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Title of project: An investigation into celery

Cultivation on two different type of soil

Name of candidate: RYAN HUSSAIN

Candidate number:
Teacher: D. Sherwin
Territory: Guyana
Year: 2023
Celery (Apium graveolensl) is one of the most widely used
vegetable commodities for flavouring supplementing
decorating dishes and is used in many different types of food.

Crops grown on clay soils usually have to be treated with much

care and attention which includes daily watering and
continuous shading. The soil in Westminster secondary school
compound is predominantly clay and many crops would
develop stumped growth and low production. The researcher
will try the change the texture by mixing clay with white sand
to see if the productivity can be inproved. So that bed would be
compared with a bed with clay soil only. The results would be
AIMS: To determine the growth rate of celery grown on two
separate types of soil.

To determine which bed of celery can produce more celery

leaves that are greener& broader leaves.


 White Sand
 Celery Seedling

 Fork
 Shovel
 Cutlass
Primary Tillage
 Loosens the soil and mixes in fertilizer or plant materials in
soil with a rough texture.
Secondary Tillage
 Produces finer soil and sometimes shape the rows,
preparing the seedling bed.
 A very young plant that has been grown from seed in a
nursery and transplanted to the area where the plant will
Drain Formation
 The artificial removal of water from land so that the plant
will not die.
Removal of Weeds
 Weeding were controlled by hand weeding in both.
This project will be done my one student. Two bed will be
cultivated with clay one with sand mixture and the one with
pure clay soil. Five will be used as example from each bed.
Measurement will be done on time per week for twelve (12)
week to determine the growth rate. Raw data will be presented
on a bar graph. Which will be made to determine whether
bed(A) bed(B) was more productive. Conclusion and
recommendation will be made. Five (5) week the plant will be

Two bed will be cultivated with celery seedling. One bed will be
clay only while the other will be a mixture of sand and clay. The
investigation will be conducted for five weeks. During which
data will be collected to determine which bed was effective in
terms of production or growth.

Table showing the raw data collected from bed(A)& bed(B) on

the height of celery over a five (5) weeks period.

Bed(A) Clay soil only

Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5
Plant1 5cm 6cm 7cm 8cm 8cm
Plant2 6cm 7cm 7cm 8cm 9cm
Plant3 6cm 7cm 8cm 9cm 9cm
Plant4 7cm 8cm 8cm 9cm 10cm
Plant5 7cm 8cm 9cm 9cm 10cm
Total 31cm 36cm 39cm 43cm 46cm
Bed(B)Sand mix with clay
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5
Plant1 4cm 5cm 6cm 7cm 8cm
Plant2 5cm 6cm 6cm 7cm 8cm
Plant3 5cm 6cm 7cm 8cm 8cm
Plant4 6cm 7cm 7cm 8cm 9cm
Plant5 7cm 8cm 8cm 9cm 9cm
Total 27cm 32cm 34cm 39cm 42cm

Graph displaying result showing a comparison of the

average of celery plant
Total growth for five(5) plant

over a 5 week period meas-

ured in cm

week1 week2 week3 week4 week5

clay soil sand mix with clay

The graph above the growth rate of the celery plant within five
weeks using sand mixture with clay against pure clay soil. The
graph shows the length of celery plant grown and measured in
centimetres. The graph showed that pure clay soil made the
plant grew bigger and faster.
Crop Production Practices

Primary tillage

Bed after primary tillage was completed

Formation of beds and drains
Throughout the week one (1) there was a fluctuation in the
height of celery plant for both beds of celery plant. At the end
of the week celery plants growing with pure clay showed higher
For week two (2) there was less fluctuation in the height when
compared to week one (1). Both bed of celery plant had steady
height but those growing with pure clay soil had higher heights.
Week three (3) show a rapid increase for plant growing for
celery plant growing with pure clay soil but a slow increase of
height for the other celery plant in sand mix with clay when
compared to the height recorded for week two (2).
Throughout week four (4) and week five (5) there was a rapid
increased in both beds of celery plant when compared to the
previous result. From the result it was observed that growth
rate of celery plant pure clay soil was more rapid than those
receiving from sand mixture with clay.
Harvested of crop
Clay soil only Average number Total
of bundle per
Week1 34
Week2 37
Week3 39
Week4 42
Week5 43 195

