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Quantification of a Neurological Protein in a Single Cell Without

Donggyu Lee, Youngsik Woo, Ji-seon Lim, Ikbum Park, Sang Ki Park,* and Joon Won Park*
Cite This: ACS Omega 2022, 7, 20165−20171 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Proteins are key biomolecules that not only play

various roles in the living body but also are used as biomarkers. If
these proteins can be quantified at the level of a single cell,
understanding the role of proteins will be deepened and diagnosing
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diseases and abnormality will be further upgraded. In this study, we

quantified a neurological protein in a single cell using atomic force
microscopy (AFM). After capturing specifically disrupted-in-
schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) in a single cell onto a microspot
immobilizing the corresponding antibody on the surface, force
mapping with AFM was followed to visualize individual DISC1.
Although a large variation of the number of DISC1 in a cell was
observed, the average number is 4.38 × 103, and the number agrees
with the ensemble-averaged value. The current AFM approach for the quantitative analysis of proteins in a single cell should be
useful to study molecular behavior of proteins in depth and to follow physiological change of individual cells in response to external

Proteins are utmost important to biological processes,
enhance LOD that is good for the single-cell analysis, we
adopted the FluidFM technology to fabricate capture antibody
providing structural supports, transporting molecules, control- spots of a few micrometers in diameter, and the combined
ling cell growth and adhesion, regulating cell signaling, and approach was able to quantify the target protein in a single
catalyzing biochemical reactions.1,2 Therefore, accurate protein cell.26
quantification is essential for studying cellular mechanisms, The target protein is disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1),
elaborating diagnostics, and pursuing drug discovery and and it is a major susceptibility factor for schizophrenia. It was
developments.3 A lot of methods and tools have been first identified as a gene disrupted by the translocation in
developed, and examples are gel electrophoresis, immunoassay, chromosome 1 and discovered from a pedigree in which many
chromatography, and mass spectrometry.4−6 However, these family members suffered from major psychosis.27 DISC1
methods require a large number of cells because of the limited participates in neuro-developmental processes including neuro-
sensitivity and show ensemble-averaged results.7 For this genesis, neuronal migration, neurite outgrowth, dendritic spine
reason, new methods enabling quantification of a specific maturation, and adult neurogenesis,28−36 and it regulates
protein in a single cell are highly desirable and anticipated. microtubule-based motor activities, cAMP signaling, tran-
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study scription factor activities, and mitochondrial functional-
molecular interactions of ligand−receptor, DNA−DNA, and ities.37−44
antigen−antibody at the single-molecule level.8−20 Further-
more, AFM force mapping can show the target molecule
distribution on a sample surface by recording the force−
Capture Antibody Spot Fabrication and AFM Force
distance (FD) curve at a high resolution.21 Recently, we Mapping of Captured DISC1. The FluidFM technology was
demonstrated that such AFM analysis quantifies specific DNA used to fabricate capture antibody spots, in which a
and miRNA of a low copy number without labeling or
In this study, we employed force-based AFM to quantify a Received: April 1, 2022
specific protein in a single cell. Previously, Roy et al.25 Accepted: May 25, 2022
visualized prostate-specific antigen captured on the surface, Published: June 2, 2022
and because they utilized a conventional microarrayer to
generate the capture spot, the observed limit of detection
(LOD) was a few femtomoles of concentration. In order to
© 2022 The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c02009
20165 ACS Omega 2022, 7, 20165−20171
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Figure 1. Experimental scheme for the analysis of DISC1 protein with AFM. For the quantification of DISC1 protein, a single cell was lysed and
DISC1 proteins were bound to a capture antibody spot. The capture antibody/DISC1 immune complex was detected by observing specific force−
distance curves upon the approach and retraction of the detection antibody tip. Bound DISC1 proteins show themselves as clusters on the adhesion
force map. Scale bar, 2.0 μm.

