over the legal action.Just weeks ago, Harry laid bare his troubled relationship
with his father the King and brother the Prince of Wales in his controversial autobiography Spare.Prince Harry not expected to
see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK 10:32 , Thomas Kingsley Day two of the four-day preliminary hearing
has begun in the High Court. Prince Harry is in attendance again as the judge decides whether the claim will go to trial. 10:23 ,
Maryam Zakir-Hussain The Duke of Sussex has returned to the Royal Courts of Justice for the second day of a High Court
hearing over multiple privacy claims brought against the publisher of the Daily Mail.Harry arrived at the central London court
just after 10am for the second day of a preliminary hearing in his claim against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).The
duke is part of a group -along with Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Sir Elton John and David Furnish, former Liberal Democrat MP
Sir Simon Hughes and actresses Sadie Frost and Liz Hurley -bringing claims over allegations ANL carried out or commissioned
illegal or unlawful information-gathering.The allegations -which are denied -include the hiring of private investigators to place
listening devices inside cars and the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.Lawyers for ANL, which is also the
publisher of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, said the allegations are "firmly" denied and that the "stale" claims have been
brought too late as it made a bid to throw out the cases. 09:29 , Thomas Kingsley Phone-tapping allegations against Associated
Newspapers is set to begin its second day at the High Court after Prince Harry made a surprise visit to the hearing in London
on Monday. Here is recap of yesterday's hearing:
Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace 'withheld' information about historic phone hacking for 'long time'
Prince Harry photographed leaving court this afternoon
Potentially confidential material is 'highly relevant' to privacy case, lawyer says
Prince Harry has not returned to courtroom after break in proceedings
'Paranoid' Prince Harry lost friends over 'unlawful' newspaper stories, court hears
Mail publisher claims case is based on confidential documents it sent to Leveson Inquiry
Harry 'deprived' of parts of teenage years due to Mail publisher, court told
High Court judge 'concerned' about who is responsible for 'policing Leveson undertakings'
Elton John 'did not see copy of child's birth certificate before it was unlawfully obtained' by Mail publisher
Baroness Lawrence arrives at High Court
Watch: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for second day of Daily Mail privacy case
Update from the High Court
Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK
Day two of preliminary hearing against Daily Mail publisher begins
Harry returns to High Court for day two of hearing
Recap of yesterday's hearing
The Duke of Sussex claims he was "largely deprived" of important parts of his teenage years due to the unlawful actions of
the Daily Mail's publisherANL's lawyers have said the claims brought by seven high-profile individuals including the Duke of
Sussex and Baroness Lawrence should be dismissed without a trialSadie Frost and Sir Elton John appeared in court alongside
Prince HarryPrince Harry is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales while he is in the UKBaroness Doreen
Lawrence feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators

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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information, her lawyers saidThe judge overseeing the dispute has made an order
temporarily preventing the reporting of the names of journalists linked to allegations against the publisher
ICYMI: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for phone-tapping and privacy case
Sir Elton 'outraged' and 'mortified' over newspaper phone tapping allegations
Sir Elton John and David Furnish are "outraged" and "mortified" over allegations of unlawful information gathering by the
publisher of the Daily Mail – including tapping their home landline – the High Court has been told.

John and Furnish appeared at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Monday (27 March) for the start of a four-day hearing
over privacy claims brought by the couple against Associated Newspapers Limited.

Along with Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon, Sadie Frost, Liz Hurley and former Lib Dem MP Sir Simon
Hughes, the couple are bringing claims over allegations it carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering
– including the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

Read more:

Sir Elton 'outraged' and 'mortified' over newspaper phone tapping allegations
What is the legal action being brought against Daily Mail publisher?
My colleague Thomas Kingsley has this overview of the legal action launched by the high-profile group back in October:

Group including Prince Harry launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers
Prince Harry not expected to see his family as he makes surprise return to UK
The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time since the late Queen's funeral – but is not expected
to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.

His trip – for a High Court hearing in London in his claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers over allegations
of unlawful information-gathering – will be seen as demonstrating the strength of his determination over the legal action.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain reports.

Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK
Doreen Lawrence says son's murder was 'exploited' by publisher, court told
The mother of Stephen Lawrence says his racist murder was "exploited" by the publisher of the Daily Mail to "generate
'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers and to profit", the High Court was told at Monday's preliminary hearing.

Baroness Doreen Lawrence feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private
investigators to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information, her lawyers said.

She now wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail over its "entirely false" support for her fight for justice "caused her to have
failed her murdered son", the court was told.

In her High Court breach of privacy claim against ANL, brought alongside other high-profile individuals, she claims there was
"illegal interception" of her voicemail messages and that her phone was tapped between 1993 and 2007.

She also alleges her bank accounts and phone bills were monitored, that she was subject to "covert electronic surveillance"
and that "corrupt payments" were made to serving police officers for confidential information, including to those investigating
her son's killing.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 349 4
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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

ANL says it firmly denies that unlawful information gathering took place at its newspapers, and the legal claims against it are
being brought too late.
Watch: Harry and Meghan annoy 'some Americans', Ron DeSantis claims
Oprah Winfrey shares advice for Harry and Meghan ahead of coronation
Oprah Winfrey has shared her thoughts about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and whether they should attend King Charles
III's coronation in May.

The talk show host, who has been close friends with the royal couple, briefly discussed the coronation with friend Gayle King
on CBS Mornings , to promote her 100th selection for her book club, Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano.

During the conversation, King addressed recent reports about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being invited to the big event,
before asking Winfrey for her opinion on it. "Do you think they should go? Do you think they should not go? Is it something
you'd like to comment on?"

In response, Winfrey, who conducted a bombshell interview about the royal family with Harry and Meghan in 2021, gave her
advice to and showed her support for the pair. "I think they should do what they feel is best for them and their family," she
explained. "That's what I think. That's what the bottom line comes down to. What do you feel like is the right thing for you?"

Oprah Winfrey shares advice for Harry and Meghan ahead of coronation
Conservative group demands to know if Prince Harry admitted drug use on US visa application
A conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry's US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not
he admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country's preeminent right-wing think tanks, is arguing that US officials should release the
details of the prince's application so Americans can see whether or not he was "properly vetted" before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

Conservative group wants to know if Harry admitted drugs for US visa

Tom Peck | It's clear Prince Harry will heap as much pressure as he can on Associated Newspapers
In his most recent column, our sketch writer Tom Peck suggests it is "permissible to wonder quite what [Prince Harry] is trying
to achieve with this morning's flurry of excitement". He writes:

It's not uncommon for people to turn up to court for appearances' sake. Over the course of five and a half days last year,Wayne
Rooney spent almost 28 full hours silently and motionlessly staring at an oak paneltwo yards in front of his nose in a show of
solidarity with his wife, Coleen, while she was being extremely unsuccessfully sued by Rebekah Vardy (Jamie Vardy managed
four hours himself).

Once the court rises, who is and isn't there watching doesn't matter in the slightest. But the act of being there, of being
photographed, does. Vardy and Rooney were not really fighting each other for money in court; they were fighting, especially
in Vardy's case, to rehabilitate their reputation outside it.

The arrival shots each morning were every bit as important as the (quite often rather dry) courtroom drama. Prince Harry's legal
action against Associated Newspapers is meant to go to trial in May, and it's very clear he's going to be leaning into it very hard
indeed, whipping up as much publicity, and therefore heaping up as much pressure, as he possibly can.

Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently | Tom Peck
Watch: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for phone-tapping and privacy case
Harry and Meghan Frogmore eviction 'just the start' of King Charles' plans to slim down monarchy

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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

King Charles III has put into motion his plan to slim down the monarchy, with the eviction of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
from Frogmore Cottage signalling "just the start", it has been reported.

The monarch, who is set to be crowned alongside Queen Consort Camilla in just six weeks, reportedly wishes to end subsidised
rents for members of the royal family over the next five years.

The expectation for royals to fund their own homes apparently also extends to working royals, including the Prince and Princess
of Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

One source was quoted as saying that the King "is not some sort of housing association for distant relatives".
Friends close to Prince Andrew rubbish reports he is planning to write memoir
Friends close to Prince Andrew have hit out at reports that he is planning to write a memoir, reports my colleague Joe Middleton .

On Sunday, a number of newspapers claimed that the Duke of York was in talks to produce a tell-all autobiography, following
the success of Prince Harry's book Spare .

However, friends of his family have taken the unusual step to make his views known following the reports.

"He has one aim and that is family unity around his brother the King," they said. "He is rock solid with him and will do everything
he can to support him quietly and if necessary publicly. The idea that he is even considering writing or cooperating with a book
least of all with a journalist is for the birds."

"He is increasingly at the mercy of people writing stuff about him and his life which is pure fantasy," the friend continued. "He
leads a very quiet isolated life and sees almost nobody, least of all journalists."

Friends close to Prince Andrew rubbish claims he is planning to write memoir

Publisher paid 10 private investigators to unlawfully gather information against Doreen Lawrence, court told
Associated Newspapers paid 10 different private investigators to conduct "illegal or unlawful information-gathering activities"
against Baroness Doreen Lawrence, the High Court was told today.

In written arguments, David Sherborne, acting for the group of high-profile individuals also including Sir Elton John and Sadie
Frost, said the newspaper group "widely and habitually carried out or commissioned" the activities and covered them up.

He claimed the investigators intercepted voicemails, tapped telephones, used deception and the "burglaries or the breaking and
entering of private property in order to obtain private information" on the publisher's behalf.

The court also heard that ANL paid "substantial amounts" for the services and that the amounts were "known to and approved
by executives".

Mr Sherborne added: "The claimant will contend that the use of these unlawful acts was both habitual and widespread across
Associated's newspapers during the period at least 1993 onwards to 2011, and even continued beyond until 2018."
Artist to project sculpture filled with Afghan blood on St Paul's in protest over Harry's Taliban kills claim
An artist says he plans on projecting a sculpture made using Afghan blood onto St Paul's Cathedral, to protest Prince Harry's
claims about the number of soldiers he killed while serving in the military, my colleague Kate Plummer reports.

Russian artist Andrei Molodkin said he will take blood donated by Afghans for the sculpture and project it onto the London
landmark later this week, saying the royal's comments had made him "very, very angry".

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The Duke of Sussex attracted criticism after he detailed his time serving in Afghanistan in his memoir Spare earlier this year,
claiming he killed 25 Taliban fighters during two tours in the country.

Artist makes sculpture filled with Afghan blood in protest over Harry's kills claim
Tom Peck | Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently
In his latest column, our political sketch writer Tom Peck states:

"The very best satire has a remarkable knack for changing absolutely nothing. Harry and Meghan were made to look so perfectly
absurd by South Park 's "Worldwide Privacy Tour" episode that the California-based campaigners have evidently concluded
that they have been left with little choice but to carry on precisely as normal.

"The Worldwide Privacy Tour made an unexpected stop in London on Monday morning, when Prince Harry arrived at the
High Court to attend a preliminary hearing in one of his many legal actions against an extremely large section of the British
newspaper industry.

"He didn't need to be there. He wasn't required to participate in any way in the hearing. But the act of taking everyone by surprise
by actually turning up is certainly the prince's first big shot in what he told Tom Bradby was going to be his "life's work" from
now on: that of holding the press to account."

Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently | Tom Peck
Harry 'deprived of important aspects of his teenage years' by publisher, claim lawyers
Prince Harry's lawyers claim in court documents that he was "deprived of important aspects of his teenage years" by the
"unlawful actions" of Associated Newspapers and was left full of "suspicion and paranoia" following the publication of articles
containing information the duke says was only known to his trusted circle.

In the "Particulars of Claim" which set out the duke's case, his lawyers say their client, the claimant in the legal proceedings
"is shocked and appalled that Associated used their journalistic power and privilege to commit the unlawful acts without any
legitimate justification and solely to compete with other tabloid newspapers for profit.

"The claimant is horrified that Associated has to date successfully avoided proper scrutiny for its conduct through its cover-
up and that it has behaved as if it is above the law. The claimant is troubled that, through Associated's unlawful acts, he was
largely deprived of important aspects of his teenage years.

"In particular, suspicion and paranoia was caused by Associated's publication of the unlawful articles: friends were lost or cut
off as a result and everyone became a 'suspect', since he was misled by the way that the articles were written into believing that
those close to him were the source of this information being provided to Associated's newspapers."

The document added: "Moreover, the claimant regards Associated's unlawful acts to amount to a major betrayal given promises
made by the media to improve its conduct following the tragic and untimely death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997."

Monday 27 March 2023 18:14 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry waved and gave a thumbs up to reporters as he left the High Court
by a side entrance, flanked by security, after attending the first day of the hearing in his claim against Daily Mail publisher
Associated Newspapers.
Liz Hurley 'sickened' after 'unlawful' intrusion, says barrister
A private investigator acting on behalf of ANL hacked actor Liz Hurley's phone, placed a "sticky window mini-microphone"
outside her home and bugged ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant's car to unlawfully obtain information about her finances, travel plans
and medicals during her pregnancy, the High Court has been told.

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In written arguments, barrister David Sherborne said the private investigator targeted her and Mr Grant on behalf of the Mail on
Sunday through "phone hacking their phones, landline tapping their home phones, placing a sticky window mini-microphone
on the exterior of her home window, bugging Mr Grant's car and undertaking flight and other blags through which he obtained
information unlawfully or illegally about [Ms Hurley], such as her private communications with Mr Grant, her financial details,
her travel arrangements and medicals during her pregnancy and birth of her son".

Ms Hurley "has been shocked and mortified by the revelation of Associated's unlawful acts targeting her ... the prospect of
strangers listening into her live telephone calls and bugging her private property was a particularly grotesque thought that she
had never considered possible", her barrister said.

"It left her sickened to see the snatched close-up picture of her baby's face published by Associated when he was four months
old with the new understanding that this intrusion was the exploitation of unlawful acts, deliberately directed at her with that
intention," Mr Sherborne added.

"She recalls the feeling of vulnerability she felt at this time in her life, and the sense that despite precautions taken, she was unable
to protect her son, or indeed other loved ones around her who similarly fell to be targeted as a result of their association with her.

"It angers [her] now to know that she never had a chance against all the artillery of unlawful means and private investigators
that Associated used against her and which, unknown to her, underlay the articles published about her. She now understands
how very real the feeling of being trapped and surrounded on all sides by unknown enemies truly was."

Monday 27 March 2023 16:52 , Andy Gregory Court proceedings have concluded for the day, with legal arguments due to
resume from 10.30am on Tuesday.

In the meantime, we'll be continuing to use the blog to post updates and background on the case.
Doreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored and landline tapped, court told
Baroness Doreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored to check whether she was receiving any money from other
newspapers during the Daily Mail 's campaign for justice for her murdered son Stephen, the High Court has heard.

In a document made available to the media on Monday, barrister David Sherborne claimed the Labour peer was "habitually"
targeted "from at least as early 1993 until at least as late 2007".

Mr Sherborne said the targeting included "the illegal interception of the claimant's voicemail messages, landline tapping,
blagging, the monitoring of her bank accounts and phone bills, covert electronic surveillance and corrupt payments to
serving Metropolitan Police Service police officers, including on the Stephen Lawrence murder investigations, for confidential

Baroness Lawrence was targeted "both before and during" the Daily Mail's Justice for Stephen Lawrence campaign, Mr
Sherborne said.

The lawyer later alleged the monitoring of Baroness Lawrence's bank accounts were "specifically to check whether the claimant
was receiving 'buy up' money from and/or working with other newspapers during the Justice for Stephen Lawrence Campaign".

He continued: "The claimant has suffered considerable distress and harm, as well as the loss of her dignity or standing and her
personal autonomy through the unlawful acts, its resultant invasions of her privacy, and its deliberate exploitation and/or misuse
of her unlawfully or illegally obtained information in the unlawful articles."
Publisher commissioned breaking and entering into private property, court told
Associated Newspapers commissioned "breaking and entering into private property", the lawyer for the group of figures
challenging the Daily Mail publisher told the High Court.

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Each of the group has been "the victim of numerous unlawful acts" carried out by the publisher or those acting on its instruction,
in deeds carried out "covertly" between 1993 to 2011, lawyer David Sherborne said.

"Some of them related to articles which were the product of those underlying unlawful acts through which the product was
exploited or misused," he added.

Because "those unlawful acts were covertly carried out and concealed at the time through the use of phrases that were deliberately
misleading" his clients were "put off the scent" and did not bring their claims separately earlier," he said.

"The defendant has continued this concealment through its strenuous public denials that it has done any of those acts at all,"
Mr Sherborne added.

Monday 27 March 2023 15:53 , Andy Gregory Sir Elton John has left the High Court after attending the first day of the hearing
in his claim against Associated Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering.
Mail on Sunday publisher paid investigator to 'unlawfully' find address of politician's lover, court told
Associated Newspapers Ltd paid a private investigator to unlawfully find the address of a man it believed was the lover of
Liberal Democrat politician Sir Simon Hughes, the High Court has been told.

Referring to the believed lover as HJK, Sir Simon's lawyer David Sherborne said in written submissions that that the "the Mail
on Sunday wanted a photograph of HJK [and the claimant] in order to be able to publish a story about their relationship".

Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire "unlawfully obtained" the man's mobile phone number, called it and "through means of
deception managed to blag his home address", Mr Sherborne alleged, adding: "Despite this, no story was published in the end
in the Mail on Sunday as a bigger story broke, namely the revelation of an affair which the then deputy prime minister, John
Prescott, had had with his secretary."

The documents go on to say that ANL paid Greg Miskiw, a freelance journalist, "for the work done by Mr Mulcaire in relation
to the claimant, as referred to above, described as 'Simon Hughes' boyfriend'."

Mr Sherborne added: "The claimant has suffered considerable distress and harm, as well as the loss of his dignity or standing
and his personal autonomy through the unlawful acts, its resultant invasions of his privacy and its deliberate exploitation and/
or misuse of his unlawfully or illegally obtained information."
Doreen Lawrence says trusting Mail made her wonder if she 'failed her murdered son'
Baroness Doreen Lawrence said she "wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail as she did caused her to have delayed or have
failed her murdered son", the High Court has heard.

In court documents made available to the press on Monday, her barrister David Sherborne said she feels "anger, shock and
upset" about allegedly being targeted by the Daily Mail .

Baroness Lawrence "never once suspected" publisher Associated Newspapers Ltd of the allegations due to her trust in the Daily
Mail, which campaigned to bring the killers of her son Stephen Lawrence to justice, her lawyer said.

"She wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail as she did caused her to have delayed or have failed her murdered son," he
added. "She asks herself whether more individuals could have been arrested, whether earlier investigations might have been
more successful, and whether she could have got justice."
Elton John had not seen copy of first child's birth certificate before it was obtained by ANL, court told
Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child's birth certificate before it was unlawfully
obtained by Associated Newspapers Ltd, the High Court has heard.

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The couple "found it particularly disturbing to understand the deliberate tactics deployed by Associated to bypass the
confidentiality and ethical protections afforded to medical information", said their lawyer David Sherborne.

"They were appalled by the unlawful articles published about the first claimant that were sourced this way. Worse still was
Associated's unlawful obtaining of their first child's birth certificate, before they had even seen a copy themselves.

"They were heartbroken by the derogatory headline that Associated attached to it, clearly calculated to profit and generate public
sensation about an event that they had so carefully guarded to keep precious. The fact that these unlawful articles, which carry
so much upset, were founded through unlawful acts that were all the time deliberately concealed from them has enraged them."
Doreen Lawrence believes son's murder was 'exploited' by Daily Mail, court told
Baroness Doreen Lawrence believes the murder of her son Stephen was "exploited" by Associated Newspapers Ltd to "generate
'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers, and to profit", the High Court has been told.

In written arguments, her barrister David Sherborne said she "feels anger, shock and upset", adding: "Most of all, however,
she feels a deep sense of betrayal.

"She finds it hard to believe the level of duplicity and manipulation that was clearly at play, knowing now as she does that the
Daily Mail 's outward support for her fight to bring Stephen's killers to justice was hollow and, worse, entirely false.

"The claimant now sees that the Daily Mail 's true interests were about self-promotion and using her and her son's murder as
a means to generate 'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers, and to profit.

"The claimant cannot think of any act or conduct lower than stealing and exploiting information from a mother who buried her
son for this reason. She feels used and violated, and like she has been taken for a fool."
Sir Elton John's landline was tapped and gardener targeted by ANL, court told
Sir Elton John and David Furnish's landline phone was tapped by a private investigator on the instructions of Associated
Newspapers Limited, the High Court has been told.

Documents filed on the couple's behalf, made available to the media on Monday, said that as well as having the landline at their
home in Windsor tapped, Sir Elton's personal assistant and the couple's gardener were also targeted.

Their lawyer David Sherborne said in the written submission: "The claimants are outraged that Associated engaged in these
unlawful and illicit acts in order to publish unlawful articles about them.

"They are also mortified to consider all their conversations, some of which were very personal indeed, were tapped, taped,
packaged and consumed as a commercial product for journalists and unknown others to pick over, regardless of whether or
not they were published.

"The hurt remains the same, knowing that their lives have been treated as a commodity and their precious, priceless moments
of privacy degraded in this way."

Mr Sherborne added: "In particular, they consider their private home a sacred space. To learn now that this was ruthlessly
invaded, their home so violated, and their family and loved ones targeted, all through unlawful acts designed to steal and exploit
their information, is unforgivable to them."
Elton John and David Furnish 'frightened' by unexplained press disclosures, court told
Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish found the unexplained disclosure of their private information in the press
"frightening" and as a result have someone watching cameras in their home every night, the High Court has been told.

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Associated Newspapers Ltd's lawyer Adrian Beltrami KC quoted the pair as claiming that the "repeated, wrongful disclosures ...
had a serious and profound effect upon [them] at the time of their publication".

They were aware of "the extent to which Associated publicised private and sensitive information relating to their private and
family life", and they "became deeply paranoid and suspicious by unexplained disclosures of their private information in
[Associated's] publications, even where measures were taken to protect their privacy", Mr Beltrami added.

Mr Beltrami said they stated that they "found these disclosures frightening, and as a consequence now have someone watching
the cameras in their home of residence every night".

However, Mr Beltrami said their case was being brought too late, arguing "there can be no doubt that by the start of 2016 Sir
Elton and Mr Furnish were very much alive to the issue of (unlawful information gathering) by the press".

The barrister added that "they have not provided any satisfactory explanation as to what necessary fact, as opposed to evidence,
they did not know by October 2016 to articulate the essential elements of a claim against Associated".
Elton John arrives in court
Sir Elton John has arrived in Court 76 of the Royal Courts of Justice.

The singer sat at the back of the large courtroom, arriving shortly before the hearing resumed for the afternoon.
What happened the last time Prince Harry was in court against a newspaper?
Last July the High Court ruled a Mail on Sunday article on the Duke of Sussex's legal claim against the Home Office contained
parts that were defamatory.

The Duke of Sussex sued the Mail on Sunday's publisher over a story on a separate High Court case over the decision to remove
his automatic granting of police protection in the UK.

The February article carried the headline: "Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal fight with the government over
police bodyguards a secret... then -just minutes after the story broke -his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the dispute."

Lawyers for Harry had argued the article was defamatory and suggested the duke had "improperly and cynically" tried to
manipulate public opinion.
Associated Newspapers lawyers argue it is too late for Duke to bring forward claims
Lawyers for Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) are arguing that the seven people in the privacy claims, including the Duke
of Sussex, could have brought claims before October 2016, and were too late to have them heard now.

Adrian Beltrami KC, for the publisher, said in written submissions that the duke "does not offer any reason why he could not
with reasonable diligence have discovered the basis for his inferential claim against Associated before October 2016".

Quoting from Harry's letter of claim, he continued: "Indeed, the Duke was aware throughout this period of the intense interest in
his life shown by the media and by Associated, of 'strange things happening around his phone communications', of 'unexplained
disclosures of private information' in Associated's publications and of journalists from Associated 'regularly turning up at
different locations which you would never expect them to, including South Africa... despite the extreme lengths my security
team and I went to in order to protect my security and privacy'."

"In truth, the duke had sufficient knowledge to articulate an inferential case against Associated long before October 2016,"
Mr Beltrami said.
Prince Harry lost friends due to 'paranoia' over 'unlawful' stories, court told
The Duke of Sussex had "suspicion and paranoia" caused due to the publication of articles by Associated Newspapers Limited
(ANL) using unlawfully gathered information, the High Court has been told.

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In written submissions for ANL, lawyers for the publisher quoted from documents filed on Harry's behalf.

Adrian Beltrami KC, for ANL, said the duke's case was that "suspicion and paranoia was caused by Associated's publication
of the unlawful articles: friends were lost or cut off as a result and everyone became a 'suspect', since he was misled by the
way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source of this information being provided to
Associated's newspapers".

The barrister continued: "The duke's pre-action letter also stated that at the time he had become paranoid and suspicious by
'unexplained disclosures of private information in your (ANL's) publications'."

Mr Beltrami added: "He stated that 'the repeated, wrongful disclosures... had a serious and profound effect upon (him) at the
time of their publication' and that he had 'painful memories... regarding the extent to which ANL publicised private and sensitive
information relating to his private and family life'."
Photos from the day as Prince Harry case begins
Judge grants anonymity for Daily Mail journalists involved in alleged phone-tapping
The judge overseeing the Duke of Sussex's dispute with ANL has made an order temporarily preventing the reporting of the
names of journalists linked to allegations against the publisher.

Mr Justice Nicklin permitted a bid by ANL to have a reporting restriction imposed while the publisher attempts to have the
claims from Harry and others against it dismissed without a trial.

The judge said it was "not usual for the court to impose reporting restrictions at such an early stage of proceedings" but concluded
in this instance it was "in the interests of fairness and the administration of justice".

The court heard that with ANL yet to file a formal defence in the cases, there was not yet a full response to any "adverse
comments" that might be made about the journalists. Mr Justice Nicklin said it would not be in the public interest to "for one
side of a series of allegations to be put when one side is absent".

The judge also granted reporting restrictions over certain information in court documents, that ANL alleges lawyers for the
Duke of Sussex and others are using in breach of orders made by Lord Justice Leveson in his inquiry into press standards.

Mr Justice Nicklin said the temporary reporting restrictions would be revisited once he reaches a judgment over the preliminary
issues being argued in court this week.

Monday 27 March 2023 12:31 , Thomas Kingsley Adrian Beltrami KC, in written submissions, argued the legal actions against
his client Associated Newspapers have been brought too late and are "stale".

The barrister said the individuals have to prove they did not know earlier, or could not have discovered earlier, they might have
had a claim against ANL for alleged misuse of their private information.

Mr Beltrami said that more than a decade after the Leveson Inquiry and several criminal and civil proceedings over phone
hacking, "it would be surprising indeed for any reasonably informed member of the public, let alone a figure in the public eye,
to have been unaware of these matters".

He continued: "The claimants have failed to show that they have a real prospect of discharging their burden at trial and the court
should not hesitate to dismiss these stale claims at an early stage, thereby avoiding what would otherwise be a considerable
waste of time, costs and the court's resources."

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The hearing before Mr Justice Nicklin is due to conclude on Thursday.

Lawyers for Prince Harry claim unlawful acts include 'breaking and entry into private property'
David Sherborne, for the group of high-profile individuals, said the unlawful acts in the claim include commissioning the
"breaking and entry into private property", illegally intercepting voicemail messages, listening to live landline calls and
obtaining medical records.

He said in written submissions: "The claimants each claim that in different ways they were the victim of numerous unlawful acts
carried out by the defendant, or by those acting on the instructions of its newspapers, The Daily Mail and The Mail On Sunday."

"They range through a period from 1993 to 2011, even continuing beyond until 2018," the barrister added.

ANL's lawyers have said privacy claims brought by seven high-profile individuals including the Duke of Sussex and Baroness
Lawrence should be dismissed without a trial.

Monday 27 March 2023 11:50 , Thomas Kingsley The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time
since the late Queen's funeral -but is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.

Just weeks ago, Harry laid bare his troubled relationship with his father the King and brother the Prince of Wales in his
controversial autobiography Spare.

The King was due to be away on Monday on the first official state visit of his reign, but the trip to France was cancelled due to
rioting over pension reforms, meaning Charles is now in the UK at the same time as Harry for the first time in six months.

But Buckingham Palace said the King was not in Windsor or London and would be leaving for a state visit to Germany on
Wednesday morning.

Monday 27 March 2023 11:31 , Thomas Kingsley Court proceedings began with a bid by ANL's lawyers to have certain
reporting restrictions imposed in the case.

The Duke of Sussex sat towards the back of the courtroom, occasionally taking notes in a small black notebook as legal
arguments were made by ANL's barrister Catrin Evans KC.

Actress Sadie Frost, who is also bringing a claim against the publisher, sat two seats away from Harry.
Sadie Frost arrives in court ahead of hearing
ICYMI: Prince Harry and Sir Elton John launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers over 'phone hacking'
As the preliminary hearing is set to begin, let's throwback to October when Prince Harry, among other high profile figures,
announced they would be taking Associated Newspaper's to court.

A group of individuals including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John have launched legal action against the publisher of the Daily
Mail newspaper over phone-hacking allegations.

The allegations include the commissioning of individuals to "surreptitiously listen into and record people's live, private telephone
calls whilst they were taking place" and the impersonation of individuals to obtain medical information from private hospitals,
clinics, and treatment centres by deception.

Additional claims include the accessing of bank accounts, credit histories and financial transactions through illicit means and

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"These individuals have been the subject of public interest during the course of their careers and personal lives. They are united
in their desire to live in a world where the press operates freely, yet responsibly. A press that represents truth, is sourced in fact
and can be trusted to operate ethically and in the interests of the British public," the statement said.

Read the full piece from October below:

Group including Prince Harry launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers
Duke arrives in court room
The Duke of Sussex has arrived at Court 76 of the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the preliminary hearing in his claim
against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).

Harry, along with six other people including Sir Elton John and Baroness Doreen Lawrence, is suing the Daily Mail publisher
for misuse of private information.

The duke entered the central London courtroom at shortly before 10.30am, wearing a navy tie.
Prince Harry arrives in court
Publisher brands allegations "preposterous smears"
In a statement announcing the launch of the legal action, released by Hamlins law firm, it was alleged the unlawful acts
included hiring private investigators to secretly place listening devices inside cars and homes and the recording of private phone

The publisher hit back at the allegations, describing them at the time as "preposterous smears" and a "pre-planned and
orchestrated attempt to drag the Mail titles into the phone-hacking scandal".

A spokesperson for ANL also said the allegations were "unsubstantiated and highly defamatory claims, based on no credible

A four-day preliminary hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London is due to begin on Monday, which is set to include
ANL's bid for the claims to be dismissed without a trial.
Duke of Sussex arrives in court
The Duke of Sussex has arrived at the High Court in London for a hearing in his claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated
Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering.

The publisher is bringing a bid to end High Court claims brought by people including Harry, Sir Elton John and Baroness
Doreen Lawrence over alleged unlawful activity at its titles.

The group of high-profile individuals, also including Sir Elton's husband David Furnish and actresses Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost,
announced in October they were bringing claims for misuse of private information against Associated Newspapers Limited

Their lawyers said at that time the group have "become aware of compelling and highly distressing evidence that they have
been the victims of abhorrent criminal activity and gross breaches of privacy" by ANL, which is also the publisher of The Mail
On Sunday and MailOnline.

---- Index References ----


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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Fraud (1FR30); Government Litigation (1GO18); Judicial Cases &
Rulings (1JU36); Legal (1LE33); Police (1PO98); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Americas (1AM92); Asia (1AS61); California (1CA98); Europe (1EU83); North America
(1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Asia (1WE54);
Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited; Royal Courts of Justice; Associated Newspapers.Her;
Associated Newspaper; Mail on Sunday; Metropolitan Police Service; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 8222

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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed

Megxit deal
Matthew Dooley | Express Online (UK)

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March 25, 2023

Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed Megxit deal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate
their own "royal court" in the United States by a royal commentator after th...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate their own "royal court" in the United States by a
royal commentator after they failed to get what they wanted out of Megxit.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are attempting to create their own "royal court" in the US, according to a royal commentator.
The comments come amid a slew of media appearances by the Duke and Duchess - particularly by Prince Harry - which left
one commentator asking "what was the point?"

In recent months, Prince Harry has been in the spotlight. Before and after the release of his memoir Spare in January he gave
numerous explosive interviews on primetime television. In December of last year, Meghan and Harry released a six-part Netflix
series describing their relationship and eventual exit from royal life.

"I ask myself this all the time. What was the point for Harry and Meghan? Were they trying to make themselves look better? Were
they trying to make themselves more popular than the royals? Are they trying to recreate their own royal court in the United
States?" asked a royal commentator and founder of popular YouTube channel the Royal News Network who goes by Brittany.

She added: "Number one, yes they do definitely want to create their own royal sphere in the United States. Obviously, we do
not have a monarchy here and nor do we want one, so they're welcome to live here like other royals do but don't make yourself
a royal of the United States - huge difference there."

She cited the Megxit deal which saw Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave the Royal Family for North America.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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"I think they are just trying to recreate what they wanted, what their vision was for themselves that they couldn't have in the
UK, in the US," she said.

The host of the show added: "They could not get their way, I think at the end of the day that was their big anger point. They
were not going to get their way."

Brittany pointed to the role the couple wanted to play in the Commonwealth, claiming Meghan wanted to be "Queen of the
Commonwealth". She also claimed the Sussexes wanted to "supersede" the Royal Family in popularity.

During the Meghan and Harry's separation from the rest of the Firm, dubbed Megxit, the pair appeared to want to become hybrid
royals who were financially independent but still represented the Queen.

On their now defunct website, the couple touted "progressive" new roles which would "continue to carry out
their duties for Her Majesty the Queen, while having the future financial autonomy to work externally".

However, in 2020, Buckingham Palace released a statement making it clear Meghan and Harry were "required" to step back
from royal duties.

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

It appeared the couple failed to negotiate a half-in, half-out Megixt deal and in 2020 they moved to Montecito, California with
their son Archie, completely stepping back from royal duties.

Since then, the pair have engaged in numerous media endeavours, including the now famous 2021 interview with Oprah. The
couple released a Netflix documentary in December 2022 flush with never-before-seen footage and photos.

Arguably the biggest bombshell to date, however, was the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare in January 2023 and the
multiple interviews the Prince gave both before and after the book hit the shelves.

The book contains numerous allegations against the rest of the Royal Family and details Prince Harry's life, including his time
in Afghanistan and his drug use.

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Word Count: 684

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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others with
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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others..., 2023 WLNR 10058846

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2023 WLNR 10058846

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March 20, 2023

Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others with 'trauma'
The Duke of Sussex received a "clinical diagnosis" during
a live interview with Canadian therapist Dr Gabor Maté.

Sophie McCabe

Prince Harry sat down for an interview with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month. The Candian therapist and author of
The Myth of Normal spoke to the Prince for a live-streamed Zoom event when he declared that, having read Harry's memoir
Spare, he had come up with "several diagnoses" for the royal.

Dr Mat&eacute; diagnosed the Duke of Sussex "with ADD " otherwise known as ADHD, saying: "Whether you like it or
not, I have diagnosed you with ADD. You can agree or disagree. I don't see it as a disease. I see it as a normal response to
abnormal stress."

Harry responded: "OK — should I accept that or should I look into it?" To which Dr Mat&eacute; replied: "You can do what
you want with it."

Royal commentators have since praised the Prince for his open conversation with the therapist, commending him for being
"incredibly brave" and helping others who may be experiencing or have experienced "trauma".

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Rachel Bowie and Roberta Fiorito, hosts of the Royally Obsessed podcast, discussed the interview earlier this month.

"It did feel very much like a therapy session — a bit awkward at the beginning actually — but once they got into it, it was
really interesting," said Ms Bowie. "One thing I loved was how Dr Mat&eacute; was very frank with Harry. But then he said
he realised the universality of Harry's story and the humanity behind it and was actually really blown away by the book."

Dr Mat&eacute; and the Duke went on to talk about the "lack of touching within the Royal Family and how that led to where
Harry is now," the commentator explained, adding: "It almost takes it back to the Queen and the trauma that Charles endured.
And then that was passed on to Harry."

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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others..., 2023 WLNR 10058846

Ms Fiorito agreed, saying: "Yes, it's so much less about Harry's personal story and more about some of the bigger broader
picture points that Harry [talks about]."

READ MORE: Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so destructive' towards Royal Family

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

She added: "I think it also helps other people realise. I liked the chat about trauma and redefining what trauma is. It's not the
wound, it's the scar. And so I think that's reframing a lot of things that we thought we knew.

"Most people would have tuned in to hear Harry talk, but I think it was really interesting to hear Dr Mat&eacute;€¦it was like
a therapy session for everyone."

The event, which was produced by Random House and a group of exclusive booksellers, came less than two months after the
publication of Harry's tell-all memoir.

Ms Bowie noted Harry's bravery for opening up in a "very candid and honest" conversation, particularly because it came as
part of a "deal" to promote his book.

She said: "It was incredibly brave of Harry to do such a public self-reflection. This was likely a Penguin Random House setup,
this was part of the deal. He had to do this promotion. This was selling the book.

"I think to allow someone in on a very, very candid and honest therapy session. I can't imagine doing that. And bravo to Harry
for doing [it]."

The conversation, filmed at the Duke's Montecito home, was streamed to the US, Canada and the UK on March 4. Viewers
could pay $25 to watch, with tickets including a copy of Spare.

It came after a round of publicity for Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, including their recent Netflix documentary series,
during which they expressed their displeasure with several aspects of public life.

Don't miss... Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet tipped for Coronation role [LATEST] Harry and Meghan didn't expect
'humiliating' jokes about Spare [INSIGHT] Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms' [EXCLUSIVE]

The chat, which was billed as an "intimate conversation as discuss living with loss and the importance of personal healing,"
differed from Harry's previous interviews, with the royal refraining from mentioning his father or brother or their wives.

He did, however, reveal he had always felt different from other members of the Royal Family, a feeling he claimed his late
mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, had shared.

He told Dr Mat&eacute;: "I certainly have felt throughout my life, from my younger years, that I always felt slightly different
to the rest of my family. I felt strange being in this container. And I know that my mum felt the same."

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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others..., 2023 WLNR 10058846

Ms Bowie said: "This really wasn't another royal takedown. There weren't new bombshells, William wasn't mentioned, it was
more broad strokes and really kind of lifting the hood up on the psychological things Harry has been through."

Related articles

The Duke has previously spoken about the positive impact of therapy on his life but has also claimed seeking professional help
was the beginning of a disconnect with his family.

Harry claimed, in his memoir, that the Prince of Wales believed his brother was being "brainwashed" by his therapist.

And in one of Spare's most shocking revelations, an alleged physical attack by his brother Prince William, Harry recounted
calling his therapist immediately afterwards.

He also told ITV: "If I wasn't doing therapy sessions like I was and being able to process that anger and frustration, I would've
fought back, 100%."

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'can't ignore threat' Royal Family 'did right thing' not attending Lilibet's US christening Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing
for Lilibet during UK visit Harry 'still longs' for royal association despite criticism of family

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Word Count: 1020

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 590 of 634
Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

3/17/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9771073

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March 17, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms'

EXCLUSIVE: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex caught Buckingham Palace "off
guard" with their recent announcement regarding their children's prince and...

Sophie McCabe

EXCLUSIVE: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex caught Buckingham Palace "off guard" with their recent announcement
regarding their children's prince and princess titles.

Last week, news emerged that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle's 21-month-old daughter had been christened at their
home in Montecito. A spokesperson for the couple confirmed that "Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday, March 3
by the Archbishop of Los Angeles," and therefore revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had decided to use their two
children's royal titles. Lilibet and her older brother Prince Archie Harrison automatically became prince and princess when their
grandfather King Charles III ascended the throne, but their regal styles had not been used publicly before the announcement.
For some commentators, it is clear that relations between the royals are unlikely to be "repaired anytime soon," in part because
Harry and Meghan "want the rift healed on their terms".

Related articles

Marlene Koenig, a historian who has spent over 40 years researching royalty, told "The rift is huge. I don't
[think it's] likely to be repaired anytime soon, unfortunately. The Sussexes want the rift healed on their terms. I don't think
that's going to happen."

Similarly, the Daily Mirror's associate editor Russell Myers described relations between the royals as "fractured".

Since stepping down from their senior royal positions in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's relationship with the Royal
Family has been strained.

Tensions were recently exacerbated following the release of the couple's Netflix documentary series, Harry and Meghan, and
the publication of the Duke's tell-all memoir, Spare.

READ MORE: Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing for Lilibet during Coronation weekend

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

While Harry has insisted he is hopeful for a "reconciliation" with his family, the likelihood of peace talks before the Coronation
of King Charles III has been shut down.

The Duke and Duchess have been invited to the Coronation, it was revealed via a statement earlier this month.

Harry received "email correspondence" from "His Majesty's office regarding the Coronation," a spokesperson confirmed, but
an "immediate decision" regarding the Sussexes' attendance was not "disclosed".

Mr Myers indicated that "the way it was delivered caught Buckingham Palace on the hop," and had a role to play in worsening
relations between the couple and their UK counterparts.

Speaking on the latest episode of True Royalty TV's Royal Beat, he said: "They may claim it was all agreed many moons ago
and there were discussions way back when, but I think they would have thought that the Sussexes would have discussed with
them when they would be putting the statement out.

"The feeling that I picked up on was that wasn't the case. I think this tells you a lot about the relationships at the moment and
how fractured they are."

However, Ms Koenig has argued that Harry and Meghan, neither of whom are working royals, are not required to go through
Buckingham Palace to make announcements.

While she agreed that the royals were "caught off guard" by the news of Lilibet's christening, she explained: "Harry and Meghan
do not come under the auspices of Buckingham Palace."

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to Lilibet's christening? [POLL] Archie and Lilibet won't use HRH after becoming Prince and Princess [LATEST]

She added: "They left. Harry is not a working royal, he is not obligated, and has no interest in using the Palace to make
announcements about his family.

"Harry is going to do his own thing. It's clear that he and his wife are determined to control their own narrative. The Palace's
press office has no real involvement with Harry and Meghan. News about Harry and Meghan is going to come from Harry
and Meghan."

And while Mr Myers believes the announcement suggests relationships are fractured, others have argued the icy relations
between the Sussexes and the rest of the Royal Family may be thawing.

Royal commentator Afua Hagan told "The lines of communication are improving. There has been a defrosting
of royal relations — from both sides."

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

She also suggested the couple's decision to use their children's formal titles could suggest they intend to return to the UK for
the Coronation.

"It is a good indication that they will attend the Coronation and indicates where their head is at," she said, adding: "They still
want to have ties to the Royal Family."

If the Duke and Duchess choose to attend the Coronation, it will see them reunite with members of the Royal Family at
Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Historian Tessa Dunlop believes Meghan's attendance hinges on whether her children, specifically her son, are invited. She told
The Royal Beat: "If you look at the footage of the 1953 Coronation, who was very prominent, albeit briefly? Prince Charles.
He was four. Archie on his fourth birthday is definitely not too young to attend the coronation. And if you want Meghan there,
you need to invite her son."

Related articles Harry and Meghan's fate foreshadowed by past royal evictions Royals have dealt with Harry revelations but
'can't ignore threat' Royal Family 'did right thing' not attending Lilibet's US christening Royal rules and reason Sophie doesn't
need to curtsy to Meghan Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing for Lilibet during UK visit

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Industry: (Postal Services (1PO50))

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Other Indexing: (King Charles III; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 965

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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than Meghan as

Duke demands apology
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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than..., 2023 WLNR 9237954

3/14/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9237954

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March 14, 2023

Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than Meghan as Duke demands apology
EXCLUSIVE: Royal author Nigel Cawthorne has said Harry's demand
for an apology from the King makes him a bigger threat to the monarch.

Jon King

Prince Harry poses a greater risk to King Charles's Coronation than his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, because of the Duke's
demand for an apology, a royal expert has claimed. Harry is reportedly seeking a private apology from his father and brother,
Prince William, before making any commitment to attend the Coronation on May 6.

Related articles

Buckingham Palace staff have been told to plan for Harry and Meghan attending the King's Coronation, but an official
announcement has yet to be issued.

Nigel Cawthorne, author of Prince Andrew, Maxwell and the Palace, said Harry poses a greater threat to the Coronation than
his wife.

He told "Meghan has, thankfully, kept her mouth shut lately. It's Harry wanting an apology that poses more of
a threat to the Coronation.

"But Charles knows he can't go around apologising to people - that's ridiculous. It's far beneath the King to do that."

Harry has previously refused to commit to being at the Coronation unless King Charles and Prince William "sit down and talk
about" the allegations he has levelled against the Royal Family.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than..., 2023 WLNR 9237954

In an interview with ITV ahead of the publication of his memoir, Spare, Harry said the ball was in their court, but the door
is always open for reconciliation.

A source told The Times in February that while Harry wants an apology, the royals do not believe one is owed.

Mr Cawthorne, whose new book Going Spare will examine sibling rivalry between Charles and Prince Andrew, said if Harry
attends the Coronation he is likely to bring his family with him. This includes his wife and their two children, Prince Archie
and Princess Lilibet.

He said: "I would have thought Meghan will come with Harry, as well as the prince and princess. [Harry might say] 'I'm turning
my back on the monarchy, but my children are a prince and princess'."


Related articles

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex began to use the titles prince and princess for their children Archie Harrison and Lilibet
Diana last week.

Harry and Meghan's youngsters became a prince and princess when the King acceded to the throne last September, but had
remained a plain "master" and "miss" on the Buckingham Palace website until last Thursday .

Mr Cawthorne said: "If you're turning your back on the monarchy and royalty, it's very odd you would do that.

"But [Harry and Meghan] are so self-absorbed that they want the fancy balls, while rejecting the rest of it. I think they are just
trying to have their cake and eat it."

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lunch' - prefers to eat an unusual breakfast [REVEALED] Kate is 'most relaxed as a parent' with one child in particular [LATEST]

He added Harry and Meghan might announce whether or not they plan to attend the Coronation, saying: "I'm not sure to be
honest. By and large the Sussexes do tend to seize the initiative with these things. They are the ones with the agenda."

Asked what their agenda is, Mr Cawthorne said: "It's certainly self-aggrandisement. They're bigging it up as much as they can.

"With their whole [Coronation] invitation and Netflix over there in the US, they're just feeding off their profile.

"The longer the 'will they or won't they' [discussion continues] the more attention they're getting.

"It goes hand in hand - the higher the profile they have, the more they can capitalise on it in the US."

Mr Cawthorne said that while Harry poses the bigger threat to the smooth running of the Coronation, King Charles would "in
no way" be able to control the situation or mitigate against any further drama.

He joked: "He just has to sit there with a fancy hat on his head. He can't have guards with spikes pointing at Harry and Meghan!"

The author said: "Simply by being there, Harry is going to draw attention away from Charles. And if he doesn't come, he's
drawing attention away from Charles.

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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than..., 2023 WLNR 9237954

"Presumably, there will be pictures of him cycling around Los Angeles looking nonchalant. It's a lose lose situation for Charles."

On how Buckingham Palace might handle Prince Andrew's Coronation attendance, Mr Cawthorne told "I think
[Andrew's] desperate for any sort of attention really.

"He seems to be upset he's not allowed to wear his spiffy Order of the Garter outfit or his army uniform.

"He should do a nude protest and streak outside Westminster Abbey instead!"

For more about Mr Cawthorne and his work visit

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afterparty look Hugh Grant blasted as 'rude' in painful Oscars chat and rolls his eyes

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Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ITV) (Prince Harry; King Charles; Meghan)

Word Count: 903

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 597 of 634

Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals not

'bothered to turn up'
Jon King | Express Online (UK)

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Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

3/12/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9039200

Express Online (UK)

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March 12, 2023

Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals not 'bothered to turn up'
A royal expert has said the monarchy is looking "a bit threadbare" as
questions remain over whether Prince Harry and Prince Andrew will attend.

Jon King

King Charles is in an "impossible position" with Prince Harry and Prince Andrew threatening to "besmirch" the Coronation if
they attend the historic ceremony, a royal expert has claimed. Nigel Cawthorne - author of Prince Andrew, Maxwell and the
Palace - said the monarchy is "looking a bit threadbare".

Related articles

Buckingham Palace staff have reportedly been told to plan for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending the King's Coronation,
but this has yet to be confirmed publicly.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry, who have begun using the titles prince and princess for their children in an
"alignment" with the Palace on the matter, have yet to confirm whether they will attend the ceremony on May 6.

There are also doubts over the role Prince Andrew can play at the Coronation, given he is no longer a working member of
the Royal Family.

It comes after the Duke of York settled a US civil lawsuit with Virginia Giuffre, who had accused Andrew of sexually abusing
when she was a teenager. Andrew repeatedly denied the allegation and did not admit any wrongdoing in settling the case.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

But the court case as well as Harry and Meghan's allegations against the royal family in their Netflix series and the Duke of
Sussex's memoir, Spare, have put the King in a difficult position in relation to the Coronation.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 599 of 634
Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

Mr Cawthorne said: "There is a battle royal going on here. It's tit for tat. Certainly tat. With the flawless Queen gone, the
monarchy is looking a bit threadbare.

"Charles is in an impossible position. If either Andrew or Harry, or both, turn up, they are going to besmirch the Coronation
and take the spotlight away from him.

"Their absence will be equally headline-grabbing and will diminish the significance of the ceremony."


Related articles

Mr Cawthorne described the Coronation as the key moment in the monarchy, but claimed the "top royals can't be bothered
to turn up".

He added: "Imagine a wedding or funeral where a brother or son is a no-show. It speaks volumes.

"Neither Andrew nor Harry can do any right. If Andrew is not there, drawing the attention of the TV cameras and media
commentators, he will be photographed driving around in a flash car or horse-riding in Windsor Great Park, or otherwise
moaning about being demoted by moving into a tiny, five-bedroom cottage or leaking that he is going to spend millions of
pounds which he, apparently, does not have, on trying to clear his name in a pointless legal battle against Virginia Giuffre."

Don't miss... Lilibet christening 'mystery' over Harry and Meghan's timing of event [REVEALED] Prince Harry blasted by royal
expert over Princess Lilibet's title [LATEST] Kate Garraway calls out Prince Harry for 'inaccurate' Lilibet detail [REPORT]

Mr Cawthorne added: "Harry's on the horns of a dilemma too. How unpopular does he want to be? Every time he opens his
mouth he plummets in the opinion polls.

"He's the Royal Family's Eddie the Eagle. If he turns up, he risks having rotten tomatoes thrown at him.

"If he stays away, he's turning his back on [royalty]. Only, by the way, my son and daughter are a prince and princess."

Harry and Meghan's relationship with the King and the Prince of Wales has remained troubled in the wake of the publication
of the Duke's controversial tell-all memoir.

The Duke of Sussex has criticised Charles's parenting skills, accused Prince William of physically attacking him and branded
Camilla, Queen Consort, "dangerous".

The latest YouGov poll shows 43 percent of the 3,024 adults surveyed saying Harry and Meghan should be invited to the
Coronation, with 39 percent opposing.

YouGov found just a quarter of Britons think positively of Harry, while 68 percent have a negative opinion of him, giving him
his lowest ever favourability rating of -44.

Harry and Meghan are now so disliked by older Britons that their popularity ratings are worse than Andrew's among the over-65s,
according to YouGov.

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Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

While 60 percent of the oldest generation have a "very" negative view of Andrew, this rises to 69 percent for Meghan and 73
percent for Harry, the poll shows.

It is understood there is no update from the Sussex camp over whether they will attend the crowning of Charles and Camilla,
the Queen Consort.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes has previously said Harry and Meghan received email correspondence from the King's office
about the event, but an immediate decision on their attendance would not yet be disclosed.

Related articles Paul McCartney's solo album was called a 'waste' by Beatles star Elvis Presley's affair behind Priscilla's back
was life-changing Author shares 65 great Carry on secrets Elvis family respond to Prince Harry comparing Graceland to badger
den Denise Richards felt 'extremely intimidated' working on James Bond

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(1SE01); Social Issues (1SO05))

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer category' of

reality TV
Matthew Dooley | Express Online (UK)

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer..., 2023 WLNR 8828201

3/10/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

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March 10, 2023

Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer category' of reality TV
Prince Harry was savaged for appearing in a live streamed therapy
session that has been likened to Jerry Springer by a royal expert.

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry's live-streamed therapy session has been likened to "tacky" American reality TV by a royal expert. The host of the
To Di For Daily podcast Kinsey Schofield savaged the Duke for a sit down he did with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;
discussing subjects from Harry's drug use to his mental health.

Related articles

When asked about the therapy session Ms Schofield likened it to several famous American reality TV shows.

"Well lets be honest, we are the home of Dr Phil, Oprah Winfrey, Ricki Lake, I could list all of the tacky TV shows that
have existed - Jerry Springer! - over the years and unfortunately it really feels like this falls into that category," the LA-based
commentator opined on GB News.

She continued: "Harry being diagnosed over Zoom? That is extremely unsettling and it's not something that the American public
is comfortable with but it is that kind of tacky reality TV that we've all become addicted to. And I apologise if we've sent it
over there your way [to the UK]."

Jerry Springer hosted a famous talk show of the same name in the US, focusing on a range of issues including infidelity and
marital problems. Springer would famously take the stage to chants of "Jerry! Jerry!" from the audience.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

During the pay-per-view live stream, Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; diagnosed the Duke with ADD, PTSD, depression and anxiety
right on the spot.

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer..., 2023 WLNR 8828201

Prince Harry also opened up about his drug use saying cocaine "didn't do anything" for him but lauded the use of marijuana
and psychedelics.

Speaking on psychedelic drugs, the Prince said: "It was the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it
all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time.

"For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me."

READ MORE:Prince Harry's 'choice of guru' may prove 'unwise' after drug comments

Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; is known for his controversial views on the use of psychedelic drugs to treat mental health issues.

The Hungarian-Canadian doctor has used the hallucinogen Ayahuasca to treat patients in the past.

Ayahuasca is a plant grow in the Amazonian rain forest which has a long history of cultural use among shamans there.

The drug is illegal in the UK, US and Canada - in 2011 Canadian authorities threatened to arrest Dr Mat&eacute; if he didn't
stop using the drug to treat his patients.

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'Mother Theresa' 12 Best Afternoon Tea deals for Mother's Day 2023

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Healthcare Services (1HE13); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Jerry Springer)

Word Count: 558

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't ignore
threat' of new book
Sophie McCabe | Express Online (UK)

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

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March 10, 2023

Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't ignore threat' of new book
Prince Harry claimed he had enough material for a second
book but, if published, his family would "never forgive him".

Sophie McCabe

Following the publication of his tell-all memoir, Prince Harry sat down for an interview with Bryony Gordon of The Daily
Telegraph. He told her the first draft of Spare was 800 pages — double the final manuscript which came in at just over 400 pages.
The Duke of Sussex reportedly revealed information to ghostwriter JR Moehringer "for context", but there was "absolutely no
way" they would be included in the book.

Harry is said to have told her: "But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some
extent between me and my father, that I just don't want the world to know. Because I don't think they would ever forgive me."

It came after Harry revealed a slew of secrets pertaining to Palace life and the Royal Family. And now, a royal commentator
has claimed the House of Windsor can tolerate the revelations but "can't ignore" Harry's threat.

Related articles

Richard Fitzwilliams was a guest on last week's episode of the Royally Us podcast. He told hosts Christine Ross and Christina
Garibaldi that the threat of another book will only exacerbate the deepening rift between Harry and his family.

He said: "We have to remember that he's threatened another book — 800 pages. It's a threat. You can't ignore things like that.
It's awful."

When asked whether he thought writing Spare was "the worst thing that Harry could have done," Mr Fitzwilliams referred to the
autobiography of the Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne and subsequently lived in exile.

He said: "The Duke of Windsor took 15 years before he wrote it [his book], [and] there was nothing as sensational. This is
purely making money out of family trauma. No one had any idea — as far as I could see — that he felt so jealous and that
he resented his brother."

READ MORE: William won't take 'nonsense' from Harry after 'rude' remarks about Kate

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

Harry's relationship with his older brother Prince William is said to be one of the most affected by the rift. The Prince of Wales
featured heavily in Spare, with Harry telling his version of intimate events, including a physical altercation and heated arguments.

The Duke recalled reuniting with his family for the funeral of his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II. He claimed that he and
William barely spoke during the solemn event.

Since the publication of Spare, Harry has insisted that he is hopeful for a reconciliation with his family, telling ITV's Tom
Bradby that he wants his father and brother back.

However, some commentators have claimed that William may not be on the same page, particularly given the content of the
Duke's memoir.

During an appearance on Royally Us last month, royal biographer Angela Levin speculated about William's feelings towards
Harry's memoir.

She said: "It's terrible how he's attacked William. William has always looked after Harry, always protected him from a lot of
wrongdoings when he was younger and he's always loved him.

"Harry even said to me once, 'Every year that passes William and I get closer together. He's the only person I trust, we can say
anything to each other. And if we have an argument, we get over it, we can move on.'

"[They were] very, very close. And now he's attacking him in an awful way, talking about his bald head that now makes him
not look like their mother and that he was circumcised."

Ms Levin continued: "I don't think you should invade somebody's privacy like that. That's not Harry telling his story, it is
invading other people's stories that they don't want to be told.

"Brothers do fight€¦ Unlike a father and a son, brothers can fall out in a big way because they don't want to take the nonsense.
They don't want to take all that. And I think Harry's gone too far. He's been quite rude about Catherine and he knows that
would enrage William."

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Harry and Meghan given updated timeline to vacate Frogmore Cottage - long after CoronationPrince Harry and Meghan Markle
have reportedly been given an updated timeline to give up the keys to their royal home, Frogmore Cottage, with the couple
expected to be given a new Palace home by King Charles.

While the Sussexes must leave their previous residence "within weeks", the America-based couple could be offered Prince
Andrew's old suite in Buckingham Palace.

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

Read more HERE.

The comments came less than three months before the Coronation of King Charles III, due to take place on May 6.

It has been confirmed that Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have been invited but the pair are yet to reveal whether they
plan to attend.

In recent days, hopes the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will accept the invitation have been raised after it emerged they have
decided to give their children the titles of prince and princess.

The couple announced on Wednesday that their 21-month-old daughter — named after the late Queen Elizabeth II — was
christened last Friday and an announcement referred to her as Princess Lilibet Diana.

Harry and Meghan also invited the King and Queen Camilla and Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales to the christening
— a move that is being seen as a sign that relations between the Sussexes and the rest fo the Royal Family may be thawing.

Related articles

Royal commentator Afua Hagan told "The lines of communication are improving. There has been a defrosting
of royal relations — from both sides."

She claimed the couple's decision to use their children's formal ties could suggest they intend to return to the UK for the
Coronation. "It is a good indication that they will attend the Coronation and indicates where their head is at," she said, adding:
"They still want to have ties to the Royal Family."

However, Mr Fitzwilliams has suggested that while the Coronation invitation indicates that Charles wants to mend the rift with
his son, William may think differently.

He said: "Charles is a symbol of national unity, of course, as the monarch and the invitation comes from him, but as far as
William's concerned, it's a terribly deep rift and I didn't see it being mended."

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deemed 'difficult to work for' POLL – Is King right to evict Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage? Harry and Meghan
told to 'get a hotel or Airbnb' after losing Frogmore POLL: Should Meghan and Harry accept offer of Buckingham Palace flat?

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News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ITV; House of Windsor) (Royal Family; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1215

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute to

Fergie and Beatrice
Jon King | Express Online (UK)

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute..., 2023 WLNR 8638626

3/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

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March 9, 2023

Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute to Fergie and Beatrice
The youngest daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York,
has posted photos on Instagram to mark International Women's Day.

Jon King

Princess Eugenie posted a heartwarming tribute to her mother and sister to mark International Women's Day. Eugenie shared
two photos on Instagram showing herself with Sarah, Duchess of York, and Princess Beatrice, against a snow-covered wintry
landscape, believed to be in Norway.

Related articles

The post has already received more than 75,000 likes as royal fans delight at the new pictures.

Eugenie captioned the images: "International Women's Day. I'm so lucky to have my mum and sister as two incredible women
in my life. Beabea, Mumma so proud of you! Xx."

Princess Eugenie's photograph sparked a wave of praise from royal fans, with Instagram users commenting on the Yorks's
strong bond.

Scottish TV presenter Kirsty Gallacher said simply, "Love you all", in response to Eugenie's post.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

Fellow Instagram user Auntlizability commented: "How sweet. It's wonderful to see such great mother - daughter relationships."

And Insta user olga_bojo wrote: "For real, my favourite Royals right here!"

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute..., 2023 WLNR 8638626

Eugenie's post came on the day the Duchess of York appeared on US TV show The View where she spoke of her relationship
with the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Sarah told viewers: "We did chat a lot because the last three years in particular, during the pandemic, I used to go - don't worry
I stuck to the rules - to take her out in the garden and we would both go wandering around the gardens with the doggies."


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She also revealed how she would call her ex-husband's mother "mumma".

The Duchess of York also explained how on their walks she would point to the ground and tell the Queen "there's a fairy ring

She continued: "And she was so brilliant and so great and such a sense of humour that she'd say, 'Yes, there is a fairy ring there',
and she came with the game."

Fergie then revealed that she misses her friend because she was more of a mum to her than her own mother.

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her for award [LATEST] Queen Camilla has 'awkward' interaction with a royal fan - claims [REVEALED]

She said: "She was so incredible. She was so forgiving and she didn't judge me. She used to say to me, 'Just be yourself Sarah,
and one day you'll be alright'."

Eugenie's post comes amid claims she and her family have moved into Frogmore Cottage, which was vacated by Prince Harry
and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

A source told OK! Magazine that Harry could not be happier for his cousin.

Princess Eugenie's husband, Jack Brooksbank, has reportedly been offered a promotion at US-based firm, Discovery Land
Company, which could mean he will spend more time in the United States.

But the insider told the publication Eugenie, who is pregnant with the couple's second child, is keen to give birth in Britain
and raise her children in England.

The source said: "The Sussexes are disappointed by the move but couldn't be happier that Eugenie and Jack will take it over.

"They have been staying there on and off for the past few years anyway.

"They went to see Harry and Meghan last month in California. They took over some small personal belongings left in the
property. They were also helping to box up items at Frogmore to be shipped over to California.

"Andrew is delighted that his daughter will take over the property for the time being."

A second source said Eugenie and Jack will be based at Frogmore temporarily as the Palace has no long-term plans for the
couple to stay there.

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute..., 2023 WLNR 8638626

Prince Andrew had been tipped to move into the Grade II-listed home in Windsor as part of King Charles's move to trim the
royal budget.

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treatment Bruce Willis' wife slams 'dumb' claim Demi Moore 'moved in with ex'

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News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Gardens & Gardening (1GA80))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Discovery Land Company) (Princess Eugenie; Fergie)

Word Count: 760

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Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation

Tom Sykes |

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2023 WLNR 11773023
Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

April 2, 2023

Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation

REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstWelcome to this week's edition of Royalist, The
Daily Beast's newsletter for all things royal and Royal Family. Subscribe her...

Tom Sykes

Tim Teeman

REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstWelcome to this week's edition of Royalist, The Daily Beast's newsletter for all things royal and
Royal Family. Subscribe here to get it in your inbox every Sunday.Joe Biden: Coronation no-showUS president Joe Biden will
not attend the coronation of King Charles next month, according to the Telegraph, which claims he wants instead to prioritize
an April 11 trip to Northern Ireland.Biden is "not expected" to join dozens of heads of state for the event, sources told the paper,
and will send a delegation featuring "high-profile representatives" in his place. First Lady Jill Biden may go, with her husband
reportedly keen to avoid any sense the event is being snubbed. Sources close to President Biden insisted to the Telegraph that his
relationship with Charles was "strong," and may make time to meet him when he visits Northern Ireland. President Eisenhower
did not attend Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953. Historically it was considered diplomatic not to send a figure who would
overshadow the monarch being crowned.Not exactly palatialThe appalling pay and crappy accommodation all too often offered
to royal staff has long been a cause of grievance in the palace. But photographs published today in MailOnline of the litter-
strewn, rodent-infested apartments equipped with filthy fridges and encumbered with blocked toilets in Wellington Barracks,
where members of the king's guard live, just yards from Buckingham Palace, are likely to renew demands for action on the
issue.The barracks is home to five of the army's most high-profile regiments: the Coldstream, Grenadier, Irish, Scots, and Welsh
Guards-better known as the people standing on guard outside royal palaces in bearskin hats.One former Coldstream Guard, who
did not want to be named, told MailOnline: "It's a disgusting way to treat soldiers who are doing a very important job. Prisoners
in Britain have better living conditions than we do."Wellington Barracks is absolutely filthy but from the outside they look great.
Tourists stand at the gates to take pictures, but they wouldn't believe what life is like for soldiers inside."The rats would die in the
bins, and we'd have to clean them out when doing block jobs in the morning. There are piles of rubbish inside the accommodation
areas and the stench from the toilets is unbearable. All the problems are in the blocks where the privates live. Soldiers from
the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards take part in the Changing of the Guard in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, in London,
Britain October 4, 2021. Kirsty O'Connor/Pool via REUTERS "I can promise you this would not happen in the officers block.
I couldn't take it anymore, it was worse than living in a filthy squat. I put up with it for several years, but nothing changed. The
British public need to know how soldiers in this country are treated."One soldier said: "If you said something to a senior officer,
they would either ignore you or tell you to fuck off, so we just stopped complaining. The whole thing is a joke. We're guarding
some of the most famous people and buildings in the world then return to a filthy hell hole once our day's work is done."One
soldier said that 32 privates live on each floor and have to share six toilets and two bathrooms between them.Harry urged to
tell truth on drugsA conservative think tank wants to know what Prince Harry said on his U.S. visa application about his drug

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Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation, 2023 WLNR 11773023

use.Samuel Dewey, a senior lawyer at the Heritage Foundation-which has filed a Freedom of Information request to see Harry's
application-told the Mail on Sunday: "It is in the public interest to know how Prince Harry answered the drug question. If he
has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he ticked
the 'yes' box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States. That means he would
have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply asking who granted
that waiver."The think-tank wants to know how Harry answered "Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?"-
given his previous admissions of drug use. Typically, the paper says, answering yes means you won't be let into the country.
Britain's Prince Harry walks outside the High Court, in London, Britain March 30, 2023. REUTERS/Toby Melville Dewey
said: "An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever. There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a
waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who authorized it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's
something the American people deserve to know. There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted
a waiver, he may not be aware of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger
he could become an unwitting pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato."Another question: is a conservative
think tank trying to stir up mischief for President Biden around the issue of immigration, with a liberal-leaning high-profile
celebrity they can bash on as a bonus too?Subscribe here to get all the latest royal news and gossip with Tom Sykes and Tim
Teeman.Meghan winsCongratulations to Meghan Markle who has won a Gracie Award for her Spotify podcast Archetypes,
which featured guests including Serena William, Paris Hilton and pop star Mariah Carey, and said it aimed to explore "labels
that try to hold women back." The Gracie awards are organized by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation. Meghan
wrote on the Archewell website, Meghan said: "Thank you to the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation for this prestigious
honor. This is a shared success for me and the team behind Archetypes – most of whom are women-and the inspiring guests
who joined me each week." Meghan Markle attends the 2021 Global Citizen Live concert at Central Park in New York, U.S.,
September 25, 2021. REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs In other Archewell news, the organization filed its accounts this week. They show
it received $13 million from two anonymous donors. Harry previously pledged to donate money from his rumored $20 million
book deal to charity. Public donations came to just $4,470.Archewell paid out $110,000 to a firm run by former Obama adviser
Katie McCormick which will spark fresh speculation over Meghan's political ambitions, the Sun says.Boom boomThe Sun had
an exclusive Saturday about a new video game called Harry & Meghan: Call of Dukey. An insider briefed that the project was
being called Crown Theft Auto, and quoted a source at the firm as saying: "Prince Harry has spoken of his love of gaming so we
approached him with the idea and he loved it. It seemed the logical progression after the success of his book and Netflix series.
It's all tongue-in-cheek and there are some brilliant secret levels, including one where the player finds themselves in the Duke
of York's bedroom, confronted by a raging Prince Andrew bouncing on his bed, hurling teddy bears."Attentive readers will note
Saturday was April 1st, April Fools' Day.This week in royal historyOn April 6, 1199, Richard I of England, aka Richard the
Lionheart, died after being mortally wounded at the Siege of Chalus in France.Unanswered questionsKing Charles and Prince
Harry are still dancing a delicate dance around the Coronation-how are negotiations going? And how does Prince William feel
about it? Does Biden not showing up to the Coronation add to the sense that the event cannot secure A-list guests?Love The
Daily Beast's royal coverage? Sign up here to get Royalist newsletters sent straight to your inbox.Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----

Company: Welsh Guards Charity; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE); The Foundation of the Alliance for Women in Media,

News Subject: (Foundations (1FO95); Global Politics (1GL73); Military Conflicts (1MI68); Philanthropy (1PH09); Social
Issues (1SO05); Top World News (1WO62); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); Northern Ireland (1NO23); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 395 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 616 of 634
Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation, 2023 WLNR 11773023

Other Indexing: (1st Battalion Coldstream Guards; Coldstream Guard; Welsh Guards; Heritage Foundation; Alliance for Women
in Media Foundation) (Joe Biden; King Charles')

Word Count: 1329

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 396 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 617 of 634

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when
he reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on authorities to
reveal if...
Laurence Dollimore | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 618 of 634
PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

4/5/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12113378

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when he
reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on authorities to reveal if...

