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The Tally Result of the Survey

Conducted by Group-7 of Grade-11 Aristotle

A. Profile
Table 1. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents when group according
to sex.
male 21 53.85%
female 18 46.25%
total 39 100%

Table 2. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to the
education attainment of Father.
Education Attainment of Father FREQUENCY PERCENT
Elementary Undergraduate 2 5.12%
Elementary Graduate 10 25.64%
High School Undergraduate 8 20.51%
High School Graduate 10 25.64%
College Undergraduate 3 7.69%
College Graduate 4 10.25%
Master’s Degree 2 5.12%
Doctoral Degree 0 0%
total 39 100%

Table 3. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to the
education attainment of Mother.
Education Attainment of Mother FREQUENCY PERCENT
Elementary Undergraduate 0 0%
Elementary Graduate 12 30.76%
High School Undergraduate 9 23.7%
High School Graduate 8 20.51%
College Undergraduate 5 12.82%
College Graduate 5 12.82%
Master’s Degree 0 0%
Doctoral Degree 0 0%
total 39 100%
Table 4. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents when group by their
living accommodation
Living Accommodation FREQUENCY PERCENT
Own a house with no room 3 7.69%
Own a house with 1-2 room 20 51.28%
Own a house with 3-4 room 13 33.33%
Own a house with 5 or more rooms 2 5.12%
Rent a house with no room 1 2.56%
Rent a house with 1-2 rooms 1 2.56%
Rent a house with 3-4 rooms 0 0%
Rent a house with 5 or more rooms 0 0%
total 39 100%

Table 5. The frequency and Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their
distance from Naguilian National High School
1km-5km 35 89.74%
6km-10km 3 7.69%
11km-15km 1 2.56%
total 39 100%

Table 6. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent when grouped by their
number of Brothers/Sisters.
Number of brother/sister FREQUENCY PERCENT
0 2 5.12%
1-2 18 46.15%
3-4 15 38.46%
5-6 2 5.12%
7 or more 2 5.12%
total 39 100%

Table 7. The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to the type
of school they attend to.
Private 0 0%
Public 39 100%
Total 39 100%

B. Learning Style Assessment

Table 1. Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to their learning
Visual Modality 14 35.89%
Auditory Modality 12 30.77%
Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality 13 33.33%
total 39 100%

C. Study Habits
4 – Always 3 – Occasionally 2 – Seldom 1 – Never
Table 1. weighted mean and interpretation of data gathered on the concentration and interest
of the respondents.
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I study mathematics lesson with full 17 18 6 2 3.48 Always
2. I observe a fixed study time in mathematics. 12 16 11 0 3.02 Occasionally
3. I have definite comfortable place for study in 9 17 12 1 2.87 Occasionally
4. I enjoy attending my mathematics class. 12 13 9 5 2.82 Occasionally
5. I find that thinking and reasoning are sharpened 10 13 15 2 2.85 Occasionally
when working with mathematics problems
6. I consider mathematics as a favorite subject. 9 13 11 6 2.64 Occasionally
7. I like solving mathematics problems. 10 17 9 3 2.87 Occasionally
8. I like going with those who are good in 10 17 10 2 2.90 Occasionally
9. I enjoy studying mathematics lessons. 10 11 12 6 2.64 Occasionally
10. I find mathematics useful in solving real-life 16 11 10 2 3.05 Occasionally
11. I become inquisitive about things related to 8 17 11 3 2.77 Occasionally
mathematics which are not clear.
12. I am happy if I solve the problems given by my 14 13 9 3 2.97 Occasionally
mathematics teacher.

