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Hello Yann,

Your proposal does not meet the minimum conditions that we valued as fair after how
your project has evolved.
However, we agree to send you the machines and start preparing the shipment as soon
as we receive the promised payments. (15% + 30K€)
Simply remind you of your commitment to help us to recover the costs incurred in the
Varroc India project and trust that you count on us as preferred suppliers for new

Ander Aramburu Jiménez

General Manager - CEO
(+34) 629 294 022 -

Barrio Murinondo s/n, Apartado 13, 20570 Bergara. SPAIN T. (+34) 943 769 016
Plant Nº41, Guangyuan Road – Wuqing Development Zone , PC 301700 Tianjin, CHINA.
De: PAGES, Yann <>
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022 16:15
Para: Ander Aramburu <>
CC: Warwas, Karol <>; Jon Ugarte
<>; Aitor Txurruka <>; Fatih MERT
<>; Piotr POPEK <>
Asunto: RE: Lazpiur - Plastic Omnium Executive call
Hello M Arumburu,
Thank you for your email,
I can not commit on a date sorry, you can understand it depends on the next projects to
come where we are waiting for RFQ from our customers.
To show our good faith , we are ready exceptionally to go to 30k€ now and then 10k€
to be put on the next project with you
Yann Pagès
Purchasing Vice-President
Plastic Omnium Lighting
Mobile: +336  76 92 32 45

De : Ander Aramburu <>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 octobre 2022 16:00
À : PAGES, Yann <>
Cc : Warwas, Karol <>; Jon Ugarte
<>; Aitor Txurruka <>; Fatih MERT
<>; Piotr POPEK <>
Objet : RE: Lazpiur - Plastic Omnium Executive call
EXTERNAL SENDER - be CAUTIOUS, particularly with links and attachments.

Good evening;
We will accept the proposal as long as there is a written commitment that the remaining
20K of storage extra cost have not been incorporated into the price of another project
before the end of the year, these will be paid within the month of January 2023.
If you accept this proposal, which for us supposes a great effort, we will proceed with
the shipment as soon as we receive the pending payments.
De: PAGES, Yann <>
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022 14:46
Para: Ander Aramburu <>
CC: Warwas, Karol <>; Jon Ugarte
<>; Aitor Txurruka <>; Fatih MERT
<>; Piotr POPEK <>
Asunto: RE: Lazpiur - Plastic Omnium Executive call
Hello M. Aramburu,
Thank you for this offer to release the 2 Plastic Omnium machines for Turkey Dilovasi,
which shows your professionalism.
I confirm our help and support besides for your claim to Varroc India.
As for the 30% payment, we offer you 15% upfront shipment, and 15% at the
commissioning in Dilovasi (I will be the final referee in case of issues), instead of 30%
at commissioning in the contract, taking into account the delay.
We agree as well to support the cost of storage but at 50% of 40k€ , meaning 20k€.
With such a deal, your company stays a strong and preferred partner and we will try to
absorb the remaining missing 20k€ in the next business,
Please accept this fair offer showing our willingness to move forward and to clean the
Karol and I are available anytime to support you, and Karol Warwas is committed to
attend meeting with Varroc India and yourselves.
Yann Pagès
Purchasing Vice-President
Plastic Omnium Lighting
Mobile: +336  76 92 32 45

De : Ander Aramburu <>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 octobre 2022 14:12
À : Warwas, Karol <>; PAGES, Yann
<>; Jon Ugarte <>; Aitor
Txurruka <>; Fatih MERT
<>; Piotr POPEK <>
Objet : RE: Lazpiur - Plastic Omnium Executive call
EXTERNAL SENDER - be CAUTIOUS, particularly with links and attachments.

Dear Mr. Yann,

As we have agreed at the conference we had, here is our proposal so as you can asses
it today.
We rely on your word and accept your personal commitment to support us in all the
measures needed to implement so that Varroc India can pay the outstanding bills for all
the costs incurred.
As for Turkey’s coating lines, I would like you to understand that they have also been
very problematic for us as they had to have been shipped over a year ago.
I trust you, but I also need you to trust us and that is why  I ask you to pay  us the
outstanding 30% for the lines before they are sent and the extra storage costs incurred
( 40k€ ).
Both Plastic Omnium and Lazpiur are family companies with consolidated profesional
trajectories, and I am sure this first project will be the beginning of many others in which
we will participate together.
Thank you and best regards.

Ander Aramburu Jiménez

General Manager - CEO
(+34) 629 294 022 -

Barrio Murinondo s/n, Apartado 13, 20570 Bergara. SPAIN T. (+34) 943 769 016
Plant Nº41, Guangyuan Road – Wuqing Development Zone , PC 301700 Tianjin, CHINA.
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