Ancient Greeece. Lesson 3

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Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

Classical Greece
Lesson 3

Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age

Key Terms and People
direct democracy form of government in which citizens rule directly
Peloponnesian War war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by Sparta and
its allies

Before You Read

In the last lesson, you read about the government of the city-states.
In this lesson, you will read about Athenian democracy and the
Peloponnesian War.

As You Read
Use a chart to organize information about Athens’s democracy and
war with Sparta.

PERICLES’ PLAN FOR ATHENS cities in the Peloponnesus, including

How did Pericles change Athens? Sparta, resisted Athens and formed their
Pericles led Athens during its golden own alliances.
age. He served in this role from 461 to 1. What were two of Pericles’ main
429 BC. Pericles was considered honest goals for Athens?
and fair. He so dominated the life of One goal was to make Athens more
Athens that this period is often called the democratic through direct democracy
Age of Pericles. Greek culture reached and de other one was to make Athens
new heights under his leadership.
Pericles set many goals. One goal was
to make Athens more democratic ATHENIANS AND SPARTANS GO
through direct democracy. This meant TO WAR
that citizens ruled directly and not What was the Peloponnesian War?
through representatives. After being rivals for many years,
Another goal was to make Athens Sparta and Athens went to war. The
stronger. Pericles helped build up Peloponnesian War began in 431 BC.
Athens’s navy. It became the strongest in Sparta was the head of a league of
the Mediterranean. allied city-states called the Peloponnesian
Athens was leader of the Delian League. For decades, Athens and its allies
League. Athens’s strong navy allowed it feared the military power of this league.
to treat other members of the Delian Sparta feared Athens’s navy and the
League as part of the empire. But some spread of Athenian democracy.

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Name ______________________________ Class ________________________ Date _____________

Lesson 3, continued

Although Athens had the stronger Sparta suffered almost as much

navy, Sparta had the stronger army. damage as Athens did. Because Sparta’s
Because Sparta was located inland, it wealth and resources were so badly
could not easily be attacked by sea. The strained, Spartans could not keep
Spartans eventually marched into control of Greece. A cycle of warfare
Athenian territory. They burned followed as states struggled for power in
Athenians’ food supply, but Athenians Greece. This fighting left Greece
survived on supplies shipped from vulnerable to attack. In the 340s BC, the
colonies and foreign states. Greek-speaking kingdom of Macedonia
The conflict ended badly for Athens. took control of Greece.
In 430 BC a horrible plague killed a 2. What was the result of the
great many people in Athens. After Peloponnesian War?
several years, the two sides signed a Both sides suffered in that war, Sparta
truce. However, they were soon back at was so badly off that they could not
war. Finally, Athens gave up in 404 BC. hold Greece and Macedonia ended up
in control.
Athens had lost its empire.

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Name ______________________________ Class ________________________ Date _____________

Lesson 3, continued

As you read this lesson, take notes to answer questions about Athens’s
democracy and war with Sparta.
Athens During the Age of Pericles
1. What kind of leader was Pericles?
Pericles was considered an honest and just leader so much so that there was a period
called the Age of Pericles. He set too many goals such as making Athens more democratic
and making Athens stronger and thanks to that Athens became the strongest in the

Pericles strengthened democracy thanks to his great role within Athens by having the
citizens rule directly and not through representatives.

3. How did Pericles strengthen the empire?

Pericles strengthened the empire of Athens by building a navy. He himself helped to build it
and it became the strongest in the Mediterranean.

Athens During the Peloponnesian War

4. How did Athens and Sparta compare in power?
The government of Athens is a democracy. The government of Sparta was an Oligarchy,
meaning that it was ruled by two kings. Therefore both had leaders who were elected by

Some of the losses Athens suffered were that the Sparta burned their food supplies but
they overcame with supplies sent from the colonies and foreign states.

The Peloponnesian War marked the end of the Golden Age of Greece, a change in styles
of warfare and the fall of Athens, once the strongest city-state in Greece. The balance in
power in Greece was shifted when Athens was absorbed into the Spartan Empire.

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