Figure 2. AFM image of a capture spot and representative force maps. (a) Optical microscopy image of a capture antibody spot. Scale bar, 5.0 μm.
(b) AFM height image of the etched square box. Scale bar, 5.0 μm. (c) AFM height image of a capture antibody spot. Numbered small squares are
the areas where AFM force mapping was performed. Scale bar, 5.0 μm. (d) Force maps of three colored positions in the immune complex spot.
Colored pixels show that specific unbinding events were observed more than twice out of five measurements (100 × 100 pixels, 400 × 400 nm2).
Five qualified clusters in the maps are evident.

microchanneled cantilever equipped with a pyramidal tip of After allowing DISC1 to be captured on the spot, thus-
600 nm aperture was employed.26 The microchannel was filled formed immune complexes were chemically cross-linked to
with the capture antibody solution, and the solution was avoid sporadic detachment during AFM examination.46 FD
spotted onto a glass slide coated with a 27-acid dendron45 and curves were collected on the capture spot at a resolution of 3.0
finally activated with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). The or 4.0 nm, and the specific unbinding events were recorded
when the detection antibody on the AFM tip binds with
typical spot diameter was in the range of 7−20 μm. To locate
DISC1/capture antibody immune complexes (Figure 1). The
the antibody spot effectively for the force mapping with AFM, selected detection antibody binds to an epitope free after the
a glass slide marked by multiple micron-sized square boxes formation of the immune complex in the capture spot. The FD
through the photolithographic etching was used (Figure S1), curves were recorded five times at each pixel at 3.0 nm
and positional coordinates of the spot were recorded after the intervals across a selected area (60 nm × 60 nm) and marked
spotting. only when no less than 40% specific FD curves were observed
20166 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c02009
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 20165−20171
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

(in other words, two times out of five measurements).

4.83 × 103

3.83 × 104
6.65 × 102
Gaussian fitting shows the most probable adhesion force of


44.0 ± 12.8 pN and the stretching distance of 7.6 ± 2.6 nm

(Figure S2). The adhesion force value is similar to the ones
observed from other antigen−antibody pairs.15
The cluster radius (Rc) was measured by ellipse fitting to

identify the hydrodynamic radius of the target protein.47 Three

1.06 × 10
spot 10
clusters were identified from three different locations, and the
average cluster radius was 7.8 ± 0.4 nm (Figure S3). Based on
the value, we were able to determine the optimized pixel size
(4 nm) in which DISC1 shows itself as a cluster in the force

map (with a too large pixel, the scanning is speedy but may

6.9 × 10
spot 9
miss DISC1 on the surface, and with a too small pixel, DISC1
will show up as an evident cluster, but the time efficiency is
deteriorated). Therefore, we examined the selected area (400
nm × 400 nm) at each 4 nm (100 × 100 pixels). We counted

1.99 × 10
clusters at three representative locations in a spot and

spot 8
calculated the total number of the bound protein in the entire
spot by assuming uniform distribution and homogeneity.
As a control, NDEL1 (another neurological protein exists in
the same cell) was allowed to the surface and FD curves were

1.79 × 10
number of DISC1 in a single cell or 10 cells
collected. Because the specific FD curve was not observed at all

spot 7
(Figure S4), it is confirmed that the current AFM analysis is
specific to DISC1.

The samples corresponding to 10 cells were prepared through serial dilution of the lysed solution of 4 × 105 sorted cells.
Quantitative Analysis of DISC1 Protein in a Single
Cell. As a first step, DISC1 proteins obtained from lysed

8.83 × 10
HEK293 cells were analyzed. We prepared 4 × 105 sorted cells
spot 6
through the cell culture, and fractionation, lysis, and serial
dilution made lysed samples corresponding to 10 cells. Each
sample was allowed to react with the antibody in the spot of 20
μm. AFM force mapping was performed at three representative
3.43 × 10

locations in two independently prepared immune complex

spot 5

spots. The observed cluster numbers were 19 and 20, and the
values correspond to 3.73 × 104 and 3.93 × 104, respectively.
Therefore, the average number of DISC1 in a cell was 3.83 ×
4.97 × 10

