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by Archie Cook

GCSE Music


This piece is based on nature and is inspired by my

personal account when I went for a walk near my
house and took notice of the sounds and nature
around me.
Verse A
' A Summers Day ' As the story above the score
develops into a description of the
written annotation forest, the melodic ideas also
develop as the melody 'flourishes'
up and down to reflect on the rapid
growth of the plants and trees
throughout the summer.

I begin my piece gently with a C
minor to C major key progression
which could reflect the sinister
activity in the forest as well as
the beauty of day with the C
major key.
Verse A - Return
As the story above the score
' A Summers Day ' develops into a description of
the forest, the melodic ideas
written annotation also develop as the melody
'flourishes' up and down to
reflect on the rapid growth of
the plants and trees throughout
the summer.

Verse A Return - End Section

verse B
In verse B there is a complete shift in In the second part of the
dynamic and articulation, the use of Verse A Return the pitch is
staccato is useful as it correlates with the lowered to give the effect that
storyline above the stage ( A carnivorous
the fox is prowling around the
predator in the forest on the hunt ) and
helps maintain scene, Also the dynamics forest after a failed hunt
get louder which helps make the attempt.
atmosphere more tense.
Why did I chose an
orchestral style of
My piece of music is an
orchestral composition that is
inspired by nature. It features a
combination of instruments such
as strings, brass, woodwinds,
and percussion to create a Through the use of
soundscape that evokes the various musical
natural world. The use of techniques and
instrumentation and elements, such as
composition techniques such as
evocative harmonies,
dynamics, tempo changes, and
melody variations can create a sweeping melodies,
sense of movement and and dynamic rhythms,
progression, much like the an orchestral music
natural world itself. My piece piece can capture the
also incorporates elements such essence of nature and
as bird song, water sounds, and convey its majesty,
other natural noises to enhance power, and beauty to
the overall effect. Overall, a the listener.
beautiful and immersive
experience that transports the
listener to the natural world.

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