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Course Outlines
1. Behavioral patterns of senior secondary school students (WEEK 3)
2. Qualities of physical education teacher (WEEK 4)
3. Organization and management of physical education practical class (WEEK 8)

A. Behavioral Pattern of Senior Secondary School Students (WEEK 3)

Physical characteristics of senior secondary school students

The characteristics that will influence the physical education program planned for
the young people at this group are as follow.
1. Height and weight: The girl has passed through the period of rapid growth. her
height comparatively although weight. Some boys are pubescent and is the period of
most rapid growth. Other are past pubescent and will increase little in height. Boys
increase rapidly in weight.
2. Strength: increase greatly in boys during this period, although arms and shoulders
strength is deficient. The strength of girls reaches its peak at the age of sixteen and
declines or remains stationary after this age.
3. Co-ordination: gradual improvement.
4. Skeleton: well but posture is peer.
5. Circulatory system: at age sixteen it is 82 percent of adult efficiency, at eleven it
is 90 percent of adult efficiency, at eighteen it is 98.5 percent at adult efficiency,
this from age sixteen the heart is capable of activities
6. Endurance: endurance is better at any previous age with proper conditioning,
endurance no longer presents a problem except in a few pubescent who are still
in the stage of very rapid growth.
7. Reaction time: better than it has been.
8. Motor ability: rate of motor learning increase; greater ability to handle the body,
students at this less level are eager to perfect skill
Psychological characteristics of senior secondary school students
1. Narrowing of interest and trend towards specialization.
2. It is still an age of loyalty and co-operation, but the desire to belong is
tempered by consideration of personal interest and advantage, it is an
age of team games.
3. Market development of self
4. Great power of attention and increase in ability to participate in group
planning and problem solving.
5. Strong interest in grooming and appearance by both interests in their
physical development.
6. Hero and heroine worship is still a strong influence
7. Fighting tendency is strong in boys. They are highly competitive.
8. Some girl have …… to be attractive by passive social activities.
9. Strong interest in opposite sex.
10. Increase interest and ability in heading.