Table 2. Weighted mean and interpretation of the data gather on note taking and listening of
the respondents.
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I observe a system in taking down notes during 18 10 6 5 3.05 Occasionally
mathematics class.
2. I use scratch paper for note-taking process during 19 19 7 3 3.85 Always
my mathematics teacher’s lecture and
3. I rewrite my notes taken up in my mathematics 7 10 19 3 2.53 Occasionally
class upon reaching home.
4. I have my own system of filing and revising my 7 8 18 6 2.41 Seldom
notes in mathematics class.
5. I jot down key words, symbols or illustrations on 13 9 13 4 2.79 Occasionally
the important points of the lecture.
6. I listen critically to my mathematics teacher and 12 16 8 3 2.95 Occasionally
classmates during class discussion, lecture and
7. I cooperate with my mathematics teacher and 18 8 10 3 3.05 Occasionally
classmates when they are explaining something.
8. I try to get the important points and significant 14 12 8 5 2.90 Occasionally
details of my mathematics teacher’s lecture and
9. I give special attention to my classmate’s and 14 11 8 6 2.85 Occasionally
teacher’s talk to further understand the lesson being
10. I listen attentively to my mathematics teacher’s 13 9 13 4 2.79 Occasionally
introduction to a new lesson.
11. I relate what my mathematics teacher discusses 8 17 12 2 2.79 Occasionally
with that of the recent and latest lecture and with
other sources.

Table 3. Weighted mean and interpretation of the gathered data on reading, memorizing, and
reviewing of the respondents.
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I make use of some study helps such as maps, 11 17 7 4 2.90 Occasionally
charts, graphs, footnotes, glossaries, and the like
with my reading whenever necessary.
2. I move my lips as I read silently mathematics 8 19 11 1 2.87 Occasionally
3. I read with a definite purpose or problem to solve 12 19 6 3 3.08 Occasionally
in mind.
4. I apply the whole method of memorizing in 14 13 7 5 2.92 Occasionally
5. I review with definite purpose in mathematics. 11 12 14 2 2.82 Occasionally
6. I review first difficult concepts in mathematics 12 12 11 4 2.82 Occasionally
before going to my class.
7. I try to systematize and organize the notes I have 13 16 8 2 3.03 Occasionally
to review in mathematics.
8. I review the part of the lesson where I am weak in 12 16 8 3 2.98 Occasionally
9. I only study when tests are to be given in 12 11 12 4 2.79 Occasionally
10. I review my previous lessons in mathematics. 10 14 11 4 2.77 Occasionally

Table 4. Weighted mean and interpretation on the answers of the respondents on their study
habits in a library.
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I stay in the library during my free time or 15 9 8 7 2.82 Occasionally
vacant periods and browse over mathematics
2. I visit other libraries when doing special 4 15 13 9 2.46 Seldom
assignments given by the mathematics teacher.
3. I seek the help of the librarian whenever 4 11 17 7 2.31 Seldom
4. I read the daily newspaper and other sort of 13 6 17 3 2.74 Occasionally
reading materials and consult the dictionary every
time there is a need to do so.
5. I study my lessons/assignments in mathematics 7 18 11 11 2.95 Occasionally
before going to class.
6. I often go to the library to study my 6 14 10 9 2.44 Seldom
mathematics lessons and research my assignments
given by
my teacher.
7. I study both my present and previous 6 17 11 5 2.62 Occasionally
mathematics lessons.
8. I have a habit of accomplishing my mathematics 6 20 11 2 2.77 Occasionally
9. I study charts, graphs, and other pictorials, 9 14 14 2 2.77 Occasionally
devices found in the classroom or in the textbook
10. I memorize the exact words in the textbooks 8 22 7 2 2.92 Occasionally
when I am studying for the test.
11. I review mathematics lessons with my 8 15 13 3 2.72 Occasionally
classmates or friends.
12. I solicit the help of my mathematics teacher 9 16 9 5 2.74 Occasionally
for extended answer to mathematics problems and

