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Dear Parents

I hope you and your family are all well and have remained safe during these strange times. Following
government guidelines, we are planning to reopen nursery fully on 7 th September 2020. To carry this
out safely there are a few strategies we need to put in place. Nursery core hours will be mornings
9.15 am -11.45 am, afternoons 12.15 pm – 14.45pm and all day 9.15am – 14.45pm. This allows for
through cleaning time between breakfast club, nursery, and afterschool club. A member of staff will
meet you at the main door, parents and carers are not permitted into the nursery building. To
maintain social distancing, we are requesting that only one adult drops off and collects their child,
please enter via the steps and exit via the ramp.

All children will wash their hands on arrival and before going home, and at appropriate times during
the session. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and activities as we will be outside
for much of the time, painting, using the mud kitchen, and in all weathers. Please ensure you send a
complete change of clothes, a warm jumper/fleece and wellington boots in a named bag to leave at
nursery until further notice.

We look forward to welcoming the children in September.

Kind regards

Karen Wells

Head of Nursery

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