As the next step, we analyzed DISC1 protein in a single

spot 4

isolated HEK293 cell (Figure 2). Proteins extracted from the

single cell were allowed to react on the antibody spots (7−14
μm). AFM force mapping was performed at three representa-
tive locations of 10 independently prepared immune complex
1.93 × 10

spots. The total observed cluster numbers in the individual

spot 3

spots were 2, 3, 5, 7, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 18. The total
Table 1. Number of DISC1 in a Single Cell or 10 Cells

number of captured DISC1 in each spot was calculated by

considering the size of the corresponding spot, and the
numbers are 1.47 × 103, 1.79 × 103, 1.93 × 103, 1.99 × 103,

3.93 × 104

3.43 × 103, 4.97 × 103, 6.38 × 103, 6.9 × 103, 8.83 × 103, and
1.47 × 10
spot 2

spot 2

1.06 × 104 (Table 1, Figure 3). The mean value is 4.38 ± 3.08

× 103 (the standard error of the mean is 0.98 × 103). The

value is close to the one from the diluted lysis sample (3.83 ×
103). However, we observed that the copy number of each

3.73 × 104
1.33 × 103
6.38 × 10

single cell varies noticeably.

spot 1

spot 1

For comparison, we quantified DISC1 in DISC1 knockdown

HEK293 cells. A lysis sample corresponding to 10 cells and a
sample of a single cell were allowed to react on antibody spots
(8−11 μm). For the former, the cluster numbers were 3 and 0,
knockdown single cell

and the average number of captured DISC1 was 6.65 × 102

knockdown 10 cellsa
wild-type single cell

wild-type 10 cellsa

(Table 1). It is clear that the copy number of DISC1 is

reduced from 3.83 × 104 to 6.65 × 102. For the latter, because
the observed cluster numbers were all 0, the number of
captured DISC1 was also 0 (Table 1, Figure 3). It is interesting
to observe the different outcomes for the knockdown samples.
When the knockdown cells were prepared, the transfection was

20167 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c02009
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 20165−20171
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

future, when we understand better on these topics, AFM force

mapping for the quantification of protein biomarkers can move
forward for further enhanced LOD.

Conjugation of the Detection Antibody to AFM Tips.
AFM tips (DPN Probe Type B, NanoInk) were coated with a
27-acid dendron (custom synthesis, VRND NanobioOrganics)
as previously described.21 For brief, silicon nitride probes were
oxidized in a 10% nitric acid solution at 80 °C for 20 min. The
probes were silanized in a toluene solution containing N-(3-
(triethoxysilyl)-propyl)-O-poly(ethylene oxide) urethane (Gel-
est) [1.0% (v/v)] for 4 h. To immobilize the 27-acid dendron
Figure 3. Number of DISC1 in a single cell. Both wild-type cells and molecule, the silylated probes were immersed in a
knockdown cells were examined. The bars represent the SEM for each dimethylformamide (DMF)/dichloromethane (DCM) (1:3,
case (two tailed t-test, ***p < 0.001 and **p < 0.01). v/v) solution containing the 27-acid dendron (1.0 mM), 27
mM 1,3-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), and 0.90 mM 4-
not complete in general; it is likely that a few cells still contain dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) for 12 h. The dendron-
DISC1. This must be the reason why we observed non-zero modified probes were immersed in a DCM solution containing
DISC1 in the diluted sample. However, in the case of singly trifluoroacetic acid (1.0 M) for 12 h to remove the protecting
isolated knockdown cells, the transfection was confirmed group at the apex of the immobilized dendron. The
through use of fluorescence microscopy. As a result, AFM deprotected probes were immersed in an acetonitrile solution
analysis showed that DISC1 in each single cell was 0.