Table 5. Weighted mean and interpretation of the data gathered on their study habits at their
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I have scheduled time to study at mathematics at 11 12 15 1 2.85 Occasionally
2. I have conducive place to study mathematics at 7 16 14 2 2.72 Occasionally
lessons at home.
3. I have an adequate light when reading my 8 17 11 3 2.77 Occasionally
mathematics lessons.
4. I request my parents to help/guide me in my 2 11 10 12 1.87 Seldom
mathematics studies at home.
5. I study mathematics lessons with my brothers 7 12 10 4 2.26 Seldom
and sisters.
6. I read newspapers, mathematics books, or 7 12 16 7 2.64 Occasionally
magazines at home.
7. I prioritize my mathematics lessons over TV or 7 13 15 4 2.59 Occasionally
radio programs.
8. I easily understand the mathematics assignment 10 15 12 2 2.85 Occasionally
given to me by my mathematics teacher.
9. I am disturbed by the noises created by other 12 13 7 5 2.72 Occasionally
members of the family when I study mathematics
lessons at home.
10. I study early in the morning in reviewing my 12 14 11 1 2.90 Occasionally
daily lessons in mathematics.

Table 6. Weighted mean and interpretation of the data gathered on how they use technology.
STUDY HABITS 4 3 2 1 Weighted Interpretation
1. I use computers in solving mathematical 13 6 9 11 2.54 Occasionally
2. I use calculator as a tool in calculating or 19 12 6 2 3.23 Occasionally
solving mathematical problems.
3. I use my cell phone in calculating or in solving 18 9 10 2 3.10 Occasionally
mathematics problems.
4. I watch problem solving and mathematical 13 9 7 10 2.64 Occasionally
programs in the television.
5. I watch films related to mathematics. 14 11 8 7 2.87 Occasionally
6. I play games in a computer that can enhance my 6 12 12 9 2.38 Seldom
ability to think and interpret.
7. I am fond of playing online games such as 6 11 11 11 2.31 Seldom
Sudoku, Tetris battle and the like.
8. I engage in social networking like Facebook, 7 17 8 7 2.62 Occasionally
Twitter, Instagram, email and the like to share
mathematics ideas.
9. I always play electronic mathematics games 5 13 15 6 2.44 Seldom
using tablet, psp, ps3, laptop, desktop and the like.
10. I view mathematics videos using YouTube and 8 17 9 6 2.74 Occasionally
other needed useful sites.

D. Mathematics Attitude Scale

SD(4)- strongly disagree D(3)- disagree A(2)- agree SA(1)- strongly agree
Table 1. Weighted mean and interpretation of gathered data on the attitude of respondents on
STATEMENT SD D A SA Weighted Interpretation
1. I am always under a terrible tension in 9 17 11 2 2.15 Agree
mathematics class.
2. I do not like mathematics and it scares me to 9 15 12 3 2.23 Agree
take it.
3. Mathematics is very interesting; I enjoy it very 12 8 15 4 2.72 Disagree
4. Mathematics is fascinating and fun. 10 8 18 3 2.64 Disagree
5. Mathematics makes me feel secure. 9 13 15 2 2.74 Disagree
6. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think 10 13 15 1 2.17 Agree
clearly when thinking of mathematics.
7. I feel a sense of insecurity when attempting 8 15 16 1 2.31 Agree
8. Mathematics makes me feel uncomfortable 12 14 12 1 2.05 Agree
and impatient.
9. The feeling I have in mathematics is a good 11 9 16 3 2.72 Disagree
10. Mathematics makes me feel as though I am 9 12 16 2 2.28 Agree
lost in the jungle and I can’t find my way
11. Mathematics is something that I enjoy. 10 13 10 5 2.67 Disagree
12. When I hear the word mathematics, I have a 8 18 10 3 2.21 Agree
feeling of dislike.
13. I approach Mathematics with a feeling of 10 16 10 3 2.15 Agree
14. I really like mathematics. 11 11 14 2 2.74 Disagree
15. Mathematics is a course in school that I have 9 15 9 4 2.64 Disagree
always enjoyed studying.
16. It makes me feel nervous even to think about 7 14 12 7 2.54 Disagree
having to do mathematics problems.
17. I have never liked mathematics and it is my 11 13 11 4 2.21 Agree
dreaded subject.
18. I am happier in mathematics class than in 10 15 8 7 2.77 Disagree
any other subject.
19. I feel at ease in mathematics and I like it very 11 9 15 4 2.69 Disagree
20. I feel definite positive reaction towards 12 8 15 5 2.74 Disagree
mathematics; it is enjoyable

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