Sand mix with clay Average number Total

of bundle per
Week1 30
Week2 32
Week3 34
Week4 37
Week5 41 174

amount of bundle per plant over five(5) week


week1 week2 week3 week4 week5

clay sand mix with clay

Plant in the clay soil bed had a greater amount of 50% greater
than those in the sand mix with clay soil bed was contributed to
the greater number of bundle and the larger leaf size. These
result indicated that the addition of clay soil had a positive
effect on celery plant in this experiment.
Literature Review
ically self-sufficient in celery, with small quantities brought

from interstate in summer. Most comes from outer

metropolitan locations on the Swan Coastal Plain as far south
as Bunbury, with some from the lower South West and South
Coast. September to January plantings give the best results in
southern districts.
Celery is grown from transplants that are almost exclusively
grown by specialist seedling nurseries. They can provide advice
on current varieties.
Under cultivation, celery is grown as an annual and is harvested
before the plants ‘bolt’ into flowers and stalks become pithy
and soft. Under cold conditions (4 to 13°C for more than 10
days in the seedling stage), May to July plantings in the Perth
area may bolt in spring. These crops will not be suitable for
marketing unless harvested early at a smaller bunch size.
Soils must be well drained with high levels of organic matter,
which may be supplied from the residues of past crops or
compost. Slightly acidic soil is optimum for celery (pHCa. The
experiment was carried out at the Protected Cultivation
Experimental Farm in Dokki, Giza, Egypt to determine celery
growth and yield under different studied treatments. Plant
samples were collected six weeks after transplanting in order to
analyze nutrient concentration. The results showed that plant
height, number of leaves per plant, and dry weight were
increased with rising irrigation water levels. The smallest celery
yields were obtained in the lowest irrigation level.
The researcher collected data on the height and broadness of
celery leaves from 4 to 6 weeks which showed high growth rate
particularly on the bed that has sand mixture.
A greater number of plant survived in the clay soil bed. It would
appear that the addition of the clay soil had a positive effect on
plant survival in this experiment. This was probably due to the
heavy rain seasons. Which caused the plant to die and didn’t
have a better withstand environmental. When compared with
the sand mix with clay plant which has less responsible for
promoting less root growth and development there may have
been less nutrients available resulting in lower plant growth.
This may have caused lower overall plant nutrient status
resulting in plant death.

It can be concluded that the application of clayey loam
increased the yield of celery plants in a clayey loam soil at
Westminster secondary school.

Based on the results of this experiment, it is recommended that
celery planted at Westminster secondary school Garden be
repeated using more plants to confirm this finding. The
experiment should also be repeated at different seasons.

 This experiment was done only at one time of the year, at

one location.

 The results could have been affected by varying field

conditions such as heavy rain fall.

 The number of plants grown were too few to make a

generalized statement.
Cost Analysis
Complete Budget
Projected Income
The projected is $4800 from the intended sale of 24 fully grown

Projected Income
Quantity Unit cost ($) Total cost ($)
Fully grown 24 heads $200 $4800
Total projected Income $4800

Projected Expenditure
The estimated expenditure for the project is $3,120
Item Quantity Unit cost ($) Total cost ($)
Celery 24 $250 each $600
Cortex 50ml $2400 per $2400
bottle ml
Plastic bag 24 $50 each $120
Total projected expenditure $3,120

Projected profit/loss
The projected profit was calculate using the formula below

Projected profit/loss= projected Income-projected expenditure

A projected profit of $1,680 is expected to be earned from
celery in two bed.
Actual Income
The actual income earned from the celery grown in two bed

