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Madeline Kemler


RPTM 236


Leadership Reflection

One of the strengths that I believe describes me is the Relator strength from the CAPP

Strength Profile. I believe that as a leader I am compassionate and empathetic and that I possess

a unique skill for emotional awareness. These are all traits listed under the Relator strength. I feel

like this strength has benefited me in leadership positions by allowing me to form deeper and

more meaningful relationships with the people I’m responsible for. It allows them to feel more

comfortable in coming to me with an issue and creates an overall more inclusive environment.

Another strength that I feel describes me as a leader is the Transcendence strength from

Values In Action. Some of the traits of this strength are appreciation of beauty and excellence,

gratitude, hope, and humor. These are all qualities that I feel I possess and bring into my

leadership. One way this trait has benefited me is by allowing me to face difficult situations

while trying to find humor within them. This often not only puts people at ease but makes them

feel that I am more approachable and easy to talk to. Another way this strength has helped me is

by helping me show others gratitude for their actions when it is necessary. Not only does this

acknowledge when someone has put in effort or done something well which makes them feel

acknowledged and seen, but it also shows them that I am paying attention to their actions, which

can strengthen a relationship.

The final strength that I feel describes me is the Humanity strength from Values In

Action. This strength is described by the traits of kindness, love, and social intelligence. This

strength has benefitted me by allowing me to be in tune with different social situations, as well as

people's moods so that I am able to adjust accordingly. It’s also served me by letting me be

compassionate to people with varying situations, even if showing them compassion is difficult

for others at the time. This is beneficial because it makes that person feel understood, even if

they are being vilified by others involved in the situation. It also allows me to be a 3rd party

mediator and help others come to a mutual understanding or agreement if they otherwise weren’t

able to.

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