Laurence Dollimore

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when he reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on
authorities to reveal if Duke of Sussex was given special treatment when it was granted

Prince Harry must renew his US visa this year, it has emerged, as pressure mounts for his original application to be published
following his admissions of drug use.

In his memoir The Duke said he would 'roll a joint' and smoke it by himself at 36 Sources say he has been honest with drug
use to officials in US visa application

The Duke of Sussex moved to California with his wife Meghan Markle in March 2020, meaning the typical three-year visa
given to those who emigrate to the States should be coming to an end.

The 38-year-old, who admitted past use of cannabis, magic mushrooms and cocaine in his bombshell memoir Spare, will
therefore have to apply for a new visa, Green Card or full-blown citizenship if he wants to remain in the country.

But according to US immigration laws, foreigners who are 'determined to be a drug user' are classed as 'inadmissible'.

While officials can use their discretion to waive the rule, some American conservative voices fear Harry - who admitted in his
memoir to 'rolling a joint' as recently as 2020 - may have enjoyed special treatment.

Sources close to the Duke insisted last night that he was 'truthful' when he applied for residency in California, suggesting he
informed immigration officials of his past drug use.
READ MORE: Prince Harry reveals he STILL smoked drugs aged 36 and after rolling a joint would listen to frogs
croaking outside Tyler Perry's house while Archie and Meghan were asleep
But conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation has filed a freedom of information (FoI) request, demanding the
application be published to ascertain exactly what the royal divulged - alongside details of any waiver he was granted.

US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and being barred from applying
for citizenship.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 398 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 619 of 634
PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

In his memoir and in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate to promote his book last month, Harry admitted
using psychedelic drugs.

They included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, the effects of which he described as 'the cleaning of the
windshield, the removal of life's filters'.

But under US law, an admission of drug use usually results in a person being denied entry to the States.

The issue of immigration is expected to become one of the main focuses of the 2024 presidential election, with Republicans
attacking President Joe Biden for his lax border controls.

And there are fears that Harry's friendships with prominent Democratic Party figures such as former president Barack Obama
and major Democratic donors including Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry could see him become an 'unwitting pawn in a highly
political game'.

The Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand whether
Harry declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

US immigration authorities have until April 12 to respond to the Freedom of Information (FoI) request.

Under US law, anyone applying for a visa to live and work in America has to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question:
'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?'

There is a history of authorities releasing immigration documents about public figures.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services website has an electronic reading room which contains the immigration files of
people such as Shyamala Gopalan Harris, mother of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, and George Michael and John Lennon.

Other celebrities whose files are open to the public include Canadian-born Superman actress Margot Kidder and British actress
Lynn Redgrave.

Mr Dewey added: 'An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever.

'There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who
authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know.'

Often a ban is overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a waiver can
be issued.

In 2014, Ms Lawson was prevented from entering the US after admitting during a court case to taking cocaine, even though
she told a judge: 'I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user.' She was later granted a visa after being
interviewed at the US Embassy in London, while Ms Winehouse was twice refused entry because of her drug use.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 399 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 620 of 634
PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

Mr Dewey said: 'There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware
of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger he could become an unwitting
pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato.'

Reports in the US have suggested Harry was admitted on an 'O' visa – given to people of extraordinary ability.

Nile Gardiner, a director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: 'This is a much bigger
issue than Prince Harry. It is about enforcing immigration law and ensuring that no one is above the law. Prince Harry is
simply the tip of the iceberg.

'There are many who believe that under President Biden immigration laws have become lax and are not being properly

'Prince Harry openly talked about his drug use and he has done so for commercial and financial gain, to sell books. In our
opinion, there is no case for privacy here.'

The Mail on Sunday previously sought comment on Prince Harry's immigration status from the US Department of Homeland
Security, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Customs and Border
Protection, California Border Patrol and the Sussexes' Archewell organisation. None responded.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION
(THE); U.S. Department of Homeland Security

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Legislation (1LE97); Philanthropy (1PH09); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); U.S. Legislation

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Democratic Party; California Border Patrol; Sussexes' Archewell; US Customs and Border Protection; US
Citizenship and Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation; US Department of Homeland Security) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1012

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 400 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 621 of 634

Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms as visa

row rumbles on
By, George Mathias | Daily Star Online (UK)

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 401
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 622 of 634
Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms..., 2023 WLNR 12138418

4/5/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12138418

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms as visa row rumbles on
The US authorities take a very hard line on drug use for those wishing to
enter the country, with one think tank pushing for full clarity over the ...

By, George Mathias

The US authorities take a very hard line on drug use for those wishing to enter the country, with one think tank pushing for full
clarity over the Prince Harry's answers on an immigration form

Prince Harry reportedly did inform US authorities about the drug use mentioned in his bombshell memoir Spare.

US border control is notoriously hardline, with visa applicants required to answer the question: "Are you or have you ever been
a drug abuser or addict"

The Duke of Sussex has openly admitted to using cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

READ MORE: Banned sex toy advert pokes fun at Prince Harry as 'silence is golden'

He details one instance of using psychedelic drugs in the memoir, leading to speculation that it could jeopardise his visa status
in the US, where he currently resides.

He has also recalled hallucinating while at a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He discussed his drug use at greater length while speaking with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate on TV where he talked
about his experience with hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca.

Sources close to the Duke of Sussex told The Telegraph that Harry had been "truthful" on his visa application, meaning he
would likely have admitted to past drug use.

For most foreigners, admission of drug use normally results in visa applications being denied outright, however each person
is dealt with on a 'case by case basis'.

A leading US think tank recently filed a freedom of information request about the Duke's application and are calling on him to
be "totally transparent" when answering the immigration questions.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 402 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 623 of 634
Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms..., 2023 WLNR 12138418

Brits have fallen foul of the tough stance countless times when trying to enter the US.

In 2019, Isabella Brazier-Jones was banned from the USA for 10 years allegedly after admitting to snorting a line of cocaine
in 2017.

The 31-year-old said she was immediately thrown in a jail cell where she was kept for 24 hours before being shipped straight
back to the UK.

Experts say such a ban can sometimes be overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or immigration office.

Samuel Dewey, a lawyer acting for America's Heritage Foundation in its FoI case regarding Prince Harry, said: "One condition
of a waiver in the case of someone who has admitted drug use could be that the person has to check back with the medical
examiner, so that there is some sort of follow-up.

"But we just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking these questions."

To get more stories from the Daily Star delivered straight to your inbox sign up to one of our free newsletters here .


Meghan Markle's post-royal life 'isn't exactly the stuff of feminist legend' Prince Harry told to 'grow up' and get over 'pride'
to fix Royal Family rift Meghan Markle 'too unpopular' with Americans for political ambitions, says expert King Charles faces
'obvious coronation danger' as Harry and Meghan could 'overshadow' it Prince Harry's telling gestures hinted at royal rift in
unearthed chat with Meghan

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 456

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 403 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 624 of 634

Prince Harry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims amid
visa row
Clive Hammond | Express Online (UK)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 625 of 634
PrinceHarry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims..., 2023 WLNR 12104249

4/5/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12104249

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims amid visa row
The Duke of Sussex is facing calls to release his US visa application
following recent remarks he has made about his past drug use.

Clive Hammond

Prince Harry told custom officials in the US about his past drug use, an insider has claimed, adding that the 38-year-old was
"truthful" on his visa application. The latest development comes as a conservative think tank campaigns to get the Duke's visa
application made public following his recent revelations about past drug use. Those closest to the Duke of Sussex argue he had
not withheld information about his previous drug use, which according to his autobiography Spare, included using the likes of
cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

The taking of these drugs, which are Class A and Class B, was confirmed on the forms Harry had to fill out as he applied
for a visa to live in the US, alongside his wife Meghan Markle and their two young children, Archie and Lilibet, the insider
has claimed.

Question marks over Harry's relationship with drugs have long been discussed in royal circles, particularly during his younger
years when the royal earned a reputation for his partygoing sensibilities.

And in Spare, which became one of non-fiction's fastest-selling books in history when released in January, Harry noted how he
used as a way to deal with the trauma of losing his mother, Princess Diana when he was just 12 years old in 1997.

As well as the admissions on his drug use in Spare, Harry also outlined his past in a "therapy session" with the trauma expert
Dr Gabor Mate, which helped promote the book.

The admission raised questions over how Harry would be allowed to gain a visa to the US, particularly with such ardent
restrictions in place over drug use.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that reviews American law, is using freedom of information laws to
determine the exact details of Harry's admission.

According to the Telegraph, one source close to Harry said the prince was "truthful" on his application, suggesting he likely
admitted to taking the narcotics, but he did not reveal the extent to which he disclosed his drug activity.

JUST IN: Megyn Kelly savages Meghan and Harry for 'one hour weeks'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 626 of 634
PrinceHarry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims..., 2023 WLNR 12104249

US law, though, often sees those admitting to drug taking being denied entry to the country.

Immigration is a hot-button issue in the US. It's likely to take centre-stage during next year's presidential elections, with many
Republicans believing incumbent US President Joe Biden has been lenient when it comes to border controls.

This has led to some to believe Harry's friendships with those on the left of politics, such as Democrat Party figures Barack
Obama and Oprah Winfrey, may see him become an "unwitting pawn in a highly political game".

Calls have been made for Harry's visa application to be made public by the Heritage Foundation, which argues the US taxpayer
has the right to know on what grounds he was approved status to live in the country.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the US."

Lawyer Samuel Dewey also waded into the debate, arguing that "an admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you

He added: "There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a
waiver, who authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know."

Ordinarily, a ban from entering the US could be reversed after the US consulate or immigration office, speak in person to
someone attempting to gain an American visa.

Mr Dewey concluded to the MailOnline earlier this month: "There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if
he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were.

"But there is a danger he could become an unwitting pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Public Affairs (1PU31);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Democrat Party; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 682

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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PrinceHarry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims..., 2023 WLNR 12104249

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 407 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 628 of 634

Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With U.S.
Tom Sykes |

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Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With..., 2023 WLNR 12146846

4/5/23 (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12146846
Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

April 5, 2023

Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With U.S. Immigration
Carlo Allegri/ReutersPrince Harry's camp has suggested that he admitted to
drug use when applying for an American visa.Harry has come under pressur...

Tom Sykes

Carlo Allegri/ReutersPrince Harry's camp has suggested that he admitted to drug use when applying for an American visa.Harry
has come under pressure from conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation to say whether he made such a declaration, after
writing about taking cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, and magic mushrooms in his memoir, Spare. The Heritage Foundation says
his visa application should be published to ensure no "favors" were granted to the prince.Now, sources close to Harry appear
to have briefed the Daily Telegraph-one of the few outlets with which the Sussexes still do business-that he was "truthful" on
his visa application.Harry's book also suggested that he has continued to use illegal drugs since moving to America in 2020,
and he has been vocal about using ayahuasca, the controversial (and illegal) Amazonian psychedelic, as part of his therapy.In
one interview, Harry admitted he used the drug "recreationally" before realizing "how good it was for me."He said: "It was
the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time."For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realize how good it was for me. I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal
with the traumas and the pains of the past."The Heritage Foundation has made a freedom of information request to see Harry's
visa application. It is likely Harry would have immigrated to the U.S. on an "O" visa that lasts three years, and he will likely
have to admit to any drug use in the meantime when renewing.Samuel Dewey, a Heritage Foundation lawyer who is making
the freedom of information request said: "We just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking
these questions."Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: "The
drug issue is a huge question. Applicants to the U.S. have to say if they have used drugs. If they say yes they have to fill out a
much more detailed form. Sometimes they will be denied entry."For him to have got in may have required some kind of high
level intervention and we don't know where that came from."What we are asking is whether he was open and transparent with
the application, whether there were any particular favors given, was he treated differently to everybody else. We believe in the
rule of law."Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 409 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 630 of 634
Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With..., 2023 WLNR 12146846

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation)

Word Count: 449

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 410 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 631 of 634

Prince Harry may have to update US officials on drug use to keep

Gordon Rayner, Associate Editor, Victoria Ward, Royal Editor | Telegraph Online (UK)

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PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

4/4/23 Telegraph Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12025661

Telegraph Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 4, 2023

Prince Harry may have to update US officials on drug use to keep visa
Freedom of information battle aims to find out if Duke of Sussex
was given special treatment when his US visa was granted

Gordon Rayner, Associate Editor, Victoria Ward, Royal Editor

The Duke of Sussex may have to keep US authorities updated on his drug use if he is to retain visa rights to live in California,
it has emerged.

The Duke's immigration status has come under intense scrutiny after a Washington-based think tank requested the publication
of his visa application in the light of his admissions of drug-taking.

US immigration laws state that any foreigner "determined to be a drug abuser" is classed as "inadmissible"-though immigration
officials can use their discretion to waive the rule.

Sources close to The Duke of Sussex have indicated that he was truthful on his visa application, suggesting that he disclosed
his drug use, which has continued since he moved to the US in 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, the biggest conservative think tank in the US, has now used freedom of information laws to demand
the release of his visa application, saying it is in the public interest for the authorities to divulge what the Duke said about his
drug use, and the details of any waiver he was granted, including the identity of the person making the decision.

People who emigrate to the US are typically given a three-year visa, meaning Prince Harry will need to apply for a new visa,
or a Green Card, or citizenship, this year, which could be a problem in light of his recent admissions.

In his autobiography, Spare, and in television interviews, The Duke of Sussex has admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms. He owned up to taking magic mushroom chocolates-which are illegal in the US-during a party at the Friends star
Courtney Cox's home in Los Angeles.

He also spoke about his "positive" experience of the psychedelic drug ayahuasca, which is also illegal in the US, though he
did not specify where he took it.

One possibility open to immigration officials in cases where people have admitted to drug use is to require them to update
medical examiners on their drug intake over a matter of months.
Drug issue 'a huge question'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-9 Filed 05/01/23 Page 633 of 634
PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

Samuel Dewey, a lawyer who is acting on behalf of the Heritage Foundation in its freedom of information case, said: "When
there is an adjustment of status-such as an application for a Green Card-there is a requirement for a full medical examination.

"One condition of a waiver in the case of someone who has admitted drug use could be that the person has to check back with
the medical examiner, so that there is some sort of follow-up.

"But we just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking these questions."

Famous names including the cookery writer Nigella Lawson and the late singer Amy Winehouse have been denied entry to the
US in the past because of admissions of drug taking, while the tennis player Novak Djokovic has been denied entry because
he refuses to be vaccinated against Covid.

Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: "The drug issue is a huge
question. Applicants to the US have to say if they have used drugs. If they say yes they have to fill out a much more detailed
form. Sometimes they will be denied entry.

"For him to have got in may have required some kind of high level intervention and we don't know where that came from.

"What we are asking is whether he was open and transparent with the application, whether there were any particular favours
given, was he treated differently to everybody else. We believe in the rule of law."
'This is going to build and build'
Freedom of information requests have been submitted to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border
Protection and the US Citizenship and Immigration Service. They must respond by a deadline of April 12, though Mr Dewey said
that if the requests for information are turned down the Foundation, which has 500,000 members, will take the matter to court.

Mr Gardiner added: "This could potentially build into an issue of congressional interest. Immigration law is a big issue in the
coming US presidential election and Prince Harry is increasingly seen as a political activist, so I think this is going to build
and build as an issue."

A source close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said that Prince Harry had been truthful on his visa application, but would
not be drawn on the extent to which he detailed his drug-taking.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; US Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship and Immigration
Service; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 754

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 413 2
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PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 416

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Appendix C
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British Press In A Tizzy Over How Harry's Admitted

Drug Use Could Risk His U.S. Visa
One expert told The Telegraph that Prince Harry “would have been asked” about
drug use as part of the visa application process.

By Mary Papenfuss
Jan 14, 2023, 10:01 PM EST | Updated Jan 15, 2023

APP. C 001
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 416
The British press has speculated in a flurry of news articles that
Prince Harry’s admitted drug use in his new memoir could threaten
his American residency.

“Harry could be barred from the U.S. ... after his admission he has
taken drugs,” speculated The Daily Mail last week.


Harry could “lose his visa after admitting taking cocaine and magic
mushrooms,” the Mirror reported.

“Harry’s frank drug-taking admissions could land him in hot water

with the immigration authorities in America,” The Sunday Times of
London reported.

The Duke of Sussex — who currently resides with wife Meghan

Markle and his two children in Montecito, California — revealed in his
new book, “Spare,” that he has enjoyed cannibis, magic mushrooms
and cocaine, and that the psychedelic ’shrooms helped him perceive
“the truth.”

United States immigration rules warn that an applicant’s “current

and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities ... may make
[an] applicant ineligible for a visa,” the Sunday Times noted.
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A U.S. State Department representative told the newspaper that visa
records are confidential, adding simply that decisions on applications
are made on a “case by case” basis.


It’s not clear what kind of visa Harry has. He could have a spousal
visa since his wife is a U.S. citizen. It’s also possible he was granted a
special O-1 visa for people with “extraordinary abilities,” such as
athletes or actors.

One expert told The Telegraph that Harry “would have been asked”
about drug use as part of the visa application process.

If he was “truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,”

insisted Professor Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington
University’s Immigration Clinic. If he lied, his visa could now be
revoked, Benítez told The Telegraph.

Benítez speculated, however, that officials may have cut Harry some
slack because of his status as a member of the royal family.

“If it was ‘Fred Jones’ and he had this kind of a [drug] background ...
he’d have a lot more scrutiny, and I could certainly see the green
card being denied,” Benítez said.
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But immigration lawyer Chrissie Fernandez told the newspaper that

without any kind of drug conviction, Harry’s past drug use is “unlikely
to cause a real problem for him” regarding his visa.

Prince Harry admits taking cocaine and mushrooms in l…


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News > World > Americas

Conservative group demands to know if Prince Harry admitted

drug use on US visa application
The Heritage Foundation think tank wants California-based royal’s application published

Abe Asher · Wednesday 22 March 2023 11:28 · 3 Comments

Prince Harry says marijuana ‘really helped' him deal with trauma

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A conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry’s US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he
admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is arguing that US officials should release the
details of the prince’s application so Americans can see whether or not he was “properly vetted” before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

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“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States,” Mike
Howell, director of the foundation’s Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail.

The foundation’s push for information on Harry’s visa application comes after the Prince revealed his use of a range of
substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine during his promotion of his new book Spare.

Prince Harry reveals drugs were a ‘comfort’ to help deal with trauma

Queen quizzed Meghan on Donald Trump during first meeting, says Harry

Harry writes in the book that he first took cocaine at the age of 17 and used it sparringly since then but has said that his use of
marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with past trauma.

The recreational use of marijuana is legal in California, while the state has also taken steps towards decriminalising the use of
psychedelics like mushrooms. Oregon, just to the north, legalised the use of small amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms in

During an interview to promote his book, Harry told Dr Gabor Maté in an interview that his use of the psychedelic drug
ayahuasca “brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time” and
were a “fundamental part” of his life.

Nevertheless, if Harry failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa application, he could be barred from applying for US
citizenship and even deported from the country where he has lived for nearly three full years. Meghan Markle, Harry’s wife, is an
American citizen who was born in the Los Angeles area. Their two children were both born in the US as well.

The federal government making the details of Harry’s visa application public would be highly unusual — visa applications are
confidential under the terms of the Immigration and Nationality Act — but Harry’s past drug use could also theoretically affect
future visa applications.

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It is not currently clear what kind of US visa Harry holds, though the Daily Mail reported that he is believed to hold either a
spousal visa or an O-1 visa granted to people possessing an “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or
athletics” or a record of extraordinary achievement in film or television.

O-1 visas are initially granted for three years, meaning that if Harry has that type of visa, he may have to re-apply this year with
elements of his past drug use now public.

Royal family members wish Prince Harry a happy 37th birthday

Prince Harry is second least popular royal behind Andrew, poll shows

Prince Harry and Jill Biden celebrate veterans at Warrior Games event

The Heritage Foundation, which has promoted nativist policies and a hard-line approach to immigration that had a significant
influence on the Donald Trump administration, has reportedly sent a dossier with info on Harry’s drug use to officials at the
Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration Services.

Harry and Ms Markle have aligned themselves with liberal political causes, opposing, for instance, the reversal of Roe v Wade.
More about: Prince Harry Meghan Markle Harry And Meghan Visas US Royals Drugs

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Could Prince Harry’s Recent Drug Use Revelations Affect His U.S.
Visa Status?
105 Rachel Burchfield
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revelations in his memoir Spare and in subsequent interviews
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to promote the book potentially prove problematic for him? miscarriage. We need to talk
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TODAY · 5 min read
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NEWS that in the
SPORTS released in January,
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revealed that he drank heavily, used cocaine, and smoked Search for
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pot throughout his life. While Harry said he only used 1. REHAB CENTERS NEAR ME ❯Mail

cocaine as a teen, he also told trauma expert Gabor Maté

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Inspiring Stories ❯
recently in an online chat to promote Spare that he
experimented with psychedelics well into adulthood, and
that he considers hallucinogenic drugs to be a “fundamental” 4. TREATMENT CENTER NEAR ME ❯
part of his life. EMPLOYMENT SCREENING
5. ❯
“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s
filters—these layers of filters—it removed it all for me and
brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness
that I managed to hold back for a period of time,” he said
earlier this month to Maté. “I started doing it recreationally
and then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani says that, per

Harry’s U.S. visa status that allows him to live in the country,
“an admission of drug use is usually grounds for
inadmissibility. That means Prince Harry’s visa should have
been denied or revoked because he admitted to using
cocaine, mushrooms, and other drugs.” Rahmani adds that
there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

To every point there is a counterpoint, and attorney James

Leonard—who represented The Real Housewives of New
Jersey’s Joe Giudice in his immigration case—says that Harry
is not at a high risk of his visa being overturned.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or

any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a
habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any
issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” he says.

Leonard explains that drug users who are not U.S. citizens
would have to give immigration officials a reason to launch
an investigation into the individual—like a criminal act.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it and

revealing it in a book—that you experimented with drugs
when you were a young man—I don’t think gets you there,”
he says. “Immigration is not going to do anything based on
that. If he got arrested or he got a DWI, then we’re having a
different conversation.”
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“unlikely that these admissions will present a problem. If

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there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a
significant issue in getting a visa. This isn’t to say that drug
Life Featured Well-being Parenting Style & Beauty Food Horoscopes Shopping COVID-19 Inspiring Stories
use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but
in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present an
issue. It isn’t clear to me what the Duke’s visa status is in the
U.S., but breaking the law could be an issue in getting a visa
renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But recreational drug
use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is
unlikely to present an issue for someone’s visa status.”

Rahmani argues that there is “no requirement that the

person actually be convicted of a drug offense” and adds
that there is a loophole for drug users to stay in the U.S. if
they can get a waiver to prove that their substance abuse is
in remission. “Someone is considered in remission after one
year of sobriety,” Rahmani says. “A waiver request requires a
doctor to submit medical records, but it’s unclear whether
Prince Harry made such a request, because immigration files
are not public.”

Adair says past recreational drug use is “not something that

is likely to have been raised in a visa interview,” so it was
likely not an issue during Harry’s approval process. “The drug
use could be an issue if there had ever been an arrest,
charge, or conviction, but recreational use would not likely
come up in the visa interview,” he says.

Page Six cites a 2021 article from The Times that states that
Harry has no plans to seek a permanent U.S. residency,
citizenship, or a “green card at any point.”

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APP. C 010
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 13 of 416

Why Prince Harry is at risk of

being deported from US over visa
issues | Explained
Prince Harry’s US visa is at risk now because of his memoir Spare in which the Duke of
Sussex admitted to using recreational drugs before he left the UK after stepping down
from the royal duties and shifted to the United States.

Lachmi Deb Roy March 23, 2023 09:37:39 IST

Harry’s visa at risk; to be deported from US for drug addiction

According to reports, a conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry’s US visa
application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he admitted to his past
drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. Now the question is what
will happen to Meghan Markle if Harry gets deported from USA over visa issues? Will
Harry go back to Britain? Will Meghan continue to live in US? Lets wait and watch.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is
arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince’s application so
Americans can see whether or not he was properly vetted before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and
drug use.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, wrote that he smoked marijuana while he and his family were
staying at US actor Tyler Perry’s house in Los Angeles in 2020, after they left Canada. In
the memoir he wrote: “Late at night, with everyone asleep, I would walk the house,
checking the doors and windows. Then I would sit on the balcony or the edge of the
garden and roll a joint.”

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InAbout memoir, Spare, Harry alsoFront
his Firstpost reflects
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a tiny washroom. He writes inPolitics
Release the memoir, “I knew this was New badDelhi
behaviour. I knew it
RSSwrong. My mates knew too.SportsWe talked about it often, whileMumbai
stoned, how stupid we
Twitterto be wasting an Eton education.”
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“This request is in the public interest
Businessin light of the potential revocation
Coronavirus of Prince Harry’s
visa for illicit substance use andEntertainment
further questions
News regarding the Prince’s drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States,” Mike Howell, director

of the foundation’s Oversight Project,

Tech told the Daily Mail.

The foundation’s push for information

Photos on Harry’s visa application comes after the Prince
revealed his use of a range of substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine
Press Release
during his promotion of his new book Spare.

Harry writes in the book that heLong

took cocaine at the age of 17 and used it sparingly
Latest Mobiles
since then but has said that his use of marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with
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past trauma. The recreational use of marijuana is legal in California, while the state has
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also taken steps towards decriminalising the use of psychedelics like mushrooms.
Oregon, just to the north,
Network18 sites
legalised the use of small amounts of hallucinogenic
Moneycontrol News18 CNBC TV18 Overdrive Forbes India TopperLearning
mushrooms in 2020.
Copyright © 2023.Firstpost- All Rights Reserved.
Harry also confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine and magic mushrooms, and described
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how he hallucinated that a bin was talking to him. He felt that the use of psychedelic
drugs helped him deal with the grief and trauma he felt after the death of his mother,
Lady Diana. He said using psychedelics when he got older ‘cleared away the idea’ that he
needed be sad to prove he ‘missed’ his mother. During an interview to promote his book,
Harry told Dr Gabor Maté in an interview that his use of the psychedelic drug ayahuasca
“brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on
to for a period of time” and were a “fundamental part” of his life.

In the memoir Spare, the Duke of Sussex also describes being dragged into the office of
an unnamed member of the Royal Household staff during his grandmother the Queen’s
Golden Jubilee in 2002 after a journalist asked the Palace about his drug-taking habits.

He revealed that he was offered a line of cocaine during a hunting weekend. Admitting
that he lied to the Royal Household staff during his interrogation, Harry mentioned that
taking cocaine wasn’t much fun and he did it partly to be different and because he was a
seventeen-year-old willing to try almost anything that would upset the established order.

He wrote: ‘It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me feel particularly happy the way the
others seemed to, but it did make me feel different, and that was my main goal. To feel.
To be different.’

Nevertheless, if Harry failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa application, he could
be barred from applying for US citizenship and even deported from the country where he
APP. C 012
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 15 of 416
has lived for nearly three full years. Meghan Markle, Harry’s wife, is an American citizen
who was born in the Los Angeles area. Their two children were both born in the US as

The federal government making the details of Harry’s visa application public would be
highly unusual — visa applications are confidential under the terms of the Immigration
and Nationality Act — but Harry’s past drug use could also theoretically affect future visa

It is not currently clear what kind of US visa Harry holds, though the Daily
Mail reported that he is believed to hold either a spousal visa or an O-1 visa granted to
people possessing an “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or
athletics” or a record of extraordinary achievement in film or television.

O-1 visas are initially granted for three years, meaning that if Harry has that type of visa,
he may have to re-apply this year with elements of his past drug use now public.

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 and Entertainment News here. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Updated Date: March 23, 2023 23:03:00 IST

TAGS: Buzz Patrol Buzzpatrol Controversial Book Spare Harry And Marijuana

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 16 of 416

Heritage Foundation Requests Records on How Drug

User Prince Harry Acquired US Visa 
Elizabeth Troutman / March 23, 2023

A leading American think tank is trying to determine how Britain’s Prince Harry acquired a U.S. visa
after revealing his affinity for drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, “magic mushrooms” and other

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project submitted a request under the Freedom of Information
Act to find out if the Duke of Sussex admitted his once-heavy drug use before moving to Montecito,
California, from London with his American wife, former actress Meghan Markle in May 2020. (The Daily
Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation).  

“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the prince’s drug use and whether he was properly
vetted before entering the United States,” Mike Howell, director of Heritage’s Oversight Project, said in
a request for documents March 8.  

The Oversight Project first submitted the FOIA request Feb. 22. It currently is appealing a denial of the
request March 9 by U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement, which along with U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services is one of two agencies of the Department of Homeland Security that the
Oversight Project’s request also names.

If the Department of Homeland Security was aware of Harry’s drug use, it may have given special
treatment to the prince because of the couple’s fame, according to the Oversight Project. Usually, the
U.S. throws out visa applications from candidates with any history of illicit drug use.  

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Howell wrote, “should make him inadmissible to the United
States absent the requisite waiver available to non-immigrants.”

The prodigal prince chronicles his drug use in his bestselling memoir “Spare,” published Jan. 10.
Harry, now 38, has said that psychedelics “really helped” him to deal with mental health issues
following the 1997 death of his mother, Princess Diana, sparking criticism that he glorifies dangerous
drug use.

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Samuel Dewey, the lawyer representing The Heritage Foundation on the FOIA request, said it seeks
documents to help determine whether U.S. officials enforced immigration laws fairly. Dewey said he
wants to find out whether the Department of Homeland Security appropriately processed Harry’s
paperwork or gave him preferential treatment based on his left-leaning political ideology.

Prince Harry has commercialized every part of his life, and the legitimacy of his U.S. visa is of public
interest, Dewey said, so Harry’s visa application should be released to the public.

“He has no reasonable expectation of privacy because he’s commercialized every aspect of his life,
which is his decision to make,” Dewey told The Daily Signal. “And the second point is that there is a
public interest. Did someone who’s very politically active, aligned with one agenda, get preferential

“If a bunch of people are spending a lot of time to give him preferential treatment, they may not be
able to spend that time processing an applicant who doesn’t have those issues, who did everything
right,” Dewey said.

Media outlets, including CBS News, The Daily Mail, The Daily Beast, and The Daily Mirror, have
reported on Harry’s abuse of illicit substances.

“From media reports, it appears this drug use was continuous and substantial, at the very least from
the prince’s teenage years into his ‘late 20s,'” Heritage’s Howell said.

Neither Prince Harry nor the Department of Homeland Security responded to The Daily Signal’s
request for comment.  

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we’ll
consider publishing your edited remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. Remember to include the
url or headline of the article plus your name and town and/or state.

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World News United Kingdom

Intimate details of Taliban kill count and drug use in Prince

Harry's book Spare could have repercussions for Sussex family
The future of Prince Harry’s US visa has come into question as a result of the drug confessions made in
his tell-all memoir Spare, while his kill count admission is also "not helping".

Patrick Staveley Digital Reporter

3 min read March 27, 2023 - 2:20PM 0 comments

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 19 of 416

A royal commentator has slammed Prince Harry as "not very bright" for sharing intimate details in his book that may
negatively impact his family's safety.

Prince Harry penned in his memoir Spare that he killed 25 Taliban fighters, an admission that writer and broadcaster
Esther Krakue fears could place his family under a potential threat.

“The reality is the man is not very bright,” Ms Krakue told Caroline Di Russo Sunday night's The Royal Report.

“I’m sure many people would’ve told him that if you’re in an illegal dispute with the home office regarding your
security and think that you face a high level of security, probably putting your Taliban kill count in your book is not
helping matters.

“There’s also implications for his children in the regard where you raise your level of risk if you reveal intimate details
about your time in combat.

“That has repercussions on your children and most people have the sense to see that but unfortunately the Sussexes
seem to have other priorities with regards to that.”

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Prince Harry killed 25 people while serving the British Army in Afghanistan, he revealed in Spare. Picture: John Stillwell - WPA
Pool/Getty Images

Iranian officials accused Harry of committing war crimes in January following his death count revelation.

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The Iran Foreign Ministry took to Twitter to publicly criticise the 38-year-old’s actions in Afghanistan.

“The British regime, whose royal family member, sees the killing of 25 innocent people as removal of chess pieces
and has no regrets over the issue, and those who turn a blind eye to this war crime, are in no position to preach
others on human rights,” the tweet read.

Spare was released in January, offering a further look into the life of the Duke of Sussex after the release of the
Netflix series Harry and Meghan.

The couple’s high profile in the media - despite not being working members of the royal family - has led to Ms
Krakue suggesting they have the wrong priorities.

'Everyone's terrified': Prince Harry and Meghan becoming 'more outrageous'

“It just goes to show how short-sighted the couple are, putting 'my truth' ahead of logic and reason, even ahead of
the safety of their own family because there will be repercussions,” she said.

The royal writer said that as two mature-aged adults, they should be capable of making the right choices without
the need for guidance.

“I’ve made the point that the people that were around the Sussexes at the time that they’ve done all these media
exposes just saw dollar signs when they saw the couple so I don’t think they got any decent counsel but at the same
time these are grown people,” she said.

“The reality is this is a short-sighted couple that had clearly other priorities other than ones that would more concern
the average-day person like safety, security and dignity for that matter.”

Prince Harry also publicised his history of recreational drug-taking including marijuana, magic mushrooms and
cocaine which may bring his United States visa under scrutiny.
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Prince Harry admitted to drug use in his younger years. Picture: Chris Jackson/Getty Images.

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Different laws apply to US and non-US citizens and punishment for the revelations in his tell-all could force him to
return to the United Kingdom.

“You have to remember that Prince Harry Is not an American citizen and even some states that have legalised the
use of marijuana – that’s just for American citizens,” Ms Krakue said.

“Federal law with regards to non-citizens is far, far stricter with regards to drug use and any sort of illegal activities
that include DUIs.

“All eyes will be on him because obviously situations that involve high-profile individuals you want to fairly apply the
law because it could become quite scandalous if it’s seen that Prince Harry is getting favourable treatment.”

Harry and Meghan are yet to confirm their attendance at the coronation of King Charles, which is set to occur at
Westminster Abbey on May 6.

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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

Entertainment | Royalty

Lawyers discuss if Prince Harry risks US visa status

over drug use
The Duke of Sussex admitted to having used cocaine, marijuana, and magic mushrooms
in the past.
APP. C 020
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 23 of 416
By Tanya Diente @mystidrift NEWSLETTER SIGNUP
03/22/23 AT 8:14 AM GMT      
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

Prince Harry revealed in "Spare" that he used cocaine, magic mushrooms, and marijuana in the past. (PHOTO:

P rince Harry may find himself having his U.S. visa revoked following
revelations that he used illegal drugs during his wild partying days.

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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

The Duke of Sussex admitted in his memoir "Spare" that he has tried magic
mushrooms and marijuana, snorted cocaine when he was a teen, and used other
drugs. "Of course, I had been taking cocaine at that time. At someone's house,
during a hunting weekend, I was offered a line, and since then I had consumed
some more," reads a passage from his book quoted by HuffPost.

Being candid about his past experience with illicit drugs may land him back in
the U.K. Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani said that is "usually
grounds for inadmissibility" telling Page Six, "That means Prince Harry's visa
should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms, and other drugs" and there is "no exception for royalty or
recreational use."


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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

However, Attorney James Leonard, who represented "The Real Housewives of

New Jersey" alum Joe Giudice in his immigration case, does not agree with
Rahmani. He does not see any risk to the 38-year-old's visa status unless there
was a criminal charge involved.

He explained, "Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any

finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which
he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir
regarding recreational experimentation with drugs."

The New Jersey-based celebrity lawyer added that Prince Harry would have to
give immigration officials valid reason to launch an investigation into his visa
status, like criminal acts.

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World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money

"You've got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a
book, that you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I don't
think gets you there. Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If
he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we're having a different conversation."

Immigration lawyer Sam Adair, an executive partner at Graham Adair, agrees

with Leonard and said it is unlikely that the royal's "admissions will present a
problem." He pointed out that had there "been a conviction, it would have likely
been a significant issue in getting a visa."

"This isn't to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration
process, but in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present an issue.
It isn't clear to me what the duke's visa status is in the US, but breaking the law
could be an issue in getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the US. But
recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is
unlikely to present an issue for someone's visa status," he explained.

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Adair said that past recreational drug use is "not something that is likely to have
been raised in a visa interview" so this was likely not an issue during Prince
Harry's visa approval process. He reiterated that "drug use could be an issue if
there had ever been an arrest, charge or conviction, but recreational use would
not likely come up in the visa interview."

Leonard agreed and said that if Prince Harry had a criminal charge, then it
could absolutely affect his U.S. visa status and "whether it gets renewed or
terminated." But just to admit that you used illicit drugs in the past does not.

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Rahmani argued that there is "no requirement that the personNEWSLETTER

actually beSIGNUP
convicted of a drug offense." He suggested that Prince Harry could "get a
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money
waiver" as proof he is "in remission" so he can avoid getting his U.S. visa
revoked. This would require a doctor to forward medical records to
immigration. But the duke has not disclosed whether or not he had to go to
rehab for his past drug use.


Prince Harry could lose US visa for being a 'druggie': expert

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Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking cocaine
and magic mushrooms
The Duke of Sussex's shock revelation in his Spare memoir could see him miss out on extending his visa

By Sean McPolin
14:12, 8 Jan 2023 UPDATED 17:04, 8 Jan 2023

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Prince Harry 's shock cocaine and magic mushrooms admission could put his US visa at risk.
The Duke of Sussex, who moved to the US in 2020, admitted taking drugs in leaked extracts from his
upcoming Spare memoir.

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Entry to the States is granted on a "case-by-case" basis with rules stating an individuals "current or past
actions, such as drug or criminal activities" could cause the applicant to be ineligible for a visa.
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The 38-year-old has revealed he took cocaine when he was 17 and on a shooting weekend and had done
"a few more lines" on other occasions.
He has also taken magic mushrooms at a celebrity party in California, which caused him to hallucinate, as
well as admitting to smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan Markle in London back in 2016.
READ Harry claims the Queen was 'sad' but 'wasn't angry' at him quitting Royal
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In Harry's new book he reveals he first took cocaine at the age of 17 ( Image: Tim Graham Photo Library
via Get)


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It's unknown what visa Prince Harry has, with most suggesting it would most likely be a spousal visa due to
the Duchess of Sussex's US citizenship.
But the prince may have been granted special dispensation for people with "extraordinary ability".

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Entertainment | Royalty

Prince Harry could lose US visa for being a

'druggie': expert
The Duke of Sussex admitted in "Spare" that he used cocaine, marijuana, and magic
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By Tanya Diente @mystidrift NEWSLETTER SIGNUP
02/03/23 AT 3:18 AM GMT      
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P rince Harry's revelations about his use of illicit drugs may have dire
consequences, according to an immigration expert who said that substance
abusers are normally barred from getting visas to the U.S.A.

In his memoir "Spare," the 38-year-old admitted to having used cocaine,

marijuana, and magic mushrooms during his wild, partying days. He said that it
was his coping mechanism since it helped him numb the pain he felt from losing
his mother, Princess Diana.

But this revelation puts the Duke of Sussex in danger of being evicted from the
Montecito mansion he shares with Meghan Markle and their children Archie
and Lilibet. It could allegedly lead to his U.S. visa being revoked.

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Prof. Alberto Benitez, director of the Immigration Clinic at George Washington

University, pointed out that when Prince Harry applied for a U.S. visa he would
have been asked about drug use.


Prince Harry labelled paranoid and delusional by psychiatrist

He told Globe, "If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied"
and added that if he did deny using illicit drugs, then he would be guilty of

Prof. Benitez noted, "If he wasn't Prince Harry, if it was "Fred Jones" and he had
this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could certainly see
the green card being denied."

It is believed that the duke currently has a three-year "0-1" U.S. visa given to
athletes and celebrities, which would expire at the end of 2023. He might face
hurdles getting it renewed following his revelations in "Spare."

Prince Harry moved to the U.S.A. after he and Meghan Markle left their royal
duties in 2020. They initially lived in Canada but after King Charles III removed
their security detail and with the paparazzi stalking them, they had to act
quickly and move out of the country.

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Thankfully, Tyler Perry offered his Beverly Hills mansion as a NEWSLETTER

temporary home
for the couple until they could find their own place in Montecito, Santa Barbara,
World Politics Business Markets Fintech Technology Sports Money
California. It is unlikely for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to return to the
U.K. as the duke himself told Anderson Cooper in an interview that he has no
intention of returning as a working royal.

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Harry and his elder brother William are reportedly no longer on speaking terms (PHOTO: AFP NEWS)

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P rince Harry's account of taking an array of illegal drugs in his memoir

Spare has led a conservative think tank to raise the prospect of "the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use."

The Washington, D.C.-based Heritage Foundation wants U.S. authorities to

publish the Duke of Sussex's visa application to determine whether he was asked

APP. C 033
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to disclose any drug use. InStay

Spare, Harry
up to date describes
with the taking drugs such as cocaine,
latest from Newsweek

marijuana, mushrooms andNotifications

ayahuasca. can be turned off any time from browser settings.

Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail:
"This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince
Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's
drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

In 2020, Harry and Meghan Markle left Britain for a new life in America to escape
a wave of hostile media coverage, which they said the royal family was not
helping them deal with. Much of their criticism focused on the British press,
particularly the tabloids, which the couple said were uniquely intrusive and hostile.


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are seen onstage at Global Citizen Live in New York City's Central Park on September
25, 2021. The Heritage Foundation wants U.S. officials to release Prince Harry's visa application.

Some observers may have expected the couple's experience in America to be

more positive. For a long time it was, though this has become more complicated
during their time in California and particularly in the months since the publication
of Spare.

APP. C 035
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Stay up to date with the latest from Newsweek

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There has been a significant swing against the couple in U.S. polling. They are
now significantly less popular in America than they were in Britain at the time they
chose to leave.

In January, Meghan was liked by 26 percent of Americans and disliked by 39

percent, giving her a net approval rating of -13, in polling done by Redfield &
Wilton for Newsweek.


By contrast, a majority of Brits liked Meghan as late as November 2019, two

months before they announced they were stepping down as working royals and
moving to Canada. That data, collected by YouGov, showed 54 percent liked the
duchess and 34 percent disliked her, giving her a net approval rating of +20.

Harry was liked by 31 percent and disliked by 38 percent of Americans in January,

giving him a net approval rating of -7. This compares with the 72 percent of Brits
who liked him and 21 percent who disliked him in November 2019, adding up to a
net approval rating of +51.

In addition, some American comedians have ridiculed Harry's memoir, including

Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock and Trevor Noah.


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Prince William accused of "performative PR" on racism after Meghan silence

If the Heritage Foundation is successful in its campaign and the result is "the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa," that would be a major milestone for
APP. C 036
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 39 of 416

the prince's critics on eitherStay

side ofdate
up to the Atlantic.
with the latest from Newsweek
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Harry and Meghan have faced genuine threats to their security, including a
suspicious white powder—which turned out to be harmless—that was intercepted
in a racist letter sent to St. James's Palace in 2018. However, nothing in Britain
has yet had consequences comparable to the prospect of Harry being deported
from the U.S.

In Spare's account of his drug use, Harry wrote: "Psychedelics did me some good
as well. I'd experimented with them over the years, for fun, but now I'd begun to
use them therapeutically, medicinally. They didn't simply allow me to escape
reality for a while, they let me redefine reality.

"Under the influence of these substances I was able to let go of rigid preconcepts,
to see that there was another world beyond my heavily filtered senses, a world
that was equally real and doubly beautiful—a world with no red mist, no reason
for red mist. There was only truth."

He went on: "After the psychedelics wore off my memory of that world would
remain: 
This is not all there is. All the great seers and philosophers say our daily life is

APP. C 037
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 40 of 416

an illusion. I always felt theStay

truth indate
up to that.
withBut how
the latest reassuring
from Newsweek it was, after
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nibbling a mushroom, or ingesting ayahuasca, to experience it for myself."

Jack Royston is chief royal correspondent for Newsweek, based in London. You
can find him on Twitter at @jack_royston and read his stories on Newsweek's The
Royals Facebook page.

Do you have a question about King Charles III, William and Kate, Meghan
and Harry, or their family that you would like our experienced royal
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Home / World News / Prince Harry to be deported from US? He's at risk. Here's why

Prince Harry to be deported from US? He's at risk. Here's why

By Mallika Soni

Mar 22, 2023 01:01 PM IST

Prince Harry: The Heritage Foundation claimed that Prince Harry's visa application should be made
public. Here's why

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Prince Harry may be struggling to keep his US visa in place following the release of his memoir Spare
in which the Duke of Sussex admitted to using recreational drugs before he left the UK afterOPEN
down from the royal duties and shifted to the United States. A report in the Daily Mail revealed that a
conservative research institute is in a heated dispute with US officials who are rejecting requests to
publish details of Prince Harry's visa application.

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Prince Harry: Britain's Prince Harry follows the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during her funeral procession.(Reuters)


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Read more: Prince Harry 'was asked to give a month's notice before UK trips'. Here's why

The Heritage Foundation claimed that Prince Harry's visa application should be made public so that it
can be known whether he revealed about his use of drugs before entering the US or not. The director
of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, Mike Howell, said as per Daily Mail, “This request is in
the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States”.

A spokesman for the US State Department said as per the report, “Visa records are confidential under
Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of
individual visa cases.”

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Read more: Argument in royal family? Over Prince William's son in coronation. Here's why

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Prince Harry admitted to using cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms,
claiming that psychedelics and marijuana “really helped” him deal with his “trauma”, while cocaine
use for him was more of a “social thing”.

Prince Harry said in an interview while promoting his memoir, "(Cocaine) didn’t do anything for me, it
was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me
feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different, that actually
really did help me.”


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When not reading, this ex-literature student can be found searching for an answer to the question, "What is the
purpose of journalism in society?"
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Prince Harry’s Admitted Drug Use Could Affect His Ability To Fly To The Coronation
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In his bombshell memoir, Spare, Prince Harry, 38, admitted using the drugs cocaine, cannabis, and magic mushrooms in the past. A lawyer says
that this could threaten his US visa, saying that there was “no exception for royalty.” The conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation, is calling
for the Duke of Sussex’s US visa application to be released to see whether he admitted his drug use before coming to California with his wife
Meghan Markle, 41, in 2020.

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Prince Harry’s US Visa Could Be At Risk After

Admitting To Drug Use In Memoir
by Favour Adegoke ( Posted on March 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

Prince Harry’ ( US visa status is reportedly being

questioned following his admission to using drugs in his memoir, Spare (
leaks/). One argument posits that the Duke’s visa should have been revoked as there is “no exception for royalty.”

Harry admitted to using cocaine, weed, and mushrooms, in his memoir and interviews. In a chat with trauma expert Gabor Maté, the Prince
said hallucinogenic drugs are “fundamental” in his life. He moved to America with his family in 2020 and doesn’t plan to “seek a permanent
US residency” soon. 

Read on to find out more.

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Lawyers Are Debating On Prince Harry’s Visa Status


Former Federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani is one of the multiple lawyers who recently spoke to Page Six
( about the possibility of Prince Harry’s
admission to using drugs affecting his visa to stay in America. He said, “An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.”

Rahmani continued, “That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs.” He insisted that there should be “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Attorney James Leonard, who famously represented reality star Joe Giudice (
theresa-giudice/) in his immigration case, disagreed with Rahmani’s statement that Harry’s visa is at any real risk. He explained that the
Royal has no “criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol” and is clearly not a “habitual drug user.”

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Prince Harry Admitted To Using Various Drugs


In Harry’s recently released memoir, Spare, he admitted that he used to drink heavily and used weed and cocaine multiple times in the
past. During an online interview with trauma expert Gabor Maté, Harry said hallucinogenic drugs are a “fundamental” part of his adult life.

He stated, “It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me and brought
me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.”

The Duke of Sussex explained that he only ever did cocaine as a teenager and said it was a social thing that “wasn’t much fun.” However,
about weed, Harry said he “started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me,” so it’s still present in his life.

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It’s Unlikely His Visa Will Be Affected

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Attorney Leonard explained to Page Six that normally, all drug users have to raise certain red flags to make immigration officials investigate
their status. He said, “You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with drugs
when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there.”

Sam Adair, another immigration lawyer and specialist with decades of experience, also agrees that it’s unlikely Harry’s drug admissions will
“present a problem.” He said, “If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa.”

Adair also added that usually, drug use could still be an issue in many cases, but “in this circumstance, it is unlikely that this would present
an issue.” Despite the contrary opinions, Rahmani insisted that there’s no specific “requirement that the person actually be convicted of a
drug offense.”

Prince Harry Moved To America With His Family


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Prince Harry moved to America with his wife, Duchess Meghan Markle, and their young son, Prince Archie, in 2020. The move came after
the couple quit their roles as senior officials in the British Royal Family.

Harry and Meghan now live in an £11 million mansion in Santa Barbara with their son and daughter, Princess Lilibet. In 2021, a source
claimed to The Times that Harry has made no plans to obtain US citizenship, permanent residency, or a “green card at any point.”

If any issues do come up with Harry’s visa, another immigration attorney has told Page Six (
prince-harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/) that Markle, a US citizen by birth, can sponsor her husband. One method could be through
the O-1 visa, which is already used by non-American celebrities like Justin Bieber and Rachel McAdams.

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Prince Harry’s past drug use

raises questions about US visa
A conservative think tank wants to know if the Duke of
Sussex failed to disclose his past drug use on his visa
application, a potential violation that could lead to

Prince Harry pointed out that he has done everything for the past six years privately to
get through to his family. (Henry Nicholls/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

By MARTHA ROSS | Bay Area News Group

PUBLISHED: March 22, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. | UPDATED: March 22, 2023 at 6:22 a.m.

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Prince Harry continues to learn that not everyone in his adopted homeland is
happy about him being here. The latest group of Americans to come after the
renegade British royal is the Heritage Foundation, which is pushing to find out
whether the husband of Meghan Markle admitted to his past drug use when he
applied for a visa to live in the United States.

The conservative think tank said it is in a battle with the U.S State Department,
which is refusing to release any details about the Duke of Sussex’s visa
application, the Daily Mail said. The group wants to know if Harry admitted using
marijuana, cocaine and psychedelics on his application when he moved to the
United States in 2020. If he failed to disclose his prior drug use, he could be
accused of lying on his application, the group says. U.S. immigration law imposes
harsh penalties for visitors and potential immigrants who lie to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

The demand to see Harry’s application comes after Harry openly discussed using
marijuana and cocaine in his book “Spare” and in the accompanying media
blitz. While Harry claimed he only used cocaine as a teen, he admitted to
experimenting with psychedelics well into his adulthood. In a recent online
conversation with trauma expert Gabor Maté, Harry spoke openly about his
recreational use of psychedelics and said the drugs helped him deal with past

“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for
me,” Harry said. “I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that
changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.”

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, told the
Daily Mail that Harry’s admitted use of illegal substances raises questions about
what he said on his application, whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States and whether he continues to use drugs.

Thus far, the State Department has refused to make Harry’s visa application
public, with a spokesperson telling the Daily Mail: “Visa records are confidential
under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we
cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.”

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Legal experts are divided over whether Harry’s past drug use jeopardizes his
ability to stay in the United States to live and work. Harry and Meghan, a former
Hollywood TV actor, live in Montecito, where they are raising their two young
children. The son of King Charles III also has a position as “a chief impact officer”
for a San Francisco mental health startup, BetterUp, and presumably uses
Montecito as his base for working on the couple’s production deals with Netflix
and Spotify.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” former federal
prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six. “That means Prince Harry’s visa
should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs.”

Rahmani, president of Los Angeles-based West Coast Trial Lawyers, also said that
there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

But James Leonard, a New Jersey-based attorney who represented “The Real
Housewives of New Jersey” star Joe Giudice in his immigration case, disagreed
with Rahmani that Harry’s U.S. status was at risk.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a

judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not,
I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational
experimentation with drugs,” Leonard told Page Six.

Leonard said immigration officials need a reason to launch an investigation into

a person’s status, such as the person being arrested for a criminal act. “You’ve
got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that
you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you
there,” he said.

It’s not known what type of visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either
holds a spousal visa — sponsored by his American wife — or an O-1 visa which is
given to people with “extraordinary ability,” the Daily Mail said. Other celebrities
known to be in the United States on an O-1 visa include Canadian singer Justin
Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman.

That the Heritage Foundation has made Harry’s visa an issue probably shouldn’t
come as a surprise. Since Harry and Meghan’s acrimonious departure from royal
life, the couple have irked U.S. conservatives with their progressive politics and
with the perception that they are lecturing regular people from a position of
wealth and entitlement.

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The foundation said that “public confidence” in the U.S. government would be
undermined if it appeared that its agencies failed to properly vet such a high-
profile individual or if Harry admitted his past drug use but “received preferential
treatment” and was allowed to stay in the United States anyway.

US officials can stop people who have committed drug offenses from entering
the country. Suspected drug abusers applying for visas also may be required to
answer additional questions about their medical history or take a medical exam
to prove that they are not still using drugs. For example, TV chef Nigella Lawson
was initially banned from flying to the United States in 2014, four months after
she admitted she once used cocaine with her husband in 2010.

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Tags:  Celebrities, Celebrity Alert, Coffee Break, Drugs

Martha Ross | Features writer
Martha Ross is a Bay Area News Group features writer for The Mercury News
and East Bay Times who covers everything and anything related to popular
culture, society, health, women’s issues and families. She has previously
reported or edited for Bay Area news and lifestyle publications, including
Walnut Creek Patch, and Diablo, Oakland and Alameda magazines, as well as
The Nation in Bangkok, Thailand and The Economist. She graduated from
Northwestern University with a BA degree in German studies and from Mills
College with a MFA degree in creative writing and English.

 Follow Martha Ross @marthajross

APP. C 054
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UK Edition Search

News Royal

PRINCE'S PAPERS Prince Harry’s US visa

under scrutiny after duke’s shocking
drug admissions, lawyer claims
Sarah Grealish
Published: 10:55, 22 Mar 2023 Updated: 10:56, 22 Mar 2023

PRINCE Harry's US visa could be under scrutiny after

he admitted using drugs, a lawyer has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex detailed his past drug use in his

bombshell book Spare as well as in several TV

APP. C 055
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 58 of 416


Harry's Visa status could be called into question because of
his past drug use, lawyers claim

APP. C 056
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 59 of 416


In his explosive autobiography, Prince Harry confesses to
snorting cocaine several times

In his memoir, Harry admits he regularly smoked

cannabis and misused alcohol as a teenager.

And in a TV interview, he admitted using Class A

ayahuasca, a high from Amazon rainforest vines, to
help him cope with the trauma of his mum Princess
Diana’s 1997 death.

Now legal experts have claimed his admission could

put him in hot water with US immigration.

APP. C 057
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 60 of 416
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page
Six: “An admission of drug use is usually grounds for



Harry &… Harry… Meghan…

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been

denied or revoked because he admitted to using
cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs.”

She added that there is “no exception for royalty or

recreational use.”

However, Immigration expert Attorney James Leonard,

disagrees, saying Harry is "clearly not" a "habitual drug
user" currently.

In his book Harry wrote: “Of course I had been

doing cocaine around this time.


BOX OFFICE Susanna Reid speechless after

Anthony Joshua's bizarre antics in GMB

PAUL'S PAIN Paul O'Grady's heartbreaking

final post days before he died

APP. C 058
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 61 of 416


O'Grady dies 'unexpectedly but peacefully'
aged 67

NEW FACE This Morning reveals huge

comedian as Phillip Schofield's replacement

“At someone’s country house during a hunting

weekend, I’d been offered a line, and I’d done a few
more since.

“It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me particularly

happy, as it seemed to make everyone around me.

“But it did make me feel different, and that was the

main goal. Feel. Different.

“I was a deeply unhappy 17-year-old willing to try

almost anything that would alter the status quo. That
was what I told myself anyway.”

He goes on to describe his experiences under the

effects of magic mushrooms.

Harry described how his pals went to the fridge for a

drink, writing: “While the door was open, we spotted a
huge box of black diamond mushroom chocolates.

“Someone behind me said they were for everybody.

Help yourself, boys.

“My mate and I grabbed several, gobbled them,

washed them down with tequila.”

But it soon turned into a nightmare as he began

hallucinating in a bathroom.

Harry said: “Beside the toilet was a round silver bin, the
kind with a foot pedal to open the lid. I stared at the
bin. It stared back. Then it became . . . a head.

APP. C 059
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 62 of 416



People are only just Reid speechless after
realising what Asda… Anthony Joshua's…

“I stepped on the pedal and the head opened its

mouth. A huge open grin.

“I laughed, turned away, took a p***. Now the loo

became a head too. The bowl was its gaping maw, the
hinges of the seat were its piercing silver eyes. It said,

Sign up to The Sun's

R l l tt
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Prince Harry Prince William United States


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'I think the public will be really outraged if he was admitted to the US through a
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PUBLISHED: 15:58 EDT, 23 March 2023 | UPDATED: 18:17 EDT, 23 March 2023

491 576
View comments

A think tank's probe into Prince Harry's immigration filings could have 'major
implications' for his future in the United States, investigators told –
and could soon end up in court.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute focused on public policy,

is currently battling with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to get a copy    
of the Duke of Sussex's visa filings under the Freedom of Information Act.
'I would do it again':
Jeremy Renner fights
A director at the think tank and their lawyer told the immigration tears in first interview
documents could expose a thorny diplomatic issue: whether Harry declared his since horrific snowplow
accident where he
previous illegal drug use, and whether DHS officers gave him special treatment. describes breaking 30
bones after being
crushed by snowplow
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 64 of 416
ISEMENT 'enervating' exchange
While applying for his residency permit, Harry had to fill out a form asking if he has with Gwyneth Paltrow
who was 'not pleasant'
ever used illegal drugs.   

An answer of 'yes' often results in the application's denial, or a raft of extra hurdles
that can even include drug tests and interviews before getting a special waiver
00:05 01:00 to
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APP. C 062
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 65 of 416

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A rather tipsy and red faced Prince Harry is pictured leaving the Embassy nightclub in London
with several boozy pals and his brother William in 2006 

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MacDowell, 64, cuts a
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Harry admitted to taking cocaine, magic mushrooms and cannabis in his memoir, Mirren, 77, to shoot
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Spare, and in interviews.  

The Heritage Foundation argues that means he either lied on his form – usually a How to banish your
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In Spare and the TV interviews that followed, EXCLUSIVE: Barack

'Even if he came in through a visa, it still and Michelle Obama are
Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and given permission to
has to be cleared by DHS, because you magic mushrooms  break an important rule
also have to be admissible to the as they climb the
Sydney Harbour Bridge
country,' Dewey said. 
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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 66 of 416
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Attorneys at the foundation told, DHS officials are currently scrambling to find with Jennifer Aniston at
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British celebrity chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US in 2014 because she
confessed to taking drugs. Libertines frontman Pete Doherty was also famously banned from
the US due to drug-related arrest

APP. C 065
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 68 of 416
ISEMENT The attorney, who was formerly in charge of oversight and investigations on the US
House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, told that in
order to get Harry's records, there needs to be a public interest that defeats any
privacy concerns.

'There's a precedent for getting this immigration information from the immigration
authorities,' he said.

'The first question that a court will ask is, how much of a privacy interest is there
here? And we think it's as low as it can be. stars 'will have to pay
up to FOUR TIMES their
'This is a public figure who's been notoriously open for commercial gain,' the signing fee if they
decide to pull out of
attorney said.  Saudi-backed series'...
leaving some players
facing ...
'He has so aggressively put himself into the public for his commercial benefit that it's
a perfect storm of diminished privacy rights.' I'm a professional
cleaner and these are
the 10 huge mistakes
The lawyer joked that he would ask the judge to 'watch the South Park episode' – almost everyone makes
that are ruining your
referring to the satirical, irreverent cartoon which skewered Prince Harry and home
Meghan Markle by portraying 'the Prince of Canada and his wife' embarking on a
'worldwide privacy tour', loudly demanding 'privacy' while also hawking a tell-all Brad Pitt sells his Los
book and media appearances. Feliz compound in LA
for $39M nearly three
'The second question the court will ask is what is the public interest?' Dewey said. snapping up the
property for $1.7M from
horror icon Elvira 
'We've got a serious problem with our immigration system in this country. And a big  
part of that problem is laws are not being enforced. 
What a catch! Jennifer
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'So the question is, was preferential treatment given to Prince Harry because of who silver netted mini dress
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he was? Was the process not followed? If it wasn't, that's a big deal. as she leads stars at
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French police KNOCK
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Harry  spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca which allegedly 'Blood and Fire' pension
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Audrey Hale was
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Ayahuasca is a drink made by boiling together vine stems along with leaves from a chacruna
shrub — both native to the Amazonia region How the giant hole on
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'If they're spending a lot of time giving a special unjustified preference to Prince MILLION mph solar
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Harry, how does that affect the common immigration applications where people power grids, disrupt
GPS signals and see the
have carefully dotted every I and crossed every T?' skies light u...

In his autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting The Roy effect!
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weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more lines' on other occasions. for 'ludicrously
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He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and mocked in the HBO
smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan. show - and now
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He spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it ADVERTISEMENT

'brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to

hold on to for a period of time'. Ayahuasca is illegal ni the United States unless it is
for religious use.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté,an
outspoken supporter of decriminalizing drugs who has allegedly used the
Amazonian plant to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Nile Gardiner, Director of the Margaret

Thatcher Center for Freedom at the
Heritage Foundation, told
that the FOIA request could have severe
consequences for Harry's ongoing
immigration status – if it is shown that he
lied on official forms.

'I think what happens with this FOIA

request has a direct impact on what The Duke of Sussex , 38, claimed he used
happens with Harry's future in the US, if psychedelics like ayahuasca and magic
indeed he wants to become a permanent mushrooms (pictured) as 'medicine' after the
death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997
US resident or a US citizen,' he said.

'The stakes are very high here. This issue

of a visa application has major implications for his future in the United States.'

Gardiner added that he believes the Prince has now given up any credible claims of
privacy regarding the DHS documents.

'Harry can talk all he likes about protecting privacy, but he's just written a massive Moment brave cop
takes down Nashville
book outlining all of his drug use. I'd say this isn't a very smart move,' he said.  school shooter with
precision shots before
'No one should be above the law. It doesn't matter if you're a member of the Royal colleague finishes her
off on the ground:
Family, everyone should be treated the same.  Police release six
minutes of hellish...

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 70 of 416
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support group blames
GOP 'anti-trans
Prince Harry is pictured after a night out at the Cuckoo Club in London in August 2006 legislation' for
Tennessee school
shooting, calls Audrey
'I think it's in the public interest to know whether or not Harry was completely Hale's death a
transparent in documenting all of his drug use that he outlined in Spare. 'TRAGEDY' and

'I think that the public will be really outraged if he was admitted to the United States Gwyneth Paltrow's
daughter Apple tells
through a system of preference and privilege, or he got in without revealing the full court she had never
information.' seen her mom 'shaken
up like that' after the
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The State Department told that an immigration law makes visa records she was 'frantic'
Gwyneth Paltrow trial
'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality LIVE: Actress' lawyers
set to grill retired doctor
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases,' a over claims she plowed
into him in $300,000 ski
spokesperson said. crash case 
But Dewey said this law only pertains to a 'small slice' of immigration documents
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He said DHS routinely publishes immigration documents related to notable $17 a bottle
individuals, pointing to records of Kamala Harris's mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris  

in 2020, actor Peter Mayhew in 2019 and George Harrison in 2001 on the 'As an actor, you don't
department's website. have power over
anything': Eva Longoria
puts on a leggy display
in stunning photoshoot
Share or comment on this article: Prince Harry's visa filings could have 'major as she discusses
becoming a director
implications' on his future in US, think tank says  

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 71 of 416



U.S. group want to know details about Prince Harry’s visa
Conservative group America’s Heritage Foundation want to know more details on the prince’s American

Kelsey Rivera
Update: March 21st, 2023 18:19 EDT

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Toby Melville / REUTERS

An American group called The Heritage Foundation is calling for the U.S. government to release details about
Prince Harry’s visa to see if he admitted to drug use prior to receiving it.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that was created in 1973 that took a prominent position
in creating policies during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s.

Harry openly admits drug use in ‘Spare’ memoir


APP. C 070
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 73 of 416
The Heritage Foundation is battling with Washington to get details of Prince Harry’s visa application released
to the public. No details have been released out of respect for the Duke of Sussex’s privacy.

“Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we
cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases,” a U.S. State Department spokesman said.

“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted
before entering the United States,” said Mike Howell, the director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight
Project, which seeks to spot questions of accountability in Washington.

The foundation’s interest in Prince Harry’s visa application came after the prince revealed his past drug use in
his recent memoir ‘Spare’. In the book, he opened up about his family life as a royal and his time as a young
person, including his experimentation with drugs while visiting friends in the United States.

Harry explains that he first tried cocaine when he was 17 years old, but says that he found marijuana and
hallucinogenic mushrooms to be most useful in helping him come to terms with his past trauma.

In his recent live interview with Dr. Gabor Maté earlier this month, Harry also explained how taking the
psychedelic drink known as ayahuasca brought him a “sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I
managed to hold on to for a period of time.”

Does it matter if Prince Harry disclosed past drug use on his visa application?
Some experts say that admitting to past drug use can be used as grounds to reject someone’s visa application.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” Neama Rahmani said, who is a former federal

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs,” he added.

Meanwhile, other lawyers, such as James Leonard, who represented Joe Giudice from ‘The Real Housewives of
New Jersey’ for his immigration case, say otherwise.

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is
a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” Leonard said.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented
with drugs when you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there,” he added.
King Charles’ grandchildren to have starring role in coronation


APP. C 071
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Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto

Media & Culture | Entertainment

Will Prince Harry's Admission Of Drug Use In Memoir 'Spare' Affect His
Visa? Lawyers Speak Up
By Catherine Armecin
03/21/23 AT 9:28 PM EDT
     

APP. C 072
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 75 of 416

Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto



 Neama Rahmani believes Prince Harry's admission of drug use puts his visa at risk
 James Leonard said there's no issue unless Harry would give immigration officials a reason for an investigation
 Sam Adair agreed with Leonard and said breaking the law could be an issue in the visa renewal

P rince Harry's admission of drug use in his memoir, "Spare," has drawn mixed responses from legal experts.

APP. C 073
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Business Technology World National Politics Media & Culture Opinion Sports Social Capital Crypto

The Duke of Sussex got candid about his history of drug use in his bombshell memoir that dropped in January.
However, a legal expert claimed that being too honest about his previous drug use might put him in trouble.

"An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility," former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani
told Page Six.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms and other drugs."

Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, added that there is "no exception for royalty or recreational

Attorney James Leonard, who represented "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" alum Joe Giudice in his
immigration case, argued that Prince Harry's admission would cause him trouble.


"Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is
a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs," the high-profile lawyer told the outlet.

The New Jersey-based lawyer explained that drug users who are not U.S. citizens would have to give immigration
officials a reason to launch an investigation like a criminal act. Otherwise, the officials won't do anything about it.

"You've got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with
drugs when you were a young man, I don't think gets you there," the celebrity lawyer said. "Immigration is not

APP. C 074
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 77 of 416
going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we're having a different
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Sam Adair, an immigration lawyer with more than two decades of experience, agreed with Leonard that it is
"unlikely that these admissions will present a problem."

"If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa," Adair noted. "This
isn't to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is
unlikely that this would present an issue."

He added, "It isn't clear to me what the duke's visa status is in the U.S., but breaking the law could be an issue in
getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But recreational drug use that has not been the subject of
criminal scrutiny is unlikely to present an issue for someone's visa status."

APP. C 075
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I REALLY do hope the [...], 2023 WLNR 11228593

3/29/23 Express (UK) 13

2023 WLNR 11228593

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Daily Express

March 29, 2023

Section: News

I REALLY do hope the [...]

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe

I REALLY do hope the United States renews Harry's visa despite his glorification of drug-taking, because the last thing this
country deserves is to have that pair back here with whingeing and whining psychology gurus.

Harry, left, and revelling in the of refusing to say whether they will come the Coronation.

pai their whingein and weird psy Meanwhile Meghan are re petty power o whethe to th The the ththa

King should tell them to make up their minds now or the seats will be allocated to politer souls.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Campaigns & Elections (1CA25); Global Politics (1GL73); World Elections (1WO93))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 90

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 076 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 79 of 416
Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

3/29/23 Nat'l L. Rev. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11288741

National Law Review

Copyright (c) 2023 National Law Review

March 29, 2023

Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?

Norris McLaughlin P.A.