Actual Income
Item Quantity ($) Unity cost ($) Total cost ($)
Fully grown 12 only
celery $300 $6000
Total actual income$6000

Actual Expenditure
Item Quantity Unit cost ($) Total cost ($)
Celery 24 $50 each $1200
Cortex 1bottle $1200 per $1200
Plastic bag 8 $50 each $400
Total expenditure $2800

Actual expenditure
The actual expenditure for the celery grown on two bed is

Actual profit/ loss

The projected profit/loss was calculated using the formula

Actual profit/loss = Total Income- Total expenditure

This activity generated a profit of $3200 from the sure of celery
grown on two bed.

Comparison of projected and actual income/expenditure
and profit/loss. The actual income from this project
based on the sale of 12plants grown in the clay loamed
was $6000. This was $5,988 less than what was projected
in the budge. The reduced income was due to following

1. 12 celery plant died leaving only 12 plant for sale.

2. The projected selling price of celery based on market

information from the market was $500 per bundle
but because the celery head was smaller than the
anticipated price.

3. The cost of the celery seedling had increased $50

per seedling the the additional $600 more was

4. In the budget the estimated cost of 50ml cortex was

$1200. A larger bottle was obtained for the same
price but additional money was saved for this item.
However, the remaining cortex can be used
whenever this crop is replanted in the future and
additional money can be saved at that time. The
profit made from this activity was $2360 which was
$520 less than was expected. The projected profit
was $ 2800 but due for lower income was increased
the actual profit was reduced.
CSEC Agricultural Science (Single Award) Investigative


Name of Student: RYAN HUSSAIN

Student Registration No.:

Name of School: Westminster secondary school
Title of Project: The Effect of Spacing on Broiler Production at
Westminster secondary school.
Project Start Date: 25th August
Project End Date: 30th September

A study on the effect of broiler starter ration compared with a mixture of broiler
and rice fed to broiler birds.
Problem Statement

For a farmer to gain a maximum or a minimum weight gain he/she should be able
to utilize their resources well. Poultry have a variety of feed stuff so by mixing
broiler starter with fine rice (broken) you may be able to see an increase weight
gain with a shorter growing period rather than a pure or straight ration with only
broiler starter.

-To determine to weight gain for broiler birds using two (2) different feed stuff
over a six week period.

-To determine the profit margin for two (2) sets of broiler birds fed with different
feed stuff.

Materials, Tools and Equipment

 Litter (wood shaven)
 Feed
 Sugar/ molasses
 Newspaper
 Jeyes
 Dexton 100 bacteria spray

 Water can
 Feeders
 Spade
 Killing cone
 Plucking machine
 Slathering knives


 used for suppling water for the chickens.

 used for supplying feed for chickens.

 used for cleaning the pen.

Killing cone
 used for slathering the chickens.

Slathering knives
 used for killing the chickens.

Litter (wood shaven)

 used for the chicken litter.

 supplying nutrients for the chickens.

Sugar/ molasses:
 This given to the new born chicks as an easy source of
glucose, carbs and cabries.

 Used to cover shaving to prevent chicks from eating it .
 This is placed around the pen to kill disease from attacking
the chicken.

Dexton 100 bacteria spray

 Used for spray around and in the chicken pen.

Experimental Design

In this experiment the broiler birds will be fed with pure broiler starter
from the first day of their arrival to the third week of their lives. Them
from the fourth week the bed will be separated into two sections,
section A and section. Where the broiler birds in section A will start
Consuming both broiler starter and broke rice. This pattern of feeding
of the birds will continue until the ending of six 6 weeks.
Data Collection
At the end of every week from week 4 data will be collected by the methods weights both set
of broiler will be calculated and placed on a table separately to prove that the invitation was
carry out.

