Destructive Leadership Leads To A Devastating Impact On Organizations and Employees. The

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What would other potential responses be to a destructive leader?

  Destructive leadership leads to a devastating impact on organizations and employees. The

best cure is early detection and intervention. These interferences are achieved by offering

coaching and support to those leaders in case they are brilliant. Coaching programs help

customize and change their destructive behavior. Moreover, expand evaluation to leaders not

only for their target achieving but also for evaluating their performance through surveys and

questionnaires to employees to review the behavior of their managers and leaders. Finally,

establish specific codes of conduct to prevent abusive behavior of leaders. Despite the

hardness of this step, it accomplishes preventing bullying, violence, and abuse of employees.

Organizations should create rules not tolerating these staff. All the previous responses might

control destructive leadership and increase the organizations' outcomes.

What are the organizational implications?

According to Krasikova, destructive Leaders are dishonest, unpleasant, and careless.

They not only foster a climate of worry, dread, and mistrust but also give rise to planning-

related and operational issues that lead to unhappy customers and subpar performance.

Destructive leadership is characterized by abusiveness, authoritarianism, cunning, or

narcissism, and it can take the form of aggressiveness or less conventional behaviors like

impeding negotiation.


Krasikova, D. V., Green, S. G., & LeBreton, J. M. (2013). Destructive leadership: A

theoretical review, integration, and future research agenda. Journal of Management,

39(5), 1308–1338.

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