Mar 29, 2023

Raymond G. LahoudNorris McLaughlin P.A.Immigration Law Blog - Norris McLaughlin

Article By
Prince Harry's memoir Spare (2023) documents salacious accusations about the Royal Family and describes, in detail, Prince
Harry's past and continued use of marijuana, cocaine, psychedelic mushrooms, and other drugs. The author admits to his prior
and ongoing addictions to drugs, as well as his possession and continued use. Prince Harry writes that his past use was necessary
for him to handle his then-royal duties, ongoing rifts within the Royal Family, and public scrutiny of his life. He writes that
more recently, psychedelic mushrooms were critical in helping him find peace in his life – opening his eyes to a world that
is not as he first imagined it.

While Prince Harry's candor is admirable, his words may seriously impact his immigration status in the United States. It is
reported that the prince has never applied for lawful permanent residence in the United States by virtue of his marriage to Megan
Markle – a United States Citizen. Rather, he is in the United States under a non-immigrant visa. When someone seeks a non-
immigrant visa, attempts to enter the United States with a non-immigrant visa, or seeks to become a lawful permanent resident,
questions about prior and current drug use, addictions, and for that matter, prior simple possession of drugs, are fair game.
Prince Harry's admissions in Spare could bar him from renewing visas or entering the United States, and quite possibly prevent
the approval of any future applications for lawful permanent resident status.

Admitting to drug use can have serious implications for non-citizens in the United States, regardless of an arrest or conviction.
In general, drug use can be seen as a violation of federal law, and non-citizens who admit to drug use can be found inadmissible
to the United States DOJ.
Drug Use and United States Immigration Law
Under United States immigration law, non-citizens who admit to drug use or have been convicted of drug offenses can be
found inadmissible to the United States. Moreover, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prohibits the admission of non-
citizens who are "drug abusers or addicts." This includes both recreational drug users and those who use drugs for medical
purposes without a prescription. A conviction is not required; rather, admitting to certain actions can form sufficient basis for
denying a non-citizen entry into the United States.

Non-citizens who are found to be inadmissible due to drug use can be barred from entering the United States or denied certain
immigration benefits, such as a visa or green card. Non-citizens may be eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility, but this can
be a difficult and time-consuming process.

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Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

Prince Harry's Admissions to Drug Use in Spare

In Spare , Prince Harry details his drug use throughout his life. His own words provide a basis for findings that he has possessed,
used, and been dependent on drugs that are unlawful under federal law in the United States. These admissions, in and of
themselves, could provide a basis for denial of non-immigrant visa renewals, requests to enter the United States after traveling
internationally, and any future application by Prince Harry to become a lawful permanent resident of the United States.

It is important to note, however, that Prince Harry's admissions to drug use do not necessarily mean that he would be found
inadmissible to the United States. A finding of inadmissibility based on an admission of unlawful conduct, rather than a
conviction, requires one to affirm violating specific elements of a particular federal controlled substance offense. Arguably,
Spare makes it clear: Price Harry says, in no uncertain terms, that he used marijuana, cocaine, and psychedelic mushrooms, and,
when using those drugs, he effectively possessed them. For purposes of determining if an individual is a drug abuser or drug
addict, the abuse and/or addiction must be current or recent. In Spare , Prince Harry writes of his ongoing use of psychedelic
mushrooms as a tool to help alleviate the pressures of his past royal life and the ongoing public and media scrutiny.

Should the prince seek lawful permanent residence in the United States, his admissions to drug use will present an additional
barrier. Federal law requires non-citizens who apply for lawful permanent residence to undergo a medical examination. This
medical examination necessitates a detailed review of current and past drug use, which, in turn, becomes a factor in determining
whether a non-citizen is medically admissible to the United States. Lacking medical admissibility because of drug abuse and
addiction is a stand-alone basis to deny an application for lawful permanent residence in the United States.
Will Prince Harry Be Spared?
Admitting to drug use creates serious implications on the immigration status and applications of non-citizens. While Prince
Harry's admissions to drug use may not immediately impact him, the future is uncertain. Words are not "just" words, particularly
when those words make up the biographic life story of an individual as published in a globally-circulated memoir. The day may
very well come when a United States Immigration or Customs Officer who read, or was briefed on, Spare interviews Prince
Harry for a non-immigrant visa renewal, lawful permanent residence, or permission to enter the U.S. upon arrival at an airport
after international travel.

©2023 Norris McLaughlin P.A., All Rights Reserved

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Authoritative Content") are solely those of the respective author(s) and not necessarily the views of Newstex or its re-distributors.
Stories from such authors are provided "AS IS," with no warranties, and confer no rights. The material and information
provided in Newstex Authoritative Content are for general information only and should not, in any respect, be relied on
as professional advice. Newstex Authoritative Content is not "read and approved" before it is posted. Accordingly, neither
Newstex nor its re-distributors make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the
information contained therein or linked to from such content, nor do they take responsibility for any aspect of such content. The
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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Blockchain (1BC01); I.T. (1IT96))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

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Prince Harry: Can He Spare his U.S. Visa?, 2023 WLNR 11288741

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (United States DOJ) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Immigration); (Global); (All Federal); (United Kingdom)

Word Count: 1090

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 079 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 82 of 416
Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure..., 2023 WLNR 11076761

3/28/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11076761

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 28, 2023

Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure mounts for visa papers release
Prince Harry has been facing calls to release the details of his visa
application after his drug use admission sparked questions about his entry in...

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry has been facing calls to release the details of his visa application after his drug use admission sparked questions
about his entry into the US.

Prince Harry could be spared the ignominy of being deported from the US for his drug use, a celebrity lawyer has claimed.
The Duke of Sussex has been facing mounting pressure to release his visa details after admitting in his book, Spare, he had
taken recreational drugs to cope with his trauma when he was younger. Hundreds of Britons have been denied entry into the
US because of their drug use but attorney James. J Leonard argued Harry is unlikely to face any consequences for his actions.

Leonard, who represented Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice in his deportation hearing, argued the only scenario
likely to result in a threat of deportation would be if the Duke had been involved in a criminal case over his drug use.

Speaking to The Mirror, he said: "I do not envision any viable scenario where revelations in a memoir related to experimental
and recreational drug use would lead to any immigration consequences for Prince Harry.

"Where this would become an absolute issue is if there was a criminal case of any kind and if those allegations were related
to drugs or alcohol and it was determined that he was a habitual user, which I do not believe is the case here, that would raise
concerns and create real problems."


Leonard added: "Should a scenario like that occur, which I don't see happening, Prince Harry's status as a royal would make
subject the review of his matter to heightened scrutiny which would likely have a detrimental effect on the outcome."

Harry has been facing demands from the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation to release the details of the visa
application he filled out to enter the country in 2020.

The foundation argues US taxpayers are entitled to know whether he declared his drug use – and if so, to question if he received
preferential treatment and was allowed in despite strict immigration regulations.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 080 1
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Prince Harry tipped to avoid US deportation as pressure..., 2023 WLNR 11076761

Responding to The Heritage Foundation's demands, a spokesman for the US State Department said: "Visa records are
confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual
visa cases."

READ MORE: Amazon's 3-day sale is now on - top deals on electronics, home and fashion

Harry opened up about his drug use in Spare and later expanded on what had brought him to use psychedelics in a televised
therapy session with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

The Duke claimed the drugs helped him peel back the "filters" of his life and made him feel relaxed.

He said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me
and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time," he shared.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

He added: "They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

Harry said he was first offered cocaine while on a weekend shooting and continued taking the drug because it did "make him
feel different".

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; The Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 601

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 081 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 84 of 416
Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

3/27/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11008482

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after drug admissions, lawyer claims
Prince Harry has faced calls to have his US visa application made public
after he admitted taking drugs in the past -but one lawyer says it's unlik...

By, Amber O'Connor & Jennifer Newton

Prince Harry has faced calls to have his US visa application made public after he admitted taking drugs in the past -but one
lawyer says it's unlikely the duke will face action

There were calls for Prince Harry'sUS visa application to be made public after he sensationally confessed to using drugs in
the past.

In his controversial memoir Spare, the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms

And in a recent interview, he also spoke of how psychedelic drugs have helped him "deal with the traumas and pains of the past".

However, despite strict laws and harsh penalties surrounding America's immigration policies -including deportation -a lawyer
claims Harry is unlikely to face any 'immigration consequences'. Hundreds of Brits are banned from the US after over their
drug misuse.

But celebrity lawyer James. J Leonard -who represented the Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice in his deportation
case -has said he does not envision a probe into Harry's immigration status.

The Atlantic City-based attorney told the Mirror: "I do not envision any viable scenario where revelations in a memoir related
to experimental and recreational drug use would lead to any immigration consequences for Prince Harry.

"Where this would become an absolute issue is if there was a criminal case of any kind and if those allegations were related
to drugs or alcohol and it was determined that he was a habitual user, which I do not believe is the case here, that would raise
concerns and create real problems.

"Should a scenario like that occur, which I don't see happening, Prince Harry's status as a royal would make subject the review
of his matter to heightened scrutiny which would likely have a detrimental effect on the outcome."

America's Heritage Foundation has been calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 082 1
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Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

The Heritage Foundation argues if immigration officials did know about the royal's drug use, Harry's case raises questions
over whether he was given special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

In response to the Foundation's calls, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222f
of the Immigration and Nationality Act INA; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

And Mr Leonard added: "From what I have seen, I believe that Prince Harry is going to acclimate quite well to life in America
thanks in large part to the way that he was raised by his mother, Princess Diana.

"I think that she was well versed in the social and cultural ways of the west and raised both Harry and Prince William to honour
and respect the traditions of their lineage, but also with an understanding of how the rest of the world works. I think Prince
Harry is going to do just fine."

It comes as earlier today, Prince Harry back in UK as he makes surprise court appearance in latest legal row, where he was seen
arriving at the High Court to attend a hearing in his latest legal row.

It is believed to be the first time he has been back in the UK since his grandmother the late Queen's funeral in September.

His surprise return also comes nearly three months after he laid bare his troubled relationship with his father King Charles and
brother William in his controversial autobiography Spare.

The hearing today was also due to coincide with Charles and Queen Camilla's state visit to France, which was meant to start
yesterday but was shelved due to unrest in the country.

But according to the Telegraph, Harry is not expected to meet up with his father while in the UK -e Prince Harry 'won't meet
up with Charles' on surprise UK trip as King is 'busy'

Buckingham Palace said the King was not in Windsor or London and would be leaving for a state visit to Germany on Wednesday

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Europe (1EU83); New Jersey (1NE70); North America (1NO39); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region
(1MI18); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation; US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 676

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry won't be deported or face US visa probe after..., 2023 WLNR 11008482

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 084 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 87 of 416
Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal..., 2023 WLNR 10974041

3/27/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10974041

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal Family as King Charles has upper hand
As their popularity plummets, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are "losing
the power struggle" against King Charles, according to one royal expert.

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry "cannot win" their campaign against the Royal Family, suggests one royal commentator.
Daniela Elser cited the Sussexes' falling popularity as well as jokes made at their expense as evidence that the couple's "PR
campaign" against the royals has backfired.

"Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, might have spent the last two years waging an exhausting, never-ending
battle of wits and PR strategy against The Firm, but they have actually ended up on the losing side," claimed Ms Elser.

She added: "Over the last two years, the Sussexes have thrown a hell of a lot of criticism at Charles, Queen Camilla, William
and Kate, and the institution of the monarchy as a whole."

Most recently, Prince Harry released a tell-all memoir, Spare, which slammed several members of the Firm and revealed
numerous intimate moments in the Duke's life. The book became an overnight best seller but has cost the Sussexes, according
to Ms Elser.

She pointed out that Meghan and Harry had become the butt of jokes in the US with comedians Chris Rock, Jimmy Kimmel and
Trever Noah all hitting out at the Duke and Duchess while the hit TV show South Park dedicated a whole episode to mocking
the couple.

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa riskMeghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry
that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now the Duke has been
warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Read more HERE.

"This is the price that the Sussexes are paying for their Palace campaign having failed to really gain a huge amount of PR
ground," Ms Elser added, writing for

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 085 1
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Harry and Meghan 'cannot win campaign' against Royal..., 2023 WLNR 10974041

She continued: "Harry might be fighting to squeeze some sort of admission or acknowledgment or even an apology gluten-free
muffin basket from his family, but instead he ended up with an immovable palace, a King who has refused to give an inch and
large chunks of Americans having gone off them."

Polls show the Duke and Duchess's popularity has fallen significantly in America since the release of Spare. Prince Harry has a
net approval rating of -10, down 38 points since December, according to a Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek taken in February
after the release of Spare.

Similarly, Meghan Markle had a dismal net approval rating of -17, a drop of 40 points since December.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US - claim

"Harry cannot win the campaign he has been waging against the royal family. Soz," Ms Elser quipped.

Although she admitted that no one could be certain what would happen in the future, she said: "Right now, it certainly looks
like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are losing the power struggle with Charles."

Meghan and Harry have been invited to King Charles's Coronation, but it's unclear whether the Duke and Duchess will attend.
The Coronation will take place on May 6 but, so far, there has been no RSVP from the Sussexes.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01); Sales &
Marketing (1MA51))

Industry: (Advertising & Public Relations (1AD83); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Public Relations (1PU66))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Redfield & Wilton) (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; King Charles)

Word Count: 548

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 086 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 89 of 416
Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan..., 2023 WLNR 10917284

3/27/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10917284

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 27, 2023

Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan attack amid GB News backlash
Denise Welch hit out on social media at GB News presenter Nana
Akua's brutal commentary of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Michelle Marshall

Denise Welch was admittedly left stunned after Nana Akua took aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Saturday's
instalment of her GB News programme. The Loose Women panellist branded the broadcaster's scathing monologue "disgusting".

It comes after Nana took aim at Harry's visa affair adding it would be "hilarious" if Harry had to leave the United States
before branding Meghan "narcissistic".

She began: "Prince Harry might be in a spot of bother after being evicted from Frogmore [Cottage] in replace of disgraced
Prince Andrew.

"The Duke of Montecito may well be objected from America as well. Oh, my heart bleeds. It's hilarious."

She continued: "After Prince Harry opened his big mouth and admitted to taking cocaine and magic mushrooms and cannabis
before moving to the States in his pathetic memoir Spare...

READ MORE: Harry Styles pats Emily Ratajkowski's bottom during sloppy kiss

Prince Harry bumps into cameraman as he arrives at High Court for privacy case hearingPrince Harry has made a surprise
return to the UK to attend in person a high-profile hearing at the Royal Court of Justice.

The Duke of Sussex was spotted by reporters as he walked inside the building.

See the latest pictures HERE.

"An investigation is now underway to confirm whether he disclosed his drug taking when he applied for his residency permit."

She laughed: "If Prince Harry has lied he may find himself out on his big old ear - hilarious."

Taking to Twitter, Denise shared the video with her 535,000 followers as she hit out at the coverage.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 087 1
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Denise Welch fumes at 'disgusting' Harry and Meghan..., 2023 WLNR 10917284

The Loose Women presenter tweeted: "Wow!! Nana professed to care about mental health when she had me on her show to
talk about my own struggles."

Denise added she thought the opening monologue was "disgusting".

Nana also highlighted how the couple is in partnership with a group which wants boyhood to be seen as "fluid" and aims to
eradicate the phrase "boys will be boys".

Earlier this week, it was reported Meghan and Harry's organisation Archewell and podcast Archetypes have teamed up with
the Global Boyhood Initiative.

Nana fumed: "Who wants a drug addict Prince and his narcissistic wife telling the world how to live?

"From what I can see when they advise you to do something, do the opposite of what they tell you to do."

The Duke of Sussex has faced criticism in recent weeks after detailing his repeated drug use in his controversial memoir, Spare.

Earlier this month Harry revealed during an online chat with trauma expert Gabor Mat&eacute; that drugs have helped him
deal with his past traumas.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me," Harry added.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

---- Index References ----

Company: GB News Ltd

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Court of Justice; Global Boyhood Initiative; GB News) (Denise Welch; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 479

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 088 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 91 of 416
Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a..., 2023 WLNR 10976399

3/27/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10976399

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a defamation claim against a British newspaper

Prince Harry was in a London courtroom Monday as the lawyer for a British tabloid group prepared to ask a judge to dismiss
lawsuits by the prince, Elton John and several other celebrities alleging wiretapping and other invasions of privacy.

The hearing involves one of several lawsuits Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, has filed against the media. It is expected
to last four days.

Harry's presence in London's High Court is a sign of the importance he attaches to the case.

Associated Newspapers, which publishes titles including the Daily Mail, is asking the High Court to stop claims brought by a
group of high-profile individuals seeking damages for the misuse of private information. Other plaintiffs include John's husband
David Furnish and actresses Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost.

The complaint is against the publisher dates back to a text published in February 2022 alleging that the Prince tried to keep
quiet about a family dispute over the British government's refusal to allow him to pay for a private police security service after
it was taken away from him when he stepped down from the throne.

The media outlet then published a text that read: "Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal battle with the Government
over police bodyguards a secret... then, just minutes after the story broke, his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the

According to Duque's defense, the newspaper slandered him by claiming that he lied in his initial public statements about the
lawsuit against the Government and asserts that the facts presented in the text do not support the argument presented by the
counterpart that it is, in fact, an "honest opinion".

The article is "fundamentally inaccurate," argued attorney Justin Rushbrooke.

The conflict over the personal safety of Harry and his family began in 2020, after they decided to settle in the United States.
Since then, the couple has been battling with the British government to provide them with police security during their visit to
the country, which is financed with public funds.

Faced with the refusal of this request, the Prince has asked to pay personally for the security so that he can travel with his partner
and their two children -Archie, almost 4 years old, and Lilibet, almost 2. However, he was again denied, although in 2022 a
judge authorized Harry to sue the government - a case that has not yet gone to trial.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 92 of 416
Prince Harry appeared before a London court over a..., 2023 WLNR 10976399

The publisher's lawyer, Andrew Caldecott, defended the media, arguing that the complaint amounted to "straitjacketing the
newspaper's right to comment" and stressed the importance of the media being able to speak truths, even to those who govern
the country.

"Expressing an opinion to power is just as important, if not more so", as long as the opinion is based on facts, he added.

(with information from AP)

Warning to Prince Harry: his U.S. visa could be revoked after admitting to drug use

Prince Harry filed a libel suit against a British newspaper

Archie and Lilibet, Harry and Megan's children, claimed the titles of prince and princess

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Defamation, Libel & Slander (1DE07); Government Litigation
(1GO18); Judicial Cases & Rulings (1JU36); Legal (1LE33); Liability (1LI55); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Associated Newspapers) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (america); (realeza)

Word Count: 512

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 090 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 93 of 416
Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing..., 2023 WLNR 11047488

3/27/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11047488

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 27, 2023

Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing he used drugs

After revealing that he tried different types of drugs in his youth, Prince Harry could be putting at risk the visa that allows him
to be in the United States, where he resides with his wife Meghan Markle since 2020.

It was in a promotional interview he conducted for his autobiographical book In the Shadow, with the therapist Gabor Maté,
a specialist in addictions, where Harry gave revealing details about his substance use. Among them, cocaine, cannabis and
magic mushrooms.

In these moments of honesty, Harry also said he had tried ayahuasca, a drink with hallucinogenic effects that is used as medicine
by indigenous peoples of Latin America.

According to the youngest son of Charles III, cocaine was more of a "social thing. It gave me a sense of belonging and probably
also made me feel different from the way I felt." While marijuana, in his view, delivered feelings of liberation and really helped
him heal.

"I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me. I would say it's one of the fundamental
parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past," he said.
Prince Harry's risk
The prince's confessions had almost immediate effects. It should be recalled that at the time of applying for his residence permit
in the United States, Harry - like all those who make this application - completed a declaration in which he was asked if he
had ever used drugs.

Sometimes, if the applicant admits to having used such substances, the visa application is rejected or a series of additional tests
are required in order to obtain the visa.

On the other hand, U.S. law establishes harsh penalties for those who are identified as having lied in their statements to
immigration officials. The harshest measures involve expulsion from the country, as well as a ban on applying for citizenship.

Due to the above, a conservative group in that country decided to take action to verify if the Duke of Sussex lied in his declaration
to apply to live in the United States, and at the same time, if there was any kind of preferential treatment because he comes
from the British royal family and because his wife is a famous actress.

According to information from the British website Daily Mail, it is the Heritage Foundation, a conservative institute dedicated
to public policy research.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 091 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 94 of 416
Prince Harry puts his U.S. residency at risk after revealing..., 2023 WLNR 11047488

The entity would be asking the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a copy of the 38-year-old prince's visa application,
within the framework of a U.S. law.

Speaking to Page Six, former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani noted that "an admission of drug use is usually grounds for

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs," he added. "There is no exception for royalty or recreational use."

While journalist and royal family expert Kinsey Schofield told GB News that "immigration lawyers here in the U.S. say there
are two ways deportation could threaten Prince Harry."

"That's if he's caught committing a crime, which we heard him say in his pay-per-view interview, where he talked openly about
illegal drug use, or if on this visa application he lied about his drug use, that could also result in deportation," she adds.

Despite Heritage Foundation's wishes, a U.S. State Department spokesperson cautioned Daily Mail that "visa records are
confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of
individual visa cases."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 603

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 092 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 95 of 416


'This is serious!' Harry slammed over drug use

as Americans ask 'do we still want him'
Prince Harry has found himself in the crosshairs of a conservative think-tank demanding to see his visa application
now a royal expert claims Americans are rethinking whether they want the Duke to remain in the US.

Prince Harry: Jobson on possible issues with US citizenship

APP. C 093
Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)
Case 1:23-cv-01198 has been slammed1-10
Document over hisFiled
use with Americans
Page 96 asking whether they still
of 416
"want him" in the US, according to a royal (/latest/royal-family) expert. The Duke admitted to using cocaine,
marijuana and psychedelics, something which has drawn the ire of a group in Washington which is demanding to
look over Harry's US visa (/latest/united-states) application to make sure he didn't receive special treatment.


Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa says royal Most Britons 'delighted' if Harry and Meghan skip
expert Coronation, expert
(/news/royal/1750173/prince-harry-usa-visa-drug-use- (/news/royal/1750201/meghan-markle-prince-harry-
dxus) coronation-invite-dxus)

Typically in the United States, visa applicants are asked about their criminal history and past drug use and experts
have warned that Prince Harry ( could even face deportation if he lie
on his application.

"When you apply for a visa in any country, it's the same when you come here, you're essentially a guest. You might
come to work or to live but you're basically expected to be on your best behaviour," royal expert Richard Eden said
on Palace Confidential (

He added: "When you move to a country, like Harry has to the USA, and then you start bringing out a book [detailing
drug use, talking about how great it was for you and then you appear in that interview with [Dr Gabor Maté], again, h
was talking about the benefits of drug use - I think people in America, from what I hear, they're starting to ask 'do w
still want him here? Is he a guest that we welcome?'"

The visa row kicked off when the conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation demanded to view the Prince's
application after he admitted to using illegal drugs. Although the Duke said cocaine "did nothing for me" he touted
the use of marijuana and psychedelics to help him with his mental health issues.

APP. C 094
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 97 of 416

Americans may be turning on Prince Harry as a think-tank demands to see his visa application. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan and Harry moved to the US in 2020 after stepping down as working royals. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle ‘should have warned’ Prince In a televised therapy session with trauma expert and
Harry about drug use visa risk outspoken proponent of decriminalising drugs Dr Gabor Maté
the Prince said that psychedelics helped him as a "cleaning o
the windshield [and] removal of life's filters".
APP. C 095
Meghan Markle should
Case have warned Prince
1:23-cv-01198 But those
Document 1-10 comments
Filed 05/01/23 drewPage
the attention
98 of 416of The Heritage
Harry that revealing his past drug use could put Foundation, which says it wants to make sure Harry was
his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has "properly vetted" before entering the States.
In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential
past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and revocation of Prince Harry
marijuana. Now the Duke has been warned that (’s visa for illici
his admission could see him booted out of substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s
America. drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States," Mike Howell, director of the foundation’s
Read more HERE. Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail
(/news/royal/1749962/meghan-markle- (
prince-harry-drug-visa-dxus) Prince-Harry-visa-despite-drug-use-Campaigners-demand-

Richard Eden said the action was "serious" and shows Americans may be rethinking the Prince's move across the

He said: "From what I can see, this is serious. It's a conservative think-tank now but there are people asking to see h
application form for the visa and what he put in that. Also there are people saying 'should we rethink whether we
allow him to stay?'"

READ MORE: Harry may have to 'pack his bags and move back home' -claim (/news/royal/1749710/prince-harr

Prince Harry is married to American actress Meghan Markle. (Image: GETTY)

APP. C 096
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 99 of 416

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's daughter are US citizens while Archie is likely eligible. (Image: GETTY)


Gwyneth Paltrow accuser dealt blow by internet Girl gunned down by Nashville shooter was trying to
sleuth's findings pull fire alarm
( ( (
Paltrow-accuser-private-data-dxus) shooting-hero-girl-fire-alarm-victims-named-dxus)

Visa applications in the US typically remain confidential under the Immigration and Nationality Act, however, Prince
Harry ('s admission could come back to haunt him over any new visa

Additionally, if the Duke lied on his original application he could be deported back to the UK and barred from ever
applying for US citizenship. It's long been speculated Harry holds an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary abilit
in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics" or an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or
television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years meaning that Prince Harry (
harry) could need to reapply in the near future as he's been living in the States for almost three years.

The Duke's immediate family are all likely US citizens: Meghan Markle (
markle) is an American and Princess Lilibet Diana was born in the US granting her automatic citizenship. Prince
Archie Harrison, although born in London, is likely eligible for US citizenship though his mother.APP. C 097
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 100 of 416
Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret..., 2023 WLNR 10871568

3/26/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10871568

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 26, 2023

Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret entrance was offered instead'
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were pictured going out for dinner at an
elite Hollywood hotspot on the same day the news broke that the couple were...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were pictured going out for dinner at an elite Hollywood hotspot on the same day the news
broke that the couple were being kicked from their UK residence of Frogmore Cottage.

It has been claimed that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called people ahead of time to "take their photo" as they arrived
at an elite Hollywood restaurant. The Duke and Duchess were pictured arriving at A-lister hangout San Vicente Bungalows
in Hollywood earlier this month.

Prince Harry, 38, is now believed to be a member at the elite club which has a £3,400 a year membership price tag. The hotspot
is a hangout for celebrities and film industry figures in Tinsel Town.

However, a club member told Page Six there was no reason for the Sussexes to enter the club through the front as it has a private
"celebrity door". It's also a two-hour drive each way from Meghan and Harry's Montecito mansion.

The outing came just hours after the news broke that the Sussexes would have to give up their UK home, Frogmore Cottage,
something which the club member called a "bold move".

"I think it was definitely a statement coming on the evening of the Frogmore news," they said, adding: "I know that San Vincente
has a back door for celebrities, so no one needs to see you coming and going. They're really all about privacy."

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa riskMeghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry
that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now the Duke has been
warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Read more HERE.

The member continued adding that "bigger stars" than Meghan and Harry come into the restaurant meaning, if they wanted
to, the couple most likely could have quietly entered the establishment.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 098 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 101 of 416
Meghan and Harry 'used LA club front door when secret..., 2023 WLNR 10871568

The member claimed: "They have way bigger stars than Harry and Meghan coming in and no one will ever know they're
there. But Harry and Meghan said, 'We're fine' and that they didn't need to use it. And even when they left, they used the
main entrance."

The Page Six article caught the eye of royal commentator Kinsey Schofield, who accused Meghan and Harry of calling
paparazzi ahead of time to photograph them entering the restaurant.

Sharing a screengrab of the article's headline to Twitter, the To Di For Daily podcast host said: "I will save you a click, it's so
the people they called ahead of time will take their photo."

READ MORE: Harry slammed over drug use as US asks 'do we still want him' - claim

I will save you a click… it's so the people they called ahead of time will take their photo.

Meghan and Harry moved to Montecito, California in 2020 after stepping back from the Royal Family. In a Netflix documentary
released in December last year, the Duke and Duchess blamed, at least partly, the paparazzi and Britain's tabloid media for
the move.

However, someone who knows Meghan and Harry told Page Six that the outing didn't mean the couple were going "all
Hollywood" and added that the Duke and Duchess had "only been out for dinner with friends and at the Archwell office recently,
as well as a meeting with Netflix".

At the San Vicente, the Sussexes were reportedly joined by two friends and chatted with actress Kate Hudson who was also at
the club. The following week, Meghan, 41, drove to West Hollywood and celebrated a ladies lunch with Archwell employees
to celebrate International Women's Day.

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---- Index References ----

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Motion Pictures (1MO51);
Online Social Media (1ON38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 638

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 099 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 102 of 416
Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid..., 2023 WLNR 10862268

3/26/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10862268

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 26, 2023

Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid deportation, lawyers claims
The Duke of Sussex has faced criticism in recent weeks after
detailing his repeated drug use in his controversial memoir, Spare.

Claire Anderson

Prince Harry has been warned his US visa status could have "major implications" on his future as the royal is facing demands
to reveal his immigration filings after revealing he has used drugs in the past. The Conservative research institute, the Heritage
Foundation is investigating the Duke of Sussex's immigration documents to find out if he disclosed his drug use. But CEO of
West Coast trial lawyers Neama Rahmani has explained Harry could waive any issues with his visa with three simple steps.

He told Us Weekly: "Normally an admission of drug use can get a visa denied or revoked even if it's recreational.

"There is an exception however that if you've been sober for a year, you're in remission and you have a note from a physician
that may be able to grant you a waiver.

"The prince's admitted drug use was when he was a lot younger, I think about 17 years old."

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

Harry detailed in his memoir, Spare that he smoked cannabis with Tyler Perry and took magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's

It comes as Sarah, the Duchess of York, said she wouldn't judge the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their decision to move
to the US and publicise their lives.

The couple quit as senior working royals in 2020 in favour of more freedom and the ability to earn their own money in the US,
before giving a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021.

A controversial six-part Netflix series titled Harry & Meghan was released in December 2022 before Harry's memoir titled
Spare, which also contained a string of revelations, was published in January.

Sarah, who is affectionately known as Fergie, related her own experience of divorcing Andrew, the Duke of York in 1996 and
giving an interview to Winfrey declaring that royal life was "not a fairy tale".

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 100 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 103 of 416
Prince Harry must 'waive' drug use on US visa to avoid..., 2023 WLNR 10862268

She told the PA news agency: "I divorced, went to America, wrote a book, went on Oprah and did 12 years as the longest
running spokesperson of Weight Watchers.

"I looked to America to support me and to help me and I really can't thank the American people enough for what they gave
me and what they did for me.

"So, I believe very strongly that I have absolutely no judgment on any other person's life, and I look at how much she loves him
and loves the children and gives him a love that he's never had before. That's how I look at it."

The charity founder and author, 63, also spoke about Harry and Meghan's children Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, and
Harry's mum, Diana, the Princess of Wales, who died in August 1997.

She said: "The most important thing is that the sun will come up tomorrow and the day will move on.

"The most important thing is, Diana would be so very proud of Archie and Lili. She would have adored every moment of it."

Sarah has most recently co-written her second historical romantic novel co-authored with Marguerite Kaye, who has written
more than 50 Mills & Boon books, which will be published on March 30.

A Most Intriguing Lady is inspired by Sarah's relative Lady Mary Montagu Douglas Scott, who in the fictional tale is born into
the highest society, fighting to define her place in life.

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---- Index References ----

Company: WW International, Inc.; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Divorces (1DI23); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legal (1LE33); Personal
& Family Law (1PE02); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Publishing (1PU26);
Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (West Coast; Weight Watchers; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 572

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 101 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 104 of 416
GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack..., 2023 WLNR 10760671

3/25/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10760671

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 25, 2023

GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack on Harry and Meghan
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were torn apart by GB News host Nana Akua,
but her scathing monologue about the couple did not sit well with viewers.

Rebecca Jones

Presenter Nana Akua took aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Saturday's instalment of her GB News programme over
their new charity partnership and the Duke of Sussex's visa affair. The broadcaster even told viewers it would be "hilarious" if
Harry had to leave the United States before branding Meghan "narcissistic".

Nana began: "Prince Harry might be in a spot of bother after being evicted from Frogmore [Cottage] in replace of disgraced
Prince Andrew.

"The Duke of Montecito may well be objected from America as well. Oh, my heart bleeds. It's hilarious."

She continued: "After Prince Harry opened his big mouth and admitted to taking cocaine and magic mushrooms and cannabis
before moving to the States in his pathetic memoir Spare...

"An investigation is now underway to confirm whether he disclosed his drug taking when he applied for his residency permit."

Nana also said a Freedom of Information request is trying to obtain the finer details.

READ MORE: Emmerdale exit for Mackenzie Boyd after he finally confesses

She laughed: "If Prince Harry has lied he may find himself out on his big old ear - hilarious."

After composing herself, Nana continued to hit out about Harry and Meghan to GB News viewers.

She highlighted how the couple is in partnership with a group which wants boyhood to be seen as "fluid" and aims to eradicate
the phrase "boys will be boys".

It was reported earlier this week that Harry and Meghan's organisation Archewell and podcast Archetypes have teamed up
with the Global Boyhood Initiative.

The group sets out to promote gender equality by "fostering positive masculinity in boys and men".

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 102 1
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GB News backlash as Nana Akua branded 'vile' for attack..., 2023 WLNR 10760671

Nana fumed: "Who wants a drug addict Prince and his narcissistic wife telling the world how to live?

"From what I can see when they advise you to do something, do the opposite of what they tell you to do."

She then moved on to King Charles III's upcoming Coronation, stating how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not confirmed
whether they will be attending.

Nana concluded: "I feel sorry for the Royal Family, having to appease these two?

"Are there actually people who still feel sorry for them? Come on, surely the penny has dropped."

Nana's monologue caused a stir with GB News viewers, with Bernadette Bragg commenting: "Grow up and stop the name
calling for God's sake."

Nikki Aura said: "Nana Akua is a vile human being. She needs to get a job away from people."

@ElmoputneyVs said: "I'm pretty sure this is just another vile smear against Harry and Meghan calling him a drug addict is
low and untrue. Either call to #AbolishTheMonachy or stop slagging them off."

@ProjectReality8 shared: "Who wants a narcissistic 'not news' channel presenter telling us anything?"

Meanwhile, Anne penned: "Harry has become an embarrassment to Britain and the RF... They wanted superstardom and they
have got it. Unfortunately, they will go down in history and be well remembered."

A supportive Jasmine Harris commented: "Love you, Nana."

GB News is available to watch on Freeview 236, Sky 512 and Virgin 6034.

---- Index References ----

Company: GB News Ltd

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Broadcast TV (1BR25); Broadcast TV Programming (1BR42); Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV
(1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26); TV Stations (1TV23); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (GB News) (Nana Akua; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 510

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 103 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 106 of 416
Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

3/25/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10759964

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 25, 2023

Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed Megxit deal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate
their own "royal court" in the United States by a royal commentator after th...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate their own "royal court" in the United States by a
royal commentator after they failed to get what they wanted out of Megxit.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are attempting to create their own "royal court" in the US, according to a royal commentator.
The comments come amid a slew of media appearances by the Duke and Duchess - particularly by Prince Harry - which left
one commentator asking "what was the point?"

In recent months, Prince Harry has been in the spotlight. Before and after the release of his memoir Spare in January he gave
numerous explosive interviews on primetime television. In December of last year, Meghan and Harry released a six-part Netflix
series describing their relationship and eventual exit from royal life.

"I ask myself this all the time. What was the point for Harry and Meghan? Were they trying to make themselves look better?
Were they trying to make themselves more popular than the royals? Are they trying to recreate their own royal court in the United
States?" asked a royal commentator and founder of popular YouTube channel the Royal News Network who goes by Brittany.

She added: "Number one, yes they do definitely want to create their own royal sphere in the United States. Obviously, we do
not have a monarchy here and nor do we want one, so they're welcome to live here like other royals do but don't make yourself
a royal of the United States - huge difference there."

She cited the Megxit deal which saw Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave the Royal Family for North America.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 107 of 416
Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

"I think they are just trying to recreate what they wanted, what their vision was for themselves that they couldn't have in the
UK, in the US," she said.

The host of the show added: "They could not get their way, I think at the end of the day that was their big anger point. They
were not going to get their way."

Brittany pointed to the role the couple wanted to play in the Commonwealth, claiming Meghan wanted to be "Queen of the
Commonwealth". She also claimed the Sussexes wanted to "supersede" the Royal Family in popularity.

During the Meghan and Harry's separation from the rest of the Firm, dubbed Megxit, the pair appeared to want to become hybrid
royals who were financially independent but still represented the Queen.

On their now defunct website, the couple touted "progressive" new roles which would "continue to carry out
their duties for Her Majesty the Queen, while having the future financial autonomy to work externally".

However, in 2020, Buckingham Palace released a statement making it clear Meghan and Harry were "required" to step back
from royal duties.

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

It appeared the couple failed to negotiate a half-in, half-out Megixt deal and in 2020 they moved to Montecito, California with
their son Archie, completely stepping back from royal duties.

Since then, the pair have engaged in numerous media endeavours, including the now famous 2021 interview with Oprah. The
couple released a Netflix documentary in December 2022 flush with never-before-seen footage and photos.

Arguably the biggest bombshell to date, however, was the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare in January 2023 and the
multiple interviews the Prince gave both before and after the book hit the shelves.

The book contains numerous allegations against the rest of the Royal Family and details Prince Harry's life, including his time
in Afghanistan and his drug use.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Government (1GO80); Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Postal Services (1PO50))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal News Network) (Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 684

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 105 2
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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 106 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 109 of 416
Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

3/24/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10619559

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to send a

message to disabled veteran who had his Jeep Grand Cherokee restored

Amie Gordon Rory Tingle

The Duke of Sussex last night congratulated a disabled veteran saying he is 'the definition of inspiration' during a surprise
appearance on a car renovation show.

Former Lance Corporal Stephan van Niekerk, 36, had his Jeep Grand Cherokee taken in for persistent mechanical problems
on the National Geographic's Car SOS.

Duke of Sussex congratulated veteran saying he is 'the definition of inspiration' Ex Lance Corporal Stephan Van Niekerk, 36,
had his Jeep Grand Cherokee fixed

The former serviceman, from Taunton in Devon, joined 3rd Battalion, the Rifles, at the age of 21 before he was hit seven years
later by an improvised explosive device.

After the vehicle restoration was shown to Mr Van Niekerk, Harry said in a video message: 'Stephan, congratulations. I hope
at this point you're sitting in your brand new, or certainly what looks like a brand new Jeep.

'Good on you mate, well done, fully, fully, fully deserved. I can't think of anyone that deserves this more than you.'

Prince Harry expressed his admiration for Stephan van Niekerk's (pictured) resilience and determination and praised the Car
S.O.S team for their outstanding work

The 36-year-old served in Afghanistan before losing his left leg at the hip, his right leg below the knee, and five fingers in 2009

Harry is known for his work supporting injured veterans, and helped set up the Invictus Games - an event for wounded, injured
and sick servicemen and women.

Addressing Stephan, he added: 'After getting injured at such a young age after two tours of Afghanistan, you are the definition
of inspiration because you are not defined by your injury. You are defined by your selflessness to others, to your community,
your inspirational talks to young people.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 107 1
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Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

'And, of course, to your four kids, and your amazing wife Sadie, who no doubt has got you this far. So full respect, well done
you, and I heard, someone told me, that you're planning to cycle from Canada to Mexico – just a mere 2,745 miles, I think.

'Good luck with that, I know you're going to do it, I know you're going to smash it. I know you're going to raise a lot of money
for Blesma as well. Other than that, mate, just a huge congratulations. And thank you, thank you for your service. Thank you
for your continued service and commitment to others.

'I'm sure your whole family is incredibly proud of you. I'm proud of you. We're all proud of you… there's a reason you were
chosen for this. So yeah, saddle up and enjoy your new wheels. And then make sure that you get as fit as you can for this next
huge adventure that's coming your way and then you can smash that.

'And at the end of that. I would love to meet you even if it's over a Zoom, but yeah, full respect, mate. Well done, love it and
catch you soon, cheers.'

The duke, who recorded the clip last year at his home in the US, was a battlefield air controller when he first went on a ten-
week tour of duty in 2007 fighting the Taliban in Helmand province.

Stephan van Niekerk had bought himself a used Jeep Grand Cherokee, which had the potential to be a contender, but it was
off the road due to persistent mechanical problems

Prince Harry expressed his admiration for Stephan's resilience and determination and praised the Car SOS team for their
outstanding work

He then retrained and qualified as an Apache helicopter pilot and in September 2012, he returned to Afghanistan for a second

Mr Van Niekerk lost his left leg at the hip, his right leg below the knee, and five fingers when he stepped on an IED in Sangin
while on his second tour of the country in 2009.

He was medically discharged, and with the support of his wife and Army rehabilitation has reinvented himself as a motivational
speaker for Blesma, The Limbless Veterans charity.

His best friend Ian and wife Sadie wanted to reward him for his bravery and positivity by fulfilling his ambition to become an
off-road driving champion with his used 2002 car.

The Jeep was restored by presenters Tim Shaw and Fuzz Townshend to competition-level standards, modified for disabilities,
and has a roll cage, high lift axle kit and wheel arch extensions as well as having the suspension upgraded.

Mr Van Niekerk is also set to raise money for Blesma by cycling from Canada to Mexico.

He said Harry's message was 'insane' and he could not believe he was talking about him.

The former serviceman, from Taunton in Devon, joined 3rd Battalion, the Rifles, at the age of 21 before he was hit seven years
later by an improvised explosive device

It comes as Harry continues to face pressure over his immigration status in the US, where a think-tank has raised questions
over his drug use.

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Prince Harry makes surprise appearance on Car SOS to..., 2023 WLNR 10619559

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute focused on public policy, is currently battling with the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) to get a copy of the Duke of Sussex's visa filings under the Freedom of Information Act.

A director at the think-tank and their lawyer told the immigration documents could expose a thorny diplomatic
issue: whether Harry declared his previous illegal drug use, and whether DHS officers gave him special treatment.

While applying for his residency permit, Harry had to fill out a form asking if he has ever used illegal drugs.

An answer of 'yes' often results in the application's denial, or a raft of extra hurdles that can even include drug tests and
interviews before getting a special waiver to allow a visa.

Harry admitted to taking cocaine, magic mushrooms and cannabis in his memoir, Spare, and in interviews.

The Heritage Foundation argues that means he either lied on his form – usually a surefire way to get kicked out of the country
– or DHS gave him a special waiver.

This episode of Car SOS will be repeated on National Geographic on Sunday at 7pm.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Automobiles (1AU45); Automotive (1AU29); Automotive Models (1AU61); Four Wheel Drive (1FO31); Land
Transportation (1LA43); Passenger Transportation (1PA35); Transportation (1TR48))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Asia (1AS61); Western Asia (1WE54))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Car SOS; Department of Homeland Security; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 981

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 109 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 112 of 416


Prince Harry may have to 'pack his bags and

move back home' as US urged to disclose visa
The Duke of Sussex has come under fire over his drug use with a Washington-based organisation demanding to kno
the details of his immigration status.

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

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Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) may have to "pack his bags" and head back to the UK, according to two royal
(/latest/royal-family) commentators. The comments come amid an uproar about the Duke's US (/latest/united-state
visa after he admitted to using drugs including cocaine, cannabis and psychedelics in the past.


Camilla caught breaking royal protocol in US detailed by Meghan and Harry must have 'cut off point' for RSVP -
snapper presenter
(/news/royal/1749263/camilla-royal-protocol-usa-arthur- (/news/royal/1749289/meghan-markle-prince-harry-
edwards-dxus) coronation-rsvp-dxus)

Harry may have run afoul of the United States' famously strict immigration laws with the admission of his drug use. A
conservative think tank called The Heritage Foundation is demanding to know the details of the Duke's US visa

"This might be illegal, he might have to pack his bags and move back home," said host of the Royally Us
( podcast Christina Garibaldi.

Co-host Christine Ross added: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry ( gets
deported, what a drama it would be. You know, this is true. When you apply for a visa you sort of have to prove that
you are a really upstanding citizen, that there's no chance you're going to be in any trouble in your new country.

"You do have to declare that you've never taken part in illegal substances. I do wonder how Prince Harry
( answered that question."

APP. C 111
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 114 of 416

Prince Harry has come under fire over his visa status in the US. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry is married to US citizen Meghan Markle and lives in California. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry brutally mocked again as author Prince Harry admitted his drug use in Spare
releases parody version of book: 'Spare Us!' (/news/royal/1717680/prince-harry-memoir-drugs-cocaine-
mushroom-royal-family-ont) and in several interviews includin
The Duke of Sussex's book Spare is being a live-streamed therapy session with trauma expert Dr Gabor
parodied in a spoof biography of Prince Harry Maté.
which promises to go "deep inside the castle
walls" and expose "every shouting match, fist- He said cocaine "didn't do anything" for him but lauded the us
fight, betrayal, teddy bear, awkward hug and tear- of marijuana and psychedelics (/news/royal/1742759/prince-
stained wedding rehearsal". harry-should-not-have-praised-class-a-ayahuasca-drug). He
In a clear mockery of the bestselling memoir, the claimed the latter helped him as a "cleaning of the windshield
upcoming work has been described in a press [and] removal of life's filters".
release as a "frostbite-and-all book", and is titled
Spare Us! A Harrody. Now, however, the Prince has come under fire for his
Read more HERE. comments. The right leaning Heritage Foundation is now
(/news/royal/1749518/prince-harry-mocked- arguing that US officials should release the details of his visa
spare-parody-version) application to make sure he was "properly vetted" before
entering the US.
APP. C 112
"This requestCase
is in the1:23-cv-01198
public interest in light of the potential
Document 1-10 revocation of PrincePage
Filed 05/01/23 Harry115 of 416
(’s visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the
Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States," Mike Howell, director of t
foundation’s Oversight Project, told the Daily Mail (

READ MORE: Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa after drug use admission (/news/royal/1749665/prince-

The Duke admitted to using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics. (Image: GETTY)

Of Meghan and Harry's children, Lili is already a US citizen while Archie is likely eligible. (Image: GETTY)


APP. C 113
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 116 of 416

Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

Those applying for US visas are typically asked about their past criminal history and drug use. Usually, visa
applications remain confidential under the Immigration and Nationality Act, but Prince Harry
('s admission could affect future applications.

In addition, if he lied on his application he could potentially be deported and barred from applying for US citizenship.
Although it's unknown what type of visa Harry holds, the Daily Mail previously reported that he likely has a spousal
visa or an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics" or
an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years, meaning Harry - who has lived in California for almost three years - ma
need to apply for another in the near future.

Prince Harry ('s wife, Meghan Markle

(, is a US citizen. His daughter, Princess Lilibet Diana, was born in
the United States granting her automatic US citizenship. Prince Archie Harrison is likely eligible for US citizenship
though Meghan.

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Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) Royal Family (/latest/royal-family) USA (/latest/united-states)

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Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

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March 24, 2023

Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law in deportation row
EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after
the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the past. spoke...

Adam Chapman

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the
past. spoke to a former Homeland Security Special Agent to cut through the noise.

Prince Harry has been given a stern warning that "there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal
Family from being truthful in their visa applications", as the row deepens over the Duke's recent admissions of past drug use.
Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is campaigning for the release of Harry's US visa application after the Duke
of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation
that can result in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

Speaking exclusively to, retired Department of Homeland Security Special Agent Kristofor Healey revealed
exactly what protocols Harry would have had to follow when he applied for citizenship and whether he thinks the Duke
breached them.

It's unclear what visa Harry was issued when he applied as that has not been publicly released.

Harry likely obtained a visa based on his marriage to Meghan Markle, Healey said

Given that the Duke's married to a US Citizen and has chosen to reside in the US, he is eligible to obtain some type of "immigrant
visa", the former DHS official explained.

READ MORE: 'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use

According to Healey, the bone of contention appears to refer to the section on the form under "Security and Background", which
specifically asks: "Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?"

While illegal drug use can absolutely be grounds for inadmissibility, applicants can also provide additional context on an
application that mitigates the issue, he explained.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 115 1
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Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

"An individual could note that they had been in recovery for years or were no longer engaged in drug use at the time of the
application, for instance," Healey said, adding: "In that case, absent other issues with the application, the visa might still be

However, even if Harry concealed past drug use in his visa application, Healey thinks it's highly unlikely that the Duke's at
risk of having his visa status revoked.

"Unless a visa recipient is involved in other criminal activity, DHS doesn't typically move to investigate someone for visa fraud
or revoke their status," the former DHS agent explained.

He continued: "And while there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal Family from being truthful
in their visa applications, Harry would almost certainly be given the benefit of the doubt by anyone looking into the issue
based upon his notoriety and status.

"In short, he isn't a threat to national security or a likely criminal, which is the point of screening applicants in the first place."

While it is illegal to knowingly make a false claim in a visa application, and such false claims can be charged federally, Healey
said he rarely encountered this infraction during his time as a DHS agent.

"I investigated subjects for visa fraud many times in my career, but when we charged them, it was typically part of a larger
investigation in which the individual committed other crimes – money laundering, wire fraud, mail fraud – and used their visa
to enter and remain in the United States in furtherance of those crimes," he explained.

Healy added: "Regardless of the type of visa that he obtained, I highly doubt that DHS will open a criminal matter or try to
revoke his visa administratively.

"While it can be argued that Harry made a false claim if he failed to acknowledge past drug use on his application, it is unlikely
to be seen as material to his overall suitability to reside in the United States."

Regardless of the facts on the ground, the lawyer pushing for the release of Harry's visa application believes the public has
a right to know.

READ MORE: Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's 'somebody important'

"The Heritage Foundation is seriously concerned about migration policy, and the laws on the books being properly enforced.
That's what led to this," lawyer Samuel Dewey told

Dewey continued: "We had a concern that Prince Harry had preferential treatment because there are certain grounds for
inadmissibility into the country regardless of your visa applications; you can't come into the country without meeting certain
criteria and one of them relates to drug use."

The lawyer believes it's a matter of principle: "When you're talking about immigration it's often a zero sum game. If resources
were spent processing and giving a special favour to Prince Harry because of his status, they may have been taking away from
an applicant who didn't have any potential grounds for inadmissibility and has a very good case to come here."

---- Index References ----

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Prince Harry warned 'royals not exempt' from US visa law..., 2023 WLNR 10719424

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Financial Fraud (1FI18); Fraud (1FR30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 854

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 117 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 120 of 416


'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer

scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use
EXCLUSIVE: spoke exclusively to the lawyer pushing for the release of Prince Harry's visa application
after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the past.

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

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parties based on our understandin
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A US lawyer is demanding the release of Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)'s visa application over concerns he was
given "preferential treatment" after recent admissions about drug (/latest/drugs) use. The Duke of Sussex, 38,
revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. The lawyer, taking on Washington officials on behalf of conservative think tank The Heritag
Foundation (, believes the public has a right to know whether Harry declared his past drug
use on his visa application.


Harry opens up to William on staff member's plot to Harry brutally mocked again as author releases parody
'sabotage' Meghan version of Spare
(/news/royal/1749470/prince-harry-prince-william- (/news/royal/1749518/prince-harry-mocked-spare-parod
sabotage-meghan-markle) version)

"The Heritage Foundation is seriously concerned about migration policy, and the laws on the books being properly
enforced. That's what led to this," lawyer Samuel Dewey ( told (/).

Dewey continued: "We had a concern that Prince Harry ( had
preferential treatment because there are certain grounds for inadmissibility into the country regardless of your visa
applications; you can't come into the country without meeting certain criteria and one of them relates to drug use."

US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation that can result
in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

The lawyer said the Heritage Foundation is agnostic over whether Harry should or shouldn't get a waiver based on t
facts, but it's a matter of principle that the truth comes out.

READ MORE: Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive blow: 'No exception for royalty'

APP. C 119
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 122 of 416

Campaign: Samuel Dewey is pushing for the release of Harry's visa over drug use admission (Image: Getty Images/SamuelDewey)

King Charles follows 'track record' to bring It's not known exactly what questions Harry was asked when
Harry and Meghan back into royal fold applying for his US visa, because it is not yet clear which visa h
The King is following a familiar footprint as he
battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan, the However, the question on the ESTA application which most UK
Duchess of Sussex in family events, a royal applicants would use is: "Have you ever violated any law relate
commentator has said. His Majesty had the Duke to possessing, using or distributing illegal drugs?"
and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list
for his Coronation, but the couple has yet to "We just want to know what happened because if improper
confirm whether they will attend.  treatment has been given that's a huge concern as it relates t
Find out more HERE. the enforcement of the law," Dewey said.
meghan-return-dxus) If it turns out that Harry was given preferential treatment, this
has ramifications that go beyond Harry's visa status, the lawye

Don't miss...
US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always in trouble' (/showbiz/tv-radio/1749556/Prince-Harry-
deported-America-drugs-Spare) [LATEST]
Harry opens up to William on staff member's plot to 'sabotage' Meghan (/news/royal/1749470/prince-harry-
prince-william-sabotage-meghan-markle) [LATEST]
Harry warned 'no exception for royalty' over US visa threat - lawyer (/news/royal/1749419/prince-harry-US-visa
drugs-dxus) [LATEST]

APP. C 120
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 123 of 416

Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

READ MORE "When you're talking about immigration it's often a zero sum game. If
resources were spent processing and giving a special favour to Prince Harry
( because of his status, they m
have been taking away from an applicant who didn't have any potential groun
for inadmissibility and has a very good case to come here," he said.

Besides legality, Americans have a right to know the truth, claims Dewey,
Prince Harry and Meghan delight
author of child bereavement book because it relates to what he calls the "American stance of fairness".
meghan-markle-mark-lemon-the- The lawyer explained: "We don't have royalty here but there's a sense of
magical-wood) unfairness in taking your hereditary title and using it very directly to profit
without engaging in public service."

How strong is the case?

Dewey says he has had "very productive conversations" with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Samuel Dewey: The lawyer claims 'public has a right to know' whether Harry got special treatment (Image: Samuel Dewey)
APP. C 121
"Unfortunately we've1:23-cv-01198
Case been told by US Customs
Documentand Border
1-10 Protection they Page
Filed 05/01/23 READ
of 416
won't produce records without a waiver from Prince Harry
( because it's private," the lawyer

However, Dewey believes Harry has forfeited his right to privacy by going
"enormously" out of his way to "put his stuff in the public spotlight".
Camilla 'not a vengeful person' and
is supportive of King, expert says
Secondly, the public interest argument is strong, the lawyer believes. (/news/royal/1749479/Camilla-
"Obviously there's a clear public interest here. Was Harry given preferential return-dxus)
treatment because of his status? That's a really important question," Dewey said, adding: "I can't say but the public
has a right to know".

The lawyer says he is "fully expecting" to have to go to federal court to get these documents "but we are prepared t
do that".

READ MORE: Prince Harry brutally mocked again as author releases parody version of book: 'Spare Us!'


US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always in Harry set for Coronation snub as Duke unlikely to wear
trouble' special robes
(/showbiz/tv-radio/1749556/Prince-Harry-deported- (/news/royal/1749644/prince-harry-news-coronation-
America-drugs-Spare) snub-robes)

APP. C 122
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 125 of 416

Admission: Harry revealed in his memoir that he had taken cocaine as a teen (Image: Getty Images)

Who is Sam Dewey?

Dewey specialises in white-collar investigations, including compliance and litigation, as well as complex public policy

The legal professional has served as the Senior Counsel in charge of Oversight & Investigations with the US House
Representatives Financial Services Committee, as Chief Investigator & Counsel with the US Senate Special
Committee on Aging, and as the Senior Advisor with the United States Agency for Global Media.

He has also worked for a number of private legal firms over the years, including Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and
McDermott, Will & Emery.

Dewey graduated from Brandeis University with a BA in Political Science in 2006. He proceeded to Georgetown
University Law Center in Washington DC, and earned his Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, in 2009. He was a Senior Editor of Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and an Executive Board
Member at Harvard Federalist Society.

In response to (/news/us)'s request for comment, the State Department said: "Visa records are
confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the
details of individual visa cases." (/news/us) has approached Harry's representatives for comment.

Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) Drugs (/latest/drugs)

APP. C 123
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 126 of 416
Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092

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2023 WLNR 10616092

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find Harry and Meghan 'annoying'
Ron DeSantis said he admired the Queen's "stoicism" but added
that he is a "little mixed" when it comes to younger royals.

Charlie Bradley,Catherine Meyer-Funnell,Lauren Welch

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are "annoying" to some Americans, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said.

Mr DeSantis is a high-profile figure in the US, and is likely to run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination ahead
of the 2024 election.

In an interview with Piers Morgan on TalkTV, Mr DeSantis compared the Queen to the younger generation of royals.

He said: "I really respected the Queen. I think she was really elegant. And I think her stoicism was really good."

More to follow...

Mr DeSantis then drew comparisons between the "younger generations" of Royals, saying it was a "little more mixed".

He added: "I mean that's just the reality."

The Florida governor then said that he had no view on the Sussexes.

But when quizzed further by Mr Morgan over whether Harry and Meghan were "annoying", he said: "I think for some they are."

He added: "I mean look, I'm not involved in that... But I think for some Americans they can be."

During another part of the interview, Mr DeSantis said he admired Winston Churchill and added that personal conduct matters.

This was seen as an apparent jibe at Donald Trump. The Republican figures have clashed in recent months as they prepare to
battle for the nomination.

22:42 Lauren Welch

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 124 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 127 of 416
Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's visa status is being vigorously debated after the Duke recently admitted to taking drugs in the
past. spoke to a former Homeland Security Special Agent to cut through the noise.

Prince Harry has been given a stern warning that "there is no provision of the law that exempts members of the British Royal
Family from being truthful in their visa applications", as the row deepens over the Duke's recent admissions of past drug use.
Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is campaigning for the release of Harry's US visa application after the Duke
of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir Spare and in recent TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past. US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation
that can result in deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.


22:32 Lauren Welch

Queen Rania of Jordan, 52, celebrated a family "Iftar" on the first day of Ramadan along with her husband, King Abdullah. An
"Iftar" is the first meal eaten after sunset during the holy month of Islam.

Queen Rania arrived at her family Iftar looking incredibly stunning. The Jordanian Queen wrote on Instagram: "Grateful to
be sharing Iftar on the first day of the holy month with people we love. From today's family Iftar." Rania accessorised with a
handbag that showed how much love she has for the country of Jordan.


21:38 Lauren Welch

The Duke and Duchess have not confirmed whether they will attend the Coronation, nor whether Archie and Lilibet have
received an invite.

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will likely need a babysitter if they attend King Charles III's Coronation.
While the couple is yet to confirm whether they plan to support King Charles III on May 6, their children are likely too young
to follow. The Sussex Prince and Princess are just three and one-and-a-half years old, respectively, and their attendance would
mark a departure from tradition.


20:59 Lauren Welch

The King and Queen Consort's planned state visit to France has been put off due to the violence that erupted this week.

The cancellation of the King's first overseas visit has been deemed an "embarrassment to France". Speaking of the visit, former
head of Royal Protection, Dai Davies claimed he has "never heard of" a visit cancellation before. The King and Queen Consort
were due to travel to France on Sunday, March 26.


20:33 Lauren Welch

The King was delivered the then-latest Land Rover, the Discovery 3, back in 2007.

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The royal Land Rover, previously owned by the then-Prince Charles, has been offered for sale at a motoring auction. The car,
which is currently on its third owner in Ilminster, has now racked up 117,816 miles. Whilst handling the sale, Collecting Cars
described the vehicle as "a handsome example of the Land Rover Discovery 3, with excellent documented royal provenance".


19:27 Lauren Welch

Prince William's two-day trip to Poland saw him visit British and Polish troops, Ukrainian refugees, the Polish President Andrzej
Duda and make a poignant visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, echoing Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's
in 1996. Longstanding royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams noted the significance of the trip lay with him "being the ideal
diplomat" to visit such a sensitive area.


19:03 Lauren Welch

The Palace has furiously denied rumours published by a French magazine the glamorous royal couple could be on the verge
of separating after nearly 12 years together.

Princess Charlene of Monaco has furiously denied the "malicious" rumours she and husband Prince Albert of Monaco are
divorcing as the Royal Family broke cover for the first time since the sensational claims emerged. Rumours about the couple's
marriage have been swirling across the internet after French magazine ROYAUTÉ claimed the prince and princess are in the
process of separation. But the Palace has furiously hit back at the claims and have "formally denied the malicious rumours
peddled by the magazine".


18:02 Lauren Welch

The Royal Family's approval rating has slumped to its lowest level in 12 months following the publication of Spare, the Duke
of Sussex's tell-all memoir.

Prince Harry's tell-all campaign has tarnished the reputation of the whole Royal Family in the eyes of the public, a devastating
new poll suggests. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's popularity has slumped to a new low following the release of the Duke's
memoir, Spare, and the controversial revelations the Duke has subsequently made about the Firm. But the latest Ipsos poll also
suggests that all senior royals' have been negatively affected by the fallout.


17:35 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's status as former senior members of the Firm will likely ensure their treatment at the King's
Coronation this spring.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been invited to the King's forthcoming Coronation in May. However, if the pair do accept
their invite, they are set to have a very different experience to other members of the Royal Family. The couple's Coronation will
be distinct from their non-official roles to the clothing they wear for the historic ceremony.

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Royal Family LIVE: Florida boss admits Americans find..., 2023 WLNR 10616092


16:55 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his memoir that he had previously experimented with a
number of illegal substances.

The Duke of Sussex is unlikey to see his his US visa revoked over his admission of past drug use as he is "somebody important"
and therefore probably struck a "special deal", a royal expert claims. It comes after critics are calling for his visa application
documents to be made public over concerns he lied on the forms.


16:19 Lauren Welch

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may be snubbed from making an appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony alongside
the Royal Family after the Coronation ceremony.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have received an invitation to King Charles III's Coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey
on May 6 but are yet to publicly confirm their attendance. As part of the festivities, the Royal Family are expected to make an
appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony, but should the Duke and Duchess of Sussex join them? Vote in our poll.

15:54 Lauren Welch

The Princess of Wales's iconic ring has a fascinating history that dates back centuries - but its day-to-day "routine" is something
the royals remain "tight-lipped" on.

It's been over a decade since Kate, Princess of Wales, and Prince William's engagement, but the dazzling 12-carat oval sapphire
engagement ring that marked the occasion remains a phenomenon. The iconic ring once belonged to William's late mother
Diana, Princess of Wales, which then-Prince Charles used to propose in the Eighties. It dates back to the 19th century, when
Prince Albert had a sapphire-and-diamond brooch created for his wife, Queen Victoria. It has been passed down through royal
generations ever since. However, while the history of the piece is well-known, its current usage remains quite private, with the
royals staying "tight-lipped about the day-to-day locations and routines regarding their jewellery," according to an expert.


15:31 Lauren Welch

The Duke of Sussex attacked his stepmother in his autobiography Spare, referring to her as "the villain" and the "third person
in the marriage".

Prince Harry may not have to pay homage to Queen Consort Camilla at the Coronation in May, as Buckingham Palace is still
hopeful the Sussexes will be there to witness King Charles be crowned. According to reports, Harry has been struggling with
the idea that Camilla will wear the crown that he believes should have been his mother's and that she will be anointed close to
where Diana's coffin had rested at Westminster Abbey.


15:07 Lauren Welch

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Good afternoon from London. I'm Lauren Welch and I'll be bringing you all the latest royal news today. If you have any points
or comments to make - please send my way!


Twitter: laurenmwelch

14:49 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

King Charles is planning on asking more members of the Royal Family to vacate their London accommodation as he plans to
let the houses out for profit, according to sources.

Some royals enjoy subisided accommodation in the capital, or their "London pads", but now Charles is King this is about to

The source told the Evening Standard of the eviction plans and said: "Properties will be let at commercial rates going forward
and to people outside the family. Where it is in a palace environment they will of course be security vetted."

The insider did not state what royals were at risk, or which London residences would be targeted.

Read the full story here

13:17 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Prince Harry could have a "serious problem" after he shared he took drugs while in the US, a royal correspondent said.

Under US immigration law, people who admitted to taking drugs are not eligible for visas.

But Harry is described in Spare smoking cannabis with Tyler Perry and taking magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's house,
all of which he claimed took place in America.

Now, royal journalist Robert Jobson has said that if Harry lied on his visa application, he could have a "really serious problem"

He said he found out "very early on" when he and photographer Arthur Edwards "had been filling out forms to go to America"
that drugs can bar you from entering the US.

"On it, it's pretty damn clear 'have you taken drugs' and all these things, and basically, if you have, you haven't got a prayer
of getting a visa," he said.

Read the full story here

12:35 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been warned that "America is waking up" to the Sussexes ahead of the release of a
spoof of Harry's book Spare, an expert has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, released his much-anticipated memoir in January and returned to TV screens with a series of high-
profile interviews.

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But the father-of-two looks set to be the butt of some more US-based jokes with Spare Us! A Harrody hitting the shelves on
April 1.

TalkTV's Royal Tea panel sat down to discuss how the couple could be impacted by the spoof book.

Royal photographer Arthur Edwards said: "It's better than the book that Harry wrote because I didn't enjoy that, seeing the way
he rubbished some of the people that work hard for this country. I thought that was outrageous."

Read the full story here

11:50 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Emmanuel Macron has come under fire after it was confirmed King Charles III's state visit to France would be postponed due
to violent protests across the country.

Generation Frexit leader, Charles-Henri Gallois told the move proves the French leader no longer has control
of the turmoil in his country.

He said: "It's a terrible sign for Macron. It means he does not have control of his country anymore. He can no longer pretend
it's business as usual."

Fellow researcher at the Henry Jackson Society Dr Helena Ivanov also told this website President Macron will not be seen in
a favourable light at home and internationally after this decision.

Read the full story here

10:21 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Russian propagandists have seized on Prince William's trip to Poland as an opportunity to further escalate tensions with the West.

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian foreign ministry, cited an unfortunately-worded article on the historic visit
to imply that British troops were not only supporting Ukrainians, but were actively involved in the fighting.

Ms Zakharova quoted from an article on Tatler magazine's website, which described William visiting "British and Polish troops
involved in the war in Ukraine".

She claimed this statement "completely dispels any doubts, if anyone has them, whether Britain and Poland are involved parties."

Read the full story here

09:47 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles on May 6 at Westminster Abbey, the Cosmati pavement, generally closed off from
the public, will be part of a guided barefoot tour allowing visitors to stand on the exact spot where Charles will be crowned.

One of the country's medieval art treasures, the mosaic dates back to the 13th century, with kings and queens being crowned
on it for over 700 years.

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The mosaic is normally covered with carpet for the ceremony, but this time it will be left uncovered.

Anyone visiting the artwork will be asked to walk in socks to help protect the geometric patterns of marble, stone, glass and
metal, with tourist groups to be kept to a maximum of 10 at a time.

Read the full story here

08:34 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

Most Britons would "be delighted" if Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stayed home for the Coronation, claims one royal

A recent survey found that one in five Britons said they were "less likely" to watch the event if the Sussexes attended.

Although the couple has been invited, its unclear if they will attend and reports have surfaced that Meghan and Harry are locked
in negotiations with the Palace over their role during the event.

"I think, certainly in the UK, most people will be delighted if they don't turn up...there will be boos like you've never heard,
they are so badly regarded now," claimed royal biographer Angela Levin on Sky News Australia.

The comments come as a survey by showed that a number of viewers would switch off if the Sussexes
do attend.

Read the full story here

07:28 Catherine Meyer-Funnell

While Meghan Markle chose a British-based designer, Clare Waight Keller, to design her wedding dress in a nod to what was
meant to be her new home, Princess Eugenie made a different decision for her bridal gown.

The Princess of York's wedding dress was created by two designers, one Austrian-Italian and the other Belgian-Peruvian.

Traditionally, UK royals have worn wedding designs by British brands.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex tied the knot on May 19, 2018, and royal fans eagerly anticipated the gown that Meghan
would wear.

Read the full story here

07:11 Charlie Bradley

Good morning, we will be bringing you all the latest Royal Family news throughout the day.

---- Index References ----

Company: The Henry Jackson Society; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

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News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); Arab States (1AR46); CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe
(1EA48); England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); Florida (1FL79); France (1FR23); Jordan (1JO78);
Mediterranean (1ME20); Middle East (1MI23); North America (1NO39); Poland (1PO03); U.S. Southeast Region (1SO88);
USA (1US73); Ukraine (1UK09); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Henry Jackson Society; Heritage Foundation) (Americans; Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 2625

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Call to make Harry'svisa forms public, 2023 WLNR 10297276

3/22/23 Daily Mirror (U.K.) 25

2023 WLNR 10297276

Daily Mirror (UK)

Copyright © 2023 MGN Ltd.

March 22, 2023

Section: News

Call to make Harry's visa forms public


PRINCE Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application made public, after admitting drug use.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, admitted in his autobiography Spare to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

America's Heritage Foundation is behind the calls for Harry's visa application to be released.

The think-tank's director Mike Howell said it was in the public interest, as the admission meant the visa could be revoked.

It also raised questions of whether Harry was "properly vetted" before entering the US, he said.

Hundreds of people have US bans due to drug use. The US State Department said it could not discuss individual visa cases.