B. Qualities of physical education teacher (WEEK 4)

In order to be effective, physical education teacher has to know things about the subject or
the topic to be taught. It is essential for the physical education teacher to be
knowledgeable. Sound knowledge of skills and techniques necessary for satisfactory
instruction. Students are to school of knowledge and it is the duty of teacher to “feed” them
properly. The teacher can only feed them when he has the stuff.
Its charm must be knowledgeable of the skills of games athletics and gymnastics. Be verse in
rules of the major games, Game etiquette, safety measure, and where possible demonstrate
some of the skills as this will give better assurance to the students.
The physical education teacher should be emotionally stable, that is possess a stable
personality, well adjusted, enthusiastic understanding and should be able to create a
relaxed atmosphere essential for effective teaching, as this will make learning more realistic
for the students
Physical education must be dedicated to the profession. It is difficult for a teacher to
maintain the enthusiasm and aggressiveness necessary for the teaching if there is no sense
of dedication and commitment. It has been observed that students often do not respond to
the teacher who lacks interest in attending to the many little details involved in the class
management and teaching. He must protect the subject through his/her enthusiasm
Physical education teachers should be fond of the students and other people and enjoy
associating with them. If teachers dislike student and the people with which they work, it is
extremely difficult for them to develop the rapped necessary for teaching. The physical
education teachers come in contact with the largest Number of students in schools more
than other teacher. So he should know that students are individually different from one
another physically, mentally and emotionally and should be able to adjust his teaching to
suit the need of individual student.
He should therefore expose the student to variety of activities so that we they grow they
choose those that suit their interest and ability, and choose their life sport from
participation in physical education.
Physical education teacher should care out new discoveries in his area of teaching and latest
finding in learning and methods of teaching. He must improve his status through research,
study and participation in professional efforts.
He needs to have regular evaluation of his techniques and their effectiveness. He knows
where he is going, he plans his work and is aware of each step that takes the performance
of his class a little close to his arms. Physical education teacher is expected to set specific
objective at the beginning of every year, term or week and direct the teaching towards the
attainment of such objectives. Teaching without specific objectives is full of errors and
meaningless. Towards the end of the teaching physical education teacher should be able to
decide whether the set objectives have been achieved.
C. Organization and Management of Physical Education Practical Class (WEEK 8)
1. The ground/field/site: should be cleared of weeds, stones, broken
bottles, stumps of trees etc. And must be level. It should be well
walked with visible objects e.g. flags. If the ground slopes, students
should run towards the traffic section of the area.
2. Suiting out: Boys and girls should wear shorts and signets or vest. For
older girls, insist that they wear blouse or rest with shorts. All clothes
should not restrict movement. Students should encourage to keep
their physical education wears head at all times. During the lesson
things like wrist watches, necklaces, hanging ear rings should be
removed sad the can cause …. Sport shoes can be worn if available.
3. The number of students: This must be determined as it will aid in
planning the lesson note, number or teaching materials and selection
of individual and team sports.
4. Age: The age of the students should n taken into consideration when
choosing activities for the class certain exercise may be good children
whereas others may only suit adults. Consideration should be given to
the physically handicapped ad they require different attention.
5. Teaching materials: All materials required for the lesson should be
ready before the lesson begins. The apparatus must be arranged at
their proper places. After the lesson, they should be collected and
kept clean.
6. The lesson plan: the lesson as a whole must be “flowing” i.e. the
exercise must be closely linked up so that there is continuity
For instance, the finishing of an exercise may become the starting
position for the next. The teacher should learn the lesson carefully so that
he does not have to pause and think of what comes next. That lesson
must be planned to exercise all parts of the body. The skill section must
be carefully handled to be a carry-over to other sports and games.
7. The atmosphere: All normal and healthy students enjoy physical
activities and therefore should respond easily to good teaching at the
same time the teacher should remember that he wants to get the
best out of the students. The teacher should entertain the spirit of the
lesson with all excitement.
Try to create the right atmosphere, the teacher must appreciate and
understand w performer’s interest in am activity and also his capacity for
it. He be modest in the treatment of the performers. Praise good
performers and encourage the weak ones.
8. The voice: The teacher’s voice must be clear, loud and very cheerful. It
must be in conversational tone and loud enough to enable the
students hear without the teacher straining his voice, directions must
be expressed in few words. Never try speak above students voice.
9. Demonstration: Demonstration should be exact . This could be done
by the teacher or any of the students who knows how to perform the
activity. Of students are asked to demonstrate, make sure that the
same student does not demonstrate always. Demonstrations should
be made from a position where every student can see clearly, facing
the students, turning the back and laterally. Do not demonstrate
wrong things/ skill.
10. Command: command is giving out instructions. This should be in a
conversational tone but it must be distinct and effective. Military
commands should be avoided entirely. It must tell performers what to
do and when to start. The pitch of commands must vary and must be
11. Discipline: There must be obedience to rules and concrete directions.
Do not expect more that the age, ability and experience of the
students much harm is done if the lukewarm attitude is adopted
towards the obedience of rules or directions. Discipline in the class
should be through interesting activities. When activities are
interesting and challenging, the class will be kept busy.
12. Continuity: There should be no incessant breaks during the lesson
teaching. The end of one activity should be the beginning of another.
13. Coaching point: These are comments passed from the teacher to the
students on an exercise for good performance of the exercise.
Commands must be brief concise and straight.
14. Progression: This is the bodily skills whereby the skills are broken into
related component parts, and then dealing with the simple ones
before the more difficult ones.
15. Class formation
Physical education teaching involves two approaches theory and practical lesson. In
practical class, the teacher is expected to demonstrate the skill for the students to see as
many times as possible. In order for the students to watch/ view the demonstration
properly, appropriate formation is essential. There are different formations that can be
adopted in teaching practical; a good teacher must select the best formation or combination
of formations that suits the particular skill to be taught.
Among formations that are applied in practical teaching include circular, semi-circular, free
and line up formations. Each formation has its merits and elements. The selection of
applicable formation has advantage of students being able to watch demonstration clearly.
The teacher also has the opportunity to demonstrate the skill as may be applied. It enhances
the beauty of the class.
Whatever formation being utilized, make sure that no student should be positioned such
that he or she can see well. Let the short ones be in front while the tall ones be at the back.
What is demonstration: Demonstration is executing the skill for the learner or students to
watch. Demonstration can be done either by the teacher or talented students in the class.
The talented students in certain skills are resource materials for you to exploit for
effectiveness in the practical class. The teacher is expected to teach skills in terms of basic
skills. There are two types of skill such as fundamental and refined skill. Refined skill is
usually executed or carried out by the students after they have mastered. The fundamental
skill through several mental rehearsals.
Line up formation
Proper arrangement of the students for practical lesson is highly important as it is in view of
the fact that it ensures the beauty of the class without to the vision of any student. It also
assists in injuring prevention.
Line formation is the arrangement in which students are instructed to be in a single file
facing the demonstrator, the teachers. In this formation, the demonstrator is a bit distance
away at an equilibrium of the line while standing in front of the student. The line formation
can be in a single file or multiple line up files. Incase of multiple line formation, make sure
the students stand according to their height, having short ones in front while the tall ones
are positioned at their back.
Semicircular formation
Another formation that a demonstrator can utilize is semi circular formation. In this
formation, the students arrange themselves in a semi circular order while the teacher/
demonstrator stand in front and a short distance from the students at angle 90°. This
formation allows the students have clear view of the demonstration. No students should be
at the back of the demonstrator.
Circular formation
The students are instructed to be in circular form while the demonstrator stand in the
middle to execute the skill for the students to see. The demonstrator performs the skill
facing, siding and backing the students which allows them to have complete perception of
the skill being demonstrated.
Free formation
This is an arrangement in which students are allowed to o standing anyhow, anywhere
within the teaching station calved for the lesson with the caution that short ones
should/must be in front while the tall students be at the back. As usual, the demonstrator is
positioned a bit distant in front of the students. The demonstrator performs/executes the
skill while face, siding and back the students for them to get a clear picture of the skill.

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