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HKE 346


There are certain qualities and personality traits which are needed by all individuals in order that
they may function well in social groups. Perhaps certain of these are especially necessary for
teachers. Baley and Field (1970) list five general characteristics which they feel are necessary for
effective teaching in Physical education.

1. Health: Physical education is a strenuous occupation. After-school work is common.

Intramurals or athletics make the work-day quite long. An effective teacher must be as
energetic and enthusiastic in his sixth class of the day as in his first.
2. Competency in a variety of sports: Competency in all sports is not essential, but must be
considered a bonus. The ability to demonstrate a skill effectively is certainly an asset.
Practice and participation in sports aid the beginning teacher in his understanding and
analysis of movement.
3. Desire to serve others: Any professional should feel this desire. An enjoyment of sports
participation is often a motive for choosing a major in physical education. Unfortunately,
this does not necessarily imply a love of teaching. Sometimes the ex-performer forgets
that the class period is not a showcase for his own skills. A successful physical educator
is one who takes pride in the physical accomplishments of others and respects the
achievements of those of all ability levels in all activities. This appreciation will lead to a
broad and diversified programme of activity being offered by the professional physical
4. Self-discipline, an attractive personality, and ethical character: These attributes are
desirable in all. They are necessary in teachers who will be examples to young children.
The old saying ‘Practice what you preach’ is still applicable.
5. Concern for one’s appearance: We have said that the conduct of any professional reflect s
on his profession. Physical educators should be conscious of the image they project. Not
only should they be neat and clean though engaged in a strenuous occupation, but it is
important that physical educators keep physically fit and demonstrate good health habits.
An unfit physical educator would seem a contradiction in terminology.

Beginning teachers naturally face certain problems, yet man y of these may be minimized if
student teachers are given the opportunity to analyse these difficulties while they are training.

Problems Most Common with new Student Teachers

a) Inability to meet discipline problems; class control.

b) Tendency to cover too much subject matter.
c) Too much philosophy, not enough practice.
d) Lack of experience with extracurricular programmes
e) No idea of grading system
f) Lack of poise
g) Lack of self-confidence
h) Weakness in practical skills and testing
i) Inability to plan lesson for continued activity for duration of period; lack of organization
j) Failure to understand some of the problems in other subject fields
k) Actual conditions and problems different from what was expected
l) Failure to see unit of work in its entirety
m) Poor pupil- teacher relationship
n) Lack of proper constructive criticism and right amount of work.
o) Lack of firmness and decision
p) Unawareness of multiplicity of services expected of and required of teachers.

Most Common Failures or Shortcomings Concerning Class Procedures

a. Inability to analyze a sport and break it into “teachable skill”

b. Failure to use leaders and volunteers in demonstration
c. Faltering explanations
d. Inability to adjust to the unexpected
e. Safety precautions often overlooked
f. Stopping to discipline one student and letting fifty students stand waiting
g. Trying to cover too many difficult activities resulting in decrease of learning
h. Participation at cost of supervision
i. Poor voice training, modulation and enunciation
j. Failure to select essentials, teach more thoroughly
k. Need to give more clear, concise, simple directions
l. Failure to delegate duties
m. Assumptions that class knows more than it actually does.
n. Failure to recognize abilities and maturity of pupils; give them benefit of doubt.


The main function of physical educators is to help the student learn a particular content, but this
content must always be seen in relation to some ultimate function of education: “To help
students develop into competent citizens who understand the kind of world they live in and their
relation to others”. Physical education teachers cannot be all things to all people. However, they
can function selected ways, through dealing with specific problems and skills, as these relate to
the needs of the students in a particular course in physical education requires true teaching skill.

The followings are some of the tasks a physical educator may be involved:

a. Teach physical education

b. Teach a secondary specialization
c. Organize and direct intramurals
d. Coach interscholastic teams
e. Organize and direct school recreation
f. Supervise locker room
g. Sponsor a home room
h. Serve as athletic trainer
i. Render first aid
j. Officiate at games
k. Plan exhibitions and demonstrations
l. Sponsor athletic and/or intramural association
m. Formulate budget
n. Assist in planning facilities
o. Administer screening tests
p. Provide guidance to students
q. Promote school safety
r. Test for skill, knowledge, motor ability, physical fitness.

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