containing bis-N-succinimidyl(pentaethylene glycol) ester
(BS[PEG]5) (25 mM) and diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA)
DISCUSSION (1.0 mM) for 4 h. After the reaction, the probes were dipped in
We were able to quantify a specific protein in a single cell using a stirred DMF solution for 30 min, washed gently with
AFM. Although various proteins exist in cells, the target DISC1 methanol, and kept under vacuum (30−40 mTorr). The
was quantified through the sandwich antibody pairs, the activated probes were dipped in a buffer solution [1× PBS (pH
capture antibody on a solid substrate, and the detection 8.5), 0.01% Tween 20, and 0.5% glycerol] dissolving the
antibody on an AFM tip. The specificity could be reconfirmed detection antibody (B-2, anti-DISC1 mouse monoclonal
through the specific force−distance curves recorded during the antibody, Santa Cruz) (33 nM) for 2 h and then washed
AFM measurement. thoroughly with PBST buffer [PBS (pH 7.4) with 0.05%
Although the averaged number in a single cell matches with Tween 20] and PBS buffer (pH 7.4) sequentially. After being
the value from the ensemble average, it is noted that the washed, the probes were stored at 4 °C in PBS buffer (pH 7.4).
individual copy number (1.47 × 103 to 1.06 × 104) from the Fabrication of Capture Antibody Spots onto Etched
single cell deviates from each other considerably. While it is Slides. Etched slides were prepared by employing inductively
tempting to say that the variation represents the cell-to-cell coupled plasma (ICP) as previously described.18 The slides
variation and the standard error of the mean (SEM) values is were coated with a 27-acid dendron and activated by
low for the diluted samples, it may be too early to conclude disuccinimidyl carbonate. A microchanneled pyramidal tip of
definitely. While it is clear that the current AFM approach is 600 nm aperture (FluidFM nanosyringe, Cytosurge AG) was
sensitive enough to quantify a protein biomarker in a single cell employed for dispensing the detection antibody solution onto
and the approach is attractive for study of the cell-to-cell the patterned slides. The capture antibody (ABN46, anti-
variation, re-confirmation with samples with the known DISC1 rabbit polyclonal antibody, Millipore) solution (30
variation is highly required to be accepted in the science μM) was prepared with a spotting buffer [1× PBS (pH 8.5),
community. 12.5% glycerol]. After injecting the solution (8 μL) into the
We showed previously that the LOD of a similar approach reservoir of the FluidFM probe, it was mounted on an atomic
for DNA detection is a single copy. In principle, such an LOD force microscope (FlexAFM, Nanosurf) and was connected to
can be realized for the protein analysis. However, it is observed a pressure controller (FluidFM microfluidics control system,
that the frequency of non-specific binding is higher for the Cytosurge AG). The cantilever was approached and contacted
proteins. Although we isolate nucleic acids from cells or tissues onto the surface, and an overpressure of +1000 mbar was
and because they share the same framework (sugar and applied for 30 s to fill the whole hollow cantilever. A specific
phosphate backbone), it is easier to find a condition for the set point of 200 mV was applied when the cantilever
specific hybridization and contingent washing by taking approached the sample surface. To control the droplet size,
advantage of the well-defined melting temperature. For two parameters were adjusted, applied pressure and contact
proteins, each sample contains polypeptides of various time of the cantilever onto the sample surface. After
structures, sizes, and isoelectric points, and post-modified completion of the spotting, the slides were incubated in a
peptides coexist. This is the reason why we have not been able humid chamber (80% humidity) at room temperature for 3 h.
to achieve the LOD of the single copy. Although AFM itself is Subsequently, the slides were washed with PBST buffer and
sensitive enough to quantify a specific protein in a single cell, deionized water (18 MΩ·cm, Milli-Q purification system,
we need other components to combine with AFM to increase Millipore). The washed slides were placed in a blocking
the capability. Use of antibodies of higher specificity, surfaces solution containing 50 mM ethanolamine in PBS (pH 8.5) for
providing least non-specific binding, and a right washing 1 h with gentle shaking. Then, the slides were washed with
protocol are examples that are currently in the list. In the PBST buffer and deionized water.
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Antibodies and Plasmids. For developing a stable cell ASSOCIATED CONTENT

