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Surveying is the science responsible for the study of the Earth's surface and its underlying

geographic and other features. In other words, it studies a set of programs whose purpose

is to graphically represent the Earth's surface. It is also responsible for establishing

certain methods to perform the associated description. It is an essential discipline in other

related fields such as cartography, geography, marine studies, architecture and even

archeology or paleontology. Although the exact time when this science was invented is

unknown, it seems that the first work on topography was carried out in ancient Egypt. On

the other hand, it has also been suggested that Anaximander may have been born in

Greece, based on the geographical charts of Anaximander and Miletus.

Although there is no specific inventor of topography, it is estimated that the ancient

Egyptians and Greeks in the classical era enjoyed talking about it, and can be called

important builders. There is evidence that the pharaoh's surveyors carried out the work,

marking the portion of each cultivated field destined for his majesty. At the same time, it

was Thales and Anaximander of Miletus in Greece who first produced proper

geographical maps, so they can be considered as the originators of the practice of

topographical mapping. In fact, surveying as a science entered formally with private

ownership, as it was an important discipline in national expansion efforts and in the

public and private engineering construction sectors. At this point, it's pretty modern


The future of surveying is related to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly

known as drones, since these devices include Global Positioning System (GPS) and in
some cases GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). These global positioning

systems allow many points to be taken with exact coordinates, optimizing data collection

time and saving calculations. In addition, many of these drones have the option of adding

other types of advanced cameras, such as cameras that use a LIDAR system, which has a

scanner that can take millions of points, simulating a landscape or a building that can be

measured in three dimensions. ; The advantage of these systems is also that, unlike the

subway system - where to measure a piece of land we have to take data from each point

separately with the help of an assistant equipped with a stick - the drone flies over the

area and receives - a pair. Minutes - Collect much more field data than a day's work with

the dashboard; The advantage of these drones is that we can use GIS software to make

precise calculations of perimeters, areas, floods, forest cover, heights, contours, land use

and many other things, because these drones are easy to use, which allows the inclusion

of special cameras that can collect infrared data or in a LIDAD or radar system, which

increases the possibility of performing various calculations in the comfort of the office.

The future of topography lies in these new unmanned aerial systems, since they allow

drones and software to analyze a large number of variables in a short period of time and

optimize the resources available for the survey, improving accuracy and precision. This

information can be connected to various programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, ArcGIS,

QGIS and databases, creating a connection

.0 most efficient and fastest among all systems, so it is called topography

.0: complete integration of the machine to computer systems. used not only in

construction, but also in many other fields such as agriculture, architecture, cartography,

and geodesy. We must be clear that what is not measured cannot be improved, and if we
do not use these new and affordable technologies, we are missing a great opportunity to

improve analysis and decision making.

Surveying is an applied science with a deep mathematical foundation, especially

trigonometry and geometry, which aims to represent a limited part of the earth's surface

on a plane. Topography provides basic information for the training of an agronomist or

forestry engineer through the study of the methods and tools to describe and interpret the

soil, which provides the basic tools for the sustainable management of natural resources.

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