---- Index References ----

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation; US State Department) (PRINCE Harry)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 107

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Coke use may be a visa blow for Harry, 2023 WLNR 10406658

3/23/23 Mercury (Hobart, Austl.) 39

2023 WLNR 10406658

Mercury, The (Hobart, Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

March 23, 2023

Section: World

Coke use may be a visa blow for Harry

LOS ANGELES: Prince Harry is facing questions over whether he lied to enter the US after admitting to illegal drug use in
his memoir Spare; with a government oversight group launching a new legal challenge over his visa application.

While it is unknown which immigration visa Prince Harry used to enter the US, his revelations of cocaine, magic mushroom
and marijuana use could put his legal status in the country at risk if it was not declared to Homeland Security.

The new challenge to Harry's immigration status comes as he considers attending the King's coronation in the UK, placing his
visa under additional scrutiny on a subsequent re-entry to the US.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative American think tank, said it had launched a legal dispute over the US State
Department's refusal to release details of Harry's visa application.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said Harry either lied on his application, which can be
rejected over drug use, or he received special treatment as a royal and celebrity, which would be illegal.

A US State Department spokesman said visa records were confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality

"Therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases," the spokesman said in an emailed statement.

Eyebrows were raised over Harry's legal status in the US after the release of Spare in January, and the subsequent media
blitz that mined the depths of his drug use. He admitted to using cocaine from the age of 17, taking magic mushrooms at a
celebrity party in California and smoking marijuana after his first date with Meghan Markle in 2016. Harry's memoir and
public comments have been sent as a dossier by Mr Howell to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border
Protection, and the US Citizenship Immigration Services as part of his bid to view Harry's visa application under freedom
of information laws.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

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News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Corporate Events (1CR05); Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; US Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services; Heritage
Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Edition: Hobart

Word Count: 319

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Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next..., 2023 WLNR 10567800

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10567800

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next election, suggests royal expert
EXCLUSIVE: The Duke of Sussex will likely remain safe in the
US as long as a Democrat is in power, a royal expert has said.

Rosie Jempson

Prince Harry has been warned that he could be at risk of having his US visa revoked if Republicans win the next election, a
royal expert claims. The Duke of Sussex, 38, has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking a list of illegal substances in
his memoir, Spare, and in recent interviews, which officials have warned could jeopardise his visa status in the UK.

Royal expert Richard Palmer spoke to Daily Express about the likelihood of Harry's visa being revoked.

Reporter Pandora Forsyth asked Palmer if he felt there was any possibility of this happening, noting Harry's revelations of
drug use.

He replied: "The US visa does have quite a strict no-drugs policy.

"What I do know to apply for a visa last year, the visa questionnaire runs to around 100 questions and they are very detailed
about it."

Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the American taxpayer
can understand whether the Duke declared his drug use.

Prince William's Poland trip savagely mocked by Russia as they give him insulting nicknamePrince William has been given a
cruel nickname by Vladimir Putin as the future King made an unexpected visit to the Polish-Ukrainian border this week. The
Russian leader's foreign ministry belittled the prince as merely being the "son of Charles", and have tried to use the opportunity
to heighten tensions with the West, however the prince has been welcomed warmly on his trip by both Polish and Ukrainian

Read more HERE.

US immigration law regards any failure to declare drug use to immigration officials a serious violation that can result in
deportation and being permanently barred from applying for citizenship.

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Harry could get 'kicked out' of US if Republicans win next..., 2023 WLNR 10567800

"It's not quite clear on what terms he is residing in the US at the moment but this group is saying he should basically be kicked
out because he has admitted to being a drug user," Palmer noted.

"Is that going to happen in the near future? I very much doubt it.

"Not least because we have a Democrat president in charge."

READ MORE: Meghan left options open for blog relaunch before marrying Harry

He added: "But this particular group has been quite influential in the past. Particularly, I believe, when Ronald Reagan was
President. I think he essentially followed its programme in the first few years he was president."So if the Republicans win the
next election, perhaps this becomes more likely."

The right-wing think tank is arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince's application so Americans can see
whether or not he was "properly vetted" before being allowed to enter the country.

Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

Harry admitted to using a range of substances including marijuana, mushrooms, and cocaine in his memoir Spare.

He wrote that he first took cocaine at the age of 17. He also said his use of marijuana and mushrooms helped him deal with
past trauma.

Palmer said the call for Harry's visa to potentially be revoked, is "more evidence of the political divide in the US over this

He added: "How they have become a touch paper of political differences between liberals, who are generally in favour and
conservatives who really don't like them."

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Campaigns & Elections (1CA25); Crime (1CR87); Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Global Politics
(1GL73); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Public Affairs (1PU31); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); World Elections (1WO93))

Region: (CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Poland (1PO03); Ukraine

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Republicans; Daily Express) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 564

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10457163

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as 'everything for sale
A royal columnist says the Prince and Princess of Wales are "terrified" of
giving Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, any information about...

Richard Ashmore,Alice Scarsi,Liam Doyle

A royal columnist says the Prince and Princess of Wales are "terrified" of giving Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex,
any information about the Coronation for fear of it being "for sale".

Kate, the Princess of Wales, and Prince William "won't tell anything" to the Sussexes about the upcoming Coronation plans
because of fears "everything's for sale" when it comes to the Royal Family, a commentator has claimed. News Corp columnist
Louise Roberts says everyone close to Prince Harry and Meghan is "terrified" given every indiscretion or every "aside comment"
could be magnified for an American audience in order for the pair to make a profit.

Talking to Sky News Australia, Ms Roberts spoke about King Charles III's upcoming Coronation and discussion around recent
issues relating to the Sussexes. She claimed Harry and Meghan are becoming "increasingly more outrageous in their claims". She
said: "Who knows what they'll say after they leave the UK and go back to America after the Coronation. But the problem is that
anyone who could be close to them, for example, William and Kate, won't tell them anything. Everyone's terrified, everything's
for sale, every indiscretion or every aside comment could be magnified for an American audience in order to get them a profit."


22:45 Liam Doyle

An old clip reportedly shows the Duchess of Sussex in a "wobble" with a studio audience.

The then future royal, who was working as an actress at the time and writing for her now defunct blog The Tig, discussed her
experiences and shared her knowledge of the industry.

Body language expert Judi James said that, after the pause and "no-questions wobble", the Duchess is quick to rebuild her brand.

Ms James said: "Meghan very deftly re-builds her brand via some name and event-dropping that puts her squarely back in A-
list status again after the no-questions wobble,"

Read more here

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

21:59 Liam Doyle

Senior royals have experienced a popularity sink in the months following the release of Spare.

Approval ratings in the Royal Family's upper ranks have sunk to their lowest level in a year after the Duke of Sussex released
his tell-all memoir, pollsters have found.

A survey conducted by Ipsos discovered that no senior royal was left untouched, with even the most popular, Prince William,
having slipped 10 percent since December to 59 points.

The Princess Royal and Princess of Wales saw their popularity drop by seven and 11 points respectively.

The Royal family's overall approval has slipped to 47 percent, down six percent over the last 12 months.

21:09 Liam Doyle

Prince Harry could be "kicked out" of the US by Republicans if they retake the presidency in 2024, an expert has claimed.

Conservatives in the US are less than enthused about the Prince's admitted experimentation with drugs, with the Heritage
Foundation calling for his vis application to be released.

Daily Express royal editor Richard Palmer said he is not likely to get "kicked out" any day soon, "not least", he said, because
the country currently has a Democrat president.

He suggested that might change if a Republican takes President Joe Biden's place following the next election cycle in 2024.

Mr Palmer said the Heritage Foundation was "quite influential" during the Ronald Reagan presidency.

He said the President "essentially followed its programme in the first few years he was president".

Mr Palmer concluded: "If the Republicans win the next election perhaps [the Heritage Foundation getting their way] becomes
more likely."

Read more here

19:20 Liam Doyle

Prince Harry is likely "in the clear" over his US visa, a royal expert has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex has come under fire fir admitting that he has used cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics, including

While a conservative group has called for his application to be rejected, royal expert Rupert Bell said he is likely in the clear
on this front due to a lack of criminal charges.

He said: "He hasn't had any criminal charges against him for taking drugs so therefore he's probably in the clear from that

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He conceded that his admitted drug experimentation is "not a good look for him in any sense of the imagination".

He added: "What he was up to and some of the stuff he comes up with regarding what drugs are helping him cope with his
mental health issues."

Read more here

17:37 Liam Doyle

Blackadder and Time Team star Tony Robinson has revealed his early thoughts on King Charles III.

The actor and presenter has said that, while he is impressed by the King's record and his mother's service, he once thought he
was a "bit of a twit".

He told Jane Garvey and Fi Glover on Times Radio's Off Air podcast that he was a former republican whose stance on the
monarchy has softened after years of watching the royals work.

He told the presenters people have given "man of integrity" Charles "so much stick" over the years.

Mr Robinson said the King's early passions and outspoken championship of the environment seemed early on like a "mad old
man talking to trees".

He added: "And now, an awful lot of what he said was profoundly prescient.

"And although I don't necessarily agree with him about modernist architecture, nevertheless, he was continually looking at the
world around him."

Read more here

16:44 Liam Doyle

Prince William was spotted dining at an LGBT restaurant in Poland during his royal tour, offering a stark comparison to his
brother's high-flying life in the US.

The Prince joined staff at the Butero Bistro in Warsaw today, where meals on offer cost less than £10, as he toured the country
while proffering the UK's thanks for sending troops to Ukraine.

He opted for a Kanapka w chalce, a type of pulled pork sandwich costing just £7.37, and sat down with staffers, delighting locals.

One, posting a picture on social media, said that "Warsaw can surprise".

They added: "I ate dinner today with the Prince."

Prince Harry, on the other hand, was most recently pictured with his wife, Meghan Markle at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly
Hills Hotel.

The high-profile location is known for its extravagance, and offers an $85 , seafood risotto, 4oz wagyu steak for $190 and an
ounce of Imperial caviar for $290 .

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

Read more here.

15:37 Liam Doyle

Princess Eugenie has a network of Hollywood friends with whom she can "party", a royal expert has said.

Speaking to, Nick Ede, a TV presenter, said Eugenie's recent debut in LA has fuelled rumours she is considering
a move stateside.

Mr Ede said she is already ingratiated with Hollywood celebrities.

He first brought up her mother's connections, stating Fergie is "big friends with Lisa Marie Presley".

The Princess and her sister Beatrice are thought to be friends with Karlie Kloss, the US supermodel who married Josh Kushner,
the brother of Donald Trump's former son-in-law and adviser.

Other friends of Eugenie in the Hollywood elite include Demi Moore, who attended her 2018 wedding to Jack Brooksbank.

Liv Tyler, the actress who portrayed Arwen in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film series, is also reportedly a friend.

Royals like the Princess who spend less time in the public eye are free to "have fun and party" with these friends, Mr Ede added.

Read more here

15:23 Alice Scarsi

Meghan should have warned Prince Harry that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal biographer
has said.

In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana.

Now the Duke has been warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Conservative activists in the US are pushing for Harry'svisa application to be made public as the future of his visa status
looks uncertain.

Royal biographer Angela Levin claimed Meghan should have done more to prevent her husband from speaking out on the matter.

Speaking to GB News' Dan Wootton, she said: "I don't understand why his wife didn't warn him."

Read the full story here

14:22 Alice Scarsi

The Princess of Wales is a proud mother-of-three, with Prince Louis being her youngest child.

The three young royals are often kept out of the spotlight with some occasional royal appearances scheduled.

The four-year-old has shared some special moments with his mother whilst out on royal engagements.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 142 4
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 145 of 416
Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163 took a look at some of those special mother-and-son moments.

See them here

14:02 Alice Scarsi

Prince William had a meal at an LGBTQ+ restaurant last night, a move which was seen by a local as a "valuable" gesture of
support for the community amid the crackdown on its rights it is experiencing in Poland.

The Prince of Wales amazed fellow diners as he was spotted at the Butero Bistro in Warsaw on his first evening in Poland.

Read the full story here

12:49 Alice Scarsi

A left-wing French politician has issued a warning to King Charles ahead of his visit to Paris on Sunday.

The King and Camilla, Queen Consort, are planning a three-day State Visit to France before moving on to Germany.

But Paris has been plagued with night-time riots and protests after President Emmanuel Macron decided to raise the retirement
age from 62 to 64 without a parliamentary vote - and millions are set to gather next week.

A lavish banquet was due to take place on Monday at the Palace of Versailles - with the event aimed at being the highlight of
the monarch's trip to France. However, it is believed to have been moved.

Jean-Luc Melenchon, a regular presidential candidate and leader of the France Unbowed party, warned Charles that "it's not
the right time" for a State Visit.

Read the full story here

11:54 Alice Scarsi

Prince William confirmed through his spokesman Poland's President Duda and his wife have been invited to the Coronation
of King Charles - and will be in attendance.

The prince's spokesman, speaking after William met President Duda in Warsaw, said: "The Prince said he was very much looking
forward to seeing the President and first lady at the Coronation. He also thanked him for attending the late Queen's funeral."

Read more here

11:20 Alice Scarsi

The King is following a familiar footprint as he battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan in family events, a royal commentator
has said.

His Majesty had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list for his Coronation, but the couple has yet to confirm
whether they will attend.

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

Author Gareth Russell said the invite should not come as a surprise as the King has a "track record" for trying to broker deals
between feuding sides of the Royal Family.

Read the full story here

10:31 Alice Scarsi

Prince William is continuing his trip to Poland. This morning, he stepped out in Warsaw to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier.

This floral arrangement featured the white feathers of the Prince of Wales and was first used by William in November, when
he attended for the first time in his new royal role the National Service of Remembrance.

The wreath also included a message penned by the royal, which read: "In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice".

The heir to the throne echoed his grandparents Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, who in 1996 visited the site and also laid
a wreath to pay tribute to the fallen.

Read the full story here

08:59 Alice Scarsi

Prince Philip once "terrified" Secret Service agents protecting Barack Obama on a state visit to the UK.

The late Duke of Edinburgh, never one to shy away from fun and good humour, asked Mr Obama, his wife Michelle and their
security detail to pile into his Range Rover.

It was the only time the Democrat president and First Lady were driven by someone other than security detail while working.

Read the full story here

08:15 Alice Scarsi

Sarah Ferguson, while promoting her upcoming novel A Most Intriguing Lady, spoke to Access Hollywood where she was
asked about her "favourite guilty junk food pleasure".

Royal fans pointed out Sarah's choice wasn't the usual "ice cream or chocolate" most people name when speaking about junk

Sarah told the reporter: "OK, ready? Baked potato."

The reporter asked: "What do you put on it? Do you do the bacon, the sour cream, the butter?"

The Duchess nodded and said: "Butter." But then, Sarah shocked the reporter by saying "mayonnaise".

The reporter sounded surprised and added: "Mayonnaise? On your baked potato?" Fergie simply said: "Yeah, yeah! Mayonnaise,
butter, cheese, and really crispy skin."

Read the full story here

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Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' as..., 2023 WLNR 10457163

07:35 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may still have "plenty of time" before they need to confirm whether they will travel across
the Atlantic to attend the Coronation of King Charles, an expert said.

Dr George Gross, visiting research fellow in Theology at King's College London, said that, unless the official invitations sent
presented a set RSVP deadline after which guests can no longer express their wish to attend, Meghan and Prince Harry don't
need to be in a hurry to make up their mind about heading to Westminster Abbey for the historic event.

He told "In a bygone era, if we're going back to the Tudors and the Stewards, if you received a summons to
the Coronation, attendance wasn't optional, you couldn't say 'I'm not free', you'd attend. But obviously in the 20th and 21st
century, things have been different.

"Given that we don't really know that all the formal invitations have gone out yet, I think they've still got plenty of time."

Read the full story here

07:30 Alice Scarsi

Good morning from London. I'm Alice Scarsi, I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please feel
free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Motion Pictures (1MO51))

Region: (Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); France (1FR23);
Mediterranean (1ME20); Poland (1PO03); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Sky News Australia; National Service of Remembrance; Secret Service; Daily Express; King's College
London; Access Hollywood; Heritage Foundation; GB News') (Kate; Prince Harry; Sussexes)

Word Count: 2350

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and..., 2023 WLNR 10478884

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10478884

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and Meghan back into royal fold
The King has extended Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of
Sussex an olive branch by inviting the couple to his Coronation.

Aurora Bosotti

The King is following a familiar footprint as he battles to include Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex in family
events, a royal commentator has said. His Majesty had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex added to the guest list for his Coronation,
but the couple has yet to confirm whether they will attend. Author Gareth Russell said the invite should not come as a surprise
as the King has a "track record" for trying to broker deals between feuding sides of the Royal Family.

Speaking to US Weekly, Russell said: "This has been a recurring theme in his life, actually. I found out that in the late 1960s,
and early 1970s, when Charles was still pretty young, he was one of the only members of the Royal Family who was prepared
to go over to Paris to visit his great-uncle, Edward VIII, and Wallis Simpson.

"He said to the Queen Mother and to the Queen, 'I think we should try to build bridges between this side of the family."

"He thought his great-uncle and aunt should be brought back into the fold a bit.

"So there is a past track record of Charles doing things like this and, in that sense, it tracks as consistent with what we know
of him as a person."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt' after US visa threatPrince Harry's drug use could "come back and
bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US visa row, a royal commentator has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh
scrutiny after a request was submitted to release his visa application.

Find out more HERE.

Following his abdication in 1936, Edward VIII moved to France and quickly married his long-time lover, Wallis Simpson.

The former king took on the title of Duke of Windsor and spent the majority of the rest of his life in de facto exile abroad.

The couple did briefly return to the UK on several occasions over the decades, but never quite reconciled with the Royal Family.

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King Charles follows 'track record' to bring Harry and..., 2023 WLNR 10478884

Russell argued the Coronation invitation could also prove to be a wise PR move from the King.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry 'should stay away' from Coronation – YOU VOTED

Speaking to the Royally US podcast, he added: "I also think you catch more with honey than vinegar. If one side, rightly or
wrongly, is perceived as being the side that complains and has had a real run of publicity, of interviews that are stating the same
thing then a very sensible PR move is for you to say nothing.

"Or when you say something, to say something positive so I think it's a mixture of personal and pragmatism that has prompted
him to do that."

A spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said earlier this month the couple would not yet confirm if they will be
returning to the UK to attend the Coronation.

It has since emerged Harry and Meghan made a series of demands for the Palace to meet before they guarantee they will attend.

Among the alleged requests is for them to appear alongside the rest of the Royal Family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace
following the ceremony.

But the King has been tipped to follow in the footsteps of the late Queen and limit the traditional outing to only his direct heir,
Prince William, and his family.

During Her late Majesty's last appearance at the Palace, she only had then-Prince Charles with his wife Camilla, the then Duke
and Duchess of Cambridge, and their three children.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (King; Prince Harry; Meghan)

Word Count: 633

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Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about..., 2023 WLNR 10502172

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10502172

Express Online (UK)

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March 23, 2023

Meghan Markle 'should have warned' Prince Harry about drug use visa risk
A Prince Harry biographer lashed out at Meghan Markle for not
warning the Duke about his past drug use putting his US visa at risk.

Dylan Donnelly

Meghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry that revealing his past drug use could put his US visa status at risk, a royal
biographer has said. In his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry detailed his past use of cocaine, magic mushrooms and marijuana. Now
the Duke has been warned that his admission could see him booted out of America.

Conservative activists in the US are pushing for Harry's visa application to be made public as the future of his visa status
looks uncertain.

Royal biographer Angela Levin says Meghan should have done more to prevent her husband from speaking out on the matter.

Speaking to GB News' Dan Wootton, she said: "I don't understand why his wife didn't warn him."

The royal expert added: "He talked to her about everything he was going to say. She is in charge as we both know.

Prince Harry's Coronation 'request' questioned as Duke missed Archie's birthday last yearRoyal fans have taken to Twitter to
point out Prince Harry wasn't at home for the whole day when Prince Archie Harrison turned three in May 2022.

This comes after it was claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have asked for the fourth birthday of their son, which falls on
the day of King Charles's Coronation, to be acknowledged in some way before they decide whether to attend the historic event.

Read more HERE.

"She didn't say 'be careful, because if you talk too much about the drugs, you might be in trouble'.

"Why she left him alone on this, I feel quite concerned about.

"The mental health guru who was talking to him should have said beforehand, 'don't talk about the drugs'.

"He made his life extremely difficult."

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READ MORE: Kate and William 'won't tell Sussexes anything' at Coronation

According to the US' immigration law, people who have admitted to drug offences are not eligible for a visa.

In Spare, and in interviews promoting the book, Harry admitted to using cocaine as a teenager.

The royal described trying the drug at a hunting weekend party in order to feel something different, and also told ITV's Tom
Brady that it was "important to acknowledge" his use of the Class A drug.

Following Harry's drug claims, the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation called for his visa application to be released so
American taxpayers can see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Pharmaceuticals &
Biotechnology (1PH13); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation; GB News') (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 492

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 152 of 416
Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S., 2023 WLNR 10570806

3/23/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10570806

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S.

Prince Harry , Duke of Sussex, could face losing his U.S. immigration status , being deported from the country and losing his
visa . An immigration lawyer has filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of the prince's current visa.

The lawsuit is based on the revelation in his autobiographical book "Spare" of Harry's drug use , which legal experts say could
have been grounds for denying him a visa.

Uganda passes anti-LGBTQ law: up to 20 years in prison and death penaltyFormer Puerto Rico mayor convicted of receiving
bribes and extortion

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative association, has demanded that Prince Harry's U.S. visa application be made public .
Mike Howell, the organization's director of Oversight, argues that publication of the visa application is in the public interest
and could help taxpayers understand whether the prince declared his drug use.

Adding to that, there are concerns about whether Harry was properly vetted before entering the United States.

It is unclear whether the Department of Homeland Security complied with the law by admitting Prince Harry into the country
without a waiver or interview with Customs and Border Protection to assess whether, given his background, he was admissible
to the United States.

U.S. immigration policies have strict laws and severe penalties for those who lie to officials. Many British citizens have been
banned from entering the United States because of their drug abuse.

The Heritage Foundation argues that if immigration officials knew about Harry's drug use, his case raises questions about
whether he received special treatment because of his royal status and his wife's celebrity status, which they insist would be
illegal .

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the United States in March 2020 and have since resided at their home in Montecito,
California, with their two young children.

Prince Harry breaks silence, devastated to leave office

---- Index References ----

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Prince Harry could be deported and lose his visa in the U.S., 2023 WLNR 10570806


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Homeland Security (1HO11); Security (1SE29))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; Customs and Border Protection; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Mundo)

Word Count: 282

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Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

3/22/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 22, 2023

Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

Redacción PERÚ21

Although Prince Harry wrote his memoirs with honesty, one would not expect it to get such a bad reception. In addition to
having earned the criticism of war veterans, now his own U.S. visa could be denied, after he admitted in the book "Spare" to
having used drugs.

According to statements given to the Daily Mail by expert lawyers on the subject, the fact that she is royalty does not exempt
her from losing her visa, should her statements prove to be true. In the book she explained that she had used cocaine, cannabis
and magic mushrooms, mainly to deal with her emotional problems.

Following his statements, he has been asked to publish his U.S. visa application to confirm whether he admitted to drug use
before immigrating to California in 2020.

According to the words given by the Heritage Foundation, his visa application would have to be accessible for the American
taxpayer to come to understand whether Harry declared his drug use. American immigration law tends to be incredibly harsh
in the immigration process; lying to officials carries penalties such as deportation or a ban on applying for citizenship.

LOOK: Prince Harry is criticized after being found to have killed 25 Taliban in military service

In the words of former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani, "Admission of drug use is generally grounds for inadmissibility.
That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs. There is no exception for recreational use."

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, clarified, "This request is in the public interest in light
of the possible revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions about the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

The Heritage Foundation suggests that if border officials knew about the issue, it raises a big question: Was Harry free of any
penalties just because he was a royal? If that were true, the same officials would end up fined.

But it is complicated to know the situation because it is not even known what kind of visa he received, according to the Daily
Mail. Generally, the question U.K. tourists receive when applying for a visa through the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel
Authorization) application is "Have you ever broken any laws relating to the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs?"

So far, no further details are available due to the U.S. State Department's confidentiality regarding individual visa cases.

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Prince Harry could lose U.S. visa for admitting drug use

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Daily Mail; U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 423

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 156 of 416
Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing..., 2023 WLNR 10664947

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10664947

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing he took drugs on US soil
Prince Harry described taking drugs in the US in his tell-all memoir Spare,
prompting headlines but also questions about the Duke's visa, which an ...

Dylan Donnelly

Prince Harry described taking drugs in the US in his tell-all memoir Spare, prompting headlines but also questions about the
Duke's visa, which an expert has addressed.

Prince Harry could have a "serious problem" after he shared he took drugs while in the US, a royal correspondent said. Under
US immigration law, people who admitted to taking drugs are not eligible for visas.

But Harry is described in Spare smoking cannabis with Tyler Perry and taking magic mushrooms at Courtney Cox's house,
all of which he claimed took place in America.

Now, royal journalist Robert Jobson has said that if Harry lied on his visa application, he could have a "really serious problem"

He said he found out "very early on" when he and photographer Arthur Edwards "had been filling out forms to go to America"
that drugs can bar you from entering the US.

"On it, it's pretty damn clear 'have you taken drugs' and all these things, and basically, if you have, you haven't got a prayer
of getting a visa," he said.

TalkTV's Sarah Hewson then suggested that either Harry has "lied or he's been given special treatment".

Jobson then told the broadcaster: "If he's lied on the form that would be a really serious problem for him.

"We know he's the husband of an American citizen and that's fine but you know he's gone public with saying he's taken all this
stuff, and he can say 'well I haven't done it since' but €¦"

After Hewson and commentator Emily Andrews noted Harry admitting to taking drugs in America, Jobson added: "There's
not been an awful lot of thought gone into this, but the fact is that if that form has been signed and he's lied on it, he has got
a problem."

READ MORE: Florida boss admits Americans find Harry and Meghan 'annoying'

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Prince Harry is facing a 'serious problem' after confessing..., 2023 WLNR 10664947

Conservatives in America have pushed for Harry's visa application to be made public.

According to the US' immigration law, people who have admitted to drug offences are not eligible for a visa.

In Spare, and in interviews promoting the book, Harry admitted to using cocaine as a teenager.

The royal described trying the drug at a hunting weekend party in order to feel something different, and also told ITV's Tom
Brady that it was "important to acknowledge" his use of drugs.

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---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Region: (Americas (1AM92))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 402

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 155 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 158 of 416
Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's..., 2023 WLNR 10703255

3/24/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10703255

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 24, 2023

Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's 'somebody important'
Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his
memoir that he had previously experimented with a number of illegal substan...

Rosie Jempson

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny after the Duke revealed in his memoir that he had previously experimented with a
number of illegal substances.

The Duke of Sussex is unlikely to see his US visa revoked over his admission of past drug use as he is "somebody important"
and therefore probably struck a "special deal", a royal expert claims. It comes after critics are calling for his visa application
documents to be made public over concerns he lied on the forms.

A top lawyer has warned Harry that there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to an admission of drug use, which is
usually grounds for inadmissibility of a US visa.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani said: "That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because
he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs."

However, royal photographer Arthur Edwards disagrees with this assessment, suggesting that Harry won't need to worry unless
a state department official says it is a problem.

He explained: "I think the fact a lawyer said it, is all you need to know. I think when someone in the state department says
it, you've got to worry.

Five ways Prince Harry and Meghan will be treated different to other royals at CoronationPrince Harry and Meghan Markle
have been invited to the King's forthcoming Coronation in May.

If the pair do accept their invite, they are set to have a very different experience to other members of the Royal Family.

Here are the five ways Harry and Meghan will be treated differently from other royals at the Coronation.

"I think Harry's going to be safe here. It's not going to be a problem."

He said this is because Harry is "somebody important".

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Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's..., 2023 WLNR 10703255

Edwards added: "He'll have had a special deal done, I'm sure. After all, he was a prince of the realm here.

"He's somebody important here and he would be treated like that."

He reiterated: "And a lawyer said it, that's a lawyer talking. But it's when it's someone from the state department says it, that's
when you need to worry."

READ MORE: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex avoids '4pm slump' with a healthy recipe

The Duke's past drug use came under the spotlight after right-wing Heritage Foundation launched a campaign to pressure
authorities into releasing details of Harry's original visa application.

Harry is taking heat as a result of the campaign, with royal editor Robert Jobson, telling TalkTV: "If he's lied on the forms,
that will be a very serious problem for him.

"We know he's the husband of an American citizen and that's fine but he's gone public saying he's taken all this stuff.."

Royal commentator Emily Andrews cut in: "And he said he's done it in America as well - at Courtney Cox's house. And smoking
cannabis while he was at Tyler Perry's house."

Mr Jobson replied: "It's not great. You know, there's not been an awful lot of thought gone into this but the fact is, if that form
has been signed and he's lied, he has got a problem."

There has so far been no public comment made by American officials over whether the Duke's visa could be revoked.

Speaking to renowned therapist Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month, Harry said he started taking drugs "recreationally"
to handle his traumas and "pains of the past."

The Duke said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time."

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Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 624

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 157 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 160 of 416
Prince Harry likely got a 'special deal' over US visa as he's..., 2023 WLNR 10703255

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Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10550483

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not a good look' in America
Prince Harry is facing scrutiny from a US-based conservative think-tank
that's demanding the release of his visa application following the Duke's a...

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry is facing scrutiny from a US-based conservative think-tank that's demanding the release of his visa application
following the Duke's admission of past drug use.

Prince Harry is likely "in the clear" over his US visa, however, his drug use is "not a good look", according to a royal
commentator. The Duke has come under fire for admitting to using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics and one conservative
group is demanding to see his visa application to make sure the Prince was "properly vetted".

The demand has sparked uproar with many speculating Prince Harry might be deported, however, royal expert Rupert Bell
isn't so sure.

"He hasn't had any criminal charges against him for taking drugs so therefore he's probably in the clear from that respect,"
said Mr Bell.

He added: "Look, it's not a good look for him in any sense of the imagination what he was up to and some of the stuff he comes
up with regarding what drugs are helping him cope with his mental health issues."

However, Mr Bell argued that alone was likely not enough for Harry's next US visa application to be denied, something which
would see the California-based Prince sent back to Britain.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

Speaking on TalkTV, Mr Bell said: "In terms of his status in the States, I can't see that being changed. Now, clearly, some
people might say 'You're taking it absolutely by the letter of the law' [and] he may have made a mistake but actually I don't
think that the law will be upheld."

The uproar over Prince Harry's visa emerged as the conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation demanded that the US
Government reveal the Duke's application.

"This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and
further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States," Mike
Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project told the Daily Mail.

Prince Harry admitted to taking cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics in his memoir Spare and several TV interviews including
a livestreamed therapy session with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

Dr Mat&eacute; is an outspoken proponent of decriminalising drugs and has used the Amazonian hallucinogen ayahuasca to
treat patients suffering from mental health issues.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry must have 'cut off point' for RSVP - presenter

During his session with Harry, the Duke said that cocaine "didn't do anything for me" and was more of a "social thing" but the
Prince lauded marijuana and psychedelics which he said had helped him.

Those applying for US visas are typically asked about their past criminal history and drug use. Although Harry has lived in
the US for nearly three years, he could face scrutiny when applying for his next visa.

In addition, if he lied on his original visa application he could potentially be deported from the US and barred from applying
for US citizenship. It has been speculated that Harry is on an O-1 visa for people with an "extraordinary ability in the sciences,
arts, education, business, or athletics" or an "extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry".

That visa typically runs out after three years, meaning the Duke may need to apply for a new one in the near future.
Harry is married to American actress Meghan Markle while his daughter, Princess Lilibet Diana, would have US citizenship
automatically as she was born in America. Prince Archie Harrison most likely is eligible for US citizenship through his mother.

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---- Index References ----

Company: HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE); United States of America

News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation; US Government) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 680

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Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa but still 'not..., 2023 WLNR 10550483

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 164 of 416
Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to..., 2023 WLNR 10545807

3/23/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10545807

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to UK' after drug revelations
The Duke of Sussex could be in trouble if a request from a right-wing think
tank to see his visa application is upheld, as anger over his drug use ...

By, Harry Thompson

The Duke of Sussex could be in trouble if a request from a right-wing think tank to see his visa application is upheld, as anger
over his drug use continues in the US

Prince Harry may have to "pack his bags" and head back to the UK as a visa row breaks out over his drug use.

The Duke of Sussex has openly admitted to using drugs ranging from cocaine to cannabis and psychedelics both on TV and
in his explosive memoir Spare.

Royal experts have now claimed that the Prince could be in trouble when it comes to his visa, with a possibility that the way
in which he obtained it is illegal.

READ MORE:Parody version of Prince Harry's bombshell memoir in pipeline titled 'Spare Us!'

Christina Garibaldi, host of the Royally Us podcast discussed the issue in the latest episode following demands to see Harry's
visa application from conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation.

"This might be illegal, he might have to pack his bags and move back home," she said.

"I can't imagine if Prince Harry gets deported, what a drama it would be. You know, this is true."

She continued: "When you apply for a visa you sort of have to prove that you are a really upstanding citizen, that there's no
chance you're going to be in any trouble in your new country.

"You do have to declare that you've never taken part in illegal substances. I do wonder how Prince Harry answered that

Criminal activity is a major factor in the visa application process and discovery that he had lied would likely lead to deportation.

His admission could also impact future applications.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 162 1
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Prince Harry may have to 'pack bags and move back to..., 2023 WLNR 10545807

The right-wing outfit is now baying for blood over the matter with a desire to see the application based on hopes of checking
he was "properly vetted" before entering the US.

Speaking to the Daily Mail , Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project said: "This request is in the public
interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the
Prince's drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States".

The Prince may also be in need of renewing his visa, with them typically expiring after three years.

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---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (The Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 411

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 163 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 166 of 416


Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him

on the butt' after US visa threat
The Duke of Sussex said he has taken several illicit substances during interviews ahead of the release of his memoi

Prince Harry's at risk of deportation over drug use

Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry)'s drug use could "come back and bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US vis
row, a royal (/latest/royal-family) commentator has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh scrutiny after a
APP. C 164
request was submitted to release his visa application.
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 167 of 416

'Serial pooper' strikes in aisle near Hillary Clinton at 'Where's Meghan?' Sussex fans respond to ex-pal
Broadway show Mulroney's post
(/news/us/1749065/Hillary-Clinton-poo-some-like-it-hot- (/news/royal/1749160/Meghan-markle-Jessica-Mulroney
broadway-dxus) suits-dxus)

The Duke of Sussex's visa scrutiny was discussed by Christine Ross and Christina Garibaldi on the Royally US

Ms Ross said: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry ( gets deported. What a
drama that would be.

"You know, this is true, when you apply for a visa application you have to sort of prove that you're a really upstanding
citizen, there is no chance you're going to be in trouble in your new country and you have to declare that you've neve
taken part in illegal substances.

"I do wonder how Prince Harry ( answered that question and that's
what they're calling for here."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

Prince Harry warned drug use will 'come back and bite him on the butt' in US visa row (Image: Getty)
APP. C 165
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 168 of 416

A photo of a woman holding a US flag and documents from the Citizenship and Immigration Services. (Image: Getty)

'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer She added: "This will be an interesting story to see how it play
scrutinising Harry's visa over drug use out.
A US lawyer is demanding the release of Prince "I'm not sure that this is a good look for Prince Harry
Harry's visa application over concerns he was (/latest/prince-harry)."
given "preferential treatment" into the US
following the Duke's recent admissions about his Ms Garibaldi responded: "This can come back and bite him in
past drug use. The Duke of Sussex revealed in his the butt.
tell-all memoir, Spare, and in recent TV
interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis
"This cannot be a good thing.
and magic mushrooms in the past.
Read more HERE. READ MORE: Sarah Ferguson shares ‘guilty junk food
(/news/royal/1749665/prince-harry-visa- pleasure’ that's not ice cream or chocolate (/life-
drugs-dxus) style/food/1749815/sarah-ferguson-favourite-junk-food-

APP. C 166
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 169 of 416

Prince Harry relocated to Montecito in California with his wife and children. (Image: Getty)

"So we will have to wait and see what happens. You know there could be some repercussions to this we will have to
wait and see."

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so American
taxpayers can see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in
light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry (’s visa for illicit
substance use and further questions regarding the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before
entering the United States".

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

Tourists blasted by American waitress after family left her 10% tip (/news/us/1749040/Tourists-American-
waitress-tip-dxus) [LATEST]
Joachim follows Harry and Meghan stateside after Danish family feud (/news/royal/1748970/prince-Joachim-
prince-harry-meghan-markle-danish-royal-family-dxus) [REVEALED]
Trump fans threaten to barricade home and stop police arresting him (/news/us/1748911/Donald-Trump-
Wednesday-arrest-stormy-Daniels-dxus) [INSIGHT]

APP. C 167
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 170 of 416

A stock image of people queuing to have their passports checked at a US airport. (Image: Getty)


Harry and Meghan 'claw' onto royals as they lose

Meghan 'wants tiara moment' at Coronation, claims Hollywood - expert
royal expert
( (
( harry-meghan-markle-hollywood-polls-dxus)
markle-tiara-moment-coronation-dxus) h

APP. C 168
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 171 of 416

The Heritage Foundation is calling for Prince Harry's visa application to be released. (Image: Getty)

American immigration law could hand out significant penalties if someone is found to have lied to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six (

harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/): "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility." has approached the Duke of Sussex's representatives for comment.

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and @expressusnews (
Prince Harry (/latest/prince-harry) USA (/latest/united-states)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 172 of 416
Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt'..., 2023 WLNR 10471856

3/23/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10471856

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 23, 2023

Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt' after US visa threat
The Duke of Sussex said he has taken several illicit substances
during interviews ahead of the release of his memoir Spare.

Jack Walters

Prince Harry's drug use could "come back and bite him on the butt" in the 38-year-old's US visa row, a royal commentator
has claimed. The 38-year-old is also facing fresh scrutiny after a request was submitted to release his visa application.

The Duke of Sussex's visa scrutiny was discussed by Christine Ross and Christina Garibaldi on the Royally US podcast.

Ms Ross said: "I can't imagine if Prince Harry gets deported. What a drama that would be.

"You know, this is true, when you apply for a visa application you have to sort of prove that you're a really upstanding citizen,
there is no chance you're going to be in trouble in your new country and you have to declare that you've never taken part in
illegal substances.

"I do wonder how Prince Harry answered that question and that's what they're calling for here."

JUST IN: Meghan and Prince Harry 'still have plenty of time' to accept King's Coronation invite

'Public has a right to know': Meet the lawyer scrutinising Harry's visa over drug useA US lawyer is demanding the release of
Prince Harry's visa application over concerns he was given "preferential treatment" into the US following the Duke's recent
admissions about his past drug use. The Duke of Sussex revealed in his tell-all memoir, Spare, and in recent TV interviews
that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.

Read more HERE.

She added: "This will be an interesting story to see how it plays out.

"I'm not sure that this is a good look for Prince Harry."

Ms Garibaldi responded: "This can come back and bite him in the butt.

"This cannot be a good thing.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 170 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 173 of 416
Prince Harry warned drug use could 'bite him on the butt'..., 2023 WLNR 10471856

READ MORE: Sarah Ferguson shares 'guilty junk food pleasure' that's not ice cream or chocolate

"So we will have to wait and see what happens. You know there could be some repercussions to this we will have to wait and see."

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation is calling for Harry's visa application to be released so American taxpayers can
see if the father-of-two declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States".

Despite the request, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act ; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases."

American immigration law could hand out significant penalties if someone is found to have lied to officials, including
deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility." has approached the Duke of Sussex's representatives for comment.

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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Celebrities (1CE65); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Entertainment (1EN08); Financial
Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services (1RE38))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 507

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 171 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 174 of 416
Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa

3/23/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa


Not only has he come clean in his voluminous and explosive memoir, 'In the Shadows', but Prince Harry has continued to
provide details about his past with drugs in various interviews and television appearances. The latest, earlier this month, sitting
on the couch of controversial doctor Gabor Maté, who is prosecuted in Canada for using psychedelic drugs on his patients,
he blurted out, "I started using drugs recreationally and discovered how good they were for me ." This kind of statement has
caused a stir among anti-drug activists in the UK . And now, in addition, another association is looking closely at whether the
youngest son of King Charles III lied to obtain his visa, which would be grounds for his deportation.

The Heritage Foundation , a U.S. conservative foundation based in Washington DC, wants U.S. authorities to make the Duke of
Sussex's visa application public to determine whether he was asked to disclose any drug use. In his memoirs, the 'royal' describes
in detail his experience with various substances. He claims to have tried cocaine, cannabis and hallucinogenic mushrooms . He
says that his first contact with coke was a weekend at the age of 17, although later he repeated several times.
Conservative foundation
He also admits taking hallucinogenic drugs at a celebrity event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with
Meghan Markle . He even doesn't blush to explain that after trying hallucinogenic mushrooms he ended up conversing with
furniture. "It wasn't much fun, it didn't make me feel happy, but it made me feel different," he writes.

Mike Howell, director of the foundation's Oversight Project, has told the 'Daily Mail', "This request is in the public interest in
light of the possible revocation of Prince Henry's visa for illicit substance use, about whether he was asked about this issue and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the US."
Possible deportation
This type of information about drugs and narcotics is asked in the questionnaire to obtain the certificate. The U.S. Immigration
Department has one of the stiffest penalties for lying on such an application. So much so that if someone is caught making
falsehoods, they are subject to possible deportation and prevented from applying for citizenship.

The prince has resided in the U.S. since 2020, after he and his wife, Meghan Markle, decided to abandon their duties as members
of the British royal family. After a brief period in Canada, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to a mansion in Montecito
(California ), where they live with their two children, Archie Harrison (3) and Lili Diana (1), and developing their professional
career (mainly focused on the media, series, documentaries, books..., and through their charitable foundation).

---- Index References ----


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Prince Henry could be deported from U.S. if he lied to get visa

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. Immigration Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Henry)

Keywords: (portada)

Word Count: 447

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 173 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 176 of 416
Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en..., 2023 WLNR 10565175

3/23/23 El Debate (Mex.) (Spanish) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10565175

El Debate (Mexico) (Spanish)

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 23, 2023

Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en Estados Unidos

Elizabeth Flores

El príncipe Harry , duque de Sussex, podría enfrentar la pérdida de su estatus migratorio en Estados Unidos, ser deportado
del país y perder su visa . Un abogado de inmigración ha presentado una demanda que cuestiona la validez de la visa actual
del príncipe.

La demanda se basa en la revelación en su libro autobiográfico "Spare" del uso de drogas por parte de Harry , lo que según
expertos legales podría haber sido motivo para negarle la visa.

Uganda aprueba ley anti-LGBTQ: penas de hasta 20 años de prisión y pena de muerteDeclaran culpable a exalcalde de Puerto
Rico por recibir sobornos y extorsión

The Heritage Foundation, una asociación conservadora, ha exigido que la solicitud de visa estadounidense del Príncipe Harry
se haga pública . Mike Howell, director de Supervisión de la organización, argumenta que la publicación de la solicitud de visa
es de interés público y podría ayudar a los contribuyentes a comprender si el príncipe declaró su uso de drogas.

A eso se suma que hay preocupaciones sobre si Harry fue investigado adecuadamente antes de ingresar a los Estados Unidos.

No está claro si el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional cumplió con la ley al admitir al príncipe Harry en el país sin una
renuncia o entrevista con la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza para evaluar si, dado su historial, era admisible en
Estados Unidos.

Las políticas de inmigración de Estados Unidos tienen leyes estrictas y sanciones severas para quienes mienten a los
funcionarios. A muchos ciudadanos británicos se les ha prohibido la entrada a los Estados Unidos debido a su uso indebido
de drogas.

The Heritage Foundation argumenta que si los funcionarios de migración sabían sobre el uso de drogas de Harry, su caso plantea
dudas sobre si recibió un trato especial debido a su estatus real y el estatus de celebridad de su esposa, lo que insisten sería ilegal .

Los duques de Sussex se mudaron a Estados Unidos en marzo de 2020 y desde entonces residen en su casa en Montecito,
California, con sus dos hijos pequeños.

Príncipe Harry rompe el silencio, se siente devastado por dejar el cargo

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Príncipe Harry podría ser deportado y perder su visa en..., 2023 WLNR 10565175

---- Index References ----

Language: ES

Keywords: (Mundo)

Word Count: 324

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 175 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 178 of 416
'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

3/22/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10325541

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince Harry's drug use
could threaten his US visa after he admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and ...

Mark Duell Martin Robinson for MailOnline

'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince Harry's drug use could threaten his US visa after he admitted taking
cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in his memoir and TV interviews

Prince Harry's admission of drug taking could threaten his US visa, an American lawyer has warned as he insisted there was
'no exception for royalty'.

Duke of Sussex is now facing calls for his US visa application to be released Ex-prosecutor says 'admission of drug use is
usually grounds for inadmissibility' But other lawyers say Harry's admissions wouldn't be enough for a probe

The Duke of Sussex revealed in his bombshell memoir Spare and TV interviews that he had taken cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms in the past.

MailOnline yesterday revealed how the duke is now facing calls for his US visa application to be released to see whether he
admitted his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020.

A conservative think-tank is in the middle of a battle with Washington DC officials who are staunchly refusing to publish any
details - including any texts or emails.

The DC-based Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand
whether Harry declared his drug use.

US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and being barred from applying
for citizenship.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six last night: 'An admission of drug use is usually grounds for

'That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs.'

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 176 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 179 of 416
'There's no exception for royalty': Lawyer warns Prince..., 2023 WLNR 10325541

Mr Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers which is based in Los Angeles, added that there was 'no exception for
royalty or recreational use'.
Can drug users be banned from visiting the United States?
US officials can stop foreigners who have committed drugs offences entering the country even if they have never been arrested
and charged by police.

Under US rules, suspected drug abusers applying for a visa may be required to answer additional medical history questions
and also take a medical exam to prove that they are not still a drug abuser before being allowed to enter the country.

In high-profile cases where celebrities who are known to have taken drugs want to come to America, they have been invited
into the US embassy in London to take a drugs test.

Pete Doherty was famously banned from the US due to drug-related arrests.

In 2014 chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US because she confessed to taking drugs.

But Texas-based immigration lawyer Sam Adair told Page Six that it was 'unlikely that these admissions will present a problem'
because there have been no criminal convictions.

And attorney James Leonard told the publication that revealing in a book that 'you experimented with drugs when you were a
young man' would not be enough for immigration officials to launch an investigation into Harry's status.

It is not known exactly what questions Harry was asked when applying for his US visa, because it is not yet clear which visa
he received. However, the question on the ESTA application which most UK tourists would use is: 'Have you ever violated any
law related to possessing, using or distributing illegal drugs?'

In Spare and the TV interviews that followed, Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

He said marijuana and psychedelics 'really helped' with his 'trauma' while cocaine was more a 'social thing'.

The Heritage Foundation has now called for his visa application to be released.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

Experts have insisted US visa applications would usually be thrown out if there is any history of drug use.

The Heritage Foundation says if border officials did know, Harry's case raises questions over whether he was given special
treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

MailOnline has approached representatives for Prince Harry for comment.

A US State Department spokesman said: 'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases'.

In his autobiography Spare, Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more
lines' on other occasions.

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He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He also spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it 'brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time'.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté, an outspoken supporter of decriminalising
drugs who has allegedly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Harry told him: '(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I
think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.
READ MORE - British tourist 'banned from the US for 10 years after LA customs officials found a text message about
taking cocaine on her mobile phone'
In 2019, a British tourist claimed to have been banned from the USA for 10 years after admitting snorting a line of cocaine
two years prior.

Isabella Brazier-Jones, 28, flew from London to Los Angeles with her friend Olivia Cura, 26, where they planned to embark
on the trip of their dreams.

But when quizzed by immigration officials about the length of their stay, they found a text message on her phone that referred
to cocaine.

They asked Ms Brazier-Jones, who is from Wimbledon in south-west London, whether she had ever taken the Class A drug
and she confessed to having a line in 2017.

She was immediately thrown in a jail cell and made to wait for 24 hours before being shipped back to Britain, the aspiring
actress said.

Read the full story from 2019 here

'Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.'

Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, who launched a drugs education charity in her son Daniel's name after he died of an accidental MDMA
overdose aged 16, said the duke's comments were 'concerning'.

It has long been speculated that Harry could be working in the US on a fast track visa handed to people with 'extraordinary
ability' - known as a O-1 visa.

The O-1, also used by Canadian singer Justin Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman, last for three years, meaning that
Harry's renewal could be due with weeks.

Following the release of Spare in January, where the exiled royal revealed regular drug use, immigration experts warned he
may have put his visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug use.

And the The Heritage Foundation, which took a leading role in the conservative movement during the presidency of Ronald
Reagan and had a major influence on Donald Trump's administration, has now asked for the release of his visa application
demanding to know if Harry was 'properly vetted' before coming to America.

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The group also wants to know if he admitted to officials that he took drugs, which immigration experts note meant he should
have been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his narcotics usage during the application process.

The Heritage Foundation has also compiled a dossier of evidence, including Harry's own admissions in his memoir and various
TV interviews about taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

This has all been sent to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration
Services to bolster their freedom of information request.

US officials have so far refused to release his visa application, citing 'privacy' concerns, but Mike Howell, director of the Heritage
Oversight Project, insists it is in the 'public interest' to know how Harry's case was handled and has appealed the decision.

Mr Howell has also demanded to see any emails, texts, WhatsApps or other correspondence related to Harry's visa to ensure
public confidence in how it was handled.

He said: 'Harry's abuse of multiple illicit substances includes marijuana, cocaine, magic mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs.

'It is unclear at this juncture whether DHS complied with the law in admitting Prince Harry, and did so without a waiver or any
interview with CBP to assess whether, given his history, he was admissible to the United States.

'As a result, this widespread media interest in Prince Henry's drug abuse inevitably raises possible questions regarding his
application for residency in the United States.

'Public confidence in the government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-
profile case.

'Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment that too would undermine public confidence in DHS, CPB, and
USCIS's application of equal justice under the law'.

American authorities note entry into the country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis and it is unclear if Harry, who moved to
California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa application.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. Any renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Professor Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said recently.

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

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'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if he was "Fred Jones" and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I
could certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials have repeatedly declined to answer whether his admission of drug use would 'cause difficulties'
with his immigration status - or if he had detailed any drug use before.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesman said in January.

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law. All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

---- Index References ----

Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Oversight Project; US State Department; Department of Homeland Security; CBP; USCIS; George
Washington University; West Coast Trial Lawyers; US Customs/Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services;
Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1859

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March 23, 2023

US group want Prince Harry deported as royal 'always finding himself in trouble'
Prince Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application
made public following his admission of taking drugs in the past.

Lauren Williams

Prince Harry's memoir Spare saw the Duke admit to taking drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. The
admission has led to conservative activists calling for Prince Harry to be deported over drug use as it is one of the requirements
an individual must meet when applying for a visa. Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield joined GB News presenters Eamonn
Holmes and Isabel Webster to discuss the recent "trouble" Harry has found himself in.

Eamonn began the segment: "Prince Harry, to live and work in the United States he has to have a Visa. In that visa, it asks
whether you have taken drugs or used drugs in the past. Tell us what the debate is now."

Kinsey explained: "Eamonn and Isabel you and I have had this discussion weeks ago, we broke it first! Could he get in trouble
for this?

"It's the Heritage Foundation here in the States. They're a conservative group that have filed a request through the Freedom
of Information Act.

"They're saying they want to know how Prince Harry got his visa if it was a special privilege because he's a Prince if it was
because his wife is a TV star. They say that's illegal."

READ MORE: BAFTA TV Awards' full list of nominations as Happy Valley missing

In a discussion with Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster during Breakfast on GB News, she said: "Immigration attorneys here
in the States are saying that there are two ways that deportation could loom over Prince Harry.

"That's if he's caught doing a crime, which we heard him say in his pay-per-view interview, where he was openly discussing
illegal drug use.

"So if he's caught doing a crime, deportation could be one of their resolutions. Or if in this visa application, he lied about his
drug use, that could actually result in deportation, too."

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Asked where the debate had reached, Kinsey continued: "We're waiting to see if the Heritage Foundation gets that information
about Prince Harry's visa application.

"It's just not a good look that Prince Harry always seems to be finding himself in trouble."

Eamonn quipped: "And if it's not there then he goes looking for it."

The conservative think tank's director Mike Howell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation
of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was
properly vetted before entering the United States".

Under current immigration rules, people who are found to have lied to border officials can face a hefty fine or even deportation.

During Prince Harry's book tour in January, he openly spoke about his drug use revealing he first tried cocaine aged 17 while
on a shooting weekend.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with his wife
Meghan Markle.

When speaking to Dr Gabor Mate during his mental health event, the Duck of Sussex admitted that smoking marijuana "really
helped him" but taking cocaine "did nothing for him".

He explained: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past. They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel airs weekdays from 6am on GB News.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 630

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March 23, 2023

William and Kate's big plan to stop Louis being 'offshoot like Harry'
The Prince and Princess of Wales are set to make one major move to stop
their youngest son, Prince Louis, from being "left out", one expert has cla...

Richard Ashmore,Alice Scarsi,Lauren Welch

The Prince and Princess of Wales are set to make one major move to stop their youngest son, Prince Louis, from being "left
out", one expert has claimed.

Prince William and Kate, the Princess of Wales are trying to do all they can to ensure that Prince Louis doesn't feel left out,
royal expert Angela Mollard has said.

Ms Mollard has said that the royal couple plan on using the forthcoming Coronation to ensure their youngest child has a strong
bond with the monarchy, and in turn, doesn't go down the same route as his uncle, Prince Harry. In order to ensure that Louis
is there for when Prince George becomes King, the royal couple are said to want their younger son to have the memories of
the royal celebration this spring.

Ms Mollard then suggested that having all three of the couple's children, including Princess Charlotte, at the Coronation will
lesser the chance of a repeated rift in the future.

As previously stated on, Ms Mollard said that, when the time comes, their elder son will need to be "supported
by his siblings".

Ms Mollard also stated that the family-of-five show "very much" stick together. She claims that they enforce the 'We're a family,
we do it all together'", adding that they "do not want an offshoot like Harry in the future".

Although prepared to be in attendance, the actual roles of the three children remain unknown.


21:51 Lauren Welch

King Charles's mix of "personality and pragmatism" is likely the reason he invited Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to the
Coronation, claims a royal biographer.

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King Charles has a "track record" of trying to "build bridges" within the Royal Family which could be why he invited Meghan
Markle and Prince Harry to the Coronation, according to a royal biographer. Gareth Russell drew parallels between Charles's
treatment of Edward VIII - who abdicated the throne to pursue a relationship with Wallis Simpson - and that of the Duke and


20:24 Lauren Welch

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's real reason for deciding to "empty the barrel" with his book Spare has been addressed by comedian
Katherine Ryan.

Prince Harry, 38, has been the subject of much debate since he released his tell-all memoir Spare in January. Comedian Katherine
Ryan, 39, has shared her opinion on the book exclusively to as well as explaining her reasoning for why she
thinks Harry decided to "empty the barrel".


19:28 Lauren Welch

King Charles III will be crowned on May 6 at Westminster Abbey but royal fans can already celebrate the momentous occasion.

Located in central London, Hotel Café Royal offers guests the unique "Crown Jewels Experience", a brand new and very
special stay to celebrate King Charles's Coronation. According to the hotel's website, it is the "ultimate experience of luxury
and exclusivity", and costs a staggering £13,000.


19:11 Lauren Welch

The King's forthcoming Coronation is set to follow tradition by reinforcing royal hierarchy.

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex could be set to "stand out" at the King's Coronation. If the pair do decide to
attend the historical event, they are not likely to wear any form of formal Coronation robes. The couple have, so far, decided
to remain silent on whether they will be in attendance.


18:34 Lauren Welch

Kate, Princess of Wales, met with companies worth billions of pounds in the City as part of her championing of early years

Kate, Princess of Wales, is sending a message to Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, with a "power play" to prove
the Royal Family "matters". On Tuesday, the 41-year-old mother-of-three donned a cream blazer and went into business mode
meeting representatives of huge firms including IKEA, Co-op, Unilever, Lego, finance giants Natwest, Aviva, Deloitte and the
Bank of England no less. The Princess was able to host the companies worth billions of pounds as she championed early years
development with the launch of her new "Business Taskforce for Early Childhood" later.

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Writing in, royal writer Daniela Esler called the meeting a "powerhouse" moment for the princess that sent a clear
message to any royals thinking the "Firm" was on the wane.

Referencing images of the event of Kate, Princess of Wales, posing business-like with the economic leaders, she wrote: "Kate
is proving to be a stealthy powerhouse dynamo of action and machine washable lightweight wool who is busily redefining what
a working member of the monarchy can actually achieve.

"And if there is one person who should be looking at these images of Kate with this clutch of business bigwigs who preside
over global empires of shampoo and Allen keys, it is her brother-in-law, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex."

17:43 Lauren Welch

Prince William made an unannounced visit to Poland amid tight security today to visit British and Polish troops helping Ukraine's
war effort against Russia.

Prince William, who has begun a two-day visit to Poland, went to military bases in Rzeszów in the south-east of the country
near the Ukraine border, where the Royal Artillery and other British units are working with western allies to train Ukrainians
and funnel weapons to troops resisting the Russian invasion. He hailed them for "defending our freedoms" and told the British
troops: "Everyone back home thoroughly supports you."


17:10 Lauren Welch

EXCLUSIVE: King Charles's Coronation is just weeks away but Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should "avoid" the jubilant
celebrations, claimed Apprentice star Ryan-Mark Parsons.

Ryan-Mark Parsons has also addressed King Charles's decision to ask Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to vacate Frogmore
Cottage. It comes as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's attendance at the coronation still hang in the balance.


16:20 Lauren Welch

Prince Harry had reportedly laid out some key "demands" ahead of the King's Coronation in May.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's appearance at King Charles III's Coronation reportedly rests on whether Harry's "demands"
are met. Earlier this month, the Sussexes confirmed they had been invited to the Coronation. However, the couple are yet to
confirm if they will be joining the Royal Family at Westminster Abbey on May 6.


16:01 Lauren Welch

The author posted a copy of the children's book to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after admiring how Prince Harry and
William coped with the death of their mother, Princess Diana.

Prince Harry had thanked an author who sent him a book that helped children deal with the heartache of losing a parent. The
author of the book, Mark Lemon, has shared the letter written by the Duke of Sussex back in 2019 on his Instagram profile.

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15:10 Lauren Welch

Good afternoon from London. I'm Lauren Welch and I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please
feel free to get in touch with me. Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: laurenmwelch

14:40 Alice Scarsi

A viral clip of Prince Archie playing with his grandmother Doria Ragland in Prince Harry and Meghan's first hit Netflix series
has taken social media by storm.

The Sussexes' oldest son is still a baby in the clip, which shows him sitting in a ride-on toy car pushed by Meghan's mother.

In another segment, he can be seen grabbing onto Meghan's legs while walking around the kitchen.

The Duchess can be heard saying "Are we walking?" in the clip.

Since airing, a clip of the video was later posted to TikTok, where it became an instant hit.

Read the full story here

13:44 Alice Scarsi

A viral video has taken TikTok by storm after user Becca Brandon reimagined the Prince and Princess of Wales as "council
estate parents" in a shocking makeover.

The TikToker, under the handle electricraspberry, photoshopped the royal couple to make them look almost unrecognisable in
her viral video which has amassed over 4.4 million views since it was posted on Monday.

On her channel, Ms Brandon, who grew up on a council estate, records herself adapting photos of famous figures using the
app "Procreate".

See the pictures here

12:56 Alice Scarsi

The Duke of Sussex's book Spare is being parodied in a spoof biography of Prince Harry which promises to go "deep inside
the castle walls" and expose "every shouting match, fist-fight, betrayal, teddy bear, awkward hug and tear-stained wedding

In a clear mockery of the bestselling memoir, the upcoming work has been described in a press release as a "frostbite-and-all
book", and is titled Spare Us! A Harrody.

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The book also hit out at the Duke of Sussex's decision to reveal intimate details about his life and private conversations while
also seeking a more private existence far from the British press.

This version of Spare has been written by Bruno Vincent, who previously gained the spotlight with his Enid Blyton parody

Published by Little Brown, which is owned by Hachette, Spare Us! will be aptly released on April Fool's Day.

Read the full story here

12:00 Alice Scarsi

The Crown has been hit with a wave of criticism after images of a replica of the mangled Mercedes from Princess Diana's crash
in Paris, which led to her death, emerged.

The Netflix series has courted controversy since it first began and continues to face backlash over the handling of topics such
as King Charles's divorce from Diana, and the late Princess of Wales' death.

The Crown's nominations include leading actress for Imelda Staunton playing the Queen and supporting actor for Salim Daw
as Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Read the full story here

11:25 Alice Scarsi

Prince Harry has been warned there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to his visa potentially being revoked.

The Duke of Sussex has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani claims the royal should not even have been allowed into the US in the first place
if he filled in his visa documentation correctly.

Rahmani said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The West Coast Trial Lawyers attorney said that the rules would apply to Harry as well as there is "no exception for royalty
or recreational rules."

Read the full story here

10:20 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor's Paris mansion is to be turned into an attraction and open to the public, it was announced
days before King Charles and Queen Camilla are to undertake their first official visit to France since his accession to the throne.

Paris city council has given heritage trust Fondation Mansart the task of turning the run-down house, originally known as Chteau
le Bois, into a permanent touristic site.

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The 19th century mansion located in the Boulogne woods of western Paris is primarily known for having hosted the exiled
Duke and Duchess of Windsor for some three decades.

However, Egyptian businessman Mohamed Al Fayed added to its lore when he claimed Princess Diana would have relocated
there had she not died in a car crash in Paris in August 1997.

Read the full story here

09:22 Alice Scarsi

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex will use her revamped blog The Tig to "gain control over her public image" after speaking out
about struggling with the press and the media.

A brand expert who has worked with Britney Spears has said Meghan's new rumoured project could "thrive".

It's believed the wife of Prince Harry and mother-of-two is planning to relaunch her blog The Tig.

The former actress ran the blog for two years while working on the cable drama Suits, but she shut the platform down when
her relationship with the royal became serious.

Read the full story here

08:31 Alice Scarsi

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been invited to King Charles's Coronation, but a new poll has shown
widespread opposition to either showing up.

Read the results of our poll here

08:01 Alice Scarsi

A Labour campaign is calling for Buckingham Palace to be subject to workplace legislation as it accuses the Palace of being
"shielded" from scrutiny.

The pressure group, Labour for a Republic, is pushing the party to commit to ending the royals' exemption from the Equality
Act, which protects workers against discrimination based on race, sex, gender, age, religion and disability.

Ben Clinton, Labour for a Republic's campaign coordinator, told "The idea that one of the most prominent
families, one of the most prominent employers, in the country is exempt is wrong and needs to be reversed if we are to continue
being a party for working people."

Labour for a Republic wants national party chiefs to include the Royal Family being subject to the Equalities Act in Labour's
next general election manifesto.

Read the full story here

07:20 Alice Scarsi

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex face a similar fate to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, a royal commentator has claimed.

Tom Quinn, author of the newly-released book Gilded Youth, has drawn similarities between the life lived by former King
Edward VIII and his wife Wallis Simpson after he abdicated and the future possibly looming for Prince Harry and Meghan.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Mr Quinn said, have made several appearances and interviews as well as a docu-series and
a memoir united by one main theme - "how badly they were treated".

However, he added, that is a topic that will interest people only "for so long".

He continued: "And when you're not saying that anymore, and you can't make any more films and interviews about how badly
you've been treated, what then, what do you do?

"My fear is that Harry will become like Edward VIII and Meghan will become like Mrs Simpson."

Read the full story here

07:14 Alice Scarsi

Good morning from London. I'm Alice Scarsi, I'll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family. Please feel
free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Emerging Market Countries (1EM65); Family Social Issues (1FA81); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01);
Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (CIS Countries (1CI64); Central Europe (1CE50); Eastern Europe (1EA48); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries
(1EU86); France (1FR23); Poland (1PO03); Ukraine (1UK09); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Europe

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Natwest; Hotel Café Royal; IKEA; Fondation Mansart; West Coast Trial Lawyers; Bank of England; Royal
Artillery; Lego; Aviva; Little Brown; Unilever; Royal Family) (Prince Louis; Lauren Welch)

Word Count: 2418

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful..., 2023 WLNR 9988696

3/19/23 Cape Argus (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9988696

Cape Argus (South Africa)

Copyright (c) 2023 SyndiGate. All Rights Reserved.

March 19, 2023

Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful childhood' yet he lives a privileged life

Letter to the Editor

LETTER: Harry's book Spare has not had the desired result he and his wife were wishing for. Instead of evoking sympathy, it
has turned the British and American public against them. In a Newsweek approval rating, Harry has dropped to -10 (dropping
48 points) and Meghan -17 (dropping 40 points).

Harry's book Spare has not had the desired result he and his wife were wishing for. Instead of evoking sympathy, it has turned
the British and American public against them. In a Newsweek approval rating, Harry has dropped to -10 (dropping 48 points)
and Meghan -17 (dropping 40 points).

This has been exacerbated by the animated cartoon series South Park in which they were clearly lampooned and mocked. In
his latest, self-pitying interview with Dr Gabor Mate, a physician, Harry claims that using psychedelic drugs and cannabis
helped him deal with his mental health problems.

He stated: "Hey, it really helped me."

These drugs actually lead to psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and other severe mental illnesses.
He is therefore advocating illegal drug use for other people, especially youngsters, to solve their problems. This is irresponsible
from a man 38 years old, with two minor children.

A poor example indeed. He is always going on about his "incredibly painful childhood" yet he lives a very privileged life.

He earns his living by trashing his family and then expects an apology from them. Shocking! Nevertheless, he has received a
massive backlash for the above comments and could lose his US visa. Anti-drug campaigners have slammed Harry for his
latest rant and "US border agents take a dim view of drug use by non-US citizens".

Harry is entirely absorbed in himself, is constantly craving attention and desperate to be heard. He is, however, not the world's
biggest victim. Blaming others is characteristic of losers, and Harry is a loser.

* John Whitlock, Germiston.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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Harry is always going on about his 'incredibly painful..., 2023 WLNR 9988696

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Other Indexing: (Independent Newspapers (Pty) Limited) (Harry)

Word Count: 390

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 196 of 416
Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive..., 2023 WLNR 10335542

3/22/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10335542

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive blow: 'No exception for royalty'
Prince Harry admitted in his book and in a series of televised interviews
that he had routinely taken drugs when he was younger to cope with his tr...

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry admitted in his book and in a series of televised interviews that he had routinely taken drugs when he was younger
to cope with his trauma.

Prince Harry has been warned there is "no exception for royalty" when it comes to his visa potentially being revoked. The
Duke of Sussex, 38, has faced scrutiny since openly admitting to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in the past.
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani claims the royal should not even have been allowed into the US in the first place
if he filled in his visa documentation correctly.

Rahmani said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The West Coast Trial Lawyers attorney said that the rules would apply to Harry as well as there is "no exception for royalty
or recreational rules."

Rahmani's warning comes as the conservative Heritage Foundation launched a pressure campaign on authorities to release
details of Harry's original visa application.

JUST IN: Harry and Meghan risk repeating mistakes of exiled royals Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

Prince Harry's six Coronation 'demands' as Sussexes remain undecided on UK returnThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex's
appearance at King Charles III's Coronation reportedly rests on whether Harry's "demands" are met.

Earlier this month, the Sussexes confirmed they had been invited to the Coronation. However, the couple are yet to confirm if
they will be joining the Royal Family at Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Here are Harry's six reported demands.

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Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive..., 2023 WLNR 10335542

The DC-based think tank claims US taxpayers have a right to know whether the Duke misled authorities on his drug use when
he first entered the country after stepping down from his formal role in 2020.

Under current immigration rules, people who are found to have lied to border officials can face a hefty fine or even deportation.

However, another lawyer told Page Six that Harry's admission would likely not be a problem for the royal.

Texas-based immigration lawyer Sam Aldair insisted it was "unlikely that these admissions will present a problem because
there have been no criminal convictions."

READ MORE: Kate's 'cold stare' shows the 'power play' between her and Prince William, expert claims

And colleague James Leonard noted that revealing in a book that "you experimented with drugs when you were a young man"
would not give authorities much of a base to challenge Harry's presence in the country.

Speaking to renowned therapist Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month, Harry said he started taking drugs "recreationally"
to handle his traumas and "pains of the past."

The Duke said: "It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life's filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time.

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'rocky future' ahead, says expert [OPINION]King Charles ready to 'capitulate' to Meghan and Harry - claim [LATEST]

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

Harry added: "They're unlocking so much of what we've suppressed."

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Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (West Coast Trial Lawyers; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 596

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Harry warned drug use could threaten US visa in massive..., 2023 WLNR 10335542

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 199 of 416
Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

3/20/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10078082

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 20, 2023

Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity ratings as Britons have 'had enough'
A royal expert has warned there may be protests against the Duke and Duchess
of Sussex at King Charles's Coronation as their standing has fallen so...

Jon King

A royal expert has warned there may be protests against the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at King Charles's Coronation as their
standing has fallen so far among the public.

Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have been warned of their dire popularity ratings as Britons have "had enough"
of the royal couple. The Sussexes have been invited to King Charles's Coronation but it has yet to be made public whether they
will attend the historic occasion on May 6.

Related articles

Former ITN royal editor Tim Ewart told Sky News Australia that Harry and Meghan's popularity has plummeted in the wake
of the couple's Netflix series and the Duke's memoir, Spare.

Asked if Harry and Meghan's behvaiour was making things difficult for them, Mr Ewart said: "Quite clearly the Sussexes are
becoming extremely unpopular in this country.

"Now it would be unfair to say that that is an opinion held by everybody. Younger people in Britain like the Sussexes, [they]
like the diversity that they bring to the Royal Family, the modern lifestyle that they lead, who respect the way that Harry has
been so keen to tell his story, to bear his soul.

"But the vast majority of people have had enough of it."

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

Mr Ewart explained that the public is tired of hearing Harry talk about his personal issues all the time.

The Duke's memoir includes a series of revelations, including an allegation Harry was attacked by his brother, Prince William,
and claims Camilla, Queen Consort, tried to tarnish the Duke's image to improve hers.

Spare went on to become the biggest-selling work of non-fiction after its release in January.

Mr Ewart said: "The majority of Britons really, really don't care for [Harry and Meghan's disclosures] any longer and to be
blunt, wish they would be quiet and go away and stay in America if that is really what they want to do."


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He added that one of the issues surrounding the Coronation is whether or not there will be protests should Harry and Meghan
attend, particularly the Duchess.

The former royal editor asked: "Will there be public anger expressed against them. We know there are going to be demonstrations
by the republican movement... It's not impossible that there would be insults shouted at Harry and Meghan.

"It really is a complicated business, but their standing in this country has now fallen.

"They're extremely unpopular. They have a minus popularity rating in such polls as we're able to read about them so a lot of
people really won't be very welcoming when they come here."

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The Coronation weekend will be held from Saturday, May 6 to Monday May 8, with thousands of events expected to take place
across the country.

The formal ceremony will take place at Westminster Abbey and will follow the traditional pageantry used to anoint monarchs
over the past 1,000 years.

After processions to the Abbey and back, Charles and Camilla will then appear on the balcony at Buckingham Palace along
with members of the Royal Family.

Mr Ewart, asked what Harry and Meghan have reportedly requested ahead of the Coronation, said "status and respect".

He added: "What we need to remember in this mess - [which is] at the moment is threatening to overshadow the Coronation -
what we need to remember is Harry is still fifth in line to the throne.

"For everything that's happened he is still a senior royal so there are issues over the way he's treated and the way that he's
protected when he and his wife, possibly - although she may not come - when they come, if they come, to the Coronation."

Mr Ewart said a "sore point" will be what security Harry will be provided as well as whether he will be included in the carriage
procession, appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and where he will sit during the Coronation ceremony.

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Prince Harry and Meghan warned of dire UK popularity..., 2023 WLNR 10078082

Related articles

He added: "There is still a lot to discuss. My sense is that the Palace has extended the invitation and they're now able to say,
'Look guys, the ball is in your court. If you don't want to come, let us know. If you do want to come, you're going to have
to play by our rules'."

A spokesperson for Harry said earlier this month the Sussexes have received an invitation to King Charles's Coronation but
would not yet confirm publicly whether they will attend.

They said: "I can confirm The Duke has recently received email correspondence from His Majesty's office regarding the

"An immediate decision on whether The Duke and Duchess will attend will not be disclosed by us at this time."

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'interesting' in front of cameras Elton John joins growing list of celebs to snub Harry and Meghan Harry and Meghan didn't
expect 'humiliating' jokes about Spare Jeremy Clarkson slams Tory BBC debate after Kate and Wills poster row

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Other Indexing: (Sky News Australia) (Prince Harry; Meghan; Britons)

Word Count: 958

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 202 of 416
Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug..., 2023 WLNR 10321970

3/22/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10321970

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 22, 2023

Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug use bombshells, lawyer warns
Prince Harry's admission of drug use in bombshell book Spare may lead to
legal troubles down the line, a former attorney has claimed after they say...

By, Ewan Gleadow

Prince Harry's admission of drug use in bombshell book Spare may lead to legal troubles down the line, a former attorney
has claimed after they say there is 'no exception' to drug use

Prince Harry may find his US visa revoked after revelations about his drug use were aired in Spare, the Duke's bombshell

A legal expert believes that the truthful Duke may have paved a way toward losing his right to reside in the United States
because of his book.

Others however have said that the Duke of Sussex should be fine, so long as he does not find himself in prison for any other
reason in the future.

READ MORE: Prince Harry shares drug that 'really helped' him mentally as cocaine 'did nothing'

Despite this, legal expert and former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani has said there is "no exception" for recreational drug
use, royal or otherwise.

Speaking to PageSix, the former prosecutor said: "An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

The Duke had previously revealed in his bombshell memoirs that he had taken cocaine, marijuana and mushrooms,
experimenting with psychedelics well into his adulthood.

It would appear though that Harry ditched Class A cocaine when he left his teenage years, with Daily Star reporting the round-
up of drugs the Duke had taken, and the one that "really helped" him through tough times.

In a conversation with Dr Gabor Maté, the Duke of Sussex revealed that marijuana was the most helpful drug of all those taken.

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Prince Harry's US visa may be in trouble after Spare drug..., 2023 WLNR 10321970

Speaking at the time on his drug use, the Duke said: "It was more of a social thing, and I guess trying to get a sense of belonging,
for sure. Marijuana is different, that actually did help me."

But attorney James Leonard has said the Duke may find himself in no trouble at all over such admissions, unless he "got arrested
or if he got a DWI".

He said: "Any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual
drug user, which he clearly is not, I don't see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational experimentation
with drugs."

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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Government Litigation (1GO18); Health
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Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Spare)

Word Count: 412

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 204 of 416
Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to..., 2023 WLNR 10251587

3/21/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10251587

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 21, 2023

Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to know if he admitted drug use
The conservative think tank America's Heritage Foundation is now calling
for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can underst...

By, Christopher Bucktin

The conservative think tank America's Heritage Foundation is now calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the
US taxpayer can understand whether the royal declared his drug use

Prince Harry is facing calls to have his US visa application made public after a request was submitted to release his papers
following his admission to taking drugs in the past.

The appeal comes after the Duke of Sussex admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms in his autobiography
Spare, which was released earlier this year.

America's Heritage Foundation is now calling for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

The conservative think tank's director Mike Howell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation
of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and whether he was
properly vetted before entering the United States".

Strict laws surround America's immigration policies with harsh penalties for anyone caught lying to officials.

They include deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Hundreds of Brits are banned from the US after over their drug misuse.

In 2019, Brit Isabella Brazier-Jones claimed she was banned from the USA for 10 years after admitting to snorting a line of
cocaine two years prior.

The 31-year-old said she was immediately thrown in a jail cell and made to wait for 24 hours before being shipped back to

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Prince Harry's US visa under scrutiny as critics DEMAND to..., 2023 WLNR 10251587

The Heritage Foundation argues if immigration officials did know about the royal's drug use, Harry's case raises questions
over whether he was given special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

In response to the Foundation's calls, a US State Department spokesman said: "Visa records are confidential under Section 222f
of the Immigration and Nationality Act INA; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases".

In January and during his Spare book tour, Harry spoke about his drug use revealing he first took cocaine at 17 while on a
shooting weekend.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

Visa applicants are asked by US officials: "Have you ever violated any law related to possessing, using, or distributing illegal

Answering yes means it is likely the applicant will be denied entry.

During one promotional event Prince Harry told Dr Gabor Maté marijuana "really helped him" mentally but taking cocaine
"did nothing for him".

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 427

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 206 of 416
So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

3/21/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10233796

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 21, 2023

So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners demand to know if

Duke admitted 'multiple' drug use on application - and call for the royal to b...

Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter For Mailonline

So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners demand to know if Duke admitted 'multiple' drug use on application
- and call for the royal to be deported if he lied about taking cocaine before moving to California

Prince Harry faces a fight to keep his US visa application secret today as campaigners demanded its release to see if he admitted
his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020, MailOnline can reveal.

A conservative think tank is in the middle of a battle with Washington DC officials who are staunchly refusing to publish any
details - including any texts or emails - citing the Duke of Sussex's 'privacy'.

In Spare and the TV blitz that followed, Harry admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. He said marijuana and
psychedelics 'really helped' with his 'trauma' while cocaine was more a 'social thing'.

The Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand whether
Harry declared his drug use. US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation
and being barred from applying for citizenship.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

Experts have insisted US visa applications would usually be thrown out if there is any history of drug use. The Heritage
Foundation says if border officials did know, Harry's case raises questions over whether he was given special treatment because
he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.
Can drug users be banned from visiting the United States?
US officials can stop foreigners who have committed drugs offences entering the country even if they have never been arrested
and charged by police.

Under US rules, suspected drug abusers applying for a visa may be required to answer additional medical history questions
and also take a medical exam to prove that they are not still a drug abuser before being allowed to enter the country.

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So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

In high profile cases where celebrities who are known to have taken drugs want to come to America, they have been invited
into the US embassy in London to take a drugs test.

Pete Doherty was famously banned from the US due to drug-related arrests.

In 2014 chef Nigella Lawson was banned from flying to the US because she confessed to taking drugs.

MailOnline has approached representatives for Prince Harry for comment.

A US State Department spokesman said: 'Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality
Act (INA); therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases'.

In his autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few more
lines' on other occasions.

He also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He also spoke about his 'positive' experience of psychedelic drug ayahuasca saying it 'brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time'.

The duke, 38, made the comments in an interview with therapist Dr Gabor Maté,an outspoken supporter of decriminalising
drugs who has allegedly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca to treat patients suffering from mental illness.

Harry told him: '(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I
think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.

'Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.'

Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, who launched a drugs education charity in her son Daniel's name after he died of an accidental MDMA
overdose aged 16, said the duke's comments were 'concerning'.

It has long been speculated that Harry could be working in the US on a fast track visa handed to people with 'extraordinary
ability' - known as a O-1 visa. The O-1, also used by Canadian singer Justin Bieber and Australian actor Hugh Jackman, last
for three years, meaning that Harry's renewal could be due with weeks.

Following the release of Spare in January, where the exiled royal revealed regular drug use, immigration experts warned he
may have put his visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug use.

And today MailOnline can reveal that The Heritage Foundation, which took a leading role in the conservative movement during
the presidency of Ronald Reagan and had a major influence on Donald Trump's administration, has asked for the release of his
visa application demanding to know if Harry was 'properly vetted' before coming to America.

They also want to know if he admitted to officials that he took drugs, which immigration experts note meant he should have
been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his narcotics usage during the application process.

The Heritage Foundation has also compiled a dossier of evidence, including Harry's own admissions in his memoir and various
TV interviews about taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms.

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So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

This has all been sent to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs/Border Protection and US Citizenship Immigration
Services to bolster their freedom of information request.

But US officials have so refused to release his visa application, citing 'privacy' concerns, but Mike Howell, director of the
Heritage Oversight Project, insists it is in the 'public interest' to know how Harry's case was handled and has appealed the

Mr Howell has also demanded to see any emails, texts, WhatsApps or other correspondence related to Harry's visa to ensure
public confidence in how it was handled.

He said: 'Harry's abuse of multiple illicit substances, including marijuana, cocaine, "magic mushrooms," and other psychedelic

'It is unclear at this juncture whether DHS complied with the law if, in admitting Prince Harry, did so without a waiver or any
interview with CBP to assess whether, given his history, he was admissible to the United States.

'As a result, this widespread media interest in Prince Henry's drug abuse inevitably raises possible questions regarding his
application for residency in the United States.

'Public confidence in the government would undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-
profile case.

'Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment that too would undermine public confidence in DHS, CPB, and
USCIS's application of equal justice under the law'.

Following the release of Spare, immigration experts warned The Duke of Sussex could be barred from the US and put his visa
'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug usage.

American authorities note entry into the country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis - and it is unclear if Harry, who moved to
California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa application.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. Any renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Prof Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said recently/

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the Duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 209 of 416
So how DID Prince Harry get a US visa? Campaigners..., 2023 WLNR 10233796

'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if he was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials have repeatedly declined to answer whether his admission of drug use would 'cause difficulties'
with his immigration status - or if he had detailed any drug use before.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesman said in January

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law.

'All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Oversight Project; US State Department; Department of Homeland Security; USCIS; US Customs/
Border Protection; US Citizenship Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1500

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 207 4
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 210 of 416
Stoned out of US?, 2023 WLNR 10365162

3/22/23 N.Y. Post 16

2023 WLNR 10365162

New York Post

Copyright 2009, The New York Post. All Rights Reserved

March 22, 2023

Section: Page Six

Stoned out of US?

BEST-selling author Prince Harry (above) may find himself in hot water for being too honest about his past drug use, a
legal expert tells Page Six, while others assert the British royal is in the clear. "An admission of drug use is usually grounds
for inadmissibility," former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told The Post's Eileen Reslen of Harry's status in the States.
"That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs" in his blockbuster memoir "Spare." But another legal expert, James Leonard, said, "I don't see any issue with the
disclosures . . . regarding recreational experimentation with drugs."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Language: EN

Edition: All Editions

Word Count: 109

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 208 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 211 of 416
Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after..., 2023 WLNR 10384567

3/22/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 10384567

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 22, 2023

Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after admission of drug abuse

Prince Harry revealed in his recent memoir, "Spare" and in several television interviews that he used cocaine, cannabis and
magic mushrooms in the past.

The Duke of Sussex's admission of drug use could threaten his US visa, warned a US lawyer, who insisted that there was "no
exception for royals", commented Daily Mail.

The media outlet further revealed yesterday that the duke now faces requests to have his US visa application published to see
if he admitted his drug use before emigrating to California with Meghan Markle in 2020.

The DC-based Heritage Foundation explained that his visa application must now be accessible so that the US taxpayer can
understand whether Harry declared his drug use.

U.S. immigration law has stiff penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and a ban on applying for

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Page Six that "Admission of drug use is generally grounds for inadmissibility.
That means Prince Harry's visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and
other drugs."

He added that "there is no exception for recreational use."

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said, "This request is in the public interest in light of
the possible revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions about the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States."

The media outlet commented that the Heritage Foundation says that if border officials knew, Harry's case raises questions
about whether he received special treatment because he is a prince and his wife is a TV star, which they insist would be illegal.

So far it is not known exactly what questions he was asked when he applied for his U.S. visa, because it is still unclear what
visa he received, Daily Mail commented. However, the question on the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization)
application that most U.K. tourists would use is, "Have you ever violated any laws relating to the possession, use or distribution
of illegal drugs?"

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 209 1
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Warning to Prince Harry: U.S. visa could be revoked after..., 2023 WLNR 10384567

A U.S. State Department spokesperson told the media outlet that "Visa records are confidential under Section 222(f) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); therefore, we are unable to discuss the details of individual visa cases."

It should be recalled that in "Spare," the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. He said
marijuana and psychedelics "really helped" with his "trauma," while cocaine was more of a "social thing."

"(Cocaine) didn't do anything for me, it was more of a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably
also made me feel different than how I felt, which was kind of spot on. Marijuana is different, that really helped me," he revealed
in an interview with therapist Dr. Gabor Maté, an outspoken supporter of drug decriminalization.

Prince Harry filed a libel suit against a British newspaper

Prince Harry admitted that marijuana was his salvation to overcome depressive episodes.

British Defense Minister criticized Prince Harry for revealing that he killed 25 Taliban: "He let his team down".

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. State Department; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (america); (realeza)

Word Count: 523

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 210 2
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Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms, 2023 WLNR 740104

1/7/23 Daily Mail 7

2023 WLNR 740104

Daily Mail (UK)

Copyright © 2023 Associated Newspapers Company

January 7, 2023

Section: News

Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms

Ryan Hooper

A PEDAL bin 'spoke' to Prince Harry in an hallucination during a drug binge in California, his book reveals.

He acknowledged that his memoirs contained 'surprising' revelations of drug use dating back to his teenage years.

The Duke of Sussex admitted trying cocaine for the first time aged 17 and also experimented with magic mushrooms and
cannabis at various stages in his life.

In one extract, the prince said that at a party he and a group of friends discovered a box of mushroom chocolates in a fridge
and decided to eat them before washing them down with tequila.

The 'trip' did not go as intended, however, and the duke ended up having a bizarre hallucination in the bathroom. Harry described
staring at a bin which, in his drug-induced state, took on human form.

It became a head and began to smile as Harry placed his foot on the pedal to lift the lid, according to the book.

The prince said he laughed and then went to the loo, at which point the toilet also became a head, with the hinges holding the
seat in place resembling silver eyes.

Elsewhere, Harry said he had taken cocaine during a shooting weekend by the summer of 2002, when he was 17, and did 'a few
more lines' on other occasions. He wrote that it was not a fun experience but he did feel 'different', which was his 'main goal'.

On another occasion, Harry told how he drank tequila, smoked weed and watched the computer-animated film Inside Out with
a friend after his first date with Meghan.

In another brief trailer for ITV's interview with the duke, due to be broadcast tomorrow, presenter Tom Bradby said: 'There's
a fair amount of drugs - marijuana, magic mushrooms, cocaine that's going to surprise people,' to which Harry responded:
'But important to acknowledge.'

Harry has spoken candidly in the past about his previous drug use, saying he was willing to take substances after the death
of his mother in 1997.

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Bin 'spoke' to him when he ate magic mushrooms, 2023 WLNR 740104

In 2002, Charles sent Harry to Featherstone Lodge, a drug rehabilitation clinic in Peckham, south London, after he admitted
smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol.

US officials confirmed allegations of drugtaking would not lead to California resident Harry being banned from entering

Under US law, foreign nationals who have admitted taking drugs can be turned away at the border and refused a visa.

But American immigration lawyer Christi Jackson told GB News that admissions of drug use in the pages of a book would
not be considered 'valid'.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Parents & Parenting (1PA25); Smoking
(1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Teenagers (1TE59))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ITV)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 420

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 212 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 215 of 416

1/9/23 Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) 8

2023 WLNR 871115

Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)

Copyright © 2023 MGN Ltd.

January 9, 2023

Section: News; Teasers


WORDS Wills livid but refusing to bite, say supporters


PRINCE William is said to be "burning" with anger over Prince Harry's decision to drive a wrecking ball through the Royal
Family with his memoir, Spare.

But he is also reportedly "anxious and sad" at being accused of bullying his brother and even physically attacking him.

Yet supporters insist William, 40, will refuse to engage in a war of words with his estranged sibling, despite the string of
incendiary allegations against their family.

Friends have reportedly branded Harry, 38, "cruel and cowardly" over his extraordinary claims, which include tales of fighting,
arguments and jealousy behind closed doors.

WILLIAM'Sitting as Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate FRIEND OF WILLIAM'S ON 'COWARDLY' HARRY

One friend of William's told The Sunday Times: "He won't retaliate, he never would, because he's dignified and loyal.

"William is a sitting duck because Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate. It's cruel, cowardly and so sad for William to keep
taking the punches."

Here, the Record examines the latest raft of astonishing stories to emerge from Harry's book and the fallout.

¦Spare, published by Penguin Random House, is available from tomorrow, RRP £28.

WILLIAM LUNGE 'LOOKING FOR A FIGHT' HARRY claims after flying back for the funeral of grandfather Prince Philip,
tensions raged in his family, saying: "My father and Willy had come looking for a fight.

"Every time I tried to offer a new explanation one of them would interrupt me.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 213 1
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"Willy, in particular, wouldn't see sense."

Harry also recounts how he accused William of "not lifting a finger" to help him when he and wife Meghan were "stripped of
everything" in their exit deal from the family.

And he claims William replied: "That was Granny! Take it up with Granny!"

Harry writes: "I waved a hand, disgusted, but he lunged, grabbed my shirt." He claims he then "pulled away" and "refused to
meet" William's gaze.

But he insists his brother "forced me to look into his eyes".

Harry claims his brother faced him, saying: "Listen to me, Harold, listen! I love you, Harold! I want you to be happy."


HARRY claims that William told him he believed he had been "brainwashed" by the therapist he was seeing.

The Duke of Sussex outlines the moment he alleges his older brother said he wanted to come along to one of his confidential
therapy sessions.

And Harry also accuses William of believing "I was unwell, which meant I was unwise" as he made plans to leave royal duties
and carve out a new life abroad.

Harry further states that he tried to patch up their relationship with a joint therapy session, telling William it would "be good
for you. Good for us". However, he claims that William did not take up the offer.


SPARE alleges there were heated arguments between Princess Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, and the Royal Family about
whether Harry, then 12, and William, then 15, should walk behind their mother's coffin at her funeral.

The Earl "flew into a rage" at the idea, calling it "a barbarity", Harry claims, recalling him saying: "You cannot force these
children to walk behind their mother's coffin." But Harry says he objected when someone suggested William follow the hearse
on his own, writing: "It didn't seem right that Willy would have such a hard time without me." Harry adds "it seemed a lot to
ask for two children", claiming: "Several adults were horrified."


FORMER allies of Harry are reportedly considering whether to go on record to quash some of his allegations.

And several once-loyal pals have branded some of the Prince's claims "b*****ks", according to The Sunday Times.

One former friend allegedly warned: "Loyalty works both ways." Harry's book contains a number of explosive revelations —
including details of a physical fight between the Duke of Sussex and Prince William.

And some sources have warned that the "outrageous disloyalty" Harry is showing is "strategically not clever".

They said: "You could have a f***ing field day with sh** on Harry."

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 214 2
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Harry's the first royal to openly criticise his uncle, Prince Andrew, over sexual abuse allegations. It came as he told of talks
with Meghan about security after they quit the UK. Harry'says there was an "obligation" to protect them and he didn't think
his taxpayerfunded service would be cut.

He writes: "Not in this climate of hate. And not after what happened to my mother. Also, not in the wake of my Uncle Andrew.

"Despite.. a shameful scandal, accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, no one had even suggested removing his security.
People have had plenty of reasons to complain about us, sex crimes weren't one."

Andrew has always denied the allegations.


HATE preacher Anjem Choudary said Harry'shown "his true colours" by claiming he killed 25 Taliban fighters while serving
as an Apache pilot in Afghanistan.

He said: "[This] tells us everything we need to know about the Royal Family and their thinking about Islam and Muslims. In
reality, the British Royal Family has along and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim lands, the usurpation of
its resources and the oppression of Muslims."

The cleric also issued a threat to troops stationed in Islamic nations, urging Muslims to target them in "Syria, Iraq and North
Africa where many British soldiers are deployed".


HARRY claims he wondered if he was adopted because of how calm the Queen was at Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002,
saying: "What struck me most was how little surprised she was.

"It wasn't that she didn't feel emotions. On the contrary, I always thought that Grandma felt all the normal emotions in a human

Only she knew how to control them better than the rest of the mortals.

"I stood at her side or behind her for most of the celebration and often the thought would come to my mind, 'If this doesn't faze
her, she really has earned her reputation for unflappable serenity.'

"In which case, maybe I'm adopted? Because I am a bundle of nerves'."


IT is feared that Harry's revelations about drug use could put his US visa at risk.

The Prince admits in his memoir that he has taken cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

Experts argue that he could have been denied residency in America if he had disclosed his drug use when applying. And he could
even have it revoked now if it is determined that he "lied" during the process, a leading authority on US immigration has argued.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 215 3
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Professor Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said: "He would have been asked
[about his drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied."


Harry's confirmed that he picked a close friend rather than his brother to be best man at his 2018 wedding to Meghan - after
claiming it was a "bare faced lie" that he was WILLIAM'S best man at his 2011 wedding to Kate.

Contrary to public knowledge, Harry'said he picked his "old friend" Charlie for the job. And he claimed that the Royal Family
lied again about who was really best man.

Harry'so suggested that William failed to attend a get-together for drinks he organised with friends at Coworth Park Hotel in
Ascot on the eve of his big day - because he may have been sulking at not being handed the best man role.

William is a sitting duck as Harry knows he isn't going to retaliate FRIEND OF WILLIAM'S ON 'COWARDLY' HARRY

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Islam (1IS02); Religion (1RE60); Sexual Misconduct & Crimes
(1SE01); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ING; British Royal Family; Penguin Random House)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 1274

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 216 4
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 219 of 416
Cannabis News Today, 2023 WLNR 1492513

1/13/23 News Americas News Network (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 1492513

News Americas News Network

Copyright (c) 2023 SyndiGate. All Rights Reserved.

January 13, 2023

Cannabis News Today


Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Jan. 13, 2023: Here are the cannabis headlines making marijuana news globally and
in the Caribbean and Latin America this week in less than 60 seconds:

Prince Harry has revealed he would 'roll a joint' at Tyler Perry's house while wife Meghan Markle and son Archie slept in
another room as they house-hunted for themselves. Harry, the Duke of Sussex, made the admission in his tell all book, 'Spare,'
in which he admitted to smoking weed, doing cocaine and also magic mushrooms.

The duke, then 36, said he rolled joints while staying at US actor Tyler Perry's home in Los Angeles in 2020, before settling
in nearby Montecito.

"Late at night, with everyone asleep, I'd walk the house, checking the doors and windows. Then I'd sit on the balcony or the
edge of the garden and roll a joint. The house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I'd listen to their
late-night song, smell the scented air," he states.

Cannabis was legalized for recreational use in California in 2016 but there is speculation his drug taking admission could put
his US visa at risk.

Former NBA players Al Harrington and Larry Hughes are teaming up once again, as they bring Harrington's cannabis business,
Viola Brands, to St. Louis. Los Angeles-based Viola will open two dispensaries this month.

The federal U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) held a public meeting on Thursday, where members voted to propose an
amendment to update sentencing guidelines to suggest that judges treat prior marijuana possession offenses more leniently.

Senators in the U.S. Virgin Islands have voted to legalize cannabis for adults, making the Caribbean territory the 21st jurisdiction
in the United States to end the prohibition on recreational marijuana.

A push to legalize recreational cannabis is now underway in Hawaii.

Indiana lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have made a push to legalize marijuana, but it is dependent on changes made at
the federal level first.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 217 1
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Cannabis News Today, 2023 WLNR 1492513

According to Facts & Factors, the global legal marijuana is anticipated to generate revenue worth over USD 97 Billion by the
end of 2026, representing a CAGR of around 28% between 2021 and 2026.

Meanwhile, the global Cannabidiol Oil (CBD Oil) Market is expected to at a CAGR of 38.90% during the forecast period. This
indicates that the market value, which was USD 9.86 Billion in 2022, would rocket up to USD 136.64 Billion by 2030.

And three Cannabis stocks to watch In 2023 are: Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR); Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF)
and Trulieve Cannabis (TCNNF).

© News Americas News Network and - All rights reserved Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc.
( ).

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal
Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42); Gardens & Gardening (1GA80))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Viola Brands; U.S. Sentencing Commission; Green Thumb Industries; Innovative Industrial Properties)

Word Count: 442

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 218 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 221 of 416
Drug history 'should have barred entry to America', 2023 WLNR 767706

1/8/23 Sunday Tel. 5

2023 WLNR 767706

Sunday Telegraph (UK)

Copyright © 2023 The Telegraph Group Limited, London

January 8, 2023

Section: News

Drug history 'should have barred entry to America'

THE Duke of Sussex should have been denied residency in America if he failed to disclose his drug use and could see it revoked
if he "lied", a leading US immigration expert has suggested.

Anyone seeking to settle either temporarily or permanently in the US must answer questions about their drug use.

Prince Harry extensively details his drug-taking in his tell-all memoir Spare.

Immigration lawyers The Sunday Telegraph spoke to confirmed the Duke of Sussex would have been required to detail that
history when he made the decision to permanently relocate to California with his wife Meghan in 2020.

"He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,"

said Prof Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic.

The law professor said it would be in Harry's "best interest" to acknowledge his illicit drug use, adding "otherwise, he's
perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He suggested the Duke may have been granted some discretion by immigration officials because of his status.

"If he was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could see the green card being
denied," Prof Benitez said.

If the Duke failed to declare it, Prof Benitez said: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked."

The Duke of Sussex was contacted for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 222 of 416
Drug history 'should have barred entry to America', 2023 WLNR 767706

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's; Immigration Clinic)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 241

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Drug stories 'US visa risk', 2023 WLNR 864670

1/9/23 Express (UK) 6

2023 WLNR 864670

Express (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Daily Express

January 9, 2023

Section: News

Drug stories 'US visa risk'

Giles Sheldrick

ADMITTING to extensive drug use could get Prince Harry's US visa revoked, it is claimed.

The Duke of Sussex, who details his past use of magic mushrooms, cocaine and marijuana in his book, said in his TV interview
that doing so is "important to acknowledge".

But rules state a person's "current and/or past actions", including drug use, may make them ineligible for a US visa.

US immigration expert Professor Alberto Benítez said: "If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied [a visa]."

The US State Department said applications are judged on a "case-by-case basis".

If Harry holds a spousal visa through his marriage, it usually lasts three years.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues (1SO05))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department)

Edition: 01

Word Count: 115

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Drug stories 'US visa risk', 2023 WLNR 864670

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 222 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 225 of 416
Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in..., 2023 WLNR 900857

1/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 900857

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in countdown to Duke's memoir
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their decision
to step down as senior working royals on January 8, 2020.

Lauren Welch

Three years on from their announcement, royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams has spoken exclusively to about the
Duke and Duchess of Sussex's strained relationship with the monarchy.

Related articles

Speaking of the monarchy, Mr Fitzwilliams said: "The monarchy has, with the exception of Cromwell's protectorate, lasted
over 1,000 years. [It] is an integral part of Britain's DNA."

He added: "The Sussexes would weaken it if they could. They have harmed it, even in Britain, especially among the young."

Despite no longer being a senior royal, Harry is still fifth in the royal line of succession.

Harry and Meghan's two children, Archie and Lilibet, are still sixth and seventh in line, as stated on the official monarchy

READ MORE: Prince Harry's claim William and Kate had hand in infamous Nazi outfit branded 'bull****'

Prince Harry asked why he and Meghan haven't renounced their Sussex titles 'Why not?'Sitting down with Anderson Cooper
on CBS on Sunday night, Prince Harry says that he "tried to [speak to his family] privately" before voicing his issues with the
world, but felt he was left with no choice but to go public.

As the controversial show aired, many were asking why the Duke and Meghan have not renounced their royal titles - and the
Prince had a definitive answer.

Read the full story here.

The royal expert claimed that the monarchy "lies in the hands" of Prince William, who is next in line to the throne, and his wife,
Kate, as well as their three children, who all fall before Harry in the line of succession.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 223 1
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Harry and Meghan 'would weaken monarchy if they could' in..., 2023 WLNR 900857

In their official departure statement, Harry and Meghan declared their wish to "make a transition" and to "carve out a progressive
new role" within the monarchy.

They wished to "become financially independent", whilst continuing to support the late Queen.

Following their departure, and completing their final engagement in March 2020, the couple signed a multi-million dollar deal
with the popular streaming service, Netflix.


Harry's royal revelations baffle Montecito neighbours [LATEST]Prince Harry wanted to cancel tell-all book after visiting
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The couple released their two-part Netflix series, titled Harry and Meghan, in December 2022.

Prince Harry is due to release his bombshell memoir on January 10, 2023.

His memoir, Spare, is set to include a series of bombshell claims, some of which have already been revealed in the past few days.

Earlier this week, copies of Spare were spotted in stores in Spain. Harry's memoir was originally scheduled for release in
late 2022.

Related articles Harry The Interview airs on ITV tonight and here are all the details Harry's friends come out fighting for
Duke after Taliban kill claim Meghan Markle warned Americans turning on her over 'endless whining' Prince Harry's drug
admissions in book could put US visa at risk Harry and Meghan won't regain UK support, expert claims

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Equity Instruments (1EQ90); Funding Instruments (1FU41); Health & Family (1HE30); Market Financials
(1FI61); Stock Markets (1ST45))

Industry: (Construction (1CO11); Financial Services (1FI37); Investment Management (1IN34); Securities Investment (1SE57);
Stocks (1EQ09); Tools (1TO28))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 487

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 224 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 227 of 416
I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus, 2023 WLNR 1193412

1/11/23 Metro (U.K.) 3

2023 WLNR 1193412

Metro (UK)
Copyright © 2023 Associated Newspapers Company

January 11, 2023

Section: News

I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus

PRINCE Harry was still smoking cannabis after relocating to the US with his family two and a half years ago, he reveals in
his book.

The duke, then 36, said he rolled joints while staying at US actor Tyler Perry's home in Los Angeles in 2020, before settling
in nearby Montecito.

In book Spare, released in the UK yesterday, he writes: 'Late at night, with everyone asleep, I'd walk the house, checking the
doors and windows. Then I'd sit on the balcony or the edge of the garden and roll a joint.

'The house looked down onto a valley, across a hillside thick with frogs. I'd listen to their late-night song, smell the scented air.'

Cannabis was legalised for recreational use in California in 2016 but there is speculation Harry's drug taking admission could
put his US visa at risk. The 38-yearold also admits in Spare he took cocaine at the age of 17 and once hallucinated on magic
mushrooms at a celebrity party in California.

When quizzed about the royal's visa and drug use, the US state department said: 'All applications are adjudicated on a case-
by-case basis. Visa records are confidential under US law: therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual cases.'

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42); Celebrities (1CE65);
Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 205

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I smoked pot at 36... listening to the frog chorus, 2023 WLNR 1193412

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Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

3/8/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 8, 2023

Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use


Prince Harry , in his need to talk about his mental health, confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs , such as marijuana
and cocaine , during a talk that was broadcast live with controversial physician Gabor Mate for the program "The Myth of
Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture."

"I started doing it recreationally and then realized how good it was for me," recounted Henry, Duke of Sussex.

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However, these statements that caused astonishment to more than one could cause him problems with the U .S. government,
since if the son of Charles III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his permission
to live in California .

According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, visa applicants "who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts
are inadmissible."

"(Authorities) frown upon drug use by non-U.S. citizens," Piers Morgan said. "Another compelling reason why we don't want
them at the King's coronation, as we could end up keeping them forever," he added referring to Harry and Meghan.

Australia's "Sky News" recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned from taking a flight to the United States
after confessing to cocaine use during a trial. Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after an appeal.

Harry and Meghan have already received the official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III next May 6 and it was via
email. The couple has not yet decided whether they will attend the royal family event or decline the invitation.

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---- Index References ----

Company: US Citizenship and Immigration Services; United States of America

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Prince Harry at risk of losing his visa for drug use

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49); Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; U .S. government) (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (Entretenimiento)

Word Count: 307

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 231 of 416
Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

1/8/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 786025

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 8, 2023

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put

visa 'at risk' after his admission he has taken drugs

Natasha Anderson For Mailonline

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug usage, immigration
experts have warned.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking hallucinogenic mushrooms in his upcoming

Prince Harry could be barred from the US after he admitted to taking drugs He confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis
and taking mushrooms Typical visa applicants would be denied over their history with illicit substances

Typical applicants would be denied a visa over their history with illegal substances, but US authorities note entry into the
country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis.

It is unclear if Harry, who moved to California with his wife Meghan Markle in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa
application. Immigration experts warn that if he 'lied' about his past, the Duke could have his visa revoked.

In his new autobiography 'Spare', Harry revealed that he first took cocaine on a shooting weekend at age 17. He did a 'few
more lines' on other occasions.

The one hard-partier also admitted to hallucinating during a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his
first date with Meghan.

Most applicants with a history of drug use would be denied American visas, however immigration decisions are made on a
'case-by-case' basis, The Sunday Times reported.

US immigration rules state an individual's 'current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities . . . may make the
applicant ineligible for a visa'.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American
wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 229 1
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Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

If Harry holds an O-1 visa, which is often given to celebrities and athletes, it would have to be renewed after three years.

The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. His renewal application could
be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs.
Prince Harry was allowed to leave his RAF base when drugs testers turned up: Click here to read more
Immigration experts, however, note Harry should have been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his drug usage
during the application process.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug
history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Prof Alberto
Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, told The Telegraph.

The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US
government document'.

He claimed honesty would have been in the Duke's 'best interest' and noted he may have received discretion from immigration
officials because of his royal status.

'If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied,' Prof Benitez added.

US State Department officials declined to answer the newspaper's query about whether or not his admission of drug use would
'cause difficulties' with his immigration status.

'Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. We cannot speculate
on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa,' a spokesperson told the Times.

'Whenever an individual applies for a US visa, a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the
applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law.'

The spokesperson added: 'All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.'

MailOnline has approached representatives for Harry and the US State Department for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

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Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa..., 2023 WLNR 786025

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 617

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 234 of 416
Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took..., 2023 WLNR 846287

1/9/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 846287

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took cocaine and magic mushrooms
There are countless examples of people being refused entry or a visa to the
United States due to admissions of past illegal drug use, but is has ye...

By, George Mathias

There are countless examples of people being refused entry or a visa to the United States due to admissions of past illegal drug
use, but is has yet to happen to a Prince

Prince Harry could be banned from the States after admitting he took drugs, immigration experts have warned.

Harry, 38, could have his visa revoked after he confessed to snorting cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking magic mushrooms.

He has been living in California since quitting the UK in early 2020.

READ MORE: Harry's claim William and Kate 'laughed at' his Nazi outfit branded 'bullsht'

But according to an expert the revelations in his book Spare would be enough to get the average immigrant turned down –
especially if he lied on his visa application.

Expert Alberto Benítez revealed: "He would have been asked [about drugs]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have
been denied."

The professor, who is director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, said failing to declare his drug use would
have meant "perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He added: "If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny
and I could certainly see the green card being denied."

US immigration rules state that "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities" could make an applicant
"ineligible for a visa".

However, decisions are made on a "case-by-case" basis.

The Duke of Sussex has dominated global headlines this week thanks to the early release of his new memoir Spare.

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Prince Harry 'could be booted out US' after saying he took..., 2023 WLNR 846287

The book was due to officially go on sale this week, but copies began being sold early in Spain, leading to a scramble for the
most juicy details.

Among the most shocking claims from the book are that William physically assaulted his younger brother.

Harry also revealed he lost his virginity to an older woman in a field, sparking speculation over who the mystery woman is.


Prince Harry's biggest controversies -rehab visit, race row and Nazi uniform scandal Prince Harry's famous exes -Kate
Middleton's pal, lingerie model and pop star flings Caroline Flack's pals praise 'charming' Harry as he details romance with
late star

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); Steroids (1ST76))

Industry: (Book Publishing (1BO18); Books (1BO26); Publishing (1PU26); Traditional Media (1TR30))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's; Immigration Clinic) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 333

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 233 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 236 of 416
Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

3/7/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8409499

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting taking cocaine and psychedelics
The Duke of Sussex told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he had previously done
cocaine which 'did nothing' for him, but that smoking cannabis and taking ps...

By, Susie Beever

The Duke of Sussex told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he had previously done cocaine which 'did nothing' for him, but that smoking
cannabis and taking psychedelics had helped his mental health

Prince Harry's US visa could be revoked after his claims that weed and psychedelics were a "fundamental" part of his life.

The royal told therapist Dr Gabor Mate he began using weed and ayahuasca -a psychoactive drink -to help cope with trauma
from his past.

His admission came as part of an interview for Dr Mate's The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culturen
which he claimed: "I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me."

But according to some, US immigration officials take a Draconian stance when it comes to non-Americans using drugs in
the country.

According to Piers Morgan, the Duke of Sussex may have jeopardised his stay by admitting his drug use for health reasons.

The talk show host, who makes no secret of his cynicism over Harry and Meghan's claims, said: "Harry has barely finished
the global family trashing tour in support of his treacherous family trashing memoir, inevitably he's decided the world hasn't
heard quite enough from him

"So Harry's latest wheeze is a live therapy session with Dr Gabor Mate – a famed trauma expert – in which he reminded us
again that he, Harry, is the world's biggest victim."

Harry told Dr Mate that low-level recreational drug use had become a "fundamental part" of his life that "helped me deal with
the traumas and the pains of the past".

In his memoir Spare, he wrote that he would smoke cannabis while living at Nottingham Cottage in 2015.

He also told Dr Mate in the show, which screened on Saturday, that cocaine "did nothing" for him.

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Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

"It was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably also made me feel different to the
way I was feeling, which was kind of the point.

"Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me."

South American entheogenic brewed drink ayahuasca, the royal claimed, was like "cleaning the windscreen" of the many filters
from life.

"It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for
a period of time.

"I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains
of the past."

Cannabis is legal in California, where Prince Harry currently resides, and while ayahuasca is permitted for religious use only
in the States, certain cities have opted to decriminalise it.

Travelling into the US while carrying the substances however may be illegal, as cannabis for medical use is not regulated by
the FDA.

In some instances in the past, however, British nationals like Harry have been barred from entering the US over drugs
controversies -in 2014, Nigella Lawson was stopped from getting on a US-bound flight following her admission during an
unrelated trial she had previously taken cocaine.

Piers Morgan continued that Harry should avoid boarding a plane to the UK for the King's coronation in May if he doesn't want
to risk getting stuck on the way home.

"Another compelling reason why we don't want them at the king's coronation," said the controversial host.

"We might end up being stuck with them for good."

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Health & Wellness (1HE60); Smoking
(1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (FDA) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 605

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Prince Harry could have US visa REVOKED after admitting..., 2023 WLNR 8409499

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 239 of 416
Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking..., 2023 WLNR 830372

1/8/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 830372

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 8, 2023

Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking cocaine and magic mushrooms
The Duke of Sussex's shock revelation in his Spare
memoir could see him miss out on extending his visa

By, Sean McPolin

Prince Harry 's shock cocaine and magic mushrooms admission could put his US visa at risk.

The Duke of Sussex, who moved to the US in 2020, admitted taking drugs in leaked extracts from his upcoming Spare memoir.

Entry to the States is granted on a "case-by-case" basis with rules stating an individuals "current or past actions, such as drug
or criminal activities" could cause the applicant to be ineligible for a visa.

The 38-year-old has revealed he took cocaine when he was 17 and on a shooting weekend and had done "a few more lines"
on other occasions.

He has also taken magic mushrooms at a celebrity party in California, which caused him to hallucinate, as well as admitting to
smoking cannabis after his first date with Meghan Markle in London back in 2016.

It's unknown what visa Prince Harry has, with most suggesting it would most likely be a spousal visa due to the Duchess of
Sussex's US citizenship.

But the prince may have been granted special dispensation for people with "extraordinary ability".

This so-called O-1 visa — often given to film stars and top athletes — lasts for three years which would mean Harry might
need to seek an extension or a new visa soon.

Last night the US State Department said: "All visa applications are adjudicated on a case-by-case basis.

"Visa records are confidential under US law; therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.

"We cannot speculate on whether someone may or may not be eligible for a visa. Whenever an individual applies for a US visa,
a consular officer reviews the facts of the case and determines whether the applicant is eligible for that visa based on US law."

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Prince Harry could lose his US visa after admitting taking..., 2023 WLNR 830372

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Embassies & Consulates (1EM50); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization
(1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Banking (1BA20); Credit, Debit & Value Cards (1CR28); Financial Services (1FI37); Retail Banking Services

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US State Department) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 292

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 238 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 241 of 416
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

1/7/23 Telegraph Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 762323

Telegraph Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 7, 2023

Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over drug use revealed in memoir
Immigration lawyers confirm the Duke would have been required to
detail his drug history when he permanently relocated to California

Rozina Sabur, Washington Editor

Prince Harry should have been denied residency in America if he failed to disclose his drug use and could see it revoked if
he "lied", a leading US immigration expert has suggested.

Anyone seeking to settle either temporarily or permanently in the US must answer questions about their history of drug use
when applying for a visa or permanent residency.

Harry extensively detailed his drug taking in his tell-all memoir Spare, claiming that psychedelic drugs allowed him to see
"the truth".

Immigration lawyers The Telegraph spoke with confirmed the Duke of Sussex would have been required to detail that history
when he made the decision to permanently relocate to California. The Duke moved to the ultra-wealthy Californian enclave
of Montecito with his wife Meghan in early 2020.

"He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied," said Prof Alberto
Benítez, the director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic.
Acknowledging drug use 'in Harry's best interest'
The law professor said it would be in Harry's "best interest" to acknowledge his illicit drug use, adding "otherwise, he's
perjuring himself on an official US government document".

He suggested the Duke may have been granted some discretion by immigration officials because of his Royal status.

"If he wasn't Prince Harry, if was 'Fred Jones' and he had this kind of a background, he'd have a lot more scrutiny and I could
certainly see the green card being denied," Prof Benitez said.

If the Duke failed to declare it, Prof Benitez said: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked,
or he'll be subject to being revoked because he lied in the application process."

Prof Benitez, who includes the Duke as a case study in one of his law classes, said it was most likely Harry is residing in the
US on a Green Card.

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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

He said the easiest route for the Duke to gain a Green Card would be through his wife, who is a US citizen.

Applicants for a Green Card, usually granted to foreigners who are permanent residents in the country, are also required to
undergo a medical examination.

The application form includes an extensive list of questions including an applicant's criminal history and even asking about
any potential involvement in the Nazi Party.

Similar questions are posed to applicants for visas, including tourists applying for visa waivers.

Another immigration lawyer, Chrissie Fernandez, tempered speculation over the legal jeopardies Harry's drug use posed.

"In theory, if Prince Harry ever possessed any illicit substances, even if he was not arrested, he would have been required to
disclose that," she told The Telegraph.

However Ms Fernandez suggested that US officials will only ban applicants based on drug use in "very limited circumstances".

She added: "As it relates to past drug use without a conviction, it's unlikely to cause a real problem for him.

"It's unlikely that his case would be reopened if immigration authorities were to hear that he previously, years ago, used drugs...
So unless he talked about using drugs quite recently, it's unlikely to have affected his getting immigrant status in the US."

In Spare, Harry writes that he took psychedelics both for fun and therapeutically over the years, smoking cannabis in his garden
at Kensington Palace and at Eton.

He admits he took cocaine as a teenager and magic mushrooms in California in 2016.

The Duke of Sussex was contacted for comment.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Drug Approval Process (1DR91); Drug Discovery & Development Process (1DR41); Pharmaceuticals (1PH33);
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13); Pharmaceuticals Research & Development (1PH57))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University's Immigration Clinic; Nazi Party) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 582

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 762323

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 244 of 416
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

1/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 880255

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over Megxit memoir drug revelations
Prince Harry's Megxit memoir 'Spare' will hit the shelves on January 10.

Jack Walters

Prince Harry should have been denied residency in the United States after he failed to disclose his drug use which was
referenced in his upcoming Megxit memoir, an American immigration expert has suggested. The Duke of Sussex, 38, was
quizzed on his drug use during an interview with CBS' Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes.

Related articles

Harry said: "I would never recommend people to do this recreationally.

"But doing it with the right people if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a
way of working as a medicine."

During his memoir 'Spare', which will be released on January 10, the father-of-two admitted to smoking cannabis, using cocaine
and resorting to psychedelics.

Professor Alberto Ben&iacute;tez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, told the Telegraph: "He
would have been asked [about drug use].

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King poised to punish Harry and Meghan with 'nuclear option'The Royal Family has declined to comment on claims made in
Prince Harry's book spare, but royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams warned they may be forced to act sooner rather than later.

Condemning the "sheer outrageousness of the claims and the malign nature of the memoir", revealed King Charles' options
should he decide the "strategy of silence" is unsustainable.

Read the full analysis here.

"If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied."

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 245 of 416
Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

If the Duke failed to declare it, he added: "One of the repercussions, whatever visa he has, is that it would be revoked, or he'll
be subject to being revoked because he lied in the application process."

However, Professor Benitez speculated Prince Harry is residing in the United States on a Green Card.

A Green Card would be obtained by the Duke through his wife.

READ MORE: Prince Harry says people are 'infuriated' and 'embarrassed' at his 'peace' in the US

Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles and is an American citizen.

Applicants for a Green Card are also obliged to undergo a medical examination.

Applicants must also address questions such as criminal history and involvement in extreme organisations, including Nazi

Immigration lawyer Chrissie Fernandez also addressed concerns about Harry's drug use.

DON'T MISS: Dan Wootton slams Prince Harry 'interview' claiming royal 'chose BFF' [REVEAL]Duke set for explosive 60
Minutes with Anderson Cooper [INSIGHT]Harry claims William argued about wedding beard for A WEEK [SPOTLIGHT]

She told the broadsheet: "In theory, if Prince Harry ever possessed any illicit substances, even if he was not arrested, he would
have been required to disclose that."

However, Fernandez added: "As it relates to past drug use without a conviction, it's unlikely to cause a real problem for him." has approached the Duke of Sussex for comment.

Related articles Prince Harry tells of private moment with the Queen after her death Harry and William wanted to reopen
Diana's inquest Harry thanks Jeremy Clarkson for 'proving our point' Charles was never meant for fatherhood 'but he tried'
Harry 'wants to live in North Korea' amid attitude to the Press

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade
(1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (George Washington University) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 524

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 243 2
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Prince Harry 'should have been denied US residency' over..., 2023 WLNR 880255

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 244 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 247 of 416

1/10/23 Herald-Sun (Melbourne) 10

2023 WLNR 864391

Herald Sun (Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

January 10, 2023

Section: News



PRINCE Harry has accused his stepmother of sacrificing him on her "personal PR altar", criticised his father's parenting and
revealed Prince William and Catherine never liked his wife Meghan.

Kicking off the publicity tour for his explosive memoir, the Duke of Sussex also revealed it took him a decade to accept Princess
Diana was dead, a period in which his brother pretended not to know him at school before he later resorted to psychedelic
drug treatment.

In his latest salvo at the royal family, Harry also hit out at their "unconscious bias", claimed he was left off the plane to see
the dying Queen and laid bare his violent confrontation with his brother.

Appearing on British and US TV, the Prince said he had no intention of hurting the House of Windsor, although he acknowledged
he would never return to a full-time royal role.

The royals have been rocked by a drip-feed of revelations from Harry's memoir Spare, which will go on sale in Australia on

But the saga was inflamed when he spoke out in raw interviews with British ITV journalist Tom Bradby and America's Anderson
Cooper on 60 Minutes.

In his sharpest comments, he said Queen Consort Camilla was "dangerous" in the wake of his mother's death because she was
determined to boost her profile in the press and pave the way for her marriage to the future King.

"She was the villain – she was the third person in the marriage," Harry said. "She needed to rehabilitate her image … With
her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street." He also questioned whether
Charles had the "patience" and "time" for parenthood, adding that he was "never made" to be a single parent.

Harry said he and William believed Diana's death was "all part of a plan", and they expected she would eventually call them
so they could be reunited.

"I just refused to accept that she was gone," he said.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 245 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 248 of 416

It took him a decade to admit the truth after he looked at photos of the tragic crash for "proof" and traced her final route in Paris,
although his doubts made him consider pushing to reopen an inquest on her.

Later, Harry turned to psychedelic drugs with the help of medical professionals, saying they "cleared the windshield" as he
struggled to comprehend his grief.

Revelations in Spare about his use of cocaine and cannabis already sparked speculation about whether his US visa could be
affected, given rules stating that a person's "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities … may make the
applicant ineligible".

In the interviews, Harry also accused his brother and sister-in-law of "stereotyping" his wife as a "divorced, bi-racial American
actress", although he admitted he was "probably bigoted" before meeting Meghan.

He said the foursome never got along – despite William and Catherine being fans of Meghan's TV show Suits – as he claimed
they never expected him to find "someone like Meghan who had a very successful career".

"A large part of it for the family, but also the British press and numerous other people, is like: 'He's changed, she must be a
witch' … As opposed to yeah, I did change, and I'm really glad I changed," Harry said.

"Rather than getting drunk, falling out of clubs, taking drugs, I'd now found the love of my life." Tensions between the brothers
over Meghan exploded at the Duke's Kensington Palace cottage, where they shouted at each other before Harry said William
"snapped" and pushed him to the ground.

He said William later apologised and asked him to keep the fight a secret, which Harry intended to do until Meghan saw a
cut on his back.

At the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral, Harry said William invoked their "secret code" by saying he swore on "mummy's life"
that he wanted him to be happy.

"It stopped me cold. I didn't believe him," he said.

The Prince denied saying his family was racist – after Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that an unnamed relative made
"troubling comments" about the skin colour of their son Archie – but suggested they were guilty of "unconscious bias".

He also accused other relatives of "getting in bed with the devil" by leaking to the press against him and Meghan.

The Duke of Sussex said he had recently lost contact with his brother and father, having been particularly upset that a plane
carrying members of the royal family to farewell the Queen at Balmoral left without him.

While Harry said he believed the rift could be healed, he said "the ball is very much in their court".

"I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back," he said. "At the moment, I don't recognise them,
as much as they probably don't recognise me."

FAMILY 'LIES' "None of anything that I've written, anything that I've included is ever intended to hurt my family. But it does
give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one who
destroyed the relationship between these two brothers." DENIES CALLING THE ROYALS RACIST, BUT SAY THERE IS

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 246 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 249 of 416

'UNCONSCIOUS BIAS' "There were comments of concern by the palace made about what our kids were going to look like.
They need to make that right." ON HIS FATHER'S PARENTING AFTER DIANA DIED "He'd always given an air of not being
quite ready for parenthood: the responsibilities, the patience, the time … But single parenthood? Pa was never made for that. To
be fair, he tried." ON HIS COMMENTS ABOUT FAMILY IN HIS BOOK "There's no part of any of the things that I've said
(that) are scathing towards any member of my family, especially not my stepmother." ON HIS LIFE NOW "I'm very, very happy,
I'm very at peace. I am in a better place than I've ever been, and I think that probably angers some people, infuriates others."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Edition: HeraldSun

Word Count: 1040

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 247 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 250 of 416

1/10/23 Courier-Mail (Austl.) 10

2023 WLNR 931230

Courier Mail (Australia)

Copyright (c) 2023 News Corp Australia. All rights reserved.

January 10, 2023

Section: News



Exiled Harry takes aim at brother, father, Camilla and 'unconscious bias' PRINCE Harry has accused his stepmother of
sacrificing him on her "personal PR altar", criticised his father's parenting and revealed Prince William and Catherine never
liked his wife Meghan.

Kicking off the publicity tour for his explosive memoir, the Duke of Sussex also revealed it took him a decade to accept Princess
Diana was dead, a period in which his brother pretended not to know him at school before he later resorted to psychedelic
drug treatment.

In his latest salvo at the royal family, Harry also hit out at their "unconscious bias", claimed he was left off the plane to see
the dying Queen and laid bare his violent confrontation with his brother.

Appearing on British and US TV, the Prince said he had no intention of hurting the House of Windsor, although he acknowledged
he would never return to a full-time royal role.

The royals have been rocked by a drip-feed of revelations from Harry's memoir Spare, which will go on sale in Australia on

But the saga was inflamed when he spoke out in raw interviews with British ITV journalist Tom Bradby and America's Anderson
Cooper on 60 Minutes.

In his sharpest comments, he said Queen Consort Camilla was "dangerous" in the wake of his mother's death because she was
determined to boost her profile in the press and pave the way for her marriage to the future King.

"She was the villain – she was the third person in the marriage," Harry said. "She needed to rehabilitate her image … With
her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street." He also questioned whether
Charles had the "patience" and "time" for parenthood, adding that he was "never made" to be a single parent.

Harry said he and William believed Diana's death was "all part of a plan", and they expected she would eventually call them
so they could be reunited.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 248 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 251 of 416

"I just refused to accept that she was gone," he said.

It took him a decade to admit the truth after he looked at photos of the tragic crash for "proof" and traced her final route in Paris,
although his doubts made him consider pushing to reopen an inquest on her.

Later, Harry turned to psychedelic drugs with the help of medical professionals, saying they "cleared the windshield" as he
struggled to comprehend his grief.

Revelations in Spare about his use of cocaine and cannabis already sparked speculation about whether his US visa could be
affected, given rules stating that a person's "current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities … may make the
applicant ineligible".

In the interviews, Harry also accused his brother and sister-in-law of "stereotyping" his wife as a "divorced, bi-racial American
actress", although he admitted he was "probably bigoted" before meeting Meghan.

He said the foursome never got along – despite William and Catherine being fans of Meghan's TV show Suits – as he claimed
they never expected him to find "someone like Meghan who had a very successful career".

"A large part of it for the family, but also the British press and numerous other people, is like: 'He's changed, she must be a
witch' … As opposed to yeah, I did change, and I'm really glad I changed," Harry said.

"Rather than getting drunk, falling out of clubs, taking drugs, I'd now found the love of my life." Tensions between the brothers
over Meghan exploded at the Duke's Kensington Palace cottage, where they shouted at each other before Harry said William
"snapped" and pushed him to the ground.

He said William later apologised and asked him to keep the fight a secret, which Harry intended to do until Meghan saw a
cut on his back.

At the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral, Harry said William invoked their "secret code" by saying he swore on "mummy's life"
that he wanted him to be happy.

"It stopped me cold. I didn't believe him," he said.

The Prince denied saying his family was racist – after Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that an unnamed relative made
"troubling comments" about the skin colour of their son Archie – but suggested they were guilty of "unconscious bias".

He also accused other relatives of "getting in bed with the devil" by leaking to the press against him and Meghan.

The Duke of Sussex said he had recently lost contact with his brother and father, having been particularly upset that a plane
carrying members of the royal family to farewell the Queen at Balmoral left without him.

While Harry said he believed the rift could be healed, he said "the ball is very much in their court".

"I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back," he said. "At the moment, I don't recognise them,
as much as they probably don't recognise me."

FAMILY 'LIES' "None of anything that I've written, anything that I've included is ever intended to hurt my family. But it does
give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one who

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 249 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 252 of 416

destroyed the relationship between these two brothers." DENIES CALLING THE ROYALS RACIST, BUT SAYS THERE IS
'UNCONSCIOUS BIAS' "There were comments of concern by the palace made about what our kids were going to look like.
They need to make that right." ON HIS FATHER'S PARENTING AFTER DIANA DIED "He'd always given an air of not being
quite ready for parenthood: the responsibilities, the patience, the time … But single parenthood? Pa was never made for that. To
be fair, he tried." ON HIS COMMENTS ABOUT FAMILY IN HIS BOOK "There's no part of any of the things that I've said
(that) are scathing towards any member of my family, especially not my stepmother." ON HIS LIFE NOW "I'm very, very happy,
I'm very at peace. I am in a better place than I've ever been, and I think that probably angers some people, infuriates others."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (House of Windsor)

Edition: CourierMailCQ

Word Count: 1051

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 250 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 253 of 416
US drug ban fear, 2023 WLNR 866165

1/9/23 Daily Star 4

2023 WLNR 866165

Daily Star (UK)

Copyright © 2023 Daily Star

January 9, 2023

Section: News

US drug ban fear

THE shy man could be banned from the States after admitting he took drugs, immigration experts warned.

He could have his visa revoked after he confessed to using cocaine and cannabis.

He has been living in California since quitting the UK in early 2020.

Expert alberto Benítez revealed: "He would have been asked about drugs. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have
been denied."

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Steroids (1ST76))

Language: EN

Edition: 01

Word Count: 66

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 251 1
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 254 of 416
Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in..., 2023 WLNR 8852991

3/10/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8852991

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 10, 2023

Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in California? Prince

Harry reportedly in serious trouble after confessing to marijuana and co...

Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in California? Prince Harry reportedly in serious trouble after confessing
to marijuana and cocaine use

In his need to talk about his mental health, Prince Harry confessed that he used psychedelic and other drugs, such as marijuana
and cocaine, during a talk that was broadcast live with the controversial doctor Gabor Maté for the program "The Myth of
Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture".

However, these statements that caused astonishment to more than one could cause him problems with the U.S. government, since
if the son of King Charles III did not mention that in his past he used intoxicants, the authorities could revoke his permission
to live in California, as reported by El Informador.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Dr. Gabor Maté (@gabormatemd)

The legal problem Harry could face for drug use

"I started doing it recreationally and then I realized how good it was for me," said Harry, Duke of Sussex in the interview with
Dr. Gabor Maté, which was published a few days ago

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle christen daughter Lilibet in California; her godfather was African-American actor Tyler
Perry, who helped the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their move to California

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Dr. Gabor Maté (@gabormatemd)

According to U.S. citizenship and immigration services, visa applicants "who are determined to be drug abusers or addicts
are inadmissible."

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 255 of 416
Could U.S. authorities revoke his permission to live in..., 2023 WLNR 8852991

"(Authorities) frown on drug use by non-U.S. citizens," Piers Morgan said. "Another compelling reason why we don't want
them at the king's coronation, as we could end up staying with them forever," he added referring to Harry and Meghan.

"Sky News" of Australia recalled the time in 2014 when chef Nigella Lawson was banned from taking a flight to the United
States after confessing to cocaine use during a trial. Later, her case was subjected to analysis and she was given a pardon after
an appeal.

Harry and Meghan Markle already received the official invitation to the coronation of King Charles III next May 6 and it was
via email. The couple has not yet decided whether they will attend the royal family event or decline the invitation.(I)

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Prince Harry (@princeharryofengland)

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Princess of Wales would be upset with Camilla Parker for supporting her husband Prince William's relationship with Rose

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Keywords: (internacional)

Word Count: 399

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 253 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 256 of 416
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

1/11/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 822808

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 11, 2023

Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the warring royal brothers
hint 'favoured usher' Jack Mann really had the top job at his wedding.....

Charlotte Griffiths Editor At Large For The Mail On Sunday Eirian Jane Prosser For Mailonline

Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the warring royal brothers hint 'favoured usher' Jack Mann really had the top
job at his wedding... after Duke of Sussex claimed his role at Wills' and Kate's wedding was also just 'for show'

Prince Harry has claimed his role as best man for Prince William at the 2011 Royal Wedding was 'all for show' - sparking
accusations he had his own secret best man.

Harry claimed he was not William's 'real' best man and that it was 'all for show' He made the sensational claims about his
brother's wedding in his book Spare Sources have now said that there was also 'another best man' at Harry's wedding He had
several ushers on the day including his fellow polo-player Jack Mann

Friends of the warring brothers now suggest the Duke of Sussex may have employed the same strategy as his sibling for his
own wedding in 2018.

A source told The Mail on Sunday: 'There have long been rumours in Harry's circle that there was another best man, in secret.
William was the public-facing best man but not the sole best man, nor the true best man in Harry's eyes.'

Harry had several ushers on his big day, including his fellow polo-player Jack Mann and his closest friend Charlie van
Straubenzee, brother of Prince William's best friend Thomas.
Who is Jack Mann, Prince Harry's 'favoured usher'?
Prince Harry befriended Jack Mann at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

He is the son of Simon Mann, a SAS officer turned mercenary, who was jailed for five years for allegedly tried to overthrow
the government in Equatorial Guinea in 2004.

Harry's friend served with the British Arm for tours of Iraq and Afghanistan.

After leaving the army he worked in Libya as a country manager for a UK security company called Aegis Defence Services.

He went to create his own private security company in 2015 called Alma Risk.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 254 1
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Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

Some friends believe it was an usher who acted as best man.

According to one friend, Mr Mann has long been described by those close to him as Harry's favoured usher – or 'best man'.

He had previously been referred to as Harry's so-called 'deputy best man' by a source who attended a lunch with the Duke, Mr
van Straubenzee and his 'surrogate godfather' Mark Dyer in 2021 following Prince Phillip's funeral.

Mr Mann recently appeared in the fourth episode of the Sussexes' Netflix documentary series Harry & Meghan, which revealed
previously unseen pictures of their wedding receptions.

The Duke and Mr Mann, who became friends while at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, were pictured among a group
of men at Harry's wedding, as they partied at Frogmore House in Windsor Castle.

Last month, Mr Mann was detained by security officials before travelling to war-torn Libya, being questioned by Maltese police
who challenged his claim that he was on a mission to deliver medical training.

Maltese police later confirmed to the Mail that they 'spoke to the passengers for clarification of the proposed activities in Libya'
and that no further action was taken.

The former army member, said he and his colleagues, which included other former British soldiers, had been stopped at an
airport in Malta, a Mediterranean Island around 223 miles north of Libya.

Mr Mann confirmed: 'We did not continue the journey from Malta [to Libya] on the advice of Maltese immigration to rectify
our paperwork before travelling onwards.

'The issue was resolved within five days and the United Nations has confirmed there was no breach of sanctions.

'They [Alma Risk] are free to deliver the training.

'I have visited Libya previously in my role as a private security consultant. '

Prince Harry's friend is also the son of SAS officer turned mercenary Simon Mann, whose alleged bid to overthrow the
government of Equatorial Guinea in 2004 led to a five-year stint behind bars.

Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, admitted unwittingly being a financier behind the
attempted coup. He said he was misled by its organisers.

Mr Mann, who is newly engaged, hosted the Duchess of Sussex for dinner parties at his West London home during the early
days of her courtship with Harry.

However, he is thought to have grown apart from Harry since the wedding. In Spare, the Prince explains that appearances can
be deceptive at Royal weddings, revealing that it was a 'barefaced lie' that he was William's best man.
Military veterans warn Invictus Games is at 'risk of terror attack' after Harry's revealed he killed 25 Taliban fighters
in Afghanistan: Click here to read more
He said his brother's close friends James Meade and Thomas Van Straubenzee actually gave the traditional speech at the

He said: 'Willy didn't want me giving a best man's speech.'

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 255 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 258 of 416
Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

At Harry's wedding, Meghan broke tradition by giving a fairy-tale-themed speech of her own, but it has never been reported
that Prince William spoke at length – and if he did, Harry does not describe him doing so in Spare.

Instead, he says his brother ruined the seating plan at the evening dinner by swapping place cards on his table so that couples
were seated apart, in the English tradition.

It was Meghan's preference that couples should be seated together.

Harry also explains that William did not want to spend time with him the night before the ceremony and only attended a pre-
wedding ushers' dinner after the Queen intervened. Last night, Mr Mann said: 'I'm not going to comment on anything to do
with this.'

Mr Mann served with the British Army in Iraq and Afghanistan before setting up a private security company in 2015 called
Alma Risk.

Prior to this he worked in Libya as a country manager for a different UK security company, Aegis Defence Services.

Alma Risk's website says the company offers a 'diverse range of security and risk management services to corporate and private

In other claims amid the 557 pages of the memoir, the Prince told of how William was 'tipsy on last night's rum' just hours
before he married Kate, while greeting members of the public who had gathered on the Mall by Buckingham Palace.
Prince Harry reveals he took cocaine a 'few times' aged 17 after first being 'offered a line'
Harry recalls that he said to his brother 'you smell of alcohol' before handing him mints as he lowered the window of the car.

The remarks come amid his deeply personal war of words with William - who he accused of pushing him over onto a dog bowl
during a blazing row at Nottingham Cottage in 2019.

The fight allegedly broke out after William called Meghan 'difficult', 'rude' and 'abrasive'.

In another alleged fight Harry claimed his brother 'lunged' at him and 'grabbed his shirt twice' in front of King Charles during
a row over Harry and Meghan's explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Harry said William used a secret code phrase about their mother Princess Diana during the fight following Prince Phillip's

The California-based royal said Prince William was 'really steaming' and grasped at him as he tried to walk away from the fight.

Harry claimed at the time he had been trying to address bullying allegations made by Meghan but said his father and brother
'weren't listening'.

William allegedly 'grabbed him again' as he tried to walk away and 'twisted him' so they could maintain eye contact.

It was then that William said their 'secret code' swearing on Princess Diana's life that his intentions were genuine.

He writes that William said: 'Harold, you must listen to me! I just want you to be happy, Harold. I swear I swear on Mummy's life.'

Harry continued: 'He stopped. I stopped. Pa stopped. He'd gone there.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 256 3
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Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

'He'd used the secret code, the universal password. Ever since we were boys those three words were to be used only in times
of extreme crisis.'

The Duke claimed his brother 'wasn't quite ready to accept defeat' and claimed to be 'properly sick and ill' over the tensions
between the pair.

William allegedly reiterated: 'I swear to you now on Mummy's life that I just want you to be happy'.

Harry has talked openly of wanting to reconcile with his father and his sibling, despite his extraordinary claims plunging the
Royal Family into its worst crisis since the death of his mother in 1997.


EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's polo chum detained at airport in war-torn Libya after Maltese police challenged claim he was
on mission to deliver medical training

Prince William 'lunged at Harry, grabbed his shirt and used shocking secret code phrase about Diana' during row over Oprah
Winfrey interview as the pair tried to hold peace talks in front of Charles moments after Prince Philip's funeral

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put visa 'at risk' after his admission he has taken drugs
Who does Prince Harry claim Prince William's best men were in 2011?
Prince Harry has claimed in his extraordinary memoir, Spare, that hew as forced to go along with Prince William's 'bare face
lie' that he was meant to be his best man at his wedding in 2011.

He said the alleged ongoing rift between the pair meant 'Willy didn't want me giving a best man's speech'.

Instead, Harry claimed that the best man speech was given to Prince William's two closest friends, James Meade and Thomas
Van Straubenzee.

Who is James Meade?

James Meade went to Eton with Prince William, and is the son of Olympic gold medalist equestrian Richard Meade.

Mr Meade also became close with the Princess of Wales, whom he even accompanied to the Badminton Horse Trials after her
brief split from William in May 2007.

