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Architecture against domestic violence

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

Why is this project?
According to the latest report by The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) a large scale, and multi round
survey conducted in Indian households:

“29.3% married Indian women between the ages of 18-49 years have faced domestic violence/or sexual
violence. 3.1% of pregnant women between the ages of 18-49 have experienced physical violence during any
pregnancy.” And that’s just the number of cases reported by women; there are always a large number of
cases that never make it to the police.

The data reflects the sad reality that domestic violence remains a serious issue in India, even though we have
strict laws in place for the protection of women. Internalised patriarchy, misogyny, violence, continue to
affect the daily lives of Indian women.
Studies have shown that certain architectural features can increase the risk of domestic violence. For
example, poorly lit areas, blind corners, and secluded areas provide opportunities for abusers to isolate and
attack their victims. A lack of natural surveillance, such as windows or other openings that allow people to
see into public spaces, can also contribute to the risk of violence. Additionally, a lack of safe and secure
spaces can make it difficult for victims to escape or seek help. On the other hand, there is evidence to
suggest that carefully designed built environments can help prevent domestic violence. For example,
buildings and public spaces that are well-lit, have good visibility, and are easily accessible can help deter
potential abusers and provide a sense of safety for victims. Safe spaces within buildings, such as private
rooms and secure exits, can also provide victims with opportunities to escape or seek help.

Overall, these studies suggest that the design of buildings and public spaces can have a significant impact on
the prevalence and severity of domestic violence. By incorporating principles of safety and accessibility into
the design process, architects and planners can help create built environments that are more inclusive,
equitable, and safe for all people.
Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023
Relevence of this project?

The project of a transitional house and wellness center for human trafficking survivors is highly relevant and necessary. Transitional housing and
wellness centers can play a crucial role in addressing the issue of domestic abuse. These facilities can provide a safe and supportive environment for
survivors of abuse as they transition out of a violent relationship and begin to rebuild their lives.

Transitional housing can provide survivors with a stable and secure place to live, which is often a critical need for those who are leaving abusive
relationships. This can help survivors avoid homelessness or returning to their abusive partners out of desperation.

Wellness centers can also provide survivors with essential resources and services, including counseling, therapy, medical care, and legal assistance.
These services can help survivors address the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma associated with domestic abuse, while also helping
them navigate the complex legal and social systems that may impact their lives.

Moreover, transitional housing and wellness centers can provide survivors with a sense of community and support, which is essential for healing and
recovery. By connecting survivors with other survivors, advocates, and service providers, these facilities can help survivors feel less isolated and

In summary, transitional housing and wellness centers are highly relevant to domestic abuse as they can provide survivors with a safe and
supportive environment to begin to rebuild their lives after experiencing abuse. They can also provide essential services and resources that can help
survivors address the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma associated with domestic abuse, while also connecting them with a supportive

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

About the project

A transitional home and rehabilitation center for domestic abuse is a facility that provides temporary housing and support services to
survivors of domestic abuse as they recover and transition into a new life.

Transitional homes provide a safe and secure environment for survivors of domestic abuse who have left their abusive partners.
These facilities can be a critical resource for survivors who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or cannot return to their
previous home due to safety concerns.

Rehabilitation centers can provide survivors with access to essential services such as counseling, therapy, medical care, and legal
assistance. These services can help survivors address the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma associated with domestic
abuse and can help them develop skills to rebuild their lives and achieve self-sufficiency.

Additionally, rehabilitation centers can provide job training, education, and other vocational services to help survivors gain
employment and achieve financial independence. By providing survivors with access to these resources, transitional homes and
rehabilitation centers can help survivors build a new life free from abuse.

Overall, the project of a transitional home and rehabilitation center for domestic abuse is essential to providing survivors with the
resources and support they need to rebuild their lives after experiencing abuse. By providing a safe and supportive environment and
access to essential services, these facilities can help survivors overcome the trauma of abuse and move forward with their lives.

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

Domestic violence is a pervasive and persistent problem that affects millions of people worldwide, and the design of buildings and public
spaces can either exacerbate or mitigate the risk factors associated with domestic violence. Domestic violence in Indian households remains a dirty
little open secret and a pervasive problem, violating a woman’s basic human rights.

The United Nations defines gender- based violence as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental
harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”

Forms of violence in a marriage

Violence in a marriage doesn’t always present itself overnight. There are many warning signs before the
actual act of violence takes place. The report found that fear of husband and spousal violence were closely
correlated.Controlling behaviour such as being told what to wear, where to go, who to meet, monitoring
whereabouts, and controlling finances, baseless accusations of being unfaithful, isolating and limiting
contact with family, etc are all red flags and strong indicators that violence may take place in the future.
Long lasting scars

Even if a woman leaves an abusive marriage, the road to healing is a long one.The physical scars of domestic violence may or may not heal but the
psychological effects are long lasting. Depression, anxiety, low self esteem, post traumatic stress disorder (including nightmares, flashbacks, crippling
anxiety) suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse, loss of trust, isolation… It can change one’s perspective on life and can become crippling.

