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For this week, I watched the provided videos first and then I reviewed all the parts mentioned

in the
reading assignments especially, I read all the provided materials about the history of the Internet and
the web, W3C, and the Validating web sites against standards and the Web development thoughtfully
and studied through the forum. Since reading all took time, I went to the self quiz right away after
finishing reading it: I tried multiple times, and I did it great. Then, I started working on the programming
assignment which I assume new for me.

Since the discussion is about data privacy in this internet; which gave me a sense of great start into web
programming because it reminds of the responsibility and ethics. Given the discussion topic for this
week, I enjoy it. After conducting some studies on the subject, I've learned that while we can't
completely stop big companies from collecting our personal information, we can limit the amount of
information they have access to by using an alternative search engine browser like DuckDuckGo and
erasing our browsing history and preferences. I did the programming assignment of the week 1 which I
used W3C's "Markup Validation Service" to examine three of the most popular websites on the planet.

I provided the best information of what I think it is adequate and useful for the peers. Moreover, in the
interesting section on the discussion forum the peers are uniqueness how to answer the assignment,
most of the students there professional along with simple answers however most of them explain in
detail with an exemplar. On my side, I will understand easily if the clarification with detail along
with an exemplar. Furthermore, I feel happy with the comments in my discussion forum along with
feel confident in myself.

For this week, I am fulfilled with what I have learned through the forum, the provided study materials,
and the programming assignment on the validation. One thing I took a way for my life is to validate the
HTML for the sake of the credibility and its functionality.

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