He and his wife Lady Laura Marsham, daughter of the 8th Earl of Romney, are both godparents to Princess Charlotte.

The couple have been married since 2013, when William was an usher at their wedding.

Meade reportedly used to take the Prince drinking at the Cuckoo Club in Piccadilly in their youth, where he reportedly always
encouraged the royal heir to hit the dance floor.

Who is Thomas Van Straubenzee?

Thomas Van Straubenzee has been friends with both William and Harry for many years, dating all the way back to when they
attend Ludgrove prep school together.

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Did Harry have a secret best man too? Friends of the..., 2023 WLNR 822808

Van Straubenzee is the global head of the private office of estate agent Knight Frank, and accompanied the Prince to New
Zealand on his gap year.

He is also godfather to the Wales' daughter Princess Charlotte.

The businessman and property consultant, whose parents are Captain Alexander van Straubenzee and Claire Fenwick, used
to holiday with William in Cornwall when they were children, and, before his marriage to Charlotte's former teacher from St
Thomas's Battersea Lucy Lanigan-O'Keeffe, 32, in 2020, had a reputation for loving a night out.

The couple share a young son, Albert.

---- Index References ----

TRAINING UNIT KENYA; Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Commandant's Fund

News Subject: (Global Politics (1GL73); Health & Family (1HE30); Top World News (1WO62); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Africa (1AF90); Arab States (1AR46); Asia (1AS61); Central Africa (1CE37); Equatorial
Guinea (1EQ49); Europe (1EU83); Eurozone Countries (1EU86); Libya (1LI91); Malta (1MA02); Mediterranean (1ME20);
North Africa (1NO44); Southern Europe (1SO59); Western Asia (1WE54); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (SAS; British Arm; Alma Risk; Aegis Defence Services; United Nations; British Army; Royal Military
Academy Sandhurst) (Prince Harry; Jack Mann; Kate)

Word Count: 1758

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Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

3/7/23 CE Latin Am. Migr. Newswire 00:00:00

CE Latin America Migration Newswire

Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 7, 2023

Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

Agencia Reforma

Once again Prince Harry is in trouble, now he is at risk of having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he used drugs,
reported the Mirror.

The Duke of Sussex revealed in Spare, his memoirs, that in his youth he repeatedly used cocaine and other drugs, as it helped
him to improve his life.

Prince Henry revealed that he started using marijuana and ayahuasca to cope with all the traumas of his past and said he realized
that it did him good to use them in his daily life.

"I started doing it recreationally and then I started to realize how good it was for me," he told Dr. Gabor Mate.

The Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough stance when it comes to non-U.S. citizens using drugs in the
country, so the Duke of Sussex risks having his visa revoked.

In recent years British citizens have had problems entering the United States such as Nigella Lawson, who was prevented from
taking a flight to the country after using cocaine beforehand.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Enrique)

Keywords: (Internacional)

Word Count: 179

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Enrique may lose his visa after saying he used drugs

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Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so..., 2023 WLNR 8407764

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8407764

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March 7, 2023

Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so destructive' towards Royal Family
EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry seemed "in awe" of Dr Gabor Maté during a "master-
pupil" session in which the Duke opened up about his mental health, a roy...

Matthew Dooley

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry seemed "in awe" of Dr Gabor Maté during a "master-pupil" session in which the Duke opened up
about his mental health, a royal expert told

Prince Harry's live streamed therapy session doesn't explain why he is so publicly "destructive" towards the Royal Family,
according to a royal expert. Richard Fitzwilliams, speaking to, branded Harry more "cautious" than in previous
interviews during his recent Q&A session with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;.

Related articles

The Duke of Sussex sat down with Dr Mat&eacute; for a 90 minute live-streamed Q&A covering topics from Prince Harry's
drug use to his self-proclaimed "broken home" at the heart of the Royal Family. Still, Harry seemed more "cautious" than in
previous interviews, according to Mr Fitzwilliams.

"It showed Harry as more cautious, there was plenty of background about the royals who don't hug, that Harry was different
and there was a mention of his 'broken home', but no personal attacks on senior royals which was a relief," he told

During the session, Prince Harry told Dr Mat&eacute; he didn't see himself as a "victim" and wasn't looking for "sympathy".
The doctor diagnosed Harry on the spot with ADD, PTSD, anxiety and depression, but what wasn't explained was Harry's
tendency to be publicly "destructive" towards other royals, according to Mr Fitzwilliams.

He said: "Harry says he doesn't see himself as a victim. He obviously relies on therapy a good deal.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so..., 2023 WLNR 8407764

"What was not explained is why he is so destructive when it comes to discussing his family in public, yet claims his memoir is
'an act of service'. To whom, one wonders? Recent polls in the US have shown a seismic drop in support for the Sussexes.

The royal expert added that the Duke seemed "in awe" of Dr Mat&eacute;, giving the session a "master-pupil" dynamic.

"It struck me as a master-pupil session. He was obviously in awe of Dr Mat&eacute;, although I was perturbed to learn that the
latter relies on The Crown for his understanding of the Royal Family," Mr Fitzwilliams opined.

In previous interviews, Prince Harry has lashed out at other members of the Royal Family, including his father King Charles,
Camilla, Queen Consort and his brother Prince William.

READ MORE: Americans are 'done' with Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying'

Although the Duke spoke of his family in general terms with Dr Mat&eacute;, direct personal attacks were absent. He didn't
mention his brother Prince William by name once during the 90-minute chat.

Following previous interviews and the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare tensions between the Sussexes and the Firm
appeared to be at a breaking point.

Now, Meghan and Harry have confirmed they did receive an invitation to King Charles's Coronation but have so far refused
publicly confirm their attendance.

The once-in-a-generation event will take place later this year on May 6 with thousands of guests in attendance to mark the
reign of King Charles III.

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date night in LA 'a PR stunt' King's Coronation offers Harry a 'fresh start' Harry and Meghan 'missed chance to elevate
themselves' in Hollywood LookFantastic launches Beauty Egg for £60 with contents worth £200

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychology (1PS96))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 630

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 262 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 265 of 416
Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put..., 2023 WLNR 8409530

3/8/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8409530

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 8, 2023

Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put celeb pals in 'terrible position'
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been called out for putting celebrities
in a "terrible position" after backtracking on their previous claims.

Claire Anderson

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were "destroyed on their own turf" over the weekend after comedian Chris Rock mocked the
couple's race claim about the Royal Family. He took aim at Meghan for accusing an unnamed member of the Royal Family of
racism during an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Royal expert Kinsey Schofield pointed out that the Sussexes must be "feeling
the burn right now".

Tune into our Royal Family Snapchat Show, every Monday exclusively on Snapchat

Related articles

She told Sky News Australia: "This happened on their own turf. Netflix paid Harry and Meghan hundreds of thousands of
dollars to create content for them and Chris Rock goes on their own platform and destroys them.

"They are feeling the burn right now."

Rock said Meghan's claim was simply "some in-law s***" while noting that she won the "light-skinned lottery".

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry left 'isolated' as they struggle to get 'invites'

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugs

Prince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

He went on to say ""even black people want to know how brown" Archie Harrison would be.

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Meghan and Harry 'destroyed on own turf' as couple put..., 2023 WLNR 8409530

It comes as Sky News host Rita Panahi pointed out that Hollywood "isn't that into Harry and Meghan anymore".

Schofield continued: "No, where is Oprah to defend them? Remeber Gayle King from CBS, Oprah's best friends, going on TV
saying that they had receipts that the Royal Family was racist.

"A year later Harry goes on Tom Bradby's show and says, 'we never said there were racist'.

"Where are these people that Meghan and Harry have put in a terrible position?"

She added the people who defended them have "disappeared into the background".

Gayle King had rushed to the defence of the Sussexes on CBS' This Morning following the interview.

She said: "I think Meghan has plenty of receipts, meaning that she's been keeping track of things."

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but Meghan appeared to break [INSIGHT] Americans are 'done' with Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying' [ANALYSIS]

But speaking with ITV's Tom Bradby, who pointed out "there were troubling comments about Archie's skin color", Harry
backtracked on the comment.

Harry said: "There was concern about his skin colour."

Bradby asked: "Right, wouldn't you describe that as essentially racist?

Harry replied: "I wouldn't, not having lived within that family."

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a criticism' - 'a little bit boring' Charles will pretend Harry and Meghan 'do not exist' as feud rages on Prince Harry is 'only
interested in promoting himself' Prince Harry 'won't come to Coronation' to 'punish' Royal Family

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Minority & Ethnic Groups (1MI43); Race Relations (1RA49); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Hollywood; ITV) (Meghan Markle; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 530

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Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other..., 2023 WLNR 9668094

3/17/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

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Express Online (UK)

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March 17, 2023

Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other young royals to attend Coronation
EXCLUSIVE: Young members of the Royal Family, such as Princes Louis and
Archie, could be allowed to sit through only part of the Coronation to ensu...

Jon King

EXCLUSIVE: Young members of the Royal Family, such as Princes Louis and Archie, could be allowed to sit through only
part of the Coronation to ensure they don't miss out on the entire service.

Buckingham Palace aides may make provisions for Prince Louis and other young royals to attend King Charles's Coronation,
an expert has said. While Prince William, Kate, Princess of Wales will attend the historic Westminster Abbey ceremony on May
6, it is yet to be confirmed whether their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will join them.

Related articles

Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have also been invited to the service, but they did not say if their children,
Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana, were also on the guest list.

Dr George Gross, visiting research fellow in theology at King's College London and co-founder of the British Coronations
Project with Dr David J Crankshaw, told the royal offspring could attend. He said arrangements have been made
in the past for those who would not be able to sit through the hours-long ceremony in its entirety.

He explained how at the Coronation of King George V on June 22, 1911, Winston Churchill, who was then Home Secretary,
received an invitation for himself and his wife Clementine.

The ceremony took place less than a month after Clementine had given birth to their son, Randolph, on May 28. As a result,
the King made special arrangements to accommodate her.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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The King's secretary, Lord Knollys, wrote to the Home Secretary on April 29: "I spoke to the King today about his giving Mrs
Churchill a ticket for his Box in Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the Coronation.

"He said he should have much pleasure in giving her one, and you may like to know that he was very nice about it."

The Churchill's youngest daughter, Mary, quoted in volume two of Randolph Churchill's book about their father, said: "A royal
brougham called for her at her house and drove her to Westminster Abbey, so that she arrived at the latest possible moment;
she watched the ceremony until after the actual crowning of the King, then she slipped discreetly away and was driven home
to the hungering Randolph.

"This was the first of three Coronations at which both Winston and Clementine were destined to be present."


Related articles

Dr Gross said similar arrangements for the Sussex and Waleses' children to leave part-way through King Charles's Coronation
could be made.

But he added there would be an added complication due to the service being televised.

He said: "There's a way they could have [the children] there for some of it. It's possible we could see the Wales and Sussex
children. But it's a long service so who knows.

"It is also harder with TV the way it is today. But given that Charles and the Queen [Elizabeth II] both witnessed a coronation,
it seems quite likely Prince George will be there."

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'move' [REVEALED]

Dr Gross added: "A lot of young children at home of his age will be interested to watch. It's a spectacle with a lot to see."

The eldest of William and Kate's children, Prince George, nine, and Princess Charlotte, seven, are expected to attend the
Coronation. They often step out for important events and went to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II alongside their parents.

But it is not clear if Prince Louis, who turns five next month, will be there on May 6.

Harry and Meghan's children are younger still. Archie will turn four on the date of the Coronation and Lilibet will be just shy
of two.

Charles attended his mother's Coronation in 1953 when he was four, but Princess Anne didn't attend because she was deemed
to be too young at the age of two.

The ceremony itself could last for hours although Charles is understood to want parts streamlined.

Full details have yet to be made public, but Dr Gross suggested the Homage part of the ceremony, in which every member of
the British nobility pays their respects to the monarch, could be dropped or shortened.

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Palace could make provisions for Prince Louis and other..., 2023 WLNR 9668094

The crowning of Camilla, Queen Consort, would also add an extra layer to the ceremony which did not happen at Elizabeth
II's Coronation in 1953.

The Anointing, which may be televised for the first time ever at Charles's Coronation, the Crowning and the delivery of the
Coronation Oath would also be included as key parts of the ceremony.

Dr Gross explained the oath is an integral part of the ceremony with the Acclamation and Recognition also viewed as very

He said: "This happens before the Oath, with the congregation asked, Do you recognise this person as your King or Queen?

"This part of the cereony dates back to the Anglo Saxon period when monarchs were elected by the elite. Monarchs can't be
anointed without that being done.

"In many ways, those in Westminster Abbey [on May 6] represent us. It's a really important moment where the public are asked
if they recognise this monarch."

Dr Gross predicted Charles's Coronation would also be relatively long in duration because of a lot of music has been announced.

On the possibility of the Anointing being televised for the first time, Dr Gross said it was possible, adding: "Will it make a
difference to remove that mystery and magic? Our hunch is it will not.

"If it is to be televised, we won't know until a couple of days before. We can make this argument because lots of people will
watch the Coronation on TV. Telling people now won't generate extra interest.

"But an announcement a couple of days before might generate a bit more. But we don't know. There's a higher chance, but
we don't know for sure."

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swipe at Labour for 'changing mind' on pensions tax break Eric Clapton's drummer Jim Gordon dies aged 77

---- Index References ----

Company: King's College London

News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); TV (1TV19); TV Programming (1TV26))

Region: (England (1EN10); Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Buckingham Palace; King's College London) (Prince Louis)

Word Count: 1138

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to..., 2023 WLNR 8360798

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8360798

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugs
Prince Harry said he started using psychedelic drugs "recreationally" to cope with his trauma.

Aurora Bosotti

Prince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.
Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma. But Morgan noted US
officials "take a dim view of drug use by non-US citizens" as he noted the Duke of Sussex's US stay could now be at risk.

Tune into our Royal Family Snapchat Show, every Monday exclusively on Snapchat

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The presenter said: "Harry has barely finished the global family trashing tour in support of his treacherous family trashing
memoir, inevitably he's decided the world hasn't heard quite enough from him

"So Harry's latest wheeze is a live therapy session with Dr Gabor Mate – a famed trauma expert – in which he reminded us
again that he, Harry, is the world's biggest victim."

Discussing his relationship with drugs, the Duke of Sussex told Dr Mate: "I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realize how good it was for me.

"I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains
of the past."

JUST IN: Dear God when will the self-pity end Harry? You're a grown man!

Margaret Atwood says Prince Harry 'would have been murdered' in more powerful royal familyHandmaid's Tale author Margaret
Atwood has sparked backlash after saying Prince Harry would have been murdered by a lesser royal.

The Canadian writer issued the bizarre statement in an interview in which she said it's a good thing the Windsors don't enjoy
the power that previous royal households have exercised in past centuries.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to..., 2023 WLNR 8360798

Morgan suggested Prince Harry may now be forced to skip his father's Coronation on May 6 to avoid being barred from returning
to the United States because of his admission.

TV chef Nigella Lawson was forbidden from boarding a flight to the United States in 2014 after admitting to having taken
cocaine during an unrelated trial.

The Sky News Australia contributor added: "Another compelling reason why we don't want them at the king's coronation, we
might end up being stuck with them for good."

READ MORE: The seven clues Harry and Meghan may decline Coronation invite

According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, visa applicants "who are found to be drug abusers or addicts are
inadmissible" to the US.

The terms regulating how to assess whether someone is a habitual drug user are set under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association.

But under rules changed in 2010, "a history of experimental use" can "no longer play a direct role in the admissibility
determination" border officers have to make when assessing a visa claim.

However, precedent exists where foreign nationals applying for entry to the US were denied on criminal grounds despite having
no conviction to their name.

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Rebel Wilson jibe prior to 'cold' meeting [REACTION] Prince Harry 'won't come to Coronation' to 'punish' Royal Family

Laura Devine Solicitors senior attorney Karnig Dukmajian told Vice in 2019: "The law says that if you have been convicted of
a US or foreign law relating to controlled substances, or if you have admitted to violating such a law, then you are inadmissible
to the US."

Referring to the case of Brit Isabella Brazier-Jones, who was denied entry to the US after a two-year-old message about cocaine
was found on her phone, Dukmajian noted US officials had become stricter when it comes to admitting people who used drugs
in the past.

He added: "There are legal standards the authorities are supposed to follow, but recent experience has shown that a simple
admission to having possessed a controlled substance is being deemed sufficient to refuse entry."

Related articles

Prince Harry has been residing in the United States since March 2020, when he and Meghan Markle moved their home to
California after six months spent in Canada.

The couple has since settled with their two children in Montecito, in the suburbs of Santa Barbara.

Harry and Meghan last week received an invite to the King's Coronation, which will take place on May 6 in London.

But the couple has already said they will not be confirming quite yet whether they will make it across the Atlantic for the service.

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struggle to get 'invites' Meghan and Harry are going to make 'grand decision' on Coronation

---- Index References ----

Company: US Citizenship and Immigration Services; AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychology (1PS96))

Region: (Americas (1AM92); North America (1NO39))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (US Citizenship and Immigration Services; American Psychiatric Association) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 830

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern..., 2023 WLNR 8412568

3/7/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8412568

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 7, 2023

Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern day Mother Theresa'
Prince Harry has been slammed for trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as "Mother
Theresa" after he claimed she had "saved" him in his most recent inter...

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry has been slammed for trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as "Mother Theresa" after he claimed she had "saved"
him in his most recent interview.

Prince Harry is attempting to brand Meghan Markle as "Mother Theresa", according to a royal expert. The Duke made a media
appearance over the weekend in which he sat down with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; to discuss his drug use, mental health and
even his self-proclaimed "broken home" at the heart of the Royal Family.

Related articles

During the therapy session, Prince Harry praised his wife Meghan Markle as an "exceptional human being" and claimed "people
have said that my wife saved me."

However, not everyone was convinced. Royal commentator and expert Kinsey Schofield took aim at the Duke's comments in
a recent interview.

"I don't understand that commentary at all whatsoever except that this is just the continued narrative that Harry is trying to
thrust on us. That Meghan is not the bad guy," Ms Schofield told

The host of the To Di For Daily podcast continued: "She's Diana 2.0. A modern day Mother Theresa.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Prince Harry trying to rebrand Meghan Markle as 'modern..., 2023 WLNR 8412568

"That's just something that they are trying to shove down our throats because we've seen through it all and understand that these
problems didn't start happening within the family until a certain member was introduced and that's Meghan Markle."

During the interview with Dr Mat&eacute;, Prince Harry didn't just discuss his wife. The Duke also spoke about his past drug
use which included cocaine, marijuana and psychedelics, something he also detailed in his memoir Spare.

"[Cocaine] didn't do anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging for sure, I think it probably
also made me feel different to the way I was feeling, which was kind of the point," said Prince Harry.

He added: "Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me."

READ MORE: Prince Harry is 'only interested in promoting himself'

Speaking on psychedelics Prince Harry said: "It was the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it all
for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time.

"For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me."

However, again, Ms Schofield wasn't so sure. "The lightness you're describing Harry is called being high. I mean, it brings new
meaning to Your Highness," she said.

Now royal watchers are waiting to see whether the Sussexes will attend King Charles's Coronation later this year on May 6.
Although Meghan and Harry confirmed they have received an invitation, they have yet to RSVP to the event.

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'preparing fight' over Taiwan Chris Rock slams Meghan Markle's race claim about the Royal Family Americans are 'done' with
Prince Harry's 'whingefest' and 'crying' LookFantastic launches Beauty Egg for £60 with contents worth £200

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Business Management (1BU42); Health & Family (1HE30); Sales & Marketing (1MA51))

Industry: (Advertising (1AD82); Advertising & Public Relations (1AD83); Branding & Naming (1BR12); Celebrities (1CE65);
Entertainment (1EN08); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Meghan Markle; Mother Theresa)

Word Count: 584

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Visa at risk due to drugs, 2023 WLNR 8922783

3/9/23 NOTICIASFINANCIERAS - ENG. (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8922783

NoticiasFinancieras - English
Copyright (c) 2023 ContentEngine, USA.

March 9, 2023

Visa at risk due to drugs

Prince Henry risks having his U.S. visa revoked after revealing that he tried cocaine.

- The Duke of Sussex revealed in his book "Spare: In the Shadow" that in his youth he used cocaine and marijuana, as well
as other substances.

- Mirror reported that U.S. immigration officials take a tough stance when it comes to foreigners who use drugs in the country,
so the Prince is at risk of having his document revoked.

- British citizens have had problems entering the U.S. over similar issues. Chef Nigella Lawson was prevented from taking a
flight after revealing that she had used cocaine.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30))

Language: EN

Keywords: (Gente)

Word Count: 105

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Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

3/9/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 8608288

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 9, 2023

Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official with major website update
Buckingham Palace has updated its website to show Lilibet and Archie's new titles.

Jon King

Buckingham Palace has made Archie and Lilibet's new titles official in an update on the Royal Family's official website. The title
change was first announced on Wednesday when the Sussexes published a statement confirming Lilibet had been christened.

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Harry and Meghan's children became a prince and princess when King Charles acceded to the throne, but they had remained
a plain "master" and "miss" on the Buckingham Palace website over the last six months.

But in an update today, the palace website refers to the Sussex children as Prince Archie of Sussex and Princess Lilibet of Sussex.

The site's line of succession list has been updated to reflect the change after a spokesperson for the Sussexes publicly referred
to Lilibet as a princess for the first time when announcing news of her christening.

Lilibet, who will be two in June, was baptised in California on Friday, with the Sussexes' spokesperson saying: "I can confirm
that Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday March 3 by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, the Rev John Taylor."

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after
admitting to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly keen not to deny their children their birthright, but to allow them the chance
to decide for themselves when they are older whether to drop or keep using their titles.

In a recent statement the couple said the matter had been settled for some time.

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Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

Harry and Meghan have embraced the royal titles despite the couple's repeated criticism of the monarchy.

Prince Harry accuses his family of "total neglect" in the past and has said he suffered "genetic pain".

The Sussexes also alleged racism against an unnamed member of the Royal Family, who they claim asked what colour Archie
would be. Harry has since appeared to row back on the allegation.


Related articles

In response to the title changes, royal commentator Emily Andrews tweeted on Wednesday: "The perennial question still
remains; if being a royal is so traumatic, such a burden, carries so much inter-generational pain why would you want to style
your kids prince and princess/keep your own royal titles....??"

King Charles was reportedly aware that the Sussexes intended to refer to their daughter as Princess Lili on Wednesday. It is
understood there had been some correspondence about the matter.

Archie and Lilibet's titles will be used in formal settings, but they will not be used routinely by Harry and Meghan.

Lilibet's christening was an intimate affair with 20-30 people present, including Meghan's mother Doria Ragland and Lili's
godfather, Tyler Perry, according to People magazine.

Guests enjoyed an afternoon of food and dancing, with Archie even dancing with his sister.

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The magazine said US actor Perry arrived with a gospel choir who performed Oh Happy Day and This Little Light Of Mine
- a song which featured during the Sussexes' wedding.

It was reported King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales, were invited but did not

Rules over titles set by King George V in 1917 mean Archie and Lilibet, as the children of a son of a sovereign, automatically
became a prince and a princess when Charles became King.

They would also be entitled to an HRH style but these will not be used. Harry and Meghan have retained their HRH styles,
although they no longer use them after quitting the working monarchy.

Meghan said in the couple's interview with US talk show host Oprah Winfrey that Archie was not given the title of prince
because of his race.

However, when Archie was born seventh in line to the throne in May 2019, he was too far down the line of succession.

Although he was a great-grandchild of the monarch, he was not a first-born son of a future king, so was not automatically a

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Royal Family make Archie and Lilibet's title change official..., 2023 WLNR 8608288

Related articles Elvis Presley's affair behind Priscilla's back was life-changing Author shares 65 great Carry on secrets The
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treatment Bruce Willis' wife slams 'dumb' claim Demi Moore 'moved in with ex'

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Dance (1DA68); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Royal Family) (Archie; Lilibet Diana)

Word Count: 803

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

12/30/02 Evening Chron. (Newcastle) 14

2002 WLNR 8653089


Copyright © 2004 MGN Ltd. All rights reserved.

December 30, 2002


A year of pain and joy

Nation's mourning for Queen Mother deflects the anger over train strikes


The single currency had a smooth launch as Europeans in 12 countries got their first look at new Euro notes and coins.

Rail travellers faced commuter misery and the economy lost millions as strikes on some of the country's busiest routes crippled
services. Then Transport Secretary, Stephen Byers, admitted certain aspects of Britain's railways had got worse under Labour.

Five people died after a private executive jet crashed during take-off at Birmingham International Airport.

Professor Ian Wilmut, the man who led the team which created Dolly the sheep, called for more research into cloning after it
emerged that Dolly had developed arthritis.

Chancellor Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah mourned the loss of their 10-day-old baby daughter Jennifer Jane. She had
suffered a brain haemorrhage.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, announced his retirement.

Gary Hart, the driver convicted of causing the deaths of 10 people in the Selby rail crash, was jailed for five years.

Prince Charles sent his younger son Harry to a drugs rehabilitation clinic after he admitted to regularly smoking cannabis and
drinking alcohol.

Shafiq Rasul, 24, of Tipton, West Midlands, was among the suspected al Qaida prisoners being held at Camp X-Ray, the US
military prison in Cuba. Several other Britons were also being held at the camp.

Tens of thousands of people fled their homes in eastern Congo and Rwanda after a volcano erupted, sending burning lava into
Lake Kivu.

Two Afghan brothers were each jailed for five years for hijacking and other offences relating to the Stansted Airport siege.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Eire publican, Colm Murphy, 49, was sentenced at Ireland's Special Criminal Court, to 14 years imprisonment for conspiring
to cause the 1998 Omagh Bombing, in Northern Ireland. It killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins.

Lord Wakeham stepped aside as chairman of the Press Complaints Commission to answer questions over his involvement with
the collapsed United States of America energy giant Enron.


Stormy weather battered Britain. RAF helicopter crews winched 34 seamen to safety in two air-sea rescue operations, while
passengers were stranded on a ferry which ran aground. Two men died when a tree fell on their vehicle.

Teacher Amy Gehring, 26, was cleared of having sex with two teenage pupils. Gehring was acquitted by a jury at Guildford
Crown Court of three charges and the judge ordered a verdict of not guilty on a fourth.

The Queen marked the 50th anniversary of her accession with a poignant visit to a cancer unit in memory of her father, King
George VI.

Home Secretary David Blunkett provoked criticism by saying Asians should make arranged marriages within the UK rather
than flying in candidates from the Indian sub-continent.

Princess Margaret died, aged 71, in her sleep. Her coffin rested at Kensington Palace until the funeral service, which was
attended by the Royal Family, including the Queen Mother.

Pop Idol reached its climax with Will Young pulling off a shock win over Gareth Gates.

A gang of robbers escaped with several million pounds in cash after holding up a security van at Heathrow Airport.

The Prime Minister was "totally unapologetic" over his backing of a bid by wealthy Labour Party donor Lakshmi Mittal to buy
a Romanian steel company. This was despite claims that it would badly affect British jobs.

Transport Secretary Stephen Byers told MPs that his controversial special adviser, Jo Moore, and civil servant Martin Sixsmith
had agreed to resign. Sixsmith later denied that he had voluntarily given his resignation.

A pounds 100m immigration removal centre near Bedford was wrecked when asylum seekers facing deportation lit a series
of fires during a mass breakout.

Europe's top election observer arrived in Britain after being expelled from Zimbabwe just before the country's presidential
elections. Thirteen EU governments called for immediate sanctions against Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe.

Four men found guilty of plotting to carry out the "Robbery of the Millennium" by snatching pounds 200 million worth of
diamonds from the Millennium Dome were jailed for between 15 and 18 years.

Actor John Thaw, star of The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC, died from cancer of the oesophagus, aged 60.

A 17-year-old youth was dramatically cleared of the murder of schoolboy Damilola Taylor after a judge threw out the evidence
of the prosecution's main witness.

Comedian and writer Spike Milligan, the last of the Goons, died of liver disease, aged 83.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089


The mother and step-father of heroin addict Rachel Whitear released pictures of their daughter's death. She had died alone with
a syringe still in her arm.

The Earl and Countess of Wessex announced that they were quitting their careers amid criticism that work was interfering with
their royal duties.

Alain Baxter, Britain's Olympic slalom skiing bronze medallist, said he was "devastated" after being told he had tested positive
for the banned substance methamphetamine. He was later stripped of his medal.

Robert Mugabe claimed victory in Zimbabwe's presidential election. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw condemned the
"systematic violence and intimidation" which he said had dominated the polling.

Prime Minister Tony Blair was urged by 39 of his MPs not to back US military action against Iraq. International Development
Secretary Clare Short hinted that she would leave the Cabinet if Britain joined an attack.

Pop Idol winner Will Young disclosed he was gay.

Thousands of police officers converged on Westminster to protest about planned reforms to the service.

Baroness Thatcher's office announced that, due to health concerns, she would never make a public speech again.

England and Surrey cricketer Ben Hollioake was killed in a road accident in Australia. He was 24.

The parents of teenager Amanda Dowler made an emotional appeal for help in finding their daughter three days after she

Actor Jim Broadbent was a surprise winner of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in Iris.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell won pounds 3,500 damages from The Daily Mirror after the High Court ruled it acted in breach
of confidence in publishing details of her therapy at Narcotics Anonymous. The Mirror later won its appeal.

A second defendant in the Damilola Taylor murder trial walked free from the Old Bailey.

Education Secretary Estelle Morris was heckled and jeered when she told the NUT's annual conference she would not "do
business" with teachers over pay and conditions if they threatened to strike.

The nation mourned as the Queen Mother died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 101.


A shower of flowers rained down on the Queen Mother's hearse as she made her final journey, past around one million well-
wishers, to St George's Chapel, Windsor. Her four grandsons had mounted a vigil as she lay in state in Westminster Hall, and
the Queen addressed the nation with a message of thanks for public support.

Violence engulfed the Middle East as Israeli tanks invaded Ramallah, trapping six British peace activists. The UN Security
Council elected to send a fact-finding team to a refugee camp in Jenin after reports that "hundreds" of Palestinians had been
killed there.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Television company ITV Digital collapsed, ceasing all pay TV services. Football League clubs were forced to accept a pounds
120 million "golden goodbye" from the company.

REM guitarist Peter Buck was cleared of "ransacking" a first-class cabin during a drunken airborne rampage.

The Prime Minister led national concern for David Beckham's injured foot - and England's World Cup dreams. The England
captain's broken metatarsal bone, sustained in a Champions League clash with Deportivo La Coruna, put Beckham's hopes of
playing in Japan in doubt.

Caroline Ann Stuttle, a 19-year-old backpacker from York, was thrown to her death from a bridge after being robbed in Australia.

Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced an pounds 8 billion tax hike in the Budget. Meanwhile a Treasury-commissioned report
warned that spending on the National Health Service would have to more than double over the next 20 years.

Sven Goran Eriksson's girlfriend, Nancy Dell'Olia, insisted that reports of a relationship between the England football coach
and TV star Ulrika Jonsson were "rubbish".

Two teenage brothers walked free from the Old Bailey after being cleared of the murder of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor.
Damilola's parents said they blamed themselves and British society for their son's death.

Six British plane spotters arrested near a Greek air force base in 2001, were found guilty of spying by a court in the southern
town of Kalamata. They were sentenced to three years in jail.

An expelled pupil went on a gun rampage in a German school, killing 17 people including at least two children, before turning
the gun on himself.

Diane Pretty, a terminally-ill woman who wanted her husband to be allowed to help her "die with dignity" without fear of
prosecution, lost her bid for the backing of the European Court of Human Rights.


Far-right British National Party candidates won three seats in local elections in Burnley, Lancs.

Nearly 50 police officers were injured when mass violence erupted at the end of a Division One play-off game at Millwall
Football Club.

Conservative frontbencher Ann Winterton was sacked after telling a racist joke at a dinner.

Thousands of Jewish campaigners filled Trafalgar Square to call for peace in the Middle East in the biggest ever rally staged
in the capital by the Jewish community.

Transport Secretary Stephen Byers resigned, claiming it was the "right thing to do for the Government and the Labour Party".
He had denied misleading MPs by telling them his department's communications director, Martin Sixsmith, had resigned, when
he had not.

Arsenal beat Chelsea to win the FA Cup final and secured the double by beating Manchester United to be crowned Premiership

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Seven people died and dozens were injured when a passenger train derailed, smashing into a bridge and platform at Potter's
Bar in north London. Railtrack insisted passenger safety had not been compromised after damaged railway sleepers were found
near the scene.

The Foreign Office advised Britons to consider leaving India after a senior diplomat warned Pakistan and India were `very
close' to renewed warfare over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

Beckham-mania hit the Far East as the England captain was greeted by a screaming 600-strong crowd when Sven Goran
Eriksson's squad touched down in Japan for the World Cup. Republic of Ireland captain Roy Keane was sent home after
criticising his side's preparations for the tournament.

Have I Got News For You host Angus Deayton was accused of snorting cocaine and cheating on his girlfriend.

The Government gave away the Millennium Dome and its surrounds for free in the hope of getting pounds 550 million back
over 20 years.


The cricket world was in shock following the death of disgraced former South African cricket captain Hansie Cronje in a plane

The Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations were dubbed an "enormous success". Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney topped the
bill at the Party at the Palace and went on to marry Heather Mills at a remote countryside castle in Ireland later this month.

A two-seater aircraft careered on to the M11 motorway, killing one man and injuring another.

Five people were shot as sectarian violence hit Belfast for four nights.

Former Transport Secretary Stephen Byers apologised to Paddington rail crash survivor Pam Warren over an aide's e-mail
seeking information about her campaign group.

Former South African president Nelson Mandela called for a fresh appeal in the case of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali
Mohmed Al Megrahi.

Postal group Consignia announced 17,000 job cuts, record losses of pounds 1.1 billion and a 1p rise in the price of stamps.

Bobby Robson and Mick Jagger were knighted in the Queen's birthday honours.

England beat Argentina only to lose 2-1 in the World Cup quarter finals to eventual winners Brazil.

Police told the parents of missing schoolgirl Amanda Dowler that she was probably dead.

The London stock market saw more than pounds 35 billion wiped from shares as traders reacted to a massive accounting scandal
from US giant WorldCom which slashed 17,000 jobs.

A builder was found guilty of killing three generations of one family with an iron bar. David Morris was convicted at Swansea
Crown Court of murdering Mandy Power, 34, her daughters Katie, 10, and Emily, eight, and Mrs Power's bedridden mother
Doris Dawson, 80.

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A year of pain and joy, 2002 WLNR 8653089

Copyright: MGN Ltd

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Violent Crime (1VI27); Strikes & Work Stoppages (1ST12); Teenagers (1TE59); Parents & Parenting (1PA25);
Health & Family (1HE30); Political Parties (1PO73); Public Affairs (1PU31); HR & Labor Management (1HR87); Legal
(1LE33); Business Management (1BU42); Social Issues (1SO05); Accidents & Injuries (1AC02); Government (1GO80); Crime
(1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79))

Industry: (Gen Y Entertainment (1GE14); Gen Y TV (1GE33); Soccer (1SO61); Aerospace & Defense (1AE96); Celebrities
(1CE65); Defense (1DE43); Passenger Transportation (1PA35); Military Forces (1MI37); Railroads (1RA98); Sports (1SP75);
Airports (1AI61); Transportation (1TR48); Airborne Forces (1AI38); Land Transportation (1LA43); Entertainment (1EN08);
Passenger Railroads (1PA89); Air Transportation (1AI53))

Region: (England (1EN10); Western Europe (1WE41); Europe (1EU83); Africa (1AF90); Southern Africa (1SO66); Northern
Ireland (1NO23); Indian Subcontinent (1IN32); India (1IN24); Asia (1AS61); USA (1US73); Zimbabwe (1ZI44); Southern Asia
(1SO52); North America (1NO39); United Kingdom (1UN38); Americas (1AM92); Ireland (1IR50); Middle East (1MI23))

Language: EN

Megrahi; Alain Baxter; Amanda Dowler; Amy Gehring; Angus Deayton; Ann Winterton; Arsenal beat Chelsea; Baroness
Thatcher; Beckham; Ben Hollioake; Bobby Robson; Caroline Ann Stuttle; Chancellor; Chancellor Gordon Brown; Charles;
Clare Short; Colm Murphy; Comedian; Conservative; David Beckham; David Blunkett; David Morris; Diane Pretty; Doris
Dawson; Education; Eire; Emily; England; Eriksson; Estelle Morris; Europe; Gary Hart; Gehring; George; George Carey;
Gordon Brown; Hansie Cronje; Heather Mills; Ian Wilmut; Inspector Morse; Jack Straw; Jennifer Jane; Jo Moore; Katie;
La Coruna; Labour Party; Lakshmi Mittal; Martin Sixsmith; Mick Jagger; Mother; MPs; Nancy Dell; Nelson Mandela; Pam
Warren; Party; Paul McCartney; Peter Buck; Pop Idol; Postal; Power; Prime; Rachel Whitear; Railtrack; Robert Mugabe; Roy
Keane; Shafiq Rasul; Sixsmith; Spike Milligan; St George; Stephen Byers; Supermodel Naomi Campbell; Surrey; Sven Goran;
Sven Goran Eriksson; Television; Tens; Thirteen EU; Tony Blair; Trafalgar Square; Transport; Ulrika Jonsson; Westminster

Edition: EC3012-0

Word Count: 2524

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 284 6
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 287 of 416

U.S. Back to school for Prince Harry  
BUSINESS January 14, 2002 Posted: 1:52 AM EST (0652 GMT)
POLITICS ETON, England -- Prince Harry is
Prince Harry, 17, spent a day
LAW expected to be back in classes at
at a rehab clinic where he heard
SCI-TECH Eton on Monday where he will
about the dangers of substance
SPACE hope to put the weekend's
HEALTH revelations of his drug taking
EDUCATION His father, the Prince of Wales won
IN-DEPTH praise from Prime Minister Tony
Blair and drugs support groups for
VIDEO Prince Harry, 17, spent a day his handling of "every family's
LOCAL at a rehab clinic where he nightmare."
CNN heard about the dangers of
NEWSWATCH substance abuse Prince Harry left Eton College on
E-MAIL Sunday after revelations of his
SERVICES cannabis smoking and underage
CNNtoGO drinking were revealed.
The 17-year-old youngest son of
CNN TV Prince Charles and the late Princess
what's on Diana spent Sunday at his father's country residence, Highgrove in
show transcripts Gloucestershire.
CNN Headline
Prince Harry had lunch with his father and MORE STORIES
elder brother William and was expected to • Prince faced 'every
CNN International
return to the school on Sunday night. parent's nightmare' 
Blair, whose eldest son Euan was once caught Asia  QUICKVOTE
underage drinking, acknowledged it was a Europe difficult situation for the Prince of Wales and Should Prince Harry his family, saying: "I know this myself. have been sent to a drugs clinic for admitting to
set your edition "I think the way that Prince Charles and the smoking cannabis?
Languages Royal Family have handled it is absolutely
Time, Inc. right and they have done it in a very Yes
responsible and, as you would expect, in a No
very sensitive way for their child," Blair told View Results vote
the BBC.

Euan Blair, then 16, was found to be drunk  

and incapable in London's Leicester Square while celebrating the end of
his GCSEs in July 2000.

Prince Charles had faced "every parent's nightmare" but handled it very
well, according to Addiction, Britain's largest specialist drug and alcohol
treatment agency.

APP. C 285
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 288 of 416
"It seems from what we know of the story that the Prince of Wales has
acted with deep sensitivity and very quickly, which is exactly what is
needed," chief executive Peter Martin told the Press Association.

A spokesman for St James's Palace, the Prince of Wales's official London

residence, confirmed on Saturday night that Prince Harry had visited the
Featherstone Lodge drug, a rehabilitation clinic in Lewisham, south
London, of which has father is patron.

The spokesman told CNN: "This is a serious matter which was resolved
within the family, and is now in the past and closed."

Prince Charles discovered the teenage prince had taken drugs at

Highgrove and at private parties, and allegedly drank alcohol at the
Rattlebone Inn, Sherston, Wiltshire, the Sunday tabloid News of the
World reported.

Bill Puddicombe, chief executive of Phoenix House UK -- which runs

Featherstone Lodge -- described to CNN details of Prince Harry's visit,
which was made last summer.

He said: "We received a request from the Prince of Wales's office for
Prince Harry to come and visit one of our rehabilitation centers.

"He came and visited for a couple of hours. Prince Charles was not with
him. He spoke to the people were there recovery from addiction from
cocaine, heroin, other illicit drugs and alcohol.

"He learned a bit about the consequences of drug use, he heard about
people's life stories and heard, I guess, some harrowing details of what
had happened to them."

In Britain, possession of cannabis, a Prince Harry spent two hours

class B controlled substance, is visiting patients at Featherstone
punishable by up to five years in Lodge, in south London
prison, although the government has
proposed making possession a non-
arrestable offence. The legal age for
buying alcohol is 18.

The News of the World said Harry had

experimented with marijuana over a
two-month period at Highgrove, in a Prince Harry spent two hours
rundown shed at a nearby pub and at visiting patients at
private parties held by friends. Featherstone Lodge, in south
Prince Charles was alerted to his son's
behaviour by a Highgrove staff member, who noticed a strong smell of
marijuana, the newspaper reported.

Prince Charles is reported to have reacted straight away when he learned

his son had tried cannabis, sending him to visit the rebab clinic to show
him the dangers of drug abuse.

"The way we interpreted it was it was a piece of good, responsible

parenting by Prince Charles," Puddicombe said.

Scandals involving drink and drugs have dogged the circle of friends of
Prince Harry and his elder brother William, whose mother died in a car
APP. C 286
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 289 of 416
crash in 1997.

Last year, Nicholas Knatchbull, one of Prince Charles's godchildren

received treatment at a drug rehabilitation clinic.

Tom Parker Bowles -- another godchild and son of Prince Charles's

partner, Camilla Parker Bowles -- was exposed as a cocaine user two
years ago.

His cousin, Emma Parker Bowles, admitted in 2000 that she had been
treated for drink and drug addiction.

And when he was 14, Prince Charles himself was at the centre of an
infamous underage drinking episode after he entered a pub on the Isle of
Lewis in Scotland.

He asked for a cherry brandy, saying later it was the first thing that came
into his mind, but the incident attracted international attention.


• UK prince smoked cannabis
January 13, 2002
• Prince faced 'every parent's nightmare'
January 13, 2002
• Diana butler sent for trial
January 10, 2002
• Royal row over William film crew
September 27, 2001

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Drugaddicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old..., 2023 WLNR 947304

1/9/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 947304

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

January 9, 2023

Drug addicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed
to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and Nepalese hashish temple ball...

Sam Greenhill Chief Reporter For The Daily Mail

Drug addicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and
Nepalese hashish temple balls during visit to rehabilitation centre

Drug addicts were stunned when 17-year-old Prince Harry confessed he took cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and Nepalese
hashish temple balls, it was claimed yesterday.

A former resident, Paul Smith, claimed yesterday that the Prince was 'so open' Harry left them bemused when he said he took
potentially harmful temple balls In his explosive book he said taking drugs like cocaine did not make him happy

He was sent to meet residents at a rehabilitation centre when Prince Charles discovered he had been experimenting with cannabis
and alcohol.

But when he was at Featherstone Lodge in south-east London, Harry apparently confessed to much more serious drug taking,
telling startled addicts he had taken Class A cocaine and Class B ketamine, a tranquilliser.

A former resident, Paul Smith, claimed yesterday: 'Harry was so open. He said he'd taken ketamine, cannabis and also cocaine.
We were stunned. There had been reports of bad behaviour around that time, but this was so shocking. This was a prince. It
was incredible.'

Harry also left them bemused when he talked of taking temple balls, an especially potent and potentially dangerous form of
cannabis which has been cultivated in Nepal for hundreds of years.

Mr Smith, 54, shared his memories from 2002 after the Duke of Sussex wrote in his memoir, Spare, about snorting lines of
cocaine and hallucinating on magic mushrooms, once believing that a bin was talking to him.

Mr Smith told The Sun yesterday: 'We had no prior warning, we were just told he was heading in. He said when he was doing
these things, he was out of control. It was brutally honest. I think he felt happy to speak around us.'

He recalled Harry had spent about an hour with him and two other addicts, talking in great detail about his life. He said: 'I think
Charles wanted him to be alone and talk to real addicts about how bad drugs are. He did not even have his security people

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 288 1
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Drugaddicts were 'stunned' when they say 17-year-old..., 2023 WLNR 947304

in the room at the time. I said my name was Paul and I explained my situation. I told him that he did not want to end up in
a place like this.'

In the book, Harry said taking cocaine did not make him happy, but he had tried the Class A drug and other narcotics as a way
to escape the harsh reality of his life. He also suggested that taking psychedelic drugs had helped his mental health therapy.

He admits smoking cannabis at Eton, and said he continued to smoke the drug even while living at Nottingham Cottage in
Kensington Palace, adding that he tried to ensure the smoke did not drift into the garden of his neighbour, the Duke of Kent.

Harry boasts of how he lied to palace officials when a newspaper claimed in 2002 to have obtained a photo of him taking cocaine.
He bragged of dishonestly informing a senior courtier he had never taken the drug, leading the palace to deny it to the journalist.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Smoking (1SM71); Smuggling & Illegal
Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Agriculture (1AG63); Agriculture, Food & Beverage (1AG53); Cannabis (1CB42))

Region: (Asia (1AS61); Indian Subcontinent (1IN32); Nepal (1NE32); Southern Asia (1SO52))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 486

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 289 2
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 Locations Addictions  Testimonials

Prince Harry Admits to Drug Use

By Cedric Dent JANUARY 12, 2023

Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, details many of the unexplored recesses of his royal life but
also extant reports of heavy drinking and drug use. Few details have been provided
regarding his path to recovery. This follows the December release of a widely viewed, six-
part Netflix documentary on Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, and a dramatic film about
their lives, Harry & Meghan, released in 2019.

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 Locations Addictions  Testimonials

The Royal Cocaine Rumor

The book covers several controversial scenes,
including one where William, Prince of Wales,
physically attacks Prince Harry during an argument
about Meghan. Another that’s actually not related to
the relationship is that of what Spare calls the “party
prince.” It refers to a time in his life when the Duke
of Sussex concedes that he indulged in cocaine a
“few” times. This actually hearkens back to a rumor
first published by a British tabloid the same year
Harry & Meghan was released.

“Which third-generation royal unrolled a friend’s banknote when doing coke?” the original
piece read according to Daily Mail. “They said, ‘Hello, granny!’ to the Queen’s portrait
before re-rolling it and hoofing their line.”

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This left readers to contemplateGet
whether or not it was speaking of Prince Harry due to his
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
reputation as the wild child of the Royal Family.
Treatment Though the memoir doesn’t specifically
confirm this exact statement and scenario, it does confirm that Harry had, indeed, done
cocaine. He says he used cocaine several times, starting at age 17 in order to “feel

Other Royal Substance Abuses

Cocaine is one of many substances the memoir, however, admits Harry abused from
nicotine to marijuana and even psychedelics like ayahuasca and psilocybin, which is
being increasingly considered for legalization in the U.S. Harry details one experience in
2016 in which mushrooms gave him a hallucination in which he conversed with a
trashcan. In the book, he expresses remorse and guilt for his substance use.

“I knew this was bad behaviour,” Harry wrote about sharing a joint with friends. “I knew it
was wrong. My mates knew too.”

He wrote that he took drugs, like many people do, to deal with mental trauma. In Harry’s
case, it was in an effort to deal with the loss of his mother, Princess Diana. He said “It
wasn’t much fun and didn’t make me feel particularly happy the way others seemed to.” 

Newspaper reporters had actually approached palace officials in 2002, claiming to have
photographic evidence of Harry doing cocaine, according to the memoir. Harry brags in
the book about lying to the officials and leading the royal family to deny the allegation to
the journalist.

Prince Harry Forced into Recovery

In February 2002 — the same year Harry got the palace to lie to press about his cocaine
abuse — King Charles, then Prince of Wales, enrolled Harry in the addiction treatment
program at Featherstone Lodge Rehabilitation Centre in South London per The Guardian.

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Featherstone was then referred to as a detox facility for heroin users. Royal sources at the
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
time had only confirmed that Harry, then age 17, had confessed to “experimenting” with
cannabis on several occasions. He was also said to have been drinking excessively.

Much of this behavior was then attributed to Prince Harry coping with the death of his
mother, Princess Diana. This matches what addictionologists often assert about trauma
being a common denominator for substance abuse habits. That’s one of the problems
cognitive behavioral therapy is intended to treat. It’s a treatment modality largely used for
victims of post traumatic stress disorder.

Treatment Modalities for Prince Harry

Taking an aggregate sum of what substances Prince Harry took, he may have had an
arduous detox process to undergo. It’s literally a series of chemical changes in the body,
which prove not only uncomfortable but painful and even life-threatening sometimes.
Healthcare experts agree that this is a process best overseen by professional, medical

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Even after detox, these chemical processes can easily lead to a dopamine crash.
 Locations Addictions  Testimonials
Dopamine levels drop so precipitously when this happens that some people become
temporarily suicidal. Ephemeral mental illness aside, therapy is a necessary treatment to
actually combat substance use disorders (SUDs), too.

Detox supervision is one of the specialties of Landmark Recovery, even to the point of
medication-assisted treatment in some circumstances. Also, therapy afterward is hardly
just about surviving dopamine crashes. At the same time, not all talk therapy is well suited
to deal with the root problem of SUD. Cognitive behavioral therapy identifies and targets
the thought processes that contribute to substance abuse, yanks them up by the root and
replaces them with thoughts better suited to living without those substances.

If you relate to Prince Harry’s journey, and need help to stop drinking or taking drugs, go
to Landmark Recovery or call 888.448.0302.

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About the Author

APP. C 294
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Prince Harry Is Said To Have Used Drugs

By The Associated Press
Jan. 13, 2002

See the article in its original context from

January 13, 2002, Section 1, Page 10 Buy Reprints


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Prince Charles took his youngest son, Harry, to a rehabilitation clinic to show him the
dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, after the young prince admitted having smoked
marijuana and getting drunk, a Sunday newspaper reported.

St. James's Palace, the official residence of Prince Charles, said the matter was now closed.

''This was a serious matter which was resolved within the family and is now in the past and
closed,'' a spokesman said today, speaking on condition of anonymity.

According to tabloid News of the World, Charles made the decision after discovering the 17-
year-old prince had used marijuana and had also been drinking at a pub near Charles'
Highgrove country estate in western England.

Marijuana use is illegal in Britain and the legal drinking age is 18. Harry was 16 when he
confessed to his father last summer, the newspaper reported.

The newspaper said Harry experimented with marijuana over a two-month period at
Highgrove, in a rundown shed at a nearby pub and at private parties held by friends.

Charles was alerted to his son's behavior by a Highgrove member of staff, the newspaper
reported. He confronted the young prince and took him to a drug rehabilitation center in
south London, where he spent a day talking with addicts.

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News > UK > This Britain

Prince Harry sent to rehab over drink and drugs

Claire Hill · Sunday 13 January 2002 01:00 · Comments

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Harry's friends are no strangers to drugs

Prince Harry was sent to a drugs rehabilitation clinic after he admitted to smoking
cannabis and drinking alcohol, it emerged last night.

His father, the Prince of Wales, sent his son to Featherstone Lodge Rehabilitation
Centre in Peckham, south London. Prince Charles took the decision after learning
his son had taken drugs during private parties at Highgrove, and had drunk alcohol
at the nearby Rattlebone Inn in Sherston, reports said.

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These incidents are reported to have happened last June and July when Harry was
16. It is believed that Prince Charles was alerted to the problem when a senior
member of staff noticed a smell of cannabis. In the late summer, he visited the
rehabilitation centre for what was intended to be a "short, sharp shock".

Bill Puddicombe, the chief executive of Phoenix House Treatment Service For Drug
Dependency, confirmed Prince Harry's visit to the lodge. "The visit was at the
request of the Prince of Wales, who is our patron," he said. "Prince Harry came for a
couple of hours on a day in late summer and talked to several people in recovery,
heroin and cocaine addicts mostly.

"They told him what had happened in their lives, which must have been quite
harrowing for him. Prince Harry was friendly and relaxed and the residents liked
him and responded very warmly to him.

"I spoke to the Prince in November and was pleased to hear that Harry had enjoyed
his visit and learnt a lot.

"It was an opportunity for the Prince of Wales to teach Prince Harry about our work
and the consequences of taking drugs. Featherstone has helped an enormous
number of people, and we are pleased if the visit helped Prince Harry too."

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Prince Harry was reportedly shown the residential and detox areas and sat in on a
communal therapy group and heard stories of addicts moving from cannabis to
cocaine and heroin.

A Star is Born: Julia Roberts' 18-

Year-Old Daughter Steals the Show

A spokesman for St James's Palace said last night: "This is a serious matter which
was resolved within the family, and is now in the past and closed." It is expected
there will be widespread praise for the Prince of Wales's actions.

Prince Harry, now at Eton public school and planning to go to agricultural college
after his A-levels, is the latest in a line of young aristocrats and politicians' children
who have succumbed to drug taking. The Hon Nicholas Knatchbull, a godson of
Prince Charles, was in a rehabilitation clinic last year. Camilla Parker Bowles's son,
Tom and Lord Frederick Windsor have also admitted using cocaine. Tony Blair's son,
Euan, was found drunk in Leicester Square in 2000 when he was 16.

The Mail on Sunday also reported last night that the prince was at the centre of a
Police investigation into after-hours drinking at the Rattlebone Inn. He verbally
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abused a French employee and was ordered to leave the premises, the report said.
The landlord, David Baker, left the pub within weeks of the incident.

The Prince of Wales was involved in an underage drinking episode when he was 14.
During a school sailing trip, he led his four friends to the Crown Hotel on the Isle of
Lewis. He asked for a cherry brandy, the first drink that came to his mind.
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The Observer

This article is more than 21 years old

Prince Harry taken to drink and drugs rehab clinic

Antony Barnett
Sat 12 Jan 2002 23.36 EST

Prince Harry was taken to a drugs rehabilitation clinic for a day after Prince Charles
discovered he had been regularly smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol, it emerged
last night.

The prince, 16 at the time, was confronted last year by Prince Charles, who then
arranged a visit to Featherstone Lodge, a detox centre for heroin addicts in Peckham,
south London.

Royal sources confirmed that Harry, now 17, had confessed to 'experimenting' with
cannabis on several occasions at his father's Highgrove home and drinking to excess at
private parties and at a local pub in Wiltshire.

The latest revelations will be highly embarrassing for the royal family and also put a
spotlight on how Prince Harry has coped since his mother Diana, Princess of Wales,
was killed.

The News of the World quoted one source as saying: 'Since Princess Diana died, there
has been a family rule that when Prince Harry is home from school, his father is at
home at Highgrove.

'But last summer was different. Prince Harry was getting older, Prince Charles was
often away on business in London and Prince William was on his gap year.

'So for the first time Prince Harry found himself occasionally at home alone at
Highgrove and was encouraged to have friends round to keep him company. During a
period covering June and July 2001, Prince Harry fell in with a bad lot at the Rattlebone
Inn. There are so many fights at the Rattlebone Inn. In fact, earlier last year Prince
Harry was involved in an incident after a fight broke out over out-of-hours drinking
and was barred from the inn for a while.'

The News of the World reports that one of his new friends encouraged him to
experiment with cannabis at a private party in Tetbury and on one occasion in the shed
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at the back of the pub.

It was after a private party at Highgrove that a member of the Royal staff smelled
cannabis and alerted Prince Charles. An aide to the Prince of Wales confirmed:
'Although his friends smoked at parties at Highgrove, Harry was mindful only to smoke
in private with close friends in the local area.'

Charles is reported to have asked Prince William to suggest to Harry that he should
spend some time at the Featherstone clinic to familiarise himself with the dangers of
drugs. It was reported that the prince visited the centre for a day as a short, sharp
shock and not for treatment.

According to the report, Charles told aides: 'There is no point in hiding the truth. These
are the facts - let people make their own judgment.' St James's Palace said: 'This is a
serious matter which was resolved within the family and is now closed.'

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News UK News

DRUG CONFESSIONS Prince Harry, aged 17,

told addicts at rehab he’d ‘experimented’
with cocaine, ketamine & cannabis
following loss of mum
Isaac Crowson
Published: 16:00 ET, Jan 8 2023 Updated: 1:54 ET, Jan 9 2023

PRINCE Harry confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine,

cannabis and Nepalese hashish Temple Balls to other
users at a drug rehab centre aged 17, a former
resident has claimed.

Paul Smith said he and other addicts were left stunned

when the Prince visited Featherstone Lodge in South
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East London with his father Charles in 2002.

A former resident of a drug rehab centre claIms Harry
confessed to taking cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and
Nepalese hashish Temple Balls aged 17 Credit: David Hartley

Paul Smith said he and other addicts were left stunned when
the Prince visited Featherstone Lodge in London with
Charles in 2002 Credit: Times Newspapers Ltd

Harry was taken there after the now-King discovered

his son had been regularly smoking cannabis and
APP. C 303
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 306 of 416
drinking alcohol as a teenager.
It was widely reported around that time that Charles
confronted Harry, who had confessed to
“experimenting” with weed on several occasions at his
father’s Highgrove home.

But The Sun can reveal he went further than was

publicly known and told startled addicts he had taken
the Class A drug cocaine and Class B ketamine, a

And he left them bemused with a confession to taking

Temple Balls — which experts have warned are not for
the casual drug taker.

It is a form of cannabis which has been cultivated in

Nepal for hundreds of years — and is a plant
concentrate which produces a much more potent high
than regular weed.

Paul, 54, has come forward to talk about Harry’s visit

after the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking drugs in
his memoir, Spare.

He claims: “Harry was so open. He said he’d taken

ketamine, cannabis and also cocaine.

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Paul Smith, 52, said Harry claimed to have taken ketamine,
cannabis and cocaine Credit: Kevin Dunnett

It comes as the Duke of Sussex admitted to taking drugs in
his memoir, Spare Credit: Instagram

“We were stunned. There had been reports of bad

behaviour around that time, but this was so shocking.
This was a prince. It was incredible.
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“He said he’d struggled with the loss of his mother and
I could relate to that. I’d also had bereavement in my

“He’s a man in line to the throne at a drug

rehab centre laying out his soul. It was shocking.

“We had no prior warning, we were just told he was

heading in. He said when he was doing these things, he
was out of control.

“It was brutally honest. I think he felt happy to speak

around us.”

Paul said Harry spent about an hour with him and two
other addicts, talking in great detail about his life.

He said that at times he had to “pinch myself” that it

was really happening.
APP. C 306
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He added: “I was a senior resident at the centre at the
time which is why I think they chose me. I think Charles
wanted him to be alone and talk to real addicts about
how bad drugs are.

“He did not even have his security people in the room
at the time. I said my name was Paul and I explained
my situation.

APP. C 307
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Harry was taken to the rehab centre after the King
discovered his son had been regularly smoking cannabis and
drinking Credit: PA

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Harry also admits in Spare that he had lied about his cocaine
use when confronted about it Credit: Reuters

"I told him that he did not want to end up in a place

like this. He talked about taking marijuana, Temple
Balls and cocaine.

“He also talked about Ketamine. I was like, ‘Oh my god’

— I told him he needed to rein it in.

"But when all the drug taking stuff came out this week
from his book I was shocked. I don’t know why he
decided to announce it all now. He said he felt very bad
after taking the drugs.”

In the book, Harry admits he took cocaine as a

teenager and blamed it on an adolescent rebellion.

He says he was offered the Class A drug during a

hunting weekend when he was 17 — and on a few other

Harry also reveals he smoked cannabis at Eton and he

had continued to smoke the drug at Nottingham
Cottage, the home he moved into with Meghan in the
grounds of Kensington Palace, in 2015.

APP. C 309
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He says he would smoke a marijuana joint after dinner,
adding that he tried to ensure the smoke did not drift
into the garden of his neighbour, the Duke of Kent.

Psychedelic drugs had helped him escape into

“another world”, he adds, and he describes getting
drunk on tequila and taking magic mushrooms with
friends in California in 2016.

Harry also admits in Spare that he had lied about his

cocaine use when confronted about it at the time of
the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002.

He says he was ushered into a small office and asked

bluntly if he had taken the drug.

The unnamed member of the Royal Household said a

journalist had claimed to have a photograph of the
young prince taking cocaine.



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Harry denied the claim immediately and told the

official to deny it to the journalist.

But in his memoir, he admits to taking cocaine at that

time when he would have been 17.

Topics Drugs Exclusives Royal Family

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Home / News / World /  ‘What Meghan wants, she gets’, Expert hints Markle responsible for Prince Harry's US visa scrutiny

‘What Meghan wants, she gets’, Expert hints Markle responsible for Prince Harry's US visa scrutiny
1 min read . Updated: 25 Mar 2023, 05:41 PM IST

Edited By Sanchari Ghosh

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has called for the release of Prince Harry's US visa application to see if he properly disclosed his past drug use before
moving to California in the summer of 2020. (REUTERS)

Royal biographer criticized Meghan Markle for allegedly encouraging Prince Harry to reveal details of his drug use in his memoir ‘Spare’

Prince Harry's US visa is under scrutiny and partially his wife Meghan Markle is responsible for it. As per experts, Meghan should have warned

Harry about detailing his drug use in his book ‘Spare’ as it could have serious consequences for his visa status in the United States. 

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After the book came out, The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has called for the release of Prince Harry's US visa application to see if
he properly disclosed his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. 

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It is unclear what the consequences would be for Meghan Markle if Prince Harry were to be deported from the United States over visa issues.
Similarly, it is uncertain whether Prince Harry would return to Britain or whether Meghan Markle would remain in the United States.


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soon, Royal expert sa... Mail publ... Meghan, are keeping Become Too Loose heckled over cont... 26 May

It is important to note that failing to disclose relevant information on a visa application can have serious consequences. US immigration laws have
strict punishments for people who lie or hide information, and deportation is one of the potential outcomes. 

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Could Prince Harry be deported from the US over drug use?




Piers Morgan

Prince Harry facing demands to publicise his US visa application after admitting recreational drug use

Prince Harry is facing calls to reveal whether his US visa application included details of his past drug use.

It comes after he admitted taking cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms. in his autobiography, Spare.
APP. C 314
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A request has been submitted for him to release a copy of his application by a US conservative think tank to see whether he admitted to his drug use before m

Peter Hitchens blames drug users like Prince Harry for narcotics trade 'misery'


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The Heritage Foundation has argued the details of Harry's application should be released to confirm whether he was properly vetted before being allowed to

Applicants for US visas are typically asked about previous drug use. Hundreds of Brits have been denied access to America after admitting prior drug misuse.

The think tank's director Mike Powell said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use

APP. C 315
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Prince Harry: 'Drugs responsible for glaring book errors', says Royal commentator


Harry wrote in his memoir that he first tried cocaine when he was 17 and has used it recreationally since. He also said that he used cannabis and magic mushro

The Heritage Foundation argues that if immigration officials knew about Harry drug use it raises questions over whether he was given special treatment becau

If Harry failed to declare his drug use he could also be barred from applying for US citizenship and deported from the country he has lived in for nearly three y

Latest Articles

APP. C 316
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 319 of 416

Explained: Why Meghan Markle is

responsible for Harry’s visa
Prince Harry is frightened of his wife Meghan Markle, claims royal biographer; calls her
really scary’. She controls every move of Harry

Lachmi Deb Roy March 24, 2023 12:19:35 IST

Prince Harry is ‘frightened’ of his wife Meghan Markle, claims royal biographer; calls her ‘really scary’.

Meghan Markle should have warned Prince Harry against revealing details about his drug
usage for his memoir Spare. Harry has disclosed plenty of royal secrets and interesting
details about his drug usage in his memoir Spare. For that reason, his visa applications
have come under scrutiny and there are chances that he may be deported from the US.
US immigration law tends to have very harsh punishment for people lying and hiding
information. The royal biographer Angela Levin has called out Meghan Markle for not
stopping  Prince Harry from revealing all details. In fact, she encouraged Harry to tell it

According to reports, a conservative think tank is calling for

Prince Harry’s US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not he
admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020. Now
the obvious questions are what will happen to Meghan Markle if Harry gets deported
from the USA over visa issues? Will Harry go back to Britain? Will Meghan continue to live
in the US?

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country’s preeminent right-wing think tanks, is
arguing that US officials should release the details of the prince’s application so
Americans can see whether or not he was properly vetted before being allowed to enter
the country Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and APP. C 317
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 320 of 416
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and
drug use.

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Updated Date: March 24, 2023 21:23:12 IST

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 321 of 416


Lawyers reveal whether Prince Harry’s drug use will affect US visa
By Eileen Reslen March 21, 2023 | 3:18pm

00:57 / 01:30

“Truth-teller” Prince Harry may find himself in hot water — and lose his rights to live in the US — for being too honest about
his past drug use, a legal expert tells Page Six exclusively.

However, others argue that the British royal is in the clear — unless he happens to one day find himself behind bars.

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani says.

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms
and other drugs.”

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 322 of 416

Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, adds that there is “no exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Prince Harry’s admission of drug use could affect his visa status.
Getty Images

The Duke of Sussex revealed in his memoir, “Spare,” released in January, that he “drank heavily,” used cocaine and smoked
pot throughout his life.

While Harry, 38, claimed he only used coke as a teen, he has also admitted to experimenting with psychedelics well into his

The prince said during an online chat with trauma expert Gabor Maté earlier this month that he considers hallucinogenic
drugs a “fundamental” part of his life.

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Harry, seen here in 2004, wrote about using cocaine in his book, “Spare.”
Richard Young/Shutterstock

“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it removed it all for me and
brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold back for a period of time,” he shared at
the time.

“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Attorney James Leonard, who represented “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” alum Joe Giudice in his immigration case,
disagrees with Rahmani that Harry’s status in the US is at such high risk.

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The royal, seen here in 2012, has not said he’s suffered from addiction issues.
Tim Rooke/Shutterstock

“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual
drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational
experimentation with drugs,” the high-profile New Jersey-based lawyer tells Page Six.

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Leonard explains that drug users who are not US citizens would have to give immigration officials a reason to launch an
investigation into the individual’s status, like a criminal act.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in a book, that you experimented with drugs when
you were a young man, I don’t think gets you there,” the celebrity attorney adds.

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Legal experts say Harry’s visa would only be at risk if he faced criminal charges.
The Daily Stardust / ShotbyNYP/MEGA / BACKGRID

“Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he got a DWI, then we’re having a different

Sam Adair, an immigration lawyer with more than two decades of experience, agrees with Leonard that it is “unlikely that
these admissions will present a problem.”

“If there had been a conviction, it would have likely been a significant issue in getting a visa,” the executive partner at
Graham Adair points out.

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Harry moved to the US in 2020 with his wife, Meghan Markle.
Getty Images for 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala

He adds, “This isn’t to say that drug use could not be a problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is
unlikely that this would present an issue. 

“It isn’t clear to me what the duke’s visa status is in the US, but breaking the law could be an issue in getting a visa renewed
or for readmission to the US. But recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is unlikely to
present an issue for someone’s visa status.”

However, Rahmani maintains that there is “no requirement that the person actually be convicted of a drug offense.”

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Harry resides in the US full-time with his wife and two kids, Archie and Lilibet.
Alexi Lubomirski / Duke and Duchess of Sussex

He notes, though, that a loophole for drug users to stay in the US would be for them to “get a waiver” as proof that their
substance abuse “is in remission.”
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“Someone is considered in remission after one year of sobriety,” Rahmani explains. “A waiver request requires a doctor to
submit medical records, but it’s unclear whether Prince Harry made such a request because immigration files are not public.”

Harry has not disclosed whether he has ever struggled with serious drug issues, but his father, King Charles III, sent him to a
rehab center at age 17 after he confessed to smoking marijuana.

Markle is a US citizen.
AFP via Getty Images

Adair says past recreational drug use is “not something that is likely to have been raised in a visa interview,” so it was likely
not an issue during Harry’s approval process.

“The drug use could be an issue if there had ever been an arrest, charge or conviction, but recreational use would not likely
come up in the visa interview,” the Texas-based lawyer concludes.

Leonard agrees, “If he had a criminal charge, it could absolutely affect his status and whether it gets renewed or terminated.
But just to say that you indulged in that behavior, the answer is no [it would not affect his status].”

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Harry and Markle quit the British royal family in January 2020.
Getty Images

206 What do you think? Post a comment.

Harry moved to California with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their son, Archie, in early 2020 after quitting the royal family
that January.

According to a 2021 article by the Times, the duke has no plans to seek a permanent US residency, citizenship or a “green
card at any point.”

A top immigration attorney previously told Page Six that should any issues arise, Markle, 41, who was born in California,
could sponsor her husband.