Does better education, urban privilege decrease violence against women?

There is only a slight difference between domestic violence in rural and urban areas. In rural areas it is at 31.6% and urban areas which is slightly less at
24.2%.Internalised patriarchy and misogyny are pervasive in all of Indian society and domestic violence remains an all India problem. A study conducted
by Indian Journal of Community Medicine in Karnataka found that violence occurs even in the educated population, especially psychological abuse being
the most common.
Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023
Projects earlier done in kcoa and how it is different?
Similar projects like rehabilitation centre for street childrens, De-addiction centre,juvenile observation home etc. has been attempted by the seniors.
This project is different from it because the intend of my project is to create a healing space with specialized recovery progammes with help of natural
healing spaces. The primary goal of this project is to increase public awareness. This can be done by integrating the public and the victims through
various activities and spaces. A rehabilitation centre were the domestic violence abuse victims feel safe and improved access to healthcare also
increased economic opportunities.

Project is hypothetical

Although there are shelters and spaces for domestic abuse victims .these spaces doesnt have enough safety as well as medical facilities or space were
they could feel at ease. Also these people need special care and treatment as they may be traumatized and injured . Hence i would like to propose a
space were they could feel comfortable,helps in healing and space were they can work towards being stable, confident and independent again

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

User groups

1. Survivors of domestic abuse: The primary user group of a transitional home and rehabilitation center is survivors of domestic abuse.
These individuals are in need of temporary housing and support services as they recover from the trauma of abuse and transition into a
new life. Womens and minor girls aged from 15-37 are the identified and important user group who is more vulnerable to sex
working. Such womens and minor girls are identified and provided a safe working and learning envronment.
2. Advocates and service providers: Advocates and service providers play a crucial role in supporting survivors of domestic abuse. They
can provide essential resources and services, including counseling, therapy, medical care, and legal assistance. They may also work with
survivors to develop safety plans and provide support as survivors navigate the legal system.
3. Volunteers and donors: Transitional homes and rehabilitation centers often rely on volunteers and donors to support their operations.
Volunteers may provide services such as tutoring, mentoring, or job training. Donors may provide financial support or donations of
goods and services.
4. Community members: Community members may also be a user group of a transitional home and rehabilitation center. These
individuals may provide support to survivors, advocate for policy changes to prevent domestic abuse, or raise awareness about the
issue of domestic abuse.
5. Staff and management: Finally, staff and management of the transitional home and rehabilitation center are a critical user group. They
are responsible for providing the services and support that survivors need to recover and rebuild their lives. They may also work to
secure funding, manage operations, and ensure that the facility is safe and secure for all residents.

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

Categories of activities in the project

Activities identified can be divided into three part for this projects

Residence and other

Healthcare support Social support Economic support spaces

● Meditation and mindfull ● Counselling Rooms ● Vocational training spaces ● Private living spaces
spaces ● Group therapy rooms ● Shops open for public ● Common living areas
● Fitness and recreation areas ● Educational spaces for children ● Handicraft centre ● Creative spaces
● Clinics ● Supportive services(NGO ● Catering services ● Cafe
● Rehabilitation centers Office) ● Hobby farming ● Sports/entertainment
● Alternative therapy centers ● Awareness centre ● Kids play area.

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

Case studies
Literature casestudy

1. The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center - Newbury port, Massachusetts

Architect -Scott Simon Architects

Reason for selection - focus on sustainability and energy efficiency,and includes features such as solar panels, geothermal heating and
cooling, and rainwater harvesting. The building is designed to be a welcoming and supportive space for survivors, with comfortable and
private living spaces, communal areas for cooking and socializing, and a rooftop terrace that provides a view of the surrounding community.

2. The Rose Brooks Center- Kansas City, Missouri:

BNIM Architects
Reason for selection - input taken from survivors of domestic violence, and features a range of design elements intended to create a sense of
safety and security, including controlled access points, visibility into public spaces, and a "healing garden" that provides a peaceful outdoor
space for relaxation and reflection.

3. The Jenesse Center-Los Angeles, California

Designed by Gensler
Reason for selection -focus on creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for survivors, with naturalmaterials and colors, comfortable
furniture, and ample natural light. The center also includes a range of amenities and services designed to support survivors

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

Live casestudy

1. Centre for hope, trichy

Site area 4047 sqm

2. Ashaniketan ,bangaluru

50 cent,accomodate 15 residents

Site location

The site identified is in thrissur , kerala

Scale of the project

Scale of the project is 200+ people including the survivors, staffs, social workers etc..
The main functions of the project is private and common living, recreational activities,healthcare and rehab spaces

Shinsha saleem/ thesis topic 3/ 2023

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