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The Electoral College has been a long-standing institution in American politics, but in recent

years, it has come under intense scrutiny. Critics of the Electoral College argue that it is an
outdated system not controlled by the people and that it can ruin democracy itself. This is why
we should pass the bill to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with a popular voting
system. The Electoral College system is not an accurate representation of the people. This is
because the President is not elected based on the popular vote, but rather, on the number of
electoral votes they receive. This means that it is possible for a candidate to win the Presidency
even if they do not receive most of the popular vote. This has happened five times in American
history, For example in the 2016 Presidential election. In that election, Hillary Clinton won the
popular vote by three million votes, but lost the election because Donald Trump received more
electoral votes. This is a clear indication that the Electoral College system is not working as it
should. The Electoral College system can lead to voter apathy and disenfranchisement. This is
because in states that are not considered "swing" states, voters feel that their votes do not
matter. This can lead to a lack of engagement in the electoral process, which is not good for
democracy. By replacing the Electoral College with a popular voting system, every vote will
count equally, and voters will feel that their voices are being heard. The Electoral College
system has the potential to destroy democracy itself. This is because it is possible for a
candidate to win the Presidency without winning most of the popular vote. This can lead to a
lack of legitimacy for the President, which can undermine the authority of the government.
Additionally, the winner-takes-all system in many states can lead to political polarization and a
lack of compromise, which is not good for democracy. abolishing the Electoral College and
replacing it with a popular voting system will promote fairness and equal representation in our
elections. It will ensure that every vote counts equally, and that the candidate who receives the
most votes win the Presidency. This will make our electoral system more transparent and will
promote greater trust in the democratic process. In conclusion, the Electoral College system is
outdated and not representative of the will of the people. It can lead to voter dissatisfaction
and has the potential to undermine democracy itself. By passing the bill to abolish the Electoral
College and replace it with a better voting system, we can promote fairness and equal
representation in our elections and ensure that every vote counts equally. This will make our
electoral system more transparent and will promote greater trust in the democratic process.

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