Presentation of Data

Table showing broiler feed with 50:50 rations (Broiler

starter feed).
weeks Broiler Individual Gross Average Weight Average Amount of Cost Total feed
Weight weight weight increase F.C.R for feed for cost for the
gained (1bs) (1bs) for the the week consumed (lbs) week
(1bs.) week for the

4 1 3:75 14.56 2.912 0 16 3:2:1 $51 $8.16

2 3:26
3 2:75
4 3:26
5 2:50

5 1 4 20.01 16.01 3.75 10.26 3:2 $52 $5.22.76

2 3.26
3 3.75
4 3.25
5 4

6 1 4.50 22.95 19.15 6 17 3.3:1

2 3.70
3 5
4 5
5 4.75
The research was occurred at Westminster secondary school Agricultural Plot.
According to the researcher Mark M Jaas in 1995 European Journal of experiment
biology different feed ration which was given to the two separate set of broilers.
According to Agricultural Science JSS “ration is the total supply of feed given to
an animal over a period was the pure broiler starter and the 50:50 of fine grower
feed. The nutrient value that is found in broiler starter are protein, calcium, sodium,
metabolize energy… and in the 50:50 ration their calories situated,
polyunsaturated, protein, calcium, and so much more. Both ration has an effect on
the broiler starter the grains of the broiler starter the grains of the broiler are very
small and gain a small amount of weight as compared to the 50:50 ration this set of
broiler gained a sufficient amount of weight.
In this limitation it is based on the different aspect the affected results during the
experiment that was carried out. they are as followed.

 Inadequate storage of drinking water- The waters were filled in the afternoon
with fresh water, but the water would only last for a few hours and then the
broilers were left without water till the student came to school on the next
day, to refill the water. this situation can cause of problem with the digesting
of food.

 Feed supply- During carry out this investigating the feed shop was
found to be located a great way from this school, so in order it about
three days earlier.

 The researcher recommended that there should be an adequate

water supply for the evening.

 The researcher recommends that student should check the feed to

see how long it would last. in order to know when purchasing of
feed is needed again.

It can be concluded that the broiler fed with the starter mixed with
broken rice had a higher average weight gain then the broiler fed
with the broiler starter feed.

Projected Income
Item Unit price Quantity Total
Sales of Dressed $400 per lb. 59 birds at 4lbs $ 94,400
Broiler dressed (236 lbs.)
Total $94,400

Project Expenditure
Item Unit Price Quantity Total
Baby Chicks $180 per bird 59 birds $10,620
Broiler Starter $3,500 per bag 6 bags $21,000
Broken Rice $3,200 per bag 6 bags $19,200
Light Bulb $300 2 bulbs $600
Shaving $180 per bag 9 bags $1,620
Total $53,040

Projected Income – Projected Expenditure

=$94,400 - $53,040

Actual Income
Item Unit Price Quantity Total
Sales of dressed broiler $360 per LB 58 birds (4lbs) $83,520
Total $83,520

Actual Expenditure
Item Unit Price Quantity Total
Baby Chicks $140 per chicks 59 birds $8,260
Broiler Starter $2,300 6 bags $13,800
Broken Rice $2,800 6 bags $16,800
Bulb $200 2 bulbs $400
Shaving $100 9 bags $900
Total $40,160
Actual Income – Actual Expenditure
=$83,520 - $40,160
Comparison of budgets
This comparison of the expenditure, income and profit based on the
batch of broiler. Starting off the projects expenditure which was
calculated up to $53,040 however the sales of broiler price is not an
expenditure item, the actual expenditure item, the actual expenditure
summed up to $40,160 due to the lower price of feed and other materials
drop the price by $2,000. While the projected income added up to
$94,400 the actual income calculated less than the amount which is
$83,520 this came about because of the amount of broiler bird was
expected to produce this was some 59 broilers, instead there were was
58 broilers. In conclusion, the projected profit was higher than the actual
profit due to the increase of marketing.

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