line to over-express hDISC1, the hDISC1 cDNA sequence was *
sı Supporting Information
cloned into pcDNA5/TO-MYC (Invitrogen). The DISC1 The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
shRNA construct was designed by cloning the core sequence https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.2c02009.
GAGA as the loop sequence into the pLentiLox3.7 vector as Schematic diagram of the etched slide glass; unbinding
described previously.48,49 The core sequence of control- events for adhesion between captured DISC1 and the
scrambled shRNA was CTACCGTTGTATAGGTG. detection antibody; observation of the captured-DISC1
Cell Culture and Transfection. HEK293 cells were cluster; and force maps obtained at three positions in a
cultured in DMEM (HyClone) supplemented with 10% (v/ spot with NDEL1 protein (PDF)

v) fetal bovine serum (FBS, Gibco) and 1% penicillin/
streptomycin (Gibco). All cells were transfected by using AUTHOR INFORMATION
transfection reagent Lipofectamine 2000 (Thermo Fisher
Scientific). Corresponding Authors
Preparation of Cell Lysates. For 10 cell lysates, HEK293 Sang Ki Park − Department of Life Sciences, Pohang
cells or DISC1 knockdown cells were re-suspended in DMEM University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673,
containing 1% FBS, followed by cell counting, and 1.0 × 104 Republic of Korea; Email: skpark@postech.ac.kr
cells were seeded in each well of a 24-well plate. After 12 h, Joon Won Park − Department of Chemistry, Pohang
cells were lysed in 100 μL of 1× ELB lysis buffer (50 mM Tris University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673,
pH 8.0, 250 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 0.1% NP-40) Republic of Korea; Institute of Convergence Science, Yonsei
supplemented with 2 mM NaPPi, 10 mM NaF, 2 mM University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea; orcid.org/
Na3VO4, 1 mM DTT, and protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche) 0000-0003-1432-3161; Email: jwpark@postech.ac.kr
with sonication. Cell lysates were further diluted in PBS buffer Authors
(pH 7.4). For a single cell lysate, HEK293 cells or DISC1
Donggyu Lee − Department of Life Sciences, Pohang
knockdown cells were re-suspended in DMEM containing 1%
University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673,
FBS, diluted to 5 cells/mL, and seeded 100 μL per each well of
Republic of Korea
a 96-well plate. After 12 h, each well in which a single cell exists
Youngsik Woo − Department of Life Sciences, Pohang
was subjected to cell lysis with 10 μL of 1× ELB supplemented
University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673,
with 2 mM NaPPi, 10 mM NaF, 2 mM Na3VO4, 1 mM DTT,
Republic of Korea; orcid.org/0000-0002-8308-8532
and protease inhibitor cocktail.
Ji-seon Lim − Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of
Formation of the Immune Complex on the Capture
Science and Technology, Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea
Antibody Spot. An eight-well gasket slide kit (Agilent
Ikbum Park − Analysis and Assessment Research Center,
Technologies) was used to incubate 40 μL of the cell lysate Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology,
solution on a capture antibody-spotted slide at 25 °C for 2 h Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea
using a hybridization oven (Agilent Technologies). After the
reaction, the slides were washed with a PBST solution and Complete contact information is available at:
subsequently a PBS solution (pH 7.4). For the cross-linking, https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c02009
the slides were incubated with a PBS solution (pH 8.5)
containing dimethyl pimelimidate−2HCl (DMP) (20 mM) at Notes
room temperature for 1 h. Subsequently, the reaction was The authors declare no competing financial interest.
quenched by dipping the slides in a Tris solution (20 mM, pH
7.4) for 30 min at room temperature. After the reaction, the
slides were washed with a PBST solution and subsequently a
Acknowledges grants from the National Research Foundation
PBS solution (pH 7.4), and the slides were stored at 4 °C in a of Korea (NRF-2020R1C1C1007055, 2020M3E5E2039894,
PBS solution (pH 7.4). and 2021R1A2C3010639).

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