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Prince Harry Facing Questions Surrounding U.S. Visa After Admitting To

Using Drugs 
  by Nicky Kashani (  March 27, 2023, 11:29 pm Like 4

 Daily Digest (, News (, News Feed


Follow uInterview

( (

Prince Harry ( has made some bombshell revelations

spare/) in his recent interviews and 2023 autobiography, Spare. The most recent to come under

APP. C 331
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scrutiny is his admission to having experimented with illicit drugs, such as cocaine and magic
mushrooms (
mushrooms-in-new-memoir/), which has raised questions about whether he declared his past
substance use when applying for residency, and why it has not impacted his ability to obtain a U.S.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has submitted a request for Prince Harry’s visa
documents under the Freedom of Information Act. Experts believe that if the Heritage Foundation’s
investigation finds the Duke of Sussex to have lied on his application, he could have his visa revoked
and could face deportation.



Experts say that an admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility.

If, however, the investigation finds that he has mentioned his history with illicit drugs, then it would
suggest that he has received unfair preferential treatment due to his royal status or as a result of his
wife Meghan Markle (‘s fame.

Many individuals with a history of substance use have been refused from the U.S. in the past. For
example, in 2014, food writer and TV chef Nigella Lawson was banned from an LAX-bound flight from
London Heathrow, four months after admitting to experimenting with Class-A drugs.

While the 38-year-old prince claimed to have only engaged in cocaine use in his teenage years, he
recalled his experimentation with psychedelics to have been well into his adulthood, at the Los
Angeles home of actress Courteney Cox (
harry-saying-he-took-magic-mushrooms-at-her-house/). Earlier this month, the duke told trauma
expert Dr. Gabor Maté that hallucinogenic drugs are a “fundamental” part of his life.

“It was the cleaning of the windscreen, the removal of life’s filters — these layers of filters — it
removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, relief, comfort, a lightness that I managed
to hold back for a period of time,” he told Maté, admitting that he began “doing it recreationally and
then started to realize how good it was for me.”

Despite the backlash, there are some who believe that without a criminal act, immigration officials will
not have sufficient reason to launch an investigation.

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Celeb (Https://Hellogiggles.Com/Celebrity/) | News

Prince Harry Might Face Deportation Over Past Drug

K a r w a i Ta n g / W i r e I m a g e ( h t t p s : / / w w w. g e t t y i m a g e s . c o m / d e t a i l / n e w s - p h o t o / p r i n c e - h a r r y - d u k e - o f -

Prince Harry (

are-making-big-coronation-demands-says-source/)’s cons list for
attending King Charles (
harry/)’s coronation just got one bullet point longer — and a whole lot more
complicated. A Washington D.C.-based conservative think tank is
demanding that Harry’s U.S. visa application be made public following his
admission of past drug use (


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Earlier this year, during his global press tour for Spare, Harry revealed on-
camera he has used cocaine, magic mushrooms, marijuana, and
psychedelics including ayahuasca. The Heritage Foundation wantsVolkswagen
know if Harry omitted to use of those drugs on his application.
Skip Ad

APP. C 333
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 336 of 416
If the answer is yes, he could be facing
possible deportation(/) for lying to immigration
officials. That also means if he decides to
travel to the U.K. for Coronation Weekend,
he may not be allowed back into the US.


“This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of

Prince Harry’s visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding
the Prince’s drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering
the United States,” The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project director
Mike Howell told Daily Mail (

The real ticker is whether or not Harry received preferential treatment for
being a Prince, The Heritage Foundation added. Typically, those with a
history of drug use are denied entrance into the U.S. Thus, if Harry was
honest about his drug record and immigration turned a blind eye, the
public may have something to say about that.

RELATED: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are Making Big Coronation
Demands, Says Source (

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for

inadmissibility,” former federal prosecutor Neama
Rahmani told Page Six.
prince-harrys-drug-use-could-affect-us-visa/) “That
means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or
revoked because he admitted to using cocaine,
mushrooms, and other drugs.”
Albeit, attorney James Leonard argues Harry’s past drug use would have
to be linked to a criminal charge for immigration to raise eyebrows.


APP. C 334
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 337 of 416


“Absent any criminal charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a

judicial authority that Prince Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly
is not, I don’t see any issue with the disclosures in his memoir regarding
recreational experimentation with drugs,” he told the outlet.

“You’ve got to give them something that would trigger it, and revealing it in
a book, that you experimented with drugs when you were a young man, I
don’t think gets you there,” Leonard continued.

Leonard did note, however, if Harry ever got a DWI or was arrested, then
his visa might be in jeopardy.

Visa records are kept private, so it’s uncertain whether The Heritage
Foundation’s legal dispute will go in their favor. It’s also unclear what this
may mean when Harry has to review his U.S. visa.


Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk

about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more (




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APP. C 335
( 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 338 of 416
     

Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa ‘Should Have Been
Denied Or Revoked’ Following Drug Use
u-s- u-s- u-s-
u-s- u-s-
Says — But Others
Disagree visa- visa- visa- visa- visa-


should- should-
22 Mar should-
2023 2:02
should- PM should-
Last updated: 23 Mar 2023 5:11 PM

have- have- have-

been- been- been-
ET Canada denied-
denied- denied-
denied- denied-
Prince Harry At Risk Of Being Deported From U.S. Over Visa Issues
or- or- or-or- or- or-

revoked- revoked-
revoked- revoked-
revoked- revoked-

following- following-
following- following-
following- following-

drug- drug- drug-

use- use- use-
use- use- use-

admission- admission-
admission- admission-
admission- admission-

lawyer- lawyer-
lawyer- lawyer-

says- says- says-

Legal experts have but-
but- whether Prince Harry’s past drug use
but- but-
admission will affect his rights to live in the U.S.
others- others-others-others-
Harry, who stepped back as a senior royal alongside wife Meghan Markle in
March 2020 beforedisagree%2F)
moving todisagree%2F)
California, admitted to taking cocaine, mushrooms
and smoking weed, as well as drinking heavily, in his tell-all memoir Spare.

Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani has now told Page Six
affect-us-visa/) that his admission should have previously been declared to

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” Rahmani said.

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he
admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs.”

Rahmani, who is president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, insisted there was “no
exception for royalty or recreational use.”

Despite Rahmani’s comments, other legal experts have said Harry would only
have issues if he was to get into trouble and do something that was considered a
criminal act.

James Leonard, who represented “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star
Joe Giudice in his immigration case, told the publication: “Absent any criminal
charge related to drugs or alcohol or any finding by a judicial authority that Prince
Harry is a habitual drug user, which he clearly is not, I don’t see any issue with
the disclosures in his memoir regarding recreational experimentation with drugs.
APP. C 336
“You’ve got to give them something
( that would trigger
1:23-cv-01198 it, and revealing
Document 1-10it inFiled
a 05/01/23 Page 339 of 416
book, that you experimented
  withdrugs
you were a young man, I don’t 

think gets you there.

“Immigration is not going to do anything based on that. If he got arrested or if he
got a DWI, then we’re having a different conversation.”
harrys- harrys-harrys-harrys-
READ MORE: Courteney Cox Responds To Prince Harry Saying He Ate Psychedelic
Mushrooms At Her House: u-s-
‘I Wasn’t
u-s- u-s- u-s- u-s- Them
Passing u-s- Out’
visa- visa- visa-
visa- visa- visa-

should- should-
should- should-
Immigration lawyer Sam Adair agreed with Leonard that it is “unlikely that these
admissions will present have- have- have-
a problem.”

“If there had been abeen-

conviction, been- been-
it would
been-been- been-
have likely been a significant issue in
getting a visa,” he said, adding: “This isn’t to say that drug use could not be a
denied- denied-
denied- denied-
problem in the immigration process, but in this circumstance, it is unlikely that
this would present an or- or-or-
or-issue. or- or-

“It isn’t clear to merevoked- revoked-

the Duke’s revoked-
revoked- revoked-
status is in the U.S., but breaking the law
could be an issue in getting a visa renewed or for readmission to the U.S. But
following- following-
following- following-
following- following-
recreational drug use that has not been the subject of criminal scrutiny is unlikely
to present an issuedrug-
for someone’s visa
drug-drug- status.”
drug- drug-

Leonard pointed out, “If he

use- use-had ause-
use- use-charge,
criminal use- it could absolutely affect his
status and whether it gets renewed or terminated. But just to say that you
admission- admission-
admission- admission-
admission- admission-
indulged in that behaviour, the answer is no [it would not affect his status].”
lawyer- lawyer-
lawyer- lawyer-
“Someone is considered in remission after one year of sobriety,” Rahmani did
state of a possible loophole.
says-says-“A waiversays-
says- request
says-requires a doctor to submit
medical records, but it’s unclear whether Prince Harry made such a request
but- but- but- but- but-
because immigration files arebut-
not public.”

others- others-others-others-
Harry’s drug use admissions hit headlines around the world when his book was
released in January.
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)
disagree%2F) disagree%2F)

READ MORE: Prince Harry Opens Up About Losing His Virginity To An Older Woman
In A Field And Taking Cocaine At Age 17 In Bombshell New Memoir

He revealed he’d previously dug in to “a huge box of black diamond mushroom

chocolates”  (
mushrooms-at-courteney-coxs-house-and-her-toilet-talked-to-him/)while staying
at Courteney Cox’s house years ago, as well as admitting to taking cocaine for
the first time at age 17 during a hunting weekend.

Harry wrote of taking the drug, “It wasn’t much fun, and it didn’t make me feel
particularly happy the way the others seemed to, but it did make me feel
different, and that was my main goal. To feel. To be different.”

The Duke of Sussex said he was a “17-year-old willing to try almost anything that
would upset the established order” at the time, adding that he smoked cigarettes
and cannabis, as well.

APP. C 337
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 340 of 416

Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug question in

US visa application
Caroline Graham In Los Angeles | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

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Daily Mail Online (UK)

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April 1, 2023

Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug question in US visa application

Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

Prince Harry has been urged to be 'totally transparent' and release details of his US visa application or risk becoming a 'political
pawn' over his past drug use.

US immigration authorities have until April 12 to respond to a Freedom of Information (FoI) request filed by a leading American
think-tank which is seeking to determine how the Duke of Sussex was allowed to enter the States after openly admitting using
a variety of substances in the past, including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

FoI seeks to determine how the Duke of Sussex was allowed to enter the States He has openly admitting using a variety of
illegal substances in the past

Under US law, anyone applying for a visa to live and work in America has to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question:
'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?'

In his controversial memoir Spare and in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate to promote his book last
month, Harry admitted using psychedelic drugs.

They included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, whose effect he described as 'the cleaning of the windshield,
the removal of life's filters'.

But under US law, an admission of drug use usually results in a person being denied entry to the States, as happened in the
case of chef Nigella Lawson and the late singer Amy Winehouse.

The issue of immigration is expected to become one of the main focuses of the 2024 presidential election, with Republicans
attacking President Joe Biden for his lax border controls. And there are fears that Harry's friendships with prominent Democratic
Party figures such as former president Barack Obama and major Democratic donors including Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry
could see him become an 'unwitting pawn in a highly political game'.

Last night, in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, senior lawyer Samuel Dewey at conservative think-tank the
Heritage Foundation, which has filed a 127-page FoI request to see the Duke's application, said: 'It is in the public interest to
know how Prince Harry answered the drug question.

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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

'If he has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he
ticked the "yes" box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States.

'That means he would have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply
asking who granted that waiver.'

There is a history of authorities releasing immigration documents about public figures.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services website has an electronic reading room which contains the immigration files of
people such as Shyamala Gopalan Harris, mother of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, and George Michael and John Lennon.

Other celebrities whose files are open to the public include Canadian-born Superman actress Margot Kidder and British actress
Lynn Redgrave.

Mr Dewey added: 'An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever.

'There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who
authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know.'

Often a ban is overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a waiver can
be issued.

In 2014, Ms Lawson was prevented from entering the US after admitting during a court case to taking cocaine, even though
she told a judge: 'I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user.' She was later granted a visa after being
interviewed at the US Embassy in London, while Ms Winehouse was twice refused entry because of her drug use.

Mr Dewey said: 'There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware
of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger he could become an unwitting
pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato.'

Reports in the US have suggested Harry was admitted on an 'O' visa – given to people of extraordinary ability.

Nile Gardiner, a director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: 'This is a much bigger
issue than Prince Harry. It is about enforcing immigration law and ensuring that no one is above the law. Prince Harry is simply
the tip of the iceberg.

'There are many who believe that under President Biden immigration laws have become lax and are not being properly
implemented. Prince Harry openly talked about his drug use and he has done so for commercial and financial gain, to sell
books. In our opinion, there is no case for privacy here.'

The MoS sought comment on Prince Harry's immigration status from the US Department of Homeland Security, the US
Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Customs and Border Protection, California
Border Patrol and the Sussexes' Archewell organisation. None responded.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION
(THE); U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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Prince Harry is urged to reveal how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11706208

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Legislation (1LE97);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); U.S. Legislation (1US12))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom; Democratic Party; California Border Patrol; Sussexes' Archewell; US
Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation; US Department of Homeland
Security) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 843

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug questions for US

By, Will Maule | Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

Delivery Details
Date: April 1, 2023 at 10:05 PM
Delivered By: Samuel Dewey
Client ID: SED
Status Icons:

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11709245

4/1/23 Daily Mirror Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11709245

Daily Mirror Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 1, 2023

Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug questions for US visa
A Freedom of Information (FoI) request has been filed after Prince Harry
admitted to taking a variety of substances in the past, including marijuan...

By, Will Maule

A Freedom of Information (FoI) request has been filed after Prince Harry admitted to taking a variety of substances in the past,
including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms

Prince Harry is under pressure to reveal the answers he gave on his US visa application regarding his previous drug use.

Visa applicants are required to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question: 'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser
or addict'

A Freedom of Information FoI request has been filed by a leading US think tank who are asking the Duke to be "totally
transparent" about his answers.

Harry has openly admitted to using a variety of substances in the past, including marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

In his best-selling memoir, Spare, the royal recalled using psychedelic drugs.

He reaffirmed the drug usage last month while taking part in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate.

The drugs he took included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, which supposedly has the effect of "removing
life's filters".

Admission of drug use usually results in visa applications being denied.

Senior lawyer Samuel Dewey at conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation, which has filed a 127-page FoI request to
see the Duke's visa application, told the Mail on Sunday: "It is in the public interest to know how Prince Harry answered the
drug question.

"If he has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he
ticked the "yes" box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States.

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Prince Harry urged to show how he answered drug..., 2023 WLNR 11709245

"That means he would have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply
asking who granted that waiver."

Mr Dewey highlighted that an initial visa rejection does not always mean a lifetime barring from the US.

A ban is sometimes overturned following an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a
waiver can be issued.

It comes after America's Heritage Foundation called for Harry's visa application to be released so the US taxpayer can understand
whether the royal declared his drug use.

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Foundations (1FO95); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration &
Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 381

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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of withholding

phone hacking evidence from him
Thomas Kingsley, Maryam Zakir-Hussain and Andy Gregory | Independent Online (UK)

Search Details
Search Query: advanced: ATLEAST4("drug!") and ("u.s." or "United States") and
Jurisdiction: FE

Delivery Details
Date: April 1, 2023 at 10:05 PM
Delivered By: Samuel Dewey
Client ID: SED

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 348 of 416
Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

3/28/23 Independent Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 11118787

Independent Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

March 28, 2023

Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals

of withholding phone hacking evidence from him
Allegation over historic phone hacking emerged in fresh
High Court privacy hearing against different publisher

Thomas Kingsley,Maryam Zakir-Hussain and Andy Gregory

Prince Harry has accused the royal family of "without doubt" withholding information from him "for a long time" about phone
hacking as they did not want to "open a can of worms", the High Court has heard.

The allegation – relating to News Group Newspapers – emerged in a witness statement submitted by the Duke of Sussex in
the high-profile privacy case against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, which he is bringing alongside Sir Elton
John, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, and others.

In the second day of a preliminary hearing at London's Royal Courts of Justice, the publisher argued that part of the case should
be thrown out as it relies on documents supplied confidentially to the Leveson Inquiry.

The allegations – which are denied – include the hiring of private investigators to place listening devices inside cars and the
accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

The court heard on Monday that Prince Harry had lost or "cut off" friends as "everyone became a 'suspect' since he was misled
by the way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source" of articles about him.
Key Points
Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace 'withheld' information about historic phone hackingDaily Mail publisher claims
privacy case uses files provided confidentially to Leveson Inquiry ...... as complainants argue banning this 'highly relevant'
material from case would be 'draconian'Sir Elton John in court as judge told publisher saw copy of child's birth certificate
before himDoreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored and landline hacked, court hearsPublisher brands allegations
'preposterous smears'Judge grants anonymity for Mail journalists involved in alleged phone-tapping

17:01 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry has said the Royal Family withheld information from him about phone hacking because
they didn't want him to bring a claim as it would "open a can of worms", my colleague Thomas Kingsley reports.In a witness
statement submitted before his civil claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, the Duke of Sussex said that he
was conditioned to accept his family's rule to "never complain, never explain" when dealing with the press."The Institution made
it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not
sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms," the Duke said in his statementBut discussing phone hacking

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claims against News Group Newspapers, Harry said "I became aware that I had a claim that I could bring" in 2018. You can
refresh this breaking report for updates: Duke says Royal Family 'without doubt' withheld phone hacking information from him
16:41 , Andy Gregory15:59 , Thomas Kingsley David Sherborne, the lawyer representing Prince Harry and the other claimants,
says the possibly confidential material they're relying upon for their case is "highly relevant".He claims that even if Mr Justice
Nicklin found they were in breach of orders imposed by the Leveson inquiry which restrict their disclosure, removing this
element of their argument from the case would be a "draconian" measure."We don't accept that there is no room for manoeuvre,"
Mr Sherborne told the judge. 15:38 , Andy Gregory The Duke of Sussex has not returned to the courtroom in the Royal Courts
of Justice during an afternoon break in the preliminary hearing. 15:17 , Andy Gregory Baroness Doreen Lawrence has returned
to London's Royal Courts of Justice today for the preliminary hearing of her case against Associated Newspapers.Her lawyers
say that she feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators
to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information.Baroness Lawrence alleges that her landline and bank accounts were
monitored by private investigators, who she claims made "corrupt payments" to Metropolitan Police officers for information
about the investigation into her son Stephen's murder in 1993. 14:44 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry suffered from "suspicion
and paranoia" and lost friends because of newspaper articles, a court heard on Monday, as he launched his campaign to reform
the media with a surprise appearance in London.The Duke of Sussex flew 5,500 miles from his new home in California to
attend a High Court hearing as the Daily Mail 's publisher bids to throw out claims against its titles, including accusations of
phone-hacking.Also in court were Sir Elton John, Sadie Frost, and Baroness Lawrence, who are among the public figures suing
Associated Newspapers for alleged unlawful activity.'Paranoid' Prince Harry lost friends over 'unlawful' newspaper stories, court
hears 14:12 , Andy Gregory A High Court judge has said he is "concerned" about who is responsible for policing confidentiality
undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL)'s argument is that part of the case
brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in
2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.The company maintains that these documents are subject to
binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their use, and that lawyers for the people bringing
the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their disclosure.However on Tuesday, Mr Justice
Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry no longer exists.He said that "basic contract
law" requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone has to be able to stand there and say that they
have the power to enforce it."Who is that person?" he asked, adding: "I am now concerned about who is responsible for policing
the Leveson undertakings." 14:00 , Maryam Zakir-HussainIn case you missed it... The Duke of Sussex claims he was "largely
deprived" of important parts of his teenage years due to the unlawful actions of the Daily Mail's publisher, court documents
have shown as he made a surprise appearance at the High Court in London.Harry, Sir Elton John, his husband David Furnish,
Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon and Sadie Frost all attended the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday for the start of
the first hearing in their claims against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).The high-profile individuals are part of a group,
which also includes Liz Hurley and former Lib Dem MP Sir Simon Hughes, bringing privacy claims against the publisher
over allegations it carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering.Harry 'deprived' of parts of teenage
years due to Mail publisher, court told 13:57 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain A High Court judge has said he is "concerned" about
who is responsible for policing confidentiality undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited
(ANL)'s argument is that part of the case brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided
by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in 2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.The company
maintains that these documents are subject to binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their
use, and that lawyers for the people bringing the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their
disclosure.However on Tuesday, Mr Justice Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry
no longer exists.He said that "basic contract law" requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone
has to be able to stand there and say that they have the power to enforce it."Who is that person?" he asked, adding: "I am now
concerned about who is responsible for policing the Leveson undertakings." 13:38 , Maryam Zakir-HussainIn case you missed
it... Sir Elton John and David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child's birth certificate before it was "unlawfully" obtained
by the publisher of the Daily Mail and placed beneath a "derogatory" headline, the High Court has been told.The singer and his
filmmaker husband were described as "outraged" and "mortified" in court documents alleging that the privacy of their home
was "ruthlessly invaded" – with their landline allegedly tapped and staff "targeted" – in order "to steal and exploit" information
to fuel stories about them.The couple's allegations form part of a host of similar claims brought against Associated Newspapers

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Ltd (ANL) by a group comprising Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, actors Sadie Frost and Elizabeth Hurley, and
former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes.Daily Mail publisher 'saw copy of Elton John's child's birth certificate before
him' 12:47 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain Lawyers are yet to get into their arguments over the continuation of the claims against
ANL and whether they should be taken to trial. Meanwhile, Baroness Lawrence has entered the court room. She told the court
yesterday through her lawyers that she feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly
hiring private investigators to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information. 12:07 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain11:51 ,
Maryam Zakir-HussainThomas Kingsley reports live from the High Court Every seat in the public gallery is filled for today's
hearing with Prince Harry, today wearing a grey suit, is in attendance again listening attentively to the proceedings. Lawyers
have not yet begun to discuss their arguments for why the claims from the Duke and others should be taken to trial or thrown
out -first there is a discussion over legal details around confidentiality and restricted documents in this week's hearing. 10:51 ,
Maryam Zakir-Hussain The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time since the late Queen's
funeral – but is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.His trip – for a High Court hearing in London in his
claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering – will be seen as
demonstrating the strength of his determination over the legal action.Just weeks ago, Harry laid bare his troubled relationship
with his father the King and brother the Prince of Wales in his controversial autobiography Spare.Prince Harry not expected to
see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK 10:32 , Thomas Kingsley Day two of the four-day preliminary hearing
has begun in the High Court. Prince Harry is in attendance again as the judge decides whether the claim will go to trial. 10:23 ,
Maryam Zakir-Hussain The Duke of Sussex has returned to the Royal Courts of Justice for the second day of a High Court
hearing over multiple privacy claims brought against the publisher of the Daily Mail.Harry arrived at the central London court
just after 10am for the second day of a preliminary hearing in his claim against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).The
duke is part of a group -along with Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Sir Elton John and David Furnish, former Liberal Democrat MP
Sir Simon Hughes and actresses Sadie Frost and Liz Hurley -bringing claims over allegations ANL carried out or commissioned
illegal or unlawful information-gathering.The allegations -which are denied -include the hiring of private investigators to place
listening devices inside cars and the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.Lawyers for ANL, which is also the
publisher of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, said the allegations are "firmly" denied and that the "stale" claims have been
brought too late as it made a bid to throw out the cases. 09:29 , Thomas Kingsley Phone-tapping allegations against Associated
Newspapers is set to begin its second day at the High Court after Prince Harry made a surprise visit to the hearing in London
on Monday. Here is recap of yesterday's hearing:
Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace 'withheld' information about historic phone hacking for 'long time'
Prince Harry photographed leaving court this afternoon
Potentially confidential material is 'highly relevant' to privacy case, lawyer says
Prince Harry has not returned to courtroom after break in proceedings
'Paranoid' Prince Harry lost friends over 'unlawful' newspaper stories, court hears
Mail publisher claims case is based on confidential documents it sent to Leveson Inquiry
Harry 'deprived' of parts of teenage years due to Mail publisher, court told
High Court judge 'concerned' about who is responsible for 'policing Leveson undertakings'
Elton John 'did not see copy of child's birth certificate before it was unlawfully obtained' by Mail publisher
Baroness Lawrence arrives at High Court
Watch: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for second day of Daily Mail privacy case
Update from the High Court
Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK
Day two of preliminary hearing against Daily Mail publisher begins
Harry returns to High Court for day two of hearing
Recap of yesterday's hearing
The Duke of Sussex claims he was "largely deprived" of important parts of his teenage years due to the unlawful actions of
the Daily Mail's publisherANL's lawyers have said the claims brought by seven high-profile individuals including the Duke of
Sussex and Baroness Lawrence should be dismissed without a trialSadie Frost and Sir Elton John appeared in court alongside
Prince HarryPrince Harry is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales while he is in the UKBaroness Doreen
Lawrence feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators

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to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information, her lawyers saidThe judge overseeing the dispute has made an order
temporarily preventing the reporting of the names of journalists linked to allegations against the publisher
ICYMI: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for phone-tapping and privacy case
Sir Elton 'outraged' and 'mortified' over newspaper phone tapping allegations
Sir Elton John and David Furnish are "outraged" and "mortified" over allegations of unlawful information gathering by the
publisher of the Daily Mail – including tapping their home landline – the High Court has been told.

John and Furnish appeared at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Monday (27 March) for the start of a four-day hearing
over privacy claims brought by the couple against Associated Newspapers Limited.

Along with Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon, Sadie Frost, Liz Hurley and former Lib Dem MP Sir Simon
Hughes, the couple are bringing claims over allegations it carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering
– including the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

Read more:

Sir Elton 'outraged' and 'mortified' over newspaper phone tapping allegations
What is the legal action being brought against Daily Mail publisher?
My colleague Thomas Kingsley has this overview of the legal action launched by the high-profile group back in October:

Group including Prince Harry launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers
Prince Harry not expected to see his family as he makes surprise return to UK
The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time since the late Queen's funeral – but is not expected
to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.

His trip – for a High Court hearing in London in his claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers over allegations
of unlawful information-gathering – will be seen as demonstrating the strength of his determination over the legal action.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain reports.

Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK
Doreen Lawrence says son's murder was 'exploited' by publisher, court told
The mother of Stephen Lawrence says his racist murder was "exploited" by the publisher of the Daily Mail to "generate
'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers and to profit", the High Court was told at Monday's preliminary hearing.

Baroness Doreen Lawrence feels a "deep sense of betrayal" over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private
investigators to "unlawfully or illegally" obtain her private information, her lawyers said.

She now wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail over its "entirely false" support for her fight for justice "caused her to have
failed her murdered son", the court was told.

In her High Court breach of privacy claim against ANL, brought alongside other high-profile individuals, she claims there was
"illegal interception" of her voicemail messages and that her phone was tapped between 1993 and 2007.

She also alleges her bank accounts and phone bills were monitored, that she was subject to "covert electronic surveillance"
and that "corrupt payments" were made to serving police officers for confidential information, including to those investigating
her son's killing.

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Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of..., 2023 WLNR 11118787

ANL says it firmly denies that unlawful information gathering took place at its newspapers, and the legal claims against it are
being brought too late.
Watch: Harry and Meghan annoy 'some Americans', Ron DeSantis claims
Oprah Winfrey shares advice for Harry and Meghan ahead of coronation
Oprah Winfrey has shared her thoughts about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and whether they should attend King Charles
III's coronation in May.

The talk show host, who has been close friends with the royal couple, briefly discussed the coronation with friend Gayle King
on CBS Mornings , to promote her 100th selection for her book club, Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano.

During the conversation, King addressed recent reports about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being invited to the big event,
before asking Winfrey for her opinion on it. "Do you think they should go? Do you think they should not go? Is it something
you'd like to comment on?"

In response, Winfrey, who conducted a bombshell interview about the royal family with Harry and Meghan in 2021, gave her
advice to and showed her support for the pair. "I think they should do what they feel is best for them and their family," she
explained. "That's what I think. That's what the bottom line comes down to. What do you feel like is the right thing for you?"

Oprah Winfrey shares advice for Harry and Meghan ahead of coronation
Conservative group demands to know if Prince Harry admitted drug use on US visa application
A conservative think tank is calling for Prince Harry's US visa application to be released so Americans can see whether or not
he admitted to his past drug use before moving to California in the summer of 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the country's preeminent right-wing think tanks, is arguing that US officials should release the
details of the prince's application so Americans can see whether or not he was "properly vetted" before being allowed to enter
the country. Applicants for US visas are typically asked about their criminal history and drug use.

Conservative group wants to know if Harry admitted drugs for US visa

Tom Peck | It's clear Prince Harry will heap as much pressure as he can on Associated Newspapers
In his most recent column, our sketch writer Tom Peck suggests it is "permissible to wonder quite what [Prince Harry] is trying
to achieve with this morning's flurry of excitement". He writes:

It's not uncommon for people to turn up to court for appearances' sake. Over the course of five and a half days last year,Wayne
Rooney spent almost 28 full hours silently and motionlessly staring at an oak paneltwo yards in front of his nose in a show of
solidarity with his wife, Coleen, while she was being extremely unsuccessfully sued by Rebekah Vardy (Jamie Vardy managed
four hours himself).

Once the court rises, who is and isn't there watching doesn't matter in the slightest. But the act of being there, of being
photographed, does. Vardy and Rooney were not really fighting each other for money in court; they were fighting, especially
in Vardy's case, to rehabilitate their reputation outside it.

The arrival shots each morning were every bit as important as the (quite often rather dry) courtroom drama. Prince Harry's legal
action against Associated Newspapers is meant to go to trial in May, and it's very clear he's going to be leaning into it very hard
indeed, whipping up as much publicity, and therefore heaping up as much pressure, as he possibly can.

Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently | Tom Peck
Watch: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for phone-tapping and privacy case
Harry and Meghan Frogmore eviction 'just the start' of King Charles' plans to slim down monarchy

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King Charles III has put into motion his plan to slim down the monarchy, with the eviction of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
from Frogmore Cottage signalling "just the start", it has been reported.

The monarch, who is set to be crowned alongside Queen Consort Camilla in just six weeks, reportedly wishes to end subsidised
rents for members of the royal family over the next five years.

The expectation for royals to fund their own homes apparently also extends to working royals, including the Prince and Princess
of Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

One source was quoted as saying that the King "is not some sort of housing association for distant relatives".
Friends close to Prince Andrew rubbish reports he is planning to write memoir
Friends close to Prince Andrew have hit out at reports that he is planning to write a memoir, reports my colleague Joe Middleton .

On Sunday, a number of newspapers claimed that the Duke of York was in talks to produce a tell-all autobiography, following
the success of Prince Harry's book Spare .

However, friends of his family have taken the unusual step to make his views known following the reports.

"He has one aim and that is family unity around his brother the King," they said. "He is rock solid with him and will do everything
he can to support him quietly and if necessary publicly. The idea that he is even considering writing or cooperating with a book
least of all with a journalist is for the birds."

"He is increasingly at the mercy of people writing stuff about him and his life which is pure fantasy," the friend continued. "He
leads a very quiet isolated life and sees almost nobody, least of all journalists."

Friends close to Prince Andrew rubbish claims he is planning to write memoir

Publisher paid 10 private investigators to unlawfully gather information against Doreen Lawrence, court told
Associated Newspapers paid 10 different private investigators to conduct "illegal or unlawful information-gathering activities"
against Baroness Doreen Lawrence, the High Court was told today.

In written arguments, David Sherborne, acting for the group of high-profile individuals also including Sir Elton John and Sadie
Frost, said the newspaper group "widely and habitually carried out or commissioned" the activities and covered them up.

He claimed the investigators intercepted voicemails, tapped telephones, used deception and the "burglaries or the breaking and
entering of private property in order to obtain private information" on the publisher's behalf.

The court also heard that ANL paid "substantial amounts" for the services and that the amounts were "known to and approved
by executives".

Mr Sherborne added: "The claimant will contend that the use of these unlawful acts was both habitual and widespread across
Associated's newspapers during the period at least 1993 onwards to 2011, and even continued beyond until 2018."
Artist to project sculpture filled with Afghan blood on St Paul's in protest over Harry's Taliban kills claim
An artist says he plans on projecting a sculpture made using Afghan blood onto St Paul's Cathedral, to protest Prince Harry's
claims about the number of soldiers he killed while serving in the military, my colleague Kate Plummer reports.

Russian artist Andrei Molodkin said he will take blood donated by Afghans for the sculpture and project it onto the London
landmark later this week, saying the royal's comments had made him "very, very angry".

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The Duke of Sussex attracted criticism after he detailed his time serving in Afghanistan in his memoir Spare earlier this year,
claiming he killed 25 Taliban fighters during two tours in the country.

Artist makes sculpture filled with Afghan blood in protest over Harry's kills claim
Tom Peck | Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently
In his latest column, our political sketch writer Tom Peck states:

"The very best satire has a remarkable knack for changing absolutely nothing. Harry and Meghan were made to look so perfectly
absurd by South Park 's "Worldwide Privacy Tour" episode that the California-based campaigners have evidently concluded
that they have been left with little choice but to carry on precisely as normal.

"The Worldwide Privacy Tour made an unexpected stop in London on Monday morning, when Prince Harry arrived at the
High Court to attend a preliminary hearing in one of his many legal actions against an extremely large section of the British
newspaper industry.

"He didn't need to be there. He wasn't required to participate in any way in the hearing. But the act of taking everyone by surprise
by actually turning up is certainly the prince's first big shot in what he told Tom Bradby was going to be his "life's work" from
now on: that of holding the press to account."

Prince Harry has begun his 'life's work', apparently | Tom Peck
Harry 'deprived of important aspects of his teenage years' by publisher, claim lawyers
Prince Harry's lawyers claim in court documents that he was "deprived of important aspects of his teenage years" by the
"unlawful actions" of Associated Newspapers and was left full of "suspicion and paranoia" following the publication of articles
containing information the duke says was only known to his trusted circle.

In the "Particulars of Claim" which set out the duke's case, his lawyers say their client, the claimant in the legal proceedings
"is shocked and appalled that Associated used their journalistic power and privilege to commit the unlawful acts without any
legitimate justification and solely to compete with other tabloid newspapers for profit.

"The claimant is horrified that Associated has to date successfully avoided proper scrutiny for its conduct through its cover-
up and that it has behaved as if it is above the law. The claimant is troubled that, through Associated's unlawful acts, he was
largely deprived of important aspects of his teenage years.

"In particular, suspicion and paranoia was caused by Associated's publication of the unlawful articles: friends were lost or cut
off as a result and everyone became a 'suspect', since he was misled by the way that the articles were written into believing that
those close to him were the source of this information being provided to Associated's newspapers."

The document added: "Moreover, the claimant regards Associated's unlawful acts to amount to a major betrayal given promises
made by the media to improve its conduct following the tragic and untimely death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997."

Monday 27 March 2023 18:14 , Andy Gregory Prince Harry waved and gave a thumbs up to reporters as he left the High Court
by a side entrance, flanked by security, after attending the first day of the hearing in his claim against Daily Mail publisher
Associated Newspapers.
Liz Hurley 'sickened' after 'unlawful' intrusion, says barrister
A private investigator acting on behalf of ANL hacked actor Liz Hurley's phone, placed a "sticky window mini-microphone"
outside her home and bugged ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant's car to unlawfully obtain information about her finances, travel plans
and medicals during her pregnancy, the High Court has been told.

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In written arguments, barrister David Sherborne said the private investigator targeted her and Mr Grant on behalf of the Mail on
Sunday through "phone hacking their phones, landline tapping their home phones, placing a sticky window mini-microphone
on the exterior of her home window, bugging Mr Grant's car and undertaking flight and other blags through which he obtained
information unlawfully or illegally about [Ms Hurley], such as her private communications with Mr Grant, her financial details,
her travel arrangements and medicals during her pregnancy and birth of her son".

Ms Hurley "has been shocked and mortified by the revelation of Associated's unlawful acts targeting her ... the prospect of
strangers listening into her live telephone calls and bugging her private property was a particularly grotesque thought that she
had never considered possible", her barrister said.

"It left her sickened to see the snatched close-up picture of her baby's face published by Associated when he was four months
old with the new understanding that this intrusion was the exploitation of unlawful acts, deliberately directed at her with that
intention," Mr Sherborne added.

"She recalls the feeling of vulnerability she felt at this time in her life, and the sense that despite precautions taken, she was unable
to protect her son, or indeed other loved ones around her who similarly fell to be targeted as a result of their association with her.

"It angers [her] now to know that she never had a chance against all the artillery of unlawful means and private investigators
that Associated used against her and which, unknown to her, underlay the articles published about her. She now understands
how very real the feeling of being trapped and surrounded on all sides by unknown enemies truly was."

Monday 27 March 2023 16:52 , Andy Gregory Court proceedings have concluded for the day, with legal arguments due to
resume from 10.30am on Tuesday.

In the meantime, we'll be continuing to use the blog to post updates and background on the case.
Doreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored and landline tapped, court told
Baroness Doreen Lawrence's bank accounts were monitored to check whether she was receiving any money from other
newspapers during the Daily Mail 's campaign for justice for her murdered son Stephen, the High Court has heard.

In a document made available to the media on Monday, barrister David Sherborne claimed the Labour peer was "habitually"
targeted "from at least as early 1993 until at least as late 2007".

Mr Sherborne said the targeting included "the illegal interception of the claimant's voicemail messages, landline tapping,
blagging, the monitoring of her bank accounts and phone bills, covert electronic surveillance and corrupt payments to
serving Metropolitan Police Service police officers, including on the Stephen Lawrence murder investigations, for confidential

Baroness Lawrence was targeted "both before and during" the Daily Mail's Justice for Stephen Lawrence campaign, Mr
Sherborne said.

The lawyer later alleged the monitoring of Baroness Lawrence's bank accounts were "specifically to check whether the claimant
was receiving 'buy up' money from and/or working with other newspapers during the Justice for Stephen Lawrence Campaign".

He continued: "The claimant has suffered considerable distress and harm, as well as the loss of her dignity or standing and her
personal autonomy through the unlawful acts, its resultant invasions of her privacy, and its deliberate exploitation and/or misuse
of her unlawfully or illegally obtained information in the unlawful articles."
Publisher commissioned breaking and entering into private property, court told
Associated Newspapers commissioned "breaking and entering into private property", the lawyer for the group of figures
challenging the Daily Mail publisher told the High Court.

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Each of the group has been "the victim of numerous unlawful acts" carried out by the publisher or those acting on its instruction,
in deeds carried out "covertly" between 1993 to 2011, lawyer David Sherborne said.

"Some of them related to articles which were the product of those underlying unlawful acts through which the product was
exploited or misused," he added.

Because "those unlawful acts were covertly carried out and concealed at the time through the use of phrases that were deliberately
misleading" his clients were "put off the scent" and did not bring their claims separately earlier," he said.

"The defendant has continued this concealment through its strenuous public denials that it has done any of those acts at all,"
Mr Sherborne added.

Monday 27 March 2023 15:53 , Andy Gregory Sir Elton John has left the High Court after attending the first day of the hearing
in his claim against Associated Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering.
Mail on Sunday publisher paid investigator to 'unlawfully' find address of politician's lover, court told
Associated Newspapers Ltd paid a private investigator to unlawfully find the address of a man it believed was the lover of
Liberal Democrat politician Sir Simon Hughes, the High Court has been told.

Referring to the believed lover as HJK, Sir Simon's lawyer David Sherborne said in written submissions that that the "the Mail
on Sunday wanted a photograph of HJK [and the claimant] in order to be able to publish a story about their relationship".

Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire "unlawfully obtained" the man's mobile phone number, called it and "through means of
deception managed to blag his home address", Mr Sherborne alleged, adding: "Despite this, no story was published in the end
in the Mail on Sunday as a bigger story broke, namely the revelation of an affair which the then deputy prime minister, John
Prescott, had had with his secretary."

The documents go on to say that ANL paid Greg Miskiw, a freelance journalist, "for the work done by Mr Mulcaire in relation
to the claimant, as referred to above, described as 'Simon Hughes' boyfriend'."

Mr Sherborne added: "The claimant has suffered considerable distress and harm, as well as the loss of his dignity or standing
and his personal autonomy through the unlawful acts, its resultant invasions of his privacy and its deliberate exploitation and/
or misuse of his unlawfully or illegally obtained information."
Doreen Lawrence says trusting Mail made her wonder if she 'failed her murdered son'
Baroness Doreen Lawrence said she "wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail as she did caused her to have delayed or have
failed her murdered son", the High Court has heard.

In court documents made available to the press on Monday, her barrister David Sherborne said she feels "anger, shock and
upset" about allegedly being targeted by the Daily Mail .

Baroness Lawrence "never once suspected" publisher Associated Newspapers Ltd of the allegations due to her trust in the Daily
Mail, which campaigned to bring the killers of her son Stephen Lawrence to justice, her lawyer said.

"She wonders whether trusting the Daily Mail as she did caused her to have delayed or have failed her murdered son," he
added. "She asks herself whether more individuals could have been arrested, whether earlier investigations might have been
more successful, and whether she could have got justice."
Elton John had not seen copy of first child's birth certificate before it was obtained by ANL, court told
Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child's birth certificate before it was unlawfully
obtained by Associated Newspapers Ltd, the High Court has heard.

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The couple "found it particularly disturbing to understand the deliberate tactics deployed by Associated to bypass the
confidentiality and ethical protections afforded to medical information", said their lawyer David Sherborne.

"They were appalled by the unlawful articles published about the first claimant that were sourced this way. Worse still was
Associated's unlawful obtaining of their first child's birth certificate, before they had even seen a copy themselves.

"They were heartbroken by the derogatory headline that Associated attached to it, clearly calculated to profit and generate public
sensation about an event that they had so carefully guarded to keep precious. The fact that these unlawful articles, which carry
so much upset, were founded through unlawful acts that were all the time deliberately concealed from them has enraged them."
Doreen Lawrence believes son's murder was 'exploited' by Daily Mail, court told
Baroness Doreen Lawrence believes the murder of her son Stephen was "exploited" by Associated Newspapers Ltd to "generate
'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers, and to profit", the High Court has been told.

In written arguments, her barrister David Sherborne said she "feels anger, shock and upset", adding: "Most of all, however,
she feels a deep sense of betrayal.

"She finds it hard to believe the level of duplicity and manipulation that was clearly at play, knowing now as she does that the
Daily Mail 's outward support for her fight to bring Stephen's killers to justice was hollow and, worse, entirely false.

"The claimant now sees that the Daily Mail 's true interests were about self-promotion and using her and her son's murder as
a means to generate 'exclusive' headlines, sell newspapers, and to profit.

"The claimant cannot think of any act or conduct lower than stealing and exploiting information from a mother who buried her
son for this reason. She feels used and violated, and like she has been taken for a fool."
Sir Elton John's landline was tapped and gardener targeted by ANL, court told
Sir Elton John and David Furnish's landline phone was tapped by a private investigator on the instructions of Associated
Newspapers Limited, the High Court has been told.

Documents filed on the couple's behalf, made available to the media on Monday, said that as well as having the landline at their
home in Windsor tapped, Sir Elton's personal assistant and the couple's gardener were also targeted.

Their lawyer David Sherborne said in the written submission: "The claimants are outraged that Associated engaged in these
unlawful and illicit acts in order to publish unlawful articles about them.

"They are also mortified to consider all their conversations, some of which were very personal indeed, were tapped, taped,
packaged and consumed as a commercial product for journalists and unknown others to pick over, regardless of whether or
not they were published.

"The hurt remains the same, knowing that their lives have been treated as a commodity and their precious, priceless moments
of privacy degraded in this way."

Mr Sherborne added: "In particular, they consider their private home a sacred space. To learn now that this was ruthlessly
invaded, their home so violated, and their family and loved ones targeted, all through unlawful acts designed to steal and exploit
their information, is unforgivable to them."
Elton John and David Furnish 'frightened' by unexplained press disclosures, court told
Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish found the unexplained disclosure of their private information in the press
"frightening" and as a result have someone watching cameras in their home every night, the High Court has been told.

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Associated Newspapers Ltd's lawyer Adrian Beltrami KC quoted the pair as claiming that the "repeated, wrongful disclosures ...
had a serious and profound effect upon [them] at the time of their publication".

They were aware of "the extent to which Associated publicised private and sensitive information relating to their private and
family life", and they "became deeply paranoid and suspicious by unexplained disclosures of their private information in
[Associated's] publications, even where measures were taken to protect their privacy", Mr Beltrami added.

Mr Beltrami said they stated that they "found these disclosures frightening, and as a consequence now have someone watching
the cameras in their home of residence every night".

However, Mr Beltrami said their case was being brought too late, arguing "there can be no doubt that by the start of 2016 Sir
Elton and Mr Furnish were very much alive to the issue of (unlawful information gathering) by the press".

The barrister added that "they have not provided any satisfactory explanation as to what necessary fact, as opposed to evidence,
they did not know by October 2016 to articulate the essential elements of a claim against Associated".
Elton John arrives in court
Sir Elton John has arrived in Court 76 of the Royal Courts of Justice.

The singer sat at the back of the large courtroom, arriving shortly before the hearing resumed for the afternoon.
What happened the last time Prince Harry was in court against a newspaper?
Last July the High Court ruled a Mail on Sunday article on the Duke of Sussex's legal claim against the Home Office contained
parts that were defamatory.

The Duke of Sussex sued the Mail on Sunday's publisher over a story on a separate High Court case over the decision to remove
his automatic granting of police protection in the UK.

The February article carried the headline: "Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal fight with the government over
police bodyguards a secret... then -just minutes after the story broke -his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the dispute."

Lawyers for Harry had argued the article was defamatory and suggested the duke had "improperly and cynically" tried to
manipulate public opinion.
Associated Newspapers lawyers argue it is too late for Duke to bring forward claims
Lawyers for Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) are arguing that the seven people in the privacy claims, including the Duke
of Sussex, could have brought claims before October 2016, and were too late to have them heard now.

Adrian Beltrami KC, for the publisher, said in written submissions that the duke "does not offer any reason why he could not
with reasonable diligence have discovered the basis for his inferential claim against Associated before October 2016".

Quoting from Harry's letter of claim, he continued: "Indeed, the Duke was aware throughout this period of the intense interest in
his life shown by the media and by Associated, of 'strange things happening around his phone communications', of 'unexplained
disclosures of private information' in Associated's publications and of journalists from Associated 'regularly turning up at
different locations which you would never expect them to, including South Africa... despite the extreme lengths my security
team and I went to in order to protect my security and privacy'."

"In truth, the duke had sufficient knowledge to articulate an inferential case against Associated long before October 2016,"
Mr Beltrami said.
Prince Harry lost friends due to 'paranoia' over 'unlawful' stories, court told
The Duke of Sussex had "suspicion and paranoia" caused due to the publication of articles by Associated Newspapers Limited
(ANL) using unlawfully gathered information, the High Court has been told.

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In written submissions for ANL, lawyers for the publisher quoted from documents filed on Harry's behalf.

Adrian Beltrami KC, for ANL, said the duke's case was that "suspicion and paranoia was caused by Associated's publication
of the unlawful articles: friends were lost or cut off as a result and everyone became a 'suspect', since he was misled by the
way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source of this information being provided to
Associated's newspapers".

The barrister continued: "The duke's pre-action letter also stated that at the time he had become paranoid and suspicious by
'unexplained disclosures of private information in your (ANL's) publications'."

Mr Beltrami added: "He stated that 'the repeated, wrongful disclosures... had a serious and profound effect upon (him) at the
time of their publication' and that he had 'painful memories... regarding the extent to which ANL publicised private and sensitive
information relating to his private and family life'."
Photos from the day as Prince Harry case begins
Judge grants anonymity for Daily Mail journalists involved in alleged phone-tapping
The judge overseeing the Duke of Sussex's dispute with ANL has made an order temporarily preventing the reporting of the
names of journalists linked to allegations against the publisher.

Mr Justice Nicklin permitted a bid by ANL to have a reporting restriction imposed while the publisher attempts to have the
claims from Harry and others against it dismissed without a trial.

The judge said it was "not usual for the court to impose reporting restrictions at such an early stage of proceedings" but concluded
in this instance it was "in the interests of fairness and the administration of justice".

The court heard that with ANL yet to file a formal defence in the cases, there was not yet a full response to any "adverse
comments" that might be made about the journalists. Mr Justice Nicklin said it would not be in the public interest to "for one
side of a series of allegations to be put when one side is absent".

The judge also granted reporting restrictions over certain information in court documents, that ANL alleges lawyers for the
Duke of Sussex and others are using in breach of orders made by Lord Justice Leveson in his inquiry into press standards.

Mr Justice Nicklin said the temporary reporting restrictions would be revisited once he reaches a judgment over the preliminary
issues being argued in court this week.

Monday 27 March 2023 12:31 , Thomas Kingsley Adrian Beltrami KC, in written submissions, argued the legal actions against
his client Associated Newspapers have been brought too late and are "stale".

The barrister said the individuals have to prove they did not know earlier, or could not have discovered earlier, they might have
had a claim against ANL for alleged misuse of their private information.

Mr Beltrami said that more than a decade after the Leveson Inquiry and several criminal and civil proceedings over phone
hacking, "it would be surprising indeed for any reasonably informed member of the public, let alone a figure in the public eye,
to have been unaware of these matters".

He continued: "The claimants have failed to show that they have a real prospect of discharging their burden at trial and the court
should not hesitate to dismiss these stale claims at an early stage, thereby avoiding what would otherwise be a considerable
waste of time, costs and the court's resources."

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The hearing before Mr Justice Nicklin is due to conclude on Thursday.

Lawyers for Prince Harry claim unlawful acts include 'breaking and entry into private property'
David Sherborne, for the group of high-profile individuals, said the unlawful acts in the claim include commissioning the
"breaking and entry into private property", illegally intercepting voicemail messages, listening to live landline calls and
obtaining medical records.

He said in written submissions: "The claimants each claim that in different ways they were the victim of numerous unlawful acts
carried out by the defendant, or by those acting on the instructions of its newspapers, The Daily Mail and The Mail On Sunday."

"They range through a period from 1993 to 2011, even continuing beyond until 2018," the barrister added.

ANL's lawyers have said privacy claims brought by seven high-profile individuals including the Duke of Sussex and Baroness
Lawrence should be dismissed without a trial.

Monday 27 March 2023 11:50 , Thomas Kingsley The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time
since the late Queen's funeral -but is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.

Just weeks ago, Harry laid bare his troubled relationship with his father the King and brother the Prince of Wales in his
controversial autobiography Spare.

The King was due to be away on Monday on the first official state visit of his reign, but the trip to France was cancelled due to
rioting over pension reforms, meaning Charles is now in the UK at the same time as Harry for the first time in six months.

But Buckingham Palace said the King was not in Windsor or London and would be leaving for a state visit to Germany on
Wednesday morning.

Monday 27 March 2023 11:31 , Thomas Kingsley Court proceedings began with a bid by ANL's lawyers to have certain
reporting restrictions imposed in the case.

The Duke of Sussex sat towards the back of the courtroom, occasionally taking notes in a small black notebook as legal
arguments were made by ANL's barrister Catrin Evans KC.

Actress Sadie Frost, who is also bringing a claim against the publisher, sat two seats away from Harry.
Sadie Frost arrives in court ahead of hearing
ICYMI: Prince Harry and Sir Elton John launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers over 'phone hacking'
As the preliminary hearing is set to begin, let's throwback to October when Prince Harry, among other high profile figures,
announced they would be taking Associated Newspaper's to court.

A group of individuals including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John have launched legal action against the publisher of the Daily
Mail newspaper over phone-hacking allegations.

The allegations include the commissioning of individuals to "surreptitiously listen into and record people's live, private telephone
calls whilst they were taking place" and the impersonation of individuals to obtain medical information from private hospitals,
clinics, and treatment centres by deception.

Additional claims include the accessing of bank accounts, credit histories and financial transactions through illicit means and

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"These individuals have been the subject of public interest during the course of their careers and personal lives. They are united
in their desire to live in a world where the press operates freely, yet responsibly. A press that represents truth, is sourced in fact
and can be trusted to operate ethically and in the interests of the British public," the statement said.

Read the full piece from October below:

Group including Prince Harry launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers
Duke arrives in court room
The Duke of Sussex has arrived at Court 76 of the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the preliminary hearing in his claim
against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).

Harry, along with six other people including Sir Elton John and Baroness Doreen Lawrence, is suing the Daily Mail publisher
for misuse of private information.

The duke entered the central London courtroom at shortly before 10.30am, wearing a navy tie.
Prince Harry arrives in court
Publisher brands allegations "preposterous smears"
In a statement announcing the launch of the legal action, released by Hamlins law firm, it was alleged the unlawful acts
included hiring private investigators to secretly place listening devices inside cars and homes and the recording of private phone

The publisher hit back at the allegations, describing them at the time as "preposterous smears" and a "pre-planned and
orchestrated attempt to drag the Mail titles into the phone-hacking scandal".

A spokesperson for ANL also said the allegations were "unsubstantiated and highly defamatory claims, based on no credible

A four-day preliminary hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London is due to begin on Monday, which is set to include
ANL's bid for the claims to be dismissed without a trial.
Duke of Sussex arrives in court
The Duke of Sussex has arrived at the High Court in London for a hearing in his claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated
Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering.

The publisher is bringing a bid to end High Court claims brought by people including Harry, Sir Elton John and Baroness
Doreen Lawrence over alleged unlawful activity at its titles.

The group of high-profile individuals, also including Sir Elton's husband David Furnish and actresses Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost,
announced in October they were bringing claims for misuse of private information against Associated Newspapers Limited

Their lawyers said at that time the group have "become aware of compelling and highly distressing evidence that they have
been the victims of abhorrent criminal activity and gross breaches of privacy" by ANL, which is also the publisher of The Mail
On Sunday and MailOnline.

---- Index References ----


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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Criminal Law (1CR79); Fraud (1FR30); Government Litigation (1GO18); Judicial Cases &
Rulings (1JU36); Legal (1LE33); Police (1PO98); Social Issues (1SO05))

Region: (Afghanistan (1AF45); Americas (1AM92); Asia (1AS61); California (1CA98); Europe (1EU83); North America
(1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73); United Kingdom (1UN38); Wales (1WA56); Western Asia (1WE54);
Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Leveson Inquiry.Associated Newspapers Limited; Royal Courts of Justice; Associated Newspapers.Her;
Associated Newspaper; Mail on Sunday; Metropolitan Police Service; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 8222

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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed

Megxit deal
Matthew Dooley | Express Online (UK)

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March 25, 2023

Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US after failed Megxit deal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate
their own "royal court" in the United States by a royal commentator after th...

Matthew Dooley

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of trying to recreate their own "royal court" in the United States by a
royal commentator after they failed to get what they wanted out of Megxit.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are attempting to create their own "royal court" in the US, according to a royal commentator.
The comments come amid a slew of media appearances by the Duke and Duchess - particularly by Prince Harry - which left
one commentator asking "what was the point?"

In recent months, Prince Harry has been in the spotlight. Before and after the release of his memoir Spare in January he gave
numerous explosive interviews on primetime television. In December of last year, Meghan and Harry released a six-part Netflix
series describing their relationship and eventual exit from royal life.

"I ask myself this all the time. What was the point for Harry and Meghan? Were they trying to make themselves look better? Were
they trying to make themselves more popular than the royals? Are they trying to recreate their own royal court in the United
States?" asked a royal commentator and founder of popular YouTube channel the Royal News Network who goes by Brittany.

She added: "Number one, yes they do definitely want to create their own royal sphere in the United States. Obviously, we do
not have a monarchy here and nor do we want one, so they're welcome to live here like other royals do but don't make yourself
a royal of the United States - huge difference there."

She cited the Megxit deal which saw Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave the Royal Family for North America.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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Meghan and Harry trying to recreate 'royal court' in US..., 2023 WLNR 10759964

"I think they are just trying to recreate what they wanted, what their vision was for themselves that they couldn't have in the
UK, in the US," she said.

The host of the show added: "They could not get their way, I think at the end of the day that was their big anger point. They
were not going to get their way."

Brittany pointed to the role the couple wanted to play in the Commonwealth, claiming Meghan wanted to be "Queen of the
Commonwealth". She also claimed the Sussexes wanted to "supersede" the Royal Family in popularity.

During the Meghan and Harry's separation from the rest of the Firm, dubbed Megxit, the pair appeared to want to become hybrid
royals who were financially independent but still represented the Queen.

On their now defunct website, the couple touted "progressive" new roles which would "continue to carry out
their duties for Her Majesty the Queen, while having the future financial autonomy to work externally".

However, in 2020, Buckingham Palace released a statement making it clear Meghan and Harry were "required" to step back
from royal duties.

READ MORE: Meghan Markle tempted by 'chance to wear a tiara' at Coronation

It appeared the couple failed to negotiate a half-in, half-out Megixt deal and in 2020 they moved to Montecito, California with
their son Archie, completely stepping back from royal duties.

Since then, the pair have engaged in numerous media endeavours, including the now famous 2021 interview with Oprah. The
couple released a Netflix documentary in December 2022 flush with never-before-seen footage and photos.

Arguably the biggest bombshell to date, however, was the release of Prince Harry's memoir Spare in January 2023 and the
multiple interviews the Prince gave both before and after the book hit the shelves.

The book contains numerous allegations against the rest of the Royal Family and details Prince Harry's life, including his time
in Afghanistan and his drug use.

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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others with
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March 20, 2023

Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others with 'trauma'
The Duke of Sussex received a "clinical diagnosis" during
a live interview with Canadian therapist Dr Gabor Maté.

Sophie McCabe

Prince Harry sat down for an interview with Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; earlier this month. The Candian therapist and author of
The Myth of Normal spoke to the Prince for a live-streamed Zoom event when he declared that, having read Harry's memoir
Spare, he had come up with "several diagnoses" for the royal.

Dr Mat&eacute; diagnosed the Duke of Sussex "with ADD " otherwise known as ADHD, saying: "Whether you like it or
not, I have diagnosed you with ADD. You can agree or disagree. I don't see it as a disease. I see it as a normal response to
abnormal stress."

Harry responded: "OK — should I accept that or should I look into it?" To which Dr Mat&eacute; replied: "You can do what
you want with it."

Royal commentators have since praised the Prince for his open conversation with the therapist, commending him for being
"incredibly brave" and helping others who may be experiencing or have experienced "trauma".

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Rachel Bowie and Roberta Fiorito, hosts of the Royally Obsessed podcast, discussed the interview earlier this month.

"It did feel very much like a therapy session — a bit awkward at the beginning actually — but once they got into it, it was
really interesting," said Ms Bowie. "One thing I loved was how Dr Mat&eacute; was very frank with Harry. But then he said
he realised the universality of Harry's story and the humanity behind it and was actually really blown away by the book."

Dr Mat&eacute; and the Duke went on to talk about the "lack of touching within the Royal Family and how that led to where
Harry is now," the commentator explained, adding: "It almost takes it back to the Queen and the trauma that Charles endured.
And then that was passed on to Harry."

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Harry praised for being 'incredibly brave' and helping others..., 2023 WLNR 10058846

Ms Fiorito agreed, saying: "Yes, it's so much less about Harry's personal story and more about some of the bigger broader
picture points that Harry [talks about]."

READ MORE: Harry's therapy session 'doesn't explain why he is so destructive' towards Royal Family

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

She added: "I think it also helps other people realise. I liked the chat about trauma and redefining what trauma is. It's not the
wound, it's the scar. And so I think that's reframing a lot of things that we thought we knew.

"Most people would have tuned in to hear Harry talk, but I think it was really interesting to hear Dr Mat&eacute;€¦it was like
a therapy session for everyone."

The event, which was produced by Random House and a group of exclusive booksellers, came less than two months after the
publication of Harry's tell-all memoir.

Ms Bowie noted Harry's bravery for opening up in a "very candid and honest" conversation, particularly because it came as
part of a "deal" to promote his book.

She said: "It was incredibly brave of Harry to do such a public self-reflection. This was likely a Penguin Random House setup,
this was part of the deal. He had to do this promotion. This was selling the book.

"I think to allow someone in on a very, very candid and honest therapy session. I can't imagine doing that. And bravo to Harry
for doing [it]."

The conversation, filmed at the Duke's Montecito home, was streamed to the US, Canada and the UK on March 4. Viewers
could pay $25 to watch, with tickets including a copy of Spare.

It came after a round of publicity for Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, including their recent Netflix documentary series,
during which they expressed their displeasure with several aspects of public life.

Don't miss... Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet tipped for Coronation role [LATEST] Harry and Meghan didn't expect
'humiliating' jokes about Spare [INSIGHT] Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms' [EXCLUSIVE]

The chat, which was billed as an "intimate conversation as discuss living with loss and the importance of personal healing,"
differed from Harry's previous interviews, with the royal refraining from mentioning his father or brother or their wives.

He did, however, reveal he had always felt different from other members of the Royal Family, a feeling he claimed his late
mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, had shared.

He told Dr Mat&eacute;: "I certainly have felt throughout my life, from my younger years, that I always felt slightly different
to the rest of my family. I felt strange being in this container. And I know that my mum felt the same."

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Ms Bowie said: "This really wasn't another royal takedown. There weren't new bombshells, William wasn't mentioned, it was
more broad strokes and really kind of lifting the hood up on the psychological things Harry has been through."

Related articles

The Duke has previously spoken about the positive impact of therapy on his life but has also claimed seeking professional help
was the beginning of a disconnect with his family.

Harry claimed, in his memoir, that the Prince of Wales believed his brother was being "brainwashed" by his therapist.

And in one of Spare's most shocking revelations, an alleged physical attack by his brother Prince William, Harry recounted
calling his therapist immediately afterwards.

He also told ITV: "If I wasn't doing therapy sessions like I was and being able to process that anger and frustration, I would've
fought back, 100%."

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'can't ignore threat' Royal Family 'did right thing' not attending Lilibet's US christening Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing
for Lilibet during UK visit Harry 'still longs' for royal association despite criticism of family

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Word Count: 1020

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms'

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

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March 17, 2023

Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms'

EXCLUSIVE: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex caught Buckingham Palace "off
guard" with their recent announcement regarding their children's prince and...

Sophie McCabe

EXCLUSIVE: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex caught Buckingham Palace "off guard" with their recent announcement
regarding their children's prince and princess titles.

Last week, news emerged that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle's 21-month-old daughter had been christened at their
home in Montecito. A spokesperson for the couple confirmed that "Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday, March 3
by the Archbishop of Los Angeles," and therefore revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had decided to use their two
children's royal titles. Lilibet and her older brother Prince Archie Harrison automatically became prince and princess when their
grandfather King Charles III ascended the throne, but their regal styles had not been used publicly before the announcement.
For some commentators, it is clear that relations between the royals are unlikely to be "repaired anytime soon," in part because
Harry and Meghan "want the rift healed on their terms".

Related articles

Marlene Koenig, a historian who has spent over 40 years researching royalty, told "The rift is huge. I don't
[think it's] likely to be repaired anytime soon, unfortunately. The Sussexes want the rift healed on their terms. I don't think
that's going to happen."

Similarly, the Daily Mirror's associate editor Russell Myers described relations between the royals as "fractured".

Since stepping down from their senior royal positions in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's relationship with the Royal
Family has been strained.

Tensions were recently exacerbated following the release of the couple's Netflix documentary series, Harry and Meghan, and
the publication of the Duke's tell-all memoir, Spare.

READ MORE: Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing for Lilibet during Coronation weekend

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

While Harry has insisted he is hopeful for a "reconciliation" with his family, the likelihood of peace talks before the Coronation
of King Charles III has been shut down.

The Duke and Duchess have been invited to the Coronation, it was revealed via a statement earlier this month.

Harry received "email correspondence" from "His Majesty's office regarding the Coronation," a spokesperson confirmed, but
an "immediate decision" regarding the Sussexes' attendance was not "disclosed".

Mr Myers indicated that "the way it was delivered caught Buckingham Palace on the hop," and had a role to play in worsening
relations between the couple and their UK counterparts.

Speaking on the latest episode of True Royalty TV's Royal Beat, he said: "They may claim it was all agreed many moons ago
and there were discussions way back when, but I think they would have thought that the Sussexes would have discussed with
them when they would be putting the statement out.

"The feeling that I picked up on was that wasn't the case. I think this tells you a lot about the relationships at the moment and
how fractured they are."

However, Ms Koenig has argued that Harry and Meghan, neither of whom are working royals, are not required to go through
Buckingham Palace to make announcements.

While she agreed that the royals were "caught off guard" by the news of Lilibet's christening, she explained: "Harry and Meghan
do not come under the auspices of Buckingham Palace."

Don't miss... Princess Lilibet and Prince Archie's title row details in full [INSIGHT] POLL: Should the Royal Family have gone
to Lilibet's christening? [POLL] Archie and Lilibet won't use HRH after becoming Prince and Princess [LATEST]

She added: "They left. Harry is not a working royal, he is not obligated, and has no interest in using the Palace to make
announcements about his family.

"Harry is going to do his own thing. It's clear that he and his wife are determined to control their own narrative. The Palace's
press office has no real involvement with Harry and Meghan. News about Harry and Meghan is going to come from Harry
and Meghan."

And while Mr Myers believes the announcement suggests relationships are fractured, others have argued the icy relations
between the Sussexes and the rest of the Royal Family may be thawing.

Royal commentator Afua Hagan told "The lines of communication are improving. There has been a defrosting
of royal relations — from both sides."

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Harry and Meghan 'want rift healed on their terms', 2023 WLNR 9771073

She also suggested the couple's decision to use their children's formal titles could suggest they intend to return to the UK for
the Coronation.

"It is a good indication that they will attend the Coronation and indicates where their head is at," she said, adding: "They still
want to have ties to the Royal Family."

If the Duke and Duchess choose to attend the Coronation, it will see them reunite with members of the Royal Family at
Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Historian Tessa Dunlop believes Meghan's attendance hinges on whether her children, specifically her son, are invited. She told
The Royal Beat: "If you look at the footage of the 1953 Coronation, who was very prominent, albeit briefly? Prince Charles.
He was four. Archie on his fourth birthday is definitely not too young to attend the coronation. And if you want Meghan there,
you need to invite her son."

Related articles Harry and Meghan's fate foreshadowed by past royal evictions Royals have dealt with Harry revelations but
'can't ignore threat' Royal Family 'did right thing' not attending Lilibet's US christening Royal rules and reason Sophie doesn't
need to curtsy to Meghan Harry and Meghan 'will want' blessing for Lilibet during UK visit

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Other Indexing: (King Charles III; Meghan Markle)

Word Count: 965

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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than Meghan as

Duke demands apology
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Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than..., 2023 WLNR 9237954

3/14/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

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March 14, 2023

Prince Harry poses 'bigger threat' to King Charles than Meghan as Duke demands apology
EXCLUSIVE: Royal author Nigel Cawthorne has said Harry's demand
for an apology from the King makes him a bigger threat to the monarch.

Jon King

Prince Harry poses a greater risk to King Charles's Coronation than his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, because of the Duke's
demand for an apology, a royal expert has claimed. Harry is reportedly seeking a private apology from his father and brother,
Prince William, before making any commitment to attend the Coronation on May 6.

Related articles

Buckingham Palace staff have been told to plan for Harry and Meghan attending the King's Coronation, but an official
announcement has yet to be issued.

Nigel Cawthorne, author of Prince Andrew, Maxwell and the Palace, said Harry poses a greater threat to the Coronation than
his wife.

He told "Meghan has, thankfully, kept her mouth shut lately. It's Harry wanting an apology that poses more of
a threat to the Coronation.

"But Charles knows he can't go around apologising to people - that's ridiculous. It's far beneath the King to do that."

Harry has previously refused to commit to being at the Coronation unless King Charles and Prince William "sit down and talk
about" the allegations he has levelled against the Royal Family.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

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In an interview with ITV ahead of the publication of his memoir, Spare, Harry said the ball was in their court, but the door
is always open for reconciliation.

A source told The Times in February that while Harry wants an apology, the royals do not believe one is owed.

Mr Cawthorne, whose new book Going Spare will examine sibling rivalry between Charles and Prince Andrew, said if Harry
attends the Coronation he is likely to bring his family with him. This includes his wife and their two children, Prince Archie
and Princess Lilibet.

He said: "I would have thought Meghan will come with Harry, as well as the prince and princess. [Harry might say] 'I'm turning
my back on the monarchy, but my children are a prince and princess'."


Related articles

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex began to use the titles prince and princess for their children Archie Harrison and Lilibet
Diana last week.

Harry and Meghan's youngsters became a prince and princess when the King acceded to the throne last September, but had
remained a plain "master" and "miss" on the Buckingham Palace website until last Thursday .

Mr Cawthorne said: "If you're turning your back on the monarchy and royalty, it's very odd you would do that.

"But [Harry and Meghan] are so self-absorbed that they want the fancy balls, while rejecting the rest of it. I think they are just
trying to have their cake and eat it."

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lunch' - prefers to eat an unusual breakfast [REVEALED] Kate is 'most relaxed as a parent' with one child in particular [LATEST]

He added Harry and Meghan might announce whether or not they plan to attend the Coronation, saying: "I'm not sure to be
honest. By and large the Sussexes do tend to seize the initiative with these things. They are the ones with the agenda."

Asked what their agenda is, Mr Cawthorne said: "It's certainly self-aggrandisement. They're bigging it up as much as they can.

"With their whole [Coronation] invitation and Netflix over there in the US, they're just feeding off their profile.

"The longer the 'will they or won't they' [discussion continues] the more attention they're getting.

"It goes hand in hand - the higher the profile they have, the more they can capitalise on it in the US."

Mr Cawthorne said that while Harry poses the bigger threat to the smooth running of the Coronation, King Charles would "in
no way" be able to control the situation or mitigate against any further drama.

He joked: "He just has to sit there with a fancy hat on his head. He can't have guards with spikes pointing at Harry and Meghan!"

The author said: "Simply by being there, Harry is going to draw attention away from Charles. And if he doesn't come, he's
drawing attention away from Charles.

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"Presumably, there will be pictures of him cycling around Los Angeles looking nonchalant. It's a lose lose situation for Charles."

On how Buckingham Palace might handle Prince Andrew's Coronation attendance, Mr Cawthorne told "I think
[Andrew's] desperate for any sort of attention really.

"He seems to be upset he's not allowed to wear his spiffy Order of the Garter outfit or his army uniform.

"He should do a nude protest and streak outside Westminster Abbey instead!"

For more about Mr Cawthorne and his work visit

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afterparty look Hugh Grant blasted as 'rude' in painful Oscars chat and rolls his eyes

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Other Indexing: (ITV) (Prince Harry; King Charles; Meghan)

Word Count: 903

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 379 of 416

Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals not

'bothered to turn up'
Jon King | Express Online (UK)

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Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

3/12/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 9039200

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Copyright (c) 2023

March 12, 2023

Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals not 'bothered to turn up'
A royal expert has said the monarchy is looking "a bit threadbare" as
questions remain over whether Prince Harry and Prince Andrew will attend.

Jon King

King Charles is in an "impossible position" with Prince Harry and Prince Andrew threatening to "besmirch" the Coronation if
they attend the historic ceremony, a royal expert has claimed. Nigel Cawthorne - author of Prince Andrew, Maxwell and the
Palace - said the monarchy is "looking a bit threadbare".

Related articles

Buckingham Palace staff have reportedly been told to plan for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending the King's Coronation,
but this has yet to be confirmed publicly.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry, who have begun using the titles prince and princess for their children in an
"alignment" with the Palace on the matter, have yet to confirm whether they will attend the ceremony on May 6.

There are also doubts over the role Prince Andrew can play at the Coronation, given he is no longer a working member of
the Royal Family.

It comes after the Duke of York settled a US civil lawsuit with Virginia Giuffre, who had accused Andrew of sexually abusing
when she was a teenager. Andrew repeatedly denied the allegation and did not admit any wrongdoing in settling the case.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

But the court case as well as Harry and Meghan's allegations against the royal family in their Netflix series and the Duke of
Sussex's memoir, Spare, have put the King in a difficult position in relation to the Coronation.

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Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

Mr Cawthorne said: "There is a battle royal going on here. It's tit for tat. Certainly tat. With the flawless Queen gone, the
monarchy is looking a bit threadbare.

"Charles is in an impossible position. If either Andrew or Harry, or both, turn up, they are going to besmirch the Coronation
and take the spotlight away from him.

"Their absence will be equally headline-grabbing and will diminish the significance of the ceremony."


Related articles

Mr Cawthorne described the Coronation as the key moment in the monarchy, but claimed the "top royals can't be bothered
to turn up".

He added: "Imagine a wedding or funeral where a brother or son is a no-show. It speaks volumes.

"Neither Andrew nor Harry can do any right. If Andrew is not there, drawing the attention of the TV cameras and media
commentators, he will be photographed driving around in a flash car or horse-riding in Windsor Great Park, or otherwise
moaning about being demoted by moving into a tiny, five-bedroom cottage or leaking that he is going to spend millions of
pounds which he, apparently, does not have, on trying to clear his name in a pointless legal battle against Virginia Giuffre."

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expert over Princess Lilibet's title [LATEST] Kate Garraway calls out Prince Harry for 'inaccurate' Lilibet detail [REPORT]

Mr Cawthorne added: "Harry's on the horns of a dilemma too. How unpopular does he want to be? Every time he opens his
mouth he plummets in the opinion polls.

"He's the Royal Family's Eddie the Eagle. If he turns up, he risks having rotten tomatoes thrown at him.

"If he stays away, he's turning his back on [royalty]. Only, by the way, my son and daughter are a prince and princess."

Harry and Meghan's relationship with the King and the Prince of Wales has remained troubled in the wake of the publication
of the Duke's controversial tell-all memoir.

The Duke of Sussex has criticised Charles's parenting skills, accused Prince William of physically attacking him and branded
Camilla, Queen Consort, "dangerous".

The latest YouGov poll shows 43 percent of the 3,024 adults surveyed saying Harry and Meghan should be invited to the
Coronation, with 39 percent opposing.

YouGov found just a quarter of Britons think positively of Harry, while 68 percent have a negative opinion of him, giving him
his lowest ever favourability rating of -44.

Harry and Meghan are now so disliked by older Britons that their popularity ratings are worse than Andrew's among the over-65s,
according to YouGov.

Related articles

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Coronation threat as Windsors left 'threadbare' as top royals..., 2023 WLNR 9039200

While 60 percent of the oldest generation have a "very" negative view of Andrew, this rises to 69 percent for Meghan and 73
percent for Harry, the poll shows.

It is understood there is no update from the Sussex camp over whether they will attend the crowning of Charles and Camilla,
the Queen Consort.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes has previously said Harry and Meghan received email correspondence from the King's office
about the event, but an immediate decision on their attendance would not yet be disclosed.

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was life-changing Author shares 65 great Carry on secrets Elvis family respond to Prince Harry comparing Graceland to badger
den Denise Richards felt 'extremely intimidated' working on James Bond

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News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Health & Family (1HE30); Politically Exposed Persons (1PO01); Sexual Misconduct & Crimes
(1SE01); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Buckingham Palace) (Windsors)

Word Count: 878

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer category' of

reality TV
Matthew Dooley | Express Online (UK)

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer..., 2023 WLNR 8828201

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March 10, 2023

Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer category' of reality TV
Prince Harry was savaged for appearing in a live streamed therapy
session that has been likened to Jerry Springer by a royal expert.

Matthew Dooley

Prince Harry's live-streamed therapy session has been likened to "tacky" American reality TV by a royal expert. The host of the
To Di For Daily podcast Kinsey Schofield savaged the Duke for a sit down he did with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mat&eacute;
discussing subjects from Harry's drug use to his mental health.

Related articles

When asked about the therapy session Ms Schofield likened it to several famous American reality TV shows.

"Well lets be honest, we are the home of Dr Phil, Oprah Winfrey, Ricki Lake, I could list all of the tacky TV shows that
have existed - Jerry Springer! - over the years and unfortunately it really feels like this falls into that category," the LA-based
commentator opined on GB News.

She continued: "Harry being diagnosed over Zoom? That is extremely unsettling and it's not something that the American public
is comfortable with but it is that kind of tacky reality TV that we've all become addicted to. And I apologise if we've sent it
over there your way [to the UK]."

Jerry Springer hosted a famous talk show of the same name in the US, focusing on a range of issues including infidelity and
marital problems. Springer would famously take the stage to chants of "Jerry! Jerry!" from the audience.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

During the pay-per-view live stream, Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; diagnosed the Duke with ADD, PTSD, depression and anxiety
right on the spot.

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Prince Harry therapy session falls into 'Jerry Springer..., 2023 WLNR 8828201

Prince Harry also opened up about his drug use saying cocaine "didn't do anything" for him but lauded the use of marijuana
and psychedelics.

Speaking on psychedelic drugs, the Prince said: "It was the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it
all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time.

"For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me."

READ MORE:Prince Harry's 'choice of guru' may prove 'unwise' after drug comments

Dr Gabor Mat&eacute; is known for his controversial views on the use of psychedelic drugs to treat mental health issues.

The Hungarian-Canadian doctor has used the hallucinogen Ayahuasca to treat patients in the past.

Ayahuasca is a plant grow in the Amazonian rain forest which has a long history of cultural use among shamans there.

The drug is illegal in the UK, US and Canada - in 2011 Canadian authorities threatened to arrest Dr Mat&eacute; if he didn't
stop using the drug to treat his patients.

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Coronation Prince Harry interview 'doesn't explain why he is so destructive' Prince Harry trying to brand Meghan Markle as
'Mother Theresa' 12 Best Afternoon Tea deals for Mother's Day 2023

---- Index References ----

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Healthcare (1HE06); Healthcare Practice Specialties (1HE49);
Healthcare Services (1HE13); Internet (1IN27); Internet Media (1IN67); Psychiatric Services (1PS61); Psychiatry (1PS63))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Prince Harry; Jerry Springer)

Word Count: 558

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't ignore
threat' of new book
Sophie McCabe | Express Online (UK)

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

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March 10, 2023

Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't ignore threat' of new book
Prince Harry claimed he had enough material for a second
book but, if published, his family would "never forgive him".

Sophie McCabe

Following the publication of his tell-all memoir, Prince Harry sat down for an interview with Bryony Gordon of The Daily
Telegraph. He told her the first draft of Spare was 800 pages — double the final manuscript which came in at just over 400 pages.
The Duke of Sussex reportedly revealed information to ghostwriter JR Moehringer "for context", but there was "absolutely no
way" they would be included in the book.

Harry is said to have told her: "But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some
extent between me and my father, that I just don't want the world to know. Because I don't think they would ever forgive me."

It came after Harry revealed a slew of secrets pertaining to Palace life and the Royal Family. And now, a royal commentator
has claimed the House of Windsor can tolerate the revelations but "can't ignore" Harry's threat.

Related articles

Richard Fitzwilliams was a guest on last week's episode of the Royally Us podcast. He told hosts Christine Ross and Christina
Garibaldi that the threat of another book will only exacerbate the deepening rift between Harry and his family.

He said: "We have to remember that he's threatened another book — 800 pages. It's a threat. You can't ignore things like that.
It's awful."

When asked whether he thought writing Spare was "the worst thing that Harry could have done," Mr Fitzwilliams referred to the
autobiography of the Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne and subsequently lived in exile.

He said: "The Duke of Windsor took 15 years before he wrote it [his book], [and] there was nothing as sensational. This is
purely making money out of family trauma. No one had any idea — as far as I could see — that he felt so jealous and that
he resented his brother."

READ MORE: William won't take 'nonsense' from Harry after 'rude' remarks about Kate

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

Harry's relationship with his older brother Prince William is said to be one of the most affected by the rift. The Prince of Wales
featured heavily in Spare, with Harry telling his version of intimate events, including a physical altercation and heated arguments.

The Duke recalled reuniting with his family for the funeral of his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II. He claimed that he and
William barely spoke during the solemn event.

Since the publication of Spare, Harry has insisted that he is hopeful for a reconciliation with his family, telling ITV's Tom
Bradby that he wants his father and brother back.

However, some commentators have claimed that William may not be on the same page, particularly given the content of the
Duke's memoir.

During an appearance on Royally Us last month, royal biographer Angela Levin speculated about William's feelings towards
Harry's memoir.

She said: "It's terrible how he's attacked William. William has always looked after Harry, always protected him from a lot of
wrongdoings when he was younger and he's always loved him.

"Harry even said to me once, 'Every year that passes William and I get closer together. He's the only person I trust, we can say
anything to each other. And if we have an argument, we get over it, we can move on.'

"[They were] very, very close. And now he's attacking him in an awful way, talking about his bald head that now makes him
not look like their mother and that he was circumcised."

Ms Levin continued: "I don't think you should invade somebody's privacy like that. That's not Harry telling his story, it is
invading other people's stories that they don't want to be told.

"Brothers do fight€¦ Unlike a father and a son, brothers can fall out in a big way because they don't want to take the nonsense.
They don't want to take all that. And I think Harry's gone too far. He's been quite rude about Catherine and he knows that
would enrage William."

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Harry and Meghan given updated timeline to vacate Frogmore Cottage - long after CoronationPrince Harry and Meghan Markle
have reportedly been given an updated timeline to give up the keys to their royal home, Frogmore Cottage, with the couple
expected to be given a new Palace home by King Charles.

While the Sussexes must leave their previous residence "within weeks", the America-based couple could be offered Prince
Andrew's old suite in Buckingham Palace.

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Royal Family have dealt with Harry revelations but 'can't..., 2023 WLNR 8824292

Read more HERE.

The comments came less than three months before the Coronation of King Charles III, due to take place on May 6.

It has been confirmed that Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have been invited but the pair are yet to reveal whether they
plan to attend.

In recent days, hopes the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will accept the invitation have been raised after it emerged they have
decided to give their children the titles of prince and princess.

The couple announced on Wednesday that their 21-month-old daughter — named after the late Queen Elizabeth II — was
christened last Friday and an announcement referred to her as Princess Lilibet Diana.

Harry and Meghan also invited the King and Queen Camilla and Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales to the christening
— a move that is being seen as a sign that relations between the Sussexes and the rest fo the Royal Family may be thawing.

Related articles

Royal commentator Afua Hagan told "The lines of communication are improving. There has been a defrosting
of royal relations — from both sides."

She claimed the couple's decision to use their children's formal ties could suggest they intend to return to the UK for the
Coronation. "It is a good indication that they will attend the Coronation and indicates where their head is at," she said, adding:
"They still want to have ties to the Royal Family."

However, Mr Fitzwilliams has suggested that while the Coronation invitation indicates that Charles wants to mend the rift with
his son, William may think differently.

He said: "Charles is a symbol of national unity, of course, as the monarch and the invitation comes from him, but as far as
William's concerned, it's a terribly deep rift and I didn't see it being mended."

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deemed 'difficult to work for' POLL – Is King right to evict Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage? Harry and Meghan
told to 'get a hotel or Airbnb' after losing Frogmore POLL: Should Meghan and Harry accept offer of Buckingham Palace flat?

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Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (ITV; House of Windsor) (Royal Family; Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1215

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute to

Fergie and Beatrice
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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute..., 2023 WLNR 8638626

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March 9, 2023

Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute to Fergie and Beatrice
The youngest daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York,
has posted photos on Instagram to mark International Women's Day.

Jon King

Princess Eugenie posted a heartwarming tribute to her mother and sister to mark International Women's Day. Eugenie shared
two photos on Instagram showing herself with Sarah, Duchess of York, and Princess Beatrice, against a snow-covered wintry
landscape, believed to be in Norway.

Related articles

The post has already received more than 75,000 likes as royal fans delight at the new pictures.

Eugenie captioned the images: "International Women's Day. I'm so lucky to have my mum and sister as two incredible women
in my life. Beabea, Mumma so proud of you! Xx."

Princess Eugenie's photograph sparked a wave of praise from royal fans, with Instagram users commenting on the Yorks's
strong bond.

Scottish TV presenter Kirsty Gallacher said simply, "Love you all", in response to Eugenie's post.

Prince Harry could have his 'visa revoked' after admitting to using drugsPrince Harry could see his visa revoked after admitting
to using drugs in a televised therapy session, Piers Morgan pointed out.

Speaking to famed therapist Dr Gabor Mate for his programme The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic
Culture, Prince Harry said he started using drugs after realising they helped him cope with his trauma.

Read more HERE.

Fellow Instagram user Auntlizability commented: "How sweet. It's wonderful to see such great mother - daughter relationships."

And Insta user olga_bojo wrote: "For real, my favourite Royals right here!"

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Eugenie's post came on the day the Duchess of York appeared on US TV show The View where she spoke of her relationship
with the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Sarah told viewers: "We did chat a lot because the last three years in particular, during the pandemic, I used to go - don't worry
I stuck to the rules - to take her out in the garden and we would both go wandering around the gardens with the doggies."


Related articles

She also revealed how she would call her ex-husband's mother "mumma".

The Duchess of York also explained how on their walks she would point to the ground and tell the Queen "there's a fairy ring

She continued: "And she was so brilliant and so great and such a sense of humour that she'd say, 'Yes, there is a fairy ring there',
and she came with the game."

Fergie then revealed that she misses her friend because she was more of a mum to her than her own mother.

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her for award [LATEST] Queen Camilla has 'awkward' interaction with a royal fan - claims [REVEALED]

She said: "She was so incredible. She was so forgiving and she didn't judge me. She used to say to me, 'Just be yourself Sarah,
and one day you'll be alright'."

Eugenie's post comes amid claims she and her family have moved into Frogmore Cottage, which was vacated by Prince Harry
and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

A source told OK! Magazine that Harry could not be happier for his cousin.

Princess Eugenie's husband, Jack Brooksbank, has reportedly been offered a promotion at US-based firm, Discovery Land
Company, which could mean he will spend more time in the United States.

But the insider told the publication Eugenie, who is pregnant with the couple's second child, is keen to give birth in Britain
and raise her children in England.

The source said: "The Sussexes are disappointed by the move but couldn't be happier that Eugenie and Jack will take it over.

"They have been staying there on and off for the past few years anyway.

"They went to see Harry and Meghan last month in California. They took over some small personal belongings left in the
property. They were also helping to box up items at Frogmore to be shipped over to California.

"Andrew is delighted that his daughter will take over the property for the time being."

A second source said Eugenie and Jack will be based at Frogmore temporarily as the Palace has no long-term plans for the
couple to stay there.

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Princess Eugenie shares new pictures in heartwarming tribute..., 2023 WLNR 8638626

Prince Andrew had been tipped to move into the Grade II-listed home in Windsor as part of King Charles's move to trim the
royal budget.

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Apprentice stars details what really happened in taxi drives home Shocking 160,000 cancer patients suffer delays to vital
treatment Bruce Willis' wife slams 'dumb' claim Demi Moore 'moved in with ex'

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News Subject: (Family Social Issues (1FA81); Health & Family (1HE30); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08); Gardens & Gardening (1GA80))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Discovery Land Company) (Princess Eugenie; Fergie)

Word Count: 760

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Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation

Tom Sykes |

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Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

April 2, 2023

Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation

REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstWelcome to this week's edition of Royalist, The
Daily Beast's newsletter for all things royal and Royal Family. Subscribe her...

Tom Sykes

Tim Teeman

REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstWelcome to this week's edition of Royalist, The Daily Beast's newsletter for all things royal and
Royal Family. Subscribe here to get it in your inbox every Sunday.Joe Biden: Coronation no-showUS president Joe Biden will
not attend the coronation of King Charles next month, according to the Telegraph, which claims he wants instead to prioritize
an April 11 trip to Northern Ireland.Biden is "not expected" to join dozens of heads of state for the event, sources told the paper,
and will send a delegation featuring "high-profile representatives" in his place. First Lady Jill Biden may go, with her husband
reportedly keen to avoid any sense the event is being snubbed. Sources close to President Biden insisted to the Telegraph that his
relationship with Charles was "strong," and may make time to meet him when he visits Northern Ireland. President Eisenhower
did not attend Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953. Historically it was considered diplomatic not to send a figure who would
overshadow the monarch being crowned.Not exactly palatialThe appalling pay and crappy accommodation all too often offered
to royal staff has long been a cause of grievance in the palace. But photographs published today in MailOnline of the litter-
strewn, rodent-infested apartments equipped with filthy fridges and encumbered with blocked toilets in Wellington Barracks,
where members of the king's guard live, just yards from Buckingham Palace, are likely to renew demands for action on the
issue.The barracks is home to five of the army's most high-profile regiments: the Coldstream, Grenadier, Irish, Scots, and Welsh
Guards-better known as the people standing on guard outside royal palaces in bearskin hats.One former Coldstream Guard, who
did not want to be named, told MailOnline: "It's a disgusting way to treat soldiers who are doing a very important job. Prisoners
in Britain have better living conditions than we do."Wellington Barracks is absolutely filthy but from the outside they look great.
Tourists stand at the gates to take pictures, but they wouldn't believe what life is like for soldiers inside."The rats would die in the
bins, and we'd have to clean them out when doing block jobs in the morning. There are piles of rubbish inside the accommodation
areas and the stench from the toilets is unbearable. All the problems are in the blocks where the privates live. Soldiers from
the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards take part in the Changing of the Guard in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, in London,
Britain October 4, 2021. Kirsty O'Connor/Pool via REUTERS "I can promise you this would not happen in the officers block.
I couldn't take it anymore, it was worse than living in a filthy squat. I put up with it for several years, but nothing changed. The
British public need to know how soldiers in this country are treated."One soldier said: "If you said something to a senior officer,
they would either ignore you or tell you to fuck off, so we just stopped complaining. The whole thing is a joke. We're guarding
some of the most famous people and buildings in the world then return to a filthy hell hole once our day's work is done."One
soldier said that 32 privates live on each floor and have to share six toilets and two bathrooms between them.Harry urged to
tell truth on drugsA conservative think tank wants to know what Prince Harry said on his U.S. visa application about his drug

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Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation, 2023 WLNR 11773023

use.Samuel Dewey, a senior lawyer at the Heritage Foundation-which has filed a Freedom of Information request to see Harry's
application-told the Mail on Sunday: "It is in the public interest to know how Prince Harry answered the drug question. If he
has been honest and open about his drug use, and there is no reason to believe he has not been, it could well be that he ticked
the 'yes' box, in which case he would need a waiver to be granted a visa to be admitted into the States. That means he would
have had to be interviewed in person and someone would have had to grant him a waiver. We are simply asking who granted
that waiver."The think-tank wants to know how Harry answered "Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?"-
given his previous admissions of drug use. Typically, the paper says, answering yes means you won't be let into the country.
Britain's Prince Harry walks outside the High Court, in London, Britain March 30, 2023. REUTERS/Toby Melville Dewey
said: "An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever. There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a
waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who authorized it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's
something the American people deserve to know. There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted
a waiver, he may not be aware of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger
he could become an unwitting pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato."Another question: is a conservative
think tank trying to stir up mischief for President Biden around the issue of immigration, with a liberal-leaning high-profile
celebrity they can bash on as a bonus too?Subscribe here to get all the latest royal news and gossip with Tom Sykes and Tim
Teeman.Meghan winsCongratulations to Meghan Markle who has won a Gracie Award for her Spotify podcast Archetypes,
which featured guests including Serena William, Paris Hilton and pop star Mariah Carey, and said it aimed to explore "labels
that try to hold women back." The Gracie awards are organized by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation. Meghan
wrote on the Archewell website, Meghan said: "Thank you to the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation for this prestigious
honor. This is a shared success for me and the team behind Archetypes – most of whom are women-and the inspiring guests
who joined me each week." Meghan Markle attends the 2021 Global Citizen Live concert at Central Park in New York, U.S.,
September 25, 2021. REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs In other Archewell news, the organization filed its accounts this week. They show
it received $13 million from two anonymous donors. Harry previously pledged to donate money from his rumored $20 million
book deal to charity. Public donations came to just $4,470.Archewell paid out $110,000 to a firm run by former Obama adviser
Katie McCormick which will spark fresh speculation over Meghan's political ambitions, the Sun says.Boom boomThe Sun had
an exclusive Saturday about a new video game called Harry & Meghan: Call of Dukey. An insider briefed that the project was
being called Crown Theft Auto, and quoted a source at the firm as saying: "Prince Harry has spoken of his love of gaming so we
approached him with the idea and he loved it. It seemed the logical progression after the success of his book and Netflix series.
It's all tongue-in-cheek and there are some brilliant secret levels, including one where the player finds themselves in the Duke
of York's bedroom, confronted by a raging Prince Andrew bouncing on his bed, hurling teddy bears."Attentive readers will note
Saturday was April 1st, April Fools' Day.This week in royal historyOn April 6, 1199, Richard I of England, aka Richard the
Lionheart, died after being mortally wounded at the Siege of Chalus in France.Unanswered questionsKing Charles and Prince
Harry are still dancing a delicate dance around the Coronation-how are negotiations going? And how does Prince William feel
about it? Does Biden not showing up to the Coronation add to the sense that the event cannot secure A-list guests?Love The
Daily Beast's royal coverage? Sign up here to get Royalist newsletters sent straight to your inbox.Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----

Company: Welsh Guards Charity; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE); The Foundation of the Alliance for Women in Media,

News Subject: (Foundations (1FO95); Global Politics (1GL73); Military Conflicts (1MI68); Philanthropy (1PH09); Social
Issues (1SO05); Top World News (1WO62); World Conflicts (1WO07))

Industry: (Celebrities (1CE65); Entertainment (1EN08))

Region: (Europe (1EU83); Northern Ireland (1NO23); United Kingdom (1UN38); Western Europe (1WE41))

Language: EN

© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 395 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 398 of 416
Joe Biden to Skip King Charles' Coronation, 2023 WLNR 11773023

Other Indexing: (1st Battalion Coldstream Guards; Coldstream Guard; Welsh Guards; Heritage Foundation; Alliance for Women
in Media Foundation) (Joe Biden; King Charles')

Word Count: 1329

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 399 of 416

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when
he reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on authorities to
reveal if...
Laurence Dollimore | Daily Mail Online (UK)

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PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

4/5/23 Daily Mail Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12113378

Daily Mail Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when he
reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on authorities to reveal if...

Laurence Dollimore

Prince Harry 'may have to update US officials on his drug use' when he reapplies for visa this year - as pressure grows on
authorities to reveal if Duke of Sussex was given special treatment when it was granted

Prince Harry must renew his US visa this year, it has emerged, as pressure mounts for his original application to be published
following his admissions of drug use.

In his memoir The Duke said he would 'roll a joint' and smoke it by himself at 36 Sources say he has been honest with drug
use to officials in US visa application

The Duke of Sussex moved to California with his wife Meghan Markle in March 2020, meaning the typical three-year visa
given to those who emigrate to the States should be coming to an end.

The 38-year-old, who admitted past use of cannabis, magic mushrooms and cocaine in his bombshell memoir Spare, will
therefore have to apply for a new visa, Green Card or full-blown citizenship if he wants to remain in the country.

But according to US immigration laws, foreigners who are 'determined to be a drug user' are classed as 'inadmissible'.

While officials can use their discretion to waive the rule, some American conservative voices fear Harry - who admitted in his
memoir to 'rolling a joint' as recently as 2020 - may have enjoyed special treatment.

Sources close to the Duke insisted last night that he was 'truthful' when he applied for residency in California, suggesting he
informed immigration officials of his past drug use.
READ MORE: Prince Harry reveals he STILL smoked drugs aged 36 and after rolling a joint would listen to frogs
croaking outside Tyler Perry's house while Archie and Meghan were asleep
But conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation has filed a freedom of information (FoI) request, demanding the
application be published to ascertain exactly what the royal divulged - alongside details of any waiver he was granted.

US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and being barred from applying
for citizenship.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 401 of 416
PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

In his memoir and in a 'therapy session' with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate to promote his book last month, Harry admitted
using psychedelic drugs.

They included the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca, the effects of which he described as 'the cleaning of the
windshield, the removal of life's filters'.

But under US law, an admission of drug use usually results in a person being denied entry to the States.

The issue of immigration is expected to become one of the main focuses of the 2024 presidential election, with Republicans
attacking President Joe Biden for his lax border controls.

And there are fears that Harry's friendships with prominent Democratic Party figures such as former president Barack Obama
and major Democratic donors including Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry could see him become an 'unwitting pawn in a highly
political game'.

The Heritage Foundation says his visa application must now be released so the American taxpayer can understand whether
Harry declared his drug use.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: 'This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the United States'.

US immigration authorities have until April 12 to respond to the Freedom of Information (FoI) request.

Under US law, anyone applying for a visa to live and work in America has to tick a box to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question:
'Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?'

There is a history of authorities releasing immigration documents about public figures.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services website has an electronic reading room which contains the immigration files of
people such as Shyamala Gopalan Harris, mother of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, and George Michael and John Lennon.

Other celebrities whose files are open to the public include Canadian-born Superman actress Margot Kidder and British actress
Lynn Redgrave.

Mr Dewey added: 'An admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you for ever.

'There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a waiver, who
authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know.'

Often a ban is overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or official immigration office, where a waiver can
be issued.

In 2014, Ms Lawson was prevented from entering the US after admitting during a court case to taking cocaine, even though
she told a judge: 'I have never been a drug addict. I've never been a habitual user.' She was later granted a visa after being
interviewed at the US Embassy in London, while Ms Winehouse was twice refused entry because of her drug use.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 402 of 416
PrinceHarry 'may have to update US officials on his drug..., 2023 WLNR 12113378

Mr Dewey said: 'There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware
of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were. But there is a danger he could become an unwitting
pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato.'

Reports in the US have suggested Harry was admitted on an 'O' visa – given to people of extraordinary ability.

Nile Gardiner, a director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: 'This is a much bigger
issue than Prince Harry. It is about enforcing immigration law and ensuring that no one is above the law. Prince Harry is
simply the tip of the iceberg.

'There are many who believe that under President Biden immigration laws have become lax and are not being properly

'Prince Harry openly talked about his drug use and he has done so for commercial and financial gain, to sell books. In our
opinion, there is no case for privacy here.'

The Mail on Sunday previously sought comment on Prince Harry's immigration status from the US Department of Homeland
Security, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Customs and Border
Protection, California Border Patrol and the Sussexes' Archewell organisation. None responded.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION
(THE); U.S. Department of Homeland Security

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Legislation (1LE97); Philanthropy (1PH09); Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05); U.S. Legislation

Region: (Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); USA (1US73))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Democratic Party; California Border Patrol; Sussexes' Archewell; US Customs and Border Protection; US
Citizenship and Immigration Services; Heritage Foundation; US Department of Homeland Security) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 1012

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 403 of 416

Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms as visa

row rumbles on
By, George Mathias | Daily Star Online (UK)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 404 of 416
Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms..., 2023 WLNR 12138418

4/5/23 Daily Star Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12138418

Daily Star Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms as visa row rumbles on
The US authorities take a very hard line on drug use for those wishing to
enter the country, with one think tank pushing for full clarity over the ...

By, George Mathias

The US authorities take a very hard line on drug use for those wishing to enter the country, with one think tank pushing for full
clarity over the Prince Harry's answers on an immigration form

Prince Harry reportedly did inform US authorities about the drug use mentioned in his bombshell memoir Spare.

US border control is notoriously hardline, with visa applicants required to answer the question: "Are you or have you ever been
a drug abuser or addict"

The Duke of Sussex has openly admitted to using cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

READ MORE: Banned sex toy advert pokes fun at Prince Harry as 'silence is golden'

He details one instance of using psychedelic drugs in the memoir, leading to speculation that it could jeopardise his visa status
in the US, where he currently resides.

He has also recalled hallucinating while at a celebrity-filled event in California and smoking cannabis after his first date with

He discussed his drug use at greater length while speaking with toxic trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate on TV where he talked
about his experience with hallucinogenic Amazonian plant ayahuasca.

Sources close to the Duke of Sussex told The Telegraph that Harry had been "truthful" on his visa application, meaning he
would likely have admitted to past drug use.

For most foreigners, admission of drug use normally results in visa applications being denied outright, however each person
is dealt with on a 'case by case basis'.

A leading US think tank recently filed a freedom of information request about the Duke's application and are calling on him to
be "totally transparent" when answering the immigration questions.

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Prince Harry 'was truthful about drug taking' on US forms..., 2023 WLNR 12138418

Brits have fallen foul of the tough stance countless times when trying to enter the US.

In 2019, Isabella Brazier-Jones was banned from the USA for 10 years allegedly after admitting to snorting a line of cocaine
in 2017.

The 31-year-old said she was immediately thrown in a jail cell where she was kept for 24 hours before being shipped straight
back to the UK.

Experts say such a ban can sometimes be overturned after an in-person interview at a US consulate or immigration office.

Samuel Dewey, a lawyer acting for America's Heritage Foundation in its FoI case regarding Prince Harry, said: "One condition
of a waiver in the case of someone who has admitted drug use could be that the person has to check back with the medical
examiner, so that there is some sort of follow-up.

"But we just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking these questions."

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Meghan Markle's post-royal life 'isn't exactly the stuff of feminist legend' Prince Harry told to 'grow up' and get over 'pride'
to fix Royal Family rift Meghan Markle 'too unpopular' with Americans for political ambitions, says expert King Charles faces
'obvious coronation danger' as Harry and Meghan could 'overshadow' it Prince Harry's telling gestures hinted at royal rift in
unearthed chat with Meghan

---- Index References ----

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Drug Addiction (1DR84); Health & Family (1HE30); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (America's Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 456

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© 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. APP. C 403 2
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 406 of 416

Prince Harry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims amid
visa row
Clive Hammond | Express Online (UK)

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 407 of 416
PrinceHarry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims..., 2023 WLNR 12104249

4/5/23 Express Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12104249

Express Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 5, 2023

Prince Harry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims amid visa row
The Duke of Sussex is facing calls to release his US visa application
following recent remarks he has made about his past drug use.

Clive Hammond

Prince Harry told custom officials in the US about his past drug use, an insider has claimed, adding that the 38-year-old was
"truthful" on his visa application. The latest development comes as a conservative think tank campaigns to get the Duke's visa
application made public following his recent revelations about past drug use. Those closest to the Duke of Sussex argue he had
not withheld information about his previous drug use, which according to his autobiography Spare, included using the likes of
cannabis, cocaine and magic mushrooms.

The taking of these drugs, which are Class A and Class B, was confirmed on the forms Harry had to fill out as he applied
for a visa to live in the US, alongside his wife Meghan Markle and their two young children, Archie and Lilibet, the insider
has claimed.

Question marks over Harry's relationship with drugs have long been discussed in royal circles, particularly during his younger
years when the royal earned a reputation for his partygoing sensibilities.

And in Spare, which became one of non-fiction's fastest-selling books in history when released in January, Harry noted how he
used as a way to deal with the trauma of losing his mother, Princess Diana when he was just 12 years old in 1997.

As well as the admissions on his drug use in Spare, Harry also outlined his past in a "therapy session" with the trauma expert
Dr Gabor Mate, which helped promote the book.

The admission raised questions over how Harry would be allowed to gain a visa to the US, particularly with such ardent
restrictions in place over drug use.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that reviews American law, is using freedom of information laws to
determine the exact details of Harry's admission.

According to the Telegraph, one source close to Harry said the prince was "truthful" on his application, suggesting he likely
admitted to taking the narcotics, but he did not reveal the extent to which he disclosed his drug activity.

JUST IN: Megyn Kelly savages Meghan and Harry for 'one hour weeks'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 408 of 416
PrinceHarry 'told US officials about drug use' insider claims..., 2023 WLNR 12104249

US law, though, often sees those admitting to drug taking being denied entry to the country.

Immigration is a hot-button issue in the US. It's likely to take centre-stage during next year's presidential elections, with many
Republicans believing incumbent US President Joe Biden has been lenient when it comes to border controls.

This has led to some to believe Harry's friendships with those on the left of politics, such as Democrat Party figures Barack
Obama and Oprah Winfrey, may see him become an "unwitting pawn in a highly political game".

Calls have been made for Harry's visa application to be made public by the Heritage Foundation, which argues the US taxpayer
has the right to know on what grounds he was approved status to live in the country.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, said: "This request is in the public interest in light of the
potential revocation of Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the Prince's drug use and
whether he was properly vetted before entering the US."

Lawyer Samuel Dewey also waded into the debate, arguing that "an admission of drug use doesn't automatically ban you

He added: "There is a waiver process and a lot of people get a waiver on a case-by-case basis. If Prince Harry was given a
waiver, who authorised it? Was the correct protocol followed? It's something the American people deserve to know."

Ordinarily, a ban from entering the US could be reversed after the US consulate or immigration office, speak in person to
someone attempting to gain an American visa.

Mr Dewey concluded to the MailOnline earlier this month: "There is no suggestion Prince Harry did anything wrong and, if
he was granted a waiver, he may not be aware of any political strings that may have been pulled, if indeed they were.

"But there is a danger he could become an unwitting pawn in an issue which has become a political hot potato."

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Government (1GO80); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Public Affairs (1PU31);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Democrat Party; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 682

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With U.S.
Tom Sykes |

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Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With..., 2023 WLNR 12146846

4/5/23 (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12146846
Copyright (c) 2023 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

April 5, 2023

Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With U.S. Immigration
Carlo Allegri/ReutersPrince Harry's camp has suggested that he admitted to
drug use when applying for an American visa.Harry has come under pressur...

Tom Sykes

Carlo Allegri/ReutersPrince Harry's camp has suggested that he admitted to drug use when applying for an American visa.Harry
has come under pressure from conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation to say whether he made such a declaration, after
writing about taking cocaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, and magic mushrooms in his memoir, Spare. The Heritage Foundation says
his visa application should be published to ensure no "favors" were granted to the prince.Now, sources close to Harry appear
to have briefed the Daily Telegraph-one of the few outlets with which the Sussexes still do business-that he was "truthful" on
his visa application.Harry's book also suggested that he has continued to use illegal drugs since moving to America in 2020,
and he has been vocal about using ayahuasca, the controversial (and illegal) Amazonian psychedelic, as part of his therapy.In
one interview, Harry admitted he used the drug "recreationally" before realizing "how good it was for me."He said: "It was
the cleaning of the windshield, removal of life's filters. It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release,
comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold onto for a period of time."For me I started doing it recreationally and then started to
realize how good it was for me. I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal
with the traumas and the pains of the past."The Heritage Foundation has made a freedom of information request to see Harry's
visa application. It is likely Harry would have immigrated to the U.S. on an "O" visa that lasts three years, and he will likely
have to admit to any drug use in the meantime when renewing.Samuel Dewey, a Heritage Foundation lawyer who is making
the freedom of information request said: "We just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking
these questions."Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: "The
drug issue is a huge question. Applicants to the U.S. have to say if they have used drugs. If they say yes they have to fill out a
much more detailed form. Sometimes they will be denied entry."For him to have got in may have required some kind of high
level intervention and we don't know where that came from."What we are asking is whether he was open and transparent with
the application, whether there were any particular favors given, was he treated differently to everybody else. We believe in the
rule of law."Read more at The Daily Beast.

---- Index References ----


News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

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Team Harry Says He Was 'Truthful' About Drug Use With..., 2023 WLNR 12146846

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Heritage Foundation)

Word Count: 449

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 413 of 416

Prince Harry may have to update US officials on drug use to keep

Gordon Rayner, Associate Editor, Victoria Ward, Royal Editor | Telegraph Online (UK)

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PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

4/4/23 Telegraph Online (U.K.) (Pg. Unavail. Online)

2023 WLNR 12025661

Telegraph Online (UK)

Copyright (c) 2023

April 4, 2023

Prince Harry may have to update US officials on drug use to keep visa
Freedom of information battle aims to find out if Duke of Sussex
was given special treatment when his US visa was granted

Gordon Rayner, Associate Editor, Victoria Ward, Royal Editor

The Duke of Sussex may have to keep US authorities updated on his drug use if he is to retain visa rights to live in California,
it has emerged.

The Duke's immigration status has come under intense scrutiny after a Washington-based think tank requested the publication
of his visa application in the light of his admissions of drug-taking.

US immigration laws state that any foreigner "determined to be a drug abuser" is classed as "inadmissible"-though immigration
officials can use their discretion to waive the rule.

Sources close to The Duke of Sussex have indicated that he was truthful on his visa application, suggesting that he disclosed
his drug use, which has continued since he moved to the US in 2020.

The Heritage Foundation, the biggest conservative think tank in the US, has now used freedom of information laws to demand
the release of his visa application, saying it is in the public interest for the authorities to divulge what the Duke said about his
drug use, and the details of any waiver he was granted, including the identity of the person making the decision.

People who emigrate to the US are typically given a three-year visa, meaning Prince Harry will need to apply for a new visa,
or a Green Card, or citizenship, this year, which could be a problem in light of his recent admissions.

In his autobiography, Spare, and in television interviews, The Duke of Sussex has admitted taking cocaine, cannabis and magic
mushrooms. He owned up to taking magic mushroom chocolates-which are illegal in the US-during a party at the Friends star
Courtney Cox's home in Los Angeles.

He also spoke about his "positive" experience of the psychedelic drug ayahuasca, which is also illegal in the US, though he
did not specify where he took it.

One possibility open to immigration officials in cases where people have admitted to drug use is to require them to update
medical examiners on their drug intake over a matter of months.
Drug issue 'a huge question'

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-10 Filed 05/01/23 Page 415 of 416
PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

Samuel Dewey, a lawyer who is acting on behalf of the Heritage Foundation in its freedom of information case, said: "When
there is an adjustment of status-such as an application for a Green Card-there is a requirement for a full medical examination.

"One condition of a waiver in the case of someone who has admitted drug use could be that the person has to check back with
the medical examiner, so that there is some sort of follow-up.

"But we just don't know how Prince Harry has been treated and that is why we are asking these questions."

Famous names including the cookery writer Nigella Lawson and the late singer Amy Winehouse have been denied entry to the
US in the past because of admissions of drug taking, while the tennis player Novak Djokovic has been denied entry because
he refuses to be vaccinated against Covid.

Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, said: "The drug issue is a huge
question. Applicants to the US have to say if they have used drugs. If they say yes they have to fill out a much more detailed
form. Sometimes they will be denied entry.

"For him to have got in may have required some kind of high level intervention and we don't know where that came from.

"What we are asking is whether he was open and transparent with the application, whether there were any particular favours
given, was he treated differently to everybody else. We believe in the rule of law."
'This is going to build and build'
Freedom of information requests have been submitted to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border
Protection and the US Citizenship and Immigration Service. They must respond by a deadline of April 12, though Mr Dewey said
that if the requests for information are turned down the Foundation, which has 500,000 members, will take the matter to court.

Mr Gardiner added: "This could potentially build into an issue of congressional interest. Immigration law is a big issue in the
coming US presidential election and Prince Harry is increasingly seen as a political activist, so I think this is going to build
and build as an issue."

A source close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said that Prince Harry had been truthful on his visa application, but would
not be drawn on the extent to which he detailed his drug-taking.

---- Index References ----

Company: U.S. Customs and Border Protection,; US Citizenship and Immigration Services; HERITAGE FOUNDATION (THE)

News Subject: (Crime (1CR87); Foundations (1FO95); Immigration & Naturalization (1IM88); Philanthropy (1PH09);
Smuggling & Illegal Trade (1SM35); Social Issues (1SO05))

Industry: (Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (1PH13))

Language: EN

Other Indexing: (Department of Homeland Security; US Customs and Border Protection; US Citizenship and Immigration
Service; Heritage Foundation) (Prince Harry)

Word Count: 754

End of Document © 2023 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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PrinceHarry may have to update US officials on drug use..., 2023 WLNR 12025661

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Half of Americans Want Prince

Harry's Visa Reviewed After
Drugs Admission
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More than half of of Americans believe that Prince Harry's visa should be
reviewed by the Department of Homeland Security in light of his admission of
drug experimentation in his memoir, despite a similar number saying he was
right to include it, a new poll has revealed.
The poll, undertaken exclusively for Newsweek by strategists Redfield &
Wilton, showed that 54 percent of U.S. adults from a sample of 1,500
registered voters believed that the prince's visa should be reviewed after
he admitted to using cocaine and psychedelics recreationally in his
memoir, Spare.
Asked "Given his admission in his book Spare that he previously consumed
drugs, should Prince Harry's visa application be reviewed by the Department
of Homeland Security?" 54 percent of respondents said "yes," while 29 percent
said "no" and 17 percent "don't know."
The result comes as conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation
is actively lobbying in Washington D.C. to have the royal's visa application
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-12 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 6

made public to see if he informed immigration officials about his history with

Prince Harry is photographed in London on March 27, 2023. Conservative

think tank The Heritage Foundation is calling for the prince's visa application
to be made public.KARWAI TANG/WIREIMAGE

Those applying to enter the U.S. are asked to disclose any personal violations
of laws relating to the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs. Those
who do so can be turned away at the border or denied residency.
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-12 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 6

Mike Howell, director of The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, who

filed the request to view Harry's visa application, told the Daily Mail in March:
"This request is in the public interest in light of the potential revocation of
Prince Harry's visa for illicit substance use and further questions regarding the
Prince's drug use and whether he was properly vetted before entering the
United States."

Despite the majority of Americans believing Harry's visa should be reviewed, a

similar percentage said they felt the prince was right to detail his history with
substance use in his memoir, which was billed as a "raw" and "unflinching"
look at his life, not as a prince but as a "man."


Asked the question: "Was Prince Harry right to reveal details of his personal
drug use in his book Spare?" 51 percent of respondents said "yes" opposed to
just 19 percent who said "no" and 30 percent who responded "don't know."
The prince spoke frankly about his drug use and experimentation in Spare as a
means of disassociation while processing the grief of losing his mother at a
young age and handling the pressures of being a figure of intense public
• Could Prince Harry's U.S. visa be revoked? What we know amid drug
• Prince Harry was "being honest" about his life story by disclosing
drug use
• Prince Harry's book omits crucial detail about tabloid drugs sting

Writing of the time of Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee in 2002, the prince
wrote: "I had been doing cocaine around this time. At someone's country
house, during a shooting weekend, I'd been offered a line, and I'd done a few
more since. It wasn't much fun, and it didn't make me particularly happy, as it
seemed to make everyone around me, but it did make me feel different, and
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-12 Filed 05/01/23 Page 5 of 6

that was the main goal. Feel. Different. I was a deeply unhappy seventeen-
year-old boy willing to try almost anything that would alter the status quo."

He also went on to say he used marijuana and the psychedelic ayahuasca,

which he found more beneficial.

Speaking in an interview to promote Spare with the trauma expert Dr. Gabor
Mate, Harry expanded on his cocaine use, saying: "(Cocaine) didn't do
anything for me, it was more a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging
for sure. I think it probably also made me feel different to the way I was
feeling, which was kind of the point. Marijuana is different, that actually really
did help me."
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-12 Filed 05/01/23 Page 6 of 6

Copies of Prince Harry's memoir Spare are photographed on publication day,

January 10, 2023. The prince made a number of revelations about his
experimentation with drugs in the book.SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES

Harry faced criticism for appearing in part, to glamorize or promote drug use
or experimentation through his book and media appearances.

British drug education advocate and founder of the DSM Foundation, Fiona
Spargo-Mabbs, said that Harry's revelations could prove harmful to
impressionable young people.

"It is understandable that when people are struggling, they look around for
ways to cope," she told the U.K.'s ITV News. "This is particularly true of young
people, an increasing number of whom we know have been struggling with
their mental health during and since COVID, yet who are unable to access
support services because they are so stretched.

"Given this context, Prince Harry's comments about using drugs as a way of
dealing with past trauma could easily be misconstrued as being true across
the board."
Newsweek approached representatives of Prince Harry via email for
James Crawford-Smith is Newsweek's royal reporter based in London. You can
find him on Twitter at @jrcrawfordsmith and read his stories on
Newsweek's The Royals Facebook page.
Do you have a question about King Charles III, William and Kate, Meghan and
Harry, or their family that you would like our experienced royal
correspondents to answer? Email We'd love to hear
from you.
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4/27/23, 11:55 PM Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
Here’s What 1-13
We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s $1352Million
of 12 Deals



Here’s What We Know About

Prince Harry And Meghan
Markle’s $135 Million Deals
Carlie Porterfield Former Staff
I cover breaking news.

Jonathan Ponciano Forbes Staff

Jan 19, 2023, 12:41pm EST

Listen to article 8 minutes

Updated Jan 19, 2023, 05:25pm EST

TOPLINE Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been fast at work
unveiling a slew of ventures since they shocked the world by
stepping down as working royals three years ago, launching into
books—with Harry’s bestselling Spare shattering records—along
with movies, television and podcasts that have an estimated value
of more than $135 million.… 1/11
4/27/23, 11:55 PM Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
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We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s $1353Million
of 12 Deals


Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, arrive at the 2022 Robert F.
Kennedy ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


• Harry is rumored to have received a $20 million advance for his

latest venture, controversial tell-all Spare, which debuted earlier
this month and sold more than 1.4 million copies on its release
day, surpassing the 887,000 first-day copies shifted by former
President Barack Obama’s 2020 memoir to become the fastest-
selling nonfiction book of all time, according to Guinness World

• Still perhaps their most lucrative deal yet, the couple signed a
five-year, $100 million contract with Netflix in September 2020
to produce documentaries, docuseries, feature films, scripted
shows and children’s programming.

• In 2020, the couple splurged on a $14.7 million home in the posh

seaside town of Montecito, California, cozying up alongside
moguls and celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres
and Ariana Grande in a leafy residential area blocked to the
public.… 2/11
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We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s $1354Million
of 12 Deals

• In December 2020, the former working royals penned a three-

year podcasting deal with Spotify worth between $15 million to BETA

$18 million, according to industry sources, but some reports

indicate it could be as much as $25 million.

Prince Harry’s memoir, ‘Spare,’ goes on display in a branch of WHSmith opposite Windsor
Castle on ... [+] GETTY IMAGES

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In the U.S. alone, Spare sold 629,300 print copies its first week on
shelves (falling short of Obama’s record, with 831,300 copies),
according to figures compiled by NPD Bookscan, which monitors
roughly 85% of the domestic print market. Spare’s publisher,… 3/11
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We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
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Meghan Markle’s $1355Million
of 12 Deals

Penguin Random House, said Harry planned to support British

charities with donations from the book’s proceeds, including
roughly $671,000 to nonprofit WellChild and $1.5 million already
given to Sentebale, an organization he cofounded to help children
in Southern Africa at risk of HIV.

Markle, too, has dabbled in publishing, though the works have

netted much less: In 2021, she released a children's picture book
entitled The Bench that reportedly landed her an advance of up to
$618,000 (500,000 British pounds). The 167-word book, which
features an illustration of the couple’s then newborn daughter,
Lilibet Diana, landed on the New York Times bestsellers list, but
it’s unclear how much it ultimately sold. In 2018, Markle also
published a cookbook, and donated all the proceeds to a West
London community's cooking group.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (accompanied by a film
crew), meet ... [+] GETTY IMAGES

4/27/23, 11:55 PM Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
Here’s What 1-13
We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s $1356Million
of 12 Deals

So far under their Netflix deal, Harry and Markle have released two
docuseries, Live to Lead, which features interviews with world
leaders and celebrities including Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gloria
Steinem, as well as Harry & Meghan, the buzzy tell-all that
shattered Netflix documentary viewership records upon its release
in December, but also garnered waves of criticism, with some
reviewers calling the series a "tedious, narcissistic wallow.” An
animated kids show, named Pearl, was announced but then
scrapped in May before release, but Heart of Invictus, a docuseries
following a group of injured service members preparing for the
Invictus Games, is slated for release later this year. Meanwhile, the
couple’s first Spotify podcast, Markle’s Archetypes, briefly
surpassed The Joe Rogan Experience as Spotify’s top podcast when
it was released in August.

Before stepping down as a working royal, Harry announced in 2019

he would executive produce a mental health series for Apple TV+
alongside Oprah Winfrey. Because of pandemic delays, the show
didn’t premiere until May 2021. Nevertheless, it’s unclear if Harry
made any profit from the series, given that senior working
members of the royal family cannot accept money from commercial
projects.… 5/11
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We Know About Prince Filed 05/01/23
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Meghan Markle’s $1357Million
of 12 Deals


View of the gate of the estate where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have their house, in
Montecito, ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


Despite its steep $14.7 million price tag, the couple’s Montecito
home seems a steal compared to the $25.3 million its former
owner, Russian magnate Sergey Grishin, paid in 2009. They took
out a $10 million mortgage for the home, but it’s unclear, based on
available records, whether the loan has been paid off. According to
the Santa Barbara assessors’ office, the 14,500-square-foot estate
sits on more than 5 acres and comes with seven bedrooms and 13.5
bathrooms.… 6/11
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Meghan Markle’s $1358Million
of 12 Deals


Members of the royal family stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to view a flypast
to mark the ... [+] WIREIMAGE


After stepping down as working royals, Harry and Markle largely

relied on Harry’s inheritance from his late mother, Princess Diana,
estimated at $10 million. Representatives told Forbes in 2021 that
Harry was not a beneficiary of any of the $100 million left to the
royal family by his great-grandmother, the Queen Mother. It’s
unclear if Harry was left any money from his grandmother the late
Queen Elizabeth II, whose will is expected to stay sealed for at least
90 years.… 7/11
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Meghan Markle’s $1359Million
of 12 Deals


Harry and Meghan wave from the Ascot Landau Carriage during their carriage procession
on the Long ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


Harry and Markle no longer receive money from Harry’s royal

relatives. The pair announced in early 2020 they would step down
as working members of the royal family, and they no longer receive
money from the royal family. Previously, the vast majority of the
couple’s expenses—which Forbes estimated to be about $800,000
annually—were paid for by Harry’s father, now King Charles III,
through the Duchy of Cornwall, which last year netted Charles
some $27 million. (After Charles became king, the Prince of Wales
title and the duchy were passed to Harry’s older brother, Prince
William). As the new monarch after Elizabeth II’s death last year,
Charles assumed ownership of institutions that manage an
estimated $42 billion in assets on behalf of the kingdom, including
famous landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and
the Tower of London. However, many of those assets aren’t his to
sell, as they’re held “in trust” and must be passed on to his
successors.… 8/11
4/27/23, 11:55 PM Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
Here’s What 1-13
We Know About PrinceFiled 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s 10Million
$135 of 12 Deals

Upon stepping down, Harry and Markle dropped their HRH titles—
short for His and Her Royal Highness—and voluntarily repaid more
than $3 million to the Sovereign Grant for renovations at Frogmore
Cottage, their family home in the U.K., which had previously been
covered by taxpayers. Before marrying Harry in 2018, Forbes
estimated Markle netted an estimated $2 million from her previous
career as an actress, most notably as a star in the legal drama Suits
for seven seasons.

Harry, Meghan and their baby son, Archie, meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the Desmond
& Leah Tutu ... [+] GETTY IMAGES


Harry and Markle are responsible for covering costs for their own
security detail, which security experts in 2021 told Forbes could
reach up to $3 million a year. A British court ruled in July that
Harry can proceed to challenge a British government committee’s
decision to rule his family ineligible for police protection during
visits to the U.K., even if he and Markle foot the bill. The
Metropolitan Police’s former head of counterterrorism Neil Basu
revealed in November that Meghan was the target of “disgusting… 9/11
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We Know About PrinceFiled 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s 11Million
$135 of 12 Deals

and very real” threats from the far right. “If you’d seen the stuff that
was written and you were receiving it . . . you would feel under
threat all of the time,” Basu told Channel 4.


Harry and Markle founded their foundation Archewell in 2020. In

October, the foundation announced it would distribute $1 million
in grants to women who “serve as inspiration to young individuals”
in partnership with the VING Project, which is funded by Groupon
billionaire Eric Lefkofsky’s family foundation.

Lisette Voytko contributed reporting.


Inside ‘The Firm’: How The Royal Family’s $28 Billion Money
Machine Really Works (Forbes)

How Much Are Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Worth?

Surprisingly, Not That Much (Forbes)

How Rich Is King Charles III? Inside The New Monarch’s

Outrageous Fortune (Forbes)

Carlie Porterfield

I am a Texas native covering breaking news out of New York City. I was
previously an editorial assistant at the Forbes London bureau. Follow me on
Twitter @reporterfield.

Jonathan Ponciano

I'm an associate editor at Forbes reporting on markets and finance. I

graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I
double-majored in... Read More

Editorial Standards Reprints & Permissions

4/27/23, 11:55 PM Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document
Here’s What 1-13
We Know About PrinceFiled 05/01/23
Harry And Page
Meghan Markle’s 12Million
$135 of 12 Deals

BETA… 11/11
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-14 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 3

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-14 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3

To: OversightProject
Subject: CBP-FO-2023-053731
Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023 10:24:32 AM

Mike Howell
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave, NE
[Request|Requestor{Requestor}|Address 2]
Washington, District of Columbia 20002



Dear Mike Howell:

Your FOIA request was reviewed as a third-party request and did not include authorization that
information on this individual, or business, can be released to you. All third party FOIA requests
must include a signed G-28 or G-639 form, or a signed statement from the individual verifying that
his/her information may be released to you. Or, if requesting records pertaining to a business or
company, a signed statement on company letterhead. Due to privacy concerns, CBP cannot confirm
nor deny the existence of records on this individual or business.

Your FOIA request has been closed as insufficient. Please resubmit your FOIA request, along with the
required information, by logging into your existing SecureRelease account.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a
specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient,
you should delete this message and any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or
the taking of any action based on it, by you is strictly prohibited.

Deloitte refers to a Deloitte member firm, one of its related entities, or Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu Limited ("DTTL"). Each Deloitte member firm is a separate legal entity and a
member of DTTL. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more.

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-14 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-15 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 4

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-15 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 4

March 15, 2023

CBP Appeals Officer
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
FOIA Appeals, Policy and Litigation Branch 90
K Street NE,
Washington, D.C. 20229 Dear

CBP Appeals Officer:

I am appealing the full denial of my Customs and Border Protection’s Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request CBP-FO-2023-053731, dated March 8, 2023, as per the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations 6 CFR
Part 5, and 19 CFR Part 103. Specifically, I am appealing under section §5.8(a)(1) adverse
determination denying my request in full, and I am appealing the search because I am questioning
the adequacy of the search.

On March 8, 2023, I requested:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the

implementing FOIA regulations of the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), Office of the Secretary, 6 CFR Part 5, I respectfully request the
following records (or records containing the following information) that DHS,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) have within its possession:

Section 1) All records within the Alien File (A-File) of Prince Henry Charles
Albert David (Date of Birth 09/15/1984) of the British Royal Family aka
Prince Harry aka His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales aka the Duke
of Sussex, including but not limited to:

• Any and all applications for immigration benefits filed, whether or not
• Any and all Forms I-213;
• Any and all Forms I-275; and
• Any and all Forms I-877.

Section 2) All records pertaining to the Duke of Sussex in the following

system of records maintained by CBP and DHS
• Automated Targeting System (ATS, DHS/CBP-006);
• Advance Passenger Information System (APIS, DHS/CBP-005);
• Border Crossing Information System (BCIS, DHS/CBP-007);
• U.S. Customs and Border Protection TECS (DHS/CBP-011);
• Non-Federal Entity Data System (NEDS, DHS/CBP-008);
• DHS Use of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) System of Records
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-15 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 4

• CBP Intelligence Records System (CIRS, DHS/CBP-024);

• DHS Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT, DHS/USVISIT-
• Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA, DHS/CBP-009);
• Nonimmigrant Information System (NIIS, DHS/CBP-016);
• Arrival and Departure Information System (ADIS, DHS/CBP-021);and
• Electric Visa Update System (EVUS., DHS/CBP-022).

Section 3) All records relating to any requests for waiver pursuant to Section
212(d)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act including, but not limited
to, email communications within the DHS Office of the Secretary, the USCIS
Office of the Director, the CBP Office of the Commissioner, or any
subordinate office within those named departments or agency or a record of
any communication between any of those named entities and the U.S.
Department of Stater, the U.S. Embassy in London, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
I am appealing the adverse determination denying my request in full because CBP violated DHS
FOIA regulations, specifically, sections §5.6(e), §5.6 (e)(1), §5.6 (e)(2), and §5.6 (e)(3). There
was a violation of §5.6(e) because no one signed off on the denial as required per statute. There
was a violation of §5.6(e)(1), because there was no name, no title, no position of the person
responsible for the denial as required by statute. There was a violation of §5.6(e)(2), because
there were no descriptions of the FOIA exemptions applied by CBP in denying the request, even
though the statute states there should be a brief statement of the reasons for the denial, including
any FOIA exemption applied by CBP in denying the request. There was a violation of §5.6(e)(3),
because there was no estimate of the volume of the records withheld, or a statement that it was
protected by an applicable exemption as required. Specifically, it states:

… the estimate of the volume of any records or information withheld, for example, by
providing the number of pages or some other reasonable form of estimation. This
estimation is not required if the volume is otherwise indicated by deletions marked on
records that are disclosed in part, or if providing an estimate would harm an interest
protected by an applicable exemption.

I am also appealing this request because I am questioning the adequacy of the search as per §5.8
(a)(1). A third-party release is not necessary for this request because there is an overwhelming
countervailing public interest in the disclosure. Public confidence in the government would
undoubtedly suffer if DHS, CBP, and USCIS failed to properly vet such a high-profile case.
Moreover, if Prince Harry was granted preferential treatment that to would undermine public
confidence in DHS, CPB, and USCIS’s application of equal justice under the law. Also, there was no
page count or file size of the search, or a description of where the search was conducted. I
believe there was no search regarding this request.

I respectfully request that CBP reassess its response, search for records, and provide responsive
records. If any portion of this request is denied for any reason, please provide copies of the
records or portions of records that are being withheld and cite each specific exemption of the
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-15 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 4

Freedom of Information Act on which the agency relies.

Please provide partial responses when they are ready. Thank you in advance for considering my
Appeal. If you have any questions, please contact me at


Mike Howell
Director of the Oversight Project and Investigative
Columnist at The Daily Signal
The Heritage Foundation
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-16 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 3

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-16 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3


April 5, 2023

RE: 2023-HQFO-01164

Dear FOIA Officer,

I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited processing for
my FOIA Request 2023-HQFO-01164 (“Request”).

Appendix B contains a number of news reports and articles reporting on Department

of Homeland Security (“DHS”) denials of entry to the United States based on admissions of
drug use or other similar conduct. Many of these articles question whether DHS is
consistently and fairly discharging the law in this area. 1

Appendix C contains a number of articles that specifically cover the issue of HRH the
Duke of Sussex KCVO’s drug use and its interaction with HRH ability to lawfully enter and
remain in the United States. Many of these articles question the role of the DHS in this
process and thus raise “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” in that they suggest there was some impropriety in HRH’s admission to the
United States. 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(4). Many of these articles specifically comment on the
Request and the “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” it surfaces via asking questions about HRH’s long and admitted history of drug
use and admission to the United States. They thus clearly demonstrate on-going and intense
public interest in “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” surfaced by the Request. 2

Appendix D is an Amazon Kindle redemption code to allow DHS to obtain a copy of

HRH’s book Spare and formally enter that entire book into the record. Please accept your
prepaid eBook using the link below:


Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-16 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3

If you have any questions, or feel you need clarification of this request please contact me at


Mike Howell
Oversight Project Director
& Investigative Reporter at The Daily Signal
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-17 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 3

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-17 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3


April 5, 2023

RE: CBP-FO-2023-053731

Dear FOIA Officer,

I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited processing for
my FOIA Request/Appeal CBP-FO-2023-053731 (“Request”).

Appendix B contains a number of news reports and articles reporting on U.S.

Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) denials of entry to the United States based on
admissions of drug use or other similar conduct. Many of these articles question whether
CBP is consistently and fairly discharging the law in this area. 1

Appendix C contains a number of articles that specifically cover the issue of HRH the
Duke of Sussex KCVO’s drug use and its interaction with HRH ability to lawfully enter and
remain in the United States. Many of these articles question the role of CBP in this process
and thus raise “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” in that they suggest there was some impropriety in HRH’s admission to the
United States. 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(4). Many of these articles specifically comment on the
Request and the “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” it surfaces via asking questions about HRH’s long and admitted history of drug
use and admission to the United States. They thus clearly demonstrate on-going and intense
public interest in “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” surfaced by the Request. 2

Appendix D is an Amazon Kindle redemption code to allow CBP to obtain a copy of

HRH’s book Spare and formally enter that entire book into the record. Please accept your
prepaid eBook using the link below:


Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-17 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3

If you have any questions, or feel you need clarification of this request please contact me at


Mike Howell
Oversight Project Director
& Author at The Daily Signal
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave, NE Washington,
D.C. 20002

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-18 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 3

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-18 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3


April 5, 2023

RE: COW2023001566

Dear FOIA Officer,

I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited processing for
my FOIA Request COW2023001566 (“Request”).

Appendix B contains a number of news reports and articles reporting on U.S.

Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) denials of entry to the United States based
on admissions of drug use or other similar conduct. Many of these articles question whether
USCIS is consistently and fairly discharging the law in this area. 1

Appendix C contains a number of articles that specifically cover the issue of HRH the
Duke of Sussex KCVO’s drug use and its interaction with HRH ability to lawfully enter and
remain in the United States. Many of these articles question the role of USCIS in this process
and thus raise “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” in that they suggest there was some impropriety in HRH’s admission to the
United States. 28 C.F.R. § 16.5(e)(1)(4). Many of these articles specifically comment on the
Request and the “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” it surfaces via asking questions about HRH’s long and admitted history of drug
use and admission to the United States. They thus clearly demonstrate on-going and intense
public interest in “possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public
confidence” surfaced by the Request. 2

Appendix D is an Amazon Kindle redemption code to allow USCIS to obtain a copy

of HRH’s book Spare and formally enter that entire book into the record. Please accept your
prepaid eBook using the link below:


Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-18 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3

If you have any questions, or feel you need clarification of this request please contact me at


Mike Howell
Oversight Project Director
& Investigative Reporter at The Daily Signal
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002

Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-19 Filed 05/01/23 Page 1 of 3

SecureRelease™ Portal
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-19 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3

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Mike Howell

Home Request Number: CBP-FO-2023-053731


Create Request

My Requests
RE: Expedited Processing 04/20/2023, 12:54:12 pm

Public Reading Room Expedited Processing Requests

Topic : Expedited Processing Requests
Subject : RE: Expedited Processing
Message :Good Morning Mr. Howell,

I am Mary Beth McLoughlin, a staff attorney for Shari Suzuki of the CBP FOIA Appeals and
Policy Branch. Would it be possible for you to send Appendix B and C again (the various articles
you provided). Unfortunately, we experienced a technical di�culty and now we cannot gain
access to them. I apologize for the inconvenience this causes.


Mary Beth McLoughlin

Topic: Expedited Processing Requests
Subject: Expedited Processing
Message: I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited processing for
my FOIA Request/Appeal CBP-FO-2023-053731 (“Request”).

RE: Expedited Processing 04/13/2023, 8:16:13 am

Good Morning Mr. Howell, I am Mary Beth McLoughlin,Expedited
a staff attorney for Requests
Shari Suzuki of the CBP F...

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-19 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3

expedited processsing 04/05/2023, 10:12:59 pm
I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited
Expedited Processing Requests
processing for my FOIA Reque...
Expedited Processing 04/05/2023, 10:02:34 pm
I write to supplement the record in support of my request for expedited
Expedited Processing Requests
processing for my FOIA Reque...
My Requests

Public Reading Room

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Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-20 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 3
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655

April 6, 2023


Mike Howell
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, District of Columbia 20002

Re: 2023-HQFO-01164

Dear Mr. Howell:

This acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
dated 3/8/2023, and seeking

Section 1) All records within the Alien File (A-File) of Prince Henry Charles Albert David (Date of Birth 09/15/1984) of the
British Royal Family aka Prince Harry aka His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales aka the Duke of Sussex, including but not
limited to:
• Any and all applications for immigration benefits filed, whether or not adjudicated
• Any and all Forms I-213
• Any and all Forms I-275
• Any and all Forms I-877

Section 2) All records pertaining to the Duke of Sussex in the following system of records maintained by CBP and DHS
• Automated Targeting System (ATS, DHS/CBP-006)
• Advance Passenger Information System (APIS, DHS/CBP-005)
• Border Crossing Information System (BCIS, DHS/CBP-007)
• U.S. Customs and Border Protection TECS (DHS/CBP-011)
• Non-Federal Entity Data System (NEDS, DHS/CBP-008)
• DHS Use of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) System of Records (DHS/ALL-030)
• CBP Intelligence Records System (CIRS, DHS/CBP-024)
• DHS Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT, DHS/USVISIT-004)
• Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA, DHS/CBP-009)
• Nonimmigrant Information System (NIIS, DHS/CBP-016)
• Arrival and Departure Information System (ADIS, DHS/CBP-021)
• Electric Visa Update System (EVUS., DHS/CBP-022).

Section 3) All records relating to any requests for waiver pursuant to Section 212(d)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act
including, but not limited to, email communications within the DHS Office of the Secretary, the USCIS Office of the Director,
the CBP Office of the Commissioner, or any subordinate office within those named departments or agency or a record of any
communication between any of those named entities and the U.S. Department of Stater, the U.S. Embassy in London, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Your request was received in this office on 3/8/2023.

After careful review of your FOIA request, we determined that your request is too broad in scope, did not specifically identify the
records which you are seeking, or only posed questions to the agency. Records must be described in reasonably sufficient detail
to enable government employees who are familiar with the subject area to locate records without placing an unreasonable burden
upon the agency. For this reason, §5.3(b) of the DHS regulations, 6 C.F.R. Part 5, require that you describe the records you are
seeking with as much information as possible to ensure that our search can locate them with a reasonable amount of effort.
Whenever possible, a request should include specific information about each record sought, such as the date, title or name,
author, recipients, and subject matter of the records, if known, or the CISA program office you believe created and/or controls the
Case 1:23-cv-01198 Document 1-20 Filed 05/01/23 Page 3 of 3

record. The FOIA does not require an agency to create new records, answer questions posed by requesters, or attempt to interpret
a request that does not identify specific records.

Please resubmit your request containing a reasonable description of the records you are seeking. This is not a denial of your
request. Upon receipt of a perfected request, you will be advised as to the status of your request. If we do not hear from you
within 30 days from the date of this letter, we will assume you are no longer interested in this FOIA request, and the case will be
administratively closed.

Your request has been assigned reference number 2023-HQFO-01164. Please refer to this identifier in any future
correspondence. The status of your FOIA request is now available online and can be accessed at:, by using this FOIA request number.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this matter, please feel free to contact this office at 1-866-431-0486 or at 202-


Jimmy Wolfrey

Senior Director, FOIA Operations and Management (Acting)

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